[ { "displayName": "Domain Services Resource Provider", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AAD", "name": "Microsoft.AAD", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscription Registration Action", "displayName": "Subscription Registration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister Domain Service", "displayName": "Unregister Domain Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Domain Service Type", "name": "domainServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Domain Services", "displayName": "Read Domain Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Domain Service", "displayName": "Write Domain Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Domain Service", "displayName": "Delete Domain Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Ou Container Type", "name": "domainServices/oucontainer", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Ou Containers", "displayName": "Read Ou Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/oucontainer/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Ou Container", "displayName": "Write Ou Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/oucontainer/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Ou Container", "displayName": "Delete Ou Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/oucontainer/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Service Type", "name": "domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Domain Service", "displayName": "Gets the available logs for Domain Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "SystemSecurity", "name": "SystemSecurity" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "AccountManagement", "name": "AccountManagement" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "LogonLogoff", "name": "LogonLogoff" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "ObjectAccess", "name": "ObjectAccess" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "PolicyChange", "name": "PolicyChange" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "PrivilegeUse", "name": "PrivilegeUse" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "DetailTracking", "name": "DetailTracking" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "DirectoryServiceAccess", "name": "DirectoryServiceAccess" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "AccountLogon", "name": "AccountLogon" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Service Type", "name": "domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for Domain Service", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting for Domain Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the Domain Service resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting for the Domain Service resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Service Type", "name": "domainServices/OutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the network endpoints of all outbound dependencies", "displayName": "Get the network endpoints of all outbound dependencies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/OutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Service Type", "name": "domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets metrics for Domain Service", "displayName": "Metrics for Domain Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AAD/domainServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "This metric indicates the average number of queries received by DNS server in each second. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance.", "displayName": "DNS - Total Query Received/sec", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "\\DNS\\Total Query Received/sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "This metric indicates the average number of reponses sent by DNS server in each second. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance.", "displayName": "DNS - Total Response Sent/sec", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "\\DNS\\Total Response Sent/sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "This metric indicates the number of LDAP successful binds per second for the NTDS object. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance.", "displayName": "NTDS - LDAP Successful Binds/sec", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "\\DirectoryServices(NTDS)\\LDAP Successful Binds/sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "This metric indicates the ratio of Memory\\Committed Bytes to the Memory\\Commit Limit. Committed memory is the physical memory in use for which space has been reserved in the paging file should it need to be written to disk. The commit limit is determined by the size of the paging file. If the paging file is enlarged, the commit limit increases, and the ratio is reduced. This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an average. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance.", "displayName": "Memory - % Committed Bytes In Use", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "\\Memory\\% Committed Bytes In Use", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "This metric indicates the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the percentage of time that the processor spends executing the idle thread and then subtracting that value from 100%. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It should be noted that the accounting calculation of whether the processor is idle is performed at an internal sampling interval of the system clock (10ms). On todays fast processors, % Processor Time can therefore underestimate the processor utilization as the processor may be spending a lot of time servicing threads between the system clock sampling interval. Workload based timer applications are one example of applications which are more likely to be measured inaccurately as timers are signaled just after the sample is taken. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance.", "displayName": "Total Processor Time", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "This metric indicates the number of times that clients use a ticket to authenticate to this computer per second. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance.", "displayName": "Kerberos Authentications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "\\Security System-Wide Statistics\\Kerberos Authentications", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "This metric indicates the number of NTLM authentications processed per second for the Active Directory on this domain contrller or for local accounts on this member server. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance.", "displayName": "NTLM Authentications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "\\Security System-Wide Statistics\\NTLM Authentications", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "This metric indicates the percentage of elapsed time that all of dns process threads used the processor to execute instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance.", "displayName": "% Processor Time (dns)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "\\Process(dns)\\% Processor Time", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "This metric indicates the percentage of elapsed time that all of lsass process threads used the processor to execute instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance.", "displayName": "% Processor Time (lsass)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "\\Process(lsass)\\% Processor Time", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "This metric indicates the average number of searches per second for the NTDS object. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance.", "displayName": "NTDS - LDAP Searches/sec", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "\\DirectoryServices(NTDS)\\LDAP Searches/sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" } ] } } } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Azure Active Directory", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/microsoft.aadiam", "name": "microsoft.aadiam", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "The log definition of tenants", "name": "tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for tenants", "displayName": "Read tenants log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Signin", "name": "Signin" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "tenants", "name": "tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings", "name": "diagnosticsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Writing a diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticsettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Reading a diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticsettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Deleting a diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticsettings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings categories", "name": "diagnosticsettingscategories", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading a diagnostic setting categories", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings categories read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/diagnosticsettingscategories/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Metrics", "name": "metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading Tenant-Level Metrics", "displayName": "Metrics read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/metrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definitions", "name": "metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading Tenant-Level Metric Definitions", "displayName": "Metric Definitions read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link Policy Definition", "name": "privateLinkForAzureAD", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Private Link Policy Definition", "displayName": "Private Link Policy Definition read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create and Update Private Link Policy Definition", "displayName": "Private Link Policy Definition read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Private Link Policy Definition", "displayName": "Private Link Policy Definition read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Approve PrivateEndpointConnections", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections approve", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link Proxies", "name": "privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Private Link Proxies", "displayName": "Private Link Proxies read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Private Link Proxies", "displayName": "Private Link Proxies read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Validate Private Link Proxies", "displayName": "Private Link Proxies validate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections", "name": "privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read PrivateEndpointConnections", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create and Update PrivateEndpointConnections", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnections", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateLinkResources", "name": "privateLinkForAzureAD/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read PrivateLinkResources", "displayName": "PrivateLinkResources read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create and Update PrivateLinkResources", "displayName": "PrivateLinkResources read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateLinkResources/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete PrivateLinkResources", "displayName": "PrivateLinkResources read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/privateLinkForAzureAD/privateLinkResources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure AD Metrics Definition", "name": "azureADMetrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Azure AD Metrics Definition", "displayName": "Azure AD Metrics Definition read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create and Update Azure AD Metrics Definition", "displayName": "Azure AD Metrics Definition write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Azure AD Metrics Definition", "displayName": "Azure AD Metrics Definition delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of azureADMetrics", "name": "azureADMetrics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for azureADMetrics", "displayName": "Read azureADMetrics metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "LockAggregationType": "Total", "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "azureADMetrics type metric", "displayName": "ThrottledRequests", "internalMetricName": "ThrottledRequests", "metricClass": "Traffic", "name": "ThrottledRequests", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "azureADMetrics", "name": "azureADMetrics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Addons", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Addons", "name": "Microsoft.Addons", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the specified subscription with Microsoft.Addons", "displayName": "Register for Microsoft.Addons", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Addons/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "supportPlanTypes", "name": "supportProviders/supportPlanTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the specified Canonical support plan state.", "displayName": "Get Canonical support plan state", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Addons/supportProviders/supportPlanTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds the Canonical support plan type specified.", "displayName": "Adds a Canonical support plan.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Addons/supportProviders/supportPlanTypes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the specified Canonical support plan", "displayName": "Removes the Canonical support plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Addons/supportProviders/supportPlanTypes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets supported RP operations.", "displayName": "Get RP operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Addons/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "listSupportPlanInfo", "name": "supportProviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists current support plan information for the specified subscription.", "displayName": "List support plan information.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Addons/supportProviders/listsupportplaninfo/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft ADHybridHealthService", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService", "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates Tenant Configuration.", "displayName": "Updates Tenant Configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/configuration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a service instance in the tenant.", "displayName": "Updates a service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new forest for the tenant.", "displayName": "Create a new forest.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the ADHybrid Health Service Resource Provider and enables the creation of ADHybrid Health Service resource.", "displayName": "Registers the ADHybrid Health Service Resource Provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for ADHybrid Health Service Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Unregisters the ADHybrid Health Service Resource Provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Tenant Configuration", "name": "configuration", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a Tenant Configuration.", "displayName": "Creates a new Tenant.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/configuration/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the Tenant Configuration.", "displayName": "Reads Tenant Configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/configuration/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a service instance in the tenant.", "displayName": "Creates a service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the service instances in the tenant.", "displayName": "Reads services.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a service instance in the tenant.", "displayName": "Deletes service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a server instance in the service.", "displayName": "Creates a server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/servicemembers", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the server instance in the service.", "displayName": "Reads a server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a server instance in the service.", "displayName": "Deletes server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alert", "name": "services/servicemembers/alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the alerts for a server.", "displayName": "Reads the server alerts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/alerts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alert", "name": "services/alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the alerts for a service.", "displayName": "Reads the service alerts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/alerts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/tenantwhitelisting", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets feature whitelisting status for a given tenant.", "displayName": "Gets feature whitelisting status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/tenantwhitelisting/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/servicemembers/serviceconfiguration", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets service configuration for a given tenant.", "displayName": "Gets service configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/serviceconfiguration/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/servicemembers/metrics/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Given a service, this API gets the metrics information.For example, this API can be used to get information related to: Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFederation service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomain Service. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for Sync Service.", "displayName": "Gets information about different service metrics.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/metrics/groups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/servicemembers/exportstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Sync Export Error details for a given Sync Service.", "displayName": "Gets the Sync Export Error details.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/exportstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/servicemembers/datafreshness", "operations": [ { "description": "For a given server, this API gets a list of datatypes that are being uploaded by the servers and the latest time for each upload.", "displayName": "Gets the data freshness status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/datafreshness/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/servicemembers/credentials", "operations": [ { "description": "During server registration, this api is called to get the credentials for onboarding new servers.", "displayName": "Gets the credentials for service authentication.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/credentials/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/reports/details", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets report of top 50 users with bad password errors from last 7 days", "displayName": "Gets report for bad password.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/reports/details/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/premiumcheck", "operations": [ { "description": "This API gets the list of all onboarded services for a premium tenant.", "displayName": "Gets onboarded services for premium tenants.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/premiumcheck/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/monitoringconfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the monitoring configurations for a given service.", "displayName": "Gets monitoring configurations for a service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/monitoringconfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or updates monitoring configurations for a service.", "displayName": "Add or updates monitoring configurations for a service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/monitoringconfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/monitoringconfiguration", "operations": [ { "description": "Add or updates monitoring configuration for a service.", "displayName": "Add or updates monitoring configuration for a service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/monitoringconfiguration/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/metrics/groups/sum", "operations": [ { "description": "Given a service, this API gets the aggregated view for metrics for a given service.For example, this API can be used to get information related to: Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFederation service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomain Service. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for Sync Service.", "displayName": "Gets aggregated view for metrics and performance data.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/metrics/groups/sum/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/metrics/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Given a service, this API gets the metrics information.For example, this API can be used to get information related to: Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFederation service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomain Service. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for Sync Service.", "displayName": "Gets information about different service metrics.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/metrics/groups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/metrics/groups/average", "operations": [ { "description": "Given a service, this API gets the average for metrics for a given service.For example, this API can be used to get information related to: Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFederation service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomain Service. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for Sync Service.", "displayName": "Gets average view for metrics and performance data.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/metrics/groups/average/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/metricmetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of supported metrics for a given service. For example Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFS service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomainService. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for ADSync service.", "displayName": "Gets the list of supported metrics for a given service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/metricmetadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/exportstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the export status for a given service.", "displayName": "Gets the export status for a given service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/exportstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/exporterrors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the export errors for a given sync service.", "displayName": "Gets the export errors for a given sync service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/exporterrors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/checkservicefeatureavailibility", "operations": [ { "description": "Given a feature name verifies if a service has everything required to use that feature.", "displayName": "Gets if a feature is enabled for a service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/checkservicefeatureavailibility/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DevOps Reports", "name": "reports/updateselecteddeployment", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the geo location from which data will be accessed.", "displayName": "Gets the browsing location for the users.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/updateselecteddeployment/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DevOps Reports", "name": "reports/tenantassigneddeployment", "operations": [ { "description": "Given a tenant id gets the tenant storage location.", "displayName": "Gets tenant storage mapping.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/tenantassigneddeployment/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DevOps Reports", "name": "reports/selecteddeployment", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets selected deployment for the given tenant.", "displayName": "Gets selected deployment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/selecteddeployment/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DevOps Reports", "name": "reports/selectdevopstenant", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates userid(objectid) for the selected dev ops tenant.", "displayName": "Updates userid(objectid) for the selected dev ops tenant.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/selectdevopstenant/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DevOps Reports", "name": "reports/isdevops", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a value indicating wheather the teannt is DevOps Consented or not.", "displayName": "Gets a value indicating wheather the teannt is DevOps Consented or not.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/isdevops/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DevOps Reports", "name": "reports/consentedtodevopstenants", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of DevOps consented tenants. Typically used for customer support.", "displayName": "Gets the list of DevOps consented tenants.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/consentedtodevopstenants/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Technical Advisor Reports", "name": "reports/badpassworduseridipfrequency", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Blob SAS URI containing status and eventual result of newly enqueued report job for frequency of Bad Username/Password attempts per UserId per IPAddress per Day for a given Tenant.", "displayName": "Gets Blob SAS Uri for enqueued report job.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/badpassworduseridipfrequency/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DevOps Reports", "name": "reports/availabledeployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets list of available regions, used by DevOps to support customer incidents.", "displayName": "Gets list of available regions for DevOps.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/availabledeployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DevOps Reports", "name": "reports/badpassword", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of bad password attempts for all the users in Active Directory Federation Service.", "displayName": "Gets the list of bad password attempts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/reports/badpassword/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Agent Logs", "name": "logs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets agent installation and registration logs for the tenant.", "displayName": "Gets agent logs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/logs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Agent Logs", "name": "logs/contents", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the content of agent installation and registration logs stored in blob.", "displayName": "Gets the content of a log stored in blob.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/logs/contents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or Updates the ADDomainService instance for the tenant.", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the ADDomainService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a server instance to the service.", "displayName": "Add a server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/servicemembers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Service details for the specified service name.", "displayName": "Gets Service details.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Service and it's servers along with Health data.", "displayName": "Deletes a Service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService Server", "name": "addsservices/servicemembers/credentials", "operations": [ { "description": "During server registration of ADDomainService, this api is called to get the credentials for onboarding new servers.", "displayName": "Gets the credentials for service authentication.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/servicemembers/credentials/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/servicemembers", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a server for a given service and tenant.", "displayName": "Deletes a server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/servicemembers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/replicationsummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets complete domain controller list along with replication details for the given forest.", "displayName": "Gets domain controller replication summary.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/replicationsummary/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/replicationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the number of domain controllers and their replication errors if any.", "displayName": "Gets replication error status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/replicationstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/premiumcheck", "operations": [ { "description": "This API gets the list of all onboarded ADDomainServices for a premium tenant.", "displayName": "Gets onboarded ADDomainServices for a premium tenant.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/premiumcheck/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/metrics/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Given a service, this API gets the metrics information.For example, this API can be used to get information related to: Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFederation service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomain Service. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for Sync Service.", "displayName": "Gets information about different service metrics.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/metrics/groups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/metricmetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of supported metrics for a given service. For example Extranet Account Lockouts, Total Failed Requests, Outstanding Token Requests (Proxy), Token Requests /sec etc for ADFS service. NTLM Authentications/sec, LDAP Successful Binds/sec, LDAP Bind Time, LDAP Active Threads, Kerberos Authentications/sec, ATQ Threads Total etc for ADDomainService. Run Profile Latency, TCP Connections Established, Insights Agent Private Bytes,Export Statistics to Azure AD for ADSync service.", "displayName": "Gets the list of supported metrics for a given service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/metricmetadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/forestsummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets forest summary for the given forest like forest name, number of domains under this forest, number of sites and sites details etc.", "displayName": "Gets forest summary.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/forestsummary/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/features/userpreference", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the user preference setting for the forest. Example- MetricCounterName like ldapsuccessfulbinds, ntlmauthentications, kerberosauthentications, addsinsightsagentprivatebytes, ldapsearches. Settings for the UI Charts etc.", "displayName": "Gets the user preference setting.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/features/userpreference/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/dimensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the domains and sites details for the forest. Example- health status, active alerts, resolved alerts, properties like Domain Functional Level, Forest, Infrastructure Master, PDC, RID master etc. ", "displayName": "Gets the domains and sites details for the forest.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/dimensions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/configuration", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Service Configuration for the forest. Example- Forest Name, Functionla Level, Domain Naming master FSMO role, Schema master FSMO role etc.", "displayName": "Gets Service Configuration for the forest.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/configuration/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets alerts details for the forest like alertid, alert raised date, alert last detected, alert description, last updated, alert level, alert state, alert troubleshooting links etc. .", "displayName": "Gets alerts for the forest.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/alerts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/feedbacktype/feedback", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets alerts feedback for a given service and server.", "displayName": "Gets alerts feedback.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/feedbacktype/feedback/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/addomainservicemembers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all servers for the specified service name.", "displayName": "Gets all servers.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/addomainservicemembers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADDomainService", "name": "addsservices/replicationdetails", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets replication details for all the servers for the specified service name.", "displayName": "Gets replication details.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/addsservices/replicationdetails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets list of operations supported by system.", "displayName": "Gets operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Member", "name": "services/servicemembers/metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of connectors and run profile names for the given service and service member.", "displayName": "Gets the list of connectors and run profile names.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/servicemembers/metrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/reports/blobUris", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all Risky IP report URIs for the last 7 days.", "displayName": "Gets all Risky IP report URIs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/reports/blobUris/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/reports", "operations": [ { "description": "Generates Risky IP report and returns a URI pointing to it.", "displayName": "Initiate generation of new risky IP report.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/reports/generateBlobUri/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/ipAddressAggregateSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads alarm thresholds for bad IPs.", "displayName": "Reads ipAddressAggregateSettings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/ipAddressAggregateSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes alarm thresholds for bad IPs.", "displayName": "Writes ipAddressAggregateSettings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/ipAddressAggregateSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services/ipAddressAggregates", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the bad IPs which attempted to access the service.", "displayName": "Reads ipAddressAggregates.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/ipAddressAggregates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AlertsManagement", "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscription Registration Action", "displayName": "Subscription Registration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts an asynchronous migration process of Smart Detection to smart alerts in an Application Insights resource", "displayName": "Migrate From Smart Detection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/migrateFromSmartDetection/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "alerts", "name": "alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all the alerts for the input filters.", "displayName": "Read alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/alerts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of the alert.", "displayName": "Resolve alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/alerts/changestate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "alertsSummary", "name": "alertsSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the summary of alerts", "displayName": "Read alerts summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/alertsSummary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "smartGroups", "name": "smartGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all the smart groups for the input filters", "displayName": "Read smart groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/smartGroups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of the smart group", "displayName": "Read smart groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/smartGroups/changestate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operations provided", "displayName": "Read operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "actionRules", "name": "actionRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all the alert processing rules for the input filters.", "displayName": "Read action rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/actionRules/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update alert processing rule in a given subscription", "displayName": "Write action rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/actionRules/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete alert processing rule in a given subscription.", "displayName": "Delete action rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/actionRules/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "alerts", "name": "alerts/history", "operations": [ { "description": "Get history of the alert", "displayName": "Read alert history", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/alerts/history/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "smartGroups", "name": "smartGroups/history", "operations": [ { "description": "Get history of the smart group", "displayName": "Read smart group history", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/smartGroups/history/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "smartDetectorAlertRules", "name": "smartDetectorAlertRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update Smart Detector alert rule in a given subscription", "displayName": "Create Smart Detector alert rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/smartDetectorAlertRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get all the Smart Detector alert rules for the input filters", "displayName": "Read Smart Detector alert rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/smartDetectorAlertRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Smart Detector alert rule in a given subscription", "displayName": "Delete Smart Detector alert rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/smartDetectorAlertRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/alertsMetaData", "name": "alertsMetaData", "operations": [ { "description": "Get alerts meta data for the input parameter.", "displayName": "Read alerts meta data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/alertsMetaData/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrateFromSmartDetection", "name": "migrateFromSmartDetection", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an asynchronous Smart Detection to smart alerts migration process", "displayName": "Get Smart Detection Migration status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/migrateFromSmartDetection/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "prometheusRuleGroups", "name": "prometheusRuleGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Set prometheusRuleGroups", "displayName": "Creates or updates the prometheusRuleGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete prometheusRuleGroups", "displayName": "Deletes the prometheusRuleGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read prometheusRuleGroups", "displayName": "Read the prometheusRuleGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "alertRuleRecommendations", "name": "alertRuleRecommendations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read alertRuleRecommendations", "displayName": "Read the alertRuleRecommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/alertRuleRecommendations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tenantActivityLogAlerts", "name": "tenantActivityLogAlerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Write tenantLevelActivityLogAlerts", "displayName": "Writes the tenantLevelActivityLogAlerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/tenantActivityLogAlerts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete tenantLevelActivityLogAlerts", "displayName": "Deletes the tenantLevelActivityLogAlerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/tenantActivityLogAlerts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read tenantLevelActivityLogAlerts", "displayName": "Reads the tenantLevelActivityLogAlerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/tenantActivityLogAlerts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "investigations", "name": "investigations", "operations": [ { "description": "Set Investigation", "displayName": "Creates or updates Investigation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/investigations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Investigation ", "displayName": "Delete the Investigation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/investigations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Investigation", "displayName": "Read the Investigation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/investigations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Analysis Services", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AnalysisServices", "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Analysis Services resource provider.", "displayName": "Register Analysis Services provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "servers", "name": "servers", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specified Analysis Server.", "displayName": "Read Analysis Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the specified Analysis Server.", "displayName": "Create/Update Analysis Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Analysis Server.", "displayName": "Delete the Analysis Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Suspends the Analysis Server.", "displayName": "Suspend the Analysis Server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/suspend/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resumes the Analysis Server.", "displayName": "Resume the Analysis Server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/resume/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List the status of the gateway associated with the server.", "displayName": "List the status of the gateway associated with the server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/listGatewayStatus/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks that given Analysis Server name is valid and not in use.", "displayName": "Check availability of the Analysis Server name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specified operation result.", "displayName": "Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specified operation status.", "displayName": "Read operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of operations", "displayName": "Read operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of Skus", "displayName": "Read SKU information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "servers/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve available SKU information for the server", "displayName": "Read available SKU information for the server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Analysis Server", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Analysis Service metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "QPU. Range 0-100 for S1, 0-200 for S2 and 0-400 for S4", "displayName": "QPU", "name": "qpu_metric", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Memory. Range 0-25 GB for S1, 0-50 GB for S2 and 0-100 GB for S4", "displayName": "Memory", "name": "memory_metric", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Private bytes.", "displayName": "Private Bytes", "name": "private_bytes_metric", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Virtual bytes.", "displayName": "Virtual Bytes", "name": "virtual_bytes_metric", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Total connection requests. These are arrivals.", "displayName": "Total Connection Requests", "name": "TotalConnectionRequests", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Rate of successful connection completions.", "displayName": "Successful Connections Per Sec", "name": "SuccessfullConnectionsPerSec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Total failed connection attempts.", "displayName": "Total Connection Failures", "name": "TotalConnectionFailures", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Current number of user sessions established.", "displayName": "Current User Sessions", "name": "CurrentUserSessions", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of busy threads in the query thread pool.", "displayName": "Query Pool Busy Threads", "name": "QueryPoolBusyThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of jobs in the queue of the command thread pool.", "displayName": "Command Pool Job Queue Length", "name": "CommandPoolJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of non-I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Processing Pool Job Queue Length", "name": "ProcessingPoolJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Current number of client connections established.", "displayName": "Connection: Current connections", "name": "CurrentConnections", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Current price of memory, $/byte/time, normalized to 1000.", "displayName": "Memory: Cleaner Current Price", "name": "CleanerCurrentPrice", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Amount of memory, in bytes, subject to purging by the background cleaner.", "displayName": "Memory: Cleaner Memory shrinkable", "name": "CleanerMemoryShrinkable", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Amount of memory, in bytes, not subject to purging by the background cleaner.", "displayName": "Memory: Cleaner Memory nonshrinkable", "name": "CleanerMemoryNonshrinkable", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Memory usage of the server process as used in calculating cleaner memory price. Equal to counter Process\\PrivateBytes plus the size of memory-mapped data, ignoring any memory which was mapped or allocated by the xVelocity in-memory analytics engine (VertiPaq) in excess of the xVelocity engine Memory Limit.", "displayName": "Memory: Memory Usage", "name": "MemoryUsage", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Hard memory limit, from configuration file.", "displayName": "Memory: Memory Limit Hard", "name": "MemoryLimitHard", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "High memory limit, from configuration file.", "displayName": "Memory: Memory Limit High", "name": "MemoryLimitHigh", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Low memory limit, from configuration file.", "displayName": "Memory: Memory Limit Low", "name": "MemoryLimitLow", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "In-memory limit, from configuration file.", "displayName": "Memory: Memory Limit VertiPaq", "name": "MemoryLimitVertiPaq", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Current memory quota, in bytes. Memory quota is also known as a memory grant or memory reservation.", "displayName": "Memory: Quota", "name": "Quota", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Current number of quota requests that are blocked until other memory quotas are freed.", "displayName": "Memory: Quota Blocked", "name": "QuotaBlocked", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes of memory locked in the working set for use by the in-memory engine.", "displayName": "Memory: VertiPaq Nonpaged", "name": "VertiPaqNonpaged", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes of paged memory in use for in-memory data.", "displayName": "Memory: VertiPaq Paged", "name": "VertiPaqPaged", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Rate of rows read from all relational databases.", "displayName": "Processing: Rows read per sec", "name": "RowsReadPerSec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Rate of rows converted during processing.", "displayName": "Processing: Rows converted per sec", "name": "RowsConvertedPerSec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Rate of rows written during processing.", "displayName": "Processing: Rows written per sec", "name": "RowsWrittenPerSec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of busy threads in the command thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Command pool busy threads", "name": "CommandPoolBusyThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads in the command thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Command pool idle threads", "name": "CommandPoolIdleThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of busy threads in the long parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Long parsing busy threads", "name": "LongParsingBusyThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads in the long parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Long parsing idle threads", "name": "LongParsingIdleThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of jobs in the queue of the long parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Long parsing job queue length", "name": "LongParsingJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of threads running I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Processing pool busy I/O job threads", "name": "ProcessingPoolBusyIOJobThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of threads running non-I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Processing pool busy non-I/O threads", "name": "ProcessingPoolBusyNonIOThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Processing pool I/O job queue length", "name": "ProcessingPoolIOJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Processing pool idle I/O job threads", "name": "ProcessingPoolIdleIOJobThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads in the processing thread pool dedicated to non-I/O jobs.", "displayName": "Threads: Processing pool idle non-I/O threads", "name": "ProcessingPoolIdleNonIOThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Query pool idle threads", "name": "QueryPoolIdleThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of jobs in the queue of the query thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Query pool job queue lengt", "name": "QueryPoolJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of busy threads in the short parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Short parsing busy threads", "name": "ShortParsingBusyThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads in the short parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Short parsing idle threads", "name": "ShortParsingIdleThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of jobs in the queue of the short parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Short parsing job queue length", "name": "ShortParsingJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Average memory thrashing.", "displayName": "Memory Thrashing", "name": "memory_thrashing_metric", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "QPU usage by mashup engine processes", "displayName": "M Engine QPU", "name": "mashup_engine_qpu_metric", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Memory usage by mashup engine processes", "displayName": "M Engine Memory", "name": "mashup_engine_memory_metric", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Private bytes usage by mashup engine processes.", "displayName": "M Engine Private Bytes", "name": "mashup_engine_private_bytes_metric", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ServerResourceType", "name": "ServerResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "Virtual bytes usage by mashup engine processes.", "displayName": "M Engine Virtual Bytes", "name": "mashup_engine_virtual_bytes_metric", "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for servers", "displayName": "Read Analysis Server log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Engine", "name": "Engine" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Service", "name": "Service" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for Analysis Server", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for Analysis Server", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft API Management", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ApiManagement", "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement", "operations": [ { "description": "Register subscription for Microsoft.ApiManagement resource provider", "displayName": "Register Microsoft.ApiManagement resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Un-register subscription for Microsoft.ApiManagement resource provider", "displayName": "Un-register Microsoft.ApiManagement resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Service", "name": "service", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update API Management Service instance", "displayName": "Create or Update API Management Service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read metadata for an API Management Service instance", "displayName": "Read metadata for an API Management Service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete API Management Service instance", "displayName": "Delete API Management Service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Setup, update or remove custom domain names for an API Management Service", "displayName": "Update domain names", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/updatehostname/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upload SSL certificate for an API Management Service", "displayName": "Upload SSL certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/updatecertificate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Backup API Management Service to the specified container in a user provided storage account", "displayName": "Backup API Management Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backup/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore API Management Service from the specified container in a user provided storage account", "displayName": "Restore API Management Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/restore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change SKU/units, add/remove regional deployments of API Management Service", "displayName": "Manage Service Deployments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/managedeployments/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets SSO token that can be used to login into API Management Service Legacy portal as an administrator", "displayName": "Get SSO token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/getssotoken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the Microsoft.ApiManagement resources running in Virtual Network to pick updated Network Settings.", "displayName": "Apply Network Configuration Updates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/applynetworkconfigurationupdates/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform Scheduled Maintenance on the service", "displayName": "Scheduled Maintenance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/scheduledMaintenance/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register a new user", "displayName": "Register new user", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sends notification to a specified user", "displayName": "Send notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates Tenant Policy Restrictions", "displayName": "Validates Restrictions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/validatePolicies/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "service/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets current status of long running operation", "displayName": "Get long running operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Management Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all API operations available for Microsoft.ApiManagement resource", "displayName": "Read all API operations available for API Management", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "name": "checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if provided service name is available", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Status", "name": "service/networkstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the network access status of resources on which the service depends on.", "displayName": "Gets the network status of the service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/networkstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Status By Location", "name": "service/locations/networkstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the network access status of resources on which the service depends on in the location.", "displayName": "Gets the network status of the service in the location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/locations/networkstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Management reports", "name": "reports", "operations": [ { "description": "Get reports aggregated by time periods, geographical region, developers, products, APIs, operations, subscription and byRequest.", "displayName": "Get reports", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/reports/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service", "name": "service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for ApiManagement service", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for ApiManagement service", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of API Management service", "name": "service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for API Management service", "displayName": "Read API Management service metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": null, "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Gateway Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Hostname", "internalName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead", "displayName": "Total Gateway Requests (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalRequests", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Proxy", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Gateway Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Hostname", "internalName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of successful gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead", "displayName": "Successful Gateway Requests (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "SuccessfulRequests", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Proxy", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Gateway Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Hostname", "internalName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of unauthorized gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead", "displayName": "Unauthorized Gateway Requests (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "UnauthorizedRequests", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Proxy", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Gateway Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Hostname", "internalName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of failures in gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead", "displayName": "Failed Gateway Requests (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "FailedRequests", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Proxy", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Gateway Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Hostname", "internalName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of other gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead", "displayName": "Other Gateway Requests (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "OtherRequests", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Proxy", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Gateway Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Hostname", "internalName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "ApiId", "internalName": "ApiId", "name": "ApiId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Overall Duration of Gateway Requests in milliseconds", "displayName": "Overall Duration of Gateway Requests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Duration", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Proxy", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Gateway Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Hostname", "internalName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "ApiId", "internalName": "ApiId", "name": "ApiId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Duration of Backend Requests in milliseconds", "displayName": "Duration of Backend Requests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BackendDuration", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Proxy", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Utilization metric for ApiManagement service", "displayName": "Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Capacity", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Proxy", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "EventHub Events", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of events sent to EventHub", "displayName": "Total EventHub Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventHubTotalEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementShoeboxProd2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "EventHubClient", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "EventHub Events", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of successful EventHub events", "displayName": "Successful EventHub Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventHubSuccessfulEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementShoeboxProd2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "EventHubClient", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "EventHub Events", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of failed EventHub events", "displayName": "Failed EventHub Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventHubTotalFailedEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementShoeboxProd2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "EventHubClient", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "EventHub Events", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of rejected EventHub events (wrong configuration or unauthorized)", "displayName": "Rejected EventHub Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventHubRejectedEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementShoeboxProd2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "EventHubClient", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "EventHub Events", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of throttled EventHub events", "displayName": "Throttled EventHub Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventHubThrottledEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementShoeboxProd2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "EventHubClient", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "EventHub Events", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of timed out EventHub events", "displayName": "Timed Out EventHub Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventHubTimedoutEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementShoeboxProd2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "EventHubClient", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "EventHub Events", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of events skipped because of queue size limit reached", "displayName": "Dropped EventHub Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventHubDroppedEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementShoeboxProd2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "EventHubClient", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "EventHub Events", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total size of EventHub events in bytes", "displayName": "Size of EventHub Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventHubTotalBytesSent", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementShoeboxProd2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "EventHubClient", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Gateway Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Location", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Hostname", "internalName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Last Error Reason", "internalName": "LastErrorReason", "name": "LastErrorReason", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Backend Response Code", "internalName": "BackendResponseCode", "name": "BackendResponseCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Gateway Response Code", "internalName": "ResponseCode", "name": "GatewayResponseCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Backend Response Code Category", "internalName": "BackendResponseCodeCategory", "name": "BackendResponseCodeCategory", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Gateway Response Code Category", "internalName": "ResponseCodeCategory", "name": "GatewayResponseCodeCategory", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "ApiId", "internalName": "ApiId", "name": "ApiId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Gateway request metrics with multiple dimensions", "displayName": "Requests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Requests", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Proxy", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Network Status", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Location", "internalName": "Region", "name": "Location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "ResourceType", "internalName": "ResourceType", "name": "ResourceType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Network Connectivity status of dependent resource types from API Management service", "displayName": "Network Connectivity Status of Resources (Preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "NetworkConnectivity", "sourceMdmAccount": "ApiManagementShoeboxProd2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "TenantHealth", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of API Management service", "name": "service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for API Management service", "displayName": "Read API Management service log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Logs related to ApiManagement Gateway", "name": "GatewayLogs" } ], "metricSpecifications": null } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource representing current tenant metadata", "name": "service/tenant", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of tenant access settings. or Get the Global policy definition of the Api Management service. or Get tenant access information details", "displayName": "Get tenant access settings or Get tenant policy configuration or Get tenant access information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Set policy configuration for the tenant or Update tenant access information details or Update tenant access information details", "displayName": "Set tenant policy configuration or Update tenant access information or Update tenant access information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove policy configuration for the tenant", "displayName": "Remove tenant policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get tenant access information details", "displayName": "Get tenant access information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/listSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate primary access key", "displayName": "Regenerate primary key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/regeneratePrimaryKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate secondary access key", "displayName": "Regenerate secondary key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/regenerateSecondaryKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Runs a deployment task to apply changes from the specified git branch to the configuration in database.", "displayName": "Runs a deployment task to apply changes from the specified git branch", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates commit with configuration snapshot to the specified branch in the repository", "displayName": "Creates commit with configuration snapshot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/save/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates changes from the specified git branch", "displayName": "Validates changes from the specified branch", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Results of async operations", "name": "service/tenant/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of operation results or Get result of a specific operation", "displayName": "Get operation results or Get operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Get status of last synchronization", "name": "service/tenant/syncState", "operations": [ { "description": "Get status of last git synchronization", "displayName": "Get status of last synchronization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenant/syncState/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Groups", "name": "service/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of groups defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the group specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get groups list or Get group details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a group. or Updates the details of the group specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create group or Update group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific group of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Group users", "name": "service/groups/users", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of user entities associated with the group.", "displayName": "Get group users list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/users/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add existing user to existing group", "displayName": "Add user to group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/users/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove existing user from existing group.", "displayName": "Remove user from group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/groups/users/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "User accounts", "name": "service/users", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of registered users in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the user specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get users list or Get user details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a user. or Updates the details of the user specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Register new user or Update user", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific user.", "displayName": "Remove user", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves a redirection URL containing an authentication token for signing a given user into the developer portal.", "displayName": "Generage SSO URL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/generateSsoUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Shared Access Authorization Token for the User.", "displayName": "Get token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/token/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Developer groups assigned to user", "name": "service/users/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all user groups.", "displayName": "Get user groups list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/groups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "User subscriptions", "name": "service/users/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the collection of subscriptions of the specified user.", "displayName": "Get user subscriptions list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/subscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Products", "name": "service/products", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of products in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the product specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get product list or Get product details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a product. or Update existing product details.", "displayName": "Create product or Update product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete product.", "displayName": "Remove product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "APIs added to product", "name": "service/products/apis", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of the APIs associated with a product.", "displayName": "Get product APIs list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apis/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds an API to the specified product.", "displayName": "Add API to product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apis/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified API from the specified product.", "displayName": "Remove API from product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apis/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product subscriptions", "name": "service/products/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the collection of subscriptions to the specified product.", "displayName": "Get product subscriptions list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/subscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product policies configuration", "name": "service/products/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policy configuration at the Product level. or Get the policy configuration at the Product level.", "displayName": "Get Product policies or Get Product policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the Product.", "displayName": "Set Product policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Product.", "displayName": "Remove Product policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Developer groups associated with product", "name": "service/products/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the collection of developer groups associated with the specified product.", "displayName": "Get product groups list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds the association between the specified developer group with the specified product.", "displayName": "Associate group with product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the association between the specified group and product.", "displayName": "Delete group with product association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags associated with the Product", "name": "service/products/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Tags associated with the Product. or Get tag associated with the Product.", "displayName": "Get product tags or Tag details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assign tag to the Product.", "displayName": "Associate Tag with Product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach the tag from the Product.", "displayName": "Delete Tag with Product association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product subscriptions", "name": "service/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all subscriptions of the API Management service instance. or Gets the specified Subscription entity (without keys).", "displayName": "Get subscriptions list or Get subscripiton details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the subscription of specified user to the specified product. or Updates the details of a subscription specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Subscribe to product or Update subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified subscription.", "displayName": "Delete subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates primary key of existing subscription of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Regenerate subscription PK", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/regeneratePrimaryKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates secondary key of existing subscription of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Regenerate subscription SK", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/regenerateSecondaryKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the specified Subscription keys.", "displayName": "Get subscripiton keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/subscriptions/listSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "APIs", "name": "service/apis", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all APIs of the API Management service instance. or Gets the details of the API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get API list or Get API details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new or updates existing specified API of the API Management service instance. or Updates the specified API of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Create API or Update API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified API of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API operations", "name": "service/apis/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of the operations for the specified API. or Gets the details of the API Operation specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get API operations or Get API operation details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new operation in the API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the operation in the API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create API operation or Update API operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified operation in the API.", "displayName": "Remove API operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Operation policies configuration", "name": "service/apis/operations/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of policy configuration at the API Operation level. or Get the policy configuration at the API Operation level.", "displayName": "Get API Operation policies or Get API operation policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the API Operation level.", "displayName": "Set API operation policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Api Operation.", "displayName": "Remove API Operation policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags associated with the Operation", "name": "service/apis/operations/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Tags associated with the Operation. or Get tag associated with the Operation.", "displayName": "Get tags associated with the Operation or Tag details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assign tag to the Operation.", "displayName": "Associate Tag with Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach the tag from the Operation.", "displayName": "Delete Tag with Operation association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API revisions", "name": "service/apis/revisions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all revisions of an API.", "displayName": "Get revisions for an API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/revisions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes all revisions of an API", "displayName": "Delete revisions of an API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/revisions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API releases", "name": "service/apis/releases", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all releases of an API. An API release is created when making an API Revision current. Releases are also used to rollback to previous revisions. Results will be paged and can be constrained by the $top and $skip parameters. or Returns the details of an API release.", "displayName": "Get revisions for an API or Get API release details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/releases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes all releases of the API or Deletes the specified release in the API.", "displayName": "Removes all releases of the API or Delete API release", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/releases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Release for the API. or Updates the details of the release of the API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create API release or Update API release", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/releases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API policies configuration", "name": "service/apis/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policy configuration at the API level. or Get the policy configuration at the API level.", "displayName": "Get API policies or Get API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the API.", "displayName": "Set API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Api.", "displayName": "Remove API policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API associated products", "name": "service/apis/products", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Products, which the API is part of.", "displayName": "Get products associated with the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/products/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Schemas associated with the API", "name": "service/apis/schemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the schema configuration at the API level. or Get the schema configuration at the API level.", "displayName": "Gets the schemas stored for a given API or Gets schemas for the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/schemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates schema configuration for the API.", "displayName": "Sets schema used by the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/schemas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the schema configuration at the Api.", "displayName": "Removes schema for the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/schemas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API issues", "name": "service/apis/issues", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all issues associated with the specified API. or Gets the details of the Issue for an API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get API Issues or API Management issue details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Issue for an API or updates an existing one. or Updates an existing issue for an API.", "displayName": "Adds issue or Updates issue", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Issue from an API.", "displayName": "Removes issue", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Issue Attachments", "name": "service/apis/issues/attachments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all attachments for the Issue associated with the specified API. or Gets the details of the issue Attachment for an API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get attachments or Get attachments details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/attachments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Attachment for the Issue in an API or updates an existing one.", "displayName": "Add issue attachment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/attachments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified comment from an Issue.", "displayName": "Remove attachments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/attachments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Issue Comments", "name": "service/apis/issues/comments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all comments for the Issue associated with the specified API. or Gets the details of the issue Comment for an API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get comments or Get comment details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/comments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Comment for the Issue in an API or updates an existing one.", "displayName": "Add api comment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/comments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified comment from an Issue.", "displayName": "Removes comment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/issues/comments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags descriptions", "name": "service/apis/tagDescriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Tags descriptions in scope of API. Model similar to swagger - tagDescription is defined on API level but tag may be assigned to the Operations or Get Tag description in scope of API", "displayName": "Tags descriptions in scope of API or Get Tag metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tagDescriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/Update tag description in scope of the Api.", "displayName": "Create/Change Tag metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tagDescriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete tag description for the Api.", "displayName": "Remove Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tagDescriptions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API/Tag associations", "name": "service/apis/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Tags associated with the API. or Get tag associated with the API.", "displayName": "Get tags associated with the API or Get Tag associated with API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assign tag to the Api.", "displayName": "Add Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach the tag from the Api.", "displayName": "Remove Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags - Operation associations", "name": "service/apis/operationsByTags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of operations associated with tags.", "displayName": "Get Operation-Tag associations list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operationsByTags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API diagnostics", "name": "service/apis/diagnostics", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all diagnostics of an API. or Gets the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get diagnostics list or Get diagnostic details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/diagnostics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Diagnostic for an API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Add diagnostic or Update diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/diagnostics/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Diagnostic from an API.", "displayName": "Remove diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/diagnostics/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tenant policies configuration", "name": "service/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all the Global Policy definitions of the Api Management service. or Get the Global policy definition of the Api Management service.", "displayName": "Get Tenant policies or Get Tenant policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the global policy configuration of the Api Management service.", "displayName": "Set Tenant policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the global policy configuration of the Api Management Service.", "displayName": "Remove Tenant policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "By time report", "name": "service/reports", "operations": [ { "description": "Get report aggregated by time periods or Get report aggregated by geographical region or Get report aggregated by developers. or Get report aggregated by products. or Get report aggregated by APIs or Get report aggregated by operations or Get report aggregated by subscription. or Get requests reporting data", "displayName": "Get by time report or Get by region report or Get by developer repoer or Get by product report or Get by API report or Get by operation report or Get by subscription report or Get requests data report", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/reports/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection of policy snippets", "name": "service/policySnippets", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all policy snippets.", "displayName": "Get policy snippets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policySnippets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificates", "name": "service/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of all certificates in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the certificate specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get certificates list or Get cerificate details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/certificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the certificate being used for authentication with the backend.", "displayName": "Add certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/certificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific certificate.", "displayName": "Remove certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/certificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes certificate by fetching it from Key Vault.", "displayName": "Refresh certificate from KeyVault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/certificates/refreshSecret/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Loggers", "name": "service/loggers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of loggers in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the logger specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get loggers list or Get logger details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/loggers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a logger. or Updates an existing logger.", "displayName": "Add logger or Update logger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/loggers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified logger.", "displayName": "Remove logger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/loggers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OAuth Authorization servers", "name": "service/authorizationServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of authorization servers defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the authorization server without secrets.", "displayName": "Get authorization service list or Get authorization server details without secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new authorization server or updates an existing authorization server. or Updates the details of the authorization server specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create new authorization server or Update existing authorization server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationServers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific authorization server instance.", "displayName": "Remove authorization server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationServers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets secrets for the authorization server.", "displayName": "Get authorization server secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationServers/listSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backends", "name": "service/backends", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of backends in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the backend specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get backends list or Get backend details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backends/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a backend. or Updates an existing backend.", "displayName": "Add backend or Update backend", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backends/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified backend.", "displayName": "Remove backend", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backends/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Notifies the APIM proxy to create a new connection to the backend after the specified timeout. If no timeout was specified, timeout of 2 minutes is used.", "displayName": "Create Request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/backends/reconnect/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection of all email templates", "name": "service/templates", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all email templates or Gets API Management email template details", "displayName": "Get email templates or Get email template details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/templates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update API Management email template or Updates API Management email template", "displayName": "Create or update email template or Update email template", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/templates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset default API Management email template", "displayName": "Reset default email template", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/templates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection of properties. Properties are used to manage constant string values across all API configurations or policies.", "name": "service/properties", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of properties defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the property specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get all properties or Get property details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/properties/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a property. or Updates the specific property.", "displayName": "Create property or Update property value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/properties/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific property from the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove property", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/properties/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the secrets of the property specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get property secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/properties/listSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection of all ApiManagement Publisher Notifications", "name": "service/notifications", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of properties defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the Notification specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get all publisher notifications or Get publisher notification details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update API Management publisher notification.", "displayName": "Create publisher notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recipient Emails associated with a notification", "name": "service/notifications/recipientEmails", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of the Notification Recipient Emails subscribed to a notification.", "displayName": "Get Email Recipients associated with Publisher Notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientEmails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds the Email address to the list of Recipients for the Notification.", "displayName": "Create new email recipient", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientEmails/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the email from the list of Notification.", "displayName": "Removes email associated with notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientEmails/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recipient Users associated with a notification", "name": "service/notifications/recipientUsers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of the Notification Recipient User subscribed to the notification.", "displayName": "Get recipient users for the Notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientUsers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds the API Management User to the list of Recipients for the Notification.", "displayName": "Add user to notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientUsers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the API Management user from the list of Notification.", "displayName": "Removes user from notification recipients", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/notifications/recipientUsers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OpenID Connect Providers", "name": "service/openidConnectProviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists of all the OpenId Connect Providers. or Gets specific OpenID Connect Provider without secrets.", "displayName": "Get OpenID providers list or Get OpenID Connect Provider details without secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/openidConnectProviders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the OpenID Connect Provider. or Updates the specific OpenID Connect Provider.", "displayName": "Create new OpenID Connect Provider or Update existing OpenID Connect Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/openidConnectProviders/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific OpenID Connect Provider of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove OpenID Connect Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/openidConnectProviders/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets specific OpenID Connect Provider secrets.", "displayName": "Get OpenID Connect Provider secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/openidConnectProviders/listSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Quotas", "name": "service/quotas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get values for quota", "displayName": "Get quota values", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/quotas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Set quota counter current value", "displayName": "Set quota counter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/quotas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Quotas", "name": "service/quotas/periods", "operations": [ { "description": "Get quota counter value for period", "displayName": "Get quota values", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/quotas/periods/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Set quota counter current value", "displayName": "Set quota counter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/quotas/periods/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Identity Providers", "name": "service/identityProviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of Identity Provider configured in the specified service instance. or Gets the configuration details of the identity Provider without secrets.", "displayName": "Get Identity providers list or Get Identity Provider details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/identityProviders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the IdentityProvider configuration. or Updates an existing IdentityProvider configuration.", "displayName": "Create new Identity Provider or Update existing Identity Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/identityProviders/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified identity provider configuration.", "displayName": "Remove Identity Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/identityProviders/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Identity Provider secrets.", "displayName": "Get Identity Provider secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/identityProviders/listSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Portal Settings", "name": "service/portalSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of portal settings. or Get Sign In Settings for the Portal or Get Sign Up Settings for the Portal or Get Delegation Settings for the Portal.", "displayName": "Get portal settings or Get Sign In Settings or Get Sign Up Settings or Get Delegation Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Sign-In settings. or Create or Update Sign-In settings. or Update Sign Up settings or Update Sign Up settings or Update Delegation settings. or Create or Update Delegation settings.", "displayName": "Update Settings or Update Settings or Update Settings or Update Settings or Update Settings or Update Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets validation key of portal delegation settings. or Get media content blob container uri.", "displayName": "Get property secrets or Get media content blob container uri", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalSettings/listSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics", "name": "service/diagnostics", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all diagnostics of the API Management service instance. or Gets the details of the Diagnostic specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get diagnostics list or Get diagnostic details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/diagnostics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Diagnostic or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the Diagnostic specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Add diagnostic or Update diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/diagnostics/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Diagnostic.", "displayName": "Remove diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/diagnostics/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags", "name": "service/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of tags defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the tag specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get Tags list or Tag details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a tag. or Updates the details of the tag specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Add Tag or Update Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific tag of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TagResources", "name": "service/tagResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of resources associated with tags.", "displayName": "Get Tags Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tagResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags - Apis associations", "name": "service/apisByTags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of apis associated with tags.", "displayName": "Get Api-Tag associations list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apisByTags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags - Products associations", "name": "service/productsByTags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of products associated with tags.", "displayName": "Get Product-Tag associations list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/productsByTags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Send password reset confirmation", "name": "service/users/confirmations", "operations": [ { "description": "Sends confirmation", "displayName": "Send", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/confirmations/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ApiVersionSets", "name": "service/apiVersionSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of API Version Sets in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the Api Version Set specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get version set list or Get versionSet details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apiVersionSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Api Version Set. or Updates the details of the Api VersionSet specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create VersionSet or Update VersionSet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apiVersionSets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific Api Version Set.", "displayName": "Remove VersionSet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apiVersionSets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Version entities associated with VersionSet", "name": "service/apiVersionSets/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of version entities", "displayName": "Get VersionSet version entity list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apiVersionSets/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Content types", "name": "service/contentTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of content types or Returns content type", "displayName": "Get content types or Get all", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes content type.", "displayName": "Delete content item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new content type", "displayName": "Create content item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Content items", "name": "service/contentTypes/contentItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of content items or Returns content item details", "displayName": "Get all or Get content item details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/contentItems/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new content item or Updates specified content item", "displayName": "Create content item or Update content item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/contentItems/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes specified content item.", "displayName": "Delete content item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contentTypes/contentItems/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Get user identities list", "name": "service/users/identities", "operations": [ { "description": "List of all user identities.", "displayName": "List of user Identities.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/identities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Regions", "name": "service/regions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all azure regions in which the service exists.", "displayName": "List of all azure regions in which the service exists.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/regions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection of all API Management issues", "name": "service/issues", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of issues in the specified service instance. or Gets API Management issue details", "displayName": "Lists a collection of issues in the specified service instance. or Get the issue details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/issues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "External caches", "name": "service/caches", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of all external Caches in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the Cache specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Lists a collection of all external Caches in the specified service instance. or Get cache details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/caches/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an External Cache to be used in Api Management instance. or Updates the details of the cache specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create cache or Update cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/caches/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific Cache.", "displayName": "Remove cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/caches/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "User Keys", "name": "service/users/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Get keys associated with user", "displayName": "Get user keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/users/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tenant policies configuration", "name": "service/policy", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policy configuration at Tenant level", "displayName": "Get Tenant policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policy/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create policy configuration at Tenant level", "displayName": "Create Tenant policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policy/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the policy configuration at Tenant level", "displayName": "Delete Tenant policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policy/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API policies configuration", "name": "service/apis/policy", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policy configuration at API level", "displayName": "Get API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policy/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create policy configuration at API level", "displayName": "Create API policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policy/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the policy configuration at API level", "displayName": "Delete API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/policy/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Operation policies configuration", "name": "service/apis/operations/policy", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policy configuration at Operation level", "displayName": "Get API Operation policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policy/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create policy configuration at Operation level", "displayName": "Create API Operation policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policy/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the policy configuration at Operation level", "displayName": "Delete API Operation policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/operations/policy/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product policies configuration", "name": "service/products/policy", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policy configuration at Product level", "displayName": "Get Product policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policy/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create policy configuration at Product level", "displayName": "Create Product policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policy/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the policy configuration at Product level", "displayName": "Delete Product policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/policy/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Gateways", "name": "service/gateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of gateways registered with service instance. or Gets the details of the Gateway specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get gateways list or Get gateway details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Gateway to be used in Api Management instance. or Updates the details of the gateway specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create gateway or Update gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific Gateway.", "displayName": "Remove gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves gateway keys.", "displayName": "Get gateway keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/listKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves gateway keys.", "displayName": "Get gateway keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/keys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates specified gateway key invalidationg any tokens created with it.", "displayName": "Regenerate key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/regenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Shared Access Authorization Token for the gateway.", "displayName": "Get token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/generateToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Shared Access Authorization Token for the gateway.", "displayName": "Get token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/token/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Forces gateway to reset all issued debug credentials", "displayName": "Reset debug credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/invalidateDebugCredentials/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Issue a debug credentials for requests", "displayName": "List debug credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/listDebugCredentials/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List collected trace created by gateway", "displayName": "List collected trace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/listTrace/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Fetches configuration for specified self-hosted gateway", "displayName": "Get self-hosted gateway configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/getConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection of policy descriptions", "name": "service/policyDescriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all policy descriptions.", "displayName": "Get policy descriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyDescriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Gateway hostname configurations", "name": "service/gateways/hostnameConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the collection of hostname configurations for the specified gateway. or Get details of a hostname configuration", "displayName": "Get hostname configuration list or Get hostname configuration details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/hostnameConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Request subscription for a new product", "displayName": "Request product subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/hostnameConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified hostname configuration.", "displayName": "Remove hostname configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/hostnameConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "APIs added to Gateway", "name": "service/gateways/apis", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of the APIs associated with a gateway.", "displayName": "Get Gateway APIs list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/apis/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds an API to the specified Gateway.", "displayName": "Add API to Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/apis/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified API from the specified Gateway.", "displayName": "Remove API from Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/apis/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection of named values. Named values are used to manage constant string values across all API configurations or policies.", "name": "service/namedValues", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of named values defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the named value specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get all named values or Get named value details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/namedValues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates named value. or Updates the specific named value.", "displayName": "Create named value or Update named value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/namedValues/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific named value from the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove named value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/namedValues/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the secret of the named value specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get the value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/namedValues/listValue/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes named value by fetching it from Key Vault.", "displayName": "Refresh certificate from KeyVault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/namedValues/refreshSecret/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deleted API Management Service", "name": "deletedservices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get deleted API Management Services which can be restored within the soft-delete period", "displayName": "Get deleted API Management Services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/deletedservices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource representing current tenant settings", "name": "service/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of tenant settings. Always empty. Use /settings/public instead", "displayName": "Get portal settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/settings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Management Private Link Group Resource", "name": "service/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Link Group resources", "displayName": "Get Private Link Group Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificates assigned to Gateway as Certificate Authorities", "name": "service/gateways/certificateAuthorities", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Gateway CAs list. or Get assigned Certificate Authority details.", "displayName": "Get Gateway Certificate Authority list or Get assigned Certificate Authority details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/certificateAuthorities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds an API to the specified Gateway.", "displayName": "Assign Certificate to Gateway as Certificate Authority", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/certificateAuthorities/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unassign Certificate Authority from Gateway.", "displayName": "Unassign Certificate Authority from Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/gateways/certificateAuthorities/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PortalRevisions", "name": "service/portalRevisions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of developer portal revision entities. or Gets developer portal revision specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get developer portal revision list or Get developer portal revision details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalRevisions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new developer portal revision. or Updates the description of specified portal revision or makes it current.", "displayName": "Create developer portal revision or Update developer portal revision", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalRevisions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deleted API Management Service", "name": "locations/deletedservices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get deleted API Management Service which can be restored within the soft-delete period by location", "displayName": "Get deleted API Management Service by location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/locations/deletedservices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete API Management Service without the option to restore it", "displayName": "Purge API Management Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/locations/deletedservices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Management Event Grid Filters", "name": "service/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Set Event Grid Filters", "displayName": "Set Event Grid Filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Event Grid Filters", "displayName": "Delete Event Grid Filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Event Grid Filter", "displayName": "Get Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Management Private Endpoint Connections", "name": "service/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connections by Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Or Reject Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Approve Or Reject Private Endpoint Connections by Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connections by Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Management Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Create private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Validate private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Management Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "View the result of private endpoint connection operations in the management portal", "displayName": "Api Management private endpoint operation results (read)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Outbound Network Dependencies Endpoints", "name": "service/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the outbound network dependency status of resources on which the service depends on.", "displayName": "Gets the outbound network dependencies endpoints of the service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Schemas", "name": "service/schemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of schemas registered. or Gets the details of the Schema specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get schemas list or Get schema details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/schemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Schema to be used in Api Management instance.", "displayName": "Create schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/schemas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific Schema.", "displayName": "Remove schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/schemas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API revisions", "name": "service/tenants/apis/revisions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all revisions of an API.", "displayName": "Get revisions for an API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/revisions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes all revisions of an API", "displayName": "Delete revisions of an API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/revisions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API releases", "name": "service/tenants/apis/releases", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all releases of an API. An API release is created when making an API Revision current. Releases are also used to rollback to previous revisions. Results will be paged and can be constrained by the $top and $skip parameters. or Returns the details of an API release.", "displayName": "Get revisions for an API or Get API release details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/releases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes all releases of the API or Deletes the specified release in the API.", "displayName": "Removes all releases of the API or Delete API release", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/releases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Release for the API. or Updates the details of the release of the API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create API release or Update API release", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/releases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API operations", "name": "service/tenants/apis/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of the operations for the specified API. or Gets the details of the API Operation specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get API operations or Get API operation details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new operation in the API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the operation in the API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create API operation or Update API operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified operation in the API.", "displayName": "Remove API operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Operation policies configuration", "name": "service/tenants/apis/operations/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of policy configuration at the API Operation level. or Get the policy configuration at the API Operation level.", "displayName": "Get API Operation policies or Get API operation policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the API Operation level.", "displayName": "Set API operation policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Api Operation.", "displayName": "Remove API Operation policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags associated with the Operation", "name": "service/tenants/apis/operations/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Tags associated with the Operation. or Get tag associated with the Operation.", "displayName": "Get tags associated with the Operation or Tag details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assign tag to the Operation.", "displayName": "Associate Tag with Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach the tag from the Operation.", "displayName": "Delete Tag with Operation association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operations/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API associated products", "name": "service/tenants/apis/products", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Products, which the API is part of.", "displayName": "Get products associated with the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/products/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API policies configuration", "name": "service/tenants/apis/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policy configuration at the API level. or Get the policy configuration at the API level.", "displayName": "Get API policies or Get API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the API.", "displayName": "Set API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Api.", "displayName": "Remove API policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Schemas associated with the API", "name": "service/tenants/apis/schemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the schema configuration at the API level. or Get the schema configuration at the API level.", "displayName": "Gets the schemas stored for a given API or Gets schemas for the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/schemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates schema configuration for the API.", "displayName": "Sets schema used by the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/schemas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the schema configuration at the Api.", "displayName": "Removes schema for the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/schemas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API diagnostics", "name": "service/tenants/apis/diagnostics", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all diagnostics of an API. or Gets the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get diagnostics list or Get diagnostic details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/diagnostics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Diagnostic for an API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Add diagnostic or Update diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/diagnostics/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Diagnostic from an API.", "displayName": "Remove diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/diagnostics/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags descriptions", "name": "service/tenants/apis/tagDescriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Tags descriptions in scope of API. Model similar to swagger - tagDescription is defined on API level but tag may be assigned to the Operations or Get Tag description in scope of API", "displayName": "Tags descriptions in scope of API or Get Tag metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tagDescriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/Update tag description in scope of the Api.", "displayName": "Create/Change Tag metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tagDescriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete tag description for the Api.", "displayName": "Remove Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tagDescriptions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API/Tag associations", "name": "service/tenants/apis/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Tags associated with the API. or Get tag associated with the API.", "displayName": "Get tags associated with the API or Get Tag associated with API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assign tag to the Api.", "displayName": "Add Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach the tag from the Api.", "displayName": "Remove Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags - Operation associations", "name": "service/tenants/apis/operationsByTags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of operations associated with tags.", "displayName": "Get Operation-Tag associations list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/operationsByTags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Keys", "name": "service/tenants/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of keys or Get details of key", "displayName": "Get keys list or Get key details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Key to an existing Existing Entity or Update existing key details. This operation can be used to renew key.", "displayName": "Create a Key or Update Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/keys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete key. This operation can be used to delete key.", "displayName": "Delete key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/keys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate primary key", "displayName": "Regenerate PK", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/keys/regeneratePrimaryKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate secondary key", "displayName": "Regenerate SK", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/keys/regenerateSecondaryKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AuthorizationProvider", "name": "service/authorizationProviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists AuthorizationProvider within a service instance or Gets a AuthorizationProvider", "displayName": "Get TokenTrovider list or Get AuthorizationProvider details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a AuthorizationProvider", "displayName": "Create a AuthorizationProvider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a AuthorizationProvider", "displayName": "Deletes AuthorizationProvider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Authorization", "name": "service/authorizationProviders/authorizations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Authorization or Get Authorization", "displayName": "Get Authorization list or Get Authorization details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Authorization", "displayName": "Create Authorization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Authorization", "displayName": "Deletes a Authorization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Posts Authorization Login Links", "displayName": "Post Authorization Login Links", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/getLoginLinks/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Posts Authorization Confirm Consent Code", "displayName": "Post Authorization Confirm Consent Code", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/confirmConsentCode/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Authorization Permission", "name": "service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/permission", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Authorization Permissions or Get Authorization Permission", "displayName": "Get Authorization Permission list or Get Authorization Permission details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/permission/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Authorization Permission", "displayName": "Create Authorization Permission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/permission/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Authorization Permission", "displayName": "Deletes a Authorization Permission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/authorizationProviders/authorizations/permission/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "portalConfigs", "name": "service/portalConfigs", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of developer portal config entities. or Gets developer portal config specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get developer portal config list or Get developer portal config details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalConfigs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new developer portal config. or Updates the description of specified portal config or makes it current.", "displayName": "Create developer portal config or Update developer portal config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalConfigs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets validation key of portal delegation settings.", "displayName": "Get property secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalConfigs/listDelegationSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get media content blob container uri.", "displayName": "Get media content blob container uri", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/portalConfigs/listMediaContentSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy fragments", "name": "service/policyFragments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all policy fragments. or Gets a policy fragment.", "displayName": "Get policy fragments or Get policy fragment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyFragments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a policy fragment.", "displayName": "Set policy fragment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyFragments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a policy fragment.", "displayName": "Delete policy fragment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyFragments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists policy resources that reference the policy fragment.", "displayName": "List policy fragment references", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyFragments/listReferences/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspaces", "name": "service/workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Joins a service workspace. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join an API Management service workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists a collection of Workspaces defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the Workspace specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get list of Workspaces or Workspace details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates Workspace. or Updates the details of the Workspace specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Add Workspace or Update Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific Workspace of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sends notification to a specified user", "displayName": "Send notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace NamedValues", "name": "service/workspaces/namedValues", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of named values defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the named value specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get all named values or Get named value details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/namedValues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates named value. or Updates the specific named value.", "displayName": "Create named value or Update named value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/namedValues/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific named value from the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove named value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/namedValues/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the secret of the named value specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get the value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/namedValues/listValue/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes named value by fetching it from Key Vault.", "displayName": "Refresh certificate from KeyVault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/namedValues/refreshSecret/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace APIs", "name": "service/workspaces/apis", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all APIs of the API Management service instance. or Gets the details of the API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get API list or Get API details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new or updates existing specified API of the API Management service instance. or Updates the specified API of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Create API or Update API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified API of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API operations", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of the operations for the specified API. or Gets the details of the API Operation specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get API operations or Get API operation details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new operation in the API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the operation in the API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create API operation or Update API operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified operation in the API.", "displayName": "Remove API operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Operation policies configuration", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/operations/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of policy configuration at the API Operation level. or Get the policy configuration at the API Operation level.", "displayName": "Get API Operation policies or Get API operation policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the API Operation level.", "displayName": "Set API operation policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Api Operation.", "displayName": "Remove API Operation policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API policies configuration", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policy configuration at the API level. or Get the policy configuration at the API level.", "displayName": "Get API policies or Get API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the API.", "displayName": "Set API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Api.", "displayName": "Remove API policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Schemas associated with the API", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/schemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the schema configuration at the API level. or Get the schema configuration at the API level.", "displayName": "Gets the schemas stored for a given API or Gets schemas for the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/schemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates schema configuration for the API.", "displayName": "Sets schema used by the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/schemas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the schema configuration at the Api.", "displayName": "Removes schema for the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/schemas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Document describing the API schema", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/schemas/document", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the document describing the Schema", "displayName": "Get the document for the schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/schemas/document/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the document describing the Schema", "displayName": "Update the document for the schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/schemas/document/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace ApiVersionSets", "name": "service/workspaces/apiVersionSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of API Version Sets in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the Api Version Set specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get version set list or Get versionSet details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apiVersionSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Api Version Set. or Updates the details of the Api VersionSet specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create VersionSet or Update VersionSet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apiVersionSets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific Api Version Set.", "displayName": "Remove VersionSet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apiVersionSets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Version entities associated with VersionSet", "name": "service/workspaces/apiVersionSets/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of version entities", "displayName": "Get VersionSet version entity list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apiVersionSets/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product subscriptions", "name": "service/workspaces/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all subscriptions of the API Management service instance. or Gets the specified Subscription entity (without keys).", "displayName": "Get subscriptions list or Get subscripiton details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the subscription of specified user to the specified product. or Updates the details of a subscription specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Subscribe to product or Update subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified subscription.", "displayName": "Delete subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates primary key of existing subscription of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Regenerate subscription PK", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/regeneratePrimaryKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates secondary key of existing subscription of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Regenerate subscription SK", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/regenerateSecondaryKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the specified Subscription keys.", "displayName": "Get subscripiton keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/subscriptions/listSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Products", "name": "service/workspaces/products", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of products in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the product specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get product list or Get product details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a product. or Update existing product details.", "displayName": "Create product or Update product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete product.", "displayName": "Remove product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product policies configuration", "name": "service/workspaces/products/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policy configuration at the Product level. or Get the policy configuration at the Product level.", "displayName": "Get Product policies or Get Product policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the Product.", "displayName": "Set Product policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Product.", "displayName": "Remove Product policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GraphQL resolvers", "name": "service/apis/resolvers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the graphQL resolvers at the API level. or Get the graphQL resolver at the API level.", "displayName": "Get GraphQL resolvers or Get GraphQL resolver", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates graphQL resolver for the API. or Updates the details of the graphQL resolver in the API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Set GraphQL resolver or Update GraphQL Resolver", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Api.", "displayName": "Remove API policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy configuration at the GraphQL API resolver level.", "name": "service/apis/resolvers/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of policy configurations at the GraphQL API resolver level. or Get the policy configuration at the GraphQL API resolver level.", "displayName": "Get list of policy configurations or Get GraphQL API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the GraphQL API.", "displayName": "Set GraphQL API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the GraphQL Api.", "displayName": "Remove GraphQL API policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/resolvers/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace policies configuration", "name": "service/workspaces/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policy configuration at the Workspace level. or Get the policy configuration at the Workspace level.", "displayName": "Get Workspace policies or Get Workspace policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the Workspace.", "displayName": "Set Workspace policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Workspace.", "displayName": "Remove Workspace policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GraphQL resolvers", "name": "service/tenants/apis/resolvers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the graphQL resolvers at the API level. or Get the graphQL resolver at the API level.", "displayName": "Get GraphQL resolvers or Get GraphQL resolver", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates graphQL resolver for the API. or Updates the details of the graphQL resolver in the API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Set GraphQL resolver or Update GraphQL Resolver", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the Api.", "displayName": "Remove API policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy configuration at the GraphQL API resolver level.", "name": "service/tenants/apis/resolvers/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of policy configurations at the GraphQL API resolver level. or Get the policy configuration at the GraphQL API resolver level.", "displayName": "Get list of policy configurations or Get GraphQL API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates policy configuration for the GraphQL API.", "displayName": "Set GraphQL API policy configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the policy configuration at the GraphQL Api.", "displayName": "Remove GraphQL API policy configuration from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tenants/apis/resolvers/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product-Group links resource", "name": "service/products/groupLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of product-group links in the specified service instance. or Get product-group details.", "displayName": "Get links or Get product-group details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groupLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a product-group link.", "displayName": "Create product-group link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groupLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete product-group link.", "displayName": "Remove product-group link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/groupLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product-API links resource", "name": "service/products/apiLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of product-API links in the specified service instance. or Get product-API details.", "displayName": "Get links or Get product-API details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apiLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a product-API link.", "displayName": "Create product-API link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apiLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete product-API link.", "displayName": "Remove product-API link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/products/apiLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tag-API links resource", "name": "service/tags/apiLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of Tag-API links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-API details.", "displayName": "Get links or Get Tag-API details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/apiLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Tag-API link.", "displayName": "Create Tag-API link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/apiLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Tag-API link.", "displayName": "Remove Tag-API link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/apiLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tag-product links resource", "name": "service/tags/productLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of Tag-product links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-product details.", "displayName": "Get links or Get Tag-product details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/productLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Tag-product link.", "displayName": "Create Tag-product link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/productLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Tag-product link.", "displayName": "Remove Tag-product link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/productLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tag-operation links resource", "name": "service/tags/operationLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of Tag-operation links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-operation details.", "displayName": "Get links or Get Tag-operation details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/operationLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Tag-operation link.", "displayName": "Create Tag-operation link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/operationLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Tag-operation link.", "displayName": "Remove Tag-operation link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/tags/operationLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product-Group links resource", "name": "service/workspaces/products/groupLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of product-group links in the specified service instance. or Get product-group details.", "displayName": "Get links or Get product-group details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groupLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a product-group link.", "displayName": "Create product-group link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groupLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete product-group link.", "displayName": "Remove product-group link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groupLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product-API links resource", "name": "service/workspaces/products/apiLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of product-API links in the specified service instance. or Get product-API details.", "displayName": "Get links or Get product-API details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apiLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a product-API link.", "displayName": "Create product-API link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apiLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete product-API link.", "displayName": "Remove product-API link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apiLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags", "name": "service/workspaces/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of tags defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the tag specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get Tags list or Tag details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a tag. or Updates the details of the tag specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Add Tag or Update Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific tag of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tag-API links resource", "name": "service/workspaces/tags/apiLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of Tag-API links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-API details.", "displayName": "Get links or Get Tag-API details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/apiLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Tag-API link.", "displayName": "Create Tag-API link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/apiLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Tag-API link.", "displayName": "Remove Tag-API link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/apiLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tag-product links resource", "name": "service/workspaces/tags/productLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of Tag-product links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-product details.", "displayName": "Get links or Get Tag-product details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/productLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Tag-product link.", "displayName": "Create Tag-product link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/productLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Tag-product link.", "displayName": "Remove Tag-product link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/productLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tag-operation links resource", "name": "service/workspaces/tags/operationLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of Tag-operation links in the specified service instance. or Get Tag-operation details.", "displayName": "Get links or Get Tag-operation details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/operationLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Tag-operation link.", "displayName": "Create Tag-operation link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/operationLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Tag-operation link.", "displayName": "Remove Tag-operation link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/tags/operationLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recipient Users associated with a notification", "name": "service/workspaces/notifications/recipientUsers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of the Notification Recipient User subscribed to the notification.", "displayName": "Get recipient users for the Notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientUsers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds the API Management User to the list of Recipients for the Notification.", "displayName": "Add user to notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientUsers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the API Management user from the list of Notification.", "displayName": "Removes user from notification recipients", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientUsers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recipient Emails associated with a notification", "name": "service/workspaces/notifications/recipientEmails", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of the Notification Recipient Emails subscribed to a notification.", "displayName": "Get Email Recipients associated with Publisher Notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientEmails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds the Email address to the list of Recipients for the Notification.", "displayName": "Create new email recipient", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientEmails/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the email from the list of Notification.", "displayName": "Removes email associated with notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/recipientEmails/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace schemas", "name": "service/workspaces/schemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of schemas registered. or Gets the details of the Schema specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get schemas list or Get schema details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/schemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Schema to be used in Api Management instance.", "displayName": "Create schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/schemas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific Schema.", "displayName": "Remove schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/schemas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace API releases", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/releases", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all releases of an API. An API release is created when making an API Revision current. Releases are also used to rollback to previous revisions. Results will be paged and can be constrained by the $top and $skip parameters. or Returns the details of an API release.", "displayName": "Get revisions for an API or Get API release details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/releases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes all releases of the API or Deletes the specified release in the API.", "displayName": "Removes all releases of the API or Delete API release", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/releases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Release for the API. or Updates the details of the release of the API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create API release or Update API release", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/releases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags associated with the Operation", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/operations/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Tags associated with the Operation. or Get tag associated with the Operation.", "displayName": "Get tags associated with the Operation or Tag details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assign tag to the Operation.", "displayName": "Associate Tag with Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach the tag from the Operation.", "displayName": "Delete Tag with Operation association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operations/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API revisions", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/revisions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all revisions of an API.", "displayName": "Get revisions for an API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/revisions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API associated products", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/products", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Products, which the API is part of.", "displayName": "Get products associated with the API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/products/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API/Tag associations", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Tags associated with the API. or Get tag associated with the API.", "displayName": "Get tags associated with the API or Get Tag associated with API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assign tag to the Api.", "displayName": "Add Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach the tag from the Api.", "displayName": "Remove Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags - Operation associations", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/operationsByTags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of operations associated with tags.", "displayName": "Get Operation-Tag associations list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/operationsByTags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "APIs added to product", "name": "service/workspaces/products/apis", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of the APIs associated with a product.", "displayName": "Get product APIs list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apis/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds an API to the specified product.", "displayName": "Add API to product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apis/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified API from the specified product.", "displayName": "Remove API from product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/apis/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Developer groups associated with product", "name": "service/workspaces/products/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the collection of developer groups associated with the specified product.", "displayName": "Get product groups list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds the association between the specified developer group with the specified product.", "displayName": "Associate group with product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the association between the specified group and product.", "displayName": "Delete group with product association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/groups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Product subscriptions", "name": "service/workspaces/products/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the collection of subscriptions to the specified product.", "displayName": "Get product subscriptions list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/subscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags associated with the Product", "name": "service/workspaces/products/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Tags associated with the Product. or Get tag associated with the Product.", "displayName": "Get product tags or Tag details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assign tag to the Product.", "displayName": "Associate Tag with Product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach the tag from the Product.", "displayName": "Delete Tag with Product association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/products/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace Groups", "name": "service/workspaces/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of groups defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the group specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get groups list or Get group details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a group. or Updates the details of the group specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Create group or Update group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific group of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Remove group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Group users", "name": "service/workspaces/groups/users", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of user entities associated with the group.", "displayName": "Get group users list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/users/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add existing user to existing group", "displayName": "Add user to group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/users/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove existing user from existing group.", "displayName": "Remove user from group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/groups/users/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy fragments", "name": "service/workspaces/policyFragments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all policy fragments. or Gets a policy fragment.", "displayName": "Get policy fragments or Get policy fragment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policyFragments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a policy fragment.", "displayName": "Set policy fragment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policyFragments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a policy fragment.", "displayName": "Delete policy fragment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policyFragments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists policy resources that reference the policy fragment.", "displayName": "List policy fragment references", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/policyFragments/listReferences/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace Publisher Notifications", "name": "service/workspaces/notifications", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of properties defined within a service instance. or Gets the details of the Notification specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get all publisher notifications or Get publisher notification details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update API Management publisher notification.", "displayName": "Create publisher notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/notifications/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Documentations", "name": "service/workspaces/documentations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Documentations of the API Management service instance. or Gets the details of the documentation specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get documentations list or Get documentation details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/documentations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a documentation. or Updates the specified documentation of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Create documentation or Update documentation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/documentations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete documentation.", "displayName": "Remove documentation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/documentations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tenant policies configuration", "name": "service/policyRestrictions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all the Global Policy Restrictions of the Api Management service. or Get the Global policy restriction of the Api Management service.", "displayName": "Get Policy Restrictions or Get Tenant policy restriction", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyRestrictions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the global policy restriction of the Api Management service. or Updates the global policy restriction of the Api Management service.", "displayName": "Set Tenant policy restriction or Update Tenant policy restriction", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyRestrictions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the global policy restriction of the Api Management Service.", "displayName": "Remove Tenant policy restriction from policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/policyRestrictions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "documentations", "name": "service/documentations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Documentations of the API Management service instance. or Gets the details of the documentation specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get documentations list or Get documentation details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/documentations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a documentation. or Updates the specified documentation of the API Management service instance.", "displayName": "Create documentation or Update documentation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/documentations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete documentation.", "displayName": "Remove documentation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/documentations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificates", "name": "service/workspaces/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of all certificates in the specified workspace or Gets the details of the certificate specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get certificates list or Get cerificate details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/certificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the certificate being used for authentication with the backend.", "displayName": "Add certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/certificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific certificate.", "displayName": "Remove certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/certificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes certificate by fetching it from Key Vault.", "displayName": "Refresh certificate from KeyVault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/certificates/refreshSecret/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Loggers", "name": "service/workspaces/loggers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of loggers in the specified workspace. or Gets the details of the logger specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get loggers list or Get logger details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/loggers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a logger. or Updates an existing logger.", "displayName": "Add logger or Update logger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/loggers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified logger.", "displayName": "Remove logger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/loggers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API diagnostics", "name": "service/workspaces/apis/diagnostics", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all diagnostics of an API. or Gets the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get diagnostics list or Get diagnostic details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/diagnostics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Diagnostic for an API or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the Diagnostic for an API specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Add diagnostic or Update diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/diagnostics/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Diagnostic from an API.", "displayName": "Remove diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/apis/diagnostics/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace Backend", "name": "service/workspaces/backends", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists a collection of backed in the specified service instance. or Gets the details of the backend specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get list of backend or Get backend details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/backends/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Api Version Set. or Updates the details of the backend specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Add Backend or Update backend", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/backends/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specific Api Version Set.", "displayName": "Remove backend", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/backends/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Notifies the APIM proxy to create a new connection to the backend after the specified timeout. If no timeout was specified, timeout of 2 minutes is used.", "displayName": "Create Request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/backends/reconnect/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API diagnostics", "name": "service/workspaces/diagnostics", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all diagnostics of a workspace. or Gets the details of the Diagnostic for a workspace specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Get diagnostics list or Get diagnostic details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/diagnostics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Diagnostic for a workspace or updates an existing one. or Updates the details of the Diagnostic for a workspace specified by its identifier.", "displayName": "Add diagnostic or Update diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/diagnostics/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Diagnostic from a workspace.", "displayName": "Remove diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaces/diagnostics/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Gateways", "name": "gateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Gateway or Gets a Gateway", "displayName": "Get Gateway List list or Get Gateway details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Gateway", "displayName": "Create a Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Gateway", "displayName": "Deletes Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/operationsStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "View the status of a long running operation for which the 'AzureAsync' header was previously returned to the client", "displayName": "Read the status of a long running operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/locations/operationsStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Gateway Config Connections", "name": "gateways/configConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Gateway ConfigConnections or Gets a Gateway ConfigConnection", "displayName": "Get Gateway ConfigConnection List or Get Gateway ConfigConnection details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Gateway Config Connection", "displayName": "Create a Gateway Config Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Gateway Config Connection", "displayName": "Deletes Gateway Config Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/gateways/configConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "WorkspaceLinks", "name": "service/workspaceLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get WorkspaceLinks", "displayName": "Get WorkspaceLinks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/workspaceLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Authorization", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Authorization", "name": "Microsoft.Authorization", "operations": [ { "description": "Grants the caller User Access Administrator access at the tenant scope", "displayName": "Assigns the caller to User Access Administrator role", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/elevateAccess/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Classic subscription administrator", "name": "classicAdministrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the administrators for the subscription.", "displayName": "Get administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/classicAdministrators/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify administrator to a subscription.", "displayName": "Set administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/classicAdministrators/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the administrator from the subscription.", "displayName": "Delete administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/classicAdministrators/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Role assignment", "name": "roleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a role assignment.", "displayName": "Get role assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a role assignment at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Create role assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a role assignment at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Delete role assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Permission", "name": "permissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all the permissions the caller has at a given scope.", "displayName": "List permissions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/permissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Management lock", "name": "locks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets locks at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Get management locks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/locks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add locks at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Add management locks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/locks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete locks at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Delete management locks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/locks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Role definition", "name": "roleDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a role definition.", "displayName": "Get role definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a custom role definition with specified permissions and assignable scopes.", "displayName": "Create or update custom role definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the specified custom role definition.", "displayName": "Delete custom role definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Provider operations", "name": "providerOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get operations for all resource providers which can be used in role definitions.", "displayName": "Get operations for resource providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy set definition", "name": "policySetDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a policy set definition.", "displayName": "Get policy set definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a custom policy set definition.", "displayName": "Create policy set definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a policy set definition.", "displayName": "Delete policy set definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy definition", "name": "policyDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a policy definition.", "displayName": "Get policy definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a custom policy definition.", "displayName": "Create policy definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a policy definition.", "displayName": "Delete policy definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy assignment", "name": "policyAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a policy assignment.", "displayName": "Get policy assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a policy assignment at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Create policy assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a policy assignment at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Delete policy assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Exempt a policy assignment at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Exempt policy assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/exempt/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of operations", "displayName": "Get operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Classic subscription administrator operation statuses", "name": "classicAdministrators/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the administrator opreation statuses of the subscription.", "displayName": "Get administrator operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/classicAdministrators/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deny assignment", "name": "denyAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a deny assignment.", "displayName": "Get deny assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/denyAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a deny assignment at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Create deny assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/denyAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a deny assignment at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Delete deny assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/denyAssignments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy evaluation", "name": "policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Action taken as a result of evaluation of Azure Policy with 'audit' effect", "displayName": "'audit' Policy action.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policies/audit/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Action taken as a result of evaluation of Azure Policy with 'auditIfNotExists' effect", "displayName": "'auditIfNotExists' Policy action.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policies/auditIfNotExists/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Action taken as a result of evaluation of Azure Policy with 'deny' effect", "displayName": "'deny' Policy action.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policies/deny/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Action taken as a result of evaluation of Azure Policy with 'deployIfNotExists' effect", "displayName": "'deployIfNotExists' Policy action.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policies/deployIfNotExists/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Management Private Link", "name": "policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about resource management private link.", "displayName": "Get Resource Management Private Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a resource management private link.", "displayName": "Write a Resource Management Private Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a resource management private link.", "displayName": "Delete a Resource Management Private Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Write a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "Write a Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/resourceManagementPrivateLinks/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link Association", "name": "policyAssignments/privateLinkAssociations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about private link association.", "displayName": "Get Private Link Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/privateLinkAssociations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a private link association.", "displayName": "Write a Private Link Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/privateLinkAssociations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a private link association.", "displayName": "Delete a Private Link Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/privateLinkAssociations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy exemption", "name": "policyExemptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a policy exemption.", "displayName": "Get policy exemption", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a policy exemption at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Create policy exemption", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a policy exemption at the specified scope.", "displayName": "Delete policy exemption", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyExemptions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Role assignment schedule request", "name": "roleAssignmentScheduleRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the role assignment schedule requests at given scope.", "displayName": "Get Role assignment schedule request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignmentScheduleRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a role assignment schedule request at given scope.", "displayName": "Write Role assignment schedule request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignmentScheduleRequests/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels a pending role assignment schedule request.", "displayName": "Cancel Role assignment schedule request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignmentScheduleRequests/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Role eligibility schedule request", "name": "roleEligibilityScheduleRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the role eligibility schedule requests at given scope.", "displayName": "Get Role eligibility schedule request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleEligibilityScheduleRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a role eligibility schedule request at given scope.", "displayName": "Write Role eligibility schedule request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleEligibilityScheduleRequests/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels a pending role eligibility schedule request.", "displayName": "Cancel Role eligibility schedule request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleEligibilityScheduleRequests/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Role assignment schedule", "name": "roleAssignmentSchedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the role assignment schedules at given scope.", "displayName": "Get Role assignment schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignmentSchedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Role eligibility schedule", "name": "roleEligibilitySchedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the role eligibility schedules at given scope.", "displayName": "Get Role eligibility schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleEligibilitySchedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Role assignment schedule instance", "name": "roleAssignmentScheduleInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the role assignment schedule instances at given scope.", "displayName": "Get Role assignment schedule instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignmentScheduleInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Get Role eligibility schedule instance", "name": "roleEligibilityScheduleInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the role eligibility schedule instances at given scope.", "displayName": "Get Role eligibility schedule instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleEligibilityScheduleInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Role management policy", "name": "roleManagementPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Role management policies", "displayName": "Get Role management policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleManagementPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a role management policy", "displayName": "Write Role management policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleManagementPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Role management policy assignment", "name": "roleManagementPolicyAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get role management policy assignments", "displayName": "Get Role management policy assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleManagementPolicyAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics settings", "name": "diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the information about diagnostics settings", "displayName": "Get information about diagnostics settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the information of diagnostics settings", "displayName": "Write to diagnostics settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete diagnostics settings", "displayName": "Delete a diagnostics setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/diagnosticSettings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings categories", "name": "diagnosticSettingsCategories", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the information about diagnostic settings categories", "displayName": "Read the information about diagnostic settings categories", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Authorization/diagnosticSettingsCategories/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Automation", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Automation", "name": "Microsoft.Automation", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription to Azure Automation", "displayName": "Register the subscription to Azure Automation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Desired State Configuration Agent Registration", "name": "automationAccounts/agentRegistrationInformation", "operations": [ { "description": "Read an Azure Automation DSC's registration information", "displayName": "Gets an Azure Automation DSC's registration information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/agentRegistrationInformation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a request to regenerate Azure Automation DSC keys", "displayName": "Puts a request to regenerate Azure Automation DSC keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/agentRegistrationInformation/regenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Operations Resource", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Available Operations for Azure Automation resources", "displayName": "Reads Available Operations for Azure Automation resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Configuration Media", "name": "automationAccounts/configurations/content", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the configuration media content", "displayName": "Gets the configuration media content", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/configurations/content/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Desired State Configuration Compilations", "name": "automationAccounts/compilationjobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Writes an Azure Automation DSC's Compilation", "displayName": "Puts an Azure Automation DSC's Compilation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/compilationjobs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads an Azure Automation DSC's Compilation", "displayName": "Gets an Azure Automation DSC's Compilation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/compilationjobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Desired State Configuration", "name": "automationAccounts/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation DSC's content", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation DSC's content", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/configurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the count of an Azure Automation DSC's content", "displayName": "Gets the count of an Azure Automation DSC's content", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/configurations/getCount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Azure Automation DSC's content", "displayName": "Puts an Azure Automation DSC's content", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/configurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation DSC's content", "displayName": "Deletes an Azure Automation DSC's content", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/configurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Desired State Configuration Report Contents", "name": "automationAccounts/nodes/reports/content", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Azure Automation DSC report contents", "displayName": "Gets Azure Automation DSC report contents", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/nodes/reports/content/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Desired State Configuration Reports", "name": "automationAccounts/nodes/reports", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Azure Automation DSC reports", "displayName": "Gets Azure Automation DSC reports", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/nodes/reports/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker Group Resource Type", "name": "automationAccounts/hybridRunbookWorkerGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Hybrid Runbook Worker Group", "displayName": "Read a Hybrid Runbook Worker Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/hybridRunbookWorkerGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Hybrid Runbook Worker Group", "displayName": "Create a Hybrid Runbook Worker Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/hybridRunbookWorkerGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Hybrid Runbook Worker Group", "displayName": "Delete a Hybrid Runbook Worker Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/hybridRunbookWorkerGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Job", "name": "automationAccounts/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the content of the Azure Automation runbook at the time of the job execution", "displayName": "Get runbook content", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/jobs/runbookContent/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation job", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/jobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Azure Automation job", "displayName": "Create an Azure Automation job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/jobs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops an Azure Automation job", "displayName": "Stop an Azure Automation job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/jobs/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Suspends an Azure Automation job", "displayName": "Suspend an Azure Automation job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/jobs/suspend/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resumes an Azure Automation job", "displayName": "Resume an Azure Automation job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/jobs/resume/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Job", "name": "automationAccounts/jobs/output", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the output of a job", "displayName": "Get the output of a job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/jobs/output/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Job Stream", "name": "automationAccounts/jobs/streams", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation job stream", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation job stream", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/jobs/streams/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Powershell Module", "name": "automationAccounts/modules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation Powershell module", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation Powershell module", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/modules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the count of Powershell modules within the Automation Account", "displayName": "Get the count of Powershell modules within the Automation Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/modules/getCount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Automation Powershell module", "displayName": "Create or Update an Azure Automation Powershell module", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/modules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation Powershell module", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation Powershell module", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/modules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Connection Asset", "name": "automationAccounts/connections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation connection asset", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation connection asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/connections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the count of connections", "displayName": "Gets the count of connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/connections/getCount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Automation connection asset", "displayName": "Create or Update an Azure Automation connection asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/connections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation connection asset", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation connection asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/connections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Job Schedule", "name": "automationAccounts/jobSchedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation job schedule", "displayName": "Read an Azure 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"Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/nodeConfigurations/rawContent/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads an Azure Automation DSC's node configuration", "displayName": "Gets an Azure Automation DSC's node configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/nodeConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Azure Automation DSC's node configuration", "displayName": "Puts an Azure Automation DSC's node configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/nodeConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation DSC's node configuration", "displayName": "Deletes an Azure Automation DSC's node configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/nodeConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Node summary counts", "name": "automationAccounts/nodecounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads node count summary for the specified type", "displayName": "Gets node count summary for the specified type", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/nodecounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Desired State Configuration Nodes", "name": "automationAccounts/nodes", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Azure Automation DSC nodes", "displayName": "Gets Azure Automation DSC nodes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/nodes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates Azure Automation DSC nodes", "displayName": "Create or update Azure Automation DSC nodes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/nodes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Azure Automation DSC nodes", "displayName": "Deletes Azure 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"automationAccounts/runbooks/content", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the content of an Azure Automation runbook", "displayName": "Read the content of an Azure Automation runbook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/content/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Runbook Draft", "name": "automationAccounts/runbooks/draft", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation runbook draft", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation runbook draft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/draft/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Undo edits to an Azure Automation runbook draft", "displayName": "Undo Edit to an Azure Automation runbook draft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/draft/undoEdit/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Azure 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"description": "Gets the count of Azure Automation runbooks", "displayName": "Get the count of Azure Automation runbooks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/getCount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Automation runbook", "displayName": "Create or Update an Azure Automation Runbook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation runbook", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation Runbook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Publishes an Azure Automation runbook draft", "displayName": "Publish an Azure Automation runbook draft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/publish/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Schedule Asset", "name": "automationAccounts/schedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation schedule asset", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation schedule asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/schedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the count of Azure Automation schedules", "displayName": "Get the count of Azure Automation schedules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/schedules/getCount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Automation schedule asset", "displayName": "Create or Update an Azure Automation schedule asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/schedules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation schedule asset", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation schedule asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/schedules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Statistics", "name": "automationAccounts/statistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure Automation Statistics", "displayName": "Read Azure Automation Statistics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/statistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Runbook Draft Test Job", "name": "automationAccounts/runbooks/draft/testJob", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation runbook draft test job", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation runbook draft test job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/draft/testJob/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Azure Automation runbook draft test job", "displayName": "Create an Azure Automation runbook draft test job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/draft/testJob/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops an Azure Automation runbook draft test job", "displayName": "Stop an Azure Automation runbook draft test job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/draft/testJob/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Suspends an Azure Automation runbook draft test job", "displayName": "Suspend an Azure Automation runbook draft test job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/draft/testJob/suspend/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resumes an Azure Automation runbook draft test job", "displayName": "Resume an Azure Automation runbook draft test job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/draft/testJob/resume/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Connection Type Asset", "name": "automationAccounts/connectionTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation connection type asset", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation connection asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/connectionTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Azure Automation connection type asset", "displayName": "Create an Azure Automation connection asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/connectionTypes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation connection type asset", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation connection asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/connectionTypes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Activities", "name": "automationAccounts/modules/activities", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure Automation Activities", "displayName": "Read Azure Automation Activities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/modules/activities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Certificate Asset", "name": "automationAccounts/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the count of certificates", "displayName": "Gets the count of certificates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/certificates/getCount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation certificate asset", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/certificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Automation certificate asset", "displayName": "Create or Update Azure Automation certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/certificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation certificate asset", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/certificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Credential Asset", "name": "automationAccounts/credentials", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation credential asset", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation credential asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/credentials/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the count of credentials", "displayName": "Gets the counts of credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/credentials/getCount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Automation credential asset", "displayName": "Create or Update an Azure Automation credential asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/credentials/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation credential asset", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation credential asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/credentials/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation update deployment machine resource type", "name": "automationAccounts/updateDeploymentMachineRuns", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an Azure Automation update deployment machine", "displayName": "Get an Azure Automation update deployment machine ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/updateDeploymentMachineRuns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation update management patch job resource type", "name": "automationAccounts/updateManagementPatchJob", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation update management patch job", "displayName": "Gets an Azure Automation update management patch job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/updateManagementPatchJob/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace linked to automation account", "name": "automationAccounts/linkedWorkspace", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the workspace linked to the automation account", "displayName": "Read the workspace linked to the automation account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/linkedWorkspace/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Usage", "name": "automationAccounts/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure Automation Usage", "displayName": "Read Azure Automation Usage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation watcher job Actions resource type", "name": "automationAccounts/watchers/watcherActions", "operations": [ { "description": "Create an Azure Automation watcher job actions", "displayName": "Create an Azure Automation watcher job actions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/watchers/watcherActions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation watcher job actions", "displayName": "Gets an Azure Automation watcher job actions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/watchers/watcherActions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Azure 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Automation watcher job", "displayName": "Gets an Azure Automation watcher job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/watchers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Azure Automation watcher job", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation watcher job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/watchers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start an Azure Automation watcher job", "displayName": "Start an Azure Automation watcher job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/watchers/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop an Azure Automation watcher job", "displayName": "Stop an Azure Automation watcher job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/watchers/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Webhook", "name": "automationAccounts/webhooks", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads an Azure Automation webhook", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation webhook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/webhooks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Automation webhook", "displayName": "Create or Update an Azure Automation webhook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/webhooks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation webhook ", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation webhook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/webhooks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Account", "name": "automationAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Convert Graph Runbook Content to its raw serialized format and vice-versa", "displayName": "Convert Graph Runbook Content to its raw serialized format and vice-versa", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/convertGraphRunbookContent/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates a URI for an Azure Automation webhook", "displayName": "Generate a URI for an Azure Automation webhook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/webhooks/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation account", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Automation account", "displayName": "Create or Update an Azure Automation account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the Keys for the automation account", "displayName": "Gets the Keys for the automation account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/listKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation account", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Variable Asset", "name": "automationAccounts/variables", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads an Azure Automation variable asset", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation variable asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/variables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Automation variable asset", "displayName": "Create or Update an Azure Automation variable asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/variables/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation variable asset", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation variable asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/variables/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Account", "name": "automationAccounts/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Get Diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Set Diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Account Log Definition", "name": "automationAccounts/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for the automation account", "displayName": "Read automation account log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Job Logs", "name": "JobLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Job Streams", "name": "JobStreams" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Dsc Node Status", "name": "DscNodeStatus" } ], "metricSpecifications": null } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Automation Metric Definitions", "name": "automationAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Automation Metric Definitions", "displayName": "Read Automation Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": null, "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Runbook Name", "name": "Runbook" }, { "displayName": "Status", "name": "Status" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of jobs", "displayName": "Total Jobs", "name": "TotalJob", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Update Deployment Name", "name": "SoftwareUpdateConfigurationName" }, { "displayName": "Status", "name": "Status" } ], "displayDescription": "Total software update deployment runs", "displayName": "Total Update Deployment Runs", "name": "TotalUpdateDeploymentRuns", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Update Deployment Name", "name": "SoftwareUpdateConfigurationName" }, { "displayName": "Status", "name": "Status" }, { "displayName": "Target Computer", "name": "TargetComputer" }, { "displayName": "Update Deployment Run Id", "name": "SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRunId" } ], "displayDescription": "Total software update deployment machine runs in a software update deployment run", "displayName": "Total Update Deployment Machine Runs", "name": "TotalUpdateDeploymentMachineRuns", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Software Update Configuration", "name": "automationAccounts/softwareUpdateConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates Azure Automation Software Update Configuration", "displayName": "Create an Azure Automation Software Update Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/softwareUpdateConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation Software Update Configuration", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation Software Update 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/python2Packages/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation Python 2 package", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation Python 2 package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/python2Packages/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Python 3 package", "name": "automationAccounts/python3Packages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation Python 3 package", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation Python 3 package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/python3Packages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Automation Python 3 package", "displayName": "Create or Update an Azure Automation Python 3 package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/python3Packages/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Automation Python 3 package", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation Python 3 package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/python3Packages/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Software Update Configuration Machine Run", "name": "automationAccounts/softwareUpdateConfigurationMachineRuns", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation Software Update Configuration Machine Run", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation Software Update Configuration Machine Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/softwareUpdateConfigurationMachineRuns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Software Update Configuration Run", "name": "automationAccounts/softwareUpdateConfigurationRuns", 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"Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Azure Automation Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Automation Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Private Endpoint Group Information", "name": "automationAccounts/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Group Information for private endpoints", "displayName": "Reads Group Information for private endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "automationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads 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"Delete an Azure Automation Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation private endpoint proxy operation results.", "name": "automationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Azure Automation private endpoint proxy operation results.", "displayName": "Get Azure Automation private endpoint proxy operation results.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker Resource Type", "name": "automationAccounts/hybridRunbookWorkerGroups/hybridRunbookWorkers", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Hybrid Runbook Worker", "displayName": "Read a Hybrid Runbook Worker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/hybridRunbookWorkerGroups/hybridRunbookWorkers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Hybrid Runbook Worker", "displayName": "Create a Hybrid Runbook Worker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/hybridRunbookWorkerGroups/hybridRunbookWorkers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves Hybrid Runbook Worker from one Worker Group to another", "displayName": "Move a Hybrid Runbook Worker from one Worker Group to another", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/hybridRunbookWorkerGroups/hybridRunbookWorkers/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Hybrid Runbook Worker", "displayName": "Delete a Hybrid Runbook Worker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/hybridRunbookWorkerGroups/hybridRunbookWorkers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation runbook operation results", "name": "automationAccounts/runbooks/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure Automation runbook operation results", "displayName": "Read Azure Automation runbook operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Automation Deleted Account", "name": "deletedAutomationAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Automation deleted account ", "displayName": "Read an Azure Automation deleted account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automation/deletedAutomationAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Active Directory", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory", "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory", "operations": [ { "description": "Register subscription for Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory resource provider", "displayName": "Register Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "B2C Directory", "name": "b2cDirectories", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update B2C Dictory resource", "displayName": "Create or update B2C Dictory resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/b2cDirectories/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "View B2C Directory resource", "displayName": "View B2C Directory resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/b2cDirectories/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete B2C Directory resource", "displayName": "Delete B2C Directory resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/b2cDirectories/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "B2C Directory", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all API operations available for Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory resource provider", "displayName": "Read all API operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "B2C Tenants", "name": "b2ctenants", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all B2C tenants where the user is a member", "displayName": "List all B2C tenants of the user", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/b2ctenants/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Guest Usages", "name": "guestUsages", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update Guest Usages resource", "displayName": "Create or update Guest Usages resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/guestUsages/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "View Guest Usages resource", "displayName": "View Guest Usages resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/guestUsages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Guest Usages resource", "displayName": "Delete Guest Usages resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/guestUsages/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CIAM Directory", "name": "ciamDirectories", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update CIAM Directory resource", "displayName": "Create or update CIAM Directory resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/ciamDirectories/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "View CIAM Directory resource", "displayName": "View CIAM Directory resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/ciamDirectories/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete CIAM Directory resource", "displayName": "Delete CIAM Directory resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory/ciamDirectories/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Azure Stack Resource Provider", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AzureStack", "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscription Registration Action", "displayName": "Subscription Registration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates a temporary license to deploy an Azure Stack device.", "displayName": "Generate Azure Stack Deployment License", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/generateDeploymentLicense/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Azure Stack Registration", "name": "registrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of an Azure Stack registration", "displayName": "Get Azure Stack Registration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Stack registration", "displayName": "Create Azure Stack Registration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Stack registration", "displayName": "Delete Azure Stack Registration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the latest Azure Stack activation key", "displayName": "Get Azure Stack Activation Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/getActivationKey/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable RemoteManagement for Azure Stack registration", "displayName": "Enable Remote Management for registration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/enableRemoteManagement/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Stack Marketplace Product", "name": "registrations/products", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of an Azure Stack Marketplace product", "displayName": "Get Azure Stack Marketplace Product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/products/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves extended details for an Azure Stack Marketplace product", "displayName": "Get Azure Stack Marketplace Product Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/products/listDetails/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves a list of Azure Stack Marketplace products", "displayName": "Get Azure Stack Marketplace Products List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/products/getProducts/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves Azure Stack Marketplace product", "displayName": "Get Azure Stack Marketplace Product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/products/getProduct/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Record Azure Stack Marketplace product operation status and timestamp", "displayName": "Upload Azure Stack Marketplace Product Operation Log", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/products/uploadProductLog/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Stack Customer Subscription", "name": "registrations/customerSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of an Azure Stack Customer Subscription", "displayName": "Get Azure Stack Customer Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/customerSubscriptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Stack Customer Subscription", "displayName": "Create Azure Stack Customer Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/customerSubscriptions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Stack Customer Subscription", "displayName": "Delete Azure Stack Customer Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/registrations/customerSubscriptions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Provider Operation", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a resource provider operation", "displayName": "Get Resource Provider Operation Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Stack Cloud Manifest File", "name": "cloudManifestFiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Cloud Manifest File", "displayName": "Get Cloud Manifest File", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/cloudManifestFiles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Stack Linked Subscription", "name": "linkedSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an Azure Stack Linked Subscription", "displayName": "Get Azure Stack Linked Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/linkedSubscriptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or updates an linked subscription", "displayName": "Create Linked Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/linkedSubscriptions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Linked Subscription", "displayName": "Delete Linked Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/linkedSubscriptions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads or Writes to a projected linked resource under the linked resource group", "displayName": "Read/Write Under Projected Linked Resource Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/linkedSubscriptions/linkedResourceGroups/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads or Writes to a projected linked resource under the given linked resource provider namespace", "displayName": "Read/Write Under Projected Linked Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/linkedSubscriptions/linkedProviders/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get or list statuses of async operations on projected linked resources", "displayName": "Get Azure-AsyncOperation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/linkedSubscriptions/operations/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network", "name": "linkedSubscriptions/linkedResourceGroups/linkedProviders/virtualNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or list virtual network", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStack/linkedSubscriptions/linkedResourceGroups/linkedProviders/virtualNetworks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Batch", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Batch", "name": "Microsoft.Batch", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Batch Resource Provider and enables the creation of Batch accounts", "displayName": "Register the Batch Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Batch Resource Provider preventing the creation of Batch accounts", "displayName": "Unregister the Batch Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Batch Accounts", "name": "batchAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Account Log Definitions", "name": "batchAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for the Batch service", "displayName": "Read Batch service log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Service Logs", "name": "ServiceLog" } ] } } } ] }, { 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of dedicated nodes in the batch account", "displayName": "Dedicated Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "TotalNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of low-priority cores in the batch account", "displayName": "LowPriority Core Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "LowPriorityCoreCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of low-priority nodes in the batch account", "displayName": "Low-Priority Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "TotalLowPriorityNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of nodes being created", "displayName": "Creating Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "CreatingNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of nodes starting", "displayName": "Starting Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "StartingNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of nodes waiting for the Start Task to complete", "displayName": "Waiting For Start Task Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "WaitingForStartTaskNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of nodes where the Start Task has failed", "displayName": "Start Task Failed Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "StartTaskFailedNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of idle nodes", "displayName": "Idle Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "IdleNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of offline nodes", "displayName": "Offline Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "OfflineNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of rebooting nodes", "displayName": "Rebooting Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "RebootingNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of reimaging nodes", "displayName": "Reimaging Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "ReimagingNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of running nodes", "displayName": "Running Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "RunningNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of nodes leaving the Pool", "displayName": "Leaving Pool Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "LeavingPoolNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of unusable nodes", "displayName": "Unusable Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "UnusableNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of preempted nodes", "displayName": "Preempted Node Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "PreemptedNodeCount", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Pool ID", "name": "poolId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Job ID", "name": "jobId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of tasks that have started", "displayName": "Task Start Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TaskStartEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Pool ID", "name": "poolId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Job ID", "name": "jobId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of tasks that have completed", "displayName": "Task Complete Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TaskCompleteEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Pool ID", "name": "poolId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Job ID", "name": "jobId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of tasks that have completed in a failed state", "displayName": "Task Fail Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TaskFailEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Pool ID", "name": "poolId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of pools that have been created", "displayName": "Pool Create Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "PoolCreateEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Pool ID", "name": "poolId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total 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"displayName": "Pool Delete Start Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "PoolDeleteStartEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Pool ID", "name": "poolId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of pool deletes that have completed", "displayName": "Pool Delete Complete Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "PoolDeleteCompleteEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Job ID", "name": "jobId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of jobs that have been successfully deleted.", "displayName": "Job Delete Complete Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "JobDeleteCompleteEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Job ID", "name": "jobId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of jobs that have been requested to be deleted.", "displayName": "Job Delete Start Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "JobDeleteStartEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Job ID", "name": "jobId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of jobs that have been successfully disabled.", "displayName": "Job Disable Complete Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "JobDisableCompleteEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Job ID", "name": "jobId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of jobs that have been requested to be disabled.", "displayName": "Job Disable Start Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "JobDisableStartEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Job ID", "name": "jobId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of jobs that have been successfully started.", "displayName": "Job Start Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "JobStartEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Job ID", "name": "jobId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of jobs that have been successfully terminated.", "displayName": "Job Terminate Complete Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "JobTerminateCompleteEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Job ID", "name": "jobId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of jobs that have been requested to be terminated.", "displayName": "Job Terminate Start Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "JobTerminateStartEvent", "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Accounts", "name": "batchAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Batch accounts or gets the properties of a Batch account", "displayName": "List or Get Batch Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Batch account or updates an existing Batch account", "displayName": "Create or Update Batch Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Batch account", "displayName": "Delete Batch Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists access keys for a Batch account", "displayName": "List Batch Account Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/listkeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates access keys for a Batch account", "displayName": "Regenerate Batch Account Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/regeneratekeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Synchronizes access keys for the auto storage account configured for a Batch account", "displayName": "Synchronize Auto Storage Account Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/syncAutoStorageKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if the user is allowed to associate a Batch account with a Network Security Perimeter", "displayName": "Join Network Security Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/joinPerimeter/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Quotas", "name": "locations/quotas", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Batch quotas of the specified subscription at the specified Azure region", "displayName": "Get Batch Quotas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/locations/quotas/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Name Availability", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks that the account name is valid and not in use.", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Notifies the NSP updates available at the given location", "displayName": "Notify NSP Updates Available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Resource Provider", "name": "batchAccounts/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the results of a long running Batch account operation", "displayName": "Get Batch account operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Applications", "name": "batchAccounts/applications", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists applications or gets the properties of an application", "displayName": "List or Get Applications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/applications/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new application or updates an existing application", "displayName": "Create or Update Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/applications/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an application", "displayName": "Delete Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/applications/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Packages", "name": "batchAccounts/applications/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of an application package", "displayName": "Get Application Package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/applications/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new application package or updates an existing application package", "displayName": "Create or Update Application Package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/applications/versions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an application package", "displayName": "Delete Application Package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/applications/versions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Activates an application package", "displayName": "Activate Application Package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/applications/versions/activate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificates", "name": "batchAccounts/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists certificates on a Batch account or gets the properties of a certificate", "displayName": "List or Get Certificates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/certificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new certificate on a Batch account or updates an existing certificate", "displayName": "Create or Update Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/certificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a certificate from a Batch account", "displayName": "Delete Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/certificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels the failed deletion of a certificate on a Batch account", "displayName": "Cancel Delete Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/certificates/cancelDelete/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificates", "name": "batchAccounts/certificateOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the results of a long running certificate operation on a Batch account", "displayName": "Get Certificate Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/certificateOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pools", "name": "batchAccounts/pools", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists pools on a Batch account or gets the properties of a pool", "displayName": "List or Get Pools", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/pools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new pool on a Batch account or updates an existing pool", "displayName": "Create or Update Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/pools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a pool from a Batch account", "displayName": "Delete Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/pools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops an ongoing resize operation on a Batch account pool", "displayName": "Stop Pool Resize", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/pools/stopResize/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables automatic scaling for a Batch account pool", "displayName": "Disable Pool AutoScale", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/pools/disableAutoscale/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pools", "name": "batchAccounts/poolOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the results of a long running pool operation on a Batch account", "displayName": "Get Pool Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/poolOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Batch Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operations available on Microsoft.Batch resource provider", "displayName": "List Available Batch Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Resource Provider", "name": "locations/accountOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the results of a long running Batch account operation", "displayName": "Get Batch account operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/locations/accountOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Jobs", "name": "batchAccounts/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists jobs on a Batch account or gets the properties of a job", "displayName": "List or Get Jobs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/jobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new job on a Batch account or updates an existing job", "displayName": "Create or Update Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/jobs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a job from a Batch account", "displayName": "Delete Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/jobs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Job Schedules", "name": "batchAccounts/jobSchedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists job schedules on a Batch account or gets the properties of a job schedule", "displayName": "List or Get Job Schedules", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/jobSchedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new job schedule on a Batch account or updates an existing job schedule", "displayName": "Create or Update Job Schedule", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/jobSchedules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a job schedule from a Batch account", "displayName": "Delete Job Schedule", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/jobSchedules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateLinkResources", "name": "batchAccounts/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Private link resource or Lists Private link resources on a Batch account", "displayName": "Get or List Private link resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections", "name": "batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Update an existing Private endpoint connection on a Batch account", "displayName": "Update Private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Private endpoint connection or Lists Private endpoint connections on a Batch account", "displayName": "Get or List Private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private endpoint connection on a Batch account", "displayName": "Delete Private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections", "name": "batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the results of a long running Batch account private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get Batch account private endpoint connection operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates a Private endpoint connection proxy on a Batch account", "displayName": "Validates a Private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new Private endpoint connection proxy on a Batch account", "displayName": "Create or Update Private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Private endpoint connection proxy on a Batch account", "displayName": "Get Private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private endpoint connection proxy on a Batch account", "displayName": "Delete Private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxyResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the results of a long running Batch account private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get Batch account private endpoint connection proxy operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxyResults/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Supported Skus", "name": "locations/virtualMachineSkus", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists available Batch supported Virtual Machine VM sizes at the given location", "displayName": "List Supported Batch Virtual Machine VM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/locations/virtualMachineSkus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Outbound Network Dependencies Endpoints", "name": "batchAccounts/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the outbound network dependency endpoints for a Batch account", "displayName": "List Outbound Network Dependency Endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Detectors", "name": "batchAccounts/detectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets AppLens Detector or Lists AppLens Detectors on a Batch account", "displayName": "Get or List Detectors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/detectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Preflight", "name": "deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Runs Preflight validation for resources included in the request", "displayName": "Check Preflight", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/deployments/preflight/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "name": "batchAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists the NSP association proxies on a Batch account", "displayName": "Get or List NSP Association Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the NSP association proxy on a Batch account", "displayName": "Create or Update NSP Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the NSP association proxy on a Batch account", "displayName": "Delete NSP Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "name": "batchAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists the NSP association configurations on a Batch account", "displayName": "Get or List NSP Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconciles the NSP association on a Batch account to sync up with the latest configuration from the NSP control plane", "displayName": "Reconcile NSP Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "name": "batchAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the results of a long running NSP configuration operation on a Batch account", "displayName": "Get NSP Configuration Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationOperationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Bot Service Resource Provider", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.BotService", "name": "Microsoft.BotService", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscription Registration Action", "displayName": "Subscription Registration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List QnAMaker Keys", "displayName": "List QnAMaker Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/listqnamakerendpointkeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check Name Availability of a Bot", "displayName": "Check Name Availability of a Bot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/checknameavailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List Auth Service Providers", "displayName": "List Auth Service Providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/listauthserviceproviders/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Bot Service", "name": "botServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a Bot Service", "displayName": "Read a Bot Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write a Bot Service", "displayName": "Write a Bot Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Bot Service", "displayName": "Delete a Bot Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a sign in url for email channel modern auth", "displayName": "Create Email Sign In Url", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/createemailsigninurl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approval for creating a Private Endpoint", "displayName": "Approval for creating a Private Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Description for action of Join Perimeter", "displayName": "Display name for action of Join Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/joinPerimeter/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bot Service Channel", "name": "botServices/channels", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a Bot Service Channel", "displayName": "Read a Bot Service Channel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/channels/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write a Bot Service Channel", "displayName": "Write a Bot Service Channel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/channels/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Bot Service Channel", "displayName": "Delete a Bot Service Channel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/channels/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List Botservice channels with secrets", "displayName": "List Botservice channels with secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/channels/listchannelwithkeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bot Service Connection", "name": "botServices/connections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a Bot Service Connection", "displayName": "Read a Bot Service Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/connections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write a Bot Service Connection", "displayName": "Write a Bot Service Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/connections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Bot Service Connection", "displayName": "Delete a Bot Service Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/connections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the operations for all resource types", "displayName": "Read resource provider operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Results", 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"origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bot Service", "name": "botServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BotService/botServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bot Service", "name": "botServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, 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{ "displayName": "", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of a long running operation for which the 'Location' header was previously returned to the client", "displayName": "Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Redis Cache", "name": "redis", "operations": [ { "description": "Modify the Redis Cache's settings and configuration in the management portal", "displayName": "Manage Redis Cache (read-write)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "View the Redis Cache's settings and configuration in the management portal", "displayName": "Manage Redis Cache (read-only)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete the entire Redis Cache", "displayName": "Delete Redis Cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "View the value of Redis Cache access keys in the management portal", "displayName": "View Redis Cache Access Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/listKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Change the value of Redis Cache access keys in the management portal", "displayName": "Regenerate Redis Cache Access Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/regenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Import data of a specified format from multiple blobs into Redis", "displayName": "Import data into Redis from storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/import/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Export Redis data to prefixed storage blobs in specified format", "displayName": "Export Redis data to storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/export/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Force reboot a cache instance, potentially with data loss.", "displayName": "Force reboot a cache instance, potentially with data loss.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/forceReboot/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Stop an Azure Cache for Redis, potentially with data loss.", "displayName": "Stop an Azure Cache for Redis, potentially with data loss.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Start an Azure Cache for Redis", "displayName": "Start an Azure Cache for Redis", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Deletes all of the keys in a cache. ", "displayName": "Flush Cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/flush/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "The available metrics for a Redis Cache", "name": "redis/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for a Redis Cache", "displayName": "Read Redis Cache Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Connected Clients", "name": "connectedclients", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Operations", "name": "totalcommandsprocessed", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Hits", "name": "cachehits", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Misses", "name": "cachemisses", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "cachemissrate", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The % of get requests that miss. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Miss Rate", "name": "cachemissrate", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Gets", "name": "getcommands", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Sets", "name": "setcommands", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Operations Per Second", "name": "operationsPerSecond", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Evicted Keys", "name": "evictedkeys", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Keys", "name": "totalkeys", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Expired Keys", "name": "expiredkeys", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory", "name": "usedmemory", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The percentage of cache memory used for key/value pairs. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory Percentage", "name": "usedmemorypercentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory RSS", "name": "usedmemoryRss", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Server Load", "name": "serverLoad", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Write", "name": "cacheWrite", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Read", "name": "cacheRead", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Connected Clients (Instance Based)", "name": "allconnectedclients", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Operations (Instance Based)", "name": "alltotalcommandsprocessed", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Hits (Instance Based)", "name": "allcachehits", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Misses (Instance Based)", "name": "allcachemisses", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Gets (Instance Based)", "name": "allgetcommands", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Sets (Instance Based)", "name": "allsetcommands", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Operations Per Second (Instance Based)", "name": "alloperationsPerSecond", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Evicted Keys (Instance Based)", "name": "allevictedkeys", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Keys (Instance Based)", "name": "alltotalkeys", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Expired Keys (Instance Based)", "name": "allexpiredkeys", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory (Instance Based)", "name": "allusedmemory", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The percentage of cache memory used for key/value pairs. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory Percentage (Instance Based)", "name": "allusedmemorypercentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory RSS (Instance Based)", "name": "allusedmemoryRss", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Server Load (Instance Based)", "name": "allserverLoad", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Write (Instance Based)", "name": "allcacheWrite", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Read (Instance Based)", "name": "allcacheRead", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Port", "Name": "Port", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "Primary", "Name": "Primary", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "CPU (Instance Based)", "name": "allpercentprocessortime", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "CPU", "name": "percentProcessorTime", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The latency to the cache in microseconds. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "ShardId", "Name": "ShardId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Latency Microseconds (Preview)", "name": "cacheLatency", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number errors that occured on the cache. 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For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Operations (Shard 7)", "name": "totalcommandsprocessed7", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Hits (Shard 7)", "name": "cachehits7", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Misses (Shard 7)", "name": "cachemisses7", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Gets (Shard 7)", "name": "getcommands7", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Sets (Shard 7)", "name": "setcommands7", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Operations Per Second (Shard 7)", "name": "operationsPerSecond7", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Evicted Keys (Shard 7)", "name": "evictedkeys7", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Keys (Shard 7)", "name": "totalkeys7", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Expired Keys (Shard 7)", "name": "expiredkeys7", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory (Shard 7)", "name": "usedmemory7", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory RSS (Shard 7)", "name": "usedmemoryRss7", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Server Load (Shard 7)", "name": "serverLoad7", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Write (Shard 7)", "name": "cacheWrite7", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Read (Shard 7)", "name": "cacheRead7", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "CPU (Shard 7)", "name": "percentProcessorTime7", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Connected Clients (Shard 8)", "name": "connectedclients8", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Operations (Shard 8)", "name": "totalcommandsprocessed8", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Hits (Shard 8)", "name": "cachehits8", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Misses (Shard 8)", "name": "cachemisses8", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Gets (Shard 8)", "name": "getcommands8", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Sets (Shard 8)", "name": "setcommands8", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Operations Per Second (Shard 8)", "name": "operationsPerSecond8", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Evicted Keys (Shard 8)", "name": "evictedkeys8", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Keys (Shard 8)", "name": "totalkeys8", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Expired Keys (Shard 8)", "name": "expiredkeys8", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory (Shard 8)", "name": "usedmemory8", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory RSS (Shard 8)", "name": "usedmemoryRss8", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Server Load (Shard 8)", "name": "serverLoad8", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Write (Shard 8)", "name": "cacheWrite8", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Read (Shard 8)", "name": "cacheRead8", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "CPU (Shard 8)", "name": "percentProcessorTime8", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Connected Clients (Shard 9)", "name": "connectedclients9", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Operations (Shard 9)", "name": "totalcommandsprocessed9", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Hits (Shard 9)", "name": "cachehits9", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Misses (Shard 9)", "name": "cachemisses9", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Gets (Shard 9)", "name": "getcommands9", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of set operations to the cache. 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For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Evicted Keys (Shard 9)", "name": "evictedkeys9", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Keys (Shard 9)", "name": "totalkeys9", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items expired from the cache. 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For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory RSS (Shard 9)", "name": "usedmemoryRss9", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Server Load (Shard 9)", "name": "serverLoad9", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Write (Shard 9)", "name": "cacheWrite9", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Read (Shard 9)", "name": "cacheRead9", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "CPU (Shard 9)", "name": "percentProcessorTime9", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Patching schedule of a Redis Cache", "name": "redis/patchSchedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the patching schedule of a Redis Cache", "displayName": "Get Redis Cache Patch Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/patchSchedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Modify the patching schedule of a Redis Cache", "displayName": "Change Redis Patching Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/patchSchedules/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete the patch schedule of a Redis Cache", "displayName": "Delete Redis Cache Patch Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/patchSchedules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "IP firewall rule of a Redis Cache", "name": "redis/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the IP firewall rules of a Redis Cache", "displayName": "Get Redis Cache Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/firewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Edit the IP firewall rules of a Redis Cache", "displayName": "Update Redis Cache Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/firewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete IP firewall rules of a Redis Cache", "displayName": "Delete Redis Cache Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/firewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Linked Servers of a Redis Cache", "name": "redis/linkedServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Linked Servers associated with a redis cache.", "displayName": "Get Redis Cache Linked Servers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/linkedServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Add Linked Server to a Redis Cache", "displayName": "Add Redis Cache Linked Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/linkedServers/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Linked Server from a Redis Cache", "displayName": "Delete Redis Cache Linked Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/linkedServers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "The available metrics for a Redis Enterprise Cache", "name": "redisEnterprise/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for a Redis Enterprise Cache", "displayName": "Read Redis Enterprise Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "InstanceId", "Name": "InstanceId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Connected Clients", "name": "connectedclients", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Operations", "name": "totalcommandsprocessed", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Hits", "name": "cachehits", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "InstanceId", "Name": "InstanceId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Misses", "name": "cachemisses", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Evicted Keys", "name": "evictedkeys", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Expired Keys", "name": "expiredkeys", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Gets", "name": "getcommands", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Sets", "name": "setcommands", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Operations Per Second", "name": "operationsPerSecond", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Total Keys", "name": "totalkeys", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Server Load", "name": "serverLoad", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "InstanceId", "Name": "InstanceId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "CPU", "name": "percentProcessorTime", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory", "name": "usedmemory", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The percentage of cache memory used for key/value pairs. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "InstanceId", "Name": "InstanceId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Used Memory Percentage", "name": "usedmemorypercentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The latency to the cache in microseconds. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "InstanceId", "Name": "InstanceId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Latency Microseconds (Preview)", "name": "cacheLatency", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "InstanceId", "Name": "InstanceId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Write", "name": "cacheWrite", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "InstanceId", "Name": "InstanceId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Cache Read", "name": "cacheRead", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The number errors that occured on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": [ { "DisplayName": "InstanceId", "Name": "InstanceId", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "DisplayName": "ErrorType", "Name": "ErrorType", "ToBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Errors", "name": "errors", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT5M" }, { "Retention": "P90D", "TimeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "description": "The health of geo replication in an Active Geo-Replication group. 0 represents Unhealthy and 1 represents Healthy. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics.", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": null, "displayName": "Geo Replication Healthy", "name": "geoReplicationHealthy", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Redis Cache Event Grid Filter", "name": "redis/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Redis Cache Event Grid Filter", "displayName": "Get Redis Cache Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Update Redis Cache Event Grid Filters", "displayName": "Update Redis Cache Event Grid Filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Redis Cache Event Grid Filters", "displayName": "Delete Redis Cache Event Grid Filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/asyncOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read an Async Operation's Status", "displayName": "Read asynchronous operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/locations/asyncOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Cache for Redis private endpoint connection proxies", "name": "redis/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Validate private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Get the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Create private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Cache for Redis private endpoint connections", "name": "redis/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Read private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Write private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Cache for Redis private linkable resources", "name": "redis/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read 'groupId' of redis subresource that a private link can be connected to", "displayName": "Read Private Linkable Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "View the status of a long running operation for which the 'AzureAsync' header was previously returned to the client", "displayName": "Read the status of a long running operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/locations/operationsStatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Redis Enterprise private endpoint connection proxies", "name": "redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Validate private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Get the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Create private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete the private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Redis Enterprise private endpoint connection proxies", "name": "redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "View the result of private endpoint connection operations in the management portal", "displayName": "Redis Enterprise cache private endpoint operation results (read)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Redis Enterprise cache", "name": "redisEnterprise", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete the entire Redis Enterprise cache", "displayName": "Delete Redis Enterprise cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "View the Redis Enterprise cache's settings and configuration in the management portal", "displayName": "Manage Redis Enterprise cache (read)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Modify the Redis Enterprise cache's settings and configuration in the management portal", "displayName": "Manage Redis Enterprise cache (write)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Redis Enterprise cache database", "name": "redisEnterprise/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a Redis Enterprise database and its contents", "displayName": "Delete Redis Enterprise database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/databases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "View the Redis Enterprise cache database's settings and configuration in the management portal", "displayName": "Manage Redis Enterprise cache database (read)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Modify the Redis Enterprise cache database's settings and configuration in the management portal", "displayName": "Manage Redis Enterprise cache database (write)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/databases/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Export data to storage blobs from a Redis Enterprise database ", "displayName": "Export Redis Enterprise database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/databases/export/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Forcibly unlink a georeplica Redis Enterprise database from its peers", "displayName": "Force unlink Redis Enterprise database georeplica", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/databases/forceUnlink/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Import data from storage blobs to a Redis Enterprise database", "displayName": "Import Redis Enterprise database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/databases/import/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "View the value of Redis Enterprise database access keys in the management portal", "displayName": "View Redis Enterprise database access keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/databases/listKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Change the value of Redis Enterprise database access keys in the management portal", "displayName": "Regenerate Redis Enterprise database access keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/databases/regenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Redis Enterprise cache private endpoint connections", "name": "redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Read private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Write private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Redis Enterprise cache private link resources", "name": "redisEnterprise/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read 'groupId' of redis subresource that a private link can be connected to", "displayName": "Read Private Linkable Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if a name is available for use with a new Redis Enterprise cache", "displayName": "Check Cache Name Availability in location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/locations/checknameavailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Redis Enterprise database operation results", "name": "redisEnterprise/databases/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "View the result of Redis Enterprise database operations in the management portal", "displayName": "View Redis Enterprise database operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/databases/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Redis Enterprise operation results", "name": "redisEnterprise/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "View the result of Redis Enterprise operations in the management portal", "displayName": "View Redis Enterprise operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Cache for Redis Detector", "name": "redis/detectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of one or all detectors for an Azure Cache for Redis cache", "displayName": "Get Azure Cache for Redis Detector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/detectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Access Policies for Redis", "name": "redis/accessPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Redis Access Policies", "displayName": "Get Access Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/accessPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Modify Redis Access Policies", "displayName": "Modify Access Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/accessPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Redis Access Policies", "displayName": "Delete Access Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/accessPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Access Policy Assignments for Redis", "name": "redis/accessPolicyAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Redis Access Policy Assignments", "displayName": "Get Access Policy Assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/accessPolicyAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Modify Redis Access Policy Assignments", "displayName": "Modify Access Policy Assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/accessPolicyAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Access Policy Assignments", "displayName": "Delete Access Policy Assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Cache/redis/accessPolicyAssignments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Capacity", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Capacity", "name": "Microsoft.Capacity", "operations": [ { "description": "Calculate any Reservation Price", "displayName": "Calculate Reservation Price", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/calculateprice/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Check any Subscription Offers", "displayName": "Check Subscription Offers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/checkoffers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Check any Subscription", "displayName": "Check Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/checkscopes/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate any Reservation", "displayName": "Validate Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/validatereservationorder/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update any Reservation", "displayName": "Update Reservations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the Capacity resource provider and enables the creation of Capacity resources.", "displayName": "Registers the Capacity Resource Provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister any Tenant", "displayName": "Unregister Tenant", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Computes the exchange amount and price of new purchase and returns policy Errors.", "displayName": "Compute price for exchange", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/calculateexchange/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Exchange any Reservation", "displayName": "Exchange Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/exchange/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists SKUs with filters and without any restrictions", "displayName": "List SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/listSkus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Reservations", "name": "reservationorders", "operations": [ { "description": "Change directory of any reservation", "displayName": "Change reservation directory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/changedirectory/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Find any Available Scope", "displayName": "Find Available Scope", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/availablescopes/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read All Reservations", "displayName": "Get Reservations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create any Reservation", "displayName": "Create Reservations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Reservation", "displayName": "Delete Reservations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update any Reservation", "displayName": "Update Reservations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/reservations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return any Reservation", "displayName": "Return Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/return/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Swap any Reservation", "displayName": "Swap Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/swap/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Split any Reservation", "displayName": "Split Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/split/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reservation billing change", "displayName": "Reservation billing change", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/changeBilling/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Merge any Reservation", "displayName": "Merge Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/merge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Computes the refund amount and price of new purchase and returns policy Errors.", "displayName": "Compute price for refund", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/calculaterefund/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reservations", "name": "reservationorders/reservations", "operations": [ { "description": "Find any Available Scope", "displayName": "Find Available Scope", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/reservations/availablescopes/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read All Reservations", "displayName": "Get Reservations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/reservations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create any Reservation", "displayName": "Create Reservations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/reservations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Reservation", "displayName": "Delete Reservations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/reservations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Archive a reservation which is in a terminal state like Expired, Split etc.", "displayName": "Archive Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/reservations/archive/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unarchive a Reservation which was previously archived", "displayName": "Unarchive a previously archived Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/reservations/unarchive/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reservations", "name": "reservationorders/reservations/revisions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read All Reservations", "displayName": "Get Reservations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/reservations/revisions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reservations", "name": "appliedreservations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read All Reservations", "displayName": "Get Reservations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/appliedreservations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reservations", "name": "catalogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read catalog of Reservation", "displayName": "Read Reservation Catalog", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/catalogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reservations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Operation", "displayName": "Read Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reservations", "name": "commercialreservationorders", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Reservation Orders created in any Tenant", "displayName": "Get Reservation Orders created in any Tenant", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/commercialreservationorders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reservations", "name": "tenants", "operations": [ { "description": "Register any Tenant", "displayName": "Register Tenant", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/tenants/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reservations", "name": "reservationorders/splitoperationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Poll any split operation", "displayName": "Poll Reservation split operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/splitoperationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reservations", "name": "reservationorders/mergeoperationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Poll any merge operation", "displayName": "Poll Reservation merge operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Capacity/reservationorders/mergeoperationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource service limit", "name": "resourceProviders/locations/serviceLimits", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the current service limit or quota of the specified resource and location", "displayName": "Get resource service limit", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/certificates/Write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an existing certificate", "displayName": "Delete Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/certificates/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of certificates", "displayName": "Get Certificates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/certificates/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AppServiceCertificate", "name": "certificateOrders", "operations": [ { "description": "Add a new certificateOrder or update an existing one", "displayName": "Add or Update AppServiceCertificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/Write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an existing AppServiceCertificate", "displayName": "Delete AppServiceCertificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a CertificateOrder", "displayName": "Get CertificateOrders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reissue an existing certificateorder", "displayName": "Reissue certificateorder", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/reissue/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Renew an existing certificateorder", "displayName": "Renew certificateorder", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/renew/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the list of certificate actions", "displayName": "Certificateorder actions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/retrieveCertificateActions/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve certificate order contact information", "displayName": "Retrieve certificate order contact information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/retrieveContactInfo/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve certificate email history", "displayName": "Certificateorder email history", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/retrieveEmailHistory/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resend certificate email", "displayName": "Resend Certificateorder email", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/resendEmail/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Verify domain ownership", "displayName": "Verify domain ownership", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/verifyDomainOwnership/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resend domain verification ownership email containing steps on how to verify a domain for a given certificate order", "displayName": "Resend domain verification email to customer for this certificate order", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders/resendRequestEmails/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AppServiceCertificate", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List all operations from app service certificate registration", "displayName": "Read Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/operations/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft ClassicCompute", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ClassicCompute", "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute", "operations": [ { "description": "Register to Classic Compute", "displayName": "Register Classic Compute", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks the availability of a given domain name.", "displayName": "Availability For A Domain Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/checkDomainNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Move all classic resources to a different subscription.", "displayName": "Move classic resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/moveSubscriptionResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate the subscription's availability for classic move operation.", "displayName": "Validate the Subscription for Move Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/validateSubscriptionMoveAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Domain Name", "name": "domainNames", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the domain names for resources.", "displayName": "Gets Domain Names", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify the domain names for resources.", "displayName": "Add Domain Names", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the domain names for resources.", "displayName": "Remove Domain Names", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Swaps the staging slot to the production slot.", "displayName": "Swap Staging And Production Slots", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/swap/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Certificate", "name": "domainNames/serviceCertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the service certificates used.", "displayName": "Get The Certificates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/serviceCertificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify the service certificates used.", "displayName": "Add Service Certificates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/serviceCertificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the service certificates used.", "displayName": "Delete Service Certificates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/serviceCertificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Name Extension", "name": "domainNames/extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the domain name extensions.", "displayName": "Get The Domain Name Extensions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/extensions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add the domain name extensions.", "displayName": "Add Domain Name Extensions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/extensions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the domain name extensions.", "displayName": "Remove Domain Name Extensions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/extensions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Availability Set", "name": "domainNames/availabilitySets", "operations": [ { "description": "Show the availability set for the resource.", "displayName": "Show Availability Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/availabilitySets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine", "name": "virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves list of virtual machines.", "displayName": "Retrieve Virtual Machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify virtual machines.", "displayName": "Add Virtual Machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes virtual machines.", "displayName": "Remove Virtual Machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Capture a virtual machine.", "displayName": "Capture Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/capture/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Start Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Redeploys the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Redeploy Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/redeploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs maintenance on the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Perform Maintenance Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/performMaintenance/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts virtual machines.", "displayName": "Restart Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Stop Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Shutdown the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Shutdown Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/shutdown/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Attaches a data disk to a virtual machine.", "displayName": "Attach Data Disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/attachDisk/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detaches a data disk from virtual machine.", "displayName": "Detach Data Disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/detachDisk/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads the RDP file for virtual machine.", "displayName": "Download RDP File", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/downloadRemoteDesktopConnectionFile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machines Operation Status", "name": "virtualMachines/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the virtual machines.", "displayName": "Get the Virtual Machines Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Async Operations", "name": "virtualMachines/asyncOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the possible async operations", "displayName": "Async Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/asyncOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Extension", "name": "virtualMachines/extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the virtual machine extension.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/extensions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the virtual machine extension.", "displayName": "Add Virtual Machine Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/extensions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Disk", "name": "virtualMachines/disks", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrives list of data disks", "displayName": "Get Data Disks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/disks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Associated Network Security Group", "name": "virtualMachines/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the network security group associated with the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Associated Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a network security group associated with the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Add Virtual Machine Associated Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the network security group associated with the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Machine Associated Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machines Associated Network Security Groups Operation Status", "name": "virtualMachines/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the virtual machines associated network security groups.", "displayName": "Get the Virtual Machines Associated Network Security Groups Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Interface Associated Network Security Group", "name": "virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the network security group associated with the network interface.", "displayName": "Get Network Interface Associated Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a network security group associated with the network interface.", "displayName": "Add Network Interface Associated Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the network security group associated with the network interface.", "displayName": "Delete Network Interface Associated Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machines Associated Network Security Groups Operation Status", "name": "virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the virtual machines associated network security groups.", "displayName": "Get the Virtual Machines Associated Network Security Groups Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics Settings", "name": "virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Get Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Add Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definition", "name": "virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s).", "displayName": "Percentage CPU", "name": "Percentage CPU", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic).", "displayName": "Network In", "name": "Network In", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic).", "displayName": "Network Out", "name": "Network Out", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Average bytes read from disk during monitoring period.", "displayName": "Disk Read", "internalMetricName": "Disk Read Bytes", "name": "Disk Read Bytes/Sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Average bytes written to disk during monitoring period.", "displayName": "Disk Write", "internalMetricName": "Disk Write Bytes", "name": "Disk Write Bytes/Sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Disk Read IOPS.", "displayName": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Disk Write IOPS.", "displayName": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Metrics", "name": "virtualMachines/metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics.", "displayName": "Get Metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/metrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Quota", "name": "quotas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the quota for the subscription.", "displayName": "Get Subscription Quota", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/quotas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Capability", "name": "capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Shows the capabilities", "displayName": "Get capabilities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/capabilities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Name Capability", "name": "domainNames/capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Shows the domain name capabilities", "displayName": "Get domain name capabilities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/capabilities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slot", "name": "domainNames/slots", "operations": [ { "description": "Shows the deployment slots.", "displayName": "Get Deployment Slots", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or update the deployment.", "displayName": "Create Deployment Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a given deployment slot.", "displayName": "Delete Deployment Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a deployment slot.", "displayName": "Start Deployment Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Suspends the deployment slot.", "displayName": "Suspend Deployment Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates migration of a deployment slot.", "displayName": "Validate Migration of a Deployment Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/validateMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Prepares migration of a deployment slot.", "displayName": "Prepare Migration of a Deployment Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/prepareMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Commits migration of a deployment slot.", "displayName": "Commit Migration of a Deployment Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/commitMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Aborts migration of a deployment slot.", "displayName": "Abort Migration of a Deployment Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/abortMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slot Start", "name": "domainNames/slots/state/start", "operations": [ { "description": "Changes the deployment slot state to stopped.", "displayName": "Stop Deployment State", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/state/start/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slot Stopped", "name": "domainNames/slots/state/stop", "operations": [ { "description": "Changes the deployment slot state to started.", "displayName": "Start Deployment State", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/state/stop/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Active Domain Name", "name": "domainNames/active", "operations": [ { "description": "Sets the active domain name.", "displayName": "Set Active Domain Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/active/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Upgrade Domain", "name": "domainNames/slots/upgradeDomain", "operations": [ { "description": "Walk upgrade the domain.", "displayName": "Upgrade The Domain", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/upgradeDomain/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Names Extensions Operation Status", "name": "domainNames/extensions/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the domain names extensions.", "displayName": "Get the Domain Names Extensions Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/extensions/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Names Service Certificates Operation Status", "name": "domainNames/serviceCertificates/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the domain names service certificates.", "displayName": "Get the Domain Names Service Certificates Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/serviceCertificates/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Names Load Balanced Endpoint Sets Operation Status", "name": "domainNames/loadBalancedEndpointSets/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the domain names load balanced endpoint sets.", "displayName": "Get the Domain Names Load Balanced Endpoint Sets Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/loadBalancedEndpointSets/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balanced Endpoint Sets", "name": "domainNames/loadBalancedEndpointSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the load balanced endpoint sets.", "displayName": "Get Load Balanced Endpoint Sets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/loadBalancedEndpointSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add the load balanced endpoint set.", "displayName": "Add Load Balanced Endpoint Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/loadBalancedEndpointSets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machines Extensions Operation Status", "name": "virtualMachines/extensions/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the virtual machines extensions.", "displayName": "Get the Virtual Machines Extensions Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/extensions/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Internal Load Balancer", "name": "domainNames/internalLoadBalancers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the internal load balancers.", "displayName": "Get Internal Load Balancers.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/internalLoadBalancers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new internal load balance.", "displayName": "Create Internal Load Balance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/internalLoadBalancers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove a new internal load balance.", "displayName": "Remove Internal Load Balance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/internalLoadBalancers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Names Internal Load Balancers Operation Status", "name": "domainNames/internalLoadBalancers/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the domain names internal load balancers.", "displayName": "Get the Domain Names Internal Load Balancers Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/internalLoadBalancers/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Names Slots Operation Status", "name": "domainNames/slots/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the domain names slots.", "displayName": "Get the Domain Names Slots Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slot Role", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the role for the deployment slot.", "displayName": "Get Deployment Slot Role", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add role for the deployment slot.", "displayName": "Add Deployment Slot Role", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Names Slots Roles Extension References Operation Status", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles/extensionReferences/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the domain names slots roles extension references.", "displayName": "Get the Domain Names Slots Roles Extension References Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/extensionReferences/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slot Role Extension Reference", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles/extensionReferences", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the extension reference for the deployment slot role.", "displayName": "Get Deployment Slot Role Extension Reference", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/extensionReferences/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify the extension reference for the deployment slot role.", "displayName": "Add Deployment Slot Role Extension Reference", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/extensionReferences/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the extension reference for the deployment slot role.", "displayName": "Remove Deployment Slot Role Extension Reference", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/extensionReferences/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status For The Role Instance On Domain Names Slot Role", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles/roleInstances/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the operation status for the role instance on domain names slot role.", "displayName": "Get The Domain Names Slots Roles Role Instances Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/roleInstances/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Role Instance", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles/roleInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Downloads remote desktop connection file for the role instance on the domain name slot role.", "displayName": "Download Remote Desktop Connection File For The Role Instance On The Domain Names Slot Role", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/roleInstances/downloadremotedesktopconnectionfile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the role instance.", "displayName": "Get Role Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/roleInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts role instances.", "displayName": "Restart Role Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/roleInstances/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimages the role instance.", "displayName": "Reimage Role Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/roleInstances/reimage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Rebuilds the role instance.", "displayName": "Rebuild Role Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/roleInstances/rebuild/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics Settings", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Get Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Add Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definition", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Role Instance Id", "name": "RoleInstanceId" } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s).", "displayName": "Percentage CPU", "name": "Percentage CPU", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Role Instance Id", "name": "RoleInstanceId" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic).", "displayName": "Network In", "name": "Network In", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Role Instance Id", "name": "RoleInstanceId" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic).", "displayName": "Network Out", "name": "Network Out", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Role Instance Id", "name": "RoleInstanceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Average bytes read from disk during monitoring period.", "displayName": "Disk Read", "internalMetricName": "Disk Read Bytes", "name": "Disk Read Bytes/Sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Role Instance Id", "name": "RoleInstanceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Average bytes written to disk during monitoring period.", "displayName": "Disk Write", "internalMetricName": "Disk Write Bytes", "name": "Disk Write Bytes/Sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Role Instance Id", "name": "RoleInstanceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Disk Read IOPS.", "displayName": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Role Instance Id", "name": "RoleInstanceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Disk Write IOPS.", "displayName": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Sku", "name": "resourceTypes/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Sku list for supported resource types.", "displayName": "Get Supported Skus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/resourceTypes/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "operatingSystems", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the versions of the guest operating system that are currently available in Microsoft Azure.", "displayName": "List available operating systems", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/operatingSystems/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "operatingSystemFamilies", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the guest operating system families available in Microsoft Azure, and also lists the operating system versions available for each family.", "displayName": "List available operating system families", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/operatingSystemFamilies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of operations.", "displayName": "Get operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status", "name": "operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the resource.", "displayName": "Get the Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Name", "name": "domainNames/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get operation status of the domain name.", "displayName": "Get Operation Status Of The Domain Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slot", "name": "domainNames/deploymentslots", "operations": [ { "description": "Shows the deployment slots.", "displayName": "Get Deployment Slots", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/deploymentslots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or update the deployment.", "displayName": "Create Deployment Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/deploymentslots/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slot State", "name": "domainNames/deploymentslots/state", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the deployment slot state.", "displayName": "Get Deployment Slot State", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/deploymentslots/state/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add the deployment slot state.", "displayName": "Add Deployment Slot State", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/deploymentslots/state/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft ClassicCompute", "name": "checkDomainNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the availability of a given domain name.", "displayName": "Get Availability For A Domain Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/checkDomainNameAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Diagnostics Settings", "name": "virtualMachines/diagnosticsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get virtual machine diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/diagnosticsettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Metric Definitions", "name": "virtualMachines/metricdefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the virtual machine metric definition.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Metric Definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/metricdefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slot Role Sku", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get role sku for the deployment slot.", "displayName": "Get Deployment Slot Role Sku", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Name Slot Role Metric Definition", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles/metricdefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the role metric definition for the domain name.", "displayName": "Get Domain Name Slot Role Metric Definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/metricdefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domain Name Slot Role Metric", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles/metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Get role metric for the domain name.", "displayName": "Get Domain Name Slot Role Metric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/metrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status for The Domain Names Slot Role", "name": "domainNames/slots/roles/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the operation status for the domain names slot role.", "displayName": "Get The Operation Status For The Domain Names Slot Role", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slots Roles", "name": "domainNames/deploymentslots/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Get role on deployment slot of domain name", "displayName": "Get Role on Deployment Slot of Domain Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/deploymentslots/roles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slots Roles RoleInstances", "name": "domainNames/deploymentslots/roles/roleinstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Get role instance for role on deployment slot of domain name", "displayName": "Get Role Instance for Role on Deployment Slot of Domain Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/deploymentslots/roles/roleinstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Slots Upgrade Domain", "name": "domainNames/deploymentslots/upgradedomain", "operations": [ { "description": "Get upgrade domain for deployment slot on domain name", "displayName": "Get Upgrade Domain for Deployment Slot on Domain Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/deploymentslots/upgradedomain/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update upgrade domain for deployment slot on domain name", "displayName": "Update Upgrade Domain for Deployment Slot on Domain Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/deploymentslots/upgradedomain/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft ClassicNetwork", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ClassicNetwork", "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork", "operations": [ { "description": "Register to Classic Network", "displayName": "Register Classic Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Gateway Supported Devices", "name": "gatewaySupportedDevices", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the list of supported devices.", "displayName": "List Supported Devices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/gatewaySupportedDevices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reserved Ip", "name": "reservedIps", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the reserved Ips", "displayName": "Get Reserved Ips", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/reservedIps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a new reserved Ip", "displayName": "Add Reserved Ip", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/reservedIps/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a reserved Ip.", "displayName": "Delete Reserved Ip", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/reservedIps/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Link a reserved Ip", "displayName": "Link Reserved Ips", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/reservedIps/link/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join a reserved Ip", "displayName": "Join Reserved Ips", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/reservedIps/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reserved Ips Operation Status", "name": "reservedIps/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the reserved ips.", "displayName": "Get the Reserved Ips Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/reservedIps/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network", "name": "virtualNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the virtual network.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a new virtual network.", "displayName": "Add Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the virtual network.", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Peers a virtual network with another virtual network.", "displayName": "Peer Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/peer/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins the virtual network.", "displayName": "Join Virtual Network.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks the availability of a given IP address in a virtual network.", "displayName": "Availability of an IP address in a given virtual network.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/checkIPAddressAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the migration of a Virtual Network", "displayName": "Validate Migration of a Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/validateMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Prepares the migration of a Virtual Network", "displayName": "Prepare Migration of a Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/prepareMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Commits the migration of a Virtual Network", "displayName": "Commit Migration of a Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/commitMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Aborts the migration of a Virtual Network", "displayName": "Abort Migration of a Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/abortMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Capability", "name": "virtualNetworks/capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Shows the capabilities", "displayName": "Get capabilities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/capabilities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subnet Associated Network Security Group", "name": "virtualNetworks/subnets/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the network security group associated with the subnet.", "displayName": "Get Subnet Associated Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/subnets/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a network security group associated with the subnet.", "displayName": "Add Subnet Associated Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/subnets/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the network security group associated with the subnet.", "displayName": "Delete Subnet Associated Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/subnets/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Subnet Associeted Network Security Group Operation Status", "name": "virtualNetworks/subnets/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the virtual network subnet associeted network security group.", "displayName": "Get the Virtual Network Subnet Associeted Network Security Group Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/subnets/associatedNetworkSecurityGroups/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Networks Operation Status", "name": "virtualNetworks/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the virtual networks.", "displayName": "Get the Virtual Networks Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Gateway", "name": "virtualNetworks/gateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the virtual network gateways.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Gateways", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a virtual network gateway.", "displayName": "Add Virtual Network Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the virtual network gateway.", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts diagnositic for the virtual network gateway.", "displayName": "Start Virtual Network Gateway Diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/startDiagnostics/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the diagnositic for the virtual network gateway.", "displayName": "Stop Virtual Network Gateway Diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/stopDiagnostics/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads the gateway diagnostics.", "displayName": "Download Gateway Diagnostics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/downloadDiagnostics/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves the circuit service key.", "displayName": "Get Circuit Service Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/listCircuitServiceKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads the device configuration script.", "displayName": "Download Configuration Script", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/downloadDeviceConfigurationScript/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the virtual network gateway package.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Gateway Package List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/listPackage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Networks Gateways Operation Status", "name": "virtualNetworks/gateways/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the virtual networks gateways.", "displayName": "Get the Virtual Networks Gateways Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Gateway Package", "name": "virtualNetworks/gateways/packages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the virtual network gateway package.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Gateway Package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/packages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Gateway Connection", "name": "virtualNetworks/gateways/connections", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the list of connections.", "displayName": "Get Conection List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/connections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Connects a site to site gateway connection.", "displayName": "Connect Gateway Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/connections/connect/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disconnects a site to site gateway connection.", "displayName": "Disconnect Gateway Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/connections/disconnect/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Tests a site to site gateway connection.", "displayName": "Test Gateway Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/connections/test/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Geteway Client Revoked Certificate", "name": "virtualNetworks/gateways/clientRevokedCertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the revoked client certificates.", "displayName": "Get Revoked Certificates.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/clientRevokedCertificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Revokes a client certificate.", "displayName": "Revoke Client Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/clientRevokedCertificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unrevokes a client certificate.", "displayName": "Unrevoke Client Certificate.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/clientRevokedCertificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Geteway Client Certificate", "name": "virtualNetworks/gateways/clientRootCertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Find the client root certificates.", "displayName": "Get Client Root Certificates.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/clientRootCertificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Uploads a new client root certificate.", "displayName": "Upload Client Root Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/clientRootCertificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the virtual network gateway client certificate.", "displayName": "Delete Client Root Certificate.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/clientRootCertificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads certificate by thumbprint.", "displayName": "Downloads Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/clientRootCertificates/download/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the virtual network gateway certificate package.", "displayName": "Virtual Network Gateway Certificate Package List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/gateways/clientRootCertificates/listPackage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Group", "name": "networkSecurityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the network security group.", "displayName": "Get Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networkSecurityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a new network security group.", "displayName": "Add Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networkSecurityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the network security group.", "displayName": "Delete Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networkSecurityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Group Operation Status", "name": "networkSecurityGroups/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the network security group.", "displayName": "Get the Network Security Group Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networkSecurityGroups/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Rule", "name": "networkSecurityGroups/securityRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security rule.", "displayName": "Get Security Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or update a security rule.", "displayName": "Add Security Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the security rule.", "displayName": "Delete Security Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Group Security Rules Operation Status", "name": "networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the network security group security rules.", "displayName": "Get the Network Security Group Security Rules Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Quota", "name": "quotas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the quota for the subscription.", "displayName": "Get Subscription Quota", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/quotas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft ClassicNetwork", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get classic network operations.", "displayName": "Get Classic Network Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Express Route Cross Connection Operation Status", "name": "expressroutecrossconnections/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an express route cross connection operation status.", "displayName": "Get Express Route Cross Connection Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/expressroutecrossconnections/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Express Route Cross Connections", "name": "expressroutecrossconnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get express route cross connections.", "displayName": "Get Express Route Cross Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/expressroutecrossconnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add express route cross connections.", "displayName": "Add Express Route Cross Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/expressroutecrossconnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "name": "expressroutecrossconnections/peerings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get express route cross connection peering.", "displayName": "Get Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/expressroutecrossconnections/peerings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add express route cross connection peering.", "displayName": "Add Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/expressroutecrossconnections/peerings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete express route cross connection peering.", "displayName": "Delete Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/expressroutecrossconnections/peerings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "name": "expressroutecrossconnections/peerings/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an express route cross connection peering operation status.", "displayName": "Get Express Route Cross Connection Peering Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/expressroutecrossconnections/peerings/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Peering", "name": "virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the virtual network peering.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualNetworkPeeringProxy", "name": "virtualNetworks/remoteVirtualNetworkPeeringProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the remote virtual network peering proxy.", "displayName": "Get Remote Virtual Network Peering Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/remoteVirtualNetworkPeeringProxies/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates the remote virtual network peering proxy.", "displayName": "Add Or Update Remote Virtual Network Peering Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/remoteVirtualNetworkPeeringProxies/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the remote virtual network peering proxy.", "displayName": "Delete Remote Virtual Network Peering Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/remoteVirtualNetworkPeeringProxies/delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Groups Diagnostic Settings", "name": "networksecuritygroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Network Security Groups Diagnostic Settings", "displayName": "Get Network Security Groups Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networksecuritygroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Network Security Groups diagnostic settings, this operation is supplimented by insghts resource provider.", "displayName": "Create or update Network Security Groups diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networksecuritygroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Groups Log Definitions", "name": "networksecuritygroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the events for network security group", "displayName": "Get Network Security Group Event Log Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networksecuritygroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Network Security Group Rule Flow Event", "name": "Network Security Group Rule Flow Event" } ] } } } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft ClassicStorage", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ClassicStorage", "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage", "operations": [ { "description": "Register to Classic Storage", "displayName": "Register Classic Storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks for the availability of a storage account.", "displayName": "Check Storage Account Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/checkStorageAccountAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Capability", "name": "capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Shows the capabilities", "displayName": "Get capabilities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/capabilities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Public Image", "name": "publicImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the public virtual machine image.", "displayName": "Get Public Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/publicImages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Image", "name": "images", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the image.", "displayName": "Get Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/images/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account", "name": "storageAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the storage account with the given account.", "displayName": "Get The Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a new storage account.", "displayName": "Add Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the storage account.", "displayName": "Delete Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the access keys for the storage accounts.", "displayName": "List Access Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/listKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the existing access keys for the storage account.", "displayName": "Regenerate Access Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/regenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates migration of a storage account.", "displayName": "Validate Migration of a Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/validateMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Prepares migration of a storage account.", "displayName": "Prepare Migration of a Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/prepareMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Commits migration of a storage account.", "displayName": "Commit Migration of a Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/commitMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Aborts migration of a storage account.", "displayName": "Abort Migration of a Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/abortMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status", "name": "storageAccounts/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the resource.", "displayName": "Get the Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account Image (Deprecated. Use 'Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/vmImages')", "name": "storageAccounts/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the storage account image. (Deprecated. Use 'Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/vmImages')", "displayName": "Get Storage Account Image (Deprecated. Use 'Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/vmImages')", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/images/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a given storage account image. (Deprecated. Use 'Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/vmImages')", "displayName": "Delete Storage Account Image (Deprecated. Use 'Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/vmImages')", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/images/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account Disk", "name": "storageAccounts/disks", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the storage account disk.", "displayName": "Get Storage Account Disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/disks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a storage account disk.", "displayName": "Add Storage Account Disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/disks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a given storage account disk.", "displayName": "Delete Storage Account Disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/disks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status", "name": "storageAccounts/disks/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the resource.", "displayName": "Get the Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/disks/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account Operating System Image", "name": "storageAccounts/osImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the storage account operating system image.", "displayName": "Get Storage Account Operating System Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/osImages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a given storage account operating system image.", "displayName": "Add Storage Account Operating System Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/osImages/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a given storage account operating system image.", "displayName": "Delete Storage Account Operating System Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/osImages/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Services", "name": "storageAccounts/services", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available services.", "displayName": "Get Available Services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/services/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definition", "name": "storageAccounts/services/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/services/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metrics", "name": "storageAccounts/services/metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics.", "displayName": "Get Metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/services/metrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics Settings", "name": "storageAccounts/services/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Get Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/services/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Add Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/services/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account Disk", "name": "disks", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the storage account disk.", "displayName": "Get Storage Account Disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/disks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operating System Image", "name": "osImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the operating system image.", "displayName": "Get Operating System Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/osImages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Quota", "name": "quotas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the quota for the subscription.", "displayName": "Get Subscription Quota", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/quotas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account Availability", "name": "checkStorageAccountAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the availability of a storage account.", "displayName": "Get Storage Account Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/checkStorageAccountAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Image", "name": "images/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Image Operation Status.", "displayName": "Get Image Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/images/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account Image Operation Status", "name": "storageAccounts/images/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the storage account image operation status.", "displayName": "Get Storage Account Image Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/images/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Image", "name": "vmImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists virtual machine images.", "displayName": "List Virtual Machine Images", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/vmImages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Image", "name": "storageAccounts/vmImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the virtual machine image.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/vmImages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a given virtual machine image.", "displayName": "Add Virtual Machine Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/vmImages/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a given virtual machine image.", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Machine Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/vmImages/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Image Operation Status", "name": "storageAccounts/vmImages/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a given virtual machine image operation status.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Image Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/vmImages/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft ClassicStorage", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets classic storage operations", "displayName": "Get classic storage Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operating Sytem Platform Image", "name": "osPlatformImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the operating system platform image.", "displayName": "Get Operating System Platform Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/osPlatformImages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics Settings", "name": "storageAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Get Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Add Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definition", "name": "storageAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "Account used capacity", "displayName": "Used capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "UsedCapacity", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Response type", "name": "ResponseType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.", "displayName": "Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Transactions", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.", "displayName": "Ingress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Ingress", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.", "displayName": "Egress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Egress", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.", "displayName": "Success Server Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessServerLatency", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.", "displayName": "Success E2E Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessE2ELatency", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definition", "name": "storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Blob type", "name": "BlobType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Blob tier", "name": "Tier", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of storage used by the storage account\u2019s Blob service in bytes.", "displayName": "Blob Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "BlobCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Blob type", "name": "BlobType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Blob tier", "name": "Tier", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of Blob in the storage account\u2019s Blob service.", "displayName": "Blob Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "BlobCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of containers in the storage account\u2019s Blob service.", "displayName": "Blob Container Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "ContainerCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The amount of storage used by ADLS Gen2 (Hierarchical) Index in bytes.", "displayName": "Index Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "IndexCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Response type", "name": "ResponseType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.", "displayName": "Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Transactions", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.", "displayName": "Ingress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.", "displayName": "Egress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.", "displayName": "Success Server Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessServerLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.", "displayName": "Success E2E Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessE2ELatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics Settings", "name": "storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Get Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Add Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definition", "name": "storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The amount of storage used by the storage account\u2019s Table service in bytes.", "displayName": "Table Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TableCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of table in the storage account\u2019s Table service.", "displayName": "Table Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TableCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of table entities in the storage account\u2019s Table service.", "displayName": "Table Entity Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TableEntityCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Response type", "name": "ResponseType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.", "displayName": "Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Transactions", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.", "displayName": "Ingress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.", "displayName": "Egress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.", "displayName": "Success Server Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessServerLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.", "displayName": "Success E2E Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessE2ELatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics Settings", "name": "storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Get Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Add Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definition", "name": "storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of storage used by the storage account\u2019s File service in bytes.", "displayName": "File Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of file in the storage account\u2019s File service.", "displayName": "File Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of file shares in the storage account\u2019s File service.", "displayName": "File Share Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileShareCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of snapshots present on the share in storage account\u2019s Files Service.", "displayName": "File Share Snapshot Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileShareSnapshotCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of storage used by the snapshots in storage account\u2019s File service in bytes.", "displayName": "File Share Snapshot Size", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileShareSnapshotSize", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The upper limit on the amount of storage that can be used by Azure Files Service in bytes.", "displayName": "File share quota size", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileShareQuota", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Response type", "name": "ResponseType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.", "displayName": "Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Transactions", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.", "displayName": "Ingress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.", "displayName": "Egress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.", "displayName": "Success Server Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessServerLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.", "displayName": "Success E2E Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessE2ELatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics Settings", "name": "storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Get Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Add Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definition", "name": "storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The amount of storage used by the storage account\u2019s Queue service in bytes.", "displayName": "Queue Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "QueueCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of queue in the storage account\u2019s Queue service.", "displayName": "Queue Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "QueueCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The approximate number of queue messages in the storage account\u2019s Queue service.", "displayName": "Queue Message Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "QueueMessageCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Response type", "name": "ResponseType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.", "displayName": "Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Transactions", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.", "displayName": "Ingress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.", "displayName": "Egress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.", "displayName": "Success Server Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessServerLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.", "displayName": "Success E2E Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessE2ELatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics Settings", "name": "storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Get Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Add Diagnostics Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Cognitive Services", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.CognitiveServices", "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscription Registration Action", "displayName": "Subscription Registration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads avaible SKUs for an subscription.", "displayName": "Reads avaible SKUs for an subscription.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/checkDomainAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Cognitive Services API Account", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads API accounts.", "displayName": "Read API Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes API Accounts.", "displayName": "Write API Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes API accounts", "displayName": "Delete API Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allow to join CognitiveServices account to an given perimeter.", "displayName": "Allow to join CognitiveServices account to an given perimeter.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/joinPerimeter/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "List keys", "displayName": "List Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/listKeys/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate Key", "displayName": "Regenerate Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/regenerateKey/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves Private Endpoint", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cognitive Services API Account", "name": "accounts/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the quota usage for an existing resource.", "displayName": "Get the quota usage for an existing resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/usages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cognitive Services API Account", "name": "accounts/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads available SKUs for an existing resource.", "displayName": "Read available SKUs for an existing resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/skus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cognitive Services API Account", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of Cognitive Services", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Cognitive Services.", "displayName": "Read Cognitive Services metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "HTTP Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of calls.", "displayName": "Total Calls", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalCalls", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "HTTP Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of successful calls.", "displayName": "Successful Calls", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "SuccessfulCalls", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "HTTP Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of calls with error response (HTTP response code 4xx or 5xx).", "displayName": "Total Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalErrors", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "HTTP Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of calls that exceeded rate or quota limit.", "displayName": "Blocked Calls", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BlockedCalls", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "HTTP Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of calls with service internal error (HTTP response code 5xx).", "displayName": "Server Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ServerErrors", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "HTTP Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of calls with client side error (HTTP response code 4xx).", "displayName": "Client Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ClientErrors", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "HTTP Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Size of incoming data in bytes.", "displayName": "Data In", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!\\bTextTranslation\\b)(?!\\bSpeechServices\\b).*$", "name": "DataIn", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "HTTP Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Size of outgoing data in bytes.", "displayName": "Data Out", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!\\bTextTranslation\\b)(?!\\bSpeechServices\\b).*$", "name": "DataOut", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "HTTP Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Latency in milliseconds.", "displayName": "Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!\\bSpeechTranslation\\b).*$", "name": "Latency", "unit": "MilliSeconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "HTTP Requests", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of token calls.", "displayName": "Total Token Calls", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^Bing.Speech$|^CustomSpeech$|^LUIS$|^SpeechServices$|^SpeechTranslation$|^TextTranslation$|^CognitiveServices$", "name": "TotalTokenCalls", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "Usage", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of characters in incoming text request.", "displayName": "Characters Translated", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^TextTranslation$|^CognitiveServices$", "name": "CharactersTranslated", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "Usage", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of characters trained.", "displayName": "Characters Trained", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^TextTranslation$|^CognitiveServices$", "name": "CharactersTrained", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "Usage", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "OperationName", "name": "OperationName" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Total duration of speech session in seconds.", "displayName": "Speech Session Duration", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^SpeechTranslation$", "name": "SpeechSessionDuration", "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "Usage", "displayDescription": "Total number of transactions.", "displayName": "Total Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^TextAnalytics$|^CognitiveServices$", "name": "TotalTransactions", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "Usage", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "FeatureName", "name": "FeatureName" }, { "displayName": "UsageChannel", "name": "UsageChannel" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Count of Text Records.", "displayName": "Processed Text Records", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^TextAnalytics$|^CognitiveServices$", "name": "ProcessedTextRecords", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "Usage", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ApiName", "name": "ApiName" }, { "displayName": "FeatureName", "name": "FeatureName" }, { "displayName": "UsageChannel", "name": "UsageChannel" }, { "displayName": "Region", "name": "Region" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of Characters.", "displayName": "Processed Characters", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^ImmersiveReader$", "name": "ProcessedCharacters", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "Usage", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "IsMatchBaseline", "name": "IsMatchBaseline" }, { "displayName": "Mode", "name": "Mode" }, { "displayName": "RunId", "name": "RunId" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of Learned Events.", "displayName": "Learned Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^Personalizer$", "name": "LearnedEvents", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "Usage", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Mode", "name": "Mode" }, { "displayName": "RunId", "name": "RunId" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of Observed Rewards.", "displayName": "Observed Rewards", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^Personalizer$", "name": "ObservedRewards", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "category": "Usage", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Mode", "name": "Mode" }, { "displayName": "RunId", "name": "RunId" } ], "displayDescription": " Number of Matched Rewards.", "displayName": "Matched Rewards", "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^Personalizer$", "name": "MatchedRewards", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Cognitive Services Operation", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List all available operations", "displayName": "List Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cognitive Services API Account", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads avaible SKUs for an subscription.", "displayName": "Reads avaible SKUs for an subscription.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/checkSkuAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Notification from Microsoft.Network of deleting VirtualNetworks or Subnets.", "displayName": "Notification from Microsoft.Network of deleting VirtualNetworks or Subnets.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Notification from Microsoft.Network of NetworkSecurityPerimeter updates.", "displayName": "Notification from Microsoft.Network of NetworkSecurityPerimeter updates.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cognitive Services API Account", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads available SKUs for Cognitive Services.", "displayName": "Read available SKUs for Cognitive Services.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/skus/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of Cognitive Services", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Cognitive Services account", "displayName": "Read Cognitive Services log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Audit Logs", "name": "Audit" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Request and Response Logs", "name": "RequestResponse" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Trace Logs", "name": "Trace" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Face Service", "name": "accounts/Face", "operations": [ { "description": "Detect human faces in an image, return face rectangles, and optionally with faceIds, landmarks, and attributes.", "displayName": "Face - Detect", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detect/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Given query face's faceId, to search the similar-looking faces from a faceId array, a face list or a large face list. faceId", "displayName": "Face - Find Similar", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/findsimilars/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Divide candidate faces into groups based on face similarity.", "displayName": "Face - Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/group/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "1-to-many identification to find the closest matches of the specific query person face from a person group or large person group.", "displayName": "Face - Identify", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/identify/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Verify whether two faces belong to a same person or whether one face belongs to a person.", "displayName": "Face - Verify", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/verify/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Take a snapshot for an object.", "displayName": "Snapshot - Take", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/snapshots/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new person in a person directory.", "displayName": "PersonDirectory Person - Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persons/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Compare two faces from source image and target image based on a their similarity.", "displayName": "Face - Compare", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/compare/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Face Lists", "name": "accounts/Face/facelists", "operations": [ { "description": "Create an empty face list with user-specified faceListId, name, an optional userData and recognitionModel. Up to 64 face lists are allowed\r\nUpdate information of a face list, including name and userData.*", "displayName": "FaceList - Create|FaceList - Update*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/facelists/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a specified face list.", "displayName": "FaceList - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/facelists/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a face list's faceListId, name, userData, recognitionModel and faces in the face list.\r\nList face lists' faceListId, name, userData and recognitionModel.", "displayName": "FaceList - Get|FaceList - List*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/facelists/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "persistedfaces*", "name": "accounts/Face/facelists/persistedfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Add a face to a specified face list, up to 1,000 faces.", "displayName": "FaceList - Add Face", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/facelists/persistedfaces/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a face from a face list by specified faceListId and persistedFaceId.", "displayName": "FaceList - Delete Face", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/facelists/persistedfaces/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "largefacelists*", "name": "accounts/Face/largefacelists", "operations": [ { "description": "Create an empty large face list with user-specified largeFaceListId, name, an optional userData and recognitionModel.\r\nUpdate information of a large face list, including name and userData.*", "displayName": "LargeFaceList - Create|LargeFaceList - Update*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largefacelists/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a specified large face list.", "displayName": "LargeFaceList - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largefacelists/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a large face list's largeFaceListId, name, userData and recognitionModel.\r\nList large face lists' information of largeFaceListId, name, userData and recognitionModel.", "displayName": "LargeFaceList - Get|LargeFaceList - List*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largefacelists/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a large face list training task. Training is a crucial step that only a trained large face list can be used by", "displayName": "LargeFaceList - Train", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largefacelists/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "persistedfaces*", "name": "accounts/Face/largefacelists/persistedfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Add a face to a specified large face list, up to 1,000,000 faces.\r\nUpdate a specified face's userData field in a large face list by its persistedFaceId.*", "displayName": "LargeFaceList - Add Face|LargeFaceList - Update Face*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largefacelists/persistedfaces/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a face from a large face list by specified largeFaceListId and persistedFaceId.", "displayName": "LargeFaceList - Delete Face", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largefacelists/persistedfaces/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve persisted face in large face list by largeFaceListId and persistedFaceId.\r\nList faces' persistedFaceId and userData in a specified large face list.*", "displayName": "LargeFaceList - Get Face|LargeFaceList - List Face*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largefacelists/persistedfaces/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "training*", "name": "accounts/Face/largefacelists/training", "operations": [ { "description": "To check the large face list training status completed or still ongoing. LargeFaceList Training is an asynchronous operation", "displayName": "LargeFaceList - Get Training Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largefacelists/training/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "largepersongroups*", "name": "accounts/Face/largepersongroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a new large person group with user-specified largePersonGroupId, name, an optional userData and recognitionModel.\r\nUpdate an existing large person group's name and userData. The properties keep unchanged if they are not in request body.*", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup - Create|LargePersonGroup - Update*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an existing large person group with specified personGroupId. Persisted data in this large person group will be deleted.", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the information of a large person group, including its name, userData and recognitionModel. This API returns large person group information\r\nList all existing large person groups' largePersonGroupId, name, userData and recognitionModel.", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup - Get|LargePersonGroup - List*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a large person group training task. Training is a crucial step that only a trained large person group can be used", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup - Train", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new person in a specified large person group. To add face to this person, please call", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup Person - Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/persons/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "training*", "name": "accounts/Face/largepersongroups/training", "operations": [ { "description": "To check large person group training status completed or still ongoing. LargePersonGroup Training is an asynchronous operation", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup - Get Training Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/training/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "persons*", "name": "accounts/Face/largepersongroups/persons", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete an existing person from a large person group. The persistedFaceId, userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted.", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup Person - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/persons/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a person's name and userData, and the persisted faceIds representing the registered person face feature(s).\r\nList all persons' information in the specified large person group, including personId, name, userData and persistedFaceIds.", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup Person - Get|LargePersonGroup Person - List*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/persons/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update name or userData of a person.", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup Person - Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/persons/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "persistedfaces*", "name": "accounts/Face/largepersongroups/persons/persistedfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Add a face to a person into a large person group for face identification or verification. To deal with an image containing\r\nUpdate a person persisted face's userData field.*", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup Person - Add Face|LargePersonGroup Person - Update Face*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/persons/persistedfaces/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a face from a person in a large person group by specified largePersonGroupId, personId and persistedFaceId.", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup Person - Delete Face", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/persons/persistedfaces/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve person face information. The persisted person face is specified by its largePersonGroupId, personId and persistedFaceId.", "displayName": "LargePersonGroup Person - Get Face", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/largepersongroups/persons/persistedfaces/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "persongroups*", "name": "accounts/Face/persongroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a new person group with specified personGroupId, name, user-provided userData and recognitionModel.\r\nUpdate an existing person group's name and userData. The properties keep unchanged if they are not in request body.*", "displayName": "PersonGroup - Create|PersonGroup - Update*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an existing person group with specified personGroupId. Persisted data in this person group will be deleted.", "displayName": "PersonGroup - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve person group name, userData and recognitionModel. To get person information under this personGroup, use\r\nList person groups' personGroupId, name, userData and recognitionModel.", "displayName": "PersonGroup - Get|PersonGroup - List*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a person group training task. Training is a crucial step that only a trained person group can be used by", "displayName": "PersonGroup - Train", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new person in a specified person group. To add face to this person, please call", "displayName": "PersonGroup Person - Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/persons/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "training*", "name": "accounts/Face/persongroups/training", "operations": [ { "description": "To check person group training status completed or still ongoing. PersonGroup Training is an asynchronous operation triggered", "displayName": "PersonGroup - Get Training Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/training/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "persons*", "name": "accounts/Face/persongroups/persons", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete an existing person from a person group. The persistedFaceId, userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted.", "displayName": "PersonGroup Person - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/persons/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a person's name and userData, and the persisted faceIds representing the registered person face feature(s).\r\nList all persons' information in the specified person group, including personId, name, userData and persistedFaceIds of registered.", "displayName": "PersonGroup Person - Get|PersonGroup Person - List*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/persons/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update name or userData of a person.", "displayName": "PersonGroup Person - Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/persons/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "persistedfaces*", "name": "accounts/Face/persongroups/persons/persistedfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Add a face to a person into a person group for face identification or verification. To deal with an image containing\r\nUpdate a person persisted face's userData field.*", "displayName": "PersonGroup Person - Add Face|PersonGroup Person - Update Face*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/persons/persistedfaces/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a face from a person in a person group by specified personGroupId, personId and persistedFaceId.", "displayName": "PersonGroup Person - Delete Face", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/persons/persistedfaces/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve person face information. The persisted person face is specified by its personGroupId, personId and persistedFaceId.", "displayName": "PersonGroup Person - Get Face", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persongroups/persons/persistedfaces/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Analytics Service", "name": "accounts/TextAnalytics", "operations": [ { "description": "The API returns the detected language and a numeric score between 0 and 1. Scores close to 1 indicate 100% certainty that the identified language is true. A total of 120 languages are supported.", "displayName": "Detect Language", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/languages/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The API returns a list of known entities and general named entities (\\\"Person\\\", \\\"Location\\\", \\\"Organization\\\" etc) in a given document.", "displayName": "Recognize Entities", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/entities/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The API returns a list of strings denoting the key talking points in the input text.", "displayName": "Extract Key Phrases", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/keyphrases/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The API returns a numeric score between 0 and 1. Scores close to 1 indicate positive sentiment, while scores close to 0 indicate negative sentiment. A score of 0.5 indicates the lack of sentiment (e.g. a factoid statement).", "displayName": "Analyze Sentiment", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/sentiment/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a collection of text documents for analysis. Specify one or more unique tasks to be executed.", "displayName": "Analyze Operation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "QnA Maker", "displayName": "QnA Maker", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Computer Vision Service", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision", "operations": [ { "description": "This operation extracts a rich set of visual features based on the image content. ", "displayName": "Analyze Image", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This operation generates a description of an image in human readable language with complete sentences. The description is based on a collection of content tags, which are also returned by the operation. More than one description can be generated for each image. Descriptions are ordered by their confidence score. All descriptions are in English.", "displayName": "Describe Image", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/describe/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This operation generates a thumbnail image with the user-specified width and height. By default, the service analyzes the image, identifies the region of interest (ROI), and generates smart cropping coordinates based on the ROI. Smart cropping helps when you specify an aspect ratio that differs from that of the input image", "displayName": "Get Thumbnail", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/generatethumbnail/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Optical Character Recognition (OCR) detects text in an image and extracts the recognized characters into a machine-usable character stream. ", "displayName": "OCR", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/ocr/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Use this interface to get the result of a Recognize Text operation. When you use the Recognize Text interface, the response contains a field called \u201cOperation-Location\u201d. The \u201cOperation-Location\u201d field contains the URL that you must use for your Get Recognize Text Operation Result operation.", "displayName": "Recognize Text", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/recognizetext/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This operation generates a list of words, or tags, that are relevant to the content of the supplied image. The Computer Vision API can return tags based on objects, living beings, scenery or actions found in images. Unlike categories, tags are not organized according to a hierarchical classification system, but correspond to image content. Tags may contain hints to avoid ambiguity or provide context, for example the tag \u201ccello\u201d may be accompanied by the hint \u201cmusical instrument\u201d. All tags are in English.", "displayName": "Tag Image", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/tag/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This operation returns a bounding box around the most important area of the image.", "displayName": "Get Area of Interest", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/areaofinterest/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This operation Performs object detection on the specified image. ", "displayName": "Detect Objects", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/detect/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Analyze the input image. The request either contains image stream with any content type ['image/*', 'application/octet-stream'], or a JSON payload which includes an url property to be used to retrieve the image stream.", "displayName": "Analyze", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/imageanalysis:analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Analyze the input image. The request either contains an image stream with any content type ['image/*', 'application/octet-stream'], or a JSON payload which includes a url property to be used to retrieve the image stream. An image stream of content type 'image/png' is returned, where the pixel values depend on the analysis mode. The returned image has the same dimensions as the input image for modes: foregroundMatting. The returned image has the same aspect ratio and same dimensions as the input image up to a limit of 16 megapixels for modes: backgroundRemoval.", "displayName": "Segment", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/imageanalysis:segment/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Run the image rectification operation against an image with 4 control points provided in the parameter.", "displayName": "ImageComposition_Rectify", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/imagecomposition:rectify/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Run the image stitching operation against a sequence of images.", "displayName": "ImageComposition_Stitch", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/imagecomposition:stitch/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel model training.", "displayName": "CancelModelTraining", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/models:cancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Run the planogram matching operation against a planogram and a product understanding result.", "displayName": "PlanogramCompliance_Match", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/planogramcompliance:match/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Return vector from an image.", "displayName": "VectorizeImage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval:vectorizeimage/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Return vector from a text.", "displayName": "VectorizeText", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval:vectorizetext/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform grounding on the input image with the generated text.", "displayName": "Infer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/grounding/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Operations", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/textoperations", "operations": [ { "description": "This interface is used for getting recognize text operation result. The URL to this interface should be retrieved from \u201cOperation-Location\u201d field returned from Recognize Text interface.", "displayName": "Get Recognize Text Operation Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/textoperations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Models", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/models", "operations": [ { "description": "This operation returns the list of domain-specific models that are supported by the Computer Vision API. Currently, the API supports following domain-specific models: celebrity recognizer, landmark recognizer.", "displayName": "List Domain Specific Models", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This operation recognizes content within an image by applying a domain-specific model. The list of domain-specific models that are supported by the Computer Vision API can be retrieved using the /models GET request. Currently, the API provides following domain-specific models: celebrities, landmarks.", "displayName": "Recognize Domain Specific Content", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/models/analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel model training.", "displayName": "CancelModelTraining", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/models/:cancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a custom model. A model can be deleted if it is in one of the 'Succeeded', 'Failed', or 'Canceled' states.", "displayName": "DeleteModel", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/models/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start training a custom model.", "displayName": "TrainModel", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/models/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Language Understanding Service", "name": "accounts/LUIS", "operations": [ { "description": "Appends unlabeled data to the corresponding applications", "displayName": "bot - AppendUnlabeledData", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/unlabeled/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Immersive Reader v1.0", "name": "accounts/ImmersiveReader", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates an Immersive Reader session", "displayName": "ImmersiveReader - Create Session", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ImmersiveReader/getcontentmodelforreader/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Autosuggest - v7", "name": "accounts/Autosuggest", "operations": [ { "description": "This operation provides suggestions for a given query or partial query.", "displayName": "Suggestions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Autosuggest/search/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Image Search - v7", "name": "accounts/ImageSearch", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns insights about an image, such as webpages that include the image.", "displayName": "Image Insights", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ImageSearch/details/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get relevant images for a given query.", "displayName": "Image Search", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ImageSearch/search/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get currently trending images.", "displayName": "Trending", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ImageSearch/trending/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Entity Search - v7", "name": "accounts/EntitySearch", "operations": [ { "description": "Get entities and places results for a given query.", "displayName": "Get entities", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/EntitySearch/search/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "News Search - v7", "name": "accounts/NewsSearch", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns news for a provided category.", "displayName": "Get category news", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/NewsSearch/categorysearch/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get news articles relevant for a given query.", "displayName": "News search", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/NewsSearch/search/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get trending topics identified by Bing. These are the same topics shown in the banner at the bottom of the Bing home page.", "displayName": "Get trending topics", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/NewsSearch/trendingtopics/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Spell Check - v7", "name": "accounts/SpellCheck", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of a spell check query through GET or POST.", "displayName": "Spell Check", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpellCheck/spellcheck/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Video Search - v7", "name": "accounts/VideoSearch", "operations": [ { "description": "Get currently trending videos.", "displayName": "Get trending videos", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoSearch/trending/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get insights about a video, such as related videos.", "displayName": "Get video details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoSearch/details/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get videos relevant for a given query.", "displayName": "Video search", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoSearch/search/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Visual Search - v7", "name": "accounts/VisualSearch", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of tags relevant to the provided image", "displayName": "Visual Search", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VisualSearch/search/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web Search - v7", "name": "accounts/WebSearch", "operations": [ { "description": "Get web, image, news, & videos results for a given query.", "displayName": "Search", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/WebSearch/search/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the status of an asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read Operation Result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "entire", "name": "accounts/AnomalyDetector/timeseries/entire", "operations": [ { "description": "This operation generates a model using an entire series, each point is detected with the same model. With this method, points before and after a certain point are used to determine whether it is an anomaly. The entire detection can give the user an overall status of the time series.", "displayName": "Univariate Anomaly Detection - Find anomalies for the entire series in batch.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/timeseries/entire/detect/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "last", "name": "accounts/AnomalyDetector/timeseries/last", "operations": [ { "description": "This operation generates a model using points before the latest one. With this method, only historical points are used to determine whether the target point is an anomaly. The latest point detecting matches the scenario of real-time monitoring of business metrics.", "displayName": "Univariate Anomaly Detection - Detect anomaly status of the latest point in time series.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/timeseries/last/detect/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/custom", "operations": [ { "description": "Create and train a custom model. The train request must include a source parameter that is either an externally accessible Azure Storage blob container Uri (preferably a Shared Access Signature Uri) or valid path to a data folder in a locally mounted drive. When local paths are specified, they must follow the Linux/Unix path format and be an absolute path rooted to the input mount configuration", "displayName": "Train Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create and train a custom model. The request must include a source parameter that is either an externally accessible Azure storage blob container Uri (preferably a Shared Access Signature Uri) or valid path to a data folder in a locally mounted drive. When local paths are specified, they must follow the Linux/Unix path format and be an absolute path rooted to the input mount configuration setting value e.g., if '{Mounts:Input}' configuration setting value is '/input' then a valid source path would be '/input/contosodataset'. All data to be trained is expected to be under the source folder or sub folders under it. Models are trained using documents that are of the following content type - 'application/pdf', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/tiff'. Other type of content is ignored.", "displayName": "Train Custom Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom Model - Results", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Extract key-value pairs from a given document. The input document must be of one of the supported content types - 'application/pdf', 'image/jpeg' or 'image/png'. A success response is returned in JSON.", "displayName": "Analyze Form", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete model artifacts.", "displayName": "Delete Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get information about a model.", "displayName": "Get Models", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate authorization payload to copy a model at the target Form Recognizer resource.", "displayName": "Generate Copy Authorization", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/copyauthorization/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Copy a custom Form Recognizer model from one subscription to another. Start the process by obtaining a `modelId` token from the target endpoint by using this API with `source=false` query string. Then pass the `modelId` reference in the request body along with other target resource information.", "displayName": "Copy Custom Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/copy/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Compose request would include list of models ids. It would validate what all models either trained with labels model or composed model. It would validate limit of models put together.", "displayName": "Custom Form - Compose Custom Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/compose/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Key Management", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the keys for the model.", "displayName": "Get Keys", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/keys/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Receipt recognizer.", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/receipt", "operations": [ { "description": "Extract field text and semantic values from a given receipt document. The input document must be of one of the supported", "displayName": "Analyze Receipt", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/receipt/asyncbatchanalyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Content Moderator", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator", "operations": [ { "description": "Create image list.", "displayName": "Image Lists - Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/imagelists/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create term list.", "displayName": "Term Lists - Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/termlists/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A sync API for harmful content analysis for image", "displayName": "Analyze Image", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/image:analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "An API to trigger harmful content analysis for image batch", "displayName": "Analyze Image In Batch", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/image:batchanalyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A sync API for harmful content analysis for text", "displayName": "Analyze Text", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/text:analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "An API for triggering harmful content analysis of text batch", "displayName": "Analyze Text In Batch", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/text:batchanalyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage image lists.", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/imagelists", "operations": [ { "description": "Image Lists - Get Details|Image Lists - Get All", "displayName": "Image Lists - Get Details|Image Lists - Get All", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/imagelists/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Image Lists - Delete", "displayName": "Image Lists - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/imagelists/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Image Lists - Refresh Search Index", "displayName": "Image Lists - Refresh Search Index", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/imagelists/refreshindex/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Image Lists - Update Details", "displayName": "Image Lists - Update Details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/imagelists/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "images*", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/imagelists/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Add an Image to your image list. The image list can be used to do fuzzy matching against other images when using Image/Match API.", "displayName": "Image - Add Image", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/imagelists/images/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Image from your image list. The image list can be used to do fuzzy matching against other images when using Image/Match API.\r\nDelete all images from your list. The image list can be used to do fuzzy matching against other images when using Image/Match API.*", "displayName": "Image - Delete|Image - Delete all Images*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/imagelists/images/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Image - Get all Image Ids", "displayName": "Image - Get all Image Ids", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/imagelists/images/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "termlists*", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/termlists", "operations": [ { "description": "Term Lists - Bulk Update", "displayName": "Term Lists - Bulk Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/termlists/bulkupdate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Term Lists - Delete", "displayName": "Term Lists - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/termlists/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Term Lists - Get All|Term Lists - Get Details", "displayName": "Term Lists - Get All|Term Lists - Get Details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/termlists/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Term Lists - Refresh Search Index", "displayName": "Term Lists - Refresh Search Index", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/termlists/refreshindex/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Term Lists - Update Details", "displayName": "Term Lists - Update Details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/termlists/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage terms.", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/termlists/terms", "operations": [ { "description": "Term - Add Term", "displayName": "Term - Add Term", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/termlists/terms/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Term - Delete|Term - Delete All Terms", "displayName": "Term - Delete|Term - Delete All Terms", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/termlists/terms/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Term - Get All Terms", "displayName": "Term - Get All Terms", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/termlists/terms/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Process images.", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/processimage", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns probabilities of the image containing racy or adult content.", "displayName": "Image - Evaluate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/processimage/evaluate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Find faces in images.", "displayName": "Image - Find Faces", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/processimage/findfaces/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Fuzzily match an image against one of your custom Image Lists. You can create and manage your custom image lists using this API. ", "displayName": "Image - Match", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/processimage/match/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns any text found in the image for the language specified. If no language is specified in input then the detection defaults to English.", "displayName": "Image - OCR", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/processimage/ocr/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "processtext*", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/processtext", "operations": [ { "description": "This operation will detect the language of given input content. Returns the ISO 639-3 code for the predominant language comprising the submitted text. Over 110 languages supported.", "displayName": "Text - Detect Language", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/processtext/detectlanguage/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation detects profanity in more than 100 languages and match against custom and shared blacklists.", "displayName": "Text - Screen", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/processtext/screen/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage jobs.", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/teams", "operations": [ { "description": "A job Id will be returned for the Image content posted on this endpoint. ", "displayName": "Job - Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/jobs/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The reviews created would show up for Reviewers on your team. As Reviewers complete reviewing, results of the Review would be POSTED (i.e. HTTP POST) on the specified CallBackEndpoint.", "displayName": "Review - Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage reviews.", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns review details for the review Id passed.", "displayName": "Review - Get", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Video reviews are initially created in an unpublished state - which means it is not available for reviewers on your team to review yet.", "displayName": "Review - Publish video review", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews/publish/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API adds a transcript file (text version of all the words spoken in a video) to a video review. The file should be a valid WebVTT format.", "displayName": "Review - Add video transcript", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews/transcript/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API adds a transcript screen text result file for a video review. Transcript screen text result file is a result of Screen Text API . In order to generate transcript screen text result file , a transcript file has to be screened for profanity using Screen Text API.", "displayName": "Review - Add video transcript moderation result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews/transcriptmoderationresult/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage access keys.", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews/accesskey", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the review content access key for your team.", "displayName": "Content AccessKey - Get", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews/accesskey/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage video frames.", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews/frames", "operations": [ { "description": "Use this method to add frames for a video review.", "displayName": "Review - Add video frames", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews/frames/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "Review - Get video frames", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/reviews/frames/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage jobs.", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/teams/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Job Details for a Job Id.", "displayName": "Job - Get", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage setting templates.", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/teams/settings/templates", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates the specified template", "displayName": "Review - Create or Update Template", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/settings/templates/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a template in your team", "displayName": "Review - Delete Template", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/settings/templates/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns an array of review templates provisioned on this team.", "displayName": "Review - Get Templates", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/settings/templates/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage workflows.", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/teams/workflows", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a new workflow or update an existing one.", "displayName": "Workflow - Create Or Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/workflows/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the details of a specific Workflow on your Team\r\nGet all the Workflows available for you Team*", "displayName": "Workflow - Get|Workflow - Get All*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/teams/workflows/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom Vision", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a project.", "displayName": "Create a project.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "GetApiKeyForUser", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/user/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "SetQuota", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/quota/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iterations*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/classify/iterations", "operations": [ { "description": "Classify an image and saves the result.", "displayName": "ClassifyImage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/classify/iterations/image/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Classify an image url and saves the result.", "displayName": "ClassifyImageUrl", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/classify/iterations/url/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "url*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/classify/iterations/url", "operations": [ { "description": "Classify an image url without saving the result.", "displayName": "ClassifyImageUrlWithNoStore", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/classify/iterations/url/nostore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "image*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/classify/iterations/image", "operations": [ { "description": "Classify an image without saving the result.", "displayName": "ClassifyImageWithNoStore", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/classify/iterations/image/nostore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iterations*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/detect/iterations", "operations": [ { "description": "Detect objects in an image and saves the result.", "displayName": "DetectImage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/detect/iterations/image/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Detect objects in an image url and saves the result.", "displayName": "DetectImageUrl", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/detect/iterations/url/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "url*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/detect/iterations/url", "operations": [ { "description": "Detect objects in an image url without saving the result.", "displayName": "DetectImageUrlWithNoStore", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/detect/iterations/url/nostore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "image*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/detect/iterations/image", "operations": [ { "description": "Detect objects in an image without saving the result.", "displayName": "DetectImageWithNoStore", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/detect/iterations/image/nostore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "This API accepts body content as multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream. When using multipart", "displayName": "CreateImagesFromData", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a tag for the project.", "displayName": "CreateTag", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/tags/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a specific project.", "displayName": "DeleteProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a specific project.\r\nGet your projects.*", "displayName": "GetProject|GetProjects*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Queues project for training.", "displayName": "TrainProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a specific project.", "displayName": "UpdateProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Imports a project.", "displayName": "ImportProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/import/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "images*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images", "operations": [ { "description": "This API accepts a batch of image regions, and optionally tags, to update existing images with region information.", "displayName": "CreateImageRegions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/regions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API accepts a batch of files, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.", "displayName": "CreateImagesFromFiles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/files/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API creates a batch of images from predicted images specified. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.", "displayName": "CreateImagesFromPredictions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/predictions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API accepts a batch of urls, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.", "displayName": "CreateImagesFromUrls", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/urls/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Associate a set of images with a set of tags.", "displayName": "CreateImageTags", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/tags/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete images from the set of training images.", "displayName": "DeleteImages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API will get region proposals for an image along with confidences for the region. It returns an empty array if no proposals are found.", "displayName": "GetImageRegionProposals", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/regionproposals/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API will fetch untagged images filtered by suggested tags Ids. It returns an empty array if no images are found.", "displayName": "QuerySuggestedImages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/suggested/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "regions*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/regions", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a set of image regions.", "displayName": "DeleteImageRegions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/regions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tags*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Remove a set of tags from a set of images.", "displayName": "DeleteImageTags", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/tags/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "id*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/id", "operations": [ { "description": "This API will return a set of Images for the specified tags and optionally iteration. If no iteration is specified the", "displayName": "GetImagesByIds", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/id/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tagged*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/tagged", "operations": [ { "description": "This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images.", "displayName": "GetTaggedImages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/tagged/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "count*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/tagged/count", "operations": [ { "description": "The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the \"Dog\" and", "displayName": "GetTaggedImageCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/tagged/count/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "untagged*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/untagged", "operations": [ { "description": "This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images.", "displayName": "GetUntaggedImages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/untagged/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "count*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/untagged/count", "operations": [ { "description": "This API returns the images which have no tags for a given project and optionally an iteration. If no iteration is specified the", "displayName": "GetUntaggedImageCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/untagged/count/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "suggested*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/suggested", "operations": [ { "description": "This API takes in tagIds to get count of untagged images per suggested tags for a given threshold.", "displayName": "QuerySuggestedImageCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/images/suggested/count/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iterations*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a specific iteration of a project.", "displayName": "DeleteIteration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export a trained iteration.", "displayName": "ExportIteration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/export/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a specific iteration.\r\nGet iterations for the project.*", "displayName": "GetIteration|GetIterations*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Publish a specific iteration.", "displayName": "PublishIteration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/publish/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a specific iteration.", "displayName": "UpdateIteration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "export*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/export", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of exports for a specific iteration.", "displayName": "GetExports", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/export/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "performance*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/performance", "operations": [ { "description": "Get detailed performance information about an iteration.", "displayName": "GetIterationPerformance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/performance/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "images*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/performance/images", "operations": [ { "description": "This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images.", "displayName": "GetImagePerformances", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/performance/images/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "count*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/performance/images/count", "operations": [ { "description": "The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the \"Dog\" and", "displayName": "GetImagePerformanceCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/performance/images/count/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publish*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/publish", "operations": [ { "description": "Unpublish a specific iteration.", "displayName": "UnpublishIteration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/iterations/publish/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "predictions*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/predictions", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a set of predicted images and their associated prediction results.", "displayName": "DeletePrediction", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/predictions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get images that were sent to your prediction endpoint.", "displayName": "QueryPredictions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/predictions/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tags*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a tag from the project.", "displayName": "DeleteTag", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/tags/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get information about a specific tag.\r\nGet the tags for a given project and iteration.*", "displayName": "GetTag|GetTags*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/tags/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a tag.", "displayName": "UpdateTag", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/tags/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "quicktest*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/quicktest", "operations": [ { "description": "Quick test an image.", "displayName": "QuickTestImage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/quicktest/image/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Quick test an image url.", "displayName": "QuickTestImageUrl", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/quicktest/url/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tagsandregions*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/tagsandregions", "operations": [ { "description": "This API will get suggested tags and regions for an array/batch of untagged images along with confidences for the tags. It returns an empty array if no tags are found.", "displayName": "SuggestTagsAndRegions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/tagsandregions/suggestions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "domains*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/domains", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a specific domain.\r\nGet a list of the available domains.*", "displayName": "GetDomain|GetDomains*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/domains/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "quota*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/quota", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "DeleteQuota", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/quota/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "refresh*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/quota/refresh", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "RefreshQuota", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/quota/refresh/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "user*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/user", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "DeleteUser", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/user/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tier*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/user/tier", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "SetUserTier", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/user/tier/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "state*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/user/state", "operations": [ { "description": "Update user state", "displayName": "UpdateUserState", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/user/state/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "whitelist*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/whitelist", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a whitelisted user with specific capability", "displayName": "DeleteWhitelistedUserWithCapability", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/whitelist/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a list of whitelisted users with specific capability", "displayName": "GetWhitelistedUsersWithCapability", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/whitelist/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates or creates a user in the whitelist with specific capability", "displayName": "PutWhitelistedUserWithCapability", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/whitelist/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "labelproposals*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/labelproposals", "operations": [ { "description": "Set pool size of Label Proposal.", "displayName": "SetLabelSetting", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/labelproposals/setting/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "setting*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/labelproposals/setting", "operations": [ { "description": "Get pool size of Label Proposal for this project.", "displayName": "GetLabelSetting", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/labelproposals/setting/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "user*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/usage/prediction/user", "operations": [ { "description": "Get usage for prediction resource for Oxford user", "displayName": "GetPredictionUsageForOxford", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/usage/prediction/user/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tier*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/usage/training/resource/tier", "operations": [ { "description": "Get usage for training resource for Azure user", "displayName": "GetTrainingUsageForAzure", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/usage/training/resource/tier/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "user*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/usage/training/user", "operations": [ { "description": "Get usage for training resource for Oxford user", "displayName": "GetTrainingUsageForOxford", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/usage/training/user/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "users*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/users", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "GetUsers", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/users/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "project*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/project", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "MigrateToAzure", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/project/migrate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OCR Analysis", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/read", "operations": [ { "description": "Use this interface to perform a Read operation, employing the state-of-the-art Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithms optimized for text-heavy documents. It can handle hand-written, printed or mixed documents. When you use the Read interface, the response contains a header called 'Operation-Location'. The 'Operation-Location' header contains the URL that you must use for your Get Read Result operation to access OCR results.**", "displayName": "OCR - Analyze", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/read/analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OCR Batch", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/read/core", "operations": [ { "description": "Use this interface to get the result of a Batch Read File operation, employing the state-of-the-art Optical Character", "displayName": "Batch Read File", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/read/core/asyncbatchanalyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OCR Operations", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/read/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "This interface is used for getting OCR results of Read operation. The URL to this interface should be retrieved from \"Operation-Location\" field returned from Batch Read File interface.", "displayName": "Get results of read operation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/read/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OCR Analysis Results", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/read/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Use this interface to retrieve the status and OCR result of a Read operation. The URL containing the 'operationId' is returned in the Read operation 'Operation-Location' response header.*", "displayName": "Get analysis results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/read/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases", "operations": [ { "description": "Publishes all changes in test index of a knowledgebase to its prod index.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Publish", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases/publish/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the knowledgebase and all its data.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets List of Knowledgebases or details of a specific knowledgebaser.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Get Details|Knowledgebase - List All", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Asynchronous operation to modify a knowledgebase or Replace knowledgebase contents.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Replace|Knowledgebase - Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "GenerateAnswer call to query the knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Generate Answer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases/generateanswer/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Train call to add suggestions to the knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Train", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases/create", "operations": [ { "description": "Asynchronous operation to create a new knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases/create/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases/download", "operations": [ { "description": "Download the knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Download", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/knowledgebases/download/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alterations", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker/alterations", "operations": [ { "description": "Download alterations from runtime.", "displayName": "Alterations - Get", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/alterations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Replace alterations data.", "displayName": "Alterations - Replace", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/alterations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoint Keys", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker/endpointkeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets endpoint keys for an endpoint", "displayName": "Endpoint Keys - Get Keys", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/endpointkeys/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Re-generates an endpoint key.", "displayName": "Endpoint Keys - Refresh Keys", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/endpointkeys/refreshkeys/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoint Settings", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker/endpointsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets endpoint settings for an endpoint", "displayName": "Endpoint Settings - Get Settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/endpointsettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update endpoint seettings for an endpoint.", "displayName": "Endpoint Settings - Update Settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/endpointsettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets details of a specific long running operation.", "displayName": "Operations - Get Details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "QnA Maker", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker", "operations": [ { "description": "QnA Maker", "displayName": "QnA Maker", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker/root/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "snapshots*", "name": "accounts/Face/snapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Apply a snapshot, providing a user-specified object id.*", "displayName": "Snapshot - Apply", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/snapshots/apply/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a snapshot.", "displayName": "Snapshot - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/snapshots/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get information of a snapshot.\r\nList all of the user's accessible snapshots with information.", "displayName": "Snapshot - Get|Snapshot - List*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/snapshots/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update properties of a snapshot.", "displayName": "Snapshot - Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/snapshots/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "export*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/export", "operations": [ { "description": "Exports a project.", "displayName": "ExportProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/export/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "train*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/train", "operations": [ { "description": "Queues project for training with PipelineConfiguration and training type.", "displayName": "TrainProjectWithPipelineConfigAndTrainingType", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision.Prediction/projects/train/advanced/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cognitive Services API Account", "name": "accounts/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads private link resources for an account.", "displayName": "Read private link resources for an account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private endpoint connection resource", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads private endpoint connections.", "displayName": "Read private endpoint connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a private endpoint connections.", "displayName": "Write a private endpoint connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a private endpoint connections.", "displayName": "Delete a private endpoint connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private endpoint connection proxies resource", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads private endpoint connection proxies (internal use only).", "displayName": "Read private endpoint connection proxies (internal use only)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes private endpoint connection proxies (internal use only).", "displayName": "Write private endpoint connection proxies (internal use only)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a private endpoint connections.", "displayName": "Delete a private endpoint connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates private endpoint connection proxies (internal use only).", "displayName": "Validate private endpoint connection proxies (internal use only)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "QnA Maker", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker.v2", "operations": [ { "description": "QnA Maker", "displayName": "QnA Maker", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/root/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases", "operations": [ { "description": "Publishes all changes in test index of a knowledgebase to its prod index.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Publish", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases/publish/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the knowledgebase and all its data.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets List of Knowledgebases or details of a specific knowledgebaser.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Get Details|Knowledgebase - List All", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Asynchronous operation to modify a knowledgebase or Replace knowledgebase contents.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Replace|Knowledgebase - Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "GenerateAnswer call to query the knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Generate Answer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases/generateanswer/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Train call to add suggestions to the knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Train", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases/create", "operations": [ { "description": "Asynchronous operation to create a new knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases/create/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases/download", "operations": [ { "description": "Download the knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Download", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/knowledgebases/download/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alterations", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker.v2/alterations", "operations": [ { "description": "Download alterations from runtime.", "displayName": "Alterations - Get", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/alterations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Replace alterations data.", "displayName": "Alterations - Replace", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/alterations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoint Keys", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker.v2/endpointkeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets endpoint keys for an endpoint", "displayName": "Endpoint Keys - Get Keys", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/endpointkeys/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Re-generates an endpoint key.", "displayName": "Endpoint Keys - Refresh Keys", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/endpointkeys/refreshkeys/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoint Settings", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker.v2/endpointsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets endpoint settings for an endpoint", "displayName": "Endpoint Settings - Get Settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/endpointsettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update endpoint seettings for an endpoint.", "displayName": "Endpoint Settings - Update Settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/endpointsettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker.v2/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets details of a specific long running operation.", "displayName": "Operations - Get Details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom Vision", "name": "accounts/CustomVision", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a project.", "displayName": "Create a project.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "GetApiKeyForUser", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/user/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "SetQuota", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/quota/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iterations*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/classify/iterations", "operations": [ { "description": "Classify an image and saves the result.", "displayName": "ClassifyImage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/classify/iterations/image/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Classify an image url and saves the result.", "displayName": "ClassifyImageUrl", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/classify/iterations/url/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "url*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/classify/iterations/url", "operations": [ { "description": "Classify an image url without saving the result.", "displayName": "ClassifyImageUrlWithNoStore", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/classify/iterations/url/nostore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "image*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/classify/iterations/image", "operations": [ { "description": "Classify an image without saving the result.", "displayName": "ClassifyImageWithNoStore", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/classify/iterations/image/nostore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iterations*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/detect/iterations", "operations": [ { "description": "Detect objects in an image and saves the result.", "displayName": "DetectImage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/detect/iterations/image/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Detect objects in an image url and saves the result.", "displayName": "DetectImageUrl", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/detect/iterations/url/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "url*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/detect/iterations/url", "operations": [ { "description": "Detect objects in an image url without saving the result.", "displayName": "DetectImageUrlWithNoStore", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/detect/iterations/url/nostore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "image*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/detect/iterations/image", "operations": [ { "description": "Detect objects in an image without saving the result.", "displayName": "DetectImageWithNoStore", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/detect/iterations/image/nostore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "This API accepts body content as multipart/form-data and application/octet-stream. When using multipart", "displayName": "CreateImagesFromData", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a tag for the project.", "displayName": "CreateTag", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/tags/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a specific project.", "displayName": "DeleteProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a specific project.\r\nGet your projects.*", "displayName": "GetProject|GetProjects*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Queues project for training.", "displayName": "TrainProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a specific project.", "displayName": "UpdateProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Imports a project.", "displayName": "ImportProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/import/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "images*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/images", "operations": [ { "description": "This API accepts a batch of image regions, and optionally tags, to update existing images with region information.", "displayName": "CreateImageRegions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/regions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API accepts a batch of files, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.", "displayName": "CreateImagesFromFiles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/files/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API creates a batch of images from predicted images specified. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.", "displayName": "CreateImagesFromPredictions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/predictions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API accepts a batch of urls, and optionally tags, to create images. There is a limit of 64 images and 20 tags.", "displayName": "CreateImagesFromUrls", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/urls/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Associate a set of images with a set of tags.", "displayName": "CreateImageTags", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/tags/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete images from the set of training images.", "displayName": "DeleteImages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API will get region proposals for an image along with confidences for the region. It returns an empty array if no proposals are found.", "displayName": "GetImageRegionProposals", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/regionproposals/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API will fetch untagged images filtered by suggested tags Ids. It returns an empty array if no images are found.", "displayName": "QuerySuggestedImages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/suggested/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images.", "displayName": "GetImages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This API accepts a batch of image Ids, and metadata, to update images. There is a limit of 64 images.", "displayName": "UpdateImageMetadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/metadata/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "regions*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/regions", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a set of image regions.", "displayName": "DeleteImageRegions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/regions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tags*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Remove a set of tags from a set of images.", "displayName": "DeleteImageTags", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/tags/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "id*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/id", "operations": [ { "description": "This API will return a set of Images for the specified tags and optionally iteration. If no iteration is specified the", "displayName": "GetImagesByIds", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/id/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tagged*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/tagged", "operations": [ { "description": "This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images.", "displayName": "GetTaggedImages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/tagged/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "count*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/tagged/count", "operations": [ { "description": "The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the \"Dog\" and", "displayName": "GetTaggedImageCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/tagged/count/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "untagged*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/untagged", "operations": [ { "description": "This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images.", "displayName": "GetUntaggedImages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/untagged/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "count*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/untagged/count", "operations": [ { "description": "This API returns the images which have no tags for a given project and optionally an iteration. If no iteration is specified the", "displayName": "GetUntaggedImageCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/untagged/count/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "suggested*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/suggested", "operations": [ { "description": "This API takes in tagIds to get count of untagged images per suggested tags for a given threshold.", "displayName": "QuerySuggestedImageCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/suggested/count/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iterations*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a specific iteration of a project.", "displayName": "DeleteIteration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export a trained iteration.", "displayName": "ExportIteration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/export/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a specific iteration.\r\nGet iterations for the project.*", "displayName": "GetIteration|GetIterations*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Publish a specific iteration.", "displayName": "PublishIteration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/publish/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a specific iteration.", "displayName": "UpdateIteration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "export*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/export", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of exports for a specific iteration.", "displayName": "GetExports", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/export/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "performance*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/performance", "operations": [ { "description": "Get detailed performance information about an iteration.", "displayName": "GetIterationPerformance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/performance/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "images*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/performance/images", "operations": [ { "description": "This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images.", "displayName": "GetImagePerformances", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/performance/images/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "count*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/performance/images/count", "operations": [ { "description": "The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the \"Dog\" and", "displayName": "GetImagePerformanceCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/performance/images/count/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publish*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/publish", "operations": [ { "description": "Unpublish a specific iteration.", "displayName": "UnpublishIteration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/iterations/publish/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "predictions*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/predictions", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a set of predicted images and their associated prediction results.", "displayName": "DeletePrediction", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/predictions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get images that were sent to your prediction endpoint.", "displayName": "QueryPredictions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/predictions/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tags*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a tag from the project.", "displayName": "DeleteTag", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/tags/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get information about a specific tag.\r\nGet the tags for a given project and iteration.*", "displayName": "GetTag|GetTags*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/tags/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a tag.", "displayName": "UpdateTag", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/tags/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "quicktest*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/quicktest", "operations": [ { "description": "Quick test an image.", "displayName": "QuickTestImage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/quicktest/image/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Quick test an image url.", "displayName": "QuickTestImageUrl", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/quicktest/url/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tagsandregions*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/tagsandregions", "operations": [ { "description": "This API will get suggested tags and regions for an array/batch of untagged images along with confidences for the tags. It returns an empty array if no tags are found.", "displayName": "SuggestTagsAndRegions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/tagsandregions/suggestions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "export*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/export", "operations": [ { "description": "Exports a project.", "displayName": "ExportProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/export/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "train*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/train", "operations": [ { "description": "Queues project for training with PipelineConfiguration and training type.", "displayName": "TrainProjectWithPipelineConfigAndTrainingType", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/train/advanced/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "domains*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/domains", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a specific domain.\r\nGet a list of the available domains.*", "displayName": "GetDomain|GetDomains*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/domains/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "quota*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/quota", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "DeleteQuota", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/quota/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "refresh*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/quota/refresh", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "RefreshQuota", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/quota/refresh/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "user*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/user", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "DeleteUser", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/user/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tier*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/user/tier", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "SetUserTier", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/user/tier/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "state*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/user/state", "operations": [ { "description": "Update user state", "displayName": "UpdateUserState", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/user/state/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "whitelist*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/whitelist", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a whitelisted user with specific capability", "displayName": "DeleteWhitelistedUserWithCapability", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/whitelist/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a list of whitelisted users with specific capability", "displayName": "GetWhitelistedUsersWithCapability", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/whitelist/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates or creates a user in the whitelist with specific capability", "displayName": "PutWhitelistedUserWithCapability", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/whitelist/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "labelproposals*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/labelproposals", "operations": [ { "description": "Set pool size of Label Proposal.", "displayName": "SetLabelSetting", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/labelproposals/setting/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "setting*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/labelproposals/setting", "operations": [ { "description": "Get pool size of Label Proposal for this project.", "displayName": "GetLabelSetting", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/labelproposals/setting/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "user*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/usage/prediction/user", "operations": [ { "description": "Get usage for prediction resource for Oxford user", "displayName": "GetPredictionUsageForOxford", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/usage/prediction/user/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tier*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/usage/training/resource/tier", "operations": [ { "description": "Get usage for training resource for Azure user", "displayName": "GetTrainingUsageForAzure", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/usage/training/resource/tier/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "user*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/usage/training/user", "operations": [ { "description": "Get usage for training resource for Oxford user", "displayName": "GetTrainingUsageForOxford", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/usage/training/user/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "users*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/users", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "GetUsers", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/users/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "project*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/project", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "MigrateToAzure", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/project/migrate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "count*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/count", "operations": [ { "description": "The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the \"Dog\" and", "displayName": "GetImageCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/images/count/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "artifacts*", "name": "accounts/CustomVision/projects/artifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get artifact content from blob storage, based on artifact relative path in the blob.", "displayName": "GetArtifact", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVision/projects/artifacts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Form Analysis Results", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Obtain current status and the result of the analyze form operation.", "displayName": "Get Analyze Form Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Copy Model Results", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/copyresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Obtain current status and the result of the custom form model copy operation.", "displayName": "Get Copy Model Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/custom/models/copyresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Receipt Recognizer Operations", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/receipt/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the status and retrieve the result of an Analyze Receipt operation. The URL to this interface can be obtained from the 'Operation-Location' header in the Analyze Receipt response.", "displayName": "Get Receipt Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/receipt/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Receipt Analysis Results", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/receipt/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the status and retrieve the result of an Analyze Receipt operation. The URL to this interface can be obtained from the 'Operation-Location' header in the Analyze Receipt response.", "displayName": "Get Analyze Receipt Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/receipt/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Businesscard Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/businesscard", "operations": [ { "description": "Extract field text and semantic values from a given business card document. ", "displayName": "Analyze Business Card", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/businesscard/analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Businesscard Analysis Results", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/businesscard/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the status and retrieve the result of an Analyze Business Card operation. The URL to this interface can be obtained from the 'Operation-Location' header in the Analyze Business Card response.", "displayName": "Get Analyze Business Card Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/businesscard/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Document Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/layout", "operations": [ { "description": "Extract text and layout information from a given document. The input document must be of one of the supported content types - 'application/pdf', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png' or 'image/tiff'. Alternatively, use 'application/json' type to specify the Url location of the document to be analyzed.", "displayName": "Analyze Layout", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/layout/analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Document Analysis Results", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/layout/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the progress and obtain the result of the analyze layout operation", "displayName": "Get Analyze Layout Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/layout/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data feed", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/datafeeds", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a data feed.", "displayName": "Create or update a data feed", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/datafeeds/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a data feed", "displayName": "Delete a data feed", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/datafeeds/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a data feed by its id or list all data feeds", "displayName": "Get a data feed by its id or list all data feeds", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/datafeeds/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Ingestion status", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/datafeeds/ingestionstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get data ingestion status by data feed", "displayName": "Get data ingestion status by data feed", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/datafeeds/ingestionstatus/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Ingestion progress", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/datafeeds/ingestionprogress", "operations": [ { "description": "Get data last success ingestion job timestamp by data feed", "displayName": "Get data last success ingestion job timestamp by data feed", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/datafeeds/ingestionprogress/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset data ingestion status by data feed to backfill data", "displayName": "Reset data ingestion status by data feed to backfill data", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/datafeeds/ingestionprogress/reset/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Hooks", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/hooks", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a hook", "displayName": "Create or update a hook", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/hooks/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a hook", "displayName": "Delete a hook", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/hooks/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a hook by its id or list all hooks", "displayName": "Get a hook by its id or list all hooks", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/hooks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Feedback on metric", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/feedback/metric", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a new metric feedback", "displayName": "Create a new metric feedback", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/feedback/metric/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a metric feedback by its id", "displayName": "Get a metric feedback by its id", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/feedback/metric/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "List feedback on the given metric", "displayName": "List feedback on the given metric", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/feedback/metric/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Anomaly alert configurations", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/alert/anomaly/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update anomaly alerting configuration", "displayName": "Create or update anomaly alerting configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/alert/anomaly/configurations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete anomaly alerting configuration", "displayName": "Delete anomaly alerting configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/alert/anomaly/configurations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query a single anomaly alerting configuration", "displayName": "Query a single anomaly alerting configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/alert/anomaly/configurations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alerts under anomaly alert configurations", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/alert/anomaly/configurations/alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Query alerts under anomaly alerting configuration", "displayName": "Query alerts under anomaly alerting configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/alert/anomaly/configurations/alerts/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alerts for anomalies", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/alert/anomaly/configurations/alerts/anomalies", "operations": [ { "description": "Query anomalies under a specific alert", "displayName": "Query anomalies under a specific alert", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/alert/anomaly/configurations/alerts/anomalies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alerts for incidents", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/alert/anomaly/configurations/alerts/incidents", "operations": [ { "description": "Query incidents under a specific alert", "displayName": "Query incidents under a specific alert", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/alert/anomaly/configurations/alerts/incidents/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Anomaly detection configurations", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update anomaly detection configuration", "displayName": "Create or update anomaly detection configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete anomaly detection configuration", "displayName": "Delete anomaly detection configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query a single anomaly detection configuration", "displayName": "Query a single anomaly detection configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Anomaly alert configurations under anomaly detection configuration", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/alert/anomaly/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Query all anomaly alerting configurations for specific anomaly detection configuration", "displayName": "Query all anomaly alerting configurations for specific anomaly detection configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/alert/anomaly/configurations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Anomalies under anomaly detection configuration", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/anomalies", "operations": [ { "description": "Query anomalies under anomaly detection configuration", "displayName": "Query anomalies under anomaly detection configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/anomalies/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Dimension of anomalies under anomaly detection configuration", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/anomalies/dimension", "operations": [ { "description": "Query dimension values of anomalies", "displayName": "Query dimension values of anomalies", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/anomalies/dimension/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Incidents under anomaly detection configuration", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/incidents", "operations": [ { "description": "Query incidents under anomaly detection configuration", "displayName": "Query incidents under anomaly detection configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/incidents/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Root cause of incidents under anomaly detection configuration", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/incidents/rootcause", "operations": [ { "description": "Query root cause for incident", "displayName": "Query root cause for incident", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/incidents/rootcause/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Series by anomaly detection configuration", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/series", "operations": [ { "description": "Query series enriched by anomaly detection", "displayName": "Query series enriched by anomaly detection", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/series/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Latest stats", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/stats/latest", "operations": [ { "description": "Get latest usage stats", "displayName": "Get latest usage stats", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/stats/latest/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data of metrics", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/metrics/data", "operations": [ { "description": "Get time series data from metric", "displayName": "Get time series data from metric", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/metrics/data/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Dimension of metrics", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/metrics/dimension", "operations": [ { "description": "List dimension from certain metric", "displayName": "List dimension from certain metric", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/metrics/dimension/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Series of metrics", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/metrics/series", "operations": [ { "description": "List series (dimension combinations) from metric", "displayName": "List series (dimension combinations) from metric", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/metrics/series/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Anomaly detection configuration", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/metrics/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Query all anomaly detection configurations for specific metric", "displayName": "Query all anomaly detection configurations for specific metric", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/metrics/enrichment/anomalydetection/configurations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Enrichment status of anomaly detection", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/metrics/status/enrichment/anomalydetection", "operations": [ { "description": "Query anomaly detection status", "displayName": "Query anomaly detection status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/metrics/status/enrichment/anomalydetection/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Translator Text API", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation", "operations": [ { "description": "API to translate a document.", "displayName": "DocumentTranslate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/document:translate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Identifies the language of a piece of text.", "displayName": "Detect", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/detect/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Identifies the positioning of sentence boundaries in a piece of text.", "displayName": "Sentence Breaker", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/breaksentence/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Translates text.", "displayName": "Translate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/translate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Converts text in one language from one script to another script.", "displayName": "Transliterate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/transliterate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "dictionary", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/dictionary", "operations": [ { "description": "Provides examples that show how terms in the dictionary are used in context. This operation is used in tandem with Dictionary lookup.", "displayName": "Dictionary Examples", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/dictionary/examples/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Provides alternative translations for a word and a small number of idiomatic phrases. Each translation has a part-of-speech and a list of back-translations. The back-translations enable a user to understand the translation in context. The Dictionary Example operation allows further drill down to see example uses of each translation pair.", "displayName": "Dictionary Lookup", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/dictionary/lookup/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "languages", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/languages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the set of languages currently supported by other operations of the Translator Text API.", "displayName": "Languages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/languages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "invoice", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/invoice", "operations": [ { "description": "Extract field text and semantic values from a given invoice document.", "displayName": "Analyze Invoice - Analyze Invoice", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/invoice/analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyzeresults", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/invoice/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the status and retrieve the result of an Analyze Invoice operation. The URL to this interface can be obtained from the 'Operation-Location' header in the Analyze Invoice response.", "displayName": "Analyze Invoice - Get Analyze Invoice Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/invoice/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iddocument*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/iddocument", "operations": [ { "description": "Extract field text and semantic values from a given Id document.", "displayName": "Analyze Id Document - Analyze Id Document", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/iddocument/analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyzeresults*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/iddocument/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the status and retrieve the result of an Analyze Id operation. The URL to this interface can be obtained from the 'Operation-Location' header in the Analyze Id response.", "displayName": "Analyze Id Document- Get Analyze Id Document Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/prebuilt/iddocument/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "changepoint", "name": "accounts/AnomalyDetector/timeseries/changepoint", "operations": [ { "description": "This operation generates a model using an entire series, each point is detected with the same model. With this method, points before and after a certain point are used to determine whether it is a trend change point. The entire detection can detect all trend change points of the time series.", "displayName": "Univariate Anomaly Detection - Find trend change point for the entire series in batch.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/timeseries/changepoint/detect/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apps", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new LUIS app.\r\nUpdates the name or description of the application.", "displayName": "Apps - Add or Rename", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Assigns an Azure account to the application.", "displayName": "Apps - Assign Azure account to application", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/azureaccounts/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an application.", "displayName": "Apps - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the application info.\r\nLists all of the user applications.\r\nReturns the list of applications*", "displayName": "Apps - Get application info or Get applications list|Apps_GetApplicationsList*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Imports an application to LUIS, the application's JSON should be included in the request body. Returns new app ID.", "displayName": "Apps - Import", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/import/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Publishes a specific version of the application.", "displayName": "Apps - Publish", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/publish/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves the app to a different LUIS authoring Azure resource.", "displayName": "apps - Move app to another LUIS authoring Azure resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/move/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Assigns the subscription information to the specified application.", "displayName": "app subscriptions - AssignSubscriptionIdToApp", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/subscriptions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Uploads unlabeled data from csv file to the application", "displayName": "apps - UploadUnlabeledData", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/unlabeled/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Prebuilt Domains", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/customprebuiltdomains", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a prebuilt domain along with its models as a new application. Returns new app ID.", "displayName": "Apps - Add prebuilt domain application", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/customprebuiltdomains/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all the available custom prebuilt domains for a specific culture\r\nGets all the available custom prebuilt domains for all cultures", "displayName": "Apps - Get prebuilt domains for culture or Get prebuilt domains for all cultures", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/customprebuiltdomains/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apps - Query logs", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/querylogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the query logs of the past month for the application.", "displayName": "Apps - Download query logs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/querylogs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apps - Settings", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the application settings", "displayName": "Apps - Get Settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/settings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the application settings", "displayName": "Apps - Update settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/settings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apps - Endpoints", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/endpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the available endpoint deployment regions and urls", "displayName": "Apps - Get endpoints", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/endpoints/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apps - Cultures", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/cultures", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the supported LUIS application cultures.", "displayName": "Apps - Get cultures list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/cultures/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apps - Domains", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/domains", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available application domains.", "displayName": "Apps - Get domains list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/domains/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apps - Usage scenarios", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/usagescenarios", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the application available usage scenarios.", "displayName": "Apps - Get usage scenarios", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/usagescenarios/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apps - Azure accounts", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/azureaccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the LUIS Azure accounts assigned to the application for the user using his ARM token.", "displayName": "Apps - Get Azure accounts assigned to the application", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/azureaccounts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the LUIS Azure accounts for the user using his ARM token.", "displayName": "Apps - Removes an assigned LUIS Azure account from an application", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/azureaccounts/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apps - Publish Settings", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/publishsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the publish settings for the application.", "displayName": "Apps - Get publish settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/publishsettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the application publish settings.", "displayName": "Apps - Update publish settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/publishsettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apps - Query logs async", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/querylogsasync", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of the download request for query logs.", "displayName": "Apps - Get the asynchronously loaded query logs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/querylogsasync/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Versions", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Sends a training request for a version of a specified LUIS application.", "displayName": "Train version", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new application version equivalent to the current snapshot of the selected application version.", "displayName": "Clone version", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/clone/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an application version.", "displayName": "Delete application version", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the application version info.\r\nGets the info for the list of application versions.", "displayName": "Versions - Get version or Get versions list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Imports a new version into a LUIS application, the version's JSON should be included in in the request body.", "displayName": "Import version", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/import/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the name or description of the application version.", "displayName": "Rename", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "Trigger evaluations Async for an App version", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/evaluations/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Releases a new snapshot of the selected application version to be used by Dispatch applications", "displayName": "versions - Release dispatch version", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/releasedispatch/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Example", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/example", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a labeled example to the application version.", "displayName": "Add labeled example utterance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/example/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Examples", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/examples", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a batch of non-duplicate labeled examples to the specified application. Batch can't include hierarchical child entities.", "displayName": "Add a batch of labeled example utterances", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/examples/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the label with the specified ID.", "displayName": "Deletes labeled example utterances", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/examples/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a subset of endpoint examples to be reviewed.", "displayName": "Examples - Review labeled examples", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/examples/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Regex pattern features", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patterns", "operations": [ { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**", "displayName": "Regex pattern features - Create or Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patterns/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**", "displayName": "Regex pattern features - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patterns/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**", "displayName": "Regex pattern features - Get feature info or Get info for features list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patterns/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Phraselists", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/phraselists", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new phraselist feature.\r\nUpdates the phrases, the state and the name of the phraselist feature.", "displayName": "Phraselists - Create or update phraselist feature", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/phraselists/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a phraselist feature from an application.", "displayName": "Phraselists - Delete phraselist feature", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/phraselists/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets phraselist feature info.\r\nGets all phraselist features for the application version.", "displayName": "Phraselists - Get phraselist feature info or Get phraselist features list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/phraselists/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "suggest new entries for existing or newly created phrase lists", "displayName": "features - Suggest new entries for phraselist", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/phraselists/suggest/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Features", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/features", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all application version features.", "displayName": "Features - Get version features", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/features/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Closedlists", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a list entity to the LUIS app.\r\nAdds a batch of sublists to an existing closedlist.*\r\nUpdates the closed list model.", "displayName": "Create or Patch or Update closed list entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a closed list entity from the application.", "displayName": "Delete closed list entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information of a closed list model.\r\nGets information about the closedlist models.", "displayName": "Get closed list entity info or Get all version closedlist infos", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "suggest new entries for existing or newly created closed lists", "displayName": "models - Suggest new entries for closed list ", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/suggest/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Closedlist entity roles", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role for a closed list entity model\r\nUpdates a role for a closed list entity model.", "displayName": "Add or Update closed list entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/roles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the role for a closed list entity model.", "displayName": "models - Delete closed list entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/roles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the role for a closed list entity model.\r\nGets the roles for a closed list entity model.", "displayName": "models - Get closed list entity role info or Get closed list entity roles info", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/roles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sublists", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/sublists", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a list to an existing closed list\r\nUpdates one of the closed list's sublists", "displayName": "Add or Update closed list's sublist", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/sublists/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a sublist of a specified list entity.", "displayName": "Delete closedlist's sublist", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/sublists/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Composite entities", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a composite entity extractor to the application.\r\nUpdates the composite entity extractor.", "displayName": "Create or update composite entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a composite entity extractor from the application version.", "displayName": "Delete composite entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about the composite entity model.\r\nGets information about the composite entity models of the application version.", "displayName": "Get composite entity or Get version composite entity list infos", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Composite entity roles", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role for a composite entity model.\r\nUpdates a role for a composite entity model.", "displayName": "Add or Update composite entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities/roles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the role for a composite entity model.", "displayName": "Delete composite entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities/roles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the role for a composite entity model.\r\nGets the roles for a composite entity model.", "displayName": "Get composite entity role or Get composite entity roles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities/roles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Composite entity children", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities/children", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a single child in an existing composite entity model.", "displayName": "Add composite entity child", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities/children/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a composite entity extractor child from the application version.", "displayName": "Remove composite entity child", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/compositeentities/children/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Prebuilt domains", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltdomains", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a customizable prebuilt domain along with all of its models to this application version.", "displayName": "Add custom prebuilt domain", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltdomains/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a prebuilt domain's models from the application version.", "displayName": "Delete custom prebuilt domain", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltdomains/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Prebuilt domain entities", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltentities", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a custom prebuilt domain entity model to the application version. Use [delete entity](https://westus.dev.cognitive.microsoft.com/docs/services/5890b47c39e2bb17b84a55ff/operations/5890b47c39e2bb052c5b9c1f) with the entity id to remove this entity.", "displayName": "Add prebuilt domain entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltentities/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all custom prebuilt domain entities info for this application version", "displayName": "Get custom prebuilt domain entities list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltentities/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Prebuilt domain entity roles", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltentities/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role for a custom prebuilt domain entity model\r\nUpdates a role for a custom prebuilt domain entity model.", "displayName": "Add or Update prebuilt domain entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltentities/roles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the role for a custom prebuilt entity model.", "displayName": "Delete prebuilt domain entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltentities/roles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the role for a custom prebuilt domain entity model.\r\nGets the roles for a custom prebuilt domain entity model.", "displayName": "Get prebuilt domain entity role info or Get prebuilt domain entity roles info", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltentities/roles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Prebuilt domain intents", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltintents", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a custom prebuilt domain intent model to the application. Use [delete intent](https://westus.dev.cognitive.microsoft.com/docs/services/5890b47c39e2bb17b84a55ff/operations/5890b47c39e2bb052c5b9c1c) with the intent id to remove this intent.", "displayName": "Add custom prebuilt domain intent", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltintents/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets custom prebuilt intents info for this application version.", "displayName": "Get prebuilt domain intents list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltintents/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Simple entities", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a simple entity extractor to the application version.\r\nUpdates the name of an entity extractor.\r\nUpdates the entity extractor.*", "displayName": "Create or Rename simple entity|models - Update entity extractor*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a simple entity extractor from the application version.", "displayName": "Delete simple entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets info about the simple entity model.\r\nGets info about the simple entity models in the application version.", "displayName": "Get simple entity info or Get version simple entities infos", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Simple entity roles", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role for a simple entity model\r\nUpdates a role of a simple entity model.", "displayName": "Add or Update simple entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/roles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the role for a simple entity model.", "displayName": "Delete simple entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/roles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the role for a simple entity model.\r\nGets the roles for a simple entity model.", "displayName": "Get simple entity role or Get simple entity roles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/roles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Suggest for entities", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/suggest", "operations": [ { "description": "Suggests examples that would improve the accuracy of the entity model.", "displayName": "Suggest endpoint queries for entities", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/suggest/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Hierarchical entities", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a hierarchical entity extractor to the application version.\r\nUpdates the name and children of a hierarchical entity extractor model.", "displayName": "Create or Update hierarchical entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a hierarchical entity extractor from the application version.", "displayName": "Delete hierarchical entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets info about the hierarchical entity model.\r\nGets information about the hierarchical entity models in the application version.", "displayName": "Get hierarchical entity or Get version hierarchical entities", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Hierarchical entity roles", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role for a hierarchical entity model\r\nUpdates a role for a hierarchical entity model.", "displayName": "Add or Update hierarchical entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/roles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the role for a hierarchical entity model.", "displayName": "Delete hierarchical entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/roles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the role for a hierarchical entity model.\r\nGets the roles for a hierarchical entity model.", "displayName": "Get hierarchical entity role or Get hierarchical entity roles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/roles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Hierarchical entity children", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/children", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a single child in an existing hierarchical entity model.\r\nRenames a single child in an existing hierarchical entity model.", "displayName": "Create or Update hierarchical child entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/children/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a hierarchical entity extractor child from the application version.", "displayName": "Delete hierarchical entity child", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/children/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets info about the hierarchical entity child model.", "displayName": "Get hierarchical entity child", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/hierarchicalentities/children/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pattern.any entities", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a Pattern.any entity extractor to the application version.\r\nUpdates the Pattern.any entity extractor.", "displayName": "Create or Update Pattern.any entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Pattern.any entity extractor from the application version.", "displayName": "models - Delete Pattern.any entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets info about the Pattern.any entity model.\r\nGets info about the Pattern.any entity models in the application version.", "displayName": "Get Pattern.any entity or Get version Pattern.Any entities", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pattern.any entity roles", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role for a Pattern.any entity model\r\nUpdates a role for a Pattern.any entity model.", "displayName": "Add or Update Pattern.any entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/roles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the role for a Pattern.any entity model.", "displayName": "Delete Pattern.any entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/roles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the role for a Pattern.any entity model.\r\nGets the roles for a Pattern.any entity model.", "displayName": "Get Pattern.any entity role or Get version Pattern.any entity roles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/roles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Explicit list", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/explicitlist", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds an item to a Pattern.any explicit list.\r\nUpdates the explicit list item for a Pattern.any entity model.", "displayName": "Add or Update Pattern.any explicit list item", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/explicitlist/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an item from a Pattern.any explicit list.", "displayName": "Delete Pattern.any explicit list item", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/explicitlist/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the explicit list of a Pattern.any entity model.\r\nGets the explicit list item for a Pattern.Any entity model.", "displayName": "Get Pattern.any explicit list or Get Pattern.any explicit list item", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternanyentities/explicitlist/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Prebuilt entities", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/prebuilts", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a list of prebuilt entity extractors to the application version.", "displayName": "Add prebuilt entities", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/prebuilts/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a prebuilt entity extractor from the application version.", "displayName": "Delete prebuilt entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/prebuilts/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets info about the prebuilt entity model.\r\nGets info about the prebuilt entity models in the application version.", "displayName": "Get prebuilt entity or Get version prebuilt entities", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/prebuilts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Prebuilt entity roles", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/prebuilts/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role for a prebuilt entity model\r\nUpdates a role for a prebuilt entity model.", "displayName": "Add or Update prebuilt entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/prebuilts/roles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the role for a prebuilt entity model.", "displayName": "Delete prebuilt entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/prebuilts/roles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the role for a prebuilt entity model.\r\nGets the roles for a prebuilt entity model.", "displayName": "Get prebuilt entity role or Get prebuilt entity roles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/prebuilts/roles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Regex entities", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/regexentities", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a regular expression entity extractor to the application version.\r\nUpdates the regular expression entity model.", "displayName": "Create or update regular expression entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/regexentities/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a regular expression entity model from the application version.", "displayName": "Delete regular expression entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/regexentities/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets info about a regular expression entity model.\r\nGets info about the regular expression entity models in the application version.", "displayName": "Get regular expression entity or Get version Regular expression entities", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/regexentities/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Regex entity roles", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/regexentities/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role for a regular expression entity model\r\nUpdates a role for a regular expression entity model.", "displayName": "Add or Update regular expression entity role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/regexentities/roles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the role for a regular expression entity model.", "displayName": "Delete regular expression role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/regexentities/roles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the roles for a regular expression entity model.\r\nGets the role for a regular expression entity model.", "displayName": "Get regular expression entity roles or Get regular expression role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/regexentities/roles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Intents", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds an intent classifier to the application version.\r\nUpdates the name of an intent classifier.", "displayName": "Create or Rename intent", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an intent classifier from the application version.", "displayName": "models - Delete intent", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets info about the intent model.\r\nGets info about the intent models in the application version.", "displayName": "Get intent or Get version intents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Suggest for intents", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/suggest", "operations": [ { "description": "Suggests examples that would improve the accuracy of the intent model.", "displayName": "Suggest endpoint queries for intents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/suggest/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pattern rules", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/patternrules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the patterns for a specific intent.", "displayName": "Get intent patterns", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/patternrules/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Prebuilt entities", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/listprebuilts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all the available prebuilt entities for the application based on the application's culture.", "displayName": "Get available prebuilt entities list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/listprebuilts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Prebuilt domain models", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltmodels", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all custom prebuilt domain models info for this application version.", "displayName": "Get version prebuilt domain models list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltmodels/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Models", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets info about the application version models.\r\nGets information about a model.*", "displayName": "Get version models list|models - Get Model*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pattern rule", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternrule", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a pattern to the specified application version.", "displayName": "Add pattern", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternrule/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pattern rules", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternrules", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a list of patterns to the application version.\r\nUpdates a pattern in the application version.\r\nUpdates a list of patterns in the application version.", "displayName": "Batch add patterns or update pattern or batch update patterns", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternrules/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a list of patterns from the application version.\r\nDeletes a pattern from the application version.", "displayName": "Batch delete patterns or Delete pattern", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternrules/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the patterns in the application version.", "displayName": "Get patterns", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/patternrules/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Train", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/train", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the training status of all models (intents and entities) for the specified application version. You must call the train API to train the LUIS app before you call this API to get training status.", "displayName": "Get training status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/train/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Suggest", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/suggest", "operations": [ { "description": "Deleted an endpoint utterance. This utterance is in the \"Review endpoint utterances\" list.", "displayName": "Delete endpoint utterance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/suggest/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Export", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/export", "operations": [ { "description": "Exports a LUIS application version to JSON format.", "displayName": "Export application version", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/export/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "App version settings", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the application version settings.", "displayName": "Get application version settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/settings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the application version settings.", "displayName": "Update application version settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/settings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Get GZip package for published application slot", "name": "accounts/LUIS/package/slot/gzip", "operations": [ { "description": "Packages published LUIS application as GZip", "displayName": "Package published application as GZip", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/package/slot/gzip/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Get GZip package for trained application version", "name": "accounts/LUIS/package/versions/gzip", "operations": [ { "description": "Packages trained LUIS application as GZip", "displayName": "apps - PackageTrainedApplicationAsGZip", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/package/versions/gzip/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure accounts", "name": "accounts/LUIS/azureaccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the LUIS Azure accounts for the user using his ARM token.", "displayName": "Get LUIS Azure accounts of th user", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/azureaccounts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Personalizer API", "name": "accounts/Personalizer", "operations": [ { "description": "A personalization rank request.", "displayName": "A personalization rank request.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/rank/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a new evaluation.", "displayName": "Submit a new evaluation.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/evaluations/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "configurations*", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the client configuration.", "displayName": "Get the client configuration.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/configurations/client/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply Learning Settings and model from a pre-existing Offline Evaluation, making them the current online Learning Settings and model and replacing the previous ones.", "displayName": "Apply Learning Settings and model from a pre-existing Offline Evaluation, making them the current online Learning Settings and model and replacing the previous ones.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/configurations/applyfromevaluation/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage configuration policies", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/configurations/policy", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete the current policy.", "displayName": "Delete the current policy.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/configurations/policy/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the policy configuration.", "displayName": "Get the policy configuration.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/configurations/policy/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the policy configuration.", "displayName": "Update the policy configuration.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/configurations/policy/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage service configurations.", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/configurations/service", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the service configuration.", "displayName": "Get the service configuration.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/configurations/service/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the service configuration.", "displayName": "Update the service configuration.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/configurations/service/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "evaluations*", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/evaluations", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete the evaluation associated with the ID.", "displayName": "Delete the evaluation associated with the ID.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/evaluations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the evaluation associated with the ID.\r\nList all submitted evaluations.*", "displayName": "Get the evaluation associated with the ID.|List all submitted evaluations.*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/evaluations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a new Offline Evaluation job.", "displayName": "Create Offline Evaluation.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/evaluations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "logs*", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/logs", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes all the logs.", "displayName": "Deletes all the logs.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/logs/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The endpoint is intended to be used from within a SDK for logging interactions and accepts specific format defined in https://github.com/VowpalWabbit/reinforcement_learning. This endpoint should not be used by the customer.", "displayName": "Post interactions.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/logs/interactions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The endpoint is intended to be used from within a SDK for logging observations and accepts specific format defined in https://github.com/VowpalWabbit/reinforcement_learning. This endpoint should not be used by the customer.", "displayName": "Post observations.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/logs/observations/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage log properties.", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/logs/properties", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets logs properties.", "displayName": "Gets logs properties.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/logs/properties/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "model*", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/model", "operations": [ { "description": "Get current model.", "displayName": "Get current model.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/model/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resets the model.", "displayName": "Resets the model.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/model/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Replace the existing model file for the Personalizer service.", "displayName": "Put the digitally signed model file.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/model/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage model properties.", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/model/properties", "operations": [ { "description": "Get model properties.", "displayName": "Get model properties.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/model/properties/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manage events.", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/events", "operations": [ { "description": "Report reward to allocate to the top ranked action for the specified event.", "displayName": "Report reward to allocate to the top ranked action for the specified event.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/events/reward/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Report that the specified event was actually displayed to the user and a reward should be expected for it.", "displayName": "Report that the specified event was actually displayed to the user and a reward should be expected for it.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/events/activate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Gets operation status.", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/status", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of the operation.", "displayName": "StatusGet", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/status/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases", "operations": [ { "description": "Publishes all changes in test index of a knowledgebase to its prod index.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Publish", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases/publish/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the knowledgebase and all its data.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets List of Knowledgebases or details of a specific knowledgebaser.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Get Details|Knowledgebase - List All", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Asynchronous operation to modify a knowledgebase or Replace knowledgebase contents.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Replace|Knowledgebase - Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "GenerateAnswer call to query the knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Generate Answer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases/generateanswer/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Train call to add suggestions to the knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Train", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases/create", "operations": [ { "description": "Asynchronous operation to create a new knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases/create/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases/download", "operations": [ { "description": "Download the knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Knowledgebase - Download", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/knowledgebases/download/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alterations", "name": "accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/alterations", "operations": [ { "description": "Download alterations from runtime.", "displayName": "Alterations - Get", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/alterations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Replace alterations data.", "displayName": "Alterations - Replace", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/alterations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoint Keys", "name": "accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/endpointkeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets endpoint keys for an endpoint", "displayName": "Endpoint Keys - Get Keys", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/endpointkeys/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Re-generates an endpoint key.", "displayName": "Endpoint Keys - Refresh Keys", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/endpointkeys/refreshkeys/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoint Settings", "name": "accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/endpointsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets endpoint settings for an endpoint", "displayName": "Endpoint Settings - Get Settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/endpointsettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update endpoint seettings for an endpoint.", "displayName": "Endpoint Settings - Update Settings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/endpointsettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets details of a specific long running operation.", "displayName": "Operations - Get Details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tokenizerversions*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/cultures/tokenizerversions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the LUIS application culture and supported tokenizer versions for culture.", "displayName": "apps - Get LUIS application tokenizer versions for culture", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/cultures/tokenizerversions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "suggest*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/roles/suggest", "operations": [ { "description": "Suggests examples that would improve the accuracy of the entity model.", "displayName": "models - Suggest endpoint queries for entity roles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/roles/suggest/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "features*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/features", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a feature relation for an entity model\r\nUpdates the list of feature relations for the entity*", "displayName": "models - Add entity feature relation|models - Update entity Feature relations*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/features/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the feature relation for an entity model.", "displayName": "models - Delete entity feature relation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/features/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the feature relations for an entity model.", "displayName": "models - Get entity feature relations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/features/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "children*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/children", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a single child in an existing entity model.", "displayName": "models - Create entity child", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/children/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "features*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/features", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a feature relation for an intent model\r\nUpdates the list of feature relations for the intent*", "displayName": "models - Add intent feature relation|models - Update Intent Feature relations*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/features/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the feature relation for an intent model.", "displayName": "models - Delete intent feature relation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/features/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the feature relations for an intent model.", "displayName": "models - Get intent feature relations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/features/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "examples*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/examples", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets list of model examples.", "displayName": "models - Get model examples list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/examples/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "connectedservices*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/connectedservices", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates the mapping between an intent and a service\r\nUpdates the mapping between an intent and a service*", "displayName": "dispatch - Add connected service|dispatch - Update connected service*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/connectedservices/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the mapping between an intent and a service", "displayName": "dispatch - Deletes connected service", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/connectedservices/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the mapping between an intent and a service", "displayName": "dispatch - Get connected service list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/connectedservices/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "assignedkey*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/assignedkey", "operations": [ { "description": "**THIS IS DEPRECATED**", "displayName": "versions - Assign subscription key to version", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/assignedkey/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "**THIS IS DEPRECATED**", "displayName": "versions - Get application version subscription key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/assignedkey/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalkeys*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/externalkeys", "operations": [ { "description": "THIS API IS DEPRECATED.", "displayName": "versions - Delete application version external key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/externalkeys/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "**THIS IS DEPRECATED**", "displayName": "versions - Get application version external api keys", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/externalkeys/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "**THIS IS DEPRECATED**", "displayName": "versions - Update application version external key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/externalkeys/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "assistants*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/assistants", "operations": [ { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**", "displayName": "apps - Get personal assistant applications", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/assistants/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "permissions*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/permissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a user to the allowed list of users to access this LUIS application.\r\nReplaces the current users access list with the one sent in the body.*", "displayName": "permissions - Add email to access list|permissions - Update access list*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/permissions/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the list of user emails that have permissions to access your application. ", "displayName": "permissions - Get user access list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/permissions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Removed a user to the allowed list of users to access this LUIS application.", "displayName": "permissions - Remove user from access list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/permissions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalkeys*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/externalkeys", "operations": [ { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**", "displayName": "user - Add external api key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/externalkeys/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**.", "displayName": "user - Delete external api key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/externalkeys/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**", "displayName": "user - Get user external api keys", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/externalkeys/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "subscriptions*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**\r\n**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.***", "displayName": "user - Add subscription key|user - Rename subscription key*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/subscriptions/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**", "displayName": "user - Delete subscription key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/subscriptions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**", "displayName": "user - Get user subscription keys", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/subscriptions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "programmatickey*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/programmatickey", "operations": [ { "description": "**THIS API IS DEPRECATED.**", "displayName": "user - Reset programmatic key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/programmatickey/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "presuggestion*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/phraselists/presuggestion", "operations": [ { "description": "Loads previous suggestion result for phraselist feature.", "displayName": "features - load previous suggestion result for phraselist feature", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/phraselists/presuggestion/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "presuggestion*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/presuggestion", "operations": [ { "description": "Loads previous suggestion result for closed list entity.", "displayName": "models - load previous suggestion result for closedlist entity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/closedlists/presuggestion/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "endpointscores*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/stats/endpointscores", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the number of times the entity model scored as the top intent", "displayName": "endpointscores - GetEntitiesEndpointHits", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/entities/stats/endpointscores/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "stats*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/stats", "operations": [ { "description": "Get application version training stats per intent", "displayName": "versions - Get application version stats per intent", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/stats/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "endpointscores*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/stats/endpointscores", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the number of times the intent model scored as the top intent", "displayName": "endpointscores - GetIntentsEndpointHits", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/stats/endpointscores/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "entitiescount*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/entitiescount", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the entities count of the labeled utterances for the given intent in the given task in the given app.", "displayName": "entities count - GetEntitiesCountForIntent", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/intents/entitiescount/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "endpointscoreshistory*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/endpointscoreshistory", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the number of times the intent model scored as the top intent history given timeframe", "displayName": "endpointscoreshistory - GetModelEndpointTopScoresHistory", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/endpointscoreshistory/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "review*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/review", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the labeled utterances for the given model in the given task in the given app.", "displayName": "review - ReviewModelLabeledUtterances", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/review/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "reviewlabels*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/reviewlabels", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the labeled utterances for the given model in the given task in the given app.", "displayName": "reviewlabels - ReviewModelLabeledUtterancesLabels", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/reviewlabels/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "reviewpredictions*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/reviewpredictions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the labeled utterances for the given model in the given task in the given app.", "displayName": "reviewpredictions - ReviewModelLabeledUtterancesPredictions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/models/reviewpredictions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "predict*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/predict", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the published predictions for the specified application version using the given query. The current maximum query size is 500 characters.\r\nGets the prediction (intents/entities) for the utterance given.*", "displayName": "Predict - Get published application version predictions|predict - GetTrainedModelPredictions*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/predict/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "result*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/evaluations/result", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "Get evaluations Results for App version", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/evaluations/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "status*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/evaluations/status", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "Get evaluations status for App version", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/evaluations/status/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "labeleddata*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/labeleddata", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the labeled data for the specified application", "displayName": "bot - FetchLabeledData", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/labeleddata/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "stats*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats", "operations": [ { "description": "Get application version training stats", "displayName": "versions - Get application version stats", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "endpointhitshistory*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/endpointhitshistory", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the endpoint hits history for each day for a given timeframe.", "displayName": "endpointhitshistory - GetApplicationEndpointHits", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/endpointhitshistory/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "examplesperentity*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/examplesperentity", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the number of examples per entity of a given application", "displayName": "examplesperentity - GetExamplesPerEntity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/examplesperentity/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "labelsperentity*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/labelsperentity", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the number of labels per entity of a given application", "displayName": "labelsperentity - GetNumOfLabelsPerEntity", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/labelsperentity/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "labelsperintent*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/labelsperintent", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the number of labels per intent for a given application", "displayName": "labelsperintent - GetNumOfLabelsPerIntent", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/labelsperintent/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get application version training stats unexpired operation info\r\nGet application version training stats unexpired operations*", "displayName": "versions - Get application version stats operation info|versions - Get application version stats operations*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/stats/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "customprebuiltintentsbatch*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltintentsbatch", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds custom prebuilt domain intents to application in batch", "displayName": "models - Add custom prebuilt domain intents in batch", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/customprebuiltintentsbatch/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "detailedmodels*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/detailedmodels", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "models - Get version detailed model list", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/detailedmodels/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "run*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/testdatasets/run", "operations": [ { "description": "Runs the batch test given by the application id and dataset id on the given", "displayName": "run - RunBatchTestDataSet", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/testdatasets/run/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "state*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/state", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a flag indicating if the app version has been previously trained", "displayName": "state - GetAppVersionState", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/state/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "trainingstatus*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/trainingstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a flag indicating if the app version has been previously trained", "displayName": "trainingstatus - GetAppVersionTrainingStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/trainingstatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "status*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/featuresuggestion/status", "operations": [ { "description": "Get application version feature suggestion status", "displayName": "versions - Get application version feature suggestion status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/featuresuggestion/status/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "suggestions*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/featuresuggestion/suggestions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get application version feature suggestions", "displayName": "versions - Get application version feature suggestions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/featuresuggestion/suggestions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "statsmetadata*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/statsmetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Get application version training stats metadata", "displayName": "versions - Get application version stats metadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/versions/statsmetadata/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "slots*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/slots", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "Trigger evaluations Async for an App Slot", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/slots/evaluations/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "predict*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/slots/predict", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the published predictions for the specified slot using the given query. The current maximum query size is 500 characters.", "displayName": "Predict - Get published slot predictions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/slots/predict/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "result*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/slots/evaluations/result", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "Get evaluations results for slot", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/slots/evaluations/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "status*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/slots/evaluations/status", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "Get evaluations status for slot", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/slots/evaluations/status/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "activeversion*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/activeversion", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates the currently active version of the specified app", "displayName": "active version - UpdateActiveVersion", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/activeversion/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "metadata*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/metadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the application metadata", "displayName": "app - Get application metadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/metadata/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the application metadata", "displayName": "app - Update application metadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/metadata/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "subscriptions*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the information of the assigned subscriptions for the application", "displayName": "app subscriptions - GetAssignedSubscriptionInfo", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/subscriptions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the subscription with the specified id from the assigned subscriptions for the application", "displayName": "app subscriptions - RemoveSubscriptionFromAppBySubId", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/subscriptions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "runtimepermissions*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/runtimepermissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a bot runtime permission to the application", "displayName": "bot - AddAppBotRuntimePermissions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/runtimepermissions/bot/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "bot*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/runtimepermissions/bot", "operations": [ { "description": "Deleted a bot runtime application permission", "displayName": "bot - DeleteAppBotRuntimePermissions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/runtimepermissions/bot/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the bot runtime permissions for the application.", "displayName": "bot - GetBotRuntimePermissions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/runtimepermissions/bot/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "detailedendpointhitshistory*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/stats/detailedendpointhitshistory", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the endpoint hits history for each day for a given timeframe with slot and region details.", "displayName": "detailedendpointhitshistory - GetDetailedApplicationEndpointHits", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/stats/detailedendpointhitshistory/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "testdatasets*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/testdatasets", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a given dataset from a given application.", "displayName": "testdatasets - DeleteBatchTestDataSet", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/testdatasets/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the given batch test meta data.\r\nReturns a list of all the batch test datasets of a given application.*", "displayName": "testdatasets - GetBatchTestDataSetMetaData|testdatasets - GetBatchTestDataSetsMetaData*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/testdatasets/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates last test results of an exisiting batch test data set for a given application.", "displayName": "testdatasets - UpdateBatchTestDataSetResults", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/testdatasets/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "download*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/testdatasets/download", "operations": [ { "description": "Downloads the dataset with the given id.", "displayName": "download - DownloadBatchTestDataSet", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/testdatasets/download/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "rename*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/apps/testdatasets/rename", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates the name of an exisiting batch test data set for a given application.", "displayName": "rename - RenameBatchTestDataSet", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/apps/testdatasets/rename/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "user*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/user", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "termsofuse - AcceptTermsOfUse", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/user/termsofuse/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "user - GetUserInfo", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/user/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "user - RemoveUser", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/user/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "user - UpdateUserInfo", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/user/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "authoringazureaccount*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/user/authoringazureaccount", "operations": [ { "description": "Migrates the user's APIM authoring key to be an Azure resource.", "displayName": "AzureAccounts_MigrateAuthoringKeyToAzure", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/user/authoringazureaccount/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "programmatickey*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/user/programmatickey", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "programmatickey - GetProgrammaticKey", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/user/programmatickey/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "programmatickeywithendpointurl*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/user/programmatickeywithendpointurl", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "programmatickeywithendpointurl - GetProgrammaticKeyAndEndpointUrl", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/user/programmatickeywithendpointurl/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "collaborators*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/user/collaborators", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets users per app for all apps the user has collaborators on.", "displayName": "user - GetUserAppCollaborators", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/user/collaborators/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "detailedinfo*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/user/detailedinfo", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "user - GetUserDetailedInfo", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/user/detailedinfo/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "unownedappsowners*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/user/unownedappsowners", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets owners of the apps that user collaborates on.", "displayName": "user - GetUserUnownedAppsOwners", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/user/unownedappsowners/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "needmigrationapps*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/compositesmigration/needmigrationapps", "operations": [ { "description": "Get applications needing composite migrations", "displayName": "app - GetNeedsCompositeMigrationApps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/compositesmigration/needmigrationapps/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "versions*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/compositesmigration/apps/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Migrate composites for application version", "displayName": "apps - TriggerCompositeMigration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/compositesmigration/apps/versions/migrate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrate*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/compositesmigration/apps/versions/operations/migrate", "operations": [ { "description": "Get composite migration result", "displayName": "app - GetCompositeMigrationResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/compositesmigration/apps/versions/operations/migrate/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "status*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/compositesmigration/apps/versions/operations/migrate/status", "operations": [ { "description": "Get composite migration operation status", "displayName": "app - GetCompositeMigrationStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/compositesmigration/apps/versions/operations/migrate/status/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ping*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/ping", "operations": [ { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "Ping Api Call", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/ping/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "previewfeatures*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/previewfeatures", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets eligibility status of preview features for current owner.", "displayName": "PreviewFeaturesWeb_GetPreviewFeatures", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/previewfeatures/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "count*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/resources/apps/count", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the number of applications owned by the user.", "displayName": "resources - GetApplicationCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/resources/apps/count/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "count*", "name": "accounts/LUIS/resources/apps/versions/count", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the number of versions of a given application.", "displayName": "resources - GetAppVersionCount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/resources/apps/versions/count/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Models", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest", "operations": [ { "description": "This method can be used to copy a model from one location to another. If the target subscription", "displayName": "Model operations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/models/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Transcribe audio", "displayName": "Execute transcriptions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/transcriptions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Web hooks operations", "displayName": "Web hooks operations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/webhooks/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Models", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a model.", "displayName": "Create or update a model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/models/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a model", "displayName": "Delete a model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/models/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get one or more models", "displayName": "Get one or more models", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Datasets", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/datasets", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a dataset", "displayName": "Create or update a dataset", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/datasets/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a dataset", "displayName": "Delete a dataset", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/datasets/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get one or more datasets", "displayName": "Get one or more datasets", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/datasets/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Files", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/datasets/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Get one or more dataset files", "displayName": "Get one or more dataset files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/datasets/files/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoints", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/endpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update an endpoint", "displayName": "Create or update an endpoint", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/endpoints/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an endpoint", "displayName": "Delete an endpoint", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/endpoints/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get one or more endpoints", "displayName": "Get one or more endpoints", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/endpoints/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Logs", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/endpoints/files/logs", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a endpoint data export", "displayName": "Create a endpoint data export", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/endpoints/files/logs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete some or all custom model endpoint logs", "displayName": "Delete some or all custom model endpoint logs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/endpoints/files/logs/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get one or more custom model endpoint logs", "displayName": "Get one or more custom model endpoint logs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/endpoints/files/logs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Evaluations", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/evaluations", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update an evaluation", "displayName": "Create or update an evaluation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/evaluations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an evaluation", "displayName": "Delete an evaluation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/evaluations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get one or more evaluations", "displayName": "Get one or more evaluations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/evaluations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Files", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/evaluations/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Get one or more evaluation files", "displayName": "Get one or more evaluation files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/evaluations/files/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Projects", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a project", "displayName": "Create or update a project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a project", "displayName": "Delete a project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get one or more projects", "displayName": "Get one or more projects", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transcriptions", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/transcriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a transcription", "displayName": "Create or update a transcription", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/transcriptions/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a transcription", "displayName": "Delete a transcription", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/transcriptions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get one or more transcriptions", "displayName": "Get one or more transcriptions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/transcriptions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Files", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/transcriptions/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Get one or more transcription files", "displayName": "Get one or more transcription files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/transcriptions/files/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Webhooks", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/webhooks", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a web hook", "displayName": "Create or update a web hook", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/webhooks/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a web hook", "displayName": "Delete a web hook", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/webhooks/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get one or more web hooks", "displayName": "Get one or more web hooks", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/webhooks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Health Status", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/healthstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get health status", "displayName": "Get health status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/healthstatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Unified Speech APIs", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/unified-speech", "operations": [ { "description": "This endpoint manages the Speech Frontend", "displayName": "Access to the speech frontend.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/unified-speech/frontend/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This endpoint manages the Speech Frontend", "displayName": "Manages the Speech Frontend.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/unified-speech/management/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This endpoint monitors the Speech Frontend health", "displayName": "Monitors the Speech Frontend Health.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/unified-speech/probes/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This endpoint provides the REST language api.", "displayName": "The REST language api (recognition/translation)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/unified-speech/languages/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Unified Speech APIs", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/unified-speech/legacy", "operations": [ { "description": "The Speech Service legacy REST api.", "displayName": "The Speech Service legacy REST api.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/unified-speech/legacy/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker", "operations": [ { "description": "GenerateAnswer call to query over the given passage or documents", "displayName": "Generate Answer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextAnalytics/QnaMaker/generateanswer/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledgebase", "name": "accounts/QnAMaker.v2/QnaMaker", "operations": [ { "description": "GenerateAnswer call to query over the given passage or documents", "displayName": "Generate Answer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/QnAMaker.v2/QnaMaker/generateanswer/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "models", "name": "accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Create and train a multivariate anomaly detection model. The request must include a source parameter to indicate an externally accessible Azure storage Uri (preferably a Shared Access Signature Uri). All time-series used in generate the model must be zipped into one single file. Each time-series will be in a single CSV file in which the first column is timestamp and the second column is value.", "displayName": "Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Train a Multivariate Anomaly Detection Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/models/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an existing multivariate model according to the modelId", "displayName": "Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Delete Multivariate Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/models/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit detection multivariate anomaly task with the trained model of modelId, the input schema should be the same with the training request. Thus request will be complete asynchronously and will return a resultId for querying the detection result.The request should be a source link to indicate an externally accessible Azure storage Uri (preferably a Shared Access Signature Uri). All time-series used in generate the model must be zipped into one single file. Each time-series will be as follows: the first column is timestamp and the second column is value.\r\nSynchronized API for anomaly detection.", "displayName": "Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Detect Multivariate Anomaly|Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Detect anomalies in the last a few points of the request body", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/models/detect/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get detailed information of multivariate model, including the training status and variables used in the model.\r\nList models of a subscription", "displayName": "Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Get Multivariate Model|Multivariate Anomaly Detection - List Multivariate Models", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export multivariate anomaly detection model based on modelId", "displayName": "Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Export Multivariate Anomaly Detection Model as Zip file", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/models/export/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "results", "name": "accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/results", "operations": [ { "description": "Get multivariate anomaly detection result based on resultId returned by the DetectAnomalyAsync api", "displayName": "Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Get Multivariate Anomaly Detection Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/results/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Document Translation Requests Operations", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/batches", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancel a currently processing or queued document translation request.", "displayName": "Cancel Document Translation Requests", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/batches/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the status of a specific document translation request based on its Id or get the status of all the document translation requests submitted", "displayName": "Read Document Translation Requests Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/batches/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a bulk (batch) translation request to the Document Translation service.", "displayName": "Submit Document Translation Request", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/batches/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Document Operations", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/batches/documents", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the translation status for a specific document based on the request Id and document Id or get the status for all documents in a document translation request.", "displayName": "Read Documents Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/batches/documents/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Supported Documents Formats", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/documents/formats", "operations": [ { "description": "List document formats supported by the Document Translation service.", "displayName": "Read Supported Documents Formats", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/documents/formats/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Supported Storage Sources Information", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/storagesources", "operations": [ { "description": "List storage sources/options supported by the Document Translation service.", "displayName": "Read Supported Storage Sources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/storagesources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Supported Glossaries Formats", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/glossaries/formats", "operations": [ { "description": "List glossary formats supported by the Document Translation service.", "displayName": "Read Supported Glossaries Formats", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/glossaries/formats/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoints", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice", "operations": [ { "description": "Operations (disable/suspend/resume etc.) on an existing voice endpoint", "displayName": "Endpoint operations.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/endpoints/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Operations like model copy or model saveas.", "displayName": "Model operations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/models/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new evaluation.", "displayName": "Creates a new evaluation.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/evaluations/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoints", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/endpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update an voice endpoint.", "displayName": "Create or update an voice endpoint.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/endpoints/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the specified voice endpoint.", "displayName": "Delete the specified voice endpoint.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/endpoints/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get one or more voice endpoints", "displayName": "Get one or more voice endpoints", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/endpoints/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Manifest", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/endpoints/manifest", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns an endpoint manifest which can be used in an on-premise container.", "displayName": "Returns an endpoint manifest which can be used in an on-premise container.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/endpoints/manifest/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Datasets", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/datasets", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a dataset.", "displayName": "Create or update a dataset.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/datasets/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the voice dataset with the given id.", "displayName": "Deletes the voice dataset with the given id.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/datasets/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets one or more datasets.", "displayName": "Gets one or more datasets.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/datasets/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Files", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/datasets/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the files of the dataset identified by the given ID.", "displayName": "Gets the files of the dataset identified by the given ID.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/datasets/files/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Models", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a voice model.", "displayName": "Create or update a voice model.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/models/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the voice model with the given id.", "displayName": "Deletes the voice model with the given id.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/models/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets one or more voice models.", "displayName": "Gets one or more voice models.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Evaluations", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/evaluations", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes the specified evaluation.", "displayName": "Deletes the specified evaluation.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/evaluations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets details of one or more evaluations", "displayName": "Gets details of one or more evaluations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/evaluations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Speaker Authorizations", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/speakerauthorizations", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes the specified speaker authorization.", "displayName": "Deletes the specified speaker authorization.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/speakerauthorizations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of speaker authorizations for specified project.", "displayName": "Get the list of speaker authorizations for specified project.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/speakerauthorizations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the mutable details of the voice speaker authorization identified by its ID.", "displayName": "Create or update a voice speaker authorization.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/speakerauthorizations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Projects", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a project.", "displayName": "Create or update a project.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the project identified by the given ID.", "displayName": "Deletes the project identified by the given ID.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets one or more projects.", "displayName": "Gets one or more projects.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deleted Account", "name": "deletedAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "List deleted accounts.", "displayName": "List Deleted Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/deletedAccounts/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Engines", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/engines", "operations": [ { "description": "Read engine information.", "displayName": "Read engine", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/engines/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a completion from a chosen model", "displayName": "Create a completion from a chosen model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/engines/completions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Search for the most relevant documents using the current engine.", "displayName": "Search for the most relevant documents using the current engine.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/engines/search/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sample from the model via POST request.", "displayName": "Sample from the model via POST request.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/engines/generate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operate data source credentials", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/credentials", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a new data source credential", "displayName": "Create or update a new data source credential", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/credentials/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a data source credential", "displayName": "Delete a data source credential", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/credentials/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a data source credential or list all credentials", "displayName": "Get a data source credential or list all credentials", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/credentials/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "profiles", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new speaker profile with specified locale.", "displayName": "Create Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing profile.", "displayName": "Delete Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Identifies who is speaking in input audio among a list of candidate profiles.", "displayName": "Identify Single Speaker Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles/identifysinglespeaker/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves a set of profiles or retrieves a single profile by ID.", "displayName": "Read Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Verifies existing profiles against input audio.", "displayName": "Verify Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles/verify/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "profiles", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles/enrollments", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds an enrollment to existing profile.", "displayName": "Enroll Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles/enrollments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Activation Phrases", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/phrases", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves list of supported passphrases for a specific locale.", "displayName": "Pass Phrases", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/phrases/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "profiles", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a new speaker profile with specified locale.", "displayName": "Create Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing profile.", "displayName": "Delete Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves a set of profiles or retrieves a single profile by ID.", "displayName": "Read Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Verifies existing profiles against input audio.", "displayName": "Verify Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles/verify/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "profiles", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles/enrollments", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds an enrollment to existing profile.", "displayName": "Enroll Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles/enrollments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pass Phrases", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/phrases", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves list of supported passphrases for a specific locale.", "displayName": "Pass Phrases", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/phrases/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "profiles", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles/reset", "operations": [ { "description": "Resets existing profile to its original creation state. The reset operation does the following:", "displayName": "Reset Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles/reset/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "profiles", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles/reset", "operations": [ { "description": "Resets existing profile to its original creation state. The reset operation does the following:", "displayName": "Reset Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles/reset/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Long audio synthesis", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/longaudiosynthesis", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes the specified long audio synthesis task.", "displayName": "Deletes the specified long audio synthesis task.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/longaudiosynthesis/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets one or more long audio syntheses.", "displayName": "Gets one or more long audio syntheses.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/longaudiosynthesis/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a long audio synthesis.", "displayName": "Create or update a long audio synthesis.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/longaudiosynthesis/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Discount", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/discount", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the discount for neural model training.", "displayName": "GetDiscount", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/discount/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new project or replaces metadata of an existing project.", "displayName": "Projects_CreateOrReplaceProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a project.", "displayName": "Projects_DeleteProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a job to export project data in JSON format.", "displayName": "Projects_ExportProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/export/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a project.\r\nReturns the list of existing projects.*", "displayName": "Projects_GetProject|Projects_GetProjectsList*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a job to import a new project in JSON format. If a project with the same name already exists, the data of that project is replaced.", "displayName": "Projects_ImportProjectJson", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/import/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger training job.", "displayName": "Training_TriggerTrainingJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "languages*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/languages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get List of Supported Cultures for conversational projects.", "displayName": "CLU_Projects_GetSupportedLanguages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/languages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "deployments*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Trigger job to create new deployment or replace an existing deployment.", "displayName": "Deployments_TriggerCreateOrReplaceDeploymentJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/deployments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/deployments/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a deployment job status and result details.", "displayName": "Deployments_GetDeploymentJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/deployments/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "models*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a trained model.", "displayName": "Projects_DeleteProjectModel", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/models/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a specific trained model of a project.\r\nGets the trained models of a project.*", "displayName": "Projects_GetTrainedModel|Projects_GetTrainedModels*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/export/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get export job status details.", "displayName": "Projects_GetExportProjectJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/export/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/import/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get import or replace project job status and result details.", "displayName": "Projects_GetImportProjectJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/import/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/train/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get training jobs result details for a project.\r\nGet training job status and result details.*", "displayName": "Training_GetTrainingJobs|Training_GetTrainingJobStatus*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/train/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects*", "name": "accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a project.", "displayName": "Projects_DeleteProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a project.\r\nReturns the list of projects.*", "displayName": "Projects_GetProject|Projects_GetProjectsList*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the project info.", "displayName": "Projects_UpdateProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger publishing job.", "displayName": "Publishing_TriggerPublishingJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/publish/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger training job.", "displayName": "Training_TriggerTrainingJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/train/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get training job status and result details.", "displayName": "Training_GetTrainingJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/train/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Form Recognizer API", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/creation", "operations": [ { "description": "Builds a custom document analysis model.", "displayName": "Build Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/creation/build/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Builds a custom document classifier.", "displayName": "Build Classifier", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/creation/classify/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/analysis/analyze", "operations": [ { "description": "Analyze Document. Support prebuilt models or custom trained model.", "displayName": "Analyze document", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/analysis/analyze/document/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/analysis/get/analyze/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of document analysis.", "displayName": "Get analyze result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/analysis/get/analyze/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/operation/get/operation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operation.", "displayName": "Get operation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/operation/get/operation/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/operation/list/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operations.", "displayName": "List operations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/operation/list/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/management/get/info", "operations": [ { "description": "Return basic info about the current resource.", "displayName": "Get info", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/management/get/info/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/management/model", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete model artifacts.", "displayName": "Delete Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/management/model/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/management/get/model", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a model.", "displayName": "Get Models", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/management/get/model/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/creation/generate", "operations": [ { "description": "Generate authorization payload to copy a model at the target Form Recognizer resource.", "displayName": "Generate Copy Authorization", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/creation/generate/copyauthorization/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/creation/copy", "operations": [ { "description": "Copy a custom Form Recognizer model from one subscription to another. Start the process by obtaining a `modelId` token from the target endpoint by using this API with `source=false` query string. Then pass the `modelId` reference in the request body along with other target resource information.", "displayName": "Copy Custom Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/creation/copy/model/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/creation/compose", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new model from document types of existing models.", "displayName": "Compose Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/creation/compose/model/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "multislot*", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/multislot", "operations": [ { "description": "Submit a Personalizer multi-slot rank request. Receives a context, a list of actions, and a list of slots. Returns which of the provided actions should be used in each slot, in each rewardActionId.", "displayName": "Post multi-slot Rank.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/multislot/rank/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "events*", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/multislot/events", "operations": [ { "description": "Report that the specified event was actually used or displayed to the user and a rewards should be expected for it.", "displayName": "Activate multi-slot Event.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/multislot/events/activate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Report reward that resulted from using the action specified in rewardActionId for the slot.", "displayName": "Post multi-slot Rewards.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/multislot/events/reward/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Commitment Plan", "name": "accounts/commitmentplans", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads commitment plans.", "displayName": "Read Commitment Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/commitmentplans/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes commitment plans.", "displayName": "Write Commitment Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/commitmentplans/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes commitment plans.", "displayName": "Deletes Commitment Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/commitmentplans/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Commitment Tier", "name": "locations/commitmentTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads available commitment tiers.", "displayName": "Read Available Commitment Tiers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/commitmentTiers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployments", "name": "accounts/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads deployments.", "displayName": "Read Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/deployments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes deployments.", "displayName": "Write Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/deployments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes deployments.", "displayName": "Deletes Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/deployments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network security perimeter resource", "name": "locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a network security perimeter.", "displayName": "Read a network security perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a network security perimeter.", "displayName": "Write a network security perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a network security perimeter.", "displayName": "Delete a network security perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network security perimeter profile resource", "name": "locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/profileProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a network security perimeter profile.", "displayName": "Read a network security perimeter profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/profileProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a network security perimeter profile.", "displayName": "Write a network security perimeter profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/profileProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a network security perimeter profile.", "displayName": "Delete a network security perimeter profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterProxies/profileProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Analyze Image", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/batch", "operations": [ { "description": "This internal operation creates a new batch with the specified name.", "displayName": "Batch (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/batch/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This internal operation returns the list of batches.", "displayName": "Get Batch List (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/batch/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Analyze Image", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/batch/analyzestatus", "operations": [ { "description": "This internal operation returns the status of the specified batch.", "displayName": "Get Batch (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/batch/analyzestatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Independent", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent", "operations": [ { "description": "Identifies who is speaking in input audio among a list of candidate profiles.", "displayName": "Identify Single Speaker Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles:identifysinglespeaker/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Verifies existing profiles against input audio.", "displayName": "Verify Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles:verify/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Independent", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles:reset", "operations": [ { "description": "Resets existing profile to its original creation state. The reset operation does the following:", "displayName": "Reset Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-independent/profiles:reset/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Dependent", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles:reset", "operations": [ { "description": "Resets existing profile to its original creation state. The reset operation does the following:", "displayName": "Reset Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles:reset/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Dependent", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent", "operations": [ { "description": "Verifies existing profiles against input audio.", "displayName": "Verify Profile", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/text-dependent/profiles:verify/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Form Recognizer API", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer", "operations": [ { "description": "Analyze document with prebuilt or custom models.", "displayName": "Analysis - Analyze Document", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels:analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Internal usage", "displayName": "Analysis - Sync Analyze Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/read/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trains a custom document analysis model.", "displayName": "Creation - Build Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels:build/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new model from document types of existing models.", "displayName": "Creation - Compose Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels:compose/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Copies model to the target resource, region, and modelId.", "displayName": "Creation - Copy Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels:copyto/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates authorization to copy a model to this location with specified modelId and optional description.", "displayName": "Creation - Generate Copy Authorization", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels:authorizecopy/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates authorization to copy a document classifier to this location with", "displayName": "Manage - Authorize Copy", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentclassifiers:authorizecopy/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Classifies document with document classifier.", "displayName": "Analyze - Classify document", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentclassifiers:analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Copies document classifier to the target resource, region, and classifierId.", "displayName": "Manage - Copy Classifier", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentclassifiers:copyto/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Analyzes batch documents with document model.", "displayName": "Analyze - Analyze Batch Documents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels:analyzebatch/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "documentmodels*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels", "operations": [ { "description": "Mark model for deletion. Model artifacts will be permanently removed within 48 hours.", "displayName": "Management - Delete Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get detailed information about a custom model.\r\nGet information about all custom models*", "displayName": "Management - Get Model|Management - List Models*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates document model information.", "displayName": "Manage - Patch model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyzeresults*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get document analyze result from specified {modelId} and {resultId}", "displayName": "Analysis - Get Analyze Results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "info*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/info", "operations": [ { "description": "Return basic info about the current resource.", "displayName": "Management - Get Info", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/info/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operation info.\r\nLists all operations.*", "displayName": "Operation - Get operation|Operation - List operations*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Utterances", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/datasets/utterances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets utterances of the specified training set.", "displayName": "Gets utterances of the specified training set.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/datasets/utterances/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Features", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/features", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of allowed features.", "displayName": "Gets a list of allowed features.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/features/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployments", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Search for the most relevant documents using the current engine.", "displayName": "Search for the most relevant documents using the current engine.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/search/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a completion from a chosen model.", "displayName": "Create a completion from a chosen model.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/completions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about deployments.", "displayName": "Reading deployment metadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update deployments.", "displayName": "Create or update deployments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete deployment.", "displayName": "Delete deployments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the embeddings for a given prompt.", "displayName": "Create embeddings", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/embeddings/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the transcript or translation for a given audio file.", "displayName": "Create audio transcriptions or translations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/audio/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a completion for the provided prompt, consisting of text and images", "displayName": "Deployments_Rainbow", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/rainbow/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Ssml operation", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneSsml", "operations": [ { "description": "Add/update/delete item(s) of SSML reference file plugin.", "displayName": "Add/update/delete item(s) of SSML reference file plugin.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneSsml/ConfigureSsmlFileReferenceFiles/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply serveral ssml tag tune on one ssml file sequencly.", "displayName": "Apply serveral ssml tag tune on one ssml file sequencly.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneSsml/ApplySequenceTuneOnFiles/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply serveral ssml tag tune on one ssml sequencly.", "displayName": "Apply serveral ssml tag tune on one ssml sequencly.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneSsml/SequenceTune/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Process several ssml tag sequence tune into one request.", "displayName": "Process several ssml tag sequence tune into one request.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneSsml/MultiSequenceTune/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Process several ssml tag tune into one request.", "displayName": "Process several ssml tag tune into one request.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneSsml/MultiTune/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Split ssml with specified options.", "displayName": "Split ssml with specified options.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneSsml/SplitSsmls/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Tune ssml tag on ssml.", "displayName": "Tune ssml tag on ssml.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneSsml/Tune/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACC resource folders", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/ResourceFolders", "operations": [ { "description": "Edit folder metadata like name, tags.", "displayName": "Edit folder metadata like name, tags.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ResourceFolders/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACC resource files", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/ResourceFolders/ResourceFiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Copy or move folder or files.", "displayName": "Copy or move folder or files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ResourceFolders/ResourceFiles/CopyOrMoveResourceFolderOrFiles/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete folder or files recursively, with optional to delete associated audio files.", "displayName": "Delete folder or files recursively, with optional to delete associated audio files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ResourceFolders/ResourceFiles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Edit file's metadata like name, description, tags etc.", "displayName": "Edit file's metadata like name, description, tags etc.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ResourceFolders/ResourceFiles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query files metadata like recursive file count, associated audio file count, exporting audio ssml file count.", "displayName": "Query files metadata like recursive file count, associated audio file count, exporting audio ssml file count.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ResourceFolders/ResourceFiles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACC audio files", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/AudioFiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete audio files.", "displayName": "Delete audio files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/AudioFiles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query ACC exported audio files.", "displayName": "Query ACC exported audio files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/AudioFiles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACC tune template", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneTemplates", "operations": [ { "description": "Detect tune template.", "displayName": "Detect tune template.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneTemplates/DetectTuneTemplate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query tune template.", "displayName": "Query tune template.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneTemplates/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create tune template.", "displayName": "Create tune template.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneTemplates/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete tune template.", "displayName": "Delete tune template.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/TuneTemplates/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom lexicon", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/CustomLexicons", "operations": [ { "description": "Edit custom lexicon lexemes.", "displayName": "Edit custom lexicon lexemes.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/CustomLexicons/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query custom lexicon lexemes.", "displayName": "Query custom lexicon lexemes.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/CustomLexicons/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Audio content creation metadata", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/LanguageMetadatas", "operations": [ { "description": "Query language metadata.", "displayName": "Query language metadata.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/LanguageMetadatas/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Audio content creation metadata", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Check whether current subscription is in specific group kind.", "displayName": "Check whether current subscription is in specific group kind.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/IsCurrentSubscriptionInGroup/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Audio content creation metadata", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/TuneMetadatas", "operations": [ { "description": "Query tuning metadata.", "displayName": "Query tuning metadata.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/TuneMetadatas/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Audio content creation metadata", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/Reports", "operations": [ { "description": "Generic query report API for endpoint billing history, model training hours history etc.", "displayName": "Generic query report API for endpoint billing history, model training hours history etc.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/Reports/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Audio content creation metadata", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/BlobEntitiesEndpointWithSas", "operations": [ { "description": "Query blob url with SAS of artifacts.", "displayName": "Query blob url with SAS of artifacts.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/BlobEntitiesEndpointWithSas/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Audio content creation metadata", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/CustomvoiceGlobalSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Query customvoice global settings.", "displayName": "Query customvoice global settings.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/CustomvoiceGlobalSettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Audio content creation metadata", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/Versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Query API version.", "displayName": "Query API version.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/Versions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Voices", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/Voices", "operations": [ { "description": "Query ACC voices.", "displayName": "Query ACC voices.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Metadata/Voices/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SSML synthesis", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/Synthesis", "operations": [ { "description": "Query TTS synthesis metadata like F0, duration(used for intonation tuning).", "displayName": "Query TTS synthesis metadata like F0, duration(used for intonation tuning).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Synthesis/SpeakMetadata/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query TTS synthesis metadata for pronunciation.", "displayName": "Query TTS synthesis metadata for pronunciation.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Synthesis/SpeakMetadataForPronunciation/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "TTS synthesis API for all ACC voices.", "displayName": "TTS synthesis API for all ACC voices.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Synthesis/Speak/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Realtime API for predict ssml tag.", "displayName": "Realtime API for predict ssml tag.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Synthesis/PredictSsmlTagsRealtime/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Export tasks", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete voice general tasks.", "displayName": "Delete voice general tasks.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query metadata of voice general tasks for specific module kind.", "displayName": "Query metadata of voice general tasks for specific module kind.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Audio generation tasks", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/AudioGenerationTasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Create audio audio task.", "displayName": "Create audio audio task.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/AudioGenerationTasks/SubmitAudioGenerationTask/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query ACC export audio tasks.", "displayName": "Query ACC export audio tasks.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/AudioGenerationTasks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Character prediction tasks", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/CharacterPredictionTasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Create predict ssml tag task.", "displayName": "Create predict ssml tag task.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/CharacterPredictionTasks/SubmitPredictSsmlTagsTask/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query ACC predict ssml content type tasks.", "displayName": "Query ACC predict ssml content type tasks.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/CharacterPredictionTasks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Apply tune template tasks", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/ApplyTuneTemplateTasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Query ACC apply tune template tasks.", "displayName": "Query ACC apply tune template tasks.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/ApplyTuneTemplateTasks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Histories", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/histories", "operations": [ { "description": "Generic query report API for endpoint billing history, model training hours history etc.", "displayName": "GetHistories", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/histories/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TTS phoneme operations", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/Phoneme", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate phoneme.", "displayName": "Validate phoneme.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Phoneme/validate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "PronLearnFromAudio.", "displayName": "PronLearnFromAudio", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/Phoneme/PronLearnFromAudio/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deleted Account", "name": "locations/resourceGroups/deletedAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get deleted account.", "displayName": "Get Deleted Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/resourceGroups/deletedAccounts/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Purge deleted account.", "displayName": "Purge Deleted Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/resourceGroups/deletedAccounts/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network security perimeter association resource", "name": "accounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a network security perimeter association.", "displayName": "Read a network security perimeter association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a network security perimeter association.", "displayName": "Write a network security perimeter association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a network security perimeter association.", "displayName": "Delete a network security perimeter association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations*", "name": "accounts/Face/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get status of a snapshot operation.\r\nGet status of a long running operation.*", "displayName": "Snapshot - Get Operation Status|Operations - Get Status*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "dynamicpersongroups*", "name": "accounts/Face/dynamicpersongroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new dynamic person group with specified dynamicPersonGroupId, name, and user-provided userData.\r\nUpdate an existing dynamic person group name, userData, add, or remove persons. The properties keep unchanged if they are not in request body.*", "displayName": "PersonDirectory DynamicPersonGroup - Create|PersonDirectory DynamicPersonGroup - Update*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/dynamicpersongroups/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing dynamic person group with specified dynamicPersonGroupId. Deleting this dynamic person group only delete the references to persons data. To delete actual person see PersonDirectory Person - Delete.", "displayName": "PersonDirectory DynamicPersonGroup - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/dynamicpersongroups/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the information of a dynamic person group, including its name and userData. This API returns dynamic person group information\r\nList all existing dynamic person groups by dynamicPersonGroupId along with name and userData.*", "displayName": "PersonDirectory DynamicPersonGroup - Get|PersonDirectory DynamicPersonGroup - List*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/dynamicpersongroups/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "persons*", "name": "accounts/Face/dynamicpersongroups/persons", "operations": [ { "description": "List all persons in the specified dynamic person group.", "displayName": "PersonDirectory DynamicPersonGroup - List Persons", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/dynamicpersongroups/persons/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "persons*", "name": "accounts/Face/persons", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete an existing person from person directory. The persistedFaceId(s), userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted.\r\nDelete an existing person from person directory The persistedFaceId(s), userData, person name and face feature(s) in the person entry will all be deleted.", "displayName": "PersonDirectory Person - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persons/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a person's name and userData from person directory.\r\nList all persons information in person directory, including personId, name, and userData.\r\nRetrieve a person's name and userData from person directory.*\r\nList all persons' information in person directory, including personId, name, and userData.", "displayName": "PersonDirectory Person - Get|PersonDirectory Person - List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persons/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update name or userData of a person.\r\nUpdate name or userData of a person.*", "displayName": "PersonDirectory Person - Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persons/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "persistedfaces*", "name": "accounts/Face/persons/recognitionmodels/persistedfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Add a face to a person (see PersonDirectory Person - Create) for face identification or verification. To deal with an image containing\r\nUpdate a person persisted face's userData field.*\r\nAdd a face to a person (see PersonDirectory Person - Create) for face identification or verification. To deal with an image containing*\r\nUpdate a person persisted face's userData field.*", "displayName": "PersonDirectory Person - Add Face|PersonDirectory Person - Update Face", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persons/recognitionmodels/persistedfaces/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a face from a person in person directory by specified personId and persistedFaceId.\r\nDelete a face from a person in person directory by specified personId and persistedFaceId.*", "displayName": "PersonDirectory Person - Delete Face", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persons/recognitionmodels/persistedfaces/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve person face information. The persisted person face is specified by its personId. recognitionModel, and persistedFaceId.\r\nRetrieve a person's persistedFaceIds representing the registered person face feature(s). *\r\nRetrieve person face information. The persisted person face is specified by its personId. recognitionModel, and persistedFaceId.*\r\nRetrieve a person's persistedFaceIds representing the registered person face feature(s). *", "displayName": "PersonDirectory Person - Get Face|PersonDirectory Person - List Faces", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persons/recognitionmodels/persistedfaces/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "dynamicpersongroupreferences*", "name": "accounts/Face/persons/dynamicpersongroupreferences", "operations": [ { "description": "List all dynamic person groups a person has been referenced by in person directory.", "displayName": "PersonDirectory Person - List DynamicPersonGroup References", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/persons/dynamicpersongroupreferences/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "detectliveness*", "name": "accounts/Face/detectliveness", "operations": [ { "description": "

Performs liveness detection on a target face in a sequence of infrared, color and/or depth images, and returns the liveness classification of the target face as either ‘real face’, ‘spoof face’, or ‘uncertain’ if a classification cannot be made with the given inputs.

", "displayName": "Face - DetectLiveness MultiModal", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectliveness/multimodal/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "

Performs liveness detection on a target face in a sequence of images of the same modality (e.g. color or infrared), and returns the liveness classification of the target face as either ‘real face’, ‘spoof face’, or ‘uncertain’ if a classification cannot be made with the given inputs.

", "displayName": "Face - DetectLiveness SingleModal", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "result*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/export/jobs/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Get export job result details.", "displayName": "Projects_GetExportProjectJobResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/export/jobs/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "evaluation*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/evaluation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the evaluation result of a certain training model name.", "displayName": "Training_GetEvaluationResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/evaluation/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "validation*", "name": "accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/validation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the validation result of a certain training model name.", "displayName": "Training_GetValidationResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ConversationalLanguageUnderstanding/projects/validation/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Unified Authoring APIs*", "name": "accounts/LanguageAuthoring", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new project.", "displayName": "Projects_CreateProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "cultures*", "name": "accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/cultures", "operations": [ { "description": "Get List of Supported Cultures.", "displayName": "Projects_GetSupportedCultures", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/cultures/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "trainedmodels*", "name": "accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/trainedmodels", "operations": [ { "description": "Get List of Trained Model Info.", "displayName": "Projects_GetTrainedModelsInfo", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/trainedmodels/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/publish/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get publishing job status and result details.", "displayName": "Publishing_GetPublishingJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/publish/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "evaluation*", "name": "accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/evaluation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the evaluation result of a certain training model name.", "displayName": "Training_GetEvaluationResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/evaluation/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "validation*", "name": "accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/validation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the validation result of a certain training model name.", "displayName": "Training_GetValidationResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LanguageAuthoring/projects/validation/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Language Understanding Service", "name": "accounts/LUIS/predict", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the published endpoint prediction for the given query.", "displayName": "Get predictions from endpoint", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/LUIS/predict/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Files", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Upload or import files.", "displayName": "Upload or import files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/files/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete files.", "displayName": "Delete files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/files/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about files.", "displayName": "Read file metadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/files/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fine-tunes", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/fine-tunes", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or cancels adaptation of a model.", "displayName": "Create or cancel Fine-tunes", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/fine-tunes/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the adaptation of a model.", "displayName": "Delete Fine-tunes", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/fine-tunes/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about fine-tuned models.", "displayName": "Read fine-tune metadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/fine-tunes/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Models", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about models", "displayName": "Read model metadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Language service", "name": "accounts/Language", "operations": [ { "description": "Answer Knowledgebase.", "displayName": "Query Knowledgebases", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Answer Text.", "displayName": "Query Text", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-text/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query Dataverse.", "displayName": "Query Dataverse", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-dataverse/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a Generate question answers Job request.", "displayName": "Submit Generate Question Answers Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/generate-questionanswers/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Analyzes the input conversation.", "displayName": "Analyze_Conversations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a collection of text documents for analysis. Specify a single unique task to be executed immediately.", "displayName": "Request text analysis over a collection of documents.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a collection of documents for analysis.", "displayName": "Submit documents analysis job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-documents/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a job to migrate one or more LUIS apps.", "displayName": "Migrate Luis app", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/:migratefromluis/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Language generation.", "displayName": "Generate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/generate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new or update a project.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_CreateOrUpdateProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a project.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_DeleteProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a project info.\r\nReturns the list of projects.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_GetProject|AnalyzeText_Projects_GetProjectsList*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a job to export project data in JSON format.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_TriggerExportProjectJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/export/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a job to import a project in JSON format. If a project with the same name already exists, the data of that project is replaced.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_TriggerImportProjectJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/import/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger training job.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Training_TriggerTrainingJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Copies an existing project to another Azure resource.", "displayName": "Copy project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/copy/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates a copy project operation authorization to the current target Azure resource.", "displayName": "Copy project authorization", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/authorize-copy/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "deployments*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a deployment info.\r\nList all deployments.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Deployments_GetDeployment|AnalyzeText_Deployments_GetDeploymentsList*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a deployment.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Deployments_TriggerDeleteDeployment", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger a new deployment or replace an existing one.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Deployments_TriggerDeploymentJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger job to swap two deployments.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Deployments_TriggerSwapDeployments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/swap/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a project deployment from the specified assigned resources.", "displayName": "Delete deployment from resources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/delete-from-resources/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get deployment job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Deployments_GetDeploymentJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/swap/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a swap deployment job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Deployments_GetSwapDeploymentJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/swap/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "models*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a trained model.\r\nDelete a trained model.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Models_DeleteTrainedModel|Models_DeleteTrainedModel*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a trained model info.\r\nList all trained models.*\r\nGet a trained model info.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Models_GetTrainedModel|AnalyzeText_Models_GetTrainedModels*|Models_GetTrainedModel*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores the snapshot of this trained model to be the current working directory of the project.", "displayName": "Load trained model snapshot to the working directory.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/load-snapshot/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers evaluation operation on a trained model.", "displayName": "Evaluate model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/evaluate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "evaluation*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/evaluation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get trained model evaluation report.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Models_GetTrainedModelEvaluation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/evaluation/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "verification*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/verification", "operations": [ { "description": "Get trained model verification report.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Models_GetTrainedModelVerification", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/verification/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/export/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get export job status details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_GetExportProjectJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/export/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "result*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/export/jobs/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Get export job result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_GetExportProjectJobStatusResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/export/jobs/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/import/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get import or replace project job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_GetImportProjectJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/import/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deletion/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get project deletion job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_GetProjectDeletionJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deletion/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "languages*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/languages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get List of Supported languages.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_GetSupportedCultures", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/languages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/train/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get training jobs.\r\nGet training job status and result details.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Training_GetTrainingJobsList|AnalyzeText_Training_GetTrainingJobStatus*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/train/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels a running training job.", "displayName": "Training_CancelJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/train/jobs/cancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "deletion-jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/global/deletion-jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get project deletion job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_GetProjectDeletionJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/global/deletion-jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "languages*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/global/languages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get List of Supported languages.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Projects_GetSupportedCultures", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/global/languages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "models*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a trained model info.\r\nGet trained models info.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Internal_Models_GetTrainedModel|AnalyzeText_Internal_Models_GetTrainedModels*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "result*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/export/jobs/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Get export job result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Internal_Projects_GetExportProjectJobStatusResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/export/jobs/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new or update a project.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_CreateOrUpdateProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a project.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_DeleteProject", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a project info.\r\nReturns the list of projects.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_GetProject|AnalyzeConversations_Projects_GetProjectsList*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a job to export project data in JSON format.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_TriggerExportProjectJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/export/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a job to import a project in JSON format. If a project with the same name already exists, the data of that project is replaced.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_TriggerImportProjectJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/import/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger training job.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Training_TriggerTrainingJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Copies an existing project to another Azure resource.", "displayName": "Copy project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/copy/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates a copy project operation authorization to the current target Azure resource.", "displayName": "Copy project authorization", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/authorize-copy/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "prebuilts*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/prebuilts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Supported prebuilts for conversational projects.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_AnalyzeConversations_CLU_Projects_GetSupportedPrebuilts", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/prebuilts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "deployments*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a deployment info.\r\nList all deployments.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Deployments_GetDeployment|AnalyzeConversations_Deployments_GetDeploymentsList*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a deployment.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Deployments_TriggerDeleteDeployment", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger a new deployment or replace an existing one.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Deployments_TriggerDeploymentJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger job to swap two deployments.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Deployments_TriggerSwapDeployments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/swap/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a project deployment from the specified assigned resources.", "displayName": "Delete deployment from resources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/delete-from-resources/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get deployment job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Deployments_GetDeploymentJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/swap/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a swap deployment job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Deployments_GetSwapDeploymentJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/swap/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "models*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a trained model.\r\nDelete a trained model.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Models_DeleteTrainedModel|Models_DeleteTrainedModel*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a trained model info.\r\nList all trained models.*\r\nGet a trained model info.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Models_GetTrainedModel|AnalyzeConversations_Models_GetTrainedModels*|Models_GetTrainedModel*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores the snapshot of this trained model to be the current working directory of the project.", "displayName": "Load trained model snapshot to the working directory.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/load-snapshot/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers evaluation operation on a trained model.", "displayName": "Evaluate model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/evaluate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "evaluation*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/evaluation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get trained model evaluation report.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Models_GetTrainedModelEvaluation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/evaluation/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "verification*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/verification", "operations": [ { "description": "Get trained model verification report.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Models_GetTrainedModelVerification", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/verification/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/export/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get export job status details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_GetExportProjectJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/export/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "result*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/export/jobs/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Get export job result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_GetExportProjectJobStatusResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/export/jobs/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/import/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get import or replace project job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_GetImportProjectJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/import/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deletion/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get project deletion job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_GetProjectDeletionJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deletion/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "languages*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/languages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get List of Supported languages.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_GetSupportedCultures", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/languages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/train/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get training jobs.\r\nGet training job status and result details.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Training_GetTrainingJobsList|AnalyzeConversations_Training_GetTrainingJobStatus*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/train/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels a running training job.", "displayName": "Training_CancelJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/train/jobs/cancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "prebuilts*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/prebuilts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Supported prebuilts for conversational projects.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_CLU_Projects_GetSupportedPrebuilts", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/prebuilts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "deletion-jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/deletion-jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get project deletion job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_GetProjectDeletionJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/deletion-jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "languages*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/languages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get List of Supported languages.\r\nGet List of Supported languages.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Projects_GetSupportedCultures|Projects_GetSupportedCultures*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/languages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "models*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a trained model info.\r\nGet trained models info.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Internal_Models_GetTrainedModel|AnalyzeConversations_Internal_Models_GetTrainedModels*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "result*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/export/jobs/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Get export job result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeConversations_Internal_Projects_GetExportProjectJobStatusResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/export/jobs/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "List Projects.\r\nGet Project Details.*", "displayName": "List Projects|Get Project Details*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Project.", "displayName": "Create Project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Project.", "displayName": "Delete Project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export Project.", "displayName": "Export Project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/export/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Import Project.", "displayName": "Import Project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/import/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Train Active Learning.", "displayName": "Update Active Learning feedback", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/feedback/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "deletion-jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/deletion-jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Import Job Status.", "displayName": "Delete Project Job Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/deletion-jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/export/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Export Job Status.", "displayName": "Export Job Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/export/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "result*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/export/jobs/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Export Job Status.", "displayName": "Export Job Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/export/jobs/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/import/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Import Job Status.", "displayName": "Import Job Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/import/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "deployments*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Project Deployment.\r\nList Deployments.*", "displayName": "Get Project Deploymment|List Deployments*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/deployments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploy Project.", "displayName": "Deploy Project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/deployments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/deployments/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Deploy Job Status.", "displayName": "Deploy Job Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/deployments/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "synonyms*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/synonyms", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Synonyms.", "displayName": "Get Synonyms", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/synonyms/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Synonyms.", "displayName": "Update Synonyms", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/synonyms/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sources*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/sources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Sources.", "displayName": "Get Sources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/sources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update QnAs.", "displayName": "Update Sources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/sources/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/sources/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Update Sources Job Status.", "displayName": "Update Sources Job Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/sources/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "qnas*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/qnas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get QnAs.", "displayName": "Get QnAs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/qnas/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update QnAs.", "displayName": "Update QnAs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/qnas/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/qnas/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Update QnAs Job Status.", "displayName": "Update QnAs Job Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/query-knowledgebases/projects/qnas/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Analyze the input image of incoming request without deployment. The request either contains image stream", "displayName": "Analyze", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/operations/imageanalysis:analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get information about a specific operation.\r\nGet a list of the available operations.", "displayName": "GetOperation|GetOperations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates a background from a specified query, style, and size.", "displayName": "GenerateBackground", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/operations/contentgeneration-backgrounds:generate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployments", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Deploy an operation to be run on the target device.\r\nUpdate the properties of an existing deployment.", "displayName": "CreateDeployment|UpdateDeployment", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/deployments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a deployment, removing the operation from the target device.", "displayName": "DeleteDeployment", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/deployments/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get information about a specific deployment.\r\nGet a list of deployments that have been created.", "displayName": "GetDeployment|GetDeployments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/deployments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Datasets", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/datasets", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a specific dataset.\r\nGet a list of datasets that have been registered.", "displayName": "GetDataset|GetDatasets", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/datasets/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Register a new dataset.\r\nUpdate the properties of an existing dataset.", "displayName": "RegisterDataset|UpdateDataset", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/datasets/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister a dataset.", "displayName": "UnregisterDataset", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/datasets/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Model", "name": "accounts/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads available models.", "displayName": "Read Available Models", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Time series groups", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a time series group", "displayName": "Create or update a time series group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a time series group", "displayName": "Delete a time series group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a time series group", "displayName": "Get a time series group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Series sets of a time series group", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/seriessets", "operations": [ { "description": "Add or update a time series set to a time series group", "displayName": "Add or update a time series set to a time series group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/seriessets/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a time series set from a time series group", "displayName": "Delete a time series set from a time series group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/seriessets/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a time series set", "displayName": "Get a time series set", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/seriessets/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "App instances of a time series group", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update an application instance to a time series group", "displayName": "Create or update an application instance to a time series group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an application instance from a time series group", "displayName": "Delete an application instance from a time series group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a time series group's application instance", "displayName": "Get a time series group's application instance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Inference time series group application instance model", "displayName": "Inference time series group application instance model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/inference/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Train time series group application instance model", "displayName": "Train time series group application instance model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/train/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Inference score of a time series group", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/inferencescore", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the inference score values from a time series group application instance", "displayName": "Get the inference score values from a time series group application instance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/inferencescore/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Inference severity of a time series group", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/inferenceseverity", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the inference severity values from a time series group application instance", "displayName": "Get the inference severity values from a time series group application instance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/inferenceseverity/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Latest result of a time series group", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/latestresult", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the latest running result from a time series group application instance by its id", "displayName": "Get the latest running result from a time series group application instance by its id", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/latestresult/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "History of a time series group", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/history", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the running result history from a time series group application instance by its id", "displayName": "Get the running result history from a time series group application instance by its id", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/history/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Ops of a time series group", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/ops", "operations": [ { "description": "Get time series group application instance operation records", "displayName": "Get time series group application instance operation records", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/ops/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Inference status of a time series group", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/ops/inferencestatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get time series group application instance inference status", "displayName": "Get time series group application instance inference status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/ops/inferencestatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Model state of a time series group", "name": "accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/modelstate", "operations": [ { "description": "Get time series group application instance model state", "displayName": "Get time series group application instance model state", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/MetricsAdvisor/timeseriesgroups/appinstances/modelstate/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyze-text*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text", "operations": [ { "description": "Submit a collection of text documents for analysis. Specify one or more unique tasks to be executed.", "displayName": "Submit text analysis job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/jobs/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel a long-running Text Analysis job.", "displayName": "Cancel a long-running Text Analysis job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/jobscancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an analysis job. A job may consist of one or more tasks. Once all tasks are completed, the job will transition to the completed state and results will be available for each task.", "displayName": "Get analysis status and results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "result*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/evaluation/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Get trained model evaluation result.", "displayName": "Models_GetTrainedModelEvaluationResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/evaluation/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "summary-result*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/evaluation/summary-result", "operations": [ { "description": "Get trained model evaluation summary.", "displayName": "Models_GetTrainedModelEvaluationSummary", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/evaluation/summary-result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "training-config-versions*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/global/training-config-versions", "operations": [ { "description": "List all training config versions.", "displayName": "Models_GetTrainingConfigVersions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/global/training-config-versions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Trigger auto tagging job.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Internal_AutoTag_TriggerAutoTaggingJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/autotag/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger GPT job.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Internal_GPT_TriggerGptJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/run-gpt/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger job to submit decisions on accepting, rejecting, or modifying GPT predictions.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Internal_GPT_TriggerSubmitGptPredictionDecisionsJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/submit-gpt-prediction-decisions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/autotag/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get autotagging jobs.\r\nGet auto tagging job status and result details.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Internal_AutoTag_GetAutoTaggingJobsList|AnalyzeText_Internal_AutoTag_GetAutoTaggingJobStatus*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/autotag/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "result*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/evaluation/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Get trained model evaluation result.", "displayName": "Models_GetTrainedModelEvaluationResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/evaluation/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "summary-result*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/evaluation/summary-result", "operations": [ { "description": "Get trained model evaluation summary.", "displayName": "Models_GetTrainedModelEvaluationSummaryResult", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/evaluation/summary-result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "prebuilt-entities*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/prebuilt-entities", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Supported prebuilts for conversational projects.", "displayName": "CLU_Projects_GetSupportedPrebuilts", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/prebuilt-entities/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "training-config-versions*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/training-config-versions", "operations": [ { "description": "List all training config versions.", "displayName": "Models_GetTrainingConfigVersions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/training-config-versions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyze-conversation*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversation", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancel a long-running analysis job on conversation.", "displayName": "Cancel a long-running analysis job on conversation.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversation/jobscancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a long conversation for analysis. Specify one or more unique tasks to be executed as a long-running operation.", "displayName": "Submit analysis job for conversations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversation/jobs/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversation/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an analysis job. A job may consist of one or more tasks. Once all tasks are succeeded, the job will transition to the suceeded state and results will be available for each task.", "displayName": "Get analysis status and results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversation/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyze-conversations*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancel a long-running analysis job on conversation.", "displayName": "Cancel a long-running analysis job on conversation.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/jobscancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a long conversation for analysis. Specify one or more unique tasks to be executed as a long-running operation.", "displayName": "Submit analysis job for conversations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/jobs/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an analysis job. A job may consist of one or more tasks. Once all tasks are succeeded, the job will transition to the suceeded state and results will be available for each task.", "displayName": "Get analysis status and results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Import resource files tasks", "name": "accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/ImportResourceFilesTasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Import resource files tasks.", "displayName": "Import resource files tasks.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AudioContentCreation/ExportTasks/ImportResourceFilesTasks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Get OpenAPI (swagger) Info", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/openapi", "operations": [ { "description": "Get OpenAI Info", "displayName": "OpenAPI_Get", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/openapi/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Stream generated text from the model via GET request", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/engines/completions", "operations": [ { "description": "(Intended for browsers only.) Stream generated text from the model via GET request. This method is provided because the browser-native EventSource method can only send GET requests. It supports a more limited set of configuration options than the POST variant.", "displayName": "Stream generated text from the model via GET request", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/engines/completions/browser_stream/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Knowledge API", "name": "accounts/Knowledge", "operations": [ { "description": "Entity Match*", "displayName": "Entity Match", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Knowledge/entitymatch/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Search annotation*", "displayName": "Annotation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Knowledge/entities:annotate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "annotation", "name": "accounts/Knowledge/annotation", "operations": [ { "description": "Dataverse search annotation", "displayName": "Dataverse Annotation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Knowledge/annotation/dataverse/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "detectlivenesswithverify*", "name": "accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify", "operations": [ { "description": "Detects liveness of a target face in a sequence of images of the same stream type (e.g. color) and then compares with VerifyImage to return confidence score for identity scenarios.", "displayName": "Face - DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Encryption Scope", "name": "accounts/encryptionScopes", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads an Encryption Scope.", "displayName": "Read Encryption Scope", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/encryptionScopes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Encryption Scope.", "displayName": "Write Encryption Scope", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/encryptionScopes/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Encryption Scope.", "displayName": "Delete Encryption Scope", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/encryptionScopes/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "generate-questionsanswers*", "name": "accounts/Language/generate-questionanswers/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get QA generation Job Status.", "displayName": "Get Question Answer Generation Job Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/generate-questionanswers/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "modelguidance*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/models/modelguidance", "operations": [ { "description": "Get trained model guidance.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Internal_Models_GetTrainedModelGuidance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/models/modelguidance/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/migratefromluis/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a migration job of a batch of LUIS apps.", "displayName": "Get migration status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/migratefromluis/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Detect", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/text", "operations": [ { "description": "A sync API for harmful content detection", "displayName": "Text Detect - Detect", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/text/detect/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Model Files", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/models/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns files for this model.", "displayName": "Get Model Files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/speechrest/models/files/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/delete-from-resources/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an existing delete deployment from specific resources job.", "displayName": "Get deployment deletion from resources status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/deployments/delete-from-resources/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/load-snapshot/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status for loading a snapshot.", "displayName": "Get load snapshot status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/load-snapshot/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "resources*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Assign new Azure resources to a project to allow deploying new deployments to them. This API is available only via AAD authentication and not supported via subscription key authentication. For more details about AAD authentication, check here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/authentication?tabs=powershell#authenticate-with-azure-active-directory", "displayName": "Assign deployment resources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/resources/assign/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the deployments resources assigned to the project.", "displayName": "Lists deployment resources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/resources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unassign resources from a project. This disallows deploying new deployments to these resources, and deletes existing deployments assigned to them.", "displayName": "Unassign deployment resources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/resources/unassign/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/resources/assign/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an existing assign deployment resources job.", "displayName": "Get assign deployment resources status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/resources/assign/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/resources/unassign/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an existing unassign deployment resources job.", "displayName": "Get unassign deployment resources status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/resources/unassign/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "resources*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/global/deployments/resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the deployments to which an Azure resource is assigned. This doesn't return deployments belonging to projects owned by this resource. It only returns deployments belonging to projects owned by other resources.", "displayName": "Lists assigned resource deployments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/global/deployments/resources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/delete-from-resources/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an existing delete deployment from specific resources job.", "displayName": "Get deployment deletion from resources status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/deployments/delete-from-resources/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/load-snapshot/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status for loading a snapshot.", "displayName": "Get load snapshot status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/load-snapshot/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "resources*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Assign new Azure resources to a project to allow deploying new deployments to them. This API is available only via AAD authentication and not supported via subscription key authentication. For more details about AAD authentication, check here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/authentication?tabs=powershell#authenticate-with-azure-active-directory", "displayName": "Assign deployment resources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/resources/assign/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the deployments resources assigned to the project.", "displayName": "Lists deployment resources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/resources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unassign resources from a project. This disallows deploying new deployments to these resources, and deletes existing deployments assigned to them.", "displayName": "Unassign deployment resources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/resources/unassign/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/resources/assign/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an existing assign deployment resources job.", "displayName": "Get assign deployment resources status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/resources/assign/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/resources/unassign/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an existing unassign deployment resources job.", "displayName": "Get unassign deployment resources status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/resources/unassign/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "resources*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/deployments/resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the deployments to which an Azure resource is assigned. This doesn't return deployments belonging to projects owned by this resource. It only returns deployments belonging to projects owned by other resources.", "displayName": "Lists assigned resource deployments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/global/deployments/resources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "lists*", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/text/lists", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates an Text List by listId, , if listId not exists, create a new Text List", "displayName": "Create Or Update Text List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/text/lists/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Text List with the list Id equal to list Id passed.", "displayName": "Delete Text List By listId", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/text/lists/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get All Text Lists\r\nReturns text list details of the Text List with list Id equal to list Id passed.*", "displayName": "Get All Text Lists|Get Text List By listId*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/text/lists/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "items*", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/text/lists/items", "operations": [ { "description": "Create Item In Text List", "displayName": "Create Item In Text List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/text/lists/items/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Item By itemId and listId", "displayName": "Delete Item By itemId and listId", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/text/lists/items/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get All Items By listId\r\nGet Item By itemId and listId*", "displayName": "Get All Items By listId|Get Item By itemId and listId*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/text/lists/items/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyzeresults*", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/text/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "An API to get harmful content analysis results for text batch", "displayName": "Get Text Batch Analyze Results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/text/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyzeresults*", "name": "accounts/ContentModerator/image/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "An API to get harmful content analysis results for image batch", "displayName": "Get Image Batch Analyze Results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentModerator/image/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "modelguidance*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/models/modelguidance", "operations": [ { "description": "Get trained model guidance.", "displayName": "Models_GetTrainedModelGuidance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/models/modelguidance/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/classification/analyze", "operations": [ { "description": "Classify document.", "displayName": "Classify document", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/classification/analyze/document/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/classification/get/analyze/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of document classification.", "displayName": "Get analyze result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/classification/get/analyze/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/management/classifier", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes document classifier.", "displayName": "Delete document classifier", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/management/classifier/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/management/get/classifier", "operations": [ { "description": "List all document classifiers.", "displayName": "List document classifiers", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/management/get/classifier/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "nl2sq*", "name": "accounts/Knowledge/nl2sq/api/nl2sq", "operations": [ { "description": "NL2SQL Predict*", "displayName": "NL2SQL Predict", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Knowledge/nl2sq/api/nl2sq/predict/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "REST APIs for Speech Cognitive Service", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Issue Cognitive Services jwt token for authentication.", "displayName": "issueToken", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/issuetoken/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "multivariate", "name": "accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate", "operations": [ { "description": "Submit multivariate anomaly detection task with the modelId of trained model and inference data, and the inference data should be put into request body in a JSON format. The request will complete synchronously and return the detection immediately in the response body.", "displayName": "Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Detect anomalies in the last point of the request body", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/models:detect-last/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit multivariate anomaly detection task with the modelId of trained model and inference data, the input schema should be the same with the training request. The request will complete asynchronously and return a resultId to query the detection result.The request should be a source link to indicate an externally accessible Azure storage Uri, either pointed to an Azure blob storage folder, or pointed to a CSV file in Azure blob storage.", "displayName": "Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Detect Multivariate Anomaly", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/models:detect-batch/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create and train a multivariate anomaly detection model. The request must include a source parameter to indicate an externally accessible Azure blob storage URI.There are two types of data input: An URI pointed to an Azure blob storage folder which contains multiple CSV files, and each CSV file contains two columns, timestamp and variable. Another type of input is an URI pointed to a CSV file in Azure blob storage, which contains all the variables and a timestamp column.", "displayName": "Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Train a Multivariate Anomaly Detection Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/models/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "detect-batch*", "name": "accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/detect-batch", "operations": [ { "description": "For asynchronous inference, get multivariate anomaly detection result based on resultId returned by the BatchDetectAnomaly api.", "displayName": "Multivariate Anomaly Detection - Get Multivariate Anomaly Detection Result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/AnomalyDetector/multivariate/detect-batch/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployments", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/deployments/chat", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a completion for the chat message", "displayName": "Creates a completion for the chat message", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/chat/completions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/evaluate/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status for an evaluation job.", "displayName": "Get evaluation status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/models/evaluate/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "exported-models*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/exported-models", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new exported model or replaces an existing one.", "displayName": "Create or replace exported model.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/exported-models/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing exported model.", "displayName": "Delete exported model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/exported-models/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the details of an exported model.\r\nLists the exported models belonging to a project.*", "displayName": "Get exported model details|List exported models*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/exported-models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "manifest*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/exported-models/manifest", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the details and URL needed to download the exported model.", "displayName": "Get exported model manifest", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/exported-models/manifest/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/exported-models/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status for an existing job to create or update an exported model.", "displayName": "Get exported model status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/exported-models/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/copy/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an existing copy project job.", "displayName": "Get copy project status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/copy/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "prebuilt-entities*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/global/prebuilt-entities", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the supported prebuilt entities that can be used while creating composed entities.", "displayName": "List supported prebuilt entities", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/projects/global/prebuilt-entities/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/run-gpt/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get GPT prediction jobs.\r\nGet GPT predictions status and result details.*", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Internal_GPT_GetGptJobsList|AnalyzeText_Internal_GPT_GetGptJobStatus*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/run-gpt/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "gpt-predictions*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/gpt-predictions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get GPT predictions result.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Internal_GPT_GetGptPredictions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/gpt-predictions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/submit-gpt-prediction-decisions/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get submit GPT prediction decisions job status and result details.", "displayName": "AnalyzeText_Internal_GPT_GetSubmitGptPredictionDecisionsJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-text/internal/projects/submit-gpt-prediction-decisions/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/evaluate/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status for an evaluation job.", "displayName": "Get evaluation status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/models/evaluate/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/copy/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an existing copy project job.", "displayName": "Get copy project status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/projects/copy/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Trigger GPT job.", "displayName": "GPT_TriggerGptJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/run-gpt/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger job to submit decisions on accepting, rejecting, or modifying GPT predictions.", "displayName": "GPT_TriggerSubmitGptPredictionDecisionsJob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/submit-gpt-prediction-decisions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/run-gpt/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get GPT prediction jobs.\r\nGet GPT predictions status and result details.*", "displayName": "GPT_GetGptJobsList|GPT_GetGptJobStatus*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/run-gpt/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "gpt-predictions*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/gpt-predictions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get GPT predictions result.", "displayName": "GPT_GetGptPredictions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/gpt-predictions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/submit-gpt-prediction-decisions/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get submit GPT prediction decisions job status and result details.", "displayName": "GPT_GetSubmitGptPredictionDecisionsJobStatus", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-conversations/internal/projects/submit-gpt-prediction-decisions/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "dbvalue*", "name": "accounts/Knowledge/dbvalue", "operations": [ { "description": "DBValueCreate*", "displayName": "DBValueCreate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Knowledge/dbvalue/create/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "*NotDefined*", "displayName": "DBValueUpdate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Knowledge/dbvalue/update/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "featureimportances*", "name": "accounts/Personalizer/featureimportances", "operations": [ { "description": "List of all Feature Importances.\r\nGet the Feature Importance associated with the Id.", "displayName": "All Feature Importances|Feature Importance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/featureimportances/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a new Feature Importance job.", "displayName": "Create Feature Importance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/featureimportances/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Feature Importance associated with the Id.", "displayName": "Feature Importance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Personalizer/featureimportances/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Computer Vision Service", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval", "operations": [ { "description": "Get index statistics inforamtion for the given users.", "displayName": "GeIndexStatistics", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/index-statis/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get search suggestions for the user, given the query text that the user has entered so far.", "displayName": "GetSuggestions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/suggest/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform a search using the specified search query and parameters.", "displayName": "Search", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/search/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Search indexes using the specified search query and parameters.", "displayName": "Search Indexes", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes:query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs a image-based search on the specified index. The request accepts either image Url or base64 encoded image string.", "displayName": "SearchByImage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes:querybyimage/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs a text-based search on the specified index.", "displayName": "SearchByText", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes:querybytext/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs a sampling technique on the doucment within an index. The request contains index name and document id .", "displayName": "Sample", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes:sample/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Index Operations", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes an index and all its associated ingestion documents.", "displayName": "DeleteIngestionIndex", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "This method creates an index, which can then be used to ingest documents.\r\nUpdates an index with the specified name.*", "displayName": "CreateIndex|UpdateIndex*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves the index with the specified name.\r\nRetrieves a list of all indexes across all ingestions.*", "displayName": "GetIndex|ListIndexes*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Document Operations", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes/documents", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a document in an index. If the index doesn't exist, then it will be created automatically.\r\nUpdate a document.*", "displayName": "CreateIngestionDocument|UpdateIngestionDocument*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes/documents/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a document.", "displayName": "Delete Ingestion Document", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes/documents/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a list of documents within an index.", "displayName": "Get Ingestion Documents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes/documents/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Document Operations", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/documents", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of all documents.", "displayName": "GetAllIngestionDocuments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/documents/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Face Group Operations", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/facegroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of available face groups for a user.", "displayName": "ListFaceGroups", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/facegroups/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the properties of a face group.", "displayName": "UpdateFaceGroup", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/facegroups/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Content Safety", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety", "operations": [ { "description": "A sync API for harmful content analysis for image.", "displayName": "Analyze Image", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/image:analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A sync API for harmful content analysis for text.", "displayName": "Analyze Text", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text:analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A sync API for harmful content analysis for image with text", "displayName": "Analyze Image With Text", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/imagewithtext:analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A synchronous API for the analysis of protected material.", "displayName": "Analyze Protected Material", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text:detectprotectedmaterial/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A synchronous API for the analysis of text jailbreak.", "displayName": "Analyze Text Jailbreak", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text:detectjailbreak/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A remote procedure call (RPC) operation.", "displayName": "Annotate Text by Prompt", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text:adaptiveannotate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A synchronous API for the analysis of language model outputs to determine if they align with the information provided by the user or contain fictional content.", "displayName": "Detect Ungrounded Information", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text:detectungroundedness/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A synchronous API for the analysis of text prompt injection attacks.", "displayName": "Analyze text prompt injection attacks", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text:shieldprompt/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A synchronous API for the analysis of language model outputs to determine alignment with user-provided information or identify fictional content.", "displayName": "Detect Groundedness", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text:detectgroundedness/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A synchronous API for the unified analysis of input content", "displayName": "Unified Analyze", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A synchronous API for the analysis of image detect incidents.", "displayName": "Analyze Image Detect Incidents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/image:detectincidents/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A synchronous API for the analysis of text detect incidents.", "displayName": "Analyze Text Detect Incidents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text:detectincidents/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A synchronous API for the analysis of text on custom category.", "displayName": "Analyze Text on Custom Category", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text:analyzecustomcategory/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "A synchronous API for the automatic review of harmful content", "displayName": "Auto Review Text", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text:autoreview/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Blocklists", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or List Text Blocklist", "displayName": "Get or List Text Blocklist", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a text blocklist, if blocklistName does not exist, create a new blocklist.", "displayName": "Create or Update Text Blocklist", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a text blocklist.", "displayName": "Delete Text Blocklist By blocklistName", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Blockitems", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists/blockitems", "operations": [ { "description": "Get blockItem By blockItemId from a text blocklist.", "displayName": "Get or List BlockItems from a Text Blocklist", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/blocklists/blockitems/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "dbdata*", "name": "accounts/Knowledge/dbdata", "operations": [ { "description": "DBDataAnswer", "displayName": "DBDataAnswer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Knowledge/dbdata/answer/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Images", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Create image generations.", "displayName": "Create image generations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/images/generations/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Service", "name": "accounts/Billing", "operations": [ { "description": "submit usage with meter name and quantity specified in request body.", "displayName": "Submit Usage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Billing/submitusage/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "create and return a license for a subscription and list of license keys specified in request body.", "displayName": "Create License", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Billing/createlicense/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "models", "name": "accounts/ModelDistribution/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Get model manifest for given conditions", "displayName": "Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ModelDistribution/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "latest model", "name": "accounts/ModelDistribution/models/latest", "operations": [ { "description": "Get latest available and compatible model for a specific service.", "displayName": "Latest Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ModelDistribution/models/latest/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Request Count at timestamps for the API", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/requestcounts", "operations": [ { "description": "List API request counts at different timestamps given a time range. Default maxpagesize is 1000.", "displayName": "List API request counts at different timestamps given a time range.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/requestcounts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Request Latency at timestamps for the API", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/requestlatencies", "operations": [ { "description": "List API request latencies at different timestamps given a time range. Default maxpagesize is 1000.", "displayName": "List API request latencies at different timestamps given a time range.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/requestlatencies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Top terms hit by blocklist", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/blocklisttopterms", "operations": [ { "description": "List top terms hit in blocklist at different timestamps.", "displayName": "List top terms hit in blocklist at different timestamps.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/blocklisttopterms/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Request count for the specified category and severity", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/categories/severities/requestcounts", "operations": [ { "description": "List API request count number of a specific category and a specific severity given a time range. Default maxpagesize is 1000.", "displayName": "ListAPI request count number of a specific category and a specific severity given a time range.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/categories/severities/requestcounts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Hit request counts by the blocklist", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/blocklisthitcalls", "operations": [ { "description": "Show blocklist hit request count at different timestamps.", "displayName": "Show blocklist hit request count at different timestamps.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/blocklisthitcalls/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Model", "name": "locations/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads available models.", "displayName": "Read Available Models", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/models/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all usages data", "displayName": "Read all usages data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/usages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployments", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/deployments/extensions/chat", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a completion for the chat message with extensions", "displayName": "Creates a completion for the chat message with extensions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/deployments/extensions/chat/completions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cognitive Services API Account", "name": "accounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read effective Network Security Perimeters configuration", "displayName": "Read effective Network Security Perimeters configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconcile effective Network Security Perimeters configuration", "displayName": "Reconcile effective Network Security Perimeters configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Responsible AI policies", "name": "accounts/raiPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all applicable policies under the account including default policies.", "displayName": "Gets Responsible AI policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiPolicies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a custom Responsible AI policy.", "displayName": "Puts a custom Responsible AI policy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiPolicies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a custom Responsible AI policy that's not referenced by an existing deployment.", "displayName": "Delete a custom Responsible AI policy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiPolicies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "request counts", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/requestCounts", "operations": [ { "description": "List API request counts at different timestamps given a time range. Default maxpagesize is 1000.", "displayName": "List API Request Counts At Different Timestamps Given A Time Range.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/requestCounts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "request latencies", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/requestLatencies", "operations": [ { "description": "List API request latencies at different timestamps given a time range. Default maxpagesize is 1000.", "displayName": "List API Request Latencies At Different Timestamps Given A Time Range.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/requestLatencies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "blocklist top terms", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/blocklistTopTerms", "operations": [ { "description": "List top terms hit in blocklist at different timestamps.", "displayName": "List Top Terms Hit In Blocklist At Different Timestamps.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/blocklistTopTerms/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "blocklist hit calls*", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/blocklistHitCalls", "operations": [ { "description": "Show blocklist hit request count at different timestamps.", "displayName": "Show Blocklist Hit Request Count At Different Timestamps.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/blocklistHitCalls/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Blocks", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/datasets/blocks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get one or more uploaded blocks", "displayName": "Get one or more uploaded blocks", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/datasets/blocks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a dataset blocks", "displayName": "Create or update a dataset blocks", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/datasets/blocks/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ingestions*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes/ingestions", "operations": [ { "description": "Ingestion request can have either video or image payload at once, but not both.", "displayName": "CreateIngestion", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes/ingestions/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the ingestion status for the specified index and ingestion name.\r\nRetrieves all ingestions for the specific index.*", "displayName": "GetIngestion|ListIngestions*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/indexes/ingestions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Video translation metadata.", "name": "accounts/VideoTranslation/Metadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Query video translation metadata.", "displayName": "Query video translation metadata.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoTranslation/Metadata/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Video files operations.", "name": "accounts/VideoTranslation/VideoFiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update video files.", "displayName": "Create or update video files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoTranslation/VideoFiles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read video files.", "displayName": "Read video files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoTranslation/VideoFiles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete video files.", "displayName": "Delete video files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoTranslation/VideoFiles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Video file target locale operations.", "name": "accounts/VideoTranslation/VideoFileTargetLocale", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete target locale.", "displayName": "Delete target locale.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoTranslation/VideoFileTargetLocale/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Video file translation operations.", "name": "accounts/VideoTranslation/Translations", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update video files.", "displayName": "Create or update video files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoTranslation/Translations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read video files.", "displayName": "Read video files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoTranslation/Translations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "WebVtt files operations.", "name": "accounts/VideoTranslation/WebVttFiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Read webvtt files.", "displayName": "Read webvtt files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoTranslation/WebVttFiles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update webvtt files.", "displayName": "Create or update webvtt files.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/VideoTranslation/WebVttFiles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Analyze Image", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/batch/status", "operations": [ { "description": "This internal operation returns the status of the specified batch.", "displayName": "Get Batch Status (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/batch/status/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "request counts for categories", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/categories/requestCounts", "operations": [ { "description": "List API request count at different timestamps of a specific category given a time range.", "displayName": "List API Request Count At Different Timestamps Of A Specific Category Given A Time Range.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/categories/requestCounts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "whitelist features", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/whitelist/features", "operations": [ { "description": "Get whitelist features.", "displayName": "List Whitelist Features.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/whitelist/features/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Attestations", "name": "attestations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Attestations", "displayName": "Read Attestations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/attestations/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes Attestation", "displayName": "Write Attestation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/attestations/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AttestationDefinitions", "name": "attestationdefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads all subscription level attestation definitions", "displayName": "Reads all subscription level attestation definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/attestationdefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "reject counts*", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/rejectCounts", "operations": [ { "description": "List API reject counts at different timestamps given a time range. Default maxpagesize is 1000.", "displayName": "List API Reject Counts At Different Timestamps Given A Time Range.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/metrics/rejectCounts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "evaluations*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/models/evaluations", "operations": [ { "description": "Evaluate an existing model.", "displayName": "EvaluateModel", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/models/evaluations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a model evaluation. A model evaluation can be deleted if it is in the 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' states.", "displayName": "DeleteModelEvaluation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/models/evaluations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get information about a specific model evaluation.\r\nGet a list of the available evaluations for a model.*", "displayName": "GetModelEvaluation|GetModelEvaluations*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/models/evaluations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "runs*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/productrecognition/runs", "operations": [ { "description": "Run the product recognition against a model with an image.", "displayName": "ProductRecognition_Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/productrecognition/runs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a product recognition run. A product recognition run can be deleted if it is in the 'Succeeded' or 'Failed' states.", "displayName": "ProductRecognition_Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/productrecognition/runs/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get information about a specific product recognition run.\r\nList all product recognition run of a model.*", "displayName": "ProductRecognition_Get|ProductRecognition_List*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/productrecognition/runs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Responsible AI Customer Blocklist", "name": "accounts/raiBlocklists", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads available blocklists under a resource.", "displayName": "Reads available blocklists under a resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiBlocklists/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Modifies available blocklists under a resource.", "displayName": "Modifies available blocklists under a resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiBlocklists/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes blocklists under a resource", "displayName": "Deletes blocklists under a resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiBlocklists/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Batch adds blocklist items under a blocklist.", "displayName": "Batch add blocklist items under a blocklist.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiBlocklists/addRaiBlocklistItems/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Batch deletes blocklist items under a blocklist.", "displayName": "Batch delete blocklist items under a blocklist.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiBlocklists/deleteRaiBlocklistItems/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Responsible AI Customer Blocklist Item", "name": "accounts/raiBlocklists/raiBlocklistItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets blocklist items under a blocklist.", "displayName": "Gets blocklist items under a blocklist.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiBlocklists/raiBlocklistItems/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Modifies blocklist items under a blocklist.", "displayName": "Modifies blocklist items under a blocklist.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiBlocklists/raiBlocklistItems/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes blocklist items under a blocklist.", "displayName": "Deletes blocklist items under a blocklist.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/raiBlocklists/raiBlocklistItems/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "On Your Data", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/extensions/on-your-data/ingestion", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Operations related to on-your-data feature", "displayName": "OnYourData Ingestion Read Operations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/extensions/on-your-data/ingestion/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Operations related to on-your-data feature", "displayName": "OnYourData Ingestion Write Operations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/extensions/on-your-data/ingestion/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OpenAI Model Scaleset Operations", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/management/modelscaleset/deployment", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Modelscale set deployment status and info.", "displayName": "Get Modelscale set deployment.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/management/modelscaleset/deployment/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Modify Modelscale set deployment status and info.", "displayName": "Modify Modelscale set deployment.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/management/modelscaleset/deployment/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cognitive Services API Account", "name": "capacityReservations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads API accounts.", "displayName": "Read API Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/capacityReservations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes API Accounts.", "displayName": "Write API Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/capacityReservations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes API accounts", "displayName": "Delete API Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/capacityReservations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "singlemodal*", "name": "accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal", "operations": [ { "description": "A session is best for client device scenarios where developers want to authorize a client device to perform only a liveness detection without granting full access to their resource. Created sessions have a limited life span and only authorize clients to perform the desired action before access is expired.\nPermissions includes...\n* Ability to call /detectLiveness/singleModal for up to 3 reties.\n* A token lifetime of 10 minutes.\nRemarks:\nClient access can be revoked by deleting the session using the Delete Liveness Session operation. To retrieve a result, use the Get Liveness Session. To audit the individual requests that a client has made to your resource, use the List Liveness Session Audit Entries.", "displayName": "LivenessSessionOperations_CreateLivenessSession", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "singlemodal*", "name": "accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal", "operations": [ { "description": "A session is best for client device scenarios where developers want to authorize a client device to perform only a liveness detection without granting full access to their resource. Created sessions have a limited life span and only authorize clients to perform the desired action before access is expired.\nPermissions includes...\n* Ability to call /detectLiveness/singleModal for up to 3 reties.\n* A token lifetime of 10 minutes.\nRemarks:\nClient access can be revoked by deleting the session using the Delete Liveness With Verify Session operation. To retrieve a result, use the Get Liveness With Verify Session. To audit the individual requests that a client has made to your resource, use the List Liveness With Verify Session Audit Entries.\nAlternative Option: Client device submits VerifyImage during the /detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal call.", "displayName": "LivenessSessionOperations_CreateLivenessWithVerifySession", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sessions*", "name": "accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete all session related information for matching the specified session id.

", "displayName": "Session DetectLiveness SingleModal - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists sessions for /detectLiveness/SingleModal.", "displayName": "Session DetectLiveness SingleModal - List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sessions*", "name": "accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete all session related information for matching the specified session id.

", "displayName": "Session DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists sessions for /detectLivenessWithVerify/SingleModal.", "displayName": "Session DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "audit*", "name": "accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/audit", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets session requests and response body for the session.", "displayName": "Session DetectLiveness SingleModal - Audit Requests", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectliveness/singlemodal/sessions/audit/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "audit*", "name": "accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/audit", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets session requests and response body for the session.", "displayName": "Session DetectLivenessWithVerify SingleModal - Audit Requests", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/detectlivenesswithverify/singlemodal/sessions/audit/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "users*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users", "operations": [ { "description": "Face User Correction - Delete User", "displayName": "Face User Correction - Delete User (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Face User Correction - Get Operation State", "displayName": "Face User Correction - Get Operation State (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "groups*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Face User Correction - Merge Groups", "displayName": "Face User Correction - Merge Groups (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users/groups/merge/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "faces*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users/groups/faces", "operations": [ { "description": "Face User Correction - Add Faces to Group", "displayName": "Face User Correction - Add Faces to Group (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users/groups/faces/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Face User Correction - Remove Faces from Group", "displayName": "Face User Correction - Remove Faces from Group (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users/groups/faces/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "images*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Face User Correction - Delete Images", "displayName": "Face User Correction - Delete Images (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/users/images/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "images*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Face User Correction - Delete Batch Images", "displayName": "Face User Correction - Delete Batch Images (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/correction/images/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "users*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/face/users", "operations": [ { "description": "Face Grouping - Get Uncertain Faces", "displayName": "Face Grouping - Get Uncertain Faces (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/users/uncertainfaces/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Face Grouping - Reset Groups", "displayName": "Face Grouping - Reset Groups (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/users/resetgroups/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Face Grouping - Group on Demand", "displayName": "Face Grouping - Group on Demand (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/users/groupondemand/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Face Grouping - Retrieve Groups", "displayName": "Face Grouping - Retrieve Groups (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/face/users/retrievegroups/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registers, unregisters or updates an existing Azure Resource for a deployment for enhancements.", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/gptv-registrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a registered Azure Resource corresponding to a deployment.", "displayName": "Gptv_registrations_get", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/gptv-registrations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters a registered Azure Resource corresponding to a deployment.", "displayName": "Gptv_registrations_delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/gptv-registrations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers or updates an existing Azure Resource corresponding to a deployment.", "displayName": "Gptv_registrations_patch", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/gptv-registrations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Incidents", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/text/incidents", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or List Text Incidents", "displayName": "Get or List Text Incidents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/incidents/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a text incident. If the text incident does not exist, a new text incident will be created.", "displayName": "Create Or Update Text Incident", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/incidents/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a text incident.", "displayName": "Delete Text Incident By incidentName", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/incidents/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Incidentsamples", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/text/incidents/incidentsamples", "operations": [ { "description": "Get incidentSamples By incidentName from a text incident.", "displayName": "Get or List Incidentsamples from a Text Incident", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/incidents/incidentsamples/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Image Incidents", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/image/incidents", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or List Image Incidents", "displayName": "Get or List Image Incidents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/image/incidents/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a image incident. If the image incident does not exist, a new image incident will be created.", "displayName": "Create Or Update Image Incident", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/image/incidents/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a image incident.", "displayName": "Delete Image Incident By incidentName", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/image/incidents/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Image Incidentsamples", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/image/incidents/incidentsamples", "operations": [ { "description": "Get incidentSamples By incidentName from a image incident.", "displayName": "Get or List Incidentsamples from a Image Incident", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/image/incidents/incidentsamples/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Categories", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/text/categories", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or List Text Categories", "displayName": "Get or List Text Categories", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/categories/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or replace operation template.", "displayName": "Create or replace operation template.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/categories/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resource delete operation template.", "displayName": "Resource delete operation template.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/categories/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assistants", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/assistants", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update assistants.", "displayName": "Create or update assistants", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get assistants.", "displayName": "Get assistants", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete assistants.", "displayName": "Delete assistants", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assistants", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/assistants/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Create assistant file.", "displayName": "Create assistant file", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/files/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve assistant file.", "displayName": "Retrieve assistant file", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/files/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete assistant file.", "displayName": "Delete assistant file", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/files/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assistants", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads", "operations": [ { "description": "Create assistant thread.", "displayName": "Create assistant thread", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve assistant thread.", "displayName": "Retrieve assistant thread", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete assistant thread.", "displayName": "Delete assistant thread", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assistants", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/messages", "operations": [ { "description": "Create assistant thread message.", "displayName": "Create assistant thread message", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/messages/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve assistant thread message.", "displayName": "Retrieve assistant thread message", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/messages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assistants", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/messages/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve assistant thread message file.", "displayName": "Retrieve assistant thread message file", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/messages/files/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assistants", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/runs", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update assistant thread run.", "displayName": "Create or update assistant thread run", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/runs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve assistant thread run.", "displayName": "Retrieve assistant thread run", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/runs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assistants", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/runs/steps", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve assistant thread run step.", "displayName": "Retrieve assistant thread run step", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/threads/runs/steps/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "synctranscriptions*", "name": "accounts/SpeechServices/synctranscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "create file based sync transcriptions", "displayName": "Create SyncTranscription", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/SpeechServices/synctranscriptions/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/analysis/batchanalyze", "operations": [ { "description": "Batch Analyze Documents. Support prebuilt models or custom trained model.", "displayName": "Batch Analyze documents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/analysis/batchanalyze/document/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managing Form Recognizers", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/analysis/get/batchanalyze/result", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of batch document analysis.", "displayName": "Get batch analyze result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/analysis/get/batchanalyze/result/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets status of a given operation.", "displayName": "GetOperation.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch-inference", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/batch-jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates Batch Inference jobs.", "displayName": "Create Batch Inference jobs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/batch-jobs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Batch Inference jobs.", "displayName": "Delete Batch Inference jobs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/batch-jobs/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about batch jobs.", "displayName": "Read batch-jobs metadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/batch-jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Projects", "name": "accounts/CustomAvatar/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets one or more custom avatar projects.", "displayName": "Read Projects", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomAvatar/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates custom avatar projects.", "displayName": "Create Project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomAvatar/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes custom avatar projects.", "displayName": "Delete Project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomAvatar/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Models", "name": "accounts/CustomAvatar/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets one or more custom avatar models.", "displayName": "Read Models", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomAvatar/models/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes models.", "displayName": "Delete Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomAvatar/models/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Models", "name": "accounts/CustomAvatar", "operations": [ { "description": "Deploys models.", "displayName": "Deploy Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomAvatar/models/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoints", "name": "accounts/CustomAvatar/endpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets one or more custom avatar endpoints.", "displayName": "Read Endpoints", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomAvatar/endpoints/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes endpoints.", "displayName": "Delete Endpoint", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomAvatar/endpoints/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "accounts/CustomAvatar/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets detail of operations", "displayName": "Read Operations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomAvatar/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Syntheses", "name": "accounts/BatchAvatar/batchsyntheses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets one or more avatar batch syntheses.", "displayName": "Read Avatar Batch Syntheses", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/BatchAvatar/batchsyntheses/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submits a new avatar batch synthesis.", "displayName": "Create Avatar Batch Synthesis", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/BatchAvatar/batchsyntheses/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the batch synthesis identified by the given ID.", "displayName": "Delete Avatar Batch Syntheses", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/BatchAvatar/batchsyntheses/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "accounts/BatchAvatar/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets detail of operations", "displayName": "Read operations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/BatchAvatar/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Computer Vision Service", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/store", "operations": [ { "description": "Perform a delete user operation for ODC.", "displayName": "DeleteUser", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/store/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publickey*", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/publickey", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a public key from certificate service in order to encrypt data.", "displayName": "GetPublicKey", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/retrieval/publickey/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Syntheses", "name": "accounts/BatchTextToSpeech/batchsyntheses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets one or more text to speech batch syntheses.", "displayName": "Read Text to Speech Batch Syntheses", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/BatchTextToSpeech/batchsyntheses/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submits a new text to speech batch synthesis.", "displayName": "Create Text to Speech Batch Synthesis", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/BatchTextToSpeech/batchsyntheses/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the batch synthesis identified by the given ID.", "displayName": "Delete Text to Speech Batch Syntheses", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/BatchTextToSpeech/batchsyntheses/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "accounts/BatchTextToSpeech/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets detail of operations", "displayName": "Read operations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/BatchTextToSpeech/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sessionimages*", "name": "accounts/Face/session/sessionimages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets session image by sessionImageId.", "displayName": "LivenessSessionOperations_GetSessionImage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Face/session/sessionimages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "document*", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/document", "operations": [ { "description": "Use this API to submit a bulk (batch) translation request to the Document", "displayName": "Submit a document translation request to the Document Translation service", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/document/batches/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "batches*", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/document/batches", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancel a currently processing or queued translation.", "displayName": "Cancel a currently processing or queued translation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/document/batches/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a list of batch requests submitted and the status for each\r\nReturns the status for a document translation request.*", "displayName": "Returns a list of batch requests submitted and the status for each request|Returns the status for a document translation request*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/document/batches/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "documents*", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/document/batches/documents", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the translation status for a specific document based on the request Id\r\nReturns the status for all documents in a batch document translation request.*", "displayName": "Returns the status for a specific document|Returns the status for all documents in a batch document translation request*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/document/batches/documents/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "formats*", "name": "accounts/TextTranslation/document/formats", "operations": [ { "description": "The list of supported formats supported by the Document Translation", "displayName": "Returns a list of supported document formats", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/TextTranslation/document/formats/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Model", "name": "models", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads available models.", "displayName": "Read Available Models", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/models/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Responsible AI policies", "name": "accounts/defenderForAISettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all applicable policies under the account including default policies.", "displayName": "Gets Responsible AI policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/defenderForAISettings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a custom Responsible AI policy.", "displayName": "Puts a custom Responsible AI policy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/defenderForAISettings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a custom Responsible AI policy that's not referenced by an existing deployment.", "displayName": "Delete a custom Responsible AI policy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/defenderForAISettings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Text Autoreviewers", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/text/autoreviewers", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete an auto reviewer or a specific version of it.", "displayName": "AutoReviewerOperations_DeleteAutoReviewer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/autoreviewers/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a auto reviewer or a specific version of it.\r\nList latest versions of auto reviewers.*", "displayName": "AutoReviewerOperations_GetAutoReviewer|AutoReviewerOperations_ListAutoReviewers*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/autoreviewers/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create new auto reviewer or a new version of existing auto reviewer.", "displayName": "Create a new version of auto reviewer.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/autoreviewers/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations*", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/text/autoreviewers/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an auto reviewer operation.", "displayName": "Get An Auto Reviewer Operation.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/autoreviewers/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "accounts/ContentSafety/text/categories/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an custom category operation.", "displayName": "Get An Custom Category Operation.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ContentSafety/text/categories/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Templates", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/speakerauthorizations/templates", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Consent Templates.", "displayName": "Get Consent Templates.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/speakerauthorizations/templates/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Model Capacity", "name": "locations/modelCapacities", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads available capacities of a model.", "displayName": "Read Model Capacities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/locations/modelCapacities/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Model Capacity", "name": "modelCapacities", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads available capacities of a model.", "displayName": "Read Model Capacities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/modelCapacities/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs", "name": "accounts/HealthInsights/radiology-insights/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a Radiology Insights job with the given request body.", "displayName": "Create Radiology Insights job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/HealthInsights/radiology-insights/jobs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the status and details of the Radiology Insights job.", "displayName": "Get Radiology Insights job details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/HealthInsights/radiology-insights/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs", "name": "accounts/HealthInsights/onco-phenotype/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates an Onco Phenotype job with the given request body.", "displayName": "Create Onco Phenotype job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/HealthInsights/onco-phenotype/jobs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the status and details of the Onco Phenotype job.", "displayName": "Get Onco Phenotype job details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/HealthInsights/onco-phenotype/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs", "name": "accounts/HealthInsights/patient-timeline/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a Patient Timeline job with the given request body.", "displayName": "Create Patient Timeline job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/HealthInsights/patient-timeline/jobs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the status and details of the Patient Timeline job.", "displayName": "Get Patient Timeline job details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/HealthInsights/patient-timeline/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs", "name": "accounts/HealthInsights/trial-matcher/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a Trial Matcher job with the given request body.", "displayName": "Create Trial Matcher job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/HealthInsights/trial-matcher/jobs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the status and details of the Trial Matcher job.", "displayName": "Get Trial Matcher job details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/HealthInsights/trial-matcher/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "cosmosdb", "name": "accounts/HealthInsights/trial-matcher/cosmosdb", "operations": [ { "description": "Trial Matcher CosmosDB Proxy POST", "displayName": "Trial Matcher CosmosDB Proxy POST", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/HealthInsights/trial-matcher/cosmosdb/executeAction/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trial Matcher CosmosDB Proxy GET", "displayName": "Trial Matcher CosmosDB Proxy GET", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/HealthInsights/trial-matcher/cosmosdb/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyze-documents*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-documents", "operations": [ { "description": "Submit documents analysis job.", "displayName": "Submit documents analysis job.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-documents/jobs/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel a long-running Documents Analysis job.", "displayName": "Cancel a long-running Documents Analysis job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-documents/jobscancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs*", "name": "accounts/Language/analyze-documents/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an analysis job. A job may consist of one or more tasks. Once all tasks are completed, the job will transition to the completed state and results will be available for each task.", "displayName": "Get analysis status and results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/Language/analyze-documents/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Analyze Image", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/batch/imageretrieval", "operations": [ { "description": "This internal operation ingests image vector and metadata to retrieval service.", "displayName": "Batch Image Retrieval (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/batch/imageretrieval/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Analyze Image", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/batch/searchmetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "This internal operation ingests image metadata to retrieval service.", "displayName": "Search Metadata (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/batch/searchmetadata/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch Analyze Image", "name": "accounts/ComputerVision/batch/segmentation", "operations": [ { "description": "This internal operation creates a new video segmentation batch with the specified name.", "displayName": "Create Segmentation (Internal)", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/ComputerVision/batch/segmentation/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Evals", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/evals", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or cancels evaluation of a model.", "displayName": "Create or cancel Evaluation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/evals/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about evaluation runs.", "displayName": "Read evaluation metadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/evals/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assistants", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update vector stores.", "displayName": "Create or update vector stores", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get vector stores.", "displayName": "Get vector stores", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete vector stores.", "displayName": "Delete vector store", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assistants", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Write vector stores files", "displayName": "Write vector store files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores/files/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read vector stores files", "displayName": "Read vector store files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores/files/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete vector stores files", "displayName": "Delete vector store files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores/files/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assistants", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores/file_batches", "operations": [ { "description": "Update vector store file batches", "displayName": "Update vector store file batches", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores/file_batches/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read vector store file batches", "displayName": "Read vector store file batches", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/assistants/vector_stores/file_batches/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Chatbot", "name": "accounts/CustomVoice/chatbot", "operations": [ { "description": "Chat with chatbot.", "displayName": "Chat with chatbot.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/CustomVoice/chatbot/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OpenAI", "name": "accounts/OpenAI", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a batch job", "displayName": "BatchJob_Create", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/batches/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "First party Fine-tune jobs", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/1p-jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or cancels First party Fine-tune jobs like RLHF jobs (SupervisedFineTuning, RewardModel, ProximalPolicyOptimisation).", "displayName": "Create or cancel First party Fine-tune jobs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/1p-jobs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about First party Fine-tune jobs.", "displayName": "Read First party Fine-tune jobs metadata", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/1p-jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batches", "name": "accounts/OpenAI/batches", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get batch jobs.", "displayName": "BatchJob_List|BatchJob_Get*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/batches/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a batch job.", "displayName": "BatchJob_Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/batches/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel a batch job.", "displayName": "BatchJob_Cancel", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/OpenAI/batches/cancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "documentclassifiers:build*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/documentclassifiers:build", "operations": [ { "description": "Builds a custom document classifier.", "displayName": "Create - Build classifier", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentclassifiers:build/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "documentclassifiers*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/documentclassifiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes document classifier.", "displayName": "Manage - Delete Classifier", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentclassifiers/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets detailed document classifier information.\r\nList all document classifiers.*", "displayName": "Manage - Get document classfier|Manage - List classifiers*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentclassifiers/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyzeresults*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/documentclassifiers/analyzeresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of document classifier.", "displayName": "Analyze - Get classifier analyze result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentclassifiers/analyzeresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "documentmodels:build*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels:build", "operations": [ { "description": "Builds a custom document analysis model.", "displayName": "Create - Build model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels:build/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "documentmodels:compose*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels:compose", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new document model from document types of existing document models.", "displayName": "Create - Compose model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels:compose/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "analyzebatchresults*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/analyzebatchresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of batch document analysis.", "displayName": "Analyze - Get batch analyze results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/analyzebatchresults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "figures*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/analyzeresults/figures", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the generated cropped image of specified figure from document analysis.", "displayName": "Analyze - Get figure analyze result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/analyzeresults/figures/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "pdf*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/analyzeresults/pdf", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the generated searchable PDF output from document analysis.", "displayName": "Analyze - Get pdf analyze result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/documentmodels/analyzeresults/pdf/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "labelingprojects*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects", "operations": [ { "description": "Create labeling project. Fail if projectId already exists.\r\nUpdate lableing project.", "displayName": "Labeling - Create project|Labeling - Update project*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get lableing project.\r\nList lableing projects.", "displayName": "Labeling - Get project|Labeling - List projects*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete lableing project. The project and metadata will be deleted. Documents/labels in user provided storage account will NOT be deleted.", "displayName": "Labeling - Delete project", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Suggest schema based on existing documents associated with labeling project. Returns suggested schema without updating actual project schema.", "displayName": "Labeling - Suggest field schema", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/schema:suggest/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Set/edit field schema. Update all existing labels in the project to reflect edits. Field schema is initially empty.", "displayName": "Labeling - Edit field schema", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/schema:edit/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Analyze labeling project document.", "displayName": "Labeling - Analyze document", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels:analyze/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "labels*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels", "operations": [ { "description": "Create label of a labeling project.", "displayName": "Labeling - Create label", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get label of a labeling project.\r\nList labels of a labeling project.", "displayName": "Labeling - Get label|Labeling - List labels*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a label of a labeling project.", "displayName": "Labeling - Delete label", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ocr*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels/ocr", "operations": [ { "description": "Get OCR result. OCR result does not contain predicted document fields.", "displayName": "Labeling - Get OCR result", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels/ocr/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "document*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels/document", "operations": [ { "description": "Set input document. Cannot be updated.", "displayName": "Labeling - Set document", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels/document/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get input document.", "displayName": "Labeling - Get document", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels/document/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List analyze document results.\r\nGet analyze document result.", "displayName": "Labeling - List analyze document results|Labeling - Get analyze document result*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/labels/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "schema*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/schema", "operations": [ { "description": "Get current schema.", "displayName": "Labeling - Get current schema", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/schema/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/schema/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get suggested schema.\r\nList suggested schemas.", "displayName": "Labeling - Get suggested schema|Labeling - List suggested schemas*", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/schema/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "stats*", "name": "accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/stats", "operations": [ { "description": "Get project level labeling statistics.", "displayName": "Labeling - Get project stats", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/FormRecognizer/labelingprojects/stats/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Commerce", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Commerce", "name": "Microsoft.Commerce", "operations": [ { "description": "Register Subscription for Microsoft Commerce UsageAggregate", "displayName": "Register Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Commerce/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister Subscription for Microsoft Commerce UsageAggregate", "displayName": "unregister Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Commerce/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Usage Aggregates", "name": "UsageAggregates", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves Microsoft Azure\u2019s consumption by a subscription. The result contains aggregates usage data, subscription and resource related information, on a particular time range.", "displayName": "Read Usage Aggregates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Commerce/UsageAggregates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RateCard", "name": "RateCard", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns offer data, resource/meter metadata and rates for the given subscription.", "displayName": "Read Rate Card", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Commerce/RateCard/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Compute", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Compute", "name": "Microsoft.Compute", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Subscription with Microsoft.Compute resource provider", "displayName": "Register Subscription for Compute", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.Compute resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription for Compute", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Availability Sets", "name": "availabilitySets", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an availability set", "displayName": "Get Availablity Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new availability set or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Availability Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the availability set", "displayName": "Delete Availability Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Size for Availability set", "name": "availabilitySets/vmSizes", "operations": [ { "description": "List available sizes for creating or updating a virtual machine in the availability set", "displayName": "List Virtual Machine Sizes for Availability Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/vmSizes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machines", "name": "virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a virtual machine", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new virtual machine or updates an existing virtual machine", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the virtual machine", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the virtual machine", "displayName": "Start Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Powers off the virtual machine. Note that the virtual machine will continue to be billed.", "displayName": "Power Off Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/powerOff/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reapplies a virtual machine's current model", "displayName": "Reapply a virtual machine's current model", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/reapply/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Redeploys virtual machine", "displayName": "Redeploy Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/redeploy/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts the virtual machine", "displayName": "Restart Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/restart/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves boot diagnostic logs blob URIs", "displayName": "Retrieve boot diagnostic logs blob URIs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/retrieveBootDiagnosticsData/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Powers off the virtual machine and releases the compute resources", "displayName": "Deallocate Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/deallocate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the virtual machine state to Generalized and prepares the virtual machine for capture", "displayName": "Generalize Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/generalize/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Captures the virtual machine by copying virtual hard disks and generates a template that can be used to create similar virtual machines", "displayName": "Capture Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/capture/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes a predefined script on the virtual machine", "displayName": "Run Command on Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/runCommand/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Converts the blob based disks of the virtual machine to managed disks", "displayName": "Convert Virtual Machine disks to Managed Disks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/convertToManagedDisks/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs Maintenance Operation on the VM.", "displayName": "Perform Maintenance Redeploy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/performMaintenance/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimages virtual machine which is using differencing disk.", "displayName": "Reimage Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/reimage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Log in to a virtual machine as a regular user", "displayName": "Log in to Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/login/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Log in to a virtual machine with Windows administrator or Linux root user privileges", "displayName": "Log in to Virtual Machine as administrator", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/loginAsAdmin/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Installs available OS update patches on the virtual machine based on parameters provided by user. Assessment results containing list of available patches will also get refreshed as part of this.", "displayName": "Install OS update patches on virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/installPatches/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Assesses the virtual machine and finds list of available OS update patches for it.", "displayName": "Assess virtual machine for available OS update patches", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/assessPatches/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels the ongoing install OS update patch operation on the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Cancel install OS update patch operation on virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/cancelPatchInstallation/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Simulates the eviction of spot Virtual Machine", "displayName": "Simulate Eviction of spot Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/simulateEviction/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lets you manage the OS of your resource via Windows Admin Center as an administrator", "displayName": "Manage the OS via Windows Admin Center as an administrator", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/WACloginAsAdmin/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform OS Upgrade on Virtual Machine belonging to Virtual Machine Scale Set with Flexible Orchestration Mode.", "displayName": "Perform OS Upgrade on Virtual Machine.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/osUpgradeInternal/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Rollback OSDisk on Virtual Machine after failed OS Upgrade invoked by Virtual Machine Scale Set with Flexible Orchestration Mode.", "displayName": "Rollback OSDisk on Virtual Machine after failed OS Upgrade.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/rollbackOSDisk/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes PreservedOSDisk on the Virtual Machine which belongs to Virtual Machine Scale Set with Flexible Orchestration Mode.", "displayName": "Deletes PreservedOSDisk on the Virtual Machine.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/deletePreservedOSDisk/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrade version of VM Agent on Virtual Machine", "displayName": "Upgrade VM Agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/upgradeVMAgent/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Attaches Detaches existing data disks to a virtual machine", "displayName": "Attach Detach data disks to a Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/attachDetachDataDisks/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Instance View", "name": "virtualMachines/instanceView", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the detailed runtime status of the virtual machine and its resources", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Instance View", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/instanceView/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Size", "name": "virtualMachines/vmSizes", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists available sizes the virtual machine can be updated to", "displayName": "Lists Available Virtual Machine Sizes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vmSizes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Images", "name": "images", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of the Image", "displayName": "Get Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/images/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Image or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/images/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the image", "displayName": "Delete Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/images/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Restore Point Collections", "name": "restorePointCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a restore point collection", "displayName": "Get Restore Point Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new restore point collection or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Restore Point Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the restore point collection and contained restore points", "displayName": "Delete Restore Point Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Restore Points", "name": "restorePointCollections/restorePoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a restore point", "displayName": "Get Restore Point", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections/restorePoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new restore point", "displayName": "Create Restore Point", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections/restorePoints/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the restore point", "displayName": "Delete Restore Point", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections/restorePoints/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the properties of a restore point along with blob SAS URIs", "displayName": "Get Restore Point along with blob SAS URIs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections/restorePoints/retrieveSasUris/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Metric Definitions", "name": "virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Virtual Machine Metric Definitions", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s)", "displayName": "Percentage CPU", "name": "Percentage CPU", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Network In Billable (Deprecated)", "name": "Network In", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Network Out Billable (Deprecated)", "name": "Network Out", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "Bytes read from disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Disk Read Bytes", "name": "Disk Read Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "Bytes written to disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Disk Write Bytes", "name": "Disk Write Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Disk Read IOPS", "displayName": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Disk Write IOPS", "displayName": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs", "displayName": "CPU Credits Remaining", "name": "CPU Credits Remaining", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs", "displayName": "CPU Credits Consumed", "name": "CPU Credits Consumed", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Read Bytes/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Read Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Write Bytes/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Write Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)", "displayName": "Data Disk Queue Depth", "name": "Data Disk Queue Depth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute", "displayName": "Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute", "displayName": "Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Target Bandwidth", "name": "Data Disk Target Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Target IOPS", "name": "Data Disk Target IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "name": "Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Max Burst IOPS", "name": "Data Disk Max Burst IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far", "displayName": "Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "name": "Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far", "displayName": "Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "name": "Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Read Bytes/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Read Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Write Bytes/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Write Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)", "displayName": "OS Disk Queue Depth", "name": "OS Disk Queue Depth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute", "displayName": "OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute", "displayName": "OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Target Bandwidth", "name": "OS Disk Target Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Target IOPS", "name": "OS Disk Target IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "name": "OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Max Burst IOPS", "name": "OS Disk Max Burst IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far", "displayName": "OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "name": "OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far", "displayName": "OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "name": "OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM)", "displayName": "Inbound Flows", "name": "Inbound Flows", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM)", "displayName": "Outbound Flows", "name": "Outbound Flows", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM)", "displayName": "Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "name": "Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM)", "displayName": "Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "name": "Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit", "displayName": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit", "name": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss", "displayName": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss", "name": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit", "displayName": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit", "name": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss", "displayName": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss", "name": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic)", "displayName": "Network In Total", "name": "Network In Total", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic)", "displayName": "Network Out Total", "name": "Network Out Total", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine", "displayName": "Available Memory Bytes (Preview)", "name": "Available Memory Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Extensions", "name": "virtualMachines/extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a virtual machine extension", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new virtual machine extension or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Machine Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the virtual machine extension", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Machine Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Scale Set Extensions", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Virtual Machine Scale Set Extension", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Scale Set Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/extensions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Virtual Machine Scale Set Extension or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Machine Scale Set Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/extensions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Virtual Machine Scale Set Extension", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Machine Scale Set Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/extensions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Scale Sets", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Virtual Machine Scale Set or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Machines in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/delete/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Start Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Powers off the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Power Off Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/powerOff/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reapply the Virtual Machine Scale Set Virtual Machine Profile to the Virtual Machine Instances", "displayName": "Reapply Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/reapply/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Restart Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/restart/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Powers off and releases the compute resources for the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set ", "displayName": "Deallocate Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/deallocate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Manually updates instances to latest model of the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Manual Upgrade Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/manualUpgrade/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimages the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Reimage Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/reimage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimages all disks (OS Disk and Data Disks) for the instances of a Virtual Machine Scale Set ", "displayName": "Reimage all Disks for a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/reimageAll/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves deferred rolling upgrades for the instances of a Virtual Machine Scale Set ", "displayName": "Approve deferred rolling upgrades for a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/approveRollingUpgrade/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Redeploy the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Redeploy Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/redeploy/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs planned maintenance on the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Perform planned maintenance on a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/performMaintenance/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Verify if an existing Virtual Machine Scale Set can Scale In/Scale Out to specified instance count", "displayName": "Verify Scaling of Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/scale/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Manually walk the platform update domains of a service fabric Virtual Machine Scale Set to finish a pending update that is stuck", "displayName": "Manually walk platform update domains in a service fabric Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/forceRecoveryServiceFabricPlatformUpdateDomainWalk/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a rolling upgrade to move all Virtual Machine Scale Set instances to the latest available Platform Image OS version.", "displayName": "Upgrades OS on Virtual Machine Scale Set instances to the latest available Platform Image OS version.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/osRollingUpgrade/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the state of an orchestration service based on the action provided in operation input.", "displayName": "Sets the state of an orchestration service in a Virtual Machine Scale Set.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/setOrchestrationServiceState/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels the rolling upgrade of a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Cancel Virtual Machine Scale Set Rolling Upgrade operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/rollingUpgrades/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Scale Set Instance View", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/instanceView", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the instance view of the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Scale Set Instance View", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/instanceView/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Scale Set SKU", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the valid SKUs for an existing Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "List SKUs for Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Scalet Set Metric Definitions", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Virtual Machine Scalet Set Metric Definitions", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Scalet Set Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s)", "displayName": "Percentage CPU", "name": "Percentage CPU", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Network In Billable (Deprecated)", "name": "Network In", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Network Out Billable (Deprecated)", "name": "Network Out", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes read from disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Disk Read Bytes", "name": "Disk Read Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes written to disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Disk Write Bytes", "name": "Disk Write Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Disk Read IOPS", "displayName": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Disk Write IOPS", "displayName": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs", "displayName": "CPU Credits Remaining", "name": "CPU Credits Remaining", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs", "displayName": "CPU Credits Consumed", "name": "CPU Credits Consumed", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Read Bytes/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Read Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Write Bytes/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Write Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)", "displayName": "Data Disk Queue Depth", "name": "Data Disk Queue Depth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute", "displayName": "Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute", "displayName": "Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Target Bandwidth", "name": "Data Disk Target Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Target IOPS", "name": "Data Disk Target IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "name": "Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Max Burst IOPS", "name": "Data Disk Max Burst IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far", "displayName": "Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "name": "Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far", "displayName": "Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "name": "Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Read Bytes/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Read Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Write Bytes/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Write Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)", "displayName": "OS Disk Queue Depth", "name": "OS Disk Queue Depth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute", "displayName": "OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute", "displayName": "OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Target Bandwidth", "name": "OS Disk Target Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Target IOPS", "name": "OS Disk Target IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "name": "OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Max Burst IOPS", "name": "OS Disk Max Burst IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far", "displayName": "OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "name": "OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far", "displayName": "OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "name": "OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM)", "displayName": "Inbound Flows", "name": "Inbound Flows", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM)", "displayName": "Outbound Flows", "name": "Outbound Flows", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM)", "displayName": "Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "name": "Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM)", "displayName": "Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "name": "Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit", "displayName": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit", "name": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss", "displayName": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss", "name": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit", "displayName": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit", "name": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss", "displayName": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss", "name": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic)", "displayName": "Network In Total", "name": "Network In Total", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic)", "displayName": "Network Out Total", "name": "Network Out Total", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "VMName", "internalName": "VMName", "name": "VMName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine", "displayName": "Available Memory Bytes (Preview)", "name": "Available Memory Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Scale Sets Rolling Upgrades", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/rollingUpgrades", "operations": [ { "description": "Get latest Rolling Upgrade status for a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Gets the latest Rolling Upgrade status for a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/rollingUpgrades/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Scale Set OS Upgrade History", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/osUpgradeHistory", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the history of OS upgrades for a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Gets the history of OS upgrades for a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/osUpgradeHistory/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine in Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the properties of a Virtual Machine in a VM Scale Set", "displayName": "Gets the properties of a Virtual Machine in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the properties of a Virtual Machine in a VM Scale Set", "displayName": "Updates the properties of a Virtual Machine in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a specific Virtual Machine in a VM Scale Set.", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Machine in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a Virtual Machine instance in a VM Scale Set.", "displayName": "Start Virtual Machine in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Powers Off a Virtual Machine instance in a VM Scale Set.", "displayName": "Power off Virtual Machine in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/powerOff/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts a Virtual Machine instance in a VM Scale Set.", "displayName": "Restart Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/restart/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Powers off and releases the compute resources for a Virtual Machine in a VM Scale Set.", "displayName": "Deallocate Virtual Machine in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/deallocate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimages a Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set.", "displayName": "Reimage Virtual Machine in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/reimage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimages all disks (OS Disk and Data Disks) for Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set.", "displayName": "Reimage all Disks for a Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/reimageAll/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves deferred rolling upgrade for Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set.", "displayName": "Approves deferred rolling upgrade for a Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/approveRollingUpgrade/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Redeploys a Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Redeploy Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/redeploy/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves boot diagnostic logs blob URIs of Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Retrieve boot diagnostic logs blob URIs of Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/retrieveBootDiagnosticsData/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs planned maintenance on a Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Perform planned maintenance on a Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/performMaintenance/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes a predefined script on a Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set.", "displayName": "Run Command on a Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/runCommand/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Simulates the eviction of spot Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Simulate Eviction of spot Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/simulateEviction/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Attaches Detaches existing data disks to a Virtual Machine instance in a VM Scale Set", "displayName": "Attach Detach data disks to a Virtual Machine instance in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/attachDetachDataDisks/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Instance View of Virtual Machine in Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/instanceView", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the instance view of a Virtual Machine in a VM Scale Set.", "displayName": "Gets Instance View of a Virtual Machine in a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/instanceView/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine in Scale Set Metric Definitions", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Virtual Machine in Scale Set Metric Definitions", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine in Scale Set Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s)", "displayName": "Percentage CPU", "name": "Percentage CPU", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Network In Billable (Deprecated)", "name": "Network In", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Network Out Billable (Deprecated)", "name": "Network Out", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "Bytes read from disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Disk Read Bytes", "name": "Disk Read Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "Bytes written to disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Disk Write Bytes", "name": "Disk Write Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Disk Read IOPS", "displayName": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Disk Write IOPS", "displayName": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs", "displayName": "CPU Credits Remaining", "name": "CPU Credits Remaining", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs", "displayName": "CPU Credits Consumed", "name": "CPU Credits Consumed", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Read Bytes/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Read Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Write Bytes/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Write Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Data Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "Data Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)", "displayName": "Data Disk Queue Depth", "name": "Data Disk Queue Depth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute", "displayName": "Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute", "displayName": "Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Target Bandwidth", "name": "Data Disk Target Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Target IOPS", "name": "Data Disk Target IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "name": "Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "Data Disk Max Burst IOPS", "name": "Data Disk Max Burst IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far", "displayName": "Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "name": "Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far", "displayName": "Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "name": "Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Read Bytes/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Read Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Write Bytes/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Write Bytes/sec", "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk", "displayName": "OS Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "OS Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)", "displayName": "OS Disk Queue Depth", "name": "OS Disk Queue Depth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute", "displayName": "OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute", "displayName": "OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Target Bandwidth", "name": "OS Disk Target Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Target IOPS", "name": "OS Disk Target IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "name": "OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting", "displayName": "OS Disk Max Burst IOPS", "name": "OS Disk Max Burst IOPS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far", "displayName": "OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "name": "OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far", "displayName": "OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "name": "OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM)", "displayName": "Inbound Flows", "name": "Inbound Flows", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM)", "displayName": "Outbound Flows", "name": "Outbound Flows", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM)", "displayName": "Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "name": "Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM)", "displayName": "Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "name": "Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit", "displayName": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit", "name": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "LUN", "internalName": "LUN", "name": "LUN", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss", "displayName": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss", "name": "Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit", "displayName": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit", "name": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss", "displayName": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss", "name": "Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM", "displayName": "VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "name": "VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic)", "displayName": "Network In Total", "name": "Network In Total", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic)", "displayName": "Network Out Total", "name": "Network Out Total", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine", "displayName": "Available Memory Bytes (Preview)", "name": "Available Memory Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Sizes", "name": "locations/vmSizes", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists available virtual machine sizes in a location", "displayName": "List Available Virtual Machine Sizes in Location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/vmSizes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "locations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Get Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usage Metrics", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets service limits and current usage quantities for the subscription's compute resources in a location", "displayName": "Get Usage Metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/usages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Run Commands", "name": "locations/runCommands", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists available run commands in location", "displayName": "Lists Run Commands", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/runCommands/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Compute Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operations available on Microsoft.Compute resource provider", "displayName": "List Available Compute Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Skus", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of Microsoft.Compute SKUs available for your Subscription", "displayName": "Gets the list of Microsoft.Compute SKUs available for your Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Disks", "name": "disks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Disk", "displayName": "Get Disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/disks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Disk or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/disks/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Disk", "displayName": "Delete Disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/disks/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the SAS URI of the Disk for blob access", "displayName": "Get Disk SAS URI", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/disks/beginGetAccess/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Revoke the SAS URI of the Disk", "displayName": "Revoke Disk SAS URI", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/disks/endGetAccess/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform read data operations on Disk SAS Uri", "displayName": "Disk export data operation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/disks/download/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform write data operations on Disk SAS Uri", "displayName": "Disk upload data operation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/disks/upload/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Snapshots", "name": "snapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Snapshot", "displayName": "Get Snapshot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new Snapshot or update an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Snapshot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Snapshot", "displayName": "Delete Snapshot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the SAS URI of the Snapshot for blob access", "displayName": "Get Snapshot SAS URI", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/beginGetAccess/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Revoke the SAS URI of the Snapshot", "displayName": "Revoke Snapshot SAS URI", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/endGetAccess/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform read data operations on Snapshot SAS Uri", "displayName": "Snapshot export data operation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/download/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform write data operations on Snapshot SAS Uri", "displayName": "Snapshot upload data operation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/upload/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DiskOperation", "name": "locations/diskOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an asynchronous Disk operation", "displayName": "Get Disk Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/diskOperations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SharedVMImages", "name": "sharedVMImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a SharedVMImage", "displayName": "Get SharedVMImage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMImages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new SharedVMImage or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update SharedVMImage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMImages/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the SharedVMImage", "displayName": "Delete SharedVMImage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMImages/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SharedVMImageVersions", "name": "sharedVMImages/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a SharedVMImageVersion", "displayName": "Get SharedVMImageVersion", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMImages/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new SharedVMImageVersion or update an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update SharedVMImageVersion", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMImages/versions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a SharedVMImageVersion", "displayName": "Delete SharedVMImageVersion", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMImages/versions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Replicate a SharedVMImageVersion to target regions", "displayName": "Replicate SharedVMImageVersion", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMImages/versions/replicate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CapsOperation", "name": "locations/capsOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an asynchronous Caps operation", "displayName": "Get Caps Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/capsOperations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Publishers", "name": "locations/publishers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Publisher", "displayName": "Get Publisher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/publishers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Platform Image Offers", "name": "locations/publishers/artifacttypes/offers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Platform Image Offer", "displayName": "Get Platform Image Offer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/publishers/artifacttypes/offers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Platform Image Skus", "name": "locations/publishers/artifacttypes/offers/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Platform Image Sku", "displayName": "Get Platform Image Sku", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/publishers/artifacttypes/offers/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Platform Image Versions", "name": "locations/publishers/artifacttypes/offers/skus/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Platform Image Version", "displayName": "Get Platform Image Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/publishers/artifacttypes/offers/skus/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VMExtension Types", "name": "locations/publishers/artifacttypes/types", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a VMExtension Type", "displayName": "Get VMExtension Type", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/publishers/artifacttypes/types/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VMExtension Versions", "name": "locations/publishers/artifacttypes/types/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a VMExtension Version", "displayName": "Get VMExtension Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/publishers/artifacttypes/types/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network interfaces of a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/networkInterfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Get properties of all network interfaces of a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Get all network interfaces of a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/networkInterfaces/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Public IP addresses of a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/publicIPAddresses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get properties of all public IP addresses of a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Get all public IP addresses of a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/publicIPAddresses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network interfaces of a virtual machine created using Virtual Machine Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Get properties of one or all network interfaces of a virtual machine created using Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Get one or all network interfaces of a virtual machine created using Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of effective route table on network interface of a virtual machine created using Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Get effective route table on network interface of a virtual machine created using Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/getEffectiveRouteTable/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of effective security groups on network interface of a virtual machine created using Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Get effective security groups on network interface of a virtual machine created using Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/getEffectiveSecurityGroups/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IP address created using Virtual Machine Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/ipConfigurations/publicIPAddresses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get properties of public IP address created using Virtual Machine Scale Set. Virtual Machine Scale Set can create at most one public IP per ipconfiguration (private IP)", "displayName": "Get public IP address created using Virtual Machine Scale Set. Virtual Machine Scale Set can create at most one public IP per ipconfiguration (private IP)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/ipConfigurations/publicIPAddresses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IP configurations of a network interface created using Virtual Machine Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/ipConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get properties of one or all IP configurations of a network interface created using Virtual Machine Scale Set. IP configurations represent private IPs", "displayName": "Get one or all IP configurations of a network interface created using Virtual Machine Scale Set. IP configurations represent private IPs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/networkInterfaces/ipConfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Galleries", "name": "galleries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Gallery", "displayName": "Get Gallery", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Gallery or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Gallery", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Gallery", "displayName": "Delete Gallery", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Shares a Gallery to different scopes", "displayName": "Share Gallery", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/share/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GalleryImages", "name": "galleries/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Gallery Image", "displayName": "Get Gallery Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Gallery Image or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Gallery Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Gallery Image", "displayName": "Delete Gallery Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GalleryImageVersions", "name": "galleries/images/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Gallery Image Version", "displayName": "Get Gallery Image Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Gallery Image Version or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Gallery Image Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/versions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Gallery Image Version", "displayName": "Delete Gallery Image Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/images/versions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of Virtual Machine Scale Sets", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Virtual Machine Scale Sets.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine Scale Set log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the Virtual Machine Scale Set.", "displayName": "Read the diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the Virtual Machine Scale set.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Log Analytics", "name": "locations/logAnalytics", "operations": [ { "description": "Create logs to show total requests by time interval to aid throttling diagnostics.", "displayName": "Create logs to show total requests by time interval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/logAnalytics/getRequestRateByInterval/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create logs to show aggregates of throttled requests grouped by ResourceName, OperationName, or the applied Throttle Policy.", "displayName": "Create logs to show aggregates of throttled requests", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/logAnalytics/getThrottledRequests/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of Virtual Machine", "name": "virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Virtual Machine.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "SoftwareUpdates", "name": "SoftwareUpdates" }, { "displayName": "SoftwareUpdateProfile", "name": "SoftwareUpdateProfile" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine", "name": "virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the Virtual Machine.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the Virtual Machine.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Host Groups", "name": "hostGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a host group", "displayName": "Get Host Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/hostGroups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new host group or updates an existing host group", "displayName": "Create or Update Host Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/hostGroups/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the host group", "displayName": "Delete Host Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/hostGroups/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Proximity Placement Groups", "name": "proximityPlacementGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Properties of a Proximity Placement Group", "displayName": "Get Proximity Placement Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/proximityPlacementGroups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Proximity Placement Group or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Proximity Placement Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/proximityPlacementGroups/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Proximity Placement Group", "displayName": "Delete Proximity Placement Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/proximityPlacementGroups/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Size for Virtual Machine Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/vmSizes", "operations": [ { "description": "List available sizes for creating or updating a virtual machine in the Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "List Virtual Machine Sizes for a Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/vmSizes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Hosts", "name": "hostGroups/hosts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a host", "displayName": "Get Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/hostGroups/hosts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new host or updates an existing host", "displayName": "Create or Update Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/hostGroups/hosts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the host", "displayName": "Delete Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/hostGroups/hosts/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DiskEncryptionSets", "name": "diskEncryptionSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a disk encryption set", "displayName": "Get disk encryption set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new disk encryption set or update an existing one", "displayName": "Create or update disk encryption set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a disk encryption set", "displayName": "Delete disk encryption set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation for Virtual Machine Scale Set with the Virtual Machine Runtime Service Extension", "name": "locations/vsmOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an asynchronous operation for Virtual Machine Scale Set with the Virtual Machine Runtime Service Extension", "displayName": "Get Operation for Virtual Machine Scale Set with the Virtual Machine Runtime Service Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/vsmOperations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GalleryApplications", "name": "galleries/applications", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Gallery Application", "displayName": "Get Gallery Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/applications/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Gallery Application or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Gallery Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/applications/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Gallery Application", "displayName": "Delete Gallery Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/applications/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GalleryApplicationVersions", "name": "galleries/applications/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Gallery Application Version", "displayName": "Get Gallery Application Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/applications/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Gallery Application Version or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Gallery Application Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/applications/versions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Gallery Application Version", "displayName": "Delete Gallery Application Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/applications/versions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualMachineScaleSet Extensions Role", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/extensions/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Role in a Virtual Machine Scale Set with the Virtual Machine Runtime Service Extension", "displayName": "Get properties of Role in a Virtual Machine Scale Set with the Virtual Machine Runtime Service Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/extensions/roles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the properties of an existing Role in a Virtual Machine Scale Set with the Virtual Machine Runtime Service Extension", "displayName": "Update properties of Role in a Virtual Machine Scale Set with the Virtual Machine Runtime Service Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/extensions/roles/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SSH Public Keys", "name": "sshPublicKeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an SSH public key", "displayName": "Get SSH Public Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sshPublicKeys/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new SSH public key or updates an existing SSH public key", "displayName": "Create or Update SSH Public Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sshPublicKeys/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the SSH public key", "displayName": "Delete SSH Public Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sshPublicKeys/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates a new SSH public/private key pair", "displayName": "Generate SSH Key Pair", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sshPublicKeys/generateKeyPair/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy AzureAsyncOperation", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of asynchronous Private Endpoint Connection Proxy operation", "displayName": "Get PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxyOperation Results", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the results of Private Endpoint Connection Proxy operation", "displayName": "Get PrivateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SharedVMExtensions", "name": "sharedVMExtensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Shared VM Extension", "displayName": "Get Shared VM Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMExtensions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Shared VM Extension or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Shared VM Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMExtensions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Shared VM Extension", "displayName": "Delete Shared VM Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMExtensions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SharedVMExtensionVersions", "name": "sharedVMExtensions/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Shared VM Extension Version", "displayName": "Get Shared VM Extension Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMExtensions/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Shared VM Extension Version or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Shared VM Extension Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMExtensions/versions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Shared VM Extension Version", "displayName": "Delete Shared VM Extension Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/sharedVMExtensions/versions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DiskAccesses", "name": "diskAccesses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of DiskAccess resource", "displayName": "Get DiskAccess", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new DiskAccess resource or update an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update DiskAccess", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a DiskAccess resource", "displayName": "Delete DiskAccess", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Auto Approve a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Auto Approve PrivateEndpointConnections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DiskAccess PrivateEndpointConnections", "name": "diskAccesses/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Get PrivateEndpointConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or Reject a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Approve or Reject PrivateEndpointConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DiskAccess PrivateEndpointConnection proxies", "name": "diskAccesses/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Get PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy object", "displayName": "Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/diskAccesses/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Extensions for Virtual Machines in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an extension for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Get extension for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/extensions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new extension for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update extension for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/extensions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the extension for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Delete extension for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/extensions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cloud Service Resource", "name": "cloudServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a CloudService.", "displayName": "Get CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Created a new CloudService or Update an existing one.", "displayName": "Create or Update CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the CloudService.", "displayName": "Delete the CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Power off the CloudService.", "displayName": "Power off the CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/poweroff/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the CloudService.", "displayName": "Starts the CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts one or more role instances in a CloudService.", "displayName": "Restarts one or more role instances in a CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/restart/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Rebuilds all the disks in the role instances in a CloudService.", "displayName": "Reimage one or more role instances in a CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/reimage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimage all the role instances in a CloudService.", "displayName": "Rebuilds all the disks in the role instances in a CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/rebuild/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes role instances in a CloudService.", "displayName": "Deletes role instances in a CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/delete/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cloud Service Instance View.", "name": "cloudServices/instanceView", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a CloudService.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/instanceView/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cloud Service Role Instance", "name": "cloudServices/roleInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a RoleInstance from CloudService.", "displayName": "Deletes a RoleInstance from CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roleInstances/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a RoleInstance from CloudService.", "displayName": "Gets a RoleInstance from CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roleInstances/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart a role instance of a CloudService", "displayName": "Restart a role instance of a CloudService", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roleInstances/restart/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimage a role instance of a CloudService.", "displayName": "Reimage a role instance of a CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roleInstances/reimage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Rebuild all the disks in a CloudService.", "displayName": "Rebuild all the disks in a CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roleInstances/rebuild/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cloud Service Update Domains.", "name": "cloudServices/updateDomains", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of all update domains in a CloudService.", "displayName": "Gets a list of all update domains in a CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/updateDomains/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cloud Service RoleInstance Instance View.", "name": "cloudServices/roleInstances/instanceView", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a role instance from a CloudService.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a role instance from a CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roleInstances/instanceView/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cloud Services Metric Defintion.", "name": "cloudServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the CloudService metrics definition", "displayName": "Gets the CloudService metrics definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s)", "displayName": "Percentage CPU", "name": "Percentage CPU", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes read from disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Disk Read Bytes", "name": "Disk Read Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes written to disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Disk Write Bytes", "name": "Disk Write Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Disk Read IOPS", "displayName": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Disk Write IOPS", "displayName": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine", "displayName": "Available Memory Bytes (Preview)", "name": "Available Memory Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic)", "displayName": "Network In Total", "name": "Network In Total", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic)", "displayName": "Network Out Total", "name": "Network Out Total", "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudService Roles", "name": "cloudServices/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a role from a CloudService.", "displayName": "Gets a role from a CloudService.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Scale instances in a Role", "displayName": "Scale instances in a Role", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roles/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudService Roles Metric Definitions", "name": "cloudServices/roles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the CloudService Roles Metric Definitions", "displayName": "Gets the CloudService Roles Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s)", "displayName": "Percentage CPU", "name": "Percentage CPU", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes read from disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Disk Read Bytes", "name": "Disk Read Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes written to disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Disk Write Bytes", "name": "Disk Write Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Disk Read IOPS", "displayName": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Read Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Disk Write IOPS", "displayName": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "name": "Disk Write Operations/Sec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine", "displayName": "Available Memory Bytes (Preview)", "name": "Available Memory Bytes", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic)", "displayName": "Network In Total", "name": "Network In Total", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RoleInstanceId", "internalName": "RoleInstanceId", "name": "RoleInstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "RoleId", "internalName": "RoleId", "name": "RoleId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic)", "displayName": "Network Out Total", "name": "Network Out Total", "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudServices Diagnostic Settings", "name": "cloudServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the CloudService.", "displayName": "Read the diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the CloudService.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudService Roles Diagnostic Settings", "name": "cloudServices/roles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the CloudService Roles.", "displayName": "Read the diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the CloudService Roles", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine RunCommands", "name": "virtualMachines/runCommands", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a virtual machine run command", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine run command", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/runCommands/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new virtual machine run command or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Machine run command", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/runCommands/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the virtual machine run command", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Machine run command", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/runCommands/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RunCommands for Virtual Machines in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/runCommands", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a run command for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Get run command for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/runCommands/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new run command for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update run command for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/runCommands/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the run command for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "displayName": "Delete run command for Virtual Machine in Virtual Machine Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/runCommands/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Patch Installation Results", "name": "virtualMachines/patchInstallationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the summary of the latest patch installation operation", "displayName": "Summarizes latest patch installation operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/patchInstallationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Patch Installation Software Patches Results", "name": "virtualMachines/patchInstallationResults/softwarePatches", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves list of patches attempted to be installed during the last patch installation operation", "displayName": "Lists all patches considered in patch installation operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/patchInstallationResults/softwarePatches/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Patch Assessment Results", "name": "virtualMachines/patchAssessmentResults/latest", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the summary of the latest patch assessment operation", "displayName": "Summarizes latest patch assessment operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/patchAssessmentResults/latest/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Patch Assessment Software Patches Results", "name": "virtualMachines/patchAssessmentResults/latest/softwarePatches", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves list of patches assessed during the last patch assessment operation", "displayName": "Lists all patches assessed in patch assessment operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/patchAssessmentResults/latest/softwarePatches/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Capacity Reservations", "name": "capacityReservationGroups/capacityReservations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a capacity reservation", "displayName": "Get Capacity Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/capacityReservationGroups/capacityReservations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new capacity reservation or updates an existing capacity reservation", "displayName": "Create or Update Capacity Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/capacityReservationGroups/capacityReservations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the capacity reservation", "displayName": "Delete Capacity Reservation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/capacityReservationGroups/capacityReservations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Capacity Reservation Groups", "name": "capacityReservationGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a capacity reservation group", "displayName": "Get Capacity Reservation Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/capacityReservationGroups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new capacity reservation group or updates an existing capacity reservation group", "displayName": "Create or Update Capacity Reservation Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/capacityReservationGroups/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the capacity reservation group", "displayName": "Delete Capacity Reservation Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/capacityReservationGroups/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploy a new VM/VMSS using Capacity Reservation Group", "displayName": "Deploy a new VM/VMSS using Capacity Reservation Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/capacityReservationGroups/deploy/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Share the Capacity Reservation Group with one or more Subscriptionss", "displayName": "Share the Capacity Reservation Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/capacityReservationGroups/share/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DiskRestorePoint", "name": "restorePointCollections/restorePoints/diskRestorePoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an incremental DiskRestorePoint", "displayName": "Get incremental DiskRestorePoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections/restorePoints/diskRestorePoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the SAS URI of the incremental DiskRestorePoint", "displayName": "Get incremental DiskRestorePoint SAS URI", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections/restorePoints/diskRestorePoints/beginGetAccess/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Revoke the SAS URI of the incremental DiskRestorePoint", "displayName": "Revoke incremental DiskRestorePoint SAS URI", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/restorePointCollections/restorePoints/diskRestorePoints/endGetAccess/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudService OS Versions", "name": "locations/cloudServiceOsVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any guest OS Version that can be specified in the XML service configuration (.cscfg) for a Cloud Service.", "displayName": "Read Cloud Service OS Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/cloudServiceOsVersions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudService OS Families", "name": "locations/cloudServiceOsFamilies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any guest OS Family that can be specified in the XML service configuration (.cscfg) for a Cloud Service.", "displayName": "Read Cloud Service OS Family", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/cloudServiceOsFamilies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics", "name": "locations/diagnostics", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a request for running Diagnostics", "displayName": "Run Diagnostics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/diagnostics/run/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the properties of all available Compute Disgnostics", "displayName": "Get Compute Diagnostics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/diagnostics/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a request for generating recommendations", "displayName": "Generate Recommendations Diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/diagnostics/generate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics", "name": "locations/diagnostics/diskInspection", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of DiskInspection Diagnostic", "displayName": "Get DiskInspection Diagnostics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/diagnostics/diskInspection/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DiagnosticOperations", "name": "locations/diagnosticOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets status of a Compute Diagnostic operation", "displayName": "Gets Compute DiagnsoticOperation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/diagnosticOperations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Publishers in an edge zone", "name": "locations/edgeZones/publishers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Publisher in an edge zone", "displayName": "Get Publisher in an edge zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/edgeZones/publishers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Platform Image Offers in an edge zone", "name": "locations/edgeZones/publishers/artifacttypes/offers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Platform Image Offer in an edge zone", "displayName": "Get Platform Image Offer in an edge zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/edgeZones/publishers/artifacttypes/offers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Platform Image Skus in an edge zone", "name": "locations/edgeZones/publishers/artifacttypes/offers/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Platform Image Sku in an edge zone", "displayName": "Get Platform Image Sku in an edge zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/edgeZones/publishers/artifacttypes/offers/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Platform Image Versions in an edge zone", "name": "locations/edgeZones/publishers/artifacttypes/offers/skus/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Platform Image Version in an edge zone", "displayName": "Get Platform Image Version in an edge zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/edgeZones/publishers/artifacttypes/offers/skus/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GalleryServiceArtifacts", "name": "galleries/serviceArtifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Gallery Service Artifact", "displayName": "Get Gallery Service Artifact", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/serviceArtifacts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Gallery Service Artifact or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Gallery Service Artifact", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/serviceArtifacts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Gallery Service Artifact", "displayName": "Delete Gallery Service Artifact", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/serviceArtifacts/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Shared Gallery", "name": "locations/sharedGalleries", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Shared Gallery", "displayName": "Get Shared Gallery", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/sharedGalleries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Shared Gallery Image", "name": "locations/sharedGalleries/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Shared Gallery Image", "displayName": "Get Shared Gallery Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/sharedGalleries/images/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Shared Gallery Image Version", "name": "locations/sharedGalleries/images/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Shared Gallery Image Version", "displayName": "Get Shared Gallery Image Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/sharedGalleries/images/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Community Gallery", "name": "locations/communityGalleries", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Community Gallery", "displayName": "Get Community Gallery", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/communityGalleries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Community Gallery Image", "name": "locations/communityGalleries/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Community Gallery Image", "displayName": "Get Community Gallery Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/communityGalleries/images/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Community Gallery Image Version", "name": "locations/communityGalleries/images/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Community Gallery Image Version", "displayName": "Get Community Gallery Image Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/communityGalleries/images/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Host Size", "name": "hostGroups/hosts/hostSizes", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists available sizes the host can be updated to. NOTE: The dedicated host sizes provided can be used to only scale up the existing dedicated host.", "displayName": "Lists Available Host Sizes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/hostGroups/hosts/hostSizes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualMachineScaleSetsDisks", "name": "virtualMachineScaleSets/disks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the SAS URI of VirtualMachineScaleSets Disk", "displayName": "Get VirtualMachineScaleSets Disk SAS URI", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/disks/beginGetAccess/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GalleryRemoteContainerImages", "name": "galleries/remoteContainerImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Gallery Remote Container Image", "displayName": "Read Gallery Remote Container Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/remoteContainerImages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Gallery Remote Container Image or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Gallery Remote Container Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/remoteContainerImages/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Gallery Remote Container Image", "displayName": "Delete Gallery Remote Container Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/remoteContainerImages/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the SAS URI of the Gallery Remote Container Image for blob access", "displayName": "Get Gallery Remote Container Image SAS URI", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/galleries/remoteContainerImages/beginGetAccess/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Platform Image Versions in an edge zone", "name": "locations/edgeZones/vmimages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of Platform Image Version in an edge zone across publishers", "displayName": "Get all Platform Image Version in an edge zone across publishers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/edgeZones/vmimages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PlacementScores", "name": "locations/placementScores", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a request for generating Placement Scores", "displayName": "Generate Placement Scores", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Compute/locations/placementScores/generate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Container Instance", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ContainerInstance", "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the container instance resource provider and enables the creation of container groups.", "displayName": "Register Microsoft Container Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/register/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Container Group", "name": "containerGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all container goups.", "displayName": "Get Container Groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a specific container group.", "displayName": "Create or update Container Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/write", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the specific container group.", "displayName": "Delete Container Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts a specific container group.", "displayName": "Restart Container Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/restart/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops a specific container group. Compute resources will be deallocated and billing will stop.", "displayName": "Stop Container Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/stop/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh delegated resource identity for a specific container group.", "displayName": "Refresh delegated resources.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/refreshDelegatedResourceIdentity/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a specific container group.", "displayName": "Start Container Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/start/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Group", "name": "containerGroups/containers/logs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get logs for a specific container.", "displayName": "Get Container Logs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/containers/logs/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Group", "name": "containerGroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for container group.", "displayName": "Read container group metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "System", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Container Name", "name": "containerName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "CPU usage on all cores in millicores.", "displayName": "CPU Usage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "CpuUsage", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftContainerInstanceShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "AzureMonitoringMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Container Name", "name": "containerName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total memory usage in byte.", "displayName": "Memory Usage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "MemoryUsage", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftContainerInstanceShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "AzureMonitoringMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "PT1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The network bytes received per second.", "displayName": "Network Bytes Received Per Second", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "NetworkBytesReceivedPerSecond", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftContainerInstanceShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "AzureMonitoringMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "PT1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The network bytes transmitted per second.", "displayName": "Network Bytes Transmitted Per Second", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "NetworkBytesTransmittedPerSecond", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftContainerInstanceShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "AzureMonitoringMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "PT1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Group", "name": "containerGroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the container group.", "displayName": "Read Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the container group.", "displayName": "Write Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cached Images", "name": "locations/cachedImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the cached images for the subscription in a region.", "displayName": "Get cached images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/locations/cachedImages/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate delete virtual network or subnet notification", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.ContainerInstance that virtual network or subnet is being deleted.", "displayName": "Validate delete virtual network or subnet notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/locations/validateDeleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.ContainerInstance that virtual network or subnet is being deleted.", "displayName": "Delete virtual network or subnet notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Group", "name": "containerGroups/containers", "operations": [ { "description": "Exec into a specific container.", "displayName": "Exec Into a Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/containers/exec/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Attach to the output stream of a container.", "displayName": "Attach to a container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/containers/attach/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Capabilities", "name": "locations/capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the capabilities for a region.", "displayName": "Get Capabilities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/locations/capabilities/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the usage for a specific region.", "displayName": "Get Regional Usage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/locations/usages/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource provider operations.", "name": "locations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List the operations for Azure Container Instance service.", "displayName": "Read operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/locations/operations/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource provider operations.", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List the operations for Azure Container Instance service.", "displayName": "Read operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/operations/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Association Link.", "name": "serviceassociationlinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete the service association link created by azure container instance resource provider on a subnet.", "displayName": "Delete Service Association Link.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/serviceassociationlinks/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Group", "name": "containerGroups/containers/buildlogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get build logs for a specific container.", "displayName": "Get Container Build Logs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/containers/buildlogs/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource provider operations.", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get async operation result", "displayName": "Async operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource provider operations.", "name": "containerGroups/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get async operation result", "displayName": "Async operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/operationResults/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Group", "name": "containerGroups/detectors", "operations": [ { "description": "List Container Group Detectors", "displayName": "Container Group Detectors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/detectors/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Group", "name": "containerGroups/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "List Container Group Detectors", "displayName": "Container Group Detectors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Group Profile", "name": "containerGroupProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all container goup profiles.", "displayName": "Get Container Groups Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroupProfiles/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a specific container group profile.", "displayName": "Create or update Container Group Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroupProfiles/write", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the specific container group profile.", "displayName": "Delete Container Group Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroupProfiles/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Group Profile", "name": "containerGroupProfiles/revisions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get container group profile revisions", "displayName": "Get container group profile revisions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroupProfiles/revisions/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deregister container group profile revision.", "displayName": "Deregister container group profile revision.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroupProfiles/revisions/deregister/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Scale Set", "name": "containerScaleSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Get details of a container scale set.", "displayName": "Get Container Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerScaleSets/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a specific container scale set.", "displayName": "Create or Update Container Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerScaleSets/write", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specific container scale set.", "displayName": "Delete Container Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerScaleSets/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Scale Set", "name": "containerScaleSets/containerGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Restart sepcific container groups in a container scale set.", "displayName": "Restart Container Groups in a Container Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerScaleSets/containerGroups/restart/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start specific container groups in a container scale set.", "displayName": "Start Container Groups in a Container Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerScaleSets/containerGroups/start/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop specific contianer groups in a container scale set.", "displayName": "Stop Container Groups in a Container Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerScaleSets/containerGroups/stop/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete specific contianer groups in a container scale set.", "displayName": "Delete Container Groups in a Container Scale Set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerScaleSets/containerGroups/delete/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft ContainerRegistry", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry", "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the container registry resource provider and enables the creation of container registries.", "displayName": "Register the Container Registry Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the container registry resource provider.", "displayName": "Unregister the Container Registry Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an async operation result", "displayName": "Get Async Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks whether the container registry name is available for use.", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all of the available Azure Container Registry REST API operations", "displayName": "Container Registry Resource Provider Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified container registry or lists all the container registries under the specified resource group or subscription.", "displayName": "Get Container Registry or List Container Registries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update Container Registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete Container Registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the login credentials for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "List Container Registry Login Credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/listCredentials/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates one of the login credentials for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Regenerate Container Registry Login Credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/regenerateCredential/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate keys for a token of a specified container registry.", "displayName": "Generate keys for a token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/generateCredentials/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Import Image to container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Import Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/importImage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the upload location for the user to be able to upload the source.", "displayName": "Get build source upload url location.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/getBuildSourceUploadUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new build based on the request parameters and add it to the build queue.", "displayName": "Queue a new build.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/queueBuild/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get source upload url location for a container registry.", "displayName": "Get source upload url location for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/listBuildSourceUploadUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Schedule a run against a container registry.", "displayName": "Schedule a run against a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/scheduleRun/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Auto Approves a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Auto Approves a Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/listUsages", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the quota usages for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "List Container Registry Quota Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/listUsages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a registry async operation status", "displayName": "Get Registry Async Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/Webhooks", "name": "registries/webhooks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified webhook or lists all the webhooks for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get Webhook or List Webhooks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/webhooks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a webhook for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update Webhook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/webhooks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a webhook from a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete Webhook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/webhooks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the configuration of service URI and custom headers for the webhook.", "displayName": "Get Webhook Callback Config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/webhooks/getCallbackConfig/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a ping event to be sent to the webhook.", "displayName": "Ping Webhook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/webhooks/ping/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists recent events for the specified webhook.", "displayName": "List Webhook Events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/webhooks/listEvents/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/Webhooks", "name": "registries/webhooks/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a webhook async operation status", "displayName": "Get Webhook Async Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/webhooks/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/Replications", "name": "registries/replications", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified replication or lists all the replications for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get Replication or List Replications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/replications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a replication for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update Replication", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/replications/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a replication from a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete Replication", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/replications/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/Replications", "name": "registries/replications/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a replication async operation status", "displayName": "Get Replication Async Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/replications/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/EventGridFilters", "name": "registries/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified event grid filter or lists all the event grid filters for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get Event Grid Filter or List Event Grid Filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an event grid filter for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an event grid filter from a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of Microsoft ContainerRegistry", "name": "registries/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Microsoft ContainerRegistry", "displayName": "Read Microsoft ContainerRegistry metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of image pulls in total", "displayName": "Total Pull Count", "internalMetricName": "TotalPullCount", "name": "TotalPullCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of successful image pulls", "displayName": "Successful Pull Count", "internalMetricName": "SuccessfulPullCount", "name": "SuccessfulPullCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of image pushes in total", "displayName": "Total Push Count", "internalMetricName": "TotalPushCount", "name": "TotalPushCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of successful image pushes", "displayName": "Successful Push Count", "internalMetricName": "SuccessfulPushCount", "name": "SuccessfulPushCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "Run Duration in milliseconds", "displayName": "Run Duration", "internalMetricName": "RunDuration", "name": "RunDuration", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "AgentPool CPU Time in seconds", "displayName": "AgentPool CPU Time", "internalMetricName": "AgentPoolCPUTime", "name": "AgentPoolCPUTime", "unit": "Seconds" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.ContainerRegistry that virtual network or subnet is being deleted", "displayName": "Delete virtual network or subnets notifications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/listPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the policies for the specified container registry", "displayName": "List registry policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/listPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/updatePolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates the policies for the specified container registry", "displayName": "Update registry policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/updatePolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/pull", "operations": [ { "description": "Pull or Get images from a container registry.", "displayName": "Pull images from container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/pull/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/push", "operations": [ { "description": "Push or Write images to a container registry.", "displayName": "Push images to container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/push/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/sign", "operations": [ { "description": "Push/Pull content trust metadata for a container registry.", "displayName": "Manage content trust metadata for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/sign/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/builds", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified build or lists all the builds for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get Build or List Builds.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/builds/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a build for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Update a build.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/builds/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a link to download the build logs.", "displayName": "Get log link for a build.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/builds/getLogLink/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels an existing build.", "displayName": "Cancel an existing build.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/builds/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/buildTasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified build task or lists all the build tasks for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get build task or List build tasks.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/buildTasks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a build task for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update build task.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/buildTasks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a build task from a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete build task.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/buildTasks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the source control properties for a build task.", "displayName": "List source control repository properties.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/buildTasks/listSourceRepositoryProperties/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/buildTasks/steps", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified build step or lists all the build steps for the specified build task.", "displayName": "Get build step or List build steps.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/buildTasks/steps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a build step for a build task with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update build step", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/buildTasks/steps/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a build step from a build task.", "displayName": "Delete build step.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/buildTasks/steps/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the build arguments for a build step including the secret arguments.", "displayName": "List build arguments for a build step.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/buildTasks/steps/listBuildArguments/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/runs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a run against a container registry or list runs.", "displayName": "Get the run or List runs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/runs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a run.", "displayName": "Update a run.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/runs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the log SAS URL for a run.", "displayName": "Get the log SAS URL for a run.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/runs/listLogSasUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel an existing run.", "displayName": "Cancel an existing run.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/runs/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/tasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a task for a container registry or list all tasks.", "displayName": "Get a task for a container registry or list all tasks.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/tasks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a task for a container registry.", "displayName": "Create or Update a task for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/tasks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a task for a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete a task for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/tasks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all details of a task for a container registry.", "displayName": "List all details of a task for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/tasks/listDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/artifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete artifact in a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete artifact in a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/artifacts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/metadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metadata of a specific repository for a container registry", "displayName": "Get metadata of a repository for a container registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/metadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the metadata of a repository for a container registry", "displayName": "Update metadata of a repository for a container registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/metadata/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The logs definition of Microsoft ContainerRegistry", "name": "registries/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Microsoft ContainerRegistry", "displayName": "Read Microsoft ContainerRegistry log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "RepositoryEvent logs", "name": "ContainerRegistryRepositoryEvents" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Login Events", "name": "ContainerRegistryLoginEvents" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/quarantine", "operations": [ { "description": "Pull or Get quarantined images from container registry", "displayName": "Pull quarantined images", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/quarantine/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write/Modify quarantine state of quarantined images", "displayName": "Modify quarantined images", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/quarantine/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/ScopeMaps", "name": "registries/scopeMaps", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified scope map or lists all the scope maps for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get scope map or List scope maps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/scopeMaps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a scope map for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update scope map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/scopeMaps/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a scope map from a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete scope map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/scopeMaps/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/ScopeMaps", "name": "registries/scopeMaps/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a scope map async operation status.", "displayName": "Get scope map async operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/scopeMaps/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/Tokens", "name": "registries/tokens", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified token or lists all the tokens for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get token or List tokens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/tokens/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a token for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/tokens/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a token from a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/tokens/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/Tokens", "name": "registries/tokens/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a token async operation status.", "displayName": "Get token async operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/tokens/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Container Registry Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate the Private Endpoint Connection Proxy (NRP only)", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Private Endpoint Connection Proxy (NRP only)", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create the Private Endpoint Connection Proxy (NRP only)", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Private Endpoint Connection Proxy (NRP only)", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Container Registry Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy Async Operation Status", "displayName": "Get PrivateEndpointConnectionProxyAsyncOperationStatus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/taskruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a taskrun for a container registry or list all taskruns.", "displayName": "Get a taskrun for a container registry or list all taskruns.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/taskruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a taskrun for a container registry.", "displayName": "Create or Update a taskrun for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/taskruns/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a taskrun for a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete a taskrun for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/taskruns/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all details of a taskrun for a container registry.", "displayName": "List all details of a taskrun for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/taskruns/listDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/agentpools", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a agentpool for a container registry or list all agentpools.", "displayName": "Get a agentpool for a container registry or list all agentpools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/agentpools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update an agentpool for a container registry.", "displayName": "Create or Update an agentpool for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/agentpools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an agentpool for a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete an agentpool for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/agentpools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all queue status of an agentpool for a container registry.", "displayName": "List all queue status of an agentpool for a container registry.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/agentpools/listQueueStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Container Registry Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "registries/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of private endpoint connection or list all the private endpoint connections for the specified container registry", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection or List Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves/Rejects the private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve/Reject Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/trustedCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows push or publish of trusted collections of container registry content. This is similar to Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/sign/write action except that this is a data action", "displayName": "Manage content trust metadata for a container registry", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/trustedCollections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/quarantinedArtifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows pull or get of the quarantined artifacts from container registry. This is similar to Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/quarantine/read except that it is a data action", "displayName": "Pull/Read of the quarantined artifacts", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/quarantinedArtifacts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows write or update of the quarantine state of quarantined artifacts. This is similar to Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/quarantine/write action except that it is a data action", "displayName": "Modify/Update the state of quarantined artifacts", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/quarantinedArtifacts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/ExportPipelines", "name": "registries/exportPipelines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified export pipeline or lists all the export pipelines for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get export pipeline or List export pipelines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/exportPipelines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an export pipeline for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update export pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/exportPipelines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an export pipeline from a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete export pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/exportPipelines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/ImportPipelines", "name": "registries/importPipelines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified import pipeline or lists all the import pipelines for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get import pipeline or List import pipelines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/importPipelines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an import pipeline for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update import pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/importPipelines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an import pipeline from a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete import pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/importPipelines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/PipelineRuns", "name": "registries/pipelineRuns", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified pipeline run or lists all the pipeline runs for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get scope map or List pipeline runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/pipelineRuns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a pipeline run for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update pipeline run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/pipelineRuns/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a pipeline run from a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete pipeline run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/pipelineRuns/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/PipelineRuns", "name": "registries/pipelineRuns/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a pipeline run async operation status.", "displayName": "Get pipeline run async operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/pipelineRuns/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/ConnectedRegistries", "name": "registries/connectedRegistries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified connected registry or lists all the connected registries for the specified container registry.", "displayName": "Get connected registry or List connected registries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/connectedRegistries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a connected registry for a container registry with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update connected registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/connectedRegistries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a connected registry from a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete connected registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/connectedRegistries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deactivates a connected registry for a container registry", "displayName": "Deactivate a connected registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/connectedRegistries/deactivate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/deleted", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the deleted artifacts in a container registry", "displayName": "Get deleted artifacts in a container registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/deleted/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores deleted artifacts in a container registry", "displayName": "Restore deleted artifacts in a container registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/deleted/restore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Container Registry Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "registries/privateEndpointConnections/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Async Operation Status", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Async Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/privateEndpointConnections/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Archive", "name": "registries/packages/archives", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all the properties of Archive", "displayName": "Get Archive or List Archvies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/packages/archives/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Archive for a container registry with the specified parameters", "displayName": "Create or Update Archive", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/packages/archives/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Archvie from a contianer registry", "displayName": "Delete an Archive", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/packages/archives/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Archive version", "name": "registries/packages/archives/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all the properties of Archive version", "displayName": "Get Archive version or List Archvie versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/packages/archives/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Archive version for an Archive with the specified parameter", "displayName": "Create or Update Archive Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/packages/archives/versions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Archvie version from an Archive", "displayName": "Delete an Archive version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/packages/archives/versions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/taskruns/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a taskrun async operation status", "displayName": "Gets a taskrun async operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/taskruns/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/agentpools/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an agentpool async operation status", "displayName": "Gets an agentpool async operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/agentpools/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/agentpools/operationResults/status", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an agentpool async operation result status", "displayName": "Gets an agentpool async operation result status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/agentpools/operationResults/status/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Archive version", "name": "registries/packages/archives/versions/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Archive version async Operation Status", "displayName": "Get ArchiveVersionReadAsyncOperationStatus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/packages/archives/versions/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/CacheRules", "name": "registries/cacheRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified cache rule or lists all the cache rules for the specified container registry", "displayName": "Get cache rule or List cache rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/cacheRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a cache rule for a container registry with the specified parameters", "displayName": "Create or Update cache rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/cacheRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a cache rule from a container registry", "displayName": "Delete cache rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/cacheRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/CacheRules", "name": "registries/cacheRules/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a cache rule async operation status", "displayName": "Get cache rule async operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/cacheRules/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/CredentialSets", "name": "registries/credentialSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified credential set or lists all the credential sets for the specified container registry", "displayName": "Get credential set or List credential sets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/credentialSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a credential set for a container registry with the specified parameters", "displayName": "Create or Update credential set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/credentialSets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a credential set from a container registry", "displayName": "Delete credential set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/credentialSets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries/CredentialSets", "name": "registries/credentialSets/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a credential set async operation status", "displayName": "Get credential set async operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/credentialSets/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/repositories/content", "operations": [ { "description": "Pull or Get images from a container registry.", "displayName": "Pull images from container registry.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/repositories/content/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Push or Write images to a container registry.", "displayName": "Push images to container registry.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/repositories/content/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete artifact in a container registry.", "displayName": "Delete artifact in a container registry.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/repositories/content/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/repositories/metadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metadata of a specific repository for a container registry", "displayName": "Get metadata of a repository for a container registry", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/repositories/metadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the metadata of a repository for a container registry", "displayName": "Update metadata of a repository for a container registry", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/repositories/metadata/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the metadata of a repository for a container registry", "displayName": "Delete metadata of a repository for a container registry", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/repositories/metadata/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registries", "name": "registries/catalog", "operations": [ { "description": "List repositories in a container registry.", "displayName": "List registry catalog", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/catalog/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Container Service", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ContainerService", "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Subscription with Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider", "displayName": "Register Subscription for Container Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription for Container Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Container Services", "name": "containerServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a container service", "displayName": "Get Container Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/containerServices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new container service or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Container Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/containerServices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a container service", "displayName": "Delete Container Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/containerServices/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Clusters", "name": "managedClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a managed cluster", "displayName": "Get Managed Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new managed cluster or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a managed cluster", "displayName": "Delete Managed Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a managed cluster", "displayName": "Start Managed Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops a managed cluster", "displayName": "Stop Managed Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Latest ongoing operation on managed cluster gets aborted", "displayName": "Abort latest operation in managed cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/abort/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List the clusterAdmin credential of a managed cluster", "displayName": "List clusterAdmin credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/listClusterAdminCredential/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List the clusterUser credential of a managed cluster", "displayName": "List clusterUser credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/listClusterUserCredential/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List the clusterMonitoringUser credential of a managed cluster", "displayName": "List clusterMonitoringUser credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/listClusterMonitoringUserCredential/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset the service principal profile of a managed cluster", "displayName": "Reset service principal profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/resetServicePrincipalProfile/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unpin a managed cluster", "displayName": "Unpin managed cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/unpinManagedCluster/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resolve the private link service id of a managed cluster", "displayName": "Resolve private link service id", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/resolvePrivateLinkServiceId/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset the AAD profile of a managed cluster", "displayName": "Reset AAD profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/resetAADProfile/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Rotate certificates of a managed cluster", "displayName": "Rotate certificates of the cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/rotateClusterCertificates/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Run user issued command against managed kubernetes server.", "displayName": "RunCommand", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/runCommand/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Clusters", "name": "managedClusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostic setting for a managed cluster resource", "displayName": "Read Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for a managed cluster resource", "displayName": "Write Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of Managed Cluster", "name": "managedClusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Managed Cluster", "displayName": "Read Managed Cluster metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Total number of available cpu cores in a managed cluster", "displayName": "Total number of available cpu cores in a managed cluster", "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "kube_node_status_allocatable_cpu_cores", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Total amount of available memory in a managed cluster", "displayName": "Total amount of available memory in a managed cluster", "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "kube_node_status_allocatable_memory_bytes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "PT1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Namespace of the pod", "name": "namespace" }, { "displayName": "Name of the pod", "name": "pod" }, { "displayName": "Condition of the pod", "name": "condition" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of pods in Ready state", "displayName": "Number of pods in Ready state", "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "kube_pod_status_ready", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Condition type represented in this metric", "name": "condition" }, { "displayName": "Status of the condition dimension (true/false)", "name": "status" }, { "displayName": "Status of the condition dimension (Ready/NotReady)", "name": "status2" }, { "displayName": "Node's name", "name": "node" } ], "displayDescription": "Statuses for various node conditions", "displayName": "Statuses for various node conditions", "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "kube_node_status_condition", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Phase of the pod", "name": "phase" }, { "displayName": "Namespace of the pod", "name": "namespace" }, { "displayName": "Name of the pod", "name": "pod" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of pods by phase", "displayName": "Number of pods by phase", "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "kube_pod_status_phase", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Clusters", "name": "managedClusters/accessProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a managed cluster access profile by role name", "displayName": "Get Managed Cluster AccessProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/accessProfiles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a managed cluster access profile by role name using list credential", "displayName": "Get Managed Cluster AccessProfile by List Credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/accessProfiles/listCredential/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of Managed Cluster", "name": "managedClusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Managed Cluster", "displayName": "Read Managed Cluster log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes API Server", "name": "kube-apiserver" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes Audit", "name": "kube-audit" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes Audit Admin Logs", "name": "kube-audit-admin" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes Controller Manager", "name": "kube-controller-manager" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager", "name": "cloud-controller-manager" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes Scheduler", "name": "kube-scheduler" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler", "name": "cluster-autoscaler" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes Guard", "name": "guard" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "AKS Guardrails/Admissions Enforcer", "name": "admissionsenforcer" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes CSI Azuredisk Controller", "name": "csi-azuredisk-controller" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes CSI Azuredisk V2 Controller", "name": "csi-azuredisk-controller-v2" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes CSI Azurefile Controller", "name": "csi-azurefile-controller" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes CSI Snapshot Controller", "name": "csi-snapshot-controller" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Kubernetes CSI Blob Controller", "name": "csi-blob-controller" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "locations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Get Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Orchestrator", "name": "locations/orchestrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the supported orchestrators", "displayName": "List Orchestrators", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/orchestrators/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "UpgradeProfile", "name": "managedClusters/upgradeProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the upgrade profile of the cluster", "displayName": "Get UpgradeProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/upgradeProfiles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Container Service Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operations available on Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider", "displayName": "List Available Container Service Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationResult", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an asynchronous operation result", "displayName": "Get Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Open Shift Managed Cluster", "name": "openShiftManagedClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Open Shift Managed Cluster", "displayName": "Get Open Shift Managed Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/openShiftManagedClusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Open Shift Managed Cluster or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Open Shift Managed Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/openShiftManagedClusters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Open Shift Managed Cluster", "displayName": "Delete Open Shift Managed Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/openShiftManagedClusters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Open Shift Cluster", "name": "openShiftClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Open Shift Cluster", "displayName": "Get Open Shift Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/openShiftClusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Open Shift Cluster or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Open Shift Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/openShiftClusters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Open Shift Cluster", "displayName": "Delete Open Shift Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/openShiftClusters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Agent Pools", "name": "managedClusters/agentPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an agent pool", "displayName": "Get Agent Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/agentPools/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new agent pool or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Agent Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/agentPools/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an agent pool", "displayName": "Delete Agent Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/agentPools/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrade the node image version of agent pool", "displayName": "Upgrade agent pool node image version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/agentPools/upgradeNodeImageVersion/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Latest ongoing operation on agent pool gets aborted", "displayName": "Abort latest operation in agent pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/agentPools/abort/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Cluster Detector", "name": "managedClusters/detectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Managed Cluster Detector", "displayName": "Get Managed Cluster Detector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/detectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Agent Pools", "name": "managedClusters/agentPools/upgradeProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the upgrade profile of the Agent Pool", "displayName": "Get Agent Pool UpgradeProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/agentPools/upgradeProfiles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics State", "name": "managedClusters/diagnosticsState", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostics state of the cluster", "displayName": "Get Diagnostics State", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/diagnosticsState/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Clusters", "name": "managedClusters/availableAgentPoolVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available agent pool versions of the cluster", "displayName": "Get Available Agent Pool Versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/availableAgentPoolVersions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Initializerconfigurations", "name": "managedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/initializerconfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads initializerconfigurations", "displayName": "Gets/List initializerconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/initializerconfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes initializerconfigurations", "displayName": "Creates/Updates initializerconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/initializerconfigurations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes/DeletesCollection initializerconfigurations resource", "displayName": "Initializerconfigurations", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/initializerconfigurations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "name": "managedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "displayName": "Gets/List mutatingwebhookconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/mutatingwebhookconfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "displayName": "Creates/Updates mutatingwebhookconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/mutatingwebhookconfigurations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "displayName": "Deletes/DeletesCollection mutatingwebhookconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/mutatingwebhookconfigurations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validatingwebhookconfigurations", "name": "managedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/validatingwebhookconfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads validatingwebhookconfigurations", "displayName": "Gets/List validatingwebhookconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": 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"origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections", "name": "managedClusters/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or Reject a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Update private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": 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{ "description": "Deletes a maintenance configuration", "displayName": "Delete Maintenance Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/maintenanceConfigurations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ExtensionAddons", "name": "managedClusters/extensionaddons", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an extension addon", "displayName": "Get an extension addon", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/extensionaddons/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new extension addon or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update extension addon", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/extensionaddons/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an extension addon", "displayName": "Delete an extension addon", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/extensionaddons/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EventGridFilters", "name": "managedClusters/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Get eventgrid filter", "displayName": "Get eventgrid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update eventgrid filter", "displayName": "Create or Update eventgrid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an eventgrid filter", "displayName": "Delete an eventgrid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OSOptions", "name": "locations/osOptions", "operations": [ { 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{ "description": "Starts a fleet update run", "displayName": "Starts a fleet update run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/updateRuns/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops a fleet update run", "displayName": "Stops a fleet update run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/updateRuns/stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Clusters", "name": "locations/meshRevisionProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Read service mesh revision profiles in a location", "displayName": "Read service mesh revision profiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/meshRevisionProfiles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Clusters", "name": "managedClusters/meshUpgradeProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Read service mesh upgrade profiles for a managed 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"name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/updateStrategies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a fleet update strategy", "displayName": "Delete a fleet update strategy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/updateStrategies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "KubernetesVersions", "name": "locations/kubernetesversions", "operations": [ { "description": "List available Kubernetes versions in the region.", "displayName": "List KubernetesVersions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/kubernetesversions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "List resource usage on Microsoft.ContainerService resource provider.", "displayName": "List Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/usages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Clusters", "name": "locations/safeguardsVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Safeguards Versions", "displayName": "SafeguardsVersions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/locations/safeguardsVersions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AutoUpgradeProfiles", "name": "fleets/autoUpgradeProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a fleet auto upgrade profile", "displayName": "Get a fleet auto upgrade profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/autoUpgradeProfiles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a fleet auto upgrade profile", "displayName": "Create or Update a fleet auto upgrade profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/autoUpgradeProfiles/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a 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"isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/cluster.kubernetes-fleet.io/memberclusters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet membercluster resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet membercluster resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/cluster.kubernetes-fleet.io/memberclusters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet InternalMemberCluster resource", "name": "managedClusters/cluster.kubernetes-fleet.io/internalmemberclusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet internalmembercluster resource", "displayName": "Get/List fleet internalmembercluster resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/cluster.kubernetes-fleet.io/internalmemberclusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet internalmembercluster resource", "displayName": 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"Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcebindings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/Update fleet clusterresourcebinding resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet clusterresourcebinding resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcebindings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet clusterresourcebinding resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet clusterresourcebinding resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcebindings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet ClusterResourceSnapshot resource", "name": "managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcesnapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet 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"managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterschedulingpolicysnapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet clusterschedulingpolicysnapshot resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet clusterschedulingpolicysnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterschedulingpolicysnapshots/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet clusterschedulingpolicysnapshot resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet clusterschedulingpolicysnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterschedulingpolicysnapshots/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet clusterschedulingpolicysnapshot resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet clusterschedulingpolicysnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterschedulingpolicysnapshots/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet ClusterResourceOverride resource", "name": "managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverrides", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet clusterresourceoverride resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet clusterresourceoverride resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverrides/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet clusterresourceoverride resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet clusterresourceoverride resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverrides/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet 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"displayName": "Create/Update fleet resourceoverride resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverrides/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet resourceoverride resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet resourceoverride resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverrides/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet ResourceOverrideSnapshot resource", "name": "managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverridesnapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverridesnapshots/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverridesnapshots/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverridesnapshots/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet Work resource", "name": "managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/works", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet work resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet work resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/works/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet work resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet work resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/works/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet work resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet work resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/works/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet MemberCluster resource", "name": "fleets/cluster.kubernetes-fleet.io/memberclusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet membercluster resource", "displayName": "Get/List fleet membercluster resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/cluster.kubernetes-fleet.io/memberclusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet 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"user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet clusterresourceplacement resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet clusterresourceplacement resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceplacements/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet clusterresourceplacement resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet clusterresourceplacement resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceplacements/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet ClusterResourceBinding resource", "name": "fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcebindings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet clusterresourcebinding resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet clusterresourcebinding resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcebindings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/Update fleet clusterresourcebinding resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet clusterresourcebinding resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcebindings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet clusterresourcebinding resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet clusterresourcebinding resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcebindings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet ClusterResourceSnapshot resource", "name": "fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcesnapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet clusterresourcesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet clusterresourcesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcesnapshots/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet clusterresourcesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet clusterresourcesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcesnapshots/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet clusterresourcesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet clusterresourcesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourcesnapshots/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet ClusterSchedulingPolicySnapshot resource", "name": "fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterschedulingpolicysnapshots", 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"properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet ClusterResourceOverride resource", "name": "fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverrides", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet clusterresourceoverride resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet clusterresourceoverride resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverrides/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet clusterresourceoverride resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet clusterresourceoverride resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverrides/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet clusterresourceoverride resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet clusterresourceoverride resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverrides/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet ClusterResourceOverrideSnapshot resource", "name": "fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverridesnapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet clusterresourceoverridesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet clusterresourceoverridesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverridesnapshots/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet clusterresourceoverridesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet clusterresourceoverridesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverridesnapshots/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet clusterresourceoverridesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet clusterresourceoverridesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/clusterresourceoverridesnapshots/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet ResourceOverride resource", "name": "fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverrides", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet resourceoverride resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet resourceoverride resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverrides/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet resourceoverride resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet resourceoverride resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverrides/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet resourceoverride resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet resourceoverride resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverrides/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet ResourceOverrideSnapshot resource", "name": "fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverridesnapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverridesnapshots/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverridesnapshots/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet resourceoverridesnapshot resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/resourceoverridesnapshots/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fleet Work resource", "name": "fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/works", "operations": [ { "description": "Read fleet work resource", "displayName": "Gets/List fleet work resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/works/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write fleet work resource", "displayName": "Create/Update fleet work resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/works/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete fleet work resource", "displayName": "Delete fleet work resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ContainerService/fleets/placement.kubernetes-fleet.io/works/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Azure Data Box", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DataBox", "name": "Microsoft.DataBox", "operations": [ { "description": "Register Provider Microsoft.Databox", "displayName": "Register Microsoft.Databox", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/register/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Un-Register Provider Microsoft.Databox", "displayName": "Un-Register Microsoft.Databox", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/unregister/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Orders", "name": "jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancels an order in progress.", "displayName": "Cancel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/cancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Allows to book a pick up for return shipments.", "displayName": "Book Shipment Pick Up", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/bookShipmentPickUp/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "This method helps in performing mitigation action on a job with a resolution code", "displayName": "Mitigate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/mitigate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/markDevicesShipped/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "List or get the Orders", "displayName": "List Orders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete the Orders", "displayName": "Delete Orders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update the Orders", "displayName": "Create or Update Orders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Lists the unencrypted credentials related to the order.", "displayName": "List Credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/listCredentials/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Inputs", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "This method does all type of validations.", "displayName": "Validate Inputs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/locations/validateInputs/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Validates the shipping address and provides alternate addresses if any.", "displayName": "Validate Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/locations/validateAddress/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "This method returns the list of available skus.", "displayName": "Availabe Skus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/locations/availableSkus/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "This method returns the configurations for the region.", "displayName": "Region Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/locations/regionConfiguration/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get the Operation Results", "displayName": "List Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Skus", "name": "locations/availableSkus", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get the Available Skus", "displayName": "List Available Skus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/locations/availableSkus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Move Resource", "name": "subscriptions/resourceGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "This method performs the resource move.", "displayName": "Move Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/subscriptions/resourceGroups/moveResources/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "This method validates whether resource move is allowed or not.", "displayName": "Validate Move Resource Request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/subscriptions/resourceGroups/validateMoveResources/action", "origin": "user", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get the Operations", "displayName": "List Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Event Grid Subscription Filter", "name": "jobs/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update the Event Grid Subscription Filter", "displayName": "Create or Update Event Grid Subscription Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "List or get the Event Grid Subscription Filter", "displayName": "List Event Grid Subscription Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": "user", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete the Event Grid Subscription Filter", "displayName": "Delete Event Grid Subscription Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": {} } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Databricks", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Databricks", "name": "Microsoft.Databricks", "operations": [ { "description": "Register to Databricks.", "displayName": "Register Databricks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Databricks Workspace", "name": "workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves a list of Databricks workspaces.", "displayName": "List Databricks Workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Databricks workspace.", "displayName": "Create Databricks Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes a Databricks workspace.", "displayName": "Remove Databricks Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh permissions for a workspace", "displayName": "Refresh permissions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/refreshPermissions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Applies new Network Intent Policy templates based on 'requiredNsgRules' and 'enablePublicAccess'", "displayName": "Migrate Private Link Workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/migratePrivateLinkWorkspaces/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update deny assignment not actions for a managed resource group of a workspace", "displayName": "Update deny assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/updateDenyAssignment/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh a workspace with new details like URL", "displayName": "Refresh workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/refreshWorkspaces/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or reject a connection to a Private Endpoint resource.", "displayName": "Approve or reject a connection to a Private Endpoint resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Makes the user a Workspace Admin within Databricks", "displayName": "Makes the user a Workspace Admin within Databricks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/assignWorkspaceAdmin/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Databricks Workspace", "name": "workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available log definitions for the Databricks workspace", "displayName": "Read Databricks workspace log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "System", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks File System", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "dbfs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Clusters", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "clusters" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Accounts", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "accounts" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Jobs", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "jobs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Notebook", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "notebook" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks SSH", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "ssh" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Workspace", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "workspace" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Secrets", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "secrets" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks SQLPermissions", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "sqlPermissions" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Instance Pools", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "instancePools" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks SQL Analytics", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "sqlanalytics" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Genie", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "genie" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Global Init Scripts", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "globalInitScripts" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks IAM Role", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "iamRole" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks MLFlow Experiment", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "mlflowExperiment" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Feature Store", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "featureStore" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Remote History Service", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "RemoteHistoryService" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks MLFlow Acled Artifact", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "mlflowAcledArtifact" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks DatabricksSQL", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "databrickssql" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Delta Pipelines", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "deltaPipelines" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Model Registry", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "modelRegistry" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Repos", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "repos" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Unity Catalog", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "unityCatalog" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Git Credentials", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "gitCredentials" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Web Terminal", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "webTerminal" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Serverless Real-Time Inference", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "serverlessRealTimeInference" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Cluster Libraries", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "clusterLibraries" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Partner Hub", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "partnerHub" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Clam AV Scan", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "clamAVScan" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Databricks Capsule8 Container Security Scanning Reports", "logFilterPattern": "(P|p)remium", "name": "capsule8Dataplane" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Databricks Workspace", "name": "workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Sets the available diagnostic settings for the Databricks workspace", "displayName": "Read Databricks workspace diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify diagnostics settings.", "displayName": "Write Databricks workspace diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Databricks Get Network Intent Policies", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Network Intent Polices for a subnet based on the location used by NRP", "displayName": "Get Subnet Network Intent Polices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/locations/getNetworkPolicies/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the resource.", "displayName": "Get the Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of operations.", "displayName": "Get operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Peering", "name": "workspaces/virtualNetworkPeerings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the virtual network peering.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/virtualNetworkPeerings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify virtual network peering", "displayName": "Add Virtual Network Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/virtualNetworkPeerings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a virtual network peering", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/virtualNetworkPeerings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Databricks Workspace", "name": "workspaces/dbWorkspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Initializes the Databricks workspace (internal only)", "displayName": "Initialize Databricks workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/dbWorkspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Databricks Workspace Private Link Resources", "name": "workspaces/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "List Private Link Resources", "displayName": "List Private Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Databricks Workspace Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "name": "workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Put Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "displayName": "Put Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Databricks Workspace Storage Account Private Endpoint Connections", "name": "workspaces/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "List Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "List Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Remove Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Databricks Workspace Outbound Network Dependency endpoints", "name": "workspaces/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of egress endpoints (network endpoints of all outbound dependencies) for an Azure Databricks Workspace. The operation returns properties of each egress endpoint", "displayName": "List Outbound Network Dependencies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AccessConnector", "name": "accessConnectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves a list of Azure Databricks Access Connectors", "displayName": "List Azure Databricks Access Connectors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/accessConnectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Azure Databricks Access Connector", "displayName": "Create Azure Databricks Access Connector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/accessConnectors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Azure Databricks Access Connector", "displayName": "Remove Azure Databricks Access Connector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Databricks/accessConnectors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Data Factory", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DataFactory", "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Data Factory Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Register Data Factory Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Data Factory Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Unregister Data Factory Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "datafactories/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for datafactories", "displayName": "Read datafactories metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Pipeline", "name": "pipelineName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity", "name": "activityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayName": "Failed Runs", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "false", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "FailedRuns", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftDataFactoryProdShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ADFMetricsV1", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Pipeline", "name": "pipelineName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity", "name": "activityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayName": "Successful Runs", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "false", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "SuccessfulRuns", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftDataFactoryProdShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ADFMetricsV1", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "datafactories/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any Dataset.", "displayName": "Delete Dataset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates any Dataset.", "displayName": "Create or Update Dataset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Dataset", "name": "datafactories/tables", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Dataset.", "displayName": "Read Dataset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/tables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any Dataset.", "displayName": "Delete Dataset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/tables/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates any Dataset.", "displayName": "Create or Update Dataset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/tables/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Slice", "name": "datafactories/datasets/slices", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Data Slices in the given period.", "displayName": "Read Data Slices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets/slices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the Status of the Data Slice.", "displayName": "Update Data Slice Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets/slices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Slice", "name": "datafactories/datasets/sliceruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the Data Slice Run for the given dataset with the given start time.", "displayName": "Read Data Slice Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets/sliceruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Run Log", "name": "datafactories/runs/loginfo", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a SAS URI to a blob container containing the logs.", "displayName": "Read Run Log Info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/runs/loginfo/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Activity Windows", "name": "datafactories/activitywindows", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Activity Windows in the Data Factory with specified parameters.", "displayName": "Read Activity Windows in any Data Factory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/activitywindows/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Activity Windows", "name": "datafactories/datapipelines/activitywindows", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Activity Windows for the Pipeline with specified parameters.", "displayName": "Read Activity Windows for any Pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datapipelines/activitywindows/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Activity Windows", "name": "datafactories/datapipelines/activities/activitywindows", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Activity Windows for the Pipeline Activity with specified parameters.", "displayName": "Read Activity Windows for any Pipeline Activity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datapipelines/activities/activitywindows/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Activity Windows", "name": "datafactories/datasets/activitywindows", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Activity Windows for the Dataset with specified parameters.", "displayName": "Read Activity Windows for any Dataset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/datasets/activitywindows/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Gateway", "name": "datafactories/gateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Gateway.", "displayName": "Read Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/gateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates any Gateway.", "displayName": "Create or Update Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/gateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any Gateway.", "displayName": "Delete Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/gateways/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the Connection Info for any Gateway.", "displayName": "Read Gateway Connection Info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/gateways/connectioninfo/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the Authentication Keys for any Gateway.", "displayName": "List Gateway Authentication Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/gateways/listauthkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the Authentication Keys for any Gateway.", "displayName": "Regenerate Gateway Authentication Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/gateways/regenerateauthkey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Data Factory.", "displayName": "Read Data Factory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Data Factory", "displayName": "Create or Update any Data Factory.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Data Factory.", "displayName": "Delete Data Factory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Data Flow debug session.", "displayName": "Create Data Flow debug session.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/createdataflowdebugsession/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a Data Flow debug session.", "displayName": "Start Data Flow debug session.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/startdataflowdebugsession/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add Data Flow to debug session for preview.", "displayName": "Add Data Flow to debug session.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/addDataFlowToDebugSession/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute Data Flow debug command.", "displayName": "Execute Data Flow debug command.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/executeDataFlowDebugCommand/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Data Flow debug session.", "displayName": "Delete Data Flow debug session.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/deletedataflowdebugsession/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Queries a Data Flow debug session.", "displayName": "Query Data Flow debug session.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/querydataflowdebugsessions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels the pipeline run specified by the run ID.", "displayName": "Cancel any Pipeline Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/cancelpipelinerun/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels a debug run for the Pipeline.", "displayName": "Cancel Debug Pipeline Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/cancelSandboxPipelineRun/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Queries the Debug Pipeline Runs.", "displayName": "Query Debug Pipeline Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/sandboxpipelineruns/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Queries the Triggers.", "displayName": "Query Triggers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/querytriggers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get exposure control feature value for the specific location.", "displayName": "Get exposure control feature value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/getFeatureValue/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get exposure control feature values for a list of features", "displayName": "Get exposure control feature values for a list of features", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/queryFeaturesValue/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets access to ADF DataPlane service.", "displayName": "Get DataPlane access", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/getDataPlaneAccess/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets GitHub access token.", "displayName": "Get GitHub access token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/getGitHubAccessToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Queries the Trigger Runs.", "displayName": "Query Trigger Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/querytriggerruns/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Queries the Pipeline Runs.", "displayName": "Query Pipeline Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/querypipelineruns/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Queries the Debug Pipeline Runs.", "displayName": "Query Debug Pipeline Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/querydebugpipelineruns/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection.", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Linked Service", "name": "factories/linkedServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Linked Service.", "displayName": "Read Linked Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/linkedServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Linked Service.", "displayName": "Delete Linked Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/linkedServices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Linked Service", "displayName": "Create or Update any Linked Service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/linkedServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pipeline", "name": "factories/pipelines", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Pipeline.", "displayName": "Read Pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Pipeline.", "displayName": "Delete Pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Pipeline", "displayName": "Create or Update any Pipeline.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a run for the Pipeline.", "displayName": "Create Pipeline Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines/createrun/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a debug run environment for the Pipeline.", "displayName": "Create Debug Pipeline Run Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines/sandbox/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/pipelineruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the Pipeline Runs.", "displayName": "Read Pipeline Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelineruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels the pipeline run specified by the run ID.", "displayName": "Cancel any Pipeline Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelineruns/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Queries the activity runs for the specified pipeline run ID.", "displayName": "Query Activity Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelineruns/queryactivityruns/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/pipelineruns/activityruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the activity runs for the specified pipeline run ID.", "displayName": "Read Activity Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelineruns/activityruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Dataset", "name": "factories/datasets", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Dataset.", "displayName": "Read Dataset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/datasets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any Dataset.", "displayName": "Delete Dataset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/datasets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates any Dataset.", "displayName": "Create or Update Dataset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/datasets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Runtime", "name": "factories/integrationruntimes", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Read Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates any Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Create or Update Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Delete Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts any Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Start Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops any Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Stop Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads Integration Runtime Connection Info.", "displayName": "Read Integration Runtime Connection Info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/getconnectioninfo/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the Authentication Keys for any Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "List Integration Runtime Authentication Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/listauthkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Syncs the Credentials for the specified Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Sync Credentials for Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/synccredentials/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrades the specified Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Upgrade Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/upgrade/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create express install link for self hosted Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Create Self hosted Integration Runtime express install link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/createexpressshirinstalllink/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the Authentication Keys for the specified Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Regenerate Integration Runtime Authentication Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/regenerateauthkey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Linked Integration Runtime References from the specified Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Remove Linked Integration Runtime References", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/removelinks/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Linked Integration Runtime Reference on the Specified Shared Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Create Linked Integration Runtime Reference", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/linkedIntegrationRuntime/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get SSIS Integration Runtime metadata for the specified Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Get SSIS Integration Runtime metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/getObjectMetadata/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh SSIS Integration Runtime metadata for the specified Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Refresh SSIS Integration Runtime metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/refreshObjectMetadata/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable interactive authoring session.", "displayName": "Enable interactive authoring session", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/enableInteractiveQuery/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable interactive authoring session.", "displayName": "Disable interactive authoring session.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/disableInteractiveQuery/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Runtime", "name": "factories/integrationruntimes/getstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Integration Runtime Status.", "displayName": "Read Integration Runtime Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/getstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Runtime", "name": "factories/integrationruntimes/monitoringdata", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Monitoring Data for any Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Get Integration Runtime Monitoring Data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/monitoringdata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Runtime", "name": "factories/integrationruntimes/nodes", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the Node for the specified Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Read Integration Runtime Node", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/nodes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Node for the specified Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Delete Integration Runtime Node", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/nodes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a self-hosted Integration Runtime Node.", "displayName": "Update Integration Runtime Node", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/nodes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the IP Address for the specified node of the Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Read Integration Runtime Node IP Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/nodes/ipAddress/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Trigger", "name": "factories/triggers", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Trigger.", "displayName": "Read Trigger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates any Trigger.", "displayName": "Create or Update Trigger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any Trigger.", "displayName": "Delete Trigger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Subscribe to Events.", "displayName": "Subscribe to Events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/subscribetoevents/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Event Subscription Status.", "displayName": "Event Subscription Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/geteventsubscriptionstatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unsubscribe from Events.", "displayName": "Unsubscribe from Events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/unsubscribefromevents/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Query subscription events.", "displayName": "Query subscription events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/querysubscriptionevents/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete queued subscription events.", "displayName": "Delete queued subscription events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/deletequeuedsubscriptionevents/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts any Trigger.", "displayName": "Start Trigger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops any Trigger.", "displayName": "Stop Trigger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/triggers/triggerruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the Trigger Runs.", "displayName": "Read Trigger Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/triggerruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel the Trigger Run with the given trigger run id.", "displayName": "Cancel Trigger Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/triggerruns/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Rerun the Trigger Run with the given trigger run id.", "displayName": "Rerun Trigger Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggers/triggerruns/rerun/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Configures the repository for the factory.", "displayName": "Configure Factory Repository", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/locations/configureFactoryRepo/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get exposure control feature value for the specific location.", "displayName": "Get exposure control feature value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/locations/getFeatureValue/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/triggerruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the Trigger Runs.", "displayName": "Read Trigger Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/triggerruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/pipelines/pipelineruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the Pipeline Run.", "displayName": "Read Pipeline Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines/pipelineruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/querytriggerruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the Result of Trigger Runs.", "displayName": "Read the Result of Query Trigger Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/querytriggerruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/querypipelineruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the Result of Query Pipeline Runs.", "displayName": "Read the Result of Query Pipeline Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/querypipelineruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/pipelineruns/queryactivityruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the result of query activity runs for the specified pipeline run ID.", "displayName": "Read the Result of Query Activity Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelineruns/queryactivityruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/pipelines/pipelineruns/activityruns/progress", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Progress of Activity Runs.", "displayName": "Get the Progress of Activity Runs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines/pipelineruns/activityruns/progress/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Data Factory Provider", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads all Operations in Microsoft Data Factory Provider.", "displayName": "Read all Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory Resource Provider", "name": "checkazuredatafactorynameavailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if the Data Factory Name is available to use.", "displayName": "Check Data Factory Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/checkazuredatafactorynameavailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "locations/getFeatureValue", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads exposure control feature value for the specific location.", "displayName": "Read exposure control feature value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/locations/getFeatureValue/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Flow", "name": "factories/dataflows", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Data Flow.", "displayName": "Read Data Flow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/dataflows/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Data Flow.", "displayName": "Delete Data Flow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/dataflows/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Data Flow", "displayName": "Create or update any Data Flow.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/dataflows/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/getFeatureValue", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads exposure control feature value for the specific location.", "displayName": "Read exposure control feature value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/getFeatureValue/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/getDataPlaneAccess", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads access to ADF DataPlane service.", "displayName": "Read DataPlane access", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/getDataPlaneAccess/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DebugRun", "name": "factories/pipelines/sandbox", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a debug run environment for the Pipeline.", "displayName": "Create Debug Pipeline Run Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines/sandbox/create/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a debug run for the Pipeline.", "displayName": "Create Debug Pipeline Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines/sandbox/run/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DebugRun", "name": "factories/debugpipelineruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancels a debug run for the Pipeline.", "displayName": "Cancel Debug Pipeline Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/debugpipelineruns/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DebugRun", "name": "factories/sandboxpipelineruns/sandboxActivityRuns", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the debug run info for the Activity.", "displayName": "Get Debug Run Info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/sandboxpipelineruns/sandboxActivityRuns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DebugRun", "name": "factories/sandboxpipelineruns", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the debug run info for the Pipeline.", "displayName": "Get Debug Pipeline Run Info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/sandboxpipelineruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operation results.", "displayName": "Get operation results.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Data Factory Provider", "name": "factories/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Create or Update private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Data Factory Provider", "name": "factories/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the status of creating a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Read the status of creating a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Data Factory Provider", "name": "factories/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the results of creating a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Read the results of creating a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Virtual Network", "name": "factories/managedVirtualNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Managed Virtual Network.", "displayName": "Read Managed Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/managedVirtualNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Managed Virtual Network.", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/managedVirtualNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Private Endpoint", "name": "factories/managedVirtualNetworks/managedPrivateEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Managed Private Endpoint.", "displayName": "Read Managed Private Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/managedVirtualNetworks/managedPrivateEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Managed Private Endpoint.", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Private Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/managedVirtualNetworks/managedPrivateEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Managed Private Endpoint.", "displayName": "Delete Managed Private Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/managedVirtualNetworks/managedPrivateEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Factory", "name": "factories/queryFeaturesValue", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads exposure control feature values for a list of features.", "displayName": "Read exposure control feature values for a list of features", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/queryFeaturesValue/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Data Factory Provider", "name": "factories/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Private Endpoint Connection.", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection.", "displayName": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection.", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Data Factory Provider", "name": "factories/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Private Link Resource.", "displayName": "Read Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Runtime", "name": "factories/integrationruntimes/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime outbound network dependency endpoints for the specified Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Get Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime outbound network dependencies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/integrationruntimes/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Global Parameter", "name": "factories/globalParameters", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads GlobalParameter.", "displayName": "Read GlobalParameter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/globalParameters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes GlobalParameter.", "displayName": "Delete GlobalParameter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/globalParameters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update GlobalParameter.", "displayName": "Create or Update GlobalParameter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/globalParameters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Mapping", "name": "factories/dataMappers", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Data Mapping.", "displayName": "Read Data Mapping", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/dataMappers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Data Mapping.", "displayName": "Delete Data Mapping", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/dataMappers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Data Mapping", "displayName": "Create or update any Data Mapping.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/dataMappers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADF Link Connection", "name": "factories/adflinkconnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads ADF Link Connection.", "displayName": "Read ADF Link Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/adflinkconnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes ADF Link Connection.", "displayName": "Delete ADF Link Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/adflinkconnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update ADF Link Connection", "displayName": "Create or update any ADF Link Connection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/adflinkconnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ADF Change data capture", "name": "factories/adfcdcs", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads ADF Change data capture.", "displayName": "Read ADF Change data capturen", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/adfcdcs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes ADF Change data capture.", "displayName": "Delete ADF Change data capture", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/adfcdcs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update ADF Change data capture.", "displayName": "Create or update any ADF Change data capture", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/adfcdcs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Credential", "name": "factories/credentials", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Credential.", "displayName": "Read Credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/credentials/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes any Credential.", "displayName": "Write Credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/credentials/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any Credential.", "displayName": "Delete Credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/credentials/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Uses any Credential Secret.", "displayName": "Use Credential Secret", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/credentials/useSecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Session", "name": "factories/sessions", "operations": [ { "description": "Writes any Session.", "displayName": "Write Session", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/sessions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft DataLakeAnalytics", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics", "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics", "operations": [ { "description": "Register subscription to DataLakeAnalytics.", "displayName": "Register to DataLakeAnalytics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Available Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get available operations of DataLakeAnalytics.", "displayName": "Get Available Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Account", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about an existing DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeAnalytics Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Create or Update DataLakeAnalytics Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Delete DataLakeAnalytics Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Transfer SystemMaxAnalyticsUnits among DataLakeAnalytics accounts.", "displayName": "Transfer AnalyticsUnits", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/transferAnalyticsUnits/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Grant permissions to cancel jobs submitted by other users.", "displayName": "Take Ownership of DataLakeAnalytics Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/TakeOwnership/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "accounts/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of a DataLakeAnalytics account operation.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeAnalytics Account OperationResult", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Rule", "name": "accounts/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a firewall rule.", "displayName": "Get Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/firewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a firewall rule.", "displayName": "Create or Update Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/firewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a firewall rule.", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/firewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DataLakeStore Account", "name": "accounts/dataLakeStoreAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a linked DataLakeStore account of a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Get Linked DataLakeStore Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/dataLakeStoreAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a linked DataLakeStore account of a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Create or Update Linked DataLakeStore Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/dataLakeStoreAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unlink a DataLakeStore account from a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Unlink DataLakeStore Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/dataLakeStoreAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account", "name": "accounts/storageAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a linked Storage account of a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Get Linked Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/storageAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a linked Storage account of a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Create or Update Linked Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/storageAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unlink a Storage account from a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Unlink Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/storageAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container", "name": "accounts/storageAccounts/Containers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get containers of a linked Storage account of a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Get Storage Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/storageAccounts/Containers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List SAS tokens for storage containers of a linked Storage account of a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "List SAS Tokens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/storageAccounts/Containers/listSasTokens/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Compute Policy", "name": "accounts/computePolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a compute policy.", "displayName": "Get Compute Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/computePolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a compute policy.", "displayName": "Create or Update Compute Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/computePolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a compute policy.", "displayName": "Delete Compute Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/computePolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription Capability", "name": "locations/capability", "operations": [ { "description": "Get capability information of a subscription regarding using DataLakeAnalytics.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeAnalytics Subscription Capability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/locations/capability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Name Availability", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Check availability of a DataLakeAnalytics account name.", "displayName": "Check DataLakeAnalytics Account Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of a DataLakeAnalytics account operation.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeAnalytics Account OperationResult", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definition", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available metrics for the DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeAnalytics Account metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Count of successful jobs.", "displayName": "Successful Jobs", "name": "JobEndedSuccess", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Count of failed jobs.", "displayName": "Failed Jobs", "name": "JobEndedFailure", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Count of cancelled jobs.", "displayName": "Cancelled Jobs", "name": "JobEndedCancelled", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Total AU time for successful jobs.", "displayName": "Successful AU Time", "name": "JobAUEndedSuccess", "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Total AU time for failed jobs.", "displayName": "Failed AU Time", "name": "JobAUEndedFailure", "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Total AU time for cancelled jobs.", "displayName": "Cancelled AU Time", "name": "JobAUEndedCancelled", "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of jobs in each stage.", "displayName": "Jobs in Stage", "name": "JobStage", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Log Definition", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available logs for the DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeAnalytics Account log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Audit Logs", "name": "Audit" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Request Logs", "name": "Requests" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic Setting", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostic settings for the DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeAnalytics Account diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the diagnostic settings for the DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Create or update DataLakeAnalytics Account diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription Quota Usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get quota usages information of a subscription regarding using DataLakeAnalytics.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeAnalytics Subscription Quota Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/locations/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Rule", "name": "accounts/virtualNetworkRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a virtual network rule.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/virtualNetworkRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a virtual network rule.", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/virtualNetworkRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a virtual network rule.", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/virtualNetworkRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DataLakeStoreGen2 Account", "name": "accounts/dataLakeStoreGen2Accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a linked DataLakeStoreGen2 account of a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Get Linked DataLakeStoreGen2 Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/dataLakeStoreGen2Accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a linked DataLakeStoreGen2 account of a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Create or Update Linked DataLakeStoreGen2 Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/dataLakeStoreGen2Accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unlink a DataLakeStoreGen2 account from a DataLakeAnalytics account.", "displayName": "Unlink DataLakeStoreGen2 Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts/dataLakeStoreGen2Accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft DataLakeStore", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DataLakeStore", "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore", "operations": [ { "description": "Register subscription to DataLakeStore.", "displayName": "Register to DataLakeStore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Available Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get available operations of DataLakeStore.", "displayName": "Get Available Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Account", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about an existing DataLakeStore account.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeStore Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a DataLakeStore account.", "displayName": "Create or Update DataLakeStore Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a DataLakeStore account.", "displayName": "Delete DataLakeStore Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable KeyVault for a DataLakeStore account.", "displayName": "Enable Key Vault for DataLakeStore Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/enableKeyVault/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Grant Superuser on Data Lake Store when granted with Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write.", "displayName": "Grant Superuser", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/Superuser/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "accounts/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of a DataLakeStore account operation.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeStore Account OperationResult", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Rule", "name": "accounts/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a firewall rule.", "displayName": "Get Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/firewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a firewall rule.", "displayName": "Create or Update Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/firewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a firewall rule.", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/firewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Trusted IdProvider", "name": "accounts/trustedIdProviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a trusted identity provider.", "displayName": "Get Trusted Identity Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/trustedIdProviders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a trusted identity provider.", "displayName": "Create or Update Trusted Identity Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/trustedIdProviders/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a trusted identity provider.", "displayName": "Delete Trusted Identity Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/trustedIdProviders/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EventGrid Filter", "name": "accounts/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an EventGrid Filter.", "displayName": "Get EventGrid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update an EventGrid Filter.", "displayName": "Create or Update EventGrid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an EventGrid Filter.", "displayName": "Delete EventGrid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription Capability", "name": "locations/capability", "operations": [ { "description": "Get capability information of a subscription regarding using DataLakeStore.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeStore Subscription Capability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/locations/capability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Name Availability", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Check availability of a DataLakeStore account name.", "displayName": "Check DataLakeStore Account Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Virtual Network or Subnets across DataLakeStore Accounts.", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network or Subnets Notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of a DataLakeStore account operation.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeStore Account OperationResult", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definition", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available metrics for the DataLakeStore account.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeStore Account metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Total amount of data stored in the account.", "displayName": "Total Storage", "name": "TotalStorage", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Total amount of data written to the account.", "displayName": "Data Written", "name": "DataWritten", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Total amount of data read from the account.", "displayName": "Data Read", "name": "DataRead", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Count of data write requests to the account.", "displayName": "Write Requests", "name": "WriteRequests", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "displayDescription": "Count of data read requests to the account.", "displayName": "Read Requests", "name": "ReadRequests", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Log Definition", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available logs for the DataLakeStore account.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeStore Account log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Audit Logs", "name": "Audit" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Request Logs", "name": "Requests" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic Setting", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostic settings for the DataLakeStore account.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeStore Account diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the diagnostic settings for the DataLakeStore account.", "displayName": "Create or update DataLakeStore Account diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription Quota Usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get quota usages information of a subscription regarding using DataLakeStore.", "displayName": "Get DataLakeStore Subscription Quota Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/locations/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Rule", "name": "accounts/virtualNetworkRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a virtual network rule.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/virtualNetworkRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a virtual network rule.", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/virtualNetworkRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a virtual network rule.", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/virtualNetworkRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Share", "name": "accounts/shares", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a share.", "displayName": "Get Share", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/shares/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a share.", "displayName": "Create or Update Share", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/shares/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a share.", "displayName": "Delete Share", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/shares/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cosmos Cert Mapping", "name": "accounts/cosmosCertMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a Cosmos Cert Mapping.", "displayName": "Get Cosmos Cert Mapping", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/cosmosCertMappings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Cosmos Cert Mapping.", "displayName": "Create or Update Cosmos Cert Mapping", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/cosmosCertMappings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Cosmos Cert Mapping.", "displayName": "Delete Cosmos Cert Mapping", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/cosmosCertMappings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MountPoint", "name": "accounts/mountpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Get information about a mount point.", "displayName": "Get Mountpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts/mountpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft DB for MySQL", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DBforMySQL", "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the private dns zone suffix.", "displayName": "Get Private DNS Zone Suffix.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/getPrivateDnsZoneSuffix/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register MySQL Resource Provider", "displayName": "Register MySQL Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Verify whether given server name is available for provisioning worldwide for a given subscription.", "displayName": "Check Server Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Performance Tiers", "name": "locations/performanceTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Performance Tiers available.", "displayName": "List Performance Tiers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/performanceTiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Rules", "name": "servers/virtualNetworkRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of virtual network rules or gets the properties for the specified virtual network rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Virtual Network Rule(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/virtualNetworkRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a virtual network rule with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified virtual network rule.", "displayName": "Create/Update Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/virtualNetworkRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing Virtual Network Rule", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/virtualNetworkRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Rules", "name": "servers/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of firewall rules for a server or gets the properties for the specified firewall rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Firewall Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/firewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a firewall rule with the specified parameters or update an existing rule.", "displayName": "Create/Update Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/firewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing firewall rule.", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/firewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server", "name": "servers", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/upgrade/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a specific server.", "displayName": "Start MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops a specific server.", "displayName": "Stop MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset Query Performance Insight data", "displayName": "Reset Query Performance Insight data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/resetQueryPerformanceInsightData/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the texts for a list of queries", "displayName": "List query texts for a list of queries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/queryTexts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of servers or gets the properties for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Servers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a server with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server.", "displayName": "Create/Update MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server.", "displayName": "Delete MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts a specific server.", "displayName": "Restart MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update configurations for the specified server", "displayName": "Batch Update Server Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/updateConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Performance Tiers", "name": "performanceTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Performance Tiers available.", "displayName": "List Performance Tiers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/performanceTiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recoverable MySQL Server", "name": "servers/recoverableServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the recoverable MySQL Server info", "displayName": "Get Recoverable MySQL Server info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/recoverableServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for databases", "displayName": "Get database metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "CPU percent", "displayName": "CPU percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "cpu_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Memory percent", "displayName": "Memory percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "memory_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "IO percent", "displayName": "IO percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "io_consumption_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage percent", "displayName": "Storage percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "storage_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage used", "displayName": "Storage used", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage limit", "displayName": "Storage limit", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "storage_limit", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Server Log storage percent", "displayName": "Server Log storage percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "serverlog_storage_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Server Log storage used", "displayName": "Server Log storage used", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "serverlog_storage_usage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Server Log storage limit", "displayName": "Server Log storage limit", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "serverlog_storage_limit", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Active Connections", "displayName": "Active Connections", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "active_connections", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Errors", "displayDescription": "Failed Connections", "displayName": "Failed Connections", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "connections_failed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Latency", "displayDescription": "Replication lag in seconds", "displayName": "Replication lag in seconds", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "seconds_behind_master", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Backup Storage used", "displayName": "Backup Storage used", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "backup_storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Network Out across active connections", "displayName": "Network Out", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "network_bytes_egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Network In across active connections", "displayName": "Network In", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "network_bytes_ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the disagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Configurations", "name": "servers/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of configurations for a server or gets the properties for the specified configuration.", "displayName": "List/Get Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/configurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the value for the specified configuration", "displayName": "Update Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/configurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Threat Detection Policy", "name": "servers/securityAlertPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the server threat detection policy configured on a given server", "displayName": "Get server threat detection policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/securityAlertPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the server threat detection policy for a given server", "displayName": "Update server threat detection policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/securityAlertPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of servers", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for MySQL servers", "displayName": "Read the log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "MySQL Server Logs", "name": "MySqlSlowLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "MySQL Audit Logs", "name": "MySqlAuditLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Top Query Statistics", "name": "servers/topQueryStatistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Query Statistics for the top queries.", "displayName": "List/Get Query Statistic(s) for top queries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/topQueryStatistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Wait Statistics", "name": "servers/waitStatistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Return wait statistics for an instance", "displayName": "List Wait Statistics for an instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/waitStatistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL ResourceGroup based Server Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return ResourceGroup based MySQL Server Operation Results", "displayName": "Get MySQL ResourceGroup based Server Operation Results ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server threat detection operation result", "name": "locations/securityAlertPoliciesAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Server threat detection operation result.", "displayName": "List/Get Server threat detection operation result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/securityAlertPoliciesAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server threat detection operation result", "name": "locations/securityAlertPoliciesOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Server threat detection operation result.", "displayName": "List/Get Server threat detection operation result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/securityAlertPoliciesOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL LogFiles", "name": "servers/logFiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of MySQL LogFiles.", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL LogFiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/logFiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server Operation Results", "name": "locations/azureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Return MySQL Server Operation Results", "displayName": "Get MySQL Server Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/azureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Databases", "name": "servers/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of MySQL Databases or gets the properties for the specified Database.", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a MySQL Database with the specified parameters or update the properties for the specified Database.", "displayName": "Create/Update MySQL Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/databases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing MySQL Database.", "displayName": "Delete MySQL Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/databases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of MySQL Operations.", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Advisors", "name": "servers/advisors", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of advisors", "displayName": "Return the list of advisors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/advisors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new recommendation action session", "displayName": "Create a new recommendation action session", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/advisors/createRecommendedActionSession/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recommended Actions", "name": "servers/advisors/recommendedActions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of recommended actions", "displayName": "Return the list of recommended actions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/advisors/recommendedActions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrator of MySQL server.", "name": "servers/administrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of MySQL server administrators.", "displayName": "Get Administrators of MySQL server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/administrators/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates MySQL server administrator with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create/Update Administrator of MySQL server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/administrators/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing administrator of MySQL server.", "displayName": "Delete Administrator of MySQL server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/administrators/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server", "name": "servers/replicas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get read replicas of a MySQL server", "displayName": "Get MySQL read replicas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/replicas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL private endpoint connection", "name": "servers/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for MySQL private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for MySQL private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves or rejects an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve or Reject Azure Database for MySQL private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL private endpoint connection", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/privateEndpointConnectionOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL private endpoint connection", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/privateEndpointConnectionAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection create call from NRP side", "displayName": "Validate Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Creation by NRP", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connection proxies or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a private endpoint connection proxy with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL Server Keys", "name": "servers/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of server keys or gets the properties for the specified server key.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for MySQL Server Key(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a key with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server key.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure Database for MySQL Server Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/keys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server key.", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for MySQL Server Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/keys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Encryption server key operation", "name": "locations/serverKeyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption server keys", "displayName": "Data Encryption server keys operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/serverKeyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Encryption server key operation", "name": "locations/serverKeyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on data encryption server keys", "displayName": "Data Encryption server keys operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/serverKeyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL private link resource", "name": "servers/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding MySQL Server", "displayName": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrator opertiaons of MySQL server.", "name": "locations/administratorAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on MySQL server administrators", "displayName": "MySQL server administrator operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/administratorAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL server operation results", "name": "locations/administratorOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return MySQL Server administrator operation results", "displayName": "Get MySQL server operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/administratorOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server", "name": "servers/exports", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/exports/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/exports/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for databases", "displayName": "Get database metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Host CPU Percent", "displayName": "Host CPU Percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "cpu_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Host Memory Percent", "displayName": "Host Memory Percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "memory_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Host Network egress in bytes", "displayName": "Host Network Out", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "network_bytes_egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Host Network ingress in bytes", "displayName": "Host Network In", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "network_bytes_ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Active Connections", "displayName": "Active Connections", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "active_connections", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Total Connections", "displayName": "Total Connections", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "total_connections", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Errors", "displayDescription": "Aborted Connections", "displayName": "Aborted Connections", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "aborted_connections", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Queries", "displayName": "Queries", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Queries", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "IO Percent", "displayName": "IO Percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "io_consumption_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage Percent", "displayName": "Storage Percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "storage_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage Used", "displayName": "Storage Used", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage Limit", "displayName": "Storage Limit", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "storage_limit", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Backup Storage Used", "displayName": "Backup Storage Used", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "backup_storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Latency", "displayDescription": "Replication lag in seconds", "displayName": "Replication Lag In Seconds", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "replication_lag", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "CPU Credits Remaining", "displayName": "CPU Credits Remaining", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "cpu_credits_remaining", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "CPU Credits Consumed", "displayName": "CPU Credits Consumed", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "cpu_credits_consumed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of servers", "name": "flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for MySQL servers", "displayName": "Read the log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "MySQL Slow Logs", "name": "MySqlSlowLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "MySQL Audit Logs", "name": "MySqlAuditLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the disagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server", "name": "flexibleServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of servers or gets the properties for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Servers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a server with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified server.", "displayName": "Create/Update MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server.", "displayName": "Delete MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/validateEstimateHighAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/detachVNet/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return whether the replication is able to migration.", "displayName": "Get replication status for auto migration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/getReplicationStatusForMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/resetGtid/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/checkServerVersionUpgradeAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a server backup for long term with specific backup name and export it.", "displayName": "Create MySQL Server LTR BackupAndExport", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/backupAndExport/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate that the server is ready for backup.", "displayName": "Validate MySQL Server BackupAndExport", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/validateBackup/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/checkHaReplica/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates configurations for the specified server.", "displayName": "Batch Update Server Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/updateConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs a migration cutover with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Perform Migration Cutover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/cutoverMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Failovers a specific server.", "displayName": "Failover MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts a specific server.", "displayName": "Restart MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a specific server.", "displayName": "Start MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops a specific server.", "displayName": "Stop MySQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Performance Tiers", "name": "servers/performanceTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Performance Tiers available.", "displayName": "List Performance Tiers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/performanceTiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Auto Migration Operations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks the subnet usage for speicifed delegated virtual network.", "displayName": "Check Virtual Network Subnet Usage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/checkVirtualNetworkSubnetUsage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Verify whether given server name is available for provisioning worldwide for a given subscription.", "displayName": "Check Server Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the List of MySQL scheduled auto migrations", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Scheduled Migrations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/listMigrations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs a migration assessment with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Get Migration Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/assessForMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the scheduled migration for MySQL Server", "displayName": "Update MySQL scheduled migration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/updateMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server", "name": "flexibleServers/replicas", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of read replicas for a MySQL server", "displayName": "List MySQL Read Replicas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/replicas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server Backup", "name": "flexibleServers/backups", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a server backup with specific backup name.", "displayName": "Create MySQL Server Backup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/backups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of backups for a server or gets the properties for the specified backup.", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Server Backup(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/backups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location Capability", "name": "locations/capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the capabilities for this subscription in a given location", "displayName": "Get the capabilities for subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/capabilities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server Configuration", "name": "flexibleServers/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of MySQL server configurations or gets the configurations for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Server Configuration(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/configurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the configuration of a MySQL server.", "displayName": "Update MySQL Server Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/configurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Rule", "name": "flexibleServers/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a firewall rule with the specified parameters or updates an existing rule.", "displayName": "Create/Update Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/firewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of firewall rules for a server or gets the properties for the specified firewall rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Firewall Rule(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/firewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing firewall rule.", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/firewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server Database", "name": "flexibleServers/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of databases for a server or gets the properties for the specified database.", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Server Database(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a database with the specified parameters or updates an existing database.", "displayName": "Create/Update MySQL Server Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/databases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing database.", "displayName": "Delete MySQL Server Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/databases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server Log Files", "name": "flexibleServers/logFiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a list of server log files for a server with file download links", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Server Server Log Files", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/logFiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server Outbound IP", "name": "flexibleServers/outboundIp", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the outbound ip of server", "displayName": "Get MySQL server outbound ip", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/outboundIp/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server Administrator", "name": "flexibleServers/administrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of administrators for a server or gets the properties for the specified administrator", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Server Administrator(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/administrators/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an administrator with the specified parameters or updates an existing administrator", "displayName": "Create/Update MySQL Server Administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/administrators/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server administrator.", "displayName": "Delete MySQL Server Administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/administrators/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connection proxies or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a private endpoint connection proxy with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection create call from NRP side", "displayName": "Validate Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection Creation by NRP", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves or rejects an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve or Reject Azure Database for MySQL Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MySQL Private Link Resource", "name": "flexibleServers/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/capabilitySets", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/locations/capabilitySets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "flexibleServers/maintenances", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/maintenances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/maintenances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server AdvancedThreatProtection", "name": "flexibleServers/advancedThreatProtectionSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Advanced Threat Protection settings for a server or gets the properties for the specified Advanced Threat Protection setting.", "displayName": "List/Get Advanced Threat Protection Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the server's advanced threat protection setting.", "displayName": "Update Advanced Threat Protection Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server Supported Feature", "name": "flexibleServers/supportedFeatures", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of the MySQL Server Supported Features", "displayName": "List the MySQL Server Supported Features", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/supportedFeatures/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server Backup", "name": "flexibleServers/backupsv2", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/backupsv2/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/backupsv2/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server", "name": "acceleratedLogsFeatureSwitches", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/acceleratedLogsFeatureSwitches/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MySQL Server", "name": "flexibleServers/supportAcceleratedLogs", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/supportAcceleratedLogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft DB for PostgreSQL", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL", "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL", "operations": [ { "description": "Performs a migration assessment with the specified parameters", "displayName": "Get Migration Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/assessForMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register PostgreSQL Resource Provider", "displayName": "Register PostgreSQL Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Verify whether given server name is available for provisioning worldwide for a given subscription.", "displayName": "Check Server Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Performance Tiers", "name": "locations/performanceTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Performance Tiers available.", "displayName": "List Performance Tiers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/performanceTiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Rules", "name": "servers/virtualNetworkRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of virtual network rules or gets the properties for the specified virtual network rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Virtual Network Rule(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/virtualNetworkRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a virtual network rule with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified virtual network rule.", "displayName": "Create/Update Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/virtualNetworkRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing Virtual Network Rule", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/virtualNetworkRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server", "name": "servers", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the text of a query", "displayName": "List query text of a query", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/queryTexts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset Query Performance Insight data", "displayName": "Reset Query Performance Insight data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/resetQueryPerformanceInsightData/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of servers or gets the properties for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL Servers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a server with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server.", "displayName": "Create/Update PostgreSQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server.", "displayName": "Delete PostgreSQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts a specific server.", "displayName": "Restart PostgreSQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update configurations for the specified server", "displayName": "Batch Update Server Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/updateConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Performance Tiers", "name": "performanceTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Performance Tiers available.", "displayName": "List Performance Tiers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/performanceTiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Rules", "name": "servers/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of firewall rules for a server or gets the properties for the specified firewall rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Firewall Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/firewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a firewall rule with the specified parameters or update an existing rule.", "displayName": "Create/Update Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/firewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing firewall rule.", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/firewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Threat Detection Policy", "name": "servers/securityAlertPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the server threat detection policy configured on a given server", "displayName": "Get server threat detection policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/securityAlertPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the server threat detection policy for a given server", "displayName": "Update server threat detection policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/securityAlertPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recoverable PostgreSQL Server", "name": "servers/recoverableServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the recoverable PostgreSQL Server info", "displayName": "Get Recoverable PostgreSQL Server info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/recoverableServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for databases", "displayName": "Get database metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "CPU percent", "displayName": "CPU percent", "name": "cpu_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Memory percent", "displayName": "Memory percent", "name": "memory_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "IO percent", "displayName": "IO percent", "name": "io_consumption_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage percent", "displayName": "Storage percent", "name": "storage_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage used", "displayName": "Storage used", "name": "storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage limit", "displayName": "Storage limit", "name": "storage_limit", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Server Log storage percent", "displayName": "Server Log storage percent", "name": "serverlog_storage_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Server Log storage used", "displayName": "Server Log storage used", "name": "serverlog_storage_usage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Server Log storage limit", "displayName": "Server Log storage limit", "name": "serverlog_storage_limit", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Active Connections", "displayName": "Active Connections", "name": "active_connections", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Errors", "displayDescription": "Failed Connections", "displayName": "Failed Connections", "name": "connections_failed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Backup Storage Used", "displayName": "Backup Storage Used", "name": "backup_storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Network Out across active connections", "displayName": "Network Out", "name": "network_bytes_egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Network In across active connections", "displayName": "Network In", "name": "network_bytes_ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Latency", "displayDescription": "Replica lag in seconds", "displayName": "Replica Lag", "name": "pg_replica_log_delay_in_seconds", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Latency", "displayDescription": "Lag in bytes of the most lagging replica", "displayName": "Max Lag Across Replicas", "name": "pg_replica_log_delay_in_bytes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of servers", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for PostgreSQL servers", "displayName": "Read server log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server Logs", "name": "PostgreSQLLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "PostgreSQL Query Store Runtime Statistics", "name": "QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "PostgreSQL Query Store Wait Statistics", "name": "QueryStoreWaitStatistics" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the disagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Top Query Statistics", "name": "servers/topQueryStatistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Query Statistics for the top queries.", "displayName": "List/Get Query Statistic(s) for top queries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/topQueryStatistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Configurations", "name": "servers/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of configurations for a server or gets the properties for the specified configuration.", "displayName": "List/Get Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/configurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the value for the specified configuration", "displayName": "Update Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/configurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Wait Statistics", "name": "servers/waitStatistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Return wait statistics for an instance", "displayName": "List Wait Statistics for an instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/waitStatistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Advisors", "name": "servers/advisors", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of advisors", "displayName": "Return the list of advisors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/advisors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Make recommendations", "displayName": "Make recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/advisors/recommendedActionSessions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recommended Actions", "name": "servers/advisors/recommendedActions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of recommended actions", "displayName": "Return the list of recommended actions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/advisors/recommendedActions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Query Texts", "name": "servers/queryTexts", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the texts for a list of queries", "displayName": "List query texts for a list of queries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/queryTexts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server threat detection operation result", "name": "locations/securityAlertPoliciesAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Server threat detection operation result.", "displayName": "List/Get Server threat detection operation result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/securityAlertPoliciesAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server threat detection operation result", "name": "locations/securityAlertPoliciesOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Server threat detection operation result.", "displayName": "List/Get Server threat detection operation result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/securityAlertPoliciesOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQ ResourceGroup based Server Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return ResourceGroup based PostgreSQL Server Operation Results", "displayName": "Get PostgreSQL ResourceGroup based Server Operation Results ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server Operation Results", "name": "locations/azureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Return PostgreSQL Server Operation Results", "displayName": "Get PostgreSQL Server Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/azureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Databases", "name": "servers/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of PostgreSQL Databases or gets the properties for the specified Database.", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a PostgreSQL Database with the specified parameters or update the properties for the specified Database.", "displayName": "Create/Update PostgreSQL Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/databases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing PostgreSQL Database.", "displayName": "Delete PostgreSQL Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/databases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL LogFiles", "name": "servers/logFiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of PostgreSQL LogFiles.", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL LogFiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/logFiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of PostgreSQL Operations.", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "serversv2/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for databases", "displayName": "Get database metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "CPU percent", "displayName": "CPU percent", "name": "cpu_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Memory percent", "displayName": "Memory percent", "name": "memory_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "IO Operations per second", "displayName": "IOPS", "name": "iops", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage percent", "displayName": "Storage percent", "name": "storage_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage used", "displayName": "Storage used", "name": "storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Active Connections", "displayName": "Active Connections", "name": "active_connections", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Network Out across active connections", "displayName": "Network Out", "name": "network_bytes_egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Network In across active connections", "displayName": "Network In", "name": "network_bytes_ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of servers", "name": "serversv2/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for PostgreSQL servers", "displayName": "Read server log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server Logs", "name": "PostgreSQLLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "serversv2/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the disagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server", "name": "serversv2", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of servers or gets the properties for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL Servers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a server with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server.", "displayName": "Create/Update PostgreSQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server.", "displayName": "Delete PostgreSQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update configurations for the specified server", "displayName": "Batch Update Server Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/updateConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Rules", "name": "serversv2/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of firewall rules for a server or gets the properties for the specified firewall rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Firewall Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/firewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a firewall rule with the specified parameters or update an existing rule.", "displayName": "Create/Update Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/firewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing firewall rule.", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/firewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Configurations", "name": "serversv2/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of configurations for a server or gets the properties for the specified configuration.", "displayName": "List/Get Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/configurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the value for the specified configuration", "displayName": "Update Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2/configurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrator of PostgreSQL server.", "name": "servers/administrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of PostgreSQL server administrators.", "displayName": "Get Administrators of PostgreSQL server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/administrators/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates PostgreSQL server administrator with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create/Update Administrator of PostgreSQL server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/administrators/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing administrator of PostgreSQL server.", "displayName": "Delete Administrator of PostgreSQL server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/administrators/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server", "name": "servers/replicas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get read replicas of a PostgreSQL server", "displayName": "Get PostgreSQL read replicas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/replicas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL private endpoint connection", "name": "servers/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for PostgreSQL private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for PostgreSQL private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves or rejects an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve or Reject Azure Database for PostgreSQL private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL private endpoint connection", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/privateEndpointConnectionOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL private endpoint connection", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/privateEndpointConnectionAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection create call from NRP side", "displayName": "Validate Azure Database for PostgreSQL Private Endpoint Connection Creation by NRP", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connection proxies or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for PostgreSQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a private endpoint connection proxy with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure Database for PostgreSQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for PostgreSQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL private link resource", "name": "servers/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding PostgreSQL Server", "displayName": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding PostgreSQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL Server Keys", "name": "servers/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of server keys or gets the properties for the specified server key.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for PostgreSQL Server Key(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a key with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server key.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure Database for PostgreSQL Server Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/keys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server key.", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for PostgreSQL Server Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/keys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Encryption server key operation", "name": "locations/serverKeyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on data encryption server keys", "displayName": "Data Encryption server keys operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/serverKeyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Encryption server key operation", "name": "locations/serverKeyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on data encryption server keys", "displayName": "Data Encryption server keys operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/serverKeyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrator opertiaons of PostgreSQL server.", "name": "locations/administratorAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on PostgreSQL server administrators", "displayName": "PostgreSQL server administrator operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/administratorAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL server operation results", "name": "locations/administratorOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return PostgreSQL Server administrator operation results", "displayName": "Get PostgreSQL server operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/administratorOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for databases", "displayName": "Get database metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Backup Storage Used", "displayName": "Backup Storage Used", "name": "backup_storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Total number of credits consumed by the database server", "displayName": "CPU Credits Consumed", "name": "cpu_credits_consumed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Total number of credits available to burst", "displayName": "CPU Credits Remaining", "name": "cpu_credits_remaining", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "CPU percent", "displayName": "CPU percent", "name": "cpu_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Memory percent", "displayName": "Memory percent", "name": "memory_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "IO Operations per second", "displayName": "IOPS", "name": "iops", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Number of outstanding I/O operations to the data disk", "displayName": "Disk Queue Depth", "name": "disk_queue_depth", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Bytes read per second from the data disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Read Throughput Bytes/Sec", "name": "read_throughput", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Bytes written per second to the data disk during monitoring period", "displayName": "Write Throughput Bytes/Sec", "name": "write_throughput", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Number of data disk I/O read operations per second", "displayName": "Read IOPS", "name": "read_iops", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Number of data disk I/O write operations per second", "displayName": "Write IOPS", "name": "write_iops", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage percent", "displayName": "Storage percent", "name": "storage_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage used", "displayName": "Storage used", "name": "storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage Free", "displayName": "Storage Free", "name": "storage_free", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Transaction Log Storage Used", "displayName": "Transaction Log Storage Used", "name": "txlogs_storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Active Connections", "displayName": "Active Connections", "name": "active_connections", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Network Out across active connections", "displayName": "Network Out", "name": "network_bytes_egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Network In across active connections", "displayName": "Network In", "name": "network_bytes_ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Errors", "displayDescription": "Failed Connections", "displayName": "Failed Connections", "name": "connections_failed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Succeeded Connections", "displayName": "Succeeded Connections", "name": "connections_succeeded", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Maximum Used Transaction IDs", "displayName": "Maximum Used Transaction IDs", "name": "maximum_used_transactionIDs", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of servers", "name": "flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for PostgreSQL servers", "displayName": "Read server log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server Logs", "name": "PostgreSQLLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the disagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server", "name": "flexibleServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of servers or gets the properties for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a server with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server.", "displayName": "Create/Update PostgreSQL server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server.", "displayName": "Delete PostgreSQL server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/waitStatistics/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/resetQueryPerformanceInsightData/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks the availability of the given migration name.", "displayName": "Check the availability of the given migration name.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/checkMigrationNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a server administrator with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server administrator.", "displayName": "Create/Update PostgreSQL server administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/administrators/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts an existing server", "displayName": "Restart PostgreSQL server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts an existing server", "displayName": "Start PostgreSQL server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops an existing server", "displayName": "Stops an existing server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/getSourceDatabaseList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/testConnectivity/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start long term backup for a server", "displayName": "Start long term backup for a server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/startLtrBackup/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks if a server is ready for a long term backup", "displayName": "Checks if a server is ready for a long term backup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/ltrPreBackup/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if the user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Performance Tiers", "name": "servers/performanceTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Performance Tiers available.", "displayName": "List Performance Tiers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/performanceTiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "serverGroupsv2/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection via proxy", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Endpoint Connection Via Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a private endpoint connection with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connection via proxy", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Endpoint Connection Via Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection via proxy", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Endpoint Connection Via Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection creation by NRP", "displayName": "Validate Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Endpoint Connection Creation by NRP", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "serverGroupsv2/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves or rejects an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve or Reject Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Link Resource", "name": "serverGroupsv2/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding PostgreSQL SGv2", "displayName": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding PostgreSQL SGv2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL SGv2 Private Endpoint Connections Approval Resource", "name": "serverGroupsv2", "operations": [ { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection for PostgreSQL SGv2", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval for PostgreSQL SGv2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "flexibleServers/queryTexts", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/queryTexts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "flexibleServers/advisors", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/advisors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "flexibleServers/queryStatistics", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/queryStatistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "flexibleServers/topQueryStatistics", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/topQueryStatistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "flexibleServers/advisors/recommendedActions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/advisors/recommendedActions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Rules", "name": "flexibleServers/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a firewall rule with the specified parameters or update an existing rule.", "displayName": "Create/Update Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/firewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of firewall rules for a server or gets the properties for the specified firewall rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Firewall Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/firewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing firewall rule.", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/firewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server Database", "name": "flexibleServers/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of PostgreSQL server databases or gets the database for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL server configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the database of a PostgreSQL server.", "displayName": "Creates/Updates PostgreSQL server database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/databases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the database of a PostgreSQL server", "displayName": "Delete PostgreSQL server database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/databases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server Configuration", "name": "flexibleServers/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of PostgreSQL server configurations or gets the configurations for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL server configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/configurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the configuration of a PostgreSQL server.", "displayName": "Update PostgreSQL server configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/configurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location Capability", "name": "locations/capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the capabilities for this subscription in a given location", "displayName": "Gets the capabilities for this subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/capabilities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Migration Workflow", "name": "flexibleServers/migrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a migration with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create a database migration workflow.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/migrations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the properties for the specified migration workflow.", "displayName": "Get Migration Workflow details.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/migrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing migration workflow.", "displayName": "Delete Migration Workflow.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/migrations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Flexible server database backups", "name": "flexibleServers/backups", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/backups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/backups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/backups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server", "name": "flexibleServers/replicas", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/replicas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location Capability", "name": "locations/capabilities/{serverName}", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the capabilities for this subscription in a given location", "displayName": "Gets the capabilities for this subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/capabilities/{serverName}/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server Administrator", "name": "flexibleServers/administrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of server administrators or gets the properties for the specified server administrator.", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL server administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/administrators/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing PostgreSQL server administrator.", "displayName": "Delete PostgreSQL server administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/administrators/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a server administrator with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server administrator.", "displayName": "Create/Update PostgreSQL server administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/administrators/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location Capability", "name": "flexibleServers/capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the capabilities for this subscription in a given location", "displayName": "Gets the capabilities for this subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/capabilities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL private link resource", "name": "flexibleServers/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a list containing private link resource or gets the specified private link resource.", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL private link resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connection proxies or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy resource.", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a private endpoint connection proxy with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection create call from NRP side", "displayName": "Validate Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server Private Endpoint Connection Creation by NRP", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL Server Advanced Threat Protection", "name": "flexibleServers/advancedThreatProtectionSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Advanced Threat Protection or gets the properties for the specified Advanced Threat Protection.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server Advanced Threat Protection states.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables/Disables Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server Advanced Threat Protection", "displayName": "Update Azure Database for PostgreSQL Server Advanced Threat Protection state", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves or rejects an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve or Reject Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Flexible Server Log Files", "name": "flexibleServers/logFiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a list of server log Files for a PostgreSQL Flexible server with File download links", "displayName": "List/Get PostgreSQL Flexible Server Log Files", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/logFiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PostgreSQL Server Long term backup operation.", "name": "flexibleServers/ltrBackupOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the PostgreSQL server long term backup operation tracking by backup name.", "displayName": "Get PostgreSQL server long term backup operation by backup name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/ltrBackupOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server Virtual Endpoint", "name": "flexibleServers/virtualendpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or Updates VirtualEndpoint", "displayName": "VirtualEndpoint Create or Update operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/virtualendpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the VirtualEndpoint", "displayName": "VirtualEndpoint Delete operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/virtualendpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the VirtualEndpoint details", "displayName": "VirtualEndpoint Get operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/virtualendpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/resourceType/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the quota usages of a subscription", "displayName": "Gets quota usage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/locations/resourceType/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Tuning Option", "name": "flexibleServers/tuningOptions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/tuningOptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recommended Indexes", "name": "flexibleServers/tuningOptions/recommendations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers/tuningOptions/recommendations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Devices", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Devices", "name": "Microsoft.Devices", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for the IotHub resource provider and enables the creation of IotHub resources", "displayName": "Register Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Check If IotHub name is available", "displayName": "Check If IotHub name is available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/checkNameAvailability/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Get Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Set Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for the IotHub service", "displayName": "Read IotHub service metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages attempted to be sent to your IoT hub", "displayName": "Telemetry message send attempts", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.telemetry.ingress.allProtocol", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages sent successfully to your IoT hub", "displayName": "Telemetry messages sent", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.telemetry.ingress.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of cloud-to-device message deliveries completed successfully by the device", "displayName": "C2D message deliveries completed", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.commands.egress.complete.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of cloud-to-device messages abandoned by the device", "displayName": "C2D messages abandoned", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.commands.egress.abandon.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of cloud-to-device messages rejected by the device", "displayName": "C2D messages rejected", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.commands.egress.reject.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of expired cloud-to-device messages", "displayName": "C2D Messages Expired", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "C2DMessagesExpired", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of devices registered to your IoT hub", "displayName": "Total devices (deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "devices.totalDevices", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of devices connected to your IoT hub", "displayName": "Connected devices (deprecated) ", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "devices.connectedDevices.allProtocol", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times messages were successfully delivered to all endpoints using IoT Hub routing. If a message is routed to multiple endpoints, this value increases by one for each successful delivery. If a message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times, this value increases by one for each successful delivery.", "displayName": "Routing: telemetry messages delivered", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.telemetry.egress.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times messages were dropped by IoT Hub routing due to dead endpoints. This value does not count messages delivered to fallback route as dropped messages are not delivered there.", "displayName": "Routing: telemetry messages dropped\u00a0", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.telemetry.egress.dropped", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times messages were orphaned by IoT Hub routing because they didn't match any routing rules (including the fallback rule).\u00a0", "displayName": "Routing: telemetry messages orphaned\u00a0", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.telemetry.egress.orphaned", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times IoT Hub routing failed to deliver messages due to an incompatibility with the endpoint. This value does not include retries.", "displayName": "Routing: telemetry messages incompatible", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.telemetry.egress.invalid", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered messages to the endpoint associated with the fallback route.", "displayName": "Routing: messages delivered to fallback", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.telemetry.egress.fallback", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Event Hub endpoints.", "displayName": "Routing: messages delivered to Event Hub", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.egress.eventHubs", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and message ingress into an Event Hub endpoint.", "displayName": "Routing: message latency for Event Hub", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.latency.eventHubs", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus queue endpoints.", "displayName": "Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Queue", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusQueues", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a Service Bus queue endpoint.", "displayName": "Routing: message latency for Service Bus Queue", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusQueues", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus topic endpoints.", "displayName": "Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Topic", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusTopics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a Service Bus topic endpoint.", "displayName": "Routing: message latency for Service Bus Topic", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusTopics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to the built-in endpoint (messages/events).", "displayName": "Routing: messages delivered to messages/events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.egress.builtIn.events", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into the built-in endpoint (messages/events).", "displayName": "Routing: message latency for messages/events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.latency.builtIn.events", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to storage endpoints.", "displayName": "Routing: messages delivered to storage", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.egress.storage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a storage endpoint.", "displayName": "Routing: message latency for storage", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.latency.storage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of data (bytes) IoT Hub routing delivered to storage endpoints.", "displayName": "Routing: data delivered to storage", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.egress.storage.bytes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered blobs to storage endpoints.", "displayName": "Routing: blobs delivered to storage", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.endpoints.egress.storage.blobs", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Routing Result", "name": "Result" }, { "displayName": "Event Type", "name": "EventType" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of IoT Hub events published to Event Grid. Use the Result dimension for the number of successful and failed requests. EventType dimension shows the type of event (https://aka.ms/ioteventgrid).", "displayName": "Event Grid deliveries", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventGridDeliveries", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Event Type", "name": "EventType" } ], "displayDescription": "The average latency (milliseconds) from when the Iot Hub event was generated to when the event was published to Event Grid. This number is an average between all event types. Use the EventType dimension to see latency of a specific type of event.", "displayName": "Event Grid latency", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventGridLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint Type", "name": "EndpointType" }, { "displayName": "Endpoint Name", "name": "EndpointName" }, { "displayName": "Failure Reason Category", "name": "FailureReasonCategory" }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" }, { "displayName": "Routing Source", "name": "RoutingSource" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times IoT Hub attempted to deliver messages to all endpoints using routing. To see the number of successful or failed attempts, use the Result dimension. To see the reason of failure, like invalid, dropped, or orphaned, use the FailureReasonCategory dimension. You can also use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to understand how many messages were delivered to your different endpoints. The metric value increases by one for each delivery attempt, including if the message is delivered to multiple endpoints or if the message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times.", "displayName": "Routing Deliveries (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RoutingDeliveries", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint Type", "name": "EndpointType" }, { "displayName": "Endpoint Name", "name": "EndpointName" }, { "displayName": "Routing Source", "name": "RoutingSource" } ], "displayDescription": "The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into an endpoint. You can use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to understand the latency to your different endpoints.", "displayName": "Routing Delivery Latency (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RoutingDeliveryLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint Type", "name": "EndpointType" }, { "displayName": "Endpoint Name", "name": "EndpointName" }, { "displayName": "Routing Source", "name": "RoutingSource" } ], "displayDescription": "The total size in bytes of messages delivered by IoT hub to an endpoint. You can use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to view the size of the messages in bytes delivered to your different endpoints. The metric value increases for every message delivered, including if the message is delivered to multiple endpoints or if the message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times.", "displayName": "Routing Delivery Message Size in Bytes (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RoutingDataSizeInBytesDelivered", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful device-initiated twin reads.", "displayName": "Successful twin reads from devices", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.twin.read.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed device-initiated twin reads.", "displayName": "Failed twin reads from devices", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.twin.read.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average, min, and max of all successful device-initiated twin reads.", "displayName": "Response size of twin reads from devices", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.twin.read.size", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful device-initiated twin updates.", "displayName": "Successful twin updates from devices", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.twin.update.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed device-initiated twin updates.", "displayName": "Failed twin updates from devices", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.twin.update.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average, min, and max size of all successful device-initiated twin updates.", "displayName": "Size of twin updates from devices", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.twin.update.size", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful direct method calls.", "displayName": "Successful direct method invocations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.methods.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed direct method calls.", "displayName": "Failed direct method invocations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.methods.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average, min, and max of all successful direct method requests.", "displayName": "Request size of direct method invocations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.methods.requestSize", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average, min, and max of all successful direct method responses.", "displayName": "Response size of direct method invocations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.methods.responseSize", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads.", "displayName": "Successful twin reads from back end", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.twin.read.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin reads.", "displayName": "Failed twin reads from back end", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.twin.read.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average, min, and max of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads.", "displayName": "Response size of twin reads from back end", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.twin.read.size", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates.", "displayName": "Successful twin updates from back end", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.twin.update.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin updates.", "displayName": "Failed twin updates from back end", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.twin.update.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average, min, and max size of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates.", "displayName": "Size of twin updates from back end", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "c2d.twin.update.size", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful twin queries.", "displayName": "Successful twin queries", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "twinQueries.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed twin queries.", "displayName": "Failed twin queries", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "twinQueries.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average, min, and max of the result size of all successful twin queries.", "displayName": "Twin queries result size", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "twinQueries.resultSize", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } 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"jobs.createDirectMethodJob.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed creation of direct method invocation jobs.", "displayName": "Failed creations of method invocation jobs", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "jobs.createDirectMethodJob.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful calls to list jobs.", "displayName": "Successful calls to list jobs", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "jobs.listJobs.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed calls to list jobs.", "displayName": "Failed calls to list jobs", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "jobs.listJobs.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful calls to cancel a job.", "displayName": "Successful job cancellations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "jobs.cancelJob.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed calls to cancel a job.", "displayName": "Failed job cancellations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "jobs.cancelJob.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful calls to query jobs.", "displayName": "Successful job queries", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "jobs.queryJobs.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed calls to query jobs.", "displayName": "Failed job queries", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "jobs.queryJobs.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all completed jobs.", "displayName": "Completed jobs", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "jobs.completed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all failed jobs.", "displayName": "Failed jobs", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "jobs.failed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of throttling errors due to device throughput throttles", "displayName": "Number of throttling errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "d2c.telemetry.ingress.sendThrottle", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of total messages used today", "displayName": "Total number of messages used", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "dailyMessageQuotaUsed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub", "displayName": "Total device data usage", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "deviceDataUsage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub", "displayName": "Total device data usage (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "deviceDataUsageV2", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of devices registered to your IoT hub", "displayName": "Total devices", "fillGapWithZero": true, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "totalDeviceCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of devices connected to your IoT hub", "displayName": "Connected devices", "fillGapWithZero": true, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "connectedDeviceCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Metrics for Configuration Operations", "displayName": "Configuration Metrics", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "configurations", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" }, { "displayName": "Failure Reason Category", "name": "FailureReasonCategory" }, { "displayName": "QoS", "name": "QoS" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of messages published to the broker", "displayName": "Broker: Messages Published (Preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "broker.msgs.published", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" }, { "displayName": "Failure Reason Category", "name": "FailureReasonCategory" }, { "displayName": "QoS", "name": "QoS" }, { "displayName": "Topic Space Name", "name": "TopicSpaceName" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of messages delivered by the broker", "displayName": "Broker: Messages Delivered (Preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "broker.msgs.delivered", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The average egress message delivery latency due to throttling", "displayName": "Broker: Message delivery latency from throttling (Preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "broker.msgs.delivery.throttlingLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Session Type", "name": "SessionType" }, { "displayName": "Mqtt Endpoint", "name": "MqttEndpoint" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of new connections per IoT Hub", "displayName": "MQTT: New Connections (Preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "mqtt.connections", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Drop Reason", "name": "DropReason" } ], "displayDescription": "The rate of dropped sessions per IoT Hub", "displayName": "MQTT: Dropped Sessions (Preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "mqtt.sessions.dropped", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" }, { "displayName": "Failure Reason Category", "name": "FailureReasonCategory" }, { "displayName": "Operation Type", "name": "OperationType" }, { "displayName": "Topic Space Name", "name": "TopicSpaceName" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of subscriptions", "displayName": "MQTT: New Subscriptions (Preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "mqtt.subscriptions", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Session Type", "name": "SessionType" }, { "displayName": "Mqtt Endpoint", "name": "MqttEndpoint" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of new sessions per IoT Hub", "displayName": "MQTT: New Sessions (Preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "mqtt.sessions", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" }, { "displayName": "Integrated Service Name", "name": "IntegratedServiceName" } ], "displayDescription": "Messages Grouped By Integrated Service Names", "displayName": "Messages Grouped By Integrated Service Names", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "messagesUsedByIntegratedServices", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available log definitions for the IotHub Service", "displayName": "Read IotHub service log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Connections", "name": "Connections" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Device Telemetry", "name": "DeviceTelemetry" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "C2D Commands", "name": "C2DCommands" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Device Identity Operations", "name": "DeviceIdentityOperations" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "File Upload Operations", "name": "FileUploadOperations" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Routes", "name": "Routes" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "D2CTwinOperations", "name": "D2CTwinOperations" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "C2D Twin Operations", "name": "C2DTwinOperations" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Twin Queries", "name": "TwinQueries" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Jobs Operations", "name": "JobsOperations" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Direct Methods", "name": "DirectMethods" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Distributed Tracing (Preview)", "name": "DistributedTracing" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Configurations", "name": "Configurations" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Device Streams (Preview)", "name": "DeviceStreams" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs", "name": "iotHubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the IotHub resource(s)", "displayName": "Get IotHub(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update IotHub Resource", "displayName": "Create or update IotHub Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete IotHub Resource", "displayName": "Delete IotHub Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get all IotHub Keys", "displayName": "Get all IotHub Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/listkeys/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Export Devices", "displayName": "Export Devices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/exportDevices/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Import Devices", "displayName": "Import Devices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/importDevices/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Notify RP that an associated NSP has profile updates.", "displayName": "Notify NSP updates available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or reject a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconcile NSP configuration profile from NSP RP", "displayName": "Reconcile NSP configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "iotHubs/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Operation Result (Obsolete API)", "displayName": "Get Operation Result (Obsolete API)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/operationresults/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "iotHubs/iotHubStats", "operations": [ { "description": "Get IotHub Statistics", "displayName": "Get IotHub Statistics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/iotHubStats/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "iotHubs/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get valid IotHub Skus", "displayName": "Get valid IotHub Skus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/skus/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "iotHubs/iotHubKeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Get IotHub Key for the given name", "displayName": "Get IotHub Key for the given name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/iotHubKeys/listkeys/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "iotHubs/eventHubEndpoints/consumerGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Create EventHub Consumer Group", "displayName": "Create EventHub Consumer Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventHubEndpoints/consumerGroups/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get EventHub Consumer Group(s)", "displayName": "Get EventHub Consumer Group(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventHubEndpoints/consumerGroups/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete EventHub Consumer Group", "displayName": "Delete EventHub Consumer Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventHubEndpoints/consumerGroups/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a list of jobs", "displayName": "Read Jobs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/jobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update any job", "displayName": "Write Jobs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/jobs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any job", "displayName": "Delete Jobs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/jobs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "iotHubs/quotaMetrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Quota Metrics", "displayName": "Get Quota Metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/quotaMetrics/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "iotHubs/routing", "operations": [ { "description": "Test a message against all existing Routes", "displayName": "Routing Rule Test All", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/routing/$testall/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Test a message against a provided test Route", "displayName": "Routing Rule Test Route", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/routing/$testnew/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "iotHubs/routingEndpointsHealth", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the health of all routing Endpoints for an IotHub", "displayName": "Get Endpoint Health", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/routingEndpointsHealth/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get All ResourceProvider Operations", "displayName": "Get All ResourceProvider Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/operations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get subscription usage details for this provider.", "displayName": "Get Subscription Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/usages/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Operation Result", "displayName": "Get Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/operationresults/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "iotHubs/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Certificate", "displayName": "Gets the Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/certificates/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Certificate", "displayName": "Create or Update Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/certificates/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Certificate", "displayName": "Deletes Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/certificates/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate Verification code", "displayName": "Generate Verification code", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/certificates/generateVerificationCode/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Verify Certificate resource", "displayName": "Verify Certificate resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/certificates/verify/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices", "name": "provisioningServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get IotDps resource", "displayName": "Get IotDps resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create IotDps resource", "displayName": "Create IotDps resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete IotDps resource", "displayName": "Delete IotDps resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get all IotDps keys", "displayName": "Get all IotDps keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/listkeys/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or reject a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisioningServices", "name": "provisioningServices/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Get Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Set Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisioningServices", "name": "provisioningServices/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for the provisioning service", "displayName": "Read provisioning service metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Provisioning service name", "name": "ProvisioningServiceName" }, { "displayName": "IoT hub name", "name": "IotHubName" }, { "displayName": "Status", "name": "Status", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of device registrations attempted", "displayName": "Registration attempts", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RegistrationAttempts", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Provisioning service name", "name": "ProvisioningServiceName" }, { "displayName": "IoT hub name", "name": "IotHubName" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of devices assigned to an IoT hub", "displayName": "Devices assigned", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "DeviceAssignments", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Provisioning service name", "name": "ProvisioningServiceName" }, { "displayName": "Status", "name": "Status", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of device attestations attempted", "displayName": "Attestation attempts", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "AttestationAttempts", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "provisioningServices", "name": "provisioningServices/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available log definitions for the provisioning Service", "displayName": "Read provisioning service log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Device Operations", "name": "DeviceOperations" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Service Operations", "name": "ServiceOperations" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/EventGridFilters", "name": "iotHubs/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Create new or Update existing Event Grid filter", "displayName": "Create or Update Event Grid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventGridFilters/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Event Grid filter", "displayName": "Get Event Grid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventGridFilters/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Event Grid filter", "displayName": "Delete Event Grid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/eventGridFilters/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Location based Operation Result", "displayName": "Get Location based Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/locations/operationresults/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/SecuritySettings", "name": "iotHubs/securitySettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Update the Azure Security Center settings on Iot Hub", "displayName": "Update Iot Hub SecuritySettings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/securitySettings/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Azure Security Center settings on Iot Hub", "displayName": "Get Iot Hub SecuritySettings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/securitySettings/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/SecuritySettings", "name": "iotHubs/securitySettings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the result of the Async Put operation for Iot Hub SecuritySettings", "displayName": "Get Async operation result for Iot Hub SecuritySettings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/securitySettings/operationResults/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/PrivateLinkResources", "name": "iotHubs/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets private link resources for IotHub", "displayName": "Get Private Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateLinkResources/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates private endpoint connection proxy input during create", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets properties for specified private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Put Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy Async Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/PrivateEndpointConnections", "name": "iotHubs/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all the private endpoint connections for the specified iot hub", "displayName": "Get All Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnections/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnections/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Put Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnections/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/PrivateEndpointConnections", "name": "iotHubs/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Async Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/PrivateLinkResources", "name": "provisioningServices/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets private link resources for IotHub", "displayName": "Get Private Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateLinkResources/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates private endpoint connection proxy input during create", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets properties for specified private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Put Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy Async Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/PrivateEndpointConnections", "name": "provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all the private endpoint connections for the specified iot hub", "displayName": "Get All Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnections/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnections/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Put Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnections/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/PrivateEndpointConnections", "name": "provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Async Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/devices", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any device or module identity", "displayName": "Read Device/Module", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/devices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update any device or module identity", "displayName": "Write Device/Module", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/devices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any device or module identity", "displayName": "Delete Device/Module", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/devices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/twins", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any device or module twin", "displayName": "Read DeviceTwin", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/twins/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write any device or module twin", "displayName": "Write DeviceTwin", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/twins/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/cloudToDeviceMessages", "operations": [ { "description": "Send cloud-to-device message to any device ", "displayName": "Send cloud-to-device message", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/cloudToDeviceMessages/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Receive, complete, or abandon cloud-to-device message feedback notification", "displayName": "Receive cloud-to-device messages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/cloudToDeviceMessages/feedback/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/cloudToDeviceMessages/queue", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes all the pending commands for a device", "displayName": "Delete cloud-to-device messages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/cloudToDeviceMessages/queue/purge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/directMethods", "operations": [ { "description": "Invokes a direct method on a device", "displayName": "Invoke Direct Method", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/directMethods/invoke/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/fileUpload", "operations": [ { "description": "Receive, complete, or abandon file upload notifications", "displayName": "File Upload Notifications", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/fileUpload/notifications/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/statistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Read device and service statistics", "displayName": "Read Statistics", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/statistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IotHubs", "name": "IotHubs/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read device management configurations", "displayName": "Read Configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/configurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update device management configurations", "displayName": "Write Configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/configurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any device management configuration", "displayName": "Delete Configuration", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/configurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Applies the configuration content to an edge device", "displayName": "Apply Configuration to Edge Device", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/configurations/applyToEdgeDevice/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates target condition and custom metric queries for a configuration", "displayName": "Test Configuration Queries", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/configurations/testQueries/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisioningServices", "name": "provisioningServices/enrollments", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Enrollments", "displayName": "Read Enrollments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Enrollments", "displayName": "Write Enrollments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Enrollments", "displayName": "Delete Enrollments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisioningServices", "name": "provisioningServices/enrollmentGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Enrollment Groups", "displayName": "Read Enrollment Groups", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollmentGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Enrollment Groups", "displayName": "Write Enrollment Groups", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollmentGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Enrollment Groups", "displayName": "Delete Enrollment Groups", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/enrollmentGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisioningServices", "name": "provisioningServices/registrationStates", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Registration States", "displayName": "Read Registration States", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/registrationStates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Registration States", "displayName": "Delete Registration States", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/registrationStates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisioningServices", "name": "provisioningServices/attestationmechanism", "operations": [ { "description": "Fetch Attestation Mechanism Details", "displayName": "Fetch Attestation Mechanism Details", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/attestationmechanism/details/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/NetworkSecurityPerimeters", "name": "iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "List all NSP configurations associated with the IotHub", "displayName": "List NSP configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs/NetworkSecurityPerimeters", "name": "iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "List all NSP association proxies associated with the IotHub", "displayName": "List NSP association proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Put an NSP association proxy on the IotHub to associate the resource with the NSP", "displayName": "Put NSP association proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an NSP association proxy to disassociate the IotHub resource from the NSP", "displayName": "Delete NSP association proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/iotHubs/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "provisioningServices/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get DPS Operation Result", "displayName": "Get DPS Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/operationresults/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "provisioningServices/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get valid IotDps Skus", "displayName": "Get valid IotDps Skus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/skus/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "provisioningServices/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Get IotDps Keys for key name", "displayName": "Get IotDps Keys for key name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/keys/listkeys/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "provisioningServices/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Certificate", "displayName": "Gets the Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/certificates/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Certificate", "displayName": "Create or Update Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/certificates/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Certificate", "displayName": "Deletes Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/certificates/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate Verification code", "displayName": "Generate Verification code", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/certificates/generateVerificationCode/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Verify Certificate resource", "displayName": "Verify Certificate resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices/certificates/verify/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft DevTest Labs", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DevTestLab", "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription", "displayName": "Register Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "policy sets", "name": "labs/policySets", "operations": [ { "description": "Read policy sets.", "displayName": "Read policy sets.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/policySets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Evaluates lab policy.", "displayName": "Evaluate policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/policySets/EvaluatePolicies/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Labs", "name": "labs", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete labs.", "displayName": "Delete labs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read labs.", "displayName": "Read labs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify labs.", "displayName": "Add or modify labs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List disk images available for custom image creation.", "displayName": "List VHDs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/ListVhds/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate a URI for uploading custom disk images to a Lab.", "displayName": "Generate image upload URI", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/GenerateUploadUri/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create virtual machines in a lab.", "displayName": "Create a virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/CreateEnvironment/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Claim a random claimable virtual machine in the lab.", "displayName": "Claim Any Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/ClaimAnyVm/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Exports the lab resource usage into a storage account", "displayName": "Exports the lab resource usage into a storage account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/ExportResourceUsage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Import a virtual machine into a different lab.", "displayName": "Import a virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/ImportVirtualMachine/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Ensure the current user has a valid profile in the lab.", "displayName": "Ensure Current User Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/EnsureCurrentUserProfile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "policies", "name": "labs/policySets/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete policies.", "displayName": "Delete policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/policySets/policies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read policies.", "displayName": "Read policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/policySets/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify policies.", "displayName": "Add or modify policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/policySets/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "schedules", "name": "labs/schedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete schedules.", "displayName": "Delete schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/schedules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read schedules.", "displayName": "Read schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/schedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify schedules.", "displayName": "Add or modify schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/schedules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute a schedule.", "displayName": "Execute schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/schedules/Execute/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all applicable schedules", "displayName": "List all applicable schedules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/schedules/ListApplicable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "schedules", "name": "schedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete 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"labs/virtualMachines/schedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete schedules.", "displayName": "Delete schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/schedules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read schedules.", "displayName": "Read schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/schedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify schedules.", "displayName": "Add or modify schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/schedules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute a schedule.", "displayName": "Execute schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/schedules/Execute/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "schedules", "name": "labs/users/serviceFabrics/schedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete schedules.", "displayName": "Delete schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/serviceFabrics/schedules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read schedules.", "displayName": "Read schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/serviceFabrics/schedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify schedules.", "displayName": "Add or modify schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/serviceFabrics/schedules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute a schedule.", "displayName": "Execute schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/serviceFabrics/schedules/Execute/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Artifact sources", "name": "labs/artifactSources", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete artifact sources.", "displayName": "Delete artifact sources.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/artifactSources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read artifact sources.", "displayName": "Read artifact sources.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/artifactSources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify artifact sources.", "displayName": "Add or modify artifact sources.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/artifactSources/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Artifacts", "name": "labs/artifactSources/artifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read artifacts.", "displayName": "Read artifacts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/artifactSources/artifacts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates an ARM template for the given artifact, uploads the required files to a storage account, and validates the generated artifact.", "displayName": "Generates an ARM template for the given artifact", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/artifactSources/artifacts/GenerateArmTemplate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "gallery images", "name": "labs/galleryImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Read gallery images.", "displayName": "Read gallery images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/galleryImages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "custom images", "name": "labs/customImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete custom images.", "displayName": "Delete custom images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/customImages/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read custom images.", "displayName": "Read custom images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/customImages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify custom images.", "displayName": "Add or modify custom images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/customImages/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtual networks", "name": "labs/virtualNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete virtual networks.", "displayName": "Delete virtual networks.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read virtual networks.", "displayName": "Read virtual networks.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify virtual networks.", "displayName": "Add or modify virtual networks.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual machines", "name": "labs/virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete virtual machines.", "displayName": "Delete virtual machines.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read virtual machines.", "displayName": "Read virtual machines.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify virtual machines.", "displayName": "Add or modify virtual machines.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Attach a new or existing data disk to virtual machine.", "displayName": "Add or attach a data disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/AddDataDisk/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply artifacts to virtual machine.", "displayName": "Apply artifacts to virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/ApplyArtifacts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Take ownership of an existing virtual machine", "displayName": "Claim a virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/Claim/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clears the artifact results of the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Clear artifact results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/ClearArtifactResults/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach the specified disk from the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Detach the specified disk from the virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/DetachDataDisk/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a string that represents the contents of the RDP file for the virtual machine", "displayName": "Get RDP file contents", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/GetRdpFileContents/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the applicable start/stop schedules, if any.", "displayName": "List all applicable schedules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/ListApplicableSchedules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Redeploy a virtual machine", "displayName": "Redeploy a virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/Redeploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resize Virtual Machine.", "displayName": "Resize Virtual Machine.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/Resize/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart a virtual machine.", "displayName": "Restart virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/Restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start a virtual machine.", "displayName": "Start virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/Start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop a virtual machine", "displayName": "Stop virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/Stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Transfers all data disks attached to the virtual machine to be owned by the current user.", "displayName": "Transfer data disks to the current user.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/TransferDisks/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Release ownership of an existing virtual machine", "displayName": "Unclaim a virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualMachines/UnClaim/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Formulas", "name": "labs/formulas", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete formulas.", "displayName": "Delete formulas.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/formulas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read formulas.", "displayName": "Read formulas.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/formulas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify formulas.", "displayName": "Add or modify formulas.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/formulas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "costs", "name": "labs/costs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read costs.", "displayName": "Read costs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/costs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify costs.", "displayName": "Add or modify costs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/costs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "disks", "name": "labs/users/disks", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete disks.", "displayName": "Delete disks.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/disks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read disks.", "displayName": "Read disks.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/disks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify disks.", "displayName": "Add or modify disks.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/disks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Attach and create the lease of the disk to the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Attach disk", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/disks/Attach/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach and break the lease of the disk attached to the virtual machine.", "displayName": "Detach and break the lease of the disk attached to the virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/disks/Detach/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "user profiles", "name": "labs/users", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete user profiles.", "displayName": "Delete user profiles.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read user profiles.", "displayName": "Read user profiles.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify user profiles.", "displayName": "Add or modify user profiles.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Notification Channels", "name": "labs/notificationChannels", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete notification channels.", "displayName": "Delete notification channels.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/notificationChannels/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read notification channels.", "displayName": "Read notification channels.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/notificationChannels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify notification channels.", "displayName": "Add or modify notification channels.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/notificationChannels/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Send notification to provided channel.", "displayName": "Notify", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/notificationChannels/Notify/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "secrets", "name": "labs/users/secrets", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete secrets.", "displayName": "Delete secrets.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/secrets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read secrets.", "displayName": "Read secrets.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/secrets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify secrets.", "displayName": "Add or modify secrets.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/secrets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "locations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operations.", "displayName": "Read operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/locations/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Resource Manager templates", "name": "labs/artifactSources/armTemplates", "operations": [ { "description": "Read azure resource manager templates.", "displayName": "Read azure resource manager templates.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/artifactSources/armTemplates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "environments", "name": "labs/users/environments", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete environments.", "displayName": "Delete environments.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/environments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read environments.", "displayName": "Read environments.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/environments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify environments.", "displayName": "Add or modify environments.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/environments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service runners", "name": "labs/serviceRunners", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete service runners.", "displayName": "Delete service runners.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/serviceRunners/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read service runners.", "displayName": "Read service runners.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/serviceRunners/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify service runners.", "displayName": "Add or modify service runners.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/serviceRunners/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Fabrics", "name": "labs/users/serviceFabrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete service fabrics.", "displayName": "Delete service fabrics.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/serviceFabrics/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read service fabrics.", "displayName": "Read service fabrics.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/serviceFabrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify service fabrics.", "displayName": "Add or modify service fabrics.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/serviceFabrics/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start a service fabric.", "displayName": "Start service fabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/serviceFabrics/Start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop a service fabric", "displayName": "Stop service fabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/serviceFabrics/Stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the applicable start/stop schedules, if any.", "displayName": "List all applicable schedules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/users/serviceFabrics/ListApplicableSchedules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Lab centers", "name": "labCenters", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete lab centers.", "displayName": "Delete lab centers.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labCenters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read lab centers.", "displayName": "Read lab centers.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labCenters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify lab centers.", "displayName": "Add or modify lab centers.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labCenters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Pools", "name": "labs/vmPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete virtual machine pools.", "displayName": "Delete virtual machine pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/vmPools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read virtual machine pools.", "displayName": "Read virtual machine pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/vmPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify virtual machine pools.", "displayName": "Add or modify virtual machine pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/vmPools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Shared Galleries", "name": "labs/sharedGalleries", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete shared galleries.", "displayName": "Delete shared galleries.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/sharedGalleries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read shared galleries.", "displayName": "Read shared galleries.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/sharedGalleries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify shared galleries.", "displayName": "Add or modify shared galleries.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/sharedGalleries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Shared Images", "name": "labs/sharedGalleries/sharedImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete shared images.", "displayName": "Delete shared images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/sharedGalleries/sharedImages/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read shared images.", "displayName": "Read shared images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/sharedGalleries/sharedImages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify shared images.", "displayName": "Add or modify shared images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/sharedGalleries/sharedImages/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "bastionHosts", "name": "labs/virtualNetworks/bastionHosts", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete bastionhosts.", "displayName": "Delete bastionhosts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualNetworks/bastionHosts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read bastionhosts.", "displayName": "Read bastionhosts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualNetworks/bastionHosts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify bastionhosts.", "displayName": "Add or modify bastionhosts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevTestLab/labs/virtualNetworks/bastionHosts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Lab Secrets", "name": "labs/secrets", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete lab secrets.", "displayName": 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"origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MongoDB Collection", "name": "databaseAccounts/mongodbDatabases/collections/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read status of the asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/mongodbDatabases/collections/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cassandra Keyspace", "name": "databaseAccounts/cassandraKeyspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a Cassandra keyspace.", "displayName": "Write Cassandra keyspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/cassandraKeyspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read a Cassandra keyspace or list all the Cassandra keyspaces.", "displayName": "Read Cassandra keyspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/cassandraKeyspaces/read", 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"Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/gremlinDatabases/graphs/throughputSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate Gremlin graph offer to autoscale.", "displayName": "Migrate Gremlin graph offer to autoscale", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/gremlinDatabases/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToAutoscale/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate Gremlin graph offer to to manual throughput.", "displayName": "Migrate Gremlin graph offer to to manual throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/gremlinDatabases/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToManualThroughput/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Gremlin Graph throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/gremlinDatabases/graphs/throughputSettings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read status of the asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read 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Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/containers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/containers/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'sql'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/containers/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Table", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/tables", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Create or update a table. Only applicable to API types: 'table'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/tables/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a table or list all the tables. Only applicable to API types: 'table'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read table(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/tables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete a table. Only applicable to API types: 'table'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/tables/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Table", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/tables/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'table'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/tables/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Create or update a collection. Only applicable to API types: 'mongodb'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a collection or list all the collections. Only applicable to API types: 'mongodb'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read collection(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete a collection. Only applicable to API types: 'mongodb'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'mongodb'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Keyspace", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Create a keyspace. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write keyspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a keyspace or list all the keyspaces. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read keyspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete a keyspace. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete keyspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Keyspace", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Table", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Create or update a table. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a table or list all the tables. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read table(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete a table. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Table", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Graph", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Create or update a graph. Only applicable to API types: 'gremlin'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write graph", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a graph or list all the graphs. Only applicable to API types: 'gremlin'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read graph(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete a graph. Only applicable to API types: 'gremlin'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Delete graph", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Graph", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'gremlin'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Update a database throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'sql', 'mongodb', 'gremlin'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write database throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/settings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a database throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'sql', 'mongodb', 'gremlin'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read database throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/settings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/settings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'sql', 'mongodb', 'gremlin'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/settings/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/containers/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Update a container throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'sql'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write container throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/containers/settings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a container throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'sql'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read container throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/containers/settings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/containers/settings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'sql'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/containers/settings/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Table throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/tables/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Update a table throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'table'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write table throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/tables/settings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a table throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'table'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read table throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/tables/settings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Table throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/tables/settings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'table'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/tables/settings/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Update a collection throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'mongodb'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write collection throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections/settings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a collection throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'mongodb'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read collection throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections/settings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Collection throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections/settings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'mongodb'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/collections/settings/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Keyspace throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Update a keyspace throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write keyspace throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/settings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a keyspace throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read keyspace throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/settings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Keyspace throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/settings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/settings/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Table throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Update a table throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write table throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables/settings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a table throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read table throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables/settings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Table throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables/settings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'cassandra'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/keyspaces/tables/settings/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Graph throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Update a graph throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'gremlin'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Write gremlin throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs/settings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read a graph throughput. Only applicable to API types: 'gremlin'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read graph throughput", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs/settings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Graph throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs/settings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read status of the asynchronous operation. Only applicable to API types: 'gremlin'. Only applicable for setting types: 'throughput'.", "displayName": "(Deprecated. Please use resource paths without '/apis/' segment) Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/graphs/settings/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Database throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/throughputSettings/migrateToAutoscale/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read status of the asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/throughputSettings/migrateToAutoscale/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Database throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/throughputSettings/migrateToManualThroughput/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read status of the asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, 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"Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/mongodbDatabases/throughputSettings/migrateToManualThroughput/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MongoDB collection throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/mongodbDatabases/collections/throughputSettings/migrateToAutoscale/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read status of the asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/mongodbDatabases/collections/throughputSettings/migrateToAutoscale/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MongoDB collection throughput setting", "name": "databaseAccounts/mongodbDatabases/collections/throughputSettings/migrateToManualThroughput/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read status of the asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/gremlinDatabases/graphs/throughputSettings/migrateToManualThroughput/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Restorable database account", "name": "locations/restorableDatabaseAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a restorable database account or List all the restorable database accounts", "displayName": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/locations/restorableDatabaseAccounts/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/locations/restorableDatabaseAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit a restore request", "displayName": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/locations/restorableDatabaseAccounts/restore/action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DocumentDB/locations/restorableDatabaseAccounts/restore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Cassandra cluster", "name": "cassandraClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "partnerRegistrations", "name": "partnerRegistrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a partner registration", "displayName": "Write PartnerRegistration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerRegistrations/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read a partner registration", "displayName": "Read PartnerRegistration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerRegistrations/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a partner registration", "displayName": "Delete PartnerRegistration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerRegistrations/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "partnerNamespaces", "name": "partnerNamespaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Create 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"Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/regenerateKey/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve PrivateEndpointConnections for partner namespaces", "displayName": "Approve PrivateEndpointConnections for partner namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "eventChannels", "name": "partnerNamespaces/eventChannels", "operations": [ { "description": "Read an event channel", "displayName": "Read EventChannel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/eventChannels/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update an event channel", "displayName": "Write EventChannel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/eventChannels/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an event 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"description": "Activate a partner topic", "displayName": "Activate PartnerTopic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/activate/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deactivate a partner topic", "displayName": "Deactivate PartnerTopic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics/deactivate/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "channels", "name": "partnerNamespaces/channels", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a channel", "displayName": "Read Channel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/channels/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a channel", "displayName": "Write Channel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/channels/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a channel", "displayName": "Delete 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"name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerConfigurations/unauthorizePartner/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "verifiedPartners", "name": "verifiedPartners", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a verified partner", "displayName": "Read VerifiedPartner", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/verifiedPartners/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "partnerNamespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for partner namespaces", "displayName": "Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for partner namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for partner namespaces", "displayName": "Read 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"Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/eventSubscriptions/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get full url for the Topic event subscription", "displayName": "Get FullUrl of Topic EventSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/eventSubscriptions/getFullUrl/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Topic EventSubscription Delivery Attributes", "displayName": "Get Topic EventSubscription Delivery Attributes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/eventSubscriptions/getDeliveryAttributes/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "eventSubscriptions", "name": "domains/eventSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Domain eventSubscription", "displayName": "Write Domain EventSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eventSubscriptions/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read a Domain eventSubscription", "displayName": "Read Domain EventSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eventSubscriptions/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Domain eventSubscription", "displayName": "Delete Domain EventSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eventSubscriptions/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get full url for the Domain event subscription", "displayName": "Get FullUrl of Domain EventSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eventSubscriptions/getFullUrl/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Domain EventSubscription Delivery Attributes", "displayName": "Get Domain EventSubscription Delivery Attributes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/eventSubscriptions/getDeliveryAttributes/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "eventSubscriptions", "name": "domains/topics/eventSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a DomainTopic eventSubscription", "displayName": "Write DomainTopic EventSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/eventSubscriptions/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read a DomainTopic eventSubscription", "displayName": "Read DomainTopic EventSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/eventSubscriptions/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a DomainTopic eventSubscription", "displayName": "Delete DomainTopic EventSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/eventSubscriptions/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get full url for the DomainTopic event subscription", "displayName": "Get FullUrl of DomainTopic EventSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/eventSubscriptions/getFullUrl/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get DomainTopic EventSubscription Delivery Attributes", "displayName": "Get DomainTopic EventSubscription Delivery Attributes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics/eventSubscriptions/getDeliveryAttributes/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace Metrics", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for namespaces", "displayName": "Read namespace metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "System", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": null, "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of events published successfully to a topic or topic space within a namespace.", "displayName": "Successful Publish Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.SuccessfulPublishedEvents", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SuccessfulPublishedEvents", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" }, { "name": "Error" }, { "name": "ErrorType" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of events that weren't accepted by Event Grid. This count excludes events that were published but failed to reach Event Grid due to a network issue, for example.", "displayName": "Failed Publish Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.FailedPublishedEvents", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "FailedPublishedEvents", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" }, { "internalName": "EventSubscriptionName", "name": "EventSubscriptionName" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of events that were successfully returned to (received by) clients by Event Grid.", "displayName": "Successful Received Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.SuccessfulReceivedEvents", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SuccessfulReceivedEvents", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" }, { "internalName": "EventSubscriptionName", "name": "EventSubscriptionName" }, { "name": "Error" }, { "name": "ErrorType" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of events that were requested by clients but weren't delivered successfully by Event Grid.", "displayName": "Failed Received Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.FailedReceivedEvents", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "FailedReceivedEvents", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" }, { "internalName": "EventSubscriptionName", "name": "EventSubscriptionName" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of events for which delivery was successfully acknowledged by clients.", "displayName": "Successful Acknowledged Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.SuccessfulAcknowledgedEvents", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SuccessfulAcknowledgedEvents", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" }, { "internalName": "EventSubscriptionName", "name": "EventSubscriptionName" }, { "name": "Error" }, { "name": "ErrorType" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of events for which acknowledgements from clients failed.", "displayName": "Failed Acknowledged Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.FailedAcknowledgedEvents", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "FailedAcknowledgedEvents", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" }, { "internalName": "EventSubscriptionName", "name": "EventSubscriptionName" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of events that were released successfully by queue subscriber clients.", "displayName": "Successful Released Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.SuccessfulReleasedEvents", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SuccessfulReleasedEvents", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" }, { "internalName": "EventSubscriptionName", "name": "EventSubscriptionName" }, { "name": "Error" }, { "name": "ErrorType" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of events for which release failed.", "displayName": "Failed Released Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.FailedReleasedEvents", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "FailedReleasedEvents", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" } ], "displayDescription": "The observed latency in milliseconds for publish events operation.", "displayName": "Publish Operations Latency", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.PublishLatencyInMilliseconds", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "PublishLatencyInMilliseconds", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" }, { "internalName": "EventSubscriptionName", "name": "EventSubscriptionName" } ], "displayDescription": "The observed latency in milliseconds for acknowledge events operation.", "displayName": "Acknowledge Operations Latency", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.AcknowledgeLatencyInMilliseconds", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "AcknowledgeLatencyInMilliseconds", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" }, { "internalName": "EventSubscriptionName", "name": "EventSubscriptionName" } ], "displayDescription": "The observed latency in milliseconds for receive events operation.", "displayName": "Receive Operations Latency", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.ReceiveLatencyInMilliseconds", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ReceiveLatencyInMilliseconds", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "internalName": "SubResourceId", "name": "Topic" }, { "internalName": "EventSubscriptionName", "name": "EventSubscriptionName" } ], "displayDescription": "The observed latency in milliseconds for reject events operation.", "displayName": "Reject Operations Latency", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EGV2.RejectLatencyInMilliseconds", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "RejectLatencyInMilliseconds", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "OperationType" }, { "name": "Protocol" }, { "name": "Error" }, { "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of MQTT requests.", "displayName": "MQTT: Request Count", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.RequestCount", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.RequestCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "QoS" }, { "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of MQTT messages that were published successfully into the namespace.", "displayName": "MQTT: Successful Published Messages", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.SuccessfulPublishedMessages", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.SuccessfulPublishedMessages", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "QoS" }, { "name": "Protocol" }, { "name": "Error" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of MQTT messages that failed to be published into the namespace.", "displayName": "MQTT: Failed Published Messages", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.FailedPublishedMessages", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.FailedPublishedMessages", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "QoS" }, { "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of messages delivered by the namespace. There are no failures for this operation.", "displayName": "MQTT: Successful Delivered Messages", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.SuccessfulDeliveredMessages", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.SuccessfulDeliveredMessages", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of active connections in the namespace.", "displayName": "MQTT: Connections", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.Connections", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.Connections", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "Protocol" }, { "name": "OperationType" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of successful subscription operations (Subscribe, Unsubscribe). This metric is incremented for every topic filter within a subscription request.", "displayName": "MQTT: Successful Subscription Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.SuccessfulSubscriptionOperations", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.SuccessfulSubscriptionOperations", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "Protocol" }, { "name": "OperationType" }, { "name": "Error" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of failed subscription operations (Subscribe, Unsubscribe). This metric is incremented for every topic filter within a subscription request.", "displayName": "MQTT: Failed Subscription Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.FailedSubscriptionOperations", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.FailedSubscriptionOperations", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "Direction" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of bytes published to or delivered by the namespace.", "displayName": "MQTT: Throughput", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.Throughput", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.Throughput", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "DropReason" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of dropped sessions by the namespace.", "displayName": "MQTT: Dropped Sessions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.DroppedSessions", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.DroppedSessions", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The number of successful routed messages by the namespace.", "displayName": "MQTT: Successful Routed Messages", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.SuccessfulRoutedMessages", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.SuccessfulRoutedMessages", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "Error" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of failed routed messages by the namespace.", "displayName": "MQTT: Failed Routed Messages", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Mqtt.FailedRoutedMessages", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "Mqtt.FailedRoutedMessages", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmAccount": "AzureEventGrid", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ResourceMetricsV2", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "name": "topics/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read NspAssociationProxies for topics", "displayName": "Read NspAssociationProxies for topics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write NspAssociationProxies for topics", "displayName": "Write NspAssociationProxies for topics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete NspAssociationProxies for topics", "displayName": "Delete NspAssociationProxies for topics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "name": "domains/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read NspAssociationProxies for domains", "displayName": "Read NspAssociationProxies for domains", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write NspAssociationProxies for domains", "displayName": "Write NspAssociationProxies for domains", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete NspAssociationProxies for domains", "displayName": "Delete NspAssociationProxies for domains", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "name": "topics/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read NspConfiguration for topics", "displayName": "Read NspConfiguration for topics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topics/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "name": "domains/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read NspConfiguration for domains", "displayName": "Read NspConfiguration for domains", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "namespaces", "name": "namespaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a namespace", "displayName": "Write Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read a namespace", "displayName": "Read Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a namespace", "displayName": "Delete Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List keys for a namespace", "displayName": "List Namespace keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/listKeys/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate key for a namespace", "displayName": "Regenerate Namespace key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/regenerateKey/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces", "displayName": "Approve PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces", "displayName": "Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces", "displayName": "Read PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces", "displayName": "Write PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces", "displayName": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies for namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateEndpointConnections", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces", "displayName": "Read PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces", "displayName": "Write PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces", "displayName": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnections for namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateLinkResources", "name": "namespaces/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read PrivateLinkResources for namespaces", "displayName": "Read PrivateLinkResources for namespaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clients", "name": "namespaces/clients", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a client", "displayName": "Read Client", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clients/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a client", "displayName": "Write Client", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clients/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a client", "displayName": "Delete Client", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clients/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clientGroups", "name": "namespaces/clientGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a client group", "displayName": "Read Client Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clientGroups/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a client group", "displayName": "Write Client Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clientGroups/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a client group", "displayName": "Delete Client Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/clientGroups/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "caCertificates", "name": "namespaces/caCertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a CA Certificate", "displayName": "Read CA Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/caCertificates/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a CA Certificate", "displayName": "Write CA Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/caCertificates/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a CA Certificate", "displayName": "Delete CA Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/caCertificates/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "permissionBindings", "name": "namespaces/permissionBindings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a Permission Binding", "displayName": "Read Permission Binding", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/permissionBindings/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Permission Binding", "displayName": "Write Permission Binding", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/permissionBindings/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Permission Binding", "displayName": "Delete Permission Binding", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/permissionBindings/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "topicSpaces", "name": "namespaces/topicSpaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a Topic Space", "displayName": "Read Topic Space", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topicSpaces/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Topic Space", "displayName": "Write Topic Space", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topicSpaces/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Topic Space", "displayName": "Delete Topic Space", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topicSpaces/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "topicSpaces", "name": "topicSpaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscribe to a topic space", "displayName": "Topic spaces subscribe", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topicSpaces/subscribe/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Publish to a topic space", "displayName": "Topic spaces publish", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/topicSpaces/publish/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "topics", "name": "namespaces/topics", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a namespace topic", "displayName": "Read Namespace Topic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a namespace topic", "displayName": "Write Namespace Topic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a namespace topic", "displayName": "Delete Namespace Topic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List keys for a namespace topic", "displayName": "List Namespace Topic keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/listKeys/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "eventSubscriptions", "name": "namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a namespace topic event subscription", "displayName": "Read Namespace Topic Event Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a namespace topic event subscription", "displayName": "Write Namespace Topic Event Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a namespace topic event subscription", "displayName": "Delete Namespace Topic Event Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/namespaces/topics/eventSubscriptions/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Upate notifications for network security perimeter", "displayName": "Upate notifications for network security perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventGrid/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure EventHub", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.EventHub", "name": "Microsoft.EventHub", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks availability of namespace under given subscription. This API is deprecated please use CheckNameAvailabiltiy instead.", "displayName": "Get namespace availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/checkNamespaceAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks availability of namespace under given subscription.", "displayName": "Get namespace availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the subscription for the EventHub resource provider and enables the creation of EventHub resources", "displayName": "Registers the EventHub Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the EventHub Resource Provider", "displayName": "Registers the EventHub Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "namespaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a Namespace Resource and Update its properties. Tags and Capacity of the Namespace are the properties which can be updated.", "displayName": "Create Or Update Namespace ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of Namespace Resource Description", "displayName": "Get Namespace Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Namespace Resource", "displayName": "Delete Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Namespace Authorization Rule. This API is depricated. Please use a PUT call to update the Namespace Authorization Rule instead.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01.", "displayName": "Updates Namespace Authorization Rule (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove ACS namespace", "displayName": "Remove ACS namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/removeAcsNamepsace/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "UpdateNamespaceState", "displayName": "UpdateNamespaceState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/updateState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action to Join the Network Security Perimeter. This action is used to perform linked access by NSP RP.", "displayName": "Action to Join the Network Security Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/joinPerimeter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "namespaces/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of Namespace operation", "displayName": "Get Namespace Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of Namespaces Authorization Rules description.", "displayName": "Get Namespace Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Namespace level Authorization Rules and update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights, the Primary and Secondary Keys can be updated.", "displayName": "Create or Update Namespace Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Namespace Authorization Rule. The Default Namespace Authorization Rule cannot be deleted. ", "displayName": "Delete Namespace Authorization Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Connection String to the Namespace", "displayName": "Get Namespace Listkeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource", "displayName": "Resource Regeneratekeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "namespaces/messagingPlan", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01.", "displayName": "Get Messaging Plan (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/messagingPlan/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01.", "displayName": "Create or Update Messaging Plan (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/messagingPlan/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EventHub", "name": "namespaces/eventhubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update EventHub properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update EventHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of EventHub Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get EventHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete EventHub Resource", "displayName": "Delete EventHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to update EventHub. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. Authorization Rules. Please use a PUT call to update Authorization Rule.", "displayName": "Update EventHub Authorization Rules (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EventHub AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": " Get the list of EventHub Authorization Rules", "displayName": " Get EventHub Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create EventHub Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights can be updated.", "displayName": "Create or Update EventHub Authorization Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete EventHub Authorization Rules", "displayName": "Delete EventHub Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Connection String to EventHub", "displayName": "List EventHub keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource", "displayName": "Resource Regeneratekeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ConsumerGroup", "name": "namespaces/eventHubs/consumergroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update ConsumerGroup properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update ConsumerGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventHubs/consumergroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of ConsumerGroup Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get ConsumerGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventHubs/consumergroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete ConsumerGroup Resource", "displayName": "Delete ConsumerGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventHubs/consumergroups/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sku", "name": "sku", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Sku Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Sku", 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"Microsoft.EventHub/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SchemaGroup", "name": "namespaces/schemagroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update SchemaGroup properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update SchemaGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemagroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of SchemaGroup Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get SchemaGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemagroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete SchemaGroup Resource", "displayName": "Delete SchemaGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemagroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace metrics", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { 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"displayDescription": "Total successful requests for a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Successful Requests (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "SUCCREQ", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total failed requests for a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Failed Requests (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "FAILREQ", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total server busy errors for a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Server Busy Errors (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "SVRBSY", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total internal server errors for a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Internal Server Errors (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "INTERR", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total failed requests for a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Other Errors (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "MISCERR", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total incoming messages for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Incoming Messages metric instead (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Incoming Messages (obsolete) (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "INMSGS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total incoming messages for a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Incoming Messages (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EHINMSGS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total outgoing messages for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Outgoing Messages metric instead (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Outgoing Messages (obsolete) (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "OUTMSGS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total outgoing messages for a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Outgoing Messages (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EHOUTMSGS", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Event Hub incoming message throughput for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Incoming bytes metric instead (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Incoming bytes (obsolete) (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EHINMBS", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Event Hub incoming message throughput for a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Incoming bytes (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EHINBYTES", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Event Hub outgoing message throughput for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Outgoing bytes metric instead (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Outgoing bytes (obsolete) (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EHOUTMBS", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Event Hub outgoing message throughput for a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Outgoing bytes (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EHOUTBYTES", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Event Hub archive messages in backlog for a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Archive backlog messages (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EHABL", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Event Hub archived messages in a namespace (Deprecated)", "displayName": "Archive 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"resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ScaleUnit", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "PerformanceCountersV2", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "Role", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Available memory for the Event Hub Cluster as a percentage of total memory.", "displayName": "Available Memory", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "NodeMemoryUtilization", "name": "AvailableMemory", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ScaleUnit", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "Role", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Size of an EventHub in Bytes.", "displayName": "Size", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EntitySize", "isDimensionRequired": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "Size", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace diagnostic settings", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Namespace diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Create or Update Namespace diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace logs", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Namespace logs Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Namespace logs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "Archive Logs", "name": "ArchiveLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "Operational Logs", "name": "OperationalLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT10M", "displayName": "Auto Scale Logs", "name": "AutoScaleLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "Kafka Coordinator Logs", "name": "KafkaCoordinatorLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "Kafka User Error Logs", "name": "KafkaUserErrorLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "VNet/IP Filtering Connection Logs", "name": "EventHubVNetConnectionEvent" }, { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "Customer Managed Key Logs", "name": "CustomerManagedKeyUserLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "Runtime Audit Logs", "name": "RuntimeAuditLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "Application Metrics Logs", "name": "ApplicationMetricsLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "DisasterRecoveryConfigurations", "name": "namespaces/disasterrecoveryconfigs", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks availability of namespace alias under given subscription.", "displayName": "Get alias availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterrecoveryconfigs/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace.", "displayName": "Create or Update Disaster Recovery configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace.", "displayName": "Get Disaster Recovery configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. This operation can only be invoked via the primary namespace.", "displayName": "Delete Disaster Recovery configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.", "displayName": "Break Pairing", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/breakPairing/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Invokes a GEO DR failover and reconfigures the namespace alias to point to the secondary namespace.", "displayName": "Failover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Disaster Recovery 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"Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/messages/receive/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Schemas", "name": "namespaces/schemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve schemas", "displayName": "Retrieve schemas", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write schemas", "displayName": "Write schemas", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete schemas", "displayName": "Delete schemas", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IPFilter", "name": "namespaces/ipFilterRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get IP Filter Resource", "displayName": "Get IP Filter Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/ipFilterRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create IP Filter Resource", "displayName": "Create IP Filter Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/ipFilterRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete IP Filter Resource", "displayName": "Delete IP Filter Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/ipFilterRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Rule", "name": "namespaces/virtualNetworkRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Gets VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Rule Set", "name": "namespaces/networkrulesets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource", "displayName": "Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkrulesets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkrulesets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkrulesets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Rule Set", "name": "namespaces/networkruleset", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource", "displayName": "Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkruleset/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkruleset/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkruleset/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cluster", "name": "clusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Cluster Resource Description", "displayName": "Get Cluster Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or modifies an existing Cluster resource.", "displayName": "Write on Cluster Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing Cluster resource.", "displayName": "Delete Cluster Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Non Resource Operation", "name": "availableClusterRegions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operation to list available pre-provisioned clusters by Azure region.", "displayName": "List available clusters read operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/availableClusterRegions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Non Resource Operation", "name": "clusters/namespaces", "operations": [ { "description": "List namespace ARM IDs for namespaces within a cluster.", "displayName": "List namespaces within a cluster read operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/namespaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Non Resource Operation", "name": "clusters/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an asynchronous cluster operation.", "displayName": "Get Cluster Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/clusters/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Non Resource Operation", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation", "displayName": "Private endpoint operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Removes Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateLinks", "name": "namespaces/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the resource types that support private endpoint connections", "displayName": "Gets the resource types that support private endpoint connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Non Resource Operation", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation", "displayName": "Private endpoint operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxies", "name": "namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Create NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "displayName": "Create NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "displayName": "Get NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "displayName": "Delete NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconcile NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "displayName": "Reconcile NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/reconcile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Configurations", "name": "namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Network Security Perimeter Configurations", "displayName": "Get Network Security Perimeter Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconcile Network Security Perimeter Configurations", "displayName": "Reconcile Network Security Perimeter Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Feature", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Features", "name": "Microsoft.Features", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the feature of a subscription.", "displayName": "Register the feature", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Features/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Feature", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of operations.", "displayName": "Get operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Features/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Feature", "name": "features", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the features of a subscription.", "displayName": "Get Feature", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Features/features/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Feature", "name": "providers/features", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the feature of a subscription in a given resource provider.", "displayName": "Get Provider Feature", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Features/providers/features/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the feature for a subscription in a given resource provider.", "displayName": "Register Provider Feature", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Features/providers/features/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the feature for a subscription in a given resource provider.", "displayName": "Unregister Provider Feature", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Features/providers/features/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Feature", "name": "featureProviders/subscriptionFeatureRegistrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the feature registration of a subscription in a given resource provider.", "displayName": "Get Provider Subscription Feature Registration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Features/featureProviders/subscriptionFeatureRegistrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds the feature registration of a subscription in a given resource provider.", "displayName": "Add Provider Subscription Feature Registration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Features/featureProviders/subscriptionFeatureRegistrations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the feature registration of a subscription in a given resource provider.", "displayName": "Delete Provider Subscription Feature Registration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Features/featureProviders/subscriptionFeatureRegistrations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Feature", "name": "subscriptionFeatureRegistrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the feature registration of a subscription.", "displayName": "Get Subscription Feature Registration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Features/subscriptionFeatureRegistrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HDInsight", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.HDInsight", "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight", "operations": [ { "description": "Register HDInsight resource provider for the subscription", "displayName": "Register HDInsight resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister HDInsight resource provider for the subscription", "displayName": "Unregister HDInsight resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "HDInsight Cluster", "name": "clusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Create or Update Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get details about HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Read Cluster Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Delete Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get gateway settings for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Get gateway settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/getGatewaySettings/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update gateway settings for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Update gateway settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/updateGatewaySettings/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get HDInsight Cluster Configurations", "displayName": "Get Cluster Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/configurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute Script Actions for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Execute Script Actions for HDInsight Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/executeScriptActions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resolve Private Link Service ID for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Resolve Private Link Service ID", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/resolvePrivateLinkServiceId/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Auto Approve Private Endpoint Connections for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Auto Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List hosts", "displayName": "List Hosts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "MICROSOFT.HDINSIGHT/CLUSTERS/LISTHOSTS/ACTION", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart Hosts", "displayName": "Restart Hosts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "MICROSOFT.HDINSIGHT/CLUSTERS/RESTARTHOSTS/ACTION", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HDInsight Cluster", "name": "clusters/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Resize a HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Resize Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/roles/resize/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Autoscale Configurations", "displayName": "Update Autoscale Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "MICROSOFT.HDINSIGHT/CLUSTERS/ROLES/AUTOSCALE/ACTION", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HDInsight Cluster", "name": "clusters/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get HDInsight Cluster Configurations", "displayName": "Get Cluster Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/configurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HDInsight Cluster", "name": "locations/checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Check Name Availability", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/locations/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HDInsight Subscription Capabilities", "name": "locations/capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Subscription Capabilities", "displayName": "Get Subscription Capabilities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/locations/capabilities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HDInsight Cluster", "name": "clusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { 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"Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/executeScriptActions/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HDInsight Cluster", "name": "clusters/executeScriptActions/azureasyncoperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Script Action status for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Get Script Action status for HDInsight Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/executeScriptActions/azureasyncoperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HDInsight Cluster", "name": "clusters/scriptActions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get persisted Script Actions for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Get persisted Script Actions for HDInsight Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/scriptActions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete persisted Script Actions for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Delete persisted Script Actions for HDInsight 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"name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HDInsight Cluster", "name": "clusters/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connections for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Private Endpoint Connections for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Update Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connections for HDInsight Cluster", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } 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"Microsoft.Insights/Components/Purge/Action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Reached the daily cap for Application Insights component", "displayName": "Application Insights component daily cap reached", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/DailyCapReached/Action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Reached the daily cap warning threshold for Application Insights component", "displayName": "Application Insights component daily cap warning threshold reached", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/DailyCapWarningThresholdReached/Action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Writing to an application insights component configuration", "displayName": "Application insights component write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Deleting an application insights component configuration", "displayName": "Application insights component delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Reading an application insights component configuration", "displayName": "Application insights component read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Application Insights export settings action", "displayName": "Application Insights export settings action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/ExportConfiguration/Action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Move an Application Insights Component to another resource group or subscription", "displayName": "Application Insights Component Move", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Move/Action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights analytics table", "name": "Components/AnalyticsTables", "operations": [ { "description": "Deleting an Application Insights analytics table schema", "displayName": "Application Insights analytics table delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/AnalyticsTables/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Reading an Application Insights analytics table schema", "displayName": "Application Insights analytics table read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/AnalyticsTables/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Writing an Application Insights analytics table schema", "displayName": "Application Insights analytics table write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/AnalyticsTables/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights annotations", "name": "Components/Annotations", "operations": [ { "description": "Deleting an Application Insights annotation", "displayName": "Application Insights annotations delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Annotations/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Reading an Application Insights annotation", "displayName": "Application Insights annotations read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Annotations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Writing an Application Insights annotation", "displayName": "Application Insights annotation write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Annotations/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights API key", "name": "Components/ApiKeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Deleting an Application Insights API key", "displayName": "Application Insights API key delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/ApiKeys/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": 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{ "description": "Run queries against Application Insights logs", "displayName": "Application Insights Query read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Query/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing plan for Application Insights component", "name": "Components/BillingPlanForComponent", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading a billing plan for Application Insights component", "displayName": "Billing plan for Application Insights component read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/BillingPlanForComponent/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Current billing features for Application Insights component", "name": "Components/CurrentBillingFeatures", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading current billing features for Application Insights component", "displayName": "Current billing features for Application Insights component read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/CurrentBillingFeatures/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Writing current billing features for Application Insights component", "displayName": "Current billing features for Application Insights component write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/CurrentBillingFeatures/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights component feature capabilities", "name": "Components/FeatureCapabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading Application Insights component feature capabilities", "displayName": "Application Insights component feature capabilities read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/FeatureCapabilities/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights component available billing features", "name": "Components/GetAvailableBillingFeatures", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading Application 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"Components/QuotaStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading Application Insights component quota status", "displayName": "Application Insights component quota status read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/QuotaStatus/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights component data API", "name": "Components/Api", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading Application Insights component data API", "displayName": "Application Insights component data API read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Api/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights component extended query results", "name": "Components/ExtendQueries", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading Application Insights component extended query results", "displayName": "Application Insights component extended query results read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/ExtendQueries/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights component token", "name": "Components/GetToken", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading an Application Insights component token", "displayName": "Application Insights component token read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/GetToken/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights component metric definitions", "name": "Components/MetricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading Application Insights component metric definitions", "displayName": "Application Insights component metric definitions read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/MetricDefinitions/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights component metrics", "name": "Components/Metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading Application Insights 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"Microsoft.Insights/Components/ExportConfiguration/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights favorites", "name": "Components/Favorites", "operations": [ { "description": "Deleting an Application Insights favorite", "displayName": "Application Insights favorites delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Favorites/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Reading an Application Insights favorite", "displayName": "Application Insights favorites read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Favorites/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Writing an Application Insights favorite", "displayName": "Application Insights favorite write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/Favorites/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights favorites", "name": "Components/MyFavorites", "operations": [ { 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"defaultDimensionValues": null, "displayName": "Run location", "isHidden": false, "name": "availabilityResult/location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of successfully completed availability tests", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": null, "lockAggregationType": null, "name": "availabilityResults/availabilityPercentage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "availabilities": null, "category": "Availability", "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": null, "displayName": "Test name", "isHidden": false, "name": "availabilityResult/name", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "defaultDimensionValues": null, "displayName": "Run location", "isHidden": false, "name": "availabilityResult/location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "defaultDimensionValues": null, "displayName": "Test result", "isHidden": false, "name": "availabilityResult/success", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Count of availability tests", "displayName": "Availability tests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "availabilityResults/duration", "lockAggregationType": null, "name": "availabilityResults/count", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": null, "category": "Availability", "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": null, "displayName": "Test name", "isHidden": false, "name": "availabilityResult/name", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "defaultDimensionValues": null, "displayName": "Run location", "isHidden": false, "name": "availabilityResult/location", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "defaultDimensionValues": null, "displayName": "Test result", "isHidden": false, "name": "availabilityResult/success", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Availability test duration", "displayName": "Availability test duration", 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This metric indicates the performance of w3wp process alone.", "displayName": "Process CPU", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": null, "lockAggregationType": null, "name": "performanceCounters/processCpuPercentage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": null, "category": "Performance counters", "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": null, "displayName": "Cloud role instance", "isHidden": false, "name": "cloud/roleInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of time that the processor spends in non-idle threads.", "displayName": "Processor time", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": null, "lockAggregationType": null, "name": "performanceCounters/processorCpuPercentage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": null, "category": 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{} } ] }, { "displayName": "MicrosoftDataShareShareLog", "name": "Logs/MicrosoftDataShareShareLog", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the MicrosoftDataShareShareLog table", "displayName": "Read MicrosoftDataShareShareLog data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/MicrosoftDataShareShareLog/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "MicrosoftDynamicsTelemetryPerformanceLogs", "name": "Logs/MicrosoftDynamicsTelemetryPerformanceLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the MicrosoftDynamicsTelemetryPerformanceLogs table", "displayName": "Read MicrosoftDynamicsTelemetryPerformanceLogs data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/MicrosoftDynamicsTelemetryPerformanceLogs/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "MicrosoftDynamicsTelemetrySystemMetricsLogs", "name": "Logs/MicrosoftDynamicsTelemetrySystemMetricsLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the 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"properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentResult", "name": "Logs/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentResult", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentResult table", "displayName": "Read SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentResult data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentResult/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "StorageBlobLogs", "name": "Logs/StorageBlobLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the StorageBlobLogs table", "displayName": "Read StorageBlobLogs data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/StorageBlobLogs/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "StorageFileLogs", "name": "Logs/StorageFileLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the StorageFileLogs table", "displayName": "Read StorageFileLogs data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/StorageFileLogs/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "StorageQueueLogs", "name": "Logs/StorageQueueLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the StorageQueueLogs table", "displayName": "Read StorageQueueLogs data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/StorageQueueLogs/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "StorageTableLogs", "name": "Logs/StorageTableLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the StorageTableLogs table", "displayName": "Read StorageTableLogs data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/StorageTableLogs/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SucceededIngestion", "name": "Logs/SucceededIngestion", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the SucceededIngestion table", "displayName": "Read SucceededIngestion data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/SucceededIngestion/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { 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"Microsoft.Insights/Logs/WorkloadMonitoringPerf/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WVDCheckpoints", "name": "Logs/WVDCheckpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the WVDCheckpoints table", "displayName": "Read WVDCheckpoints data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/WVDCheckpoints/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WVDConnections", "name": "Logs/WVDConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the WVDConnections table", "displayName": "Read WVDConnections data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/WVDConnections/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WVDErrors", "name": "Logs/WVDErrors", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the WVDErrors table", "displayName": "Read WVDErrors data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/WVDErrors/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WVDFeeds", "name": "Logs/WVDFeeds", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the WVDFeeds table", "displayName": "Read WVDFeeds data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/WVDFeeds/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WVDHostRegistrations", "name": "Logs/WVDHostRegistrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the WVDHostRegistrations table", "displayName": "Read WVDHostRegistrations data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/WVDHostRegistrations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WVDManagement", "name": "Logs/WVDManagement", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the WVDManagement table", "displayName": "Read WVDManagement data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Logs/WVDManagement/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights Live Metrics token", "name": "generateLiveToken", "operations": [ { "description": "Live Metrics get token", "displayName": "Get Live Metrics token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/generateLiveToken/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights Topology", "name": "topology", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Topology", "displayName": "Read Topology", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/topology/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights Transactions", "name": "transactions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Transactions", "displayName": "Read Transactions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/transactions/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Data collection endpoint", "name": "DataCollectionEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a data collection endpoint", "displayName": "Read data collection endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/DataCollectionEndpoints/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update a data collection endpoint", "displayName": "Create or update data collection endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/DataCollectionEndpoints/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a data collection endpoint", "displayName": "Delete data collection endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/DataCollectionEndpoints/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Trigger failover on a data collection endpoint", "displayName": "Trigger failover on a data collection endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/DataCollectionEndpoints/TriggerFailover/Action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Trigger failback on a data collection endpoint", "displayName": "Trigger failback on a data collection endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/DataCollectionEndpoints/TriggerFailback/Action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Data collection endpoint scoped private link proxy", "name": "DataCollectionEndpoints/ScopedPrivateLinkProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a data collection endpoint private link proxy", "displayName": "Read data collection endpoint private link proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/DataCollectionEndpoints/ScopedPrivateLinkProxies/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update a data collection endpoint private link proxy", "displayName": "Create or update data collection endpoint private link proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/DataCollectionEndpoints/ScopedPrivateLinkProxies/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a data collection endpoint private link proxy", "displayName": "Delete data collection endpoint private link proxy", "isDataAction": 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"Microsoft.Insights/DataCollectionEndpoints/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update a data collection endpoint NSP association proxy", "displayName": "Create or update data collection endpoint NSP association proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/DataCollectionEndpoints/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a data collection endpoint NSP association proxy", "displayName": "Delete data collection endpoint NSP association proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/DataCollectionEndpoints/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Data collection endpoint effective NSP configuration", "name": "DataCollectionEndpoints/NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data collection endpoint effective NSP 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"Microsoft.Insights/WorkbookTemplates/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read a workbook template", "displayName": "Read workbook template", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/WorkbookTemplates/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitored Object", "name": "MonitoredObjects", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a monitored object", "displayName": "Read monitored object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/MonitoredObjects/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update a monitored object", "displayName": "Create or update monitored object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/MonitoredObjects/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a monitored object", "displayName": "Delete monitored object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/MonitoredObjects/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Create notifications", "name": "CreateNotifications", "operations": [ { "description": "Send test notifications to the provided receiver list", "displayName": "Send test notifications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/CreateNotifications/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Get notification status", "name": "NotificationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the test notification status/detail", "displayName": "Get the test notification status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/NotificationStatus/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxies", "name": "ScheduledQueryRules/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading a network security perimeter association proxy for scheduled query rules", "displayName": "network security perimeter association proxy for scheduled query rules read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/ScheduledQueryRules/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Writing a network security perimeter association proxy for scheduled query rules", "displayName": "network security perimeter association proxy for scheduled query rules write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/ScheduledQueryRules/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Deleting a network security perimeter association proxy for scheduled query rules", "displayName": "network security perimeter association proxy for scheduled query rules delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/ScheduledQueryRules/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Configurations", "name": "ScheduledQueryRules/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading a network security perimeter configuration for scheduled query rules", "displayName": "network security perimeter configuration for scheduled query rules read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/ScheduledQueryRules/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Writing a network security perimeter configuration for scheduled query rules", "displayName": "network security perimeter configuration for scheduled query rules write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/ScheduledQueryRules/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Deleting a network security perimeter configuration for scheduled query rules", "displayName": "network security perimeter configuration for scheduled query rules delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/ScheduledQueryRules/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Action group endpoint NSP association proxy", "name": "actionGroups/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a action group endpoint NSP association proxy", "displayName": "Read action group endpoint NSP association proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update a action group endpoint NSP association proxy", "displayName": "Create or update action group endpoint NSP association proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a action group endpoint NSP association proxy", "displayName": "Delete action group endpoint NSP association proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/NetworkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Action group endpoint effective NSP configuration", "name": "actionGroups/NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read action group endpoint effective NSP configuration", "displayName": "Read action group endpoint effective NSP configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Reconcile action group endpoint NSP configuration", "displayName": "Reconcile action group endpoint NSP configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups/NetworkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/Reconcile/Action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Tenant Action Groups", "name": "TenantActionGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a tenant action group", "displayName": "Create or update a tenant action group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/TenantActionGroups/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a tenant action group", "displayName": "Delete a tenant action group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/TenantActionGroups/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read a tenant action group", "displayName": "Read tenant action group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/TenantActionGroups/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Insights linked storage account", "name": "Components/linkedStorageAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read linked storage account", "displayName": "Read linked storage account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/linkedStorageAccounts/Read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or modify linked storage account", "displayName": "Create or modify linked storage account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Insights/Components/linkedStorageAccounts/Write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Key Vault", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.KeyVault", "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers a subscription", "displayName": "Register Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters a subscription", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Key Vault", "name": "vaults", "operations": [ { "description": "View the properties of a key vault", "displayName": "View Key Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new key vault or updates the properties of an existing key vault. Certain properties may require more permissions.", "displayName": "Update Key Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a key vault", "displayName": "Delete Key Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables access to secrets in a key vault when deploying Azure resources", "displayName": "Use Vault for Azure Deployments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or reject a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Approve or reject a Private Endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Action to join the Network Security Perimeter, used by linked access checks by NRP.", "displayName": "Action to join the Network Security Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/joinPerimeter/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Secret", "name": "vaults/secrets", "operations": [ { "description": "View the properties of a secret, but not its value.", "displayName": "Read Secret Properties", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new secret or updates the value of an existing secret.", "displayName": "Write Secret", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a secret. All versions are deleted.", "displayName": "Delete Secret", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the backup file of a secret. The file can used to restore the secret in a Key Vault of same subscription. Restrictions may apply.", "displayName": "Backup Secret", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/backup/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Purges a secret, making it unrecoverable.", "displayName": "Purge Secret", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/purge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the specified attributes associated with the given secret.", "displayName": "Update Secret", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/update/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Recovers the deleted secret. The operation performs the reversal of the Delete operation. The operation is applicable in vaults enabled for soft-delete, and must be issued during the retention interval.", "displayName": "Recover Secret", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/recover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores a secret and all its versions from a backup file generated by Key Vault.", "displayName": "Restore Secret", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/restore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List or view the properties of a secret, but not its value.", "displayName": "List or Read Secret Properties", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/readMetadata/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the value of a secret.", "displayName": "Get Secret", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/getSecret/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the value of a secret. If the secret does not exist, the first version is created. Otherwise, a new version is created with the specified value.", "displayName": "Set Secret", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets/setSecret/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Access Policy", "name": "vaults/accessPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates an existing access policy by merging or replacing, or adds a new access policy to the key vault.", "displayName": "Update Access Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/accessPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Key Vault Log Definition", "name": "vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for a key vault", "displayName": "Read log definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Audit Logs", "name": "AuditEvent" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Policy Evaluation Details", "name": "AzurePolicyEvaluationDetails" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Key Vault Diagnostic Settings", "name": "vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operations available on Microsoft.KeyVault resource provider", "displayName": "Available Key Vault Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Name Availability", "name": "checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks that a key vault name is valid and is not in use", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Soft Deleted Key Vault", "name": "deletedVaults", "operations": [ { "description": "View the properties of soft deleted key vaults", "displayName": "View Soft Deleted Vaults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/deletedVaults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Soft Deleted Key Vault", "name": "locations/deletedVaults", "operations": [ { "description": "View the properties of a soft deleted key vault", "displayName": "View Soft Deleted Key Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/locations/deletedVaults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Purge a soft deleted key vault", "displayName": "Purge Soft Deleted Key Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/locations/deletedVaults/purge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Long Run Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Check the result of a long run operation", "displayName": "Check Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.KeyVault that a virtual network or subnet is being deleted", "displayName": "Delete virtual network or subnets notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Check if the configuration of the Network Security Perimeter needs updating.", "displayName": "Check the Network Security Perimeter for configuration updates.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HSM pool", "name": "hsmPools", "operations": [ { "description": "View the properties of an HSM pool", "displayName": "View HSM pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/hsmPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new HSM pool of update the properties of an existing HSM pool", "displayName": "Create or Update HSM pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/hsmPools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an HSM pool", "displayName": "Delete HSM pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/hsmPools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join a key vault to an HSM pool", "displayName": "Join KeyVault to HSM pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/hsmPools/joinVault/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Key Vault Metric Definition", "name": "vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for a key vault", "displayName": "Read metric definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Count", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Activity Type", "name": "ActivityType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity Name", "name": "ActivityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of total service api hits", "displayName": "Total Service Api Hits", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ServiceApiHit", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Activity Type", "name": "ActivityType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity Name", "name": "ActivityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code Class", "name": "StatusCodeClass", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Overall latency of service api requests", "displayName": "Overall Service Api Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "ServiceApiLatency", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Activity Type", "name": "ActivityType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity Name", "name": "ActivityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code Class", "name": "StatusCodeClass", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of total service api results", "displayName": "Total Service Api Results", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ServiceApiResult", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Activity Type", "name": "ActivityType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity Name", "name": "ActivityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Transaction Type", "name": "TransactionType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Vault capacity used", "displayName": "Overall Vault Saturation", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Average", "name": "SaturationShoebox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Activity Type", "name": "ActivityType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity Name", "name": "ActivityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code Class", "name": "StatusCodeClass", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Vault requests availability", "displayName": "Overall Vault Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "EventGrid Subscription for Key Vault", "name": "vaults/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.KeyVault that an EventGrid Subscription for Key Vault is being viewed", "displayName": "View EventGrid Subscription for Key Vault notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.KeyVault that a new EventGrid Subscription for Key Vault is being created", "displayName": "Create EventGrid Subscription for Key Vault notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.KeyVault that an EventGrid Subscription for Key Vault is being deleted", "displayName": "Delete EventGrid Subscription for Key Vault notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Key Vault", "name": "vaults/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available private link resources for the specified instance of Key Vault", "displayName": "Get private link resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "View the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "View state of Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Change state of Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "vaults/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "View the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "View state of Private Endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Change state of Private Endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificate Issuer", "name": "vaults/certificatecas", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete Certificate Issuer", "displayName": "Delete Certificate Issuer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificatecas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Certificate Issuer", "displayName": "Read Certificate Issuer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificatecas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Certificate Issuer", "displayName": "Write Certificate Issuer", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificatecas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificate Contact", "name": "vaults/certificatecontacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Manage Certificate Contact", "displayName": "Manage Certificate Contact", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificatecontacts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificate", "name": "vaults/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a certificate. All versions are deleted.", "displayName": "Delete Certificate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List certificates in a specified key vault, or get information about a certificate.", "displayName": "Read Certificate Properties", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the backup file of a certificate. The file can used to restore the certificate in a Key Vault of same subscription. Restrictions may apply.", "displayName": "Backup Certificate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificates/backup/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Purges a certificate, making it unrecoverable.", "displayName": "Purge Certificate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificates/purge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the specified attributes associated with the given certificate.", "displayName": "Update Certificate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificates/update/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new certificate. If the certificate does not exist, the first version is created. Otherwise, a new version is created.", "displayName": "Create Certificate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificates/create/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Imports an existing valid certificate containing a private key. The certificate to be imported can be in either PFX or PEM format. If the certificate does not exist in Key Vault, the first version is created with specified content. Otherwise, a new version is created with specified content.", "displayName": "Import Certificate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificates/import/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Recovers the deleted certificate. The operation performs the reversal of the Delete operation. The operation is applicable in vaults enabled for soft-delete, and must be issued during the retention interval.", "displayName": "Recover Certificate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificates/recover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores a certificate and all its versions from a backup file generated by Key Vault.", "displayName": "Restore Certificate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/certificates/restore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Key", "name": "vaults/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "List the keys in a specified vault, or read the current version of a specified key.", "displayName": "Read Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the first version of a new key if it does not exist. If it already exists, then the existing key is returned without any modification. This API does not create subsequent versions, and does not update existing keys.", "displayName": "Create Key (if not exist)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the specified attributes associated with the given key.", "displayName": "Update Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/update/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new key. If the key does not exist, the first version is created. Otherwise, a new version is created with the specified value.", "displayName": "Create Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/create/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Imports an externally created key. If the key does not exist, the first version is created with the imported material. Otherwise, a new version is created with the imported material.", "displayName": "Import Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/import/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Recovers the deleted key. The operation performs the reversal of the Delete operation. The operation is applicable in vaults enabled for soft-delete, and must be issued during the retention interval.", "displayName": "Recover Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/recover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores a key and all its versions from a backup file generated by Key Vault.", "displayName": "Restore Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/restore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a key. All versions are deleted.", "displayName": "Delete Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the backup file of a key. The file can used to restore the key in a Key Vault of same subscription. Restrictions may apply.", "displayName": "Backup Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/backup/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Purges a key, making it unrecoverable.", "displayName": "Purge Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/purge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Encrypts plaintext with a key. Note that if the key is asymmetric, this operation can be performed by principals with read access.", "displayName": "Encrypt with Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/encrypt/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Decrypts ciphertext with a key.", "displayName": "Decrypt with Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/decrypt/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Wraps a symmetric key with a Key Vault key. Note that if the Key Vault key is asymmetric, this operation can be performed by principals with read access.", "displayName": "Wrap with Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/wrap/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unwraps a symmetric key with a Key Vault key.", "displayName": "Unwrap with Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/unwrap/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Signs a message digest (hash) with a key.", "displayName": "Sign with Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/sign/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Verifies the signature of a message digest (hash) with a key. Note that if the key is asymmetric, this operation can be performed by principals with read access.", "displayName": "Verify With Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/verify/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Release a key using public part of KEK from attestation token.", "displayName": "Release a Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/release/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new version of an existing key (with the same parameters).", "displayName": "Rotate Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/rotate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Storage Account", "name": "vaults/storageaccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read definition of managed storage accounts.", "displayName": "Read Managed Storage Account", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the definition of a managed storage account.", "displayName": "Set Managed Storage Account", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/set/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the definition of a managed storage account.", "displayName": "Delete Managed Storage Account", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a backup file of the definition of a managed storage account and its SAS (Shared Access Signature).", "displayName": "Backup Managed Storage Account", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/backup/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Purge the soft-deleted definition of a managed storage account or SAS (Shared Access Signature).", "displayName": "Purge Managed Storage Account or SAS", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/purge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the access key of a managed storage account.", "displayName": "Regenerate Key of Managed Storage Account", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/regeneratekey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Recover the soft-deleted definition of a managed storage account or SAS (Shared Access Signature).", "displayName": "Recover Managed Storage Account or SAS", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/recover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores the definition of a managed storage account and its SAS (Shared Access Signature) from a backup file generated by Key Vault.", "displayName": "Restore Managed Storage Account", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/restore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Storage Account", "name": "vaults/storageaccounts/sas", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates the SAS (Shared Access Signature) definition for a managed storage account.", "displayName": "Set SAS Definition for Managed Storage Account", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/sas/set/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the SAS (Shared Access Signature) definition for a managed storage account.", "displayName": "Delete SAS Definition for Managed Storage Account", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/sas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read the SAS (Shared Access Signature) definition for a managed storage account.", "displayName": "Read SAS Definition for Managed Storage Account", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/storageaccounts/sas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Key Version", "name": "vaults/keys/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "List the versions of a specified key, or read the specified version of a key.", "displayName": "Read Key Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keys/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Key Rotation Policy", "name": "vaults/keyrotationpolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the rotation policy of a given key.", "displayName": "Read Key Rotation Policy", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keyrotationpolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the rotation policy of a given key.", "displayName": "Write Key Rotation Policy", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/keyrotationpolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed HSM", "name": "managedHSMs", "operations": [ { "description": "View the properties of a Managed HSM", "displayName": "View Managed HSM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new Managed HSM or update the properties of an existing Managed HSM", "displayName": "Update Managed HSM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Managed HSM", "displayName": "Delete Managed HSM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or reject a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Approve or reject a Private Endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Hsm Log Definition", "name": "managedHSMs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for a Managed HSM", "displayName": "Read log definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Audit Logs", "name": "AuditEvent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed HSM Diagnostic Settings", "name": "managedHSMs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed HSM", "name": "managedHSMs/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available private link resources for the specified instance of Managed HSM.", "displayName": "Get private link resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "managedHSMs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "View the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "View state of Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Change state of Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "managedHSMs/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "View the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "View state of Private Endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Change state of Private Endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed HSM Metric Definition", "name": "managedHSMs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for a key vault", "displayName": "Read metric definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Count", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Activity Type", "name": "ActivityType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity Name", "name": "ActivityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of total service api hits", "displayName": "Total Service Api Hits", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ServiceApiHit", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Activity Type", "name": "ActivityType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity Name", "name": "ActivityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code Class", "name": "StatusCodeClass", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Overall latency of service api requests", "displayName": "Overall Service Api Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "ServiceApiDurating", "name": "ServiceApiLatency", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Activity Type", "name": "ActivityType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity Name", "name": "ActivityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code Class", "name": "StatusCodeClass", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Gets the available metrics for a Managed HSM pool", "displayName": "Total Service Api Results", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ServiceApiResult", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Activity Type", "name": "ActivityType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Activity Name", "name": "ActivityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status Code Class", "name": "StatusCodeClass", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Vault requests availability", "displayName": "Overall Vault Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "ServiceApiAvailability", "name": "Availability", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Hsm long running operation result", "name": "locations/managedHsmOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Check the result of a long run operation", "displayName": "Check Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/locations/managedHsmOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed HSM", "name": "deletedManagedHsms", "operations": [ { "description": "View the properties of a deleted managed hsm", "displayName": "View Soft Deleted Managed Hsms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/deletedManagedHsms/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed HSM", "name": "locations/deletedManagedHsms", "operations": [ { "description": "View the properties of a deleted managed hsm", "displayName": "View Soft Deleted Managed Hsms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/locations/deletedManagedHsms/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Purge a soft deleted managed hsm", "displayName": "Purge Soft Deleted Managed Hsm", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/locations/deletedManagedHsms/purge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Purge a soft deleted managed hsm", "displayName": "Purge Soft Deleted Managed Hsm", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/locations/deletedManagedHsms/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Key", "name": "managedHSMs/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "List the keys in a specified managed hsm, or read the current version of a specified key.", "displayName": "Read Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the first version of a new key if it does not exist. If it already exists, then the existing key is returned without any modification. This API does not create subsequent versions, and does not update existing keys.", "displayName": "Create Key (if not exist)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/keys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Key Version", "name": "managedHSMs/keys/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "List the versions of a specified key, or read the specified version of a key.", "displayName": "Read Key Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs/keys/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "name": "vaults/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete an association proxy to a Network Security Perimeter resource of Microsoft.Network provider.", "displayName": "Delete a Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an association proxy to a Network Security Perimeter resource of Microsoft.Network provider.", "displayName": "Delete a Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of an association to a Network Security Perimeter resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Change state of Network Security Perimeter Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Configuration", "name": "vaults/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the Network Security Perimeter configuration stored in a vault.", "displayName": "Read Network Security Perimeter configuration ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconcile the Network Security Perimeter configuration stored in a vault with NRP's (Microsoft.Network Resource Provider) copy.", "displayName": "Reconcile Network Security Perimeter configuration ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Kusto", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Kusto", "name": "Microsoft.Kusto", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscription Registration Action", "displayName": "Subscription Registration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription to the Kusto Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Unregister action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations resource type", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads operations resources", "displayName": "Read operations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Clusters resource type", "name": "Clusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a cluster resource.", "displayName": "Read cluster resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a cluster resource.", "displayName": "Write cluster resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a cluster resource.", "displayName": "Delete cluster resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the cluster.", "displayName": "Cluster start action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the cluster.", "displayName": "Cluster stop action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the cluster.", "displayName": "Cluster activate action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Activate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the cluster.", "displayName": "Cluster deactivate action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Deactivate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks the cluster name availability.", "displayName": "Cluster check name availability action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/CheckNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrates the cluster data to another cluster.", "displayName": "Cluster migrate action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Migrate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Detaches follower's databases.", "displayName": "Detach follower databases action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/DetachFollowerDatabases/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the follower's databases.", "displayName": "List follower's databases action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/ListFollowerDatabases/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add callout policies.", "displayName": "Add callout policies action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/AddCalloutPolicy/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove callout policy.", "displayName": "Remove callout policy action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/RemovePrincipals/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the service callout policies.", "displayName": "List callout policies action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/ListCalloutPolicies/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Diagnoses network connectivity status for external resources on which the service is dependent on.", "displayName": "Diagnose virtual network.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/DiagnoseVirtualNetwork/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists language extensions.", "displayName": "Lists language extensions action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/ListLanguageExtensions/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add language extensions.", "displayName": "Add language extensions action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/AddLanguageExtensions/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove language extensions.", "displayName": "Remove language extensions action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/RemoveLanguageExtensions/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Clusters resource type", "name": "Clusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic settings for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of Kusto", "name": "Clusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metric definitions of the resource", "displayName": "Reads Kusto metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Utilization level in the cluster scope. The metric is deprecated and presented for backward compatibility only, you should use the 'Cache utilization factor' metric instead.", "displayName": "Cache utilization (deprecated)", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "CacheUtilization", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Percentage of utilized disk space dedicated for hot cache in the cluster. 100% means that the disk space assigned to hot data is optimally utilized. No action is needed in terms of the cache size. More than 100% means that the cluster's disk space is not large enough to accommodate the hot data, as defined by your caching policies. To ensure that sufficient space is available for all the hot data, the amount of hot data needs to be reduced or the cluster needs to be scaled out. Enabling auto scale is recommended.", "displayName": "Cache utilization factor", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "CacheUtilizationFactor", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Query performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Query Status", "name": "QueryStatus" } ], "displayDescription": "Queries\u2019 duration in seconds", "displayName": "Query duration", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "QueryDuration", "name": "QueryDuration", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Ratio of used ingestion slots in the cluster", "displayName": "Ingestion utilization", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngestionUtilization", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Sanity check indicates the cluster responds to queries", "displayName": "Keep alive", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "KeepAlive", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" } ], "displayDescription": "Overall volume of ingested data to the cluster", "displayName": "Ingestion Volume", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngestionVolumeInBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "displayDescription": "Latency of data ingested, from the time the data was received in the cluster until it's ready for query. The ingestion latency period depends on the ingestion scenario.", "displayName": "Ingestion Latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngestionLatencyInSeconds", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Status", "name": "IngestionResultDetails" }, { "displayName": "Failure Status Type", "name": "FailureKind" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of sources that either failed or succeeded to be ingested. Splitting the metric by status, you can get detailed information about the status of the ingestion operations.", "displayName": "Ingestion result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngestionResult", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "CPU utilization level", "displayName": "CPU", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "CPU", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Export health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Continuous Export Name", "name": "ContinuousExportName" }, { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of records exported, fired for every storage artifact written during the export operation", "displayName": "Continuous export \u2013 num of exported records", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ContinuousExportNumOfRecordsExported", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Export health and performance", "displayDescription": "Export utilization", "displayName": "Export Utilization", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ExportUtilization", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Export health and performance", "displayDescription": "The number of pending continuous export jobs ready for execution", "displayName": "Continuous Export Pending Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ContinuousExportPendingCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Export health and performance", "displayDescription": "The lateness (in minutes) reported by the continuous export jobs in the cluster", "displayName": "Continuous Export Max Lateness", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ContinuousExportMaxLatenessMinutes", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "category": "Export health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Continuous Export Name", "name": "ContinuousExportName" }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" }, { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" } ], "displayDescription": "Indicates whether Continuous Export succeeded or failed", "displayName": "Continuous Export Result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ContinuousExportResult", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Streaming Ingest", "displayDescription": "Streaming ingest duration in milliseconds", "displayName": "Streaming Ingest Duration", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "StreamingIngestDuration", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Streaming Ingest", "displayDescription": "Streaming ingest data rate (MB per second)", "displayName": "Streaming Ingest Data Rate", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "StreamingIngestDataRate", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "RateRequestsPerSecond", "category": "Streaming Ingest", "displayDescription": "Streaming ingest request rate (requests per second)", "displayName": "Streaming Ingest Request Rate", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "SteamingIngestRequestRate", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "RateRequestsPerSecond" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "category": "Streaming Ingest", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "Streaming ingest result", "displayName": "Streaming Ingest Result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "StreamingIngestResults", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Query performance", "displayDescription": "Total number of concurrent queries", "displayName": "Total number of concurrent queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalNumberOfConcurrentQueries", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Query performance", "displayDescription": "Total number of throttled queries", "displayName": "Total number of throttled queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalNumberOfThrottledQueries", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Cluster health", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Command Type", "name": "CommandType" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of throttled commands", "displayName": "Total number of throttled commands", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalNumberOfThrottledCommands", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Total number of data extents", "displayName": "Total number of extents", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalNumberOfExtents", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Total instance count", "displayName": "Instance Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "InstanceCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Count", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Batching Type", "name": "SealReason" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of batches aggregated for ingestion. Batching Type: whether the batch reached batching time, data size or number of files limit set by batching policy", "displayName": "Batches Processed", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BatchesProcessed", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" } ], "displayDescription": "Uncompressed expected data size in an aggregated batch for ingestion.", "displayName": "Batch Size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BatchSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of data sources in an aggregated batch for ingestion.", "displayName": "Batch Blob Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BatchBlobCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" } ], "displayDescription": "The duration of the aggregation phase in the ingestion flow.", "displayName": "Batch Duration", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BatchDuration", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "category": "Query performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Status", "name": "QueryStatus" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of queries.", "displayName": "Query Result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "QueryDuration", "name": "QueryResult", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName" } ], "displayDescription": "The materialized view age in minutes", "displayName": "Materialized View Age", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "MaterializedViewAgeMinutes", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName" } ], "displayDescription": "The materialized view age in seconds", "displayName": "Materialized View Age", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "MaterializedViewAgeSeconds", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName" } ], "displayDescription": "The health of the materialized view (1 for healthy, 0 for non-healthy)", "displayName": "Materialized View Health", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "MaterializedViewHealth", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName" }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "The result of the materialization process", "displayName": "Materialized View Result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "MaterializedViewResult", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of records in the non-materialized part of the view", "displayName": "Materialized View Records In Delta", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "MaterializedViewRecordsInDelta", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of extents rebuild", "displayName": "Materialized View Extents Rebuild", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "MaterializedViewExtentsRebuild", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName" }, { "displayName": "Kind", "name": "Kind" } ], "displayDescription": "Indicates potential data loss in materialized view", "displayName": "Materialized View Data Loss", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "MaterializedViewDataLoss", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of blobs received from input stream by a component.", "displayName": "Blobs Received", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BlobsReceived", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of blobs processed by a component.", "displayName": "Blobs Processed", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BlobsProcessed", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of blobs permanently rejected by a component.", "displayName": "Blobs Dropped", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BlobsDropped", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" } ], "displayDescription": "Cumulative time from when a message is discovered until it is received by the reporting component for processing (discovery time is set when message is enqueued for ingestion queue, or when discovered by data connection).", "displayName": "Stage Latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "StageLatency", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName" } ], "displayDescription": "Reported by data connections (if exist). Time in seconds from when a message is enqueued or event is created until it is discovered by data connection. This time is not included in the Azure Data Explorer total ingestion duration.", "displayName": "Discovery Latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "DiscoveryLatency", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of events received by data connection.", "displayName": "Events Received", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventsReceived", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of events processed by the cluster", "displayName": "Events Processed", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventsProcessed", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of events dropped permanently by data connection. An Ingestion result metric with a failure reason will be sent.", "displayName": "Events Dropped", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventsDropped", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName" } ], "displayDescription": "Size of data received by data connection. This is the size of the data stream, or of raw data size if provided.", "displayName": "Received Data Size Bytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ReceivedDataSizeBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of pending messages in a component's queue.", "displayName": "Queue Length", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "QueueLength", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType" } ], "displayDescription": "Time in seconds from when the oldest message in queue was inserted.", "displayName": "Queue Oldest Message", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "QueueOldestMessage", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Query performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database" }, { "displayName": "Node", "name": "RoleInstance" } ], "displayDescription": "The max latency between the previous metadata sync and the next one (in DB/node scope)", "displayName": "Weak consistency latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "WeakConsistencyLatency", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Seconds" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Databases resource type", "name": "Clusters/Databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a database resource.", "displayName": "Read database resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a database resource.", "displayName": "Write database resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a database resource.", "displayName": "Delete database resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists database principals.", "displayName": "List database principals action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/ListPrincipals/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds database principals.", "displayName": "Add database principals action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/AddPrincipals/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes database principals.", "displayName": "Remove database principals action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/RemovePrincipals/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates database data connection.", "displayName": "Data connection validation action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/DataConnectionValidation/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks name availability for a given type.", "displayName": "Check name availability action for a given type", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/CheckNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates database Event Hub connection.", "displayName": "Event Hub connection validation action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/EventHubConnectionValidation/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/InviteFollower/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations resource type", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads operations resources", "displayName": "Read operations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data connections resource type", "name": "Clusters/Databases/DataConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a data connections resource.", "displayName": "Read a data connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/DataConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a data connections resource.", "displayName": "Write a data connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/DataConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a data connections resource.", "displayName": "Delete a data connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/DataConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check name availability resource type", "name": "Locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks resource name availability.", "displayName": "Check name availability action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Locations/CheckNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Locations/Skus/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cluster SKUs resource type", "name": "Clusters/SKUs", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a cluster SKU resource.", "displayName": "Read cluster SKU resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/SKUs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Validate private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/SKUs/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxyValidation/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SKUs resource type", "name": "SKUs", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a SKU resource.", "displayName": "Read SKU resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/SKUs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Event Hub connections resource type", "name": "Clusters/Databases/EventHubConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Event Hub connections resource.", "displayName": "Read a Event Hub connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/EventHubConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Event Hub connections resource.", "displayName": "Write a Event Hub connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/EventHubConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Event Hub connections resource.", "displayName": "Delete a Event Hub connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/EventHubConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Attached database configuration resource type", "name": "Clusters/AttachedDatabaseConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads an attached database configuration resource.", "displayName": "Read an attached database configuration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/AttachedDatabaseConfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an attached database configuration resource.", "displayName": "Write an attached database configuration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/AttachedDatabaseConfigurations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an attached database configuration resource.", "displayName": "Delete an attached database configugration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/AttachedDatabaseConfigurations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Clusters resource type", "name": "Clusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic logs settings for the resource", "displayName": "Read logs definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Successful ingest operations", "name": "SucceededIngestion" }, { "displayName": "Failed ingest operations", "name": "FailedIngestion" }, { "displayName": "Ingestion batching", "name": "IngestionBatching" }, { "displayName": "Command", "name": "Command" }, { "displayName": "Query", "name": "Query" }, { "displayName": "Table usage statistics", "name": "TableUsageStatistics" }, { "displayName": "Table details", "name": "TableDetails" }, { "displayName": "Journal", "name": "Journal" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Database principal assignments resource type", "name": "Clusters/Databases/PrincipalAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a database principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Read a database principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/PrincipalAssignments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a database principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Write a database principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/PrincipalAssignments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a database principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Delete a database principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/PrincipalAssignments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cluster principal assignments resource type", "name": "Clusters/PrincipalAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Cluster principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Read a Cluster principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrincipalAssignments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a Cluster principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Write a Cluster principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrincipalAssignments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Cluster principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Delete a Cluster principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrincipalAssignments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cluster data connections resource type", "name": "Clusters/DataConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a cluster's data connections resource.", "displayName": "Read a cluster's data connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/DataConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a cluster's data connections resource.", "displayName": "Write a cluster's data connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/DataConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a cluster's data connections resource.", "displayName": "Delete a cluster's data connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/DataConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Script resource type", "name": "Clusters/Databases/Scripts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a script resource.", "displayName": "Read a script resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/Databases/Scripts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed private endpoint resource type", "name": "Clusters/ManagedPrivateEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a managed private endpoint", "displayName": "Read managed private endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/ManagedPrivateEndpoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a managed private endpoint", "displayName": "Write managed private endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/ManagedPrivateEndpoints/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a managed private endpoint", "displayName": "Delete managed private endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/ManagedPrivateEndpoints/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private endpoint connection proxies resource type", "name": "Clusters/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Read private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Write private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Validate private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/Validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Outbound network dependencies endpoints", "name": "Clusters/OutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads outbound network dependencies endpoints for a resource", "displayName": "Gets outbound network dependencies endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/OutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link resources resource type", "name": "Clusters/PrivateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads private link resources", "displayName": "Reads private link resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrivateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private endpoint connections resource type", "name": "Clusters/PrivateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Read private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrivateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Write private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrivateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/PrivateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sandbox custom image resource type", "name": "Clusters/SandboxCustomImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a sandbox custom image", "displayName": "Read a sandbox custom image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/SandboxCustomImages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a sandbox custom image", "displayName": "Write sandbox custom image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/SandboxCustomImages/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a sandbox custom image", "displayName": "Delete sandbox custom image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/SandboxCustomImages/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Logic", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Logic", "name": "Microsoft.Logic", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the Microsoft.Logic resource provider for a given subscription.", "displayName": "Register Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the operation.", "displayName": "Get Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow", "name": "locations/workflows", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates the workflow.", "displayName": "Validate Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/locations/workflows/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the workflow recommend operation groups.", "displayName": "Gets workflow recommend operation groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/locations/workflows/recommendOperationGroups/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow", "name": "workflows", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow.", "displayName": "Get Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the workflow.", "displayName": "Set Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the workflow.", "displayName": "Delete Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a run of the workflow.", "displayName": "Run Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/run/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables the workflow.", "displayName": "Disable Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/disable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables the workflow.", "displayName": "Enable Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/enable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Suspends the workflow.", "displayName": "Suspend Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/suspend/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the workflow.", "displayName": "Validate Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves Workflow from its existing subscription id, resource group, and/or name to a different subscription id, resource group, and/or name.", "displayName": "Move Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the workflow swagger definitions.", "displayName": "Get workflow swagger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/listSwagger/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the access key secrets.", "displayName": "Regenerate Access Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/regenerateAccessKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the callback URL for workflow.", "displayName": "List workflow callback URL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/listCallbackUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow Version", "name": "workflows/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow version.", "displayName": "Get Workflow Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Trigger", "name": "workflows/versions/triggers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the callback URL for trigger.", "displayName": "List Trigger Callback URL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/versions/triggers/listCallbackUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Access Key", "name": "workflows/accessKeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the access key.", "displayName": "Get Access Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/accessKeys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the access key.", "displayName": "Set Access Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/accessKeys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the access key.", "displayName": "Delete Access Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/accessKeys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the access key secrets.", "displayName": "List Access Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/accessKeys/list/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the access key secrets.", "displayName": "Regenerate Access Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/accessKeys/regenerate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Trigger", "name": "workflows/triggers", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the trigger.", "displayName": "Get Trigger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes the trigger.", "displayName": "Trigger Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/run/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resets the trigger.", "displayName": "Trigger Reset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/reset/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the trigger state.", "displayName": "Set Trigger State", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/setState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the callback URL for trigger.", "displayName": "List Trigger Callback URL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/listCallbackUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Trigger Histories", "name": "workflows/triggers/histories", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the trigger histories.", "displayName": "Get Trigger Histories", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/histories/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resubmits the workflow trigger.", "displayName": "Resubmit trigger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/triggers/histories/resubmit/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow Run", "name": "workflows/runs", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow run.", "displayName": "Get Workflow Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a run of a workflow.", "displayName": "Delete Workflow Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels the run of a workflow.", "displayName": "Cancel Workflow Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow Run Operation", "name": "workflows/runs/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow run operation status.", "displayName": "Get Workflow Run Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow Run Action", "name": "workflows/runs/actions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow run action.", "displayName": "Get Workflow Run Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the workflow run action expression traces.", "displayName": "List Workflow Run Action Expression Traces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/listExpressionTraces/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow Run Action Repetition", "name": "workflows/runs/actions/repetitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow run action repetition.", "displayName": "Get Workflow Run Action Repetition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/repetitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the workflow run action repetition expression traces.", "displayName": "List Workflow Run Action Repetition Expression Traces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/repetitions/listExpressionTraces/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow Run Action Scope Repetition", "name": "workflows/runs/actions/scoperepetitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow run action scope repetition.", "displayName": "Get Workflow Run Action Scope Repetition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/scoperepetitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow Diagnostic Setting", "name": "workflows/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow diagnostic settings.", "displayName": "Get Workflow Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the workflow diagnostic setting.", "displayName": "Set Workflow Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow Metric Definition", "name": "workflows/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow metric definitions.", "displayName": "Get Workflow Metric Definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "System", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow runs started.", "displayName": "Runs Started", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RunsStarted", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow runs completed.", "displayName": "Runs Completed", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RunsCompleted", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow runs succeeded.", "displayName": "Runs Succeeded", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RunsSucceeded", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow runs failed.", "displayName": "Runs Failed", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RunsFailed", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow runs cancelled.", "displayName": "Runs Cancelled", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RunsCancelled", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Latency of completed workflow runs.", "displayName": "Run Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "RunLatency", "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Latency of succeeded workflow runs.", "displayName": "Run Success Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "RunSuccessLatency", "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow action or trigger throttled events.", "displayName": "Run Throttled Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RunThrottledEvents", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow run start throttled events.", "displayName": "Run Start Throttled Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RunStartThrottledEvents", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Percentage of workflow runs failed.", "displayName": "Run Failure Percentage", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RunFailurePercentage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow actions started.", "displayName": "Actions Started ", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ActionsStarted", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow actions completed.", "displayName": "Actions Completed ", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ActionsCompleted", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow actions succeeded.", "displayName": "Actions Succeeded ", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ActionsSucceeded", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow actions failed.", "displayName": "Actions Failed ", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ActionsFailed", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow actions skipped.", "displayName": "Actions Skipped ", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ActionsSkipped", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Latency of completed workflow actions.", "displayName": "Action Latency ", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "ActionLatency", "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Latency of succeeded workflow actions.", "displayName": "Action Success Latency ", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "ActionSuccessLatency", "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow action throttled events..", "displayName": "Action Throttled Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ActionThrottledEvents", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow triggers started.", "displayName": "Triggers Started ", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TriggersStarted", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow triggers completed.", "displayName": "Triggers Completed ", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TriggersCompleted", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow triggers succeeded.", "displayName": "Triggers Succeeded ", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TriggersSucceeded", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow triggers failed.", "displayName": "Triggers Failed ", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TriggersFailed", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of workflow triggers 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"Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/partners/listContentCallbackUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Account Agreement", "name": "integrationAccounts/agreements", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the agreement in integration account.", "displayName": "Get Integration Account Agreement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/agreements/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the agreement in integration account.", "displayName": "Set Integration Account Agreement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/agreements/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the agreement in integration account.", "displayName": "Delete Integration Account Agreement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/agreements/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the 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"Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/sessions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the session in integration account.", "displayName": "Delete Integration Account Session", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/sessions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow run action request history", "name": "workflows/runs/actions/requestHistories", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow run action request history.", "displayName": "Gets the workflow run action request history", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows/runs/actions/requestHistories/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow run repetition action request history", "name": "workflows/runs/actions/repetitions/requestHistories", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the workflow run repetition action request history.", "displayName": "Gets the workflow run repetition 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"blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Workflow memory usage for integration service environment.", "displayName": "Workflow Memory Usage for Integration Service Environment", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "IntegrationServiceEnvironmentWorkflowMemoryUsage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Connector processor usage for integration service environment.", "displayName": "Connector Processor Usage for Integration Service Environment", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "IntegrationServiceEnvironmentConnectorProcessorUsage", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Connector memory usage for integration service environment.", "displayName": "Connector Memory Usage for Integration 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"integrationAccounts/rosettaNetProcessConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the RosettaNet process configuration in integration account.", "displayName": "Get Integration Account RosettaNet Process Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/rosettaNetProcessConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the RosettaNet process configuration in integration account.", "displayName": "Set Integration Account RosettaNet Process Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/rosettaNetProcessConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the RosettaNet process configuration in integration account.", "displayName": "Delete Integration Account RosettaNet Process Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/rosettaNetProcessConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Service Environment Managed API", "name": "integrationServiceEnvironments/availableManagedApis", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the integration service environment available managed APIs.", "displayName": "Get Integration Service Environment available managed APIs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/availableManagedApis/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Service Environment Managed API Operation Statuses", "name": "integrationServiceEnvironments/managedApis/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the integration service environment managed API operation statuses.", "displayName": "Get Integration Service Environment managed API operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments/managedApis/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Account Group", "name": "integrationAccounts/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the group in integration account.", "displayName": "Get Integration Account Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/groups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the group in integration account.", "displayName": "Set Integration Account Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/groups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the group in integration account.", "displayName": "Delete Integration Account Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/groups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Account Schedule", "name": "integrationAccounts/schedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the schedule in integration account.", "displayName": "Get Integration Account Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the schedule in integration account.", "displayName": "Set Integration Account Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schedules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the schedule in integration account.", "displayName": "Delete Integration Account Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schedules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Account Usage Configuration", "name": "integrationAccounts/usageConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the usage configuration in integration account.", "displayName": "Get Integration Account Usage Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/usageConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the usage configuration in integration account.", "displayName": "Set Integration Account Usage Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/usageConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the usage configuration in integration account.", "displayName": "Delete Integration Account Usage Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/usageConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the callback URL for the usage configuration in integration account.", "displayName": "List Integration Account Usage Configuration Callback URL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/usageConfigurations/listCallbackUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoints Connection Proxies", "name": "integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Private Endpoint Connection Proxies.", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Private Endpoint Connection Proxies.", "displayName": "Set Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Private Endpoint Connection Proxies.", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the Private Endpoint Connection Proxies.", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoints Connection Proxies", "name": "integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Private Endpoint Connection Proxies operation status.", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxies operation status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "BusinessProcess", "name": "businessprocesses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the business process.", "displayName": "Get business process.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes the business process.", "displayName": "Write business process.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the business process.", "displayName": "Delete business process.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "BusinessProcess", "name": "businessprocesses/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the business process version.", "displayName": "Get business process version.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "BusinessProcess", "name": "businessprocesses/developmentartifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the business process development artifact.", "displayName": "Get business process development artifact.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/developmentartifacts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes the business process development artifact.", "displayName": "Write business process development artifact.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/developmentartifacts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the business process development artifact.", "displayName": "Validate business process development artifact.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logic/businessprocesses/developmentartifacts/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Machine Learning Web Services Management", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.MachineLearning", "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the machine learning web service resource provider and enables the creation of web services.", "displayName": "Registers the Machine Learning Web Service Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create regional Web Service Properties for supported regions", "displayName": "Create regional Web Service Properties", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/webServices/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Machine Learning Web Service", "name": "webServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Machine Learning Web Service", "displayName": "Read Machine Learning Web Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/webServices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or Update any Machine Learning Web Service", "displayName": "Write Machine Learning Web Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/webServices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete any Machine Learning Web Service", "displayName": "Delete Machine Learning Web Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/webServices/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Web Service", "name": "webServices/listkeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Get keys to a Machine Learning Web Service", "displayName": "Get Machine Learning Web Service Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/webServices/listkeys/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Workspace", "name": "Workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Machine Learning Workspace", "displayName": "Read Machine Learning Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/Workspaces/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or Update any Machine Learning Workspace", "displayName": "Write Machine Learning Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/Workspaces/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete any Machine Learning Workspace", "displayName": "Delete Machine Learning Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/Workspaces/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "List keys for a Machine Learning Workspace", "displayName": "List Workspace Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/Workspaces/listworkspacekeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Resync keys of storage account configured for a Machine Learning Workspace", "displayName": "Resync Storage Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/Workspaces/resyncstoragekeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Commitment Plan", "name": "commitmentPlans", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Machine Learning Commitment Plan", "displayName": "Read Machine Learning Commitment Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/commitmentPlans/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or Update any Machine Learning Commitment Plan", "displayName": "Write Machine Learning Commitment Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/commitmentPlans/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete any Machine Learning Commitment Plan", "displayName": "Delete Machine Learning Commitment Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/commitmentPlans/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Join any Machine Learning Commitment Plan", "displayName": "Join Machine Learning Commitment Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/commitmentPlans/join/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Commitment Plan Association", "name": "commitmentPlans/commitmentAssociations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Machine Learning Commitment Plan Association", "displayName": "Read Machine Learning Commitment Plan Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/commitmentPlans/commitmentAssociations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Move any Machine Learning Commitment Plan Association", "displayName": "Move Machine Learning Commitment Plan Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/commitmentPlans/commitmentAssociations/move/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Commitment Plan Associations", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Machine Learning Commitment Plan SKUs", "displayName": "Get Machine Learning Commitment Plan SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Machine Learning Operations", "displayName": "Get Machine Learning Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Operations Status", "name": "locations/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get status of an ongoing Machine Learning Operation", "displayName": "Get Machine Learning Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/locations/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of a Machine Learning Operation", "displayName": "Get Machine Learning Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearning/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Resource Provider", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.MachineLearningServices", "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Machine Learning Services Resource Provider", "displayName": "Registers the subscription for the Machine Learning Services Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace", "name": "workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks name for compute in batch endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Checks name for compute in batch endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/checkComputeNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List secrets for a Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "List secrets for a Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/listKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resync secrets for a Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Resync secrets for a Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/resynckeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List Storage Account keys for a Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "List Storage Account keys for a Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/listStorageAccountKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Provision the managed network of Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Provision the managed network of Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/provisionManagedNetwork/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the models in all Machine Learning Services connections", "displayName": "Lists the models in all Machine Learning Services connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/listConnectionModels/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or reject a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Approve or reject a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows action on the Machine Learning Services FeatureSet(s)", "displayName": "Allows action on the Machine Learning Services FeatureSet(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featuresets/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows action on the Machine Learning Services FeatureEntity(s)", "displayName": "Allows action on the Machine Learning Services FeatureEntity(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featurestoreentities/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Computes", "name": "workspaces/computes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the compute resources in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets the compute resources in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the compute resources in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates the compute resources in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the compute resources in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes the compute resources in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List secrets for compute resources in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "List secrets for compute resources in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/listKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List nodes for compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "List nodes for compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/listNodes/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Start compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Stop compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Restart compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/restart/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update compute data mounts in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Update compute data mounts in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/updateDataMounts/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update compute idle shutdown settings in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Update compute idle shutdown settings in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/updateIdleShutdownSetting/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Access compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Access compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/applicationaccess/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Edit compute start/stop schedules", "displayName": "Edit compute start/stop schedules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/updateSchedules/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable compute instance UI links", "displayName": "Enable compute instance UI links", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/applicationaccessuilinks/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimages compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Reimages compute resource in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/reimage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables SSO on compute instance in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Enables SSO on compute instance in Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/enableSso/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Locations", "name": "locations/vmsizes", "operations": [ { "description": "Get supported vm sizes", "displayName": "Get supported vm sizes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/locations/vmsizes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Locations", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Usage report for aml compute resources in a subscription", "displayName": "Usage report for aml compute resources in a subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/locations/usages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "locations/workspaceOperationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a particular workspace operation", "displayName": "Gets the status of a particular workspace operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/locations/workspaceOperationsStatus/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "locations/computeoperationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a particular compute operation", "displayName": "Gets the status of a particular compute operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/locations/computeoperationsstatus/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Azure machine learning workspaces", "displayName": "Gets the available metrics for Azure machine learning workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": null, "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Run", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Run Type", "name": "RunType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Published Pipeline Id", "name": "PublishedPipelineId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Compute Type", "name": "ComputeType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Pipeline Step Type", "name": "PipelineStepType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Experiment Name", "name": "ExperimentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of runs cancelled for this workspace. Count is updated when a run is successfully cancelled.", "displayName": "Cancelled Runs", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Cancelled Runs", "name": "Cancelled Runs", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Run", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Run Type", "name": "RunType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Published Pipeline Id", "name": "PublishedPipelineId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Compute Type", "name": "ComputeType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Pipeline Step Type", "name": "PipelineStepType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Experiment Name", "name": "ExperimentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of runs where cancel was requested for this workspace. Count is updated when cancellation request has been received for a run.", "displayName": "Cancel Requested Runs", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Cancel Requested Runs", "name": "Cancel Requested Runs", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Run", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Run Type", "name": "RunType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Published Pipeline Id", "name": "PublishedPipelineId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Compute Type", "name": "ComputeType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Pipeline Step Type", "name": "PipelineStepType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Experiment Name", "name": "ExperimentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of runs completed successfully for this workspace. 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Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.", "displayName": "IBTransmitMegabytes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "IBTransmitMegabytes", "name": "IBTransmitMegabytes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Resource", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RunId", "name": "RunId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "InstanceId", "name": "InstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "ComputeName", "name": "ComputeName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Used disk space in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.", "displayName": "DiskUsedMegabytes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "DiskUsedMegabytes", "name": "DiskUsedMegabytes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Resource", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RunId", "name": "RunId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "InstanceId", "name": "InstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "ComputeName", "name": "ComputeName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Available disk space in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.", "displayName": "DiskAvailMegabytes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "DiskAvailMegabytes", "name": "DiskAvailMegabytes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Resource", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RunId", "name": "RunId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "InstanceId", "name": "InstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "ComputeName", "name": "ComputeName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Data read from disk in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.", "displayName": "DiskReadMegabytes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "DiskReadMegabytes", "name": "DiskReadMegabytes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Resource", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RunId", "name": "RunId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "InstanceId", "name": "InstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "ComputeName", "name": "ComputeName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Data written into disk in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.", "displayName": "DiskWriteMegabytes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "DiskWriteMegabytes", "name": "DiskWriteMegabytes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Resource", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RunId", "name": "RunId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "InstanceId", "name": "InstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "ComputeName", "name": "ComputeName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Azure Blob Storage API calls success count.", "displayName": "StorageAPISuccessCount", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "StorageAPISuccessCount", "name": "StorageAPISuccessCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Resource", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "RunId", "name": "RunId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "InstanceId", "name": "InstanceId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "ComputeName", "name": "ComputeName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Azure Blob Storage API calls failure count.", "displayName": "StorageAPIFailureCount", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "StorageAPIFailureCount", "name": "StorageAPIFailureCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Model", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of model registrations that succeeded in this workspace", "displayName": "Model Register Succeeded", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "Model Register Succeeded", "name": "Model Register Succeeded", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Model", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of model registrations that failed in this workspace", "displayName": "Model Register Failed", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "Model Register Failed", "name": "Model Register Failed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Model", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of model deployments started in this workspace", "displayName": "Model Deploy Started", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "Model Deploy Started", "name": "Model Deploy Started", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Model", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of model deployments that succeeded in this workspace", "displayName": "Model Deploy Succeeded", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "Model Deploy Succeeded", "name": "Model Deploy Succeeded", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Model", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of model deployments that failed in this workspace", "displayName": "Model Deploy Failed", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "Model Deploy Failed", "name": "Model Deploy Failed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of total nodes. This total includes some of Active Nodes, Idle Nodes, Unusable Nodes, Premepted Nodes, Leaving Nodes", "displayName": "Total Nodes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Total Nodes", "name": "Total Nodes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of Acitve nodes. These are the nodes which are actively running a job.", "displayName": "Active Nodes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Active Nodes", "name": "Active Nodes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of idle nodes. Idle nodes are the nodes which are not running any jobs but can accept new job if available.", "displayName": "Idle Nodes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Idle Nodes", "name": "Idle Nodes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of unusable nodes. Unusable nodes are not functional due to some unresolvable issue. Azure will recycle these nodes.", "displayName": "Unusable Nodes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Unusable Nodes", "name": "Unusable Nodes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of preempted nodes. These nodes are the low priority nodes which are taken away from the available node pool.", "displayName": "Preempted Nodes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Preempted Nodes", "name": "Preempted Nodes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of leaving nodes. Leaving nodes are the nodes which just finished processing a job and will go to Idle state.", "displayName": "Leaving Nodes", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Leaving Nodes", "name": "Leaving Nodes", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of total cores", "displayName": "Total Cores", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Total Cores", "name": "Total Cores", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of active cores", "displayName": "Active Cores", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Active Cores", "name": "Active Cores", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of idle cores", "displayName": "Idle Cores", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Idle Cores", "name": "Idle Cores", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of unusable cores", "displayName": "Unusable Cores", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "Unusable Cores", "name": "Unusable Cores", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of preempted cores", "displayName": "Preempted Cores", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Preempted Cores", "name": "Preempted Cores", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of leaving cores", "displayName": "Leaving Cores", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Leaving Cores", "name": "Leaving Cores", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Quota", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Scenario", "name": "Scenario", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Cluster Name", "name": "ClusterName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Vm Family Name", "name": "VmFamilyName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Vm Priority", "name": "VmPriority", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Percent of quota utilized", "displayName": "Quota Utilization Percentage", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Quota Utilization Percentage", "name": "Quota Utilization Percentage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Deleted the references to virtual networks/subnets associated with Machine Learning Service Workspaces.", "displayName": "Deleted the references to virtual networks/subnets associated with Machine Learning Service Workspaces.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update quota for each VM family at a subscription or a workspace level.", "displayName": "Update quota for each VM family at a subscription or a workspace level.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/locations/updateQuotas/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Experiments", "name": "workspaces/experiments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets experiments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets experiments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/experiments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates experiments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates experiments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/experiments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes experiments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes experiments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/experiments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Azure machine learning workspaces", "displayName": "Gets the available logs for Azure machine learning workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "AmlComputeClusterEvent", "name": "AmlComputeClusterEvent" }, { "displayName": "AmlComputeJobEvent", "name": "AmlComputeJobEvent" }, { "displayName": "AmlComputeCpuGpuUtilization", "name": "AmlComputeCpuGpuUtilization" }, { "displayName": "AmlRunStatusChangedEvent", "name": "AmlRunStatusChangedEvent" } ], "metricSpecifications": null } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Locations", "name": "locations/quotas", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the currently assigned Workspace Quotas based on VMFamily.", "displayName": "Gets the currently assigned Workspace Quotas based on VMFamily.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/locations/quotas/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Datastores", "name": "workspaces/datastores", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets datastores in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets datastores in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datastores/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates datastores in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates datastores in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datastores/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes datastores in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes datastores in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datastores/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists datastore secrets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Lists datastore secrets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datastores/listsecrets/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Environments", "name": "workspaces/environments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets environments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets environments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/environments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets environments with secrets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets environments with secrets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/environments/readSecrets/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates environments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates environments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/environments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Builds environments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Builds environments in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/environments/build/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Datasets", "name": "workspaces/datasets/registered/profile", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets dataset profiles for registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets dataset profiles for registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/registered/profile/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates dataset profiles for registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates dataset profiles for registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/registered/profile/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Datasets", "name": "workspaces/datasets/registered", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/registered/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/registered/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/registered/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Datasets", "name": "workspaces/datasets/unregistered", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/unregistered/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/unregistered/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/unregistered/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Data Drifts", "name": "workspaces/datadriftdetectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets data drift detectors in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets data drift detectors in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datadriftdetectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates data drift detectors in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates data drift detectors in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datadriftdetectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes data drift detectors in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes data drift detectors in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datadriftdetectors/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Pipelines", "name": "workspaces/endpoints/pipelines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets published pipelines and pipeline endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets published pipelines and pipeline endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/pipelines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates published pipelines and pipeline endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates published pipelines and pipeline endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/pipelines/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Pipeline Drafts", "name": "workspaces/pipelinedrafts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets pipeline drafts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets pipeline drafts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/pipelinedrafts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates pipeline drafts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates pipeline drafts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/pipelinedrafts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes pipeline drafts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes pipeline drafts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/pipelinedrafts/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Modules", "name": "workspaces/modules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets modules in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets modules in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/modules/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates module in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates module in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/modules/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Experiment Runs", "name": "workspaces/experiments/runs", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates script runs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates script runs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/experiments/runs/submit/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets runs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets runs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/experiments/runs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates runs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates runs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/experiments/runs/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes runs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes runs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/experiments/runs/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Event Grid Filters", "name": "workspaces/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an Event Grid filter for a particular workspace", "displayName": "Get an Event Grid filter for a particular workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update an Event Grid filter for a particular workspace", "displayName": "Create or update an Event Grid filter for a particular workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Event Grid filter for a particular workspace", "displayName": "Delete an Event Grid filter for a particular workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Models", "name": "workspaces/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets models in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets models in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/models/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates models in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates models in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/models/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes models in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes models in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/models/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Packages models in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Packages models in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/models/package/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Services", "name": "workspaces/services", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace ACI Services", "name": "workspaces/services/aci", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates ACI services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates ACI services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services/aci/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists keys for ACI services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Lists keys for ACI services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services/aci/listkeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes ACI services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes ACI services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services/aci/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Snapshots", "name": "workspaces/metadata/snapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets snapshots in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets snapshots in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/metadata/snapshots/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates snapshots in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates snapshots in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/metadata/snapshots/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes snapshots in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes snapshots in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/metadata/snapshots/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Metadata Artifacts", "name": "workspaces/metadata/artifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets artifacts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets artifacts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/metadata/artifacts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates artifacts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates artifacts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/metadata/artifacts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes artifacts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes artifacts in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/metadata/artifacts/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Datasets", "name": "workspaces/datasets/registered/preview", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets dataset preview for registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets dataset preview for registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/registered/preview/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Datasets", "name": "workspaces/datasets/unregistered/profile", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets dataset profiles for unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets dataset profiles for unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/unregistered/profile/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates dataset profiles for unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates dataset profiles for unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/unregistered/profile/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Datasets", "name": "workspaces/datasets/unregistered/preview", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets dataset preview for unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets dataset preview for unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/unregistered/preview/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Metadata Secrets", "name": "workspaces/metadata/secrets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets secrets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets secrets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/metadata/secrets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates secrets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates secrets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/metadata/secrets/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes secrets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes secrets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/metadata/secrets/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "workspaces/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available private link resources for the specified instance of the Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets the available private link resources for the specified instance of the Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "View the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "View the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Change the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Delete a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Validate a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "workspaces/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "View the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "View the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Change the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Delete a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Datasets", "name": "workspaces/datasets/registered/schema", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets dataset schema for registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets dataset schema for registered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/registered/schema/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Datasets", "name": "workspaces/datasets/unregistered/schema", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets dataset schema for unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets dataset schema for unregistered datasets in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/unregistered/schema/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Labeling Labels", "name": "workspaces/labeling/labels", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets labels of labeling projects in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets labels of labeling projects in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/labels/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates labels of labeling projects in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates labels of labeling projects in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/labels/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reject labels of labeling projects in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Reject labels of labeling projects in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/labels/reject/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes labels of labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes labels of labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/labels/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates labels of labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Updates labels of labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/labels/update/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or unapprove labels of labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Approve or unapprove labels of labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/labels/approve_unapprove/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Labeling Projects", "name": "workspaces/labeling/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/projects/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/projects/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes labeling project in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/projects/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Labeling Projects", "name": "workspaces/labeling/projects/summary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets labeling project summary in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets labeling project summary in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/projects/summary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Labeling", "name": "workspaces/labeling", "operations": [ { "description": "Export labels of labeling projects in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Export labels of labeling projects in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/export/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Import labels into labeling projects in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Import labels into labeling projects in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/labeling/labelimport/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace AKS Services", "name": "workspaces/services/aks", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates AKS services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates AKS services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services/aks/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists keys for AKS services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Lists keys for AKS services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services/aks/listkeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes AKS services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes AKS services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services/aks/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve auth token or keys to score AKS services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Retrieve auth token or keys to score AKS services in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/services/aks/score/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Notebook VM", "name": "workspaces/notebooks/vm", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Notebook VMs for a particular workspace", "displayName": "Gets the Notebook VMs for a particular workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/notebooks/vm/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of a Notebook VM", "displayName": "Change the state of a Notebook VM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/notebooks/vm/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Notebook VM", "displayName": "Deletes a Notebook VM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/notebooks/vm/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Notebooks", "name": "workspaces/notebooks/storage", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the notebook files for a workspace", "displayName": "Gets the notebook files for a workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/notebooks/storage/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes files to the workspace storage", "displayName": "Writes files to the workspace storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/notebooks/storage/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes files from workspace storage", "displayName": "Deletes files from workspace storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/notebooks/storage/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Upload files to workspace storage", "displayName": "Upload files to workspace storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/notebooks/storage/upload/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Download files from workspace storage", "displayName": "Download files from workspace storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/notebooks/storage/download/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Notebooks", "name": "workspaces/notebooks/samples", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the sample notebooks", "displayName": "Gets the sample notebooks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/notebooks/samples/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all the operations for the Machine Learning Services Resource Provider", "displayName": "Get all the operations for the Machine Learning Services Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Features", "name": "workspaces/features", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all enabled features for a Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Gets all enabled features for a Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/features/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Connections", "name": "workspaces/connections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Workspace connection(s)", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Workspace connection(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Machine Learning Services connection(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Machine Learning Services connection(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services connection(s)", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services connection(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services connection with secret values", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services connection with secret values", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/listsecrets/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Metrics", "name": "workspaces/metrics/resource", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates resource metrics in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates resource metrics in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/metrics/resource/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Online Endpoints", "name": "workspaces/onlineEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets online inference endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets online inference endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate Keys action for Online Endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Regenerate Keys action for Online Endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineendpoints/regeneratekeys/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Score Online Endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Score Online Endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints/score/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve auth token to score Online Endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Retrieve auth token to score Online Endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineendpoints/token/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve auth keys to score Online Endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Retrieve auth keys to score Online Endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineendpoints/listkeys/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Online Endpoints", "name": "workspaces/onlineEndpoints/checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks name for an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Checks name for an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Online Endpoint Deployments", "name": "workspaces/onlineEndpoints/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets deployments in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets deployments in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints/deployments/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets deployments Logs in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets deployments Logs in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineendpoints/deployments/getlogs/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates deployment in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates deployment in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints/deployments/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a deployment in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes a deployment in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints/deployments/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Online Endpoint Deployments", "name": "workspaces/onlineEndpoints/deployments/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets scale sku settings for a deployment in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets scale sku settings for a deployment in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints/deployments/skus/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace 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"origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates batch inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates batch inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/batchEndpoints/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes batch inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes batch inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/batchEndpoints/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists keys for batch inference endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Lists keys for batch inference endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/batchEndpoints/listKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Batch Endpoints", "name": "workspaces/batchEndpoints/checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks name for batch inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Checks name for batch inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/batchEndpoints/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Batch Endpoint Deployments", "name": "workspaces/batchEndpoints/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets deployments in batch inference endpoints in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets deployments in batch inference endpoints in Machine Learning Services 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"Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/batchEndpoints/jobs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates job in batch inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates job in batch inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/batchEndpoints/jobs/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes job in batch inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes job in batch inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/batchEndpoints/jobs/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Batch Endpoint Deployment jobs", "name": "workspaces/batchEndpoints/deployments/jobs", 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/virtualclusters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Virtual Cluster", "name": "virtualclusters/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Submit job to a Machine Learning Services Virtual Cluster", "displayName": "Submit job to a Machine Learning Services Virtual Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/virtualclusters/jobs/submit/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Environments", "name": "workspaces/environments/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets environment version in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets environment version in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/environments/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates environment versions in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates environment versions in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/environments/versions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete environment version in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Delete environment version in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/environments/versions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Online Endpoints", "name": "workspaces/onlineendpoints/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks Online Endpoint Operation Result for an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Checks Online Endpoint Operation Result for an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineendpoints/operationresults/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Online Endpoints", "name": "workspaces/onlineendpoints/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks Online Endpoint Operation Status for an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Checks Online Endpoint Operation Status for an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineendpoints/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Online Endpoint Deployments", "name": "workspaces/onlineendpoints/deployments/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets deployments operation Result in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets deployments operation Result in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineendpoints/deployments/operationresults/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Online Endpoint Deployments", "name": "workspaces/onlineendpoints/deployments/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets deployments Operations Status in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets deployments Operations Status in an online inference endpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineendpoints/deployments/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Code", "name": "workspaces/codes", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Code in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Reads Code in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/codes/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Code in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Create or Update Code in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/codes/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Code in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes Code in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/codes/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Code Version", "name": "workspaces/codes/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Code Versions in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Reads Code Versions in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/codes/versions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Code Versions in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Create or Update Code Versions in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/codes/versions/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Code Versions in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes Code Versions in Machine 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"description": "Deletes Jobs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes Jobs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel Jobs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Cancel Jobs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs/cancel/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Jobs", "name": "workspaces/jobs/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Jobs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Reads Jobs in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs/operationresults/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { 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"description": "Diagnose setup problems of Machine Learning Services Workspace", "displayName": "Diagnose setup problems of Machine Learning Services Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/diagnose/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace External FQDN List", "name": "workspaces/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all external outbound dependencies (FQDNs) programmatically", "displayName": "Read all external outbound dependencies (FQDNs) programmatically", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Components", "name": "workspaces/components", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets component in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", 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"displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Datasets", "name": "workspaces/datasets/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets dataset version in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets dataset version in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates dataset version in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates dataset version in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/versions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes dataset version in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes dataset version in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/datasets/versions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Enpoint Deployment Model Monitor", "name": "workspaces/endpoints/deployments/modelmonitorings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets model monitor for specific deployment on an online enpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets model monitor for specific deployment on an online enpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/deployments/modelmonitorings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates model monitor detectors for specific deployment on an online enpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates model monitor detectors for specific deployment on an online enpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/deployments/modelmonitorings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes data model monitor for specific deployment on an online enpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes data model monitor for specific deployment on an online enpoint in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/deployments/modelmonitorings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Registry", "name": "registries/checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks name for Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "displayName": "Checks name for Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Registry", "name": "registries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "displayName": "Creates or updates the Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or reject a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Approve or reject a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Registry", "name": "registries/assets", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads assets in Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "displayName": "Reads assets in Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/assets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates assets in Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "displayName": "Creates or updates assets in Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/assets/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes assets in Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "displayName": "Deletes assets in Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/assets/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "locations/mfeOperationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a particular MFE operation", "displayName": "Gets the status of a particular MFE operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/locations/mfeOperationsStatus/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "locations/mfeOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of a particular MFE operation", "displayName": "Gets the result of a particular MFE operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/locations/mfeOperationResults/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Schedules", "name": "workspaces/schedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets schedule in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets schedule in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/schedules/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates schedule in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates schedule in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/schedules/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes schedule in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes schedule in Machine Learning Services Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/schedules/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "registries/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available private link resources for the specified instance of the Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "displayName": "Gets the available private link resources for the specified instance of the Machine Learning Services registry(ies)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "View the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "View the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Change the state of a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Delete a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Validate a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Workspace", "name": "registries/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "View the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "View the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Change the state of a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Delete a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Asset", "name": "workspaces/assets/stage", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates the stage on a Machine Learning Services workspace asset", "displayName": "Updates the stage on a Machine Learning Services workspace asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/assets/stage/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Services Asset", "name": "registries/assets/stage", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates the stage on a Machine Learning Services registry asset", "displayName": "Updates the stage on a Machine Learning Services registry asset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/assets/stage/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service FeatureStore", "name": "workspaces/featuresets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services FeatureSet(s)", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services FeatureSet(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featuresets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services FeatureSet(s)", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services FeatureSet(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featuresets/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Machine Learning Services FeatureSet(s)", "displayName": "Delete the Machine Learning Services FeatureSet(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featuresets/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service FeatureStore", "name": "workspaces/featurestoreentities", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services FeatureEntity(s)", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services FeatureEntity(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featurestoreentities/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services FeatureEntity(s)", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services FeatureEntity(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featurestoreentities/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Machine Learning Services FeatureEntity(s)", "displayName": "Delete the Machine Learning Services FeatureEntity(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featurestoreentities/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Registry", "name": "registries/connections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services registry(ies) connection(s)", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services registry(ies) connection(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/connections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Machine Learning Services registry(ies) connection(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates the Machine Learning Services registry(ies) connection(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/connections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services registry(ies) registry(ies) connection(s)", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services registry(ies) registry(ies) connection(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/registries/connections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Hub Workspace", "name": "workspaces/hubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/hubs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/hubs/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/hubs/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Join the Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Join the Machine Learning Services Hub Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/hubs/join/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service FeatureStore", "name": "workspaces/featurestores", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featurestores/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featurestores/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services FeatureStore(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/featurestores/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Hub Policy", "name": "workspaces/hubs/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Hub policies", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Hub policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/hubs/policies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services Hub policies", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services Hub policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/hubs/policies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services Hub policies", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services Hub policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/hubs/policies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Endpoint", "name": "workspaces/endpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services endpoint", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services endpoint", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services endpoint", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists keys for the Machine Learning Services endpoint", "displayName": "Lists keys for the Machine Learning Services endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/listkeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Endpoint Deployment", "name": "workspaces/endpoints/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Endpoint deployment", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Endpoint deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/deployments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services Endpoint deployment", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services Endpoint deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/deployments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services Endpoint deployment", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services Endpoint deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/deployments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Endpoint Models", "name": "workspaces/endpoints/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Endpoint model", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services Endpoint model", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/endpoints/models/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Serverless Endpoint", "name": "workspaces/serverlessEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/serverlessEndpoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/serverlessEndpoints/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/serverlessEndpoints/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the keys for the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)", "displayName": "Lists the keys for the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/serverlessEndpoints/listKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the keys for the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)", "displayName": "Regenerates the keys for the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Serverless Endpoint(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/serverlessEndpoints/regenerateKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Data Admin", "name": "workspaces/managedstorages/claim", "operations": [ { "description": "Get my claims on data", "displayName": "Get my claims on data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/managedstorages/claim/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update my claims on data", "displayName": "Update my claims on data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/managedstorages/claim/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Manage claims for all users in this workspace", "displayName": "Manage claims for all users in this workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/managedstorages/claim/manage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Data Admin", "name": "workspaces/managedstorages/quota", "operations": [ { "description": "Get my data quota usage", "displayName": "Get my data quota usage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/managedstorages/quota/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Manage quota for all users in this workspace", "displayName": "Manage quota for all users in this workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/managedstorages/quota/manage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Marketplace Subscription", "name": "workspaces/marketplaceSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Marketplace Subscription(s)", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Marketplace Subscription(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/marketplaceSubscriptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Marketplace Subscription(s)", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Marketplace Subscription(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/marketplaceSubscriptions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Marketplace Subscription(s)", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Service Workspaces Marketplace Subscription(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/marketplaceSubscriptions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service AzureOpenAI Connection Deployment", "name": "workspaces/connections/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services AzureOpenAI Connection deployment", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services AzureOpenAI Connection deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/deployments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services AzureOpenAI Connection deployment", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the Machine Learning Services AzureOpenAI Connection deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/deployments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services AzureOpenAI Connection deployment", "displayName": "Deletes the Machine Learning Services AzureOpenAI Connection deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/deployments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service AzureOpenAI Connection Models", "name": "workspaces/connections/models", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Machine Learning Services AzureOpenAI Connection model", "displayName": "Gets the Machine Learning Services AzureOpenAI Connection model", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/models/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Outbound Rules", "name": "workspaces/outboundRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Gets outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Creates or updates outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)", "displayName": "Deletes outbound rules in the Machine Learning Service Workspace(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/outboundRules/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Connections RAI Policies", "name": "workspaces/connections/raiPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read RAI Policies to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Read RAI Policies to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiPolicies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write RAI Policies to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Write RAI Policies to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiPolicies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete RAI Policies to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Delete RAI Policies to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiPolicies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Connections RAI Blocklists", "name": "workspaces/connections/raiBlocklists", "operations": [ { "description": "Read RAI Blocklists to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Read RAI Blocklists to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiBlocklists/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write RAI Blocklists to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Write RAI Blocklists to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiBlocklists/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete RAI Blocklists to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Delete RAI Blocklists to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiBlocklists/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds RAI blocklist items to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Adds RAI blocklist items to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiBlocklists/addRaiBlocklistItems/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes RAI blocklist items to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Deletes RAI blocklist items to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiBlocklists/deleteRaiBlocklistItems/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine Learning Service Workspace Connections RAI Blocklist Items", "name": "workspaces/connections/raiBlocklists/raiBlocklistItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Read RAI Blocklist Items to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Read RAI Blocklist Items to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiBlocklists/raiBlocklistItems/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write RAI Blocklist Items to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Write RAI Blocklist Items to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiBlocklists/raiBlocklistItems/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete RAI Blocklist Items to the Machine Learning Services connection", "displayName": "Delete RAI Blocklist Items to the Machine Learning Services connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/connections/raiBlocklists/raiBlocklistItems/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Managed Identity", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity", "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the managed identity resource provider", "displayName": "Registers the Managed Identity Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "User Assigned Identities", "name": "userAssignedIdentities", "operations": [ { "description": "RBAC action for assigning an existing user assigned identity to a resource", "displayName": "Assign User Assigned Identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/assign/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing user assigned identity", "displayName": "Delete User Assigned Identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all associated resources for an existing user assigned identity", "displayName": "List associated resources for User Assigned Identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/listAssociatedResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an existing user assigned identity", "displayName": "Get User Assigned Identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new user assigned identity or updates the tags associated with an existing user assigned identity", "displayName": "Create/Update User Assigned Identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Revoked all the existing tokens on a user assigned identity", "displayName": "Revokes tokens minted on User Assigned Identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/revokeTokens/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "System Assigned Identities", "name": "identities", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an existing system assigned identity", "displayName": "Get System Assigned Identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/identities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Identity operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operations available on Microsoft.ManagedIdentity resource provider", "displayName": "List Managed Identity operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Federated Identity Credentials", "name": "userAssignedIdentities/federatedIdentityCredentials", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or list Federated Identity Credentials", "displayName": "Get or list Federated Identity Credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/federatedIdentityCredentials/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or update a Federated Identity Credential", "displayName": "Add or update Federated Identity Credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/federatedIdentityCredentials/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Federated Identity Credential", "displayName": "Delete Federated Identity Credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/federatedIdentityCredentials/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Management", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Management", "name": "Microsoft.Management", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if the specified management group name is valid and unique.", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all entities (Management Groups, Subscriptions, etc.) for the authenticated user.", "displayName": "List Entities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/getEntities/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register the specified subscription with Microsoft.Management", "displayName": "Register for Microsoft.Management", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "managementGroups", "name": "managementGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "List management groups for the authenticated user.", "displayName": "List Groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a management group.", "displayName": "Create or Update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete management group.", "displayName": "Delete Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "managementGroups", "name": "managementGroups/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists subscription under the given management group.", "displayName": "Lists Management Group Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/subscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Associates existing subscription with the management group.", "displayName": "Add Management Group Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/subscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "De-associates subscription from the management group.", "displayName": "Delete Management Group Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/subscriptions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "managementGroups", "name": "managementGroups/descendants", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all the descendants (Management Groups, Subscriptions) of a Management Group.", "displayName": "Get Group Descendants", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/descendants/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "managementGroups", "name": "managementGroups/settings", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists existing management group hierarchy settings.", "displayName": "List Management Group Hierarchy Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/settings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates management group hierarchy settings.", "displayName": "Creates or updates Management Group Hierarchy Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/settings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes management group hierarchy settings.", "displayName": "Deletes Management Group Hierarchy Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/settings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "serviceGroups", "name": "serviceGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update a Service Group", "displayName": "Create or Update a Service Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/serviceGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read a Service Group", "displayName": "Read a Service Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/serviceGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Service Group", "displayName": "Delete a Service Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Management/serviceGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Maps", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Maps", "name": "Microsoft.Maps", "operations": [ { "description": "Unregister the Maps provider", "displayName": "Unregister provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register the provider", "displayName": "Register the provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Maps Account", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Maps Account.", "displayName": "Create or update a Maps Account.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Maps Account.", "displayName": "Get a Maps Account.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Maps Account.", "displayName": "Delete a Maps Account.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Maps Account keys.", "displayName": "List keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/listKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new SAS tokens on Maps Account.", "displayName": "List SAS Tokens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/listSas/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate new Maps Account primary or secondary key.", "displayName": "Generate new primary or secondary key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/regenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of Maps Account", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Maps Accounts", "displayName": "Read Maps Account metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Count", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "API Category", "internalName": "Service Category", "name": "ApiCategory", "toBeExportedToShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API Name", "internalName": "OperationName", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedToShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Result Type", "internalName": "OperationResult", "name": "ResultType", "toBeExportedToShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Response Code", "internalName": "OperationResultCode", "name": "ResponseCode", "toBeExportedToShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Count of API calls", "displayName": "Usage", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "Latency", "name": "Usage", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftLocationBasedServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ServiceOperations", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "API Category", "internalName": "Service Category", "name": "ApiCategory", "toBeExportedToShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API Name", "internalName": "OperationName", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedToShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Availability of the APIs", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "Availability", "name": "Availability", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftLocationBasedServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ServiceOperations", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Service Name", "internalName": "CreatorServiceName", "name": "ServiceName", "toBeExportedToShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Azure Maps Creator usage statistics", "displayName": "Creator Usage", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "BytesConsumed", "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "CreatorUsage", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftLocationBasedServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ServiceOperations", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Maps Account", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Maps Account", "name": "accounts/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete an Event Grid filter.", "displayName": "Delete an Event Grid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get an Event Grid filter", "displayName": "Get an Event Grid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update an Event Grid filter.", "displayName": "Create or update an Event Grid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the provider operations", "displayName": "Read the provider operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Render", "name": "accounts/services/render", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for Render services.", "displayName": "Render Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/render/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Geolocation", "name": "accounts/services/geolocation", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for Geolocation services.", "displayName": "Geolocation Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/geolocation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Route", "name": "accounts/services/route", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for Route services.", "displayName": "Route Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/route/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Search", "name": "accounts/services/search", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for Search services.", "displayName": "Search Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/search/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Timezone", "name": "accounts/services/timezone", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for Timezone services.", "displayName": "Timezone Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/timezone/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Traffic", "name": "accounts/services/traffic", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for Traffic services.", "displayName": "Traffic Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/traffic/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Weather", "name": "accounts/services/weather", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for Weather services.", "displayName": "Weather Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/weather/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data", "name": "accounts/services/data", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for data upload services and Creator resource.", "displayName": "Data Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/data/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows deleting of data for data upload services and Creator resource.", "displayName": "Data Service Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/data/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows writing or updating of data for data upload services and Creator resource.", "displayName": "Data Service Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/data/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Spatial", "name": "accounts/services/spatial", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for Spatial services.", "displayName": "Spatial Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/spatial/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows writing of data for Spatial services, such as event publishing.", "displayName": "Spatial Service Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/spatial/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TurnByTurn", "name": "accounts/services/turnbyturn", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for TurnByTurn services.", "displayName": "TurnByTurn Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/turnbyturn/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "resourceTypes", "name": "resourceTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the provider resourceTypes", "displayName": "Read the provider resourceTypes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/resourceTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DataOrdering", "name": "accounts/services/dataordering", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for DataOrdering services.", "displayName": "DataOrdering Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/dataordering/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows writing of data for Data Ordering services.", "displayName": "DataOrdering Service Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/dataordering/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Analytics", "name": "accounts/services/analytics", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of data for Analytics services.", "displayName": "Analytics Service Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/analytics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows deleting of data for Analytic services.", "displayName": "Analytics Service Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/analytics/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows writing of data for Analytic services.", "displayName": "Analytics Service Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/analytics/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Batch", "name": "accounts/services", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows actions upon data for batch services.", "displayName": "Batch Service Action", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/services/batch/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Read a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Create or update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Asyncronous Operation", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read an Asyncronous Operation.", "displayName": "Read an Asyncronous Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Creator", "name": "accounts/creators", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Creator.", "displayName": "Create or update a Creator.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/creators/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Creator.", "displayName": "Get a Creator.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/creators/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Creator.", "displayName": "Delete a Creator.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maps/accounts/creators/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Marketplace", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Marketplace", "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Microsoft.Marketplace resource provider in the subscription.", "displayName": "Registers Microsoft.Marketplace resource provider in the subscription.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates PrivateStore.", "displayName": "Updates PrivateStore.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a list of azure private store marketplace catalog offers and total count and facets", "displayName": "Query azure private store offers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/search/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "", "name": "offerTypes/publishers/offers/plans/configs", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a config.", "displayName": "Get config.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/offerTypes/publishers/offers/plans/configs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Saves a config.", "displayName": "Put config.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/offerTypes/publishers/offers/plans/configs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Imports an image to the end user's ACR.", "displayName": "Import image.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/offerTypes/publishers/offers/plans/configs/importImage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "offerTypes/publishers/offers/plans/agreements", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns an Agreement.", "displayName": "Gets an Agreement.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/offerTypes/publishers/offers/plans/agreements/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Accepts a signed agreement.", "displayName": "Puts an Agreement.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/offerTypes/publishers/offers/plans/agreements/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateStores", "name": "privateStores", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates PrivateStore.", "displayName": "Creates PrivateStore.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes PrivateStore.", "displayName": "Deletes PrivateStore.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates offer in PrivateStore.", "displayName": "Updates offer in PrivateStore.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/offers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads PrivateStores.", "displayName": "Reads PrivateStores.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update request approvals", "displayName": "Update request approvals", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/requestApprovals/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Admin fetches all subscriptions in tenant", "displayName": "Fetch all subscriptions in tenant", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/fetchAllSubscriptionsInTenant/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List stop sell offers plans notifications", "displayName": "List stop sell offers plans notifications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/listStopSellOffersPlansNotifications/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List the subscription in private store context", "displayName": "List the subscription in private store context", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/listSubscriptionsContext/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List new plans notifications", "displayName": "List new plans notifications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/listNewPlansNotifications/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Fetch the approved offers from the offers ids and the user subscriptions in the payload", "displayName": "Query user offers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/queryUserOffers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Fetch the approved rules for the user under the user subscriptions", "displayName": "Query user rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/queryUserRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return true if there is an existing offer for at least one enabled collection", "displayName": "Any existing offers in the collections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/anyExistingOffersInTheStore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List of all internal offers under given azure application and plans", "displayName": "Get privatestore query internal offers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/queryInternalOfferIds/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateStoresOffers", "name": "privateStores/offers", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates offer in PrivateStore.", "displayName": "Creates offer in PrivateStore.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/offers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes offer from PrivateStore.", "displayName": "Deletes offer from PrivateStore.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/offers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads PrivateStore offers.", "displayName": "Reads PrivateStore offers.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/offers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Request approvals", "name": "privateStores/requestApprovals", "operations": [ { "description": "Read request approvals", "displayName": "Read request approvals ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/requestApprovals/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create request approval", "displayName": "Create request approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/requestApprovals/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Withdraw offer's notification plan", "name": "privateStores/RequestApprovals/withdrawPlan", "operations": [ { "description": "Withdraw a plan from offer's notifications", "displayName": "Withdraw a plan from offer's notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/RequestApprovals/withdrawPlan/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Acknowledge notification, Admins only", "name": "privateStores/RequestApprovals/offer/acknowledgeNotification", "operations": [ { "description": "Acknowledge a notification, Admins only", "displayName": "Acknowledge notification, Admins only", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/RequestApprovals/offer/acknowledgeNotification/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Request notifications state", "name": "privateStores/queryNotificationsState", "operations": [ { "description": "Read notifications state details, only admins", "displayName": "Read state of notifications, only admins", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/queryNotificationsState/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Request approvals", "name": "privateStores/adminRequestApprovals", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all request approvals details, only admins", "displayName": "Read all request approvals details, only admins", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/adminRequestApprovals/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Admin update the request with decision on the request", "displayName": "Update request approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/adminRequestApprovals/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Approve all items for collection", "name": "privateStores/collections", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete all specific approved items and set collection to allItemsApproved", "displayName": "Approve all items for collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/collections/approveAllItems/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Set approve all items property to false for the collection", "displayName": "Disable approve all items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/collections/disableApproveAllItems/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Set Rules on a given collection", "displayName": "Set Collection Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/collections/setRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Rules on a given collection", "displayName": "Get Collection Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/collections/queryRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upsert an offer with different contexts", "displayName": "Upsert Offer With Multi Context", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/collections/upsertOfferWithMultiContext/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Collection Offers By Public and Subscriptions Context", "displayName": "Get Collection Offers By Public and Subscriptions Context", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/privateStores/collections/offers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "UserSolutions", "name": "mysolutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get user solutions", "displayName": "UserSolutions_Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/mysolutions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update user solutions", "displayName": "UserSolutions_Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/mysolutions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove user solutions", "displayName": "UserSolutions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Marketplace/mysolutions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Marketplace Ordering", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering", "name": "Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Agreement", "name": "agreements", "operations": [ { "description": "Return all agreements under given subscription", "displayName": "Get all Agreements", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/agreements/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Agreement", "name": "agreements/offers/plans", "operations": [ { "description": "Return an agreement for a given marketplace item", "displayName": "Get Agreement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/agreements/offers/plans/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sign an agreement for a given marketplace item", "displayName": "Sign Agreement", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transform", "name": "mediaservices/transforms", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Transform", "displayName": "Read Transform", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/transforms/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Transform", "displayName": "Create or Update Transform", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/transforms/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Transform", "displayName": "Delete Transform", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/transforms/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Job", "name": "mediaservices/transforms/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Job", "displayName": "Read Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/transforms/jobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": 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"Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/streamingEndpoints/scale/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Live Event", "name": "mediaservices/liveEvents", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Live Event", "displayName": "Read Live Event", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Live Event", "displayName": "Create or Update Live Event", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Live Event", "displayName": "Delete Live Event", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start any Live Event Operation", "displayName": "Start Live Event Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop any Live Event Operation", "displayName": "Stop Live Event Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset any Live Event Operation", "displayName": "Reset Live Event Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/reset/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Live Output", "name": "mediaservices/liveEvents/liveOutputs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Live Output", "displayName": "Read Live Output", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/liveOutputs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Live Output", "displayName": "Create or Update Live Output", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/liveOutputs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Live Output", "displayName": "Delete Live Output", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/liveOutputs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Streaming Endpoint Operation", "name": "mediaservices/streamingEndpointOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Streaming Endpoint Operation", "displayName": "Read Streaming Endpoint Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/streamingEndpointOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Live Event Operation", "name": "mediaservices/liveEventOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Live Event Operation", "displayName": "Read Live Event Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEventOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Live Output Operation", "name": "mediaservices/liveOutputOperations", 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"BitsPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "CPU usage for premium streaming endpoints. This data is not available for standard streaming endpoints.", "displayName": "CPU usage", "name": "CPU", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Event Grid Filter", "name": "mediaservices/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Event Grid Filter", "displayName": "Read Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Event Grid Filter", "displayName": "Create or Update Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Event Grid Filter", "displayName": "Delete Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Account 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"properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Asset Filter", "displayName": "Create or Update Asset Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/assets/assetfilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Asset Filter", "displayName": "Delete Asset Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/assets/assetfilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Media Services Account", "name": "mediaservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of mediaservices", "name": "mediaservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for a Media Services Account", "displayName": "Read mediaservices log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Key Delivery Requests", "name": "KeyDeliveryRequests" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Media Service", "name": "mediaservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Media Services Metric definitions.", "displayName": "Get list of Media Services Metric definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "How many assets are allowed for current media service account", "displayName": "Asset quota", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "AssetQuota", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MediaServiceQuotaAndUsage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "How many assets are already created in current media service account", "displayName": "Asset count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "AssetCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MediaServiceQuotaAndUsage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], 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"Streaming Policy used percentage in current media service account", "displayName": "Streaming Policy quota used percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "StreamingPolicyQuotaUsedPercentage", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MediaServiceQuotaAndUsage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The total number of live events in the current media services account", "displayName": "Live event count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "ChannelsAndLiveEventsCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ClusterResource_ChannelsAndLiveEvents", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The total number of running live events in the current media services account", "displayName": "Running live event count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "RunningChannelsAndLiveEventsCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ClusterResource_ChannelsAndLiveEvents", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The maximum number of live events allowed in the current media services account", "displayName": "Max live event quota", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "MaxChannelsAndLiveEventsCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ClusterResource_ChannelsAndLiveEvents", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "The maximum number of running live events allowed in the current media services account", "displayName": "Max running live event quota", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "MaxRunningChannelsAndLiveEventsCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ClusterResource_ChannelsAndLiveEvents", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateLinkResource", "name": "mediaservices/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Read Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "name": "mediaservices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnection", "name": "mediaservices/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Account location", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if a Media Services account name is available", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Operation", "name": "mediaservices/privateEndpointConnectionOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Private Endpoint Connection Operation", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/privateEndpointConnectionOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Live Event", "name": "mediaservices/liveEvents/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Live Event", "name": "mediaservices/liveEvents/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of Media Services Live Event Metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get a list of Media Services Live Event Metrics definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Track name", "name": "TrackName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The incoming bitrate ingested for a live event, in bits per second.", "displayName": "Live Event ingest bitrate", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "IngestBitrate", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftMediaLiveEvent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "BitsPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Track name", "name": "TrackName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Last timestamp ingested for a live event.", "displayName": "Live Event ingest last timestamp", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "IngestLastTimestamp", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftMediaLiveEvent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Track name", "name": "TrackName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Drift between the timestamp of the ingested content and the system clock, measured in seconds per minute. A non zero value indicates that the ingested content is arriving slower than system clock time.", "displayName": "Live Event ingest drift value", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "IngestDriftValue", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftMediaLiveEvent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Track name", "name": "TrackName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Timestamp of the last fragment uploaded to storage for a live event output.", "displayName": "Last output timestamp", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "LiveOutputLastTimestamp", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftMediaServicesShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftMediaLiveEvent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Video Analyzer Account", "name": "videoAnalyzers", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a Video Analyzer Account", "displayName": "Read a Video Analyzer Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a Video Analyzer Account", "displayName": "Create or Update a Video Analyzer Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Video Analyzer Account", "displayName": "Delete a Video Analyzer Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Video Resource", "name": "videoAnalyzers/videos", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Video", "displayName": "Read Video", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/videos/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Video", "displayName": "Create or Update Video", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/videos/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Video", "displayName": "Delete Video", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/videos/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates a streaming token which can be used for video playback", "displayName": "Generates a streaming token which can be used for video playback", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/videos/listStreamingToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates a content token which can be used for video playback", "displayName": "Generates a content token which can be used for video playback", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/videos/listContentToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Access Policy Resource", "name": "videoAnalyzers/accessPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Access Policy", "displayName": "Read Access Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/accessPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Access Policy", "displayName": "Create or Update Access Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/accessPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Access Policy", "displayName": "Delete Access Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/accessPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Edge Module Resource", "name": "videoAnalyzers/edgeModules", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Edge Module", "displayName": "Read Edge Module", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/edgeModules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Edge Module", "displayName": "Create or Update Edge Module", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/edgeModules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Edge Module", "displayName": "Delete Edge Module", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/edgeModules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new provisioning token. A provisioning token allows for a single instance of Azure Video analyzer IoT edge module to be initialized and authorized to the cloud account. The provisioning token itself is short lived and it is only used for the initial handshake between IoT edge module and the cloud. After the initial handshake, the IoT edge module will agree on a set of authentication keys which will be auto-rotated as long as the module is able to periodically connect to the cloud. A new provisioning token can be generated for the same IoT edge module in case the module state lost or reset", "displayName": "Creates a new provisioning token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/edgeModules/listProvisioningToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pipeline Topology Resource", "name": "videoAnalyzers/pipelineTopologies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Pipeline Topology", "displayName": "Read Pipeline Topology", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/pipelineTopologies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Pipeline Topology", "displayName": "Create or Update Pipeline Topology", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/pipelineTopologies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Pipeline Topology", "displayName": "Delete Pipeline Topology", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/pipelineTopologies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Live Pipeline Resource", "name": "videoAnalyzers/livePipelines", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Live Pipeline", "displayName": "Read Live Pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/livePipelines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Live Pipeline", "displayName": "Create or Update Live Pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/livePipelines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Live Pipeline", "displayName": "Delete Live Pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/livePipelines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Activate any Live Pipeline", "displayName": "Activate Live Pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/livePipelines/activate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deactivate any Live Pipeline", "displayName": "Deactivate Live Pipeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/livePipelines/deactivate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Live Pipeline operation status Resource", "name": "videoAnalyzers/livePipelines/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Live Pipeline operation status", "displayName": "Read Live Pipeline operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/livePipelines/operationsStatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pipeline Job Resource", "name": "videoAnalyzers/pipelineJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Pipeline Job", "displayName": "Read Pipeline Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/pipelineJobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Pipeline Job", "displayName": "Create or Update Pipeline Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/pipelineJobs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Pipeline Job", "displayName": "Delete Pipeline Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/pipelineJobs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel any Pipeline Job", "displayName": "Cancel Pipeline Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/pipelineJobs/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pipeline Job operation status Resource", "name": "videoAnalyzers/pipelineJobs/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Pipeline Job operation status", "displayName": "Read Pipeline Job operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/pipelineJobs/operationsStatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateLinkResource", "name": "videoAnalyzers/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Read Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "name": "videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnection", "name": "videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Operation", "name": "videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnectionOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Private Endpoint Connection Operation", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/videoAnalyzers/privateEndpointConnectionOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Video Analyzer Operation Status", "name": "locations/videoAnalyzerOperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Video Analyzer Operation Status", "displayName": "Read Video Analyzer Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/locations/videoAnalyzerOperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Video Analyzer Operation Result", "name": "locations/videoAnalyzerOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Video Analyzer Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Video Analyzer Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/locations/videoAnalyzerOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Asset Track", "name": "mediaservices/assets/assetTracks", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Asset Track", "displayName": "Read Asset Track", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/assets/assetTracks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Asset Track", "displayName": "Create or Update Asset Track", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/assets/assetTracks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Asset Track", "displayName": "Delete Asset Track", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/assets/assetTracks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the track data for Asset Track", "displayName": "Update the track data for Asset Track", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/assets/assetTracks/updateTrackData/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Asset Track Operation Status", "name": "mediaservices/assets/assetTracks/assetTracksOperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Asset Track Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Asset Track Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/assets/assetTracks/assetTracksOperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Asset Track Operation Result", "name": "mediaservices/assets/assetTracks/assetTracksOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Asset Track Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Asset Track Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/assets/assetTracks/assetTracksOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Media Services Operation Status", "name": "locations/mediaServicesOperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Any Media Service Operation Status", "displayName": "Read Media Services Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/locations/mediaServicesOperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Media Services Operation Result", "name": "locations/mediaServicesOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Media Services Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Media Services Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Media/locations/mediaServicesOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Migrate", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Migrate", "name": "Microsoft.Migrate", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscription Registration Action", "displayName": "Subscription Registration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.Migrate resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription for Microsoft.Migrate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers Subscription with Microsoft.Migrate resource provider", "displayName": "Register Subscription for Migrate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the exposed operations", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Migrate Projects ", "name": "migrateProjects", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of migrate project", "displayName": "Get Migrate Project", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new migrate project or updates an existing migrate project", "displayName": "Create or Update Migrate Project", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a migrate project", "displayName": "Delete Migrate Project", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers tool to a migrate project", "displayName": "Register tool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/registerTool/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes the migrate project summary", "displayName": "Refresh the migrate project summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/RefreshSummary/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Provides the tool registration details", "displayName": "Provides the tool registration details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/registrationDetails/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Migrate project solution ", "name": "migrateProjects/solutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of migrate project solution", "displayName": "Get Migrate project solution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/solutions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new migrate project solution or updates an existing migrate project solution", "displayName": "Create or update migrate project solution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/solutions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a migrate project solution", "displayName": "Delete migrate project solution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/solutions/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the migrate project solution configuration", "displayName": "Get migrate project solution configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/solutions/getconfig/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Clean up the migrate project solution data", "displayName": "Clean up data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/solutions/cleanupData/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "migrateProjects/machines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a machine", "displayName": "Get Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/machines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Databases", "name": "migrateProjects/Databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a database", "displayName": "Get database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/Databases/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Instances", "name": "migrateProjects/DatabaseInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a database instance", "displayName": "Get database instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/DatabaseInstances/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Migrate Events", "name": "migrateProjects/MigrateEvents", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a migrate events.", "displayName": "Get migrate events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/MigrateEvents/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a migrate event", "displayName": "Delete migrate event", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/MigrateEvents/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessment Projects", "name": "assessmentProjects", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of assessment project", "displayName": "Get assessment Project", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new assessment project or updates an existing assessment project", "displayName": "Create or Update Assessment Project", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the assessment project", "displayName": "Delete Assessment Project", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Initiates replication planner for the set of resources included in the request body", "displayName": "Initiates replication planner for the set of resources included in the request body", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/startreplicationplanner/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HyperV Collector", "name": "assessmentProjects/hypervcollectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of HyperV collector", "displayName": "Get HyperV collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/hypervcollectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new HyperV collector or updates an existing HyperV collector", "displayName": "Create or Update HyperV collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/hypervcollectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the HyperV collector", "displayName": "Delete HyperV collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/hypervcollectors/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VMware Collector", "name": "assessmentProjects/vmwarecollectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of VMware collector", "displayName": "Get VMware collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/vmwarecollectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new VMware collector or updates an existing VMware collector", "displayName": "Create or Update VMware collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/vmwarecollectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the VMware collector", "displayName": "Delete VMware collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/vmwarecollectors/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "assessmentProjects/machines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a machine", "displayName": "Get Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/machines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Groups", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a group", "displayName": "Get Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new group or updates an existing group", "displayName": "Create or Update Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a group", "displayName": "Delete Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update group by adding or removing machines", "displayName": "Update machines in group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/updateMachines/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessments", "name": "assessmentProjects/assessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists assessments within a project", "displayName": "Lists Assessments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/assessments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessments", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/assessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of an assessment", "displayName": "Get Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new assessment or updates an existing assessment", "displayName": "Create or Update Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an assessment", "displayName": "Delete Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads an assessment report's URL", "displayName": "Download an assessment URL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/downloadurl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessed Machines", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/assessedmachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an assessed machine", "displayName": "Get Assessed Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/assessedmachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessment Options", "name": "assessmentProjects/assessmentOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the assessment options which are available in the given location", "displayName": "List Assessment Options", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/assessmentOptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Collector", "name": "assessmentProjects/servercollectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Server collector", "displayName": "Get Server collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/servercollectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Server collector or updates an existing Server collector", "displayName": "Create or Update Server collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/servercollectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Import Collector", "name": "assessmentProjects/importcollectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Import collector", "displayName": "Get Import collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/importcollectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Import collector or updates an existing Import collector", "displayName": "Create or Update Import collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/importcollectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Import collector", "displayName": "Delete Import collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/importcollectors/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Desktop User", "name": "migrateProjects/VirtualDesktopUsers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a virtual desktop user", "displayName": "Gets the properties of a virtual desktop user", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/VirtualDesktopUsers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web Server", "name": "migrateProjects/WebServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a web server", "displayName": "Gets the properties of a web server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/WebServers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web site", "name": "migrateProjects/WebSites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a web site", "displayName": "Gets the properties of a web site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/WebSites/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AVS Assessments", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of an AVS assessment", "displayName": "Get AVS Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new AVS assessment or updates an existing AVS assessment", "displayName": "Create or Update AVS Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an AVS assessment", "displayName": "Delete AVS Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads an AVS assessment report's URL", "displayName": "Download an AVS assessment URL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/downloadurl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AVS Assessed Machines", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/avsassessedmachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an AVS assessed machine", "displayName": "Get AVS Assessed Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/avsassessedmachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AVS Assessment Options", "name": "assessmentProjects/avsAssessmentOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the AVS assessment options which are available in the given location", "displayName": "List AVS Assessment Options", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/avsAssessmentOptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessments Summary", "name": "assessmentProjects/assessmentsSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the assessments summary which are available in the given location", "displayName": "List Assessments summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/assessmentsSummary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Update a Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link Resource", "name": "assessmentProjects/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Get Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Update a Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link Resource", "name": "migrateProjects/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Get Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Move collection", "name": "moveCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the move collection", "displayName": "Gets the move collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a move collection", "displayName": "Creates or updates a move collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a move collection", "displayName": "Deletes a move collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Computes, resolves and validate the dependencies of the move resources in the move collection", "displayName": "Computes, resolves and validate the dependencies of the move resources in the move collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/resolveDependencies/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Initiates prepare for the set of resources included in the request body", "displayName": "Initiates prepare for the set of resources included in the request body", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/prepare/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves the set of resources included in the request body", "displayName": "Moves the set of resources included in the request body", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/initiateMove/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Discards the set of resources included in the request body", "displayName": "Discards the set of resources included in the request body", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/discard/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Commits the set of resources included in the request body", "displayName": "Commits the set of resources included in the request body", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/commit/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the set of move resources included in the request body from move collection", "displayName": "Removes the set of move resources included in the request body from move collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/bulkRemove/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Move collection", "name": "moveCollections/unresolvedDependencies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of unresolved dependencies in the move collection", "displayName": "Gets a list of unresolved dependencies in the move collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/unresolvedDependencies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Move resource", "name": "moveCollections/moveResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all the move resources or a move resource from the move collection", "displayName": "Gets all the move resources or a move resource from the move collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/moveResources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a move resource", "displayName": "Creates or updates a move resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/moveResources/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a move resource from the move collection", "displayName": "Deletes a move resource from the move collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/moveResources/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Move collection", "name": "moveCollections/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of the operation", "displayName": "Gets the status of the operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Move collection", "name": "moveCollections/requiredFor", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the resources which will use the resource passed in query parameter", "displayName": "Gets the resources which will use the resource passed in query parameter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/requiredFor/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Move collection", "name": "locations/rmsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of the subscription wide location based operation", "displayName": "Gets the status of the subscription wide location based operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/locations/rmsOperationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource type", "name": "resourcetypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the resource types", "displayName": "Get resource type", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/resourcetypes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Collector", "name": "assessmentProjects/sqlcollectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of SQL collector", "displayName": "Get SQL collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sqlcollectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new SQL collector or updates an existing SQL collector", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sqlcollectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the SQL collector", "displayName": "Delete SQL collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sqlcollectors/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Webapp Collector", "name": "assessmentProjects/webappcollectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of Webapp collector", "displayName": "Get Webapp collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/webappcollectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Webapp collector or updates an existing Webapp collector", "displayName": "Create or Update Webapp collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/webappcollectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Webapp collector", "displayName": "Delete Webapp collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/webappcollectors/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Assessment Options", "name": "assessmentProjects/sqlAssessmentOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the SQL assessment options which are available in the given location", "displayName": "List SQL Assessment Options", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sqlAssessmentOptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessment summary of group", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/assessmentsSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Assessment summary of group", "displayName": "Assessment summary of group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessmentsSummary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Assessments", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of an SQL assessment", "displayName": "Get SQL Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new SQL assessment or updates an existing SQL assessment", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an SQL assessment", "displayName": "Delete SQL Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads an SQL assessment report's URL", "displayName": "Download an SQL assessment URL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/downloadurl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sql Assessment summary", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/summaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Sql Assessment summary of group", "displayName": "Gets Sql assessment summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/summaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recommended Assessed Entities", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/recommendedAssessedEntities", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of recommended assessed entity", "displayName": "Get Recommended Assessed Entity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/recommendedAssessedEntities/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessed SQL instances", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of assessed SQL instances", "displayName": "Get assessed SQL instances", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlInstances/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessed SQL databases", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of assessed SQL databses", "displayName": "Get assessed SQL databses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlDatabases/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessed SQL machines", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of assessed SQL machines", "displayName": "Get assessed SQL machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlMachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "WebApp Resource", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Downloads WebApp assessment report's URL", "displayName": "Download WebApp assessment URL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/downloadurl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the properties of an WebApp assessment", "displayName": "Get WebApp Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new WebApp assessment or updates an existing WebApp assessment", "displayName": "Create or Update WebApp Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an WebApp assessment", "displayName": "Delete WebApp Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessed WebApps", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/assessedwebApps", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of assessed WebApps", "displayName": "Get assessed WebApps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/assessedwebApps/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "WebApp service plan", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/webappServicePlans", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of WebApp service plan", "displayName": "Get WebApp service plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/webappServicePlans/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "WebApp Assessment Options", "name": "assessmentProjects/webAppAssessmentOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the WebApp assessment options which are available in the given location", "displayName": "List WebApp Assessment Options", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/webAppAssessmentOptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Project summary", "name": "assessmentProjects/projectsummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of project summary", "displayName": "Gets the Project summary ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/projectsummary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication Planner Job", "name": "assessmentProjects/replicationplannerjobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of an replication planner jobs", "displayName": "Get Replication Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/replicationplannerjobs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Evaluated Machines", "name": "assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedmachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an evaluated machine", "displayName": "Get Evaluated Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedmachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Evaluated SQL Entities", "name": "assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedsqlentities", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an evaluated SQL entities", "displayName": "Get Evaluated SQL entity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedsqlentities/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Evaluated WebApps", "name": "assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedwebapps", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an Evaluated Webapp ", "displayName": "Get Evaluated Webapp", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedwebapps/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Business case", "name": "assessmentProjects/businesscases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the compare summary of the business case", "displayName": "Get Compare summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/comparesummary/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the properties of an business case", "displayName": "Get Business case", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads an Business Case report's URL", "displayName": "Download an Business Case URL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/report/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new business case or updates an existing business case", "displayName": "Create or Update business case", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Business Case", "displayName": "Delete a Business Case", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IAAS summary", "name": "assessmentProjects/businesscases/iaassummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the IAAS summary of the business case", "displayName": "Get IAAS summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/iaassummaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Overview summary", "name": "assessmentProjects/businesscases/overviewsummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the overview summary of the business case", "displayName": "Get overview summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/overviewsummaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PAAS summary", "name": "assessmentProjects/businesscases/paassummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the PAAS summary of the business case", "displayName": "Get PAAS summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/paassummaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/deployedResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the details of the deployed resource", "displayName": "Gets the deployed resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/deployedResources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/migrateAgents", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the details of the modernizeProject agent", "displayName": "Gets the MigrateAgent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the modernizeProject agent", "displayName": "Puts the MigrateAgent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the modernizeProject agent", "displayName": "Deletes the MigrateAgent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes the modernizeProject agent", "displayName": "Refreshes the MigrateAgent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/refresh/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the modernizeProject agent", "displayName": "Gets the MigrateAgent operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the details of the modernize project", "displayName": "Gets the modernize project", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the modernizeProject", "displayName": "Puts the modernizeProject", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the modernizeProject", "displayName": "Deletes the modernizeProject", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/statistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the statistics for the modernizeProject", "displayName": "Gets the modernizeProject statistics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/statistics/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the modernizeProject", "displayName": "Gets the modernizeProject operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the details of the job", "displayName": "Gets the workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/jobs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/jobs/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the job", "displayName": "Gets the workflow operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/jobs/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the details of the workload deployment", "displayName": "Gets the workload deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the workload deployment", "displayName": "Puts the workload deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the workload deployment", "displayName": "Deletes the workload deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the secrets of the workload deployment", "displayName": "Gets the workload deployment secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/getSecrets/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs the build container image action on the workload deployment", "displayName": "Build container image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/buildContainerImage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs the test migrate on the workload deployment", "displayName": "Performs test migrate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/testMigrate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs the test migrate cleanup on the workload deployment", "displayName": "Performs test migrate cleanup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/testMigrateCleanup/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs migrate on the workload deployment", "displayName": "Performs migrate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/migrate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the workload deployment", "displayName": "Gets the workload deployment operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/workloadInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the details of the workload instance", "displayName": "Gets the workload instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the workload instance in the given modernizeProject", "displayName": "Puts the workload instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the workload instance in the given modernizeProject", "displayName": "Deletes the workload instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs complete migrate on the workload instance", "displayName": "Performs complete migrate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/completeMigration/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs disable replicate on the workload instance", "displayName": "Performs disable replicate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/disableReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Modernization Resource", "name": "modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the workload instance", "displayName": "Gets the workload instance operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "oracle AssessmentOptions", "name": "assessmentProjects/oracleAssessmentOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the oracle AssessmentOptions", "displayName": "Get oracle AssessmentOptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessmentOptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "oracle Assessments", "name": "assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the oracle Assessment", "displayName": "Get oracle Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a oracle Assessment or updates an existing oracle Assessment", "displayName": "Create or update oracle Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the oracle Assessment which are available in the given location", "displayName": "Delete oracle Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Blob SAS URI for the oracle AssessmentReport", "displayName": "Get oracle AssessmentReport", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/downloadurl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "oracle AssessmentSummaries", "name": "assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/summaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the oracle AssessmentSummary", "displayName": "Get oracle AssessmentSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/summaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "oracle Collectors", "name": "assessmentProjects/oraclecollectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the oracle Collector", "displayName": "Get oracle Collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oraclecollectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a oracle Collector or updates an existing oracle Collector", "displayName": "Create or update oracle Collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oraclecollectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the oracle Collector which are available in the given location", "displayName": "Delete oracle Collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oraclecollectors/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "assessedInstances", "name": "assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/assessedInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the assessedInstances ", "displayName": "Get assessedInstances", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/assessedInstances/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "assessedDatabases", "name": "assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/assessedDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the assessedDatabases ", "displayName": "Get assessedDatabases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/assessedDatabases/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "springBoot AssessmentOptions", "name": "assessmentProjects/springBootAssessmentOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the springBoot AssessmentOptions", "displayName": "Get springBoot AssessmentOptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessmentOptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "springBoot Assessments", "name": "assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the springBoot Assessment", "displayName": "Get springBoot Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a springBoot Assessment or updates an existing springBoot Assessment", "displayName": "Create or update springBoot Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the springBoot Assessment which are available in the given location", "displayName": "Delete springBoot Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Blob SAS URI for the springBoot AssessmentReport", "displayName": "Get springBoot AssessmentReport", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/downloadurl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "springBoot AssessmentSummaries", "name": "assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/summaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the springBoot AssessmentSummary", "displayName": "Get springBoot AssessmentSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/summaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "springBoot Collectors", "name": "assessmentProjects/springBootcollectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the springBoot Collector", "displayName": "Get springBoot Collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootcollectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a springBoot Collector or updates an existing springBoot Collector", "displayName": "Create or update springBoot Collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootcollectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the springBoot Collector which are available in the given location", "displayName": "Delete springBoot Collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootcollectors/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "assessedApplications", "name": "assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/assessedApplications", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the assessedApplications ", "displayName": "Get assessedApplications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/assessedApplications/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "aks AssessmentOptions", "name": "assessmentProjects/aksAssessmentOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the aks AssessmentOptions", "displayName": "Get aks AssessmentOptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessmentOptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "aks Assessments", "name": "assessmentProjects/aksAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the aks Assessment", "displayName": "Get aks Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a aks Assessment or updates an existing aks Assessment", "displayName": "Create or update aks Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the aks Assessment which are available in the given location", "displayName": "Delete aks Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Blob SAS URI for the aks AssessmentReport", "displayName": "Get aks AssessmentReport", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/downloadurl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "aks AssessmentSummaries", "name": "assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/summaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the aks AssessmentSummary", "displayName": "Get aks AssessmentSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/summaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "assessedwebapps", "name": "assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/assessedwebapps", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the assessedwebapps ", "displayName": "Get assessedwebapps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/assessedwebapps/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clusters", "name": "assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/clusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the clusters ", "displayName": "Get clusters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/clusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "costdetails", "name": "assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/costdetails", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the costdetails ", "displayName": "Get costdetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/costdetails/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "WebApp Resource", "name": "assessmentProjects/webAppAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists web app assessments within a project", "displayName": "Lists web app assessments within a project", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/webAppAssessments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Assessment Summary", "name": "assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/summaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets web app assessment summary", "displayName": "Gets web app assessment summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/summaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AVS summary", "name": "assessmentProjects/businesscases/avssummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the AVS summary of the business case", "displayName": "Get AVS summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/avssummaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Evaluated Avs Machines", "name": "assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedavsmachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an evaluated Avs machine", "displayName": "Get Evaluated Avs Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedavsmachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Locations Operation Results", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sap AssessmentOptions", "name": "assessmentProjects/sapAssessmentOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the sap AssessmentOptions", "displayName": "Get sap AssessmentOptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessmentOptions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sap Assessments", "name": "assessmentProjects/sapAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the sap Assessment", "displayName": "Get sap Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a sap Assessment or updates an existing sap Assessment", "displayName": "Create or update sap Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the sap Assessment which are available in the given location", "displayName": "Delete sap Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Blob SAS URI for the sap AssessmentReport", "displayName": "Get sap AssessmentReport", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/downloadurl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sap AssessmentSummaries", "name": "assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/summaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the sap AssessmentSummary", "displayName": "Get sap AssessmentSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/summaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sap Collectors", "name": "assessmentProjects/sapcollectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the sap Collector", "displayName": "Get sap Collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapcollectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a sap Collector or updates an existing sap Collector", "displayName": "Create or update sap Collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapcollectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the sap Collector which are available in the given location", "displayName": "Delete sap Collector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapcollectors/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "assessedApplications", "name": "assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/assessedApplications", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the assessedApplications ", "displayName": "Get assessedApplications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/assessedApplications/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.NetApp Resource Provider", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.NetApp", "name": "Microsoft.NetApp", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscription Registration Action", "displayName": "Subscription Registration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.NetApp resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription for Azure NetApp Files", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Volumes resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a volume resource.", "displayName": "Read volume resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a volume resource.", "displayName": "Write volume resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a volume resource.", "displayName": "Delete volume resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Revert volume to specific snapshot", "displayName": "Revert volume resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/revert/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset cifs password from specific volume.", "displayName": "Reset cifs password for volume.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/resetCifsPassword/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Break volume replication relations", "displayName": "Break volume replication resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/breakReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "A list of replications", "displayName": "List Replications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/listReplications/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Attempts to re-initialize an uninitialized replication", "displayName": "Re-Initialize replication", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/reInitializeReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Authorize the source volume replication", "displayName": "Authorize Replication", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/authorizeReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resync the replication on the destination volume", "displayName": "Resync Replication", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/resyncReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the replication on the destination volume", "displayName": "Delete Replication", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/deleteReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves volume to another pool.", "displayName": "Change pool for volume", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/poolChange/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Relocate volume to a new stamp.", "displayName": "Relocate volume to a new stamp.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/relocate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Finalize relocation by cleaning up the old volume.", "displayName": "Finalize relocation of volume.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/finalizeRelocation/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Revert the relocation and revert back to the old volume.", "displayName": "Revert the relocation of volume.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/revertRelocation/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Breaks file locks on a volume", "displayName": "Break file locks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/breakFileLocks/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate Volume Backups to BackupVault.", "displayName": "Migrate Volume Backups to BackupVault.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/migrateBackups/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Populates logical availability zone for a volume in a zone aware region and storage.", "displayName": "Populates availability zone for a volume", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/populateAvailabilityZone/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get group Id list for a given user for an Ldap enabled volume", "displayName": "Get group Id list for Ldap User", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/getGroupIdListForLdapUser/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Split clone from parent volume to make it a standalone volume", "displayName": "Split clone from parent volume", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/splitCloneFromParent/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Re-establish a previously deleted replication between 2 volumes that have a common ad-hoc or policy-based snapshots", "displayName": "Re-establish volume replication", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/reestablishReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Peers ANF cluster to OnPrem cluster for migration", "displayName": "Peer migration clusters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/peerClusterForOnPremMigration/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Peers ANF cluster to OnPrem cluster for migration", "displayName": "Peer migration clusters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/peerExternalCluster/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a SVM peering and returns a command to be run on the external ontap to accept it. Once the SVMs have been peered a SnapMirror will be created.", "displayName": "Start a SVM peering for OnPrem migration snapmirror relationship.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/createOnPremMigrationReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a SVM peering and returns a command to be run on the external ontap to accept it. Once the SVMs have been peered a SnapMirror will be created.", "displayName": "Start a SVM peering for OnPrem migration snapmirror relationship.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/authorizeExternalReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a data transfer on the volume replication. Updating the data on the destination side.", "displayName": "Perform a replication transfer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/performReplicationTransfer/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Finalize OnPrem migration by doing a final sync on the replication, break and release the replication and break cluster peering if no other migration is active.", "displayName": "Finalize OnPrem migration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/finalizeOnPremMigration/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Finalize OnPrem migration by doing a final sync on the replication, break and release the replication and break cluster peering if no other migration is active.", "displayName": "Finalize OnPrem migration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/finalizeExternalReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List user/group quota report for the volume.", "displayName": "List user and group quota report", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/listQuotaReport/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volumes resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Volume resource.", "displayName": "Read volume metric definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Average read latency in milliseconds per operation", "displayName": "Average read latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "AverageReadLatency", "isInternal": false, "name": "AverageReadLatency", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "MilliSeconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Average write latency in milliseconds per operation", "displayName": "Average write latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "AverageWriteLatency", "isInternal": false, "name": "AverageWriteLatency", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "MilliSeconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Logical size of the volume (used bytes)", "displayName": "Volume Consumed Size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumeLogicalSize", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumeLogicalSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Size of all snapshots in volume", "displayName": "Volume snapshot size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumeSnapshotSize", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumeSnapshotSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Read In/out operations per second", "displayName": "Read iops", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "ReadIops", "isInternal": false, "name": "ReadIops", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Write In/out operations per second", "displayName": "Write iops", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "WriteIops", "isInternal": false, "name": "WriteIops", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Sum of all In/out operations per second", "displayName": "Total iops", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "TotalIops", "isInternal": false, "name": "TotalIops", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Other In/out operations per second", "displayName": "Other iops", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "OtherIops", "isInternal": false, "name": "OtherIops", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The provisioned size of a volume", "displayName": "Volume allocated size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumeAllocatedSize", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumeAllocatedSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Volume Footprint for Cool Tier", "displayName": "Volume cool tier size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumeCoolTierSize", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumeCoolTierSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Data read in using GET per volume", "displayName": "Volume cool tier data read size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumeCoolTierDataReadSize", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumeCoolTierDataReadSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Data tiered out using PUT per volume", "displayName": "Volume cool tier data write size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumeCoolTierDataWriteSize", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumeCoolTierDataWriteSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The amount of time in seconds it took for the last transfer to complete.", "displayName": "Volume replication last transfer duration", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "XregionReplicationLastTransferDuration", "isInternal": false, "name": "XregionReplicationLastTransferDuration", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The total number of bytes transferred as part of the last transfer.", "displayName": "Volume replication last transfer size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "XregionReplicationLastTransferSize", "isInternal": false, "name": "XregionReplicationLastTransferSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Condition of the relationship, 1 or 0.", "displayName": "Is volume replication status healthy", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "XregionReplicationHealthy", "isInternal": false, "name": "XregionReplicationHealthy", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The amount of time in seconds by which the data on the mirror lags behind the source.", "displayName": "Volume replication lag time", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "XregionReplicationLagTime", "isInternal": false, "name": "XregionReplicationLagTime", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Cumulative bytes transferred for the relationship.", "displayName": "Volume replication total transfer", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "XregionReplicationTotalTransferBytes", "isInternal": false, "name": "XregionReplicationTotalTransferBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Total amount of data transferred for the current transfer operation.", "displayName": "Volume replication progress", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "XregionReplicationRelationshipProgress", "isInternal": false, "name": "XregionReplicationRelationshipProgress", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Whether the status of the Volume Replication is 'transferring'.", "displayName": "Is volume replication transferring", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "XregionReplicationRelationshipTransferring", "isInternal": false, "name": "XregionReplicationRelationshipTransferring", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Total bytes backed up for this Volume.", "displayName": "Volume Backup Bytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "CbsVolumeLogicalBackupBytes", "isInternal": false, "name": "CbsVolumeLogicalBackupBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Is backup enabled for the volume? 1 if yes, 0 if no.", "displayName": "Is Volume Backup Enabled", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "CbsVolumeProtected", "isInternal": false, "name": "CbsVolumeProtected", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Is the backup policy suspended for the volume? 0 if yes, 1 if no.", "displayName": "Is Volume Backup suspended", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "CbsVolumeBackupActive", "isInternal": false, "name": "CbsVolumeBackupActive", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Total bytes transferred for last backup or restore operation.", "displayName": "Volume Backup Last Transferred Bytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "CbsVolumeOperationTransferredBytes", "isInternal": false, "name": "CbsVolumeOperationTransferredBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Did the last volume backup or restore operation complete successfully? 1 if yes, 0 if no.", "displayName": "Is Volume Backup Operation Complete", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "CbsVolumeOperationComplete", "isInternal": false, "name": "CbsVolumeOperationComplete", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Total bytes transferred for last backup operation.", "displayName": "Volume Backup Operation Last Transferred Bytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "CbsVolumeOperationBackupTransferredBytes", "isInternal": false, "name": "CbsVolumeOperationBackupTransferredBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Total bytes transferred for last backup restore operation.", "displayName": "Volume Backup Restore Operation Last Transferred Bytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "CbsVolumeOperationRestoreTransferredBytes", "isInternal": false, "name": "CbsVolumeOperationRestoreTransferredBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The percentage of the volume consumed including snapshots.", "displayName": "Percentage Volume Consumed Size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumeConsumedSizePercentage", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumeConsumedSizePercentage", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Other throughput (that is not read or write) in bytes per second", "displayName": "Other throughput", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "OtherThroughput", "isInternal": false, "name": "OtherThroughput", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Read throughput in bytes per second", "displayName": "Read throughput", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "ReadThroughput", "isInternal": false, "name": "ReadThroughput", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Sum of all throughput in bytes per second", "displayName": "Total throughput", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "TotalThroughput", "isInternal": false, "name": "TotalThroughput", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Write throughput in bytes per second", "displayName": "Write throughput", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "WriteThroughput", "isInternal": false, "name": "WriteThroughput", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Has the throughput limit been reached, 1 if it has and 0 if not.", "displayName": "Throughput limit reached", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "ThroughputLimitReached", "isInternal": false, "name": "ThroughputLimitReached", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Volumes resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Accounts resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads an account resource.", "displayName": "Read account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an account resource.", "displayName": "Write account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a account resource.", "displayName": "Delete account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Renews MSI credentials of account, if account has MSI credentials that are due for renewal.", "displayName": "Renew MSI credentials, if possible.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/renewCredentials/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate Account Backups to BackupVault.", "displayName": "Migrate Account Backups to BackupVault.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/migrateBackups/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change an account's existing AKV/HSM encryption with another instance of either AKV/HSM.", "displayName": "Change key vault for account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/changeKeyVault/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get an account's key vault information, including subnet and private endpoint encryption pairs that have access to the key vault.", "displayName": "Get account's key vault status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/getKeyVaultStatus/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate volumes under an encryption sibling set from Microsoft-managed key to Customer-managed key or vice versa.", "displayName": "Migrate encryption for account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/migrateEncryption/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pools resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a pool resource.", "displayName": "Read pool resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a pool resource.", "displayName": "Write pool resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a pool resource.", "displayName": "Delete pool resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Snapshots resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/snapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a snapshot resource.", "displayName": "Read snapshot resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/snapshots/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a snapshot resource.", "displayName": "Write snapshot resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/snapshots/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a snapshot resource.", "displayName": "Delete snapshot resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/snapshots/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores files from a snapshot resource", "displayName": "Single File Snapshot Restore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/snapshots/restoreFiles/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations resource type", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads an operation resources.", "displayName": "Read operation resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation results resource type", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads an operation result resource.", "displayName": "Read operation result resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NetApp resources", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a location wide operation.", "displayName": "Read location wide operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/locations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check if resource name is available", "displayName": "Check if resource name is available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/locations/checknameavailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check if file path is available", "displayName": "Check if file path is available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/locations/checkfilepathavailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check if a quota is available.", "displayName": "Check quota availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/locations/checkquotaavailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query Network sibling set.", "displayName": "Query Network sibling set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/locations/queryNetworkSiblingSet/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query Network sibling set.", "displayName": "Update Network sibling set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/locations/updateNetworkSiblingSet/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pools resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Volume resource.", "displayName": "Read volume metric definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Allocated used size of the pool", "displayName": "Pool Allocated To Volume Size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumePoolAllocatedUsed", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumePoolAllocatedUsed", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Sum of the logical size of all the volumes belonging to the pool", "displayName": "Pool Consumed Size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumePoolTotalLogicalSize", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumePoolTotalLogicalSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Provisioned size of this pool", "displayName": "Pool Allocated Size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumePoolAllocatedSize", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumePoolAllocatedSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Sum of snapshot size of all volumes in this pool", "displayName": "Total Snapshot size for the pool", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumePoolTotalSnapshotSize", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumePoolTotalSnapshotSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Provisioned throughput of this pool", "displayName": "Provisioned throughput for the pool", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumePoolProvisionedThroughput", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumePoolProvisionedThroughput", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Sum of the throughput of all the volumes belonging to the pool", "displayName": "Pool allocated throughput", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VolumePoolAllocatedToVolumeThroughput", "isInternal": false, "name": "VolumePoolAllocatedToVolumeThroughput", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftNetAppShoebox2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NetAppUsageAndMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Pools resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Policy resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/backupPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a backup policy resource.", "displayName": "Read backup policy resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/backupPolicies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a backup policy resource.", "displayName": "Write backup policy resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/backupPolicies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a backup policy resource.", "displayName": "Delete backup policy resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/backupPolicies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Snapshot Policies resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/snapshotPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a snapshot policy resource.", "displayName": "Read snapshot policy resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/snapshotPolicies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a snapshot policy resource.", "displayName": "Write snapshot policy resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/snapshotPolicies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a snapshot policy resource.", "displayName": "Delete snapshot policy resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/snapshotPolicies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volumes resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/replicationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the statuses of the Volume Replication.", "displayName": "Read Volume Replication Status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/replicationStatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volumes resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/mountTargets", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a mount target resource.", "displayName": "Read mount target resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/mountTargets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pools resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the log definitions for the resource.", "displayName": "Read log definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Capacity Pool Autoscaled", "name": "Autoscale" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Volume Group resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/volumeGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a volume group resource.", "displayName": "Read volume group resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/volumeGroups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a volume group resource.", "displayName": "Write volume group resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/volumeGroups/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a volume group resource.", "displayName": "Delete volume group resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/volumeGroups/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sub volume resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/subvolumes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a sub volume resource.", "displayName": "Read sub volume resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/subvolumes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write a sub volume resource.", "displayName": "Write sub volume Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/subvolumes/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a sub volume resource.", "displayName": "Delete sub volume resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/subvolumes/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read sub volume metadata resource.", "displayName": "Sub volume Metadata resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/subvolumes/getMetadata/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "QuotaLimit resource type", "name": "locations/quotaLimits", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Quotalimit resource type.", "displayName": "Read QuotaLimit resource type", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/locations/quotaLimits/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volume quota rule resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/volumeQuotaRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Volume quota rule resource.", "displayName": "Read Volume quota rule resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/volumeQuotaRules/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes Volume quota rule resource.", "displayName": "Write Volume quota rule resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/volumeQuotaRules/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Volume quota rule resource.", "displayName": "Delete Volume quota rule resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/volumeQuotaRules/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegionInfo resource type", "name": "locations/regionInfo", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a regionInfo resource.", "displayName": "Read a regionInfo resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/locations/regionInfo/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Snapshot Policies resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/snapshotPolicies/volumes", "operations": [ { "description": "List volumes connected to snapshot policy", "displayName": "List connected volumes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/snapshotPolicies/volumes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volumes resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/latestBackupStatus/current", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of the backup for a volume", "displayName": "Get volume's backup status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/latestBackupStatus/current/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volumes resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/latestRestoreStatus/current", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of the restore for a volume", "displayName": "Get volume's restore status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/latestRestoreStatus/current/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/backupVaults/backups", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a backup resource.", "displayName": "Read backup resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/backupVaults/backups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a backup resource.", "displayName": "Write backup resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/backupVaults/backups/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a backup resource.", "displayName": "Delete backup resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/backupVaults/backups/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores files from a backup resource", "displayName": "Single File Backup Restore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/backupVaults/backups/restoreFiles/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegionInfos resource type", "name": "locations/regionInfos", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a arm compliant regionInfos resource", "displayName": "Read a arm compliant regionInfos resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/locations/regionInfos/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Vault resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/backupVaults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Backup Vault resource.", "displayName": "Read Backup Vault resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/backupVaults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a Backup Vault resource.", "displayName": "Write Backup Vault resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/backupVaults/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Backup Vault Resource.", "displayName": "Delete a Backup Vault Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/backupVaults/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volumes resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/backupStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of the backup for a volume", "displayName": "Get volume's backup status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/backupStatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volumes resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/restoreStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of the restore for a volume", "displayName": "Get volume's restore status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/restoreStatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Snapshot Policies resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/snapshotPolicies/listVolumes", "operations": [ { "description": "List volumes connected to snapshot policy", "displayName": "List connected volumes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/snapshotPolicies/listVolumes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/backups", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a backup resource.", "displayName": "Read backup resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/backups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a backup resource.", "displayName": "Write backup resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/backups/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a backup resource.", "displayName": "Delete backup resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/backups/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores files from a backup resource", "displayName": "Single File Backup Restore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes/backups/restoreFiles/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vault resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/vaults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a vault resource.", "displayName": "Read vault resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/vaults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Account backup resource type", "name": "netAppAccounts/accountBackups", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads an account backup resource.", "displayName": "Read an account backup resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/accountBackups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an account backup resource.", "displayName": "Write an account backup resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/accountBackups/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an account backup resource.", "displayName": "Delete an account backup resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/accountBackups/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Network", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Network", "name": "Microsoft.Network", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription", "displayName": "Register Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks the availability of a Traffic Manager Relative DNS name.", "displayName": "Check Traffic Manager Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/checkTrafficManagerNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "DNS alias resource notification", "displayName": "Post DNS notification for alias target", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/internalNotify/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "DNS alias resource dependency request", "displayName": "Get DNS alias target dependencies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/getDnsResourceReference/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Queries ExpressRoute Ports Bandwidth", "displayName": "Query ExpressRoute Ports Bandwidth", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/queryExpressRoutePortsBandwidth/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks whether a Front Door name is available", "displayName": "Checks whether a Front Door name is available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/checkFrontDoorNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes Private DNS Zones Internal APIs", "displayName": "Executes Private DNS Zones Internal APIs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZonesInternal/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Bgp Service Community", "name": "bgpServiceCommunities", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Bgp Service Communities", "displayName": "Get Bgp Service Communities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bgpServiceCommunities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Endpoint Service", "name": "locations/virtualNetworkAvailableEndpointServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of available Virtual Network Endpoint Services", "displayName": "Get available Virtual Network Endpoint Services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/virtualNetworkAvailableEndpointServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Delegation", "name": "locations/availableDelegations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Available Delegations", "displayName": "Get Available Delegations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/availableDelegations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual machine size", "name": "locations/supportedVirtualMachineSizes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets supported virtual machines sizes", "displayName": "Get supported virtual machines sizes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/supportedVirtualMachineSizes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Ownership Request", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks Accelerated Networking support", "displayName": "Check Accelerated Networking support", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/checkAcceleratedNetworkingSupport/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates private endpoints in batches for resource move.", "displayName": "Validates private endpoints in batches for resource move.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/batchValidatePrivateEndpointsForResourceMove/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Notifies to private endpoint in batches for resource move.", "displayName": "Notifies to private endpoint in batches for resource move.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/batchNotifyPrivateEndpointsForResourceMove/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks Private Link Service Visibility", "displayName": "Check Private Link Service Visibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/checkPrivateLinkServiceVisibility/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates Resource Ownership", "displayName": "Validate Resource Ownership", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/validateResourceOwnership/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets Resource Ownership", "displayName": "Set Resource Ownership", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/setResourceOwnership/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Effective Resource Ownership", "displayName": "Get Effective Resource Ownership", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/effectiveResourceOwnership/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets Azure Network Manager Configuration", "displayName": "Set Azure Network Manager Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/setAzureNetworkManagerConfiguration/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Publish Subscrioption Resources", "displayName": "Publish Resource Data Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/publishResources/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Azure Network Manager Configuration", "displayName": "Gets Azure Network Manager Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/getAzureNetworkManagerConfiguration/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allocates or validates a Bare Metal Tenant", "displayName": "Allocate or validate a Bare Metal Tenant", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/bareMetalTenants/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Commits Internal AzureNetworkManager Configuration In ANM", "displayName": "Commits Internal AzureNetworkManagerConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/commitInternalAzureNetworkManagerConfiguration/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Internal AzureVirtualNetworkManager Operation In ANM", "displayName": "Internal AzureVirtualNetworkManager Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/internalAzureVirtualNetworkManagerOperation/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "SetLoadBalancerFrontendPublicIpAddresses targets frontend IP configurations of 2 load balancers. ARM IDs of the IP configurations are provided in the body of the request.", "displayName": "SetLoadBalancerFrontendPublicIpAddresses targets frontend IP configurations of 2 load balancers. ARM IDs of the IP configurations are provided in the body of the request.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/setLoadBalancerFrontendPublicIpAddresses/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Queries Network Security Perimeter by the perimeter GUID", "displayName": "Queries Network Security Perimeter by the perimeter GUID", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/queryNetworkSecurityPerimeter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts Packet Tagging", "displayName": "Starts Packet Tagging", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/startPacketTagging/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Packet Tagging", "displayName": "Gets Packet Tagging", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/getPacketTagging/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Packet Tagging", "displayName": "Deletes Packet Tagging", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/deletePacketTagging/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Effective Routes Configured In Rnm Format", "displayName": "Gets Effective Routes in RNM format", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/rnmEffectiveRouteTable/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Effective Security Groups Configured In Rnm Format", "displayName": "Gets Effective Acls In RNM format", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/rnmEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroups/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Route Filter", "name": "routeFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a route filter definition", "displayName": "Get Route Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a route filter. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Route Filter.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeFilters/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a route filter definition", "displayName": "Delete Route Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a route filter or Updates an existing rotue filter", "displayName": "Create or Update Route Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Route Filter Rule", "name": "routeFilters/routeFilterRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a route filter rule definition", "displayName": "Get Route Filter Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeFilters/routeFilterRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a route filter rule or Updates an existing route filter rule", "displayName": "Create or Update Route Filter Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeFilters/routeFilterRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a route filter rule definition", "displayName": "Delete Route Fitler Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeFilters/routeFilterRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network", "name": "virtualNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the virtual network definition", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a virtual network or updates an existing virtual network", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a virtual network", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a load balancer to virtual networks", "displayName": "Join load balancer to virtual networks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/joinLoadBalancer/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Peers a virtual network with another virtual network", "displayName": "Peer Virtual Networks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/peer/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a virtual network. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Virtual Network.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Bastion Host refrences in a Virtual Network.", "displayName": "Get Bastion Host associated with the Virtual Network.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/BastionHosts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the effective Ddos protection status for a Virtual Network resource.", "displayName": "Get Ddos protection status for standard public IP addresses associated to a Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/ddosProtectionStatus/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets RouteTables Configured On CA Of The Vnet In Rnm Format", "displayName": "Gets Effective Routes in RNM format", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/rnmEffectiveRouteTable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Security Groups Configured On CA Of The Vnet In Rnm Format", "displayName": "Gets Effective Acls In RNM format", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/rnmEffectiveNetworkSecurityGroups/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists Network Manager Effective Connectivity Configurations", "displayName": "List Network Manager Effective Connectivity Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/listNetworkManagerEffectiveConnectivityConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists Network Manager Effective Security Admin Rules", "displayName": "List Network Manager Effective Security Admin Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/listNetworkManagerEffectiveSecurityAdminRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Manage Private Ip Inventory Pool Operation Description", "displayName": "Manage Private Ip Inventory Pool Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/manageIpFromPool/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the DNS Resolver for Virtual Network, in JSON format", "displayName": "Gets the DNS Resolver for Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/listDnsResolvers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the DNS Forwarding Ruleset for Virtual Network, in JSON format", "displayName": "Gets the DNS Forwarding Ruleset for Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/listDnsForwardingRulesets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Virtual Machines", "name": "virtualNetworks/virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets references to all the virtual machines in a virtual network", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Virtual Machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/virtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Subnet", "name": "virtualNetworks/subnets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a virtual network subnet definition", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Subnet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a virtual network subnet or updates an existing virtual network subnet", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Network Subnet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a virtual network subnet", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Subnet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a load balancer to virtual network subnets", "displayName": "Join load balancer to virtual network subnets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/joinLoadBalancer/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a virtual network. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Virtual Network.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins resource such as storage account or SQL database to a subnet. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join Service to a Subnet.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/joinViaServiceEndpoint/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Prepares a subnet by applying necessary Network Policies", "displayName": "Prepares a subnet by applying necessary Network Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/prepareNetworkPolicies/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unprepare a subnet by removing the applied Network Policies", "displayName": "Unprepare a subnet by removing the applied Network Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/unprepareNetworkPolicies/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Peering", "name": "virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a virtual network peering definition", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a virtual network peering or updates an existing virtual network peering", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Network Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a virtual network peering", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Peering Proxy", "name": "virtualNetworks/remoteVirtualNetworkPeeringProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a virtual network peering proxy definition", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Peering Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/remoteVirtualNetworkPeeringProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a virtual network peering proxy or updates an existing virtual network peering proxy", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Network Peering Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/remoteVirtualNetworkPeeringProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a virtual network peering proxy", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Peering Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/remoteVirtualNetworkPeeringProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Navigation Link", "name": "virtualNetworks/subnets/resourceNavigationLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Resource Navigation Link definition", "displayName": "Get Resource Navigation Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/resourceNavigationLinks/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Resource Navigation Link or updates an existing Resource Navigation Link", "displayName": "Create or Update Resource Navigation Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/resourceNavigationLinks/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Resource Navigation Link", "displayName": "Delete Resource Navigation Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/resourceNavigationLinks/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Association Link", "name": "virtualNetworks/subnets/serviceAssociationLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Service Association Link definition", "displayName": "Get Service Association Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/serviceAssociationLinks/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Service Association Link or updates an existing Service Association Link", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Service Association Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/serviceAssociationLinks/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Service Association Link", "displayName": "Delete Service Association Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/serviceAssociationLinks/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a Service Association Link", "displayName": "Validate Service Association Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/serviceAssociationLinks/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Association Link Detail", "name": "virtualNetworks/subnets/serviceAssociationLinks/details", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Service Association Link Detail Definition", "displayName": "Get Service Association Link Detail", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/serviceAssociationLinks/details/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tagged Traffic Consumer", "name": "virtualNetworks/taggedTrafficConsumers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Tagged Traffic Consumer definition", "displayName": "Get Tagged Traffic Consumer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/taggedTrafficConsumers/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Tagged Traffic Consumer or updates an existing Tagged Traffic Consumer", "displayName": "Create or Update Tagged Traffic Consumer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/taggedTrafficConsumers/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Tagged Traffic Consumer", "displayName": "Delete Tagged Traffic Consumer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/taggedTrafficConsumers/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a Tagged Traffic Consumer", "displayName": "Validate Tagged Traffic Consumer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/taggedTrafficConsumers/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IP Availability Check Result", "name": "virtualNetworks/checkIpAddressAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Check if Ip Address is available at the specified virtual network", "displayName": "Check Ip Address Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/checkIpAddressAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usage Metric", "name": "virtualNetworks/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the IP usages for each subnet of the virtual network", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Subnet Virtual Machines", "name": "virtualNetworks/subnets/virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets references to all the virtual machines in a virtual network subnet", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network Subnet Virtual Machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/virtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Watcher", "name": "networkWatchers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the network watcher definition", "displayName": "Get Network Watcher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a network watcher or updates an existing network watcher", "displayName": "Create or Update Network Watcher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a network watcher", "displayName": "Delete Network Watcher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Configures flow logging for a target resource.", "displayName": "Configure Flow Log", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/configureFlowLog/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns whether the packet is allowed or denied to or from a particular destination.", "displayName": "Verify Ip Flow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/ipFlowVerify/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "For a specified target and destination IP address, return the next hop type and next hope IP address.", "displayName": "Gets the next hop from a VM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/nextHop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the status of flow logging on a resource.", "displayName": "Query Flow Log Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/queryFlowLogStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the troubleshooting result from the previously run or currently running troubleshooting operation.", "displayName": "Query Results Of Troubleshoot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/queryTroubleshootResult/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "View the configured and effective network security group rules applied on a VM.", "displayName": "View Security Groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/securityGroupView/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Diagnostic of network configuration.", "displayName": "Network Configuration Diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/networkConfigurationDiagnostic/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Batch query monitoring connectivity between specified endpoints", "displayName": "Query Connection Monitors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/queryConnectionMonitors/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a network level view of resources and their relationships in a resource group.", "displayName": "Get Topology", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/topology/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts troubleshooting on a Networking resource in Azure.", "displayName": "Troubleshoot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/troubleshoot/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Verifies the possibility of establishing a direct TCP connection from a virtual machine to a given endpoint including another VM or an arbitrary remote server.", "displayName": "Check Connectivity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectivityCheck/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the relative latency score for internet service providers from a specified location to Azure regions.", "displayName": "Get Azure Reachability Report", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/azureReachabilityReport/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns all available internet service providers for a specified Azure region.", "displayName": "Get Available Providers List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/availableProvidersList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Packet Capture", "name": "networkWatchers/packetCaptures", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about properties and status of a packet capture resource.", "displayName": "Query Status Of Packet Capture", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/packetCaptures/queryStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop the running packet capture session.", "displayName": "Stop Packet Capture", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/packetCaptures/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the packet capture definition", "displayName": "Get Packet Capture", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/packetCaptures/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a packet capture", "displayName": "Create Packet Capture", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/packetCaptures/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a packet capture", "displayName": "Delete Packet Capture", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/packetCaptures/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Connection Monitor", "name": "networkWatchers/connectionMonitors", "operations": [ { "description": "Start monitoring connectivity between specified endpoints", "displayName": "Start Connection Monitor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop/pause monitoring connectivity between specified endpoints", "displayName": "Stop Connection Monitor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Query monitoring connectivity between specified endpoints", "displayName": "Query Connection Monitor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors/query/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Connection Monitor details", "displayName": "Get Connection Monitor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Connection Monitor", "displayName": "Create Connection Monitor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Connection Monitor", "displayName": "Delete Connection Monitor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Lens", "name": "networkWatchers/lenses", "operations": [ { "description": "Start monitoring network traffic on a specified endpoint", "displayName": "Start Lens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/lenses/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop/pause monitoring network traffic on a specified endpoint", "displayName": "Stop Lens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/lenses/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Query monitoring network traffic on a specified endpoint", "displayName": "Query Lens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/lenses/query/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Lens details", "displayName": "Get Lens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/lenses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Lens", "displayName": "Create Lens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/lenses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Lens", "displayName": "Delete Lens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/lenses/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Public Ip Address", "name": "publicIPAddresses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a public ip address definition.", "displayName": "Get Public Ip Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a public Ip address or updates an existing public Ip address. ", "displayName": "Create or Update Public Ip Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a public Ip address.", "displayName": "Delete Public Ip Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a public ip address. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Public Ip Address.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Public Ip Address Service Endpoint Network Identifier", "displayName": "Join a Public Ip Address Service Endpoint Network Identifier", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/joinServiceEndpointNetworkIdentifier/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the effective Ddos protection status for a Public IP Address resource.", "displayName": "Get Ddos protection status for a Public IP Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/ddosProtectionStatus/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Interface", "name": "networkInterfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a network interface definition. ", "displayName": "Get Network Interface", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a network interface or updates an existing network interface. ", "displayName": "Create or Update Network Interface", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Virtual Machine to a network interface. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Virtual Machine to a network interface.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a network interface", "displayName": "Delete Network Interface", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Route Table configured On Network Interface Of The Vm", "displayName": "Get Network Interface Effective Route Table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/effectiveRouteTable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Network Security Groups configured On Network Interface Of The Vm", "displayName": "Get Network Interface Effective Security Groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/effectiveNetworkSecurityGroups/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the parent NIC associated to the elastic NIC", "displayName": "Update parent NIC on the elastic NIC", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/UpdateParentNicAttachmentOnElasticNic/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Interface IP Configuration", "name": "networkInterfaces/ipconfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a network interface ip configuration definition. ", "displayName": "Get Network Interface IP Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/ipconfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Network Interface IP Configuration. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join Network Interface IP Configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/ipconfigurations/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Interface Load Balancers", "name": "networkInterfaces/loadBalancers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all the load balancers that the network interface is part of", "displayName": "Get Network Interface Load Balancers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/loadBalancers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Endpoint Policy", "name": "serviceEndpointPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Service Endpoint Policy Description", "displayName": "Gets a Service Endpoint Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/serviceEndpointPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Service Endpoint Policy or updates an existing Service Endpoint Policy", "displayName": "Create or Update Service Endpoint Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/serviceEndpointPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Service Endpoint Policy", "displayName": "Delete Service Endpoint Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/serviceEndpointPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Service Endpoint Policy. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join Service Endpoint Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/serviceEndpointPolicies/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Subnet To Service Endpoint Policies. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join Subnet To Service Endpoint Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/serviceEndpointPolicies/joinSubnet/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Endpoint Policy Definition", "name": "serviceEndpointPolicies/serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Service Endpoint Policy Definition Decription", "displayName": "Get Service Endpoint Policy Definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/serviceEndpointPolicies/serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Service Endpoint Policy Definition or updates an existing Service Endpoint Policy Definition", "displayName": "Create or Update Service Endpoint Policy Definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/serviceEndpointPolicies/serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Service Endpoint Policy Definition", "displayName": "Delete Service Endpoint Policy Definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/serviceEndpointPolicies/serviceEndpointPolicyDefinitions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Interface", "name": "networkInterfaces/diagnosticIdentity", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Diagnostic Identity Of The Resource", "displayName": "Get Diagnostic Identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/diagnosticIdentity/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Interface metric definition", "name": "networkInterfaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets available metrics for the Network Interface", "displayName": "Read Network Interface metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of bytes the Network Interface sent", "displayName": "Bytes Sent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^__Ready__$", "name": "BytesSentRate", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of bytes the Network Interface received", "displayName": "Bytes Received", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^__Ready__$", "name": "BytesReceivedRate", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of packets the Network Interface sent", "displayName": "Packets Sent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^__Ready__$", "name": "PacketsSentRate", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of packets the Network Interface received", "displayName": "Packets Received", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^__Ready__$", "name": "PacketsReceivedRate", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Group", "name": "networkSecurityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a network security group definition", "displayName": "Get Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a network security group or updates an existing network security group", "displayName": "Create or Update Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a network security group", "displayName": "Delete Network Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a network security group. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Network Security Group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Security Group", "name": "applicationSecurityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Joins an IP Configuration to Application Security Groups. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join IpConfiguration To Application Security Groups.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/joinIpConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Security Rule to Application Security Groups. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Joins SecurityRule To Application Security Groups.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/joinNetworkSecurityRule/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an Application Security Group ID.", "displayName": "Gets An Application Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Application Security Group, or updates an existing Application Security Group.", "displayName": "Creates An Application Security Group Or Updates An Existing Application Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Application Security Group", "displayName": "Deletes An Application Security Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists IP Configurations in the ApplicationSecurityGroup", "displayName": "List IP Configurations with ApplicationSecurityGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/listIpConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Default Security Rule", "name": "networkSecurityGroups/defaultSecurityRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a default security rule definition", "displayName": "Get Default Security Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/defaultSecurityRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Rule", "name": "networkSecurityGroups/securityRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a security rule definition", "displayName": "Get Security Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a security rule or updates an existing security rule", "displayName": "Create or Update Security Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a security rule", "displayName": "Delete Security Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/securityRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Route Table", "name": "routeTables", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a route table definition", "displayName": "Get Route Table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a route table or Updates an existing rotue table", "displayName": "Create or Update Route Table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeTables/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a route table definition", "displayName": "Delete Route Table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeTables/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a route table. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Route Table.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeTables/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Route", "name": "routeTables/routes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a route definition", "displayName": "Get Route", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeTables/routes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a route or Updates an existing route", "displayName": "Create or Update Route", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeTables/routes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a route definition", "displayName": "Delete Route", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/routeTables/routes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer", "name": "loadBalancers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a load balancer definition", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a load balancer or updates an existing load balancer", "displayName": "Create or Update Load Balancer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a load balancer", "displayName": "Delete Load Balancer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Health Summary of Load Balancer", "displayName": "Get Health Summary of Load Balancer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/health/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate from NIC based to IP based Load Balancer", "displayName": "Migrate from NIC based to IP based Load Balancer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/migrateToIpBased/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Virtual Machines", "name": "loadBalancers/virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets references to all the virtual machines under a load balancer", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Virtual Machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/virtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Network Interfaces", "name": "loadBalancers/networkInterfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets references to all the network interfaces under a load balancer", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Network Interfaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/networkInterfaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Frontend IP Configuration", "name": "loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a load balancer frontend IP configuration definition", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Frontend IP Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Load Balancer Frontend IP Configuration. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join Load Balancer Frontend IP Configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Backend Address Pool", "name": "loadBalancers/backendAddressPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Query inbound Nat rule port mapping.", "displayName": "Query inbound Nat rule port mapping.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools/queryInboundNatRulePortMapping/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update AdminStates of backend addresses of a pool", "displayName": "Update AdminStates of backend addresses of a pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools/updateAdminState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Health Details of Backend Instance", "displayName": "Get Health Details of Backend Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools/health/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a load balancer backend address pool definition", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Backend Address Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a load balancer backend address pool or updates an existing load balancer backend address pool", "displayName": "Create or update load balancer backend address pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a load balancer backend address pool", "displayName": "Delete load balancer backend address pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a load balancer backend address pool. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Load Balancer Backend Address Pool.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Inbound Nat Rule", "name": "loadBalancers/inboundNatRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a load balancer inbound nat rule definition", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Inbound Nat Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a load balancer inbound nat rule or updates an existing load balancer inbound nat rule", "displayName": "Create or Update Load Balancer Inbound Nat Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a load balancer inbound nat rule", "displayName": "Delete Load Balancer Inbound Nat Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a load balancer inbound nat rule. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Load Balancer Inbound Nat Rule.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Inbound Nat Pool", "name": "loadBalancers/inboundNatPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a load balancer inbound nat pool definition", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Inbound Nat Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a load balancer inbound NAT pool. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join Load Balancer Inbound Nat Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatPools/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Load Balancing Rule", "name": "loadBalancers/loadBalancingRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a load balancer load balancing rule definition", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Load Balancing Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/loadBalancingRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Health Details of Load Balancing Rule", "displayName": "Get Health Details of Load Balancing Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/loadBalancingRules/health/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Probe", "name": "loadBalancers/probes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a load balancer probe", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Probe", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/probes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows using probes of a load balancer. For example, with this permission healthProbe property of VM scale set can reference the probe. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join Load Balancer Probe", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/probes/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer metric definition", "name": "loadBalancers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Load Balancer", "displayName": "Read Load Balancer metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend IP Address", "internalName": "VipAddress", "name": "FrontendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend Port", "internalName": "VipPort", "name": "FrontendPort" } ], "displayDescription": "Average Load Balancer data path availability per time duration", "displayName": "Data Path Availability", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "VipAvailability", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "LoadBalancerArmId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbv2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Health", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol Type", "internalName": "ProtocolType", "name": "ProtocolType" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Backend Port", "internalName": "DipPort", "name": "BackendPort" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend IP Address", "internalName": "VipAddress", "name": "FrontendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend Port", "internalName": "VipPort", "name": "FrontendPort" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Backend IP Address", "internalName": "CaAddress", "name": "BackendIPAddress" } ], "displayDescription": "Average Load Balancer health probe status per time duration", "displayName": "Health Probe Status", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "DipAvailability", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "LoadBalancerArmId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbv2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "DipHealth", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend IP Address", "internalName": "VipAddress", "name": "FrontendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend Port", "internalName": "VipPort", "name": "FrontendPort" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Direction", "internalName": "Direction", "name": "Direction" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period", "displayName": "Byte Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "ByteCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "LoadBalancerArmId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbhp", "sourceMdmNamespace": "BandwidthUsage", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend IP Address", "internalName": "VipAddress", "name": "FrontendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend Port", "internalName": "VipPort", "name": "FrontendPort" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Direction", "internalName": "Direction", "name": "Direction" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of Packets transmitted within time period", "displayName": "Packet Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "PacketCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "LoadBalancerArmId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbhp", "sourceMdmNamespace": "BandwidthUsage", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend IP Address", "internalName": "VipAddress", "name": "FrontendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend Port", "internalName": "VipPort", "name": "FrontendPort" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Direction", "internalName": "Direction", "name": "Direction" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of SYN Packets transmitted within time period", "displayName": "SYN Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "SYNCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "LoadBalancerArmId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbhp", "sourceMdmNamespace": "BandwidthUsage", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend IP Address", "internalName": "VipAddress", "name": "FrontendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Backend IP Address", "internalName": "CustomerAddress", "name": "BackendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Connection State", "internalName": "SnatConnectionType", "name": "ConnectionState" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of new SNAT connections created within time period", "displayName": "SNAT Connection Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "SnatConnectionCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "LoadBalancerArmId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbhp", "sourceMdmNamespace": "VipStats", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend IP Address", "internalName": "VipAddress", "name": "FrontendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Backend IP Address", "internalName": "CustomerAddress", "name": "BackendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol Type", "internalName": "ProtocolType", "name": "ProtocolType" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "false" } ], "displayName": "Snat Port Awaiting Removal", "internalName": "IsAwaitingRemoval", "isHidden": true, "name": "IsAwaitingRemoval" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of SNAT ports allocated within time period", "displayName": "Allocated SNAT Ports", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "AllocatedSnatPorts", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "LoadBalancerArmId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbhp", "sourceMdmNamespace": "VipStats", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Frontend IP Address", "internalName": "VipAddress", "name": "FrontendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Backend IP Address", "internalName": "CustomerAddress", "name": "BackendIPAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol Type", "internalName": "ProtocolType", "name": "ProtocolType" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "false" } ], "displayName": "Snat Port Awaiting Removal", "internalName": "IsAwaitingRemoval", "isHidden": true, "name": "IsAwaitingRemoval" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of SNAT ports used within time period", "displayName": "Used SNAT Ports", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "UsedSnatPorts", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "LoadBalancerArmId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbhp", "sourceMdmNamespace": "VipStats", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway", "name": "applicationGateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an application gateway", "displayName": "Get Application Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an application gateway or updates an application gateway", "displayName": "Create or Update Application Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an application gateway", "displayName": "Delete Application Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an application gateway backend health", "displayName": "Get an application gateway backend health", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/backendhealth/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an application gateway backend health on demand for given http setting and backend pool", "displayName": "Get an application gateway backend health on demand", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/getBackendHealthOnDemand/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an application gateway listener certificate metadata", "displayName": "Get an application gateway listener certificate metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/getListenerCertificateMetadata/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Prepare application gateway migration", "displayName": "Prepare application gateway migration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/prepareMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute application gateway migration", "displayName": "Execute application gateway migration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/executeMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Commit application gateway migration", "displayName": "Commit application gateway migration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/commitMigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resolves privateLinkServiceId for application gateway private link resource", "displayName": "Resolve privateLinkServiceId for application gateway private link resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/resolvePrivateLinkServiceId/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts an application gateway", "displayName": "Start an application gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops an application gateway", "displayName": "Stop an application gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts an application gateway", "displayName": "Restart an application gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate Application Gateway from v1 sku to v2 sku", "displayName": "Migrate Application Gateway V1 To V2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/migrateV1ToV2/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Status Of Migrate Application Gateway From V1 sku To V2 sku", "displayName": "Get Migration Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/getMigrationStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets Application Gateway Security Center Configuration", "displayName": "Set Application Gateway SecurityCenter Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/setSecurityCenterConfiguration/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Route Table configured On Application Gateway", "displayName": "Get Effective Security Groups of an Application Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/effectiveNetworkSecurityGroups/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Route Table configured On Application Gateway", "displayName": "Get Effective Route Table of an Application Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/effectiveRouteTable/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway Backend Address Pool", "name": "applicationGateways/backendAddressPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Joins an application gateway backend address pool. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Application Gateway Backend Address Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/backendAddressPools/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway available Waf Rule Set", "name": "applicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Application Gateway Available Waf Rule Sets", "displayName": "Get Application Gateway Available Waf Rule Sets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGatewayAvailableWafRuleSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway available Ssl Options", "name": "applicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Application Gateway available Ssl Options", "displayName": "Application Gateway available Ssl Options", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway Ssl Predefined Policy", "name": "applicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions/predefinedPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Application Gateway Ssl Predefined Policy", "displayName": "Application Gateway Ssl Predefined Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGatewayAvailableSslOptions/predefinedPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Dns Availability Check Result", "name": "locations/checkDnsNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if dns label is available at the specified location", "displayName": "Check Dns Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/checkDnsNameAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Traffic Manager Profile", "name": "trafficManagerProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Traffic Manager profile configuration. This includes DNS settings, traffic routing settings, endpoint monitoring settings, and the list of endpoints routed by this Traffic Manager profile.", "displayName": "Get Traffic Manager Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Traffic Manager profile, or modify the configuration of an existing Traffic Manager profile. This includes enabling or disabling a profile and modifying DNS settings, traffic routing settings, or endpoint monitoring settings. Endpoints routed by the Traffic Manager profile can be added, removed, enabled or disabled.", "displayName": "Create or Update Traffic Manager Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Traffic Manager profile. All settings associated with the Traffic Manager profile will be lost, and the profile can no longer be used to route traffic.", "displayName": "Delete Traffic Manager Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Traffic Manager Geographic Hierarchy", "name": "trafficManagerGeographicHierarchies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Traffic Manager Geographic Hierarchy containing regions which can be used with the Geographic traffic routing method", "displayName": "Get Traffic Manager Geographic Hierarchy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerGeographicHierarchies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Traffic Manager Heat Map", "name": "trafficManagerProfiles/heatMaps", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Traffic Manager Heat Map for the given Traffic Manager profile which contains query counts and latency data by location and source IP.", "displayName": "Get Traffic Manager Heat Map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/heatMaps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Traffic Manager Azure Endpoint", "name": "trafficManagerProfiles/azureEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure Endpoint which belongs to a Traffic Manager Profile, including all the properties of that Azure Endpoint.", "displayName": "Get a Traffic Manager Azure Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/azureEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a new Azure Endpoint in an existing Traffic Manager Profile or update the properties of an existing Azure Endpoint in that Traffic Manager Profile.", "displayName": "Create or Update a Traffic Manager Azure Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/azureEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Endpoint from an existing Traffic Manager Profile. Traffic Manager will stop routing traffic to the deleted Azure Endpoint.", "displayName": "Delete a Traffic Manager Azure Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/azureEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Traffic Manager External Endpoint", "name": "trafficManagerProfiles/externalEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an External Endpoint which belongs to a Traffic Manager Profile, including all the properties of that External Endpoint.", "displayName": "Get a Traffic Manager External Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/externalEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a new External Endpoint in an existing Traffic Manager Profile or update the properties of an existing External Endpoint in that Traffic Manager Profile.", "displayName": "Create or Update a Traffic Manager External Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/externalEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an External Endpoint from an existing Traffic Manager Profile. Traffic Manager will stop routing traffic to the deleted External Endpoint.", "displayName": "Delete a Traffic Manager External Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/externalEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Traffic Manager Nested Endpoint", "name": "trafficManagerProfiles/nestedEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Nested Endpoint which belongs to a Traffic Manager Profile, including all the properties of that Nested Endpoint.", "displayName": "Get a Traffic Manager Nested Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/nestedEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a new Nested Endpoint in an existing Traffic Manager Profile or update the properties of an existing Nested Endpoint in that Traffic Manager Profile.", "displayName": "Create or Update a Traffic Manager Nested Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/nestedEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Nested Endpoint from an existing Traffic Manager Profile. Traffic Manager will stop routing traffic to the deleted Nested Endpoint.", "displayName": "Delete a Traffic Manager Nested Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/nestedEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Realtime User Metrics Keys for Traffic Management", "name": "trafficManagerUserMetricsKeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the subscription-level key used for Realtime User Metrics collection.", "displayName": "Get the subscription-level key used for Realtime User Metrics collection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerUserMetricsKeys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new subscription-level key to be used for Realtime User Metrics collection.", "displayName": "Create or update a subscription-level key used for Realtime User Metrics collection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerUserMetricsKeys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the subscription-level key used for Realtime User Metrics collection.", "displayName": "Delete a subscription-level key used for Realtime User Metrics collection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerUserMetricsKeys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS Zone", "name": "dnszones", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the DNS zone, in JSON format. The zone properties include tags, etag, numberOfRecordSets, and maxNumberOfRecordSets. Note that this command does not retrieve the record sets contained within the zone.", "displayName": "Get DNS Zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a DNS zone within a resource group. Used to update the tags on a DNS zone resource. Note that this command can not be used to create or update record sets within the zone.", "displayName": "Create or Update DNS Zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the DNS zone, in JSON format. The zone properties include tags, etag, numberOfRecordSets, and maxNumberOfRecordSets.", "displayName": "Delete DNS Zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS zone metric definitions", "name": "dnszones/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the DNS zone metric definitions", "displayName": "Get DNS zone metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of queries served for a DNS zone", "displayName": "Query Volume", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "QueryVolume", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of Record Sets in a DNS zone", "displayName": "Record Set Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "RecordSetCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "None", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Percent of Record Set capacity utilized by a DNS zone", "displayName": "Record Set Capacity Utilization", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "RecordSetCapacity", "isInternal": false, "name": "RecordSetCapacityUtilization", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "None", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS zone diagnostic settings", "name": "dnszones/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the DNS zone diagnostic settings", "displayName": "Get DNS zone diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the DNS zone diagnostic settings", "displayName": "Create or update DNS zone diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS operation results", "name": "dnsoperationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets results of a DNS operation", "displayName": "Gets results of a DNS operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsoperationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS operation status", "name": "dnsoperationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets status of a DNS operation ", "displayName": "Gets status of a DNS operation ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsoperationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS record set", "name": "dnszones/all", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets DNS record sets across types", "displayName": "Gets DNS record sets across types", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/all/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS record set", "name": "dnszones/recordsets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets DNS record sets across types", "displayName": "Gets DNS record sets across types", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/recordsets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS A record set", "name": "dnszones/A", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018A\u2019, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type A", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/A/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018A\u2019 within a DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type A", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/A/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018A\u2019 from a DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type A", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/A/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS AAAA record set", "name": "dnszones/AAAA", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018AAAA\u2019, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type AAAA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/AAAA/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018AAAA\u2019 within a DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type AAAA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/AAAA/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018AAAA\u2019 from a DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type AAAA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/AAAA/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS PTR record set", "name": "dnszones/PTR", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018PTR\u2019, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type PTR", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/PTR/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018PTR\u2019 within a DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type PTR", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/PTR/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018PTR\u2019 from a DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type PTR", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/PTR/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS MX record set", "name": "dnszones/MX", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018MX\u2019, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type MX", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/MX/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018MX\u2019 within a DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type MX", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/MX/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018MX\u2019 from a DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type MX", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/MX/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS TXT record set", "name": "dnszones/TXT", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018TXT\u2019, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type TXT", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/TXT/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018TXT\u2019 within a DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type TXT", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/TXT/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018TXT\u2019 from a DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type TXT", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/TXT/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS SRV record set", "name": "dnszones/SRV", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018SRV\u2019, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type SRV", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/SRV/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update record set of type SRV", "displayName": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018SRV\u2019 within a DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/SRV/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018SRV\u2019 from a DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type SRV", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/SRV/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS CNAME record set", "name": "dnszones/CNAME", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018CNAME\u2019, in JSON format. The record set contains the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type CNAME", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/CNAME/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018CNAME\u2019 within a DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type CNAME", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/CNAME/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018CNAME\u2019 from a DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type CNAME", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/CNAME/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS record set of type NS", "name": "dnszones/NS", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets DNS record set of type NS", "displayName": "Gets DNS record set of type NS", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/NS/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates DNS record set of type NS", "displayName": "Creates or updates DNS record set of type NS", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/NS/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the DNS record set of type NS", "displayName": "Deletes the DNS record set of type NS", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/NS/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS record set of type SOA", "name": "dnszones/SOA", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets DNS record set of type SOA", "displayName": "Gets DNS record set of type SOA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/SOA/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates DNS record set of type SOA", "displayName": "Creates or updates DNS record set of type SOA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/SOA/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS CAA record set", "name": "dnszones/CAA", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018CAA\u2019, in JSON format. The record set contains the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type CAA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/CAA/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018CAA\u2019 within a DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type CAA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/CAA/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018CAA\u2019 from a DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type CAA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/CAA/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usage Metric", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the resources usage metrics", "displayName": "Get Usage Metric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Available Operations", "displayName": "Get Available Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "locations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operation resource that represents status of an asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Get Operation Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operation result of an async POST or DELETE operation", "displayName": "Get Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Groups Diagnostic Settings", "name": "networksecuritygroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Network Security Groups Diagnostic Settings", "displayName": "Get Network Security Groups Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networksecuritygroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Network Security Groups diagnostic settings, this operation is supplimented by insghts resource provider.", "displayName": "Create or update Network Security Groups diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networksecuritygroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Groups Log Definitions", "name": "networksecuritygroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the events for network security group", "displayName": "Get Network Security Group Event Log Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networksecuritygroups/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Network Security Group Event", "name": "NetworkSecurityGroupEvent" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Network Security Group Rule Counter", "name": "NetworkSecurityGroupRuleCounter" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Network Security Group Rule Flow Event", "name": "NetworkSecurityGroupFlowEvent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Diagnostic Settings", "name": "loadBalancers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Load Balancer Diagnostic Settings", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Load Balancer Diagnostic Settings", "displayName": "Create or update Load Balancer Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Log Definitions", "name": "loadBalancers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the events for Load Balancer", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Event Log Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Load Balancer Alert Events", "name": "LoadBalancerAlertEvent" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Load Balancer Probe Health Status", "name": "LoadBalancerProbeHealthStatus" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Public IP Address diagnostic settings", "name": "publicIPAddresses/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostic settings of Public IP Address", "displayName": "Get diagnostic settings of Public IP Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the diagnostic settings of Public IP Address", "displayName": "Create or update diagnostic settings of Public IP Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Public IP Address metrics definitions", "name": "publicIPAddresses/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the metrics definitions of Public IP Address", "displayName": "Get metrics definitions of Public IP Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Inbound packets DDoS", "displayName": "Inbound packets DDoS", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "PacketsInDDoS", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Inbound packets dropped DDoS", "displayName": "Inbound packets dropped DDoS", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "PacketsDroppedDDoS", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], 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"isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "VipAvailability", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "PublicIpArmId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbv2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Health", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Port", "internalName": "VipPort", "name": "Port" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Direction", "internalName": "Direction", "name": "Direction" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period", "displayName": "Byte Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "ByteCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "PublicIpArmIdOrILBPA", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbhp", "sourceMdmNamespace": "BandwidthUsage", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Port", "internalName": "VipPort", "name": "Port" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Direction", "internalName": "Direction", "name": "Direction" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of Packets transmitted within time period", "displayName": "Packet Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "PacketCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "PublicIpArmIdOrILBPA", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbhp", "sourceMdmNamespace": "BandwidthUsage", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Port", "internalName": "VipPort", "name": "Port" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Direction", "internalName": "Direction", "name": "Direction" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of SYN Packets transmitted within time period", "displayName": "SYN Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "SynCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "PublicIpArmIdOrILBPA", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbhp", "sourceMdmNamespace": "BandwidthUsage", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Public IP Address log definitions", "name": "publicIPAddresses/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the log definitions of Public IP Address", "displayName": "Get log definitions of Public IP Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "displayName": "DDoS protection notifications", "name": "DDoSProtectionNotifications" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "displayName": "Flow logs of DDoS mitigation decisions", "name": "DDoSMitigationFlowLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "displayName": "Reports of DDoS mitigations", "name": "DDoSMitigationReports" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network custom view", "name": "virtualNetworks/customViews", "operations": [ { "description": "Get definition of a custom view of Virtual Network", "displayName": "Get Virtual Network custom view definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/customViews/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Virtual Network custom view content", "displayName": "Get Virtual network custom view content", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/customViews/get/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network diagnostic settings", "name": "virtualNetworks/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostic settings of Virtual Network", "displayName": "Get diagnostic settings of Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the diagnostic settings of the Virtual Network", "displayName": "Create or update diagnostic settings of the Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual networks log definitions", "name": "virtualNetworks/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the log definitions of Virtual Network", "displayName": "Get log definitions of Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "displayName": "VM protection alerts", "name": "VMProtectionAlerts" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "ApplicationGateway Log Definitions", "name": "applicationGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the events for Application Gateway", "displayName": "Gets the logs for Application Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Application Gateway Access Log", "name": "ApplicationGatewayAccessLog" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Application Gateway Performance Log", "name": "ApplicationGatewayPerformanceLog" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Application Gateway Firewall Log", "name": "ApplicationGatewayFirewallLog" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway metric definition", "name": "applicationGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Application Gateway", "displayName": "Read Application Gateway metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of bytes per second the Application Gateway has served", "displayName": "Throughput", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, 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This does not include any response codes generated by the Application Gateway.", "displayName": "Backend Response Status", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "Standard_v2|WAF_v2", "name": "BackendResponseStatus", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Listener", "name": "Listener" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "TLS Protocol", "name": "TlsProtocol" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of TLS and non-TLS requests initiated by the client that established connection with the Application Gateway. To view TLS protocol distribution, filter by the dimension TLS Protocol.", "displayName": "Client TLS Protocol", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "Standard_v2|WAF_v2", "name": "TlsProtocol", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Listener", "name": "Listener" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of bytes sent by the Application Gateway to the clients", "displayName": "Bytes Sent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "Standard_v2|WAF_v2", "name": "BytesSent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Listener", "name": "Listener" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of bytes received by the Application Gateway from the clients", "displayName": "Bytes Received", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "Standard_v2|WAF_v2", "name": "BytesReceived", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Listener", "name": "Listener" } ], "displayDescription": "Average round trip time between clients and Application Gateway. 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processing time of backend server", "displayName": "Backend First Byte Response Time", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "lockAggregationType": "Average", "metricFilterPattern": "Standard_v2|WAF_v2", "name": "BackendFirstByteResponseTime", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "MilliSeconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Listener", "name": "Listener" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Backend Server", "name": "BackendServer" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Backend Pool", "name": "BackendPool" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Backend Http Setting", "name": "BackendHttpSetting" } ], "displayDescription": "Time interval between start of establishing a connection to backend server and receiving the last byte of the response body", "displayName": "Backend Last Byte Response 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"description": "Creates or updates the Traffic Manager diagnostic settings, this operation is supplimented by insights resource provider.", "displayName": "Create or update Traffic Manager diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ExpressRoute Circuit log definitions", "name": "expressRouteCircuits/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the events for ExpressRoute Circuits", "displayName": "Get the logs for ExpressRoute Circuits", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Peering Route Table Logs", "name": "PeeringRouteLog" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteServiceProviders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection", "name": "connections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection", "displayName": "Get VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an existing VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection", "displayName": "Create or update VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection", "displayName": "Delete VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection SharedKey", "displayName": "Get VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection SharedKey", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/sharedkey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Vpn Device Configuration of VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection", "displayName": "Gets Vpn Device Configuration of VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/vpndeviceconfigurationscript/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Marks an Exprress Route Connection status as Revoked", "displayName": "Marks an Exprress Route Connection status as Revoked", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/revoke/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a Virtual Network Gateway Connection Packet Capture.", "displayName": "Starts a Virtual Network Gateway Connection Packet Capture.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/startpacketcapture/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops a Virtual Network Gateway Connection Packet Capture.", "displayName": "Stops a Virtual Network Gateway Connection Packet Capture.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/stoppacketcapture/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists IKE Security Associations for the connection", "displayName": "Lists IKE Security Associations for the connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/getikesas/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resets connection for VNG", "displayName": "Resets connection for VNG", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/resetconnection/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection shared key", "name": "connections/sharedKey", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets VirtualNetworkGatewayConnection SharedKey", "displayName": "Get 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"description": "Creates or updates a VirtualNetworkGateway", "displayName": "Creates or updates a VirtualNetworkGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a virtualNetworkGateway", "displayName": "Deletes a virtualNetworkGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate VpnClient package for virtualNetworkGateway", "displayName": "Generate VpnClient package for virtualNetworkGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways/generatevpnclientpackage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate VpnProfile package for VirtualNetworkGateway", "displayName": "Generate VpnProfile package for VirtualNetworkGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways/generatevpnprofile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Per Vpn Client Connection Health for VirtualNetworkGateway", "displayName": "Get Per Vpn Client Connection Health for VirtualNetworkGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways/getvpnclientconnectionhealth/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disconnect virtual network gateway vpn connections", "displayName": "Disconnect virtual network gateway vpn connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways/disconnectvirtualnetworkgatewayvpnconnections/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the URL of a pre-generated vpn client profile package", "displayName": "Gets the URL of a pre-generated vpn client profile package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways/getvpnprofilepackageurl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Set Vpnclient Ipsec parameters for VirtualNetworkGateway P2S client.", "displayName": "Set Vpnclient Ipsec parameters for VirtualNetworkGateway P2S client.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways/setvpnclientipsecparameters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Vpnclient Ipsec parameters for VirtualNetworkGateway P2S client.", "displayName": "Get Vpnclient Ipsec parameters for VirtualNetworkGateway P2S client.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways/getvpnclientipsecparameters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset Vpnclient shared key for VirtualNetworkGateway P2S client.", "displayName": "Reset Vpnclient shared key for VirtualNetworkGateway P2S client.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways/resetvpnclientsharedkey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resets a virtualNetworkGateway", "displayName": "Resets a 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Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Virtual Network Tap.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkTaps/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Virtual Network Tap", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Tap", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkTaps/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Virtual Network Tap", "displayName": "Create or Update Virtual Network Tap", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkTaps/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a Virtual Wan resource", "name": "virtualWans", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a Virtual Wan", "displayName": "Deletes a Virtual Wan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Virtual Wan", "displayName": "Get a Virtual Wan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Virtual Wan", "displayName": "Create or update a Virtual Wan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Virtual WAN. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join Virtual WAN", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a Vpn Configuration", "displayName": "Gets a Vpn Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualwans/vpnconfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get VirtualWanVpnServerConfigurations", "displayName": "Get VirtualWanVpnServerConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualwans/vpnServerConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate VirtualWanVpnServerConfiguration VpnProfile", "displayName": "Generate VirtualWanVpnServerConfiguration VpnProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualwans/generateVpnProfile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update VPN reference in VirtualWan", "displayName": "Update VPN reference in 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/virtualHubs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a Vpn Site resource.", "name": "vpnsites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Vpn Site resource.", "displayName": "Gets a Vpn Site resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnsites/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Vpn Site resource.", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Vpn Site resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnsites/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Vpn Site resource.", "displayName": "Deletes a Vpn Site resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnsites/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a Virtual Hub resource", "name": "virtualHubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Deletes a 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"properties": null }, { "description": "Gets routes learnt from a virtual wan connection", "displayName": "Gets inbound routes from vwan connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/inboundRoutes/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Routes advertised by a virtual wan connection", "displayName": "Get Routes advertised by a connection ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/outboundRoutes/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a HubVirtualNetworkConnection resource", "name": "virtualHubs/hubVirtualNetworkConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a HubVirtualNetworkConnection", "displayName": "Get a HubVirtualNetworkConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/hubVirtualNetworkConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a HubVirtualNetworkConnection", "displayName": "Create or 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"origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Express Route Cross Connection", "displayName": "Delete Express Route Cross Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Backfill Express Route Cross Connection", "displayName": "Backfill Express Route Cross Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/serviceProviders/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins an Express Route Cross Connection. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join Express Route Cross Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "name": "expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "displayName": "Get Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Express Route Cross Connection Peering or Updates an existing Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "displayName": "Create or Update Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "displayName": "Delete Express Route Cross Connection Peering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Connection Monitor metric definitions", "name": "networkWatchers/connectionMonitors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Connection Monitor", "displayName": "Read Connection Monitor metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "% of connectivity monitoring probes failed", "displayName": "% Probes Failed (classic)", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "ProbesFailedPercent", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ResourceID", "sourceMdmAccount": "NetworkAnalytics", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NodePluginHost", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Average network round-trip time (ms) for connectivity monitoring probes sent between source and destination", "displayName": "Avg. 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"defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Destination subnet address", "internalName": "DestinationSubnet", "name": "DestinationSubnet" } ], "displayDescription": "Connection monitor test result", "displayName": "Test Result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "TestResult", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ConnectionMonitorResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "NetworkAnalytics", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NodePluginHost", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "DDoS Protection Plan", "name": "ddosProtectionPlans", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a DDoS Protection Plan", "displayName": "Gets a DDoS Protection Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ddosProtectionPlans/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a DDoS Protection Plan or updates a DDoS Protection Plan ", "displayName": "Creates a DDoS Protection Plan or updates an existing DDoS Protection Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ddosProtectionPlans/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a DDoS Protection Plan", "displayName": "Deletes a DDoS Protection Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ddosProtectionPlans/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a DDoS Protection Plan. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join DDoS Protection Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ddosProtectionPlans/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DDoS Protection Plan Proxy", "name": "ddosProtectionPlans/ddosProtectionPlanProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a DDoS Protection Plan Proxy definition", "displayName": "Get DDoS Protection Plan Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ddosProtectionPlans/ddosProtectionPlanProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a DDoS Protection Plan Proxy or updates and existing DDoS Protection Plan Proxy", "displayName": "Create or update DDoS Protection Plan Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ddosProtectionPlans/ddosProtectionPlanProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a DDoS Protection Plan Proxy", "displayName": "Delete DDoS Protection Plan Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ddosProtectionPlans/ddosProtectionPlanProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a VpnGateway resource.", "name": "vpnGateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a VpnGateway.", "displayName": "Get VpnGateway.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts a VpnGateway.", "displayName": "Put VpnGateway.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a VpnGateway.", "displayName": "Delete VpnGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resets a VpnGateway", "displayName": "Resets a VpnGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpngateways/reset/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets bgp peer status of a VpnGateway", "displayName": "Gets bgp peer status of a VpnGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpngateways/getbgppeerstatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets learned routes of a VpnGateway", "displayName": "Gets learned routes of a VpnGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpngateways/getlearnedroutes/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets advertised routes of a VpnGateway", "displayName": "Gets advertised routes of a VpnGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpngateways/getadvertisedroutes/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start Vpn gateway Packet Capture with according resource", "displayName": "Start Vpn gateway Packet Capture with according resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpngateways/startpacketcapture/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop Vpn gateway Packet Capture with sasURL", "displayName": "Stop Vpn gateway Packet Capture with sasURL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpngateways/stoppacketcapture/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets connection health for all or a subset of connections on a VpnGateway", "displayName": "Gets connection health for all or a subset of connections on a VpnGateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpngateways/listvpnconnectionshealth/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a VpnConeection resource.", "name": "vpnGateways/vpnConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a VpnConnection.", "displayName": "Get VpnConnection resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts a VpnConnection.", "displayName": "Put VpnConnection resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a VpnConnection.", "displayName": "Delete VpnConnection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start packet capture for selected linked in vpn connection", "displayName": "Start packet capture for selected linked in vpn connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/startpacketcapture/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop packet capture for selected linked in vpn connection", "displayName": "Stop packet capture for selected linked in vpn connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/stoppacketcapture/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vpn Site Proxy", "name": "virtualWans/vpnSiteProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Vpn Site proxy definition", "displayName": "Get Vpn Site proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/vpnSiteProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Vpn Site proxy or updates a Vpn Site proxy", "displayName": "Create or update Vpn Site proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/vpnSiteProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Vpn Site proxy", "displayName": "Delete Vpn Site proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/vpnSiteProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Hub Proxy", "name": "virtualWans/virtualHubProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Virtual Hub proxy definition", "displayName": "Get Virtual Hub proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/virtualHubProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Virtual Hub proxy or updates a Virtual Hub proxy", "displayName": "Create or update Virtual Hub proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/virtualHubProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Virtual Hub proxy", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Hub proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualWans/virtualHubProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ExpressRoutePorts", "name": "expressRoutePorts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets ExpressRoutePorts", "displayName": "Gets ExpressRoutePorts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates ExpressRoutePorts", "displayName": "Creates or updates ExpressRoutePorts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins Express Route ports. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Joins ExpressRoutePorts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes ExpressRoutePorts", "displayName": "Deletes ExpressRoutePorts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates LOA for ExpressRoutePorts", "displayName": "Generates LOA for ExpressRoutePorts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts/generateloa/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ExpressRoute Circuit Peerings metric definitions", "name": "expressRouteCircuits/peerings/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metric definitions for ExpressRoute Circuit Peerings", "displayName": "Gets the metric definitions for ExpressRoute Circuit Peerings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/peerings/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Bits ingressing Azure per second", "displayName": "BitsInPerSecond", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "BitsInPerSecond", "unit": "BitsPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Bits egressing Azure per second", "displayName": "BitsOutPerSecond", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "BitsOutPerSecond", "unit": "BitsPerSecond" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Connections metric definitions", "name": "connections/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metric definitions for Connections", "displayName": "Gets the metric definitions for Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Bits ingressing Azure per second", "displayName": "BitsInPerSecond", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "BitsInPerSecond", "unit": "BitsPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1M", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Bits egressing Azure per second", "displayName": "BitsOutPerSecond", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "BitsOutPerSecond", "unit": "BitsPerSecond" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings for Connections", "name": "connections/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets diagnostic settings for Connections", "displayName": "Gets diagnostic settings for Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates diagnostic settings for Connections", "displayName": "Create or update diagnostic settings for Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/connections/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings for ExpressRoute Circuit Peerings", "name": "expressRouteCircuits/peerings/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets diagnostic settings for ExpressRoute Circuit Peerings", "displayName": "Gets diagnostic settings for ExpressRoute Circuit Peerings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/peerings/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates diagnostic settings for ExpressRoute Circuit Peerings", "displayName": "Create or update diagnostic settings for ExpressRoute Circuit Peerings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/peerings/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Profile", "name": "networkProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Profile", "displayName": "Get Network Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkProfiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Network Profile", "displayName": "Creates or Updates Network Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkProfiles/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Profile", "displayName": "Delete Network Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkProfiles/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets Containers", "displayName": "Sets containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkProfiles/setContainers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Containers", "displayName": "Removes Containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkProfiles/removeContainers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets Container Network Interfaces", "displayName": "Set Container Network Interfaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkProfiles/setNetworkInterfaces/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Intent Policy", "name": "networkIntentPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Network Intent Policy Description", "displayName": "Gets a Network Intent Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkIntentPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Network Intent Policy or updates an existing Network Intent Policy", "displayName": "Create or Update Network Intent Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkIntentPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Network Intent Policy", "displayName": "Delete Network Intent Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkIntentPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Network Intent Policy. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Joins Network Intent Policy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkIntentPolicies/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer Outbound Rule", "name": "loadBalancers/outboundRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a load balancer outbound rule definition", "displayName": "Get Load Balancer Outbound Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/outboundRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Public Ip Prefix", "name": "publicIPPrefixes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Public Ip Prefix Definition", "displayName": "Get Public Ip Prefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates A Public Ip Prefix Or Updates An Existing Public Ip Prefix", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Public Ip Prefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes A Public Ip Prefix", "displayName": "Delete Public Ip Prefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a PublicIPPrefix. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join PublicIPPrefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Firewall metric definition", "name": "azurefirewalls/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Azure Firewall", "displayName": "Read Azure Firewall metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Status", "name": "Status" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Reason", "name": "Reason" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of times Application rules were hit", "displayName": "Application rules hit count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "ApplicationRuleHit", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Status", "name": "Status" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Reason", "name": "Reason" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of times Network rules were hit", "displayName": "Network rules hit count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "NetworkRuleHit", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Status", "name": "Status" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Reason", "name": "Reason" } ], "displayDescription": "Indicates the overall health of this firewall", "displayName": "Firewall health state", "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "name": "FirewallHealth", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Total amount of data processed by this firewall", "displayName": "Data processed", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "DataProcessed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Throughput processed by this firewall", "displayName": "Throughput", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "Throughput", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "BitsPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of outbound SNAT ports currently in use", "displayName": "SNAT port utilization", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "SNATPortUtilization", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Firewall Log Definitions", "name": "azurefirewalls/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the events for Azure Firewall", "displayName": "Gets the logs for Azure Firewall", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Firewall Application Rule", "name": "AzureFirewallApplicationRule" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Firewall Network Rule", "name": "AzureFirewallNetworkRule" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Firewall DNS Proxy", "name": "AzureFirewallDnsProxy" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "ExpressRouteLink", "name": "expressRoutePorts/links", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets ExpressRouteLink", "displayName": "Gets ExpressRouteLink", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts/links/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Express Route Ports Location", "name": "expressRoutePortsLocations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Express Route Ports Locations", "displayName": "Get Express Route Ports Locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePortsLocations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Front Door", "name": "frontDoors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Front Door", "displayName": "Gets a Front Door", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Front Door", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Front Door", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Front Door", "displayName": "Deletes a Front Door", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Purge cached content from a Front Door", "displayName": "Purge cached content from a Front Door", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/purge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a frontend endpoint for a Front Door", "displayName": "Validates a frontend endpoint for a Front Door", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/validateCustomDomain/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Firewall", "name": "azurefirewalls", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Azure Firewall", "displayName": "Get Azure Firewall", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Firewall", "displayName": "Creates or updates an Azure Firewall", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Azure Firewall", "displayName": "Delete Azure Firewall", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets IP prefixes learned by Azure Firewall to not perform SNAT", "displayName": "Gets IP prefixes learned by Azure Firewall to not perform SNAT", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls/learnedIPPrefixes/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "AzureFirewallPacketCaptureOperation", "displayName": "AzureFirewallPacketCaptureOperation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls/packetCapture/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PingMesh", "name": "networkWatchers/pingMeshes", "operations": [ { "description": "Start PingMesh between specified VMs", "displayName": "Start PingMesh", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/pingMeshes/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop PingMesh between specified VMs", "displayName": "Stop PingMesh", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/pingMeshes/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get PingMesh details", "displayName": "Get PingMesh", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/pingMeshes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a PingMesh", "displayName": "Create PingMesh", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/pingMeshes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a PingMesh", "displayName": "Delete PingMesh", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/pingMeshes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS Alias of a Public Ip Address", "name": "publicIPAddresses/dnsAliases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Public Ip Address Dns Alias resource", "displayName": "Gets a Public Ip Address DNS Alias resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/dnsAliases/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Public Ip Address Dns Alias resource", "displayName": "Create or Update a Public Ip Address Dns Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/dnsAliases/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Public Ip Address Dns Alias resource", "displayName": "Deletes a Public Ip Address Dns Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/dnsAliases/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PingMesh metric definition", "name": "virtualNetworks/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets available metrics for the PingMesh", "displayName": "Read PingMesh metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "SourceAddress", "internalName": "SrcCA", "name": "SourceCustomerAddress" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "DestinationAddress", "internalName": "DestCA", "name": "DestinationCustomerAddress" } ], "displayDescription": "Round trip time for Pings sent to a destination VM", "displayName": "Round trip time for Pings to a VM", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "PingMeshAverageRoundtripMs", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "SrcVNetId", "sourceMdmAccount": "NetAnalyticsPingMesh", "sourceMdmNamespace": "PingMesh", "unit": "MilliSeconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "SourceAddress", "internalName": "SrcCA", "name": "SourceCustomerAddress" }, { 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"Microsoft.Network/frontdoors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the Frontdoor resource", "displayName": "Create or update Frontdoor diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontdoors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a P2SVpnGateway resource.", "name": "p2sVpnGateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a P2SVpnGateway.", "displayName": "Get P2SVpnGateway.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/p2sVpnGateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts a P2SVpnGateway.", "displayName": "Put P2SVpnGateway.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/p2sVpnGateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a P2SVpnGateway.", "displayName": "Delete 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"Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations/loadBalancerPools/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a load balancer frontend IP address backend pool. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join load balancer frontend IP address backend pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations/loadBalancerPools/join/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DDoS customized Policy", "name": "ddosCustomPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a DDoS customized policy definition Definition", "displayName": "Get DDoS customized policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ddosCustomPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a DDoS customized policy or updates an existing DDoS customized policy", "displayName": "Create or Update a DDoS customized policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ddosCustomPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a DDoS customized policy", "displayName": "Delete DDoS customized policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ddosCustomPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Nat Gateway", "name": "natGateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Nat Gateway Definition", "displayName": "Get Nat Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/natGateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Nat Gateway Or Updates An Existing Nat Gateway", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Nat Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/natGateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Nat Gateway", "displayName": "Delete Nat Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/natGateways/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a NAT Gateway", "displayName": "Join NAT Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/natGateways/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vpn Gateway 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"displayName": "Remote IP", "name": "RemoteIP" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Drop Type", "name": "DropType" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Instance" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of NATed packets on a tunnel that dropped by drop type and NAT rule", "displayName": "Tunnel NAT Packet Drops", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "NATPacketDrop", "isInternal": false, "name": "TunnelNatPacketDrop", "sourceMdmAccount": "BrkGWTShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Vpn Gateway Log Definitions", "name": "vpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the events for Vpn Gateway", "displayName": "Gets Vpn Gateway Log Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Gateway Diagnostic Logs", "name": "GatewayDiagnosticLog" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Tunnel Diagnostic Logs", "name": "TunnelDiagnosticLog" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Route Diagnostic Logs", "name": "RouteDiagnosticLog" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "IKE Diagnostic Logs", "name": "IKEDiagnosticLog" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Vpn Gateway diagnostic settings", "name": "vpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Vpn Gateway Diagnostic Settings", "displayName": "Get Vpn Gateway Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Vpn Gateway diagnostic settings, this operation is supplimented by insights resource provider.", "displayName": "Create or update Vpn Gateway diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "P2S Vpn Gateway metric definition", "name": "p2sVpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for P2S Vpn Gateway", "displayName": "Read P2S Vpn Gateway metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/p2sVpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Instance" } ], "displayDescription": "Average point-to-site bandwidth of a gateway in bytes per second", "displayName": "Gateway P2S Bandwidth", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "P2SBandwidth", "sourceMdmAccount": "BrkGWTShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Instance" } ], "displayDescription": "Point-to-site connection count of a gateway", "displayName": "P2S Connection Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "P2SConnectionCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "BrkGWTShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "P2S Vpn Gateway Log Definitions", "name": "p2sVpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the events for P2S Vpn Gateway", "displayName": "Gets P2S Vpn Gateway Log Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/p2sVpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Gateway Diagnostic Logs", "name": "GatewayDiagnosticLog" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "IKE Diagnostic Logs", "name": "IKEDiagnosticLog" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "P2S Diagnostic Logs", "name": "P2SDiagnosticLog" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "P2S Vpn Gateway diagnostic settings", "name": "p2sVpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the P2S Vpn Gateway Diagnostic Settings", "displayName": "Get P2S Vpn Gateway Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/p2sVpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the P2S Vpn Gateway diagnostic settings, this operation is supplimented by insights resource provider.", "displayName": "Create or update P2S Vpn Gateway diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/p2sVpnGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bastion Host", "name": "bastionHosts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Bastion Host", "displayName": "Gets a Bastion Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a Bastion Host", "displayName": "Create or Update a Bastion Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Bastion Host", "displayName": "Deletes a Bastion Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Active Sessions in the Bastion Host", "displayName": "Get Active Sessions in the Bastion Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/getactivesessions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disconnect given Active Sessions in the Bastion Host", "displayName": "Disconnect given Active Sessions in the Bastion Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/disconnectactivesessions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the shareable urls for the specified VMs in a Bastion subnet provided their urls are created", "displayName": "Returns the shareable urls for the specified VMs in a Bastion subnet provided their urls are created", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/getShareableLinks/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates shareable urls for the VMs under a bastion and returns the urls", "displayName": "Creates shareable urls for the VMs under a bastion and returns the urls", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/createShareableLinks/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes shareable urls for the provided VMs under a bastion", "displayName": "Deletes shareable urls for the provided VMs under a bastion", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/deleteShareableLinks/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes shareable urls for the provided tokens under a bastion", "displayName": "Deletes shareable urls for the provided tokens under a bastion", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/deleteShareableLinksByToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets SAS URL for BastionHost Session Recording Feature", "displayName": "Sets SAS URL for BastionHost Session Recording Feature", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/setsessionrecordingsasurl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets SAS URL for BastionHost Session Recording Feature", "displayName": "Gets SAS URL for BastionHost Session Recording Feature", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/getsessionrecordingsasurl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Front Door", "name": "frontDoors/routingRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a routing rule", "displayName": "Gets a routing rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/routingRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a routing rule", "displayName": "Creates or updates a routing rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/routingRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a routing rule", "displayName": "Deletes a routing rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/routingRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Front Door Backend Pool", "name": "frontDoors/backendPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a backend pool", "displayName": "Gets a backend pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/backendPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a backend pool", "displayName": "Creates or updates a backend pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/backendPools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a backend pool", "displayName": "Deletes a backend pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/backendPools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Front Door Frontend Endpoint", "name": "frontDoors/frontendEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a frontend endpoint", "displayName": "Gets a frontend endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/frontendEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a frontend endpoint", "displayName": "Creates or updates a frontend endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/frontendEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a frontend endpoint", "displayName": "Deletes a frontend endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/frontendEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables HTTPS on a Frontend Endpoint", "displayName": "Enables HTTPS on a Frontend Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/frontendEndpoints/enableHttps/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables HTTPS on a Frontend Endpoint", "displayName": "Disables HTTPS on a Frontend Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/frontendEndpoints/disableHttps/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Front Door Load Balancing Settings", "name": "frontDoors/loadBalancingSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets load balancing settings", "displayName": "Gets load balancing settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/loadBalancingSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates load balancing settings", "displayName": "Creates or updates load balancing settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/loadBalancingSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates load balancing settings", "displayName": "Creates or updates load balancing settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/loadBalancingSettings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Front Door Health Probe Settings", "name": "frontDoors/healthProbeSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets health probe settings", "displayName": "Gets health probe settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/healthProbeSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates health probe settings", "displayName": "Creates or updates health probe settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/healthProbeSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes health probe settings", "displayName": "Deletes health probe settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/healthProbeSettings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web Application Firewall Policy", "name": "frontDoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Web Application Firewall Policy", "displayName": "Gets a Web Application Firewall Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Web Application Firewall Policy", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Web Application Firewall Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Web Application Firewall Policy", "displayName": "Deletes a Web Application Firewall Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Web Application Firewall Policy. Not Alertable.", "displayName": "Join Web Application Firewall Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway available Server Variables", "name": "applicationGatewayAvailableServerVariables", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Application Gateway available Server Variables", "displayName": "Get Application Gateway available Server Variables", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGatewayAvailableServerVariables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway available Request Header", "name": "applicationGatewayAvailableRequestHeaders", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Application Gateway available Request Headers", "displayName": "Get Application Gateway available Request Headers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGatewayAvailableRequestHeaders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway available Response Headers", "name": "applicationGatewayAvailableResponseHeaders", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Application Gateway available Response Header", "displayName": "Get Application Gateway available Response Header", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGatewayAvailableResponseHeaders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Peer Express Route Circuit Connection", "name": "expressRouteCircuits/peerings/peerConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Peer Express Route Circuit Connection", "displayName": "GetPeerExpressRouteCircuitConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/peerings/peerConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway WAF Policy", "name": "ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Application Gateway WAF policy", "displayName": "Get Application Gateway WAF Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Application Gateway WAF policy or updates an Application Gateway WAF policy", "displayName": "Create or Update Application Gateway WAF Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Application Gateway WAF policy", "displayName": "Delete Application Gateway WAF Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Attaches Web application firewall policy to application gateway for containers", "displayName": "Attaches Web application firewall policy to application gateway for containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallPolicies/attachWafPolicyToAgc/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Detaches Web application firewall policy from application gateway for containers", "displayName": "Detaches Web application firewall policy from application gateway for containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallPolicies/detachWafPolicyFromAgc/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bastion Host", "name": "virtualNetworks/bastionHosts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Bastion Host refrences in a Virtual Network.", "displayName": "Get Bastion Host associated with the Virtual Network.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/bastionHosts/default/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint", "name": "privateEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Operation to push private endpoint property updates from NRP client", "displayName": "Operation to push private endpoint property updates from NRP client", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/pushPropertiesToResource/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an private endpoint resource.", "displayName": "Get an private endpoint resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new private endpoint, or updates an existing private endpoint.", "displayName": "Create or update an private endpoint.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an private endpoint resource.", "displayName": "Delete an private endpoint.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link Service Proxy", "name": "privateEndpoints/privateLinkServiceProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a private link service proxy resource.", "displayName": "Get a private link service proxy resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/privateLinkServiceProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new private link service proxy, or updates an existing private link service proxy.", "displayName": "Create or update a private link service proxy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/privateLinkServiceProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an private link service proxy resource.", "displayName": "Delete a private link service proxy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/privateLinkServiceProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an private endpoint connection proxy resource.", "displayName": "Get an private endpoint connection proxy resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new private endpoint connection proxy, or updates an existing private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Create or update an private endpoint connection proxy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an private endpoint connection proxy resource.", "displayName": "Delete an private endpoint connection proxy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an private endpoint connection definition.", "displayName": "Get an private endpoint connection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new private endpoint connection, or updates an existing private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "Create or update an private endpoint connection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "Delete an private endpoint connection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Tag", "name": "locations/serviceTags", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Service Tags", "displayName": "Get Service Tags", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/serviceTags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Private Endpoint resources", "name": "locations/availablePrivateEndpointTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets available Private Endpoint resources", "displayName": "Get available Private Endpoint resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/availablePrivateEndpointTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Auto Approved Private Link Service.", "name": "locations/autoApprovedPrivateLinkServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Auto Approved Private Link Services", "displayName": "Get Auto Approved Private Link Services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/autoApprovedPrivateLinkServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web Application Firewall Managed Rule Sets", "name": "frontDoorWebApplicationFirewallManagedRuleSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Web Application Firewall Managed Rule Sets", "displayName": "Gets Web Application Firewall Managed Rule Sets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoorWebApplicationFirewallManagedRuleSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS Zone", "name": "privateDnsZones", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Private DNS zone properties, in JSON format. Note that this command does not retrieve the virtual networks to which the Private DNS zone is linked or the record sets contained within the zone.", "displayName": "Get Private DNS zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Private DNS zone within a resource group. Note that this command cannot be used to create or update virtual network links or record sets within the zone.", "displayName": "Create or Update Private DNS Zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete Private DNS Zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Private DNS Zone", "displayName": "Join Private DNS Zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS Zone Link to Virtual Network", "name": "privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Private DNS zone link to virtual network properties, in JSON format.", "displayName": "Get Private DNS zone link to virtual network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Private DNS zone link to virtual network.", "displayName": "Create or Update Private DNS zone link to virtual network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private DNS zone link to virtual network.", "displayName": "Delete Private DNS zone link to virtual network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS A record set", "name": "privateDnsZones/A", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018A\u2019 within a Private DNS zone, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type A", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/A/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018A\u2019 within a Private DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type A", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/A/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018A\u2019 from a Private DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type A", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/A/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS AAAA record set", "name": "privateDnsZones/AAAA", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018AAAA\u2019 within a Private DNS zone, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type AAAA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/AAAA/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018AAAA\u2019 within a Private DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type AAAA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/AAAA/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018AAAA\u2019 from a Private DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type AAAA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/AAAA/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS CNAME record set", "name": "privateDnsZones/CNAME", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018CNAME\u2019 within a Private DNS zone, in JSON format.", "displayName": "Get record set of type CNAME", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/CNAME/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018CNAME\u2019 within a Private DNS zone.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type CNAME", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/CNAME/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018CNAME\u2019 from a Private DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type CNAME", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/CNAME/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS MX record set", "name": "privateDnsZones/MX", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018MX\u2019 within a Private DNS zone, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type MX", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/MX/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018MX\u2019 within a Private DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type MX", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/MX/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018MX\u2019 from a Private DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type MX", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/MX/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS PTR record set", "name": "privateDnsZones/PTR", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018PTR\u2019 within a Private DNS zone, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type PTR", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/PTR/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018PTR\u2019 within a Private DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type PTR", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/PTR/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018PTR\u2019 from a Private DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type PTR", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/PTR/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS SOA record set", "name": "privateDnsZones/SOA", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018SOA\u2019 within a Private DNS zone, in JSON format.", "displayName": "Get record set of type SOA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/SOA/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a record set of type \u2018SOA\u2019 within a Private DNS zone.", "displayName": "Update record set of type SOA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/SOA/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS SRV record set", "name": "privateDnsZones/SRV", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018SRV\u2019 within a Private DNS zone, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type SRV", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/SRV/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018SRV\u2019 within a Private DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type SRV", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/SRV/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018SRV\u2019 from a Private DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type SRV", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/SRV/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS TXT record set", "name": "privateDnsZones/TXT", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the record set of type \u2018TXT\u2019 within a Private DNS zone, in JSON format. The record set contains a list of records as well as the TTL, tags, and etag.", "displayName": "Get record set of type TXT", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/TXT/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a record set of type \u2018TXT\u2019 within a Private DNS zone. The records specified will replace the current records in the record set.", "displayName": "Create or update record set of type TXT", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/TXT/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the record set of a given name and type \u2018TXT\u2019 from a Private DNS zone.", "displayName": "Delete record set of type TXT", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/TXT/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS record set", "name": "privateDnsZones/ALL", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Private DNS record sets across types", "displayName": "Gets Private DNS record sets across types", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/ALL/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS record set", "name": "privateDnsZones/recordsets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Private DNS record sets across types", "displayName": "Gets Private DNS record sets across types", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/recordsets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS operation results", "name": "privateDnsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets results of a Private DNS operation", "displayName": "Gets results of a Private DNS operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS operation status", "name": "privateDnsOperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets status of a Private DNS operation", "displayName": "Gets status of a Private DNS operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsOperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Nat Gateway metric definition", "name": "natGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Nat Gateway", "displayName": "Read Nat Gateway metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/natGateways/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol", "internalName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Connection State (Attempted | Established | Failed | Closed | TimedOut)", "internalName": "ConnectionState", "name": "ConnectionState" } ], "displayDescription": "Total concurrent active connections", "displayName": "SNAT Connection Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "SNATConnectionCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "NatGatewayId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbv2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NatService", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol", "internalName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of active SNAT connections", "displayName": "Total SNAT Connection Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "TotalConnectionCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "NatGatewayId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbv2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NatService", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol", "internalName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Direction (Out | In)", "internalName": "Direction", "name": "Direction" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period", "displayName": "Bytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "ByteCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "NatGatewayId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbv2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NatService", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Count of dropped packets", "displayName": "Dropped Packets", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "PacketDropCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "NatGatewayId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbv2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NatService", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Protocol", "internalName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Direction (Out | In)", "internalName": "Direction", "name": "Direction" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of Packets transmitted within time period", "displayName": "Packets", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "PacketCount", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "NatGatewayId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbv2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NatService", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "NAT Gateway Datapath Availability", "displayName": "Datapath Availability (Preview)", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "DatapathAvailability", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "NatGatewayId", "sourceMdmAccount": "slbv2", "sourceMdmNamespace": "NatService", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Policy", "name": "firewallPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Firewall Policy", "displayName": "Get Firewall Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Firewall Policy or Updates an existing Firewall Policy", "displayName": "Create or Update Firewall Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Firewall Policy. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join Firewall Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate Firewall Policy Certificates", "displayName": "Generate Firewall Policy Certificates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/certificates/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploy Firewall Policy Draft", "displayName": "Deploy Firewall Policy Draft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Firewall Policy", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Policy Rule Group", "name": "firewallPolicies/ruleGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Firewall Policy Rule Group", "displayName": "Get Firewall Policy Rule Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/ruleGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Firewall Policy Rule Group or Updates an existing Firewall Policy Rule Group", "displayName": "Create or Update Firewall Policy Rule Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/ruleGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Firewall Policy Rule Group", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Policy Rule Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/ruleGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringArpTable", "name": "expressRouteCircuits/peerings/arpTables", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an ExpressRouteCircuit Peering ArpTable", "displayName": "Get ExpressRouteCircuit Peering ArpTable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/peerings/arpTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringArpTable", "name": "expressRouteCircuits/peerings/routeTables", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an ExpressRouteCircuit Peering RouteTable", "displayName": "Get ExpressRouteCircuit Peering RouteTable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/peerings/routeTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ExpressRouteCircuitPeeringArpTable", "name": "expressRouteCircuits/peerings/routeTablesSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an ExpressRouteCircuit Peering RouteTable Summary", "displayName": "Get an ExpressRouteCircuit Peering RouteTable Summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/peerings/routeTablesSummary/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Express Route Cross Connection Peering Arp Table", "name": "expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings/arpTables", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Express Route Cross Connection Peering Arp Table", "displayName": "Get Express Route Cross Connection Peering Arp Table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings/arpTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Express Route Cross Connection Peering Route Table", "name": "expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings/routeTables", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Express Route Cross Connection Peering Route Table", "displayName": "Get Express Route Cross Connection Peering Route Table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings/routeTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Express Route Cross Connection Peering Route Table Summary", "name": "expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings/routeTableSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Express Route Cross Connection Peering Route Table Summary", "displayName": "Get Express Route Cross Connection Peering Route Table Summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCrossConnections/peerings/routeTableSummary/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a Vpn Site Link resource", "name": "vpnSites/vpnSiteLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Vpn Site Link", "displayName": "Gets a Vpn Site Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnSites/vpnSiteLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a Vpn Link Connection resource", "name": "vpnGateways/vpnConnections/vpnLinkConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Vpn Link Connection IKE Security Associations", "displayName": "Lists Vpn Link Connection IKE Security Associations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/vpnLinkConnections/getikesas/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resets connection for vWAN", "displayName": "Resets connection for vWAN", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/vpnLinkConnections/resetconnection/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a Vpn Link Connection", "displayName": "Gets a Vpn Link Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/vpnLinkConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Redirect Map", "name": "privateEndpointRedirectMaps", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Private Endpoint RedirectMap", "displayName": "Gets Private Endpoint RedirectMaps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpointRedirectMaps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates Private Endpoint RedirectMap Or Updates An Existing Private Endpoint RedirectMap", "displayName": "Create Or Update Private Endpoint Redirect Map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpointRedirectMaps/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link Service metric definition", "name": "privateLinkServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Private Link Service", "displayName": "Read Private Link Service metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Private Link Service Id", "internalName": "ResourceId", "name": "PrivateLinkServiceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of Bytes Out", "displayName": "Bytes In", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "PLSBytesIn", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "VNetMDMShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "VNetAzureMonitoring", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Private Link Service Id", "internalName": "ResourceId", "name": "PrivateLinkServiceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of Bytes Out", "displayName": "Bytes Out", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "PLSBytesOut", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "VNetMDMShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "VNetAzureMonitoring", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Private Link Service Id", "internalName": "ResourceId", "name": "PrivateLinkServiceId" }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Private Link Service IP Address", "internalName": "NatIP", "name": "PrivateLinkServiceIPAddress" } ], "displayDescription": "Nat Ports Usage", "displayName": "Nat Ports Usage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "PLSNatPortsUsage", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "VNetMDMShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "VNetAzureMonitoring", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint metric definition", "name": "privateEndpoints/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Private Endpoint", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Total number of Bytes Out", "displayName": "Bytes In", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "PEBytesIn", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "VNetMDMShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "VNetAzureMonitoring", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P1D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" } ], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Total number of Bytes Out", "displayName": "Bytes Out", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Standard$", "name": "PEBytesOut", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "VNetMDMShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "VNetAzureMonitoring", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a VirtualHubRouteTableV2 resource", "name": "virtualHubs/routeTables", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a VirtualHubRouteTableV2", "displayName": "Get a VirtualHubRouteTableV2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/routeTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a VirtualHubRouteTableV2", "displayName": "Create or Update a VirtualHubRouteTableV2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/routeTables/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a VirtualHubRouteTableV2", "displayName": "Delete a VirtualHubRouteTableV2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/routeTables/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualRouter", "name": "virtualRouters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets A VirtualRouter", "displayName": "Gets VirtualRouter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualRouters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates A VirtualRouter or Updates An Existing VirtualRouter", "displayName": "Create or Update VirtualRouter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualRouters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes A VirtualRouter", "displayName": "Delete VirtualRouter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualRouters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins A VirtualRouter. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Joins VirtualRouter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualRouters/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "P2SVpnGateway Proxy", "name": "vpnServerConfigurations/p2sVpnGatewayProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a P2SVpnGateway Proxy definition", "displayName": "Get P2SVpnGateway proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations/p2sVpnGatewayProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a P2SVpnGateway Proxy or updates a P2SVpnGateway Proxy", "displayName": "Create or update P2SVpnGateway Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations/p2sVpnGatewayProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a P2SVpnGateway Proxy", "displayName": "Delete P2SVpnGateway Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations/p2sVpnGatewayProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VpnServerConfiguration", "name": "vpnServerConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get VpnServerConfiguration", "displayName": "Get VpnServerConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update VpnServerConfiguration", "displayName": "Create or Update VpnServerConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete VpnServerConfiguration", "displayName": "Delete VpnServerConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Service Aliases", "name": "locations/availableServiceAliases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Available Service Aliases", "displayName": "Get Available Service Aliases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/availableServiceAliases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Contextual Service Endpoint Policies", "name": "virtualNetworks/subnets/contextualServiceEndpointPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Contextual Service Endpoint Policies", "displayName": "Get Contextual Service Endpoint Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/contextualServiceEndpointPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Contextual Service Endpoint Policy or updates an existing Contextual Service Endpoint Policy", "displayName": "Create or update ContextualServiceEndpointPolicy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/contextualServiceEndpointPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes A Contextual Service Endpoint Policy", "displayName": "Delete Contextual Service Endpoint Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/contextualServiceEndpointPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualRouterPeering", "name": "virtualRouters/peerings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets A VirtualRouterPeering", "displayName": "Gets VirtualRouterPeering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualRouters/peerings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates A VirtualRouterPeering or Updates An Existing VirtualRouterPeering", "displayName": "Create or Update VirtualRouterPeering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualRouters/peerings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes A VirtualRouterPeering", "displayName": "Delete VirtualRouterPeering", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualRouters/peerings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualRouter Metric Definitions", "name": "virtualRouters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets The Metric Definitions For VirtualRouter", "displayName": "Get VirtualRouter Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualRouters/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [], "category": "Availability", "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Peer", "name": "Peer" } ], "displayDescription": "BGP Availability between VirtualRouter and remote peers", "displayName": "Bgp Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "PeeringAvailability", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "ExpressRoute 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"dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Connection Name", "name": "ConnectionName" } ], "displayDescription": "Bits egressing Azure per second", "displayName": "BitsOutPerSecond", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "ErGatewayConnectionBitsOutPerSecond", "unit": "BitsPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [], "category": "Performance", "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Instance", "name": "roleInstance" } ], "displayDescription": "Packet count of ExpressRoute Gateway", "displayName": "Packets per second", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "ExpressRouteGatewayPacketsPerSecond", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [], "category": "Performance", "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Instance", "name": "roleInstance" } ], "displayDescription": "CPU Utilization of the ExpressRoute Gateway", "displayName": "CPU utilization", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [], "category": "Scalability", "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Instance", "name": "roleInstance" } ], "displayDescription": "Count Of Routes Learned From Peer by ExpressRouteGateway", "displayName": "Count Of Routes Learned from Peer", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRoutesLearnedFromPeer", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": 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"ExpressRouteGatewayNumberOfVmInVnet", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [], "category": "Scalability", "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [], "displayName": "Instance", "name": "roleInstance" } ], "displayDescription": "Frequency of Routes change in ExpressRoute Gateway", "displayName": "Frequency of Routes change", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "lockAggregationType": "Maximum", "name": "ExpressRouteGatewayFrequencyOfRoutesChanged", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Wan P2SVpnServerConfiguration", "name": "virtualWans/p2sVpnServerConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a virtual Wan P2SVpnServerConfiguration", "displayName": "Get 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"displayName": "Read Bastion Host audit log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Bastion Audit Logs", "name": "BastionAuditLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Bastion Host", "name": "bastionHosts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Flow Log", "name": "networkWatchers/flowLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Flow Log details", "displayName": "Get Flow Log", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/flowLogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Flow Log", "displayName": "Create Flow Log", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/flowLogs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Flow Log", "displayName": "Delete Flow Log", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/flowLogs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IpGroups", "name": "ipGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an IpGroup", "displayName": "Gets IpGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ipGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an IpGroup or Updates an Existing IpGroup", "displayName": "Create or Update IpGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ipGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates an IpGroup", "displayName": "Validate an IpGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ipGroups/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update references in an IpGroup", "displayName": "Update reference in an IpGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ipGroups/updateReferences/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins an IpGroup. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Joins IpGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ipGroups/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an IpGroup", "displayName": "Delete IpGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ipGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Ip Allocation", "name": "ipAllocations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get The IpAllocation", "displayName": "Get IpAllocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ipAllocations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates A IpAllocation Or Updates An Existing IpAllocation", "displayName": "Create or Update IpAllocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ipAllocations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes A IpAllocation", "displayName": "Delete IpAllocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/ipAllocations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Internet Analyzer Profile", "name": "networkExperimentProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an Internet Analyzer profile", "displayName": "Get an Internet Analyzer profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkExperimentProfiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update an Internet Analyzer profile", "displayName": "Create or update an Internet Analyzer profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkExperimentProfiles/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Internet Analyzer profile", "displayName": "Delete an Internet Analyzer profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkExperimentProfiles/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Internet Analyzer Pre-configured Endpoint", "name": "networkExperimentProfiles/preconfiguredEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an Internet Analyzer profile's pre-configured endpoints", "displayName": "Get an Internet Analyzer profile's pre-configured endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkExperimentProfiles/preconfiguredEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Internet Analyzer Test", "name": "networkExperimentProfiles/experiments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an Internet Analyzer test", "displayName": "Get an Internet Analyzer test", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkExperimentProfiles/experiments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update an Internet Analyzer test", "displayName": "Create or update an Internet Analyzer test", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkExperimentProfiles/experiments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Internet Analyzer test", "displayName": "Delete an Internet Analyzer test", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkExperimentProfiles/experiments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get an Internet Analyzer test's time series", "displayName": "Get an Internet Analyzer test's time series", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkExperimentProfiles/experiments/timeseries/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get an Internet Analyzer test's latency scorecard", "displayName": "Get an Internet Analyzer test's latency scorecard", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkExperimentProfiles/experiments/latencyScorecard/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS zone metric definitions", "name": "privateDnsZones/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Private DNS zone metric settings", "displayName": "Get Private DNS zone metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of queries served for a Private DNS zone", "displayName": "Query Volume", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "QueryVolume", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of Record Sets in a Private DNS zone", "displayName": "Record Set Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "RecordSetCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "None", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Percent of Record Set capacity utilized by a Private DNS zone", "displayName": "Record Set Capacity Utilization", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "RecordSetCapacity", "isInternal": false, "name": "RecordSetCapacityUtilization", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "None", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of Virtual Networks linked to a Private DNS zone", "displayName": "Virtual Network Link Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "VirtualNetworkLinkCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "None", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Percent of Virtual Network Link capacity utilized by a Private DNS zone", "displayName": "Virtual Network Link Capacity Utilization", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VirtualNetworkLinkCapacity", "isInternal": false, "name": "VirtualNetworkLinkCapacityUtilization", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "None", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Number of Virtual Networks linked to a Private DNS zone with auto-registration enabled", "displayName": "Virtual Network Registration Link Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "isInternal": false, "name": "VirtualNetworkWithRegistrationLinkCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "None", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [], "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Percent of Virtual Network Link with auto-registration capacity utilized by a Private DNS zone", "displayName": "Virtual Network Registration Link Capacity Utilization", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "VirtualNetworkWithRegistrationCapacity", "isInternal": false, "name": "VirtualNetworkWithRegistrationCapacityUtilization", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "None", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS zone diagnostic settings", "name": "privateDnsZones/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Private DNS zone diagnostic settings", "displayName": "Get Private DNS zone diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Private DNS zone diagnostic settings", "displayName": "Create or update Private DNS zone diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SecurityPartnerProviders", "name": "securityPartnerProviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a SecurityPartnerProvider", "displayName": "Get SecurityPartnerProviders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/securityPartnerProviders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a SecurityPartnerProvider or Updates An Existing SecurityPartnerProvider", "displayName": "Create or Update SecurityPartnerProviders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/securityPartnerProviders/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a SecurityPartnerProvider", "displayName": "Validate SecurityPartnerProvider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/securityPartnerProviders/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update references in a SecurityPartnerProvider", "displayName": "Update reference in a SecurityPartnerProvider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/securityPartnerProviders/updateReferences/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a SecurityPartnerProvider. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join SecurityPartnerProviders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/securityPartnerProviders/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a SecurityPartnerProvider", "displayName": "Delete SecurityPartnerProviders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/securityPartnerProviders/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS Zone Group", "name": "privateEndpoints/privateDnsZoneGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Private DNS Zone Group", "displayName": "Get Private DNS Zone Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/privateDnsZoneGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts a Private DNS Zone Group", "displayName": "Put Private DNS Zone Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/privateDnsZoneGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Private DNS Zone Group", "displayName": "Delete Private DNS Zone Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/privateDnsZoneGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway Private Link Resource", "name": "applicationGateways/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets ApplicationGateway PrivateLink Resources", "displayName": "Get Application Gateway Private Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "applicationGateways/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Application Gateway PrivateEndpoint Connections", "displayName": "Get Application Gateway Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Application Gateway PrivateEndpoint Connection", "displayName": "Update Application Gateway PrivateEndpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Application Gateway PrivateEndpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Application Gateway PrivateEndpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Front Door Rules Engine", "name": "frontDoors/rulesEngines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Rules Engine", "displayName": "Gets a Rules Engine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/rulesEngines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Rules Engine", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Rules Engine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/rulesEngines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Rules Engine", "displayName": "Deletes a Rules Engine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontDoors/rulesEngines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Route Table", "name": "virtualHubs/hubRouteTables", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Route Table child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Gets Route Table child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/hubRouteTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Route Table child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Creates or Updates Route Table child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/hubRouteTables/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Route Table child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Deletes Route Table child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/hubRouteTables/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom Ip Prefix", "name": "customIpPrefixes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Custom Ip Prefix Definition", "displayName": "Get Custom Ip Prefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/customIpPrefixes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates A Custom Ip Prefix Or Updates An Existing Custom Ip Prefix", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Custom Ip Prefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/customIpPrefixes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes A Custom Ip Prefix", "displayName": "Delete Custom Ip Prefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/customIpPrefixes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a CustomIpPrefix. Not alertable.", "displayName": "Join CustomIPPrefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/customIpPrefixes/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Master Custom Ip Prefix", "name": "masterCustomIpPrefixes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Master Custom Ip Prefix Definition", "displayName": "Get Master Custom Ip Prefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/masterCustomIpPrefixes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates A Master Custom Ip Prefix Or Updates An Existing Master Custom Ip Prefix", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Master Custom Ip Prefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/masterCustomIpPrefixes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes A Master Custom Ip Prefix", "displayName": "Delete Master Custom Ip Prefix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/masterCustomIpPrefixes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group", "name": "firewallPolicies/ruleCollectionGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group", "displayName": "Get Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/ruleCollectionGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group or Updates an existing Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group", "displayName": "Create or Update Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/ruleCollectionGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/ruleCollectionGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway Private Link Configuration", "name": "applicationGateways/privateLinkConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Application Gateway Private Link Configurations", "displayName": "Get Application Gateway Private Link Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/privateLinkConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Puts the DSCP Configuration resource", "name": "dscpConfiguration", "operations": [ { "description": "Operation to put the DSCP configuration", "displayName": "Creates or update DSCP Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dscpConfiguration/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to put the DSCP configuration", "displayName": "Creates or update DSCP Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dscpConfiguration/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins DSCP Configuration", "displayName": "Joins DSCP Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dscpConfiguration/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an private endpoint connection proxy resource.", "displayName": "Get an private endpoint connection proxy resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new private endpoint connection proxy, or updates an existing private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Create or update an private endpoint connection proxy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an private endpoint connection proxy resource.", "displayName": "Delete an private endpoint connection proxy.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/privateLinkServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Load Balancer", "name": "loadBalancers/backendAddressPools/backendPoolAddresses", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the backend addresses of the Load Balancer backend address pool", "displayName": "Lists the backend addresses of the Load Balancer backend address pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools/backendPoolAddresses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Firewall Applicatiion Rule Collection", "name": "azureFirewalls/applicationRuleCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure Firewall ApplicationRuleCollection", "displayName": "Get Azure Firewall FQDN Tags", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/applicationRuleCollections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "CreatesOrUpdates Azure Firewall ApplicationRuleCollection", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate Azure Firewall ApplicationRuleCollection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/applicationRuleCollections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Azure Firewall ApplicationRuleCollection", "displayName": "Delete Azure Firewall ApplicationRuleCollection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/applicationRuleCollections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Firewall Network Rule Collection", "name": "azureFirewalls/networkRuleCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure Firewall NetworkRuleCollection", "displayName": "Get Azure Firewall FQDN Tags", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/networkRuleCollections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "CreatesOrUpdates Azure Firewall NetworkRuleCollection", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate Azure Firewall NetworkRuleCollection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/networkRuleCollections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Azure Firewall NetworkRuleCollection", "displayName": "Delete Azure Firewall NetworkRuleCollection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/networkRuleCollections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Firewall Nat Rule Collection", "name": "azureFirewalls/natRuleCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure Firewall NatRuleCollection", "displayName": "Get Azure Firewall FQDN Tags", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/natRuleCollections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "CreatesOrUpdates Azure Firewall NatRuleCollection", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate Azure Firewall NatRuleCollection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/natRuleCollections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Azure Firewall NatRuleCollection", "displayName": "Delete Azure Firewall NatRuleCollection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/natRuleCollections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents Hub IpConfiguration resource", "name": "virtualHubs/ipConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Hub IpConfiguration child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Get Hub IpConfiguration child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/ipConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Hub IpConfiguration child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Creates or Updates Hub IpConfiguration child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/ipConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Hub IpConfiguration child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Deletes Hub IpConfiguration resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/ipConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents Hub BgpConnection resource", "name": "virtualHubs/bgpConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Hub Bgp Connection child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Get Hub Bgp Connection child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/bgpConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Hub Bgp Connection child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Creates or Updates Hub Bgp Connection child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/bgpConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Hub Bgp Connection child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Deletes Hub Bgp Connection resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/bgpConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets virtualrouter advertised routes", "displayName": "Gets virtualrouter advertised routes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/bgpConnections/advertisedRoutes/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets virtualrouter learned routes", "displayName": "Gets virtualrouter learned routes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/bgpConnections/learnedRoutes/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private DNS Zone Link to Virtual Network", "name": "virtualNetworks/privateDnsZoneLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Private DNS zone link to a virtual network properties, in JSON format.", "displayName": "Get Private DNS zone link to a virtual network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/privateDnsZoneLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure WebCategories", "name": "azureWebCategories", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure WebCategories", "displayName": "Get Azure WebCategories", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureWebCategories/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Looks up WebCategory", "displayName": "Look up WebCategory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureWebCategories/getwebcategory/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Classifies Unknown WebCategory", "displayName": "Classify Unknown WebCategory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureWebCategories/classifyUnknown/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reclassifies WebCategory", "displayName": "Reclassify WebCategory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureWebCategories/reclassify/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Miscategorization Status", "displayName": "Get Miscategorization Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureWebCategories/getMiscategorizationStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NAT Rule", "name": "vpnGateways/natRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a NAT rule resource", "displayName": "Get NAT Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/natRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts a NAT rule resource", "displayName": "Put NAT Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/natRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a NAT rule resource", "displayName": "Delete NAT Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/natRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NAT Rule", "name": "virtualNetworkGateways/natRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a NAT rule resource", "displayName": "Get NAT Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualNetworkGateways/natRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts a NAT rule resource", "displayName": "Put NAT Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualNetworkGateways/natRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a NAT rule resource", "displayName": "Delete NAT Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/virtualNetworkGateways/natRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Watcher", "name": "networkWatchers/topology", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a network level view of resources and their relationships in a resource group.", "displayName": "Get Topology", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/topology/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS Resolver", "name": "dnsResolvers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the DNS Resolver Properties, in JSON format", "displayName": "Get DNS Resolver", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates Or Updates a DNS Resolver, in JSON format", "displayName": "Create Or Update a DNS Resolver", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join DNS Resolver", "displayName": "Join DNS Resolver", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a DNS Resolver", "displayName": "Delete a DNS Resolver", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS Resolver Inbound Endpoint", "name": "dnsResolvers/inboundEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the DNS Resolver Inbound Endpoint, in JSON format", "displayName": "Get DNS Resolver Inbound Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/inboundEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates Or Updates a DNS Resolver Inbound Endpoint, in JSON format", "displayName": "Create Or Update a DNS Resolver Inbound Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/inboundEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join DNS Resolver", "displayName": "Join DNS Resolver", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/inboundEndpoints/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a DNS Resolver Inbound Endpoint, in JSON format", "displayName": "Delete a DNS Resolver Inbound Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/inboundEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS Resolver operation results", "name": "locations/dnsResolverOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets results of a DNS Resolver operation, in JSON format", "displayName": "Get results of a DNS Resolver operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/dnsResolverOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS Resolver operation status", "name": "locations/dnsResolverOperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets status of a DNS Resolver operation", "displayName": "Get status of a DNS Resolver operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/dnsResolverOperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Express Route Ports Authorization", "name": "expressRoutePorts/authorizations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an ExpressRoutePorts Authorization", "displayName": "Get Express Route Ports Authorization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts/authorizations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an existing ExpressRoutePorts Authorization", "displayName": "Create or update an existing ExpressRoutePorts Authorization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts/authorizations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an ExpressRoutePorts Authorization", "displayName": "Delete ExpressRoutePorts Authorization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts/authorizations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ServiceTagInformation resource", "name": "locations/serviceTagDetails", "operations": [ { "description": "GetServiceTagDetails", "displayName": "GetServiceTagDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/serviceTagDetails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Routing Intent", "name": "virtualHubs/routingIntent", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Routing Intent child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Gets Routing Intent child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/routingIntent/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Routing Intent child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Creates or Updates Routing Intent child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/routingIntent/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Routing Intent child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Deletes Routing Intent child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/routingIntent/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Virtual Appliance", "name": "networkVirtualAppliances", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a Network Virtual Appliance", "displayName": "Delete a Network Virtual Appliance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Network Virtual Appliance", "displayName": "Get a Network Virtual Appliance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Network Virtual Appliance", "displayName": "Create or update a Network Virtual Appliance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Network Virtual Appliance delegated subnets", "displayName": "Get Network Virtual Appliance delegated subnets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/getDelegatedSubnets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart Network Virtual Appliance", "displayName": "Restart Network Virtual Appliance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS Resolver Outbound Endpoint", "name": "dnsResolvers/outboundEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the DNS Resolver Outbound Endpoint Properties, in JSON format", "displayName": "Get DNS Resolver Outbound Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/outboundEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates Or Updates a DNS Resolver Outbound Endpoint, in JSON format", "displayName": "Create Or Update a DNS Resolver Outbound Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/outboundEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join DNS Resolver", "displayName": "Join DNS Resolver", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/outboundEndpoints/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a DNS Resolver Outbound Endpoint description.", "displayName": "Delete a DNS Resolver Outbound Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/outboundEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the DNS Forwarding Rulesets Properties for DNS Resolver Outbound Endpoint, in JSON format", "displayName": "Get DNS Forwarding Rulesets for DNS Resolver Outbound Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/outboundEndpoints/listDnsForwardingRulesets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS Forwarding Ruleset", "name": "dnsForwardingRulesets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a DNS Forwarding Ruleset, in JSON format", "displayName": "Get a DNS Forwarding Ruleset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates Or Updates a DNS Forwarding Ruleset", "displayName": "Create Or Update a DNS Forwarding Ruleset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join DNS Forwarding Ruleset", "displayName": "Join DNS Forwarding Ruleset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a DNS Forwarding Ruleset, in JSON format", "displayName": "Delete a DNS Forwarding Ruleset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS Forwarding Rule", "name": "dnsForwardingRulesets/forwardingRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a DNS Forwarding Rule, in JSON format", "displayName": "Get a DNS Forwarding Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/forwardingRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates Or Updates a DNS Forwarding Rule, in JSON format", "displayName": "Create Or Update a DNS Forwarding Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/forwardingRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a DNS Forwarding Rule, in JSON format", "displayName": "Delete a DNS Forwarding Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/forwardingRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS Forwarding Ruleset Link to Virtual Network", "name": "dnsForwardingRulesets/virtualNetworkLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the DNS Forwarding Ruleset Link to virtual network properties, in JSON format", "displayName": "Get DNS Forwarding Ruleset Link to Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/virtualNetworkLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates Or Updates DNS Forwarding Ruleset Link to virtual network properties, in JSON format", "displayName": "Create Or Update DNS Forwarding Ruleset Link to Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/virtualNetworkLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes DNS Forwarding Ruleset Link to Virtual Network", "displayName": "Delete DNS Forwarding Ruleset Link to Virtual Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/virtualNetworkLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Task", "name": "locations/dataTasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Runs Data Task", "displayName": "Run Data Task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/dataTasks/run/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RouteMap", "name": "virtualHubs/routeMaps", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Route Map child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Gets Route Map child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/routeMaps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Route Map child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Creates or Updates Route Map child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/routeMaps/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Route Map child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Deletes Route Map child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/routeMaps/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Configuration Policy Group", "name": "vpnServerConfigurations/configurationPolicyGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Configuration Policy Group ", "displayName": "Get Configuration Policy Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnServerConfigurations/configurationPolicyGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts a Configuration Policy Group", "displayName": "Put Configuration Policy Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnServerConfigurations/configurationPolicyGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Configuration Policy Group", "displayName": "Delete Configuration Policy Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnServerConfigurations/configurationPolicyGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "P2S Connection Configuration Proxy", "name": "vpnServerConfigurations/configurationPolicyGroups/p2sConnectionConfigurationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets A P2S Connection Configuration Proxy Definition", "displayName": "Get P2S Connection Configuration Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations/configurationPolicyGroups/p2sConnectionConfigurationProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates A P2S Connection Configuration Proxy Or Updates An Existing P2S Connection Configuration Proxy", "displayName": "Create Or Update P2S Connection Configuration Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations/configurationPolicyGroups/p2sConnectionConfigurationProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes A P2S Connection Configuration Proxy", "displayName": "Delete P2S Connection Configuration Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations/configurationPolicyGroups/p2sConnectionConfigurationProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter", "name": "networkSecurityPerimeters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter", "displayName": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter", "displayName": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins an NSP Access Rule", "displayName": "Joins an NSP Access Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/joinPerimeterRule/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Link Perimeter in Auto-Approval mode", "displayName": "Link Perimeter in Auto-Approval mode", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/linkPerimeter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Profile", "name": "networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Profile", "displayName": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Profile", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Profile", "displayName": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Network Security Perimeter Profile", "displayName": "Joins a Network Security Perimeter Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks if members can be accessed or not", "displayName": "Checks if members can be accessed or not", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/checkMembers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Access Rule", "name": "networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/accessRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Access Rule", "displayName": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Access Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/accessRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Access Rule", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Access Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/accessRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Access Rule", "displayName": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Access Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/accessRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Resource Association", "name": "networkSecurityPerimeters/resourceAssociations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association", "displayName": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/resourceAssociations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/resourceAssociations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association", "displayName": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/resourceAssociations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Resource Association Proxy", "name": "networkSecurityPerimeters/resourceAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association Proxy", "displayName": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/resourceAssociationProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association Proxy", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/resourceAssociationProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association Proxy", "displayName": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Resource Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/resourceAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Public Ip Address", "name": "internalPublicIpAddresses", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns internal public ip addresses in subscription", "displayName": "Returns internal public ip addresses in subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/internalPublicIpAddresses/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Manager", "name": "networkManagers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Network Manager", "displayName": "Get Network Manager", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Network Manager", "displayName": "Create Or Update Network Manager", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Network Manager", "displayName": "Delete Network Manager", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Network Manager Commit", "displayName": "Network Manager Commit", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/commit/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Deployment Status", "displayName": "List Deployment Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/listDeploymentStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists Active Security Admin Rules", "displayName": "List Active Security Admin Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/listActiveSecurityAdminRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists Active Security User Rules", "displayName": "List Active Security User Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/listActiveSecurityUserRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists Active Connectivity Configurations", "displayName": "List Active Connectivity Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/listActiveConnectivityConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Group", "name": "networkManagers/networkGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Network Group", "displayName": "Get Network Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/networkGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Network Group", "displayName": "Create Or Update Network Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/networkGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Network Group", "displayName": "Delete Network Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/networkGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join Network Group", "displayName": "Join Network Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/networkGroups/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Group Static Member", "name": "networkManagers/networkGroups/staticMembers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Network Group Static Member", "displayName": "Get Network Group Static Member", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/networkGroups/staticMembers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Network Group Static Member", "displayName": "Create Or Update Network Group Static Member", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/networkGroups/staticMembers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Network Group Static Member", "displayName": "Delete Network Group Static Member", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/networkGroups/staticMembers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ConnectivityConfiguration", "name": "networkManagers/connectivityConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Connectivity Configuration", "displayName": "Get Connectivity Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/connectivityConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Connectivity Configuration", "displayName": "Create Or Update Connectivity Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/connectivityConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Connectivity Configuration", "displayName": "Delete Connectivity Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/connectivityConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Admin Configuration", "name": "networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Security Admin Configuration", "displayName": "Get Security Admin Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Security Admin Configuration", "displayName": "Create Or Update Security Admin Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Security Admin Configuration", "displayName": "Delete Security Admin Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Admin Rule Collection", "name": "networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/ruleCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Security Admin Rule Collection", "displayName": "Get Security Admin Rule Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/ruleCollections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Security Admin Rule Collection", "displayName": "Create Or Update Security Admin Rule Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/ruleCollections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Security Admin Rule Collection", "displayName": "Delete Security Admin Rule Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/ruleCollections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Admin Rule", "name": "networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/ruleCollections/rules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Security Admin Rule", "displayName": "Get Security Admin Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/ruleCollections/rules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Security Admin Rule", "displayName": "Create Or Update Security Admin Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/ruleCollections/rules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Security Admin Rule", "displayName": "Delete Security Admin Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityAdminConfigurations/ruleCollections/rules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Manager Connection", "name": "networkManagerConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Network Manager Connection", "displayName": "Get Network Manager Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagerConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Network Manager Connection", "displayName": "Create Or Update Network Manager Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagerConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Network Manager Connection", "displayName": "Delete Network Manager Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagerConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Manager Scope Connection", "name": "networkManagers/scopeConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Network Manager Scope Connection", "displayName": "Get Network Manager Scope Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/scopeConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Network Manager Scope Connection", "displayName": "Create Or Update Network Manager Scope Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/scopeConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Network Manager Scope Connection", "displayName": "Delete Network Manager Scope Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/scopeConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security User Configuration", "name": "networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Security User Configuration", "displayName": "Get Security User Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Security User Configuration", "displayName": "Create Or Update Security User Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Security User Configuration", "displayName": "Delete Security User Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security User Rule Collection", "name": "networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/ruleCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Security User Rule Collection", "displayName": "Get Security User Rule Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/ruleCollections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Security User Rule Collection", "displayName": "Create Or Update Security User Rule Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/ruleCollections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Security User Rule Collection", "displayName": "Delete Security User Rule Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/ruleCollections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security User Rule", "name": "networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/ruleCollections/rules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Security User Rule", "displayName": "Get Security User Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/ruleCollections/rules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update Security User Rule", "displayName": "Create Or Update Security User Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/ruleCollections/rules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Security User Rule", "displayName": "Delete Security User Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/securityUserConfigurations/ruleCollections/rules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Packet Capture", "name": "networkWatchers/packetCaptures/queryStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Packet Capture Status", "displayName": "Read Packet Capture Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/packetCaptures/queryStatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Get the sanitized application gateway dynamic manifest", "name": "locations/applicationGatewayWafDynamicManifests", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the application gateway waf dynamic manifest", "displayName": "Get the application gateway waf dynamic manifest", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/applicationGatewayWafDynamicManifests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Get the sanitized application gateway dynamic manifest", "name": "locations/applicationGatewayWafDynamicManifests/default", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Application Gateway Waf Dynamic Manifest Default entry", "displayName": "Get Application Gateway Waf Dynamic Manifest Default entry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/applicationGatewayWafDynamicManifests/default/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "frontdooroperationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Frontdoor operation result", "displayName": "Gets Frontdoor operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontdooroperationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Front Door", "name": "frontdooroperationresults/frontdoorResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Frontdoor operation result", "displayName": "Gets Frontdoor operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontdooroperationresults/frontdoorResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Front Door Rules Engine", "name": "frontdooroperationresults/rulesenginesresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Rules Engine operation result", "displayName": "Gets Rules Engine operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/frontdooroperationresults/rulesenginesresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Link", "name": "networkSecurityPerimeters/links", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Link", "displayName": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/links/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Link", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/links/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Link", "displayName": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/links/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter LinkReference", "name": "networkSecurityPerimeters/linkReferences", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter LinkReference", "displayName": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter LinkReference", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/linkReferences/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter LinkReference", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter LinkReference", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/linkReferences/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter LinkReference", "displayName": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter LinkReference", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/linkReferences/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconciles a Network Security Perimeter LinkReference", "displayName": "Reconciles a Network Security Perimeter LinkReference", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/linkReferences/reconcile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Group Memberships", "name": "networkGroupMemberships", "operations": [ { "description": "List Network Group Memberships", "displayName": "List Network Group Memberships", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkGroupMemberships/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bastion Host", "name": "bastionHosts/setsessionrecordingsasurl", "operations": [ { "description": "Sets SAS URL for BastionHost Session Recording Feature", "displayName": "Sets SAS URL for BastionHost Session Recording Feature", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/setsessionrecordingsasurl/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bastion Host", "name": "bastionHosts/getsessionrecordingsasurl", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets SAS URL for BastionHost Session Recording Feature", "displayName": "Gets SAS URL for BastionHost Session Recording Feature", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts/getsessionrecordingsasurl/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Verifier", "name": "networkVerifiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Verifier", "displayName": "Gets a Network Verifier", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Network Verifier", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Network Verifier", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Verifier", "displayName": "Deletes a Network Verifier", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Analysis Intent", "name": "networkVerifiers/analysisIntents", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Analysis Intent", "displayName": "Gets a Analysis Intent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/analysisIntents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Analysis Intent", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Analysis Intent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/analysisIntents/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Analysis Intent", "displayName": "Deletes a Analysis Intent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/analysisIntents/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Configuration Snapshot", "name": "networkVerifiers/configurationSnapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Configuration Snapshot", "displayName": "Gets a Configuration Snapshot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/configurationSnapshots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Configuration Snapshot", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Configuration Snapshot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/configurationSnapshots/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Configuration Snapshot", "displayName": "Deletes a Configuration Snapshot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/configurationSnapshots/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Analysis Run", "name": "networkVerifiers/analysisIntents/analysisRuns", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Analysis Run", "displayName": "Gets a Analysis Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/analysisIntents/analysisRuns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Analysis Run", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Analysis Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/analysisIntents/analysisRuns/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Analysis Run", "displayName": "Deletes a Analysis Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVerifiers/analysisIntents/analysisRuns/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Network Manager Configuration Request", "name": "locations/setAzureNetworkManagerConfiguration", "operations": [ { "description": "Permission for calling Set Azure Network Manager Configuration operation. This read permission, not setAzureNetworkManagerConfiguration/action, is required to call Set Azure Network Manager Configuration.", "displayName": "Set Azure Network Manager Configuration Permission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/setAzureNetworkManagerConfiguration/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network", "name": "virtualNetworks/listNetworkManagerEffectiveConnectivityConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Permission for calling List Network Manager Effective Connectivity Configurations operation. This read permission, not listNetworkManagerEffectiveConnectivityConfigurations/action, is required to call List Network Manager Effective Connectivity Configurations.", "displayName": "List Network Manager Effective Connectivity Configurations Permission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/listNetworkManagerEffectiveConnectivityConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network", "name": "virtualNetworks/listNetworkManagerEffectiveSecurityAdminRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Permission for calling List Network Manager Effective Security Admin Rules operation. This read permission, not listNetworkManagerEffectiveSecurityAdminRules/action, is required to call List Network Manager Effective Security Admin Rules.", "displayName": "List Network Manager Effective Security Admin Rules Permission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/listNetworkManagerEffectiveSecurityAdminRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "InboundSecurityRule", "name": "networkVirtualAppliances/inboundSecurityRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a InboundSecurityRule", "displayName": "Get a InboundSecurityRule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/inboundSecurityRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a InboundSecurityRule", "displayName": "Create or update a InboundSecurityRule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/inboundSecurityRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a InboundSecurityRule", "displayName": "Delete a InboundSecurityRule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/inboundSecurityRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Diagnostic Settings Proxy", "name": "networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/diagnosticSettingsProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Diagnostic Settings Proxy", "displayName": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Diagnostic Settings Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles/diagnosticSettingsProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Backing Resource Association", "name": "networkSecurityPerimeters/backingResourceAssociations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Backing Resource Association", "displayName": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Backing Resource Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/backingResourceAssociations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Backing Resource Association", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Network Security Perimeter Backing Resource Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/backingResourceAssociations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Backing Resource Association", "displayName": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Backing Resource Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/backingResourceAssociations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Associable Resources", "name": "locations/perimeterAssociableResourceTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Network Security Perimeter Associable Resources", "displayName": "Gets Network Security Perimeter Associable Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/perimeterAssociableResourceTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Manager", "name": "networkManagers/listActiveSecurityAdminRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Permission for calling List Active Security Admin Rules operation. This read permission, not listActiveSecurityAdminRules/action, is required to call List Active Security Admin Rules.", "displayName": "List Active Security Admin Rules Permission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/listActiveSecurityAdminRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Manager", "name": "networkManagers/listActiveSecurityUserRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Permission for calling List Active Security User Rules operation. This read permission, not listActiveSecurityUserRules/action, is required to call List Active Security User Rules.", "displayName": "List Active Security User Rules Permission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/listActiveSecurityUserRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Manager", "name": "networkManagers/listActiveConnectivityConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Permission for calling List Active Connectivity Configurations operation. This read permission, not listActiveConnectivityConfigurations/action, is required to call List Active Connectivity Configurations.", "displayName": "List Active Connectivity Configurations Permission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/listActiveConnectivityConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Gateway LoadBalancer Alias", "name": "gatewayLoadBalancerAliases", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a Gateway LoadBalancer Alias Or Updates An Existing Gateway LoadBalancer Alias", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Gateway LaodBalancer Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/gatewayLoadBalancerAliases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Gateway LoadBalancer Alias", "displayName": "Delete Gateway LoadBalancer Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/gatewayLoadBalancerAliases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Gateway LoadBalancer Alias definition", "displayName": "Get Gateway LoadBalancer Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/gatewayLoadBalancerAliases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Packet Tagging Data", "name": "locations/getPacketTagging", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Packet Tagging", "displayName": "Gets Packet Tagging", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/getPacketTagging/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Watcher", "name": "networkWatchers/ipFlowVerify", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns whether the packet is allowed or denied to or from a particular destination.", "displayName": "Verify Ip Flow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/ipFlowVerify/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Watcher", "name": "networkWatchers/nextHop", "operations": [ { "description": "For a specified target and destination IP address, return the next hop type and next hope IP address.", "displayName": "Gets the next hop from a VM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/nextHop/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Watcher", "name": "networkWatchers/networkConfigurationDiagnostic", "operations": [ { "description": "Diagnostic of network configuration.", "displayName": "Network Configuration Diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/networkConfigurationDiagnostic/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Watcher", "name": "networkWatchers/connectivityCheck", "operations": [ { "description": "Verifies the possibility of establishing a direct TCP connection from a virtual machine to a given endpoint including another VM or an arbitrary remote server.", "displayName": "Check Connectivity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectivityCheck/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS record set of type DS", "name": "dnszones/DS", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets DNS record set of type DS", "displayName": "Gets DNS record set of type DS", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/DS/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates DNS record set of type DS", "displayName": "Creates or updates DNS record set of type DS", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/DS/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the DNS record set of type DS", "displayName": "Deletes the DNS record set of type DS", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/DS/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNS record set of type TLSA", "name": "dnszones/TLSA", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets DNS record set of type TLSA", "displayName": "Gets DNS record set of type TLSA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/TLSA/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates DNS record set of type TLSA", "displayName": "Creates or updates DNS record set of type TLSA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/TLSA/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the DNS record set of type TLSA", "displayName": "Deletes the DNS record set of type TLSA", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/TLSA/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DNSSEC configuration for a DNS zone", "name": "dnszones/dnssecConfigs/default", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the DNSSEC configuration for a DNS zone", "displayName": "Gets the DNSSEC configuration for a DNS zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/dnssecConfigs/default/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the DNSSEC configuration for a DNS zone", "displayName": "Creates or updates the DNSSEC configuration for a DNS zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/dnssecConfigs/default/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the DNSSEC configuration for a DNS zone", "displayName": "Deletes the DNSSEC configuration for a DNS zone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/dnszones/dnssecConfigs/default/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ConnectionPolicy", "name": "virtualHubs/connectionPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Connection Policy child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Gets Connection Policy child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/connectionPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates Connection Policy child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Creates or Updates Connection Policy child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/connectionPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Connection Policy child resource of Virtual Hub", "displayName": "Deletes Connection Policy child resource of Virtual Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/connectionPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Ipam Pool", "name": "networkManagers/ipamPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Ipam Pool", "displayName": "Gets a Ipam Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/ipamPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Ipam Pool", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Ipam Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/ipamPools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Ipam Pool", "displayName": "Deletes a Ipam Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/ipamPools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action permission for associate resources to Ipam Pool", "displayName": "Associate resources to Ipam Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/ipamPools/associateResourcesToPool/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action permission for list Associated Resource To Ipam Pool", "displayName": "List Associated Resource To Ipam Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/ipamPools/associatedResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disassociate Azure resources (i.e. VNet) from Ipam Pool", "displayName": "Disassociate resources from Ipam Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/ipamPools/disassociateResourcesFromPool/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allocate CIDR range for Azure resource from Ipam Pool", "displayName": "Allocate Azure Resource from Ipam Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/ipamPools/allocateAzureResource/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allocate CIDR range for non Azure resource from Ipam Pool", "displayName": "Allocate Non Azure Resource from Ipam Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/ipamPools/allocateNonAzureResource/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get pool usage for a Ipam Pool", "displayName": "Get Pool Usage for Ipam Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/ipamPools/getPoolUsage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Ipam Pool", "name": "networkManagers/associatedResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Permission for calling List Associated Resource To Ipam Pool operation. This read permission, not associatedResources/action, is required to call List Ipam Pool Associated Resources.", "displayName": "List Associated Resource To Ipam Pool Permission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/associatedResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Firewall", "name": "azureFirewalls/providers/Microsoft.Insights/DiagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostic settings of Azure Firewalls", "displayName": "Get diagnostic settings of Azure Firewalls", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/providers/Microsoft.Insights/DiagnosticSettings/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the diagnostic settings of Azure Firewalls", "displayName": "Create or update diagnostic settings of Azure Firewalls", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/providers/Microsoft.Insights/DiagnosticSettings/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Policy Draft", "name": "firewallPolicies/firewallPolicyDrafts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Firewall Policy Draft", "displayName": "Get Firewall Policy Draft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/firewallPolicyDrafts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Firewall Policy Draft or Updates an existing Firewall Policy Draft", "displayName": "Create or Update Firewall Policy Draft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/firewallPolicyDrafts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Firewall Policy Draft", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Policy Draft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/firewallPolicyDrafts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Virtual Appliance Connection", "name": "networkVirtualAppliances/networkVirtualApplianceConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Network Virtual Appliance Connection", "displayName": "Get a Network Virtual Appliance Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/networkVirtualApplianceConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a Network Virtual Appliance Connection", "displayName": "Update a Network Virtual Appliance Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/networkVirtualApplianceConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Network Virtual Appliance Connection", "displayName": "Delete a Network Virtual Appliance Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkVirtualAppliances/networkVirtualApplianceConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Gateway", "name": "applicationGateways/appProtectPolicy", "operations": [ { "description": "Get AppProtect policy attached to application gateway resource", "displayName": "Get AppProtect policy attached to application gateway resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/appProtectPolicy/getAppProtectPolicy/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Attaches AppProtect policy to application gateway at global, path and/or listener level", "displayName": "Attaches AppProtect policy to application gateway at global, path and/or listener level", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/appProtectPolicy/attachAppProtectPolicy/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Detaches AppProtect policy from application gateway at global, path and/or listener level", "displayName": "Detaches AppProtect policy from application gateway at global, path and/or listener level", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/appProtectPolicy/detachAppProtectPolicy/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a Vpn Link Connection resource", "name": "vpnGateways/vpnConnections/vpnLinkConnections/sharedKeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Vpn Link Connection Shared Key", "displayName": "Gets Vpn Link Connection Shared Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/vpnLinkConnections/sharedKeys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Represents a Vpn Link Connection resource", "name": "vpnGateways/vpnConnections/vpnLinkConnections/sharedKeys/default", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Vpn Link Connection Shared Key", "displayName": "Gets Vpn Link Connection Shared Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/vpnLinkConnections/sharedKeys/default/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts Vpn Link Connection Shared Key", "displayName": "Puts Vpn Link Connection Shared Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/vpnLinkConnections/sharedKeys/default/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Vpn Link Connection Shared Key", "displayName": "Gets Vpn Link Connection Shared Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections/vpnLinkConnections/sharedKeys/default/listSharedKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group Draft", "name": "firewallPolicies/ruleCollectionGroups/ruleCollectionGroupDrafts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group raft", "displayName": "Get Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group Draft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/ruleCollectionGroups/ruleCollectionGroupDrafts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group Draft or Updates an existing Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group Draft", "displayName": "Create or Update Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group Draft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/ruleCollectionGroups/ruleCollectionGroupDrafts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group Draft", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group draft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies/ruleCollectionGroups/ruleCollectionGroupDrafts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Verifier Workspace", "name": "networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Verifier Workspace", "displayName": "Gets a Verifier Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Verifier Workspace", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Verifier Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Verifier Workspace", "displayName": "Deletes a Verifier Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reachability Analysis Intent", "name": "networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/reachabilityAnalysisIntents", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Reachability Analysis Intent", "displayName": "Gets a Reachability Analysis Intent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/reachabilityAnalysisIntents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Reachability Analysis Intent", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Reachability Analysis Intent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/reachabilityAnalysisIntents/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Reachability Analysis Intent", "displayName": "Deletes a Reachability Analysis Intent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/reachabilityAnalysisIntents/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reachability Analysis Run", "name": "networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/reachabilityAnalysisRuns", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Reachability Analysis Run", "displayName": "Gets a Reachability Analysis Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/reachabilityAnalysisRuns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Reachability Analysis Run", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Reachability Analysis Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/reachabilityAnalysisRuns/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Reachability Analysis Run", "displayName": "Deletes a Reachability Analysis Run", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/networkManagers/verifierWorkspaces/reachabilityAnalysisRuns/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Request to cleanup DDPP reference on linked resource upon DDPP subscription delete", "name": "locations/virtualNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Cleanup DDPP reference on linked VNET upon DDPP subscription delete", "displayName": "Internal operation to cleanup DDPP reference on linked resource upon DDPP subscription delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/virtualNetworks/cleanupDdppReference/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Request to cleanup DDPP reference on linked resource upon DDPP subscription delete", "name": "locations/publicIPAddresses", "operations": [ { "description": "Cleanup DDPP reference on linked PublicIP upon DDPP subscription delete", "displayName": "Internal operation to cleanup DDPP reference on linked resource upon DDPP subscription delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Network/locations/publicIPAddresses/cleanupDdppReference/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Notification Hub", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.NotificationHubs", "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the NotifciationHubs resource provider and enables the creation of Namespaces and NotificationHubs", "displayName": "Registers the NotificationHubs Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the NotifciationHubs resource provider and enables the creation of Namespaces and NotificationHubs", "displayName": "Unregisters the NotificationHubs Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks whether or not a given Namespace resource name is available within the NotificationHub service.", "displayName": "Check Namespace name availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/CheckNamespaceAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "Namespaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a Namespace Resource and Update its properties. Tags and Capacity of the Namespace are the properties which can be updated.", "displayName": "Create Or Update Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of Namespace Resource Description", "displayName": "Get Namespace Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Namespace Resource", "displayName": "Delete Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of Namespaces Authorization Rules description.", "displayName": "Get Namespace Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks whether or not a given NotificationHub name is available inside a Namespace.", "displayName": "Check NotificationHub name availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/CheckNotificationHubAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace Authorization Rule", "name": "Namespaces/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a Namespace level Authorization Rules and update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights, the Primary and Secondary Keys can be updated.", "displayName": "Create or Update Namespace Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of Namespaces Authorization Rules description.", "displayName": "Get Namespace Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Namespace Authorization Rule. The Default Namespace Authorization Rule cannot be deleted.", "displayName": "Delete Namespace Authorization Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Connection String to the Namespace", "displayName": "Get Namespace Listkeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Namespace Authorization Rule Regenerate Primary/SecondaryKey, Specify the Key that needs to be regenerated", "displayName": "Namespace Authorization Rule Regenerate Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NotificationHub", "name": "Namespaces/NotificationHubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a Notification Hub and Update its properties. Its properties mainly include PNS Credentials. Authorization Rules and TTL", "displayName": "Create or Update Notification Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of Notification Hub Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Notification Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Notification Hub Resource", "displayName": "Delete Notification Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of Notification Hub Authorization Rules", "displayName": "Get Notification Hub Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get All Notification Hub PNS Credentials. This includes, WNS, MPNS, APNS, GCM and Baidu credentials", "displayName": "Get Notification Hub PNS Credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/pnsCredentials/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Send a test push notification to 10 matched devices.", "displayName": "Send a test push notification.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/debugSend/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NotificationHub Authorization Rule", "name": "Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Create Notification Hub Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights, the Primary and Secondary Keys can be updated.", "displayName": "Create or Update Notification hub Authorization Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of Notification Hub Authorization Rules", "displayName": "Get Notification Hub Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Notification Hub Authorization Rules", "displayName": "Delete Notification Hub Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Connection String to the Notification Hub", "displayName": "Get Notification Hub Listkeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Notification Hub Authorization Rule Regenerate Primary/SecondaryKey, Specify the Key that needs to be regenerated", "displayName": "Notification Hub Authorization Rule Regenerate Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace metrics", "name": "Namespaces/NotificationHubs/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Namespace metrics Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Namespace metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful registration operations (creations updates queries and deletions). ", "displayName": "Registration Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "registration.all", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful registration creations.", "displayName": "Registration Create Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "registration.create", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful registration updates.", "displayName": "Registration Update Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "registration.update", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful registration queries.", "displayName": "Registration Read Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "registration.get", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful registration deletions.", "displayName": "Registration Delete Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "registration.delete", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful send API calls. ", "displayName": "Incoming Messages", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "incoming", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Scheduled Push Notifications Sent", "displayName": "Scheduled Push Notifications Sent", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "incoming.scheduled", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Scheduled Push Notifications Cancelled", "displayName": "Scheduled Push Notifications Cancelled", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "incoming.scheduled.cancel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Pending Scheduled Notifications", "displayName": "Pending Scheduled Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "scheduled.pending", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Installation Management Operations", "displayName": "Installation Management Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "installation.all", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Get Installation Operations", "displayName": "Get Installation Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "installation.get", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Create or Update Installation Operations", "displayName": "Create or Update Installation Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "installation.upsert", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Patch Installation Operations", "displayName": "Patch Installation Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "installation.patch", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Delete Installation Operations", "displayName": "Delete Installation Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "installation.delete", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful notifications.", "displayName": "Successful notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.allpns.success", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS returned a bad payload error.", "displayName": "Payload Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.allpns.invalidpayload", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because there was a problem communicating with the PNS (excludes authentication problems).", "displayName": "External Notification System Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.allpns.pnserror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the channel was invalid not associated with the correct app throttled or expired.", "displayName": "Channel Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.allpns.channelerror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the channel/token/registrationId in the registration was expired or invalid.", "displayName": "Bad or Expired Channel Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.allpns.badorexpiredchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful notifications.", "displayName": "WNS Successful Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.success", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. (Windows Live does not recognize the credentials).", "displayName": "WNS Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.invalidcredentials", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was not recognized (WNS status: 404 not found).", "displayName": "WNS Bad Channel Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.badchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI is expired (WNS status: 410 Gone).", "displayName": "WNS Expired Channel Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.expiredchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because WNS is throttling this app (WNS status: 406 Not Acceptable).", "displayName": "WNS Throttled Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.throttled", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Windows Live is not reachable.", "displayName": "WNS Authorization Errors (Unreachable)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.tokenproviderunreachable", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The token provided to WNS is not valid (WNS status: 401 Unauthorized).", "displayName": "WNS Authorization Errors (Invalid Token)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.invalidtoken", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The token provided to WNS is valid but for another application (WNS status: 403 Forbidden). This can happen if the ChannelURI in the registration is associated with another app. Check that the client app is associated with the same app whose credentials are in the notification hub.", "displayName": "WNS Authorization Errors (Wrong Token)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.wrongtoken", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The format of the notification is invalid (WNS status: 400). Note that WNS does not reject all invalid payloads.", "displayName": "WNS Invalid Notification Format", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.invalidnotificationformat", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The notification payload is too large (WNS status: 413).", "displayName": "WNS Invalid Notification Size Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.invalidnotificationsize", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (WNS response header: X-WNS-NotificationStatus:channelThrottled).", "displayName": "WNS Channel Throttled", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.channelthrottled", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (WNS response header: X-WNS-DeviceConnectionStatus: disconnected).", "displayName": "WNS Channel Disconnected", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.channeldisconnected", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (X-WNS-NotificationStatus: dropped but not X-WNS-DeviceConnectionStatus: disconnected).", "displayName": "WNS Dropped Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.dropped", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Notification not delivered because of errors communicating with WNS.", "displayName": "WNS Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.pnserror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Notification not delivered because of errors communicating with Windows Live invalid credentials or wrong token.", "displayName": "WNS Authentication Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.wns.authenticationerror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the target is invalid.", "displayName": "ADM Bad Channel Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.adm.badchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.", "displayName": "ADM Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.adm.invalidcredentials", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed the token provided to ADM is not valid.", "displayName": "ADM Authorization Errors (Invalid Token)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.adm.invalidtoken", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because of throttling.", "displayName": "ADM Throttled Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.adm.throttled", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the format of the notification is invalid.", "displayName": "ADM Invalid Notification Format", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.adm.invalidnotificationformat", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the notification payload is too large.", "displayName": "ADM Invalid Notification Size Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.adm.invalidnotificationsize", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful notifications.", "displayName": "ADM Successful Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.adm.success", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because there was a problem communicating with the PNS.", "displayName": "ADM Server Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.adm.pnserror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful notifications.", "displayName": "APNS Successful Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.apns.success", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.", "displayName": "APNS Authorization Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.apns.invalidcredentials", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the token is invalid (APNS status code: 8).", "displayName": "APNS Bad Channel Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.apns.badchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of token that were invalidated by the APNS feedback channel.", "displayName": "APNS Expired Channel Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.apns.expiredchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (APNS status code: 7).", "displayName": "APNS Invalid Notification Size Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.apns.invalidnotificationsize", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with APNS.", "displayName": "APNS Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.apns.pnserror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that were skipped by Baidu.", "displayName": "Baidu Skipped Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.baidu.skipped", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.", "displayName": "Baidu Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.baidu.invalidcredentials", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because of throttling.", "displayName": "Baidu Throttled Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.baidu.throttled", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed the token provided to Baidu is not valid.", "displayName": "Baidu Authorization Errors (Invalid Token)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.baidu.invalidtoken", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the format of the notification is invalid.", "displayName": "Baidu Invalid Notification Format", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.baidu.invalidnotificationformat", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful notifications.", "displayName": "Baidu Successful Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.baidu.success", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because there was a problem communicating with the PNS.", "displayName": "Baidu Server Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.baidu.pnserror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful notifications.", "displayName": "Browser Push Successful Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.browser.success", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the format of the notification is invalid.", "displayName": "Browser Push Invalid Notification Format", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.browser.invalidnotificationformat", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the notification payload is too large.", "displayName": "Browser Push Invalid Notification Size Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.browser.invalidnotificationsize", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because of throttling.", "displayName": "Browser Push Throttled Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.browser.throttled", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the target is invalid.", "displayName": "Browser Push Bad Channel Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.browser.badchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with the PNS.", "displayName": "Browser Push Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.browser.pnserror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful notifications.", "displayName": "GCM Successful Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.gcm.success", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.", "displayName": "GCM Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.gcm.invalidcredentials", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was not recognized (GCM result: Invalid Registration).", "displayName": "GCM Bad Channel Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.gcm.badchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was expired (GCM result: NotRegistered).", "displayName": "GCM Expired Channel Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.gcm.expiredchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because GCM throttled this app (GCM status code: 501-599 or result:Unavailable).", "displayName": "GCM Throttled Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.gcm.throttled", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the payload was not formatted correctly (GCM result: InvalidDataKey or InvalidTtl).", "displayName": "GCM Invalid Notification Format", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.gcm.invalidnotificationformat", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (GCM result: MessageTooBig).", "displayName": "GCM Invalid Notification Size Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.gcm.invalidnotificationsize", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration is not associated to the current app (GCM result: InvalidPackageName).", "displayName": "GCM Wrong Channel Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.gcm.wrongchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with GCM.", "displayName": "GCM Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.gcm.pnserror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials the credentials are blocked or the SenderId is not correctly configured in the app (GCM result: MismatchedSenderId).", "displayName": "GCM Authentication Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.gcm.authenticationerror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful notifications.", "displayName": "FCMv1 Successful Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.fcmv1.success", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials (FCMv1 result: Sender Id Mismatch, Unauthorized, or Forbidden).", "displayName": "FCMv1 Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.fcmv1.invalidcredentials", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was not recognized (FCMv1 result: Invalid registration, Missing Registration, Not registered, Not found, or Gone).", "displayName": "FCMv1 Bad Channel Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.fcmv1.badchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because FCMv1 throttled this app (FCMv1 Result: Quota Exceeded or 429).", "displayName": "FCMv1 Throttled Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.fcmv1v1.throttled", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the payload was not formatted correctly (FCMv1 result: Invalid TTL, Invalid parameters, or Invalid data key).", "displayName": "FCMv1 Invalid Notification Format", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.fcmv1.invalidnotificationformat", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (FCMv1 result: Message too big).", "displayName": "FCMv1 Invalid Notification Size Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.fcmv1.invalidnotificationsize", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration is not associated to the current app (FCMv1 result: Invalid package name).", "displayName": "FCMv1 Wrong Channel Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.fcmv1.wrongchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with FCMv1.", "displayName": "FCMv1 Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.fcmv1.pnserror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful notifications.", "displayName": "MPNS Successful Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.mpns.success", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.", "displayName": "MPNS Invalid Credentials", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.mpns.invalidcredentials", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was not recognized (MPNS status: 404 not found).", "displayName": "MPNS Bad Channel Error", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.mpns.badchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because MPNS is throttling this app (WNS MPNS: 406 Not Acceptable).", "displayName": "MPNS Throttled Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.mpns.throttled", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the payload of the notification was too large.", "displayName": "MPNS Invalid Notification Format", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.mpns.invalidnotificationformat", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was disconnected (MPNS status: 412 not found).", "displayName": "MPNS Channel Disconnected", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.mpns.channeldisconnected", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that were dropped by MPNS (MPNS response header: X-NotificationStatus: QueueFull or Suppressed).", "displayName": "MPNS Dropped Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.mpns.dropped", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with MPNS.", "displayName": "MPNS Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.mpns.pnserror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.", "displayName": "MPNS Authentication Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.mpns.authenticationerror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "All outgoing notifications of the notification hub", "displayName": "All Outgoing Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "notificationhub.pushes", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total incoming requests for a notification hub", "displayName": "All Incoming Requests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "incoming.all.requests", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of all successful notifications.", "displayName": "Xiaomi Successful Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.xiaomi.success", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the target is invalid.", "displayName": "Xiaomi Bad Channel Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.xiaomi.badchannel", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.", "displayName": "Xiaomi Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.xiaomi.invalidcredentials", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because the format of the notification is invalid.", "displayName": "Xiaomi Invalid Notification Format", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.xiaomi.invalidnotificationformat", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because of throttling.", "displayName": "Xiaomi Throttled Notifications", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.xiaomi.throttled", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with the PNS.", "displayName": "Xiaomi Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "outgoing.xiaomi.pnserror", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total incoming failed requests for a notification hub", "displayName": "All Incoming Failed Requests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "incoming.all.failedrequests", "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Notification Hub", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of supported operations for Notification Hubs provider", "displayName": "Notification Hubs provider operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Notification Hub", "name": "operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns operation results for Notification Hubs provider", "displayName": "Operation results for Notification Hubs provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Namespace diagnostic settings", "displayName": "Read diagnostics setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Namespace diagnostic settings", "displayName": "Write diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of Namespace", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Namespace", "displayName": "Read Namespace log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "categoryGroups": [ "audit" ], "displayName": "Operational Logs", "name": "OperationalLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation", "displayName": "Private endpoint operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Removes Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Removes Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Removes Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NotificationHub", "name": "Namespaces/NotificationHubs/vapidkeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Get new pair of VAPID keys for a Notification Hub", "displayName": "Get VAPID keys for a Notification Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs/vapidkeys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Notification Hub", "name": "resourceTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of the resource types for Notification Hubs", "displayName": "Gets resource types for Notification Hubs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/resourceTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "CheckNamespaceAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks whether or not a given Namespace resource name is available within the NotificationHub service.", "displayName": "Check Namespace name availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/CheckNamespaceAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "Namespaces/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of supported operations for Notification Hubs namespaces provider", "displayName": "Notification Hubs provider operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.OffAzure", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.OffAzure", "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscription Registration Action", "displayName": "Subscription Registration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.OffAzure resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription for Microsoft.OffAzure", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the exposed operations", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HyperVSites", "name": "hypervSites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Hyper-V site", "displayName": "Get Hyper-V site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Hyper-V site", "displayName": "Create or update Hyper-V site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Hyper-V site", "displayName": "Delete Hyper-V site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes the objects within a Hyper-V site", "displayName": "Refresh Hyper-V site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/refresh/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the properties for machines in a site", "displayName": "Updates properties for machines in a site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/updateProperties/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates client group members view with dependency map data", "displayName": "Generate client group members view ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/clientGroupMembers/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export the Applications, roles and features of HyperV site machine inventory", "displayName": "Export the Applications, roles and features", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/exportApplications/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export the machine Dependency map information of entire HyperV site machine inventory", "displayName": "Export Machine Dependency Map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/exportDependencies/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export machine errors for the entire HyperV site machine inventory", "displayName": "Export machine errors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/exportMachineErrors/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates coarse map for the list of machines", "displayName": "Generates coarse map for the list of machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/generateCoarseMap/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate details HyperV coarse map", "displayName": "Generate details HyperV coarse map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/generateDetailedMap/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the server group members for the selected server group.", "displayName": "Lists server group members for the selected server group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/serverGroupMembers/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Toggle dependency map switch of a list of machines", "displayName": "Toggle dependency map switch of a list of machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/updateDependencyMapStatus/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HyperVSites", "name": "hypervSites/usage", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the usages of a Hyper-V site", "displayName": "Get Hyper-V site usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/usage/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Hosts", "name": "hypervSites/hosts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Hyper-V host", "displayName": "Get Hyper-V host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/hosts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Hyper-V host", "displayName": "Create or update Hyper-V host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/hosts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Clusters", "name": "hypervSites/clusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Hyper-V cluster", "displayName": "Get Hyper-V cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/clusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Hyper-V cluster", "displayName": "Create or update Hyper-V cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/clusters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Jobs", "name": "hypervSites/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Hyper-V jobs", "displayName": "Get Hyper-V jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/jobs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "hypervSites/machines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Hyper-V machines", "displayName": "Get Hyper-V machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/machines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RunAsAccounts", "name": "hypervSites/runasaccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Hyper-V run as accounts", "displayName": "Get Hyper-V run as accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/runasaccounts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationsStatus", "name": "hypervSites/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Hyper-V operation status", "displayName": "Get Hyper-V operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VMwareSites", "name": "vmwareSites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a VMware site", "displayName": "Get VMware site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the VMware site", "displayName": "Create or update VMware site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the VMware site", "displayName": "Delete VMware site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes the objects within a VMware site", "displayName": "Refresh VMware site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/refresh/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Exports the VMware applications and roles data into xls", "displayName": "Exports VMware applications and roles data into xls", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/exportapplications/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the properties for machines in a site", "displayName": "Updates properties for machines in a site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/updateProperties/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the tags for machines in a site", "displayName": "Updates tags for machines in a site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/updateTags/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates the coarse map for the list of machines", "displayName": "Generates coarse map for the list of machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/generateCoarseMap/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates the Detailed VMware Coarse Map", "displayName": "Generates Detailed VMware Coarse Map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/generateDetailedMap/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the client group members for the selected client group.", "displayName": "Lists client group members for the selected client group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/clientGroupMembers/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the server group members for the selected server group.", "displayName": "Lists server group members for the selected server group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/serverGroupMembers/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the list application information for the selected machines", "displayName": "Gets list application information for the selected machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/getApplications/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Exports the dependencies information for the selected machines", "displayName": "Exports dependencies information for the selected machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/exportDependencies/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export machine errors for the entire VMware site machine inventory", "displayName": "Export machine errors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/exportMachineerrors/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Toggle dependency map data of a list of machines", "displayName": "Toggle dependency map data of a list of machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/updateDependencyMapStatus/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VMwareSites", "name": "vmwareSites/usage", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the usages of a VMware site", "displayName": "Get VMware site usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/usage/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "vCenters", "name": "vmwareSites/vcenters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a VMware vCenter", "displayName": "Get VMware vCenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/vcenters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the VMware vCenter", "displayName": "Create or update VMware vCenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/vcenters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete previously added Vcenter", "displayName": "Delete previously added Vcenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/vcenters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Jobs", "name": "vmwareSites/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a VMware jobs", "displayName": "Get VMware jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/jobs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "vmwareSites/machines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a VMware machines", "displayName": "Get VMware machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/machines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the VMware machines", "displayName": "Stops VMware machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/machines/stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start VMware machines", "displayName": "Start VMware machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/machines/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RunAsAccounts", "name": "vmwareSites/runasaccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a VMware run as accounts", "displayName": "Get VMware run as accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/runasaccounts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationsStatus", "name": "vmwareSites/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a VMware operation status", "displayName": "Get VMware operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Register Subscription ", "name": "hypervSites/healthsummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the health summary for Hyper-V resource", "displayName": "Get health summary for Hyper-V resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/healthsummary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Register Subscription ", "name": "vmwareSites/healthsummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the health summary for VMware resource", "displayName": "Get health summary for VMware resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/healthsummary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ServerSites", "name": "serverSites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Server site", "displayName": "Get Server site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Server site", "displayName": "Create or update Server site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Server site", "displayName": "Delete Server site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes the objects within a Server site", "displayName": "Refresh Server site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/refresh/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the properties for machines in a site", "displayName": "Updates properties for machines in a site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/updateProperties/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the tags for machines in a site", "displayName": "Updates tags for machines in a site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/updateTags/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate client group members view with dependency map data", "displayName": "Generate client group members view", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/clientGroupMembers/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export Applications, Roles and Features of Server Site Inventory", "displayName": "Export Applications, Roles and Features of Server Site Inventory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/exportApplications/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export the machine Dependency map information of entire Server site machine inventory", "displayName": "Export entire servers machines dependency map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/exportDependencies/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export machine errors for the entire Server site machine inventory", "displayName": "Export machine errors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/exportMachineErrors/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate Coarse map for the list of machines", "displayName": "Generate Coarse map for the list of machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/generateCoarseMap/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate detailed coarse map for the list of machines", "displayName": "Generate detailed coarse map for the list of machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/generateDetailedMap/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate server group members view with dependency map data", "displayName": "Generate server group members view", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/serverGroupMembers/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Toggle dependency map data of a list of machines", "displayName": "Toggle dependency map data of a list of machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/updateDependencyMapStatus/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ServerSites", "name": "serverSites/usage", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the usages of a Server site", "displayName": "Get Server site usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/usage/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Jobs", "name": "serverSites/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Server jobs", "displayName": "Get Server jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/jobs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "serverSites/machines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Server machines", "displayName": "Get Server machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/machines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write the properties of a Server machines", "displayName": "Write Server machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/machines/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the properties of a Server machines", "displayName": "Delete Server machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/machines/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RunAsAccounts", "name": "serverSites/runasaccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Server run as accounts", "displayName": "Get Server run as accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/runasaccounts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationsStatus", "name": "serverSites/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Server operation status", "displayName": "Get Server operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "vmwareSites/machines/applications", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a VMware machines applications", "displayName": "Gets VMware machines applications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/machines/applications/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ImportSites", "name": "importSites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Import site", "displayName": "Get Import site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Import site", "displayName": "Create or update Import site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Import site", "displayName": "Delete Import site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the SAS uri for importing the machines CSV file.", "displayName": "Get SAS uri for importing the machines CSV file.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/importuri/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the SAS uri for exporting the machines CSV file.", "displayName": "Get SAS uri for exporting the machines CSV file.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/exporturi/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Jobs", "name": "importSites/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Import jobs", "displayName": "Get Import jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/jobs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "importSites/machines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Import machines", "displayName": "Get Import machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/machines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Import machine", "displayName": "Delete Import machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/machines/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HyperVSites", "name": "hypervSites/summary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the summary of a Hyper-V site", "displayName": "Get Hyper-V site summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/summary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VMwareSites", "name": "vmwareSites/summary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the summary of a VMware site", "displayName": "Get VMware site summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/summary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ServerSites", "name": "serverSites/summary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the summary of a Server site", "displayName": "Get Server site summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/summary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Hosts", "name": "vmwareSites/hosts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a VMware hosts", "displayName": "Get VMware host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/hosts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationsStatus", "name": "masterSites/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Master site operation status", "displayName": "Get Master site operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "masterSites/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Update a Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link", "name": "masterSites/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Get Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Site", "name": "masterSites/webAppSites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a WebApp site", "displayName": "Get WebApp site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the WebApp site", "displayName": "Create or update WebApp site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the WebApp site", "displayName": "Delete WebApp site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh Web App For A Given Site", "displayName": "Refresh Web App For A Given Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/Refresh/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Web App Properties for a given site", "displayName": "Create or Update Web App Properties for a given site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/UpdateProperties/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IIS Web Application", "name": "masterSites/webAppSites/IISWebApplications", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of IIS Web applications.", "displayName": "Get IIS Web applications.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/IISWebApplications/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IIS Web Server", "name": "masterSites/webAppSites/IISWebServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of IIS Web servers.", "displayName": "Get IIS Web servers.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/IISWebServers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationsStatus", "name": "masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get status of a long running operation on a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get status of a long running operation on a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Master Site", "name": "masterSites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of a Master site", "displayName": "Get Master site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Master site", "displayName": "Create or update Master site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Master site", "displayName": "Delete Master site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Register an Appliances Under A Master Site", "displayName": "Register an Appliances Under A Master Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/applianceRegistrationInfo/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves Error Summary For Resources Under A Given Master Site", "displayName": "Retrieves Error Summary For Resources Under A Given Master Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/errorSummary/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Locations Operation Results", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "vmwareSites/machines/softwareinventory", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets VMware machine software inventory data", "displayName": "GetsVMware machine software inventory data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/machines/softwareinventory/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VMwareSites", "name": "vmwareSites/errorSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Error Summary for VMware site inventory", "displayName": "Get Error Summary for VMware site inventory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/errorSummary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "hypervSites/machines/softwareinventory", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets HyperV machine software inventory data", "displayName": "Gets HyperV machine software inventory data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/machines/softwareinventory/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HyperVSites", "name": "hypervSites/errorSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the error summaries of all the HyperV Site resource inventory", "displayName": "Get Error Summary for HyperV site inventory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/errorSummary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "hypervSites/machines/applications", "operations": [ { "description": "Get properties of HyperV machine application", "displayName": "Gets HyperV VM machine application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/machines/applications/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "serverSites/machines/softwareinventory", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Server machine software inventory data", "displayName": "Gets Server machine software inventory data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/machines/softwareinventory/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ServerSites", "name": "serverSites/errorSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Error Summary for Server site inventory", "displayName": "Get Error Summary for Server site inventory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/errorSummary/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machines", "name": "serverSites/machines/applications", "operations": [ { "description": "Get server machine installed applications, roles and features", "displayName": "Get server machine installed applications, roles and features", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/machines/applications/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App discovery site data sources resource", "name": "masterSites/webAppSites/DiscoverySiteDataSources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Web App Discovery Site Data Source For A Given Site", "displayName": "Gets Web App Discovery Site Data Source For A Given Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/DiscoverySiteDataSources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Web App Discovery Site Data Source For A Given Site", "displayName": "Create or Update Web App Discovery Site Data Source For A Given Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/DiscoverySiteDataSources/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Extended Machine Resource", "name": "masterSites/webAppSites/ExtendedMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Web App Extended Machines For A Given Site", "displayName": "Get Web App Extended Machines For A Given Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/ExtendedMachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web app run as accounts resource", "name": "masterSites/webAppSites/RunAsAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Web App Run As Accounts For A Given Site", "displayName": "Get Web App Run As Accounts For A Given Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/RunAsAccounts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Tomcat Web Applications Resource", "name": "masterSites/webAppSites/TomcatWebApplications", "operations": [ { "description": "Get TomCat Web Applications", "displayName": "Get TomCat Web Applications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/TomcatWebApplications/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Tomcat Web Servers Resource", "name": "masterSites/webAppSites/TomcatWebServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get TomCat Web Servers for a given site", "displayName": "Get TomCat Web Servers for a given site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/TomcatWebServers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Web Applications", "name": "masterSites/webAppSites/WebApplications", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Web App Applications for a given site", "displayName": "Gets Web App Applications for a given site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/WebApplications/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Web Server", "name": "masterSites/webAppSites/WebServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Web App Web Servers", "displayName": "Gets Web App Web Servers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/WebServers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sql Site", "name": "masterSites/sqlSites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Sql Site", "displayName": "Gets the Sql Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Sql Site", "displayName": "Creates or Updates a Sql Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Sql Site", "displayName": "Delete a Sql Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes data for Sql Site", "displayName": "Refreshes data for Sql Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/refresh/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export Sql servers for the entire Sql site inventory", "displayName": "Export Sql servers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/exportSqlServers/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export Sql server errors for the entire Sql site inventory", "displayName": "Export Sql server errors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/exportSqlServerErrors/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves Sql Error detailed summary for a resource under a given Sql Site", "displayName": "Retrieves Sql Error detailed summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/errorDetailedSummary/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sql Discover Site Resource", "name": "masterSites/sqlSites/discoverySiteDataSources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Sql Discovery Site Data Source", "displayName": "Gets the Sql Discovery Site Data Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/discoverySiteDataSources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Sql Discovery Site Data Source", "displayName": "Creates or Updates the Sql Discovery Site Data Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/discoverySiteDataSources/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sql Operation Status", "name": "masterSites/sqlSites/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Sql Operation Status", "displayName": "Gets Sql Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/operationsStatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sql Run As Account Resource", "name": "masterSites/sqlSites/runAsAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Sql Run as Accounts for a given site", "displayName": "Gets Sql Run as Accounts for a given site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/runAsAccounts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sql Availability Groups Resource", "name": "masterSites/sqlSites/sqlAvailabilityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Sql Availability Groups for a given site", "displayName": "Gets Sql Availability Groups for a given site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/sqlAvailabilityGroups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sql Databases", "name": "masterSites/sqlSites/sqlDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Sql Database for a given site", "displayName": "Gets Sql Database for a given site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/sqlDatabases/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sql Servers", "name": "masterSites/sqlSites/sqlServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Sql Servers for a given site", "displayName": "Gets the Sql Servers for a given site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/sqlServers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine corresponding to POS workloads.", "name": "masterSites/OracleExtendedMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the extended machines relative to all the Partner Site resource inventory", "displayName": "Gets the extended machines relative to all the Partner Site resource inventory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/OracleExtendedMachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Summary of Discovery Errors.", "name": "masterSites/OracleErrorSummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the error summaries of all the Partner Site resource inventory", "displayName": "Gets the error summaries of all the Partner Site resource inventory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/OracleErrorSummaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Partner Resource Linkage For Sites and CL", "name": "masterSites/OracleResourceLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "displayName": "Gets the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/OracleResourceLinks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "displayName": "Creates or updates the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/OracleResourceLinks/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "displayName": "Deletes the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/OracleResourceLinks/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Machine corresponding to POS workloads.", "name": "masterSites/SpringbootExtendedMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the extended machines relative to all the Partner Site resource inventory", "displayName": "Gets the extended machines relative to all the Partner Site resource inventory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/SpringbootExtendedMachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Summary of Discovery Errors.", "name": "masterSites/SpringbootErrorSummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the error summaries of all the Partner Site resource inventory", "displayName": "Gets the error summaries of all the Partner Site resource inventory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/SpringbootErrorSummaries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Partner Resource Linkage For Sites and CL", "name": "masterSites/SpringbootResourceLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "displayName": "Gets the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/SpringbootResourceLinks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "displayName": "Creates or updates the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/SpringbootResourceLinks/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "displayName": "Deletes the resource Linkages of the Partner Site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/SpringbootResourceLinks/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Azure Log Analytics", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.OperationalInsights", "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights", "operations": [ { "description": "Register a subscription to a resource provider.", "displayName": "Register Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "UnRegister a subscription to a resource provider.", "displayName": "UnRegister Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform Query Pack Action.", "displayName": "Perform Query Pack Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/querypacks/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Workspace", "name": "workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new workspace or links to an existing workspace by providing the customer id from the existing workspace.", "displayName": "Create Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets an existing workspace", "displayName": "Get Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a workspace. If the workspace was linked to an existing workspace at creation time then the workspace it was linked to is not deleted.", "displayName": "Delete Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates Registration Certificate for the workspace. This Certificate is used to connect Microsoft System Center Operation Manager to the workspace.", "displayName": "Generates Registration Certificate for Workspace.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/generateRegistrationCertificate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves the shared keys for the workspace. These keys are used to connect Microsoft Operational Insights agents to the workspace.", "displayName": "List Workspace Shared Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/sharedkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves the list keys for the workspace. These keys are used to connect Microsoft Operational Insights agents to the workspace.", "displayName": "List Workspace Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/listKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the specified workspace shared key", "displayName": "regenerated shared key of the workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/regenerateSharedKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes a search query", "displayName": "Search Workspace Data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/search/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete specified data by query from workspace.", "displayName": "Purge Data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/purge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Extract custom fields.", "displayName": "Extract custom fields", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/customfields/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Insight Configuration", "name": "workspaces/storageinsightconfigs", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new storage configuration. These configurations are used to pull data from a location in an existing storage account.", "displayName": "Create Storage Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/storageinsightconfigs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a storage configuration.", "displayName": "Get Storage Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/storageinsightconfigs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a storage configuration. This will stop Microsoft Operational Insights from reading data from the storage account.", "displayName": "Delete Storage Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/storageinsightconfigs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace", "name": "workspaces/sharedkeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the shared keys for the workspace. These keys are used to connect Microsoft Operational Insights agents to the workspace.", "displayName": "List Workspace Shared Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/sharedkeys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace", "name": "workspaces/listKeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the list keys for the workspace. These keys are used to connect Microsoft Operational Insights agents to the workspace.", "displayName": "List Workspace Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/listKeys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Management Group", "name": "workspaces/managementgroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the names and metadata for System Center Operations Manager management groups connected to this workspace.", "displayName": "Get Management Groups for Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/managementgroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usage Metric", "name": "workspaces/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets usage data for a workspace including the amount of data read by the workspace.", "displayName": "Get Usage Data for Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Search Schema", "name": "workspaces/schema", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the search schema for the workspace. Search schema includes the exposed fields and their types.", "displayName": "Get Search Schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/schema/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Source", "name": "workspaces/datasources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get data source under a workspace.", "displayName": "Get Data Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/datasources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upsert Data Source", "displayName": "Upsert Data Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/datasources/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete data source under a workspace.", "displayName": "Delete Data Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/datasources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Saved Search", "name": "workspaces/savedSearches", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a saved search query.", "displayName": "Get Saved Search", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/savedSearches/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a saved search query", "displayName": "Create Saved Search", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/savedSearches/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a saved search query", "displayName": "Delete Saved Search", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/savedSearches/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Notification Settings", "name": "workspaces/notificationsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the user's notification settings for the workspace.", "displayName": "Get Notification Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/notificationsettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Set the user's notification settings for the workspace.", "displayName": "Put Notification Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/notificationsettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the user's notification settings for the workspace.", "displayName": "Delete Notification Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/notificationsettings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Configuration Scope", "name": "workspaces/configurationscopes", "operations": [ { "description": "Get configuration scope in a workspace.", "displayName": "Get Configuration Scope", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/configurationscopes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create configuration scope in a workspace.", "displayName": "Create Configuration Scope", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/configurationscopes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete configuration scope in a workspace.", "displayName": "Delete Configuration Scope", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/configurationscopes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Linked Services", "name": "workspaces/linkedservices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get linked services under given workspace.", "displayName": "Get Linked Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/linkedservices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update linked services under given workspace.", "displayName": "Upsert Linked Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/linkedservices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete linked services under given workspace.", "displayName": "Delete Linked service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/linkedservices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Intelligence Pack", "name": "workspaces/intelligencepacks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all intelligence packs that are visible for a given workspace and also lists whether the pack is enabled or disabled for that workspace.", "displayName": "List Intelligence Packs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/intelligencepacks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables an intelligence pack for a given workspace.", "displayName": "Enable Intelligence Pack", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/intelligencepacks/enable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables an intelligence pack for a given workspace.", "displayName": "Disable Intelligence Pack", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/intelligencepacks/disable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Analytics", "name": "workspaces/analytics", "operations": [ { "description": "Search using new engine.", "displayName": "Search", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/analytics/query/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Analytics", "name": "workspaces/analytics/query/schema", "operations": [ { "description": "Get search schema V2.", "displayName": "Get Search Schema V2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/analytics/query/schema/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Analytics", "name": "workspaces/api", "operations": [ { "description": "Search using new engine.", "displayName": "Search", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/api/query/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Analytics", "name": "workspaces/api/query/schema", "operations": [ { "description": "Get search schema V2.", "displayName": "Get Search Schema V2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/api/query/schema/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deleted Workspace", "name": "linktargets", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists workspaces in soft deleted period.", "displayName": "List Deleted Workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/linktargets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric Definitions", "name": "workspaces/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Metric Definitions under workspace", "displayName": "Metric Definition operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_% Free Inodes", "displayName": "% Free Inodes", "name": "Average_% Free Inodes", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_% Free Space", "displayName": "% Free Space", "name": "Average_% Free Space", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_% Used Inodes", "displayName": "% Used Inodes", "name": "Average_% Used Inodes", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_% Used Space", "displayName": "% Used Space", "name": "Average_% Used Space", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec", "displayName": "Disk Read Bytes/sec", "name": "Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_Disk Reads/sec", "displayName": "Disk Reads/sec", "name": "Average_Disk Reads/sec", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_Disk Transfers/sec", "displayName": "Disk Transfers/sec", "name": "Average_Disk Transfers/sec", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec", "displayName": "Disk Write Bytes/sec", "name": "Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_Disk Writes/sec", "displayName": "Disk Writes/sec", "name": "Average_Disk Writes/sec", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_Free Megabytes", "displayName": "Free Megabytes", "name": "Average_Free Megabytes", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec", "displayName": "Logical Disk Bytes/sec", "name": "Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_% Available Memory", "displayName": "% Available Memory", "name": "Average_% Available Memory", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_% Available Swap Space", "displayName": "% Available Swap Space", "name": "Average_% Available Swap Space", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", "name": "Computer" }, { "displayName": "ObjectName", "name": "ObjectName" }, { "displayName": "InstanceName", "name": "InstanceName" }, { "displayName": "CounterPath", "name": "CounterPath" }, { "displayName": "SourceSystem", "name": "SourceSystem" } ], "displayDescription": "Average_% Used Memory", "displayName": "% Used Memory", "name": "Average_% Used Memory", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Computer", 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"Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/ABSBotRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ABSChannelToBotRequests", "name": "workspaces/query/ABSChannelToBotRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the ABSChannelToBotRequests table", "displayName": "Read ABSChannelToBotRequests data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/ABSChannelToBotRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ABSDependenciesRequests", "name": "workspaces/query/ABSDependenciesRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the ABSDependenciesRequests table", "displayName": "Read ABSDependenciesRequests data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/ABSDependenciesRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACICollaborationAudit", "name": "workspaces/query/ACICollaborationAudit", "operations": [ { 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"origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACSBillingUsage", "name": "workspaces/query/ACSBillingUsage", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the ACSBillingUsage table", "displayName": "Read ACSBillingUsage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/ACSBillingUsage/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACSCallDiagnostics", "name": "workspaces/query/ACSCallDiagnostics", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the ACSCallDiagnostics table", "displayName": "Read ACSCallDiagnostics data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/ACSCallDiagnostics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACSCallSummary", "name": "workspaces/query/ACSCallSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the ACSCallSummary table", "displayName": "Read ACSCallSummary data", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NCBMBreakGlassAuditLogs", "name": "workspaces/query/NCBMBreakGlassAuditLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the NCBMBreakGlassAuditLogs table", "displayName": "Read NCBMBreakGlassAuditLogs data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/NCBMBreakGlassAuditLogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NCBMSecurityDefenderLogs", "name": "workspaces/query/NCBMSecurityDefenderLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the NCBMSecurityDefenderLogs table", "displayName": "Read NCBMSecurityDefenderLogs data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/NCBMSecurityDefenderLogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RemoteNetworkHealthLogs", "name": "workspaces/query/RemoteNetworkHealthLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the RemoteNetworkHealthLogs table", "displayName": "Read RemoteNetworkHealthLogs data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/RemoteNetworkHealthLogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "query", "name": "workspaces/tables/data", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows you to provide read data access to workspaces, or more fine-grained data entities, such as specific tables or rows.", "displayName": "Read workspace data", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/tables/data/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NTAInsights", "name": "workspaces/query/NTAInsights", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the NTAInsights table", "displayName": "Read NTAInsights data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/NTAInsights/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ALBHealthEvent", "name": "workspaces/query/ALBHealthEvent", 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scheduled saved search.", "displayName": "Delete Management Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/savedSearches/schedules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update scheduled saved search.", "displayName": "Upsert Management Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/savedSearches/schedules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Action", "name": "workspaces/savedSearches/schedules/actions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Management Configuration action.", "displayName": "Get Management Configuration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/savedSearches/schedules/actions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Management Configuration action.", "displayName": "Delete Management Configuration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACSAdvancedMessagingOperations", "name": "workspaces/query/ACSAdvancedMessagingOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the ACSAdvancedMessagingOperations table", "displayName": "Read ACSAdvancedMessagingOperations data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/ACSAdvancedMessagingOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ATCPrivatePeeringMetadata", "name": "workspaces/query/ATCPrivatePeeringMetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the ATCPrivatePeeringMetadata table", "displayName": "Read ATCPrivatePeeringMetadata data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/ATCPrivatePeeringMetadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NGXSecurityLogs", "name": "workspaces/query/NGXSecurityLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the NGXSecurityLogs table", "displayName": "Read NGXSecurityLogs data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/NGXSecurityLogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DnsAuditEvents", "name": "workspaces/query/DnsAuditEvents", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the DnsAuditEvents table", "displayName": "Read DnsAuditEvents data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/DnsAuditEvents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NCMClusterOperationsLogs", "name": "workspaces/query/NCMClusterOperationsLogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read data from the NCMClusterOperationsLogs table", "displayName": "Read NCMClusterOperationsLogs data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/query/NCMClusterOperationsLogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NCSStorageAudits", "name": "workspaces/query/NCSStorageAudits", 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"name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement", "operations": [ { "description": "Register a subscription to a resource provider.", "displayName": "Register Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "UnRegister a subscription to a resource provider.", "displayName": "UnRegister Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Solution", "name": "solutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Create new OMS solution", "displayName": "Create new OMS solution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/solutions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get exiting OMS solution", "displayName": "Get existing OMS solution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/solutions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete existing OMS solution", "displayName": "Delete existing OMS solution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/solutions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Management Configuration", "name": "managementconfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update management configuration.", "displayName": "Upsert Management Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/managementconfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get management configuration.", "displayName": "Get Management Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/managementconfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete management configuration.", "displayName": "Delete Management Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/managementconfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Management Association", "name": "managementassociations", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update Management Association.", "displayName": "Upsert Management Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/managementassociations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Management Association.", "displayName": "Get Management Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/managementassociations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Management Association.", "displayName": "Delete Management Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/managementassociations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Policy Insights", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.PolicyInsights", "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the Microsoft Policy Insights resource provider and enables actions on it.", "displayName": "Register Microsoft Policy Insights Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the Microsoft Policy Insights resource provider.", "displayName": "Unregister Microsoft Policy Insights Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Check the compliance status of a given component against data policies.", "displayName": "Check Data Policy Compliance", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/checkDataPolicyCompliance/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Policy Events", "name": "policyEvents", "operations": [ { "description": "Query information about policy events.", "displayName": "Query Policy Events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyEvents/queryResults/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Log the resource component policy events.", "displayName": "Log Data Policy Events", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyEvents/logDataEvents/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy States", "name": "policyStates", "operations": [ { "description": "Query information about policy states.", "displayName": "Query Policy States", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/queryResults/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Query summary information about policy latest states.", "displayName": "Query Policy Latest States Summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/summarize/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a new compliance evaluation for the selected scope.", "displayName": "Trigger Policy Insights Compliance Evaluation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/triggerEvaluation/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Async Operation Results", "name": "asyncOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the async operation result.", "displayName": "Get Async Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/asyncOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy Events", "name": "policyEvents/queryResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Query information about policy events.", "displayName": "Query Policy Events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyEvents/queryResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy States", "name": "policyStates/queryResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Query information about policy states.", "displayName": "Query Policy States", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/queryResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy States", "name": "policyStates/summarize", "operations": [ { "description": "Query summary information about policy latest states.", "displayName": "Query Policy Latest States Summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/summarize/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy Remediations", "name": "remediations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get policy remediations.", "displayName": "Get Policy Remediations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/remediations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Microsoft Policy remediations.", "displayName": "Create or Update Microsoft Policy remediations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/remediations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete policy remediations.", "displayName": "Delete Policy Remediations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/remediations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel in-progress Microsoft Policy remediations.", "displayName": "Cancel Policy Remediations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/remediations/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy Remediations", "name": "remediations/listDeployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the deployments required by a policy remediation.", "displayName": "List Remediation Deployments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/remediations/listDeployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy Tracked Resources", "name": "policyTrackedResources/queryResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Query information about resources required by DeployIfNotExists policies.", "displayName": "Query Policy Tracked Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyTrackedResources/queryResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets supported operations on Microsoft.PolicyInsights namespace", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Policy Insights operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy Metadata", "name": "policyMetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Policy Metadata resources.", "displayName": "Get Policy Metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyMetadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Attestations", "name": "attestations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get compliance state attestations.", "displayName": "Get Attestations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/attestations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update compliance state attestations.", "displayName": "Create or Update Attestations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/attestations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete compliance state attestations.", "displayName": "Delete Attestations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/attestations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Policy Restrictions", "name": "checkPolicyRestrictions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get details about the restrictions that policy will enforce on a resource.", "displayName": "Check Policy Restrictions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/checkPolicyRestrictions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Event Grid Filters", "name": "eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Event Grid filters used to track which scopes to publish state change notifications for.", "displayName": "Get Event Grid Filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Event Grid filters.", "displayName": "Create or Update Event Grid Filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Event Grid filters.", "displayName": "Delete Event Grid Filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Component Policy States", "name": "componentPolicyStates/queryResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Query information about component policy states.", "displayName": "Query Component Policy States", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PolicyInsights/componentPolicyStates/queryResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Portal", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Portal", "name": "Microsoft.Portal", "operations": [ { "description": "Register to Portal", "displayName": "Register Portal", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Dashboards", "name": "dashboards", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the dashboards for the subscription.", "displayName": "Get Dashboard", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify dashboard to a subscription.", "displayName": "Set Dashboard", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/write", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the dashboard from the subscription.", "displayName": "Delete Dashboard", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/dashboards/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Consoles", "name": "consoles", "operations": [ { "description": "Removes the Cloud Shell instance.", "displayName": "Delete Cloud Shell", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/consoles/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Cloud Shell instance.", "displayName": "Create Cloud Shell", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/consoles/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the Cloud Shell instance.", "displayName": "Get Cloud Shell", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/consoles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "UserSettings", "name": "usersettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Removes the Cloud Shell user settings.", "displayName": "Delete User Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/usersettings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Cloud Shell user setting.", "displayName": "Set User Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/usersettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the Cloud Shell user settings.", "displayName": "Get User Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/usersettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tenant configuration", "name": "tenantConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Tenant configuration", "displayName": "Get Tenant configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/tenantConfigurations/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates Tenant configuration. User has to be a Tenant Admin for this operation.", "displayName": "Set Tenant configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/tenantConfigurations/write", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Tenant configuration. User has to be a Tenant Admin for this operation.", "displayName": "Delete Tenant configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Portal/tenantConfigurations/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Power BI Dedicated", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated", "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Power BI Dedicated resource provider.", "displayName": "Register PowerBI Dedicated resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "capacities", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specified Power BI Dedicated Capacity.", "displayName": "Read Power BI Dedicated Capacity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the specified Power BI Dedicated Capacity.", "displayName": "Create/Update Power BI Dedicated Capacity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Power BI Dedicated Capacity.", "displayName": "Delete the Power BI Dedicated Capacity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Suspends the Capacity.", "displayName": "Suspend the Capacity.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities/suspend/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resumes the Capacity.", "displayName": "Resume the Capacity.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities/resume/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specified operation result.", "displayName": "Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specified operation status.", "displayName": "Read operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of operations", "displayName": "Read operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of Skus", "displayName": "Read SKU information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "capacities/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve available SKU information for the capacity", "displayName": "Read available SKU information for the capacity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "capacities/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Power BI Dedicated Capacity.", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Power BI Dedicated metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "QPU. Range for A1 is 0-20, A2 is 0-40, A3 is 0-40, A4 is 0-80, A5 is 0-160, A6 is 0-320. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 1 resources.", "displayName": "QPU (Gen1)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "qpu_metric", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "QPU High Utilization In Last Minute, 1 For High QPU Utilization, Otherwise 0. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 1 resources.", "displayName": "QPU High Utilization (Gen1)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "qpu_high_utilization_metric", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Memory. Range 0-3 GB for A1, 0-5 GB for A2, 0-10 GB for A3, 0-25 GB for A4, 0-50 GB for A5 and 0-100 GB for A6. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 1 resources.", "displayName": "Memory (Gen1)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "memory_metric", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Average memory thrashing. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 1 resources.", "displayName": "Memory Thrashing (Datasets) (Gen1)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "memory_thrashing_metric", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Total connection requests. These are arrivals.", "displayName": "Total Connection Requests", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "TotalConnectionRequests", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Rate of successful connection completions.", "displayName": "Successful Connections Per Sec", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "SuccessfullConnectionsPerSec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Total failed connection attempts.", "displayName": "Total Connection Failures", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "TotalConnectionFailures", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Current number of user sessions established.", "displayName": "Current User Sessions", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "CurrentUserSessions", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of busy threads in the query thread pool.", "displayName": "Query Pool Busy Threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "QueryPoolBusyThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of jobs in the queue of the command thread pool.", "displayName": "Command Pool Job Queue Length", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "CommandPoolJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of non-I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Processing Pool Job Queue Length", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "ProcessingPoolJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Current number of client connections established.", "displayName": "Connection: Current connections", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "CurrentConnections", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Current price of memory, $/byte/time, normalized to 1000.", "displayName": "Memory: Cleaner Current Price", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "CleanerCurrentPrice", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Amount of memory, in bytes, subject to purging by the background cleaner.", "displayName": "Memory: Cleaner Memory shrinkable", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "CleanerMemoryShrinkable", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Amount of memory, in bytes, not subject to purging by the background cleaner.", "displayName": "Memory: Cleaner Memory nonshrinkable", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "CleanerMemoryNonshrinkable", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Memory usage of the server process as used in calculating cleaner memory price. Equal to counter Process\\PrivateBytes plus the size of memory-mapped data, ignoring any memory which was mapped or allocated by the xVelocity in-memory analytics engine (VertiPaq) in excess of the xVelocity engine Memory Limit.", "displayName": "Memory: Memory Usage", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "MemoryUsage", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Hard memory limit, from configuration file.", "displayName": "Memory: Memory Limit Hard", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "MemoryLimitHard", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "High memory limit, from configuration file.", "displayName": "Memory: Memory Limit High", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "MemoryLimitHigh", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Low memory limit, from configuration file.", "displayName": "Memory: Memory Limit Low", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "MemoryLimitLow", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "In-memory limit, from configuration file.", "displayName": "Memory: Memory Limit VertiPaq", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "MemoryLimitVertiPaq", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Current memory quota, in bytes. Memory quota is also known as a memory grant or memory reservation.", "displayName": "Memory: Quota", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "Quota", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Current number of quota requests that are blocked until other memory quotas are freed.", "displayName": "Memory: Quota Blocked", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "QuotaBlocked", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Bytes of memory locked in the working set for use by the in-memory engine.", "displayName": "Memory: VertiPaq Nonpaged", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "VertiPaqNonpaged", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Bytes of paged memory in use for in-memory data.", "displayName": "Memory: VertiPaq Paged", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "VertiPaqPaged", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Rate of rows read from all relational databases.", "displayName": "Processing: Rows read per sec", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "RowsReadPerSec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Rate of rows converted during processing.", "displayName": "Processing: Rows converted per sec", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "RowsConvertedPerSec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Rate of rows written during processing.", "displayName": "Processing: Rows written per sec", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "RowsWrittenPerSec", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of busy threads in the command thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Command pool busy threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "CommandPoolBusyThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads in the command thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Command pool idle threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "CommandPoolIdleThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of busy threads in the long parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Long parsing busy threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "LongParsingBusyThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads in the long parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Long parsing idle threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "LongParsingIdleThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of jobs in the queue of the long parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Long parsing job queue length", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "LongParsingJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of threads running I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Processing pool busy I/O job threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "ProcessingPoolBusyIOJobThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of threads running non-I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Processing pool busy non-I/O threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "ProcessingPoolBusyNonIOThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Processing pool I/O job queue length", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "ProcessingPoolIOJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Processing pool idle I/O job threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "ProcessingPoolIdleIOJobThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads in the processing thread pool dedicated to non-I/O jobs.", "displayName": "Threads: Processing pool idle non-I/O threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "ProcessingPoolIdleNonIOThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Query pool idle threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "QueryPoolIdleThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of busy threads in the short parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Short parsing busy threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "ShortParsingBusyThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of idle threads in the short parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Short parsing idle threads", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "ShortParsingIdleThreads", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of jobs in the queue of the short parsing thread pool.", "displayName": "Threads: Short parsing job queue length", "metricFilterPattern": "^\\b(?i)EM|P\\d$", "name": "ShortParsingJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "DAX Query duration in last interval. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 1 resources.", "displayName": "Query Duration (Datasets) (Gen1)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "QueryDuration", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of jobs in the queue of the query thread pool. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 1 resources.", "displayName": "Query Pool Job Queue Length (Datasets) (Gen1)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "QueryPoolJobQueueLength", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Workload", "name": "Workload" } ], "displayDescription": "QPU Per Workload. Range for A1 is 0-20, A2 is 0-40, A3 is 0-40, A4 is 0-80, A5 is 0-160, A6 is 0-320. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 1 resources.", "displayName": "QPU Per Workload (Gen1)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "workload_qpu_metric", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Workload", "name": "Workload" } ], "displayDescription": "Memory Per Workload. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 1 resources.", "displayName": "Memory Per Workload (Gen1)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "workload_memory_metric", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "CPU Utilization. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 2 resources.", "displayName": "CPU (Gen2)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "cpu_metric", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Resource Overload, 1 if resource is overloaded, otherwise 0. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 2 resources.", "displayName": "Overload (Gen2)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "overload_metric", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Workload", "name": "Workload" } ], "displayDescription": "CPU Utilization Per Workload. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 2 resources.", "displayName": "CPU Per Workload (Gen2)", "metricFilterPattern": "", "name": "cpu_workload_metric", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "capacities/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Power BI Dedicated Capacities", "displayName": "Read capacities log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Engine", "name": "Engine" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "capacities/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks that given Power BI Dedicated resource name is valid and not in use.", "displayName": "Check availability of the Power BI Dedicated resource name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "autoScaleVCores", "name": "autoScaleVCores", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specificed Power BI Auto Scale V-Core.", "displayName": "Read Power BI Auto Scale V-Core.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/autoScaleVCores/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the specified Power BI Auto Scale V-Core.", "displayName": "Create/Update Power BI Auto Scale V-Core.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/autoScaleVCores/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Power BI Auto Scale V-Core.", "displayName": "Delete the Power BI Auto Scale V-Core.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/autoScaleVCores/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "servers", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specified Power BI Dedicated Server.", "displayName": "Read Power BI Dedicated Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/servers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the specified Power BI Dedicated Server", "displayName": "Create/Update Power BI Dedicated Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/servers/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Power BI Dedicated Server", "displayName": "Delete the Power BI Dedicated Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/servers/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Suspends the Server.", "displayName": "Suspend the Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/servers/suspend/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resumes the Server.", "displayName": "Resume the Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/servers/resume/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "servers", "name": "servers/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve available SKU information for the Server.", "displayName": "Read available SKU information for the server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/servers/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.RecoveryServices", "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers subscription for given Resource Provider", "displayName": "Register Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/register/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters subscription for given Resource Provider", "displayName": "Unregister Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/unregister/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Vault Usage", "name": "Vaults/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns usage details for a Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Recovery Services Vault usage details.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/usages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Usages Summaries", "name": "Vaults/backupUsageSummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns summaries for Protected Items and Protected Servers for a Recovery Services .", "displayName": "Recovery Services Protected Items and Protected Servers usage summaries details.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupUsageSummaries/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vault Storage Config", "name": "Vaults/backupstorageconfig", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns Storage Configuration for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Get Resource Storage Config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupstorageconfig/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Storage Configuration for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Write Resource Storage Config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupstorageconfig/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vault Config", "name": "Vaults/backupconfig", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns Configuration for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Get Resource Config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupconfig/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Configuration for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Update Resource Config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupconfig/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vaults", "name": "Vaults", "operations": [ { "description": "Export Jobs", "displayName": "Export Jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupJobsExport/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns Security PIN Information for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Get Security PIN Info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupSecurityPIN/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate Operation on Protected Item", "displayName": "Validate Operation on Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupTriggerValidateOperation/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate Operation on Protected Item", "displayName": "Validate Operation on Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupValidateOperation/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Vault operation creates an Azure resource of type 'vault'", "displayName": "Create Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The Get Vault operation gets an object representing the Azure resource of type 'vault'", "displayName": "Get Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The Delete Vault operation deletes the specified Azure resource of type 'vault'", "displayName": "Delete Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve the Private Endpoint Connection.", "displayName": "Approve the Private Endpoint Connection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Operation Results", "name": "Vaults/backupOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns Backup Operation Result for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Get Backup Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupOperationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Operation Status", "name": "Vaults/backupOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns Backup Operation Status for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Get Backup Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupOperations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Jobs", "name": "Vaults/backupJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancel the Job", "displayName": "Cancel Jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupJobs/cancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns all Job Objects", "displayName": "Get Jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupJobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retry the Job", "displayName": "Retry Jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupJobs/retry/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Jobs Operation Results", "name": "Vaults/backupJobs/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the Result of Job Operation.", "displayName": "Get Job Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupJobs/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recovery Points", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/recoveryPoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Get AccessToken for Cross Region Restore.", "displayName": "Get AccessToken", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/recoveryPoints/accessToken/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Move Recovery point to another tier", "displayName": "Move Recovery point to another tier", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/recoveryPoints/move/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Provision Instant Item Recovery for Protected Item", "displayName": "Provision Instant Item Recovery for Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/recoveryPoints/provisionInstantItemRecovery/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Recovery Points for Protected Items.", "displayName": "Get Recovery Points", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/recoveryPoints/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore Recovery Points for Protected Items.", "displayName": "Restore Recovery Points", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/recoveryPoints/restore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Revoke Instant Item Recovery for Protected Item", "displayName": "Revoke Instant Item Recovery for Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/recoveryPoints/revokeInstantItemRecovery/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Recovery Point for Protected Item.", "displayName": "Update Recovery Point", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/recoveryPoints/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Policies", "name": "Vaults/backupPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a Protection Policy", "displayName": "Delete Protection Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupPolicies/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns all Protection Policies", "displayName": "Get Protection Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupPolicies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates Protection Policy", "displayName": "Create Protection Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupPolicies/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Policy Operation Results", "name": "Vaults/backupPolicies/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Results of Policy Operation.", "displayName": "Get Policy Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupPolicies/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Policy Operation Status", "name": "Vaults/backupPolicies/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Status of Policy Operation.", "displayName": "Get Policy Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupPolicies/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Items", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Performs Backup for Protected Item.", "displayName": "Backup Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/backup/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Protected Item", "displayName": "Delete Protected Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns object details of the Protected Item", "displayName": "Get Protected Item Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Recovery points recommended for move to another tier", "displayName": "Get Recovery points recommended for move to another tier", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/recoveryPointsRecommendedForMove/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a backup Protected Item", "displayName": "Create Backup Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Items", "name": "Vaults/backupProtectedItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of all Protected Items.", "displayName": "Get All Protected Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupProtectedItems/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Item Operation Results", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Result of Operation Performed on Protected Items.", "displayName": "Get Protected Items Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Item Operation Status", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the status of Operation performed on Protected Items.", "displayName": "Get Protected Items operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/operationsStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Protectable Items", "name": "Vaults/backupProtectableItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of all Protectable Items.", "displayName": "Get Protectable Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupProtectableItems/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Refresh Containers Operation Results", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns status of the operation", "displayName": "Get Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Protection Containers", "name": "Vaults/backupProtectionContainers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns all containers belonging to the subscription", "displayName": "Get Containers In Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupProtectionContainers/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protection Containers", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes the registered Container", "displayName": "Delete Registered Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Do inquiry for workloads within a container", "displayName": "Do inquiry for workloads within a container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/inquire/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns all registered containers", "displayName": "Get Registered Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a registered container", "displayName": "Create Registered Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protection Containers Operation Results", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets result of Operation performed on Protection Container.", "displayName": "Get Container Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Engines", "name": "Vaults/backupEngines", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns all the backup management servers registered with vault.", "displayName": "List of backup management servers.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupEngines/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protection Intent", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/backupProtectionIntent", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a backup Protection Intent", "displayName": "Delete backup Protection Intent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/backupProtectionIntent/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a backup Protection Intent", "displayName": "Get backup Protection Intent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/backupProtectionIntent/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a backup Protection Intent", "displayName": "Create backup Protection Intent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/backupProtectionIntent/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protectable Containers", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/protectableContainers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all protectable containers", "displayName": "Get all protectable containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectableContainers/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workload Items", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/items", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all items in a container", "displayName": "Get all items in a container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/items/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recovery Points", "name": "Locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Trigger Cross region restore.", "displayName": "Cross Region Restore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupCrossRegionRestore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Cross Region Restore Job Details in the secondary region for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Get CRR Job Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupCrrJob/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Cross Region Restore Job Details in the secondary region for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Get CRR Job Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupCrrJobCancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "List Cross Region Restore Jobs in the secondary region for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "List CRR Jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupCrrJobs/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "", "displayName": "Pre Validate Enable Protection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupPreValidateProtection/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check Backup Status for Recovery Services Vaults", "displayName": "Check Backup Status for Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupStatus/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate Features", "displayName": "Validate Features", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupValidateFeatures/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "AllocateStamp is internal operation used by service", "displayName": "Allocated Stamp Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/locations/allocateStamp/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check Resource Name Availability is an API to check if resource name is available", "displayName": "Check Resource Name Availability Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alerts Settings", "name": "vaults/replicationAlertSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Alerts Settings", "displayName": "Read Alerts Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationAlertSettings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Alerts Settings", "displayName": "Create or Update Alerts Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationAlertSettings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Events", "name": "vaults/replicationEvents", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Events", "displayName": "Read Events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationEvents/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Networks", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Networks", "displayName": "Read Networks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationNetworks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Mappings", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationNetworks/replicationNetworkMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Network Mappings", "displayName": "Read Network Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationNetworks/replicationNetworkMappings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Network Mappings", "displayName": "Create or Update Network Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationNetworks/replicationNetworkMappings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Network Mappings", "displayName": "Delete Network Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationNetworks/replicationNetworkMappings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protectable Items", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectableItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Protectable Items", "displayName": "Read Protectable Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectableItems/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protection Container Mappings", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionContainerMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Protection Container Mappings", "displayName": "Read Protection Container Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Protection Container Mappings", "displayName": "Create or Update Protection Container Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove Protection Container Mapping", "displayName": "Remove Protection Container Mapping", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/remove/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Protection Container Mappings", "displayName": "Delete Protection Container Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication Recovery Points", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/recoveryPoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Replication Recovery Points", "displayName": "Read Replication Recovery Points", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/recoveryPoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Items", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Protected Items", "displayName": "Read Protected Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Protected Items", "displayName": "Create or Update Protected Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Protected Items", "displayName": "Delete Protected Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove Protected Item", "displayName": "Remove Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/remove/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Planned Failover", "displayName": "Planned Failover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/plannedFailover/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Failover", "displayName": "Failover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/unplannedFailover/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Test Failover", "displayName": "Test Failover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/testFailover/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Test Failover Cleanup", "displayName": "Test Failover Cleanup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/testFailoverCleanup/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Failover Commit", "displayName": "Failover Commit", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/failoverCommit/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "ReProtect Protected Item", "displayName": "ReProtect Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/reProtect/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Mobility Service", "displayName": "Update Mobility Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/updateMobilityService/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Repair replication", "displayName": "Repair replication", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/repairReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply Recovery Point", "displayName": "Apply Recovery Point", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/applyRecoveryPoint/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Submit Feedback", "displayName": "Submit Feedback", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/submitFeedback/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add disks", "displayName": "Add disks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/addDisks/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove disks", "displayName": "Remove disks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/removeDisks/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/ResolveHealthErrors/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Failover Cancel", "displayName": "Failover Cancel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/failoverCancel/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/updateAppliance/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Jobs", "name": "vaults/replicationJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Jobs", "displayName": "Read Jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationJobs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel Job", "displayName": "Cancel Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationJobs/cancel/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart job", "displayName": "Restart job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationJobs/restart/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resume Job", "displayName": "Resume Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationJobs/resume/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protection Containers", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Protection Containers", "displayName": "Read Protection Containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Discover Protectable Item", "displayName": "Discover Protectable Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/discoverProtectableItem/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Protection Containers", "displayName": "Create or Update Protection Containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove Protection Container", "displayName": "Remove Protection Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/remove/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Switch Protection Container", "displayName": "Switch Protection Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/switchprotection/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/switchClusterProtection/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policies", "name": "vaults/replicationPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Policies", "displayName": "Read Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationPolicies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Policies", "displayName": "Create or Update Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationPolicies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Policies", "displayName": "Delete Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationPolicies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recovery Plans", "name": "vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Recovery Plans", "displayName": "Read Recovery Plans", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Recovery Plans", "displayName": "Create or Update Recovery Plans", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Recovery Plans", "displayName": "Delete Recovery Plans", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Planned Failover Recovery Plan", "displayName": "Planned Failover Recovery Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/plannedFailover/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Failover Recovery Plan", "displayName": "Failover Recovery Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/unplannedFailover/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Test Failover Recovery Plan", "displayName": "Test Failover Recovery Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/testFailover/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Test Failover Cleanup Recovery Plan", "displayName": "Test Failover Cleanup Recovery Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/testFailoverCleanup/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Failover Commit Recovery Plan", "displayName": "Failover Commit Recovery Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/failoverCommit/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "ReProtect Recovery Plan", "displayName": "ReProtect Recovery Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/reProtect/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel Failover Recovery Plan", "displayName": "Cancel Failover Recovery Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/failoverCancel/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recovery Services Providers", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationRecoveryServicesProviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Recovery Services Providers", "displayName": "Read Recovery Services Providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationRecoveryServicesProviders/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Recovery Services Providers", "displayName": "Create or Update Recovery Services Providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationRecoveryServicesProviders/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove Recovery Services Provider", "displayName": "Remove Recovery Services Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationRecoveryServicesProviders/remove/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Recovery Services Providers", "displayName": "Delete Recovery Services Providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationRecoveryServicesProviders/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh Provider", "displayName": "Refresh Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationRecoveryServicesProviders/refreshProvider/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fabrics", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Fabrics", "displayName": "Read Fabrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Fabrics", "displayName": "Create or Update Fabrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove Fabric", "displayName": "Remove Fabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/remove/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks Consistency of the Fabric", "displayName": "Checks Consistency of the Fabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/checkConsistency/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Fabrics", "displayName": "Delete Fabrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Renew Certificate for Fabric", "displayName": "Renew Certificate for Fabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/renewcertificate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploy Process Server Image", "displayName": "Deploy Process Server Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/deployProcessServerImage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reassociate Gateway", "displayName": "Reassociate Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/reassociateGateway/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate Fabric To 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"properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Classification Mappings", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationStorageClassifications/replicationStorageClassificationMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Storage Classification Mappings", "displayName": "Read Storage Classification Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationStorageClassifications/replicationStorageClassificationMappings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Storage Classification Mappings", "displayName": "Create or Update Storage Classification Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationStorageClassifications/replicationStorageClassificationMappings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Storage Classification Mappings", "displayName": "Delete Storage Classification Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationStorageClassifications/replicationStorageClassificationMappings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "vCenters", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationvCenters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any vCenters", "displayName": "Read vCenters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationvCenters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any vCenters", "displayName": "Create or Update vCenters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationvCenters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any vCenters", "displayName": "Delete vCenters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationvCenters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vaults", "name": "Vaults/vaultTokens", "operations": [ { "description": "The Vault Token operation can be used to get Vault Token for vault level backend operations.", "displayName": "Vault Token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/vaultTokens/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vaults", "name": "Vaults/registeredIdentities", "operations": [ { "description": "The Register Service Container operation can be used to register a container with Recovery Service.", "displayName": "Register Service Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/registeredIdentities/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "The Get Containers operation can be used get the containers registered for a resource.", "displayName": "Get Containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/registeredIdentities/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "The UnRegister Container operation can be used to unregister a container.", "displayName": "Unregister Service Container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/registeredIdentities/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vaults", "name": "Vaults/registeredIdentities/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "The Get Operation Results operation can be used get the operation status and result for the asynchronously submitted operation", "displayName": "Get Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/registeredIdentities/operationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vaults", "name": "Vaults/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "The Update Resource Certificate operation updates the resource/vault credential certificate.", "displayName": "Update Resource Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/certificates/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vaults", "name": "Vaults/monitoringAlerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the alerts for the Recovery services vault.", "displayName": "Get alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/monitoringAlerts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resolves the alert.", "displayName": "Resolve alert", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/monitoringAlerts/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vaults", "name": "Vaults/monitoringConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Recovery services vault notification configuration.", "displayName": "Get configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/monitoringConfigurations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Configures e-mail notifications to Recovery services vault.", "displayName": "Configure e-mail notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/monitoringConfigurations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vaults", "name": "Vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Azure Backup Logs", "displayName": "Azure Backup Logs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Backup Reporting Data", "name": "AzureBackupReport" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Core Azure Backup Data", "name": "CoreAzureBackup" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Addon Azure Backup Job Data", "name": "AddonAzureBackupJobs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Addon Azure Backup Alert Data", "name": "AddonAzureBackupAlerts" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Addon Azure Backup Policy Data", "name": "AddonAzureBackupPolicy" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Addon Azure Backup Storage Data", "name": "AddonAzureBackupStorage" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Addon Azure Backup Protected Instance Data", "name": "AddonAzureBackupProtectedInstance" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Site Recovery Jobs", "name": "AzureSiteRecoveryJobs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Site Recovery Events", "name": "AzureSiteRecoveryEvents" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Site Recovery Replicated Items", "name": "AzureSiteRecoveryReplicatedItems" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Site Recovery Replication Stats", "name": "AzureSiteRecoveryReplicationStats" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Site Recovery Recovery Points", "name": "AzureSiteRecoveryRecoveryPoints" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Site Recovery Replication Data Upload Rate", "name": "AzureSiteRecoveryReplicationDataUploadRate" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Azure Site Recovery Protected Disk Data Churn", "name": "AzureSiteRecoveryProtectedDiskDataChurn" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Vaults", "name": "Vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Azure Backup Metrics", "displayName": "Azure Backup Metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vaults", "name": "Vaults/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Azure Backup Diagnostics", "displayName": "Azure 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/extendedInformation/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The Get Extended Info operation gets an object's Extended Info representing the Azure resource of type ?vault?", "displayName": "Get Extended Info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/extendedInformation/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/allocatedStamp", "name": "locations/allocatedStamp", "operations": [ { "description": "GetAllocatedStamp is internal operation used by service", "displayName": "Get Allocated Stamp", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/locations/allocatedStamp/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Operation returns the list of Operations for a Resource Provider", "displayName": "List of Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Logical Networks", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationLogicalNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Logical Networks", "displayName": "Read Logical Networks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationLogicalNetworks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Networks", "name": "vaults/replicationNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Networks", "displayName": "Read Networks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationNetworks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Mappings", "name": "vaults/replicationNetworkMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Network Mappings", "displayName": "Read Network Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationNetworkMappings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protection Container Mappings", "name": "vaults/replicationProtectionContainerMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Protection Container Mappings", "displayName": "Read Protection Container Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Items", "name": "vaults/replicationProtectedItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Protected Items", "displayName": "Read Protected Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationProtectedItems/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Target Compute Sizes", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/targetComputeSizes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Target Compute Sizes", "displayName": "Read Target Compute Sizes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/targetComputeSizes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protection Containers", "name": "vaults/replicationProtectionContainers", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Protection Containers", "displayName": "Read Protection Containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationProtectionContainers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recovery Services Providers", "name": "vaults/replicationRecoveryServicesProviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Recovery Services Providers", "displayName": "Read 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Replication Usages", "name": "vaults/replicationUsages", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Vault Replication Usages", "displayName": "Read Vault Replication Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationUsages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "vCenters", "name": "vaults/replicationvCenters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any vCenters", "displayName": "Read vCenters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationvCenters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vault Replication Health", "name": "vaults/replicationVaultHealth", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Vault Replication Health", "displayName": "Read Vault Replication Health", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationVaultHealth/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh Vault 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"Read any Migration Items", "displayName": "Read Migration Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationMigrationItems/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Migration Items", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Migration Items", "displayName": "Read Migration Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Migration Items", "displayName": "Create or Update Migration Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Migration Items", "displayName": "Delete Migration Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resynchronize", "displayName": "Resynchronize", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/resync/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate Item", "displayName": "Migrate Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/migrate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Test Migrate", "displayName": "Test Migrate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/testMigrate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Test Migrate Cleanup", "displayName": "Test Migrate Cleanup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/testMigrateCleanup/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/pauseReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/resumeReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Migration Recovery Points", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/migrationRecoveryPoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Migration Recovery Points", "displayName": "Read Migration Recovery Points", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/migrationRecoveryPoints/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "vaults/replicationSupportedOperatingSystems", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any ", "displayName": "Read ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationSupportedOperatingSystems/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Items", "name": "Locations/backupProtectedItem", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a backup Protected Item", "displayName": "Create Backup Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupProtectedItem/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Items", "name": "Locations/backupProtectedItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of all Protected Items.", "displayName": "Get All Protected Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupProtectedItems/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "vaults/replicationVaultSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any ", "displayName": "Read ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationVaultSettings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any ", "displayName": "Create or Update ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationVaultSettings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Refresh Containers Operation Statuses", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns status of the operation", "displayName": "Get Operation Status for refresh container operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/operationsStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protection Containers Operation Statuses", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets status of Operation performed on Protection Container.", "displayName": "Get Container Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/operationsStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Jobs Operation Statuses", "name": "Vaults/backupJobs/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the status of Job Operation.", "displayName": "Get Job Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupJobs/operationsStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Items", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Protected Items", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Protected Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectedItems/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Jobs", "name": "vaults/replicationJobs/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Jobs", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationJobs/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protection Containers", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Protection Containers", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Protection Containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policies", "name": "vaults/replicationPolicies/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Policies", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationPolicies/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recovery Plans", "name": "vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Recovery Plans", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Recovery Plans", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationRecoveryPlans/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recovery Services Providers", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationRecoveryServicesProviders/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Recovery Services Providers", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Recovery Services Providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationRecoveryServicesProviders/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fabrics", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Fabrics", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Fabrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Classification Mappings", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationStorageClassifications/replicationStorageClassificationMappings/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Storage Classification Mappings", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Storage Classification Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationStorageClassifications/replicationStorageClassificationMappings/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "vCenters", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationvCenters/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource vCenters", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource vCenters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationvCenters/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vault Replication Health", "name": "vaults/replicationVaultHealth/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Vault Replication Health", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Vault Replication Health", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationVaultHealth/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protection Container Mappings", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Protection Container Mappings", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Protection Container Mappings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionContainerMappings/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Migration Items", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Migration Items", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource Migration Items", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationMigrationItems/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vault Encryption Config", "name": "Vaults/backupEncryptionConfigs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Backup Resource Encryption Configuration.", "displayName": "Get Backup Resource Encryption Config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupEncryptionConfigs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Backup Resource Encryption Configuration", "displayName": "Put Backup Resource Encryption Config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupEncryptionConfigs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vault Replication Operation Status", "name": "vaults/replicationOperationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Vault Replication Operation Status", "displayName": "Read Vault Replication Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationOperationStatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoints", "name": "Vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Wait for a few minutes and then try the operation again. If the issue persists, please contact Microsoft support.", "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Backup encountered an internal error.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get all protectable containers", "displayName": "Get all protectable containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get all protectable containers", "displayName": "Get all protectable containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get all protectable containers", "displayName": "Get all protectable containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoints", "name": "Vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all protectable containers", "displayName": "Get all protectable containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationsStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoints", "name": "Vaults/privateEndpointConnections/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the operation status for a private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "Returns the operation status for a private endpoint connection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/privateEndpointConnections/operationsStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoints", "name": "Vaults/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint requests. This call is made by Backup Admin.", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint requests. This call is made by Backup Admin.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or Reject Private Endpoint requests. This call is made by Backup Admin.", "displayName": "Approve or Reject Private Endpoint requests. This call is made by Backup Admin.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns all the private endpoint connections.", "displayName": "Returns all the private endpoint connections.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "vaults/replicationProtectionIntents", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any ", "displayName": "Read ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationProtectionIntents/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any ", "displayName": "Create or Update ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationProtectionIntents/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recovery Points", "name": "Locations/backupAadProperties", "operations": [ { "description": "Get AAD Properties for authentication in the third region for Cross Region Restore.", "displayName": "Get Aad Properties for CRR", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupAadProperties/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CRR Operation Results", "name": "Locations/backupCrrOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns CRR Operation Result for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Get CRR Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupCrrOperationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CRR Operation Status", "name": "Locations/backupCrrOperationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns CRR Operation Status for Recovery Services Vault.", "displayName": "Get CRR Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Locations/backupCrrOperationsStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "vaults/replicationSupportedRegionMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any ", "displayName": "Read ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationSupportedRegionMappings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Guard Proxy", "name": "Vaults/backupResourceGuardProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "The Delete ResourceGuard proxy operation deletes the specified Azure resource of type 'ResourceGuard proxy'", "displayName": "Delete ResourceGuard proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupResourceGuardProxies/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get ResourceGuard proxy operation gets an object representing the Azure resource of type 'ResourceGuard proxy'", "displayName": "Get ResourceGuard proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupResourceGuardProxies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unlock delete ResourceGuard proxy operation unlocks the next delete critical operation", "displayName": "Unlock delete ResourceGuard proxy operation unlocks the next delete critical operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupResourceGuardProxies/unlockDelete/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create ResourceGuard proxy operation creates an Azure resource of type 'ResourceGuard Proxy'", "displayName": "Create ResourceGuard proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupResourceGuardProxies/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Operation Results", "name": "Vaults/backupValidateOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate Operation on Protected Item", "displayName": "Validate Operation on Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupValidateOperationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Operation Status", "name": "Vaults/backupValidateOperationsStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate Operation on Protected Item", "displayName": "Validate Operation on Protected Item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupValidateOperationsStatuses/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Refresh Containers", "name": "Vaults/backupFabrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Refreshes the container list", "displayName": "Refresh container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupFabrics/refreshContainers/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatus", "name": "Vaults/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "The Get Operation Results operation can be used get the operation status and result for the asynchronously submitted operation", "displayName": "Get Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatus", "name": "Vaults/operationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Operation Status for a given Operation", "displayName": "Get Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/operationStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateLinkResources/read", "name": "Vaults/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns all the private link resources.", "displayName": "Returns all the private link resources.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/capabilities/action", "name": "Vaults/locations", "operations": [ { "description": "List capabilities at a given location.", "displayName": "List capabilities at a given location.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/locations/capabilities/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Deleted Protection Containers", "name": "Vaults/backupDeletedProtectionContainers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns all containers belonging to the subscription", "displayName": "Get Containers In Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupDeletedProtectionContainers/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fetch Tiering Cost", "name": "Vaults/backupTieringCost", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the tiering related cost info.", "displayName": "Get tiering costs info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupTieringCost/fetchTieringCost/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tiering Costs Operation Results", "name": "Vaults/backupTieringCost/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the result of Operation performed for tiering costs", "displayName": "Get Protected Items operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupTieringCost/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tiering Costs Operation Status", "name": "Vaults/backupTieringCost/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the status of Operation performed for tiering cost", "displayName": "Get tiering cost operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupTieringCost/operationsStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Jobs", "name": "Vaults/backupJobs/backupChildJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns all Job Objects", "displayName": "Get Jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.recoveryservices/Vaults/backupJobs/backupChildJobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any ", "displayName": "Read ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any ", "displayName": "Delete ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters/unplannedFailover/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters/testFailover/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters/testFailoverCleanup/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters/applyRecoveryPoint/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters/failoverCommit/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters/repairReplication/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource ", "displayName": "Track the results of an asynchronous operation on the resource ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/replicationFabrics/replicationProtectionContainers/replicationProtectionClusters/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Relay", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Relay", "name": "Microsoft.Relay", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks availability of namespace under given subscription. This API is deprecated please use CheckNameAvailabiltiy instead.", "displayName": "Get namespace availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/checkNamespaceAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks availability of namespace under given subscription.", "displayName": "Get namespace availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Relay resource provider and enables the creation of Relay resources", "displayName": "Registers the Relay Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Relay resource provider and enables the creation of Relay resources", "displayName": "Registers the Relay Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "namespaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a Namespace Resource and Update its properties. Tags and Capacity of the Namespace are the properties which can be updated.", "displayName": "Create Or Update Namespace ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of Namespace Resource Description", "displayName": "Get Namespace Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Namespace Resource", "displayName": "Delete Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Namespace Authorization Rule. This API is depricated. Please use a PUT call to update the Namespace Authorization Rule instead.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01.", "displayName": "Updates Namespace Authorization Rule (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove ACS namespace", "displayName": "Remove ACS namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/removeAcsNamepsace/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "namespaces/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of Namespace operation", "displayName": "Get Namespace Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of Namespaces Authorization Rules description.", "displayName": "Get Namespace Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Namespace level Authorization Rules and update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights, the Primary and Secondary Keys can be updated.", "displayName": "Create or Update Namespace Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Namespace Authorization Rule. The Default Namespace Authorization Rule cannot be deleted. ", "displayName": "Delete Namespace Authorization Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Connection String to the Namespace", "displayName": "Get Namespace Listkeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource", "displayName": "Resource Regeneratekeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "namespaces/messagingPlan", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01.", "displayName": "Get Messaging Plan (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/messagingPlan/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01.", "displayName": "Create or Update Messaging Plan (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/messagingPlan/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HybridConnection", "name": "namespaces/HybridConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update HybridConnection properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update HybridConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of HybridConnection Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get HybridConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete HybridConnection Resource", "displayName": "Delete HybridConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to update HybridConnection. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. Authorization Rules. Please use a PUT call to update Authorization Rule.", "displayName": "Update HybridConnection Authorization Rules (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HybridConnection AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": " Get the list of HybridConnection Authorization Rules", "displayName": " Get HybridConnection Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create HybridConnection Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights can be updated.", "displayName": "Create or Update HybridConnection Authorization Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete HybridConnection Authorization Rules", "displayName": "Delete HybridConnection Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Connection String to HybridConnection", "displayName": "List HybridConnection keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource", "displayName": "Resource Regeneratekeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/HybridConnections/authorizationRules/regeneratekeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "WcfRelay", "name": "namespaces/WcfRelays", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update WcfRelay properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update WcfRelay", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of WcfRelay Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get WcfRelay", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete WcfRelay Resource", "displayName": "Delete WcfRelay", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to update WcfRelay. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. Authorization Rules. Please use a PUT call to update Authorization Rule.", "displayName": "Update WcfRelay Authorization Rules (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "WcfRelay AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": " Get the list of WcfRelay Authorization Rules", "displayName": " Get WcfRelay Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create WcfRelay Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights can be updated.", "displayName": "Create or Update WcfRelay Authorization Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete WcfRelay Authorization Rules", "displayName": "Delete WcfRelay Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Connection String to WcfRelay", "displayName": "List WcfRelay keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource", "displayName": "Resource Regeneratekeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/WcfRelays/authorizationRules/regeneratekeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Operations", "displayName": "Get Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace metrics", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Namespace metrics Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Namespace metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "Success" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "OperationResult" } ], "displayDescription": "Successful ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "ListenerConnections-Success", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ListenerConnectionAttempts", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ListenerConnections-Success", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "ClientError" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "OperationResult" } ], "displayDescription": "ClientError on ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "ListenerConnections-ClientError", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ListenerConnectionAttempts", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ListenerConnections-ClientError", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "InternalServerError" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "OperationResult" } ], "displayDescription": "ServerError on ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "ListenerConnections-ServerError", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ListenerConnectionAttempts", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ListenerConnections-ServerError", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "Success" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "OperationResult" } ], "displayDescription": "Successful SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "SenderConnections-Success", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "SenderConnectionAttempts", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SenderConnections-Success", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "ClientError" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "OperationResult" } ], "displayDescription": "ClientError on SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "SenderConnections-ClientError", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "SenderConnectionAttempts", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SenderConnections-ClientError", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "InternalServerError" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "OperationResult" } ], "displayDescription": "ServerError on SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "SenderConnections-ServerError", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "SenderConnectionAttempts", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SenderConnections-ServerError", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "ListenerConnections-TotalRequests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ListenerConnectionAttempts", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ListenerConnections-TotalRequests", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total SenderConnections requests for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "SenderConnections-TotalRequests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "SenderConnectionAttempts", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SenderConnections-TotalRequests", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total ActiveConnections for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "ActiveConnections", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ActiveConnectionsCount", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ActiveConnections", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total ActiveListeners for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "ActiveListeners", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ActiveListenersCount", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ActiveListeners", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total BytesTransferred for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "BytesTransferred", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "BytesTransferred", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "BytesTransferred", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total ListenerDisconnects for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "ListenerDisconnects", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ListenerConnectionDisconnects", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ListenerDisconnects", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total SenderDisconnects for Microsoft.Relay.", "displayName": "SenderDisconnects", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "SenderConnectionDisconnects", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SenderDisconnects", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "DisasterRecoveryConfigurations", "name": "namespaces/disasterrecoveryconfigs", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks availability of namespace alias under given subscription.", "displayName": "Get alias availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterrecoveryconfigs/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace.", "displayName": "Create or Update Disaster Recovery configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace.", "displayName": "Get Disaster Recovery configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. This operation can only be invoked via the primary namespace.", "displayName": "Delete Disaster Recovery configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.", "displayName": "Break Pairing", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/breakPairing/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Invokes a GEO DR failover and reconfigures the namespace alias to point to the secondary namespace.", "displayName": "Failover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Disaster Recovery Primary Namespace's Authorization Rules", "displayName": "Get Disaster Recovery Primary Namespace's Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the authorization rules keys for the Disaster Recovery primary namespace", "displayName": "Gets the authorization rules keys for the Disaster Recovery primary namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace diagnostic settings", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Namespace diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Create or Update Namespace diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace logs", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Namespace logs Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Namespace logs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "HybridConnections Events", "name": "HybridConnectionsEvent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Rule Set", "name": "namespaces/networkrulesets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource", "displayName": "Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/networkrulesets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/networkrulesets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/networkrulesets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Non Resource Operation", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation", "displayName": "Private endpoint operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Removes Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateLinks", "name": "namespaces/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the resource types that support private endpoint connections", "displayName": "Gets the resource types that support private endpoint connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Non Resource Operation", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation", "displayName": "Private endpoint operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Messages", "name": "namespaces/messages", "operations": [ { "description": "Send messages", "displayName": "Send messages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/messages/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Receive messages", "displayName": "Receive messages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Relay/namespaces/messages/listen/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Resources", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Resources", "name": "Microsoft.Resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Check the resource name for validity.", "displayName": "Check Resource Name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/checkResourceName/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Calculate the hash of provided template.", "displayName": "Calculate Template Hash", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/calculateTemplateHash/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Check Zone Peers", "displayName": "Check Zone Peers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/checkZonePeers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Tenant", "name": "tenants", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of tenants.", "displayName": "Get Tenants", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/tenants/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Providers", "name": "providers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of providers.", "displayName": "Get Providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/providers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resources", "name": "resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of resources based upon filters.", "displayName": "Get Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/resources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription", "name": "subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of subscriptions.", "displayName": "Get Subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription Resource", "name": "subscriptions/resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets resources of a subscription.", "displayName": "Get Subscription Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location", "name": "subscriptions/locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of locations supported.", "displayName": "Get Locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/locations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Providers", "name": "subscriptions/providers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists resource providers.", "displayName": "Get Resource Providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/providers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription Operation Results", "name": "subscriptions/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the subscription operation results.", "displayName": "Get Subscription Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Group", "name": "subscriptions/resourceGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists resource groups.", "displayName": "Get Resource Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a resource group.", "displayName": "Create Resource Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a resource group and all its resources.", "displayName": "Delete Resource Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves resources from one resource group to another.", "displayName": "Move Resource Group Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/moveResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate move of resources from one resource group to another.", "displayName": "Validate Move Resource Group Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/validateMoveResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Group Resources", "name": "subscriptions/resourcegroups/resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the resources for the resource group.", "displayName": "Get Resource Group Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/resources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription Tag", "name": "subscriptions/tagNames", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists subscription tags.", "displayName": "Get Subscription Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/tagNames/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a subscription tag.", "displayName": "Add Subscription Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/tagNames/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a subscription tag.", "displayName": "Delete Subscription Tag", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/tagNames/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription Tag Value", "name": "subscriptions/tagNames/tagValues", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists subscription tag values.", "displayName": "Get Subscription Tag Value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/tagNames/tagValues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a subscription tag value.", "displayName": "Add Subscription Tag Value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/tagNames/tagValues/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a subscription tag value.", "displayName": "Delete Subscription Tag Value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/tagNames/tagValues/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists deployments.", "displayName": "Get Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an deployment.", "displayName": "Create Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a deployment.", "displayName": "Delete Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels a deployment.", "displayName": "Cancel Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates an deployment.", "displayName": "Validate Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Predicts template deployment changes.", "displayName": "Deployment What-If", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/whatIf/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Export template for a deployment", "displayName": "Export template for deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/exportTemplate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "subscriptions/resourcegroups/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists deployments.", "displayName": "Get Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/deployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an deployment.", "displayName": "Create Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/deployments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Operation", "name": "subscriptions/resourcegroups/deployments/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists deployment operations.", "displayName": "Get Deployment Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/deployments/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment operation status", "name": "subscriptions/resourcegroups/deployments/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists deployment operation statuses.", "displayName": "Get deployment operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/deployments/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Operation", "name": "deployments/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists deployment operations.", "displayName": "Get Deployment Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Link", "name": "links", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists resource links.", "displayName": "Get Resource Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/links/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a resource link.", "displayName": "Create Resource Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/links/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a resource link.", "displayName": "Delete Resource Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/links/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Marketplace", "name": "marketplace", "operations": [ { "description": "Purchases a resource from the marketplace.", "displayName": "Purchase Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/marketplace/purchase/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags", "name": "tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all the tags on a resource.", "displayName": "Read tags", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the tags on a resource by replacing or merging existing tags with a new set of tags, or removing existing tags.", "displayName": "Write tags", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes all the tags on a resource.", "displayName": "Delete tags", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/tags/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment operation status", "name": "deployments/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists deployment operation statuses.", "displayName": "Get deployment operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Scripts", "name": "deploymentScripts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists deployment scripts", "displayName": "Read deployment scripts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a deployment script", "displayName": "Write deployment script", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a deployment script", "displayName": "Delete deployment script", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Script Logs", "name": "deploymentScripts/logs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists deployment script logs", "displayName": "Read deployment script logs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts/logs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Policy Compliance", "name": "checkPolicyCompliance", "operations": [ { "description": "Check the compliance status of a given resource against resource policies.", "displayName": "Check Policy Compliance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/checkPolicyCompliance/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Template Specs", "name": "templateSpecs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists template specs", "displayName": "Read template spec", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/templateSpecs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a template spec", "displayName": "Write template spec", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/templateSpecs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a template spec", "displayName": "Delete a template spec", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/templateSpecs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Template Spec Versions", "name": "templateSpecs/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists template specs", "displayName": "Read template spec version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/templateSpecs/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a template spec version", "displayName": "Write a template spec version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/templateSpecs/versions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a template spec version", "displayName": "Delete a template spec version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/templateSpecs/versions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Changes", "name": "changes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists changes", "displayName": "Read Changes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/changes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription Registrations", "name": "subscriptionRegistrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Subscription Registration for a resource provider namespace.", "displayName": "Get Subscription Registrations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/subscriptionRegistrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Stacks", "name": "deploymentStacks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists deployment stacks", "displayName": "Read deployment stack", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deploymentStacks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a deployment stack", "displayName": "Write deployment stack", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deploymentStacks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a deployment stack", "displayName": "Delete a deployment stack", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deploymentStacks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Manage the denySettings property of a deployment stack.", "displayName": "Manage deployment stack denySettings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/deploymentStacks/manageDenySetting/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Boundary", "name": "dataBoundaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Tenant level opt-in to data boundary", "displayName": "Opt-in to Data Boundary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/dataBoundaries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Mobo Broker", "name": "moboBrokers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or lists mobo brokers", "displayName": "Get Mobo Broker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/moboBrokers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a mobo broker", "displayName": "Create Mobo Broker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/moboBrokers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a mobo broker", "displayName": "Delete mobo broker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/moboBrokers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Mobo Service Operation Status", "name": "locations/moboOperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the Mobo Service Operation Status for the resource.", "displayName": "Get the Mobo Service Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resources/locations/moboOperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft ResourceHealth", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ResourceHealth", "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth", "operations": [ { "description": "Endpoint to fetch details for event", "displayName": "Get Event Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Microsoft ResourceHealth", "displayName": "Register with the Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Microsoft ResourceHealth", "displayName": "Unregister with the Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Denotes the change in health state for the specified resource", "displayName": "HealthEvent Change", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resourcehealth/healthevent/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Availability Status", "name": "AvailabilityStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the availability statuses for all resources in the specified scope", "displayName": "Get Availability Statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/AvailabilityStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Availability Status", "name": "AvailabilityStatuses/current", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the availability status for the specified resource", "displayName": "Get Availability Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/AvailabilityStatuses/current/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Events", "name": "events", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Service Health Events for given subscription", "displayName": "Get Service Health Events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Endpoint to fetch details for event", "displayName": "Get Event Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events/fetchEventDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Impacted Resources for a given event of type SecurityAdvisory", "displayName": "Get Impacted Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events/listSecurityAdvisoryImpactedResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Impacted Resources", "name": "impactedResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Impacted Resources for given subscription", "displayName": "Get Impacted Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/impactedResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Health Event", "name": "healthevent", "operations": [ { "description": "Denotes the change in health state for the specified resource", "displayName": "Health Event Activated", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resourcehealth/healthevent/Activated/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Denotes the change in health state for the specified resource", "displayName": "Health Event Updated", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resourcehealth/healthevent/Updated/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Denotes the change in health state for the specified resource", "displayName": "Health Event Resolved", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resourcehealth/healthevent/Resolved/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Denotes the change in health state for the specified resource", "displayName": "Health Event InProgress", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resourcehealth/healthevent/InProgress/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Denotes the change in health state for the specified resource", "displayName": "Health Event Pending", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Resourcehealth/healthevent/Pending/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Availability Status", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the operations available for the Microsoft ResourceHealth", "displayName": "Get Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metadata", "name": "metadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Metadata", "displayName": "Read Metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/metadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Notification", "name": "Notifications", "operations": [ { "description": "Receives ARM notifications", "displayName": "Receive notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/Notifications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Emerging Issues", "name": "emergingissues", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Azure services' emerging issues", "displayName": "Get Azure Emerging Issues", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/emergingissues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Potential Outages", "name": "potentialoutages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Potential Outages for given subscription", "displayName": "Get Potential Outages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/potentialoutages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Impacted Resources", "name": "events/impactedResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Impacted Resources for a given event", "displayName": "Get Impacted Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events/impactedResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Security", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Security", "name": "Microsoft.Security", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for Azure Security Center", "displayName": "Register Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/register/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription from Azure Security Center", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/unregister/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets aggregations", "displayName": "Get aggregations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/aggregations/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Security Recommendations", "name": "tasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all available security recommendations", "displayName": "Get security recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/tasks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Recommendations", "name": "locations/tasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all available security recommendations", "displayName": "Get security recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/tasks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start a security recommendation", "displayName": "Start Recommendation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/tasks/start/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resolve a security recommendation", "displayName": "Resolve Recommendation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/tasks/resolve/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Activate a security recommendation", "displayName": "Activate Recommendation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/tasks/activate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Dismiss a security recommendation", "displayName": "Dismiss Recommendation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/tasks/dismiss/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Security Health", "name": "securityStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security health statuses for Azure resources", "displayName": "Get resource security health", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityStatuses/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Policy", "name": "policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security policy", "displayName": "Get security policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/policies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the security policy", "displayName": "Update security policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/policies/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace Settings", "name": "workspaceSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the workspace settings", "displayName": "Get workspace settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/workspaceSettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the workspace settings", "displayName": "Update workspace settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/workspaceSettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the workspace settings", "displayName": "Delete workspace settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/workspaceSettings/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change workspace settings reconnection settings", "displayName": "Reconnect vms from system workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/workspaceSettings/connect/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pricings", "name": "pricings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the pricing settings for the scope", "displayName": "Get pricing settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/pricings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the pricing settings for the scope", "displayName": "Update pricing settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/pricings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the pricing settings for the scope", "displayName": "Delete pricing settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/pricings/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Contact", "name": "securityContacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security contact", "displayName": "Get security contact", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityContacts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the security contact", "displayName": "Update security contact", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityContacts/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the security contact", "displayName": "Delete security contact", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityContacts/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Compliance Results", "name": "complianceResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the compliance results for the resource", "displayName": "Get compliance results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/complianceResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security data location", "displayName": "Get locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Statuses Summaries", "name": "securityStatusesSummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security statuses summaries for the scope", "displayName": "Get security statuses summaries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityStatusesSummaries/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Alerts", "name": "alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all available security alerts", "displayName": "Get security alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/alerts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Alerts", "name": "locations/alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all available security alerts", "displayName": "Get security alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/alerts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Dismiss a security alert", "displayName": "Dismiss Alert", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/alerts/dismiss/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Activate a security alert", "displayName": "Activate Alert", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/alerts/activate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resolve a security alert", "displayName": "Resolve Alert", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/alerts/resolve/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Simulate a security alert", "displayName": "Simulate Alert", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/alerts/simulate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Just-In-Time Network Access Policies", "name": "locations/jitNetworkAccessPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the just-in-time network access policies", "displayName": "Get JIT Network Access Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new just-in-time network access policy or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update JIT Network Access Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the just-in-time network access policy", "displayName": "Delete JIT Network Access Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Initiates a just-in-time network access policy request", "displayName": "Initiate JIT Network Access Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/initiate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "App Whitelistings", "name": "applicationWhitelistings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the application whitelistings", "displayName": "Get App Whitelisting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/applicationWhitelistings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new application whitelisting or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update App Whitelisting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/applicationWhitelistings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reference Data", "name": "securitySolutionsReferenceData", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security solutions reference data", "displayName": "Get Reference Data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securitySolutionsReferenceData/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Solutions", "name": "securitySolutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security solutions", "displayName": "Get Security Solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securitySolutions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new security solution or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Security Solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securitySolutions/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a security solution", "displayName": "Delete Security Solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securitySolutions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web Application Firewalls", "name": "webApplicationFirewalls", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the web application firewalls", "displayName": "Get Web Application Firewalls", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/webApplicationFirewalls/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new web application firewall or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Web Application Firewalls", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/webApplicationFirewalls/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a web application firewall", "displayName": "Delete Security Web Application Firewalls", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/webApplicationFirewalls/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Advanced Threat Protection Settings", "name": "advancedThreatProtectionSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Advanced Threat Protection Settings for the resource", "displayName": "Gets the Advanced Threat Protection Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the Advanced Threat Protection Settings for the resource", "displayName": "Updates the Advanced Threat Protection Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Settings", "name": "settings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the settings for the scope", "displayName": "Get settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/settings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the settings for the scope", "displayName": "Update settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/settings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Information Protection Policies", "name": "informationProtectionPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the information protection policies for the resource", "displayName": "Gets the information protection policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/informationProtectionPolicies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the information protection policies for the resource", "displayName": "Updates the information protection policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/informationProtectionPolicies/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Adaptive Network Hardening", "name": "adaptiveNetworkHardenings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Adaptive Network Hardening recommendations of an Azure protected resource", "displayName": "Gets Adaptive Network Hardening recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/adaptiveNetworkHardenings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enforces the given traffic hardening rules by creating matching security rules on the given Network Security Group(s)", "displayName": "Traffic hardening rules enforcement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/adaptiveNetworkHardenings/enforce/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessments", "name": "assessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get security assessments on your subscription", "displayName": "Get assessments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assessments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update security assessments on your subscription", "displayName": "Create assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assessments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Assessment Metadata", "name": "assessmentMetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Get available security assessment metadata on your subscription", "displayName": "Get assessment metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assessmentMetadata/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a security assessment metadata", "displayName": "Create assessment metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assessmentMetadata/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Auto Provisioning Settings", "name": "autoProvisioningSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get security auto provisioning setting for the subscription", "displayName": "Get auto provisioning setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/autoProvisioningSettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update security auto provisioning setting for the subscription", "displayName": "Create auto provisioning setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/autoProvisioningSettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IoT Security Solutions", "name": "iotSecuritySolutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates IoT security solutions", "displayName": "Create IoT security solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSecuritySolutions/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes IoT security solutions", "displayName": "Delete IoT security solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSecuritySolutions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets IoT security solutions", "displayName": "Get IoT security solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSecuritySolutions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Device Security Groups", "name": "deviceSecurityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates IoT device security groups", "displayName": "Create device security groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/deviceSecurityGroups/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes IoT device security groups", "displayName": "Delete device security groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/deviceSecurityGroups/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets IoT device security groups", "displayName": "Get device security groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/deviceSecurityGroups/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Analytics Models", "name": "iotSecuritySolutions/analyticsModels", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets IoT security analytics model", "displayName": "Get IoT security analytics model", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSecuritySolutions/analyticsModels/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets IoT alerts", "displayName": "Get IoT alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSecuritySolutions/analyticsModels/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Aggregated Alerts", "name": "iotSecuritySolutions/analyticsModels/aggregatedAlerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets IoT aggregated alerts", "displayName": "Get IoT aggregated alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSecuritySolutions/analyticsModels/aggregatedAlerts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Dismisses IoT aggregated alerts", "displayName": "Dismiss IoT aggregated alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSecuritySolutions/analyticsModels/aggregatedAlerts/dismiss/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Aggregated Recommendations", "name": "iotSecuritySolutions/analyticsModels/aggregatedRecommendations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets IoT aggregated recommendations", "displayName": "Get IoT aggregated recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSecuritySolutions/analyticsModels/aggregatedRecommendations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Automations", "name": "automations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the automations for the scope", "displayName": "Get automations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/automations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the automation for the scope", "displayName": "Update automation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/automations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the automation for the scope", "displayName": "Delete automation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/automations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the automation model for the scope", "displayName": "Validate automation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/automations/validate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Alert Suppression Rules", "name": "alertsSuppressionRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all available security alert suppression rule", "displayName": "Get security alert suppression rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/alertsSuppressionRules/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new security alert suppression rule or update an existing rule", "displayName": "Create or Update security alert suppression rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/alertsSuppressionRules/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a security alert suppression rule", "displayName": "Delete security alert suppression rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/alertsSuppressionRules/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Vulnerability Assessment Scans", "name": "sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of vulnerability assessment scan records or get the scan record for the specified scan ID.", "displayName": "List/Get vulnerability assessment scan record(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Vulnerability Assessment Scan Results", "name": "sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of vulnerability assessment rule results or get the rule result for the specified rule ID.", "displayName": "List/Get vulnerability assessment rule(s) result(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Vulnerability Assessment Baseline Rules", "name": "sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselineRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the databases\u2019 baseline (all rules that were added to the baseline) or get a rule baseline results for the specified rule ID.", "displayName": "Return the databases\u2019 baseline (all rules that were added to the baseline) or get a rule baseline results for the specified rule ID.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselineRules/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the rule baseline result.", "displayName": "Change the rule baseline result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselineRules/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the rule result from the baseline.", "displayName": "Remove the rule result from the baseline.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselineRules/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Vulnerability Assessment Baseline Rules", "name": "sqlVulnerabilityAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Add a list of rules result to the baseline.", "displayName": "Add a list of rules result to the baseline.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselineRules/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Secure Score", "name": "secureScores", "operations": [ { "description": "Get calculated secure score for your subscription", "displayName": "Get secure score", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/secureScores/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Secure Score Control", "name": "secureScoreControls", "operations": [ { "description": "Get calculated secure score control for your subscription", "displayName": "Get secure score control (subscription)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/secureScoreControls/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Secure Score Control", "name": "secureScores/secureScoreControls", "operations": [ { "description": "Get calculated secure score control for your secure score calculation", "displayName": "Get secure score control (secure score)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/secureScores/secureScoreControls/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Secure Score Control", "name": "secureScoreControlDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get secure score control definition", "displayName": "Get secure score control definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/secureScoreControlDefinitions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IoT Sensors", "name": "iotSensors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Get IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSensors/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or updates IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Create or update IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSensors/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Delete IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSensors/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads activation file for IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Download activation file for IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSensors/DownloadActivation/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers threat intelligence package update", "displayName": "Trigger threat intelligence package update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSensors/TriggerTiPackageUpdate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads reset password file for IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Download reset password file for IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSensors/DownloadResetPassword/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IoT Defender Settings", "name": "iotDefenderSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets IoT Defender Settings", "displayName": "Get IoT Defender Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotDefenderSettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or updates IoT Defender Settings", "displayName": "Create or update IoT Defender Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotDefenderSettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes IoT Defender Settings", "displayName": "Delete IoT Defender Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotDefenderSettings/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets downloadable IoT Defender packages information", "displayName": "Get downloadable IoT Defender packages information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotDefenderSettings/PackageDownloads/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Download manager activation file with subscription quota data", "displayName": "Download manager activation file", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotDefenderSettings/DownloadManagerActivation/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IoT Site", "name": "iotSite", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets IoT site", "displayName": "Get IoT site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSite/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates IoT site", "displayName": "Create IoT site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSite/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes IoT site", "displayName": "Delete IoT site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/iotSite/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Vulnerability Assessments", "name": "serverVulnerabilityAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get server vulnerability assessments onboarding status on a given resource", "displayName": "Get server vulnerability assessments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/serverVulnerabilityAssessments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a server vulnerability assessments solution on resource", "displayName": "Create or Update server vulnerability assessments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/serverVulnerabilityAssessments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove a server vulnerability assessments solution from a resource", "displayName": "Delete server vulnerability assessments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/serverVulnerabilityAssessments/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sub Assessments", "name": "assessments/subAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get security sub assessments on your subscription", "displayName": "Get sub assessments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assessments/subAssessments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update security sub assessments on your subscription", "displayName": "Create sub assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assessments/subAssessments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Api Collections", "name": "apiCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Api Collections", "displayName": "Get Api Collections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/apiCollections/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Api Collections", "displayName": "Create Api Collections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/apiCollections/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Api Collections", "displayName": "Delete Api Collections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/apiCollections/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Governance assignments", "name": "assessments/governanceAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get governance assignments for security assessments", "displayName": "Get governance assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assessments/governanceAssignments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update governance assignments for security assessments", "displayName": "Create governance assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assessments/governanceAssignments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Governance rules", "name": "governanceRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get governance rules for managing security posture", "displayName": "Get governance rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/governanceRules/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update governance rules for managing security posture", "displayName": "Create governance rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/governanceRules/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MDE Onboarding", "name": "mdeOnboardings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Microsoft Defender for Endpoint onboarding script", "displayName": "MDE Onboarding", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/mdeOnboardings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DefenderForStorageSettings", "name": "defenderforstoragesettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the defenderforstoragesettings for the scope", "displayName": "Get defenderForStorageSettings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/defenderforstoragesettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the defenderforstoragesettings for the scope", "displayName": "Update defenderForStorageSettings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/defenderforstoragesettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the defenderforstoragesettings for the scope", "displayName": "Delete defenderForStorageSettings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/defenderforstoragesettings/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Datascanners", "name": "datascanners", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the datascanners for the scope", "displayName": "Get datascanners", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/datascanners/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the datascanners for the scope", "displayName": "Update datascanners", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/datascanners/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the datascanners for the scope", "displayName": "Delete datascanners", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/datascanners/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sensitivity Settings", "name": "sensitivitySettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets tenant level sensitivity settings", "displayName": "Get sensitivity settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/sensitivitySettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates tenant level sensitivity settings", "displayName": "Update sensitivity settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/sensitivitySettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pricings/SecurityOperators", "name": "pricings/securityoperators", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security operators for the scope", "displayName": "Get security operators", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/pricings/securityoperators/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the security operators for the scope", "displayName": "Update security operators", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/pricings/securityoperators/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the security operators for the scope", "displayName": "Delete security operators", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/pricings/securityoperators/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Aggregations", "name": "aggregations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets aggregations", "displayName": "Get aggregations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/aggregations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Secrity assignments", "name": "assignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the security assignment", "displayName": "Get security assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assignments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the security assignment", "displayName": "Create security assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assignments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the security assignment", "displayName": "Delete security assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/assignments/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Secrity standards", "name": "standards", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the security standard", "displayName": "Get security standards", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/standards/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the security standard", "displayName": "Create security standards", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/standards/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the security standard", "displayName": "Delete security standards", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/standards/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Vulnerability Assessments Settings", "name": "serverVulnerabilityAssessmentsSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get server vulnerability assessments settings onboarding status for a given subscription", "displayName": "Get server vulnerability assessments settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/serverVulnerabilityAssessmentsSettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update server vulnerability assessments settings on a given subscription", "displayName": "Create or Update server vulnerability assessments settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/serverVulnerabilityAssessmentsSettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove server vulnerability assessments settings from a given subscription", "displayName": "Delete server vulnerability assessments settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/serverVulnerabilityAssessmentsSettings/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration", "name": "integration", "operations": [ { "description": "Get integration on your scope", "displayName": "Get integration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/integration/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update integration on your scope", "displayName": "Create integration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/integration/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deleate or update integration on your scope", "displayName": "Deleate integration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/integration/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Connectors", "name": "securityConnectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security connector", "displayName": "Get security connector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the security connector", "displayName": "Update security connector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the security connector", "displayName": "Delete security connector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Connectors DevOps AzureDevOpsOrgs", "name": "securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates monitored Azure DevOps organization details.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsOrgs_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a monitored Azure DevOps organization.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsOrgs_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a monitored Azure DevOps organization resource.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsOrgs_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a list of all Azure DevOps projects accessible by the user token consumed by the connector.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsProjects_ListAvailable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/listAvailableProjects/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Connectors DevOps", "name": "securityConnectors/devops", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of all Azure DevOps organizations accessible by the user token consumed by the connector.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsOrgs_ListAvailable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/listAvailableAzureDevOpsOrgs/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a DevOps Configuration.", "displayName": "Configurations_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a DevOps Connector.", "displayName": "Configurations_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a DevOps Configuration.", "displayName": "Configurations_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a list of all GitHub owners accessible by the user token consumed by the connector.", "displayName": "GitHubOwners_ListAvailable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/listAvailableGitHubOwners/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a list of all GitLab groups accessible by the user token consumed by the connector.", "displayName": "GitLabGroups_ListAvailable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/listAvailableGitLabGroups/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Connectors DevOps AzureDevOpsOrgs Projects", "name": "securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates a monitored Azure DevOps project resource.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsProjects_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a monitored Azure DevOps project resource.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsProjects_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a monitored Azure DevOps project resource.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsProjects_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a list of all Azure DevOps repositories accessible by the user token consumed by the connector.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsRepos_ListAvailable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/projects/listAvailableRepos/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Connectors DevOps AzureDevOpsOrgs Projects Repos", "name": "securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/projects/repos", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates a monitored Azure DevOps repository resource.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsRepos_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/projects/repos/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a monitored Azure DevOps repository resource.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsRepos_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/projects/repos/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a monitored Azure DevOps repository resource.", "displayName": "AzureDevOpsRepos_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/azureDevOpsOrgs/projects/repos/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Connectors DevOps GitHubOwners", "name": "securityConnectors/devops/gitHubOwners", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates a monitored GitHub owner.", "displayName": "GitHubOwners_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitHubOwners/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a monitored GitHub owner.", "displayName": "GitHubOwners_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitHubOwners/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a monitored GitHub owner.", "displayName": "GitHubOwners_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitHubOwners/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a list of all GitHub repositories accessible by the user token and app installation used by the connector.", "displayName": "GitHubRepos_ListAvailable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitHubOwners/listAvailableRepos/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Connectors DevOps GitHubOwners Repos", "name": "securityConnectors/devops/gitHubOwners/repos", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates a monitored GitHub repository.", "displayName": "GitHubRepos_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitHubOwners/repos/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a monitored GitHub repository.", "displayName": "GitHubRepos_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitHubOwners/repos/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a monitored GitHub repository.", "displayName": "GitHubRepos_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitHubOwners/repos/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Connectors DevOps GitLabGroups", "name": "securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates monitored GitLab Group details.", "displayName": "GitLabGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a monitored GitLab Group.", "displayName": "GitLabGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a monitored GitLab Group resource for a given fully-qualified name.", "displayName": "GitLabGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a list of all GitLab projects that are directly owned by given group and accessible by the user token consumed by the connector.", "displayName": "GitLabProjects_ListAvailable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups/listAvailableProjects/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets nested subgroups of given GitLab Group which are onboarded to the connector.", "displayName": "GitLabSubgroups_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups/listSubgroups/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all nested subgroups of given GitLab Group which are accessible by the user token consumed by the connector.", "displayName": "GitLabSubgroups_ListAvailable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups/listAvailableSubgroups/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Connectors DevOps GitLabGroups Projects", "name": "securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates monitored GitLab Project details.", "displayName": "GitLabProjects_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups/projects/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a monitored GitLab Project.", "displayName": "GitLabProjects_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups/projects/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a monitored GitLab Project resource for a given fully-qualified group name and project name.", "displayName": "GitLabProjects_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/gitLabGroups/projects/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Connectors DevOps OperationResults", "name": "securityConnectors/devops/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get devops long running operation result.", "displayName": "OperationResults_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/devops/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security custom recommendations", "name": "customRecommendations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the custom recommendations", "displayName": "Get custom recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/customRecommendations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the custom recommendation", "displayName": "Create custom recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/customRecommendations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the custom recommendation", "displayName": "Delete custom recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/customRecommendations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security standardAssignments", "name": "standardAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the standard assignments", "displayName": "Get security standard assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/standardAssignments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the standard assignment", "displayName": "Create security standard assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/standardAssignments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the standard assignment", "displayName": "Delete security standard assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/standardAssignments/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security standards", "name": "securityStandards", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the security standards", "displayName": "Get security standards", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityStandards/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the security standard", "displayName": "Create security standards", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityStandards/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the security standard", "displayName": "Delete security standards", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/securityStandards/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Just-In-Time Network Access Policies", "name": "jitNetworkAccessPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the just-in-time network access policies", "displayName": "Get JIT Network Access Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Solutions", "name": "locations/securitySolutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the security solutions", "displayName": "Get Security Solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/securitySolutions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new security solution or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Security Solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/securitySolutions/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a security solution", "displayName": "Delete Security Solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/securitySolutions/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "External Security Solutions", "name": "externalSecuritySolutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the external security solutions", "displayName": "Get Security Solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/externalSecuritySolutions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "External Security Solutions", "name": "locations/externalSecuritySolutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the external security solutions", "displayName": "Get Security Solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Security/locations/externalSecuritySolutions/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Search", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Search", "name": "Microsoft.Search", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the search resource provider and enables the creation of search services.", "displayName": "Register the Search Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks availability of the service name.", "displayName": "Check Service Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Search Services", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all of the available operations of the Microsoft.Search provider.", "displayName": "List all available operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Search Services", "name": "searchServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates the search service.", "displayName": "Set Search Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the search service.", "displayName": "Get Search Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the search service.", "displayName": "Delete Search Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the search service.", "displayName": "Start Search Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the search service.", "displayName": "Stop Search Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the admin keys.", "displayName": "Get Admin Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/listAdminKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the admin key.", "displayName": "Regenerate Admin Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/regenerateAdminKey/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of query API keys for the given Azure Search service.", "displayName": "Get Query Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/listQueryKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the query key.", "displayName": "Create Query Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/createQueryKey/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Keys", "name": "searchServices/deleteQueryKey", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes the query key.", "displayName": "Delete Query Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/deleteQueryKey/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic Settings", "name": "searchServices/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diganostic setting read for the resource", "displayName": "Get Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diganostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Set Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definitions for the search service", "name": "searchServices/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for the search service", "displayName": "Read search service metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Average search latency for the search service", "displayName": "Search Latency", "name": "SearchLatency", "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Search queries per second for the search service", "displayName": "Search queries per second", "name": "SearchQueriesPerSecond", "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Percentage of search queries that were throttled for the search service", "displayName": "Throttled search queries percentage", "name": "ThrottledSearchQueriesPercentage", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition for the search service", "name": "searchServices/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for the search service", "displayName": "Read search service log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Operation Logs", "name": "OperationLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "searchServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection create call from NRP side", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a private endpoint connection proxy with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connection proxies or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Shared Private Link Resource", "name": "searchServices/sharedPrivateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new shared private link resource with the specified parameters or updates the properties for the specified shared private link resource", "displayName": "Create Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/sharedPrivateLinkResources/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of shared private link resources or gets the properties for the specified shared private link resource", "displayName": "Get Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/sharedPrivateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing shared private link resource", "displayName": "Delete Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/sharedPrivateLinkResources/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Shared Private Link Resource", "name": "searchServices/sharedPrivateLinkResources/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the details of a long running shared private link resource operation", "displayName": "Get Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/sharedPrivateLinkResources/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "searchServices/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a private endpoint connections with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connections", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connections", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connections", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Indexes", "name": "searchServices/indexes", "operations": [ { "description": "Return an index or its statistics, return a list of indexes or their statistics, or test the lexical analysis components of an index.", "displayName": "Read Index", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/indexes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create an index or modify its properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update Index", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/indexes/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an index.", "displayName": "Delete Index", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/indexes/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Synonym Maps", "name": "searchServices/synonymMaps", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a synonym map or a list of synonym maps.", "displayName": "Read Synonym Map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/synonymMaps/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a synonym map or modify its properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update Synonym Map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/synonymMaps/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a synonym map.", "displayName": "Delete Synonym Map", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/synonymMaps/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Sources", "name": "searchServices/dataSources", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a data source or a list of data sources.", "displayName": "Read Data Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/dataSources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a data source or modify its properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update Data Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/dataSources/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a data source.", "displayName": "Delete Data Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/dataSources/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Skillsets", "name": "searchServices/skillsets", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a skillset or a list of skillsets.", "displayName": "Read Skillset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/skillsets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a skillset or modify its properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update Skillset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/skillsets/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a skillset.", "displayName": "Delete Skillset", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/skillsets/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Indexers", "name": "searchServices/indexers", "operations": [ { "description": "Return an indexer or its status, or return a list of indexers or their statuses.", "displayName": "Read Indexer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/indexers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create an indexer, modify its properties, or manage its execution.", "displayName": "Create or Manage Indexer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/indexers/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an indexer.", "displayName": "Delete Indexer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/indexers/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Debug Sessions", "name": "searchServices/debugSessions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a debug session or a list of debug sessions.", "displayName": "Read Debug Session", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/debugSessions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a debug session or modify its properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update Debug Session", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/debugSessions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a debug session.", "displayName": "Delete Debug Session", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/debugSessions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Use a debug session, get execution data, or evaluate expressions on it.", "displayName": "Execute Debug Session", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/debugSessions/execute/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Documents", "name": "searchServices/indexes/documents", "operations": [ { "description": "Read documents or suggested query terms from an index.", "displayName": "Read Documents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/indexes/documents/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Upload documents to an index or modify existing documents.", "displayName": "Write Documents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/indexes/documents/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete documents from an index.", "displayName": "Delete Documents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/indexes/documents/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "name": "searchServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete an association proxy to a Network Security Perimeter resource of Microsoft.Network provider.", "displayName": "Delete a Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an association proxy to a Network Security Perimeter resource of Microsoft.Network provider.", "displayName": "Delete a Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the state of an association to a Network Security Perimeter resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Change state of Network Security Perimeter Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter", "name": "locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable", "operations": [ { "description": "Check if the configuration of the Network Security Perimeter needs updating.", "displayName": "Check the Network Security Perimeter for configuration updates.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Configuration", "name": "searchServices/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the Network Security Perimeter configuration.", "displayName": "Read Network Security Perimeter configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconcile the Network Security Perimeter configuration with NRP's (Microsoft.Network Resource Provider) copy.", "displayName": "Reconcile Network Security Perimeter configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure ServiceBus", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ServiceBus", "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks availability of namespace under given subscription. This API is deprecated please use CheckNameAvailabiltiy instead.", "displayName": "Get namespace availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/checkNamespaceAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks availability of namespace under given subscription.", "displayName": "Get namespace availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the subscription for the ServiceBus resource provider and enables the creation of ServiceBus resources", "displayName": "Registers the ServiceBus Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the subscription for the ServiceBus resource provider and enables the creation of ServiceBus resources", "displayName": "Registers the ServiceBus Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "namespaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a Namespace Resource and Update its properties. Tags and Capacity of the Namespace are the properties which can be updated.", "displayName": "Create Or Update Namespace ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of Namespace Resource Description", "displayName": "Get Namespace Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Namespace Resource", "displayName": "Delete Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Namespace Authorization Rule. This API is depricated. Please use a PUT call to update the Namespace Authorization Rule instead.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01.", "displayName": "Updates Namespace Authorization Rule (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate namespace operation", "displayName": "Migrate namespace operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove ACS namespace", "displayName": "Remove ACS namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/removeAcsNamepsace/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "namespaces/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of Namespace operation", "displayName": "Get Namespace Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a Namespace level Authorization Rules and update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights, the Primary and Secondary Keys can be updated.", "displayName": "Create or Update Namespace Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the list of Namespaces Authorization Rules description.", "displayName": "Get Namespace Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Namespace Authorization Rule. The Default Namespace Authorization Rule cannot be deleted. ", "displayName": "Delete Namespace Authorization Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Connection String to the Namespace", "displayName": "Get Namespace Listkeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource", "displayName": "Resource Regeneratekeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace", "name": "namespaces/messagingPlan", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01.", "displayName": "Get Messaging Plan (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/messagingPlan/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the Messaging Plan for a namespace. This API is deprecated. Properties exposed via the MessagingPlan resource are moved to the (parent) Namespace resource in later API versions.. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01.", "displayName": "Create or Update Messaging Plan (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/messagingPlan/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Queue", "name": "namespaces/queues", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Queue properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update Queue", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of Queue Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Queue", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete Queue Resource", "displayName": "Delete Queue", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to update Queue. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. Authorization Rules. Please use a PUT call to update Authorization Rule.", "displayName": "Update Queue Authorization Rules (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Queue AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/queues/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Create Queue Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights can be updated.", "displayName": "Create or Update Queue Authorization Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": " Get the list of Queue Authorization Rules", "displayName": " Get Queue Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete Queue Authorization Rules", "displayName": "Delete Queue Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Connection String to Queue", "displayName": "List Queue keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource", "displayName": "Resource Regeneratekeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/queues/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Topic", "name": "namespaces/topics", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Topic properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update Topic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of Topic Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Topic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete Topic Resource", "displayName": "Delete Topic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to update Topic. This operation is not supported on API version 2017-04-01. Authorization Rules. Please use a PUT call to update Authorization Rule.", "displayName": "Update Topic Authorization Rules (Deprecated)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Topic AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/topics/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Create Topic Authorization Rules and Update its properties. The Authorization Rules Access Rights can be updated.", "displayName": "Create or Update Topic Authorization Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": " Get the list of Topic Authorization Rules", "displayName": " Get Topic Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete Topic Authorization Rules", "displayName": "Delete Topic Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Connection String to Topic", "displayName": "List Topic keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the Primary or Secondary key to the Resource", "displayName": "Resource Regeneratekeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TopicSubscription", "name": "namespaces/topics/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update TopicSubscription properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update TopicSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of TopicSubscription Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get TopicSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete TopicSubscription Resource", "displayName": "Delete TopicSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Rule", "name": "namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Rule properties.", "displayName": "Create or Update Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of Rule Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete Rule Resource", "displayName": "Delete Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/topics/subscriptions/rules/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sku", "name": "sku", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Sku Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Sku", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/sku/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SkuRegions", "name": "sku/regions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of SkuRegions Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get SkuRegions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/sku/regions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Operations", "displayName": "Get Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EventHub", "name": "namespaces/eventhubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of EventHub Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get EventHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/eventhubs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ServiceBus Resource Provider", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes the VNet rules in ServiceBus Resource Provider for the specified VNet", "displayName": "Deletes the VNet rules in ServiceBus Resource Provider for the specified VNet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace metrics", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Namespace metrics Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Namespace metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "Success" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "OperationResult" } ], "displayDescription": "Total successful requests for a namespace", "displayName": "Successful Requests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "IncomingRequests", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SuccessfulRequests", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "InternalServerError" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "OperationResult" } ], "displayDescription": "Server Errors for Microsoft.ServiceBus.", "displayName": "Server Errors.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "IncomingRequests", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ServerErrors", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "ClientError" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "OperationResult" } ], "displayDescription": "User Errors for Microsoft.ServiceBus.", "displayName": "User Errors.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "IncomingRequests", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "UserErrors", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "ServerBusy" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "OperationResult" }, { "name": "MessagingErrorSubCode", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Throttled Requests for Microsoft.ServiceBus.", "displayName": "Throttled Requests.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "IncomingRequests", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ThrottledRequests", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Incoming Requests for Microsoft.ServiceBus.", "displayName": "Incoming Requests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "IncomingRequests", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "IncomingRequests", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Incoming Messages for Microsoft.ServiceBus.", "displayName": "Incoming Messages", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "IncomingMessages", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "IncomingMessages", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Outgoing Messages for Microsoft.ServiceBus.", "displayName": "Outgoing Messages", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "OutgoingMessages", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "OutgoingMessages", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total Active Connections for Microsoft.ServiceBus.", "displayName": "ActiveConnections", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "NamespaceActiveConnections", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ActiveConnections", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Connections Opened for Microsoft.ServiceBus.", "displayName": "Connections Opened.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ConnectionOpen", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ConnectionsOpened", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Connections Closed for Microsoft.ServiceBus.", "displayName": "Connections Closed.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ConnectionClose", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ConnectionsClosed", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Size of an Queue/Topic in Bytes.", "displayName": "Size", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EntitySize", "isDimensionRequired": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "Size", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Count of messages in a Queue/Topic.", "displayName": "Count of messages in a Queue/Topic.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EntityMessageCount", "isDimensionRequired": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "Messages", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Count of active messages in a Queue/Topic.", "displayName": "Count of active messages in a Queue/Topic.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EntityActiveMessageCount", "isDimensionRequired": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "ActiveMessages", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Count of dead-lettered messages in a Queue/Topic.", "displayName": "Count of dead-lettered messages in a Queue/Topic.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EntityDeadLetterMessageCount", "isDimensionRequired": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "DeadletteredMessages", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Count of scheduled messages in a Queue/Topic.", "displayName": "Count of scheduled messages in a Queue/Topic.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EntityScheduledMessageCount", "isDimensionRequired": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "ScheduledMessages", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Completed Messages", "displayName": "Completed Messages", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "CompleteMessage", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "CompleteMessage", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Abandoned Messages", "displayName": "Abandoned Messages", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "AbandonMessage", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "AbandonMessage", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "Primary" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "Replica" } ], "displayDescription": "CPU usage metric for Premium SKU namespaces.", "displayName": "CPU", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "NamespaceCpuUsage", "isDimensionRequired": false, "lockAggregationType": "Max", "metricFilterPattern": "(?i)^premium$", "name": "NamespaceCpuUsage", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Max" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "Primary" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "Replica" } ], "displayDescription": "Memory usage metric for Premium SKU namespaces.", "displayName": "Memory Usage", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "NamespaceWorkingSet64", "isDimensionRequired": false, "lockAggregationType": "Max", "metricFilterPattern": "(?i)^premium$", "name": "NamespaceMemoryUsage", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Max" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Pending Checkpoint Operations Count.", "displayName": "Pending Checkpoint Operations Count.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "MessageStorePendingCheckpointBacklogOperationCount", "name": "PendingCheckpointOperationCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "name": "EntityName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Server Send Latency.", "displayName": "Server Send Latency.", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ServerSendLatency", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "ServerSendLatency", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Count of locked sessions in a Queue/Topic.", "displayName": "Session Locked Count", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "SessionLockedCount", "isDimensionRequired": false, "name": "SessionLockedCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "servicebus", "sourceMdmNamespace": "OperationQoSMetrics", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "Primary" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "Replica" } ], "displayDescription": "Service bus premium namespace CPU usage metric. This metric is depricated. Please use the CPU metric (NamespaceCpuUsage) instead.", "displayName": "CPU (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "(?i)^premium$", "name": "CPUXNS", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "defaultDimensionValues": [ { "value": "Primary" } ], "isHidden": true, "name": "Replica" } ], "displayDescription": "Service bus premium namespace memory usage metric. This metric is deprecated. Please use the Memory Usage (NamespaceMemoryUsage) metric instead.", "displayName": "Memory Usage (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "(?i)^premium$", "name": "WSXNS", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace diagnostic settings", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Namespace diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get list of Namespace diagnostic settings Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Create or Update Namespace diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace logs", "name": "namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Namespace logs Resource Descriptions", "displayName": "Get Namespace logs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "Operational Logs", "name": "OperationalLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT5M", "displayName": "VNet/IP Filtering Connection Logs", "name": "VNetAndIPFilteringLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Messages", "name": "namespaces/messages", "operations": [ { "description": "Send messages", "displayName": "Send messages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/messages/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Receive messages", "displayName": "Receive messages", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/messages/receive/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DisasterRecoveryConfigurations", "name": "namespaces/disasterrecoveryconfigs", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks availability of namespace alias under given subscription.", "displayName": "Get alias availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterrecoveryconfigs/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace.", "displayName": "Create or Update Disaster Recovery configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace.", "displayName": "Get Disaster Recovery configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Disaster Recovery configuration associated with the namespace. This operation can only be invoked via the primary namespace.", "displayName": "Delete Disaster Recovery configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables Disaster Recovery and stops replicating changes from primary to secondary namespaces.", "displayName": "Break Pairing", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/breakPairing/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Invokes a GEO DR failover and reconfigures the namespace alias to point to the secondary namespace.", "displayName": "Failover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AuthorizationRules", "name": "namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Disaster Recovery Primary Namespace's Authorization Rules", "displayName": "Get Disaster Recovery Primary Namespace's Authorization Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the authorization rules keys for the Disaster Recovery primary namespace", "displayName": "Gets the authorization rules keys for the Disaster Recovery primary namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/disasterRecoveryConfigs/authorizationRules/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MigrationConfigurations", "name": "namespaces/migrationConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or Updates Migration configuration. This will start synchronizing resources from the standard to the premium namespace", "displayName": "Create or Update Migration configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Migration configuration which indicates the state of the migration and pending replication operations", "displayName": "Gets the Migration configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Migration configuration.", "displayName": "Deletes the Migration configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reverts the standard to premium namespace migration", "displayName": "Revert", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations/revert/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assigns the DNS associated with the standard namespace to the premium namespace which completes the migration and stops the syncing resources from standard to premium namespace", "displayName": "Upgrade", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/migrationConfigurations/upgrade/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EventGridFilters", "name": "namespaces/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or Updates the Event Grid filter associated with the namespace.", "displayName": "Create or Update Event Grid filter.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Event Grid filter associated with the namespace.", "displayName": "GetEvent Grid filter configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Event Grid filter associated with the namespace.", "displayName": "Delete Event Grid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IPFilter", "name": "namespaces/ipFilterRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get IP Filter Resource", "displayName": "Get IP Filter Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/ipFilterRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create IP Filter Resource", "displayName": "Create IP Filter Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/ipFilterRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete IP Filter Resource", "displayName": "Delete IP Filter Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/ipFilterRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Rule", "name": "namespaces/virtualNetworkRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Gets VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/virtualNetworkRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Rule Set", "name": "namespaces/networkrulesets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource", "displayName": "Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkrulesets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkrulesets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkrulesets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Rule Set", "name": "namespaces/networkruleset", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource", "displayName": "Gets NetworkRuleSet Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkruleset/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Create VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkruleset/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "displayName": "Delete VNET Rule Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/networkruleset/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Non Resource Operation", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation", "displayName": "Private endpoint operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Removes Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateLinks", "name": "namespaces/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the resource types that support private endpoint connections", "displayName": "Gets the resource types that support private endpoint connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Non Resource Operation", "name": "namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an asynchronous private endpoint operation", "displayName": "Private endpoint operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/privateEndpointConnections/operationstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Namespace SKU", "name": "namespaces/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "List Supported SKUs for Namespace", "displayName": "List SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Monitoring Insights", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.SecurityGraph", "name": "Microsoft.SecurityGraph", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings", "name": "diagnosticsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Writing a diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityGraph/diagnosticsettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Reading a diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityGraph/diagnosticsettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Deleting a diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityGraph/diagnosticsettings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings categories", "name": "diagnosticsettingscategories", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading a diagnostic setting categories", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings categories read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityGraph/diagnosticsettingscategories/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.SignalRService", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.SignalRService", "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the 'Microsoft.SignalRService' resource provider with a subscription", "displayName": "Register Resource Provider Microsoft.SignalRService", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Unregisters the 'Microsoft.SignalRService' resource provider with a subscription", "displayName": "Unregister Resource Provider Microsoft.SignalRService", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "SignalR", "name": "SignalR", "operations": [ { "description": "View the SignalR's settings and configurations in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "Manage SignalR(read-only)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Modify the SignalR's settings and configurations in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "Manage SignalR(read-write)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete the SignalR resource", "displayName": "Delete SignalR", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "View the value of SignalR access keys in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "View SignalR Access Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Change the value of SignalR access keys in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "Regenerate SignalR Access Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/regeneratekey/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "To restart a SignalR resource in the management portal or through API. There will be certain downtime", "displayName": "Restart SignalR", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Results", "name": "operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the result of a provider-level asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Query Async Operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationResults/SignalR", "name": "locations/operationresults/signalr", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the result of a location-based asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Query Async Operation result in region", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/locations/operationresults/signalr/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/CheckNameAvailability", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if a name is available for use with a new Microsoft.SignalRService resource", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/locations/checknameavailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/Usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the quota usages for Microsoft.SignalRService resource provider", "displayName": "List quota usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/locations/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/EventGridFilters", "name": "SignalR/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of the specified event grid filter or lists all the event grid filters for the specified SignalR resource", "displayName": "Get Event Grid Filter or List Event Grid Filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update an event grid filter for a SignalR resource with the specified parameters", "displayName": "Create or Update Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete an event grid filter from a SignalR resource", "displayName": "Delete Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List the operations for Microsoft.SignalRService resource provider", "displayName": "List Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "SignalR/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/updatePrivateEndpointProperties/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Write Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/PrivateEndpointConnections", "name": "SignalR/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Write Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Write Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/PrivateLinkResources", "name": "SignalR/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "List Private Link Resources", "displayName": "List Private Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/Hub", "name": "SignalR/hub", "operations": [ { "description": "Broadcast messages to all client connections in the hub", "displayName": "Send messages to hub", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/hub/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Run multiple actions in the hub", "displayName": "Run multiple actions in the hub", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/hub/execute/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Close all client connections in the hub", "displayName": "Write Hub", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/hub/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/Group", "name": "SignalR/group", "operations": [ { "description": "Broadcast message to group", "displayName": "Send messages to group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/group/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Check group existence or user existence in group", "displayName": "Read Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/group/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Join / Leave group", "displayName": "Write Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/group/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/ClientConnection", "name": "SignalR/clientConnection", "operations": [ { "description": "Generate a JWT Token for client to connect to the service", "displayName": "Generate a JWT Token for client to connect to the service", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/clientConnection/generateToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Send messages directly to a client connection", "displayName": "Send messages to client connection", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/clientConnection/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Check client connection existence", "displayName": "Read Client Connection", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/clientConnection/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Close client connection", "displayName": "Write Client Connection", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/clientConnection/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/User", "name": "SignalR/user", "operations": [ { "description": "Send messages to user, who may consist of multiple client connections", "displayName": "Send messages to user", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/user/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Check user existence", "displayName": "Read User", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/user/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Modify a user", "displayName": "Write User", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/user/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/Auth", "name": "SignalR/auth", "operations": [ { "description": "Generate an AccessToken for client to connect to ASRS, the token will expire in 5 minutes by default", "displayName": "Generate an Access Token for client to connect to the Azure SignalR Service", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/auth/clientToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Generate an AccessKey for signing AccessTokens, the key will expire in 90 minutes by default", "displayName": "Generate an Access Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/auth/accessKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Generate an AccessToken for client to connect to ASRS, the token will expire in 5 minutes by default", "displayName": "Generate an Access Token for client to connect to the Azure SignalR Service", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/auth/accessToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/ServerConnection", "name": "SignalR/serverConnection", "operations": [ { "description": "Start a server connection", "displayName": "Write Server Connection", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/serverConnection/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses/SignalR", "name": "locations/operationStatuses/signalr", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the status of a location-based asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Query Async Operation status in region", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/locations/operationStatuses/signalr/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub", "name": "WebPubSub", "operations": [ { "description": "View the WebPubSub's settings and configurations in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "Manage WebPubSub(read-only)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Modify the WebPubSub's settings and configurations in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "Manage WebPubSub(read-write)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete the WebPubSub resource", "displayName": "Delete WebPubSub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "View the value of WebPubSub access keys in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "View WebPubSub Access Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Change the value of WebPubSub access keys in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "Regenerate WebPubSub Access Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/regeneratekey/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "To restart a WebPubSub resource in the management portal or through API. There will be certain downtime", "displayName": "Restart WebPubSub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/updatePrivateEndpointProperties/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Write Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/PrivateEndpointConnections", "name": "WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Write Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Write Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/PrivateLinkResources", "name": "WebPubSub/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "List Private Link Resources", "displayName": "List Private Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationResults/WebPubSub", "name": "locations/operationresults/webpubsub", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the result of a location-based asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Query Async Operation result in region", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/locations/operationresults/webpubsub/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses/WebPubSub", "name": "locations/operationStatuses/webpubsub", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the status of a location-based asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Query Async Operation status in region", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/locations/operationStatuses/webpubsub/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/ClientConnection", "name": "WebPubSub/clientConnection", "operations": [ { "description": "Generate a JWT Token for client to connect to the service", "displayName": "Generate a JWT Token for client to connect to the service", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/clientConnection/generateToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Send messages directly to a client connection", "displayName": "Send messages to client connection", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/clientConnection/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Check client connection existence", "displayName": "Read Client Connection", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/clientConnection/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Close client connection", "displayName": "Write Client Connection", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/clientConnection/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/Group", "name": "WebPubSub/group", "operations": [ { "description": "Broadcast message to group", "displayName": "Send messages to group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/group/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Check group existence or user existence in group", "displayName": "Read Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/group/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Join / Leave group", "displayName": "Write Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/group/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/Hub", "name": "WebPubSub/hub", "operations": [ { "description": "Broadcast messages to all client connections in the hub", "displayName": "Send messages to hub", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/hub/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/User", "name": "WebPubSub/user", "operations": [ { "description": "Send messages to user, who may consist of multiple client connections", "displayName": "Send messages to user", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/user/send/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Check user existence", "displayName": "Read User", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/user/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/SharedPrivateLinkResources", "name": "SignalR/sharedPrivateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Write Shared Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Write Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/sharedPrivateLinkResources/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read Shared Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Read Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/sharedPrivateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Shared Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Delete Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/sharedPrivateLinkResources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/Detectors", "name": "SignalR/detectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Detector", "displayName": "Read Detector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/detectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR", "name": "SignalR/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available metrics of a SignalR resource", "displayName": "Read SignalR Metrics Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint of connections", "internalName": null, "name": "Endpoint", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of user connection.", "displayName": "Connection Count", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "ConnectionCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The total amount of messages.", "displayName": "Message Count", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "MessageCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The inbound traffic of service", "displayName": "Inbound Traffic", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "InboundTraffic", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The outbound traffic of service", "displayName": "Outbound Traffic", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "OutboundTraffic", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Errors", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The percentage of user errors", "displayName": "User Errors", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "UserErrors", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Errors", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The percentage of system errors", "displayName": "System Errors", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "SystemErrors", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The percentage of connection connected relative to connection quota.", "displayName": "Connection Quota Utilization", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "ConnectionQuotaUtilization", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR", "name": "SignalR/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available logs of a SignalR resource", "displayName": "Read SignalR Logs Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Azure SignalR Service Logs.", "name": "AllLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR", "name": "SignalR/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/SharedPrivateLinkResources", "name": "WebPubSub/sharedPrivateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Write Shared Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Write Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/sharedPrivateLinkResources/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read Shared Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Read Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/sharedPrivateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete Shared Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Delete Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/sharedPrivateLinkResources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/Detectors", "name": "WebPubSub/detectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Detector", "displayName": "Read Detector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/detectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/Auth", "name": "WebPubSub/auth", "operations": [ { "description": "Generate an AccessKey for signing AccessTokens, the key will expire in 90 minutes by default", "displayName": "Generate an Access Key", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/auth/accessKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Generate an AccessToken for client to connect to AWPS, the token will expire in 5 minutes by default", "displayName": "Generate an Access Token for client to connect to the Azure Web Pubsub Service", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/auth/accessToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub", "name": "WebPubSub/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available metrics of a WebPubSub resource", "displayName": "Read WebPubSub Metrics Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The amount of user connection.", "displayName": "Connection Count", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "TotalConnectionCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The inbound traffic of service", "displayName": "Inbound Traffic", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "InboundTraffic", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The outbound traffic of service", "displayName": "Outbound Traffic", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "OutboundTraffic", "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub", "name": "WebPubSub/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available logs of a WebPubSub resource", "displayName": "Read WebPubSub Logs Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Azure Web PubSub Service Logs.", "name": "AllLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub", "name": "WebPubSub/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/OperationResults", "name": "SignalR/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/OperationStatuses", "name": "SignalR/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/OperationResults", "name": "WebPubSub/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/OperationStatuses", "name": "WebPubSub/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "List the valid SKUs for an existing resource", "displayName": "List SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR", "name": "SignalR/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "List the valid SKUs for an existing resource", "displayName": "List SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub", "name": "WebPubSub/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "List the valid SKUs for an existing resource", "displayName": "List SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/HubSettings", "name": "WebPubSub/hubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Write hub settings", "displayName": "Write hub settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/hubs/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read hub settings", "displayName": "Read hub settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/hubs/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete hub settings", "displayName": "Delete hub settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/hubs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Statuses", "name": "operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Query the status of a provider-level asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Query Async Operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/LiveTrace", "name": "SignalR/livetrace", "operations": [ { "description": "Read live trace tool results", "displayName": "Read live trace tool results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/livetrace/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create live trace connections", "displayName": "Create live trace connections", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/livetrace/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/LiveTrace", "name": "WebPubSub/livetrace", "operations": [ { "description": "Read live trace tool results", "displayName": "Read live trace tool results", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/livetrace/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create live trace connections", "displayName": "Create live trace connections", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/livetrace/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/replicas", "name": "SignalR/replicas", "operations": [ { "description": "View the SignalR replica's settings and configurations in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "Manage SignalR replica(read-only)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Modify the SignalR replica's settings and configurations in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "Manage SignalR replica(read-write)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete the SignalR replica resource", "displayName": "Delete SignalR replica", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/replicas", "name": "SignalR/replicas/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "List the valid SKUs for an existing resource", "displayName": "List SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/replicas/OperationResults", "name": "SignalR/replicas/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/replicas/OperationStatuses", "name": "SignalR/replicas/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/replicas", "name": "SignalR/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available metrics of a SignalR replica resource", "displayName": "Read SignalR replica Metrics Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint of connections", "internalName": null, "name": "Endpoint", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of user connection.", "displayName": "Connection Count", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "ConnectionCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The total amount of messages.", "displayName": "Message Count", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "MessageCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The inbound traffic of service", "displayName": "Inbound Traffic", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "InboundTraffic", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The outbound traffic of service", "displayName": "Outbound Traffic", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "OutboundTraffic", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Errors", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The percentage of user errors", "displayName": "User Errors", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "UserErrors", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Errors", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The percentage of system errors", "displayName": "System Errors", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "SystemErrors", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The percentage of connection connected relative to connection quota.", "displayName": "Connection Quota Utilization", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "ConnectionQuotaUtilization", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/replicas", "name": "SignalR/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available logs of a SignalR replica resource", "displayName": "Read SignalR replica Logs Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Azure SignalR Service Logs.", "name": "AllLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/replicas", "name": "SignalR/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/replicas", "name": "WebPubSub/replicas", "operations": [ { "description": "View the WebPubSub replica's settings and configurations in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "Manage WebPubSub replica(read-only)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Modify the WebPubSub replica's settings and configurations in the management portal or through API", "displayName": "Manage WebPubSub replica(read-write)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete the WebPubSub replica resource", "displayName": "Delete WebPubSub replica", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/replicas", "name": "WebPubSub/replicas/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "List the valid SKUs for an existing resource", "displayName": "List SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/replicas/OperationResults", "name": "WebPubSub/replicas/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/replicas/OperationStatuses", "name": "WebPubSub/replicas/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/replicas", "name": "WebPubSub/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available metrics of a WebPubSub replica resource", "displayName": "Read WebPubSub replica Metrics Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The amount of user connection.", "displayName": "Connection Count", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "TotalConnectionCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The inbound traffic of service", "displayName": "Inbound Traffic", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "InboundTraffic", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "The outbound traffic of service", "displayName": "Outbound Traffic", "fillGapWithZero": "true", "name": "OutboundTraffic", "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/replicas", "name": "WebPubSub/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available logs of a WebPubSub replica resource", "displayName": "Read WebPubSub replica Logs Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Azure Web PubSub Service Logs.", "name": "AllLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/replicas", "name": "WebPubSub/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write Diagnostic Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/CustomDomains", "name": "SignalR/customDomains", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/customDomains/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/customDomains/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/customDomains/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/CustomCertificates", "name": "SignalR/customCertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/customCertificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/customCertificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/customCertificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/CustomDomains", "name": "WebPubSub/customDomains", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/customDomains/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/customDomains/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/customDomains/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/CustomCertificates", "name": "WebPubSub/customCertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/customCertificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/customCertificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/customCertificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "SignalR/replicas/SharedPrivateLinkResources", "name": "SignalR/replicas/sharedPrivateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Write Shared Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Write Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/sharedPrivateLinkResources/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read Shared Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Read Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR/replicas/sharedPrivateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "WebPubSub/replicas/SharedPrivateLinkResources", "name": "WebPubSub/replicas/sharedPrivateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Write Shared Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Write Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/sharedPrivateLinkResources/write", "origin": null, "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read Shared Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Read Shared Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub/replicas/sharedPrivateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": {} } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft SQL Database", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Sql", "name": "Microsoft.Sql", "operations": [ { "description": "Verify whether given server name is available for provisioning worldwide for a given subscription.", "displayName": "Check Server Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Microsoft SQL Database resource provider and enables the creation of Microsoft SQL Databases.", "displayName": "Registers the Microsoft SQL Database Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Azure SQL Database resource provider and disables the creation of Azure SQL Databases.", "displayName": "Unregisters the Azure SQL Database Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "servers/databases/azureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a database operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a database operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/azureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "servers/databases/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a database operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a database operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "servers/databases/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for databases", "displayName": "Get database metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Elastic Database Pool Metric Definition", "name": "servers/elasticPools/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for elastic database pools", "displayName": "Get elastic pool metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Elastic Database Pool Metric", "name": "servers/elasticPools/metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Return metrics for elastic database pools", "displayName": "Get elastic pool metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/metrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric", "name": "servers/databases/metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Return metrics for databases", "displayName": "Get database metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/metrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Agent.", "name": "locations/syncAgentOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the sync agent resource operation", "displayName": "Get sync agent resource operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/syncAgentOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Group", "name": "locations/syncGroupOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the sync group resource operation", "displayName": "Get sync group resource operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/syncGroupOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Member.", "name": "locations/syncMemberOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the sync member resource operation", "displayName": "Get sync member resource operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/syncMemberOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Elastic Pool", "name": "locations/elasticPoolAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the azure async operation for an elastic pool async operation", "displayName": "Get elastic pool azure async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/elasticPoolAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Elastic Pool", "name": "servers/elasticPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of elastic pool on a given server", "displayName": "Get elastic pool details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new or change properties of existing elastic pool", "displayName": "Create new or update existing elastic pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete existing elastic pool", "displayName": "Delete elastic pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Customer initiated elastic pool failover.", "displayName": "Issue failover on the elastic pool.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Vulnerability Assessment", "name": "managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the vulnerability assessment for a given database", "displayName": "Set database vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the vulnerability assessment for a given database", "displayName": "Remove database vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the vulnerability assessment policies on a givendatabase", "displayName": "List database vulnerability assessment policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline", "name": "managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines", "operations": [ { "description": "Remove the vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Remove database vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Set database vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Get database vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Database", "name": "locations/managedDatabaseRestoreAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Completes managed database restore operation", "displayName": "Complete managed database restore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedDatabaseRestoreAzureAsyncOperation/completeRestore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Restore Point", "name": "servers/databases/restorePoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns restore points for the database.", "displayName": "Get Database Restore points.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/restorePoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a restore point for the database.", "displayName": "Deletes a restore point for the database.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/restorePoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "servers/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of databases or gets the properties for the specified database.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Database(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a database with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified database.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing database.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Pause Azure SQL Datawarehouse Database", "displayName": "Pause a Datawarehouse database.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/pause/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resume Azure SQL Datawarehouse Database", "displayName": "Resume a Datawarehouse database.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/resume/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Export Azure SQL Database", "displayName": "Export an existing database.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/export/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrade Azure SQL Datawarehouse Database", "displayName": "Upgrade a data warehouse.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/upgradeDataWarehouse/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the name of an existing database.", "displayName": "Rename Azure SQL Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new restore point", "displayName": "Creates a restore point", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/restorePoints/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Import Azure SQL Database", "displayName": "Import database from bacpac", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/import/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Customer initiated database failover.", "displayName": "Issue failover on the database.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute vulnerability assessment database scan.", "displayName": "Execute vulnerability assessment database scan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessmentScans/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrator of Azure SQL Managed Instance.", "name": "managedInstances/administrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of managed instance administrators.", "displayName": "Get Administrators of Azure SQL Managed Instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/administrators/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates managed instance administrator with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create/Update Administrator of Azure SQL Managed Instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/administrators/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing administrator of managed instance.", "displayName": "Delete Administrator of Azure SQL Managed Instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/administrators/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Extended Database Blob Auditing Policy", "name": "servers/databases/extendedAuditingSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the extended blob auditing policy configured on a given database", "displayName": "Get extended database blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/extendedAuditingSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the extended blob auditing policy for a given database", "displayName": "Set extended database blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/extendedAuditingSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Extended Server Blob Auditing Azure Async Operation", "name": "locations/extendedAuditingSettingsAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the extended server blob auditing policy Set operation", "displayName": "Get extended server blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/extendedAuditingSettingsAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Extended Server Blob Auditing Operation Results", "name": "locations/extendedAuditingSettingsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the extended server blob auditing policy Set operation", "displayName": "Get extended server blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/extendedAuditingSettingsOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Extended Server Blob Auditing Policy", "name": "servers/extendedAuditingSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the extended server blob auditing policy configured on a given server", "displayName": "Get extended server blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/extendedAuditingSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the extended server blob auditing for a given server", "displayName": "Set extended server blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/extendedAuditingSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "servers/databases/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a collection of skus available for a database", "displayName": "Get skus available for a database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "servers/elasticPools/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of databases for an elastic pool", "displayName": "Gets a list of databases for an elastic pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "locations/databaseOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a database operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a database operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/databaseOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Restorable Dropped Database", "name": "servers/restorableDroppedDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of databases that were dropped on a given server that are still within retention policy.", "displayName": "Get a list of restorable dropped databases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/restorableDroppedDatabases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Elastic Pool", "name": "servers/elasticPools/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a collection of skus available for an elastic pool", "displayName": "Get skus available for an elastic pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location Capability", "name": "locations/capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the capabilities for this subscription in a given location", "displayName": "Gets the capabilities for this subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/capabilities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Server", "name": "servers", "operations": [ { "description": "Create/Update TDE certificate", "displayName": "Update Azure SQL Server TDE Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/tdeCertificates/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of servers or gets the properties for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Server(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a server with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Import new Azure SQL Database", "displayName": "Import database into the server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/import/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add server to Network Security Perimeter", "displayName": "Join Network Security Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/joinPerimeter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes external governance enablemement status", "displayName": "Refreshes external governance enablemement status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/refreshExternalGovernanceStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance", "name": "managedInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Create/Update TDE certificate", "displayName": "Update Azure SQL Server TDE Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/tdeCertificates/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determine if a user is allowed to join Managed Server into a Server Trust Group", "displayName": "Join Server Trust Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/joinServerTrustGroup/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates hybrid certificate with a specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create/Update hybrid certificate with a specified parameters.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/hybridCertificate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of managed instances or gets the properties for the specified managed instance.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Managed instances(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a managed instance with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified managed instance.", "displayName": "Create or Update Azure SQL Managed instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing managed instance.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Managed instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a given Azure SQL Managed Instance.", "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Start operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops a given Azure SQL Managed Instance.", "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Stop operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Customer initiated managed instance failover.", "displayName": "Issue failover on the managed instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes external governance enablemement status", "displayName": "Refreshes external governance enablemement status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/refreshExternalGovernanceStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determine if user is allowed to do cross subscription PITR operations", "displayName": "Cross Subscription PITR", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/crossSubscriptionPITR/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Vulnerability Assessment Scan Execute", "name": "managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans", "operations": [ { "description": "Execute vulnerability assessment database scan.", "displayName": "Execute vulnerability assessment database scan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans/initiateScan/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Convert an existing scan result to a human readable format. If already exists nothing happens", "displayName": "Convert an existing scan result to a human readable format. If already exists nothing happens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans/export/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of database vulnerability assessment scan records or get the scan record for the specified scan ID.", "displayName": "List/Get database vulnerability assessment scan record(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Vulnerability Assessment Scan Execute", "name": "servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans", "operations": [ { "description": "Execute vulnerability assessment database scan.", "displayName": "Execute vulnerability assessment database scan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans/initiateScan/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of database vulnerability assessment scan records or get the scan record for the specified scan ID.", "displayName": "List/Get database vulnerability assessment scan record(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Convert an existing scan result to a human readable format. If already exists nothing happens", "displayName": "Convert an existing scan result to a human readable format. If already exists nothing happens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans/export/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Get Data Warehouse User Activities", "name": "servers/databases/dataWarehouseUserActivities", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the user activities of a SQL Data Warehouse instance which includes running and suspended queries", "displayName": "Get SQL Data Warehouse user activities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/dataWarehouseUserActivities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sensitivity label", "name": "servers/databases/sensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "List sensitivity labels of a given database", "displayName": "List sensitivity labels of a given database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/sensitivityLabels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Server Threat Detection Policy", "name": "managedInstances/securityAlertPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the managed server threat detection policy for a given managed server", "displayName": "Update managed server threat detection policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/securityAlertPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a list of managed server threat detection policies configured for a given server", "displayName": "List managed server threat detection policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/securityAlertPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "LongTerm Retention Backup", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionServers/longTermRetentionDatabases/longTermRetentionBackups", "operations": [ { "description": "Copy a long term retention backup", "displayName": "Copy a long term retention backup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionServers/longTermRetentionDatabases/longTermRetentionBackups/copy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a long term retention backup", "displayName": "Update a long term retention backup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionServers/longTermRetentionDatabases/longTermRetentionBackups/update/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the long term retention backups for a database", "displayName": "Lists the long term retention backups for a database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionServers/longTermRetentionDatabases/longTermRetentionBackups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a long term retention backup", "displayName": "Deletes a long term retention backup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionServers/longTermRetentionDatabases/longTermRetentionBackups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change long term retention backup access tier operation.", "displayName": "Change long term retention backup access tier operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionServers/longTermRetentionDatabases/longTermRetentionBackups/changeAccessTier/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Elastic Pool", "name": "locations/elasticPoolOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of an elastic pool operation.", "displayName": "Get elastic pool operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/elasticPoolOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location Usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a collection of usage metrics for this subscription in a location", "displayName": "Get usage metrics in a location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Import/export operation", "name": "servers/importExportOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress import/export operations", "displayName": "Get import/export operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/importExportOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Server", "name": "servers/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress server operations", "displayName": "Get server operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Transparent Data Encryption", "name": "servers/databases/transparentDataEncryption/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption", "displayName": "Get transparent data encryption operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/transparentDataEncryption/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Database Threat Detection Policy", "name": "managedInstances/databases/securityAlertPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the database threat detection policy for a given managed database", "displayName": "Update managed database threat detection policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/securityAlertPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a list of managed database threat detection policies configured for a given server", "displayName": "List managed database threat detection policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/securityAlertPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "LongTerm Retention Backup", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionBackups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the long term retention backups for every database on every server in a location", "displayName": "Lists the long term retention backups for every database on every server in a location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionBackups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Long Term Retention Policy", "name": "servers/databases/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Sets a long term retention policy for a database", "displayName": "Sets a long term retention policy for a database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a long term retention policy for a database", "displayName": "Gets a long term retention policy for a database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "LongTerm Retention Backup", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionServers/longTermRetentionBackups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the long term retention backups for every database on a server", "displayName": "Lists the long term retention backups for every database on a server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionServers/longTermRetentionBackups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Vulnerability Assessment", "name": "servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the vulnerability assessment for a given database", "displayName": "Set database vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the vulnerability assessment for a given database", "displayName": "Remove database vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the vulnerability assessment policies on a givendatabase", "displayName": "List database vulnerability assessment policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline", "name": "servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines", "operations": [ { "description": "Remove the vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Remove database vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Set database vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Get database vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Database", "name": "managedInstances/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets existing managed database", "displayName": "Get managed database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing managed database", "displayName": "Delete managed database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new database or updates an existing database.", "displayName": "Creates or updates an existing database.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels Managed Instance database move.", "displayName": "Cancel Managed Instance database move operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/cancelMove/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Completes Managed Instance database move.", "displayName": "Completes Managed Instance database move operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/completeMove/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts Managed Instance database move.", "displayName": "Start Managed Instance database move operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/startMove/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Completes managed database restore operation", "displayName": "Complete managed database restore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/completeRestore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determine if user is allowed to read backups", "displayName": "Read Backups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/readBackups/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed instance metric definitions", "name": "managedInstances/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get managed instance metric definitions", "displayName": "Get managed instance metric definitions for specific managed instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed instance metrics", "name": "managedInstances/metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Get managed instance metrics", "displayName": "Get managed instance metrics for specific managed instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/metrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The server administrator", "name": "servers/administrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a specific Azure Active Directory administrator object", "displayName": "Gets a specific Azure Active Directory administrator object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/administrators/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates a specific Azure Active Directory administrator object", "displayName": "Adds or updates a specific Azure Active Directory administrator object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/administrators/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specific Azure Active Directory administrator object", "displayName": "Deletes a specific Azure Active Directory administrator object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/administrators/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Column", "name": "servers/databases/schemas/tables/columns", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a database column.", "displayName": "Get a database column.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/schemas/tables/columns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "servers/databases/extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Performs a database extension operation.", "displayName": "Performs a database extension operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/extensions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get database extensions operation.", "displayName": "Get database extensions operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/extensions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Query Store settings", "name": "servers/databases/queryStore", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns current values of Query Store settings for the database.", "displayName": "Get Query Store settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/queryStore/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Query Store setting for the database", "displayName": "Update Query Store settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/queryStore/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Schema", "name": "servers/databases/schemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a database schema.", "displayName": "Get a database schema.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/schemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Threat Detection Policy", "name": "servers/databases/securityAlertPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the database threat detection policy for a given database", "displayName": "Update database threat detection policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/securityAlertPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a list of database threat detection policies configured for a given server", "displayName": "List database threat detection policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/securityAlertPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Security Metrics", "name": "servers/databases/securityMetrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a collection of database security metrics", "displayName": "Get database security metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/securityMetrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "servers/databases/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Azure SQL Database usages information", "displayName": "Gets the Azure SQL Database usages information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Data Masking Policy", "name": "servers/databases/dataMaskingPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of database data masking policies.", "displayName": "List/Get database data masking policy(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/dataMaskingPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change data masking policy for a given database", "displayName": "Set Database Data Masking Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/dataMaskingPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Data Masking Policy Rule", "name": "servers/databases/dataMaskingPolicies/rules", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the data masking policy rule configured on a given database", "displayName": "Get database data masking policy rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/dataMaskingPolicies/rules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change data masking policy rule for a given database", "displayName": "Set database data masking policy rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/dataMaskingPolicies/rules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Warehouse Query", "name": "servers/databases/dataWarehouseQueries", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the data warehouse distribution query information for selected query ID", "displayName": "Get details about data warehouse query", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/dataWarehouseQueries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Warehouse Query Step", "name": "servers/databases/dataWarehouseQueries/dataWarehouseQuerySteps", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the distributed query step information of data warehouse query for selected step ID", "displayName": "Get details about data warehouse query step", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/dataWarehouseQueries/dataWarehouseQuerySteps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Disaster Recovery Configuration", "name": "servers/disasterRecoveryConfiguration", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a collection of disaster recovery configurations that include this server", "displayName": "Get details about disaster recovery configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/disasterRecoveryConfiguration/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change server disaster recovery configuration", "displayName": "Set dserver disaster recovery configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/disasterRecoveryConfiguration/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing disaster recovery configurations for a given server", "displayName": "Delete server disaster recovery configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/disasterRecoveryConfiguration/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Failover a DisasterRecoveryConfiguration", "displayName": "Failover a DisasterRecoveryConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/disasterRecoveryConfiguration/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Force Failover a DisasterRecoveryConfiguration", "displayName": "Force Failover a DisasterRecoveryConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/disasterRecoveryConfiguration/forceFailoverAllowDataLoss/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Elastic Database Pool Activi", "name": "servers/elasticPools/elasticPoolActivity", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve activities and details on a given elastic database pool", "displayName": "Get elastic database pool activity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/elasticPoolActivity/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Elastic Pool Database Activity", "name": "servers/elasticPools/elasticPoolDatabaseActivity", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve activities and details on a given database that is part of elastic database pool", "displayName": "Get elastic pool database activity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/elasticPoolDatabaseActivity/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "A Database GeoBackup policy", "name": "servers/databases/geoBackupPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve geo backup policies for a given database", "displayName": "Gets a collection of database geobackup policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/geoBackupPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a database geobackup policy", "displayName": "Set a geobackup policy on a database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/geoBackupPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL DB Network Security Perimeter Updates", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Notify of NSP Update", "displayName": "Notify of NSP Update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Virtual network rules associated to a virtual network or subnet", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Virtual network rules associated to a virtual network or subnet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the available locations for a given subscription", "displayName": "Gets the available locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Top Queries Statistics", "name": "servers/databases/topQueries/statistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns aggregated runtime statistics for selected query in selected time period", "displayName": "Get Database Top Queries statistics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/topQueries/statistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Top Queries query text", "name": "servers/databases/topQueries", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the Transact-SQL text for selected query ID", "displayName": "Get Database Top Queries query text", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/topQueries/queryText/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns aggregated runtime statistics for selected query in selected time period", "displayName": "Get Top Queries for the database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/topQueries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recommended Elastic Database Pool", "name": "servers/recommendedElasticPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve recommendation for elastic database pools to reduce cost or improve performance based on historica resource utilization", "displayName": "Get recommended elastic database pools", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/recommendedElasticPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recommended Elastic Pool Databases", "name": "servers/recommendedElasticPools/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve metrics for recommended elastic database pools for a given server", "displayName": "Get recommended elastic pools databases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/recommendedElasticPools/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recommended Index", "name": "servers/databases/schemas/tables/recommendedIndexes", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve list of index recommendations on a database", "displayName": "Get list of index recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/schemas/tables/recommendedIndexes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply index recommendation", "displayName": "Update Recommended Index State", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/schemas/tables/recommendedIndexes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "servers/recoverableDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of recoverable databases or gets the properties for the specified recoverable database.", "displayName": "List/Get recoverable database(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/recoverableDatabases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication links.", "name": "servers/databases/replicationLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of replication links or gets the properties for the specified replication links.", "displayName": "List/Get Replication links of Azure SQL database(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/replicationLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the replication link type", "displayName": "Updates the replication link type", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/replicationLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute deletion of an existing replication link.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Database replication link.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/replicationLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute planned failover of an existing replication link.", "displayName": "Failover Azure SQL Database Replication link.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/replicationLinks/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute forced failover of an existing replication link.", "displayName": "Failover Azure SQL Database Replication link allowing data loss.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/replicationLinks/forceFailoverAllowDataLoss/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update replication mode for link to synchronous or asynchronous mode", "displayName": "Update replication mode for link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/replicationLinks/updateReplicationMode/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Terminate the replication relationship forcefully or after synchronizing with the partner", "displayName": "Terminate the replication relationship", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/replicationLinks/unlink/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Communication Link", "name": "servers/communicationLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of communication links of a specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get communication links of a server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/communicationLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a server communication link.", "displayName": "Create/Update Server Communication Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/communicationLinks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server communication link.", "displayName": "Delete communication link of a server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/communicationLinks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Server Usages", "name": "servers/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Azure SQL Database Server usages information", "displayName": "Gets the Azure SQL Database Server usages information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Level Objective", "name": "servers/serviceObjectives", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve list of service level objectives (also known as performance tiers) available on a given server", "displayName": "Get service level objectives", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/serviceObjectives/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Service Tier Adviso", "name": "servers/databases/serviceTierAdvisors", "operations": [ { "description": "Return suggestion about scaling database up or down based on query execution statistics to improve performance or reduce cost", "displayName": "Get recommended database performance level", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/serviceTierAdvisors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Table", "name": "servers/databases/schemas/tables", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a database table.", "displayName": "Get a database table.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/schemas/tables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Transparent Data Encryption", "name": "servers/databases/transparentDataEncryption", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the logical database Transparent Data Encryption on a given managed database", "displayName": "Get logical database Transparent Data Encryption", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/transparentDataEncryption/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the database Transparent Data Encryption for a given logical database", "displayName": "Update logical database Transparent Data Encryption", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/transparentDataEncryption/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Sql Virtual Cluster", "name": "virtualClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Performs virtual cluster dns servers.", "displayName": "Performs virtual cluster dns servers.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/virtualClusters/updateManagedInstanceDnsServers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of virtual clusters or gets the properties for the specified virtual cluster.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Virtual cluster(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/virtualClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the virtual clusters.", "displayName": "Creates or updates the virtual clusters.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/virtualClusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing virtual cluster.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Virtual Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/virtualClusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Blob Auditing Operation Results", "name": "locations/auditingSettingsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the server blob auditing policy Set operation", "displayName": "Get server blob auditing operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/auditingSettingsOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Blob Auditing Azure Async Operation", "name": "locations/auditingSettingsAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the extended server blob auditing policy Set operation", "displayName": "Get extended server blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/auditingSettingsAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Blob Auditing Policy", "name": "servers/auditingSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the server blob auditing policy configured on a given server", "displayName": "Get server blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/auditingSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the server blob auditing for a given server", "displayName": "Set server blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/auditingSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Blob Auditing Policy", "name": "servers/databases/auditingSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the blob auditing policy configured on a given database", "displayName": "Get database blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/auditingSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the blob auditing policy for a given database", "displayName": "Set database blob auditing policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/auditingSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Blob Audit Records", "name": "servers/databases/auditRecords", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the database blob audit records", "displayName": "Get database blob audit records", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/auditRecords/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Blob Auditing Operation Results", "name": "servers/auditingSettings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the server blob auditing policy Set operation", "displayName": "Get server blob auditing operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/auditingSettings/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "servers/databases/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancels Azure SQL Database pending asynchronous operation that is not finished yet.", "displayName": "Cancel Azure SQL Database async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/operations/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of operations performed on the database", "displayName": "List Azure SQL Database operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deleted server", "name": "locations/deletedServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of deleted servers or gets the properties for the specified deleted server.", "displayName": "List/Get Deleted Server(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/deletedServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Recover a deleted server", "displayName": "Recover Deleted Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/deletedServers/recover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deleted server operation", "name": "locations/deletedServerAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on deleted server", "displayName": "Get deleted server operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/deletedServerAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deleted server operation", "name": "locations/deletedServerOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on deleted server", "displayName": "deleted server operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/deletedServerOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "locations/databaseAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a database operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a database operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/databaseAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sensitivity label", "name": "servers/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "Enable sensitivity recommendations on a given column", "displayName": "Enable sensitivity recommendations on a given column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/enable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable sensitivity recommendations on a given column", "displayName": "Disable sensitivity recommendations on a given column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/disable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the sensitivity label of a given column", "displayName": "Get the sensitivity label of a given column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the sensitivity label of a given column", "displayName": "Create or update the sensitivity label of a given column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the sensitivity label of a given column", "displayName": "Delete the sensitivity label of a given column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Automatic Tuning", "name": "servers/automaticTuning", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns automatic tuning settings for the server", "displayName": "Get automatic tuning settings for the server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/automaticTuning/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates automatic tuning settings for the server and returns updated settings", "displayName": "Update automatic tuning settings for the server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/automaticTuning/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Database Transparent Data Encryption", "name": "managedInstances/databases/transparentDataEncryption", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the database Transparent Data Encryption on a given managed database", "displayName": "Get managed database Transparent Data Encryption", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/transparentDataEncryption/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the database Transparent Data Encryption for a given managed database", "displayName": "Update managed database Transparent Data Encryption", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/transparentDataEncryption/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed database transparent data encryption operation", "name": "locations/managedTransparentDataEncryptionOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on managed database transparent data encryption", "displayName": "Managed database transparent data encryption operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedTransparentDataEncryptionOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed database transparent data encryption operation", "name": "locations/managedTransparentDataEncryptionAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on managed database transparent data encryption", "displayName": "Managed database transparent data encryption operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedTransparentDataEncryptionAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Agent.", "name": "servers/syncAgents", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of sync agents or gets the properties for the specified sync agent.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Sync Agent(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/syncAgents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a sync agent with the specified parameters or update the properties for the specified sync agent.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Sync Agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/syncAgents/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing sync agent.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Sync Agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/syncAgents/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate sync agent registeration key", "displayName": "Generate Azure SQL Sync Agent registeration key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/syncAgents/generateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Agent.", "name": "servers/syncAgents/linkedDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of sync agent linked databases", "displayName": "List Azure SQL Sync Agent linked databases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/syncAgents/linkedDatabases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Group", "name": "locations/syncDatabaseIds", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the sync database ids for a particular region and subscription", "displayName": "Get the sync database ids", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/syncDatabaseIds/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Group", "name": "servers/databases/syncGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Refresh sync hub database schema", "displayName": "Refresh Azure SQL Sync Hub Database schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/refreshHubSchema/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel sync group synchronization", "displayName": "Cancel Azure SQL Sync Group synchronization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/cancelSync/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger sync group synchronization", "displayName": "Trigger Azure SQL Sync Group synchronization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/triggerSync/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of sync groups or gets the properties for the specified sync group.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Sync Group(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a sync group with the specified parameters or update the properties for the specified sync group.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Sync Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing sync group.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Sync Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Group", "name": "servers/databases/syncGroups/refreshHubSchemaOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the sync hub schema refresh operation", "displayName": "Get sync hub schema refresh operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/refreshHubSchemaOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Group", "name": "servers/databases/syncGroups/hubSchemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of sync hub database schemas", "displayName": "List Azure SQL Sync Hub Database schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/hubSchemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Member.", "name": "servers/databases/syncGroups/syncMembers/refreshSchemaOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the sync member schema refresh operation", "displayName": "Get sync member schema refresh operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/syncMembers/refreshSchemaOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Server Encryption Protector", "name": "servers/encryptionProtector", "operations": [ { "description": "Update the properties for the specified Server Encryption Protector.", "displayName": "Update Azure SQL Server Encryption Protector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/encryptionProtector/revalidate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a list of server encryption protectors or gets the properties for the specified server encryption protector.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Server Encryption Protector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/encryptionProtector/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the properties for the specified Server Encryption Protector.", "displayName": "Update Azure SQL Server Encryption Protector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/encryptionProtector/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Query Store query texts.", "name": "servers/databases/queryStore/queryTexts", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the collection of query texts that correspond to the specified parameters.", "displayName": "List Query Store query texts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/queryStore/queryTexts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Firewall Rule", "name": "servers/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a server firewall rule with the specified parameters, update the properties for the specified rule or overwrite all existing rules with new server firewall rule(s).", "displayName": "Create/Update server firewall rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/firewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of server firewall rules or gets the properties for the specified server firewall rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Server firewall rule(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/firewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server firewall rule.", "displayName": "Delete server firewall rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/firewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Server Keys", "name": "servers/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of server keys or gets the properties for the specified server key.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Server Key(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a key with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server key.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Server Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/keys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server key.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Server Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/keys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Group", "name": "servers/databases/syncGroups/logs", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of sync group logs", "displayName": "List Azure SQL Sync Group logs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/logs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Member.", "name": "servers/databases/syncGroups/syncMembers", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of sync members or gets the properties for the specified sync member.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Sync Member(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/syncMembers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a sync member with the specified parameters or update the properties for the specified sync member.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Sync Member", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/syncMembers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing sync member.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Sync Member", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/syncMembers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh sync member schema", "displayName": "Refresh Azure SQL Sync Member atabase schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/syncMembers/refreshSchema/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Member.", "name": "servers/databases/syncGroups/syncMembers/schemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of sync member database schemas", "displayName": "List Azure SQL Sync Member Database schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/syncGroups/syncMembers/schemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Elastic Pool Estimate", "name": "servers/elasticPoolEstimates", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of elastic pool estimates already created for this server", "displayName": "Get elastic pool estimates of a server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPoolEstimates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new elastic pool estimate for list of databases provided", "displayName": "Create an elastic pool estimate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPoolEstimates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available REST operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets available REST operations", "displayName": "Get operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Threat Detection Policy Operation Results", "name": "servers/securityAlertPolicies/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve results of the server threat detection policy write operation", "displayName": "Get server threat detection policy operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/securityAlertPolicies/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Vulnerability Assessment Policy", "name": "servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessmentSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the vulnerability assessment configured on a given database", "displayName": "Get database vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessmentSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the vulnerability assessment for a given database", "displayName": "Set database vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessmentSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Vulnerability Assessment Scan Operation Result", "name": "servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessmentScans/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the result of the database vulnerability assessment scan Execute operation", "displayName": "Get the database vulnerability assessment scan operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/vulnerabilityAssessmentScans/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Failover Group", "name": "servers/failoverGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of failover groups or gets the properties for the specified failover group.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Database Failover Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/failoverGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a failover group with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified failover group.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Database Failover Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/failoverGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing failover group.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Database Failover Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/failoverGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes planned failover in an existing failover group.", "displayName": "Failover Azure SQL Database Failover Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/failoverGroups/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes forced failover in an existing failover group.", "displayName": "Force Failover Azure SQL Database Failover Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/failoverGroups/forceFailoverAllowDataLoss/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes try planned before forced failover in an existing failover group.", "displayName": "Try Planned Before Force Failover Azure SQL Database Failover Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/failoverGroups/tryPlannedBeforeForcedFailover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Threat Detection Policy", "name": "servers/securityAlertPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the server threat detection policy for a given server", "displayName": "Update server threat detection policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/securityAlertPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a list of server threat detection policies configured for a given server", "displayName": "List server threat detection policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/securityAlertPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Server Virtual Network Rules", "name": "servers/virtualNetworkRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of virtual network rules or gets the properties for the specified virtual network rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Server Virtual Network Rule(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/virtualNetworkRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a virtual network rule with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified virtual network rule.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Server Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/virtualNetworkRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing Virtual Network Rule", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Server Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/virtualNetworkRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Server Virtual Network Rules Azure Async Operation", "name": "locations/virtualNetworkRulesAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the details of the specified virtual network rules azure async operation ", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL Server Virtual Network Rules Azure Async Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/virtualNetworkRulesAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Server Virtual Network Rule Azure Async Operation Results", "name": "locations/virtualNetworkRulesOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the details of the specified virtual network rules operation ", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL Server Virtual Network Rules Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/virtualNetworkRulesOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Advisor", "name": "servers/databases/advisors", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of advisors available for the database", "displayName": "Get advisors for a database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/advisors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update auto-execute status of an advisor on database level.", "displayName": "Update auto-execute status of a database advisor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/advisors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Automatic Tuning", "name": "servers/databases/automaticTuning", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns automatic tuning settings for a database", "displayName": "Get automatic tuning settings for a database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/automaticTuning/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates automatic tuning settings for a database and returns updated settings", "displayName": "Update automatic tuning settings for a database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/automaticTuning/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Recommended Action", "name": "servers/databases/advisors/recommendedActions", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of recommended actions of specified advisor for the database", "displayName": "Get recommended actions for a database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/advisors/recommendedActions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply the recommended action on the database", "displayName": "Update database recommended action state", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/advisors/recommendedActions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Elastic Pool Advisor", "name": "servers/elasticPools/advisors", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of advisors available for the elastic pool", "displayName": "Get advisors for an elastic pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/advisors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update auto-execute status of an advisor on elastic pool level.", "displayName": "Update auto-execute status of a elastic pool advisor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/advisors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Elastic Pool Recommended Action", "name": "servers/elasticPools/advisors/recommendedActions", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of recommended actions of specified advisor for the elastic pool", "displayName": "Get recommended actions for an elastic pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/advisors/recommendedActions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply the recommended action on the elastic pool", "displayName": "Update elastic pool recommended action state", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/advisors/recommendedActions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Advisor", "name": "servers/advisors", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of advisors available for the server", "displayName": "Get advisors for a server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/advisors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates auto-execute status of an advisor on server level.", "displayName": "Update auto-execute status of a server advisor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/advisors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Recommended Action", "name": "servers/advisors/recommendedActions", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of recommended actions of specified advisor for the server", "displayName": "Get recommended actions of a server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/advisors/recommendedActions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply the recommended action on the server", "displayName": "Update server recommended action state", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/advisors/recommendedActions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Import/export operation", "name": "servers/databases/importExportOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress import/export operations", "displayName": "Get import/export operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/importExportOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Elastic Pool", "name": "servers/elasticPools/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancels Azure SQL elastic pool pending asynchronous operation that is not finished yet.", "displayName": "Cancel Azure SQL elastic pool async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/operations/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of operations performed on the elastic pool", "displayName": "List Azure SQL elastic pool operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Database security events", "name": "managedInstances/databases/securityEvents", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the managed database security events", "displayName": "Get managed database security events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/securityEvents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database instance failover group", "name": "locations/instanceFailoverGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of instance failover groups or gets the properties for the specified instance failover group.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Database instance failover group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/instanceFailoverGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a instance failover group with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified instance failover group.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Database instance failover group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/instanceFailoverGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing instance failover group.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Database instance failover group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/instanceFailoverGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes planned failover in an existing instance failover group.", "displayName": "Failover Azure SQL Database instance failover group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/instanceFailoverGroups/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes forced failover in an existing instance failover group.", "displayName": "Force Failover Azure SQL Database instance failover group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/instanceFailoverGroups/forceFailoverAllowDataLoss/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "servers/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for databases", "displayName": "Get database metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "CPU percentage", "displayName": "CPU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "cpu_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Data IO percentage", "displayName": "Data IO percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "physical_data_read_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Log IO percentage. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Log IO percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "log_write_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "DTU Percentage. Applies to DTU-based databases.", "displayName": "DTU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*vcore).*$", "name": "dtu_consumption_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Data space used. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Data space used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*hyperscale).*$", "name": "storage", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Successful Connections", "displayName": "Successful Connections", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "connection_successful", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Failed Connections", "displayName": "Failed Connections", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "connection_failed", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Blocked by Firewall", "displayName": "Blocked by Firewall", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "blocked_by_firewall", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Deadlocks. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Deadlocks", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "deadlock", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Data space used percent. Not applicable to data warehouses or hyperscale databases.", "displayName": "Data space used percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*hyperscale).*$", "name": "storage_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "In-Memory OLTP storage percent. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "In-Memory OLTP storage percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "xtp_storage_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Workers percentage. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Workers percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "workers_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Sessions percentage. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Sessions percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "sessions_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "DTU Limit. Applies to DTU-based databases.", "displayName": "DTU Limit", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*vcore).*$", "name": "dtu_limit", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "DTU used. Applies to DTU-based databases.", "displayName": "DTU used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*vcore).*$", "name": "dtu_used", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "CPU limit. Applies to vCore-based databases.", "displayName": "CPU limit", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse).*vcore.*$", "name": "cpu_limit", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "CPU used. Applies to vCore-based databases.", "displayName": "CPU used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse).*vcore.*$", "name": "cpu_used", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "DWU limit. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "DWU limit", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "dwu_limit", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "DWU percentage. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "DWU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "dwu_consumption_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "DWU used. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "DWU used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "dwu_used", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Cache hit percentage. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Cache hit percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "cache_hit_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Cache used percentage. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Cache used percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "cache_used_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "CPU usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "SQL Server process core percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*pool).*$", "name": "sqlserver_process_core_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "Memory usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "SQL Server process memory percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*pool).*$", "name": "sqlserver_process_memory_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "CPU usage by all user and system workloads. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "SQL instance CPU percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*pool).*$", "name": "sql_instance_cpu_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "Memory usage by the database engine instance. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "SQL instance memory percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*pool).*$", "name": "sql_instance_memory_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "Space used in tempdb data files in kilobytes. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Tempdb Data File Size Kilobytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*pool).*$", "name": "tempdb_data_size", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "Space used in tempdb transaction log file in kilobytes. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Tempdb Log File Size Kilobytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*pool).*$", "name": "tempdb_log_size", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "Space used percentage in tempdb transaction log file. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Tempdb Percent Log Used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*pool).*$", "name": "tempdb_log_used_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Local tempdb percentage. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Local tempdb percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "local_tempdb_usage_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "App CPU billed. Applies to serverless databases.", "displayName": "App CPU billed", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse).*vcore.*serverless.*$", "name": "app_cpu_billed", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "App CPU percentage. Applies to serverless databases.", "displayName": "App CPU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse).*vcore.*serverless.*$", "name": "app_cpu_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "App memory percentage. Applies to serverless databases.", "displayName": "App memory percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse).*vcore.*serverless.*$", "name": "app_memory_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Allocated data storage. Not applicable to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Data space allocated", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "allocated_data_storage", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Memory percentage. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Memory percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "memory_usage_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "WorkloadManagement", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Workload group", "name": "WorkloadGroupName" }, { "displayName": "Is user defined", "name": "IsUserDefined" } ], "displayDescription": "Allocated percentage of resources relative to the entire system per workload group. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Workload group allocation by system percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "wlg_allocation_relative_to_system_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "WorkloadManagement", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Workload group", "name": "WorkloadGroupName" }, { "displayName": "Is user defined", "name": "IsUserDefined" } ], "displayDescription": "Allocated percentage of resources relative to the specified cap resources per workload group. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Workload group allocation by cap resource percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "wlg_allocation_relative_to_wlg_effective_cap_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "WorkloadManagement", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Workload group", "name": "WorkloadGroupName" }, { "displayName": "Is user defined", "name": "IsUserDefined" } ], "displayDescription": "Active queries within the workload group. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Workload group active queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "wlg_active_queries", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "WorkloadManagement", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Workload group", "name": "WorkloadGroupName" }, { "displayName": "Is user defined", "name": "IsUserDefined" } ], "displayDescription": "Queued queries within the workload group. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Workload group queued queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "wlg_queued_queries", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Active queries across all workload groups. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Active queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "active_queries", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Queued queries across all workload groups. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Queued queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "queued_queries", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "WorkloadManagement", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Workload group", "name": "WorkloadGroupName" }, { "displayName": "Is user defined", "name": "IsUserDefined" } ], "displayDescription": "Queries that have timed out for the workload group. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Workload group query timeouts", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "wlg_active_queries_timeouts", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "WorkloadManagement", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Workload group", "name": "WorkloadGroupName" }, { "displayName": "Is user defined", "name": "IsUserDefined" } ], "displayDescription": "Minimum percentage of resources reserved and isolated for the workload group, taking into account the service level minimum. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Effective min resource percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "wlg_effective_min_resource_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "WorkloadManagement", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Workload group", "name": "WorkloadGroupName" }, { "displayName": "Is user defined", "name": "IsUserDefined" } ], "displayDescription": "A hard limit on the percentage of resources allowed for the workload group, taking into account Effective Min Resource Percentage allocated for other workload groups. Applies only to data warehouses.", "displayName": "Effective cap resource percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*gen2.*$|.*gen2.*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "wlg_effective_cap_resource_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Cumulative full backup storage size. Applies to vCore-based databases. Not applicable to Hyperscale databases.", "displayName": "Full backup storage size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*hyperscale).*vcore.*$", "name": "full_backup_size_bytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Cumulative differential backup storage size. Applies to vCore-based databases. Not applicable to Hyperscale databases.", "displayName": "Differential backup storage size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse)(?!.*hyperscale).*vcore.*$", "name": "diff_backup_size_bytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Cumulative log backup storage size. Applies to vCore-based and Hyperscale databases.", "displayName": "Log backup storage size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*datawarehouse).*vcore.*$", "name": "log_backup_size_bytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Cumulative data backup storage size. Applies to Hyperscale databases.", "displayName": "Data backup storage size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*hyperscale.*$", "name": "snapshot_backup_size_bytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Data storage size. Applies to Hyperscale databases.", "displayName": "Data storage size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*hyperscale.*$", "name": "base_blob_size_bytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Remote log writes in bytes", "displayName": "Remote log writes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*hyperscale.*$", "name": "delta_num_of_bytes_written", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Remote data reads in bytes", "displayName": "Remote data reads", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*hyperscale.*$", "name": "delta_num_of_bytes_read", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Total remote bytes read and written by compute", "displayName": "Total remote bytes read and written", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": ".*hyperscale.*$", "name": "delta_num_of_bytes_total", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Diagnostic Settings", "name": "servers/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of databases", "name": "servers/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for databases", "displayName": "Read databases log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "SQL Insights", "logFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "SQLInsights" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Automatic tuning", "logFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "AutomaticTuning" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Query Store Runtime Statistics", "logFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Query Store Wait Statistics", "logFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "QueryStoreWaitStatistics" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Errors", "logFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "Errors" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Database Wait Statistics", "logFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "DatabaseWaitStatistics" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Timeouts", "logFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "Timeouts" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Blocks", "logFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "Blocks" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Deadlocks", "logFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "Deadlocks" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Devops operations Audit Logs", "logFilterPattern": "^((?!datawarehouse).)*$", "name": "DevOpsOperationsAudit" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "SQL Security Audit Event", "logFilterPattern": ".*$", "name": "SQLSecurityAuditEvents" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Dms Workers", "logFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "DmsWorkers" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Exec Requests", "logFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "ExecRequests" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Request Steps", "logFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "RequestSteps" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Sql Requests", "logFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "SqlRequests" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Waits", "logFilterPattern": ".*datawarehouse.*$", "name": "Waits" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Elastic Database Pool Metric Definition", "name": "servers/elasticPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for elastic database pools", "displayName": "Get elastic pool metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_cpu_percent", "displayDescription": "CPU percentage", "displayName": "CPU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "cpu_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "CPU percentage", "displayName": "CPU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_cpu_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_physical_data_read_percent", "displayDescription": "Data IO percentage", "displayName": "Data IO percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "physical_data_read_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Data IO percentage", "displayName": "Data IO percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_physical_data_read_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_log_write_percent", "displayDescription": "Log IO percentage", "displayName": "Log IO percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "log_write_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Log IO percentage", "displayName": "Log IO percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_log_write_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_dtu_consumption_percent", "displayDescription": "DTU Percentage. Applies to DTU-based elastic pools.", "displayName": "DTU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*vcore).*$", "name": "dtu_consumption_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "DTU percentage", "displayName": "DTU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_dtu_consumption_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Data space used percent", "displayName": "Data space used percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "storage_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_workers_percent", "displayDescription": "Workers percentage", "displayName": "Workers percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "workers_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Workers percentage", "displayName": "Workers percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_workers_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_sessions_percent", "displayDescription": "Sessions percentage", "displayName": "Sessions percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "sessions_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Sessions percentage", "displayName": "Sessions percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_sessions_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "eDTU limit. Applies to DTU-based elastic pools.", "displayName": "eDTU limit", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*vcore).*$", "name": "eDTU_limit", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Data max size", "displayName": "Data max size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "storage_limit", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_eDTU_used", "displayDescription": "eDTU used. Applies to DTU-based elastic pools.", "displayName": "eDTU used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!.*vcore).*$", "name": "eDTU_used", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "eDTU used", "displayName": "eDTU used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_eDTU_used", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_storage_used", "displayDescription": "Data space used", "displayName": "Data space used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "storage_used", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Data space used", "displayName": "Data space used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_storage_used", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "In-Memory OLTP storage percent", "displayName": "In-Memory OLTP storage percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "xtp_storage_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_cpu_limit", "displayDescription": "CPU limit. Applies to vCore-based elastic pools.", "displayName": "CPU limit", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^.*vcore.*$", "name": "cpu_limit", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "CPU limit", "displayName": "CPU limit", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_cpu_limit", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_cpu_used", "displayDescription": "CPU used. Applies to vCore-based elastic pools.", "displayName": "CPU used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^.*vcore.*$", "name": "cpu_used", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "CPU used", "displayName": "CPU used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_cpu_used", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "App CPU billed. Applies to serverless databases.", "displayName": "App CPU billed", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^.*vcore.*serverless.*$", "name": "app_cpu_billed", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "App CPU percentage. Applies to serverless databases.", "displayName": "App CPU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^.*vcore.*serverless.*$", "name": "app_cpu_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "App memory percentage. Applies to serverless databases.", "displayName": "App memory percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "metricFilterPattern": "^.*vcore.*serverless.*$", "name": "app_memory_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "CPU usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Applies to elastic pools.", "displayName": "SQL Server process core percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "sqlserver_process_core_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "Memory usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Applies to elastic pools.", "displayName": "SQL Server process memory percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "sqlserver_process_memory_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "CPU usage by all user and system workloads. Applies to elastic pools.", "displayName": "SQL instance CPU percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "sql_instance_cpu_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "Memory usage by the database engine instance. Applies to elastic pools.", "displayName": "SQL instance memory percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "sql_instance_memory_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "Space used in tempdb data files in kilobytes.", "displayName": "Tempdb Data File Size Kilobytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "tempdb_data_size", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "Space used in tempdb transaction log file in kilobytes.", "displayName": "Tempdb Log File Size Kilobytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "tempdb_log_size", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "InstanceAndAppAdvanced", "displayDescription": "Space used percentage in tempdb transaction log file", "displayName": "Tempdb Percent Log Used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "tempdb_log_used_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_allocated_data_storage", "displayDescription": "Data space allocated", "displayName": "Data space allocated", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "allocated_data_storage", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Basic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Data space allocated", "displayName": "Data space allocated", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_allocated_data_storage", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPoolDelegates", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Basic", "displayDescription": "Data space allocated percent", "displayName": "Data space allocated percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "name": "allocated_data_storage_percent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Elastic Database Pool Diagnostic Settings", "name": "servers/elasticPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Metric Definition", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for servers", "displayName": "Get server metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_dtu_consumption_percent", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Elastic Pool ARM Resource Id", "internalName": "ResourceId", "name": "ElasticPoolResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "DTU percentage", "displayName": "DTU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isDimensionRequired": true, "name": "dtu_consumption_percent", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ServerResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "internalName": "ResourceId", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" }, { "displayName": "Elastic Pool ARM Resource Id", "internalName": "ElasticPoolResourceId", "name": "ElasticPoolResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "DTU percentage", "displayName": "DTU percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_dtu_consumption_percent", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ServerResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "delegateMetricNameOverride": "database_storage_used", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Elastic Pool ARM Resource Id", "internalName": "ResourceId", "name": "ElasticPoolResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Data space used", "displayName": "Data space used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "isDimensionRequired": true, "name": "storage_used", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ServerResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSqlElasticPools", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "internalName": "ResourceId", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" }, { "displayName": "Elastic Pool ARM Resource Id", "internalName": "ElasticPoolResourceId", "name": "ElasticPoolResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "Data space used", "displayName": "Data space used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "isInternal": true, "name": "database_storage_used", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ServerResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database ARM Resource Id", "internalName": "ResourceId", "name": "DatabaseResourceId" } ], "displayDescription": "DTU used", "displayName": "DTU used", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isDimensionRequired": true, "name": "dtu_used", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "ServerResourceId", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSqlShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "MicrosoftSql", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication links.", "name": "servers/replicationLinks", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of replication links or gets the properties for the specified replication links.", "displayName": "List/Get Replication links of Azure SQL database(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/replicationLinks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Encryption Protector", "name": "managedInstances/encryptionProtector", "operations": [ { "description": "Update the properties for the specified Server Encryption Protector.", "displayName": "Update Azure SQL Server Encryption Protector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/encryptionProtector/revalidate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a list of server encryption protectors or gets the properties for the specified server encryption protector.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Managed Instance Encryption Protector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/encryptionProtector/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the properties for the specified Server Encryption Protector.", "displayName": "Update Azure SQL Server Encryption Protector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/encryptionProtector/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Keys", "name": "managedInstances/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of managed instance keys or gets the properties for the specified managed instance key.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Managed Instance Key(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a key with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified managed instance key.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Managed Instance Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/keys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing Azure SQL Managed Instance key.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Managed Instance Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/keys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Warehouse maintenance window options.", "name": "servers/databases/maintenanceWindowOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of available maintenance windows for a selected database.", "displayName": "Get Data Warehouse maintenance window options.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/maintenanceWindowOptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Warehouse maintenance windows.", "name": "servers/databases/maintenanceWindows", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets maintenance windows settings for a selected database.", "displayName": "Get Data Warehouse maintenance windows.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/maintenanceWindows/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets maintenance windows settings for a selected database.", "displayName": "Set Data Warehouse maintenance windows.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/maintenanceWindows/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Vulnerability Assessment", "name": "managedInstances/vulnerabilityAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the vulnerability assessment for a given managed instance", "displayName": "Set managed instance vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/vulnerabilityAssessments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the vulnerability assessment for a given managed instance", "displayName": "Remove managed instance vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/vulnerabilityAssessments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the vulnerability assessment policies on a given managed instance", "displayName": "List managed instance vulnerability assessment policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/vulnerabilityAssessments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Vulnerability Assessment", "name": "servers/vulnerabilityAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the vulnerability assessment for a given server", "displayName": "Set server vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/vulnerabilityAssessments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the vulnerability assessment for a given server", "displayName": "Remove server vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/vulnerabilityAssessments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the vulnerability assessment policies on a given server", "displayName": "List server vulnerability assessment policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/vulnerabilityAssessments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Metric Definition", "name": "managedInstances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for managed instances", "displayName": "Get managed instance metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Virtual core count", "displayName": "Virtual core count", "name": "virtual_core_count", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Average CPU percentage", "displayName": "Average CPU percentage", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "avg_cpu_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Storage space reserved", "displayName": "Storage space reserved", "name": "reserved_storage_mb", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Storage space used", "displayName": "Storage space used", "name": "storage_space_used_mb", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "IO requests count", "displayName": "IO requests count", "name": "io_requests", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "IO bytes read", "displayName": "IO bytes read", "name": "io_bytes_read", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "IO bytes written", "displayName": "IO bytes written", "name": "io_bytes_written", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of managed instances", "name": "managedInstances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for managed instances", "displayName": "Read managed instances log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Resource Usage Statistics", "name": "ResourceUsageStats" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Devops operations Audit Logs", "name": "DevOpsOperationsAudit" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "SQL Security Audit Event", "name": "SQLSecurityAuditEvents" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Diagnostic Settings", "name": "managedInstances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of managed instance databases", "name": "managedInstances/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for managed instance databases", "displayName": "Read managed instance databases log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "SQL Insights", "name": "SQLInsights" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Query Store Runtime Statistics", "name": "QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Query Store Wait Statistics", "name": "QueryStoreWaitStatistics" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Errors", "name": "Errors" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Database Diagnostic Settings", "name": "managedInstances/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Restorable Dropped Managed Database", "name": "managedInstances/restorableDroppedDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of restorable dropped managed databases.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Managed Instance restorable dropped databases.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/restorableDroppedDatabases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Short Term Retention Policy", "name": "managedInstances/databases/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a short term retention policy for a managed database", "displayName": "Gets a managed short term retention policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a short term retention policy for a managed database", "displayName": "Updates a managed short term retention policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Short Term Retention Policy", "name": "managedInstances/restorableDroppedDatabases/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a short term retention policy for a dropped managed database", "displayName": "Gets a managed short term retention policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/restorableDroppedDatabases/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a short term retention policy for a dropped managed database", "displayName": "Updates a managed short term retention policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/restorableDroppedDatabases/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job agent", "name": "servers/jobAgents", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure SQL DB job agent", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL DB job agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure SQL DB job agent", "displayName": "Create or update Azure SQL DB job agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure SQL DB job agent", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL DB job agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job agent", "name": "locations/jobAgentAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an job agent operation.", "displayName": "Get job agent operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/jobAgentAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job agent", "name": "locations/jobAgentOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of an job agent operation.", "displayName": "Get job agent operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/jobAgentOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sensitivity label", "name": "managedInstances/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the sensitivity label of a given column", "displayName": "Get the sensitivity label of a given column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the sensitivity label of a given column", "displayName": "Create or update the sensitivity label of a given column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the sensitivity label of a given column", "displayName": "Delete the sensitivity label of a given column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable sensitivity recommendations on a given column", "displayName": "Disable sensitivity recommendations on a given column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/disable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable sensitivity recommendations on a given column", "displayName": "Enable sensitivity recommendations on a given column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/enable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sensitivity label", "name": "managedInstances/databases/sensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "List sensitivity labels of a given database", "displayName": "List sensitivity labels of a given database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/sensitivityLabels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sensitivity label", "name": "managedInstances/databases/currentSensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "List sensitivity labels of a given database", "displayName": "List sensitivity labels of a given database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/currentSensitivityLabels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Batch update sensitivity labels", "displayName": "Batch update sensitivity labels", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/currentSensitivityLabels/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sensitivity label", "name": "managedInstances/databases/recommendedSensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "List the recommended sensitivity labels for a given database", "displayName": "List the recommended sensitivity labels for a given database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/recommendedSensitivityLabels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Batch update recommended sensitivity labels", "displayName": "Batch update recommended sensitivity labels", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/recommendedSensitivityLabels/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sensitivity label", "name": "servers/databases/currentSensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "List sensitivity labels of a given database", "displayName": "List sensitivity labels of a given database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/currentSensitivityLabels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Batch update sensitivity labels", "displayName": "Batch update sensitivity labels", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/currentSensitivityLabels/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sensitivity label", "name": "servers/databases/recommendedSensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "List the recommended sensitivity labels for a given database", "displayName": "List the recommended sensitivity labels for a given database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/recommendedSensitivityLabels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Batch update recommended sensitivity labels", "displayName": "Batch update recommended sensitivity labels", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/recommendedSensitivityLabels/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Firewall Rule", "name": "locations/firewallRulesAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a firewall rule operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a firewall rule operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/firewallRulesAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Firewall Rule", "name": "locations/firewallRulesOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a firewall rule operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a firewall rule operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/firewallRulesOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Recoverable Managed Database", "name": "managedInstances/recoverableDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of recoverable managed databases", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Managed Instance recoverable databases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/recoverableDatabases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Instance pool", "name": "instancePools", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an instance pool", "displayName": "Get instance pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/instancePools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an instance pool", "displayName": "Create or update an instance pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/instancePools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an instance pool", "displayName": "Delete instance pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/instancePools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Instance pool", "name": "locations/instancePoolAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an instance pool operation", "displayName": "Get instance pool operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/instancePoolAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Instance pool", "name": "locations/instancePoolOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for an instance pool operation", "displayName": "Get instance pool operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/instancePoolOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Instance pool", "name": "instancePools/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an instance pool's usage info", "displayName": "Gets an instance pool's usage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/instancePools/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Database Column", "name": "managedInstances/databases/schemas/tables/columns", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a managed database column", "displayName": "Get a managed database column", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/schemas/tables/columns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Database Schema", "name": "managedInstances/databases/schemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a managed database schema.", "displayName": "Get a managed database schema.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/schemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Database Table", "name": "managedInstances/databases/schemas/tables", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a managed database table", "displayName": "Get a managed database table", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/schemas/tables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption managed instance key operation", "name": "locations/managedInstanceKeyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption managed instance keys", "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption Managed Instance keys operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstanceKeyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption managed instance key operation", "name": "locations/managedInstanceKeyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption managed instance keys", "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption Managed Instance keys operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstanceKeyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption managed instance encryption protector operation", "name": "locations/managedInstanceEncryptionProtectorAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption managed instance encryption protector", "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption Managed Instance Encryption Protector operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstanceEncryptionProtectorAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption managed instance encryption protector operation", "name": "locations/managedInstanceEncryptionProtectorOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption managed instance encryption protector", "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption Managed Instance Encryption Protector operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstanceEncryptionProtectorOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption server key operation", "name": "locations/serverKeyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption server keys", "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption server keys operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverKeyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption server key operation", "name": "locations/serverKeyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption server keys", "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption server keys operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverKeyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption encryption protector operation", "name": "locations/encryptionProtectorAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption encryption protector", "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption encryption protector operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/encryptionProtectorAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption encryption protector operation", "name": "locations/encryptionProtectorOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption encryption protector", "displayName": "Transparent Data Encryption encryption protector operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/encryptionProtectorOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "servers/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves or rejects an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve or Reject Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Coonnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Used by NRP to backfill properties to a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Update Private Endpoint Properties", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/updatePrivateEndpointProperties/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection create call from NRP side", "displayName": "Validate Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Creation by NRP", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connection proxies or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a private endpoint connection proxy with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Short Term Retention Policy", "name": "servers/databases/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a short term retention policy for a database", "displayName": "Gets a short term retention policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a short term retention policy for a database", "displayName": "Updates a short term retention policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/backupShortTermRetentionPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/privateEndpointConnectionOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/privateEndpointConnectionAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Link Resource", "name": "servers/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding sql server", "displayName": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding sql server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Database Column", "name": "managedInstances/databases/columns", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a list of columns for a managed database", "displayName": "Return a list of columns for a managed database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/columns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Column", "name": "servers/databases/columns", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a list of columns for a database", "displayName": "Return a list of columns for a database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/columns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed database restore details name.", "name": "managedInstances/databases/restoreDetails", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns managed database restore details while restore is in progress.", "displayName": "Gets managed database restore details.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/restoreDetails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The allowed operations for a data warehouse workload management workload group.", "name": "servers/databases/workloadGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the workload groups for a selected database.", "displayName": "Lists the workload groups for a selected database.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/workloadGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the properties for a specific workload group.", "displayName": "Sets the properties for a specific workload group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/workloadGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Drops a specific workload group.", "displayName": "Drops a specific workload group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/workloadGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Short Term Retention Policy", "name": "locations/shortTermRetentionPolicyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a short term retention policy operation", "displayName": "Get short term retention policy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/shortTermRetentionPolicyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Short Term Retention Policy", "name": "locations/managedShortTermRetentionPolicyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a short term retention policy operation", "displayName": "Get short term retention policy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedShortTermRetentionPolicyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The allowed operations for a data warehouse workload management workload classifier.", "name": "servers/databases/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the workload classifiers for a selected database.", "displayName": "Lists the workload classifiers for a selected database.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the properties for a specific workload classifier.", "displayName": "Sets the properties for a specific workload classifier.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Drops a specific workload classifier.", "displayName": "Drops a specific workload classifier.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed instance operations", "name": "managedInstances/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get managed instance operations", "displayName": "Get managed instance operations for specific managed instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels Azure SQL Managed Instance pending asynchronous operation that is not finished yet.", "displayName": "Cancel Azure SQL Managed Instance async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/operations/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Server", "name": "servers/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of operations performed on the server", "displayName": "List Azure SQL Server operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Database", "name": "managedInstances/inaccessibleManagedDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of inaccessible managed databases in a managed instance", "displayName": "Get inaccessible managed databases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/inaccessibleManagedDatabases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database", "name": "servers/inaccessibleDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a list of inaccessible database(s) in a logical server.", "displayName": "List Azure database(s) with inaccessible status in a logical server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/inaccessibleDatabases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Long Term Retention Policy", "name": "managedInstances/databases/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates a long term retention policy for a managed database", "displayName": "Update long term retention policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a long term retention policy for a managed database", "displayName": "Get long term retention policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a long term retention policy for a managed database", "displayName": "Update long term retention policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/backupLongTermRetentionPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Long Term Retention Policy", "name": "locations/managedInstanceLongTermRetentionPolicyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term retention policy operation for a managed database", "displayName": "Get long term retention policy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstanceLongTermRetentionPolicyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Long Term Retention Policy", "name": "locations/managedInstanceLongTermRetentionPolicyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term retention policy operation for a managed database", "displayName": "Get long term retention policy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstanceLongTermRetentionPolicyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The server administrator", "name": "locations/serverAdministratorAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Server Azure Active Directory administrator async operation results", "displayName": "Server Azure Active Directory administrator async operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverAdministratorAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The server administrator", "name": "locations/serverAdministratorOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Server Azure Active Directory administrator operation results", "displayName": "Server Azure Active Directory administrator operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverAdministratorOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The server administrator", "name": "servers/administratorOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on server administrators", "displayName": "Get server administrator operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/administratorOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Import extension operation", "name": "servers/databases/extensions/importExtensionOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress import operations", "displayName": "Get import operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/extensions/importExtensionOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Logical database transparent data encryption operation", "name": "locations/transparentDataEncryptionAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on logical database transparent data encryption", "displayName": "logical database transparent data encryption operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/transparentDataEncryptionAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Logical database transparent data encryption operation", "name": "locations/transparentDataEncryptionOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on logical database transparent data encryption", "displayName": "Logical database transparent data encryption operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/transparentDataEncryptionOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Database Long Term Retention Backup", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstances/longTermRetentionDatabases/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackups", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of LTR backups for a managed instance database", "displayName": "List/Get LTR backups for a managed instance database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstances/longTermRetentionDatabases/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an LTR backup for a managed instance database", "displayName": "Delete LTR backup for a managed instance database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstances/longTermRetentionDatabases/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Database Long Term Retention Backup", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstances/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackups", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of managed instance LTR backups for a specific managed instance", "displayName": "List/Get managed instance LTR backups for specified managed instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstances/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Database Long Term Retention Backup", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackups", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of managed instance LTR backups for a specific location ", "displayName": "List/Get managed instance LTR backups for specified location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance available time zones", "name": "locations/timeZones", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of managed instance time zones by location.", "displayName": "List managed instance time zones by location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/timeZones/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "managedInstances/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves or rejects an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve or Reject Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Coonnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "locations/managedInstancePrivateEndpointConnectionAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstancePrivateEndpointConnectionAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "locations/managedInstancePrivateEndpointConnectionOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstancePrivateEndpointConnectionOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "managedInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connection proxies or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a private endpoint connection proxy with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection create call from NRP side", "displayName": "Validate Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Creation by NRP", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/managedInstancePrivateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstancePrivateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/managedInstancePrivateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstancePrivateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Private Link Resource", "name": "managedInstances/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding sql server", "displayName": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding sql server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Query", "name": "managedInstances/databases/queries", "operations": [ { "description": "Get query text by query id", "displayName": "Get query by Id.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/queries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Query execution statistics.", "name": "managedInstances/databases/queries/statistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Get query execution statistics by query id", "displayName": "Get query execution statistics by query id", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/queries/statistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Top queries of managed instance", "name": "managedInstances/topqueries", "operations": [ { "description": "Get top resource consuming queries of a managed instance", "displayName": "Get top resource consuming queries of a managed instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/topqueries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Import/export operation", "name": "servers/databases/importExportAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress import/export operations", "displayName": "Get import/export operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/importExportAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Azure Active Directory only authentication", "name": "servers/azureADOnlyAuthentications", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a specific server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "displayName": "Reads a specific server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/azureADOnlyAuthentications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates a specific server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "displayName": "Adds or updates a specific server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/azureADOnlyAuthentications/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specific server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "displayName": "Deletes a specific server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/azureADOnlyAuthentications/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Server Trust Group", "name": "locations/serverTrustGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a Server Trust Group with the specified parameters", "displayName": "Creates a Azure SQL Server Trust Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverTrustGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the existing SQL Server Trust Group", "displayName": "Deletes the existing SQL Server Trust Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverTrustGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the existing SQL Server Trust Groups", "displayName": "Returns the existing SQL Server Trust Groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverTrustGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance", "name": "managedInstances/serverTrustGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the existing SQL Server Trust Groups by Managed Instance name", "displayName": "Returns the existing SQL Server Trust Groups by Managed Instance name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/serverTrustGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed server Azure Active Directory only authentication", "name": "managedInstances/azureADOnlyAuthentications", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a specific managed server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "displayName": "Reads a specific managed server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/azureADOnlyAuthentications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates a specific managed server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "displayName": "Adds or updates a specific managed server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/azureADOnlyAuthentications/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specific managed server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "displayName": "Deletes a specific managed server Azure Active Directory only authentication object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/azureADOnlyAuthentications/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server DevOps Audit Operation Results", "name": "locations/devOpsAuditingSettingsAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the server DevOps audit policy Set operation", "displayName": "Get server DevOps audit operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/devOpsAuditingSettingsAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server DevOps Audit Operation Results", "name": "locations/devOpsAuditingSettingsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the server DevOps audit policy Set operation", "displayName": "Get server DevOps audit operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/devOpsAuditingSettingsOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server DevOps Audit Policy", "name": "servers/devOpsAuditingSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the server DevOps audit policy configured on a given server", "displayName": "Get server DevOps audit policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/devOpsAuditingSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the server DevOps audit policy for a given server", "displayName": "Set server DevOps audit policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/devOpsAuditingSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrator of Azure SQL Managed Instance.", "name": "locations/administratorAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Managed instance azure async administrator operations result.", "displayName": "Gets the Managed instance azure async administrator operations result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/administratorAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrator of Azure SQL Managed Instance.", "name": "locations/administratorOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Managed instance administrator operations result.", "displayName": "Gets the Managed instance administrator operations result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/administratorOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Hybrid Link", "name": "managedInstances/hybridLink", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of hybrid links or gets the properties for the specified distributed availability group.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Managed instance hybrid link.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/hybridLink/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates hybrid link with a specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create/Update hybrid link with a specified parameters.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/hybridLink/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a hybrid link with a specified distributed availability group.", "displayName": "Delete hybrid link with a specified distributed availability group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/hybridLink/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Hybrid Link", "name": "locations/hybridLinkAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term hybrid link async operation on Azure Sql Managed Instance.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a long term hybrid link async operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/hybridLinkAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Hybrid Link", "name": "locations/hybridLinkOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term hybrid link async operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a long term hybrid link async operation on Azure Sql Managed Instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/hybridLinkOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Trust Group Operation Result", "name": "locations/serverTrustGroupOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the result of Server Trust Group operation", "displayName": "Get Server Trust Group Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverTrustGroupOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Trust Group Azure Async Operation", "name": "locations/serverTrustGroupAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of Server Trust Group async operation", "displayName": "Get Server Trust Group Azure asyns operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverTrustGroupAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Database Long Term Retention Backup", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackupOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of managed instance long term retention backup operation", "displayName": "Get manged instance long term retention backup operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackupOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "LongTerm Retention Backup", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionBackupOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of long term retention backup operation", "displayName": "Get long term retention backup operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionBackupOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Instance Database Long Term Retention Backup", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackupAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of managed instance long term retention backup operation", "displayName": "Get manged instance long term retention backup operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackupAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "LongTerm Retention Backup", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionBackupAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of long term retention backup operation", "displayName": "Get long term retention backup operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionBackupAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Connection Policy", "name": "servers/connectionPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of server connection policies of a specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get server connection policies of a server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/connectionPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a server connection policy.", "displayName": "Create/Update Server Connection Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/connectionPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Hybrid Certificate", "name": "locations/hybridCertificateAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term hybrid certificate async operation on Azure Sql Managed Instance.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a long term hybrid ccertificate async operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/hybridCertificateAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Hybrid Certificate", "name": "locations/hybridCertificateOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term hybrid certificate async operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a long term hybrid certificate async operation on Azure Sql Managed Instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/hybridCertificateOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB Outbound Firewall Rule", "name": "servers/outboundFirewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Read outbound firewall rule", "displayName": "Read outbound firewall rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/outboundFirewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete outbound firewall rule", "displayName": "Delete outbound firewall rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/outboundFirewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create outbound firewall rule", "displayName": "Create outbound firewall rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/outboundFirewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database ledger digest upload settings", "name": "servers/databases/ledgerDigestUploads", "operations": [ { "description": "Read ledger digest upload settings", "displayName": "Read ledger digest upload settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/ledgerDigestUploads/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable uploading ledger digests ", "displayName": "Enable uploading ledger digests", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/ledgerDigestUploads/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable uploading ledger digests", "displayName": "Disable uploading ledger digests", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/ledgerDigestUploads/disable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database ledger digest upload settings", "name": "locations/ledgerDigestUploadsAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations of ledger digest upload settings", "displayName": "Gets in-progress operations of ledger digest upload settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/ledgerDigestUploadsAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database ledger digest upload settings", "name": "locations/ledgerDigestUploadsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations of ledger digest upload settings", "displayName": "Gets in-progress operations of ledger digest upload settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/ledgerDigestUploadsOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed database move operations", "name": "locations/managedDatabaseMoveOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Managed Instance database move operation result.", "displayName": "Get managed database move operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedDatabaseMoveOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "name": "servers/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get network security perimeter association", "displayName": "Get network security perimeter association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create network security perimeter association", "displayName": "Create network security perimeter association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Drop network security perimeter association", "displayName": "Drop network security perimeter association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "name": "locations/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get network security perimeter operation result", "displayName": "Get network security perimeter operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "name": "locations/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get network security perimeter proxy azure async operation", "displayName": "Get network security perimeter proxy azure async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job execution", "name": "servers/jobAgents/executions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all the job executions for the job agent", "displayName": "Lists all executions in a job agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/executions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job target execution", "name": "servers/jobAgents/jobs/executions/targets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the job target executions for a job execution", "displayName": "Lists job target executions by job execution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/executions/targets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job step target execution", "name": "servers/jobAgents/jobs/executions/steps/targets", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a target executoin", "displayName": "Gets a target execution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/executions/steps/targets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job versions", "name": "servers/jobAgents/jobs/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a job version", "displayName": "Gets a job version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job step execution", "name": "servers/jobAgents/jobs/executions/steps", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a job step execution", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL DB job step execution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/executions/steps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job step version", "name": "servers/jobAgents/jobs/versions/steps", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the job step version", "displayName": "Gets the specified version of a job step", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/versions/steps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job execution", "name": "servers/jobAgents/jobs/executions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a job execution", "displayName": "Gets a job execution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/executions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a job execution", "displayName": "Create or update a job execution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/executions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB target group", "name": "servers/jobAgents/targetGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a target group", "displayName": "Gets a target group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/targetGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a target group", "displayName": "Creates or updates a target group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/targetGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a target group", "displayName": "Deletes a target group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/targetGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job", "name": "servers/jobAgents/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure SQL DB job", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL DB job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure SQL DB job", "displayName": "Create or update Azure SQL DB job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure SQL DB job", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL DB job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job credential", "name": "servers/jobAgents/credentials", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Azure SQL DB job credential", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL DB job credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/credentials/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure SQL DB job credential", "displayName": "Create or update Azure SQL DB job credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/credentials/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure SQL DB job credential", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL DB job credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/credentials/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB job step", "name": "servers/jobAgents/jobs/steps", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a job step", "displayName": "Gets a job step", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/steps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a job step", "displayName": "Creates or updates a job step", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/steps/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a job step", "displayName": "Deletes a job step", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/jobs/steps/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQLServer connection policy azure async operation resource.", "name": "locations/connectionPoliciesAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the in progress operation of server connection policy update.", "displayName": "Gets the in progress operation of server connection policy update.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/connectionPoliciesAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQLServer connection policy operation results resource.", "name": "locations/connectionPoliciesOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the in progress operation of server connection policy update.", "displayName": "Gets the in progress operation of server connection policy update.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/connectionPoliciesOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Server Trust Certificate", "name": "managedInstances/serverTrustCertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates server trust certificate with specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create/Update server trust certificate with specified parameters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/serverTrustCertificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete server trust certificate with a given name", "displayName": "Delete server trust certificate with a given name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/serverTrustCertificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of server trust certificates.", "displayName": "List/Get server trust certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/serverTrustCertificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Server Trust Certificate", "name": "locations/serverTrustCertificatesAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term server trust certificate async operation on Azure Sql Managed Instance.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a long term server trust certificate async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverTrustCertificatesAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Server Trust Certificate", "name": "locations/serverTrustCertificatesOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a server trust certificate hybrid link async operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a long term server trust certificate async operation on Azure Sql Managed Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverTrustCertificatesOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Start-Stop schedule.", "name": "managedInstances/startStopSchedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates Azure SQL Managed Instance's Start-Stop schedule with the specified parameters or updates the properties of the schedule for the specified instance.", "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Start-Stop schedule Create or Update operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/startStopSchedules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Azure SQL Managed Instance's Start-Stop schedule.", "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Start-Stop schedule Delete operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/startStopSchedules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties for specified Start-Stop schedule for the Azure SQL Managed Instance or a List of all Start-Stop schedules.", "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Start-Stop schedule Get or List operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/startStopSchedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance", "name": "locations/startManagedInstanceAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure SQL Managed Instance Start Azure async operation.", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL Managed Instance Start Azure async operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/startManagedInstanceAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance", "name": "locations/startManagedInstanceOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure SQL Managed Instance Start operation result.", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL Managed Instance Start operation result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/startManagedInstanceOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance", "name": "locations/stopManagedInstanceAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure SQL Managed Instance Stop Azure async operation.", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL Managed Instance Stop Azure async operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/stopManagedInstanceAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance", "name": "locations/stopManagedInstanceOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Azure SQL Managed Instance Stop operation result.", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL Managed Instance Stop operation result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/stopManagedInstanceOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Distributed Availability Groups", "name": "managedInstances/distributedAvailabilityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of distributed availability groups or gets the properties for the specified distributed availability group.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Managed instance distributed availability groups.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/distributedAvailabilityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates distributed availability groups with a specified parameters.", "displayName": "Creates distributed availability groups with a specified parameters.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/distributedAvailabilityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a distributed availability group.", "displayName": "Delete a distributed availability group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/distributedAvailabilityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Set Role for Azure SQL Managed Instance Link to Primary or Secondary.", "displayName": "Set Role for Azure SQL Managed Instance Link to Primary or Secondary.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/distributedAvailabilityGroups/setRole/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs requested failover type in this distributed availability group.", "displayName": "Performs requested failover type in this distributed availability group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/distributedAvailabilityGroups/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Distributed Availability Groups", "name": "locations/distributedAvailabilityGroupsAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term distributed availability groups async operation on Azure Sql Managed Instance.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a long term distributed availability groups async operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/distributedAvailabilityGroupsAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Distributed Availability Groups", "name": "locations/distributedAvailabilityGroupsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term distributed availability groups async operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a long term distributed availability groups async operation on Azure Sql Managed Instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/distributedAvailabilityGroupsOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance", "name": "managedInstances/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of the outbound network dependencies for the given managed instance.", "displayName": "Gets the list of the outbound network dependencies for the given managed instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Database Server Dns Alias", "name": "servers/dnsAliases", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Server Dns Aliases for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Server Dns Alias(es)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/dnsAliases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Server Dns Alias with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified Server Dns Alias.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Server Dns Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/dnsAliases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing Server Dns Alias.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Server Dns Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/dnsAliases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Acquire Server Dns Alias from the current server and repoint it to another server.", "displayName": "Acquire Azure SQL Server Dns Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/dnsAliases/acquire/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IPv6 Server Firewall Rule", "name": "locations/ipv6FirewallRulesAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a firewall rule operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a firewall rule operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/ipv6FirewallRulesAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IPv6 Server Firewall Rule", "name": "locations/ipv6FirewallRulesOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a firewall rule operation.", "displayName": "Gets the status of a firewall rule operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/ipv6FirewallRulesOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IPv6 Server Firewall Rule", "name": "servers/ipv6FirewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a IPv6 server firewall rule with the specified parameters, update the properties for the specified rule or overwrite all existing rules with new server firewall rule(s).", "displayName": "Create/Update IPv6 server firewall rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/ipv6FirewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of IPv6 server firewall rules or gets the properties for the specified server firewall rule.", "displayName": "List/Get IPv6 Server firewall rule(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/ipv6FirewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing IPv6 server firewall rule.", "displayName": "Delete IPv6 server firewall rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/ipv6FirewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Endpoint Certificate.", "name": "managedInstances/endpointCertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the endpoint certificate.", "displayName": "Get the endpoint certificate.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/endpointCertificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource name of ReplicationLinkAzureAsyncOperation controller.", "name": "locations/replicationLinksAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the get result of replication links async operation.", "displayName": "Get the async operation result of replication links.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/replicationLinksAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource name of ReplicationLinkOperationResults controller.", "name": "locations/replicationLinksOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the get result of replication links operation.", "displayName": "Get the operation result of replication links.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/replicationLinksOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "External policy based authorization", "name": "locations/externalPolicyBasedAuthorizationsAzureAsycOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "External policy based authorization async operation results", "displayName": "External policy based authorization async operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/externalPolicyBasedAuthorizationsAzureAsycOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "External policy based authorization", "name": "locations/externalPolicyBasedAuthorizationsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "External policy based authorization operation results", "displayName": "External policy based authorization operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/externalPolicyBasedAuthorizationsOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "External policy based authorization", "name": "servers/externalPolicyBasedAuthorizations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a specific server external policy based authorization property", "displayName": "Reads a specific server external policy based authorization property", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/externalPolicyBasedAuthorizations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates a specific server external policy based authorization property", "displayName": "Adds or updates a specific server external policy based authorization property", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/externalPolicyBasedAuthorizations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specific server external policy based authorization property", "displayName": "Deletes a specific server external policy based authorization property", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/externalPolicyBasedAuthorizations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Server Network Security Perimeter Effective Configuration", "name": "servers/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get sql server network security perimeter effective configuration", "displayName": "Get sql server network security perimeter effective configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconcile Network Security Perimeter", "displayName": "Reconcile Network Security Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Dns Alias", "name": "managedInstances/dnsAliases", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Azure SQL Managed Instance Dns Aliases for the specified instance.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure SQL Managed Instance Dns Alias(es)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/dnsAliases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Azure SQL Managed Instance Dns Alias with the specified parameters or updates the properties for the specified Azure SQL Managed Instance Dns Alias.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure SQL Managed Instance Dns Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/dnsAliases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing Azure SQL Managed Instance Dns Alias.", "displayName": "Delete Azure SQL Managed Instance Dns Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/dnsAliases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Acquire Azure SQL Managed Instance Dns Alias from another Managed Instance.", "displayName": "Acquire Azure SQL Managed Instance Dns Alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/dnsAliases/acquire/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL DB Network Security Perimeter Updates", "name": "locations/networkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailableAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get network security perimeter updates available azure async operation", "displayName": "Get network security perimeter updates available azure async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailableAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Revalidate key for azure sql database", "name": "servers/databases/encryptionProtector", "operations": [ { "description": "Revalidate the database encryption protector", "displayName": "Revalidate the database encryption protector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/encryptionProtector/revalidate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Revertthe database encryption protector", "displayName": "Revert the database encryption protector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/encryptionProtector/revert/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Revalidate key for azure sql database azure async operation", "name": "locations/databaseEncryptionProtectorRevalidateAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Revalidate key for azure sql database azure async operation", "displayName": "Revalidate key for azure sql database azure async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/databaseEncryptionProtectorRevalidateAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Revalidate key for azure sql database operation results", "name": "locations/databaseEncryptionProtectorRevalidateOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Revalidate key for azure sql database operation results", "displayName": "Revalidate key for azure sql database operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/databaseEncryptionProtectorRevalidateOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Advanced Threat Protection settings", "name": "servers/advancedThreatProtectionSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the server Advanced Threat Protection settings for a given server", "displayName": "Update the server Advanced Threat Protection settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a list of server Advanced Threat Protection settings configured for a given server", "displayName": "List the server Advanced Threat Protection settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Advanced Threat Protection settings", "name": "servers/databases/advancedThreatProtectionSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the database Advanced Threat Protection settings for a given database", "displayName": "Update the database Advanced Threat Protection settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a list of database Advanced Threat Protection settings configured for a given database", "displayName": "List the database Advanced Threat Protection settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed instance Advanced Threat Protection settings", "name": "managedInstances/advancedThreatProtectionSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the managed instance Advanced Threat Protection settings for a given managed instance", "displayName": "Update the managed instance Advanced Threat Protection settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a list of managed instance Advanced Threat Protection settings configured for a given instance", "displayName": "List the managed instance Advanced Threat Protection settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed instance Advanced Threat Protection settings", "name": "locations/managedInstanceAdvancedThreatProtectionOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve results of the managed instance Advanced Threat Protection settings write operation", "displayName": "Get the managed instance Advanced Threat Protection operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstanceAdvancedThreatProtectionOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed instance Advanced Threat Protection settings", "name": "locations/managedInstanceAdvancedThreatProtectionAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve results of the managed instance Advanced Threat Protection settings write operation", "displayName": "Get the managed instance Advanced Threat Protection operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstanceAdvancedThreatProtectionAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed database Advanced Threat Protection settings", "name": "managedInstances/databases/advancedThreatProtectionSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the database Advanced Threat Protection settings for a given managed database", "displayName": "Update the managed database Advanced Threat Protection settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve a list of the managed database Advanced Threat Protection settings configured for a given managed database", "displayName": "List the managed database Advanced Threat Protection settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/advancedThreatProtectionSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Advanced Threat Protection settings", "name": "locations/advancedThreatProtectionOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve results of the server Advanced Threat Protection settings write operation", "displayName": "Get the server Advanced Threat Protection operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/advancedThreatProtectionOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Advanced Threat Protection settings", "name": "locations/advancedThreatProtectionAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve results of the server Advanced Threat Protection settings write operation", "displayName": "Get the server Advanced Threat Protection operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/advancedThreatProtectionAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Vulnerability Assessment Scan Azure Async Operation", "name": "locations/sqlVulnerabilityAssessmentAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a sql database vulnerability assessment scan azure async operation.", "displayName": "Get a sql database vulnerability assessment scan azure async operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/sqlVulnerabilityAssessmentAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Vulnerability Assessment Scan Operation", "name": "locations/sqlVulnerabilityAssessmentOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a sql database vulnerability assessment scan operation results.", "displayName": "Get a sql database vulnerability assessment scan operation results.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/sqlVulnerabilityAssessmentOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database SQL Vulnerability Assessment Setting", "name": "servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve SQL Vulnerability Assessment policies on a given database", "displayName": "Retrieve SQL Vulnerability Assessment policies on a given database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute vulnerability assessment database scan.", "displayName": "Execute vulnerability assessment database scan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/initiateScan/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Vulnerability Assessment Database Scan results", "name": "servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the scan results of the database SQL vulnerability assessment scan", "displayName": "Retrieve the scan result of the database SQL vulnerability assessment scan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Vulnerability Assessment Setting", "name": "servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Change SQL Vulnerability Assessment for a given server", "displayName": "Set SQL Vulnerability Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove SQL Vulnerability Assessment for a given server", "displayName": "Remove SQL Vulnerability Assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve SQL Vulnerability Assessment policies on a given server", "displayName": "List SQL Vulnerability Assessment policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute vulnerability assessment database scan.", "displayName": "Execute vulnerability assessment database scan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/initiateScan/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Vulnerability Assessment Database Scans", "name": "servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans", "operations": [ { "description": "List SQL vulnerability assessment scan records by database.", "displayName": "List SQL vulnerability assessment scan records by database.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sql Vulnerability Assessment Database Scan", "name": "servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the scan record of the database SQL vulnerability assessment scan", "displayName": "Retrieve the scan record of the database SQL vulnerability assessment scan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Vulnerability Assessment Scan Results", "name": "servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the scan results of the database vulnerability assessment scan", "displayName": "Retrieve the result of the system database vulnerability assessment scan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance DTC", "name": "managedInstances/dtc", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets properties for the specified Azure SQL Managed Instance DTC.", "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance DTC Get/List operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/dtc/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Azure SQL Managed Instance's DTC properties for the specified instance.", "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance DTC update operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/dtc/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance DTC", "name": "locations/managedInstanceDtcAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of Azure SQL Managed Instance DTC Azure async operation.", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL Managed Instance DTC Azure async operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedInstanceDtcAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Sql Vulnerability Assessment Baseline Set", "name": "servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the sql vulnerability assessment baseline set for a given database", "displayName": "Set database Sql vulnerability assessment baseline set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List the Sql Vulnerability Assessment baseline set by Sql Vulnerability Assessments", "displayName": "List the Sql Vulnerability Assessment baseline set by Sql Vulnerability Assessments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "System Database Sql Vulnerability Assessment Baseline Set", "name": "servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines", "operations": [ { "description": "Change the sql vulnerability assessment baseline set for a given system database", "displayName": "Change the sql vulnerability assessment baseline set for a given system database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the Sql Vulnerability Assessment baseline set on a system database", "displayName": "Retrieve the Sql Vulnerability Assessment baseline set on a system database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "System Database Sql Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline", "name": "servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/rules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Get database sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/rules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove the sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Remove database sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/rules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Set database sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/rules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Sql Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline", "name": "servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/rules", "operations": [ { "description": "Remove the sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Remove database sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/rules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline for a given database", "displayName": "Set database sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/rules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline list for a given database", "displayName": "Get database sql vulnerability assessment rule baseline list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/baselines/rules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Revert key for azure sql database azure async operation", "name": "locations/databaseEncryptionProtectorRevertAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Revert key for azure sql database azure async operation", "displayName": "Revert key for azure sql database azure async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/databaseEncryptionProtectorRevertAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Revert key for azure sql database operation results", "name": "locations/databaseEncryptionProtectorRevertOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Revert key for azure sql database operation results", "displayName": "Revert key for azure sql database operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/databaseEncryptionProtectorRevertOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SynapseLinkWorkspace", "name": "servers/databases/linkWorkspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of synapselink workspaces for the specified database", "displayName": "List/Get Synapselink workspaces of database.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases/linkWorkspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Server Configuration Option", "name": "managedInstances/serverConfigurationOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets properties for the specified Azure SQL Managed Instance Server Configuration Option.", "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Server Configuration Option Get/List operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/serverConfigurationOptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Azure SQL Managed Instance's Server Configuration Option properties for the specified instance.", "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Server Configuration Option update operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/serverConfigurationOptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Server Configuration Option", "name": "locations/serverConfigurationOptionAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of Azure SQL Managed Instance Server Configuration Option Azure async operation.", "displayName": "Get Azure SQL Managed Instance Server Configuration Option Azure async operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/serverConfigurationOptionAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Database ledger digest upload settings", "name": "managedInstances/databases/ledgerDigestUploads", "operations": [ { "description": "Read ledger digest upload settings", "displayName": "Read ledger digest upload settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/ledgerDigestUploads/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable uploading ledger digests ", "displayName": "Enable uploading ledger digests", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/ledgerDigestUploads/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable uploading ledger digests", "displayName": "Disable uploading ledger digests", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases/ledgerDigestUploads/disable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Database ledger digest upload settings", "name": "locations/managedLedgerDigestUploadsAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations of ledger digest upload settings", "displayName": "Gets in-progress operations of ledger digest upload settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedLedgerDigestUploadsAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Managed Instance Database ledger digest upload settings", "name": "locations/managedLedgerDigestUploadsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations of ledger digest upload settings", "displayName": "Gets in-progress operations of ledger digest upload settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedLedgerDigestUploadsOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Refresh external governance enablement status operation results", "name": "locations/refreshExternalGovernanceStatusOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Refresh external governance enablement status operation results", "displayName": "Refresh external governance enablement status operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/refreshExternalGovernanceStatusOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Refresh external governance enablement status operation results", "name": "locations/refreshExternalGovernanceStatusAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Refresh external governance enablement status async operation", "displayName": "Refresh external governance enablement status async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/refreshExternalGovernanceStatusAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Short Term Retention Policy", "name": "locations/managedShortTermRetentionPolicyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a short term retention policy operation", "displayName": "Get short term retention policy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedShortTermRetentionPolicyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL Sync Group", "name": "locations/syncGroupAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve result of the sync group resource operation", "displayName": "Get sync group resource operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/syncGroupAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reconcile Network Security Perimeter Azure Async Operation", "name": "locations/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationsReconcileAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Sync sql server network security perimeter effective configuration with Network Provider", "displayName": "Sync sql server network security perimeter effective configuration with Network Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationsReconcileAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reconcile Network Security Perimeter Operation Results", "name": "locations/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationsReconcileOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Reconcile Network Security Perimeter Operation Result", "displayName": "Get Reconcile Network Security Perimeter Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurationsReconcileOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Refresh external governance enablement status operation results", "name": "locations/refreshExternalGovernanceStatusMIOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Refresh external governance enablement status operation results", "displayName": "Refresh external governance enablement status operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/refreshExternalGovernanceStatusMIOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Refresh external governance enablement status operation results", "name": "locations/refreshExternalGovernanceStatusMIAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Refresh external governance enablement status async operation", "displayName": "Refresh external governance enablement status async operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/refreshExternalGovernanceStatusMIAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Long Term Retention Policy", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionPolicyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term retention policy operation", "displayName": "Get long term retention policy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionPolicyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Long Term Retention Policy", "name": "locations/longTermRetentionPolicyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a long term retention policy operation", "displayName": "Get long term retention policy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/longTermRetentionPolicyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB private endpoints", "name": "locations/jobAgentPrivateEndpointAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of a job agent private endpoint operation", "displayName": "Get the job agent private endpoint operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/jobAgentPrivateEndpointAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB private endpoints", "name": "locations/jobAgentPrivateEndpointOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of a job agent private endpoint operation", "displayName": "Get the job agent private endpoint operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/jobAgentPrivateEndpointOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure SQL DB private endpoints", "name": "servers/jobAgents/privateEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a private endpoint", "displayName": "Gets a private endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/privateEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a private endpoint", "displayName": "Creates or updates a private endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/privateEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a private endpoint", "displayName": "Deletes a private endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/jobAgents/privateEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Change long term retention backup access tier", "name": "locations/changeLongTermRetentionBackupAccessTierAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the async operation status of changing long term retention backup access tier operation.", "displayName": "Gets the async operation status of changing long term retention backup access tier operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/changeLongTermRetentionBackupAccessTierAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Change long term retention backup access tier", "name": "locations/changeLongTermRetentionBackupAccessTierOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the changing LTR backup access tier operation result.", "displayName": "Gets the changing LTR backup access tier operation result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/locations/changeLongTermRetentionBackupAccessTierOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recommended Elastic Database Pool Metrics", "name": "servers/recommendedElasticPools/metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve metrics for recommended elastic database pools for a given server", "displayName": "Get recommended elastic database pools metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Sql/servers/recommendedElasticPools/metrics/read", 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"applications", "name": "applications", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the managed application.", "displayName": "Applications_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Solutions/applications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a managed application.", "displayName": "Applications_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Solutions/applications/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the managed application.", "displayName": "Applications_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Solutions/applications/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all the applications within a subscription.", "displayName": "Applications_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Solutions/applications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh Permissions for application.", "displayName": "Applications_RefreshPermissions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Solutions/applications/refreshPermissions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List allowed upgrade plans for application.", "displayName": "Applications_ListAllowedUpgradePlans", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Solutions/applications/listAllowedUpgradePlans/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update access for application.", "displayName": "Applications_UpdateAccess", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Solutions/applications/updateAccess/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List tokens for application.", "displayName": "Applications_ListTokens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Solutions/applications/listTokens/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationstatuses", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read 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"Microsoft.Solutions/jitRequests/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all JIT requests within the resource group.", "displayName": "jitRequests_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Solutions/jitRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Solutions/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.StorageSync", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.StorageSync", "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Storage Sync Provider", "displayName": "Registers the Storage Sync Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/register/action", 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"Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Name Availability", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks that storage sync service name is valid and is not in use.", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Sync Metrics", "name": "storageSyncServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Storage Sync Services", "displayName": "Read Storage Sync Services metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "System", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Sync 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"Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/syncGroups/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cloud Endpoints", "name": "storageSyncServices/syncGroups/cloudEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Cloud Endpoints", "displayName": "Read Cloud Endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/syncGroups/cloudEndpoints/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Cloud Endpoints", "displayName": "Create or Update Cloud Endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/syncGroups/cloudEndpoints/write", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Cloud Endpoints", "displayName": "Delete Cloud Endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/syncGroups/cloudEndpoints/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Call this action before backup", "displayName": "prebackup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/syncGroups/cloudEndpoints/prebackup/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Call this action after backup", "displayName": "postbackup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/syncGroups/cloudEndpoints/postbackup/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Call this action before restore", "displayName": "prerestore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/syncGroups/cloudEndpoints/prerestore/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Call this action after restore", "displayName": "postrestore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/syncGroups/cloudEndpoints/postrestore/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore heartbeat", "displayName": "restoreheartbeat", "isDataAction": 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null } ] }, { "displayName": "Registered Server", "name": "storageSyncServices/registeredServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Registered Server", "displayName": "Read Registered Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/registeredServers/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Registered Server", "displayName": "Create or Update Registered Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/registeredServers/write", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Registered Server", "displayName": "Delete Registered Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/registeredServers/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflow", "name": "storageSyncServices/workflows", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Workflows", "displayName": "Read Workflows", "isDataAction": 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"Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operationresults", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for an asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Read locations/operationresults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "locations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status for an azure asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Read locations/operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageSync/locations/operations/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cloud Endpoints", "name": "storageSyncServices/syncGroups/cloudEndpoints/afssharemetadatacertificatepublickeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the public keys info for AfsShareMetadata 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"Microsoft.ServiceFabric/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Clusters", "name": "clusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Cluster", "displayName": "Read Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Cluster", "displayName": "Create or Update Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Cluster", "displayName": "Delete Cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application Types", "name": "clusters/applicationTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Application Type", "displayName": "Read Application Type", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"displayName": "Read Cluster Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/statuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Nodes", "name": "clusters/nodes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Node", "displayName": "Read Node", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/nodes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Service Statuses", "name": "clusters/applications/services/statuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Service Status", "displayName": "Read Service Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/applications/services/statuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Partitions", "name": "clusters/applications/services/partitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Partition", "displayName": "Read Partition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/applications/services/partitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replicas", "name": "clusters/applications/services/partitions/replicas", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Replica", "displayName": "Read Replica", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/applications/services/partitions/replicas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Operation Results", "displayName": "Read Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations By Location", "name": "locations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Operations by location", "displayName": "Read Operations By Location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/locations/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Available Operations", "displayName": "Read Available Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cluster Versions", "name": "locations/clusterVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Cluster Version", "displayName": "Read Cluster Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/locations/clusterVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cluster Versions By Environment", "name": "locations/environments/clusterVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Cluster Version for a specific environment", "displayName": "Read Cluster Version By Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/locations/environments/clusterVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Clusters", "name": "managedclusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Managed Clusters", "displayName": "Read Managed Clusters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/managedclusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Managed Clusters", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Clusters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/managedclusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Managed Clusters", "displayName": "Delete Managed Clusters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/managedclusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Node Types", "name": "managedclusters/nodetypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Node Type", "displayName": "Read Node Type", 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null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Application Type Version", "displayName": "Create or Update Application Type Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/managedclusters/applicationTypes/versions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Application Type Version", "displayName": "Delete Application Type Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/managedclusters/applicationTypes/versions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Applications", "name": "managedclusters/applications", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Application", "displayName": "Read Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceFabric/managedclusters/applications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Application", "displayName": "Create or Update Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"Microsoft.ServiceFabric/managedclusters/applications/services/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Support", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Support", "name": "Microsoft.Support", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Support Resource Provider", "displayName": "Registers Support Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Support/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Looks up resource Id for resource type", "displayName": "Look Up Resource Id", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Support/lookUpResourceId/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks that name is valid and not in use for resource type", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Support/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null 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"name": "Microsoft.Support/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Visual Studio", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.VisualStudio", "name": "Microsoft.VisualStudio", "operations": [ { "description": "Register Azure Subscription with Microsoft.VisualStudio provider", "displayName": "Registers the Azure Subscription with Microsoft.VisualStudio provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VisualStudio/Register/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Account", "name": "Account", "operations": [ { "description": "Set Account", "displayName": "Creates or updates the Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VisualStudio/Account/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Account", "displayName": "Deletes the Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Account/Extension", "name": "Account/Extension", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Account/Extension", "displayName": "Reads the Account/Extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VisualStudio/Account/Extension/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Web Apps", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/microsoft.web", "name": "microsoft.web", "operations": [ { "description": "Unregister Microsoft.Web resource provider for the subscription.", "displayName": "Unregister Microsoft.Web resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate .", "displayName": "Validate ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Register 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"displayName": "Delete Web App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new web app backup", "displayName": "Create Web App Backup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/backup/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get publishing profile xml for a Web App", "displayName": "Get Web App Publishing Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/publishxml/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Publish a Web App", "displayName": "Publish Web App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/publish/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart a Web App", "displayName": "Restart Web App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/restart/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start a Web App", "displayName": "Start Web App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/start/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start Dev Session for a Web App", "displayName": "Start Dev Session for a Web App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/startDevSession/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop a Web App", "displayName": "Stop Web App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/stop/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Swap Web App deployment slots", "displayName": "Swap Web App Slots", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/slotsswap/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get differences in configuration between web app and slots", "displayName": "Get Web App Slots Differences", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/slotsdiffs/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply web app slot configuration from target slot to the current web app", "displayName": "Apply Web App Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/applySlotConfig/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset web app configuration", "displayName": "Reset Web App Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/resetSlotConfig/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create the artifacts in a Logic App.", "displayName": "Create the artifacts in a Logic App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/deployWorkflowArtifacts/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List logic app's connections by its ID in a Logic App.", "displayName": "List logic app's connections by its ID in a Logic App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/listworkflowsconnections/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Functions Web Apps.", "displayName": "Functions Web Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/functions/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List Sync Function Trigger Status.", "displayName": "List Web Apps Sync Function Trigger Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/listsyncfunctiontriggerstatus/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Network Trace Web Apps.", "displayName": "Network Trace Web Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/networktrace/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Newpassword Web Apps.", "displayName": "Newpassword Web Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/newpassword/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sync Web Apps.", "displayName": "Sync Web Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/sync/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrate MySql Web Apps.", "displayName": "Migrate MySql Web Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/migratemysql/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Recover Web Apps.", "displayName": "Recover Web Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/recover/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore Web Apps Snapshots.", "displayName": "Restore Web Apps Snapshots", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/restoresnapshot/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore Web Apps From Deleted App.", "displayName": "Restore Web Apps 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"Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create new Web App Slot backup.", "displayName": "Create Web App Slot Backup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/backup/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get publishing profile xml for Web App Slot", "displayName": "Get Web App Slot Publishing Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/publishxml/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Publish a Web App Slot", "displayName": "Publish Web App Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/publish/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart a Web App Slot", "displayName": "Restart Web App Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/restart/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start a Web App Slot", 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"Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/slotsdiffs/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply web app slot configuration from target slot to the current slot.", "displayName": "Apply Web App Slot Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/applySlotConfig/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset web app slot configuration", "displayName": "Reset Web App Slot Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/resetSlotConfig/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the properties of a Web App deployment slot", "displayName": "Get Web App Deployment Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create the artifacts in a deployment slot in a Logic App.", "displayName": "Create the artifacts in a deployment slot in a Logic App", "isDataAction": 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"name": "microsoft.web/sites/slots/restoresnapshot/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore Web App Slots From Deleted App.", "displayName": "Restore Web App Slots From Deleted App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/slots/restorefromdeletedapp/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Discover Web Apps Slots Backups.", "displayName": "Discover Web Apps Slots Backups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/slots/backups/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Zipped Container Logs for Web App Slot.", "displayName": "Get Zipped Container Logs for Web App Slot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/slots/containerlogs/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore Web Apps Slot From Backup Blob.", "displayName": "Restore Web Apps Slot From Backup Blob", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/slots/restorefrombackupblob/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List Web App Slot backups.", "displayName": "List Web App Slot backups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/slots/listbackups/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Copy content from one deployment slot to another.", "displayName": "Copy content from one deployment slot to another", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/slots/slotcopy/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Slot", "name": "sites/slots/config", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Web App Slot's configuration settings", "displayName": "Get Web App Slot Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/config/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List Web App Slot's security sensitive settings, such as publishing credentials, app 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"sites/sourcecontrols", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Web App's source control configuration settings", "displayName": "Get Web App Source Control Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Web App's source control configuration settings", "displayName": "Update Web App Source Control Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols/Write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Web App's source control configuration settings", "displayName": "Delete Web App Source Control Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Slot", "name": "sites/slots/sourcecontrols", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Web App Slot's source control configuration settings", "displayName": "Get 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"properties": null }, { "description": "List Web Apps Backups.", "displayName": "List Web Apps Backups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/backups/list/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore Web Apps Backups.", "displayName": "Restore Web Apps Backups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/backups/restore/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Web Apps Backups.", "displayName": "Delete Web Apps Backups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/backups/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Web Apps Backups.", "displayName": "Update Web Apps Backups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/backups/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web Apps Slots Backups", "name": "sites/slots/backups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a web app slots' 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"displayName": "Get App Service Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new App Service Plan or update an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update App Service Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/Write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an existing App Service Plan", "displayName": "Delete App Service Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins an App Service Plan", "displayName": "Join App Service Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/Join/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart all Web Apps in an App Service Plan", "displayName": "Restart Web Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/restartSites/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificate", "name": "certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of certificates.", "displayName": "Get Certificates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/certificates/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a new certificate or update an existing one.", "displayName": "Add or Update Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/certificates/Write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an existing certificate.", "displayName": "Delete Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/certificates/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Geo Region", "name": "geoRegions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of Geo regions.", "displayName": "Get Geo Regions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/geoRegions/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Site Name", "name": "listSitesAssignedToHostName", "operations": [ { "description": "Get names of sites assigned to hostname.", "displayName": "Get sites assigned to hostname", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/listSitesAssignedToHostName/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "App Service Environment", "name": "hostingEnvironments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an App Service Environment", "displayName": "Get App Service Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new App Service Environment or update existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update App Service Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/Write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an App Service Environment", "displayName": "Delete App Service Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins an App Service Environment", "displayName": "Join App Service Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/Join/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reboot all machines in an App Service Environment", "displayName": "Reboot an App Service Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/reboot/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrades an App Service Environment", "displayName": "Upgrade an App Service Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/upgrade/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Send test upgrade notification for an App Service Environment", "displayName": "Send test upgrade 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"hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a FrontEnd Pool in an App Service Environment", "displayName": "Get FrontEnd Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new FrontEnd Pool in an App Service Environment or update an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update FrontEnd Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools/Write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "App Service Environment Worker Pool", "name": "hostingEnvironments/workerPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Worker Pool in an App Service Environment", "displayName": "Get Worker Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/workerPools/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/connections/Move/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Connection.", "displayName": "Join Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/connections/Join/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Confirm Connections Consent Code.", "displayName": "Confirm Connections Consent Code", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/connections/confirmconsentcode/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List Consent Links for Connections.", "displayName": "List Consent Links for Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/connections/listconsentlinks/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists API Connections Keys.", "displayName": "List API Connections Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/connections/listConnectionKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Revokes API Connections Keys.", "displayName": "Revokes API Connections Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/connections/revokeConnectionKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Dynamic Invoke a Connection.", "displayName": "Dynamic Invoke Connection.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/connections/dynamicInvoke/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom Apis", "name": "customApis", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of Custom API.", "displayName": "Get Custom API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/customApis/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Custom API.", "displayName": "Add or Update Custom API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/customApis/Write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Custom API.", "displayName": "Delete Custom API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/customApis/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves a Custom API.", "displayName": "Move Custom API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/customApis/Move/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a Custom API.", "displayName": "Join Custom API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/customApis/Join/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Extracts API definition from a WSDL.", "displayName": "Extract API definition from WSDL", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/customApis/extractApiDefinitionFromWsdl/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists WSDL interfaces for a Custom API.", "displayName": "List Custom API WSDL interfaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/customApis/listWsdlInterfaces/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Connection Gateways", "name": "connectionGateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of Connection Gateways.", "displayName": "Get Connection Gateways", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/connectionGateways/Read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Connection Gateway.", "displayName": "Add or Update Connection Gateways", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/connectionGateways/Write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Connection Gateway.", "displayName": "Delete Connection Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/connectionGateways/Delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves a Connection Gateway.", "displayName": "Move Connection Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/connectionGateways/Move/Action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": 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"^(?!functionapp).*$", "name": "TcpEstablished", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average number of sockets in FIN_WAIT_1 state across all the instances of the plan.", "displayName": "TCP Fin Wait 1", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!functionapp).*$", "name": "TcpFinWait1", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": 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"Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average number of sockets in CLOSING state across all the instances of the plan.", "displayName": "TCP Closing", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!functionapp).*$", "name": "TcpClosing", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average number of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT state across all the instances of the plan.", "displayName": "TCP Close Wait", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": 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plan irrespective of their TCP states. 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High or increasing outbound socket counts in TIME_WAIT state can cause connectivity errors.", "displayName": "Time Wait Socket Count for Outbound Requests", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!functionapp).*$", "name": "SocketOutboundTimeWait", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average number of sockets used for loopback connections across all the instances of the plan.", "displayName": "Socket Count for Loopback Connections", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!functionapp).*$", "name": "SocketLoopback", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of Web App", "name": "sites/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Web App", "displayName": "Read Web App metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/sites/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": null, "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of CPU consumed by the app, in seconds. For more information about this metric. Please see\u00a0https://aka.ms/website-monitor-cpu-time-vs-cpu-percentage (CPU time vs CPU percentage).", "displayName": "CPU Time", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!functionapp).*$", "name": "CpuTime", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count", "Total", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "ScmCpuTime", "displayName": "ScmCpuTime", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!functionapp).*$", "name": "ScmCpuTime", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count", "Total", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of requests regardless of their resulting HTTP status code.", "displayName": "Requests", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "Requests", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", 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"toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of outgoing bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB.", "displayName": "Data Out", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "BytesSent", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code 101.", "displayName": "Http 101", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "Http101", 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"P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code \u2265 300 but < 400.", "displayName": "Http 3xx", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "Http3xx", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The count of requests resulting in HTTP 401 status code.", "displayName": 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"toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The count of requests resulting in HTTP 406 status code.", "displayName": "Http 406", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "Http406", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code \u2265 400 but < 500.", "displayName": "Http 4xx", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "Http4xx", 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"blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The current amount of memory used by the app, in MiB.", "displayName": "Memory working set", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "MemoryWorkingSet", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average amount of memory used by the app, in megabytes 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A bound socket is created by calling bind()/connect() APIs and remains until said socket is closed with CloseHandle()/closesocket().", "displayName": "Connections", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "AppConnections", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Count", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of handles currently open by the app process.", "displayName": "Handle Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "Handles", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of threads currently active in the app process.", "displayName": "Thread Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "Threads", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", 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"ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "ScmPrivateBytes", "displayName": "ScmPrivateBytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "ScmPrivateBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The rate at which the app process is reading bytes from I/O operations.", "displayName": "IO Read Bytes Per Second", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, 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For more information about this metric. Please see\u00a0https://aka.ms/website-monitor-cpu-time-vs-cpu-percentage (CPU time vs CPU percentage).", "displayName": "CPU Time", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^(?!functionapp).*$", "name": "CpuTime", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count", "Total", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "ScmCpuTime", "displayName": "ScmCpuTime", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": 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"toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of outgoing bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB.", "displayName": "Data Out", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "BytesSent", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code 101.", "displayName": "Http 101", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "Http101", 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"ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The rate at which the app process is issuing read I/O operations.", "displayName": "IO Read Operations Per Second", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "IoReadOperationsPerSecond", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The rate at which the app process is issuing write I/O operations.", "displayName": "IO Write Operations Per Second", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": 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"dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The current number of Assemblies loaded across all AppDomains in this application.", "displayName": "Current Assemblies", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "CurrentAssemblies", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The current number of AppDomains loaded in this application.", "displayName": "Total App Domains", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "TotalAppDomains", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of AppDomains unloaded since the start of the application.", "displayName": "Total App Domains Unloaded", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "TotalAppDomainsUnloaded", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of times the generation 0 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. 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"P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": null, "displayDescription": "Percentage of filesystem quota consumed by the app.", "displayName": "File System Usage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "FileSystemUsage", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of App Service Environment MultiRole", "name": "hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for App Service Environment MultiRole", "displayName": "Read App Service Environment MultiRole metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": null, "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of requests regardless of their resulting HTTP status code.", "displayName": "Requests", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "Requests", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average incoming bandwidth used across all front ends, in MiB.", "displayName": "Data In", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "BytesReceived", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": 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"P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code \u2265 300 but < 400.", "displayName": "Http 3xx", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "isInternal": false, "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "Http3xx", "sourceMdmAccount": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportsInstanceLevelAggregation": false, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "P2D", "timeGrain": "PT1M" }, { "blobDuration": "P30D", "timeGrain": "PT1H" }, { "blobDuration": "P90D", "timeGrain": "P1D" } ], "category": null, "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Instance", "internalName": "ServerName", "name": "Instance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The count of requests resulting in HTTP 401 status code.", "displayName": "Http 401", 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"origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Source Control", "name": "containerApps/sourcecontrols", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Container App Source Control", "displayName": "Get Container App Source Control", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/containerApps/sourcecontrols/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a Container App Source Control", "displayName": "Create or Update Container App Source Control", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/containerApps/sourcecontrols/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Container App Source Control", "displayName": "Delete Container App Source Control", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/containerApps/sourcecontrols/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Revision", "name": "containerApps/revisions/deactivate", 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"microsoft.web/sites/slots/privateaccess/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Static Site Linked Backends", "name": "staticSites/linkedBackends", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate a Linked Backend for a Static Site", "displayName": "Validate Linked Backend", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/staticSites/linkedBackends/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unlink a Backend from a Static Site", "displayName": "unlink Static Site Backend", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/staticSites/linkedBackends/Delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Static Site Linked Backends", "displayName": "Get Static Site Linked Backends", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/staticSites/linkedBackends/Read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Register a Linked Backend with a Static Site", "displayName": "Register 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"locations/functionappstacks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Function App Stacks for location.", "displayName": "Get Function App Stacks for location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/locations/functionappstacks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Hosting Environment Configurations", "name": "hostingenvironments/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Hosting Environment Configurations.", "displayName": "Get Hosting Environment Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/hostingenvironments/configurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Hosting Environment Configurations.", "displayName": "Update Hosting Environment Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/hostingenvironments/configurations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "App Service Plan First Party Key Vault Settings", "name": "serverfarms/firstpartyapps/keyvaultsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get first party Azure Key vault referenced settings for App Service Plan.", "displayName": "Get App Service Plan Key Vault first party settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/serverfarms/firstpartyapps/keyvaultsettings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update first party Azure Key vault referenced settings for App Service Plan.", "displayName": "Create or Update App Service Plan Key Vault first party settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/serverfarms/firstpartyapps/keyvaultsettings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Stacks", "name": "webappstacks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Web App Stacks.", "displayName": "Get Web App Stacks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/webappstacks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web 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"displayName": "Get Web App Single App setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/config/web/appsettings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Web App Single App setting", "displayName": "Create or Update Web App Single App setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/config/web/appsettings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Web Apps App Setting", "displayName": "Delete Web Apps App Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/config/web/appsettings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Slot App setting", "name": "sites/slots/config/web/appsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete Web App Slot's App Setting", "displayName": "Delete Web App Slot's App Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/slots/config/web/appsettings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Connectionstring", "name": "sites/config/web/connectionstrings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Web App single connectionstring", "displayName": "Get Web App single connection string", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/config/web/connectionstrings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Web App single App setting.", "displayName": "Create or Update Web App single sonnection string", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/config/web/connectionstrings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Web App single connection string", "displayName": "Delete Web App single connection string", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/config/web/connectionstrings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web App Slot Connectionstring", "name": "sites/slots/config/web/connectionstrings", 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"displayName": "List the workflows in a Logic App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/workflows/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web Apps Workflows", "name": "sites/slots/workflows", "operations": [ { "description": "List the workflows in a deployment slot in a Logic App.", "displayName": "List the workflows in a deployment slot in a Logic App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/slots/workflows/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web Apps Workflows", "name": "sites/workflowsconfiguration", "operations": [ { "description": "Get logic app's configuration information by its ID in a Logic App.", "displayName": "Get logic app's configuration information by its ID in a Logic App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/workflowsconfiguration/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Web Apps Workflows", "name": "sites/slots/workflowsconfiguration", "operations": [ { "description": "Get logic app's configuration information by its ID in a deployment slot in a Logic App.", "displayName": "Get logic app's configuration information by its ID in a deployment slot in a Logic App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.web/sites/slots/workflowsconfiguration/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Static Site Database Connections", "name": "staticSites/databaseConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a Database Connection from a Static Site", "displayName": "Delete Static Site Database Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/staticSites/databaseConnections/Delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Static Site Database Connection", "displayName": "Get Static Site Database Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/staticSites/databaseConnections/Read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a Database Connection with a Static Site", "displayName": "Create or Update Static Site Database Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/staticSites/databaseConnections/Write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Show details for a Database Connection for a Static Site", "displayName": "Show Static Site Database Connection Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/staticSites/databaseConnections/show/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Static Site Build Database Connection", "name": "staticSites/builds/databaseConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a Database Connection from a Static Site Build", "displayName": "Delete Static Site Build Database Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Web/staticSites/builds/databaseConnections/Delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { 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"id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Storage", "name": "Microsoft.Storage", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the storage resource provider and enables the creation of storage accounts.", "displayName": "Registers the Storage Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Location", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.Storage that virtual network or subnet is being deleted", "displayName": "Delete virtual network or subnets notifications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/locations/previewActions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Blob Services", "name": "storageAccounts/blobServices", "operations": [ { "description": "List blob services", "displayName": "List Blob Services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a user delegation key for the blob service", "displayName": "Generate a user delegation key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/generateUserDelegationKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of put blob service properties", "displayName": "Put blob service properties", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Blob Service Blobs", "name": "storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a blob or a list of blobs", "displayName": "Read Blob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of writing a blob", "displayName": "Write Blob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of deleting a blob", "displayName": "Delete blob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of deleting a blob version", "displayName": "Delete blob versions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/deleteBlobVersion/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/permanentDelete/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of adding blob content", "displayName": "Add blob content", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/add/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of blobs under an account with matching tags filter", "displayName": "Filter blobs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/filter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves the blob from one path to another", "displayName": "Move blobs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Changes ownership of the blob", "displayName": "Manage blob ownership", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/manageOwnership/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Modifies permissions of the blob", "displayName": "Modify blob permissions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/modifyPermissions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of the blob command", "displayName": "Execute the command as super user", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/runAsSuperUser/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Blob Service Containers", "name": "storageAccounts/blobServices/containers", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/migrate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of patch blob container", "displayName": "Patch blob container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of deleting a container", "displayName": "Delete blob container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a container", "displayName": "Get blob container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of leasing blob container", "displayName": "Lease blob container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/lease/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clear blob container legal hold", "displayName": "Clear blob container legal hold", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/clearLegalHold/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Set blob container legal hold", "displayName": "Set blob container legal hold", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/setLegalHold/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Blob Service Containers ImmutabilityPolicy", "name": "storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/immutabilityPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Extend blob container immutability policy", "displayName": "Extend blob container immutability policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/immutabilityPolicies/extend/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete blob container immutability policy", "displayName": "Delete blob container immutability policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/immutabilityPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Put blob container immutability policy", "displayName": "Put blob container immutability policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/immutabilityPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lock blob container immutability policy", "displayName": "Lock blob container immutability policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/immutabilityPolicies/lock/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get blob container immutability policy", "displayName": "Get blob container immutability policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/immutabilityPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Queue Services", "name": "storageAccounts/queueServices", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns queue service properties or statistics.", "displayName": "Get queue service properties or statistics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Queue Service Queues", "name": "storageAccounts/queueServices/queues", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/queues/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/queues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/queues/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Queue Service Messages", "name": "storageAccounts/queueServices/queues/messages", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a message", "displayName": "Read message", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/queues/messages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of writing a message", "displayName": "Write message", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/queues/messages/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of deleting a message", "displayName": "Delete message", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/queues/messages/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of adding a message", "displayName": "Add message", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/queues/messages/add/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of processing a message", "displayName": "Process message", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/queues/messages/process/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Accounts", "name": "storageAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/updateAccountContainerHoldingPeriod/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/updateInternalProperties/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/consumerDataShare/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Customer is able to abort an ongoing Hns migration on the storage account", "displayName": "Abort Account HnsOn Migration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/hnsonmigration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore blob ranges to the state of the specified time", "displayName": "Restore blob ranges", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/restoreBlobRanges/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Customer is able to control the failover in case of availability issues", "displayName": "Storage Account Failover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the access keys for the specified storage account.", "displayName": "List Storage Account Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the access keys for the specified storage account.", "displayName": "Regenerate Storage Account Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/regeneratekey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/rotateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Revokes all the user delegation keys for the specified storage account.", "displayName": "Revoke Storage Account User Delegation Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/revokeUserDelegationKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Access check for joining Network Security Perimeter", "displayName": "Access check for joining Network Security Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/joinPerimeter/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing storage account.", "displayName": "Delete Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of storage accounts or gets the properties for the specified storage account.", "displayName": "List/Get Storage Account(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the Account SAS token for the specified storage account.", "displayName": "Returns Storage Account SAS Token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listAccountSas/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the Service SAS token for the specified storage account.", "displayName": "Returns Storage Service SAS Token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listServiceSas/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a storage account with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags or adds custom domain for the specified storage account.", "displayName": "Create/Update Storage Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Accounts", "name": "storageAccounts/services/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Create/Update storage account diagnostic settings.", "displayName": "Create/Update Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/services/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Accounts", "name": "storageAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Microsoft Storage Metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get list of Microsoft Storage Metrics definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The amount of storage used by the storage account. For standard storage accounts, it's the sum of capacity used by blob, table, file, and queue. For premium storage accounts and Blob storage accounts, it is the same as BlobCapacity or FileCapacity.", "displayName": "Used capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "UsedCapacity", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Response type", "name": "ResponseType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.", "displayName": "Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Transactions", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.", "displayName": "Ingress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Ingress", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.", "displayName": "Egress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Egress", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.", "displayName": "Success Server Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessServerLatency", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.", "displayName": "Success E2E Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessE2ELatency", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": "AccountResourceId", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Accounts", "name": "storageAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Blob service", "name": "storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Microsoft Storage Metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get list of Microsoft Storage Metrics definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Blob type", "name": "BlobType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Blob tier", "name": "Tier", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of storage used by the storage account\u2019s Blob service in bytes.", "displayName": "Blob Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "BlobCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Blob type", "name": "BlobType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Blob tier", "name": "Tier", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of blob objects stored in the storage account.", "displayName": "Blob Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "BlobCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Blob type", "name": "BlobType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Blob tier", "name": "Tier", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of storage provisioned in the storage account\u2019s Blob service in bytes.", "displayName": "Blob Provisioned Size", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "metricFilterPattern": "Premium", "name": "BlobProvisionedSize", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of containers in the storage account.", "displayName": "Blob Container Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "ContainerCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The amount of storage used by Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 hierarchical index.", "displayName": "Index Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "IndexCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Response type", "name": "ResponseType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.", "displayName": "Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Transactions", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.", "displayName": "Ingress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.", "displayName": "Egress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.", "displayName": "Success Server Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessServerLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.", "displayName": "Success E2E Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessE2ELatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Blob service", "name": "storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Table service", "name": "storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Microsoft Storage Metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get list of Microsoft Storage Metrics definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The amount of Table storage used by the storage account.", "displayName": "Table Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TableCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of tables in the storage account.", "displayName": "Table Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TableCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of table entities in the storage account.", "displayName": "Table Entity Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TableEntityCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Response type", "name": "ResponseType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.", "displayName": "Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Transactions", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.", "displayName": "Ingress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.", "displayName": "Egress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.", "displayName": "Success Server Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessServerLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.", "displayName": "Success E2E Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessE2ELatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Table service", "name": "storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "File service", "name": "storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Microsoft Storage Metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get list of Microsoft Storage Metrics definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of File storage used by the storage account.", "displayName": "File Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of files in the storage account.", "displayName": "File Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of file shares in the storage account.", "displayName": "File Share Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileShareCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of snapshots present on the share in storage account\u2019s Files Service.", "displayName": "File Share Snapshot Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileShareSnapshotCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of storage used by the snapshots in storage account\u2019s File service in bytes.", "displayName": "File Share Snapshot Size", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileShareSnapshotSize", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The upper limit on the amount of storage that can be used by Azure Files Service in bytes.", "displayName": "File Share Capacity Quota", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "FileShareQuota", "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "FileShareCapacityQuota", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "File Share", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The baseline number of provisioned IOPS for the premium file share in the premium files storage account. This number is calculated based on the provisioned size (quota) of the share capacity.", "displayName": "File Share Provisioned IOPS", "fillGapWithZero": false, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "metricFilterPattern": "Premium", "name": "FileShareProvisionedIOPS", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "CountPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Response type", "name": "ResponseType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.", "displayName": "Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Transactions", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.", "displayName": "Ingress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.", "displayName": "Egress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.", "displayName": "Success Server Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessServerLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.", "displayName": "Success E2E Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessE2ELatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "File Share", "internalName": "Container", "name": "FileShare", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "File service", "name": "storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Queue service", "name": "storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of Microsoft Storage Metrics definitions.", "displayName": "Get list of Microsoft Storage Metrics definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The amount of Queue storage used by the storage account.", "displayName": "Queue Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "QueueCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of queues in the storage account.", "displayName": "Queue Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "QueueCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "displayDescription": "The number of unexpired queue messages in the storage account.", "displayName": "Queue Message Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "QueueMessageCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Response type", "name": "ResponseType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.", "displayName": "Transactions", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Transactions", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.", "displayName": "Ingress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.", "displayName": "Egress", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.", "displayName": "Success Server Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessServerLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.", "displayName": "Success E2E Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "SuccessE2ELatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Geo type", "name": "GeoType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "API name", "name": "ApiName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Queue service", "name": "storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Table Service", "name": "storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the log definition for Table", "displayName": "Read log definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageRead", "name": "StorageRead" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageWrite", "name": "StorageWrite" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageDelete", "name": "StorageDelete" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Blob Service", "name": "storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the log definition for Blob", "displayName": "Read log definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageRead", "name": "StorageRead" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageWrite", "name": "StorageWrite" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageDelete", "name": "StorageDelete" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "File Service", "name": "storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the log definition for File", "displayName": "Read log definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageRead", "name": "StorageRead" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageWrite", "name": "StorageWrite" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageDelete", "name": "StorageDelete" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Queue Service", "name": "storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the log definition for Queue", "displayName": "Read log definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageRead", "name": "StorageRead" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageWrite", "name": "StorageWrite" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "StorageDelete", "name": "StorageDelete" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Sku", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the Skus supported by Microsoft.Storage.", "displayName": "List Skus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Name Availability", "name": "checknameavailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks that account name is valid and is not in use.", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/checknameavailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usage Metrics", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the limit and the current usage count for resources in the specified subscription", "displayName": "Get Subscription Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/locations/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usage Metrics", "name": "usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the limit and the current usage count for resources in the specified subscription", "displayName": "Get Subscription Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Blob Service Blobs", "name": "storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the result of reading blob tags", "displayName": "Read blob tags", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of writing blob tags", "displayName": "Write blob tags", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/tags/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account Management Policies", "name": "storageAccounts/managementPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete storage account management policies", "displayName": "Delete storage account management policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/managementPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get storage management account policies", "displayName": "Get storage account management policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/managementPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Put storage account management policies", "displayName": "Put storage account management policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/managementPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage File Service Files", "name": "storageAccounts/fileServices", "operations": [ { "description": "List file services", "displayName": "List File Services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Put file service properties", "displayName": "Put File Service Properties", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read File Backup Sematics Privilege", "displayName": "Read File Backup Sematics Privilege", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/readFileBackupSemantics/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write File Backup Sematics Privilege", "displayName": "Write File Backup Sematics Privilege", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/writeFileBackupSemantics/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "File Take Ownership Privilege", "displayName": "File Take Ownership Privilege", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/takeOwnership/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Table Services", "name": "storageAccounts/tableServices", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage File Service Files", "name": "storageAccounts/fileServices/fileshares/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a file/folder or a list of files/folders", "displayName": "Read Files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/fileshares/files/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of writing a file or creating a folder", "displayName": "Write Files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/fileshares/files/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of deleting a file/folder", "displayName": "Delete Files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/fileshares/files/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the result of modifying permission on a file/folder", "displayName": "Modify File Acl", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/fileshares/files/modifypermissions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get File Admin Privileges", "displayName": "Get File Admin Privileges", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/fileshares/files/actassuperuser/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "storageAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update storage account private endpoint properties", "displayName": "Update storage account private endpoint properties", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/updatePrivateEndpointProperties/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Put Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "displayName": "Put Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Account Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "storageAccounts/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "List Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "List Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Put Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Put Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/shares/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get file share", "displayName": "Get File Share", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/shares/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/shares/lease/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update file share", "displayName": "Put File Share", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/shares/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore file share", "displayName": "Restore File Share", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/shares/restore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/encryptionScopes", "operations": [ { 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"Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/localUsers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/localusers/regeneratePassword/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List local user keys", "displayName": "List Local User Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/localusers/listKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List local users", "displayName": "List Local Users", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/localusers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update local user", "displayName": "Put Local User", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/localusers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "deletedAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": 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"properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/inventoryPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/inventoryPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/accountLocks", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/accountLocks/deleteLock/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/accountLocks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/accountLocks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/accountLocks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/consumerDataSharePolicies", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/consumerDataSharePolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/consumerDataSharePolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "resilienciesProgressions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/resilienciesProgressions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Table Entities", "name": "storageAccounts/tableServices/tables/entities", "operations": [ { "description": "Query table 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"storageAccounts/restorePoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete object replication restore point", "displayName": "Delete Object Replication Restore Point", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/restorePoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get object replication restore point", "displayName": "Get Object Replication Restore Point", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/restorePoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/accountMigrations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/accountMigrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Customer is able to update their storage account redundancy for increased resiliency", "displayName": "Storage Account Migration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/accountMigrations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Task", "name": "storageTasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes an existing storage task", "displayName": "Delete Storage Task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageTasks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the properties for the specified storage task", "displayName": "Get Storage Task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageTasks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Promote specific version of storage task to current version", "displayName": "Promote Storage Task Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageTasks/promote/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates storage task", "displayName": "Put Storage Task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageTasks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/privateEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/privateEndpoints/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/hoboConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/hoboConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/hoboConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/encryptionScopes/hoboConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/encryptionScopes/hoboConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/encryptionScopes/hoboConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/storageTaskAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageTaskAssignments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageTaskAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageTaskAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "storageAccounts/reports", 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"properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments", "name": "guestConfigurationAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Create new guest configuration assignment.", "displayName": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get guest configuration assignment.", "displayName": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete guest configuration assignment.", "displayName": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get guest configuration assignment.", "displayName": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/healthcheck/action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/healthcheck/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments", "name": "guestConfigurationAssignments/reports", "operations": [ { "description": "Get guest configuration assignment report.", "displayName": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/reports/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/reports/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the operations for the Microsoft.GuestConfiguration resource provider", "displayName": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/operations/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft DB for MariaDB", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DBforMariaDB", "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB", "operations": [ { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register MariaDB Resource Provider", "displayName": "Register MariaDB Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Verify whether given server name is available for provisioning worldwide for a given subscription.", "displayName": "Check Server Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Performance Tiers", "name": "locations/performanceTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Performance Tiers available.", "displayName": "List Performance Tiers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/performanceTiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MariaDB Server", "name": "servers", "operations": [ { "description": "Starts a specific server.", "displayName": "Start MariaDB Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops a specific server.", "displayName": "Stop MariaDB Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset Query Performance Insight data", "displayName": "Reset Query Performance Insight data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/resetQueryPerformanceInsightData/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the texts for a list of queries", "displayName": "List query texts for a list of queries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/queryTexts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to approve a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of servers or gets the properties for the specified server.", "displayName": "List/Get MariaDB Servers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a server with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server.", "displayName": "Create/Update MariaDB Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server.", "displayName": "Delete MariaDB Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts a specific server.", "displayName": "Restart MariaDB Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update configurations for the specified server", "displayName": "Batch Update Server Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/updateConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Configurations", "name": "servers/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of configurations for a server or gets the properties for the specified configuration.", "displayName": "List/Get Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/configurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the value for the specified configuration", "displayName": "Update Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/configurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Virtual Network Rules", "name": "servers/virtualNetworkRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of virtual network rules or gets the properties for the specified virtual network rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Virtual Network Rule(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/virtualNetworkRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a virtual network rule with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified virtual network rule.", "displayName": "Create/Update Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/virtualNetworkRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing Virtual Network Rule", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Network Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/virtualNetworkRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Firewall Rules", "name": "servers/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of firewall rules for a server or gets the properties for the specified firewall rule.", "displayName": "List/Get Firewall Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/firewallRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a firewall rule with the specified parameters or update an existing rule.", "displayName": "Create/Update Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/firewallRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing firewall rule.", "displayName": "Delete Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/firewallRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Performance Tiers", "name": "performanceTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Performance Tiers available.", "displayName": "List Performance Tiers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/performanceTiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recoverable MariaDB Server", "name": "servers/recoverableServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the recoverable MariaDB Server info", "displayName": "Get Recoverable MariaDB Server info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/recoverableServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return types of metrics that are available for databases", "displayName": "Get database metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "CPU percent", "displayName": "CPU percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "cpu_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Memory percent", "displayName": "Memory percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "memory_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "IO percent", "displayName": "IO percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "io_consumption_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage percent", "displayName": "Storage percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "storage_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage used", "displayName": "Storage used", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Storage limit", "displayName": "Storage limit", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "storage_limit", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Server Log storage percent", "displayName": "Server Log storage percent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "serverlog_storage_percent", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Server Log storage used", "displayName": "Server Log storage used", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "serverlog_storage_usage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Server Log storage limit", "displayName": "Server Log storage limit", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "serverlog_storage_limit", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Active Connections", "displayName": "Active Connections", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "active_connections", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Errors", "displayDescription": "Failed Connections", "displayName": "Failed Connections", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "connections_failed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Latency", "displayDescription": "Replication lag in seconds", "displayName": "Replication lag in seconds", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "seconds_behind_master", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Backup Storage used", "displayName": "Backup Storage used", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "backup_storage_used", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Network Out across active connections", "displayName": "Network Out", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "network_bytes_egress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Traffic", "displayDescription": "Network In across active connections", "displayName": "Network In", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "network_bytes_ingress", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Metric Definition", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the disagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server Threat Detection Policy", "name": "servers/securityAlertPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of the server threat detection policy configured on a given server", "displayName": "Get server threat detection policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/securityAlertPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the server threat detection policy for a given server", "displayName": "Update server threat detection policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/securityAlertPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of servers", "name": "servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for MariaDB servers", "displayName": "Read the log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "MariaDB Server Logs", "name": "MySqlSlowLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "MariaDB Audit Logs", "name": "MySqlAuditLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Top Query Statistics", "name": "servers/topQueryStatistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Query Statistics for the top queries.", "displayName": "List/Get Query Statistic(s) for top queries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/topQueryStatistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Wait Statistics", "name": "servers/waitStatistics", "operations": [ { "description": "Return wait statistics for an instance", "displayName": "List Wait Statistics for an instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/waitStatistics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MariaDB ResourceGroup based Server Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return ResourceGroup based MariaDB Server Operation Results", "displayName": "Get MariaDB ResourceGroup based Server Operation Results ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server threat detection operation result", "name": "locations/securityAlertPoliciesAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Server threat detection operation result.", "displayName": "List/Get Server threat detection operation result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/securityAlertPoliciesAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Server threat detection operation result", "name": "locations/securityAlertPoliciesOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Server threat detection operation result.", "displayName": "List/Get Server threat detection operation result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/securityAlertPoliciesOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MariaDB LogFiles", "name": "servers/logFiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of MariaDB LogFiles.", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL LogFiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/logFiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MariaDB Server Operation Results", "name": "locations/azureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Return MariaDB Server Operation Results", "displayName": "Get MariaDB Server Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/azureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MariaDB Databases", "name": "servers/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of MariaDB Databases or gets the properties for the specified Database.", "displayName": "List/Get MySQL Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a MariaDB Database with the specified parameters or update the properties for the specified Database.", "displayName": "Create/Update MariaDB Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/databases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing MariaDB Database.", "displayName": "Delete MariaDB Database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/databases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MariaDB Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of MariaDB Operations.", "displayName": "List/Get MariaDB Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Advisors", "name": "servers/advisors", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of advisors", "displayName": "Return the list of advisors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/advisors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new recommendation action session", "displayName": "Create a new recommendation action session", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/advisors/createRecommendedActionSession/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recommended Actions", "name": "servers/advisors/recommendedActions", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of recommended actions", "displayName": "Return the list of recommended actions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/advisors/recommendedActions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrator of MariaDB server.", "name": "servers/administrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of MariaDB server administrators.", "displayName": "Get Administrators of MariaDB server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/administrators/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates MariaDB server administrator with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create/Update Administrator of MariaDB server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/administrators/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing administrator of MariaDB server.", "displayName": "Delete Administrator of MariaDB server.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/administrators/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MariaDB Server", "name": "servers/replicas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get read replicas of a MariaDB server", "displayName": "Get MariaDB read replicas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/replicas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MariaDB Server Keys", "name": "servers/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of server keys or gets the properties for the specified server key.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for MariaDB Server Key(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a key with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified server key.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure Database for MariaDB Server Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/keys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing server key.", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for MariaDB Server Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/keys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Encryption server key operation", "name": "locations/serverKeyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on data encryption server keys", "displayName": "Data Encryption server keys operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/serverKeyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Encryption server key operation", "name": "locations/serverKeyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on transparent data encryption server keys", "displayName": "Data Encryption server keys operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/serverKeyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MariaDB private link resource", "name": "servers/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding MariaDB Server", "displayName": "Get the private link resources for the corresponding MariaDB Server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MariaDB private endpoint connection", "name": "servers/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for MariaDB private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for MariaDB private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves or rejects an existing private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Approve or Reject Azure Database for MariaDB private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MariaDB private endpoint connection", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/privateEndpointConnectionOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MariaDB private endpoint connection", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/privateEndpointConnectionAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MariaDB Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MariaDB Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection create call from NRP side", "displayName": "Validate Azure Database for MariaDB Private Endpoint Connection Creation by NRP", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connection proxies or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "List/Get Azure Database for MariaDB Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a private endpoint connection proxy with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Create/Update Azure Database for MariaDB Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete Azure Database for MariaDB Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database for MariaDB Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy operation", "displayName": "Get private endpoint connection proxy operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/privateEndpointConnectionProxyAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrator opertiaons of MariaDB server.", "name": "locations/administratorAzureAsyncOperation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets in-progress operations on MariaDB server administrators", "displayName": "MariaDB server administrator operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/administratorAzureAsyncOperation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MariaDB server operation results", "name": "locations/administratorOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Return MariaDB Server administrator operation results", "displayName": "Get MariaDB server operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/locations/administratorOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Performance Tiers", "name": "servers/performanceTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Performance Tiers available.", "displayName": "List Performance Tiers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers/performanceTiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Consumption", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Consumption", "name": "Microsoft.Consumption", "operations": [ { "description": "Register to Consumption RP", "displayName": "Register to Consumption RP", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "UsageDetails", "name": "usageDetails", "operations": [ { "description": "List the usage details for a scope for EA and WebDirect subscriptions.", "displayName": "List Usage Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ReservationSummaries", "name": "reservationSummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "List the utilization summary for reserved instances by reservation order or managment groups. The summary data is either at monthly or daily level.", "displayName": "List Reservation Utilization Summaries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/reservationSummaries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ReservationDetails", "name": "reservationDetails", "operations": [ { "description": "List the utilization details for reserved instances by reservation order or managment groups. The details data is per instance per day level.", "displayName": "List Reservation Utilization Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/reservationDetails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ReservationTransactions", "name": "reservationTransactions", "operations": [ { "description": "List the transaction history for reserved instances by management groups.", "displayName": "List Reservation Transactions history", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/reservationTransactions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Balances", "name": "balances", "operations": [ { "description": "List the utilization summary for a billing period for a management group.", "displayName": "List utlization summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/balances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pricesheets", "name": "pricesheets", "operations": [ { "description": "List the Pricesheets data for a subscription or a management group.", "displayName": "List Price sheets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/pricesheets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Marketplaces", "name": "marketplaces", "operations": [ { "description": "List the marketplace resource usage details for a scope for EA and WebDirect subscriptions.", "displayName": "List Marketplace resource usage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/marketplaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Budgets", "name": "budgets", "operations": [ { "description": "List the budgets by a subscription or a management group.", "displayName": "List budgets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/budgets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates and update the budgets by a subscription or a management group.", "displayName": "Create and update budgets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/budgets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the budgets by a subscription or a management group.", "displayName": "Delete budgets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/budgets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tenants/register", "name": "tenants", "operations": [ { "description": "Register action for scope of Microsoft.Consumption by a tenant.", "displayName": "register tenants", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/tenants/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List tenants", "displayName": "List tenants", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/tenants/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Terms", "name": "terms", "operations": [ { "description": "List the terms for a subscription or a management group.", "displayName": "List Terms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/terms/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ReservationRecommendations", "name": "reservationRecommendations", "operations": [ { "description": "List single or shared recommendations for Reserved instances for a subscription.", "displayName": "List reserved instances recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/reservationRecommendations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List all supported operations by Microsoft.Consumption resource provider.", "displayName": "List supported operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Charges", "name": "charges", "operations": [ { "description": "List charges", "displayName": "List charges", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/charges/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Credits", "name": "credits", "operations": [ { "description": "List credits", "displayName": "List credits", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/credits/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Events", "name": "events", "operations": [ { "description": "List events", "displayName": "List events", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/events/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Forecasts", "name": "forecasts", "operations": [ { "description": "List forecasts", "displayName": "List forecasts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/forecasts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Lots", "name": "lots", "operations": [ { "description": "List lots", "displayName": "List lots", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/lots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operationstatus", "name": "operationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "List operationstatus", "displayName": "List operationstatus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/operationstatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operationresults", "name": "operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "List operationresults", "displayName": "List operationresults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tags", "name": "tags", "operations": [ { "description": "List tags for EA and subscriptions.", "displayName": "List tags", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalBillingAccounts/Tags", "name": "externalBillingAccounts/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "List tags for EA and subscriptions.", "displayName": "List tags", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/externalBillingAccounts/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalSubscriptions/Tags", "name": "externalSubscriptions/tags", "operations": [ { "description": "List tags for EA and subscriptions.", "displayName": "List tags", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/externalSubscriptions/tags/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AggregatedCost", "name": "aggregatedcost", "operations": [ { "description": "List AggregatedCost for management group.", "displayName": "List AggregatedCost", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/aggregatedcost/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ReservationRecommendationDetails", "name": "reservationRecommendationDetails", "operations": [ { "description": "List Reservation Recommendation Details", "displayName": "List Reservation Recommendation Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Consumption/reservationRecommendationDetails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.CostManagement", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.CostManagement", "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement", "operations": [ { "description": "List Microsoft benefit utilization summaries in storage.", "displayName": "Writes Microsoft benefit utilization summaries to storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/generateBenefitUtilizationSummariesReport/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Microsoft Reserved Instances utilization details in storage.", "displayName": "Writes Microsoft Reserved Instances utilization details to storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/generateReservationDetailsReport/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Query usage data by a scope.", "displayName": "Query usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/query/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Schedule reports on usage data by a scope.", "displayName": "Schedule reports", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/reports/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run the specified export.", "displayName": "Run export", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/exports/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register action for scope of Microsoft.CostManagement by a subscription.", "displayName": "Register Subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create view.", "displayName": "Create views", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/views/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Forecast usage data by a scope.", "displayName": "Forecast usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/forecast/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Calculate cost for provided product codes.", "displayName": "Calculate cost for product(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/calculateCost/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Dimensions", "name": "dimensions", "operations": [ { "description": "List all supported dimensions by a scope.", "displayName": "List supported dimensions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/dimensions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Query", "name": "query", "operations": [ { "description": "Query usage data by a scope.", "displayName": "Query usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/query/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Reports", "name": "reports", "operations": [ { "description": "Schedule reports on usage data by a scope.", "displayName": "Get Scheduled reports usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/reports/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Exports", "name": "exports", "operations": [ { "description": "List the exports by scope.", "displayName": "List exports", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/exports/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the specified export.", "displayName": "Create and update export", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/exports/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the specified export.", "displayName": "Delete export", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/exports/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run exports.", "displayName": "Run exports", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/exports/run/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tenants/register", "name": "tenants", "operations": [ { "description": "Register action for scope of Microsoft.CostManagement by a tenant.", "displayName": "register tenants", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/tenants/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudConnectors", "name": "cloudConnectors", "operations": [ { "description": "List the cloudConnectors for the authenticated user.", "displayName": "List cloudConnectors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/cloudConnectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the specified cloudConnector.", "displayName": "Create and update cloudConnector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/cloudConnectors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the specified cloudConnector.", "displayName": "Delete cloudConnector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/cloudConnectors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ExternalBillingAccounts", "name": "externalBillingAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "List the externalBillingAccounts for the authenticated user.", "displayName": "List externalBillingAccounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalBillingAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Query usage data for external BillingAccounts.", "displayName": "Query usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalBillingAccounts/query/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Forecast usage data for external BillingAccounts.", "displayName": "Forecast usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalBillingAccounts/forecast/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ExternalSubscriptions", "name": "externalSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "List the externalSubscriptions for the authenticated user.", "displayName": "List externalSubscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update associated management group of externalSubscription", "displayName": "Update externalSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Query usage data for external subscription.", "displayName": "Query usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalSubscriptions/query/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Forecast usage data for external BillingAccounts.", "displayName": "Forecast usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalSubscriptions/forecast/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalBillingAccounts/externalSubscriptions", "name": "externalBillingAccounts/externalSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "List the externalSubscriptions within an externalBillingAccount for the authenticated user.", "displayName": "List externalBillingAccount externalSubscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalBillingAccounts/externalSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alerts", "name": "alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Update alerts.", "displayName": "Update Alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/alerts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List alerts.", "displayName": "List Alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/alerts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalSubscriptions/Query", "name": "externalSubscriptions/query", "operations": [ { "description": "Query usage data for external subscription.", "displayName": "Query usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalSubscriptions/query/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List all supported operations by Microsoft.CostManagement resource provider.", "displayName": "List supported operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Views", "name": "views", "operations": [ { "description": "List all saved views.", "displayName": "List saved views", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/views/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete saved views.", "displayName": "Delete views", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/views/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update view.", "displayName": "Update views", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/views/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalSubscriptions/Dimensions", "name": "externalSubscriptions/dimensions", "operations": [ { "description": "List all supported dimensions for external subscription.", "displayName": "List supported dimensions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalSubscriptions/dimensions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalBillingAccounts/Query", "name": "externalBillingAccounts/query", "operations": [ { "description": "Query usage data for external BillingAccounts.", "displayName": "Query usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalBillingAccounts/query/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalBillingAccounts/forecast", "name": "externalBillingAccounts/forecast", "operations": [ { "description": "Forecast usage data for external BillingAccounts.", "displayName": "Forecast usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalBillingAccounts/forecast/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalSubscriptions/forecast", "name": "externalSubscriptions/forecast", "operations": [ { "description": "Forecast usage data for external BillingAccounts.", "displayName": "Forecast usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalSubscriptions/forecast/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Forecast", "name": "forecast", "operations": [ { "description": "Forecast usage data by a scope.", "displayName": "Forecast usage data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/forecast/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "externalBillingAccounts/Dimensions", "name": "externalBillingAccounts/dimensions", "operations": [ { "description": "List all supported dimensions for external BillingAccounts.", "displayName": "List supported dimensions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/externalBillingAccounts/dimensions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Budgets", "name": "budgets", "operations": [ { "description": "List the budgets by a subscription or a management group.", "displayName": "List budgets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/budgets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "BenefitRecommendations", "name": "benefitRecommendations", "operations": [ { "description": "List single or shared recommendations for Microsoft benefits.", "displayName": "List Microsoft benefit recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/benefitRecommendations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "BenefitUtilizationSummaries", "name": "benefitUtilizationSummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "List benefit utilization summaries.", "displayName": "List Microsoft benefit utilization summaries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/benefitUtilizationSummaries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "BenefitUtilizationSummariesOperationResults", "name": "benefitUtilizationSummariesOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Microsoft benefit utilization summaries asynchronous operation results.", "displayName": "Gets Microsoft benefit utilization summaries asynchronous operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/benefitUtilizationSummariesOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "reservationDetailsOperationResults", "name": "reservationDetailsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Microsoft Reserved Instances utilization summaries asynchronous operation results.", "displayName": "Gets Microsoft Reserved Instances asynchronous operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagement/reservationDetailsOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DataBoxEdge", "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "share users", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/users", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the share users", "displayName": "List share users", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/users/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the share users", "displayName": "Creates or updates share users", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/users/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the share users", "displayName": "Delete share users", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/users/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "bandwidth schedules", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/bandwidthSchedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the bandwidth schedules", "displayName": "List bandwidth schedules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/bandwidthSchedules/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the bandwidth schedules", "displayName": "Creates or updates bandwidth schedules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/bandwidthSchedules/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the bandwidth schedules", "displayName": "Delete bandwidth schedules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/bandwidthSchedules/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "roles", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the roles", "displayName": "List roles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrates\u00a0the\u00a0IoT\u00a0role\u00a0to\u00a0ASE Kubernetes role", "displayName": "Migrates\u00a0the\u00a0IoT\u00a0role\u00a0to\u00a0ASE Kubernetes role", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/migrate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the roles", "displayName": "Creates or updates roles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the roles", "displayName": "Delete roles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "shares", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the shares", "displayName": "List shares", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the shares", "displayName": "Creates or updates shares", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh the share metadata with the data from the cloud", "displayName": "Refreshes the share metadata with the data from the cloud", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares/refresh/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the shares", "displayName": "Delete shares", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Box Edge devices", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices", "operations": [ { "description": "Performs Device Capacity Check and Returns Feasibility", "displayName": "Perform Device Capacity Check Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/deviceCapacityCheck/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Data Box Edge devices", "displayName": "Creates or updates Data Box Edge devices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists or gets the Data Box Edge devices", "displayName": "List Data Box Edge devices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Data Box Edge devices", "displayName": "Delete Data Box Edge devices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves resource extended information", "displayName": "Gets resource extended information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/getExtendedInformation/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates resource extended information", "displayName": "Updates resource extended information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/updateExtendedInformation/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Scan for updates", "displayName": "Scan for updates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/scanForUpdates/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Download Updates in device", "displayName": "Download Updates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/downloadUpdates/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Install Updates on device", "displayName": "Install Updates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/installUpdates/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Upload certificate for device registration", "displayName": "Upload certificates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/uploadCertificate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate certificate", "displayName": "Generate certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/generateCertificate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger Support Package", "displayName": "Trigger Support Package", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggerSupportPackage/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Device network settings", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/networkSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the Device network settings", "displayName": "List Device network settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/networkSettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Device security settings", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/securitySettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Update security settings", "displayName": "Update security settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/securitySettings/update/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "update summary", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/updateSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the update summary", "displayName": "List update summary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/updateSummary/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "jobs", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the jobs", "displayName": "List jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/jobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "storage account credentials", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccountCredentials", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates the storage account credentials", "displayName": "Creates or updates storage account credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccountCredentials/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists or gets the storage account credentials", "displayName": "List storage account credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccountCredentials/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the storage account credentials", "displayName": "Delete storage account credentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccountCredentials/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "alerts", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the alerts", "displayName": "List alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/alerts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Box Edge device", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available Data Box Edge device level metrics", "displayName": "Read Data Box Edge device metric definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Name", "name": "InstanceName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The read throughput of the network interface on the device in the reporting period for all volumes in the gateway.", "displayName": "Read Throughput (Network)", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "NICReadThroughput", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Name", "name": "InstanceName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The write throughput of the network interface on the device in the reporting period for all volumes in the gateway.", "displayName": "Write Throughput (Network)", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "NICWriteThroughput", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Share", "name": "Share", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The download throughput to Azure from a share during the reporting period.", "displayName": "Cloud Download Throughput (Share)", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "CloudReadThroughputPerShare", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Share", "name": "Share", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The upload throughput to Azure from a share during the reporting period.", "displayName": "Cloud Upload Throughput (Share)", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "CloudUploadThroughputPerShare", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Share", "name": "Share", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of bytes that is uploaded to Azure from a share during the reporting period.", "displayName": "Cloud Bytes Uploaded (Share)", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "BytesUploadedToCloudPerShare", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The total capacity of the device in bytes during the reporting period.", "displayName": "Total Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TotalCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The available capacity in bytes during the reporting period.", "displayName": "Available Capacity", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "AvailableCapacity", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The cloud upload throughput to Azure during the reporting period.", "displayName": "Cloud Upload Throughput", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "CloudUploadThroughput", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The cloud download throughput to Azure during the reporting period.", "displayName": "Cloud Download Throughput", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "CloudReadThroughput", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "BytesPerSecond" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The total number of bytes that is uploaded to Azure from a device during the reporting period.", "displayName": "Cloud Bytes Uploaded (Device)", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "BytesUploadedToCloud", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Name", "name": "InstanceName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Percent CPU Usage", "displayName": "Edge Compute - Percentage CPU", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "HyperVVirtualProcessorUtilization", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Transaction", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Name", "name": "InstanceName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Amount of RAM in Use", "displayName": "Edge Compute - Memory Usage", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "HyperVMemoryUtilization", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Box Edge device", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostics setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostics setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostics setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "triggers", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the triggers", "displayName": "List triggers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggers/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the triggers", "displayName": "Creates or updates triggers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggers/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the triggers", "displayName": "Delete triggers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggers/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "orders", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the orders", "displayName": "List orders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the orders", "displayName": "Creates or updates orders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the orders", "displayName": "Delete orders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists or gets the data center access code", "displayName": "List data center access code", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/listDCAccessCode/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation status", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation status", "displayName": "List operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/operationsStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccountCredentials/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccountCredentials/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/bandwidthSchedules/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/bandwidthSchedules/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation 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"dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggers/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggers/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null 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"Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/containers/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh the container metadata with the data from the cloud", "displayName": "Refreshes the container metadata with the data from the cloud", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/containers/refresh/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Accounts", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the Storage Accounts", "displayName": "List Storage Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Storage Accounts", "displayName": "Creates or updates Storage Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Storage Accounts", "displayName": "Delete Storage Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/containers/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/containers/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "available skus", "name": "availableSkus", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the available skus", "displayName": "List available skus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/availableSkus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/monitoringConfig/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/monitoringConfig/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "monitoring configuration", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/monitoringConfig", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates the monitoring configuration", "displayName": "Creates or updates monitoring configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/monitoringConfig/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the monitoring configuration", "displayName": "Delete monitoring configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/monitoringConfig/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists or gets the monitoring configuration", "displayName": "List monitoring configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/monitoringConfig/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "addons", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/addons", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the addons", "displayName": "List addons", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/addons/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the addons", "displayName": "Creates or 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"Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/diagnosticRemoteSupportSettings/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/diagnosticProactiveLogCollectionSettings/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/diagnosticProactiveLogCollectionSettings/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggerSupportPackage/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggerSupportPackage/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "device capacity information", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/deviceCapacityInfo", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the device capacity information", "displayName": "List device capacity information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/deviceCapacityInfo/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/deviceCapacityCheck/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/deviceCapacityCheck/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Versions", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/publishers/offers/skus/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the SAS Token for a specific image", "displayName": "Gets the SAS Token for a specific image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/publishers/offers/skus/versions/generatesastoken/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/publishers/offers/skus/versions/generatesastoken/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/publishers/offers/skus/versions/generatesastoken/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operation result", "name": "dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/migrate/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists or gets the operation result", "displayName": "List operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/migrate/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Hardware Security Modules", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules", "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers a subscription", "displayName": "Register Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters a subscription", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "DedicatedHsm", "name": "dedicatedhsms", "operations": [ { "description": "View the properties of a DedicatedHsm", "displayName": "View DedicatedHsm", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/dedicatedhsms/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new DedicatedHsm or update the properties of an existing DedicatedHsm", "displayName": "Update DedicatedHsm", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/dedicatedhsms/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a DedicatedHsm", "displayName": "Delete DedicatedHsm", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/dedicatedhsms/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operations available on Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules resource provider", "displayName": "Available Hardware Security Modules Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Long Run Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Check the result of a long run operation", "displayName": "Check Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudHsm", "name": "cloudHsmClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "View the properties of a CloudHsm", "displayName": "View CloudHsm", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new CloudHsm or update the properties of an existing CloudHsm", "displayName": "Update CloudHsm", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a CloudHsm", "displayName": "Delete CloudHsm", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or reject a connection to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Approve or reject a Private Endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate backup properties of an existing Cloud HSM", "displayName": "Validate backup properties", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/validateBackupProperties/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Backup an existing Cloud HSM with the help of provided backup properties", "displayName": "Backup Cloud HSM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/backup/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate restore properties of Cloud HSM", "displayName": "Validate restore properties", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/validateRestoreProperties/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore a newly initialized Cloud HSM with the help of provided restore properties", "displayName": "Restore Cloud HSM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/restore/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Long Run Operation Result", "name": "locations/cloudHsmOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Check the result of a long run operation", "displayName": "Check Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/locations/cloudHsmOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudHsm", "name": "cloudHsmClusters/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the available private link resources of an existing CloudHsm", "displayName": "Get the private link 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"Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a connection proxy to a Private Endpoint resource of Microsoft.Network provider", "displayName": "Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudHsm", "name": "cloudHsmClusters/backupOperationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Check the status of an ongoing Cloud HSM Backup operation", "displayName": "Status of backup operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/backupOperationStatus/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CloudHsm", "name": "cloudHsmClusters/restoreOperationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Check the status of an ongoing Cloud HSM Restore operation", "displayName": "Status of restore operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules/cloudHsmClusters/restoreOperationStatus/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Azure IoT Central", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.IoTCentral", "name": "Microsoft.IoTCentral", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if a IoTApp resource name is available", "displayName": "Check IoTApp resource name availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTCentral/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Check if a IoTApp resource subdomain is available", "displayName": "Check IoTApp resource subdomain availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTCentral/checkSubdomainAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists application templates for IoTApps resources.", "displayName": "List app templates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTCentral/appTemplates/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register the subscription for the IoTCentral resource provider", "displayName": "Register Microsoft.IoTCentral resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTCentral/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "IoTApps", "name": "IoTApps", "operations": [ { "description": "Read IoTApp resources", "displayName": "Get/List IoTApp 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"PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The count of all failed property reads initiated from IoT Central", "displayName": "Failed Device Property Reads from IoT Central", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "c2d.property.read.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The count of all successful property reads initiated from devices", "displayName": "Successful Device Property Reads from Devices", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "d2c.property.read.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The count of all failed property reads initiated from devices", "displayName": "Failed Device Property Reads from Devices", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "d2c.property.read.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The count of all successful property updates initiated from IoT Central", "displayName": "Successful Device Property Updates from IoT Central", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "c2d.property.update.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The count of all failed property updates initiated from IoT Central", "displayName": "Failed Device Property Updates from IoT Central", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "c2d.property.update.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The count of all successful property updates initiated from devices", "displayName": "Successful Device Property Updates from Devices", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "d2c.property.update.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The count of all failed property updates initiated from devices", "displayName": "Failed Device Property Updates from Devices", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "d2c.property.update.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "displayDescription": "Number of devices provisioned in IoT Central application", "displayName": "Total Provisioned Devices", "fillGapWithZero": true, "lockAggregationType": "Total", "name": "provisionedDeviceCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IoT Central application", "displayName": "Total Device Data Usage", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "deviceDataUsage", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The count of all successful command requests initiated from IoT Central", "displayName": "Successful command invocations", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "c2d.commands.success", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "The count of all failed command requests initiated from IoT Central", "displayName": "Failed command invocations", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "c2d.commands.failure", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "Request size of all command requests initiated from IoT Central", "displayName": "Request size of command invocations", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "c2d.commands.requestSize", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "displayDescription": "Response size of all command responses initiated from 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"supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Export Id", "name": "exportId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Export Display Name", "name": "exportDisplayName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Destination Id", "name": "destinationId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Destination Display Name", "name": "destinationDisplayName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of messages incoming to data export, before filtering and enrichment processing", "displayName": "Data Export Messages Received", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "dataExport.messages.received", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { 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"destinationDisplayName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of errors encountered for data export", "displayName": "Data Export Errors", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "dataExport.error", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT15M", "PT30M", "PT1H", "PT6H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Export Id", "name": "exportId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Export Display Name", "name": "exportDisplayName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Destination Id", "name": "destinationId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Destination Display Name", "name": "destinationDisplayName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Status", "name": "status", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Number of status changes", "displayName": "Data Export Status Change", 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IoTApps/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "IoTApps/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate private endpoint connection proxies during Create/Update/Patch", "displayName": "Validate private endpoint connection proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read private endpoint connection proxies", "displayName": "Get/List private endpoint connection proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/Update/Patch private endpoint connection proxies", "displayName": "Create/Update/Patch private endpoint connection proxies", 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"Microsoft.IoTCentral/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Blueprint", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Blueprint", "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the Azure Blueprints Resource Provider", "displayName": "Registers the Azure Blueprints Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Blueprints", "name": "blueprints", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any blueprints", "displayName": "Read blueprints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update any blueprints", "displayName": "Create or update blueprints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any blueprints", "displayName": "Delete blueprints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Blueprints", "name": "blueprints/artifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any blueprint artifacts", "displayName": "Read blueprint artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/artifacts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update any blueprint artifacts", "displayName": "Create or update blueprint artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/artifacts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any blueprint artifacts", "displayName": "Delete blueprint artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/artifacts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Blueprints", "name": "blueprints/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any blueprints", "displayName": "Read blueprints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update any blueprints", "displayName": "Create or update blueprints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/versions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any blueprints", "displayName": "Delete blueprints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/versions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Blueprints", "name": "blueprints/versions/artifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any blueprint artifacts", "displayName": "Read blueprint artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/versions/artifacts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Blueprints", "name": "blueprintAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any blueprint artifacts", "displayName": "Read blueprint artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprintAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update any blueprint artifacts", "displayName": "Create or update blueprint artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprintAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any blueprint artifacts", "displayName": "Delete blueprint artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprintAssignments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Azure Blueprints service principal object Id.", "displayName": "Get Azure Blueprints service principal object Id.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprintAssignments/whoisblueprint/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Blueprints", "name": "blueprintAssignments/assignmentOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any blueprint artifacts", "displayName": "Read blueprint artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprintAssignments/assignmentOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft SAP HANA on Azure", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.HanaOnAzure", "name": "Microsoft.HanaOnAzure", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Microsoft SAP HANA on Azure Resource Provider, and enables managing SAP HANA Instance resources", "displayName": "Registers the Microsoft SAP HANA on Azure Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HanaOnAzure/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "SAP 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HanaOnAzure/hanaInstances/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop any SAP HANA Instance", "displayName": "Stop SAP HANA Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HanaOnAzure/hanaInstances/shutdown/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "locations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the status of any Operation", "displayName": "Read Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HanaOnAzure/locations/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Monitoring Insights", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Intune", "name": "Microsoft.Intune", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings", "name": "diagnosticsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Writing a 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"displayName": "Microsoft", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.SaaS", "name": "Microsoft.SaaS", "operations": [ { "description": "Register Saas resource provider in the tenant", "displayName": "Register SaaS resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "SaaS Resources", "name": "saasresources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all SaaS resources or one resource", "displayName": "Get SaaS Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/saasresources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a SaaS resource", "displayName": "Create or Update a SaaS resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/saasresources/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a SaaS Resource", "displayName": "Delete a SaaS Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/saasresources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the access Token for a SaaS resource", "displayName": "Get the access Token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/saasresources/listaccesstoken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SaaS Subscription Level Resources", "name": "resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the access Token for a SaaS Subscription Level resource", "displayName": "Get the SaaS Subscription Level resource access token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/resources/listaccesstoken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get one resource", "displayName": "SaaS Subscription Level Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/resources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a SaaS Subscription Level resource", "displayName": "Create or Update a SaaS Subscription Level resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/resources/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a SaaS Subscription Level Resource", "displayName": "Delete a SaaS Subscription Level Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/resources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SaaS Application", "name": "applications", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update any SaaS Application", "displayName": "Create or Update SaaS Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/applications/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets any SaaS Application", "displayName": "Get SaaS Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/applications/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any SaaS Application", "displayName": "Delete SaaS Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/applications/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Access Token for any SaaS Application", "displayName": "SaaS Application Access Token", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaS/applications/listaccesstoken/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.MixedReality", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.MixedReality", "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers a subscription for the Mixed Reality resource provider.", "displayName": "Registers the Mixed Reality resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters a subscription for the Mixed Reality resource provider.", "displayName": "Unregisters the Mixed Reality resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "The metric definition of spatialAnchorsAccounts", "name": "spatialAnchorsAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialAnchorsAccounts", "displayName": "Read the spatialAnchorsAccounts metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialAnchorsAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": null, "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Device Family", "name": "DeviceFamily", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SDK Version", "name": "SDKVersion", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of Anchors created", "displayName": "Anchors Created", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": 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"PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Device Family", "name": "DeviceFamily", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SDK Version", "name": "SDKVersion", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of Spatial Anchors queried", "displayName": "Anchors Queried", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "lockedAggregationType": "NotSpecified", "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "AnchorsQueried", "sourceMdmAccount": "SpatialAnchorsShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SACustomer", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT1H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Device Family", "name": "DeviceFamily", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SDK Version", "name": "SDKVersion", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], 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"SACustomer", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT5M", "PT1H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Device Family", "name": "DeviceFamily", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SDK Version", "name": "SDKVersion", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of Anchors - Daily", "displayName": "Total Daily Anchors", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "lockedAggregationType": "NotSpecified", "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "TotalDailyAnchors", "sourceMdmAccount": "SpatialAnchorsShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SACustomer", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of spatialAnchorsAccounts", "name": "spatialAnchorsAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialAnchorsAccounts", "displayName": "Read the spatialAnchorsAccounts diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialAnchorsAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialAnchorsAccounts", "displayName": "Write the spatialAnchorsAccounts diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialAnchorsAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts", "name": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Create spatial anchors", "displayName": "Create Spatial Anchors", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/create/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete spatial anchors", "displayName": "Delete Spatial Anchors", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List keys of a Spatial Anchors account", "displayName": "List keys of a Spatial Anchors account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read the properties of a Spatial Anchors account", "displayName": "Read the properties of a Spatial Anchors account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the keys of a Spatial Anchors account", "displayName": "Regenerate the keys of a Spatial Anchors account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/regeneratekeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update spatial anchors properties", "displayName": "Update Spatial Anchors", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts", "name": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts/discovery", "operations": [ { "description": "Discover nearby spatial anchors", "displayName": "Discover nearby Spatial Anchors", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/discovery/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts", "name": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts/properties", "operations": [ { "description": "Get properties of spatial anchors", "displayName": "Get properties of Spatial Anchors", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/properties/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts", "name": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts/query", "operations": [ { "description": "Locate spatial anchors", "displayName": "Locate Spatial Anchors", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/query/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts", "name": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts/submitdiag", "operations": [ { "description": "Submit diagnostics data to help improve the quality of the Azure Spatial Anchors service", "displayName": "Submit Diagnostics for Spatial Anchors", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/submitdiag/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RemoteRenderingAccounts", "name": "RemoteRenderingAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Start asset conversion", "displayName": "Start asset conversion", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/convert/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a remote rendering account", "displayName": "Delete a remote rendering account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List keys of a remote rendering account", "displayName": "List keys of a remote rendering account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start sessions", "displayName": "Start sessions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/managesessions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read the properties of a remote rendering account", "displayName": "Read the properties of a remote rendering account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the keys of a remote rendering account", "displayName": "Regenerate the keys of a remote rendering account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/regeneratekeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the properties of a remote rendering account", "displayName": "Update the properties of a remote rendering account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RemoteRenderingAccounts", "name": "RemoteRenderingAccounts/convert", "operations": [ { "description": "Get asset conversion properties", "displayName": "Get asset conversion properties", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/convert/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop asset conversion", "displayName": "Stop asset conversion", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/convert/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RemoteRenderingAccounts", "name": "RemoteRenderingAccounts/managesessions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get session properties", "displayName": "Get session properties", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/managesessions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop sessions", "displayName": "Stop sessions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/managesessions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RemoteRenderingAccounts", "name": "RemoteRenderingAccounts/render", "operations": [ { "description": "Connect to a session", "displayName": "Connect to a session", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/render/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RemoteRenderingAccounts", "name": "RemoteRenderingAccounts/diagnostic", "operations": [ { "description": "Connect to the Remote Rendering inspector", "displayName": "Connect to the Remote Rendering inspector", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/diagnostic/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of remoteRenderingAccounts", "name": "remoteRenderingAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for Microsoft.MixedReality/remoteRenderingAccounts", "displayName": "Read the remoteRenderingAccounts metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/remoteRenderingAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": null, "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SDK Version", "name": "SDKVersion", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of assets converted", "displayName": "Assets Converted", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "lockedAggregationType": "NotSpecified", "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "AssetsConverted", "sourceMdmAccount": "RemoteRenderingShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "RRCustomer", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT1H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Capacity", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Session Type", "name": "SessionType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SDK Version", "name": "SDKVersion", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of active rendering sessions", "displayName": "Active Rendering Sessions", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": false, "fillGapWithZero": true, "lockedAggregationType": "Total", "metricFilterPattern": null, "name": "ActiveRenderingSessions", "sourceMdmAccount": "RemoteRenderingShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "RRCustomer", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT5M", "PT1H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "ObjectUnderstandingAccounts", "name": "ObjectUnderstandingAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete an Object Understanding account", "displayName": "Delete an Object Understanding account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectUnderstandingAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List the keys an Object Understanding account", "displayName": "List the keys of an Object Understanding account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectUnderstandingAccounts/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Model Ingestion Job", "displayName": "Create Model Ingestion Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectUnderstandingAccounts/ingest/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read the properties an Object Understanding account", "displayName": "Read the properties of an Object Understanding account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectUnderstandingAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the keys of an Object Understanding account", "displayName": "Regenerate the keys of an Object Understanding account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectUnderstandingAccounts/regeneratekeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the properties an Object Understanding account", "displayName": "Update the properties of an Object Understanding account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectUnderstandingAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ObjectUnderstandingAccounts", "name": "ObjectUnderstandingAccounts/ingest", "operations": [ { "description": "Get model Ingestion Job Status", "displayName": "Get model Ingestion Job Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectUnderstandingAccounts/ingest/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Mixed Reality resource provider", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List available operations for Microsoft Mixed Reality", "displayName": "List operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Mixed Reality resource provider", "name": "locations/checknameavailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks for name availability", "displayName": "Checks for name availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/locations/checknameavailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts", "name": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Read keys of a Spatial Anchors account", "displayName": "Read keys of a Spatial Anchors account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RemoteRenderingAccounts", "name": "RemoteRenderingAccounts/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Read keys of a remote rendering account", "displayName": "Read keys of a remote rendering account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/keys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ObjectAnchorsAccounts", "name": "ObjectAnchorsAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete an Object Anchors account", "displayName": "Delete an Object Anchors account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectAnchorsAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List the keys an Object Anchors account", "displayName": "List the keys of an Object Anchors account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectAnchorsAccounts/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create model Ingestion Job", "displayName": "Create model Ingestion Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectAnchorsAccounts/ingest/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read the properties an Object Anchors account", "displayName": "Read the properties of an Object Anchors account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectAnchorsAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the keys of an Object Anchors account", "displayName": "Regenerate the keys of an Object Anchors account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectAnchorsAccounts/regeneratekeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the properties an Object Anchors account", "displayName": "Update the properties of an Object Anchors account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectAnchorsAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ObjectAnchorsAccounts", "name": "ObjectAnchorsAccounts/ingest", "operations": [ { "description": "Get model Ingestion Job Status", "displayName": "Get model Ingestion Job Status", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/ObjectAnchorsAccounts/ingest/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts", "name": "SpatialAnchorsAccounts/maps", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of existing maps and allow localizing into a map.", "displayName": "Read Map data for Spatial Anchors", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/maps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Contribute mapping data to a map.", "displayName": "Write Map data for Spatial Anchors", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/maps/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete maps for Spatial Anchors", "displayName": "Delete Maps for Spatial Anchors", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/SpatialAnchorsAccounts/maps/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "spatialMapsAccounts", "name": "spatialMapsAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "List Spatial Anchors Accounts by Subscription", "displayName": "spatialMapsAccounts_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialMapsAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns spatialMapsAccounts resource for a given name.", "displayName": "spatialMapsAccounts_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialMapsAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update spatialMapsAccounts resource.", "displayName": "spatialMapsAccounts_CreateAndUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialMapsAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a spatialMapsAccounts resource for a given name.", "displayName": "spatialMapsAccounts_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialMapsAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update spatialMapsAccounts data.", "displayName": "spatialMapsAccounts_CreateAndUpdateData", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialMapsAccounts/write", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft App Configuration", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AppConfiguration", "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers a subscription to use Microsoft App Configuration.", "displayName": "Register for Microsoft App Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters a subscription from using Microsoft App Configuration.", "displayName": "Unregister for Microsoft App Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "", "name": "checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Check whether the resource name is available for use.", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Configuration Store", "name": "configurationStores", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified configuration store or lists all the configuration stores under the specified resource group or subscription.", "displayName": "Get Configuration Store or List Configuration Stores", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a configuration store with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update Configuration Store", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a configuration store.", "displayName": "Delete Configuration Store", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the API keys for the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "List Configuration Store API Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/ListKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates of the API key's for the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Regenerate Configuration Store API Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/RegenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists a key-value for the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "List Configuration Store Key-Value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/ListKeyValue/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Auto-Approve a private endpoint connection under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Auto-Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs an action on an existing key-value from the configuration store. This also grants the ability to read key values.", "displayName": "Act Upon and Read Key-Value", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if a user is allowed to associate an Azure App Configuration with a Network Security Perimeter.", "displayName": "Join Network Security Perimeter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/joinPerimeter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Configuration Store Event Grid Filter", "name": "configurationStores/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified configuration store event grid filter or lists all the configuration store event grid filters under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Get Configuration Store Event Grid Filter or List Configuration Store Event Grid Filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a configuration store event grid filter with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create or Update Configuration Store Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a configuration store event grid filter.", "displayName": "Delete Configuration Store Event Grid Filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all of the operations supported by Microsoft App Configuration.", "displayName": "List Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "configurationStores/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate a private endpoint connection proxy under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a private endpoint connection proxy under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a private endpoint connection proxy under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a private endpoint connection proxy under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Key-Value", "name": "configurationStores/keyValues", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a key-value from the configuration store.", "displayName": "Read Key-Value", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a key-value in the configuration store.", "displayName": "Write Key-Value", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing key-value from the configuration store.", "displayName": "Delete Key-Value", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/keyValues/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of an operation.", "displayName": "Get Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/locations/operationsStatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft App Configuration Metric Definition.", "name": "configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve all metric definitions for Microsoft App Configuration.", "displayName": "Read Configuration Store Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "System", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": null, "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Count", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "HttpStatusCode", "internalName": "StatusCode", "name": "StatusCode" }, { "displayName": "AuthenticationScheme", "internalName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of incoming http requests.", "displayName": "HttpIncomingRequestCount", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "HttpIncomingRequestCount", "name": "HttpIncomingRequestCount", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "HttpStatusCode", "internalName": "StatusCode", "name": "StatusCode" }, { "displayName": "AuthenticationScheme", "internalName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication" } ], "displayDescription": "Latency on an http request.", "displayName": "HttpIncomingRequestDuration", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "HttpIncomingRequestDuration", "name": "HttpIncomingRequestDuration", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "displayDescription": "Throttled http requests.", "displayName": "ThrottledHttpRequestCount", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ThrottledHttpRequestCount", "name": "ThrottledHttpRequestCount", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Configuration Store", "name": "configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all Diagnostic Settings values for a Configuration Store.", "displayName": "Read Configuration Store Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write/Overwrite Diagnostic Settings for Microsoft App Configuration.", "displayName": "Write Configuration Store Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "configurationStores/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a private endpoint connection or list private endpoint connections under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Get Private Endpoint Connection or List Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve or reject a private endpoint connection under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Approve or Reject Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a private endpoint connection under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link", "name": "configurationStores/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all the private link resources under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "List Private Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft App Configuration Log Definition.", "name": "configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve all log definitions for Microsoft App Configuration.", "displayName": "Read Configuration Store Log Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "HTTP Requests", "name": "HttpRequest" }, { "displayName": "Audit", "name": "Audit" } ], "metricSpecifications": null } } } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Check whether the resource name is available for use.", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/locations/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deleted Configuration Store", "name": "locations/deletedConfigurationStores", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified deleted configuration store or lists all the deleted configuration stores under the specified subscription.", "displayName": "Get Deleted Configuration Store or List Deleted Configuration Stores", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/locations/deletedConfigurationStores/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Purge the specified deleted configuration store.", "displayName": "Purge Deleted Configuration Store", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/locations/deletedConfigurationStores/purge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replica", "name": "configurationStores/replicas", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of the specified replica or lists all the replicas under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Get Replica or List Replicas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/replicas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a replica with the specified parameters.", "displayName": "Create Replica", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/replicas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a replica.", "displayName": "Delete Replica", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/replicas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Snapshot", "name": "configurationStores/snapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a snapshot from the configuration store.", "displayName": "Read Snapshot", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/snapshots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a snapshot in the configuration store.", "displayName": "Write Snapshot", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/snapshots/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Modifies archival state for an existing snapshot in the configuration store.", "displayName": "Archive Snapshot", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/snapshots/archive/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "name": "configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of the specific network security perimeter association proxy or lists all the network security perimeter association proxies under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Get Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy or List Network Security Perimeter Association Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a network security perimeter association proxy under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Create or Update Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a network security perimeter association proxy under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Delete Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Configuration", "name": "configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of the specific network security perimeter configuration or lists all the network security perimeter configurations under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Get Network Security Perimeter Configuration or List Network Security Perimeter Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconcile a network security perimeter configuration under the specified configuration store.", "displayName": "Reconcile Network Security Perimeter Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Receive network security perimeter update notifications.", "displayName": "Notify Network Security Perimeter Updates Available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppConfiguration/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Data Share", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DataShare", "name": "Microsoft.DataShare", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for the Data Share Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Register Data Share Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for the Data Share Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Unregister Data Share Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Data Share Resource Provider", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads all available operations in Data Share Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Read all operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of account", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for account.", "displayName": "Read Account metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Share Name", "name": "ShareName" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of sent shares in the account", "displayName": "Sent Shares", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ShareCount", "name": "ShareCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Share Subscription Name", "name": "ShareSubscriptionName" } ], "displayDescription": "Number of received shares in the account", "displayName": "Received Shares", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ShareSubscriptionCount", "name": "ShareSubscriptionCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "displayDescription": "Number of sent share succeeded snapshots in the account", "displayName": "Sent Share Succeeded Snapshots", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "SucceededShareSynchronizations", "name": "SucceededShareSynchronizations", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "displayDescription": "Number of sent share failed snapshots in the account", "displayName": "Sent Share Failed Snapshots", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "FailedShareSynchronizations", "name": "FailedShareSynchronizations", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "displayDescription": "Number of received share succeeded snapshots in the account", "displayName": "Received Share Succeeded Snapshots", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "SucceededShareSubscriptionSynchronizations", "name": "SucceededShareSubscriptionSynchronizations", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "displayDescription": "Number of received share failed snapshots in the account", "displayName": "Received Share Failed Snapshots", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "FailedShareSubscriptionSynchronizations", "name": "FailedShareSubscriptionSynchronizations", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1D" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Account", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of account", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for account.", "displayName": "Read Account log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Shares", "name": "Shares" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Share Subscriptions", "name": "ShareSubscriptions" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Sent Share Snapshots", "name": "SentShareSnapshots" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Received Share Snapshots", "name": "ReceivedShareSnapshots" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Account", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share Account.", "displayName": "Read Data Share Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a Data Share Account.", "displayName": "Write Data Share Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Data Share Account.", "displayName": "Delete Data Share Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Share", "name": "accounts/shares", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share Share.", "displayName": "Read Data Share Share", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a Data Share Share.", "displayName": "Write Data Share Share", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Data Share Share.", "displayName": "Delete Data Share Share", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action For Data Share ListSynchronization.", "displayName": "Data Share ListSynchronization Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/listSynchronizations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action For Data Share ListSynchronization details.", "displayName": "Data Share ListSynchronizationDetails Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/listSynchronizationDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Invitations", "name": "accounts/shares/invitations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share Invitation.", "displayName": "Read Data Share Invitations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/invitations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a Data Share Invitation.", "displayName": "Write Data Share Invitations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/invitations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Data Share Invitation.", "displayName": "Delete Data Share Invitations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/invitations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share DataSet", "name": "accounts/shares/dataSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a DataSet.", "displayName": "Read Data Share DataSet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/dataSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Data Share DataSet.", "displayName": "Write Data Share DataSet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/dataSets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Data Share DataSet.", "displayName": "Delete Data Share DataSet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/dataSets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Provider Share Subscriptions", "name": "accounts/shares/providerShareSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share Provider ShareSubscription.", "displayName": "Read Data Share Provider ShareSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/providerShareSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Revokes a Data Share Subscription.", "displayName": "Revoke Data Share Share Subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/providerShareSubscriptions/revoke/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reinstates a Data Share Subscription.", "displayName": "Reinstate Data Share share subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/providerShareSubscriptions/reinstate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Synchronization Setting", "name": "accounts/shares/synchronizationSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share Synchronization Setting.", "displayName": "Read Data Share Synchronization Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/synchronizationSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a Data Share Synchronization Setting.", "displayName": "Write Data Share Synchronization Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/synchronizationSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Data Share Synchronization Setting.", "displayName": "Delete Data Share Synchronization Setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/synchronizationSettings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share ShareSubscription", "name": "accounts/shareSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancels a Data Share Synchronization.", "displayName": "Data Share Synchronize Cancel Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/cancelSynchronization/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Data Share Share Subscription.", "displayName": "Delete Data Share Share Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Data Share Source Share SynchronizationSettings.", "displayName": "Data Share ListSourceShareSynchronizationSettings Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/listSourceShareSynchronizationSettings/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Data Share Synchronization Details.", "displayName": "Data Share ListSynchronizationDetails Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/listSynchronizationDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Data Share Synchronizations.", "displayName": "Data Share ListSynchronizations Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/listSynchronizations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads a Data Share ShareSubscription.", "displayName": "Read Data Share ShareSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Initialize a Data Share Synchronize operation.", "displayName": "Data Share Synchronize Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/synchronize/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a Data Share ShareSubscription.", "displayName": "Write Data Share ShareSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share ConsumerSourceDataSet", "name": "accounts/shareSubscriptions/consumerSourceDataSets", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share Consumer Source DataSet.", "displayName": "Read Data Share ConsumerSourceDataSet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/consumerSourceDataSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Long Running Synchronization Operation Result", "name": "accounts/shareSubscriptions/synchronizationOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share Synchronization Operation Result.", "displayName": "Read Data Share SynchronizationOperationResult", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/synchronizationOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share DataSetMapping ", "name": "accounts/shareSubscriptions/dataSetMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a Data Share DataSetMapping.", "displayName": "Delete Data Share DataSetMapping", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/dataSetMappings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write a Data Share DataSetMapping.", "displayName": "Write Data Share DataSetMapping", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/dataSetMappings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read a Data Share DataSetMapping.", "displayName": "Read Data Share DataSetMapping", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/dataSetMappings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Trigger", "name": "accounts/shareSubscriptions/triggers", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share Trigger.", "displayName": "Read Data Share Trigger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/triggers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write a Data Share Trigger.", "displayName": "Write Data Share Trigger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/triggers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Data Share Trigger.", "displayName": "Delete Data Share Trigger", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/triggers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share ListInvitation", "name": "listInvitations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Invitations at a tenant level.", "displayName": "Read Data Share ListInvitation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/listInvitations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Long Running Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the locations Data Share is supported in.", "displayName": "Read Data Share Location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Share Operation Result", "name": "accounts/shares/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share Share.", "displayName": "Read Data Share Share", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shares/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Long Running Operation Result", "name": "accounts/shareSubscriptions/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share ShareSubscription long running operation status.", "displayName": "Read Data Share ShareSubscription Long Running Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Reject Invitation Operation", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Rejects a Data Share Invitation.", "displayName": "Reject Data Share Invitation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/locations/rejectInvitation/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Share Subscription Synchronization", "name": "accounts/shareSubscriptions/shareSubscriptionSynchronizations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Data Share Share Subscription Synchronization.", "displayName": "Read Data Share Share Subscription Synchronization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/accounts/shareSubscriptions/shareSubscriptionSynchronizations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Share Consumer Invitation", "name": "locations/consumerInvitations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Data Share Consumer Invitation.", "displayName": "Get Data Share Consumer Invitation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataShare/locations/consumerInvitations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Customer Lockbox", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.CustomerLockbox", "name": "Microsoft.CustomerLockbox", "operations": [ { "description": "Register Provider Microsoft.CustomerLockbox", "displayName": "Register Provider Microsoft.CustomerLockbox", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomerLockbox/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Lockbox Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Lockbox Operations", "displayName": "Read Lockbox Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomerLockbox/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Customer Lockbox Request", "name": "requests/activitylog", "operations": [ { "description": "Create Lockbox Request", "displayName": "Create Lockbox Request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomerLockbox/requests/activitylog/CreateLockboxRequest/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Lockbox Request", "displayName": "Approve Lockbox Request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomerLockbox/requests/activitylog/ApproveLockboxRequest/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deny Lockbox Request", "displayName": "Deny Lockbox Request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomerLockbox/requests/activitylog/DenyLockboxRequest/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, 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"Microsoft.Peering/peerings/registeredAsns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write any registeredAsns", "displayName": "Write RegisteredAsns", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Peering/peerings/registeredAsns/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any registeredAsns", "displayName": "Delete RegisteredAsns", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Peering/peerings/registeredAsns/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "receivedRoutes", "name": "peerings/receivedRoutes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any receivedRoutes", "displayName": "Read PeeringReceivedRoutes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Peering/peerings/receivedRoutes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "connectionMonitorTests", "name": "peeringServices/connectionMonitorTests", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Peering Service Connection Monitor Tests", "displayName": "Read 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"Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operationresults", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the status of an asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the operations for all resource types.", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks for the availability of the specified name.", "displayName": "Check name availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "FHIR Resources", "name": "services/fhir/resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read FHIR resources (includes searching and versioned history). ", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write FHIR resources (includes create and update).", "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete FHIR resources (soft delete).", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Hard Delete (including version history).", "displayName": "Hard Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/hardDelete/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export operation ($export).", "displayName": "Export", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/export/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows user to access FHIR Service according to SMART on FHIR specification.", "displayName": "Smart", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/smart/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows running of $status operation for Search Parameters", "displayName": "SearchParameter", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/searchParameter/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Data convert operation ($convert-data)", "displayName": "ConvertData", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/convertData/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate operation ($validate).", "displayName": "Validate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/resourceValidate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows user to run Reindex job to index any search parameters that haven't yet been indexed.", "displayName": "Reindex", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/reindex/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows user to perform Create Update Delete operations on profile resources.", "displayName": "EditProfileDefinitions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/editProfileDefinitions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Import FHIR resources in batch.", "displayName": "Import", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/fhir/resources/import/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxies.", "name": "services/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate", "displayName": "Validate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes Private Endpoint Connection Proxy resources.", "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads Private Endpoint Connection Proxy resources.", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Private Endpoint Connection Proxy resources.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections.", "name": "services/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Private Endpoint Connections resources.", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes connection status to Private Endpoint Connection.", "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Private Endpoint Connections.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link resources", "name": "services/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Private Link resources.", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks for the availability of the specified name.", "displayName": "Check name availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/locations/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link resources", "name": "workspaces/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Private Link resources.", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DICOM resources", "name": "workspaces/dicomservices/resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read DICOM resources (includes searching and change feed). ", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/resources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write DICOM resources.", "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/resources/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete DICOM resources.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/resources/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Manage DICOM extended query tags.", "displayName": "Manage Extended Query Tags", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/resources/manageExtendedQueryTags/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export resources from the DICOM service.", "displayName": "Export", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/resources/export/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "workspaces/dicomservices", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "workspaces/iotconnectors", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "workspaces/fhirservices", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure service log definition.", "name": "workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Read the Azure service log definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Diagnostic logs", "name": "DiagnosticLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure service diagnostic settings.", "name": "workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic settings for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Read Azure service diagnostic settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic settings for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Write Azure service diagnostic settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure service metrics settings.", "name": "workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics settings for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Read the Azure service metrics definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Errors", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The name of the error", "name": "Name" }, { "displayName": "The operation performed by the MedTech service", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The type of error", "name": "ErrorType" }, { "displayName": "The severity of the error", "name": "ErrorSeverity" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the MedTech service", "name": "ResourceName" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of errors logged by the MedTech service", "displayName": "Total Error Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TotalErrors", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the MedTech service", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the MedTech service", "name": "ResourceName" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of messages received by the MedTech service prior to any normalization", "displayName": "Number of Incoming Messages", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "DeviceEvent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the MedTech service", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the MedTech service", "name": "ResourceName" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of input device events with no normalized events", "displayName": "Number of Dropped Events", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "DroppedEvent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the MedTech service", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the MedTech service", "name": "ResourceName" }, { "displayName": "The name of the FHIR resource saved and the operation performed", "name": "Name" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of FHIR resources saved by the MedTech service", "displayName": "Number of FHIR resources saved", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "FhirResourceSaved", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the MedTech service", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the MedTech service", "name": "ResourceName" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of mapped normalized values outputted from the normalization stage of the MedTech service", "displayName": "Number of Normalized Messages", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "NormalizedEvent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the MedTech service", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the MedTech service", "name": "ResourceName" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of normalized value readings received by the FHIR conversion stage of the MedTech service", "displayName": "Number of Measurements", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Measurement", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the MedTech service", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the MedTech service", "name": "ResourceName" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of unique groupings of measurements across type, device, patient, and configured time period generated by the FHIR conversion stage.", "displayName": "Number of Message Groups", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "MeasurementGroup", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Latency", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the MedTech service", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the MedTech service", "name": "ResourceName" } ], "displayDescription": "The average time between an event's ingestion time and the time the event is processed for normalization.", "displayName": "Average Normalize Stage Latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "DeviceEventProcessingLatencyMs", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Latency", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the MedTech service", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the MedTech service", "name": "ResourceName" } ], "displayDescription": "The time period between when the MedTech service received the device data and when the data is processed by the FHIR conversion stage.", "displayName": "Average Group Stage Latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "MeasurementIngestionLatencyMs", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Availability", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the MedTech service", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the MedTech service", "name": "ResourceName" }, { "displayName": "The name of the health check", "name": "HealthCheckName" } ], "displayDescription": "Health checks which indicate the overall health of the MedTech service", "displayName": "MedTech Service Health Status", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "IotConnectorStatus", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "FHIR Resources", "name": "workspaces/fhirservices/resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read FHIR resources (includes searching and versioned history). ", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write FHIR resources (includes create and update).", "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete FHIR resources (soft delete).", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Hard Delete (including version history).", "displayName": "Hard Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/hardDelete/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export operation ($export).", "displayName": "Export", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/export/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Data convert operation ($convert-data)", "displayName": "ConvertData", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/convertData/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate operation ($validate).", "displayName": "Validate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/resourceValidate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Import FHIR resources in batch.", "displayName": "Import", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/import/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows user to access FHIR Service according to SMART on FHIR specification.", "displayName": "Smart", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/smart/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows user to run Reindex job to index any search parameters that haven't yet been indexed.", "displayName": "Reindex", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/reindex/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows user to perform Create Update Delete operations on profile resources.", "displayName": "EditProfileDefinitions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/editProfileDefinitions/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows running of $status operation for Search Parameters", "displayName": "SearchParameter", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/resources/searchParameter/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate", "displayName": "Validate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "workspaces/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "workspaces/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", 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"workspaces/dicomservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic settings for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Read Azure service diagnostic settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic settings for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Write Azure service diagnostic settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure service metrics settings.", "name": "workspaces/dicomservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics settings for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Read the Azure service metrics definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The status of the operation.", "name": "Status" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the DICOM service", "name": "ResourceName" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of DICOM files processed by an import.", "displayName": "Number of DICOM files processed by import", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "ImportsProcessed", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApis2Shoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "workspaces/iotconnectors/destinations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/destinations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/destinations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/destinations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "workspaces/iotconnectors/fhirdestinations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/fhirdestinations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/fhirdestinations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors/fhirdestinations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure service log definition.", "name": "workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Read the Azure service log definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "FHIR Audit logs", "name": "AuditLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure service diagnostic settings.", "name": "workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic settings for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Read Azure service diagnostic settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic settings for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Write Azure service diagnostic settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure service metrics settings.", "name": "workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics settings for the Azure service.", "displayName": "Read the Azure service metrics definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Errors", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The protocol of the request.", "name": "Protocol" }, { "displayName": "The numeric status code of the response.", "name": "StatusCode" }, { "displayName": "The class of status code of the response.", "name": "StatusCodeClass" }, { "displayName": "The name of the status code of the response.", "name": "StatusCodeText" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of internal server errors encountered by the service.", "displayName": "Total Errors", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TotalErrors", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The protocol of the request.", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of requests received by the service.", "displayName": "Total Requests", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TotalRequests", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The protocol of the request.", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "The response latency of the service.", "displayName": "Total Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TotalLatency", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Availability", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The availability rate of the service.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Saturation", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "Total size of the data in the backing database, in bytes.", "displayName": "Total Data Size", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TotalDataSize", "unit": "Bytes" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure API for FHIR log definition", "name": "services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Azure API for FHIR", "displayName": "Read Azure API for FHIR log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Audit logs", "name": "AuditLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Diagnostic logs", "name": "DiagnosticLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure API for FHIR diagnostic settings", "name": "services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic settings for Azure API for FHIR", "displayName": "Read Azure API for FHIR diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic settings for Azure API for FHIR", "displayName": "Write Azure API for FHIR diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure API for FHIR metrics settings", "name": "services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metrics settings for Azure API for FHIR", "displayName": "Read Azure API for FHIR metrics definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Errors", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The protocol of the request.", "name": "Protocol" }, { "displayName": "The numeric status code of the response.", "name": "StatusCode" }, { "displayName": "The class of status code of the response.", "name": "StatusCodeClass" }, { "displayName": "The name of the status code of the response.", "name": "StatusCodeText" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of internal server errors encountered by the service.", "displayName": "Total Errors", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TotalErrors", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The protocol of the request.", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of requests received by the service.", "displayName": "Total Requests", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TotalRequests", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The protocol of the request.", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "The response latency of the service.", "displayName": "Total Latency", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TotalLatency", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Availability", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The availability rate of the service.", "displayName": "Availability", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "Availability", "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Saturation", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation of the request.", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The type of resource associated with the request.", "name": "ResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of 429 responses from a service's backing Cosmos DB.", "displayName": "Service Cosmos DB throttle rate", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "CosmosDbThrottleRate", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation of the request.", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The type of resource associated with the request.", "name": "ResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of requests made to a service's backing Cosmos DB.", "displayName": "Service Cosmos DB requests", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "CosmosDbRequests", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Saturation", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation of the request.", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The type of resource associated with the request.", "name": "ResourceType" } ], "displayDescription": "The RU usage of requests to the service's backing Cosmos DB.", "displayName": "Cosmos DB RU usage", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "CosmosDbRequestCharge", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Saturation", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The size of the backing Cosmos DB collection, in bytes.", "displayName": "Cosmos DB Collection Size", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "CosmosDbCollectionSize", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Saturation", "dimensions": [], "displayDescription": "The size of the backing Cosmos DB collection's index, in bytes.", "displayName": "Cosmos DB Index Size", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "CosmosDbIndexSize", "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Errors", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The name of the error", "name": "Name" }, { "displayName": "The operation performed by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The type of error", "name": "ErrorType" }, { "displayName": "The severity of the error", "name": "ErrorSeverity" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "ConnectorName" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of errors logged by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "displayName": "Total Error Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "IoTConnectorTotalErrors", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApisIoTShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "ConnectorName" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of messages received by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR prior to any normalization.", "displayName": "Number of Incoming Messages", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "IoTConnectorDeviceEvent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApisIoTShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "ConnectorName" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of mapped normalized values outputted from the normalization stage of the the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR.", "displayName": "Number of Normalized Messages", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "IoTConnectorNormalizedEvent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApisIoTShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "ConnectorName" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of normalized value readings received by the FHIR conversion stage of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR.", "displayName": "Number of Measurements", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "IoTConnectorMeasurement", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApisIoTShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Sum", "category": "Traffic", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "ConnectorName" } ], "displayDescription": "The total number of unique groupings of measurements across type, device, patient, and configured time period generated by the FHIR conversion stage.", "displayName": "Number of Message Groups", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "IoTConnectorMeasurementGroup", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApisIoTShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Latency", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "ConnectorName" } ], "displayDescription": "The average time between an event's ingestion time and the time the event is processed for normalization.", "displayName": "Average Normalize Stage Latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "IoTConnectorDeviceEventProcessingLatencyMs", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApisIoTShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Latency", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "The operation performed by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "The resource name of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR", "name": "ConnectorName" } ], "displayDescription": "The time period between when the IoT Connector received the device data and when the data is processed by the FHIR conversion stage.", "displayName": "Average Group Stage Latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "IoTConnectorMeasurementIngestionLatencyMs", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftHealthcareApisIoTShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Shoebox2", "unit": "Milliseconds" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "validateMedtechMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Handles requests related to editing IotConnector mapping files", "displayName": "mappingEditorValidator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/validateMedtechMappings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft HybridCompute", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.HybridCompute", "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Microsoft.HybridCompute Resource Provider", "displayName": "Register Subscription for Azure Arc for Servers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for Microsoft.HybridCompute Resource Provider", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription for Azure Arc for Servers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Batch deletes Azure Arc machines", "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/batch/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the provided license data and returns what would be created on a PUT to Microsoft.HybridCompute/licenses", "displayName": "Validates the provided license data and returns what would be created on a PUT to Microsoft.HybridCompute/licenses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/validateLicense/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "machines", "name": "machines", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Azure Arc machines", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Azure Arc machines", "displayName": "Write Azure Arc machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Arc machines", "displayName": "Delete Azure Arc machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrades Extensions on Azure Arc machines", "displayName": "Upgrade Extensions on Azure Arc machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/UpgradeExtensions/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Assesses any Azure Arc machines to get missing software patches", "displayName": "Assess Azure Arc machines to get missing software patches", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/assessPatches/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Installs patches on any Azure Arc machines", "displayName": "Install patches on Azure Arc machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/installPatches/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Log in to a Azure Arc machine as a regular user", "displayName": "Log in to Azure Arc Machine", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/login/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Log in to a Azure Arc machine with Windows administrator or Linux root user privilege", "displayName": "Log in to Azure Arc machine as administrator", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/loginAsAdmin/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lets you manage the OS of your resource via Windows Admin Center as an administrator.", "displayName": "Lets you manage the OS of your resource via Windows Admin Center as an administrator.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/WACloginAsAdmin/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "extensions", "name": "machines/extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc extensions", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc extensions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/extensions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Installs or Updates an Azure Arc extensions", "displayName": "Install or Update an Azure Arc extensions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/extensions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Arc extensions", "displayName": "Delete Azure Arc extensions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/extensions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridCompute Resource Provider", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all Operations for Azure Arc for Servers", "displayName": "Read all Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridCompute Resource Provider", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the status of an operation on Microsoft.HybridCompute Resource Provider", "displayName": "Read Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridCompute Resource Provider", "name": "locations/operationstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the status of an operation on Microsoft.HybridCompute Resource Provider", "displayName": "Read Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/locations/operationstatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Azure Arc privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Azure Arc privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "displayName": "Write Azure Arc privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Arc privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "displayName": "Delete Azure Arc privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates an Azure Arc privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "displayName": "Validates Azure Arc privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates an Azure Arc privateEndpointConnectionProxies with updated Private Endpoint details", "displayName": "Updates Azure Arc privateEndpointConnectionProxies with updated Private Endpoint details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/updatePrivateEndpointProperties/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "patchAssessmentResults", "name": "machines/patchAssessmentResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc patchAssessmentResults", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc patchAssessmentResults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/patchAssessmentResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "patchAssessmentResults/softwarePatches", "name": "machines/patchAssessmentResults/softwarePatches", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc patchAssessmentResults/softwarePatches", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc patchAssessmentResults/softwarePatches", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/patchAssessmentResults/softwarePatches/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/patchInstallationResults", "name": "machines/patchInstallationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc patchInstallationResults", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc patchInstallationResults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/patchInstallationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "patchInstallationResults/softwarePatches", "name": "machines/patchInstallationResults/softwarePatches", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc patchInstallationResults/softwarePatches", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc patchInstallationResults/softwarePatches", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/patchInstallationResults/softwarePatches/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridCompute Resource Provider", "name": "locations/updateCenterOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the status of an update center operation on machines", "displayName": "Read Update Center Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/locations/updateCenterOperationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateLinkScopes", "name": "locations/privateLinkScopes", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the full details of any Azure Arc privateLinkScopes", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc privateLinkScopes details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/locations/privateLinkScopes/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateLinkScopes", "name": "privateLinkScopes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Azure Arc privateLinkScopes", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc privateLinkScopes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Azure Arc privateLinkScopes", "displayName": "Write Azure Arc privateLinkScopes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Arc privateLinkScopes", "displayName": "Delete Azure Arc privateLinkScopes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "privateEndpointConnections", "name": "privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Azure Arc privateEndpointConnections", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc privateEndpointConnections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Azure Arc privateEndpointConnections", "displayName": "Write Azure Arc privateEndpointConnections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Arc privateEndpointConnections", "displayName": "Delete Azure Arc privateEndpointConnections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/locations/publishers/extensionTypes/versions", "name": "locations/publishers/extensionTypes/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of versions for extensionMetadata based on query parameters.", "displayName": "Returns a list of versions for extensionMetadata based on query parameters.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/locations/publishers/extensionTypes/versions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "machines/hybridIdentityMetadata", "name": "machines/hybridIdentityMetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Azure Arc machines's Hybrid Identity Metadata", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc machines's Hybrid Identity Metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/hybridIdentityMetadata/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridCompute Resource Provider", "name": "osType/agentVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all Azure Connected Machine Agent versions available", "displayName": "Read all Azure Connected Machine Agent versions available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/osType/agentVersions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridCompute Resource Provider", "name": "osType/agentVersions/latest", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the latest Azure Connected Machine Agent version", "displayName": "Read the latest Azure Connected Machine Agent version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/osType/agentVersions/latest/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "runcommands", "name": "machines/runcommands", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc runcommands", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc runcommands", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/runcommands/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Installs or Updates an Azure Arc runcommands", "displayName": "Install or Update an Azure Arc runcommands", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/runcommands/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Arc runcommands", "displayName": "Delete Azure Arc runcommands", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/runcommands/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "licenseProfiles", "name": "machines/licenseProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc licenseProfiles", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc licenseProfiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/licenseProfiles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Installs or Updates an Azure Arc licenseProfiles", "displayName": "Install or Update an Azure Arc licenseProfiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/licenseProfiles/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Arc licenseProfiles", "displayName": "Delete Azure Arc licenseProfiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/licenseProfiles/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "licenses", "name": "licenses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc licenses", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc licenses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/licenses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Installs or Updates an Azure Arc licenses", "displayName": "Install or Update an Azure Arc licenses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/licenses/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Arc licenses", "displayName": "Delete Azure Arc licenses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/licenses/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkConfigurations", "name": "networkConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc networkConfigurations", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc networkConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/networkConfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Azure Arc networkConfigurations", "displayName": "Write Azure Arc networkConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/networkConfigurations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "name": "privateLinkScopes/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Forces the networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations resource to refresh", "displayName": "Force networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations resource to refresh", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "name": "privateLinkScopes/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Azure Arc networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "displayName": "Write Azure Arc networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Arc networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "displayName": "Delete Azure Arc networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/privateLinkScopes/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates Network Security Perimeter Profiles", "displayName": "Update Network Security Perimeter Profiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.HybridCompute about extensions updates", "displayName": "Notifies Microsoft.HybridCompute about extensions updates", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/locations/notifyExtension/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "gateways", "name": "gateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc gateways", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc gateways", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/gateways/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Azure Arc gateways", "displayName": "Writes an Azure Arc gateways", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/gateways/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Azure Arc gateways", "displayName": "Deletes an Azure Arc gateways", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/gateways/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "settings", "name": "settings", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any Azure Arc settings", "displayName": "Read Azure Arc settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/settings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an Azure Arc settings", "displayName": "Writes an Azure Arc settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridCompute/settings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Custom Providers", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.CustomProviders", "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Subscription with Microsoft.CustomProviders resource provider", "displayName": "Register Subscription for Custom Providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/register/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.CustomProviders resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription for Custom Providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/unregister/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Custom Resource Provider ", "name": "resourceproviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Custom Resource Provider 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"Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "System", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Audit logs for MiniRP calls", "name": "AuditLogs" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of resourceproviders", "name": "resourceproviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Custom Resource Providers", "displayName": "Read resourceproviders metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "System", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Http Method", "name": "HttpMethod" }, { "displayName": "Call Path", "name": "CallPath" }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode" } ], "displayDescription": "Successful requests made by the custom provider", "displayName": "Successful Requests", "name": "SuccessfullRequests", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT15M", "PT1H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Http Method", "name": "HttpMethod" }, { "displayName": "Call Path", "name": "CallPath" }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode" } ], "displayDescription": "Gets the available logs for Custom Resource Providers", "displayName": "Failed Requests", "name": "FailedRequests", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT15M", "PT1H", "PT12H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of resourceproviders", "name": "resourceproviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Custom Resource Providers", "displayName": "Read resourceproviders log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the available logs for Custom Resource Providers", "displayName": "Read resourceproviders log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Associations", "name": "associations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the association resource", "displayName": "Read association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/associations/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes the association resource", "displayName": "Write association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/associations/write", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the association resource", "displayName": "Delete association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/associations/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Associations", "name": "resourceproviders/associations", "operations": [ { "description": "This is used for internal purposes.", "displayName": "Read association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders/associations/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "This is used for internal purposes.", "displayName": "Write association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders/associations/write", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "This is used for internal purposes.", "displayName": "Delete association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders/associations/delete", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status.", "name": "resourceproviders/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the resource.", "displayName": "Get the Operation Status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status.", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the resource.", "displayName": "Get the Operation Status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CustomProviders/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Resource Graph", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ResourceGraph", "name": "Microsoft.ResourceGraph", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Resources", "name": "resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Submits a query on resources within specified subscriptions, management groups or tenant scope", "displayName": "Query resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceGraph/resources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of supported operations", "displayName": "Get Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceGraph/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Changes", "name": "resourceChanges", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists changes to a resource for a given time interval", "displayName": "Query resource changes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceGraph/resourceChanges/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Change Details", "name": "resourceChangeDetails", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the details of the specified resource change", "displayName": "Query resource change details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceGraph/resourceChangeDetails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Graph Queries", "name": "queries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the specified graph query", "displayName": "Read resource graph queries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceGraph/queries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified graph query", "displayName": "Delete resource graph queries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceGraph/queries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates the specified graph query", "displayName": "Create/Update resource graph queries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceGraph/queries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resources", "name": "resourcesHistory", "operations": [ { "description": "List all snapshots of resources history within specified subscriptions, management groups or tenant scope", "displayName": "Query resources history", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceGraph/resourcesHistory/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Managed Services", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ManagedServices", "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Register to Managed Services.", "displayName": "Register Managed Services.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister from Managed Services.", "displayName": "Unregister Managed Services.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Managed Services Registration Definition", "name": "registrationDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves a list of Managed Services registration definitions.", "displayName": "List Managed Services Registration Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/registrationDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify Managed Services registration definition.", "displayName": "Add Managed Services Registration Definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/registrationDefinitions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Managed Services registration definition.", "displayName": "Remove Managed Services Registration Definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/registrationDefinitions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Services Registration Assignment", "name": "registrationAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves a list of Managed Services registration assignments.", "displayName": "List Managed Services Registration Assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/registrationAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify Managed Services registration assignment.", "displayName": "Add Managed Services Registration Assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/registrationAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Managed Services registration assignment.", "displayName": "Remove Managed Services Registration Assignment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/registrationAssignments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Services Marketplace Registration Definition", "name": "marketplaceRegistrationDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves a list of Managed Services registration definitions.", "displayName": "List Managed Services Marketplace Registration Definitions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/marketplaceRegistrationDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status", "name": "operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the resource.", "displayName": "Get the Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Services Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves a list of Managed Services operations.", "displayName": "List Managed Services Operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedServices/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Security Insights", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.SecurityInsights", "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription to Azure Sentinel", "displayName": "Register Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/register/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription from Azure Sentinel", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/unregister/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check user authorization and license", "displayName": "Check user authorization and license", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectorsCheckRequirements/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check a translation of content", "displayName": "Gets a translation of a content", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/contentTranslators/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Aggregations", "name": "Aggregations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets aggregated information", "displayName": "Get Aggregated Information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Aggregations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bookmarks", "name": "Bookmarks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets bookmarks", "displayName": "Get Bookmarks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Bookmarks/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates bookmarks", "displayName": "Update Bookmarks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Bookmarks/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes bookmarks", "displayName": "Delete Bookmarks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Bookmarks/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets related entities of an entity by a specific expansion", "displayName": "Expand on entity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Bookmarks/expand/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cases", "name": "cases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a case", "displayName": "Get Cases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/cases/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a case", "displayName": "Update Cases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/cases/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a case", "displayName": "Delete Cases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/cases/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Investigations", "name": "cases/investigations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the case investigations", "displayName": "Get Case Investigations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/cases/investigations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the metadata of a case", "displayName": "Update Case Investigation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/cases/investigations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Case Comments", "name": "cases/comments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the case comments", "displayName": "Get Case Comments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/cases/comments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the case comments", "displayName": "Create Case Comments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/cases/comments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alert 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"Updates a data connector", "displayName": "Update Data Connectors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a data connector", "displayName": "Delete a Data Connector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Settings", "name": "settings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets settings", "displayName": "Get Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/settings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates settings", "displayName": "Update Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/settings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes setting", "displayName": "Delete Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/settings/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Incidents", "name": "incidents", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an incident", "displayName": "Get Incidents", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates an incident", "displayName": "Update Incidents", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an incident", "displayName": "Delete Incidents", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Microsoft team to investigate the incident by sharing information and insights between participants", "displayName": "Create Microsoft Team for incident", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/createTeam/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Run playbook on incident", "displayName": "Run playbook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/runPlaybook/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Incident Comments", "name": "incidents/comments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the incident comments", "displayName": "Get Incident Comments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/comments/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a comment on the incident", "displayName": "Create Incident Comments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/comments/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a comment on the incident", "displayName": "Delete Incident Comment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/comments/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Incident Relations", "name": "incidents/relations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a relation between the incident and related resources", "displayName": "Get Incident Relations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/relations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates a relation between the incident and related resources", "displayName": "Update Incident Relations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/relations/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a relation between the incident and related resources", "displayName": "Delete Incident Relations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents/relations/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ThreatIntelligence", "name": "threatintelligence", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Threat Intelligence", "displayName": "Get Threat Intelligence", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatintelligence/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Threat Intelligence", "displayName": "Update Threat Intelligence", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatintelligence/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Threat Intelligence", "displayName": "Delete Threat Intelligence", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatintelligence/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query Threat Intelligence", "displayName": "Query Threat Intelligence", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatintelligence/query/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Collect Threat Intelligence Metrics", "displayName": "Collect Threat Intelligence Metrics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatintelligence/metrics/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Bulk Delete Threat Intelligence", "displayName": "Bulk Delete Threat Intelligence", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatintelligence/bulkDelete/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Bulk Tags Threat Intelligence", "displayName": "Bulk Tags Threat Intelligence", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatintelligence/bulkTag/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Threat Intelligence Indicator", "displayName": "Create Threat Intelligence Indicator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatintelligence/createIndicator/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Query Threat Intelligence Indicators", "displayName": "Query Threat Intelligence Indicators", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatintelligence/queryIndicators/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { 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"displayName": "Entities", "name": "entities", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the sentinel entities graph", "displayName": "Get Entities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/entities/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets entity timeline for a specific range", "displayName": "Entity Timeline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/entities/gettimeline/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets entity Insights for a specific range", "displayName": "Entity Insights", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/entities/getInsights/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Run playbook on entity", "displayName": "Run playbook", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/entities/runPlaybook/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Entity Relations", "name": "entities/relations", "operations": 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"origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes consents from Microsoft Office", "displayName": "Delete Consents", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/officeConsents/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EntityQueries", "name": "entityQueries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the investigation expansions for entities", "displayName": "Get Entity Investigation Queries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/entityQueries/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Watchlists", "name": "Watchlists", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Watchlists", "displayName": "Get Watchlists", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Watchlists/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Watchlists", "displayName": "Create Watchlists", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityInsights/Watchlists/write", "origin": 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This will be removed in a future version. 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"Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/activeSessionhostconfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "hostpools/sessionhostconfigurations/operationresults", "name": "hostpools/sessionhostconfigurations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the operationresults to see results present.", "displayName": "Read operationresults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/sessionhostconfigurations/operationresults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "hostpools/sessionhostconfigurations/operationstatuses", "name": "hostpools/sessionhostconfigurations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the operationstatuses to see statuses present.", "displayName": "Read operationstatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/sessionhostconfigurations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { 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diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Get diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/appattachpackages/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Create or update the diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/appattachpackages/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.CostManagementExports", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.CostManagementExports", "name": "Microsoft.CostManagementExports", "operations": [ { "description": "Register action for scope of Microsoft.CostManagementExports by a subscription.", "displayName": "Register Subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagementExports/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List all supported operations by Microsoft.CostManagement resource provider.", "displayName": "List supported operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CostManagementExports/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure HPC Cache", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.StorageCache", "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the storage cache resource provider and enables creation of Azure HPC Cache resources", "displayName": "Register the cache resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/preflight/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the subnets for Amlfilesystem", "displayName": "Check the subnets for Amlfilesystem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/checkAmlFSSubnets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Calculate the number of ips needed", "displayName": "Returns the subnet size required the Amlfilesystem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/getRequiredAmlFSSubnetsSize/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Azure HPC Cache resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister the cache resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Available cache operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operations available for the Azure HPC Cache", "displayName": "List available cache operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usage models", "name": "usageModels", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists available usage models for NFS storage targets in this cache", "displayName": "List usage models", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/usageModels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cache", "name": "caches", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new cache, or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or update a cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the properties of a cache", "displayName": "Read cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the cache instance", "displayName": "Delete cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrades OS software for the cache", "displayName": "Upgrade cache software", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/Upgrade/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the cache", "displayName": "Start the cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/Start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the cache", "displayName": "Stop the cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/Stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates support information (GSI) or debug information for a cache.", "displayName": "Create debugInfo for a cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/debugInfo/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/spaceAllocation/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a priming job to the cache", "displayName": "Add priming job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/addPrimingJob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/startPrimingJob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes a primining job from the cache", "displayName": "Remove primining job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/removePrimingJob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/stopPrimingJob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Pauses a running priming job in the cache", "displayName": "Pause priming job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/pausePrimingJob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resumes a paused priming job in the cache", "displayName": "Resume priming job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/resumePrimingJob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Flushes cached data to storage targets", "displayName": "Flush the cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/Flush/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Caches in resource group", "name": "ResourceGroup/caches", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists existing cache instances in the resource group", "displayName": "List caches for a resource group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/ResourceGroup/caches/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage targets in a cache", "name": "caches/storageTargetsLists", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the cache's storage targets", "displayName": "List cache storage targets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/storageTargetsLists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage target in a cache", "name": "caches/storageTargets", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a new storage target in the cache, or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or update a cache storage target", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/storageTargets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets properties of a storage target in the cache", "displayName": "Read cache storage target", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/storageTargets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a cache storage target", "displayName": "Delete a storage target", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/storageTargets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the storage target IP address from a custom DNS server or from an Azure Storage private endpoint", "displayName": "Refresh DNS in a cache's Storage Target", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/storageTargets/dnsRefersh/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/storageTargets/flush/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables client access to a cache's storage target. But doesn't permanently remove the storage target from the cache.", "displayName": "Stop the storage target from serving requests temporarily", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/storageTargets/suspend/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts a suspended storage target back into service", "displayName": "Resume a cache's storage taget", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/storageTargets/resume/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Marks all cached files from the cache's storage target as out of date. The next time a client requests these files, they will be fetched from the back-end storage system.", "displayName": "Discard cached files from this storage target", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/storageTargets/invalidate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores the Cache's storage target's settings to their default values", "displayName": "Restore storage target settings to defaults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/storageTargets/restoreDefaults/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SKU", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all valid SKUs for the cache", "displayName": "List SKUs for Azure HPC Cache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "StorageCache Metric Definitions", "name": "caches/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Cache Metric Definitions.", "displayName": "Get Cache Metric Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "StorageCache", "name": "caches/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the Cache.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the Cache.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Caches in subscription", "name": "Subscription/caches", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists existing caches in the subscription", "displayName": "List caches for a subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/Subscription/caches/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "locations/ascOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of an asynchronous operation for the Azure HPC cache", "displayName": "Get Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/locations/ascOperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "StorageCache log definitions", "name": "caches/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the log definitions for the StorageCache", "displayName": "Read log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/caches/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "AmlFilesystems in resource group", "name": "ResourceGroup/amlFilesystems", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists existing amlfilesystem instances in the resource group", "displayName": "List amlFilesystems for a resource group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/ResourceGroup/amlFilesystems/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AmlFilesystems in subscription", "name": "Subscription/amlFilesystems", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists existing amlfilesystems in the subscription", "displayName": "List amlfilesystems for a subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/Subscription/amlFilesystems/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AmlFilesystem", "name": "amlFilesystems", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of an amlfilesystem", "displayName": "Read amlfilesystem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/amlFilesystems/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new amlfilesystem, or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or update an amlfilesystem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/amlFilesystems/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the amlfilesystem instance", "displayName": "Delete amlfilesystem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/amlFilesystems/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Archive the data in the amlfilesystem", "displayName": "Archive the amlfilesystem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/amlFilesystems/Archive/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel archiving the amlfilesystem", "displayName": "Cancel archive", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/amlFilesystems/CancelArchive/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cache, Amlfilesystem", "name": "usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the usage quota for cache or Amlfilesystem", "displayName": "Get quota for Cache or Amlfilesystem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "amlFilesystems/importJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/amlFilesystems/importJobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/amlFilesystems/importJobs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "", "displayName": "", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageCache/amlFilesystems/importJobs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AppPlatform", "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription to the Microsoft.AppPlatform resource provider", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.AppPlatform resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription from the Microsoft.AppPlatform resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.AppPlatform resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Azure Spring Apps service instance", "name": "Spring", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Azure Spring Apps service instance(s)", "displayName": "Get the details of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List test keys for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the test endpoint keys of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/listTestKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate test key for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Regenerate a test endpoint key of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/regenerateTestKey/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable test endpoint functionality for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Disable a test endpoint of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/disableTestEndpoint/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable test endpoint functionality for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Enable a test endpoint of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/enableTestEndpoint/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Stop Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Start Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate the config server settings for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Validate the Config Server settings of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configServers/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable APM globally for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Enable an APM of an Azure Spring Apps service instance globally", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/enableApmGlobally/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable APM globally for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Disable an APM of an Azure Spring Apps service instance globally", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/disableApmGlobally/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List globally enabled APMs for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the globally enabled APMs of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/listGloballyEnabledApms/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The log definition of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get definitions of logs from Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Application Console", "name": "ApplicationConsole" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "System Logs", "name": "SystemLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Ingress Logs", "name": "IngressLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Build Logs", "name": "BuildLogs" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Container Event Logs", "name": "ContainerEventLogs" } ], "metricSpecifications": null } } } ] }, { "displayName": "The metrics definition of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get definitions of metrics from Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps metrics definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": null, "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Performance (Java)", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The recent CPU usage for the whole system", "displayName": "system.cpu.usage", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "system.cpu.usage", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Performance (Java)", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The recent CPU usage for the JVM process", "displayName": "process.cpu.usage", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "process.cpu.usage", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Performance (Java)", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], 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"supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Performance (Java)", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management", "displayName": "jvm.memory.max", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "jvm.memory.max", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Performance (Java)", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Max size of old generation memory pool", "displayName": "jvm.gc.max.data.size", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "jvm.gc.max.data.size", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Performance (Java)", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Size of old generation memory pool after a full GC", "displayName": "jvm.gc.live.data.size", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "jvm.gc.live.data.size", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Performance (Java)", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool before GC to after GC", "displayName": "jvm.gc.memory.promoted", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "jvm.gc.memory.promoted", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Performance (Java)", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Incremented for an increase in the size of the young generation memory pool after one GC to before the next", "displayName": "jvm.gc.memory.allocated", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "jvm.gc.memory.allocated", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Performance (Java)", 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"displayName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting|current-requests", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "current-requests", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Request (.NET)", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of failed requests in the lifetime of the process", "displayName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting|failed-requests", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "failed-requests", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Common", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The recent CPU usage for the app", "displayName": "App CPU Usage", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "PodCpuUsage", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Common", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The recent Memory usage for the app", "displayName": "App Memory Usage", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "PodMemoryUsage", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Common", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "The recent CPU usage for the app. This metric is being deprecated. Please use \"App CPU Usage\" with metric id \"PodCpuUsage\".", "displayName": "App CPU Usage (Deprecated)", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "AppCpuUsage", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Common", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Cumulative count of bytes received in the app", "displayName": "App Network In", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "PodNetworkIn", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Common", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Deployment", "name": "Deployment", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "App", "name": "AppName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "Instance", "name": "Pod", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Cumulative count of bytes sent from the app", "displayName": "App Network Out", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "PodNetworkOut", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingress", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "HttpStatus", "name": "HttpStatus", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Count of bytes received by Azure Spring Apps from the clients", "displayName": "Bytes Received", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "IngressBytesReceived", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingress", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "HttpStatus", "name": "HttpStatus", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Count of bytes sent by Azure Spring Apps to the clients", "displayName": "Bytes Sent", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "IngressBytesSent", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingress", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "HttpStatus", "name": "HttpStatus", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Count of requests by Azure Spring Apps from the clients", "displayName": "Requests", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "IngressRequests", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingress", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "HttpStatus", "name": "HttpStatus", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "Count of failed requests by Azure Spring Apps from the clients", "displayName": "Failed Requests", "fillGapWithZero": false, "metricFilterPattern": "^Basic$|^Standard$|^Enterprise$", "name": "IngressFailedRequests", "resourceIdDimensionNameOverride": null, "sourceMdmNamespace": null, "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": null, "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingress", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Hostname", "name": "Hostname", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true }, { "displayName": "HttpStatus", "name": "HttpStatus", "toBeExportedForShoebox": true } ], "displayDescription": "HTTP response status returned by Azure Spring Apps. 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Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the diagnostic settings for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the diagnostic settings of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the diagnostic settings for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update the diagnostic settings of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The application of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/apps", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update the application for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update configurations of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the application for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the applications for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the details of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the resource upload URL of a specific Microsoft Azure Spring Apps application", "displayName": "Get the URL to upload artifacts to an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/getResourceUploadUrl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate the custom domain for a specific application", "displayName": "Validate a custom domain in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/validateDomain/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Set active deployments for a specific Microsoft Azure Spring Apps application", "displayName": "Set the active deployments to service traffic to an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/setActiveDeployments/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate the container registry for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Validate Microsoft Azure Spring Appscontainer registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The application deployment of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/apps/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update the deployment for a specific application", "displayName": "Update the deployment of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the deployment for a specific application", "displayName": "Delete the deployment of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the deployments for a specific application", "displayName": "Get details of the deployment(s) of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start the deployment for a specific application", "displayName": "Start an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop the deployment for a specific application", "displayName": "Stop an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart the deployment for a specific application", "displayName": "Restart an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/restart/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the log file URL of a specific Microsoft Azure Spring Apps application deployment", "displayName": "Get an app deployment log file URL in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/getLogFileUrl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate heap dump for a specific application", "displayName": "Generate heap dump in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/generateHeapDump/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate thread dump for a specific application", "displayName": "Generate thread dump in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/generateThreadDump/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start JFR for a specific application", "displayName": "Start JFR in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/startJFR/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remote debugging app instance for a specific application", "displayName": "Remote debugging app instance in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/remotedebugging/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Connect to an instance for a specific application", "displayName": "Connect to an app instance in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/connect/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable remote debugging for a specific application", "displayName": "Enable remote debugging for an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/enableRemoteDebugging/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable remote debugging for a specific application", "displayName": "Disable remote debugging for an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/disableRemoteDebugging/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get remote debugging configuration for a specific application", "displayName": "Get remote debugging configuration for an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/getRemoteDebuggingConfig/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List available operations of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "displayName": "Get available operations in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sku", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "List available skus of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "displayName": "Get available Service Tiers of Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deployment Sku", "name": "Spring/apps/deployments/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "List available skus of an application deployment", "displayName": "Get the scale values of a Service Tier for deployment(s) of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The application binding of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/apps/bindings", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update the binding for a specific application", "displayName": "Update the service binding of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/bindings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the binding for a specific application", "displayName": "Delete the service binding of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/bindings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the bindings for a specific application", "displayName": "Get the details of a service binding of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/bindings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The application custom domain of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/apps/domains", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update the custom domain for a specific application", "displayName": "Update a custom domain in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/domains/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the custom domain for a specific application", "displayName": "Delete a custom domain in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/domains/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the custom domains for a specific application", "displayName": "Get custom domain(s) in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/domains/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The certificate of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update the certificate for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update a certificate to Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/certificates/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the certificate for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete a certificate in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/certificates/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the certificates for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get certificate(s) in an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/certificates/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The detectors of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/detectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the detectors for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the analysis result for specified problem(s) in an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/detectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Check resource name availability", "displayName": "Check the availability of a specified resource name in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationResults/Spring", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource operation result", "displayName": "Get operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/locations/operationResults/Spring/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location Operation Status", "name": "locations/operationStatus/operationId", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource operation status", "displayName": "Get operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/locations/operationStatus/operationId/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The application deployment of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the deployments for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get details of the deployments in an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/deployments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The monitoring setting of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/monitoringSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the monitoring setting for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the monitoring settings of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/monitoringSettings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the monitoring setting for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update the monitoring settings of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/monitoringSettings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The config server of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/configServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the config server for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the Config Server settings of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configServers/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the config server for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update the Config Server settings of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configServers/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the config server for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps config server", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configServers/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The content of config server from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/configService", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the configuration content(for example, application.yaml) for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get content of config server from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configService/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write config server content for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update config server content from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configService/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete config server content for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete config server content from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configService/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read the streaming log of Config Server from a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the streaming log of Config Server from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configService/logstream/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The app(s) registration of eureka server from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/eurekaService", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the user app(s) registration information for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get app(s) registration of eureka server from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/eurekaService/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write the user app(s) registration information for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update app(s) registration of eureka server from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/eurekaService/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the user app registration information for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete app registration of eureka server from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/eurekaService/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The streaming log of app from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/logstreamService", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the streaming log of user app for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the streaming log of app from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/logstreamService/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The storage of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/storages", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update the storage for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update Microsoft Azure Spring Apps storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/storages/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the storage for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/storages/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get storage for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/storages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The deployment service connector of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/apps/deployments/connectorProps", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the service connectors for a specific deployment", "displayName": "Get the details of a service connector of a deployment in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/connectorProps/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the service connector for a specific deployment", "displayName": "Write the service connector of a deployment in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/connectorProps/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the service connector for a specific deployment", "displayName": "Delete the service connector of a deployment in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/connectorProps/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The BuildpackBinding of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Builder", "name": "Spring/buildServices/builders/buildpackBindings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the BuildpackBinding for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance Builder", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Builder BuildpackBinding", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builders/buildpackBindings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the BuildpackBinding for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance Builder", "displayName": "Write Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Builder BuildpackBinding", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builders/buildpackBindings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the BuildpackBinding for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance Builder", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Builder BuildpackBinding", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builders/buildpackBindings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Build Service of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/buildServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Build Services for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Build Services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Upload URL of a specific Microsoft Azure Spring Apps build", "displayName": "Get an Upload URL in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/getResourceUploadUrl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update the Build Services for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Write Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Build Services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The supported buildpack of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/buildServices/supportedBuildpacks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Supported Buildpacks for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Supported Buildpacks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/supportedBuildpacks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The supported stack of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/buildServices/supportedStacks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Supported Stacks for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Supported Stacks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/supportedStacks/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Agent Pool of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/buildServices/agentPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Agent Pools for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Agent Pools", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/agentPools/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the Agent Pools for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Write Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Agent Pools", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/agentPools/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Builder of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/buildServices/builders", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Builders for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Builders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builders/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the Builders for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Write Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Builders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builders/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Builders for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Builders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builders/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List deployments using the Builders for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "List deployments using the Builder Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builders/listUsingDeployments/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Build of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/buildServices/builds", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Builds for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Builds", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builds/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the Builds for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Write Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Builds", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builds/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Builds for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Builds", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builds/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Build Result of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/buildServices/builds/results", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Build Results for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Build Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builds/results/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the Log File URL of a specific Microsoft Azure Spring Apps build result", "displayName": "Get an Log File URL in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildServices/builds/results/getLogFileUrl/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Application Configuration Service of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/configurationServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Application Configuration Services for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Configuration Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configurationServices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the Application Configuration Service for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Configuration Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configurationServices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Application Configuration Service for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Configuration Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configurationServices/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate the settings for a specific Application Configuration Service", "displayName": "Validate Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Configuration Service settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configurationServices/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate the resource for a specific Application Configuration Service", "displayName": "Validate Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Configuration Service resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configurationServices/validateResource/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Service Registry of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/serviceRegistries", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Service Registrys for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Service Registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/serviceRegistries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the Service Registry for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Service Registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/serviceRegistries/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Service Registry for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Service Registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/serviceRegistries/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Spring Cloud Gateway of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/gateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Spring Cloud Gateways for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Spring Cloud Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/gateways/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the Spring Cloud Gateway for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Spring Cloud Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/gateways/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Spring Cloud Gateway for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Spring Cloud Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/gateways/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate the Spring Cloud Gateway domain for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Validate Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Spring Cloud Gateway domain", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/gateways/validateDomain/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List environment variables secret of the Spring Cloud Gateway for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "List environment variables secret for Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Spring Cloud Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/gateways/listEnvSecrets/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart the Spring Cloud Gateway for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Restart Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Spring Cloud Gateway", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/gateways/restart/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Spring Cloud Gateway route config of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/gateways/routeConfigs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Spring Cloud Gateway route config for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Spring Cloud Gateway route config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/gateways/routeConfigs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the Spring Cloud Gateway route config for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Spring Cloud Gateway route config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/gateways/routeConfigs/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Spring Cloud Gateway route config for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Spring Cloud Gateway route config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/gateways/routeConfigs/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Spring Cloud Gateway domain of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/gateways/domains", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Spring Cloud Gateways domain for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Spring Cloud Gateway domain", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/gateways/domains/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the Spring Cloud Gateway domain for a specific Azure Spring 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"Get the API portal domain for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps API portal domain", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apiPortals/domains/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the API portal domain for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Write Microsoft Azure Spring Apps API portal domain", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apiPortals/domains/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the API portal domain for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps API portal domain", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apiPortals/domains/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Application Accelerator of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/applicationAccelerators", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Application Accelerator for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Accelerator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationAccelerators/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Application Accelerator for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Accelerator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationAccelerators/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Application Accelerator for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Accelerator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationAccelerators/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Predefined Accelerator of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/applicationAccelerators/predefinedAccelerators", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Predefined Accelerator for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Predefined Accelerator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationAccelerators/predefinedAccelerators/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable Predefined Accelerator for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Disable Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Predefined Accelerator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationAccelerators/predefinedAccelerators/disable/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable Predefined Accelerator for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Enable Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Predefined Accelerator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationAccelerators/predefinedAccelerators/enable/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Customized Accelerator of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/applicationAccelerators/customizedAccelerators", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Customized Accelerator for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Customized Accelerator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationAccelerators/customizedAccelerators/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Customized Accelerator for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Customized Accelerator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationAccelerators/customizedAccelerators/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Customized Accelerator for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Customized Accelerator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationAccelerators/customizedAccelerators/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate Customized Accelerator for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Validate Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Customized Accelerator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationAccelerators/customizedAccelerators/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Application Live View of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/applicationLiveViews", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Application Live View for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Live View", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationLiveViews/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Application Live View for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Live View", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationLiveViews/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Application Live View for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Application Live View", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/applicationLiveViews/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The Dev Tool Portal of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/devToolPortals", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Dev Tool Portal for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Dev Tool Portal", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/devToolPortals/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Dev Tool Portal for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Dev Tool Portal", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/devToolPortals/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Dev Tool Portal for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Dev Tool Portal", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/devToolPortals/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The BuildpackBinding of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/buildpackBindings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the BuildpackBinding for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get details of BuildpackBinding collections in Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/buildpackBindings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RuntimeVersions", "name": "runtimeVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get runtime versions of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "displayName": "Get runtime versions in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/runtimeVersions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring Operation Result", "name": "Spring/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource operation result", "displayName": "Get operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/operationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring Operation Status", "name": "Spring/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource operation Status", "displayName": "Get operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configServers Operation Result", "name": "Spring/configServers/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource operation result", "displayName": "Get operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configServers/operationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configServers Operation Status", "name": "Spring/configServers/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource operation Status", "displayName": "Get operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/configServers/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps Operation Result", "name": "Spring/apps/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource operation result", "displayName": "Get operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/operationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps Operation Status", "name": "Spring/apps/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource operation Status", "displayName": "Get operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments Operation Result", "name": "Spring/apps/deployments/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource operation result", "displayName": "Get operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/operationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments Operation Status", "name": "Spring/apps/deployments/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource operation Status", "displayName": "Get operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/deployments/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The container registry of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/containerRegistries", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the container registry for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps container registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/containerRegistries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the container registry for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Write Microsoft Azure Spring Apps container registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/containerRegistries/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the container registry for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps container registry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/containerRegistries/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Spring Apps service instance", "name": "Spring/supportedApmTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "List the supported APM types for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "List the supported APM types of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/supportedApmTypes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The APM of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/apms", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the APM for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Read Microsoft Azure Spring Apps APM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apms/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the APM for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Write Microsoft Azure Spring Apps APM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apms/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the APM for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete Microsoft Azure Spring Apps APM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apms/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List the secret keys for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance APM", "displayName": "List the secret keys of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps APM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apms/listSecretKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The application service connector of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/apps/connectorProps", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the service connectors for a specific application", "displayName": "Get the details of a service connector of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/connectorProps/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the service connector for a specific application", "displayName": "Write the service connector of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/connectorProps/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the service connector for a specific application", "displayName": "Delete the service connector of an app in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/apps/connectorProps/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Spring Apps service instance", "name": "Spring/supportedServerVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "List the supported server versions for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "List the supported server versions of an Azure Spring Apps service instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/supportedServerVersions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The streaming log of all managed components from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/managedComponents", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the streaming log of all managed components (e.g. Application Configuration Service, Spring Cloud Gateway) from a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the streaming log of all managed components from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/managedComponents/logstream/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The streaming log of Application Configuration Service from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/ApplicationConfigurationService", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the streaming log of all subcomponents in Application Configuration Service from a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the streaming log of Application Configuration Service from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/ApplicationConfigurationService/logstream/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read the configuration content (for example, application-prod.yaml) pulled by Application Configuration Service for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get configuration content of Application Configuration Service from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/ApplicationConfigurationService/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The streaming log of Spring Cloud Gateway from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/SpringCloudGateway", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the streaming log of Spring Cloud Gateway from a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the streaming log of Spring Cloud Gateway from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/SpringCloudGateway/logstream/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The job of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the job for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the details of a job in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/jobs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the job for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Update configurations of a job in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/jobs/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the job for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Delete a job in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/jobs/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start the execution for a specific job", "displayName": "Start a job in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/jobs/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List environment variables secret of the job for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "List environment variables secret for Microsoft Azure Spring Apps Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/jobs/listEnvSecrets/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The job execution of Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "name": "Spring/jobs/executions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the job execution for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the details of a job execution in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/jobs/executions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel the execution for a specific job", "displayName": "Cancel a job in Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/jobs/executions/cancel/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List environment variables secret of the job execution for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "List environment variables secret for Microsoft Azure Spring Apps job execution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/jobs/executions/listEnvSecrets/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List instances of a specific job execution for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "List instances of a specific job execution from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/jobs/executions/listInstances/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the streaming log of job executions for a specific Azure Spring Apps service instance", "displayName": "Get the streaming log of job executions from Microsoft Azure Spring Apps", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring/jobs/executions/logstream/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine", "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine", "operations": [ { "description": "Register subscription with Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine resource provider", "displayName": "Register subscription for SQL Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister subscription with Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister subscription for SQL Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "SQL virtual machine group", "name": "sqlVirtualMachineGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of SQL virtual machine group", "displayName": "Get SQL virtual machine group details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachineGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new or change properties of existing SQL virtual machine group", "displayName": "Create a new or update existing SQL virtual machine group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachineGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete existing SQL virtual machine group", "displayName": "Delete existing SQL virtual machine group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachineGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL availability group listener", "name": "sqlVirtualMachineGroups/availabilityGroupListeners", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve details of SQL availability group listener on a given SQL virtual machine group", "displayName": "Get availability group listener details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachineGroups/availabilityGroupListeners/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new or changes properties of existing SQL availability group listener", "displayName": "Create new or update existing availability group listener", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachineGroups/availabilityGroupListeners/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete existing availability group listener", "displayName": "Delete existing availability group listener", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachineGroups/availabilityGroupListeners/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL availability group listener", "name": "locations/availabilityGroupListenerOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of an availability group listener operation", "displayName": "Get availability group listener operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/locations/availabilityGroupListenerOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available REST operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL virtual machine group", "name": "locations/sqlVirtualMachineGroupOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of a SQL virtual machine group operation", "displayName": "Get SQL virtual machine group operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/locations/sqlVirtualMachineGroupOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL virtual machine", "name": "sqlVirtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/PostUpdateValidation/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/PreUpdateValidation/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start SQL best practices Assessment on SQL virtual machine", "displayName": "Start SQL best practices Assessment on SQL virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/startAssessment/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Redeploy existing SQL virtual machine", "displayName": "Redeploy existing SQL virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/redeploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve details of SQL virtual machine", "displayName": "Get SQL virtual machine instance details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new or change properties of existing SQL virtual machine", "displayName": "Create new or update existing SQL virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete existing SQL virtual machine", "displayName": "Delete existing SQL virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start SQL best practices Assessment with Disk Config rules on SQL virtual machine", "displayName": "Start SQL best practices Assessment with Disk Config rules on SQL virtual machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/fetchDCAssessment/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start SQL virtual machine troubleshooting operation", "displayName": "Start SQL virtual machine troubleshooting operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/troubleshoot/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL virtual machine", "name": "locations/sqlVirtualMachineOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of SQL virtual machine operation", "displayName": "Get SQL virtual machine operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/locations/sqlVirtualMachineOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL virtual machine", "name": "sqlVirtualMachineGroups/sqlVirtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "List Sql virtual machines by a particular sql virtual virtual machine group", "displayName": "List Sql virtual machines by a particular sql virtual virtual machine group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachineGroups/sqlVirtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Register SQL Vm Candidate", "displayName": "Register SQL Vm Candidate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/locations/registerSqlVmCandidate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.SerialConsole", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.SerialConsole", "name": "Microsoft.SerialConsole", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Serial Console instance", "name": "consoleServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the current subscription state", "displayName": "Default", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SerialConsole/consoleServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable Serial Console for a subscription", "displayName": "Disable Console", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SerialConsole/consoleServices/disableConsole/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable Serial Console for a subscription", "displayName": "Enable Console", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SerialConsole/consoleServices/enableConsole/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Serial Console instance", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Display available Serial Console operations", "displayName": "Serial Console operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SerialConsole/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Serial Console instance", "name": "serialPorts", "operations": [ { "description": "Connect to a serial port", "displayName": "Connect", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SerialConsole/serialPorts/connect/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable or disable access to the serial port", "displayName": "Enable/Disable Serial Port", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SerialConsole/serialPorts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Virtual Machine Image Builder", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages", "name": "Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages", "operations": [ { 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false, "name": "Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a VM image template instance resource", "displayName": "Delete a VM image template instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute a VM image template to produce its outputs", "displayName": "Execute a VM image template to produce its outputs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/run/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel a running image build", "displayName": "Cancel a running image build", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VM Image template run output", "name": "imageTemplates/runOutputs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a VM image 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"imageTemplates/triggers", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a VM image template trigger instance resource", "displayName": "Create or update a VM image template trigger instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/triggers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a VM image template trigger instance resource", "displayName": "Get a VM image template trigger instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/triggers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a VM image template trigger instance resource", "displayName": "Delete a VM image template trigger instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates/triggers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Experimentation Resource Provider", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Experimentation", "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Experiment Workspace", "name": "experimentWorkspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Experiment Workspaces.", "displayName": "Read Experiment Workspaces.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes Experiment Workspaces.", "displayName": "Write ExperimentWorkspace.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/write", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Experiment Workspaces.", "displayName": "Delete ExperimentWorkspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/delete", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Metric Writes Experimentation Group", "displayName": "Metric Write Experimentation Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/metricwrite/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Admin Experiment Workspace", "displayName": "Admin Experiment Workspace", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/admin/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the operations for all resource types.", "displayName": "Read resource provider operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/Operations/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the status of an asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read Operation Result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Experimentation Group Type", "name": "experimentWorkspaces/experimentationGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Experimentation Group", "displayName": "Read Experimentation Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/experimentationGroups/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes Experimentation Group", "displayName": "Write Experimentation Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/experimentationGroups/write", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Experimentation Group", "displayName": "Delete Experimentation Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/experimentationGroups/delete", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Admin Experimentation Group", "displayName": "Admin Experimentation Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/experimentationGroups/admin/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Experimentation Group Experiment Admin", "displayName": "Experimentation Group Experiment Admin", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/experimentationGroups/experimentadmin/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Experiment Group Operator", "displayName": "Experiment Group Operator", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/experimentationGroups/experiment/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Experiment Group Emergency Stop", "displayName": "Experiment Group Emergency Stop", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/experimentationGroups/emergencystop/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Metric Writes Experimentation Group", "displayName": "Metric Write Experimentation Group", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/experimentationGroups/metricwrite/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Experiment Workspace", "name": "experimentWorkspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Log Definition", "displayName": "Read Log Definition", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Experiment Workspace", "name": "experimentWorkspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "DiagnosticSettingsRead", "displayName": "DiagnosticSettingsRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "DiagnosticSettingsWrite", "displayName": "DiagnosticSettingsWrite", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/experimentWorkspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Statuses", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the status of an asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read Operation Status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write the status of an asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Write Operation Status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Experimentation/locations/operationstatuses/write", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Attestation", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Attestation", "name": "Microsoft.Attestation", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "AzureAttestation", "name": "attestationProviders/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets privatelink resources description.", "displayName": "Gets privatelink resources operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AzureAttestation", "name": "attestationProviders", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the attestation service status.", "displayName": "Gets the attestation service status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds attestation service.", "displayName": "Adds attestation service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes attestation service.", "displayName": "Removes attestation service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Private endpoints approve description.", "displayName": "Private endpoints approve operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action to join the Network Security Perimeter, used by linked access checks by NRP.", "displayName": "Action to join the NSP.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/joinPerimeter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private endpoint connection proxies resource name.", "name": "attestationProviders/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Private endpoint connection proxies read description.", "displayName": "Private endpoint connection proxies read operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Private endpoint connection proxies write description.", "displayName": "Private endpoint connection proxies write operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Private endpoint connection proxies delete description.", "displayName": "Private endpoint connection proxies delete operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Private endpoint connection proxies validate oescription.", "displayName": "Private endpoint connection proxies validate operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private endpoints resource name.", "name": "attestationProviders/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Private endpoints read description.", "displayName": "Private endpoints read operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Private endpoints write description.", "displayName": "Private endpoints write operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Private endpoints delete description.", "displayName": "Private endpoints delete operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AzureAttestation", "name": "attestationProviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AzureAttestation", "name": "attestationProviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for Azure Attestation.", "displayName": "Read AzureAttestation log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Informational message log category.", "name": "INF" }, { "displayName": "Warning message log category.", "name": "WRN" }, { "displayName": "Error message log category.", "name": "ERR" }, { "displayName": "AuditEvent message log category.", "name": "AuditEvent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "AzureAttestation", "name": "attestationProviders/operationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "AzureAttestation", "displayName": "AzureAttestation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/operationStatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NSP Association Proxy resource name.", "name": "attestationProviders/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy read description.", "displayName": "NSP Association Proxy read operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy write description.", "displayName": "NSP Association Proxy write operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy delete description.", "displayName": "NSP Association Proxy delete operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Notify NSP Updates Available resource name.", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Check if the configuration of the Network Security Perimeter needs updating.", "displayName": "Check the NSP for configuration updates.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Configuration.", "name": "attestationProviders/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Network Security Perimeter Configuration read description.", "displayName": "NSP Configuration read operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reconcile the Network Security Perimeter Configuration stored in a Microsoft Azure Attestation with NRP's (Microsoft.Network Resource Provider) copy.", "displayName": "Reconcile NSP Configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/networkSecurityPerimeterConfigurations/reconcile/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AzureAttestation", "name": "attestationProviders/attestation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the attestation service status.", "displayName": "Gets the attestation service status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/attestation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds attestation service.", "displayName": "Adds attestation service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/attestation/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes attestation service.", "displayName": "Removes attestation service.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/attestation/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces)", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Synapse", "name": "Microsoft.Synapse", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks Workspace name availability.", "displayName": "Checks Workspace name availability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces) Resource Provider and enables the creation of Workspaces.", "displayName": "Registers the Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces) Resource Provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/register/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces) Resource Provider and disables the creation of Workspaces.", "displayName": "Unregisters the Azure Synapse Analytics (workspaces) Resource Provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/unregister/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Integration Runtimes.", "name": "workspaces/integrationRuntimes", "operations": [ { "description": "Get any Integration Runtime.", "displayName": "Get Integration Runtime Operation result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Integration Runtimes.", "displayName": "Create or Update Integration Runtimes.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationruntimes/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Integration Runtime", "displayName": "Delete Integration Runtimes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get any Integration Runtime's Status", "displayName": "Get an Integration Runtime Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/getStatus/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create an Integration Runtime Install Link", "displayName": "Create an Integration Runtime Install Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/createExpressSHIRInstallLink/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start any Integration Runtime", "displayName": "Start an Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/start/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop any Integration Runtime", "displayName": "Stop an Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/stop/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Connection Info of any Integration Runtime", "displayName": "Get Connection Info of an Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/getConnectionInfo/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate auth key of any Integration Runtime", "displayName": "Regenerate auth key of an Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/regenerateAuthKey/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List Auth Keys of any Integration Runtime", "displayName": "List Auth Keys of an Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/listAuthKeys/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove any Integration Runtime node", "displayName": "Remove an Integration Runtime node", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/removeNode/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get any Integration Runtime's monitoring data", "displayName": "Get an Integration Runtime's monitoring data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/monitoringData/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sync credential on any Integration Runtime", "displayName": "Sync credential on an Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/syncCredentials/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrade any Integration Runtime", "displayName": "Upgrade an Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/upgrade/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove any Integration Runtime link", "displayName": "Remove an Integration Runtime link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/removeLinks/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable Interactive query on any Integration Runtime", "displayName": "Enable Interactive query on an Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/enableInteractiveQuery/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable Interactive query on any Integration Runtime", "displayName": "Disable Interactive query on an Integration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/disableInteractiveQuery/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh Object metadata on any Intergration Runtime", "displayName": "Refresh Object metadata on an Intergration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/refreshObjectMetadata/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Object metadata on any Intergration Runtime", "displayName": "Get Object metadata on an Intergration Runtime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/getObjectMetadata/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Identity SQL Control Settings", "name": "workspaces/managedIdentitySqlControlSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Update Managed Identity SQL Control Settings on the workspace", "displayName": "Update Managed Identity SQL Control Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/managedIdentitySqlControlSettings/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Managed Identity SQL Control Settings", "displayName": "Get Managed Identity SQL Control Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/managedIdentitySqlControlSettings/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Scope pools", "name": "workspaces/scopePools", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update any Scope pools.", "displayName": "Create or Update Scope pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/scopePools/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Scope pools.", "displayName": "Read Scope pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/scopePools/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Scope pools.", "displayName": "Delete Scope pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/scopePools/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Available Operations from the Azure Synapse Analytics Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Read Available Operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/operations/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Integration Runtimes.", "name": "workspaces/integrationRuntimes/nodes", "operations": [ { "description": "Get any Integration Runtime Node.", "displayName": "Get Integration Runtime Node.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/nodes/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Integration Runtime Node.", "displayName": "Delete Integration Runtime Node.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/nodes/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Patch any Integration Runtime Node.", "displayName": "Patch Integration Runtime Node.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/nodes/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Integration Runtime Ip Address", "displayName": "Get Integration Runtime Ip Address", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/integrationRuntimes/nodes/ipAddress/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IP Firewall Rule.", "name": "workspaces/firewallRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update any IP Firewall Rule.", "displayName": "Create or update IP Firewall Rule.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/firewallRules/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read IP Firewall Rule", "displayName": "Read IP Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/firewallRules/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any IP Firewall Rule.", "displayName": "Delete IP Firewall Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/firewallRules/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspaces", "name": "workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Replaces all Ip Firewall Rules for the Workspace.", "displayName": "Replace all Ip Firewall Rules for the Workspace.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/replaceAllIpFirewallRules/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Workspaces.", "displayName": "Create or Update Workspaces.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Workspaces.", "displayName": "Read Workspaces.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Workspaces.", "displayName": "Delete Workspaces.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks Default Storage Account Status.", "displayName": "Checks Default Storage Account Status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/checkDefaultStorageAccountStatus/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to auto approve a private endpoint connection to a workspace", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Auto Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pools", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update any SQL Analytics pools.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL Analytics pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pools.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any SQL Analytics pools.", "displayName": "Delete SQL Analytics pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Pause any SQL Analytics pools.", "displayName": "Pause SQL Analytics pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/pause/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resume any SQL Analytics pools.", "displayName": "Resume SQL Analytics pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/resume/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a SQL Analytics pool Restore Point.", "displayName": "Create SQL Analytics pool Restore Point.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/restorePoints/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Rename any SQL Analytics pools.", "displayName": "Rename SQL Analytics pools.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/move/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Queries", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/dataWarehouseQueries", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Queries.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Queries.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/dataWarehouseQueries/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Geo Backup Policies", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/geoBackupPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Geo Backup Policies.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Geo Backup Policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/geoBackupPolicies/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool User Activities", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/dataWarehouseUserActivities", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool User Activities.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool User Activities.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/dataWarehouseUserActivities/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Restore Points", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/restorePoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Restore Points.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Restore Points.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/restorePoints/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a restore point.", "displayName": "Deletes a restore point.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/restorePoints/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Query Steps", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/dataWarehouseQueries/dataWarehouseQuerySteps", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Query Steps.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Query Steps.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/dataWarehouseQueries/dataWarehouseQuerySteps/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Maintenance Windows", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/maintenanceWindows", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Maintenance Windows.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Maintenance Windows.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/maintenanceWindows/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Maintenance Windows.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL Analytics pool Maintenance Windows.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/maintenanceWindows/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Maintenance Window Options", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/maintenanceWindowOptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Maintenance Window Options.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Maintenance Window Options.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/maintenanceWindowOptions/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } 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"Create or Update SQL Analytics pool Transparent Data Encryption Configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/transparentDataEncryption/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Transparent Data Encryption Configuration Operation Results", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/transparentDataEncryption/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Transparent Data Encryption Configuration Operation Results.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Transparent Data Encryption Configuration Operation Results.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/transparentDataEncryption/operationResults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Auditing Settings", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/auditingSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Auditing Settings.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Auditing Settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/auditingSettings/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any SQL Analytics pool Auditing Settings.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL Analytics pool Auditing Settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/auditingSettings/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Operations", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Operations.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/operations/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Usages", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL 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"workspaces/sqlPools/recommendedSensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Recommended Sensitivity Labels.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Recommended Sensitivity Labels.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/recommendedSensitivityLabels/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Batch update recommended sensitivity labels", "displayName": "Batch update recommended sensitivity labels", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/recommendedSensitivityLabels/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Schemas", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/schemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Schemas.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Schemas.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Schema Tables", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/tables", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Schema Tables.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Schema Tables.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/tables/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Schema Table Columns", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/tables/columns", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Schema Table Columns.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Schema Table Columns.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/tables/columns/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Connection Policies", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/connectionPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Connection Policies.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Connection Policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/connectionPolicies/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the Sql pool vulnerability assessment", "displayName": "Creates or updates the Sql pool vulnerability assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment.", "displayName": "Delete SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Scan Records", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Scan Records.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Scan Records.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Initiate any SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Scan Records.", "displayName": "Initiate SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Scan Records.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans/initiateScan/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Export any SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Scan Records.", "displayName": "Export SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Scan Records.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/scans/export/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Security Alert Policies", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/securityAlertPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Sql Analytics pool Threat Detection Policies.", "displayName": "Read Sql Analytics pool Threat Detection Policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/securityAlertPolicies/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any SQL Analytics pool Threat Detection Policies.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL Analytics pool Threat Detection Policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/securityAlertPolicies/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Sensitivity Labels", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the sensitivity label of a given column.", "displayName": "Gets the sensitivity label of a given column.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable any SQL Analytics pool Sensitivity Labels.", "displayName": "Enable SQL Analytics pool Sensitivity Labels.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/enable/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable any SQL Analytics pool Sensitivity Labels.", "displayName": "Disable SQL Analytics pool Sensitivity Labels.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/disable/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any SQL Analytics pool Sensitivity Labels.", "displayName": "Create or update SQL Analytics pool Sensitivity Labels.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any SQL Analytics pool Sensitivity Labels.", "displayName": "Delete SQL Analytics pool Sensitivity Labels.2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/schemas/tables/columns/sensitivityLabels/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline.", "displayName": "Get a SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline.", "displayName": "Delete SQL Analytics pool Vulnerability Assessment Rule Baseline.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/vulnerabilityAssessments/rules/baselines/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Async Operation Status.", "name": "workspaces/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Async Operation Status.", "displayName": "Read Async Operation Status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Async Operation Result", "name": "workspaces/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Async Operation Result.", "displayName": "Read Async Operation Result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/operationResults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Async Operation Result", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Async Operation Result.", "displayName": "Read Async 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null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrators", "name": "workspaces/administrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Set Active Directory Administrator on the Workspace", "displayName": "Set Active Directory Administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/administrators/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Workspace Active Directory Administrator", "displayName": "Get Workspace Active Directory Administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/administrators/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Workspace Active Directory Administrator", "displayName": "Delete Workspace Active Directory Administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/administrators/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "workspaces/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { 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"Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic settings for a Workspace", "displayName": "Write Workspace diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metric definitions for Workspaces", "displayName": "Read Workspace metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Integration", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "internalName": "Status", "name": "Result", 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"toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Activity", "internalName": "Name", "name": "Activity", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Activity Type", "internalName": "ActivityType", "name": "ActivityType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Pipeline", "internalName": "PipelineName", "name": "Pipeline", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Count of integration activities that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled", "displayName": "Activity runs ended", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ActivityRuns", "name": "IntegrationActivityRunsEnded", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftDataFactoryProdShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ADFMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count", "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT1H" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Integration", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "internalName": "Status", "name": "Result", 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"enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Connections", "name": "BuiltinSqlPoolLoginAttempts", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Microsoft.SqlOD", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Built-in SQL Pool", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "internalName": "Result", "name": "Result", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Count of Requests that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled", "displayName": "Requests ended", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Queries", "name": "BuiltinSqlPoolRequestsEnded", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "Microsoft.SqlOD", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Built-in SQL Pool", 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High utilization indicates that the job is using close to the maximum allocated resources.", "displayName": "Resource % utilization (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "ResourceUtilization", "name": "SQLStreamingResourceUtilization", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Total number of errors related to query processing (excluding errors found while ingesting events or outputting results).", "displayName": "Runtime errors (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "Errors", "name": "SQLStreamingRuntimeErrors", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of Event Hub Events (serialized messages) received by the Event Hub Input Adapter, received out of order that were either dropped or given an adjusted timestamp, based on the Event Ordering Policy.", "displayName": "Out of order events (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "DroppedOrAdjustedEvents", "name": "SQLStreamingOutOfOrderEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events.", "displayName": "Input events (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "InputEvents", "name": "SQLStreamingInputEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Amount of data received by the streaming job, in bytes. This can be used to validate that events are being sent to the input source.", "displayName": "Input event bytes (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "InputEventBytes", "name": "SQLStreamingInputEventBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events which application time is considered late compared to arrival time, according to late arrival policy.", "displayName": "Late input events (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "LateInputEvents", "name": "SQLStreamingLateInputEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events which application time is considered early compared to arrival time, according to early arrival policy.", "displayName": "Early input events (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "EarlyInputEvents", "name": "SQLStreamingEarlyInputEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events that could not be deserialized.", "displayName": "Input deserialization errors (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "DeserializationError", "name": "SQLStreamingDeserializationError", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of output events that could not be converted to the expected output schema. Error policy can be changed to 'Drop' to drop events that encounter this scenario.", "displayName": "Data conversion errors (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "ConversionErrors", "name": "SQLStreamingConversionErrors", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events sources backlogged.", "displayName": "Backlogged input events (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "InputEventsSourcesBacklogged", "name": "SQLStreamingBackloggedInputEventSources", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events sources per second.", "displayName": "Input sources received (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "InputEventsSourcesPerSecond", "name": "SQLStreamingInputEventsSourcesPerSecond", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of output events.", "displayName": "Output events (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "OutputEvents", "name": "SQLStreamingOutputEvents", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Streaming job", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "SQL pool name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLPoolName", "name": "SQLPoolName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "SQL database name", "internalName": "SynapseSQLDatabaseName", "name": "SQLDatabaseName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Job name", "internalName": "SynapseJobName", "name": "JobName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Logical name", "internalName": "LogicalName", "name": "LogicalName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Partition ID", "internalName": "PartitionId", "name": "PartitionId", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Processor instance", "internalName": "ProcessorInstance", "name": "ProcessorInstance", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Output watermark delay in seconds.", "displayName": "Watermark delay (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "OutputWatermarkDelaySeconds", "name": "SQLStreamingOutputWatermarkDelaySeconds", "sourceMdmAccount": "StreamAnalyticsUserMetricsProd", "sourceMdmNamespace": "ShoeBox", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/bigDataPools", "name": "workspaces/bigDataPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic settings for a Big Data Pool", "displayName": "Read Big Data Pool diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/bigDataPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic settings for a Big Data Pool", "displayName": "Write Read Big Data Pool diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": 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"Represents a high-level representation of usage across the SQL pool. 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Revisit access control policies for your SQL pool and monitor these connections if the count is high", "displayName": "Connections blocked by firewall", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "blocked_by_firewall", "name": "ConnectionsBlockedByFirewall", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "SQL dedicated pool", "displayDescription": "Measures how well workloads are utilizing the adaptive cache. Use this metric with the cache hit percentage metric to determine whether to scale for additional capacity or rerun workloads to hydrate the cache", "displayName": "Adaptive cache hit percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "cache_hits", "name": "AdaptiveCacheHitPercent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "SQL dedicated pool", "displayDescription": "Measures how well workloads are utilizing the adaptive cache. Use this metric with the cache used percentage metric to determine whether to scale for additional capacity or rerun workloads to hydrate the cache", "displayName": "Adaptive cache used percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "cache_used", "name": "AdaptiveCacheUsedPercent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "SQL dedicated pool", "displayDescription": "Local tempdb utilization across all compute nodes - values are emitted every five minute", "displayName": "Local tempdb used percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "local_tempdb_usage_percent", "name": "LocalTempDBUsedPercent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "SQL dedicated pool", "displayDescription": "Memory utilization across all nodes in the SQL pool", "displayName": "Memory used percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "memory_usage_percent", "name": "MemoryUsedPercent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "SQL dedicated pool", "displayDescription": "CPU utilization across all nodes in the SQL pool", "displayName": "CPU used percentage", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "cpu_percent", "name": "CPUPercent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "SQL dedicated pool", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "internalName": "Result", "name": "Result", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Count of Total logins to the SQL pool", "displayName": "Connections", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "connections", "name": "Connections", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "SQL dedicated pool - Workload management", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Is User Defined", "internalName": "IsUserDefined", "name": "IsUserDefined", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Workload Group", "internalName": "WorkloadGroupName", "name": "WorkloadGroup", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The active queries within the workload group. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system", "displayName": "Workload group active queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "wlg_active_queries", "name": "WLGActiveQueries", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "SQL dedicated pool - Workload management", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Is User Defined", "internalName": "IsUserDefined", "name": "IsUserDefined", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Workload Group", "internalName": "WorkloadGroupName", "name": "WorkloadGroup", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Queries for the workload group that have timed out. Query timeouts reported by this metric are only once the query has started executing (it does not include wait time due to locking or resource waits)", "displayName": "Workload group query timeouts", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "wlg_active_queries_timeouts", "name": "WLGActiveQueriesTimeouts", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "SQL dedicated pool - Workload management", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Is User Defined", "internalName": "IsUserDefined", "name": "IsUserDefined", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Workload Group", "internalName": "WorkloadGroupName", "name": "WorkloadGroup", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage allocation of resources relative to the entire system", "displayName": "Workload group allocation by system percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "wlg_allocation_relative_to_system_percent", "name": "WLGAllocationBySystemPercent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average", "Total" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "SQL dedicated pool - Workload management", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Is User Defined", "internalName": "IsUserDefined", "name": "IsUserDefined", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Workload Group", "internalName": "WorkloadGroupName", "name": "WorkloadGroup", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Displays the percentage allocation of resources relative to the Effective cap resource percent per workload group. This metric provides the effective utilization of the workload group", "displayName": "Workload group allocation by max resource percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "wlg_allocation_relative_to_wlg_effective_cap_percent", "name": "WLGAllocationByEffectiveCapResourcePercent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "SQL dedicated pool - Workload management", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Is User Defined", "internalName": "IsUserDefined", "name": "IsUserDefined", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Workload Group", "internalName": "WorkloadGroupName", "name": "WorkloadGroup", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The effective cap resource percent for the workload group. If there are other workload groups with min_percentage_resource > 0, the effective_cap_percentage_resource is lowered proportionally", "displayName": "Effective cap resource percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "wlg_effective_cap_resource_percent", "name": "WLGEffectiveCapResourcePercent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum", "Minimum", "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "SQL dedicated pool - Workload management", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Is User Defined", "internalName": "IsUserDefined", "name": "IsUserDefined", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Workload Group", "internalName": "WorkloadGroupName", "name": "WorkloadGroup", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The effective min resource percentage setting allowed considering the service level and the workload group settings. The effective min_percentage_resource can be adjusted higher on lower service levels", "displayName": "Effective min resource percent", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "internalMetricName": "wlg_effective_min_resource_percent", "name": "WLGEffectiveMinResourcePercent", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Minimum", "Maximum", "Average", "Total" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "SQL dedicated pool - Workload management", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Is User Defined", "internalName": "IsUserDefined", "name": "IsUserDefined", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Workload Group", "internalName": "WorkloadGroupName", "name": "WorkloadGroup", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Cumulative count of requests queued after the max concurrency limit was reached", "displayName": "Workload group queued queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "wlg_queued_queries", "name": "WLGQueuedQueries", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "SQL dedicated pool", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Is User Defined", "internalName": "IsUserDefined", "name": "IsUserDefined", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The active queries. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system", "displayName": "Active queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "active_queries", "name": "ActiveQueries", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "SQL dedicated pool", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Is User Defined", "internalName": "IsUserDefined", "name": "IsUserDefined", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Cumulative count of requests queued after the max concurrency limit was reached", "displayName": "Queued queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "queued_queries", "name": "QueuedQueries", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSynapseShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "SQLStandardMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics Pool extensions", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get SQL Analytics Pool extension", "displayName": "Get SQL Analytics Pool extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/extensions/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Change the extension for a given SQL Analytics Pool", "displayName": "Change the extension for a given SQL Analytics Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/extensions/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/sqlPools", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logdefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the log definitions for a SQL Pool", "displayName": "Read SQL Pool log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logdefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Sql Requests", "name": "SqlRequests" }, { "displayName": "Request Steps", "name": "RequestSteps" }, { "displayName": "Exec Requests", "name": "ExecRequests" }, { "displayName": "Dms Workers", "name": "DmsWorkers" }, { "displayName": "Waits", "name": "Waits" }, { "displayName": "Sql Security Audit Event", "name": "SQLSecurityAuditEvents" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateLinkHubs", "name": "privateLinkHubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Create any PrivateLinkHubs.", "displayName": "Create PrivateLinkHubs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any PrivateLinkHubs.", "displayName": "Read PrivateLinkHubs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete PrivateLinkHubs.", "displayName": "Delete PrivateLinkHubs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Determines if user is allowed to auto approve a private endpoint connection to a privateLinkHub", "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connections Auto Approval", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Async Operation Status.", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Async Operation Status.", "displayName": "Read Async Operation Status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Async Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Async Operation Result.", "displayName": "Read Async Operation Result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection For PrivateLinkHub Proxy", "name": "privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub Proxy", "displayName": "Validates Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub Proxy", "displayName": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the Private Endpoint Connection Proxy properties for Private Link Hub", "displayName": "Updates the Private Endpoint Connection Proxy properties for Private Link Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/updatePrivateEndpointProperties/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link Resources", "name": "privateLinkHubs/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of Private Link Resources", "displayName": "Get Private Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub", "name": "privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub", "displayName": "Create or Update Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connections for PrivateLinkHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection for PrivateLinkHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateLinkHubs/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/bigDataPools", "name": "workspaces/bigDataPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logdefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the log definitions for a Big Data Pool", "displayName": "Read Big Data Pool log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/bigDataPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logdefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Big Data Pool Applications Ended", "name": "BigDataPoolAppsEnded" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the log definitions for Synapse Workspaces", "displayName": "Read Workspace log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Synapse RBAC Operations", "name": "SynapseRbacOperations" }, { "displayName": "Synapse Gateway Api Requests", "name": "GatewayApiRequests" }, { "displayName": "SQL Security Audit Event", "name": "SQLSecurityAuditEvents" }, { "displayName": "Built-in Sql Pool Requests Ended", "name": "BuiltinSqlReqsEnded" }, { "displayName": "Integration Pipeline Runs", "name": "IntegrationPipelineRuns" }, { "displayName": "Integration Activity Runs", "name": "IntegrationActivityRuns" }, { "displayName": "Integration Trigger Runs", "name": "IntegrationTriggerRuns" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Async Operation Result", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Async Operation Result.", "displayName": "Read Async Operation Result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Keys", "name": "workspaces/keys", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Workspace Keys", "displayName": "Create or Update Workspace Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/keys/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Workspace Key Definition.", "displayName": "Read Workspace Key Definition.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/keys/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Workspace Key.", "displayName": "Delete Workspace Key.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/keys/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Library artifacts", "name": "workspaces/libraries", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Library Artifacts", "displayName": "Read Library Artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/libraries/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Notify Private Endpoint movement", "name": "privateEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Notify Private Endpoint movement", "displayName": "Notify Private Endpoint movement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/privateEndpoints/notify/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics Pool workload group.", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the workload groups for a selected SQL pool.", "displayName": "Lists the workload groups for a selected SQL pool.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the properties for a specific workload group.", "displayName": "Sets the properties for a specific workload group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Drops a specific workload group.", "displayName": "Drops a specific workload group.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics Pool workload classifier", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the workload classifiers for a selected SQL Analytics Pool.", "displayName": "Lists the workload classifiers for a selected SQL Analytics Pool.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the properties for a specific workload classifier.", "displayName": "Sets the properties for a specific workload classifier.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Drops a specific workload classifier.", "displayName": "Drops a specific workload classifier.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Extended Auditing Settings", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/extendedAuditingSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Extended Auditing Settings.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Extended Auditing Settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/extendedAuditingSettings/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any SQL Analytics pool Extended Auditing Settings.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL Analytics pool Extended Auditing Settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/extendedAuditingSettings/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Data Masking Policy", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/dataMaskingPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of SQL Analytics pool data masking policies.", "displayName": "Return the list of SQL Analytics pool data masking policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/dataMaskingPolicies/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a SQL Analytics pool data masking policy", "displayName": "Creates or updates a SQL Analytics pool data masking policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/dataMaskingPolicies/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Data Masking Rule", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/dataMaskingPolicies/rules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of SQL Analytics pool data masking rules.", "displayName": "Gets a list of SQL Analytics pool data masking rules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/dataMaskingPolicies/rules/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a SQL Analytics pool data masking rule.", "displayName": "Creates or updates a SQL Analytics pool data masking rule.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/dataMaskingPolicies/rules/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool column", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/columns", "operations": [ { "description": "Return a list of columns for a SQL Analytics pool", "displayName": "Return a list of columns for a SQL Analytics pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/columns/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Sensitivity Labels", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/sensitivityLabels", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the sensitivity label of a given column.", "displayName": "List sensitivity labels of a given SQL Analytics pool.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/sensitivityLabels/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Sql pool Blob Audit Records", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/auditRecords", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Sql pool blob audit records", "displayName": "Get Sql pool blob audit records", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/auditRecords/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Async Operation Status.", "name": "resourceGroups/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Async Operation Status.", "displayName": "Read Async Operation Status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/resourceGroups/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Server Extended Auditing Settings", "name": "workspaces/extendedAuditingSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update SQL server extended auditing settings.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL server extended auditing settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/extendedAuditingSettings/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read default SQL server extended auditing settings.", "displayName": "Read default SQL server extended auditing settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/extendedAuditingSettings/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Server Auditing Settings", "name": "workspaces/auditingSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update SQL server auditing settings.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL server auditing settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/auditingSettings/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read default SQL server auditing settings.", "displayName": "Read default SQL server auditing settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/auditingSettings/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Server Security Alert Policy", "name": "workspaces/securityAlertPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update SQL server security alert policies.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL server security alert policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/securityAlertPolicies/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read default SQL server security alert policies.", "displayName": "Read default SQL server security alert policies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/securityAlertPolicies/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Server Vulnerability Assesment", "name": "workspaces/vulnerabilityAssessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update SQL server vulnerability assement report.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL server vulnerability assement report.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/vulnerabilityAssessments/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read default SQL server vulnerability assement report.", "displayName": "Read default SQL server vulnerability assement report.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/vulnerabilityAssessments/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete SQL server vulnerability assement report.", "displayName": "Delete SQL server vulnerability assement report.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/vulnerabilityAssessments/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Restorable Dropped Sql Pool", "name": "workspaces/restorableDroppedSqlPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a deleted Sql pool that can be restored", "displayName": "Get Restorable Dropped Sql pool.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/restorableDroppedSqlPools/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Query Steps", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/dataWarehouseQueries/Steps", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics pool Query Steps.", "displayName": "Read SQL Analytics pool Query Steps.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/dataWarehouseQueries/Steps/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics Pool workload group operation status", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "SQL Analytics Pool workload group operation status", "displayName": "SQL Analytics Pool workload group operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics Pool workload classifier operation status", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "SQL Analytics Pool workload classifier operation status", "displayName": "SQL Analytics Pool workload classifier operation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics Pool workload classifier operation result", "name": "workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "SQL Analytics Pool workload classifier operation result", "displayName": "SQL Analytics Pool workload classifier operation result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools/workloadGroups/workloadClassifiers/operationResults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics pool Usages", "name": "workspaces/sqlUsages", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets usage limits available for SQL Analytics Pools", "displayName": "Gets usage limits available for SQL Analytics Pools", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlUsages/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Administrators", "name": "workspaces/sqlAdministrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Set Active Directory Administrator on the Workspace", "displayName": "Set Active Directory Administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlAdministrators/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Workspace Active Directory Administrator", "displayName": "Get Workspace Active Directory Administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlAdministrators/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Workspace Active Directory Administrator", "displayName": "Delete Workspace Active Directory Administrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlAdministrators/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Analytics Databases", "name": "workspaces/sqlDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update any SQL Analytics Databases.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL Analytics Databases.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlDatabases/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any SQL Analytics Databases.", "displayName": "Create or Update SQL Analytics Databases.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlDatabases/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspaces", "name": "workspaces/azureADOnlyAuthentications", "operations": [ { "description": "Create Or Update Azure AD only authentication for workspace and its sub resources.", "displayName": "Create Or Update Azure AD only authentication for workspace and its sub resources.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/azureADOnlyAuthentications/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Status of Azure AD only authentication for workspace and its sub resources.", "displayName": "Status of Azure AD only authentication for workspace and its sub resources.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/azureADOnlyAuthentications/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Notify user assigned identity deletion", "name": "userAssignedIdentities", "operations": [ { "description": "Notify user assigned identity deletion", "displayName": "Notify user assigned identity deletion", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/userAssignedIdentities/notify/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspaces", "name": "workspaces/trustedServiceBypassConfiguration", "operations": [ { "description": "Update Trusted Service Bypass configuration for workspace.", "displayName": "Update Trusted Service Bypass configuration for workspace.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/trustedServiceBypassConfiguration/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SparkConfiguration artifacts", "name": "workspaces/sparkConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read SparkConfiguration Artifacts", "displayName": "Read SparkConfiguration Artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sparkConfigurations/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Server Tls Settings", "name": "workspaces/dedicatedSQLminimalTlsSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Updates workspace SQL server TLS Version setting", "displayName": "Updates workspace SQL server TLS Version setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/dedicatedSQLminimalTlsSettings/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads workspace SQL server TLS Version setting", "displayName": "Read Workspace SQL server Tls Settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/dedicatedSQLminimalTlsSettings/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all uasage and quota information", "displayName": "List usages and quotas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/locations/usages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Usages", "name": "workspaces/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all uasage and quota information", "displayName": "List usages and quotas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/usages/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations resource type", "name": "locations/kustoPoolOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads operations resources", "displayName": "Read operations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/locations/kustoPoolOperationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check name availability resource type", "name": "Locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks resource name availability.", "displayName": "Check name availability action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/Locations/KustoPoolCheckNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Clusters resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a cluster resource.", "displayName": "Read cluster resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a cluster resource.", "displayName": "Write cluster resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a cluster resource.", "displayName": "Delete cluster resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the cluster.", "displayName": "Cluster start action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the cluster.", "displayName": "Cluster stop action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks the cluster name availability.", "displayName": "Cluster check name availability action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/CheckNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Migrates the cluster data to another cluster.", "displayName": "Cluster migrate action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Migrate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists language extensions.", "displayName": "Lists language extensions action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/ListLanguageExtensions/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add language extensions.", "displayName": "Add language extensions action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/AddLanguageExtensions/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove language extensions.", "displayName": "Remove language extensions action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/RemoveLanguageExtensions/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Detaches follower's databases.", "displayName": "Detach follower databases action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/DetachFollowerDatabases/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the follower's databases.", "displayName": "List follower's databases action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/ListFollowerDatabases/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cluster SKUs resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/SKUs", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a cluster SKU resource.", "displayName": "Read cluster SKU resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/SKUs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SKUs resource type", "name": "SKUs", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a SKU resource.", "displayName": "Read SKU resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/SKUs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Clusters resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic settings for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of Kusto", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metric definitions of the resource", "displayName": "Reads Kusto metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Utilization level in the cluster scope. The metric is deprecated and presented for backward compatibility only, you should use the 'Cache utilization factor' metric instead.", "displayName": "Cache utilization (deprecated)", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "CacheUtilization", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Percentage of utilized disk space dedicated for hot cache in the cluster. 100% means that the disk space assigned to hot data is optimally utilized. No action is needed in terms of the cache size. More than 100% means that the cluster's disk space is not large enough to accommodate the hot data, as defined by your caching policies. To ensure that sufficient space is available for all the hot data, the amount of hot data needs to be reduced or the cluster needs to be scaled out. Enabling auto scale is recommended.", "displayName": "Cache utilization factor", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "CacheUtilizationFactor", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Query performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Query Status", "name": "QueryStatus", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Queries\u2019 duration in seconds", "displayName": "Query duration", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "QueryDuration", "name": "QueryDuration", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Ratio of used ingestion slots in the cluster", "displayName": "Ingestion utilization", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngestionUtilization", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Sanity check indicates the cluster responds to queries", "displayName": "Keep alive", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "KeepAlive", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Overall volume of ingested data to the cluster", "displayName": "Ingestion Volume", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngestionVolumeInBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "displayDescription": "Latency of data ingested, from the time the data was received in the cluster until it's ready for query. The ingestion latency period depends on the ingestion scenario.", "displayName": "Ingestion Latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngestionLatencyInSeconds", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Status", "name": "IngestionResultDetails", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Failure Status Type", "name": "FailureKind", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of sources that either failed or succeeded to be ingested. Splitting the metric by status, you can get detailed information about the status of the ingestion operations.", "displayName": "Ingestion result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngestionResult", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "CPU utilization level", "displayName": "CPU", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "CPU", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Export health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Continuous Export Name", "name": "ContinuousExportName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of records exported, fired for every storage artifact written during the export operation", "displayName": "Continuous export \u2013 num of exported records", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ContinuousExportNumOfRecordsExported", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Export health and performance", "displayDescription": "Export utilization", "displayName": "Export Utilization", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ExportUtilization", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Export health and performance", "displayDescription": "The number of pending continuous export jobs ready for execution", "displayName": "Continuous Export Pending Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ContinuousExportPendingCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Export health and performance", "displayDescription": "The lateness (in minutes) reported by the continuous export jobs in the cluster", "displayName": "Continuous Export Max Lateness", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ContinuousExportMaxLatenessMinutes", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "category": "Export health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Continuous Export Name", "name": "ContinuousExportName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Indicates whether Continuous Export succeeded or failed", "displayName": "Continuous Export Result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ContinuousExportResult", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Streaming Ingest", "displayDescription": "Streaming ingest duration in milliseconds", "displayName": "Streaming Ingest Duration", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "StreamingIngestDuration", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Streaming Ingest", "displayDescription": "Streaming ingest data rate (MB per second)", "displayName": "Streaming Ingest Data Rate", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "StreamingIngestDataRate", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "RateRequestsPerSecond", "category": "Streaming Ingest", "displayDescription": "Streaming ingest request rate (requests per second)", "displayName": "Streaming Ingest Request Rate", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "SteamingIngestRequestRate", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "RateRequestsPerSecond" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "category": "Streaming Ingest", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Streaming ingest result", "displayName": "Streaming Ingest Result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "StreamingIngestResults", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Query performance", "displayDescription": "Total number of concurrent queries", "displayName": "Total number of concurrent queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalNumberOfConcurrentQueries", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Query performance", "displayDescription": "Total number of throttled queries", "displayName": "Total number of throttled queries", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalNumberOfThrottledQueries", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Cluster health", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Command Type", "name": "CommandType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of throttled commands", "displayName": "Total number of throttled commands", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalNumberOfThrottledCommands", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Total number of data extents", "displayName": "Total number of extents", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "TotalNumberOfExtents", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Cluster health", "displayDescription": "Total instance count", "displayName": "Instance Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "InstanceCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Batching Type", "name": "SealReason", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of batches aggregated for ingestion. Batching Type: whether the batch reached batching time, data size or number of files limit set by batching policy", "displayName": "Batches Processed", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BatchesProcessed", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Uncompressed expected data size in an aggregated batch for ingestion.", "displayName": "Batch Size", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BatchSize", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of data sources in an aggregated batch for ingestion.", "displayName": "Batch Blob Count", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BatchBlobCount", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The duration of the aggregation phase in the ingestion flow.", "displayName": "Batch Duration", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BatchDuration", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Maximum", "Minimum" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Count", "category": "Query performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Status", "name": "QueryStatus", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of queries.", "displayName": "Query Result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "internalMetricName": "QueryDuration", "name": "QueryResult", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Count" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The materialized view age in minutes", "displayName": "Materialized View Age", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "MaterializedViewAgeMinutes", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The health of the materialized view (1 for healthy, 0 for non-healthy)", "displayName": "Materialized View Health", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "MaterializedViewHealth", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The result of the materialization process", "displayName": "Materialized View Result", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "MaterializedViewResult", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "The number of records in the non-materialized part of the view", "displayName": "Materialized View Records In Delta", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "MaterializedViewRecordsInDelta", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of extents rebuild", "displayName": "Materialized View Extents Rebuild", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "MaterializedViewExtentsRebuild", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Maximum", "category": "Materialized View health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Materialized View Name", "name": "MaterializedViewName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Kind", "name": "Kind", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Indicates potential data loss in materialized view", "displayName": "Materialized View Data Loss", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "MaterializedViewDataLoss", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of blobs received from input stream by a component.", "displayName": "Blobs Received", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BlobsReceived", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of blobs processed by a component.", "displayName": "Blobs Processed", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BlobsProcessed", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of blobs permanently rejected by a component.", "displayName": "Blobs Dropped", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BlobsDropped", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Database", "name": "Database", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Cumulative time from when a message is discovered until it is received by the reporting component for processing (discovery time is set when message is enqueued for ingestion queue, or when discovered by data connection).", "displayName": "Stage Latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "StageLatency", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Reported by data connections (if exist). Time in seconds from when a message is enqueued or event is created until it is discovered by data connection. This time is not included in the Azure Data Explorer total ingestion duration.", "displayName": "Discovery Latency", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "DiscoveryLatency", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Seconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of events received by data connection.", "displayName": "Events Received", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventsReceived", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of events processed by the cluster", "displayName": "Events Processed", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventsProcessed", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of events dropped permanently by data connection. An Ingestion result metric with a failure reason will be sent.", "displayName": "Events Dropped", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "EventsDropped", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false }, { "displayName": "Component Name", "name": "ComponentName", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Size of data received by data connection. This is the size of the data stream, or of raw data size if provided.", "displayName": "Received Data Size Bytes", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ReceivedDataSizeBytes", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Total" ], "unit": "Bytes" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Number of pending messages in a component's queue.", "displayName": "Queue Length", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "QueueLength", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Ingestion health and performance", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Component Type", "name": "ComponentType", "toBeExportedForShoebox": false } ], "displayDescription": "Time in seconds from when the oldest message in queue was inserted.", "displayName": "Queue Oldest Message", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "QueueOldestMessage", "sourceMdmAccount": "Kusto", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CustomerMetrics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Clusters resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic logs settings for the resource", "displayName": "Read logs definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "displayName": "Successful ingest operations", "name": "SucceededIngestion" }, { "displayName": "Failed ingest operations", "name": "FailedIngestion" }, { "displayName": "Ingestion batching", "name": "IngestionBatching" }, { "displayName": "Command", "name": "Command" }, { "displayName": "Query", "name": "Query" }, { "displayName": "Table usage statistics", "name": "TableUsageStatistics" }, { "displayName": "Table details", "name": "TableDetails" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Attached database configuration resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/AttachedDatabaseConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads an attached database configuration resource.", "displayName": "Read an attached database configuration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/AttachedDatabaseConfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes an attached database configuration resource.", "displayName": "Write an attached database configuration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/AttachedDatabaseConfigurations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an attached database configuration resource.", "displayName": "Delete an attached database configugration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/AttachedDatabaseConfigurations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Databases resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/Databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a database resource.", "displayName": "Read database resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a database resource.", "displayName": "Write database resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a database resource.", "displayName": "Delete database resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates database data connection.", "displayName": "Data connection validation action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/DataConnectionValidation/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks name availability for a given type.", "displayName": "Check name availability action for a given type", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/CheckNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/InviteFollower/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data connections resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/DataConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a data connections resource.", "displayName": "Read a data connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/DataConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a data connections resource.", "displayName": "Write a data connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/DataConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a data connections resource.", "displayName": "Delete a data connections resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/DataConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cluster principal assignments resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/PrincipalAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a Cluster principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Read a Cluster principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrincipalAssignments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a Cluster principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Write a Cluster principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrincipalAssignments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Cluster principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Delete a Cluster principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrincipalAssignments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database principal assignments resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/PrincipalAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a database principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Read a database principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/PrincipalAssignments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a database principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Write a database principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/PrincipalAssignments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a database principal assignments resource.", "displayName": "Delete a database principal assignments resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/Databases/PrincipalAssignments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private endpoint connection proxies resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Read private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Write private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Delete private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Validate private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies/Validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link resources resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads private link resources", "displayName": "Reads private link resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private endpoint connections resource type", "name": "workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Read private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Write private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools/PrivateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Azure Red Hat OpenShift", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift", "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "locations/operationresults", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationsstatus", "name": "locations/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read operations status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/locations/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "openShiftClusters", "name": "openShiftClusters", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read OpenShift cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write OpenShift cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete OpenShift cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "List credentials of an OpenShift cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/listCredentials/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "List Admin Kubeconfig of an OpenShift cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/listAdminCredentials/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "listInstallVersions", "name": "locations/listInstallVersions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Lists all OpenShift versions available to install in the specified location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/locations/listInstallVersions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "syncSets", "name": "openShiftClusters/syncSets", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read OpenShift cluster sync set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/syncSets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write OpenShift cluster sync set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/syncSets/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete OpenShift cluster sync set", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/syncSets/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "machinePools", "name": "openShiftClusters/machinePools", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read OpenShift cluster machine pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/machinePools/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write OpenShift cluster machine pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/machinePools/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete OpenShift cluster machine pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/machinePools/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "syncIdentityProviders", "name": "openShiftClusters/syncIdentityProviders", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Read OpenShift cluster sync identity provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/syncIdentityProviders/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Write OpenShift cluster sync identity provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/syncIdentityProviders/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete OpenShift cluster sync identity provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/syncIdentityProviders/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "openShiftClusters", "name": "openShiftClusters/detectors", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Get OpenShift Cluster Detector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/detectors/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Azure Digital Twins", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DigitalTwins", "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the Subscription for the Digital Twins resource provider and enable the creation of Digital Twins instances.", "displayName": "Register the Digital Twins Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Query any Digital Twins Graph", "displayName": "Query Digital Twins Graph", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/query/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for the Digital Twins Resource Provider", "displayName": "Unregister the Digital Twins Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "digitalTwinsInstances", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances resource", "displayName": "Read Azure Digital Twins resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update any Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances resource", "displayName": "Create or Update Azure Digital Twins resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances resource", "displayName": "Delete Azure Digital Twins resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve PrivateEndpointConnection resource", "displayName": "Approve PrivateEndpointConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Digital Twin", "name": "digitaltwins", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Digital Twin", "displayName": "Read Digital Twin", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Digital Twin", "displayName": "Create Digital Twin", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Digital Twin", "displayName": "Delete Digital Twin", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Invoke any Command on a Digital Twin", "displayName": "Invoke Command on Digital Twin", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/commands/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Digital Twin Relationship", "name": "digitaltwins/relationships", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Digital Twin Relationship", "displayName": "Read Digital Twin Relationship", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/relationships/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Digital Twin Relationship", "displayName": "Create Digital Twin Relationship", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/relationships/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Digital Twin Relationship", "displayName": "Delete Digital Twin Relationship", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitaltwins/relationships/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Event Route", "name": "eventroutes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Event Route", "displayName": "Read Event Route", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Event Route", "displayName": "Delete Event Route", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Event Route", "displayName": "Create Event Route", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/eventroutes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Model", "name": "models", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Model", "displayName": "Read Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Model", "displayName": "Create Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Model", "displayName": "Delete Model", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/models/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "digitalTwinsInstances", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic settings for the resource", "displayName": "Get Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the diagnostic settings for the resource", "displayName": "Set Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "digitalTwinsInstances", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the metric settings for the resource's Azure Monitor", "displayName": "Get Azure Monitor Metric Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint Type", "internalName": "Operation", "name": "EndpointType" }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of messages routed to an endpoint Azure service such as Event Hub, Service Bus or Event Grid.", "displayName": "Messages Routed", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "Routing", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint Type", "internalName": "Operation", "name": "EndpointType" } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of events that result in an error as they are routed from Azure Digital Twins to an endpoint Azure service such as Event Hub, Service Bus or Event Grid.", "displayName": "Routing Failure Rate", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RoutingFailureRate", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint Type", "internalName": "Operation", "name": "EndpointType" }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "Time elapsed between an event getting routed from Azure Digital Twins to when it is posted to the endpoint Azure service such as Event Hub, Service Bus or Event Grid.", "displayName": "Routing Latency", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "RoutingLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint Type", "internalName": "Operation", "name": "EndpointType" }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of messages routed to a time series database.", "displayName": "Data History Messages Routed (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "DataHistoryRouting", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint Type", "internalName": "Operation", "name": "EndpointType" } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of events that result in an error as they are routed from Azure Digital Twins to a time series database.", "displayName": "Data History Routing Failure Rate (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "DataHistoryRoutingFailureRate", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Endpoint Type", "internalName": "Operation", "name": "EndpointType" }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "Time elapsed between an event getting routed from Azure Digital Twins to when it is posted to a time series database.", "displayName": "Data History Routing Latency (preview)", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "DataHistoryRoutingLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication" }, { "displayName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode" }, { "displayName": "Status Code Class", "name": "StatusCodeClass" }, { "displayName": "Status Text", "name": "StatusText" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of API requests made for Digital Twins read, write, delete and query operations.", "displayName": "API Requests", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ApiRequests", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication" }, { "displayName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of API requests that the service receives for your instance that return an internal error (500) response code for Digital Twins read, write, delete and query operations.", "displayName": "API Requests Failure Rate", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ApiRequestsFailureRate", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication" }, { "displayName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" }, { "displayName": "Status Code", "name": "StatusCode" }, { "displayName": "Status Code Class", "name": "StatusCodeClass" }, { "displayName": "Status Text", "name": "StatusText" } ], "displayDescription": "The response time for API requests, i.e. from when the request is received by Azure Digital Twins until the service sends a success/fail result for Digital Twins read, write, delete and query operations.", "displayName": "API Requests Latency", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ApiRequestsLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Meter Id", "name": "MeterId" } ], "displayDescription": "Billing metric for the count of all API requests made against the Azure Digital Twins service.", "displayName": "Billing API Operations", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BillingApiOperations", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Meter Id", "name": "MeterId" } ], "displayDescription": "Billing metric for the number of messages sent out from Azure Digital Twins to external endpoints.", "displayName": "Billing Messages Processed", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BillingMessagesProcessed", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Meter Id", "name": "MeterId" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of Query Units, an internally computed measure of service resource usage, consumed to execute queries.", "displayName": "Billing Query Units", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "BillingQueryUnits", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of incoming telemetry events into Azure Digital Twins.", "displayName": "Ingress Events", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngressEvents", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "The percentage of incoming telemetry events for which the service returns an internal error (500) response code.", "displayName": "Ingress Events Failure Rate", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngressEventsFailureRate", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average" ], "unit": "Percent" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "The time from when an event arrives to when it is ready to be egressed by Azure Digital Twins, at which point the service sends a success/fail result.", "displayName": "Ingress Events Latency", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "IngressEventsLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of twins in the Azure Digital Twins instance. Use this metric to determine if you are approaching the service limit for max number of twins allowed per instance.", "displayName": "Twin Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "TwinCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "displayDescription": "Total number of models in the Azure Digital Twins instance. Use this metric to determine if you are approaching the service limit for max number of models allowed per instance.", "displayName": "Model Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "ModelCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication" }, { "displayName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "Total time taken for an import job to complete.", "displayName": "Import Job Latency", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "ImportJobLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of twins, models, or relationships processed by an import job.", "displayName": "Import Job Entity Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "ImportJobEntityCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Average", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "Authentication", "name": "Authentication" }, { "displayName": "Protocol", "name": "Protocol" } ], "displayDescription": "Total time taken for a delete job to complete.", "displayName": "Delete Job Latency", "fillGapWithZero": true, "name": "DeleteJobLatency", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Milliseconds" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "availabilities": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "timeGrain": "PT1M" } ], "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "Operation" }, { "displayName": "Result", "name": "Result" } ], "displayDescription": "The number of models, twins, and relationships deleted by a delete job.", "displayName": "Delete Job Entity Count", "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "DeleteJobEntityCount", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Average", "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total" ], "unit": "Count" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "digitalTwinsInstances", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the log settings for the resource's Azure Monitor", "displayName": "Get Azure Monitor Log Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "DigitalTwinsOperation", "name": "DigitalTwinsOperation" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "EventRoutesOperation", "name": "EventRoutesOperation" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "DataHistoryOperation", "name": "DataHistoryOperation" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "ModelsOperation", "name": "ModelsOperation" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "QueryOperation", "name": "QueryOperation" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "ResourceProviderOperation", "name": "ResourceProviderOperation" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoint", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/endpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Endpoint of a Digital Twins resource", "displayName": "Delete Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/endpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Endpoint of a Digital Twins resource", "displayName": "Read Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/endpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Endpoint of a Digital Twins resource", "displayName": "Write Endpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/endpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Digital Twins Resource Provider", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Check Name Availability of a resource in the Digital Twins Resource Provider", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all Operations", "displayName": "Read Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateLinkResources", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads PrivateLinkResources for Digital Twins", "displayName": "Read PrivateLinkResources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies resource", "displayName": "Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies resource", "displayName": "Read PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies resource", "displayName": "Write PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies resource", "displayName": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Get PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies Async Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnection", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read PrivateEndpointConnection resource", "displayName": "Read PrivateEndpointConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write PrivateEndpointConnection resource", "displayName": "Write PrivateEndpointConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnection resource", "displayName": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnection", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the result of an async operation on a private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Get PrivateEndpointConnection Async Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bulk Import Job", "name": "jobs/imports", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Bulk Import Job", "displayName": "Read Bulk Import Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/imports/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create any Bulk Import Job", "displayName": "Write Bulk Import Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/imports/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Bulk Import Job", "displayName": "Delete Bulk Import Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/imports/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel any Bulk Import Job", "displayName": "Cancel Bulk Import Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/imports/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bulk Delete Job", "name": "jobs/delete", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Bulk Delete Job", "displayName": "Read Bulk Delete Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/delete/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create any Bulk Delete Job", "displayName": "Write Bulk Delete Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/delete/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Time Series Database Connection", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/timeSeriesDatabaseConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any time series database connection of a Digital Twins resource", "displayName": "Delete Time Series Database Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/timeSeriesDatabaseConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any time series database connection of a Digital Twins resource", "displayName": "Read Time Series Database Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/timeSeriesDatabaseConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create any time series database connection of a Digital Twins resource", "displayName": "Write Time Series Database Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/timeSeriesDatabaseConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "digitalTwinsInstances/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status", "name": "locations/operationsStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Operation Status", "displayName": "Read Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/locations/operationsStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bulk Import Job", "name": "jobs/import", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Bulk Import Job", "displayName": "Read Bulk Import Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/import/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bulk Delete Job", "name": "jobs/deletions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Bulk Delete Job", "displayName": "Read Bulk Delete Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/deletions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create any Bulk Delete Job", "displayName": "Write Bulk Delete Job", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DigitalTwins/jobs/deletions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Quantum", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Quantum", "name": "Microsoft.Quantum", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Workspaces", "name": "Workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Workspace", "displayName": "Gets/List workspace resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quantum/Workspaces/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes Workspace", "displayName": "Create/update workspace resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quantum/Workspaces/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Workspace", "displayName": "Deletes workspace resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quantum/Workspaces/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspaces", "name": "Locations/Offerings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read providers supported", "displayName": "Read quantum workspace's available providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quantum/Locations/Offerings/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.BlockchainTokens", "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "tokenServices", "name": "tokenServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Read tokenServices", "displayName": "Gets/List tokenServices resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes tokenServices", "displayName": "Create/update tokenServices resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes tokenServices", "displayName": "Deletes tokenServices resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "groups", "name": "tokenServices/groups", "operations": [ { "description": "Read groups", "displayName": "Gets/List groups resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/groups/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes groups", "displayName": "Create/update groups resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/groups/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes groups", "displayName": "Deletes groups resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/groups/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "accounts", "name": "tokenServices/groups/accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read accounts", "displayName": "Gets/List accounts resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/groups/accounts/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes accounts", "displayName": "Create/update accounts resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/groups/accounts/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes accounts", "displayName": "Deletes accounts resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/groups/accounts/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "blockchainNetworks", "name": "tokenServices/blockchainNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Read blockchainNetworks", "displayName": "Gets/List blockchainNetworks resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/blockchainNetworks/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes blockchainNetworks", "displayName": "Create/update blockchainNetworks resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/blockchainNetworks/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes blockchainNetworks", "displayName": "Deletes blockchainNetworks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/blockchainNetworks/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "tokenTemplates", "name": "tokenServices/tokenTemplates", "operations": [ { "description": "Read tokenTemplates", "displayName": "Gets/List tokenTemplates resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/tokenTemplates/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes tokenTemplates", "displayName": "Create/update tokenTemplates resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/tokenTemplates/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes tokenTemplates", "displayName": "Deletes tokenTemplates resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/tokenServices/tokenTemplates/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "Locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Locations", "displayName": "Gets/List Locations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/Locations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes Locations", "displayName": "Create/update Locations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/Locations/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Locations", "displayName": "Deletes Locations resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/Locations/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "Gets/List OperationStatuses resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/Locations/OperationStatuses/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes OperationStatuses", "displayName": "Create/update OperationStatuses resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/Locations/OperationStatuses/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes OperationStatuses", "displayName": "Deletes OperationStatuses resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BlockchainTokens/Locations/OperationStatuses/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Change Analysis", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis", "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis", "operations": [ { "description": "Register Microsoft Change Analysis resource provider", "displayName": "Register Microsoft Change Analysis resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister Microsoft Change Analysis resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister Microsoft Change Analysis resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of resource changes. Customer data will be masked if user doesn't have permission.", "displayName": "List changes of a single resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis/resourceChanges/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the change snapshot. Customer data will be masked if user doesn't have permission.", "displayName": "Gets change snapshots for the given resource Id and change Id", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis/changeSnapshots/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the list of changes.", "displayName": "List changes of a single resource from ARG", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis/computeChanges/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Azure Application Change Analysis Service Configuration Profile", "name": "profile", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Azure Application Change Analysis Service Configuration Profile", "displayName": "Read Configuration Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis/profile/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Azure Application Change Analysis Service Configuration Profile Properties", "displayName": "Modify Configuration Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis/profile/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Change Analysis operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of Change Analysis operations", "displayName": "List/Get Change Analysis operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource change", "name": "resourceChanges", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of resource changes. Customer data will be masked if user doesn't have permission.", "displayName": "List changes of a single resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis/resourceChanges/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscription, resource group, resource change", "name": "changes", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the list of changes. Customer data will always be masked.", "displayName": "List changes of the subscription/resource group and the resources under the subscription/resource group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis/changes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "microsoft.vmware", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.VMware", "name": "Microsoft.VMware", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "vcenters", "name": "vcenters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read vcenters", "displayName": "Gets/List vcenters resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/vcenters/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes vcenters", "displayName": "Create/update vcenters resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/vcenters/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes vcenters", "displayName": "Deletes vcenters resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/vcenters/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "resourcepools", "name": "resourcepools", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resourcepools", "displayName": "Gets/List resourcepools resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/resourcepools/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes resourcepools", "displayName": "Create/update resourcepools resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/resourcepools/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes resourcepools", "displayName": "Deletes resourcepools resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/resourcepools/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploy on resource pool.", "displayName": "Deploy on resource pool.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/resourcepools/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "arczones", "name": "arczones", "operations": [ { "description": "Read arczones", "displayName": "Gets/List arczones resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/arczones/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes arczones", "displayName": "Create/update arczones resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/arczones/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes arczones", "displayName": "Deletes arczones resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/arczones/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploy on arczone.", "displayName": "Deploy on arczone.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/arczones/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualmachines", "name": "virtualmachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Read virtualmachines", "displayName": "Gets/List virtualmachines resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualmachines/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes virtualmachines", "displayName": "Create/update virtualmachines resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualmachines/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes virtualmachines", "displayName": "Deletes virtualmachines resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualmachines/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualmachinetemplates", "name": "virtualmachinetemplates", "operations": [ { "description": "Read virtualmachinetemplates", "displayName": "Gets/List virtualmachinetemplates resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualmachinetemplates/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes virtualmachinetemplates", "displayName": "Create/update virtualmachinetemplates resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualmachinetemplates/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes virtualmachinetemplates", "displayName": "Deletes virtualmachinetemplates resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualmachinetemplates/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clone on virtual machine templates.", "displayName": "Clone on virtual machine templates.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualmachinetemplates/clone/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualnetworks", "name": "virtualnetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Read virtualnetworks", "displayName": "Gets/List virtualnetworks resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualnetworks/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes virtualnetworks", "displayName": "Create/update virtualnetworks resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualnetworks/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes virtualnetworks", "displayName": "Deletes virtualnetworks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualnetworks/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join virtual network.", "displayName": "Join virtual network.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.vmware/virtualnetworks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.DataProtection", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DataProtection", "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers subscription for given Resource Provider", "displayName": "Register Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/register/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters subscription for given Resource Provider", "displayName": "Unregister Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/unregister/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Backup Vaults", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if the requested BackupVault Name is Available", "displayName": "Check if the requested BackupVault Name is Available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check Backup Status for Recovery Services Vaults", "displayName": "Check Backup Status for Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/locations/getBackupStatus/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates if a feature is supported", "displayName": "Validate if a feature is supported", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/locations/checkFeatureSupport/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Instance", "name": "backupVaults/backupInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a Backup Instance", "displayName": "Create a Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates for modification of Backup Instance", "displayName": "Validate for modification of Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/validateForModifyBackup/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Backup Instance", "displayName": "Delete Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns details of the Backup Instance", "displayName": "Get Backup Instance Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs Backup on the Backup Instance", "displayName": "Backup Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/backup/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Sync operation retries last failed operation on backup instance to bring it to a valid state.", "displayName": "Sync Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/sync/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers restore on the Backup Instance", "displayName": "Restore Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/restore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates for Restore of the Backup Instance", "displayName": "Validate for Restore of Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/validateRestore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop Protection operation stops both backup and retention schedules of backup instance. Existing data will be retained forever.", "displayName": "Stop Protection of Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/stopProtection/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Suspend Backups operation stops only backups of backup instance. Retention activities will continue and hence data will be ratained as per policy.", "displayName": "Suspend Backups of Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/suspendBackups/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resume protection of a ProtectionStopped BI.", "displayName": "Resume Protection of Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/resumeProtection/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resume Backups for a BackupsSuspended BI.", "displayName": "Resume Backups of Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/resumeBackups/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Finds Restorable Time Ranges", "displayName": "Find Restorable Time Ranges", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/findRestorableTimeRanges/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Policies", "name": "backupVaults/backupPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates Backup Policy", "displayName": "Create Backup Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupPolicies/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Backup Policy", "displayName": "Delete Backup Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupPolicies/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns details of the Backup Policy", "displayName": "Get Backup Policy details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupPolicies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recovery Points", "name": "backupVaults/backupInstances/recoveryPoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns details of the Recovery Point", "displayName": "Get Recovery Point Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/recoveryPoints/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Vaults", "name": "backupVaults", "operations": [ { "description": "Create BackupVault operation creates an Azure resource of type 'Backup Vault'", "displayName": "Create Backup Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The Get Backup Vault operation gets an object representing the Azure resource of type 'Backup Vault'", "displayName": "Get Backup Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets list of Backup Vaults in a Resource Group", "displayName": "Get Backup Vaults in a Resource Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The Delete Vault operation deletes the specified Azure resource of type 'Backup Vault'", "displayName": "Delete Backup Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates for backup of Backup Instance", "displayName": "Validate for backup of Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/validateForBackup/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Vaults", "name": "backupVaults/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Operation Result of a Patch Operation for a Backup Vault", "displayName": "Get Operation Result of a Patch Operation for a Backup Vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Operation Status", "name": "locations/operationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns Backup Operation Status for Backup Vault.", "displayName": "Get Backup Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/locations/operationStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns Backup Operation Result for Backup Vault.", "displayName": "Get Backup Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Guards", "name": "subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/resourceGuards", "operations": [ { "description": "Create ResourceGuard operation creates an Azure resource of type 'ResourceGuard'", "displayName": "Create ResourceGuard", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/resourceGuards/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The Get ResourceGuard operation gets an object representing the Azure resource of type 'ResourceGuard'", "displayName": "Get ResourceGuard", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/resourceGuards/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The Delete ResourceGuard operation deletes the specified Azure resource of type 'ResourceGuard'", "displayName": "Delete ResourceGuard", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/resourceGuards/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Guards", "name": "subscriptions/providers/resourceGuards", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets list of ResourceGuards in a Subscription", "displayName": "Get ResourceGuards in a Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/providers/resourceGuards/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Guards", "name": "subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/resourceGuards/{operationName}", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets ResourceGuard operation request info", "displayName": "Get ResourceGuard operation request info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/resourceGuards/{operationName}/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Instance", "name": "backupVaults/backupInstances/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns Backup Operation Result for Backup Vault.", "displayName": "Get Backup Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupInstances/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Jobs", "name": "backupVaults/backupJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Jobs list", "displayName": "Backup Jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupJobs/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Job details", "displayName": "Backup Job Object", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupJobs/enableProgress/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Guard Proxy", "name": "backupVaults/backupResourceGuardProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the list of ResourceGuard proxies for a resource", "displayName": "Get the list of ResourceGuard proxies for a resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupResourceGuardProxies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create ResourceGuard proxy operation creates an Azure resource of type 'ResourceGuard Proxy'", "displayName": "Create ResourceGuard proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupResourceGuardProxies/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "The Delete ResourceGuard proxy operation deletes the specified Azure resource of type 'ResourceGuard proxy'", "displayName": "Delete ResourceGuard proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupResourceGuardProxies/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unlock delete ResourceGuard proxy operation unlocks the next delete critical operation", "displayName": "Unlock delete ResourceGuard proxy operation unlocks the next delete critical operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/backupResourceGuardProxies/unlockDelete/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Operation Status", "name": "backupVaults/operationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns Backup Operation Status for Backup Vault.", "displayName": "Get Backup Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/operationStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Operation Status", "name": "subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/locations/operationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns Backup Operation Status for Backup Vault.", "displayName": "Get Backup Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/locations/operationStatus/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Deleted Backup Instance", "name": "backupVaults/deletedBackupInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Perform undelete of soft-deleted Backup Instance. Backup Instance moves from SoftDeleted to ProtectionStopped state.", "displayName": "Perform undelete of soft-deleted Backup Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/deletedBackupInstances/undelete/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get soft-deleted Backup Instance in a Backup Vault by name", "displayName": "Get soft-deleted Backup Instance in a Backup Vault by name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/backupVaults/deletedBackupInstances/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Provider Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Operation returns the list of Operations for a Resource Provider", "displayName": "List of Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Backup Jobs", "name": "subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns recovery points from secondary region for cross region restore enabled Backup Vaults.", "displayName": "Fetch secondary recovery points.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/locations/fetchSecondaryRecoveryPoints/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers cross region restore operation on given backup instance.", "displayName": "Trigger cross region restore.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/locations/crossRegionRestore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs validations for cross region restore operation.", "displayName": "Validate cross region restore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/locations/validateCrossRegionRestore/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "List cross region restore jobs of backup instance from secondary region.", "displayName": "Fetch cross region restore jobs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/locations/fetchCrossRegionRestoreJobs/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get cross region restore job details from secondary region.", "displayName": "Fetch cross region restore job.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataProtection/subscriptions/resourceGroups/providers/locations/fetchCrossRegionRestoreJob/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AzureStackHCI", "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Azure Stack HCI resource provider and enables the creation of Azure Stack HCI resources.", "displayName": "Registers the Azure Stack HCI Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Register/Action", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Azure Stack HCI resource provider.", "displayName": "Unregisters the Azure Stack HCI Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Unregister/Action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Clusters", "name": "Clusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets clusters", "displayName": "Gets/List cluster resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/Read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a cluster", "displayName": "Create/update cluster resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes cluster resource", "displayName": "Deletes cluster resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds Arc Nodes to the cluster", "displayName": "Adds Arc Nodes to the cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/AddNodes/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create cluster identity", "displayName": "Create cluster identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/CreateClusterIdentity/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upload cluster certificate", "displayName": "Upload cluster certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/UploadCertificate/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Manage OS of HCI resource via Windows Admin Center as an administrator", "displayName": "Manage OS of HCI resource via Windows Admin Center as an administrator", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/WACloginAsAdmin/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operations", "displayName": "Gets/List operations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Operations/Read", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Clusters/ArcSettings", "name": "Clusters/ArcSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets arc resource of HCI cluster", "displayName": "Gets/List arc resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or updates arc resource of HCI cluster", "displayName": "Create/Update arc resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete arc resource of HCI cluster", "displayName": "Delete arc resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate password for Arc settings identity", "displayName": "Generate password for Arc settings identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/GeneratePassword/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Arc settings identity", "displayName": "Create Arc settings identity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/CreateArcIdentity/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Consent Time and Installs default extensions", "displayName": "Updates Consent Time and Installs default extensions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/ConsentAndInstallDefaultExtensions/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Initializes disable process for arc settings resource", "displayName": "Initializes disable process for arc settings resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/InitializeDisableProcess/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Clusters/ArcSettings/Extensions", "name": "Clusters/ArcSettings/Extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets extension resource of HCI cluster", "displayName": "Gets/List extension resources of HCI cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/Extensions/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update extension resource of HCI cluster", "displayName": "Create/Update extension resources of HCI cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/Extensions/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete extension resources of HCI cluster", "displayName": "Delete extension resources of HCI cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/Extensions/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrade extension resources of HCI cluster", "displayName": "Upgrade extension resources of HCI cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/ArcSettings/Extensions/Upgrade/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualMachines", "name": "VirtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Restarts virtual machine resource", "displayName": "Restarts virtual machine resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachines/Restart/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts virtual machine resource", "displayName": "Starts virtual machine resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachines/Start/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops virtual machine resource", "displayName": "Stops virtual machine resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachines/Stop/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes virtual machine resource", "displayName": "Deletes virtual machine resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachines/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates virtual machine resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates virtual machine resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachines/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists virtual machine resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists virtual machine resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachines/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Manage ARC enabled VM resources on HCI via Windows Admin Center as an administrator", "displayName": "Manage ARC enabled VM resources on HCI via Windows Admin Center as an administrator", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/virtualMachines/WACloginAsAdmin/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualNetworks", "name": "VirtualNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes virtual networks resource", "displayName": "Deletes virtual networks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualNetworks/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates virtual networks resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates virtual networks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualNetworks/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists virtual networks resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists virtual networks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualNetworks/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins virtual networks resource", "displayName": "Joins virtual networks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualNetworks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualHardDisks", "name": "VirtualHardDisks", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes virtual hard disk resource", "displayName": "Deletes virtual hard disk resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualHardDisks/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates virtual hard disk resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates virtual hard disk resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualHardDisks/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists virtual hard disk resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists virtual hard disk resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualHardDisks/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NetworkInterfaces", "name": "NetworkInterfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes network interfaces resource", "displayName": "Deletes network interfaces resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/NetworkInterfaces/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates network interfaces resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates network interfaces resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/NetworkInterfaces/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists network interfaces resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists network interfaces resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/NetworkInterfaces/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GalleryImages", "name": "GalleryImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes gallery images resource", "displayName": "Deletes gallery images resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/GalleryImages/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates gallery images resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates gallery images resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/GalleryImages/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists gallery images resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists gallery images resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/GalleryImages/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploys gallery images resource", "displayName": "Deploys gallery images resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/GalleryImages/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualMachines/HybridIdentityMetadata", "name": "VirtualMachines/HybridIdentityMetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets/Lists virtual machine hybrid identity metadata proxy resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists virtual machine hybrid identity metadata proxy resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachines/HybridIdentityMetadata/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualMachines/Extensions", "name": "VirtualMachines/Extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets/Lists virtual machine extensions resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists virtual machine extensions resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachines/Extensions/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates virtual machine extensions resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates virtual machine extensions resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachines/Extensions/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes virtual machine extensions resource", "displayName": "Deletes virtual machine extensions resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachines/Extensions/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "StorageContainers", "name": "StorageContainers", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes storage containers resource", "displayName": "Deletes storage containers resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/StorageContainers/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates storage containers resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates storage containers resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/StorageContainers/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists storage containers resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists storage containers resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/StorageContainers/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploys storage containers resource", "displayName": "Deploys storage containers resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/StorageContainers/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MarketPlaceGalleryImages", "name": "MarketPlaceGalleryImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes market place gallery images resource", "displayName": "Deletes market place gallery images resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/MarketPlaceGalleryImages/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates market place gallery images resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates market place gallery images resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/MarketPlaceGalleryImages/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists market place gallery images resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists market place gallery images resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/MarketPlaceGalleryImages/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploys market place gallery images resource", "displayName": "Deploys market place gallery images resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/MarketPlaceGalleryImages/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads registered subscriptions", "displayName": "Gets/Lists registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/RegisteredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances", "name": "VirtualMachineInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Restarts virtual machine instance resource", "displayName": "Restarts virtual machine instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/Restart/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts virtual machine instance resource", "displayName": "Starts virtual machine instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/Start/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops virtual machine instance resource", "displayName": "Stops virtual machine instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/Stop/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Pauses virtual machine instance resource", "displayName": "Pauses virtual machine instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/Pause/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Saves virtual machine instance resource", "displayName": "Saves virtual machine instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/Save/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes virtual machine instance resource", "displayName": "Deletes virtual machine instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates virtual machine instance resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates virtual machine instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists virtual machine instance resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists virtual machine instance resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Manage ARC enabled VM resources on HCI via Windows Admin Center as an administrator", "displayName": "Manage ARC enabled VM resources on HCI via Windows Admin Center as an administrator", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/WACloginAsAdmin/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances/HybridIdentityMetadata", "name": "VirtualMachineInstances/HybridIdentityMetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets/Lists virtual machine instance hybrid identity metadata proxy resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists virtual machine instance hybrid identity metadata proxy resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/HybridIdentityMetadata/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EdgeDevices", "name": "EdgeDevices", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets EdgeDevices resources", "displayName": "Gets/List EdgeDevice resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/EdgeDevices/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates EdgeDevice resource", "displayName": "Create/update EdgeDevice resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/EdgeDevices/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes EdgeDevice resource", "displayName": "Deletes EdgeDevice resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/EdgeDevices/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates EdgeDevice Resources for deployment", "displayName": "Validates EdgeDevice Resources for deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/EdgeDevices/Validate/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DeploymentSettings", "name": "Clusters/DeploymentSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets DeploymentSettings", "displayName": "Gets/List DeploymentSettings resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/DeploymentSettings/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates DeploymentSettings resource", "displayName": "Create/update DeploymentSettings resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/DeploymentSettings/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes DeploymentSettings resource", "displayName": "Deletes DeploymentSettings resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/DeploymentSettings/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "LogicalNetworks", "name": "LogicalNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes logical networks resource", "displayName": "Deletes logical networks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/LogicalNetworks/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates logical networks resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates logical networks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/LogicalNetworks/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists logical networks resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists logical networks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/LogicalNetworks/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins logical networks resource", "displayName": "Joins logical networks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/LogicalNetworks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Clusters/SecuritySettings", "name": "Clusters/SecuritySettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets SecuritySettings of HCI cluster", "displayName": "Gets/List SecuritySettings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/SecuritySettings/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or updates SecuritySettings resource of HCI cluster", "displayName": "Create/Update SecuritySettings resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/SecuritySettings/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete SecuritySettings resource of HCI cluster", "displayName": "Delete SecuritySettings resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/Clusters/SecuritySettings/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances/attestationStatus", "name": "VirtualMachineInstances/attestationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets/Lists virtual machine instance's attestation status", "displayName": "Gets/Lists virtual machine instance's attestation status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/VirtualMachineInstances/attestationStatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NetworkSecurityGroups", "name": "NetworkSecurityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a network security group resource", "displayName": "Deletes a network security group resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/NetworkSecurityGroups/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates a network security group resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates a network security group resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/NetworkSecurityGroups/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists a network security group resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists a network security group resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/NetworkSecurityGroups/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins network security group resource", "displayName": "Joins network security group resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/NetworkSecurityGroups/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "NetworkSecurityGroups/SecurityRules", "name": "NetworkSecurityGroups/SecurityRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a security rule resource", "displayName": "Deletes a security rule resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/NetworkSecurityGroups/SecurityRules/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/Updates security rule resource", "displayName": "Creates/Updates security rule resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/NetworkSecurityGroups/SecurityRules/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets/Lists security rule resource", "displayName": "Gets/Lists security rule resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureStackHCI/NetworkSecurityGroups/SecurityRules/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AVS", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AVS", "name": "Microsoft.AVS", "operations": [ { "description": "Register Subscription for Microsoft.AVS resource provider.", "displayName": "Register Subscription for Microsoft.AVS", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Unregister Subscription for Microsoft.AVS resource provider.", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription for Microsoft.AVS", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "privateClouds", "name": "privateClouds", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the Microsoft Microsoft.AVS resource provider and enables creation of Private Clouds.", "displayName": "Register Microsoft.AVS resource provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Creates or updates a PrivateCloud resource.", "displayName": "Create or update a PrivateCloud.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Gets the settings for the specified PrivateCloud.", "displayName": "Read PrivateCloud settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a specific PrivateCloud.", "displayName": "Delete a PrivateCloud.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Lists the AdminCredentials for privateClouds.", "displayName": "List privateClouds AdminCredentials", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/listAdminCredentials/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Rotate Vcenter password for the PrivateCloud.", "displayName": "Private Cloud Vcenter password rotation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/rotateVcenterPassword/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Rotate Nsxt CloudAdmin password for the PrivateCloud.", "displayName": "Private Cloud Nsxt Cloud Admin password rotation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/rotateNsxtPassword/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Rotate Nsxt CloudAdmin password for the PrivateCloud.", "displayName": "Private Cloud Nsxt Cloud Admin password rotation", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/rotateNsxtCloudAdminPassword/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/clusters", "name": "privateClouds/clusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the cluster settings for a PrivateCloud cluster.", "displayName": "Read Cluster settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/clusters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update a PrivateCloud cluster resource.", "displayName": "Create or update a PrivateCloud cluster.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/clusters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a specific PrivateCloud cluster.", "displayName": "Delete a PrivateCloud cluster.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/clusters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operations available on Microsoft.AVS resource provider.", "displayName": "List available Microsoft.AVS operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "checkNameAvailability", "name": "checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if the privateCloud Name is available", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/checkNameAvailability", "name": "locations/checkNameAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if the privateCloud Name is available", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/locations/checkNameAvailability/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/checkQuotaAvailability", "name": "locations/checkQuotaAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if quota is available for the subscription", "displayName": "Check Quota Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/locations/checkQuotaAvailability/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/checkTrialAvailability", "name": "locations/checkTrialAvailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if trial is available for the subscription", "displayName": "Check Trial Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/locations/checkTrialAvailability/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/operationstatuses", "name": "privateClouds/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads privateClouds operationstatuses.", "displayName": "Read privateClouds operationstatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/operationstatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/clusters/operationstatuses", "name": "privateClouds/clusters/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads privateClouds/clusters operationstatuses.", "displayName": "Read privateClouds/clusters operationstatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/clusters/operationstatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/authorizations", "name": "privateClouds/authorizations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the authorization settings for a PrivateCloud cluster.", "displayName": "Read Authorization settings.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/authorizations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update a PrivateCloud authorization resource.", "displayName": "Create or update a PrivateCloud authorization.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/authorizations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a specific PrivateCloud authorization.", "displayName": "Delete a PrivateCloud authorization.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/authorizations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/hcxEnterpriseSites", "name": "privateClouds/hcxEnterpriseSites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the hcxEnterpriseSites for a PrivateCloud.", "displayName": "Read hcxEnterpriseSites", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/hcxEnterpriseSites/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update a hcxEnterpriseSites.", "displayName": "Create or update a hcxEnterpriseSites", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/hcxEnterpriseSites/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a specific hcxEnterpriseSites.", "displayName": "Delete a hcxEnterpriseSites", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/hcxEnterpriseSites/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/hostInstances", "name": "privateClouds/hostInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the hostInstances for a PrivateCloud.", "displayName": "Read hostInstances", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/hostInstances/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update a hostInstances.", "displayName": "Create or update a hostInstances", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/hostInstances/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete a specific hostInstances.", "displayName": "Delete a hostInstances", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/hostInstances/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateclouds/clusters/operationresults", "name": "privateclouds/clusters/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads privateClouds/clusters operationresults.", "displayName": "Read privateClouds/clusters operationresults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateclouds/clusters/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/operationresults", "name": "privateClouds/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads privateClouds operationresults.", "displayName": "Read privateClouds operationresults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/addOns/operationStatuses", "name": "privateClouds/addOns/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read addOns operationStatuses.", "displayName": "Read addOns operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/addOns/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/addOns", "name": "privateClouds/addOns", "operations": [ { "description": "Read addOns.", "displayName": "Read addOns", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/addOns/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write addOns.", "displayName": "Write addOns", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/addOns/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete addOns.", "displayName": "Delete addOns", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/addOns/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/globalReachConnections", "name": "privateClouds/globalReachConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete globalReachConnections.", "displayName": "Delete globalReachConnections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/globalReachConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write globalReachConnections.", "displayName": "Write globalReachConnections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/globalReachConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read globalReachConnections.", "displayName": "Read globalReachConnections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/globalReachConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/globalReachConnections/operationStatuses", "name": "privateClouds/globalReachConnections/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read globalReachConnections operationStatuses.", "displayName": "Read globalReachConnections operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/globalReachConnections/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dhcpConfigurations", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dhcpConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete dhcpConfigurations.", "displayName": "Delete dhcpConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dhcpConfigurations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write dhcpConfigurations.", "displayName": "Write dhcpConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dhcpConfigurations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read dhcpConfigurations.", "displayName": "Read dhcpConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dhcpConfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dhcpConfigurations/operationStatuses", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dhcpConfigurations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read dhcpConfigurations operationStatuses.", "displayName": "Read dhcpConfigurations operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dhcpConfigurations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/portMirroringProfiles", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/portMirroringProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete portMirroringProfiles.", "displayName": "Delete portMirroringProfiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/portMirroringProfiles/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write portMirroringProfiles.", "displayName": "Write portMirroringProfiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/portMirroringProfiles/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read portMirroringProfiles.", "displayName": "Read portMirroringProfiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/portMirroringProfiles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/portMirroringProfiles/operationStatuses", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/portMirroringProfiles/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read portMirroringProfiles operationStatuses.", "displayName": "Read portMirroringProfiles operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/portMirroringProfiles/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/segments", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/segments", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete segments.", "displayName": "Delete segments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/segments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write segments.", "displayName": "Write segments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/segments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read segments.", "displayName": "Read segments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/segments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/segments/operationStatuses", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/segments/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read segments operationStatuses.", "displayName": "Read segments operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/segments/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/vmGroups", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/vmGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete vmGroups.", "displayName": "Delete vmGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/vmGroups/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write vmGroups.", "displayName": "Write vmGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/vmGroups/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read vmGroups.", "displayName": "Read vmGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/vmGroups/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/vmGroups/operationStatuses", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/vmGroups/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read vmGroups operationStatuses.", "displayName": "Read vmGroups operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/vmGroups/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/virtualMachines", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Read virtualMachines.", "displayName": "Read virtualMachines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/virtualMachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/gateways", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/gateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Read gateways.", "displayName": "Read gateways", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/gateways/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsZones", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsZones", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete dnsZones.", "displayName": "Delete dnsZones", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsZones/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write dnsZones.", "displayName": "Write dnsZones", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsZones/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read dnsZones.", "displayName": "Read dnsZones", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsZones/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsZones/operationStatuses", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsZones/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read dnsZones operationStatuses.", "displayName": "Read dnsZones operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsZones/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsServices", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete dnsServices.", "displayName": "Delete dnsServices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsServices/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Write dnsServices.", "displayName": "Write dnsServices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsServices/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Read dnsServices.", "displayName": "Read dnsServices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsServices/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsServices/operationStatuses", "name": "privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsServices/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read dnsServices operationStatuses.", "displayName": "Read dnsServices operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/workloadNetworks/dnsServices/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/clusters/datastores", "name": "privateClouds/clusters/datastores", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the datastore properties in a private cloud cluster.", "displayName": "Get the datastore properties in a private cloud cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/clusters/datastores/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Create or update datastore in private cloud cluster.", "displayName": "Create or update datastore in private cloud cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/clusters/datastores/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Delete datastore in private cloud cluster.", "displayName": "Delete datastore in private cloud cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/clusters/datastores/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateClouds/clusters/datastores/operationstatuses", "name": "privateClouds/clusters/datastores/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read privateClouds/clusters/datastores operationstatuses.", "displayName": "Read privateClouds/clusters/datastores operationstatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/clusters/datastores/operationstatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "privateclouds/clusters/datastores/operationresults", "name": "privateclouds/clusters/datastores/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read privateClouds/clusters/datastores operationresults.", "displayName": "Read privateClouds/clusters/datastores operationresults", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateclouds/clusters/datastores/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "EventGrid Subscription for AVS", "name": "privateClouds/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.AVS that an EventGrid Subscription for AVS is being viewed", "displayName": "View EventGrid Subscription for AVS notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.AVS that a new EventGrid Subscription for AVS is being created", "displayName": "Create EventGrid Subscription for AVS notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.AVS that an EventGrid Subscription for AVS is being deleted", "displayName": "Delete EventGrid Subscription for AVS notification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AVS/privateClouds/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": {} } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Wandisco.Fusion", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Wandisco.Fusion", "name": "Wandisco.Fusion", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "AzureZones", "name": "fusionGroups/azureZones", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a given azureZone.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/azureZones/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a given azureZone.", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/azureZones/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a given azureZone.", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/azureZones/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "FusionGroups", "name": "fusionGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a fusionGroup resource.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a given FusionGroup.", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update fusionGroup resource.", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "HiveReplicationRules", "name": "fusionGroups/hiveReplicationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Trigger a consistency check on a Hive Replication Rule", "displayName": "ConsistencyCheck", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/hiveReplicationRules/consistencyCheck/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a hiveReplicationRule", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/hiveReplicationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return a given hiveReplicationRule", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/hiveReplicationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a hiveReplicationRule", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/hiveReplicationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ManagedOnPremZones", "name": "fusionGroups/managedOnPremZones", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a given ManagedOnPremZone.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/managedOnPremZones/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Induct a managed OnPremZone.", "displayName": "Induct", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/managedOnPremZones/induct/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a given ManagedOnPremZone.", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/managedOnPremZones/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the downloadLocation of the Managed OnPrem Zone.", "displayName": "UpdateDownloadLocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/managedOnPremZones/updateDownloadLocation/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a managed OnPremZone.", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/managedOnPremZones/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Migrations", "name": "fusionGroups/replicationRules/migrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Abort a migration", "displayName": "Abort", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/replicationRules/migrations/abort/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a migration", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/replicationRules/migrations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Pause a migration", "displayName": "Pause", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/replicationRules/migrations/pause/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read migration", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/replicationRules/migrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resume a migration", "displayName": "Resume", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/replicationRules/migrations/resume/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start a migration", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/replicationRules/migrations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Return the given operationStatus.", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Patches a given operationStatus.", "displayName": "Update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all of the available RP operations.", "displayName": "list", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Plugins", "name": "fusionGroups/azureZones/plugins", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a given Plugin.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/azureZones/plugins/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns an AzureZone Plugin", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/azureZones/plugins/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Plugin", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/azureZones/plugins/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ReplicationRules", "name": "fusionGroups/replicationRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Trigger a consistency check on a Replication Rule", "displayName": "ConsistencyCheck", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/replicationRules/consistencyCheck/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a replicationRule", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/replicationRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return a given replicationRule", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/replicationRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a replicationRule", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/fusionGroups/replicationRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "LiveDataMigrations", "name": "migrators/liveDataMigrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a Migrator migration", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/liveDataMigrations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read a migrator migration", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/liveDataMigrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start an existing migrator migration", "displayName": "Start", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/liveDataMigrations/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop a migrator migration", "displayName": "Stop", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/liveDataMigrations/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Migrator migration", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/liveDataMigrations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Migrators", "name": "migrators", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a given Migrator.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate the updated version of a Migrator.", "displayName": "GenerateUpgrade", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/generateUpgrade/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the install key of a Migrator", "displayName": "GetInstallKey", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/getInstallKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a given Migrator.", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the downloadLocation of the Migrator.", "displayName": "UpdateDownloadLocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/updateDownloadLocation/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Migrator.", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Targets", "name": "migrators/targets", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a given Migrator Target.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/targets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a given Migrator Target.", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/targets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Migrator Target.", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/targets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ExclusionTemplates", "name": "migrators/exclusionTemplates", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a given Exclusion Template.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/exclusionTemplates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns an Exclusion Template", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/exclusionTemplates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Exclusion Template", "displayName": "Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/exclusionTemplates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MetadataMigrations", "name": "migrators/metadataMigrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a given Metadata Migration.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/metadataMigrations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a given Metadata Migration.", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/metadataMigrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start an existing metadata migration", "displayName": "Start", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/metadataMigrations/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop a metadata migration", "displayName": "Stop", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/metadataMigrations/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Metadata Migration.", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/metadataMigrations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MetadataTargets", "name": "migrators/metadataTargets", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a given Metadata Target.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/metadataTargets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a given Metadata Target.", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/metadataTargets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Metadata Target.", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/metadataTargets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PathMappings", "name": "migrators/pathMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a given LiveDataPathMapping.", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/pathMappings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns an LiveDataPathMapping", "displayName": "Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/pathMappings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an LiveDataPathMapping", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/pathMappings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/microsoft.hybridnetwork", "name": "microsoft.hybridnetwork", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for microsoft.hybridnetwork", "displayName": "Register the microsoft.hybridnetwork", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.hybridnetwork/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for microsoft.hybridnetwork", "displayName": "Unregister the microsoft.hybridnetwork", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.hybridnetwork/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "devices", "name": "devices", "operations": [ { "description": "List the registration key for the device.", "displayName": "Devices_ListRegistrationKey", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/devices/listRegistrationKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about the specified device.", "displayName": "Devices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/devices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a device.", "displayName": "Devices_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/devices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified device.", "displayName": "Devices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/devices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all the device resource in a resource group.", "displayName": "Devices_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/devices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Joins a HybridNetwork device", "displayName": "Join Hybrid Network device", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/devices/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "vendors", "name": "vendors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified vendor.", "displayName": "Vendors_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/vendors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a vendor.", "displayName": "Vendors_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/vendors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified vendor.", "displayName": "Vendors_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/vendors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "registeredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "read registeredSubscriptions", "displayName": "read_registeredSubscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "vendors/vendorSkus", "name": "vendors/vendorSkus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified sku.", "displayName": "VendorSkus_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/vendors/vendorSkus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a sku", "displayName": "VendorSkus_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/vendors/vendorSkus/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified sku.", "displayName": "VendorSkus_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/vendors/vendorSkus/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "vendors/vendorSkus/previewSubscriptions", "name": "vendors/vendorSkus/previewSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all the preview information of a vendor sku.", "displayName": "VendorSkuPreview_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/vendors/vendorSkus/previewSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates preview information of a vendor sku.", "displayName": "VendorSkuPreview_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/vendors/vendorSkus/previewSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the preview information of a vendor sku.", "displayName": "VendorSkuPreview_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/vendors/vendorSkus/previewSubscriptions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkFunctions", "name": "networkFunctions", "operations": [ { "description": "Execute a request to services on a network function.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctions_ExecuteRequest", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/networkFunctions/executeRequest/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about the specified network function resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/networkFunctions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a network function resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/networkFunctions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified network function resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/networkFunctions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all the network function resources in a resource group.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctions_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/networkFunctions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/vendors/networkFunctions", "name": "locations/vendors/networkFunctions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified vendor network function.", "displayName": "VendorNetworkFunctions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/locations/vendors/networkFunctions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a vendor network function.", "displayName": "VendorNetworkFunctions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/locations/vendors/networkFunctions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkFunctionVendors", "name": "networkFunctionVendors", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all the available vendor and sku information.", "displayName": "networkFunctionVendors_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/networkFunctionVendors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/vendors/networkFunctions/roleInstances", "name": "locations/vendors/networkFunctions/roleInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Starts a role instance of a vendor network function.", "displayName": "RoleInstances_Start", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/locations/vendors/networkFunctions/roleInstances/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Powers off (stop) a role instance of a vendor network function.", "displayName": "RoleInstances_Stop", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/locations/vendors/networkFunctions/roleInstances/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts a role instance of a vendor network function.", "displayName": "RoleInstances_Restart", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/locations/vendors/networkFunctions/roleInstances/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the information of role instance of vendor network function.", "displayName": "RoleInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/locations/vendors/networkFunctions/roleInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkFunctions/components", "name": "networkFunctions/components", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified application instance resource.", "displayName": "components_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/networkFunctions/components/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sites", "name": "sites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified network site.", "displayName": "Sites_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/sites/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a network site.", "displayName": "Sites_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/sites/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified network site.", "displayName": "Sites_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/sites/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all sites in the network service.", "displayName": "Sites_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/sites/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploy Site network service into Site.", "displayName": "Sites_Deploy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/sites/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "siteNetworkServices", "name": "siteNetworkServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified site network service.", "displayName": "SiteNetworkServices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/siteNetworkServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a network site.", "displayName": "SiteNetworkServices_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/siteNetworkServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified site network service.", "displayName": "SiteNetworkServices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/siteNetworkServices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all site network services.", "displayName": "SiteNetworkServices_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/siteNetworkServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "configurationGroupValues", "name": "configurationGroupValues", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified hybrid configuration group values.", "displayName": "configurationGroupValues_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/configurationGroupValues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a hybrid configuration group value.", "displayName": "configurationGroupValues_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/configurationGroupValues/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified hybrid configuration group value.", "displayName": "configurationGroupValues_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/configurationGroupValues/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all the hybrid network configurationGroupValues in a resource group.", "displayName": "configurationGroupValues_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/configurationGroupValues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers", "name": "publishers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all the publishers in a subscription.", "displayName": "Publishers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about the specified publisher.", "displayName": "Publishers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a publisher.", "displayName": "Publishers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified publisher.", "displayName": "Publishers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers/configurationGroupSchemas", "name": "publishers/configurationGroupSchemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information of the configuration group schemas under a publisher.", "displayName": "ConfigurationGroupSchemas_ListByPublisher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/configurationGroupSchemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a configuration group schema.", "displayName": "ConfigurationGroupSchemas_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/configurationGroupSchemas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specified configuration group schema.", "displayName": "ConfigurationGroupSchemas_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/configurationGroupSchemas/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update configuration group schema state.", "displayName": "ConfigurationGroupSchemas_updateState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/configurationGroupSchemas/updateState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups", "name": "publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information of the network function definition groups under a publisher.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctionDefinitionGroups_ListByPublisher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a network function definition group.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctionDefinitionGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specified network function definition group.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctionDefinitionGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/previewSubscriptions", "name": "publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/previewSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all the preview subscriptions of a network function definition group.", "displayName": "PreviewSubscriptions_ListByNetworkFunctionDefinitionGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/previewSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates preview subscription resource.", "displayName": "PreviewSubscriptions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/previewSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a preview subscription resource.", "displayName": "PreviewSubscriptions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/previewSubscriptions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/networkFunctionDefinitionVersions", "name": "publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/networkFunctionDefinitionVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Use network function definition version in network function deployment.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctionDefinitionVersions_use", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/networkFunctionDefinitionVersions/use/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update network function definition version state.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctionDefinitionVersions_updateState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/networkFunctionDefinitionVersions/updateState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about a network function definition version.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctionDefinitionVersions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/networkFunctionDefinitionVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a network function definition version.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctionDefinitionVersions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/networkFunctionDefinitionVersions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified network function definition version.", "displayName": "NetworkFunctionDefinitionVersions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/networkFunctionDefinitionVersions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups", "name": "publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information of the network service design groups under a publisher.", "displayName": "networkServiceDesignGroups_ListByPublisher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a network service design group.", "displayName": "networkServiceDesignGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specified network service design group.", "displayName": "networkServiceDesignGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/networkServiceDesignVersions", "name": "publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/networkServiceDesignVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Update network service design version state.", "displayName": "networkServiceDesignVersions_updateState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/networkServiceDesignVersions/updateState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Use network service design version in site network service deployment.", "displayName": "networkServiceDesignVersions_use", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/networkServiceDesignVersions/use/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about a network service design version.", "displayName": "networkServiceDesignVersions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/networkServiceDesignVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a network service design version.", "displayName": "networkServiceDesignVersions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/networkServiceDesignVersions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified network service design version.", "displayName": "networkServiceDesignVersions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/networkServiceDesignVersions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers/artifactStores", "name": "publishers/artifactStores", "operations": [ { "description": "Add network fabric controllers to artifact stores.", "displayName": "ArtifactStores_AddNetworkFabricControllerEndPoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/addNetworkFabricControllerEndPoints/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete network fabric controllers from artifact store.", "displayName": "ArtifactStores_DeleteNetworkFabricControllerEndPoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/deleteNetworkFabricControllerEndPoints/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List network fabric controllers connected to artifact store.", "displayName": "ArtifactStores_ListNetworkFabricControllerEndPoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/listNetworkFabricControllerPrivateEndPoints/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve private endpoints connected to artifact store.", "displayName": "ArtifactStores_ApprovePrivateEndPoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/approvePrivateEndPoints/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove private endpoints connected to artifact store.", "displayName": "ArtifactStores_RemovePrivateEndPoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/removePrivateEndPoints/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List private endpoints connected to artifact store.", "displayName": "ArtifactStores_ListPrivateEndPoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/listPrivateEndPoints/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information of the ArtifactStores under publisher.", "displayName": "ArtifactStores_ListByPublisher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a artifact store.", "displayName": "ArtifactStores_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified artifact store.", "displayName": "ArtifactStores_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers/artifactStores/artifactManifests", "name": "publishers/artifactStores/artifactManifests", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the artifact manifest.", "displayName": "ArtifactManifests_ListByArtifactStore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/artifactManifests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a artifact manifest.", "displayName": "ArtifactManifests_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/artifactManifests/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified artifact manifest.", "displayName": "ArtifactManifests_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/artifactManifests/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List credential for publishing artifacts defined in artifact manifest.", "displayName": "ArtifactManifests_ListCredential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/artifactManifests/listCredential/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update state for artifact manifest.", "displayName": "ArtifactManifests_UpdateState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/artifactManifests/updateState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "proxyPublishers", "name": "proxyPublishers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all the available network function definition and network service design publishers.", "displayName": "ProxyPublisher_ListByLocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/proxyPublishers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "proxyPublishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups", "name": "proxyPublishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all available network function definition group under a publisher.", "displayName": "ProxyNetworkFunctionDefinitionGroups_ListByPublisher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/proxyPublishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "proxyPublishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/networkFunctionDefinitionVersions", "name": "proxyPublishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/networkFunctionDefinitionVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists available network function versions under a network function definition group.", "displayName": "ProxyNetworkFunctionDefinitionVersions_ListByNetworkFunctionDefinitionGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/proxyPublishers/networkFunctionDefinitionGroups/networkFunctionDefinitionVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers/artifactStores/artifacts", "name": "publishers/artifactStores/artifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all the available artifacts in the parent Artifact Store.", "displayName": "ProxyArtifact_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/artifacts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publishers/artifactStores/artifactVersions", "name": "publishers/artifactStores/artifactVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Artifact overview information.", "displayName": "ProxyArtifact_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/artifactVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change artifact state defined in artifact store.", "displayName": "Change Artifact State", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/publishers/artifactStores/artifactVersions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "proxyPublishers/configurationGroupSchemas", "name": "proxyPublishers/configurationGroupSchemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all available configuration group schema under a publisher.", "displayName": "ProxyConfigurationGroupSchemas_ListByPublisher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/proxyPublishers/configurationGroupSchemas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "proxyPublishers/networkServiceDesignGroups", "name": "proxyPublishers/networkServiceDesignGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all available network service design group under a publisher.", "displayName": "ProxyNetworkServiceDesignGroups_ListByPublisher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/proxyPublishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "proxyPublishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/networkServiceDesignVersions", "name": "proxyPublishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/networkServiceDesignVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists available network service design versions under a network service design group.", "displayName": "ProxyNetworkServiceDesignVersions_ListByNetworkServiceDesignGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/proxyPublishers/networkServiceDesignGroups/networkServiceDesignVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts", "name": "serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts", "operations": [ { "description": "action start", "displayName": "Rollouts_Start", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action cancel", "displayName": "Rollouts_Cancel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action continue", "displayName": "Rollouts_Continue", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/continue/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action suspend", "displayName": "Rollouts_Suspend", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/suspend/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action resume", "displayName": "Rollouts_Resume", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/resume/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "read rollouts", "displayName": "Rollouts_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write rollouts", "displayName": "Rollouts_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete rollouts", "displayName": "Rollouts_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "serviceManagementContainers", "name": "serviceManagementContainers", "operations": [ { "description": "read serviceManagementContainers", "displayName": "ServiceManagementContainers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new service management container, which is the parent container for all other AOSM Multi-Site ARM resources.", "displayName": "ServiceManagementContainers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete serviceManagementContainers", "displayName": "ServiceManagementContainers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "read serviceManagementContainers", "displayName": "ServiceManagementContainers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "serviceManagementContainers/rolloutTiers", "name": "serviceManagementContainers/rolloutTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "read rolloutTiers", "displayName": "RolloutTiers_ListByServiceManagementContainer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/rolloutTiers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write rolloutTiers", "displayName": "RolloutTiers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/rolloutTiers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete rolloutTiers", "displayName": "RolloutTiers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/rolloutTiers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "serviceManagementContainers/rolloutSequences", "name": "serviceManagementContainers/rolloutSequences", "operations": [ { "description": "read rolloutSequences", "displayName": "RolloutSequences_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/rolloutSequences/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write rolloutSequences", "displayName": "RolloutSequences_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/rolloutSequences/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete rolloutSequences", "displayName": "RolloutSequences_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/rolloutSequences/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications", "name": "serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications", "operations": [ { "description": "read updateSpecifications", "displayName": "UpdateSpecifications_ListByServiceManagementContainer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "UpdateSpecification represents how the network infrastructure should be changed and comprises of initial and desired Config Group Values (CGV) and Network Service Design Versions (NSDV).", "displayName": "UpdateSpecifications_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete updateSpecifications", "displayName": "UpdateSpecifications_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/statuses", "name": "serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/statuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read statuses", "displayName": "RolloutStatuses_ListByRollout", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridNetwork/serviceManagementContainers/updateSpecifications/rollouts/statuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder", "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "workloads", "name": "workloads", "operations": [ { "description": "Set workloads", "displayName": "Creates or updates the workloads", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete workloads", "displayName": "Deletes the workloads", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read workloads", "displayName": "Reads the workloads", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "versions", "name": "workloads/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Set versions", "displayName": "Creates or updates the versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/versions/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete versions", "displayName": "Deletes the versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/versions/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read versions", "displayName": "Reads the versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/versions/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "artifacts", "name": "workloads/versions/artifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Set artifacts", "displayName": "Creates or updates the artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/versions/artifacts/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete artifacts", "displayName": "Deletes the artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/versions/artifacts/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read artifacts", "displayName": "Reads the artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/versions/artifacts/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "instances", "name": "workloads/instances", "operations": [ { "description": "Set instances", "displayName": "Creates or updates the instances", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/instances/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete instances", "displayName": "Deletes the instances", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/instances/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read instances", "displayName": "Reads the instances", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/workloads/instances/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads registered subscriptions", "displayName": "Gets/Lists registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/RegisteredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrationAgents", "name": "migrationAgents", "operations": [ { "description": "Set migrationAgents", "displayName": "Creates or updates the migrationAgents", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/migrationAgents/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete migrationAgents", "displayName": "Deletes the migrationAgents", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/migrationAgents/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read migrationAgents", "displayName": "Reads the migrationAgents", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.WorkloadBuilder/migrationAgents/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.PowerBI", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.PowerBI", "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Workspace Collections", "name": "workspaceCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the specified Power BI Workspace Collection.", "displayName": "Read Workspace Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/workspaceCollections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the specified Power BI Workspace Collection.", "displayName": "Create/Update Workspace Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/workspaceCollections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Power BI Workspace Collection.", "displayName": "Delete Workspace Collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/workspaceCollections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves the primary and secondary access keys for the specified Power BI Workspace Collection.", "displayName": "List Workspace Collection Access Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/workspaceCollections/listKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the primary or secondary access key for the specified Power BI Workspace Collection.", "displayName": "Regenerate Workspace Collection Access Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/workspaceCollections/regenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace Collections", "name": "workspaceCollections/workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the Power BI Workspaces under the specified Power BI Workspace Collection.", "displayName": "Read Workspace Collection Workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/workspaceCollections/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace Collections", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the name availability for the specified resource.", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tenants", "name": "tenants", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates the specified Power BI Tenant.", "displayName": "Create/Update Tenant", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the specified Power BI Tenant.", "displayName": "Read Tenant", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Power BI Tenant.", "displayName": "Delete Tenant", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tenants", "name": "tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Log Definitions for the specified Azure Tenant.", "displayName": "Read Log Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "ServiceSpecification": { "LogSpecifications": [ { "BlobDuration": "PT1H", "DisplayName": "Engine", "Name": "Engine" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Tenants", "name": "tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Diagnostic Settings for the specified Azure Tenant.", "displayName": "Read Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes Diagnostic Settings for the specified Azure Tenant.", "displayName": "Write Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspaces", "name": "tenants/workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates the specified Power BI Workspace.", "displayName": "Create/Update a Workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/workspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the specified Power BI Workspace.", "displayName": "Read Workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Power BI Tenant.", "displayName": "Delete Tenant", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/workspaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspaces", "name": "tenants/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Log Definitions for the specified Azure Workspace.", "displayName": "Read Log Definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": { "ServiceSpecification": { "LogSpecifications": [ { "BlobDuration": "PT1H", "DisplayName": "Engine", "Name": "Engine" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspaces", "name": "tenants/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Diagnostic Settings for the specified Azure Workspace.", "displayName": "Read Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes Diagnostic Settings for the specified Azure Workspace.", "displayName": "Write Diagnostic Settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/workspaces/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link service resources", "name": "privateLinkServicesForPowerBI", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all resources for the tenant private link service.", "displayName": "Gets all resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates resource for the tenant private link service.", "displayName": "Creates or updates private link service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes resource for the tenant private link service.", "displayName": "Deletes private link service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link service resources", "name": "privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/operationResults/operationId", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operation result of Private Link Service Resources for Power BI.", "displayName": "Get Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/operationResults/operationId/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link service resources", "name": "privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates resource for the tenant private link service.", "displayName": "Creates or updates private link service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes resource for the tenant private link service.", "displayName": "Deletes private link service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link service resources", "name": "privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets private link resources in an Azure resource.", "displayName": "Gets private link resources by name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link service resources", "name": "privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/privateEndpointName.privateEndpointGuid", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets private endpoint connection proxy for the tenant.", "displayName": "Gets private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/privateEndpointName.privateEndpointGuid/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates private endpoint connection proxy for the tenant.", "displayName": "Creates or updates private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/privateEndpointName.privateEndpointGuid/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes private endpoint connection proxy for the tenant.", "displayName": "Deletes private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/privateEndpointName.privateEndpointGuid/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection proxy before create or update.", "displayName": "Validates a private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/privateEndpointName.privateEndpointGuid/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link service resources", "name": "privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateEndpointConnections/privateEndpointName.privateEndpointGuid", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets private endpoint connection for the tenant.", "displayName": "Gets private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateEndpointConnections/privateEndpointName.privateEndpointGuid/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates private endpoint connection for the tenant.", "displayName": "Creates or updates private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateEndpointConnections/privateEndpointName.privateEndpointGuid/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes private endpoint connection for the tenant.", "displayName": "Deletes private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/azureResourceName/privateEndpointConnections/privateEndpointName.privateEndpointGuid/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link service resources", "name": "privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operation result of Private Link Service Resources for Power BI.", "displayName": "Get Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link service resources", "name": "privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets private endpoint connection proxy for the tenant.", "displayName": "Gets private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates private endpoint connection proxy for the tenant.", "displayName": "Creates or updates private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes private endpoint connection proxy for the tenant.", "displayName": "Deletes private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a private endpoint connection proxy before create or update.", "displayName": "Validates a private endpoint connection proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private link service resources", "name": "privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets private endpoint connection for the tenant.", "displayName": "Gets private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates private endpoint connection for the tenant.", "displayName": "Creates or updates private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes private endpoint connection for the tenant.", "displayName": "Deletes private endpoint connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerBI/privateLinkServicesForPowerBI/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.ServicesHub", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ServicesHub", "name": "Microsoft.ServicesHub", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Connectors", "name": "connectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Services Hub Connector", "displayName": "CreateOrUpdate_ServicesHubConnector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServicesHub/connectors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "View or List Services Hub Connectors", "displayName": "Get_ServicesHubConnector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServicesHub/connectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Services Hub Connectors", "displayName": "Delete_ServicesHubConnector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServicesHub/connectors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the Assessment Entitlements for a given Services Hub Workspace", "displayName": "Entitlement_ServicesHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServicesHub/connectors/checkAssessmentEntitlement/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SupportOfferingEntitlement", "name": "supportOfferingEntitlement", "operations": [ { "description": "View the Support Offering Entitlements for a given Services Hub Workspace", "displayName": "SupportOfferingEntitlement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServicesHub/supportOfferingEntitlement/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspaces", "name": "workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "List the Services Hub Workspaces for a given User", "displayName": "ServicesHubWorkspaces_ListForUser", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServicesHub/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Kubernetes Configuration", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration", "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers subscription to Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration resource provider.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/register/action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters subscription from Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration resource provider.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/unregister/action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/sourceControlConfigurations", "name": "sourceControlConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates source control configuration.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/sourceControlConfigurations/write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/sourceControlConfigurations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets source control configuration.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/sourceControlConfigurations/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/sourceControlConfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes source control configuration.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/sourceControlConfigurations/delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/sourceControlConfigurations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions", "name": "extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates extension resource.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets extension instance resource.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes extension instance resource.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets available operations of the Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration resource provider.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/operations/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions", "name": "extensions/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Async Operation status.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/operations/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations", "name": "fluxConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates flux configuration.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations/write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets flux configuration.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes flux configuration.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations/delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations", "name": "fluxConfigurations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets Async Operation status for flux configuration.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations/operations/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/namespaces", "name": "namespaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Namespace Resource", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/namespaces/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/namespaces/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get User Credentials for the parent cluster of the namespace resource.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/namespaces/listUserCredential/action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/namespaces/listUserCredential/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensionTypes", "name": "extensionTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets extension type.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensionTypes/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensionTypes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes", "name": "privateLinkScopes", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates private link scope.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes private link scope.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets private link scope", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes private endpoint connection proxy", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates private endpoint connection proxy object.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates patch on private endpoint connection proxy.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/updatePrivateEndpointProperties/action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/updatePrivateEndpointProperties/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections", "name": "privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections/write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets private endpoint connection.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets private endpoint connection proxies operation.", "displayName": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operations/read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/privateLinkScopes/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Subscription", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Subscription", "name": "Microsoft.Subscription", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancels the Subscription", "displayName": "Cancel subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Subscription/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Renames the Subscription", "displayName": "Rename Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Subscription/rename/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reactivates the Subscription", "displayName": "Reactivate subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Subscription/enable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "AcceptOwnership", "name": "subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Accept ownership of Subscription", "displayName": "Accept ownership of Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Subscription/subscriptions/acceptOwnership/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Aliases", "name": "aliases", "operations": [ { "description": "Create subscription alias", "displayName": "Create subscription alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Subscription/aliases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get subscription alias", "displayName": "Get subscription alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Subscription/aliases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete subscription alias", "displayName": "Delete subscription alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Subscription/aliases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AcceptOwnershipStatus", "name": "subscriptions/acceptOwnershipStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of accepting ownership of Subscription", "displayName": "Get the status of accepting ownership of Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Subscription/subscriptions/acceptOwnershipStatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policies", "name": "Policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Create tenant policy", "displayName": "Create tenant policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Subscription/Policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policies", "name": "Policies/default", "operations": [ { "description": "Get tenant policy", "displayName": "Get tenant policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Subscription/Policies/default/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "D365CustomerInsights", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.D365CustomerInsights", "name": "Microsoft.D365CustomerInsights", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Instances", "name": "instances", "operations": [ { "description": "Get details about an instance", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.D365CustomerInsights/instances/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write details about an instance", "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.D365CustomerInsights/instances/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Instances", "name": "instances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for instances", "displayName": "Read instance log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.D365CustomerInsights/instances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Audit events", "name": "Audit" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "Operational events", "name": "Operational" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Instances", "name": "instances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.D365CustomerInsights/instances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.D365CustomerInsights/instances/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ExtendedLocation", "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for Custom Location resource provider and enables the creation of Custom Location.", "displayName": "Registers the Custom Location Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "UnRegisters the subscription for Custom Location resource provider and disables the creation of Custom Location.", "displayName": "UnRegisters the Custom Location Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets list of Available Operations for Custom Locations", "displayName": "List Available Operations for Custom Locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom Locations", "name": "customLocations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Custom Location resource", "displayName": "Get Custom Location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates Custom Location resource", "displayName": "Create or Update Custom Location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploy permissions to a Custom Location resource", "displayName": "Deploy permissions to Custom Location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/deploy/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Custom Location resource", "displayName": "Delete Custom Location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Evaluate Labels Against Resource Sync Rules to Get Resource Group for Resource Sync", "displayName": "Find TargetResource Group Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/findTargetResourceGroup/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom Location Operation Status", "name": "locations/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of Custom Location operation", "displayName": "Get status of Custom Location operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/locations/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom Location Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of Custom Location operation", "displayName": "Get the status of Custom Location operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Custom Locations", "name": "customLocations/enabledresourcetypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets EnabledResourceTypes for a Custom Location resource", "displayName": "Get EnabledResourceTypes for Custom Location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/enabledresourcetypes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Sync Rules", "name": "customLocations/resourceSyncRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Resource Sync Rule resource", "displayName": "Get Resource Sync Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/resourceSyncRules/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates a Resource Sync Rule resource", "displayName": "Create or Update Resource Sync Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/resourceSyncRules/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Resource Sync Rule resource", "displayName": "Delete Resource Sync Rule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/resourceSyncRules/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.SCVMM", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.SCVMM", "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM", "operations": [ { "description": "unregister RP.", "displayName": "unregister RP.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "register RP.", "displayName": "register RP.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "vmmservers", "name": "vmmservers", "operations": [ { "description": "Read vmmservers", "displayName": "Gets/List vmmservers resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/vmmservers/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes vmmservers", "displayName": "Create/update vmmservers resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/vmmservers/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes vmmservers", "displayName": "Deletes vmmservers resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/vmmservers/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clouds", "name": "clouds", "operations": [ { "description": "Read clouds", "displayName": "Gets/List clouds resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/clouds/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes clouds", "displayName": "Create/update clouds resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/clouds/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes clouds", "displayName": "Deletes clouds resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/clouds/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploy on resource pool.", "displayName": "Deploy on resource pool.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/clouds/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualmachines", "name": "virtualmachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes virtualmachines", "displayName": "Deletes virtualmachines resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualmachines/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualmachinetemplates", "name": "virtualmachinetemplates", "operations": [ { "description": "Read virtualmachinetemplates", "displayName": "Gets/List virtualmachinetemplates resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualmachinetemplates/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes virtualmachinetemplates", "displayName": "Create/update virtualmachinetemplates resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualmachinetemplates/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes virtualmachinetemplates", "displayName": "Deletes virtualmachinetemplates resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualmachinetemplates/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clones virtualmachinetemplates", "displayName": "Clones virtualmachinetemplates resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualmachinetemplates/clone/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualnetworks", "name": "virtualnetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Read virtualnetworks", "displayName": "Gets/List virtualnetworks resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualnetworks/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes virtualnetworks", "displayName": "Create/update virtualnetworks resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualnetworks/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes virtualnetworks", "displayName": "Deletes virtualnetworks resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualnetworks/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join virtual network.", "displayName": "Join virtual network.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualnetworks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "availabilitySets", "name": "availabilitySets", "operations": [ { "description": "Read availabilitySets", "displayName": "Gets/List availabilitySets resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/availabilitySets/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes availabilitySets", "displayName": "Create/update availabilitySets resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/availabilitySets/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes availabilitySets", "displayName": "Deletes availabilitySets resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/availabilitySets/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "vmmservers/inventoryitems", "name": "vmmservers/inventoryitems", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes vmmserver inventoryitems", "displayName": "Deletes vmmservers inventoryitems resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/vmmservers/inventoryitems/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read vmmserver inventoryitems", "displayName": "Gets/List vmmservers inventoryitems resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/vmmservers/inventoryitems/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes vmmservers inventoryitems", "displayName": "Create/update vmmservers inventoryitems resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/vmmservers/inventoryitems/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Onboards vmmservers inventoryitems", "displayName": "Onboards vmmservers inventoryitems resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/vmmservers/inventoryitems/onboard/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationstatuses", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operationstatus.", "displayName": "Read operationstatus.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operationstatus.", "displayName": "Write operationstatus.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/locations/operationstatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operations.", "displayName": "Read operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "skus", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get skus.", "displayName": "Get skus.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualMachineInstances", "name": "virtualMachineInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves information about a virtual machine instance.", "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to create or update a virtual machine instance. Please note some properties can be set only during virtual machine instance creation.", "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to delete a virtual machine instance.", "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to power off (stop) a virtual machine instance.", "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances_Stop", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to start a virtual machine instance.", "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances_Start", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to restart a virtual machine instance.", "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances_Restart", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a checkpoint in virtual machine instance.", "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances_CreateCheckpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/createCheckpoint/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a checkpoint in virtual machine instance.", "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances_DeleteCheckpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/deleteCheckpoint/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores to a checkpoint in virtual machine instance.", "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstances_RestoreCheckpoint", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/restoreCheckpoint/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualMachineInstances/hybridIdentityMetadata", "name": "virtualMachineInstances/hybridIdentityMetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements HybridIdentityMetadata GET method.", "displayName": "VirtualMachineInstanceHybridIdentityMetadata_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/hybridIdentityMetadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualMachineInstances/guestAgents", "name": "virtualMachineInstances/guestAgents", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements GuestAgent GET method.", "displayName": "VMInstanceGuestAgents_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/guestAgents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Or Update GuestAgent.", "displayName": "VMInstanceGuestAgents_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/guestAgents/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements GuestAgent DELETE method.", "displayName": "VMInstanceGuestAgents_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SCVMM/virtualMachineInstances/guestAgents/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft AgFoodPlatform", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform", "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the AgFoodPlatform Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Register the AgFoodPlatform Resource Provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/register/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the AgFoodPlatform Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Unregister the AgFoodPlatform Resource Provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/unregister/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks that resource name is valid and is not in use.", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "List all operations in Microsoft AgFoodPlatform resource provider.", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List all operations in Microsoft AgFoodPlatform resource provider.", "displayName": "List all operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/operations/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform FarmBeats", "name": "farmBeats", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform FarmBeats resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform FarmBeats resource(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform FarmBeats.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform FarmBeats.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform FarmBeats resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform FarmBeats resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform Event Grid filters", "name": "farmBeats/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform Event Grid filters resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform Event Grid filters resource(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform Event Grid filters.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform Event Grid filters.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform Event Grid filters resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform Event Grid filters resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform Extensions", "name": "farmBeats/extensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform Extensions resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform Extensions resource(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/extensions/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform Extensions.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform Extensions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/extensions/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform Extensions resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform Extensions resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/extensions/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform FarmBeatsExtensionDefinitions", "name": "farmBeatsExtensionDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform FarmBeatsExtensionDefinitions resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform FarmBeatsExtensionDefinitions resource(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeatsExtensionDefinitions/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connection proxies", "name": "farmBeats/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connection proxies resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connection proxies resource(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connection proxies.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connection proxies.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connection proxies resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connection proxies resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connection proxy resource.", "displayName": "Validates AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connection proxy resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connection proxies", "name": "farmBeats/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy resource long running operation.", "displayName": "Gets the result for a private endpoint connection proxy resource long running operation.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connections", "name": "farmBeats/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connections resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connections resource(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connections.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connections.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connections resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform Private endpoint connections resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform Private link resources", "name": "farmBeats/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform Private link resources resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform Private link resources resource(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform sensor partner integration consent links", "name": "farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensorPartnerIntegrationConsentLinkModels", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform sensor partner integration consent links resource(s) restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform sensor partner integration consent links resource(s) for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensorPartnerIntegrationConsentLinkModels/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform sensor data models", "name": "farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensorDataModels", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform sensor data models resource(s) restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform sensor data models resource(s) for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensorDataModels/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform sensor data models restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform sensor data models for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensorDataModels/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform sensor data models resource restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform sensor data models resource for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensorDataModels/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists an existing AgFoodPlatform sensor data models resource restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Lists AgFoodPlatform sensor data models resource for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensorDataModels/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform devices", "name": "farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/devices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform devices resource(s) restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform devices resource(s) for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/devices/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform devices restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform devices for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/devices/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform devices resource restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform devices resource for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/devices/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists an existing AgFoodPlatform devices resource restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Lists AgFoodPlatform devices resource for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/devices/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform device data models", "name": "farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/deviceDataModels", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform device data models resource(s) restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform device data models resource(s) for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/deviceDataModels/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform device data models restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform device data models for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/deviceDataModels/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform device data models resource restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform device data models resource for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/deviceDataModels/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists an existing AgFoodPlatform device data models resource restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Lists AgFoodPlatform device data models resource for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/deviceDataModels/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform sensors", "name": "farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensors", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform sensors resource(s) restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform sensors resource(s) for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensors/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform sensors restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform sensors for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensors/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform sensors resource restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform sensors resource for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensors/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists an existing AgFoodPlatform sensors resource restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Lists AgFoodPlatform sensors resource for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensors/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform farms", "name": "farmBeats/farms", "operations": [ { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform farm resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform farm resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farms/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform farms", "name": "farmBeats/farmers/farms", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform farms resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform farms resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmers/farms/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform farms.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform farms.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmers/farms/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform farms resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform farms resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmers/farms/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform farm resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform farm resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmers/farms/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform farms", "name": "farmBeats/parties/farms", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform farms resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform farms resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/farms/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform farms.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform farms.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/farms/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform farms resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform farms resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/farms/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform farm resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform farm resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/farms/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform attachments", "name": "farmBeats/farmers/attachments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform attachments resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform attachments resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmers/attachments/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform attachments.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform attachments.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmers/attachments/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform attachments resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform attachments resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmers/attachments/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform attachment resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform attachment resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmers/attachments/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "boundaries Download", "displayName": "boundaries Download", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmers/attachments/download/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform attachments", "name": "farmBeats/parties/attachments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform attachments resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform attachments resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/attachments/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform attachments.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform attachments.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/attachments/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform attachments resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform attachments resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/attachments/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform attachment resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform attachment resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/attachments/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "boundaries Download", "displayName": "boundaries Download", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/attachments/download/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform farmersCascadeDeleteJobs", "name": "farmBeats/deletionJobs/farmersCascadeDeleteJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform farmersCascadeDeleteJobs resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform farmersCascadeDeleteJobs resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/deletionJobs/farmersCascadeDeleteJobs/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform farmersCascadeDeleteJobs.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform farmersCascadeDeleteJobs.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/deletionJobs/farmersCascadeDeleteJobs/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform farmsCascadeDeleteJobs", "name": "farmBeats/deletionJobs/farmsCascadeDeleteJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform farmsCascadeDeleteJobs resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform farmsCascadeDeleteJobs resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/deletionJobs/farmsCascadeDeleteJobs/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform farmsCascadeDeleteJobs.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform farmsCascadeDeleteJobs.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/deletionJobs/farmsCascadeDeleteJobs/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform fieldsCascadeDeleteJobs", "name": "farmBeats/deletionJobs/fieldsCascadeDeleteJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing 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"User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform farmOperationDataIngestionJobs.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform farmOperationDataIngestionJobs.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/ingestionJobs/farmOperationDataIngestionJobs/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform application operations data", "name": "farmBeats/applicationData", "operations": [ { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform application operation data resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform application operation data resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/applicationData/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Searches existing AgFoodPlatform application operation data resource(s).", "displayName": "Search AgFoodPlatform application operation data resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, 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"properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform harvest operations data", "name": "farmBeats/parties/harvestData", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform harvest operations data resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform harvest operations data resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/harvestData/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform harvest operations data.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform harvest operations data.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/harvestData/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform harvest operations data resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform harvest operations data resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": 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null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform sensor mappings.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform sensor mappings.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorMappings/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform sensor mappings resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform sensor mappings resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorMappings/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform sensor mapping resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform sensor mapping resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorMappings/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform sensor partner integrations", "name": "farmBeats/sensorPartners/integrations", "operations": [ { 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AgFoodPlatform sensor partner integration resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform sensor partner integration resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartners/integrations/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check consent", "displayName": "Check consent", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartners/integrations/checkConsent/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate consent", "displayName": "Generate consent", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartners/integrations/generateConsent/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform sensors", "name": "farmBeats/sensorPartners/sensors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform sensors resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform sensors resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartners/sensors/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform sensors.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform sensors.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartners/sensors/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform sensors resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform sensors resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartners/sensors/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform sensor resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform sensor resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartners/sensors/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform ConnnectionStrings for Sensor Partners", "name": "farmBeats/sensorPartners/sensors/connectionStrings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform ConnnectionStrings for Sensor Partners resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform ConnnectionStrings for Sensor Partners resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartners/sensors/connectionStrings/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform ConnnectionStrings for Sensor Partners.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform ConnnectionStrings for Sensor Partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartners/sensors/connectionStrings/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform ConnnectionString for Sensor Partners", "name": "farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensorsconnectionStrings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform ConnnectionString for Sensor Partners resource(s) restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform ConnnectionString for Sensor Partners resource(s) for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensorsconnectionStrings/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform ConnnectionString for Sensor Partners restricted to caller's sensor partner scope.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform ConnnectionString for Sensor Partners for sensor partners.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/sensorPartnerScope/sensorsconnectionStrings/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform sensorPlacementModelJobs", "name": "farmBeats/ingestionJobs/sensorPlacementModelJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform sensorPlacementModelJobs resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform sensorPlacementModelJobs resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/ingestionJobs/sensorPlacementModelJobs/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform sensorPlacementModelJobs.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform sensorPlacementModelJobs.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/ingestionJobs/sensorPlacementModelJobs/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform add-ons", "name": "farmBeats/ingestionJobs/solutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform add-ons resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform add-ons resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/ingestionJobs/solutions/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform add-ons.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform add-ons.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/ingestionJobs/solutions/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels an existing AgFoodPlatform add-on.", "displayName": "Cancel an AgFoodPlatform add-on.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/ingestionJobs/solutions/cancel/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform parties", "name": "farmBeats/parties", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform parties resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform parties resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform parties.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform parties.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform parties resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform parties resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform Party resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform Party resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Searches existing AgFoodPlatform Party resource(s).", "displayName": "Search AgFoodPlatform Party resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/parties/overlap/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform partiesCascadeDeleteJobs", "name": "farmBeats/deletionJobs/partiesCascadeDeleteJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform partiesCascadeDeleteJobs resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform partiesCascadeDeleteJobs resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/deletionJobs/partiesCascadeDeleteJobs/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform partiesCascadeDeleteJobs.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform partiesCascadeDeleteJobs.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/deletionJobs/partiesCascadeDeleteJobs/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform cropProducts", "name": "farmBeats/cropProducts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform cropProducts resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform cropProducts resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/cropProducts/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform cropProducts.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform cropProducts.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/cropProducts/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform cropProducts resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform cropProducts resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/cropProducts/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform Crop Product. resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform Crop Product. resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/cropProducts/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Returns result of async operation in Microsoft AgFoodPlatform resource provider.", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns result of async operation in Microsoft AgFoodPlatform resource provider.", "displayName": "Return result of async operation in Microsoft AgFoodPlatform resource provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform add-ons", "name": "farmBeats/solutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform add-ons resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform add-ons resource(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/solutions/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform add-ons.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform add-ons.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/solutions/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform add-ons resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform add-ons resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/solutions/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform FarmBeatsSolutionDefinitions", "name": "farmBeatsSolutionDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform FarmBeatsSolutionDefinitions resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform FarmBeatsSolutionDefinitions resource(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeatsSolutionDefinitions/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform stacFeatures", "name": "farmBeats/stacFeatures", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform stacFeatures resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform stacFeatures resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/stacFeatures/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Searches existing AgFoodPlatform Stac Feature resource(s).", "displayName": "Search AgFoodPlatform Stac Feature resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/stacFeatures/search/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform DataConnectors", "name": "farmBeats/dataConnectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform DataConnectors resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform DataConnectors resource(s).", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/dataConnectors/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform DataConnectors.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform DataConnectors.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/dataConnectors/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform DataConnectors resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform DataConnectors resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/dataConnectors/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform datasets", "name": "farmBeats/datasets", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform datasets resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform datasets resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasets/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform datasets.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform datasets.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasets/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform datasets resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform datasets resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasets/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform dataset resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform dataset resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasets/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform DatasetAccess resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform DatasetAccess resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasets/publish/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform Chemical Products", "name": "farmBeats/chemicalProducts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform Chemical Products resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform Chemical Products resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/chemicalProducts/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform Chemical Products.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform Chemical Products.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/chemicalProducts/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform Chemical Products resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform Chemical Products resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/chemicalProducts/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform Chemical Product resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform Chemical Product resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/chemicalProducts/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform Dataset Records", "name": "farmBeats/datasetRecords", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform Dataset Records resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform Dataset Records resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasetRecords/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform Dataset Records.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform Dataset Records.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasetRecords/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform Dataset Records resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform Dataset Records resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasetRecords/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform dataset record resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform dataset record resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasetRecords/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform Farm Equipments", "name": "farmBeats/farmEquipments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform Farm Equipments resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform Farm Equipments resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmEquipments/read", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform Farm Equipments.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform Farm Equipments.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmEquipments/write", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform Farm Equipments resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform Farm Equipments resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmEquipments/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List(s) existing AgFoodPlatform Farm Equipment resource(s).", "displayName": "List AgFoodPlatform Farm Equipment resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/farmEquipments/delete", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "AgFoodPlatform DatasetAccesses", "name": "farmBeats/datasets/access", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets or Lists existing AgFoodPlatform DatasetAccesses resource(s).", "displayName": "Get or List AgFoodPlatform DatasetAccesses resource(s).", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasets/access/list/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates AgFoodPlatform DatasetAccesses.", "displayName": "Create or Update AgFoodPlatform DatasetAccesses.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasets/access/grant/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing AgFoodPlatform DatasetAccesses resource.", "displayName": "Delete AgFoodPlatform DatasetAccesses resource.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats/datasets/access/remove/action", "origin": "User,System", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Azure Communication Services", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Communication", "name": "Microsoft.Communication", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Microsoft.Communication resource provider", "displayName": "Registers Microsoft.Communication resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/Register/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters Microsoft.Communication resource provider", "displayName": "Unregisters Microsoft.Communication resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/Unregister/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks if a name is available", "displayName": "Check if a name is available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CheckNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Communication Service", "name": "CommunicationServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads communication services", "displayName": "Gets/Lists communication services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes communication services", "displayName": "Create/update communication services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes communication services", "displayName": "Deletes communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the keys for a communication service", "displayName": "List keys for a communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/ListKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the primary or secondary key for a communication service", "displayName": "Regenerate a key for a communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/RegenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Links an Azure Notification Hub to the communication service", "displayName": "Link an Azure Notification Hub to the communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/LinkNotificationHub/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh a Network Security Perimeter Configuration", "displayName": "Reconcile a Network Security Perimeter Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/networkSecurityConfigurations/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACS EventGrid Filters", "name": "CommunicationServices/EventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads EventGrid filters on communication services", "displayName": "Gets/Lists EventGrid filters on a communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/EventGridFilters/Read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes EventGrid filters on communication services", "displayName": "Create/update EventGrid filters on a communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/EventGridFilters/Write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes an EventGrid filter on communication services", "displayName": "Removes an EventGrid filter on a communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/EventGridFilters/Delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACS Registered Subscriptions", "name": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads registered subscriptions", "displayName": "Gets/Lists registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/RegisteredSubscriptions/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the status of an async operation", "displayName": "OperationStatuses_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes the status of an async operation", "displayName": "OperationStatus_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads operations", "displayName": "Gets/Lists operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EmailServices", "name": "EmailServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the EmailService and its properties.", "displayName": "EmailService_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the EmailService and its properties.", "displayName": "EmailService_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete a EmailService.", "displayName": "EmailService_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Verified Domains from the exchange online tenant.", "displayName": "EmailService_ListVerifiedDomainsFromExchangeOnline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/verifiedExchangeOnlineDomains/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Domains", "name": "EmailServices/Domains", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the email Domain and its properties.", "displayName": "Domain_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a new Domain under the parent EmailService resource or update an existing Domain resource.", "displayName": "Domain_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete a Domain resource.", "displayName": "Domain_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Initiate verification of Dns record.", "displayName": "Domain_InitiateVerification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/InitiateVerification/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel verification of Dns record.", "displayName": "Domain_CancelVerification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/CancelVerification/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Revoke existing verified status of a Dns record.", "displayName": "Domain_RevokeVerification", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/RevokeVerification/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SenderUsernames", "name": "EmailServices/Domains/SenderUsernames", "operations": [ { "description": "List all valid sender usernames for a domains resource.", "displayName": "SenderUsernames_ListByDomains", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SenderUsernames/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a new SenderUsername under the parent Domain resource or update an existing SenderUsername resource.", "displayName": "SenderUsernames_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SenderUsernames/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete a SenderUsername resource.", "displayName": "SenderUsernames_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SenderUsernames/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SuppressionLists", "name": "EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists", "operations": [ { "description": "List all suppression lists for a domains resource.", "displayName": "SuppressionLists_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a new suppression list under the parent Domain resource or update an existing suppression list.", "displayName": "SuppressionLists_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete a suppressio lists.", "displayName": "SuppressionLists_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SuppressionListAddresses", "name": "EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/SuppressionListAddresses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all the addresses in a suppression list.", "displayName": "SuppressionListAddresses_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/SuppressionListAddresses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add a new suppression list under the parent Domain resource or update an existing suppression list.", "displayName": "SuppressionListAddresses_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/SuppressionListAddresses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to delete an address from a suppression list.", "displayName": "SuppressionListAddresses_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/EmailServices/Domains/SuppressionLists/SuppressionListAddresses/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Communication Service", "name": "CommunicationServicesGccm", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads communication services", "displayName": "Gets/Lists communication services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes communication services", "displayName": "Create/update communication services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes communication services", "displayName": "Deletes communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the keys for a communication service", "displayName": "List keys for a communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/ListKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerates the primary or secondary key for a communication service", "displayName": "Regenerate a key for a communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/RegenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Links an Azure Notification Hub to the communication service", "displayName": "Link an Azure Notification Hub to the communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/LinkNotificationHub/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ACS EventGrid Filters", "name": "CommunicationServicesGccm/EventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads EventGrid filters on communication services", "displayName": "Gets/Lists EventGrid filters on a communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/EventGridFilters/Read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes EventGrid filters on communication services", "displayName": "Create/update EventGrid filters on a communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/EventGridFilters/Write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes an EventGrid filter on communication services", "displayName": "Removes an EventGrid filter on a communication service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServicesGccm/EventGridFilters/Delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Association Proxy", "name": "CommunicationServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Write Network Security Perimeter Assocation", "displayName": "Creates/Updates a Network Security Perimeter Assocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Network Security Perimeter Assocation", "displayName": "Gets/Lists Network Security Perimeter Assocations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Network Security Perimeter Assocation", "displayName": "Deletes a Network Security Perimeter Assocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/networkSecurityPerimeterAssociationProxies/delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Configuration", "name": "CommunicationServices/networkSecurityConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Network Security Perimeter Configuration", "displayName": "Gets a Network Security Perimeter Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices/networkSecurityConfigurations/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Network Security Perimeter Configuration", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Notifies that new Network Security Perimeter updates are available", "displayName": "Notify Network Security Perimeter updates available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Communication/locations/notifyNetworkSecurityPerimeterUpdatesAvailable/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft SecurityDetonationChamber", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.SecurityDetonation", "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Name Availability", "name": "checknameavailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks that resource name is valid and is not in use", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/checknameavailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Submissions", "name": "chambers/submissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows retrieving submissions using submission IDs for submissions marked as 'shared with Submitter'", "displayName": "List/Get Sumissions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/submissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows creating submissions of files/urls for detonation", "displayName": "Create Sumissions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/submissions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows deletion of submissions", "displayName": "Delete Sumissions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/submissions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows importing submissions", "displayName": "Submissions Import Action", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/submissions/import/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Submissions Admin View", "name": "chambers/submissions/adminview", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows retrieving (including in bulk) and deleting submissions using a submission ID", "displayName": "Submissions Admin View Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/submissions/adminview/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Submissions Access Key View", "name": "chambers/submissions/accesskeyview", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows retrieving (including in bulk) and deleting submissions using a submission ID + access key", "displayName": "Submissions Access Key View Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/submissions/accesskeyview/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tokens", "name": "chambers/tokens", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows generating a token for a submission, task or file", "displayName": "Tokens Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/tokens/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Platforms", "name": "chambers/platforms", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows querying of available platforms", "displayName": "Platforms Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/platforms/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows adding or modifying platforms", "displayName": "Platforms Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/platforms/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows deleting available platforms", "displayName": "Platforms Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/platforms/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflows", "name": "chambers/workflows", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows querying of available workflows", "displayName": "Workflows Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/workflows/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows adding or modifying workflows", "displayName": "Workflows Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/workflows/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows deleting available workflows", "displayName": "Workflows Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/workflows/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Toolsets", "name": "chambers/toolsets", "operations": [ { "description": "Allws querying of available toolsets", "displayName": "Toolsets Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/toolsets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows adding or modifying toolsets", "displayName": "Toolsets Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/toolsets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows deleting available toolsets", "displayName": "Toolsets Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/toolsets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "The metric definition of SecurityDetonationChambers", "name": "SecurityDetonationChambers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for SecurityDetonationChambers", "displayName": "Read SecurityDetonationChambers metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/SecurityDetonationChambers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Average", "category": "Saturation", "displayDescription": "Percent CPU utilization", "displayName": "% CPU", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": true, "fillGapWithZero": false, "name": "% Processor Time", "sourceMdmAccount": "MicrosoftSecurityDetonationChamberShoebox", "sourceMdmNamespace": "DaaSRPProd", "unit": "Percent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "SecurityDetonationChambers", "name": "SecurityDetonationChambers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/SecurityDetonationChambers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/SecurityDetonationChambers/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Security Detonation Chambers", "name": "chambers", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates a SecurityDetonationChamber with the specified parameters or update the properties or tags for the specified SecurityDetonationChamber", "displayName": "Create/Update SecurityDetonationChamber", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing SecurityDetonationChamber", "displayName": "Delete SecurityDetonationChamber", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of SecurityDetonationChambers or gets the properties for the specified SecurityDetonationChamber", "displayName": "List/Get SecurityDetonationChamber(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the api key and publishing token for the specified SecurityDetonationChamber", "displayName": "List SecurityDetonationChamber api keys and publishing tokens", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/listsecrets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Submission Files", "name": "chambers/submissions/files", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading of submission files", "displayName": "Read Sumission Files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/submissions/files/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Submissions Public View", "name": "chambers/submissions/publicview", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows retrieving (including in bulk) submissions which are marked as public", "displayName": "Submissions Public View Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/submissions/publicview/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Submissions Analyst View", "name": "chambers/submissions/analystview", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows retrieving (including in bulk) and deleting submissions as an analyst", "displayName": "Submissions Analyst View Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/submissions/analystview/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Platforms Metadata", "name": "chambers/platforms/metadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading platforms metadata", "displayName": "Platforms Metadata Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/platforms/metadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflows Metadata", "name": "chambers/workflows/metadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading workflows metadata", "displayName": "Workflows Metadata Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/workflows/metadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Toolsets Metadata", "name": "chambers/toolsets/metadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows reading toolsets metadata", "displayName": "Toolsets Metadata Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/toolsets/metadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Publish Requests", "name": "chambers/publishRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows querying of publish requests", "displayName": "Publish Requests Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/publishRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows cancelling publish requests", "displayName": "Publish Requests Cancel", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/chambers/publishRequests/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft BareMetal Infrastructure", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure", "name": "Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Microsoft BareMetal Infrastructure Resource Provider, and enables managing BareMetal Instance resources", "displayName": "Registers the Microsoft BareMetal Infrastructure Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "BareMetal Instance", "name": "bareMetalInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any BareMetal Instance", "displayName": "Read BareMetal Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update any BareMetal Instance", "displayName": "Create or Update BareMetal Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart any BareMetal Instance", "displayName": "Restart BareMetal Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalInstances/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start any BareMetal Instance", "displayName": "Start BareMetal Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalInstances/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop any BareMetal Instance", "displayName": "Stop BareMetal Instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalInstances/shutdown/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AzureArcData", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AzureArcData", "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.AzureArcData", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.AzureArcData", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.AzureArcData", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.AzureArcData", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sqlManagedInstances", "name": "sqlManagedInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "read sqlManagedInstances", "displayName": "SqlManagedInstances_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlManagedInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves a SQL Managed Instance resource", "displayName": "SqlManagedInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlManagedInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or replaces a SQL Managed Instance resource", "displayName": "SqlManagedInstances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlManagedInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a SQL Managed Instance resource", "displayName": "SqlManagedInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlManagedInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "postgresInstances", "name": "postgresInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "read postgresInstances", "displayName": "PostgresInstances_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/postgresInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves a postgres Instance resource", "displayName": "PostgresInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/postgresInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or replaces a postgres Instance resource", "displayName": "PostgresInstances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/postgresInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a postgres Instance resource", "displayName": "PostgresInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/postgresInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "dataControllers", "name": "dataControllers", "operations": [ { "description": "read dataControllers", "displayName": "DataControllers_ListInSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/dataControllers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves a dataController resource", "displayName": "DataControllers_GetDataController", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/dataControllers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or replaces a dataController resource", "displayName": "DataControllers_PutDataController", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/dataControllers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a dataController resource", "displayName": "DataControllers_DeleteDataController", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/dataControllers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sqlServerInstances", "name": "sqlServerInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "read sqlServerInstances", "displayName": "SqlServerInstances_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves a SQL Server Instance resource", "displayName": "SqlServerInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or replaces a SQL Server Instance resource", "displayName": "SqlServerInstances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a SQL Server Instance resource", "displayName": "SqlServerInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves SQL Server instance telemetry", "displayName": "SqlServerInstances_getTelemetry", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/getTelemetry/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "dataControllers/activeDirectoryConnectors", "name": "dataControllers/activeDirectoryConnectors", "operations": [ { "description": "read activeDirectoryConnectors", "displayName": "ActiveDirectoryConnectors_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/dataControllers/activeDirectoryConnectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or replaces an Active Directory connector resource.", "displayName": "ActiveDirectoryConnectors_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/dataControllers/activeDirectoryConnectors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Active Directory connector resource", "displayName": "ActiveDirectoryConnectors_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/dataControllers/activeDirectoryConnectors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sqlServerInstances/databases", "name": "sqlServerInstances/databases", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves an Arc Sql Server database.", "displayName": "SqlServerDatabases_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/databases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or replaces an Arc Sql Server Database.", "displayName": "SqlServerDatabases_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/databases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Arc Sql Server database resource.", "displayName": "SqlServerDatabases_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/databases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sqlManagedInstances/failoverGroups", "name": "sqlManagedInstances/failoverGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "read failoverGroups", "displayName": "FailoverGroups_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlManagedInstances/failoverGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or replaces a failover group resource.", "displayName": "FailoverGroups_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlManagedInstances/failoverGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a failover group resource", "displayName": "FailoverGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlManagedInstances/failoverGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sqlServerInstances/availabilityGroups", "name": "sqlServerInstances/availabilityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves an Arc Sql Server availability group.", "displayName": "SqlServerAvailabilityGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/availabilityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or replaces an Arc Sql Server Availability Group.", "displayName": "SqlServerAvailabilityGroups_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/availabilityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Arc Sql Server availability group resource.", "displayName": "SqlServerAvailabilityGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/availabilityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves detailed properties of the Availability Group.", "displayName": "SqlServerAvailabilityGroups_DetailView", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/availabilityGroups/getDetailView/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Request manual failover of the availability group to this server.", "displayName": "SqlServerAvailabilityGroups_Failover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/availabilityGroups/failover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Request forced failover of the availability group to this server.", "displayName": "SqlServerAvailabilityGroups_ForceFailoverAllowDataLoss", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerInstances/availabilityGroups/forceFailoverAllowDataLoss/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sqlServerLicenses", "name": "sqlServerLicenses", "operations": [ { "description": "read sqlServerLicenses", "displayName": "SqlServerLicenses_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerLicenses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves a SQL Server license resource", "displayName": "SqlServerLicenses_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerLicenses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or replaces a SQL Server license resource", "displayName": "SqlServerLicenses_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerLicenses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a SQL Server license resource", "displayName": "SqlServerLicenses_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureArcData/sqlServerLicenses/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Bing Search", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Bing", "name": "Microsoft.Bing", "operations": [ { "description": "Register a subscription with the Microsoft.Bing resource provider", "displayName": "Subscription Registration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/register/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Bing Search Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List available operations", "displayName": "List Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/operations/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bing Search Account", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read accounts", "displayName": "Read Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/accounts/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update accounts", "displayName": "Write Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/accounts/write", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete accounts", "displayName": "Delete Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/accounts/delete", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "List keys for an account", "displayName": "List Account Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/accounts/listKeys/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate a key for an account", "displayName": "Regenerate Account Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/accounts/regenerateKey/action", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bing Search Account", "name": "accounts/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the quota usage for an existing resource", "displayName": "Read Account Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/accounts/usages/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bing Search Account", "name": "accounts/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Read available SKUs for an existing resource", "displayName": "Read Account SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/accounts/skus/read", "origin": "User", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Check whether SKUs are available for a location", "displayName": "Check SKU availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/locations/checkSkuAvailability/action", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Bing Search SKUs", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads available SKUs for Bing Search", "displayName": "Read SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/skus/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Results", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the status of an asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Read Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Bing/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Purview", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Purview", "name": "Microsoft.Purview", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft Purview provider.", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft Purview provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft Purview provider.", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft Purview provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sets the default account for the scope.", "displayName": "Set Default Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/setDefaultAccount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes the default account for the scope.", "displayName": "Removes Default Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/removeDefaultAccount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads all available operations for Microsoft Purview provider.", "displayName": "Read all operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Consent", "name": "consents", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Consent Resource.", "displayName": "Read Consent Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/consents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a Consent Resource.", "displayName": "Create or Update Consent Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/consents/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Consent Resource.", "displayName": "Delete Consent Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/consents/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Consent", "name": "checkConsent", "operations": [ { "description": "Resolve the scope the Consent is granted.", "displayName": "Check the Consent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/checkConsent/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Tenant", "name": "getDefaultAccount", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the default account for the scope.", "displayName": "Get Default Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/getDefaultAccount/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "name": "checknameavailability", "operations": [ { "description": "Check if name of purview account resource is available for Microsoft Purview provider.", "displayName": "Check if name of purview account is available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/checknameavailability/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Account", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.", "displayName": "Read account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.", "displayName": "Write account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.", "displayName": "Delete account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List keys on the account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.", "displayName": "List keys on the account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/listkeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add root collection admin to account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.", "displayName": "Add root collection admin to account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/addrootcollectionadmin/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Move account resource for Microsoft Purview provider.", "displayName": "Move account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection.", "displayName": "Approve Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Monitor async operations.", "displayName": "Operation result by location", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link Resources", "name": "accounts/privatelinkresources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Account Link Resources.", "displayName": "Read Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privatelinkresources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Write Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy.", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy Operation Result", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Monitor Private Endpoint Connection Proxy async operations.", "displayName": "Operation result by Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Private Endpoint Connection.", "displayName": "Read Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Private Endpoint Connection.", "displayName": "Create or update Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection.", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Plane", "name": "accounts/data", "operations": [ { "description": "Permission is deprecated.", "displayName": "Deprecated", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/data/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Permission is deprecated.", "displayName": "Deprecated", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/data/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Scan", "name": "accounts/scan", "operations": [ { "description": "Permission is deprecated.", "displayName": "Deprecated", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/scan/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Permission is deprecated.", "displayName": "Deprecated", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/scan/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy element", "name": "policyElements", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Policy Element.", "displayName": "Read Policy Element", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/policyElements/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Policy Element.", "displayName": "Create or update Policy Element", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/policyElements/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Policy Element.", "displayName": "Delete Policy Element", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/policyElements/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Account binding", "name": "purviewAccountBindings", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Account Binding.", "displayName": "Read Account Binding", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/purviewAccountBindings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Account Binding.", "displayName": "Create or update Account Binding", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/purviewAccountBindings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Account Binding.", "displayName": "Delete Account Binding", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/purviewAccountBindings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Attribute Blob", "name": "attributeBlobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Attribute Blob.", "displayName": "Read Attribute Blob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/attributeBlobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Attribute Blob.", "displayName": "Write Attribute Blob", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/attributeBlobs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metric definitions", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available metrics for the catalog.", "displayName": "Read metric definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "metricSpecifications": [ { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ResourceId", "name": "ResourceId", "toBeExportedForCustomer": true } ], "displayDescription": "Indicates the scan billing units.", "displayName": "Scan Billing Units", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "internalMetricName": "ScanBillingUnits", "name": "ScanBillingUnits", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CatalogAnalytics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ResourceId", "name": "ResourceId", "toBeExportedForCustomer": true } ], "displayDescription": "Indicates the number of scans cancelled.", "displayName": "Scan Cancelled", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "internalMetricName": "ScanCancelled", "name": "ScanCancelled", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CatalogAnalytics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ResourceId", "name": "ResourceId", "toBeExportedForCustomer": true } ], "displayDescription": "Indicates the number of scans completed successfully.", "displayName": "Scan Completed", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "internalMetricName": "ScanCompleted", "name": "ScanCompleted", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CatalogAnalytics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ResourceId", "name": "ResourceId", "toBeExportedForCustomer": true } ], "displayDescription": "Indicates the number of scans failed.", "displayName": "Scan Failed", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "internalMetricName": "ScanFailed", "name": "ScanFailed", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CatalogAnalytics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Total", "Count" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Count" }, { "aggregationType": "Total", "dimensions": [ { "displayName": "ResourceId", "name": "ResourceId", "toBeExportedForCustomer": true } ], "displayDescription": "Indicates the total scan time in seconds.", "displayName": "Scan time taken", "enableRegionalMdmAccount": "true", "internalMetricName": "ScanTimeTaken", "name": "ScanTimeTaken", "sourceMdmNamespace": "CatalogAnalytics", "supportedAggregationTypes": [ "Minimum", "Maximum", "Total", "Average" ], "supportedTimeGrainTypes": [ "PT1M", "PT15M", "PT1H", "P1D" ], "unit": "Seconds" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Log definitions", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the available logs for the catalog.", "displayName": "Read log definitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/logDefinitions/read", "origin": "system", "properties": { "serviceSpecification": { "logSpecifications": [ { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "CollectionCrud", "name": "CollectionCrudLogEvent" }, { "blobDuration": "PT1H", "displayName": "ScanStatus", "name": "ScanStatusLogEvent" } ] } } } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings", "name": "accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Read diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the diagnostic setting for the resource.", "displayName": "Write diagnostic setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Kafka Configurations", "name": "accounts/kafkaConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Kafka Configurations.", "displayName": "Read Kafka Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/kafkaConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Kafka Configurations.", "displayName": "Create or update Kafka Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/kafkaConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Kafka Configurations.", "displayName": "Delete Kafka Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/accounts/kafkaConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policy", "name": "policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Policy Resource.", "displayName": "Read Policy Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Purview/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Billing", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Billing", "name": "Microsoft.Billing", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates an address. Use the operation to validate an address before using it as soldTo or a billTo address.", "displayName": "Address_Validate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/validateAddress/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Registers the resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Billing Property", "name": "billingProperty", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the billing properties for a subscription", "displayName": "BillingProperty_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingProperty/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the billing property of a subscription. Currently, cost center can be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement and subscription service usage address can be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Online Service Program.", "displayName": "BillingProperty_Update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingProperty/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Subscriptions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the subscriptions for a billing account.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Download invoice using download link from list", "displayName": "Download Invoice", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/downloadDocuments/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Move Billing Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Validate Subscription Move Parameters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/validateMoveEligibility/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the properties of a billing subscription.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_Update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Invoices", "name": "invoices", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "List Invoices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/invoices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Download invoice using download link from list", "displayName": "Download Invoice", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/invoices/download/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Periods", "name": "billingPeriods", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "List/Get Billing Periods(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingPeriods/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List of operations supported by provider.", "displayName": "Operations_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Enrollment Accounts", "name": "enrollmentAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "List/Get Enrollment Account(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/enrollmentAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Agreements", "name": "billingAccounts/agreements", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the agreements for a billing account.", "displayName": "Agreements_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/agreements/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Accounts", "name": "billingAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billing accounts that a user has access to.", "displayName": "BillingAccounts_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the properties of a billing account. Currently, displayName and address can be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Currently address and notification email address can be updated for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Online Services Agreement. Currently, purchase order number can be edited for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingAccounts_Update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the invoice sections for which the user has permission to create Azure subscriptions. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingAccounts_ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/listInvoiceSectionsWithCreateSubscriptionPermission/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Confirm Transition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/confirmTransition/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Create Billing Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds payment terms to all the billing profiles under the billing account. Currently, payment terms can be added only on billing accounts that have Agreement Type as 'Microsoft Customer Agreement' and AccountType as 'Enterprise'. This action needs pre-authorization and only Field Sellers are authorized to add the payment terms and is not a self-serve action.", "displayName": "BillingAccounts_AddPaymentTerms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/addPaymentTerms/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels all the payment terms on billing account that falls after the cancellation date in the request. Currently, cancel payment terms is only served by admin actions and is not a self-serve action.", "displayName": "BillingAccounts_CancelPaymentTerms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/cancelPaymentTerms/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates payment terms on a billing account with agreement type 'Microsoft Customer Agreement' and account type 'Enterprise'.", "displayName": "BillingAccounts_ValidatePaymentTerms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/validatePaymentTerms/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Address", "name": "validateAddress", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Validates address.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/validateAddress/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Profiles", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billing profiles that a user has access to. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement of type Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingProfiles_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement, Microsoft Partner Agreement and Enterprise Agreement. If you are a MCA Individual (Pay-as-you-go) customer, then please use the Azure portal experience to create the billing profile.", "displayName": "BillingProfiles_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Purchase a SEAT product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/purchaseProduct/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Get price for a SEAT product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/priceProduct/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Create Invoice Section [deprecated]", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "List Billing Profiles With View Pricesheet Permissions", "name": "billingAccounts/listBillingProfilesWithViewPricesheetPermissions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "List Billing Profiles with ViewPricesheet permission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/listBillingProfilesWithViewPricesheetPermissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Customers", "name": "billingAccounts/customers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the customers that are billed to a billing account. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Customers_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Initiate transfer of resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/initiateTransfer/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Invoice Sections", "name": "billingAccounts/invoiceSections", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Create Invoice Section", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoiceSections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Provides a billing profile user with corresponding access to an invoice section.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoiceSections/elevate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "List/Get Invoice Section(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoiceSections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Invoice Sections", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the invoice sections that a user has access to. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "InvoiceSections_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an invoice section. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "InvoiceSections_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pricesheet", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/pricesheet", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Download Pricesheet by Billing Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/pricesheet/download/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pricesheet", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/pricesheet", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Download Pricesheet by Invoice", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/pricesheet/download/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Departments", "name": "billingAccounts/departments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the departments that a user has access to. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "Departments_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Update Department by Department Id", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Products", "name": "billingAccounts/products", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the products for a billing account. These don't include products billed based on usage. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Products_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/products/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves a product's charges to a new invoice section. The new invoice section must belong to the same billing profile as the existing invoice section. This operation is supported only for products that are purchased with a recurring charge and for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "Products_Move", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/products/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates if a product's charges can be moved to a new invoice section. This operation is supported only for products that are purchased with a recurring charge and for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "Products_ValidateMoveEligibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/products/validateMoveEligibility/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the properties of a Product. Currently, auto renew can be updated. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "Products_Update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/products/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Products", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/products", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the products for a billing profile. These don't include products billed based on usage. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Products_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/products/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Products", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/products", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Move Product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/products/transfer/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Move Product", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/products/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Validate Product Move Parameters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/products/validateMoveEligibility/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the products for an invoice section. These don't include products billed based on usage. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "Products_ListByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/products/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Permissions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingPermissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billing permissions the caller has on a billing account.", "displayName": "BillingPermissions_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingPermissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Permissions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingPermissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billing permissions the caller has on a billing profile.", "displayName": "BillingPermissions_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingPermissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Permissions", "name": "billingAccounts/customers/billingPermissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billing permissions the caller has for a customer at billing account level.", "displayName": "BillingPermissions_ListByCustomerAtBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/billingPermissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Permissions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingPermissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billing permissions the caller has for an invoice section.", "displayName": "BillingPermissions_ListByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingPermissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Permissions", "name": "billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingPermissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billing permissions the caller has for an enrollment account.", "displayName": "BillingPermissions_ListByEnrollmentAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingPermissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Permissions", "name": "billingAccounts/departments/billingPermissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billing permissions the caller has for a department.", "displayName": "BillingPermissions_ListByDepartment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/billingPermissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/billingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a billing role assignment. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_CreateOrUpdateByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a role assignment for the caller on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_GetByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingRoleAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a billing role assignment. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_CreateOrUpdateByEnrollmentAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a role assignment for the caller on a enrollment Account. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_GetByEnrollmentAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a billing role assignment. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_CreateOrUpdateByDepartment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a role assignment for the caller on a department. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_GetByDepartment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Subscriptions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Move Billing Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingSubscriptions/transfer/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Move Billing Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingSubscriptions/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Validate Subscription Move Parameters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingSubscriptions/validateMoveEligibility/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Update Billing Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the subscriptions that are billed to an invoice section. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_ListByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Customers", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the customers that are billed to a billing profile. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Customers_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Enrollment Accounts", "name": "billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the enrollment accounts for a billing account. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "EnrollmentAccounts_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Update an Enrollment Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Invoices", "name": "billingAccounts/invoices", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Download invoice", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/download/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the invoices for a billing account for a given start date and end date. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement, or Microsoft Online Services Program.", "displayName": "Invoices_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Invoices", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Download invoice for billing profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/download/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the invoices for a billing profile for a given start date and end date. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "Invoices_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Departments", "name": "departments", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "[deprecated] List/Get Department(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/departments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transfers", "name": "billingAccounts/customers/transfers", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete customer transfer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/transfers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Get customer transfers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/transfers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Pricesheet", "name": "billingAccounts/invoices/pricesheet", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Download Pricesheet by Invoice", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/pricesheet/download/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Associated Tenants", "name": "billingAccounts/associatedTenants", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the associated tenants that can collaborate with the billing account on commerce activities like viewing and downloading invoices, managing payments, making purchases, and managing or provisioning licenses.", "displayName": "AssociatedTenants_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/associatedTenants/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update an associated tenant for the billing account.", "displayName": "AssociatedTenants_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/associatedTenants/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Delete Billing Profile Eligibility", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateDeleteBillingProfileEligibility", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Validate Delete Eligibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateDeleteBillingProfileEligibility/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Refund Eligibility", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/validateRefundEligibility", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Validate Refund Eligibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/validateRefundEligibility/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Delete Invoice Section Eligibility", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/validateDeleteInvoiceSectionEligibility", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Validate Delete Eligibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/validateDeleteInvoiceSectionEligibility/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policies", "name": "billingAccounts/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the policies for a billing account of Enterprise Agreement type.", "displayName": "Policies_GetByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the policies for a billing account of Enterprise Agreement type.", "displayName": "Policies_CreateOrUpdateByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policies", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the policies for a billing profile. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "Policies_GetByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the policies for a billing profile. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "Policies_CreateOrUpdateByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policies", "name": "billingAccounts/customers/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the policies for a customer at billing account scope. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Policies_GetByCustomerAtBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the policies for a customer at billing account scope. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Policies_CreateOrUpdateByCustomerAtBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Access", "name": "billingAccounts/checkAccess", "operations": [ { "description": "Provides a list of check access response objects for a billing account.", "displayName": "CheckAccess_GetByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/checkAccess/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Access", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/checkAccess", "operations": [ { "description": "Provides a list of check access response objects for a billing profile.", "displayName": "CheckAccess_GetByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/checkAccess/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Access", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/checkAccess", "operations": [ { "description": "Provides a list of check access response objects for an invoice section.", "displayName": "CheckAccess_GetByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/checkAccess/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Access", "name": "billingAccounts/customers/checkAccess", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Allows/Disallows an access request at Customer scope", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/checkAccess/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Access", "name": "billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/checkAccess", "operations": [ { "description": "Provides a list of check access response objects for an enrollment account.", "displayName": "CheckAccess_GetByEnrollmentAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/checkAccess/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Access", "name": "billingAccounts/departments/checkAccess", "operations": [ { "description": "Provides a list of check access response objects for a department.", "displayName": "CheckAccess_GetByDepartment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/checkAccess/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resolve Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/resolveBillingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the role assignments for the caller on a billing account while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resolve Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/resolveBillingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the role assignments for the caller on an billing profile while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resolve Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/resolveBillingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the role assignments for the caller on an invoice section while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resolve Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/customers/resolveBillingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Resolve Billing Role Assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Results", "name": "billingAccounts/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Get operation status for a resolve billing role assignmnets operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Purchase Product", "name": "billingAccounts/purchaseProduct", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Purchase a billing subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/purchaseProduct/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Split", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/split", "operations": [ { "description": "Splits a subscription into a new subscription with quantity less than current subscription quantity and not equal to 0.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_Split", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/split/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Merge", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/merge", "operations": [ { "description": "Merges the billing subscription provided in the request with a target billing subscription.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_Merge", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/merge/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Cancel", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/cancel", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancels a usage-based subscription. This operation is supported only for billing accounts of type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_Cancel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/cancel/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Subscriptions", "name": "billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Update Billing Subscriptions Cost Center", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the subscriptions for an enrollment account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_ListByEnrollmentAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Add Department", "name": "billingAccounts/addDepartment", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Add Department", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/addDepartment/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Add Enrollment Account", "name": "billingAccounts/addEnrollmentAccount", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Add an Enrollment Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/addEnrollmentAccount/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Enrollment Accounts", "name": "billingAccounts/departments/enrollmentAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the enrollment accounts for a department. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "EnrollmentAccounts_ListByDepartment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/enrollmentAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": "Update an Enrollment Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/enrollmentAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Add Enrollment Account", "name": "billingAccounts/departments/addEnrollmentAccount", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Add an Enrollment Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/addEnrollmentAccount/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Remove", "name": "billingAccounts/departments/enrollmentAccounts/remove", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Delete an Enrollment Account by Department", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/enrollmentAccounts/remove/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Activate", "name": "billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/activate", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Activate an Enrollment Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/activate/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Activation Status", "name": "billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/activationStatus", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Get status of Enrollment Account activation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/activationStatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transfer Billing Subscriptions", "name": "billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/transferBillingSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Transfer billing subscriptions - AOT/SOT", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/transferBillingSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Notification Contacts", "name": "billingAccounts/notificationContacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the NotificationContacts for the given billing account. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "NotificationContacts_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/notificationContacts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update a notification contact by ID. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "NotificationContacts_Update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/notificationContacts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Subscription Aliases", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptionAliases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a subscription by its alias ID. The operation is supported for seat based billing subscriptions.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptionsAliases_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptionAliases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a billing subscription by its alias ID. The operation is supported for seat based billing subscriptions.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptionsAliases_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptionAliases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Check Access", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/checkAccess", "operations": [ { "description": "Provides a list of check access response objects for a customer.", "displayName": "CheckAccess_GetByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/checkAccess/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Permissions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingPermissions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billing permissions the caller has for a customer.", "displayName": "BillingPermissions_ListByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingPermissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Permissions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/departments/billingPermissions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "List/Get Billing Permissions by Billing Profile Department", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/departments/billingPermissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Permissions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/enrollmentAccounts/billingPermissions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "List/Get Billing Permissions by Billing Profile Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/enrollmentAccounts/billingPermissions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resolve Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/resolveBillingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the role assignments for the caller on a customer while fetching user info for each role assignment. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_ResolveByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/resolveBillingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Definitions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingRoleDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the definition for a role on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleDefinition_GetByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingRoleDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Definitions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the definition for a role on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleDefinition_GetByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Definitions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the definition for a role on an invoice section. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleDefinition_GetByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Definitions", "name": "billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the definition for a role on an enrollment account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleDefinition_GetByEnrollmentAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/enrollmentAccounts/billingRoleDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Definitions", "name": "billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the definition for a role on a department. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleDefinition_GetByDepartment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/billingRoleDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Definitions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/departments/billingRoleDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the definition for a role on a department. The operation is supported for billing profiles with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingProfileDepartmentRoleDefinitions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/departments/billingRoleDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Subscriptions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a subscription by its billing profile and ID. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_GetByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Move", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/move", "operations": [ { "description": "Moves charges for a subscription to a new invoice section. The new invoice section must belong to the same billing profile as the existing invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_Move", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/move/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Move Eligibility", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/validateMoveEligibility", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates if charges for a subscription can be moved to a new invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_ValidateMoveEligibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/validateMoveEligibility/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Subscriptions", "name": "billingAccounts/departments/billingSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the subscriptions for a department. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_ListByDepartments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/departments/billingSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Subscriptions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/departments/billingSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "List billing subscriptions by billing profile ID and department name. This operation is supported only for billing accounts of type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_ListByBillingProfileByDepartment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/departments/billingSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Subscriptions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/enrollmentAccounts/billingSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "List billing subscriptions by billing profile ID and enrollment account name. This operation is supported only for billing accounts of type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_ListByEnrollmentAccountByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/enrollmentAccounts/billingSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Subscriptions", "name": "billingAccounts/customers/billingSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the subscriptions for a customer at billing account level. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_ListByCustomerAtBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/billingSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Departments", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/departments", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the departments that a user has access to. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingProfileDepartments_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/departments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Enrollment Accounts", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/enrollmentAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the enrollment accounts for a specific billing account and a billing profile belonging to it.", "displayName": "BillingProfileEnrollmentAccounts_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/enrollmentAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Enrollment Accounts", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/departments/enrollmentAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get list of enrollment accounts using billing profile ID and department ID", "displayName": "BillingProfileEnrollmentAccounts_ListByDepartmentName", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/departments/enrollmentAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Notification Contacts", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/notificationContacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the NotificationContacts for the given billing profile. The operation is supported only for billing profiles with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "NotificationContactsByBillingProfile_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/notificationContacts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alerts", "name": "billingAccounts/alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the alert definition by an Id.", "displayName": "Alerts_GetById", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/alerts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alerts", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the alerts for a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Alerts_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/alerts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "List Product Recommendations", "name": "billingAccounts/listProductRecommendations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists ProductIds or offerIds recommended for purchase on an account. Please specify the type of the cohort for the billing account in the 'x-ms-recommendations-cohort-type' header as a required string parameter.", "displayName": "Recommendations_ListByBillingAccountName", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/listProductRecommendations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Refund Eligibility", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateRefundEligibility", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates whether the billing profile has any invoices eligible for an expedited refund. The operation is supported for billing accounts with the agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement and the account type Individual.", "displayName": "BillingProfiles_ValidateRefundEligibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateRefundEligibility/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Enable", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/enable", "operations": [ { "description": "Enable an azure billing subscription.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_Enable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/enable/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Profiles Summaries", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfilesSummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the summary of billing profiles under a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingProfilesSummaries_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfilesSummaries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Definitions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the definition for a role on a customer. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleDefinition_GetByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Promotions", "name": "promotions", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get promotions", "displayName": "promotions_get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/promotions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Accounts", "name": "billingAccounts/addPaymentTerms", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Add payment terms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/addPaymentTerms/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Accounts", "name": "billingAccounts/cancelPaymentTerms", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Cancel payment terms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/cancelPaymentTerms/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Payment Terms", "name": "billingAccounts/validatePaymentTerms", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Validate Add Payment Terms Eligibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/validatePaymentTerms/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policies", "name": "policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the policies that are managed by the Billing Admin for the defined subscriptions. This is supported for Microsoft Online Services Program, Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Policies_GetBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alert Preferences", "name": "billingAccounts/alertPreferences", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates an AlertPreference for the specifed Billing Account.", "displayName": "AlertPreferences_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/alertPreferences/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the AlertPreference with the given Id.", "displayName": "AlertPreferences_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/alertPreferences/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Accounts", "name": "billingAccounts/addDailyInvoicingOverrideTerms", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Add daily invoicing override terms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/addDailyInvoicingOverrideTerms/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Accounts", "name": "billingAccounts/cancelDailyInvoicingOverrideTerms", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Cancel daily invoicing override terms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/cancelDailyInvoicingOverrideTerms/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Daily Invoicing Override Terms", "name": "billingAccounts/validateDailyInvoicingOverrideTerms", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Validate add daily invoicing override terms eligibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/validateDailyInvoicingOverrideTerms/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Delete Eligibility", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/validateDeleteEligibility", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates if the invoice section can be deleted. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "InvoiceSections_ValidateDeleteEligibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/validateDeleteEligibility/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Paynow", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/paynow", "operations": [ { "description": "Initiates a pay now operation for an invoice.", "displayName": "Invoices_Paynow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoices/paynow/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Invoices", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the invoices for a subscription.", "displayName": "Invoices_ListByBillingSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Download Documents", "name": "billingAccounts/downloadDocuments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a URL to download multiple invoice documents (invoice pdf, tax receipts, credit notes) as a zip file. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "Invoices_DownloadDocumentsByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/downloadDocuments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Download", "name": "billingAccounts/invoices/download", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a URL to download an invoice document. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement, Microsoft Customer Agreement or Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "Invoices_DownloadByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/download/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Download Documents", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/downloadDocuments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a URL to download multiple invoice documents (invoice pdf, tax receipts, credit notes) as a zip file.", "displayName": "Invoices_DownloadDocumentsByBillingSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/downloadDocuments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Download", "name": "billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/download", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a URL to download an invoice by billing subscription.", "displayName": "Invoices_DownloadByBillingSubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingSubscriptions/invoices/download/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Amend", "name": "billingAccounts/invoices/amend", "operations": [ { "description": "Regenerate an invoice by billing account name and invoice name. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "Invoices_Amend", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/amend/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Register", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProviders/register", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers a resource provider with Microsoft.Billing at billing account scope.", "displayName": "BillingAccounts_Register", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProviders/register/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Register", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/register", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers a resource provider with Microsoft.Billing at billing profile scope.", "displayName": "BillingProfiles_Register", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/register/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Unregister", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProviders/unregister", "operations": [ { "description": "Unregisters a resource provider with Microsoft.Billing at billing account scope.", "displayName": "BillingAccounts_Unregister", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProviders/unregister/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Unregister", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/unregister", "operations": [ { "description": "Unregisters a resource provider with Microsoft.Billing at billing profile scope.", "displayName": "BillingProfiles_Unregister", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingProviders/unregister/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Balance", "name": "billingAccounts/availableBalance", "operations": [ { "description": "The Available Credit or Payment on Account Balance for a billing account. The credit balance can be used to settle due or past due invoices and is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. The payment on account balance is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Online Services Program.", "displayName": "AvailableBalances_GetByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/availableBalance/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Balance", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/availableBalance", "operations": [ { "description": "The Available Credit or Payment on Account Balance for a billing profile. The credit balance can be used to settle due or past due invoices and is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. The payment on account balance is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "AvailableBalances_GetByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/availableBalance/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Confirm Transition", "name": "billingAccounts/confirmTransition", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the transition details for a billing account that has transitioned from agreement type Microsoft Online Services Program to agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingAccounts_ConfirmTransition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/confirmTransition/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Validate Delete Eligibility", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateDeleteEligibility", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates if the billing profile can be deleted. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingProfiles_ValidateDeleteEligibility", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/validateDeleteEligibility/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Requests", "name": "billingRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "The list of billing requests submitted by a user.", "displayName": "BillingRequests_ListByUser", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a billing request.", "displayName": "BillingRequests_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingRequests/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Requests", "name": "billingAccounts/billingRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "The list of billing requests submitted for the billing account.", "displayName": "BillingRequests_ListByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Requests", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "The list of billing requests submitted for the billing profile.", "displayName": "BillingRequests_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Requests", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "The list of billing requests submitted for the invoice section.", "displayName": "BillingRequests_ListByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Requests", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "The list of billing requests submitted for the customer.", "displayName": "BillingRequests_ListByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Create Billing Role Assignment", "name": "billingAccounts/createBillingRoleAssignment", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role assignment on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/createBillingRoleAssignment/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Create Billing Role Assignment", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/createBillingRoleAssignment", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role assignment on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/createBillingRoleAssignment/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Create Billing Role Assignment", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/createBillingRoleAssignment", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role assignment on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/createBillingRoleAssignment/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Create Billing Role Assignment", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/createBillingRoleAssignment", "operations": [ { "description": "Adds a role assignment on a customer. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_CreateByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/createBillingRoleAssignment/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a role assignment for the caller on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_GetByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a role assignment on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_DeleteByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/billingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a role assignment for the caller on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_GetByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a role assignment on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_DeleteByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/billingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Role Assignments", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a role assignment for the caller on a customer. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_GetByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a role assignment on a customer. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingRoleAssignments_DeleteByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingRoleAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Billing Subscriptions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the subscriptions for a customer. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "BillingSubscriptions_ListByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/billingSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Policies", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Policies_GetByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Policies_CreateOrUpdateByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/policies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transaction Summary", "name": "billingAccounts/invoices/transactionSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the transaction summary for an invoice. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges.", "displayName": "Transactions_GetTransactionSummaryByInvoice", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/transactionSummary/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transactions", "name": "billingAccounts/invoices/transactions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the transactions for an invoice. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges.", "displayName": "Transactions_ListByInvoice", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/transactions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transactions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/transactions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billed or unbilled transactions by billing profile name for given start and end date. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges. Unbilled transactions are listed under pending invoice Id and do not include tax. Tax is added to the amount once an invoice is generated.", "displayName": "Transactions_ListByBillingProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/transactions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transactions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/transactions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billed or unbilled transactions by invoice section name for given start date and end date. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges. Unbilled transactions are listed under pending invoice Id and do not include tax. Tax is added to the amount once an invoice is generated.", "displayName": "Transactions_ListByInvoiceSection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/invoiceSections/transactions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transactions", "name": "billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/transactions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the billed or unbilled transactions by customer id for given start date and end date. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges. Unbilled transactions are listed under pending invoice Id and do not include tax. Tax is added to the amount once an invoice is generated.", "displayName": "Transactions_ListByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/billingProfiles/customers/transactions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Transactions Download", "name": "billingAccounts/invoices/transactionsDownload", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a URL to download the transactions document for an invoice. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "Transactions_DownloadByInvoice", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/transactionsDownload/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Products", "name": "billingAccounts/customers/products", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the products for a customer. These don't include products billed based on usage.The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement.", "displayName": "Products_ListByCustomer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/customers/products/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Download Summary", "name": "billingAccounts/invoices/downloadSummary", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a URL to download the summary document for an invoice. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "Invoices_DownloadSummaryByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/downloadSummary/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Summary Download", "name": "billingAccounts/invoices/summaryDownload", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a URL to download the summary document for an invoice. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.", "displayName": "Invoices_DownloadSummaryByBillingAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/invoices/summaryDownload/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft ResourceConnector", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ResourceConnector", "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for Appliances resource provider and enables the creation of Appliance.", "displayName": "Registers the Appliances Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for Appliances resource provider and disables the creation of Appliance.", "displayName": "Unregisters the Appliances Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets list of Available Operations for Appliances", "displayName": "List Available Operations for Appliances", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Appliances", "name": "appliances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Appliance resource", "displayName": "Get Appliance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/appliances/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or Updates Appliance resource", "displayName": "Create or Update Appliance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/appliances/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Appliance resource", "displayName": "Delete Appliance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/appliances/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get an appliance cluster user credential", "displayName": "List User Cluster Credential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/appliances/listClusterUserCredential/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get an appliance cluster customer user keys", "displayName": "List Customer User Cluster Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/appliances/listKeys/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Appliances Operation Status", "name": "locations/operationsstatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of Appliance operation", "displayName": "Get status of Appliance operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/locations/operationsstatus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Appliances Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get result of Appliance operation", "displayName": "Get the status of Appliance operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Appliances", "name": "telemetryconfig", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Appliances telemetry config utilized by Appliances CLI", "displayName": "Get Appliances Telemetry Config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/telemetryconfig/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Appliances", "name": "appliances/upgradeGraphs", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the upgrade graph of Appliance cluster", "displayName": "Get upgrade graph", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ResourceConnector/appliances/upgradeGraphs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Autonomous Development Platform", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform", "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operations", "displayName": "Read operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read locations", "displayName": "Read locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/locations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatus", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operation statuses", "displayName": "Read operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update operation statuses", "displayName": "Update operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Account", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read accounts", "displayName": "Read accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update accounts", "displayName": "Update accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete accounts", "displayName": "Delete accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DataPool", "name": "accounts/dataPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Read a data pool", "displayName": "Read a data pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update data pools", "displayName": "Update data pools", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete data pools", "displayName": "Delete data pools", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Discoveries", "name": "accounts/dataPools/discoveries", "operations": [ { "description": "Read and list the details of the available discoveries in the data pool", "displayName": "Read Discoveries", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/discoveries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new discovery before uploading a measurement. Perform any operation within the scope of this discovery such as abort.", "displayName": "Write Discoveries", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/discoveries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete Discoveries. not in use", "displayName": "delete Discoveries", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/discoveries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Uploads", "name": "accounts/dataPools/uploads", "operations": [ { "description": "Read and list the details of the available uploads in the data pool.", "displayName": "Read Uploads", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/uploads/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new upload of a data of measurements. Perform any operation within the scope of this upload such as abort. ", "displayName": "Write Uploads", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/uploads/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete Uploads. Not in use", "displayName": "delete Uploads", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/uploads/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "New Measurements", "name": "accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new", "operations": [ { "description": "Read and list measurement metadata in state New & list data streams within measurement in New state", "displayName": "Read New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/upload a new measurement object ", "displayName": "Write New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an existing measurement object in state New (this is GDPR delete) ", "displayName": "Delete New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Metadata of New Measurements e.g. to fix failed validation", "displayName": "Update Metadata of New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/updateMetadata/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change State of New Measurements", "displayName": "Change State of New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/changeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Validations for New Measurements", "displayName": "Run Validations for New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/runValidations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Processing Steps for New Measurements", "displayName": "Run Processing Steps for New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/runProcessing/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Streams of New Measurements", "name": "accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/dataStreams", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Data Streams of New Measurements", "displayName": "Read Data Streams of New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/dataStreams/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create and Write Data Streams of New Measurements", "displayName": "Write Data Streams of New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/dataStreams/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Data Streams of New Measurements", "displayName": "Delete Data Streams of New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/new/dataStreams/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operational Measurements", "name": "accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational", "operations": [ { "description": "Read and list measurement metadata in state Operational & list data streams within measurement in Operational state", "displayName": "Read Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write or update Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Write Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Operational Measurements, this is GDPR delete", "displayName": "Delete Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Metadata of Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Update Metadata of Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/updateMetadata/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change State of Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Change State of Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/changeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Validations for Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Run Validations for Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/runValidations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Processing Steps for Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Run Processing Steps for Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/runProcessing/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Streams of Operational Measurements", "name": "accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/dataStreams", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Data Streams of Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Read Data Streams of Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/dataStreams/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write or Create Data Streams of Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Write or Create Data Streams of Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/dataStreams/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Data Streams of Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Delete Data Streams of Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/states/operational/dataStreams/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Measurement Collections", "name": "accounts/measurementCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Measurement Collections", "displayName": "Read Measurement Collections", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/measurementCollections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Measurement Collections", "displayName": "Write Measurement Collections", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/measurementCollections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Measurement Collections", "displayName": "Delete Measurement Collections", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/measurementCollections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Measurement Collections", "name": "accounts/dataPools/measurementCollections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Measurement Collections", "displayName": "Read Measurement Collections", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurementCollections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Measurement Collections", "displayName": "Write Measurement Collections", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurementCollections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Measurement Collections", "displayName": "Delete Measurement Collections", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurementCollections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace", "name": "workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Read workspace", "displayName": "Read workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update workspace", "displayName": "Update workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete workspace", "displayName": "Delete workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Discoveries", "name": "workspaces/discoveries", "operations": [ { "description": "Read and list the details of the available discoveries in the workspace", "displayName": "Read Discoveries", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/discoveries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new discovery before uploading a measurement. Perform any operation within the scope of this discovery such as abort.", "displayName": "Write Discoveries", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/discoveries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete Discovery in the workspace. Not in use", "displayName": "delete Discoveries", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/discoveries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Uploads", "name": "workspaces/uploads", "operations": [ { "description": "Read and list the details of the available uploads in the workspace. ", "displayName": "Read Uploads", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/uploads/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new upload of a data of measurements. Perform any operation within the scope of this upload such as abort.", "displayName": "Write Uploads", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/uploads/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Uploads, not in use", "displayName": "delete Uploads", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/uploads/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "New Measurements", "name": "workspaces/measurements/states/new", "operations": [ { "description": "Read and list measurement data in state New & list data streams within measurement in New state", "displayName": "Read New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/new/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Write New Measurements", "displayName": "Create or Write New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/new/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete New Measurements", "displayName": "Delete New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/new/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Metadata of New Measurements", "displayName": "Update Metadata of New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/new/updateMetadata/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change State of New Measurements", "displayName": "Change State of New Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/new/changeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Validations for New Measurements", "displayName": "Run Validations for 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"displayName": "Create or Write Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/operational/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Delete Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/operational/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Metadata of Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Update Metadata of Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/operational/updateMetadata/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change State of Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Change State of Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/operational/changeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Validations for Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Run Validations for Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/operational/runValidations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Processing Steps for Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Run Processing Steps for Operational Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/states/operational/runProcessing/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Streams of Operational Measurements", "name": "workspaces/measurements/states/operational/dataStreams", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Data Streams of Operational Measurements", "displayName": "Read Data 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Event Grid filters", "displayName": "Update Event Grid filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Event Grid filters", "displayName": "Delete Event Grid filters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Measurements", "name": "accounts/dataPools/measurements", "operations": [ { "description": "Read and list measurement metadata & list data streams within measurement", "displayName": "Read Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { 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"Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/changeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Validations for Measurements", "displayName": "Run Validations for Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/runValidations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Processing Steps for Measurements", "displayName": "Run Processing Steps for Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/runProcessing/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Streams of Measurements", "name": "accounts/dataPools/measurements/dataStreams", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Data Streams of Measurements", "displayName": "Read Data Streams of Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/dataStreams/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create and Write Data Streams of Measurements", "displayName": "Write Data Streams of Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/dataStreams/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Data Streams of Measurements", "displayName": "Delete Data Streams of Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts/dataPools/measurements/dataStreams/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Measurements", "name": "workspaces/measurements", "operations": [ { "description": "Correct New Measurement", "displayName": "Correct New Measurement", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/correct/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read and list measurement data & list data streams within measurement", "displayName": "Read Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Write Measurements", "displayName": "Create or Write Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Measurements", "displayName": "Delete Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Metadata of Measurements", "displayName": "Update Metadata of Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/updateMetadata/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Change State of Measurements", "displayName": "Change State of Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/changeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Validations for Measurements", "displayName": "Run Validations for Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/runValidations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run Processing Steps for Measurements", "displayName": "Run Processing Steps for Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/runProcessing/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform an action on a Measurement via its State Machines", "displayName": "Perform an action on a Measurement via its State Machines", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/stateMachines/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Data Streams of Measurements", "name": "workspaces/measurements/dataStreams", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Data Streams of Measurements", "displayName": "Read Data Streams of Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/dataStreams/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Data Streams of Measurements", "displayName": "Delete Data Streams of Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/dataStreams/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Data Streams of Measurements", "displayName": "Write Data Streams of Measurements", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/measurements/dataStreams/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Datasets", "name": "workspaces/datasets", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Datasets", "displayName": "Read Datasets", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/datasets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Datasets", "displayName": "Write Datasets", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/datasets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Datasets", "displayName": "Delete Datasets", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/datasets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Datasets Versions", "name": "workspaces/datasets/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Datasets Versions", "displayName": "Read Datasets Versions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/datasets/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Datasets Versions", "displayName": "Write Datasets Versions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/datasets/versions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Datasets Versions", "displayName": "Delete Datasets Versions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces/datasets/versions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HealthBot", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.HealthBot", "name": "Microsoft.HealthBot", "operations": [ { "description": "Writes healthBots", "displayName": "Create/update healthBot resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthBot/healthBots/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "healthBots", "name": "healthBots", "operations": [ { "description": "Read healthBots", "displayName": "Gets/List healthBot resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthBot/healthBots/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes healthBots", "displayName": "Create/update healthBot resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthBot/healthBots/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes healthBots", "displayName": "Deletes healthBot resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthBot/healthBots/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sign in to the management portal, with read-only access to resources, scenarios and configuration settings except for the bot instance keys & secrets and the end-user inputs.", "displayName": "Healthbot configuration reader", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthBot/healthBots/Reader/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sign in to the management portal, view and edit all the bot resources, scenarios and configuration settings except for the bot instance keys & secrets and the end-user inputs. Read-only access to the bot skills and channels.", "displayName": "Healthbot configuration editor", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthBot/healthBots/Editor/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Sign in to the management portal, view and edit all of the bot resources, scenarios, configuration settings, instance keys & secrets.", "displayName": "Healthbot configuration admin", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.HealthBot/healthBots/Admin/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Kubernetes", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Kubernetes", "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Subscription with Microsoft.Kubernetes resource provider", "displayName": "Register Subscription for Kubernetes Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Un-Registers Subscription with Microsoft.Kubernetes resource provider", "displayName": "Un-Register Subscription for Kubernetes Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "connectedClusters", "name": "connectedClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read connectedClusters", "displayName": "Gets/List connectedClusters resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes connectedClusters", "displayName": "Create/update connectedClusters resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes connectedClusters", "displayName": "Deletes connectedClusters resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List clusterUser credential(preview)", "displayName": "Lists the clusterUser credential of the cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/listClusterUserCredentials/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List clusterUser credential", "displayName": "Lists the clusterUser credential of the cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/listClusterUserCredential/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads registered subscriptions", "displayName": "Gets/Lists registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/RegisteredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "initializerconfigurations", "name": "connectedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/initializerconfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads initializerconfigurations", "displayName": "Gets/List initializerconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/initializerconfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes initializerconfigurations", "displayName": "Creates/Updates initializerconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/initializerconfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes initializerconfigurations", "displayName": "Deletes/DeletesCollection initializerconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/initializerconfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "name": "connectedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "displayName": "Gets/List mutatingwebhookconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/mutatingwebhookconfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "displayName": "Creates/Updates mutatingwebhookconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/admissionregistration.k8s.io/mutatingwebhookconfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "displayName": "Deletes/DeletesCollection mutatingwebhookconfigurations resource", "isDataAction": true, "name": 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"Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/updates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Device Update Account", "name": "accounts/instances/management", "operations": [ { "description": "Performs a read operation related to management", "displayName": "Management Read", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/management/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs a write operation related to management", "displayName": "Management Write", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/management/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs a delete operation related to management", "displayName": "Management Delete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/instances/management/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Device Update Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { 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"Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Device Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Device Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "displayName": "Get/List Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Device Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create/Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Device Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a Device Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Device Update Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Device Update Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Get/List Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Device Update Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create/Update Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Device Update Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Device Update Private Link Resources", "name": "accounts/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Device Update Private Link Resources", "displayName": "Get/List Private Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Device Update Agent", "name": "accounts/agents", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Device Update Agents", "displayName": "Get/List Agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/agents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Device Update Agent", "displayName": "Create/Update Agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/agents/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Device Update Agent", "displayName": "Delete Agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts/agents/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.SoftwarePlan", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.SoftwarePlan", "name": "Microsoft.SoftwarePlan", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "Registers the resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SoftwarePlan/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": "List of operations supported by provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SoftwarePlan/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Confluent", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Confluent", "name": "Microsoft.Confluent", "operations": [ { "description": "action checkNameAvailability", "displayName": "action_checkNameAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.Confluent", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.Confluent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.Confluent", "displayName": "Unregister the 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false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/environments/schemaRegistryClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "organizations/apiKeys", "name": "organizations/apiKeys", "operations": [ { "description": "read apiKeys", "displayName": "Organization_GetClusterAPIKey", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/apiKeys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete apiKeys", "displayName": "Organization_DeleteClusterAPIKey", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/apiKeys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "validations/orgvalidate", "name": "validations", "operations": [ { "description": "action orgvalidate", "displayName": "Validations_ValidateOrganization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/validations/orgvalidate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action orgvalidateV2", "displayName": "Validations_ValidateOrganizationV2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/validations/orgvalidateV2/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "organizations/access/listUsers", "name": "organizations/access", "operations": [ { "description": "action listUsers", "displayName": "Access_ListUsers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/access/listUsers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action listServiceAccounts", "displayName": "Access_ListServiceAccounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/access/listServiceAccounts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action listInvitations", "displayName": "Access_ListInvitations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/access/listInvitations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action createInvitation", "displayName": "Access_InviteUser", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/access/createInvitation/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action listEnvironments", "displayName": "Access_ListEnvironments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/access/listEnvironments/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action listClusters", "displayName": "Access_ListClusters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/access/listClusters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action listRoleBindings", "displayName": "Access_ListRoleBindings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/access/listRoleBindings/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "organizations/environments/clusters/topics", "name": "organizations/environments/clusters/topics", "operations": [ { "description": "read topics", "displayName": "Topics_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/environments/clusters/topics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "organizations/environments/clusters/connectors", "name": "organizations/environments/clusters/connectors", "operations": [ { "description": "read connectors", "displayName": "Connector_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/environments/clusters/connectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write connectors", "displayName": "Connector_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/environments/clusters/connectors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete connectors", "displayName": "Connector_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/environments/clusters/connectors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" 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"Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/vcenters/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "vcenters/inventoryitems", "name": "vcenters/inventoryitems", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes vcenter inventoryitems", "displayName": "Deletes vcenters inventoryitems resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/vcenters/inventoryitems/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read vcenter inventoryitems", "displayName": "Gets/List vcenters inventoryitems resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/vcenters/inventoryitems/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes vcenters inventoryitems", "displayName": "Create/update vcenters inventoryitems resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/vcenters/inventoryitems/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Project vcenters inventoryitems", "displayName": 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"Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachines/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart VM.", "displayName": "Restart VM.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachines/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop VM.", "displayName": "Stop VM.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachines/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Install patches on Azure Arc VMware machines", "displayName": "Install patches on Azure Arc VMware machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachines/installPatches/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assess patches on Azure Arc VMware machines", "displayName": "Assess patches on Azure Arc VMware machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachines/assessPatches/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lets you manage the OS of your resource via Windows Admin Center as an administrator.", "displayName": "Lets you manage the OS of your resource via Windows Admin Center as an administrator.", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachines/WACloginAsAdmin/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrade extensions on Azure Arc VMware machines", "displayName": "Upgrade extensions on Azure Arc VMware machines", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachines/upgradeExtensions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualmachinetemplates", "name": "virtualmachinetemplates", "operations": [ { "description": "Read virtualmachinetemplates", "displayName": "Gets/List virtualmachinetemplates resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachinetemplates/Read", "origin": null, "properties": 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"properties": null }, { "description": "Write guestagent resource", "displayName": "Write guestagents resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachines/guestagents/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationstatuses", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operationstatus.", "displayName": "Read operationstatus.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.connectedvmwarevsphere/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operationstatus.", "displayName": "Write operationstatus.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.connectedvmwarevsphere/locations/operationstatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operations.", "displayName": "Read operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.connectedvmwarevsphere/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clusters", "name": "clusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Read clusters", "displayName": "Gets/List clusters resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/clusters/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes clusters", "displayName": "Create/update clusters resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/clusters/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes clusters", "displayName": "Deletes clusters resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/clusters/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploys on cluster", "displayName": "Deploys on cluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/clusters/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "datastores", "name": "datastores", "operations": [ { "description": "Read datastores", "displayName": "Gets/List datastores resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/datastores/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes datastores", "displayName": "Create/update datastores resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/datastores/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes datastores", "displayName": "Deletes datastores resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/datastores/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allocates on datastores", "displayName": "Allocates on datastores resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/datastores/AllocateSpace/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "hosts", "name": "hosts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read hosts", "displayName": "Gets/List hosts resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/hosts/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes hosts", "displayName": "Create/update hosts resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/hosts/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes hosts", "displayName": "Deletes hosts resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/hosts/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploys on host", "displayName": "Deploys on host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/hosts/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "skus", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get skus.", "displayName": "Get skus.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.connectedvmwarevsphere/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/updateCenterOperationResults", "name": "locations/updateCenterOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the status of an update center operation on virtual machines", "displayName": "Read Update Center Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/locations/updateCenterOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/upgradeExtensionsOperationResults", "name": "locations/upgradeExtensionsOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the status of an upgrade extensions operation on virtual machines", "displayName": "Read Upgrade extensions Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/locations/upgradeExtensionsOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualmachineinstances", "name": "virtualmachineinstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Read virtualmachineinstances", "displayName": "Gets/List virtualmachineinstances resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachineinstances/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes virtualmachineinstances", "displayName": "Create/update virtualmachineinstances resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachineinstances/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes virtualmachineinstances", "displayName": "Deletes virtualmachineinstances resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualmachineinstances/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle", "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle", "operations": [ { "description": "Check if platformAccount name is available", "displayName": "Checks name availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "platformAccount", "name": "platformAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets/lists Connected Vehicle Platform account", "displayName": "Gets/lists Connected Vehicle Platform account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/updates Connected Vehicle Platform account", "displayName": "Creates/updates Connected Vehicle Platform account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Connected Vehicle Platform account", "displayName": "Deletes Connected Vehicle Platform account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all ResourceProvider operations", "displayName": "Gets all ResourceProvider operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads registered subscriptions", "displayName": "Gets/lists registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/RegisteredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Connected Vehicle Platform Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "platformAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Connected Vehicle Platform Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "displayName": "Get/List Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Connected Vehicle Platform Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create/Update Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Connected Vehicle Platform Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a Connected Vehicle Platform Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Connected Vehicle Platform Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "platformAccounts/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Connected Vehicle Platform Private Endpoint Connections", "displayName": "Get/List Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Connected Vehicle Platform Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create/Update Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Connected Vehicle Platform Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Connected Vehicle Platform Private Link Resources", "name": "platformAccounts/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns the list of Connected Vehicle Platform Private Link Resources", "displayName": "Get/List Private Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Datadog", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Datadog", "name": "Microsoft.Datadog", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Microsoft.Datadog resource provider", "displayName": "Registers the Microsoft.Datadog Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Microsoft.Datadog resource provider", "displayName": "Unregisters the Microsoft.Datadog Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Agreemetns", "name": "agreements", "operations": [ { "description": "List all the marketplace agreemetns", "displayName": "List agreemetns", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/agreements/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Accept the marketplace agreemetns", "displayName": "Accept terms", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/agreements/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitors", "name": "monitors", "operations": [ { "description": "Read monitors", "displayName": "Get/List monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write monitors", "displayName": "Create/Update monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete monitors", "displayName": "Delete monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update cloud cost config for the given monitor resource", "displayName": "Update cloud cost config", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/updateCloudCostConfig/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all the API keys for the given monitor resource", "displayName": "List Api Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/listApiKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get default API key for the given monitor resource", "displayName": "Get default key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/getDefaultKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Set default API key for the given monitor resource", "displayName": "Set default key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/setDefaultKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh the set password link for the datadog account of the given monitor resource", "displayName": "Refresh set password link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/refreshSetPasswordLink/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all the linked resources for the given monitor resource", "displayName": "List linked resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/listLinkedResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ListHosts", "name": "monitors/listHosts", "operations": [ { "description": "List all the hosts for the given monitor resource", "displayName": "List Hosts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/listHosts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ListLinkedResources", "name": "monitors/listLinkedResources", "operations": [ { "description": "List all the linked resources for the given monitor resource", "displayName": "List linked resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/listLinkedResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TagRules", "name": "monitors/tagRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Read tag rules", "displayName": "Get tag rules resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/tagRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write tag rules", "displayName": "Create/Update tag rules resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/tagRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ListMonitoredResources", "name": "monitors/listMonitoredResources", "operations": [ { "description": "List all resources that are being monitored by the monitor resource", "displayName": "List monitored resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/listMonitoredResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get registered subscription details", "displayName": "Get registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get locations", "displayName": "Get locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/locations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get operation statuses", "displayName": "Get operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operation statuses", "displayName": "Write operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SingleSignOnConfigurations", "name": "monitors/singleSignOnConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Writes the single sign-on configuration", "displayName": "Create/Update single sign-on configurations resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/singleSignOnConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the single-sign-on configurations", "displayName": "Get the single sign-on configurations resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/singleSignOnConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List operations available on Microsoft.Datadog resource provider", "displayName": "List available Microsoft.Datadog operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MonitoredSubscription", "name": "monitors/monitoredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read monitored subscriptions", "displayName": "Get monitored subscriptions for the datadog resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/monitoredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write monitored subscriptions", "displayName": "Create/Update monitored subscriptions for the datadog resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/monitors/monitoredSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SubscriptionStatuses", "name": "subscriptionStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Linking support for selected subscription to given organization.", "displayName": "Returns boolean if linking is supported or not.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Datadog/subscriptionStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Elastic", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Elastic", "name": "Microsoft.Elastic", "operations": [ { "description": "Fetch Organization API Key", "displayName": "Fetch Organization API Key", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/getOrganizationApiKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks if Elastic resource name is available", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers Microsoft.Elastic Resource provider", "displayName": "Registers Microsoft.Elastic Resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Monitors", "name": "monitors", "operations": [ { "description": "Read monitors", "displayName": "Get/List monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write monitors", "displayName": "Create/Update monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete monitors", "displayName": "Delete monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all resources that are being monitored by the monitor resource", "displayName": "List monitored resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/listMonitoredResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all vm resources that are being monitored by the monitor resource", "displayName": "List monitored vm resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/listVMHost/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update User inside Elastic monitor resource", "displayName": "Create or Update User in Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/createOrUpdateExternalUser/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all traffic filters in Elastic Deployment", "displayName": "List all traffic filters in Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/listAllTrafficFilters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List associated traffic filters in Elastic Deployment", "displayName": "List associated traffic filters in Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/listAssociatedTrafficFilters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create and associate IP traffic filters in Elastic Deployment", "displayName": "Create and associate IP traffic filters in Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/createAndAssociateIPFilter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create and associate private link traffic filters with Elastic Deployment", "displayName": "Create and associate private link traffic filters with Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/createAndAssociatePLFilter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Associate traffic filters with Elastic Deployment", "displayName": "Associate traffic filters with Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/associateTrafficFilter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach and delete traffic filters from Elastic Deployment", "displayName": "Detach and delete traffic filter from Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/detachAndDeleteTrafficFilter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detach traffic filters from Elastic Deployment", "displayName": "Detach traffic filters from Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/detachTrafficFilter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete traffic filter in Elastic Deployment", "displayName": "Delete traffic filter in Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/deleteTrafficFilter/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Upgradable versions for Elastic Deployment", "displayName": "List Upgradable versions for Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/listUpgradableVersions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get marketplace and organization info mapped to the given monitor", "displayName": "Get marketplace and organization info mapped to the given monitor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/getBillingInfo/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all deployments billed under an organization", "displayName": "List all deployments billed under an organization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/listConnectedPartnerResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrade version of Elastic Deployment", "displayName": "Upgrade version of Elastic Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/upgrade/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get VM Ingestion details", "displayName": "Get VM Ingestion details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/vmIngestionDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operation to perform on Vm collection", "displayName": "Operation to perform on Vm collection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/vmCollectionUpdate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists deployment info", "displayName": "List deployment info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/listDeploymentInfo/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TagRules", "name": "monitors/tagRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Read tag rules", "displayName": "Get tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/tagRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write tag rules", "displayName": "Create/Update tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/tagRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get details of the registered subscriptions, for internal use only", "displayName": "Get registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get locations", "displayName": "Get locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/locations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get operation statuses", "displayName": "Get operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operation statuses", "displayName": "Write operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List available Operations in Microsoft.Elastic", "displayName": "List available Operations in Microsoft.Elastic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "elasticVersions", "name": "elasticVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get versions", "displayName": "Get elastic versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/elasticVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OpenAIIntegrations", "name": "monitors/openAIIntegrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Open AI Integration", "displayName": "Get open AI Integration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/openAIIntegrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write open AI Integration resource", "displayName": "Create/Update open AI Integration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/openAIIntegrations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get open AI Integration resource Status", "displayName": "Get open AI Integration resource Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/openAIIntegrations/getStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MonitoredSubscriptions", "name": "monitors/monitoredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read monitored subscriptions", "displayName": "Get monitored subscriptions for the resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/monitoredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write monitored subscriptions", "displayName": "Create/Update monitored subscriptions for the resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Elastic/monitors/monitoredSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AppAssessment", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AppAssessment", "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "migrateProjects", "name": "migrateProjects", "operations": [ { "description": "Read migrate project", "displayName": "Gets/List migrate project resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes migrate projects", "displayName": "Create/update migrate project resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes migrate project", "displayName": "Deletes migrate project resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrateProjects/sites", "name": "migrateProjects/sites", "operations": [ { "description": "Read migrate project site", "displayName": "Gets/List sites within a migrate project resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/sites/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes migrate project sites", "displayName": "Create/update sites within a migrate project resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/sites/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes migrate project site", "displayName": "Deletes site in a migrate project resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/sites/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrateProjects/sites/machines", "name": "migrateProjects/sites/machines", "operations": [ { "description": "Read migrate project site machines", "displayName": "Gets/List machines within a migrate project site resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/sites/machines/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrateProjects/sites/applianceConfigurations", "name": "migrateProjects/sites/applianceConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read migrate project site appliance configuration", "displayName": "Gets the appliance configuration for a given site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/sites/applianceConfigurations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrateProjects/assessments", "name": "migrateProjects/assessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Read migrate project assessment", "displayName": "Gets/List assessments within a migrate project resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes migrate project assessments", "displayName": "Create/update assessments within a migrate project resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes migrate project assessment", "displayName": "Deletes assessments in a migrate project resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrateProjects/assessments/machinesToAssess", "name": "migrateProjects/assessments/machinesToAssess", "operations": [ { "description": "Read machinesToAssess in a migrate project assessment", "displayName": "Gets/List machinesToAssess in an assessment within a migrate project resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/machinesToAssess/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write machinesToAssess in a migrate project assessments", "displayName": "Create/update machineToAssess in an assessment within a migrate project resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/machinesToAssess/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes machineToAssess in a migrate project site", "displayName": "Deletes a machinesToAssess resource from an assessment in a migrate project resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/machinesToAssess/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrateProjects/assessments/assessedMachines", "name": "migrateProjects/assessments/assessedMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Read assessedMachines resources in an assessment", "displayName": "Read assessedMachines resources in an assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/assessedMachines/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrateProjects/assessments/assessedApplications", "name": "migrateProjects/assessments/assessedMachines/applications", "operations": [ { "description": "List applications installed on an assessedMachine", "displayName": "List applications installed on an assessedMachine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/assessedMachines/applications/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrateProjects/assessments/assessedApplications", "name": "migrateProjects/assessments/assessedApplications", "operations": [ { "description": "Read assessedApplications resources in an assessment", "displayName": "Read assessedApplications resources in an assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/assessedApplications/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Annotate assessedApplications resources in an assessment", "displayName": "Annotate assessedApplications resources in an assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/assessedApplications/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "migrateProjects/assessments/assessedMachines", "name": "migrateProjects/assessments/assessedApplications/machines", "operations": [ { "description": "List machines where an assessedApplication is installed for an assessment", "displayName": "List machines where an assessedApplication is installed for an assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/migrateProjects/assessments/assessedApplications/machines/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/osVersions", "name": "locations/osVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "List os versions that can be used as assessment target", "displayName": "List os versions that a user can target for an assessment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppAssessment/locations/osVersions/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Delegated Network Service", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DelegatedNetwork", "name": "Microsoft.DelegatedNetwork", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Microsoft Delegated Network Controller Service instance", "name": "controller", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Controller Service instance.", "displayName": "Create or update a Controller Service instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DelegatedNetwork/controller/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Controller Service instance.", "displayName": "Get a Controller Service instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DelegatedNetwork/controller/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Controller Service instance.", "displayName": "Delete a Controller Service instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DelegatedNetwork/controller/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Delegated subnet instance", "name": "delegatedSubnets", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Delegated subnet instance.", "displayName": "Create or update a Delegated subnet instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DelegatedNetwork/delegatedSubnets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Delegated subnet instance.", "displayName": "Get a Delegated subnet instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DelegatedNetwork/delegatedSubnets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Delegated subnet instance.", "displayName": "Delete a Delegated subnet instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DelegatedNetwork/delegatedSubnets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure Lab Services", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.LabServices", "name": "Microsoft.LabServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription with the Lab Services provider and enable the creation of labs.", "displayName": "Register Subscription for Lab Services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription with the Lab Services provider.", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription for Lab Services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Microsoft.LabServices/locations/operationResults", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties and status of an asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Get Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.LabServices/skus", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a Lab Services SKU.", "displayName": "Get SKU", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.LabServices/labPlans", "name": "labPlans", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a lab plan.", "displayName": "Get Lab Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labPlans/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create new or update an existing lab plan.", "displayName": "Create or Update Lab Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labPlans/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the lab plan.", "displayName": "Delete Lab Plan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labPlans/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create an image from a virtual machine in the gallery attached to the lab plan.", "displayName": "Save Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labPlans/saveImage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new lab from a lab plan.", "displayName": "Create Lab", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labPlans/createLab/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.LabServices/labPlans/images", "name": "labPlans/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of an image.", "displayName": "Get Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labPlans/images/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable or disable a marketplace or gallery image.", "displayName": "Update Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labPlans/images/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs", "name": "labs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a lab.", "displayName": "Get Lab", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create new or update an existing lab.", "displayName": "Create or Update Lab", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the lab and all its users, schedules and virtual machines.", "displayName": "Delete Lab", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Publish a lab by propagating image of the template virtual machine to all virtual machines in the lab.", "displayName": "Publish Lab", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/publish/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the list of users from the Active Directory group assigned to the lab.", "displayName": "Sync Lab from Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/syncGroup/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/users", "name": "labs/users", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a user.", "displayName": "Get User", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/users/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create new or update an existing user.", "displayName": "Create or Update User", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/users/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the user.", "displayName": "Delete User", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/users/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Send email invitation to a user to join the lab.", "displayName": "Invite User", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/users/invite/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/schedules", "name": "labs/schedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a schedule.", "displayName": "Get Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/schedules/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create new or update an existing schedule.", "displayName": "Create or Update Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/schedules/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the schedule.", "displayName": "Delete Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/schedules/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/virtualMachines", "name": "labs/virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the properties of a virtual machine.", "displayName": "Get Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/virtualMachines/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start a virtual machine.", "displayName": "Start Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/virtualMachines/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop and deallocate a virtual machine.", "displayName": "Stop Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/virtualMachines/stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimage a virtual machine to the last published image.", "displayName": "Reimage Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/virtualMachines/reimage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Redeploy a virtual machine to a different compute node.", "displayName": "Redeploy Virtual Machine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/virtualMachines/redeploy/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset local user's password on a virtual machine.", "displayName": "Reset Virtual Machine Password", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labs/virtualMachines/resetPassword/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Lab Accounts", "name": "labAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete lab accounts.", "displayName": "Delete lab accounts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read lab accounts.", "displayName": "Read lab accounts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify lab accounts.", "displayName": "Add or modify lab accounts.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a lab in a lab account.", "displayName": "Create a managed lab", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/CreateLab/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get regional availability information for each size category configured under a lab account", "displayName": "Get regional availability for sizes configured under a lab account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/GetRegionalAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the pricing and availability of combinations of sizes, geographies, and operating systems for the lab account.", "displayName": "Get pricing and availability for the lab account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/GetPricingAndAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get core restrictions and usage for this subscription", "displayName": "Get restrictions and usage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/GetRestrictionsAndUsage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Labs", "name": "labAccounts/labs", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete labs.", "displayName": "Delete labs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read labs.", "displayName": "Read labs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify labs.", "displayName": "Add or modify labs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add users to a lab", "displayName": "Add users", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/AddUsers/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Send email with registration link to the lab", "displayName": "SendEmail", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/SendEmail/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the pricing per lab unit for this lab and the availability which indicates if this lab can scale up.", "displayName": "Get the pricing and availability for the lab", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/GetLabPricingAndAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Syncs the changes from the AAD group to the userlist", "displayName": "Syncs the userlist", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/SyncUserList/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Environment Setting", "name": "labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete environment setting.", "displayName": "Delete environment setting.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read environment setting.", "displayName": "Read environment setting.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify environment setting.", "displayName": "Add or modify environment setting.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Provisions/deprovisions required resources for an environment setting based on current state of the lab/environment setting.", "displayName": "Publishes changes to an environment setting based on changes made to lab/environment setting", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/Publish/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a template by starting all resources inside the template.", "displayName": "Starts a template.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/Start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops a template by stopping all resources inside the template.", "displayName": "Stops a template.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/Stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Saves current template image to the shared gallery in the lab account", "displayName": "Saves current template image to the shared gallery in the lab account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/SaveImage/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resets password on the template virtual machine.", "displayName": "Reset password", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/ResetPassword/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "locations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operations.", "displayName": "Read operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/locations/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Environments", "name": "labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/environments", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete environments.", "displayName": "Delete environments.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/environments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read environments.", "displayName": "Read environments.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/environments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts an environment by starting all resources inside the environment.", "displayName": "Starts an environment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/environments/Start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops an environment by stopping all resources inside the environment", "displayName": "Stops an environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/environments/Stop/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resets the user password on an environment", "displayName": "Reset password", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/environments/ResetPassword/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Users", "name": "labAccounts/labs/users", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete users.", "displayName": "Delete users.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/users/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read users.", "displayName": "Read users.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/users/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify users.", "displayName": "Add or modify users.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/users/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Gallery Images", "name": "labAccounts/galleryImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete gallery images.", "displayName": "Delete gallery images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/galleryImages/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read gallery images.", "displayName": "Read gallery images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/galleryImages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify gallery images.", "displayName": "Add or modify gallery images.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/galleryImages/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SharedImages", "name": "labAccounts/sharedImages", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete sharedimages.", "displayName": "Delete sharedimages.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/sharedImages/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read sharedimages.", "displayName": "Read sharedimages.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/sharedImages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify sharedimages.", "displayName": "Add or modify sharedimages.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/sharedImages/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SharedGalleries", "name": "labAccounts/sharedGalleries", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete sharedgalleries.", "displayName": "Delete sharedgalleries.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/sharedGalleries/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read sharedgalleries.", "displayName": "Read sharedgalleries.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/sharedGalleries/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify sharedgalleries.", "displayName": "Add or modify sharedgalleries.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/sharedGalleries/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Schedules", "name": "labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/schedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete schedules.", "displayName": "Delete schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/schedules/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read schedules.", "displayName": "Read schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/schedules/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Add or modify schedules.", "displayName": "Add or modify schedules.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/labAccounts/labs/environmentSettings/schedules/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Users", "name": "users", "operations": [ { "description": "Register a user to a managed lab", "displayName": "Register", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/users/Register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List all Environments for the user", "displayName": "ListAllEnvironments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/users/ListAllEnvironments/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts an environment by starting all resources inside the environment.", "displayName": "Starts an environment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/users/StartEnvironment/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops an environment by stopping all resources inside the environment", "displayName": "Stops an environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/users/StopEnvironment/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resets the user password on an environment", "displayName": "Reset password", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/users/ResetPassword/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates and returns personal user settings.", "displayName": "User settings", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/users/UserSettings/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.LabServices/locations/usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Usage in a location", "displayName": "Get Usage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LabServices/locations/usages/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Logz", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Logz", "name": "Microsoft.Logz", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Microsoft.Logz Resource provider", "displayName": "Registers Microsoft.Logz Resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Monitors", "name": "monitors", "operations": [ { "description": "Read monitors", "displayName": "Get/List monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write monitors", "displayName": "Create/Update monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete monitors", "displayName": "Delete monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all resources that are being monitored by the monitor resource", "displayName": "List monitored resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/listMonitoredResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all vms that are sending compute logs for a monitor", "displayName": "List VM Hosts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/listVMHosts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The payload to be sent for installing Logz agent on VM", "displayName": "Payload for VM Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/vmHostPayload/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the collection for storing list of VM hosts", "displayName": "Update VM Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/vmHostUpdate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TagRules", "name": "monitors/tagRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Read tag rules", "displayName": "Get tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/tagRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write tag rules", "displayName": "Create/Update tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/tagRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get registered subscription details", "displayName": "Get registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get locations", "displayName": "Get locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/locations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get operation statuses", "displayName": "Get operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operation statuses", "displayName": "Write operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SingleSignOnConfigurations", "name": "monitors/singleSignOnConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Writes the single sign-on configuration", "displayName": "Create/Update single sign-on configurations resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/singleSignOnConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the single-sign-on configurations", "displayName": "Get the single sign-on configurations resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/singleSignOnConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Accounts", "name": "monitors/accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read sub account", "displayName": "Get/List sub account resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write sub account", "displayName": "Create/Update sub account resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete sub account", "displayName": "Delete sub account resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all resources that are being monitored by the monitor resource", "displayName": "List monitored resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/accounts/listMonitoredResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List user roles configured on Logz.io side", "displayName": "List user roles configured on Logz.io side", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/accounts/listUserRoles/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TagRules", "name": "monitors/accounts/tagRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Read tag rules", "displayName": "Get tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/accounts/tagRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write tag rules", "displayName": "Create/Update tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/accounts/tagRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List available Operations in Microsoft.Logz", "displayName": "List available Operations in Microsoft.Logz", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MetricsSource", "name": "monitors/metricsSource", "operations": [ { "description": "Read MetricsSource", "displayName": "Get/List Metrics Sources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/metricsSource/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Metrics Source", "displayName": "Create/Update Metrics Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/metricsSource/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Metrics Source", "displayName": "Delete Metrics Sources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/metricsSource/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TagRules", "name": "monitors/metricsSource/tagRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Read tag rules", "displayName": "Get tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/metricsSource/tagRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write tag rules", "displayName": "Create/Update tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Logz/monitors/metricsSource/tagRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.RecommendationsService", "name": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "accounts", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads accounts", "displayName": "Get/list accounts resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService/accounts/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes account", "displayName": "Create/update account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService/accounts/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes account", "displayName": "Delete account resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService/accounts/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "accounts/modeling", "name": "accounts/modeling", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads account's modeling resources", "displayName": "Get/list account's modeling resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService/accounts/modeling/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes account's modeling resource", "displayName": "Create/update account's modeling resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService/accounts/modeling/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes account's modeling resource", "displayName": "Delete account's modeling resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService/accounts/modeling/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "accounts/serviceEndpoints", "name": "accounts/serviceEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads account's serviceEndpoint resources", "displayName": "Get/list account's serviceEndpoint resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService/accounts/serviceEndpoints/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes account's serviceEndpoint resource", "displayName": "Create/update account's serviceEndpoint resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService/accounts/serviceEndpoints/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes account's serviceEndpoint resource", "displayName": "Delete account's serviceEndpoint resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.RecommendationsService/accounts/serviceEndpoints/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Scom", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Scom", "name": "Microsoft.Scom", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.Scom", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.Scom", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.Scom", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.Scom", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "managedInstances", "name": "managedInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Scaling SCOM monitoring instance", "displayName": "Instances_Scale", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/setServerCount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update SCOM servers with latest scom software", "displayName": "Instances_PatchServers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/patchServers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Link Log Analytics workspace for SCOM monitoring instance", "displayName": "Instances_LinkLogAnalytics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/linkLogAnalytics/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unlink Log Analytics workspace for SCOM monitoring instance", "displayName": "Instances_UnlinkLogAnalytics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/unlinkLogAnalytics/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update configuration for log analytics linking for SCOM monitoring instance", "displayName": "Instances_UpdateLogAnalytics", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/updateLogAnalytics/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all SCOM monitoring instances in a resource group", "displayName": "Instances_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get SCOM monitoring instance details", "displayName": "Instances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update SCOM monitoring instance", "displayName": "Instances_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a SCOM monitoring instance", "displayName": "Instances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "managedInstances/monitoredResources", "name": "managedInstances/monitoredResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the details of the monitored resource.", "displayName": "MonitoredResources_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/monitoredResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a monitored resource.", "displayName": "MonitoredResources_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/monitoredResources/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a monitored resource.", "displayName": "MonitoredResources_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/monitoredResources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "managedInstances/managedGateways", "name": "managedInstances/managedGateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the details of the gateway resource.", "displayName": "ManagedGateways_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/managedGateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a gateway resource.", "displayName": "ManagedGateways_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/managedGateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove a gateway resource.", "displayName": "ManagedGateways_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Scom/managedInstances/managedGateways/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.MobileNetwork", "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.MobileNetwork", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.MobileNetwork", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.MobileNetwork", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.MobileNetwork", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "sims", "name": "sims", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified SIM.", "displayName": "Sims_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/sims/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a SIM.", "displayName": "Sims_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/sims/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified SIM.", "displayName": "Sims_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/sims/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all the SIMs in a resource group.", "displayName": "Sims_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/sims/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "mobileNetworks", "name": "mobileNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified mobile network.", "displayName": "MobileNetworks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a mobile network.", "displayName": "MobileNetworks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified mobile network.", "displayName": "MobileNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all the mobile networks in a resource group.", "displayName": "MobileNetworks_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all the SIM groups assigned to a mobile network.", "displayName": "MobileNetworks_ListSimGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/listSimGroups/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "mobileNetworks/slices", "name": "mobileNetworks/slices", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified network slice.", "displayName": "Slices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/slices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a network slice. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network.", "displayName": "Slices_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/slices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified network slice.", "displayName": "Slices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/slices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "mobileNetworks/simPolicies", "name": "mobileNetworks/simPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified SIM policy.", "displayName": "SimPolicies_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a SIM policy. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network.", "displayName": "SimPolicies_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified SIM policy.", "displayName": "SimPolicies_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/simPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "mobileNetworks/services", "name": "mobileNetworks/services", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified service.", "displayName": "Services_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/services/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a service. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network.", "displayName": "Services_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/services/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified service.", "displayName": "Services_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/services/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "mobileNetworks/dataNetworks", "name": "mobileNetworks/dataNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified data network.", "displayName": "DataNetworks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/dataNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a data network. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network.", "displayName": "DataNetworks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/dataNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified data network.", "displayName": "DataNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/dataNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "packetCoreControlPlanes", "name": "packetCoreControlPlanes", "operations": [ { "description": "Roll back the specified packet core control plane to the previous version, \"rollbackVersion\". Multiple consecutive rollbacks are not possible. This action may cause a service outage.", "displayName": "PacketCoreControlPlanes_Rollback", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/rollback/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reinstall the specified packet core control plane. This action will remove any transaction state from the packet core to return it to a known state. This action will cause a service outage.", "displayName": "PacketCoreControlPlanes_Reinstall", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/reinstall/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Collect a diagnostics package for the specified packet core control plane. This action will upload the diagnostics to a storage account.", "displayName": "PacketCoreControlPlanes_CollectDiagnosticsPackage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/collectDiagnosticsPackage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about the specified packet core control plane.", "displayName": "PacketCoreControlPlanes_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a packet core control plane.", "displayName": "PacketCoreControlPlanes_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified packet core control plane.", "displayName": "PacketCoreControlPlanes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all the packet core control planes in a resource group.", "displayName": "PacketCoreControlPlanes_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes", "name": "packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified packet core data plane.", "displayName": "PacketCoreDataPlanes_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a packet core data plane. Must be created in the same location as its parent packet core control plane.", "displayName": "PacketCoreDataPlanes_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified packet core data plane.", "displayName": "PacketCoreDataPlanes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/attachedDataNetworks", "name": "packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/attachedDataNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified attached data network.", "displayName": "AttachedDataNetworks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/attachedDataNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an attached data network. Must be created in the same location as its parent packet core data plane.", "displayName": "AttachedDataNetworks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/attachedDataNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified attached data network.", "displayName": "AttachedDataNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/attachedDataNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "mobileNetworks/sites", "name": "mobileNetworks/sites", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes a packet core under the specified mobile network site.", "displayName": "Sites_DeletePacketCore", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/sites/deletePacketCore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about the specified mobile network site.", "displayName": "Sites_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/sites/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a mobile network site. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network.", "displayName": "Sites_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/sites/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified mobile network site. This will also delete any network functions that are a part of this site.", "displayName": "Sites_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/sites/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "simGroups", "name": "simGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Bulk upload SIMs to a SIM group.", "displayName": "Sims_BulkUpload", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/uploadSims/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Bulk delete SIMs from a SIM group.", "displayName": "Sims_BulkDelete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/deleteSims/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Bulk upload SIMs in encrypted form to a SIM group. The SIM credentials must be encrypted.", "displayName": "Sims_BulkUploadEncrypted", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/uploadEncryptedSims/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Move SIMs to another SIM Group", "displayName": "Sims_Move", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/moveSims/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clone SIMs to another SIM Group", "displayName": "Sims_Clone", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/cloneSims/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about the specified SIM group.", "displayName": "SimGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a SIM group.", "displayName": "SimGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified SIM group.", "displayName": "SimGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all the SIM groups in a resource group.", "displayName": "SimGroups_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "simGroups/sims", "name": "simGroups/sims", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified SIM.", "displayName": "Sims_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/sims/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a SIM.", "displayName": "Sims_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/sims/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified SIM.", "displayName": "Sims_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/simGroups/sims/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "packetCoreControlPlaneVersions", "name": "packetCoreControlPlaneVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified packet core control plane version.", "displayName": "PacketCoreControlPlaneVersions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlaneVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about the specified packet core control plane version.", "displayName": "PacketCoreControlPlaneVersions_GetBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlaneVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "radioAccessNetworks", "name": "radioAccessNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified radio access network.", "displayName": "RadioAccessNetworks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/radioAccessNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a radio access network.", "displayName": "RadioAccessNetworks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/radioAccessNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified radio access network.", "displayName": "RadioAccessNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/radioAccessNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all the radio access networks in a resource group.", "displayName": "RadioAccessNetworks_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/radioAccessNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "mobileNetworks/edgeNetworkSecurityGroups", "name": "mobileNetworks/edgeNetworkSecurityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified Edge Network Security Group.", "displayName": "EdgeNetworkSecurityGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/edgeNetworkSecurityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Edge Network Security Group. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network.", "displayName": "EdgeNetworkSecurityGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/edgeNetworkSecurityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Edge Network Security Group.", "displayName": "EdgeNetworkSecurityGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/edgeNetworkSecurityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "packetCoreControlPlanes/routingInfo", "name": "packetCoreControlPlanes/routingInfo", "operations": [ { "description": "List all of the routing information for the packet core.", "displayName": "RoutingInfo_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/routingInfo/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "mobileNetworks/wifiSsids", "name": "mobileNetworks/wifiSsids", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified Wi-Fi SSID.", "displayName": "WifiSsids_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/wifiSsids/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Wi-Fi SSID. Must be created in the same location as its parent mobile network.", "displayName": "WifiSsids_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/wifiSsids/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Wi-Fi SSID.", "displayName": "WifiSsids_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/mobileNetworks/wifiSsids/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "packetCoreControlPlanes/ues", "name": "packetCoreControlPlanes/ues", "operations": [ { "description": "List all UEs and their state in a packet core.", "displayName": "UeInformation_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/ues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "packetCoreControlPlanes/ues/extendedInformation", "name": "packetCoreControlPlanes/ues/extendedInformation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets extended information about the specified UE from the packet core.", "displayName": "ExtendedUeInformation_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/ues/extendedInformation/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/edgeVirtualNetworks", "name": "packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/edgeVirtualNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets information about the specified Edge Virtual Network.", "displayName": "EdgeVirtualNetworks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/edgeVirtualNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Edge Virtual Network .", "displayName": "EdgeVirtualNetworks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/edgeVirtualNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Edge Virtual Network.", "displayName": "EdgeVirtualNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/edgeVirtualNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/attachedWifiSsids", "name": "packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/attachedWifiSsids", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all the Wi-Fi Attached SSIDs associated with a packet core data plane.", "displayName": "AttachedWifiSsids_ListByPacketCoreDataPlane", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/attachedWifiSsids/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Wi-Fi Attached SSID. Must be created in the same location as its parent packet core data plane.", "displayName": "AttachedWifiSsids_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/attachedWifiSsids/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified Wi-Fi Attached SSID.", "displayName": "AttachedWifiSsids_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCoreDataPlanes/attachedWifiSsids/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCaptures", "name": "packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCaptures", "operations": [ { "description": "Stop a packet capture session.", "displayName": "PacketCaptures_Stop", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCaptures/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets information about the specified packet capture session.", "displayName": "PacketCaptures_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCaptures/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a packet capture.", "displayName": "PacketCaptures_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCaptures/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified packet capture.", "displayName": "PacketCaptures_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/packetCoreControlPlanes/packetCaptures/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "nssfDeployments", "name": "nssfDeployments", "operations": [ { "description": "List all Network Slice Selection Function Deployments by Subscription ID.", "displayName": "NssfDeployments_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/nssfDeployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a NssfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "NssfDeployments_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/nssfDeployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NssfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "NssfDeployments_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/nssfDeployments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a NssfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "NssfDeployments_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/nssfDeployments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "smfDeployments", "name": "smfDeployments", "operations": [ { "description": "List all Session Management Function Deployments by Subscription ID.", "displayName": "SmfDeployments_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/smfDeployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a SmfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "SmfDeployments_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/smfDeployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a SmfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "SmfDeployments_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/smfDeployments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a SmfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "SmfDeployments_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/smfDeployments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clusterServices", "name": "clusterServices", "operations": [ { "description": "List all Cluster Services by Subscription ID.", "displayName": "ClusterServices_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/clusterServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a ClusterServiceResource", "displayName": "ClusterServices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/clusterServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a ClusterServiceResource", "displayName": "ClusterServices_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/clusterServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a ClusterServiceResource", "displayName": "ClusterServices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/clusterServices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "amfDeployments", "name": "amfDeployments", "operations": [ { "description": "List all Access and Mobility Function Deployments by Subscription ID.", "displayName": "AmfDeployments_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/amfDeployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a AmfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "AmfDeployments_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/amfDeployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a AmfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "AmfDeployments_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/amfDeployments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a AmfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "AmfDeployments_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/amfDeployments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "nrfDeployments", "name": "nrfDeployments", "operations": [ { "description": "List all Network Repository Function Deployments by Subscription ID.", "displayName": "NrfDeployments_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/nrfDeployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a NrfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "NrfDeployments_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/nrfDeployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NrfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "NrfDeployments_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/nrfDeployments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a NrfDeploymentResource", "displayName": "NrfDeployments_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.MobileNetwork/nrfDeployments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Advisor", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Advisor", "name": "Microsoft.Advisor", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets generate recommendations status", "displayName": "Generate Recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/generateRecommendations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Microsoft Advisor", "displayName": "Register with the Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Microsoft Advisor", "displayName": "Unregister with the Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "AdvisorScore", "name": "advisorScore", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the score data for given subscription", "displayName": "Gets Advisor score", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/advisorScore/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recommendations", "name": "recommendations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads recommendations", "displayName": "Read recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/recommendations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes recommendations", "displayName": "Write recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/recommendations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "New recommendation is available in Microsoft Advisor", "displayName": "New recommendation is available", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/recommendations/available/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GenerateRecommendations", "name": "generateRecommendations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets generate recommendations status", "displayName": "Get generate recommendations status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/generateRecommendations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Suppressions", "name": "suppressions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets suppressions", "displayName": "Read Suppressions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/suppressions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/updates suppressions", "displayName": "Create/Update Suppressions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/suppressions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes suppression", "displayName": "Delete Suppression", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/suppressions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Suppressions", "name": "recommendations/suppressions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets suppressions", "displayName": "Read Suppressions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/recommendations/suppressions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/updates suppressions", "displayName": "Create/Update Suppressions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/recommendations/suppressions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes suppression", "displayName": "Delete Suppression", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/recommendations/suppressions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Configurations", "name": "configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get configurations", "displayName": "Read Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/configurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates/updates configuration", "displayName": "Create/Update Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/configurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Metadata", "name": "metadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Metadata", "displayName": "Read Metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/metadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the operations for the Microsoft Advisor", "displayName": "Get operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "resiliencyReviews", "name": "resiliencyReviews", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resiliencyReviews", "displayName": "Reads resiliencyReviews", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/resiliencyReviews/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "triageRecommendations", "name": "triageRecommendations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read triageRecommendations", "displayName": "Reads triageRecommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/triageRecommendations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve triageRecommendations", "displayName": "Approves triageRecommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/triageRecommendations/approve/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reject triageRecommendations", "displayName": "Rejects triageRecommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/triageRecommendations/reject/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset triageRecommendations", "displayName": "Resets triageRecommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/triageRecommendations/reset/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "assessments", "name": "assessments", "operations": [ { "description": "Read assessments", "displayName": "Reads assessments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/assessments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write assessments", "displayName": "Writes assessments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/assessments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "assessmentTypes", "name": "assessmentTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read assessmentTypes", "displayName": "Reads assessmentTypes", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/assessmentTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workloads", "name": "workloads", "operations": [ { "description": "Read workloads", "displayName": "Reads workloads", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Advisor/workloads/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.FluidRelay", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.FluidRelay", "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.FluidRelay", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.FluidRelay", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.FluidRelay", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.FluidRelay", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "fluidRelayServers", "name": "fluidRelayServers", "operations": [ { "description": "read fluidRelayServers", "displayName": "FluidRelayServers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/fluidRelayServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write fluidRelayServers", "displayName": "FluidRelayServers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/fluidRelayServers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete fluidRelayServers", "displayName": "FluidRelayServers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/fluidRelayServers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action regenerateKey", "displayName": "FluidRelayServers_RegenerateKey", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/fluidRelayServers/regenerateKey/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action listKeys", "displayName": "FluidRelayServers_ListKeys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/fluidRelayServers/listKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "read fluidRelayServers", "displayName": "FluidRelayServers_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/fluidRelayServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "fluidRelayServers/fluidRelayContainers", "name": "fluidRelayServers/fluidRelayContainers", "operations": [ { "description": "read fluidRelayContainers", "displayName": "FluidRelayContainers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/fluidRelayServers/fluidRelayContainers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete fluidRelayContainers", "displayName": "FluidRelayContainers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/fluidRelayServers/fluidRelayContainers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.FluidRelay/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/NGINX.NGINXPLUS", "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for the NGINX.NGINXPLUS resource provider", "displayName": "Register the NGINX.NGINXPLUS Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for the NGINX.NGINXPLUS resource provider", "displayName": "Unregister the NGINX.NGINXPLUS Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "nginxDeployments", "name": "nginxDeployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Read nginxDeployments", "displayName": "Get/List deployment resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/nginxDeployments/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write nginxDeployments", "displayName": "Create/Update deployment resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/nginxDeployments/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete nginxDeployments", "displayName": "Delete deployment resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/nginxDeployments/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "configurations", "name": "nginxDeployments/configurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read configurations", "displayName": "Get configuration resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/nginxDeployments/configurations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write configurations", "displayName": "Create/Update configuration resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/nginxDeployments/configurations/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete configurations", "displayName": "Delete configuration resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/nginxDeployments/configurations/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get locations", "displayName": "Get locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/locations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get operation statuses", "displayName": "Get operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operation statuses", "displayName": "Write operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NGINX.NGINXPLUS/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "certificates", "name": "nginxDeployments/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Read certificates", 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[ { "description": "Gets IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Get IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/sensors/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "On-premise IoT Sensors", "name": "onPremiseSensors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets on-premise IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Get on-premise IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/onPremiseSensors/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates on-premise IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Create or update on-premise IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/onPremiseSensors/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes on-premise IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Delete on-premise IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/onPremiseSensors/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets on-premise IoT Sensor Activation 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"Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Devices", "name": "locations/deviceGroups/devices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get devices", "displayName": "Get devices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/devices/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates device properties", "displayName": "Update device properties", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/devices/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes device", "displayName": "Delete device", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/devices/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IoT Alerts", "name": "locations/deviceGroups/alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets IoT Alerts", "displayName": "Get IoT Alerts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/alerts/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates IoT Alert properties", "displayName": "Update IoT Alert properties", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/alerts/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Learn and close the alert", "displayName": "Learn and close the alert", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/alerts/learn/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IoT Recommendations", "name": "locations/deviceGroups/recommendations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets IoT Recommendations", "displayName": "Get IoT Recommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/recommendations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates IoT Recommendation properties", "displayName": "Update IoT Recommendation 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"Delete IoT site", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IoT Sensors", "name": "locations/sites/sensors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Get IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Create or update IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Delete IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads activation file for IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Download activation file for IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/downloadActivation/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers threat intelligence package update", "displayName": "Trigger threat intelligence package update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/triggerTiPackageUpdate/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Downloads reset password file for IoT Sensors", "displayName": "Download reset password file for IoT Sensors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/downloadResetPassword/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger sensor update", "displayName": "Trigger sensor update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/sites/sensors/updateSoftwareVersion/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IoT Sensors", "name": "locations/sensors", "operations": [ { "description": 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"locations/deviceGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets device group", "displayName": "Get device groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alert Suppression Rules", "name": "locations/alertSuppressionRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets alert suppression rule", "displayName": "Get alert suppression rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/alertSuppressionRules/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates alert suppression rule", "displayName": "Create alert suppression rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/alertSuppressionRules/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes alert suppression rule", "displayName": "Delete alert suppression rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/alertSuppressionRules/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Endpoints", "name": "endpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Download sensor endpoints in location", "displayName": "Get IoT Defender endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/endpoints/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IoT Alerts", "name": "locations/deviceGroups/alerts/pcaps", "operations": [ { "description": "Request related PCAP file for alert", "displayName": "Request related PCAP file for alert", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTSecurity/locations/deviceGroups/alerts/pcaps/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Edge Ordering", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.EdgeOrder", "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": 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"locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get the Operation Results", "displayName": "List or Get Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get the Operations", "displayName": "List or Get Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Order", "name": "locations/orders", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get the Order", "displayName": "List or Get Order", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/locations/orders/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Order", "name": "orders", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get the Order", "displayName": "List or Get Order", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/orders/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OrderItem", "name": "orderItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Cancels an OrderItem in progress.", "displayName": "Cancel OrderItem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/orderItems/cancel/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Return an OrderItem.", "displayName": "Return OrderItem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/orderItems/return/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "List or get the OrderItem", "displayName": "List or Get OrderItem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/orderItems/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the OrderItem", "displayName": "Delete OrderItem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/orderItems/delete", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the OrderItem", "displayName": "Create or Update OrderItem", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/orderItems/write", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ArmApiRes_Microsoft.EdgeOrder", "name": "productFamiliesMetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "This method lists or gets the product families metadata.", "displayName": "List or Get product families metadata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/productFamiliesMetadata/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ArmApiRes_Microsoft.EdgeOrder", "name": "listProductFamilies", "operations": [ { "description": "This method returns list of product families.", "displayName": "List Product Families", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/listProductFamilies/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ArmApiRes_Microsoft.EdgeOrder", "name": "listConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "This method returns list of product configurations.", "displayName": "List Product Configurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/listConfigurations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ArmApiRes_resourceGroups", "name": "subscriptions/resourceGroups", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/subscriptions/resourceGroups/moveResources/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/subscriptions/resourceGroups/validateMoveResources/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "BootstrapConfigurations", "name": "bootstrapConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get the BootstrapConfigurations", "displayName": "List or Get BootstrapConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrder/bootstrapConfigurations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { 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"/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Dashboard", "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard", "operations": [ { "description": "Operate grafana", "displayName": "Operate grafana resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks if grafana resource name is available", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Microsoft.Dashboard resource provider", "displayName": "Registers the Microsoft.Dashboard Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Microsoft.Dashboard resource provider", "displayName": "Unregisters the Microsoft.Dashboard Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get registered subscription details", "displayName": "Get registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "grafana", "name": "grafana", "operations": [ { "description": "Read grafana", "displayName": "Get/List grafana resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write grafana", "displayName": "Create/Update grafana resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete grafana", "displayName": "Delete grafana resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approve PrivateEndpointConnection", "displayName": "Approve PrivateEndpointConnection resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Act as Grafana Admin role", "displayName": "Act as Grafana Admin role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/ActAsGrafanaAdmin/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Act as Grafana Editor role", "displayName": "Act as Grafana Editor role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/ActAsGrafanaEditor/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Act as Grafana Viewer role", "displayName": "Act as Grafana Viewer role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/ActAsGrafanaViewer/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Act as Grafana Limited Viewer role", "displayName": "Act as Grafana Limited Viewer role", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/ActAsGrafanaLimitedViewer/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Operations on Private Endpoints", "displayName": "Operations on Managed Private Endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/managedPrivateEndpoints/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get locations", "displayName": "Get locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/locations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get operation statuses", "displayName": "Get operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operation statuses", "displayName": "Write operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List operations available on Microsoft.Dashboard resource provider", "displayName": "List available Microsoft.Dashboard operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "name": "grafana/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "displayName": "Validate PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "displayName": "Get PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/Update PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "displayName": "Create/Update PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy", "displayName": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnectionProxy resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnection", "name": "grafana/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Get PrivateEndpointConnection", "displayName": "Get PrivateEndpointConnection resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update PrivateEndpointConnection", "displayName": "Update PrivateEndpointConnection resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnection", "displayName": "Delete PrivateEndpointConnection resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "PrivateLinkResources", "name": "grafana/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get PrivateLinkResources", "displayName": "Get PrivateLinkResources resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ManagedPrivateEndpoints", "name": "grafana/managedPrivateEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Managed Private Endpoints", "displayName": "Get/List Managed Private Endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/managedPrivateEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write Managed Private Endpoints", "displayName": "Create/Update Managed Private Endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/managedPrivateEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Managed Private Endpoints", "displayName": "Delete Managed Private Endpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana/managedPrivateEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.VideoIndexer", "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer", 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"displayName": "locations/operationstatuses", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationstatuses", "displayName": "read_operationstatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationstatuses", "displayName": "write_operationstatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/locations/operationstatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "accounts", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Generate an Azure Video Indexer access token.", "displayName": "Generate_AccessToken", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts/generateAccessToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate an Azure Video Indexer restricted viewer access token.", "displayName": "Generate_RestrictedViewerAccessToken", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts/generateRestrictedViewerAccessToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all Azure Video Indexer accounts available under the subscription", "displayName": "Accounts_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the properties of an Azure Video Indexer account.", "displayName": "Accounts_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Azure Video Indexer account.", "displayName": "Accounts_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Azure Video Indexer account.", "displayName": "Accounts_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/userClassicAccounts", "name": "locations/userClassicAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Azure Video Indexer classic accounts", "displayName": "UserClassicAccounts_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/locations/userClassicAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/classicAccounts", "name": "locations/classicAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the properties of an Azure Video Indexer Classic account.", "displayName": "ClassicAccounts_GetDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/locations/classicAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "accounts/privateLinkResources", "name": "accounts/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "List all private link resources in a Video Indexer account.", "displayName": "PrivateLinkResources_ListByAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "accounts/privateEndpointConnections", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "List all private endpoint connections in a Video Indexer account.", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections_ListByAccount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the state of specified private endpoint connection associated with the Video Indexer account.", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified private endpoint connection associated with the Video Indexer account.", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Chaos", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Chaos", "name": "Microsoft.Chaos", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Chaos Resource Provider and enables the creation of Chaos resources.", "displayName": "Registers the Chaos Resource Provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Chaos Resource Provider and enables the creation of Chaos resources.", "displayName": "Unregisters the Chaos Resource Provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Target", "name": "targets", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or update a Target resource that extends a tracked resource.", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Target.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/targets/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Target resource that extends a tracked resource.", "displayName": "Deletes a Target.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/targets/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all Targets that extend a tracked resource.", "displayName": "Gets all Targets.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/targets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Capability", "name": "targets/capabilities", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or update a Capability resource that extends a Target resource.", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Capability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/targets/capabilities/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Capability resource that extends a Target resource.", "displayName": "Deletes a Capability.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/targets/capabilities/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all Capabilities that extend a Target resource.", "displayName": "Gets all Capabilities.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/targets/capabilities/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Chaos Experiment", "name": "experiments", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates a Chaos Experiment resource in a resource group.", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Chaos Experiment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/experiments/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Chaos Experiment resource in a resource group.", "displayName": "Deletes a Chaos Experiment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/experiments/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all Chaos Experiments in a resource group.", "displayName": "Gets all Chaos Experiments.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/experiments/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts a Chaos Experiment to inject faults.", "displayName": "Starts a Chaos Experiment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/experiments/start/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels a running Chaos Experiment to stop the fault injection.", "displayName": "Cancels a Chaos Experiment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/experiments/cancel/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TargetType", "name": "locations/targetTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all TargetTypes.", "displayName": "Gets all TargetTypes.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/locations/targetTypes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CapabilityType", "name": "locations/targetTypes/capabilityTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all CapabilityType.", "displayName": "Gets all CapabilityType.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/locations/targetTypes/capabilityTypes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Skus", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the available SKUs for Chaos Studio.", "displayName": "Read Chaos Studio SKUs.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the available Operations for Chaos Studio.", "displayName": "Read Chaos Studio Operations.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationsStatus", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Operation Status.", "displayName": "Gets an Operation Status.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationResult", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Operation Result.", "displayName": "Gets an Operation Result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Chaos Experiment Execution", "name": "experiments/executions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets all chaos experiment executions for a given chaos experiment.", "displayName": "Gets all Chaos Experiment executions.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/experiments/executions/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets details of a chaos experiment execution for a given chaos experiment.", "displayName": "Gets details of a Chaos Experiment execution.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Chaos/experiments/executions/getExecutionDetails/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Dynatrace.Observability", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Dynatrace.Observability", "name": "Dynatrace.Observability", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if Dynatrace resource name is available", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers Dynatrace.Observability Resource provider", "displayName": "Registers Dynatrace.Observability Resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters Dynatrace.Observability Resource provider", "displayName": "Unregisters Dynatrace.Observability Resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Marketplace SaaS Resource details for a particular tenant Id", "displayName": "Gets Marketplace SaaS Resource details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/getMarketplaceSaaSResourceDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Monitors", "name": "monitors", "operations": [ { "description": "Read monitors", "displayName": "Get/List monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write monitors", "displayName": "Create/Update monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete monitors", "displayName": "Delete monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all resources that are being monitored by the monitor resource", "displayName": "List monitored resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/listMonitoredResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The payload to be sent for installing Dynatrace agent on VM", "displayName": "Payload for VM Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/getVMHostPayload/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all VMs that are sending compute logs for a monitor", "displayName": "List VM Hosts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/listHosts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all the app services that have dynatrace agent installed", "displayName": "List App services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/listAppServices/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets SSO details from the dynatrace partner", "displayName": "Get SSO Details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/getSSODetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all the linkable environment for a particular region", "displayName": "Lists Linkable Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/listLinkableEnvironments/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Metric Status from the dyntrace partner", "displayName": "Gets Metric Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/getMetricStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/Update the list of all resources that have Dynatrace agent installed through the Liftr experience", "displayName": "Update Agent Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/updateAgentStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TagRules", "name": "monitors/tagRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Read tag rules", "displayName": "Get tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/tagRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write tag rules", "displayName": "Create/Update tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/tagRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get registered subscription details", "displayName": "Get registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get locations", "displayName": "Get locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/locations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get operation statuses", "displayName": "Get operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operation statuses", "displayName": "Write operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List available Operations in Dynatrace.Observability", "displayName": "List available Operations in Dynatrace.Observability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SingleSignOnConfigurations", "name": "monitors/singleSignOnConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Writes the single sign-on configuration", "displayName": "Create/Update single sign-on configurations resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/singleSignOnConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the single-sign-on configurations", "displayName": "Get the single sign-on configurations resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/singleSignOnConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MonitoredSubscription", "name": "monitors/monitoredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read monitored subscriptions", "displayName": "Get monitored subscriptions for the dynatrace resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/monitoredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write monitored subscriptions", "displayName": "Create/Update monitored subscriptions for the datadog resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Dynatrace.Observability/monitors/monitoredSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Automanage", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Automanage", "name": "Microsoft.Automanage", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Automanage Provider.", "displayName": "Registers the Automanage Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/register/Action", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Automanage Provider.", "displayName": "Unregisters the Automanage Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/unregister/Action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Automanage Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets available operations of the Microsoft.Automanage resource provider.", "displayName": "Read Automanage Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/operations/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Automanage Configuration Profile Assignments", "name": "configurationProfileAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Configuration Profile Assignments", "displayName": "Delete Configuration Profile Assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfileAssignments/Delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Configuration Profile Assignments", "displayName": "Read Configuration Profile Assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfileAssignments/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Configuration Profile Assignments", "displayName": "Create or Update Configuration Profile Assignments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfileAssignments/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Automanage Configuration Profile Assignment Reports", "name": "configurationProfileAssignments/reports", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Configuration Profile Assignment Reports", "displayName": "Read Configuration Profile Assignment Reports", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfileAssignments/reports/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Configuration Profile Assignment Reports", "displayName": "Create or Update Configuration Profile Assignment Reports", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfileAssignments/reports/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Automanage BestPractices", "name": "bestPractices", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Automanage BestPractices", "displayName": "Read Automanage BestPractices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/bestPractices/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Automanage BestPractices Versions", "name": "bestPractices/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Automanage BestPractices Versions", "displayName": "Read Automanage BestPractices Versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/bestPractices/versions/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Automanage ConfigurationProfiles", "name": "configurationProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Automanage ConfigurationProfiles", "displayName": "Delete Automanage ConfigurationProfiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfiles/Delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Automanage ConfigurationProfiles", "displayName": "Read Automanage ConfigurationProfiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfiles/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Automanage ConfigurationProfiles", "displayName": "Create or Update Automanage ConfigurationProfiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfiles/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Automanage ConfigurationProfiles Versions", "name": "configurationProfiles/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Automanage ConfigurationProfiles Versions", "displayName": "Delete Automanage ConfigurationProfiles Versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfiles/versions/Delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Automanage ConfigurationProfiles Versions", "displayName": "Read Automanage ConfigurationProfiles Versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfiles/versions/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Automanage ConfigurationProfiles Versions", "displayName": "Create or Update Automanage ConfigurationProfiles Versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfiles/versions/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Automanage AAD first party service principal", "name": "servicePrincipals", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the Automanage AAD first party service principal id and authorizationSet for the subscription. This service principal id is used to grant the Contributor RBAC permission to Automanage AAD first party Application.", "displayName": "Read Automanage AAD first party service principal", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/servicePrincipals/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Patch Job", "name": "patchJobConfigurations/patchJobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Patch Job", "displayName": "Delete Patch Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchJobConfigurations/patchJobs/Delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Patch Job", "displayName": "Read Patch Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchJobConfigurations/patchJobs/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Patch Job", "displayName": "Create Patch Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchJobConfigurations/patchJobs/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Patch Job Configuration", "name": "patchJobConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Patch Job Configuration", "displayName": "Delete Patch Job Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchJobConfigurations/Delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Patch Job Configuration", "displayName": "Read Patch Job Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchJobConfigurations/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Patch Job Configuration", "displayName": "Create or Update Patch Job Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchJobConfigurations/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Patch Tier", "name": "patchTiers", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Patch Tier", "displayName": "Delete Patch Tier", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchTiers/Delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Patch Tier", "displayName": "Read Patch Tier", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchTiers/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Patch Tier", "displayName": "Create or Update Patch Tier", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchTiers/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Patch Schedule", "name": "patchSchedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a patch schedule.", "displayName": "Delete Patch Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchSchedules/Delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a patch schedule.", "displayName": "Read Patch Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchSchedules/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a patch schedule.", "displayName": "Create or Update Patch Schedule", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchSchedules/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Patch Schedule Association", "name": "patchSchedules/associations", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete a patch schedule association.", "displayName": "Delete Patch Schedule Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchSchedules/associations/Delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a patch schedule association.", "displayName": "Read Patch Schedule Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchSchedules/associations/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a patch schedule association with a patch job configuration.", "displayName": "Create or Update Patch Schedule Association", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/patchSchedules/associations/Write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Automanage Configuration Profile Assignments", "name": "configurationProfileAssignments/effectiveProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Assignment's Effective Configuration Profile Result", "displayName": "Read Effective Configuration Profile Assignment Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Automanage/configurationProfileAssignments/effectiveProfiles/Read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Quota", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Quota", "name": "Microsoft.Quota", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription with Microsoft.Quota Resource Provider", "displayName": "Register the subscription with Microsoft.Quota Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Read Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Operations supported by Microsoft.Quota", "displayName": "Get the Operations supported by Microsoft.Quota", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Quota limit", "name": "quotas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the current Service limit or quota of the specified resource", "displayName": "Get resource Quota limit", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/quotas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the service limit or quota request for the specified resource", "displayName": "Creates resource Quota limit request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/quotas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource Quota limit request", "name": "quotaRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "Get any service limit request for the specified resource", "displayName": "Get Quota limit request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/quotaRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "usages information", "name": "usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the usages for resource providers", "displayName": "Get the usages for providers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GroupQuota resource", "name": "groupQuotas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the GroupQuota", "displayName": "Get GroupQuota resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the GroupQuota resource", "displayName": "Creates GroupQuota resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Subscriptions added to GroupQuota resource", "name": "groupQuotas/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the GroupQuota subscriptions", "displayName": "Get GroupQuota subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/subscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Add Subscriptions to GroupQuota resource", "displayName": "Adds subscription to GroupQuota resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/subscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GroupQuota Resource Quota limit", "name": "groupQuotas/groupQuotaLimits", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the current GroupQuota of the specified resource", "displayName": "Get GroupQuota resource Quota limit", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/groupQuotaLimits/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the GroupQuota request for the specified resource", "displayName": "Creates GroupQuota resource Quota limit request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/groupQuotaLimits/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GroupQuota request", "name": "groupQuotas/groupQuotaRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the GroupQuota request status for the specific request", "displayName": "Get GroupQuota request status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/groupQuotaRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GroupQuota to Subscription Quota allocation", "name": "groupQuotas/quotaAllocations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the current GroupQuota to Subscription Quota allocation", "displayName": "Get GroupQuota to Subscription Quota allocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/quotaAllocations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the GroupQuota to subscription Quota limit request for the specified resource", "displayName": "Creates GroupQuota to subscription Quota limit request", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/quotaAllocations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "GroupQuota to Subscription Quota allocation request", "name": "groupQuotas/quotaAllocationRequests", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the GroupQuota to Subscription Quota allocation request status for the specific request", "displayName": "Get GroupQuota to Subscription Quota allocation request status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/quotaAllocationRequests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Azure Database Migration Service", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DataMigration", "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription with the Azure Database Migration Service provider", "displayName": "Registers the subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Available REST operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all REST Operations", "displayName": "Get all REST Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Migration Service", "name": "sqlMigrationServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a new or change properties of existing Service", "displayName": "Create or update properties of existing Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete existing Service", "displayName": "Delete existing Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve details of Migration Service", "displayName": "Get Migration Service details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the List of Authentication Keys", "displayName": "Get List of Authentication Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/listAuthKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Regenerate the Authentication Keys", "displayName": "Regenerate the Authentication Keys", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/regenerateAuthKeys/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/deleteNode/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the Monitoring Data", "displayName": "Get the Monitoring Data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/listMonitoringData/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/validateIR/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Migration Service", "name": "sqlMigrationServices/listMigrations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/listMigrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Migration Service", "name": "sqlMigrationServices/MonitoringData", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the Monitoring Data", "displayName": "Get the Monitoring Data", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/MonitoringData/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SQL Migration Service", "name": "locations/sqlMigrationServiceOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve Service Operation Results", "displayName": "Get Service Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/locations/sqlMigrationServiceOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database Migration Service", "name": "locations/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of a long-running operation related to a 202 Accepted response", "displayName": "Get the status of a long-running operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database Migration Service", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the status of a long-running operation related to a 202 Accepted response", "displayName": "Get the status of a long-running operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database Migration Service", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of SKUs supported by Azure Database Migration Service resources.", "displayName": "Get supported SKUs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database Migration Service", "name": "services", "operations": [ { "description": "Read information about resources", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update resources and their properties", "displayName": "Create or update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a resource and all of its children", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop the Azure Database Migration Service to minimize its cost", "displayName": "Stop Azure Database Migration Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start the Azure Database Migration Service to allow it to process migrations again", "displayName": "Start Azure Database Migration Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Check whether the service is deployed and running", "displayName": "Check service status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/checkStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Configures a Azure Database Migration Service worker to the Service's availiable workers", "displayName": "Configure Azure Database Migration Service Worker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/configureWorker/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds a Azure Database Migration Service worker to the Service's availiable workers", "displayName": "Add Azure Database Migration Service Worker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/addWorker/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes a Azure Database Migration Service worker to the Service's availiable workers", "displayName": "Remove Azure Database Migration Service Worker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/removeWorker/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates Azure Database Migration Service agent configuration with provided values.", "displayName": "Update Azure Database Migration Service agent configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/updateAgentConfig/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a Azure Database Migration Service worker package download link from RP Blob Storage.", "displayName": "Get Azure Database Migration Service worker package download link.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/getHybridDownloadLink/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database Migration Service Project", "name": "services/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Read information about resources", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run tasks Azure Database Migration Service tasks", "displayName": "Run tasks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a resource and all of its children", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate a URL that can be used to GET or PUT project artifacts", "displayName": "Access project artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/accessArtifacts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database Migration Service Task", "name": "services/projects/tasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Read information about resources", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/tasks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run tasks Azure Database Migration Service tasks", "displayName": "Run tasks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/tasks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a resource and all of its children", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/tasks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel the task if it's currently running", "displayName": "Cancel running task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/tasks/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database Migration Service Task", "name": "services/serviceTasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Read information about resources", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/serviceTasks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run tasks Azure Database Migration Service tasks", "displayName": "Run tasks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/serviceTasks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a resource and all of its children", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/serviceTasks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel the task if it's currently running", "displayName": "Cancel running task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/serviceTasks/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Azure Database Migration Service", "name": "services/slots", "operations": [ { "description": "Read information about resources", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/slots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update resources and their properties", "displayName": "Create or update", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/slots/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a resource and all of its children", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/services/slots/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Database Migration Resource", "name": "databaseMigrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Database Migration resource", "displayName": "Create or Update Database Migration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/databaseMigrations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Database Migration resource", "displayName": "Delete Database Migration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/databaseMigrations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve the Database Migration resource", "displayName": "Get the Database Migration resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/databaseMigrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop ongoing migration for the database", "displayName": "Stop ongoing migration for the database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/databaseMigrations/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cutover online migration operation for the database", "displayName": "Cutover online migration operation for the database", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/databaseMigrations/cutover/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Migration Service Task", "name": "sqlMigrationServices/tasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Migration Service task", "displayName": "Create or Update Migration Service task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/tasks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/tasks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Migration Service task details", "displayName": "Get Migration Service task details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/tasks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "migrationServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Create a new or change properties of existing Service", "displayName": "Create or update properties of existing Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete existing Service", "displayName": "Delete existing Service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve details of Migration Service", "displayName": "Get Migration Service details", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/validateIR/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/migrationServiceOperationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve Service Operation Results", "displayName": "Get Service Operation Results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/locations/migrationServiceOperationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "migrationServices/listMigrations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/listMigrations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.CodeSigning", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.CodeSigning", "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for Microsoft CodeSigning resource provider.", "displayName": "Registers Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for Microsoft CodeSigning resource provider.", "displayName": "Unregisters Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks trusted signing account name availability globally.", "displayName": "Checks Account Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/checknameavailability/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "CodeSigningAccounts", "name": "codeSigningAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads trusted signing accounts.", "displayName": "Reads Trusted Signing Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/codeSigningAccounts/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates trusted signing account.", "displayName": "Creates/Updates Trusted Signing Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/codeSigningAccounts/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes trusted signing accounts.", "displayName": "Deletes Trusted Signing Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/codeSigningAccounts/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CertificateProfiles", "name": "certificateProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Signs provided files using specified certificate profile.", "displayName": "Signs Files", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/certificateProfiles/Sign/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IdentityVerification", "name": "IdentityVerification", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads identity verification requests for the subscription.", "displayName": "Reads Identity Verification Requests", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/IdentityVerification/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates identity verification requests", "displayName": "Creates/Updates Identity Verification Request", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/IdentityVerification/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "CertificateProfiles", "name": "codeSigningAccounts/certificateProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads trusted signing accounts.", "displayName": "Reads Trusted Signing Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/codeSigningAccounts/certificateProfiles/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes or updates certificate profiles.", "displayName": "Creates/Updates Certificate Profiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/codeSigningAccounts/certificateProfiles/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes certificate profiles.", "displayName": "Deletes Certificate Profiles", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/codeSigningAccounts/certificateProfiles/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists available operations for Microsoft CodeSigning resource provider.", "displayName": "Lists Available Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operation statuses for Microsoft CodeSigning resource provider.", "displayName": "Lists Operation Statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes or updates operation statuses for Microsoft CodeSigning resource provider.", "displayName": "Writes/Updates Operation Statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/locations/operationstatuses/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ResourceTypes", "name": "resourcetypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists available resource types for Microsoft CodeSigning resource provider.", "displayName": "Lists Available Resource Types", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CodeSigning/resourcetypes/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft CloudTest", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.CloudTest", "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the CloudTest resource provider and enables the creation of 1ES resources.", "displayName": "Registers the CloudTest Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "pools", "name": "pools", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any CloudTest pool", "displayName": "Read CloudTest pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/pools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates CloudTest pools", "displayName": "Create or update CloudTest pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/pools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes CloudTest pools", "displayName": "Delete CloudTest pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/pools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads the credentials for leased VM's in CloudTest pools", "displayName": "Read Leased VMs in CloudTest pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/pools/leases/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "accounts", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads CloudTest Account", "displayName": "Read CloudTest Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates CloudTest Account", "displayName": "Create or Update CloudTest Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes CloudTest Account", "displayName": "Delete CloudTest Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "hostedpools", "name": "hostedpools", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads 1ES Hosted Pool pools", "displayName": "Read 1ES Hosted Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates 1ES Hosted pools", "displayName": "Create or update 1ES Hosted Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes 1ES Hosted pools", "displayName": "Delete 1ES Hosted Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "hostedpools", "name": "hostedpools/resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes 1ES Hosted Pools agents", "displayName": "Delete 1ES Hosted Pool agents", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/hostedpools/resources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "images", "name": "images", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads 1ES images", "displayName": "Read 1ES Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/images/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates 1ES images", "displayName": "Create or update 1ES Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/images/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes 1ES images", "displayName": "Delete 1ES Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/images/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels 1ES images", "displayName": "Cancel 1ES Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/images/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes 1ES images", "displayName": "Refresh 1ES Image", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/images/refresh/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "pools", "name": "pools/leases", "operations": [ { "description": "Completes lease for VM's in CloudTest pools", "displayName": "Complete Lease for VM's in CloudTest pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/pools/leases/complete/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Extends lease for VM's in CloudTest pools", "displayName": "Extend Lease for VM's in CloudTest pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudTest/pools/leases/extend/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ServiceLinker", "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.ServiceLinker", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.ServiceLinker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.ServiceLinker", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.ServiceLinker", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "linkers", "name": "linkers", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate a link.", "displayName": "Linker_Validate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/validateLinker/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "list source configurations for a linker.", "displayName": "Linker_ListConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/listConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns list of Linkers which connects to the resource. which supports to config both application and target service during the resource provision.", "displayName": "Linker_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Linker resource.", "displayName": "Linker_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Linker.", "displayName": "Linker_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate configurations for a Linker.", "displayName": "Linkers_GenerateConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/linkers/generateConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "dryruns", "name": "dryruns", "operations": [ { "description": "list dryrun jobs", "displayName": "Linkers_ListDryrun", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/dryruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "create a dryrun job to do necessary check before actual creation", "displayName": "Linkers_CreateDryrun", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/dryruns/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete a dryrun job", "displayName": "Linkers_DeleteDryrun", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/dryruns/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/connectors", "name": "locations/connectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of connector which connects to the resource, which supports to config the target service during the resource provision.", "displayName": "Connector_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/locations/connectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Connector resource.", "displayName": "Connector_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/locations/connectors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Connector.", "displayName": "Connector_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/locations/connectors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a Connector.", "displayName": "Connector_Validate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/locations/connectors/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate configurations for a Connector.", "displayName": "Connector_GenerateConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/locations/connectors/generateConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/dryruns", "name": "locations/dryruns", "operations": [ { "description": "list dryrun jobs", "displayName": "Connector_ListDryrun", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/locations/dryruns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "create a dryrun job to do necessary check before actual creation", "displayName": "Connector_CreateDryrun", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/locations/dryruns/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "delete a dryrun job", "displayName": "Connector_DeleteDryrun", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/locations/dryruns/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "configurationNames", "name": "configurationNames", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the configuration names generated by Service Connector for all target, client types, auth types.", "displayName": "ConfigurationNames_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/configurationNames/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "daprConfigurations", "name": "daprConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "List the dapr configuration supported by Service Connector.", "displayName": "Linkers_ListDaprConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ServiceLinker/daprConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AzureSphere", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AzureSphere", "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.AzureSphere", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.AzureSphere", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.AzureSphere", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.AzureSphere", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "catalogs", "name": "catalogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Counts devices in catalog.", "displayName": "Catalogs_CountDevices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/countDevices/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists deployments for catalog.", "displayName": "Catalogs_ListDeployments", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/listDeployments/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List the device groups for the catalog.", "displayName": "Catalogs_ListDeviceGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/listDeviceGroups/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists device insights for catalog.", "displayName": "Catalogs_ListDeviceInsights", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/listDeviceInsights/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists devices for catalog.", "displayName": "Catalogs_ListDevices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/listDevices/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Catalog resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Catalogs_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Catalog", "displayName": "Catalogs_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Catalog", "displayName": "Catalogs_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Catalog", "displayName": "Catalogs_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an image. Use this action when the image ID is unknown.", "displayName": "Catalogs_UploadImage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/uploadImage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "catalogs/products", "name": "catalogs/products", "operations": [ { "description": "List Product resources by Catalog", "displayName": "Products_ListByCatalog", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name.", "displayName": "Products_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name'", "displayName": "Products_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Counts devices in product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name.", "displayName": "Products_CountDevices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/countDevices/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates default device groups for the product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name.", "displayName": "Products_GenerateDefaultDeviceGroups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/generateDefaultDeviceGroups/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "catalogs/certificates", "name": "catalogs/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "List Certificate resources by Catalog", "displayName": "Certificates_ListByCatalog", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/certificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves cert chain.", "displayName": "Certificates_RetrieveCertChain", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/certificates/retrieveCertChain/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the proof of possession nonce.", "displayName": "Certificates_RetrieveProofOfPossessionNonce", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/certificates/retrieveProofOfPossessionNonce/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "catalogs/images", "name": "catalogs/images", "operations": [ { "description": "List Image resources by Catalog", "displayName": "Images_ListByCatalog", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/images/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Image", "displayName": "Images_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/images/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Image", "displayName": "Images_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/images/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "catalogs/products/deviceGroups", "name": "catalogs/products/deviceGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "List DeviceGroup resources by Product. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product name.", "displayName": "DeviceGroups_ListByProduct", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.", "displayName": "DeviceGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.", "displayName": "DeviceGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Bulk claims the devices. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names when bulk claiming devices to a catalog only.", "displayName": "DeviceGroups_ClaimDevices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/claimDevices/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Counts devices in device group. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.", "displayName": "DeviceGroups_CountDevices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/countDevices/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices", "name": "catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices", "operations": [ { "description": "List Device resources by DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.", "displayName": "Devices_ListByDeviceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Device. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names to claim a device to the catalog only.", "displayName": "Devices_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Device", "displayName": "Devices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates the capability image for the device. Use '.unassigned' or '.default' for the device group and product names to generate the image for a device that does not belong to a specific device group and product.", "displayName": "Devices_GenerateCapabilityImage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/devices/generateCapabilityImage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "catalogs/products/deviceGroups/deployments", "name": "catalogs/products/deviceGroups/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "List Deployment resources by DeviceGroup. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.", "displayName": "Deployments_ListByDeviceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/deployments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Deployment. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.", "displayName": "Deployments_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/deployments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Deployment. '.default' and '.unassigned' are system defined values and cannot be used for product or device group name.", "displayName": "Deployments_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureSphere/catalogs/products/deviceGroups/deployments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.BackupSolutions", "name": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Register to Solutions.", "displayName": "Register Solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters from Solutions.", "displayName": "Unregister Solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operation Status", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status for the resource.", "displayName": "Get the Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of operations.", "displayName": "Get operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application", "name": "VMwareApplications", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves a list of applications.", "displayName": "List Applications", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions/VMwareApplications/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an application.", "displayName": "Create Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions/VMwareApplications/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes an application.", "displayName": "Remove Application", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions/VMwareApplications/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes application permission(s).", "displayName": "Refresh application permission(s)", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions/VMwareApplications/refreshPermissions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Application", "name": "VMwareApplications/applicationArtifacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists application artifacts.", "displayName": "List application artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BackupSolutions/VMwareApplications/applicationArtifacts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Power Platform", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.PowerPlatform", "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription", "displayName": "Register Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription", "displayName": "Unregister Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks that name is valid and not in use for resource type", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operation Results", "name": "operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of the asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Get Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Status", "name": "operationsStatus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the status of the asynchronous operation", "displayName": "Get Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/operationsStatus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all operations available on Microsoft.PowerPlatform resource provider", "displayName": "Lists operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Enterprise Policy", "name": "enterprisePolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets enterprise policy", "displayName": "Get Enterprise Policy definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an enterprise Policy or updates an existing enterprise policy", "displayName": "Create or Update Enterprise Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an enterprise policy", "displayName": "Delete Enterprise Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an enterprise policy private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Get Enterprise Policy Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an enterprise policy private endpoint connection or update an existing enterprise policy private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Create or Update Enterprise Policy Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an enterprise policy private endpoint connection", "displayName": "Delete Enterprise Policy Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Link Resource", "name": "enterprisePolicies/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an enterprise policy private link resource", "displayName": "Get Enterprise Policy Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validates a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validates a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Gets a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy or updates an existing Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Creates or updates a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Deletes a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy operation", "displayName": "Gets a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/enterprisePolicies/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Account", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets account", "displayName": "Get account definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an account or updates an existing account", "displayName": "Create or Update Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an account", "displayName": "Delete Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Vnet or subnet deletion notification for Locations", "displayName": "Vnet or subnet deletion notification for Locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates deleting Vnet or subnet for Locations", "displayName": "Validates deleting Vnet or subnet for Locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.PowerPlatform/locations/validateDeleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft BillingBenefits", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.BillingBenefits", "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits", "operations": [ { "description": "Update a Savings plan order", "displayName": "Update SavingsPlanOrders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrders/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers the BillingBenefits resource provider and enables the creation of BillingBenefits resources.", "displayName": "Registers the BillingBenefits Resource Provider.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "SavingsPlanOrderAliases", "name": "savingsPlanOrderAliases", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all savings plan order aliases", "displayName": "Get Savings plan order alias", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrderAliases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Savings plan order alias", "displayName": "Create SavingsPlanOrderAliases", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrderAliases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SavingsPlanOrders", "name": "savingsPlanOrders", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all savings plan orders", "displayName": "Get Savings plan orders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrders/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a savings plan orders", "displayName": "Create Savings plan orders", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrders/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SavingsPlans", "name": "savingsPlanOrders/savingsPlans", "operations": [ { "description": "Read All SavingsPlans", "displayName": "Get SavingsPlans", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrders/savingsPlans/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Patch an existing Savings plan", "displayName": "Patch SavingsPlans", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrders/savingsPlans/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MACC", "name": "maccs", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all MACCs", "displayName": "Get MACC", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/maccs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a MACC", "displayName": "Create a Macc", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/maccs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a MACC", "displayName": "Delete a MACC", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/maccs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel a MACC", "displayName": "Cancel a MACC", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/maccs/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Charge shortfall on MACC", "displayName": "Charge shortfall on MACC", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/maccs/chargeShortfall/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Contributors", "name": "maccs/contributors", "operations": [ { "description": "Get all Contributors", "displayName": "Get Contributor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/maccs/contributors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Credit", "name": "credits", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all Credits", "displayName": "Get Credit", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/credits/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Credit", "displayName": "Create or update a Credit", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/credits/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Credit", "displayName": "Delete a Credit", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/credits/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel a Credit", "displayName": "Cancel a Credit", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/credits/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Source", "name": "credits/sources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all Sources", "displayName": "Get Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/credits/sources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Source", "displayName": "Create or update a Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/credits/sources/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Source", "displayName": "Delete a Source", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.BillingBenefits/credits/sources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.LoadTestService", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.LoadTestService", "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks if a LoadTest resource name is available", "displayName": "Check Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.LoadTestService", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.LoadTestService", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.LoadTestService", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.LoadTestService", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "Read Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "loadtests", "name": "loadTests", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a LoadTest resource, or Lists loadtest resources in a subscription or resource group.", "displayName": "Get/List loadtest resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTests/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update LoadTest resource.", "displayName": "Create/Update loadtest resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTests/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LoadTest resource.", "displayName": "Delete loadtest resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTests/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start Load Tests", "displayName": "Start Load Tests", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadtests/startTest/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop Load Tests", "displayName": "Stop Load Tests", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadtests/stopTest/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Load Tests", "displayName": "Create/Update Load Tests", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadtests/writeTest/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Load Tests", "displayName": "Delete Load Tests", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadtests/deleteTest/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Load Tests", "displayName": "Read Load Tests", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadtests/readTest/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "Read OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "Write OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "registeredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "read registeredSubscriptions", "displayName": "read_registeredSubscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/quotas", "name": "locations/quotas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get/List the available quotas for quota buckets per region per subscription.", "displayName": "Get/List Quotas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/locations/quotas/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Check Quota Availability on quota bucket per region per subscription.", "displayName": "Quotas CheckAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/locations/quotas/checkAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "loadTests/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "name": "loadTests/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the endpoints that agents may call as part of load testing.", "displayName": "List OutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTests/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "loadTestMappings", "name": "loadTestMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a LoadTest mapping resource, or Lists LoadTest mapping resources in a scope.", "displayName": "Get/List loadtest mapping resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTestMappings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update LoadTest mapping resource.", "displayName": "Create/Update loadtest mapping resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTestMappings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LoadTest mapping resource.", "displayName": "Delete loadtest mapping resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTestMappings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "loadTestProfileMappings", "name": "loadTestProfileMappings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a LoadTest profile mapping resource, or Lists LoadTest profile mapping resources in a scope.", "displayName": "Get/List loadtest profile mapping resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTestProfileMappings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update LoadTest profile mapping resource.", "displayName": "Create/Update loadtest profile mapping resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTestProfileMappings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LoadTest profile mapping resource.", "displayName": "Delete loadtest profile mapping resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTestProfileMappings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "testProfiles", "name": "testProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Write Test Profiles", "displayName": "Write Test Profiles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/testProfiles/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Test Profiles", "displayName": "Read Test Profiles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/testProfiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Test Profiles", "displayName": "Delete Test Profiles", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/testProfiles/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "testProfileRuns", "name": "testProfileRuns", "operations": [ { "description": "Write Test Profile Runs", "displayName": "Write Test Profile Runs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/testProfileRuns/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Test Profile Runs", "displayName": "Read Test Profile Runs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/testProfileRuns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Test Profile Runs", "displayName": "Delete Test Profile Runs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/testProfileRuns/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop Test Profile Runs", "displayName": "Stop Test Profile Runs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.LoadTestService/testProfileRuns/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform", "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action checkNameAvailability", "displayName": "action_checkNameAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "energyServices", "name": "energyServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Method that gets called if new partition is to be added in a resource.", "displayName": "EnergyServices_AddPartition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/addPartition/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Method that gets called if new partition is to be removed from a resource.", "displayName": "EnergyServices_RemovePartition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/removePartition/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Method that gets called when list of partitions is requested.", "displayName": "EnergyServices_ListPartitions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/listPartitions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns list of oep resources..", "displayName": "EnergyServices_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns oep resource for a given name.", "displayName": "EnergyServices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Method that gets called if subscribed for ResourceCreationBegin trigger.", "displayName": "EnergyServices_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes oep resource", "displayName": "EnergyServices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "energyServices/privateEndpointConnections", "name": "energyServices/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "List all private endpoint connections in a OAK instance.", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections_ListByOAKInstance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the state of specified private endpoint connection associated with the OAK Instance.", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified private endpoint connection associated with the OAK Instance.", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnections_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "energyServices/privateLinkResources", "name": "energyServices/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "List all private link resources in a OAK instance.", "displayName": "PrivateLinkResources_ListByOAKInstance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "energyServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "name": "energyServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "(INTERNAL - DO NOT USE) List all private endpoint connection proxies in a OAK instance.", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies_ListByOAKInstance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(INTERNAL - DO NOT USE) Validates a private endpoint connection proxy object.", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies_Validate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(INTERNAL - DO NOT USE) Creates or updates the specified private endpoint connection proxy resource associated with the OAK instance.", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "(INTERNAL - DO NOT USE) Deletes the specified private endpoint connection proxy associated with the OAK Instance.", "displayName": "PrivateEndpointConnectionProxies_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OpenEnergyPlatform/energyServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Workloads", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Workloads", "name": "Microsoft.Workloads", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.Workloads", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.Workloads", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.Workloads", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.Workloads", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sapVirtualInstances/applicationInstances", "name": "sapVirtualInstances/applicationInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the SAP Application Server Instance.", "displayName": "SAPApplicationServerInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/applicationInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the SAP Application Server Instance.", "displayName": "SAPApplicationServerInstances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/applicationInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the SAP Application Server Instance.

This operation will be used by service only. Delete by end user will return a Bad Request error.", "displayName": "SAPApplicationServerInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/applicationInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the SAP Application server Instance in an SVI.", "displayName": "SAPApplicationServerInstances_StartInstance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/applicationInstances/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the SAP Application server Instance in an SVI.", "displayName": "SAPApplicationServerInstances_StopInstance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/applicationInstances/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sapVirtualInstances/centralInstances", "name": "sapVirtualInstances/centralInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the SAP Central Instance.", "displayName": "SAPCentralInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/centralInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the SAP Central Instance.

This will be used by service only. PUT by end user will return a Bad Request error.", "displayName": "SAPCentralInstances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/centralInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the SAP Central Instance.

This will be used by service only. Delete by end user will return a Bad Request error.", "displayName": "SAPCentralInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/centralInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the SAP Central server Instance in an SVI.", "displayName": "SAPCentralInstances_StartInstance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/centralInstances/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the SAP Central server Instance in an SVI.", "displayName": "SAPCentralInstances_StopInstance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/centralInstances/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sapVirtualInstances/databaseInstances", "name": "sapVirtualInstances/databaseInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the SAP Database Instance.", "displayName": "SAPDatabaseInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/databaseInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the SAP Database Instance.", "displayName": "SAPDatabaseInstances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/databaseInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the SAP Database Instance.

This will be used by service only. Delete by end user will return a Bad Request error.", "displayName": "SAPDatabaseInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/databaseInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the database instance of the SAP system.", "displayName": "SAPDatabaseInstances_StartInstance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/databaseInstances/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the database instance of the SAP system.", "displayName": "SAPDatabaseInstances_StopInstance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/databaseInstances/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "phpWorkloads/wordpressInstances", "name": "phpWorkloads/wordpressInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists WordpressInstances resources under a phpWorkload resource", "displayName": "WordpressInstances_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/phpWorkloads/wordpressInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or updated WordpressInstances resource", "displayName": "WordpressInstances_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/phpWorkloads/wordpressInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete WordpressInstances resource", "displayName": "WordpressInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/phpWorkloads/wordpressInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sapVirtualInstances", "name": "sapVirtualInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an SAP Virtual Instance.", "displayName": "SAPVirtualInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an SAP Virtual Instance.", "displayName": "SAPVirtualInstances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an SAP Virtual Instance.", "displayName": "SAPVirtualInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all SAP Virtual Instances in the subscription.", "displayName": "SAPVirtualInstances_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Starts the SAP System.", "displayName": "SAPVirtualInstances_Start", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stops the SAP System.", "displayName": "SAPVirtualInstances_Stop", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapVirtualInstances/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "phpWorkloads", "name": "phpWorkloads", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists phpWorkload resources in a subscription", "displayName": "PhpWorkloads_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/phpWorkloads/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a phpWorkload resource", "displayName": "PhpWorkloads_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/phpWorkloads/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or updated phpWorkloads resource", "displayName": "PhpWorkloads_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/phpWorkloads/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete phpWorkloads resource", "displayName": "PhpWorkloads_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/phpWorkloads/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "monitors", "name": "monitors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of SAP monitors in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties of each SAP monitor.", "displayName": "monitors_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets properties of a SAP monitor for the specified subscription, resource group, and resource name.", "displayName": "monitors_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a SAP monitor for the specified subscription, resource group, and resource name.", "displayName": "monitors_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a SAP monitor with the specified subscription, resource group, and monitor name.", "displayName": "monitors_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "monitors/providerInstances", "name": "monitors/providerInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of provider instances in the specified SAP monitor. The operations returns various properties of each provider instances.", "displayName": "ProviderInstances_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/providerInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a provider instance for the specified subscription, resource group, Monitor name, and resource name.", "displayName": "ProviderInstances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/providerInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a provider instance for the specified subscription, resource group, Monitor name, and resource name.", "displayName": "ProviderInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/providerInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/sapVirtualInstanceMetadata", "name": "locations/sapVirtualInstanceMetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Get SAP sizing recommendations.", "displayName": "SAPSizingRecommendations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/locations/sapVirtualInstanceMetadata/getSizingRecommendations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get SAP supported SKUs.", "displayName": "SAPSupportedSku", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/locations/sapVirtualInstanceMetadata/getSapSupportedSku/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get SAP Disk Configurations.", "displayName": "SAPDiskConfigurations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/locations/sapVirtualInstanceMetadata/getDiskConfigurations/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get SAP Availability Zone Details.", "displayName": "SAPAvailabilityZoneDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/locations/sapVirtualInstanceMetadata/getAvailabilityZoneDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Skus", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the list of Microsoft.Workloads SKUs available for your Subscription", "displayName": "Gets the list of Microsoft.Workloads SKUs available for your Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads registered subscriptions", "displayName": "Gets/Lists registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/RegisteredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "connectors", "name": "connectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a connector resource", "displayName": "Connectors_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/connectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a connector resource", "displayName": "Connectors_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/connectors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a connector resource and its child resources, which are the associated connection resources. All the child resources have to be deleted before deleting the connector resource.", "displayName": "Connectors_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/connectors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all connector resources in a Subscription.", "displayName": "Connectors_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/connectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "connectors/acssBackups", "name": "connectors/acssBackups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the backup connection resource of virtual instance for SAP.", "displayName": "ACSSBackupConnections_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/connectors/acssBackups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the backup connection resource of virtual instance for SAP.", "displayName": "ACSSBackupConnections_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/connectors/acssBackups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the backup connection resource of virtual instance for SAP.", "displayName": "ACSSBackupConnections_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/connectors/acssBackups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "insights", "name": "insights", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets properties of Workloads Insights instance for the specified subscription, resource group and instance name.", "displayName": "Insights_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/insights/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a list of Workloads Insight instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties of each instance.", "displayName": "Insights_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/insights/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Workloads Insights instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.", "displayName": "Insights_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/insights/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Workloads Insights instance for the specified subscription, resource group and instance name.", "displayName": "Insights_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/insights/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "monitors/sapLandscapeMonitor", "name": "monitors/sapLandscapeMonitor", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of properties of a SAP Landscape monitor configuration for the specified subscription, resource group, and resource name.", "displayName": "SapLandscapeMonitor_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/sapLandscapeMonitor/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a SAP Landscape monitor configuration for the specified subscription, resource group, and resource name.", "displayName": "SapLandscapeMonitor_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/sapLandscapeMonitor/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a SAP Landscape monitor configuration with the specified subscription, resource group, and monitor name.", "displayName": "SapLandscapeMonitor_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/sapLandscapeMonitor/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sapDiscoverySites", "name": "sapDiscoverySites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a SAP Migration discovery site resource.", "displayName": "SAPDiscoverySites_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a discovery site for SAP Migration.", "displayName": "SAPDiscoverySites_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a SAP Migration discovery site resource and its child resources, that is the associated SAP Instances and Server Instances.", "displayName": "SAPDiscoverySites_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets all SAP Migration discovery site resources in a Subscription.", "displayName": "SAPDiscoverySites_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Import a SAP Migration discovery site resource and it's child resources, that is the SAP instances and Server instances.", "displayName": "SAPDiscoverySites_ImportEntities", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/importEntities/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sapDiscoverySites/sapInstances", "name": "sapDiscoverySites/sapInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the SAP Instance resource.", "displayName": "SAPInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/sapInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the SAP Instance resource.

This will be used by service only. PUT operation on this resource by end user will return a Bad Request error.", "displayName": "SAPInstances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/sapInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the SAP Instance resource.

This will be used by service only. Delete operation on this resource by end user will return a Bad Request error. You can delete the parent resource, which is the SAP Migration discovery site resource, using the delete operation on it.", "displayName": "SAPInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/sapInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sapDiscoverySites/sapInstances/serverInstances", "name": "sapDiscoverySites/sapInstances/serverInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Server Instance resource.", "displayName": "ServerInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/sapInstances/serverInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the Server Instance resource.

This will be used by service only. PUT operation on this resource by end user will return a Bad Request error.", "displayName": "ServerInstances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/sapInstances/serverInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Server Instance resource.

This will be used by service only. Delete operation on this resource by end user will return a Bad Request error. You can delete the parent resource, which is the SAP Migration discovery site resource, using the delete operation on it.", "displayName": "ServerInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/sapDiscoverySites/sapInstances/serverInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "connectors/sapVirtualInstanceMonitors", "name": "connectors/sapVirtualInstanceMonitors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the monitor connection resource of virtual instance for SAP.", "displayName": "SapVirtualInstanceMonitorConnections_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/connectors/sapVirtualInstanceMonitors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the monitor connection resource of virtual instance for SAP.", "displayName": "SapVirtualInstanceMonitorConnections_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/connectors/sapVirtualInstanceMonitors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the monitor connection resource of virtual instance for SAP.", "displayName": "SapVirtualInstanceMonitorConnections_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/connectors/sapVirtualInstanceMonitors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "monitors/alerts", "name": "monitors/alerts", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a list of alert instances in the specified SAP monitor. The operations returns various properties of each provider instances.", "displayName": "Alerts_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/alerts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a alert for the specified subscription, resource group, Monitor name, and resource name.", "displayName": "Alerts_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/alerts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a alert for the specified subscription, resource group, Monitor name, and resource name.", "displayName": "Alerts_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/alerts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "monitors/alertTemplates", "name": "monitors/alertTemplates", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets properties of an alert template for the specified subscription, resource group, SAP monitor name, and resource name.", "displayName": "AlertTemplates_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Workloads/monitors/alertTemplates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.HybridConnectivity", "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve AWS Cloud Formation template", "displayName": "GenerateAwsTemplate_Post", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/generateAwsTemplate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.HybridConnectivity", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.HybridConnectivity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.HybridConnectivity", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.HybridConnectivity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "endpoints", "name": "endpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "List of endpoints to the target resource.", "displayName": "Endpoints_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update the endpoint to the target resource.", "displayName": "Endpoints_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the endpoint access to the target resource.", "displayName": "Endpoints_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the endpoint access credentials to the resource.", "displayName": "Endpoints_ListCredentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/listCredentials/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the ingress gateway endpoint credentials ", "displayName": "Endpoints_ListIngressGatewayCredentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/listIngressGatewayCredentials/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Fetches the managed proxy details ", "displayName": "Endpoints_ListManagedProxyDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/listManagedProxyDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "endpoints/serviceConfigurations", "name": "endpoints/serviceConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "API to enumerate registered services in service configurations under a Endpoint Resource", "displayName": "ServiceConfigurations_ListByEndpointResource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/serviceConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a service in serviceConfiguration for the endpoint resource.", "displayName": "ServiceConfigurations_CreateOrupdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/serviceConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the service details to the target resource.", "displayName": "ServiceConfigurations_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/endpoints/serviceConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "solutionTypes", "name": "solutionTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the list of available solution types.", "displayName": "SolutionTypes_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/solutionTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "solutionConfigurations", "name": "solutionConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the List of solution configuration resources.", "displayName": "SolutionConfiguration_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/solutionConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates solution configuration with provided solution name", "displayName": "SolutionConfiguration_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/solutionConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the solution configuration with provided solution name.", "displayName": "SolutionConfiguration_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/solutionConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "solutionConfigurations/inventory", "name": "solutionConfigurations/inventory", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the inventory identified by inventory id.", "displayName": "Inventory_GetBySolution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/solutionConfigurations/inventory/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "publicCloudConnectors", "name": "publicCloudConnectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the public cloud connectors in the subscription.", "displayName": "publicCloudConnectors_SubscriptionList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/publicCloudConnectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the public cloud connectors.", "displayName": "publicCloudConnectors_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/publicCloudConnectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates public cloud connectors resource.", "displayName": "publicCloudConnectors_CreatePublicCloudConnectors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/publicCloudConnectors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the public cloud connectors resource.", "displayName": "publicConnectors_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/publicCloudConnectors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Tests the permissions of solution configurations under public cloud connector.", "displayName": "PublicCloudConnectors_TestPermissions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity/publicCloudConnectors/testPermissions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Orbital Resource Provider", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Orbital", "name": "Microsoft.Orbital", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Orbital Resource Provider.", "displayName": "Registers the Orbital Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Moves Terminal to the given resourceGroup or/and subscription.", "displayName": "Moves Terminal to across different resourceGroup or/and subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/moveResources/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Determine whether a Terminal can be moved to the given resourceGroup or/and subscription.", "displayName": "Determine Whether a Terminal Can be Moved across different resourceGroup or/and subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/validateMoveResources/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Microsoft.Orbital", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the Orbital Resource Provider operations.", "displayName": "Reads the Orbital Resource Provider operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Contacts", "name": "spacecrafts/contacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Contact", "displayName": "Delete Contact", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/spacecrafts/contacts/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Contact", "displayName": "Read Contact", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/spacecrafts/contacts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create any Contact", "displayName": "Create Contact", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/spacecrafts/contacts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Contact Profiles", "name": "contactProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Contact Profile", "displayName": "Delete Contact Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/contactProfiles/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Contact Profile", "displayName": "Read Contact Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/contactProfiles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Contact Profile", "displayName": "Create or Update Contact Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/contactProfiles/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Ground Stations", "name": "groundStations", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Ground Station", "displayName": "Delete Ground Station", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/groundStations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Ground Station", "displayName": "Read Ground Station", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/groundStations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Ground Station", "displayName": "Create or Update Ground Station", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/groundStations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Available Ground Stations", "name": "availableGroundStations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Available Ground Station", "displayName": "Read Available Ground Station", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/availableGroundStations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Spacecrafts", "name": "spacecrafts", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Spacecraft", "displayName": "Delete Spacecraft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/spacecrafts/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List time windows during which a Spacecraft is visible and available for contact", "displayName": "List Available Contacts for Spacecraft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/spacecrafts/listAvailableContacts/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Spacecraft", "displayName": "Read Spacecraft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/spacecrafts/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Spacecraft", "displayName": "Create or Update Spacecraft", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/spacecrafts/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Terminals", "name": "terminals", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Terminal", "displayName": "Read Terminal", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/terminals/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Async Operations", "name": "asyncOperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Async Operation", "displayName": "Delete Async Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/asyncOperations/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Async Operation", "displayName": "Read Async Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/asyncOperations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create any Async Operation", "displayName": "Create Async Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/asyncOperations/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Geo Catalogs", "name": "geoCatalogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete any Geo Catalog", "displayName": "Delete Geo Catalog", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/geoCatalogs/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read any Geo Catalog", "displayName": "Read Geo Catalog", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/geoCatalogs/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Geo Catalog", "displayName": "Create or Update Geo Catalog", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/geoCatalogs/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/operation Statuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Locations/operation Status", "displayName": "Read Locations/operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Locations/operation Status", "displayName": "Create or Update Locations/operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Orbital/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Singularity", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Singularity", "name": "Microsoft.Singularity", "operations": [ { "description": "Register to Singularity", "displayName": "Register Singularity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister from Singularity", "displayName": "Unregister Singularity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Singularity Account", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Singularity accounts", "displayName": "List Singularity Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates Singularity account", "displayName": "Add Singularity Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Singularity Account", "displayName": "Remove Singularity Account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Singularity storage container", "name": "accounts/storagecontainers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Singularity storage containers", "displayName": "List Singularity storage containers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/storagecontainers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates Singularity storage container", "displayName": "Add Singularity storage container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/storagecontainers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Singularity storage container", "displayName": "Remove Singularity storage container", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/storagecontainers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Singularity Account Quota Policy", "name": "accounts/accountquotapolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Singularity account quota policies", "displayName": "List Singularity Account Quota Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/accountquotapolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates Singularity account quota policy", "displayName": "Add Singularity Account Limit Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/accountquotapolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Singularity account quota policy", "displayName": "Remove Singularity Account Quota Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/accountquotapolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Singularity Group Policy", "name": "accounts/groupPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Singularity Group policies", "displayName": "List Singularity Group Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/groupPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates Singularity group policy resource limit policy", "displayName": "Add Singularity Group Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/groupPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Singularity Group Policy", "displayName": "Remove Singularity Group Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/groupPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action to check for user access to write a job linked to Singularity group policy", "displayName": "Check permissions for writing job linked to Singularity group policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/groupPolicies/writejob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action to check for user access to delete a job linked to Singularity group policy", "displayName": "Check permissions for deleting job linked to Singularity group policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/groupPolicies/removejob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action to check for user access to get SAS token for a job linked to Singularity group policy", "displayName": "Check permissions for getting SAS token for job linked to Singularity group policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/groupPolicies/createjobsastoken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action to check for user access to suspend a job linked to Singularity group policy", "displayName": "Check permissions for suspending job linked to Singularity group policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/groupPolicies/suspendjob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action to check for user access to resume a job linked to Singularity group policy", "displayName": "Check permissions for resuming job linked to Singularity group policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/groupPolicies/resumejob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Singularity Job", "name": "accounts/jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Singularity jobs", "displayName": "List Singularity Jobs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/jobs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Adds or updates Singularity job", "displayName": "Add Singularity Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/jobs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Singularity Job", "displayName": "Remove Singularity Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/jobs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Approves Singularity Job", "displayName": "Approve Singularity Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/jobs/approve/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create SAS token for Singularity Job", "displayName": "Create SAS token for Singularity Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/jobs/createSasToken/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Suspends Singularity Job", "displayName": "Suspend Singularity Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/jobs/suspend/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Resumes Singularity Job", "displayName": "Resume Singularity Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/jobs/resume/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Removes Singularity Job", "displayName": "Remove Singularity Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Singularity/accounts/jobs/remove/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Singularity operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Singularity 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"firmwareGroups", "name": "firmwareGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Get firmware group.", "displayName": "FirmwareGroup_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to create or update a firmwareGroups resource.", "displayName": "FirmwareGroups_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to delete a firmware group.", "displayName": "FirmwareGroup_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to get a url for file upload.", "displayName": "FirmwareGroup_GenerateUploadUrl", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/generateUploadUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "firmwareGroups/firmwares", "name": "firmwareGroups/firmwares", "operations": [ { "description": "Get firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to create a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to delete a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to a url for file upload.", "displayName": "Firmware_GetUrl", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/getUploadUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to a url for file download.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateDownloadUrl", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateDownloadUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to a url for tar file download.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateFilesystemDownloadUrl", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateFilesystemDownloadUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to get a scan summary.", "displayName": "Firmware_GetSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateSummary/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list all components result for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateComponentList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateComponentList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to get component details for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateComponentDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateComponentDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list all binary hardening result for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateBinaryHardeningList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list the binary hardening summary percentages for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateBinaryHardeningSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningSummary/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to get binary hardening details for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateBinaryHardeningDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list all password hashes for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_GeneratePasswordHashList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generatePasswordHashList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list all cve results for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateCveList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateCveList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to provide a high level summary of the CVEs reported for the firmware image.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateCveSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/firmwareGroups/firmwares/generateCveSummary/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all of the firmware analysis workspaces in the specified subscription.", "displayName": "Workspaces_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get firmware analysis workspace.", "displayName": "Workspaces_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to create or update a firmware analysis workspace.", "displayName": "Workspaces_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to delete a firmware analysis workspace.", "displayName": "Workspaces_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to get a url for file upload.", "displayName": "Workspaces_GenerateUploadUrl", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/generateUploadUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/firmwares", "name": "workspaces/firmwares", "operations": [ { "description": "The operation to a url for file download.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateDownloadUrl", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateDownloadUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to a url for tar file download.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateFilesystemDownloadUrl", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateFilesystemDownloadUrl/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to get a scan summary.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateSummary/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list all components result for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_ListGenerateComponentList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateComponentList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to get component details for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateComponentDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateComponentDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list all binary hardening result for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_ListGenerateBinaryHardeningList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list the binary hardening summary percentages for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateBinaryHardeningSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningSummary/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to get binary hardening details for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateBinaryHardeningDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateBinaryHardeningDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list all password hashes for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_ListGeneratePasswordHashList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generatePasswordHashList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list all cve results for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_ListGenerateCveList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCveList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to provide a high level summary of the CVEs reported for the firmware image.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateCveSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCveSummary/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to provide a high level summary of the discovered cryptographic certificates reported for the firmware image.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateCryptoCertificateSummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCryptoCertificateSummary/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to provide a high level summary of the discovered cryptographic keys reported for the firmware image.", "displayName": "Firmware_GenerateCryptoKeySummary", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCryptoKeySummary/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list all crypto certificates for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_ListGenerateCryptoCertificateList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCryptoCertificateList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to list all crypto keys for a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmware_ListGenerateCryptoKeyList", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/generateCryptoKeyList/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all of firmwares inside a workspace.", "displayName": "Firmwares_ListByWorkspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to create a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmwares_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The operation to delete a firmware.", "displayName": "Firmwares_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/firmwares/sbomComponents", "name": "workspaces/firmwares/sbomComponents", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists SBOM analysis results of a firmware.", "displayName": "SbomComponents_ListByFirmware", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/sbomComponents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/firmwares/binaryHardeningResults", "name": "workspaces/firmwares/binaryHardeningResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists binary hardening analysis results of a firmware.", "displayName": "BinaryHardening_ListByFirmware", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/binaryHardeningResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/firmwares/cryptoCertificates", "name": "workspaces/firmwares/cryptoCertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists cryptographic certificate analysis results found in a firmware.", "displayName": "CryptoCertificates_ListByFirmware", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/cryptoCertificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/firmwares/cryptoKeys", "name": "workspaces/firmwares/cryptoKeys", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists cryptographic key analysis results found in a firmware.", "displayName": "CryptoKeys_ListByFirmware", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/cryptoKeys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/firmwares/passwordHashes", "name": "workspaces/firmwares/passwordHashes", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists password hash analysis results of a firmware.", "displayName": "PasswordHashes_ListByFirmware", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/passwordHashes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/firmwares/cves", "name": "workspaces/firmwares/cves", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists CVE analysis results of a firmware.", "displayName": "Cves_ListByFirmware", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/cves/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/firmwares/summaries", "name": "workspaces/firmwares/summaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists analysis result summary names of a firmware. To fetch the full summary data, get that summary by name.", "displayName": "Summaries_ListByFirmware", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/workspaces/firmwares/summaries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.IoTFirmwareDefense/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/microsoft.connectedopenstack", "name": "microsoft.connectedopenstack", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for microsoft.connectedopenstack", "displayName": "Register the microsoft.connectedopenstack", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.connectedopenstack/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for microsoft.connectedopenstack", "displayName": "Unregister the microsoft.connectedopenstack", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.connectedopenstack/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "volumeSnapshots", "name": "volumeSnapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements VolumeSnapshot GET method.", "displayName": "VolumeSnapshots_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumeSnapshots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements volumeSnapshot PUT method.", "displayName": "volumeSnapshots_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumeSnapshots/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements VolumeSnapshot DELETE method.", "displayName": "VolumeSnapshots_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumeSnapshots/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements VolumeSnapshots list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "VolumeSnapshots_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumeSnapshots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualMachines", "name": "virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements virtual machine GET method.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements virtual machine PUT method.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements virtual machine DELETE method.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Stop", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Start", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Restart", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements VirtualMachines list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Attaches a volume to the virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_VolumeAttach", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/attachVolume/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detaches a volume to the virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_VolumeDetach", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/detachVolume/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Attaches a networkPort to the virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_NetworkPortAttach", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/attachNetworkPort/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Detaches a networkPort to the virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_NetworkPortDetach", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/detachNetworkPort/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Snapshots a virtual machine, creating a new Image resource.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Snapshot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/virtualMachines/createSnapshot/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "heatStacks", "name": "heatStacks", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements HeatStack GET method.", "displayName": "HeatStacks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/heatStacks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements HeatStack PUT method.", "displayName": "HeatStacks_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/heatStacks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements HeatStack DELETE method.", "displayName": "HeatStacks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/heatStacks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements HeatStacks list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "HeatStacks_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/heatStacks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networks", "name": "networks", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Network GET method.", "displayName": "Networks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/networks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Network PUT method.", "displayName": "Networks_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/networks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Network DELETE method.", "displayName": "Networks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/networks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Networks list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "Networks_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/networks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "subnets", "name": "subnets", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Subnet GET method.", "displayName": "Subnets_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/subnets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Subnet PUT method.", "displayName": "Subnets_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/subnets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Subnet DELETE method.", "displayName": "Subnets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/subnets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Subnets list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "Subnets_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/subnets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "images", "name": "images", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Image GET method.", "displayName": "Images_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/images/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Image PUT method.", "displayName": "Images_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/images/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Image DELETE method.", "displayName": "Images_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/images/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Images list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "Images_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/images/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "volumes", "name": "volumes", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Volume GET method.", "displayName": "Volumes_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Volume PUT method.", "displayName": "Volumes_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Volume DELETE method.", "displayName": "Volumes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Volumes list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "Volumes_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "volumeTypes", "name": "volumeTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements VolumeType GET method.", "displayName": "VolumeTypes_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumeTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements VolumeType PUT method.", "displayName": "VolumeTypes_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumeTypes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements VolumeType DELETE method.", "displayName": "VolumeTypes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumeTypes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements VolumeTypes list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "VolumeTypes_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/volumeTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "flavors", "name": "flavors", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Flavor GET method.", "displayName": "Flavors_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/flavors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Flavor PUT method.", "displayName": "Flavors_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/flavors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Flavor DELETE method.", "displayName": "Flavors_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/flavors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Flavors list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "Flavors_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/flavors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "securityGroups", "name": "securityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements SecurityGroup GET method.", "displayName": "SecurityGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/securityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements SecurityGroup PUT method.", "displayName": "SecurityGroups_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/securityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements SecurityGroup DELETE method.", "displayName": "SecurityGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/securityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements SecurityGroups list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "SecurityGroups_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/securityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "securityGroupRules", "name": "securityGroupRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements SecurityGroupRule GET method.", "displayName": "SecurityGroupRules_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/securityGroupRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements SecurityGroupRule PUT method.", "displayName": "SecurityGroupRules_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/securityGroupRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements SecurityGroupRule DELETE method.", "displayName": "SecurityGroupRules_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/securityGroupRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements SecurityGroupRules list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "SecurityGroupRules_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/securityGroupRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "keypairs", "name": "keypairs", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Keypair GET method.", "displayName": "Keypairs_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/keypairs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Keypair PUT method.", "displayName": "Keypairs_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/keypairs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Keypair DELETE method.", "displayName": "Keypairs_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/keypairs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Keypairs list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "Keypairs_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/keypairs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "openStackIdentities", "name": "openStackIdentities", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements OpenStackIdentity GET method.", "displayName": "OpenStackIdentities_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/openStackIdentities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements OpenStackIdentity PUT method.", "displayName": "OpenStackIdentities_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/openStackIdentities/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements OpenStackIdentity DELETE method.", "displayName": "OpenStackIdentities_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/openStackIdentities/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements OpenStackIdentities list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "OpenStackIdentities_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/openStackIdentities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh state of the OpenStackIdentity.", "displayName": "OpenStackIdentities_Refresh", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/openStackIdentities/refresh/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkPorts", "name": "networkPorts", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements NetworkPort GET method.", "displayName": "NetworkPorts_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/networkPorts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements NetworkPort PUT method.", "displayName": "NetworkPorts_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/networkPorts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements NetworkPort DELETE method.", "displayName": "NetworkPorts_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/networkPorts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements NetworkPorts list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "NetworkPorts_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/networkPorts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "heatStackTemplates", "name": "heatStackTemplates", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements HeatStackTemplate GET method.", "displayName": "HeatStackTemplates_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/heatStackTemplates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements HeatStackTemplate PUT method.", "displayName": "HeatStackTemplates_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/heatStackTemplates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements HeatStackTemplate DELETE method.", "displayName": "HeatStackTemplates_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/heatStackTemplates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements HeatStackTemplates list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "HeatStackTemplates_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedOpenStack/heatStackTemplates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.connectedopenstack/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.connectedopenstack/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.connectedopenstack/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Maintenance Service", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Maintenance", "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Microsoft Maintenance Service Configuration assignment instance", "name": "configurationAssignments/maintenanceScope/InGuestPatch", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a maintenance configuration assignment for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "displayName": "Create or update a maintenance configuration assignment for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/configurationAssignments/maintenanceScope/InGuestPatch/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read maintenance configuration assignment for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "displayName": "Read maintenance configuration assignment for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/configurationAssignments/maintenanceScope/InGuestPatch/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete maintenance configuration assignment for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "displayName": "Delete maintenance configuration assignment for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/configurationAssignments/maintenanceScope/InGuestPatch/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Maintenance Service Configuration instance", "name": "maintenanceConfigurations/maintenanceScope/InGuestPatch", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a maintenance configuration for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "displayName": "Create or update a maintenance configuration for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/maintenanceScope/InGuestPatch/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read maintenance configuration for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "displayName": "Read maintenance configuration for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/maintenanceScope/InGuestPatch/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete maintenance configuration for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "displayName": "Delete maintenance configuration for InGuestPatch maintenance scope.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/maintenanceScope/InGuestPatch/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Maintenance Service Configuration assignment instance", "name": "configurationAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update maintenance configuration assignment.", "displayName": "Create or update maintenance configuration assignment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/configurationAssignments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read maintenance configuration assignment.", "displayName": "Read maintenance configuration assignment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/configurationAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete maintenance configuration assignment.", "displayName": "Delete maintenance configuration assignment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/configurationAssignments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Maintenance Service Configuration instance", "name": "maintenanceConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update maintenance configuration.", "displayName": "Create or update maintenance configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read maintenance configuration.", "displayName": "Read maintenance configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete maintenance configuration.", "displayName": "Delete maintenance configuration.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Maintenance Service Configuration instance", "name": "updates", "operations": [ { "description": "Read updates to a resource.", "displayName": "Read updates to a resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/updates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Maintenance Service Configuration instance", "name": "applyUpdates", "operations": [ { "description": "Write apply updates to a resource.", "displayName": "Write apply updates to a resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/applyUpdates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read apply updates to a resource.", "displayName": "Read apply updates to a resource.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/applyUpdates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EventGrid Subscription for Maintenance Configuration", "name": "maintenanceConfigurations/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.Maintenance that an EventGrid Subscription for Maintenance Configuration is being deleted.", "displayName": "Delete EventGrid Subscription for Maintenance Configuration notification.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.Maintenance that an EventGrid Subscription for Maintenance Configuration is being viewed.", "displayName": "View EventGrid Subscription for Maintenance Configuration notification.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Notifies Microsoft.Maintenance that a new EventGrid Subscription for Maintenance Configuration is being created.", "displayName": "Create EventGrid Subscription for Maintenance Configuration notification.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Resource for acknowledging scheduled event", "name": "scheduledevents", "operations": [ { "description": "Acknowledge scheduled event of the resource", "displayName": "Acknowledge scheduled event of the resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Maintenance/scheduledevents/acknowledge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Monitoring", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/microsoft.monitor", "name": "microsoft.monitor", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Microsoft.Monitor resource provider", "displayName": "Registers the Microsoft.Monitor Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/register/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters the subscription for the Microsoft.Monitor resource provider", "displayName": "Unregisters the Microsoft.Monitor Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/unregister/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Monitoring Account", "displayName": "Read Monitoring Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Monitoring Account", "displayName": "Create or Update Monitoring Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Monitoring Account", "displayName": "Delete Monitoring Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Give approval to any Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Give approval to Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "accounts/data/metrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Read metrics data in any Monitoring Account", "displayName": "Read Metrics Data", "isDataAction": true, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/data/metrics/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write metrics data to any Monitoring Account", "displayName": "Write Metrics Data", "isDataAction": true, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/data/metrics/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Read Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create or Update Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform validation on any Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Perform validation on Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection Proxies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Status of any Private Endpoint Connection Proxy Asynchronous Operation", "displayName": "Read Status of Private Endpoint Connection Proxy Asynchronous Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationResults/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Read Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create or Update Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Monitoring Account Private Endpoint Connections", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "accounts/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Status of any Private Endpoint Connections Asynchronous Operation", "displayName": "Read Status of Private Endpoint Connections Asynchronous Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateEndpointConnections/operationResults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "accounts/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all Monitoring Account Private Link Resources", "displayName": "Read Monitoring Account Private Link Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "pipelineGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Pipeline Group", "displayName": "Read Pipeline Groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/pipelineGroups/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Pipeline Group", "displayName": "Create or Update Pipeline Groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/pipelineGroups/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Pipeline Group", "displayName": "Delete Pipeline Groups", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/pipelineGroups/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read All Operations", "displayName": "Read Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/operations/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Operation Status", "displayName": "Read Operation Statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Operation Status", "displayName": "Create or Update Operation Statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": "system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Monitoring Accounts", "name": "accounts/accessPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Monitoring Account Access Policy", "displayName": "Read Monitoring Account Access Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/accessPolicies/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Monitoring Account Access Policy", "displayName": "Create or Update Monitoring Account Access Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/accessPolicies/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Monitoring Account Access Policy", "displayName": "Delete Monitoring Account Access Policies", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/accounts/accessPolicies/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Investigations", "name": "investigations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Investigation", "displayName": "Read Investigations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/investigations/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Investigation", "displayName": "Create or Update Investigations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/investigations/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any Investigation", "displayName": "Delete Investigations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.monitor/investigations/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.NetworkCloud", "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.NetworkCloud", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.NetworkCloud", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.NetworkCloud", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.NetworkCloud", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "racks", "name": "racks", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete the provided rack.\nAll customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.", "displayName": "Racks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join a Nexus rack.", "displayName": "Racks_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided rack.", "displayName": "Racks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a list of racks in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "Racks_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new rack or update properties of the existing one.\nAll customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.", "displayName": "Racks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "bareMetalMachines", "name": "bareMetalMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of bare metal machines in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided bare metal machine.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new bare metal machine or update the properties of the existing one.\nAll customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided bare metal machine.\nAll customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cordon the provided bare metal machine's Kubernetes node.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_Cordon", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/cordon/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Power off the provided bare metal machine.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_PowerOff", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/powerOff/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimage the provided bare metal machine.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_Reimage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/reimage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Replace the provided bare metal machine.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_Replace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/replace/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart the provided bare metal machine.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_Restart", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run the command or the script on the provided bare metal machine. The URL to storage account with the command execution results and the command exit code can be retrieved from the operation status API once available.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_RunCommand", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/runCommand/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run one or more data extractions on the provided bare metal machine. The URL to storage account with the command execution results and the command exit code can be retrieved from the operation status API once available.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_RunDataExtracts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/runDataExtracts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run one or more read-only commands on the provided bare metal machine. The URL to storage account with the command execution results and the command exit code can be retrieved from the operation status API once available.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_RunReadCommands", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/runReadCommands/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start the provided bare metal machine.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_Start", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Uncordon the provided bare metal machine's Kubernetes node.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachines_Uncordon", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/uncordon/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of all available resource provider operations. It contains a URL link to get the next set of results.", "displayName": "Operations_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read_operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write_operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clusterManagers", "name": "clusterManagers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of cluster managers in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "ClusterManagers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusterManagers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the properties of the provided cluster manager.", "displayName": "ClusterManagers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusterManagers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new cluster manager or update properties of the cluster manager if it exists.", "displayName": "ClusterManagers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusterManagers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided cluster manager.", "displayName": "ClusterManagers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusterManagers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clusters", "name": "clusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete the provided cluster.", "displayName": "Clusters_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deploy the cluster using the rack configuration provided during creation.", "displayName": "Clusters_Deploy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/deploy/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided cluster.", "displayName": "Clusters_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a list of clusters in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "Clusters_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the version of the provided cluster to one of the available supported versions.", "displayName": "Clusters_UpdateVersion", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/updateVersion/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new cluster or update the properties of the cluster if it exists.", "displayName": "Clusters_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers the execution of a runtime protection scan to detect and remediate detected issues, in accordance with the cluster configuration.", "displayName": "Clusters_ScanRuntime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/scanRuntime/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger the continuation of an update for a cluster with a matching update strategy that has paused after completing a segment of the update.", "displayName": "Clusters_ContinueUpdateVersion", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/continueUpdateVersion/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualMachines", "name": "virtualMachines", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of virtual machines in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new virtual machine or update the properties of the existing virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Power off the provided virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_PowerOff", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/powerOff/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimage the provided virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Reimage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/reimage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart the provided virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Restart", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Start the provided virtual machine.", "displayName": "VirtualMachines_Start", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "rackSkus", "name": "rackSkus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of rack SKUs in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "RackSkus_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/rackSkus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "l3Networks", "name": "l3Networks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of layer 3 (L3) networks in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "L3Networks_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l3Networks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided layer 3 (L3) network.", "displayName": "L3Networks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l3Networks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new layer 3 (L3) network or update the properties of the existing network.", "displayName": "L3Networks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l3Networks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided layer 3 (L3) network.", "displayName": "L3Networks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l3Networks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join a layer 3 (L3) network.", "displayName": "L3Networks_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l3Networks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "storageAppliances", "name": "storageAppliances", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of storage appliances in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "StorageAppliances_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided storage appliance.", "displayName": "StorageAppliances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new storage appliance or update the properties of the existing one.\nAll customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.", "displayName": "StorageAppliances_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided storage appliance.\nAll customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system.", "displayName": "StorageAppliances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disable remote vendor management of the provided storage appliance.", "displayName": "StorageAppliances_DisableRemoteVendorManagement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances/disableRemoteVendorManagement/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enable remote vendor management of the provided storage appliance.", "displayName": "StorageAppliances_EnableRemoteVendorManagement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances/enableRemoteVendorManagement/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "trunkedNetworks", "name": "trunkedNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of trunked networks in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "TrunkedNetworks_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/trunkedNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided trunked network.", "displayName": "TrunkedNetworks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/trunkedNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new trunked network or update the properties of the existing trunked network.", "displayName": "TrunkedNetworks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/trunkedNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided trunked network.", "displayName": "TrunkedNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/trunkedNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join a trunked network.", "displayName": "TrunkedNetworks_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/trunkedNetworks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "cloudServicesNetworks", "name": "cloudServicesNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of cloud services networks in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "CloudServicesNetworks_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/cloudServicesNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided cloud services network.", "displayName": "CloudServicesNetworks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/cloudServicesNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new cloud services network or update the properties of the existing cloud services network.", "displayName": "CloudServicesNetworks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/cloudServicesNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided cloud services network.", "displayName": "CloudServicesNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/cloudServicesNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join a cloud services network.", "displayName": "CloudServicesNetworks_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/cloudServicesNetworks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "l2Networks", "name": "l2Networks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of layer 2 (L2) networks in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "L2Networks_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l2Networks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided layer 2 (L2) network.", "displayName": "L2Networks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l2Networks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new layer 2 (L2) network or update the properties of the existing network.", "displayName": "L2Networks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l2Networks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided layer 2 (L2) network.", "displayName": "L2Networks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l2Networks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join a layer 2 (L2) network.", "displayName": "L2Networks_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/l2Networks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clusters/metricsConfigurations", "name": "clusters/metricsConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of metrics configurations for the provided cluster.", "displayName": "MetricsConfigurations_ListByCluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/metricsConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create new or update the existing metrics configuration of the provided cluster.", "displayName": "MetricsConfigurations_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/metricsConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the metrics configuration of the provided cluster.", "displayName": "MetricsConfigurations_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/metricsConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets", "name": "clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of bare metal machine key sets for the provided cluster.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachineKeySets_ListByCluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new bare metal machine key set or update the existing one for the provided cluster.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachineKeySets_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the bare metal machine key set of the provided cluster.", "displayName": "BareMetalMachineKeySets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "clusters/bmcKeySets", "name": "clusters/bmcKeySets", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of baseboard management controller key sets for the provided cluster.", "displayName": "BmcKeySets_ListByCluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bmcKeySets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new baseboard management controller key set or update the existing one for the provided cluster.", "displayName": "BmcKeySets_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bmcKeySets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the baseboard management controller key set of the provided cluster.", "displayName": "BmcKeySets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bmcKeySets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualMachines/consoles", "name": "virtualMachines/consoles", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of consoles for the provided virtual machine.", "displayName": "Consoles_ListByVirtualMachine", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/consoles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new virtual machine console or update the properties of the existing virtual machine console.", "displayName": "Consoles_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/consoles/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided virtual machine console.", "displayName": "Consoles_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/virtualMachines/consoles/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "volumes", "name": "volumes", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of volumes in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "Volumes_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/volumes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided volume.", "displayName": "Volumes_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/volumes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new volume or update the properties of the existing one.", "displayName": "Volumes_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/volumes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided volume.", "displayName": "Volumes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/volumes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "registeredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "read_registeredSubscriptions", "displayName": "read_registeredSubscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "kubernetesClusters/agentPools", "name": "kubernetesClusters/agentPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of agent pools for the provided Kubernetes cluster.", "displayName": "AgentPools_ListByKubernetesCluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/agentPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new Kubernetes cluster agent pool or update the properties of the existing one.", "displayName": "AgentPools_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/agentPools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided Kubernetes cluster agent pool.", "displayName": "AgentPools_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/agentPools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "kubernetesClusters", "name": "kubernetesClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Restart a targeted node of a Kubernetes cluster.", "displayName": "KubernetesClusters_RestartNode", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/restartNode/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a list of Kubernetes clusters in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "KubernetesClusters_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided the Kubernetes cluster.", "displayName": "KubernetesClusters_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new Kubernetes cluster or update the properties of the existing one.", "displayName": "KubernetesClusters_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided Kubernetes cluster.", "displayName": "KubernetesClusters_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "edgeClusterRuntimeVersions", "name": "edgeClusterRuntimeVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of edge cluster runtime versions in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "EdgeClusterRuntimeVersions_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusterRuntimeVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "edgeClusters/nodes", "name": "edgeClusters/nodes", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of edge cluster nodes in the provided edge cluster.", "displayName": "EdgeClusterNodes_ListByEdgeCluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/nodes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new edge cluster node or update properties of the edge cluster node if it exists.", "displayName": "EdgeClusterNodes_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/nodes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided edge cluster node.", "displayName": "EdgeClusterNodes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/nodes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reimages the edge cluster node, returning it to a refreshed OS image.", "displayName": "EdgeClusterNodes_Reimage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/nodes/reimage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restarts the edge cluster node.", "displayName": "EdgeClusterNodes_Restart", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/nodes/restart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Synchronizes the time for the edge cluster node.", "displayName": "EdgeClusterNodes_SynchronizeTime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/nodes/synchronizeTime/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "registrationHubs/machines", "name": "registrationHubs/machines", "operations": [ { "description": "Declines a machine that is pending approval during registration. This effectively \u201cdead ends\u201d this machine and is an explicit refusal to let the machine proceed with further provisioning.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubMachines_Decline", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/decline/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided registration hub machine.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubMachines_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join a Registration Hub's machine.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubMachines_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided registration hub machine.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubMachines_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new registration hub machine or update properties of the existing one.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubMachines_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/machines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "kubernetesClusters/features", "name": "kubernetesClusters/features", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of features for the provided Kubernetes cluster.", "displayName": "KubernetesClusterFeatures_ListByKubernetesCluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/features/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new Kubernetes cluster feature or update properties of the Kubernetes cluster feature if it exists.", "displayName": "KubernetesClusterFeatures_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/features/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided Kubernetes cluster feature.", "displayName": "KubernetesClusterFeatures_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/kubernetesClusters/features/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "edgeClusterMachineSkus", "name": "edgeClusterMachineSkus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of edge cluster machine SKUs in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "EdgeClusterMachineSkus_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusterMachineSkus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "edgeClusters", "name": "edgeClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of edge clusters in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "EdgeClusters_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided the edge cluster.", "displayName": "EdgeClusters_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new edge cluster or update properties of the edge cluster if it exists.", "displayName": "EdgeClusters_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided edge cluster.", "displayName": "EdgeClusters_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates and returns the kubernetes configuration credentials for the edge cluster.", "displayName": "EdgeClusters_ListClusterUserCredential", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/listClusterUserCredential/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Prepares and stages the images to the edge cluster nodes for the specified runtime version.", "displayName": "EdgeClusters_StageRuntime", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusters/stageRuntime/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "registrationHubs", "name": "registrationHubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete the provided registration hub.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubs_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join a Registration Hub.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubs_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get properties of the provided registration hub.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubs_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a list of registration hubs in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubs_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new registration hub or update properties of the existing one.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubs_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "edgeClusterSkus", "name": "edgeClusterSkus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of edge cluster SKUs in the provided subscription.", "displayName": "EdgeClusterSkus_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/edgeClusterSkus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "registrationHubs/images", "name": "registrationHubs/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a list of images in the provided registration hub.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubImages_ListByRegistrationHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/images/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new registration hub image or update properties of the existing one.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubImages_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/images/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the provided registration hub image.", "displayName": "RegistrationHubImages_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registrationHubs/images/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation", "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation", "operations": [ { "description": "Onboard given subscriptions to Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation provider.", "displayName": "ProviderActions_Onboard", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/onboard/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger quick evaluation for the given subscriptions.", "displayName": "ProviderActions_TriggerEvaluation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/triggerEvaluation/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List the storage accounts which are in use by related reports", "displayName": "ProviderActions_ListInUseStorageAccounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/listInUseStorageAccounts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action checkNameAvailability", "displayName": "action_checkNameAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the count of reports.", "displayName": "ProviderActions_GetCollectionCount", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/getCollectionCount/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the resource overview status.", "displayName": "ProviderActions_GetOverviewStatus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/getOverviewStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "reports", "name": "reports", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the AppComplianceAutomation report list for the tenant.", "displayName": "Reports_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new AppComplianceAutomation report or update an exiting AppComplianceAutomation report.", "displayName": "Reports_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an AppComplianceAutomation report.", "displayName": "Reports_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks the report's nested resource name availability, e.g: Webhooks, Evidences, Snapshots.", "displayName": "Reports_NestedResourceCheckNameAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Fix the AppComplianceAutomation report error. e.g: App Compliance Automation Tool service unregistered, automation removed.", "displayName": "Reports_Fix", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/fix/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Fix the AppComplianceAutomation report error. e.g: App Compliance Automation Tool service unregistered, automation removed.", "displayName": "GetScopingQuestions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/getScopingQuestions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Synchronize attestation record from app compliance.", "displayName": "Reports_SyncCertRecord", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/syncCertRecord/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Verify the AppComplianceAutomation report health status.", "displayName": "Report_Verify", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/verify/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "reports/snapshots", "name": "reports/snapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the AppComplianceAutomation snapshot list.", "displayName": "Snapshots_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/snapshots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Download compliance needs from snapshot, like: Compliance Report, Resource List.", "displayName": "Snapshots_Download", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/snapshots/download/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "reports/webhooks", "name": "reports/webhooks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the AppComplianceAutomation webhook list.", "displayName": "Webhooks_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/webhooks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a new AppComplianceAutomation webhook or update an exiting AppComplianceAutomation webhook.", "displayName": "Webhooks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/webhooks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an AppComplianceAutomation webhook.", "displayName": "Webhooks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/webhooks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "reports/evidences", "name": "reports/evidences", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a paginated list of evidences for a specified report.", "displayName": "Evidences_ListByReport", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/evidences/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update an evidence a specified report", "displayName": "Evidences_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/evidences/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an existent evidence from a specified report", "displayName": "Evidences_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/evidences/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Download evidence file.", "displayName": "Evidences_Download", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/evidences/download/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "reports/scopingConfigurations", "name": "reports/scopingConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list format of the singleton scopingConfiguration for a specified report.", "displayName": "ScopingConfigurations_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/scopingConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the AppComplianceAutomation scoping configuration of the specific report.", "displayName": "ScopingConfiguration_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/scopingConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clean the AppComplianceAutomation scoping configuration of the specific report.", "displayName": "ScopingConfiguration_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AppComplianceAutomation/reports/scopingConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Apps", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/microsoft.app", "name": "microsoft.app", "operations": [ { "description": "Register microsoft.app resource provider for the subscription", "displayName": "Register microsoft.app resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/register/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister microsoft.app resource provider for the subscription", "displayName": "Unregister microsoft.app resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/unregister/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Subscription Verification Id used for verifying custom domains", "displayName": "Get Subscription Custom Domain Verification Id", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/getcustomdomainverificationid/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Container App", "name": "containerapps", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Container App", "displayName": "Create or Update Container App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Container App", "displayName": "Delete Container App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Container App", "displayName": "Read Container App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List secrets of a container app", "displayName": "List Container App Secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/listsecrets/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List custom host name analysis result", "displayName": "List Container App Custom Host Name Anaylysis", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/listcustomhostnameanalysis/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop a Container App", "displayName": "Stop Container App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/stop/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start a Container App", "displayName": "Start Container App", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/start/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Auth Token for Container App Dev APIs to get log stream, exec or port forward from a container. This operation will be deprecated soon.", "displayName": "Auth Token for Container App Dev APIs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/authtoken/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Auth Token for Container App Dev APIs to get log stream, exec or port forward from a container.", "displayName": "Auth Token for Container App Dev APIs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/getauthtoken/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App", "name": "locations/containerappoperationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Container App Long Running Operation Status", "displayName": "Read Container App Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/containerappoperationstatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App", "name": "locations/containerappoperationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Container App Long Running Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Container App Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/containerappoperationresults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Revision", "name": "containerapps/revisions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get revision of a container app", "displayName": "Read Container App Revision", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/revisions/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Restart a container app revision", "displayName": "Restart Container App Revision", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/revisions/restart/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Activate a container app revision", "displayName": "Activate Container App Revision", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/revisions/activate/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deactivate a container app revision", "displayName": "Deactivate Container App Revision", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/revisions/deactivate/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Revision Replica", "name": "containerapps/revisions/replicas", "operations": [ { "description": "Get replica of a container app revision", "displayName": "Read Container App Revision Replica", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/revisions/replicas/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App AuthConfig", "name": "containerapps/authconfigs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get auth config of a container app", "displayName": "Read Container App Auth Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/authconfigs/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update auth config of a container app", "displayName": "Create or Update Container App Auth Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/authconfigs/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete auth config of a container app", "displayName": "Delete Container App Auth Configuration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/authconfigs/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment", "name": "managedenvironments", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows to create a Container App in a Managed Environment", "displayName": "Join Managed Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/join/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Managed Environment", "displayName": "Read Managed Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Managed Environment", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Managed Environment", "displayName": "Delete Managed Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Auth Token for Managed Environment Dev APIs to get log stream, exec or port forward from a container", "displayName": "Auth Token for Managed Environment Dev APIs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/getauthtoken/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Check reource name availability for a Managed Environment", "displayName": "Check Managed Environment Name Availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/checknameavailability/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment", "name": "locations/managedenvironmentoperationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Managed Environment Long Running Operation Status", "displayName": "Read Managed Environment Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/managedenvironmentoperationstatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment", "name": "locations/managedenvironmentoperationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Managed Environment Long Running Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Managed Environment Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/managedenvironmentoperationresults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Source Control", "name": "containerapps/sourcecontrols", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Container App Source Control Configuration", "displayName": "Create or Update Container App Source Control", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/sourcecontrols/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Container App Source Control Configuration", "displayName": "Get Container App Source Control", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/sourcecontrols/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Container App Source Control Configuration", "displayName": "Delete Container App Source Control", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/sourcecontrols/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificate", "name": "managedenvironments/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Managed Environment Certificate", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Environment Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/certificates/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Managed Environment's Certificate", "displayName": "Read Managed Environment Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/certificates/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Managed Environment's Certificate", "displayName": "Delete Managed Environment's Certificate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/certificates/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment Storage", "name": "managedenvironments/storages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get storage for a Managed Environment.", "displayName": "Read Managed Environment Storage.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/storages/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a storage of Managed Environment.", "displayName": "Create or Update a Managed Environment Storage.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/storages/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a storage of Managed Environment.", "displayName": "Delete a Managed Environment Storage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/storages/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment Dapr Component", "name": "managedenvironments/daprcomponents", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Managed Environment Dapr Component", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Environment Dapr Component", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/daprcomponents/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Managed Environment Dapr Component", "displayName": "Read Managed Environment Dapr Component", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/daprcomponents/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Managed Environment Dapr Component", "displayName": "Delete Managed Environment Dapr Component", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/daprcomponents/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List Secrets of a Dapr Component", "displayName": "List Dapr Component Secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/daprcomponents/listsecrets/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Detector", "name": "containerapps/detectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Get detector of 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"connectedenvironments", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows to create a Container App or Container Apps Job in a Connected Environment", "displayName": "Join Connected Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/connectedenvironments/join/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Apps Job", "name": "jobs", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Container Apps Job", "displayName": "Create or Update Container Apps Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Container Apps Job", "displayName": "Delete Container Apps Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Start a Container Apps Job", "displayName": "Start a Container Apps Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/start/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Stop multiple Container Apps Job executions", "displayName": "Stop multiple Container Apps Job executions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/stop/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Container Apps Job", "displayName": "Read Container Apps Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "List secrets of a container apps job", "displayName": "List Container Apps Job Secrets", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/listsecrets/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Auth Token for Container App Dev APIs to get log stream, exec or port forward from a container. This operation will be deprecated soon.", "displayName": "Auth Token for Container App Dev APIs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/authtoken/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Auth Token for Container App Dev APIs to get log stream, exec or port forward from a container.", "displayName": "Auth Token for Container App Dev APIs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/getauthtoken/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Apps Job", "name": "jobs/stop", "operations": [ { "description": "Stop a Container Apps Job's specific execution", "displayName": "Stop a Container Apps Job's specific execution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/stop/execution/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Apps Job", "name": "jobs/executions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Container Apps Job's execution history", "displayName": "Get a Container Apps Job's execution history", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/executions/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Apps Job", "name": "locations/containerappsjoboperationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Container Apps Job Long Running Operation Status", "displayName": "Read Container Apps Job Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/containerappsjoboperationstatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Apps Job", "name": "locations/containerappsjoboperationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Container Apps Job Long Running Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Container Apps Job Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/containerappsjoboperationresults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ManagedCertificate", "name": "managedenvironments/managedcertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Managed Certificate in Managed Environment", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Certificate in Managed Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/managedcertificates/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Managed Certificate in Managed Environment", "displayName": "Read Managed Certificate in Managed Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/managedcertificates/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Managed Certificate in Managed Environment", "displayName": "Delete Managed Certificate in Managed Environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/managedcertificates/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Certificate", "name": "locations/managedcertificateoperationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Managed Certificate Long Running Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Managed Certificate Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/managedcertificateoperationstatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Managed Certificate Long Running Operation Result", "displayName": "Delete Managed Certificate Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/managedcertificateoperationstatuses/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Apps Job", "name": "jobs/execution", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a single execution from a Container Apps Job", "displayName": "Get a single execution from a Container Apps Job", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/execution/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Source Control", "name": "locations/sourcecontroloperationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Container App Source Control Long Running Operation Status", "displayName": "Read Container App Source Control Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/sourcecontroloperationstatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Source Control", "name": "locations/sourcecontroloperationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Container App Source Control Long Running Operation Result", "displayName": "Get Container App Source Control Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/sourcecontroloperationresults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Quota Usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Quota Usages in a Region", "displayName": "Read Quota Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/usages/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment Quota Usages", "name": "managedenvironments/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Quota Usages in a Managed Environment", "displayName": "Read Managed Environment Quota Usages", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/usages/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Apps Job Detector", "name": "jobs/detectors", "operations": [ { "description": "Get detector of a container apps job", "displayName": "Read Container Apps Job Detector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/detectors/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Builder", "name": "builders", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Builder", "displayName": "Create or Update a Builder", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/builders/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Builder", "displayName": "Read Builder", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/builders/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Builder", "displayName": "Delete a Builder", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/builders/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Build", "name": "builds", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or update a Build's build", "displayName": "Create or Update a Builder's build", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/builds/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Builder's Build", "displayName": "Read Build", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/builds/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Managed Environment's Build", "displayName": "Delete Managed Environment's Build", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/builds/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the token used to connect to the build endpoints, such as source code upload or build log streaming.", "displayName": "Auth Token for Build Dev APIs", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/builds/listauthtoken/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment Dapr Component Resiliency Policy", "name": "managedenvironments/daprcomponents/resiliencypolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Managed Environment Dapr Component Resiliency Policy", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Environment Dapr Component Resiliency Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/daprcomponents/resiliencypolicies/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Managed Environment Dapr Component Resiliency Policy", "displayName": "Read Managed Environment Dapr Component Resiliency Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/daprcomponents/resiliencypolicies/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Managed Environment Dapr Component Resiliency Policy", "displayName": "Delete Managed Environment Dapr Component Resiliency Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/daprcomponents/resiliencypolicies/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment Dapr PubSub Subscription", "name": "managedenvironments/daprcomponents/daprsubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Managed Environment Dapr PubSub Subscription", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Environment Dapr PubSub Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/daprcomponents/daprsubscriptions/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Managed Environment Dapr PubSub Subscription", "displayName": "Read Managed Environment Dapr PubSub Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/daprcomponents/daprsubscriptions/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Managed Environment Dapr PubSub Subscription", "displayName": "Delete Managed Environment Dapr PubSub Subscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/daprcomponents/daprsubscriptions/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Long Running Operation Status", "displayName": "Read Operation Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Long Running Operation Result", "displayName": "Read Operation Result", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Session Pool", "name": "sessionpools", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update a Session Pool", "displayName": "Create or Update Session Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/sessionpools/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Session Pool", "displayName": "Read Session Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/sessionpools/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Session Pool", "displayName": "Delete Session Pool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/sessionpools/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Session", "name": "sessionpools/sessions", "operations": [ { "description": "Generate sessions", "displayName": "Generate Sessions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/sessionpools/sessions/generatesessions/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Session", "displayName": "Read Session", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/sessionpools/sessions/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Interpreters", "name": "sessionpools/interpreters", "operations": [ { "description": "Execute Code", "displayName": "Execute Code", "isDataAction": true, "name": "microsoft.app/sessionpools/interpreters/execute/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "App Resiliency", "name": "containerapps/resiliencypolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update App Resiliency Policy", "displayName": "Create or Update App Resiliency Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/resiliencypolicies/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete App Resiliency Policy", "displayName": "Delete App Resiliency Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/resiliencypolicies/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "App Resiliency", "name": "containerapp/resiliencypolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Get App Resiliency Policy", "displayName": "Get App Resiliency Policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapp/resiliencypolicies/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container Apps Job", "name": "jobs/stop/execution", "operations": [ { "description": "Stop a Container Apps Job's specific execution", "displayName": "Stop a Container Apps Job's specific execution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/jobs/stop/execution/backport/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment Java Component", "name": "managedenvironments/javacomponents", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Managed Environment Java Component", "displayName": "Read Managed Environment Java Component", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/javacomponents/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update Managed Environment Java Component", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Environment Java Component", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/javacomponents/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Managed Environment Java Component", "displayName": "Delete Managed Environment Java Component", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/javacomponents/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment .NET Component", "name": "managedenvironments/dotnetcomponents", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Managed Environment .NET Component", "displayName": "Read 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"microsoft.app/containerapps/privateendpointconnectionproxies/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "containerapps/privateendpointconnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Container App Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create or Update Container App Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/privateendpointconnections/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Container App Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Container App Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/privateendpointconnections/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Container App Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Get Container App Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/privateendpointconnections/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Private Link Resource", "name": "containerapps/privatelinkresources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Container App Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Get Container App Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/privatelinkresources/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "name": "managedenvironments/privateendpointconnectionproxies", "operations": [ { "description": "Validate Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Validate Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/privateendpointconnectionproxies/validate/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/privateendpointconnectionproxies/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Get Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/privateendpointconnectionproxies/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "displayName": "Delete Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection Proxy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/privateendpointconnectionproxies/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection", "name": "managedenvironments/privateendpointconnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Create or Update Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/privateendpointconnections/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Delete Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/privateendpointconnections/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection", "displayName": "Get Managed Environment Private Endpoint Connection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/privateendpointconnections/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Managed Environment Private Link Resource", "name": "managedenvironments/privatelinkresources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Managed Environment Private Link Resource", "displayName": "Get Managed Environment Private Link Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/managedenvironments/privatelinkresources/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Container App Build", "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/builds", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a ContainerApp's Build by Build name", "displayName": "Read Container App Build", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/microsoft.app/containerapps/builds/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Container App's Build", "displayName": "Delete Container App Build", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/microsoft.app/containerapps/builds/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Patch", "name": "microsoft.app/containerapps/patches", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a ContainerApp's Patch", "displayName": "Read Patch", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/microsoft.app/containerapps/patches/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a ContainerApp's Patch", "displayName": "Delete ContainerApp's Patch", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/microsoft.app/containerapps/patches/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Skip a ContainerApp's Patch", "displayName": "Skip ContainerApp's Patch", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/microsoft.app/containerapps/patches/skip/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Apply a ContainerApp's Patch", "displayName": "Apply ContainerApp's Patch", "isDataAction": false, "name": "microsoft.app/microsoft.app/containerapps/patches/apply/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "MicrosoftElasticSan", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ElasticSan", "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the ElasticSan resource provider and enables the creation of san accounts.", "displayName": "Registers the ElasticSan Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Sku", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Sku", "displayName": "Get Sku", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volumes", "name": "elasticSans/volumeGroups/volumes", "operations": [ { "description": "Delete Volume", "displayName": "Delete Volume", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/volumeGroups/volumes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Volumes by Volume Group", "displayName": "List Volumes by Volume Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/volumeGroups/volumes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/Update Volume", "displayName": "Create/Update Volume", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/volumeGroups/volumes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Elastic Sans", "name": "elasticSans", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/PrivateEndpointConnectionsApproval/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List ElasticSans by Resource Group", "displayName": "List ElasticSans by Resource Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete ElasticSan", "displayName": "Delete ElasticSan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/Update Elastic San", "displayName": "Create/Update Elastic San", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volume Groups", "name": "elasticSans/volumeGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "List VolumeGroups by ElasticSan", "displayName": "List VolumeGroups by ElasticSan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/volumeGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Volume Group", "displayName": "Delete Volume Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/volumeGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create/Update Volume Group", "displayName": "Create/Update Volume Group", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/volumeGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List the operations supported by Microsoft.ElasticSan", "displayName": "List Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Async Operations", "name": "locations/asyncoperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Polls the status of an asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Poll Asynchronous Operation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/locations/asyncoperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "elasticSans/privateEndpointConnectionProxies", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "elasticSans/privateEndpointConnections", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/privateEndpointConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/privateEndpointConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "elasticSans/privateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/privateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Volume Snapshots", "name": "elasticSans/volumeGroups/snapshots", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/volumeGroups/snapshots/beginGetAccess/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/volumeGroups/snapshots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Volume Snapshot", "displayName": "Delete Volume Snapshot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/volumeGroups/snapshots/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/volumeGroups/snapshots/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "elasticSans/privateEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ElasticSan/elasticSans/privateEndpoints/move/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric", "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkFabricControllers", "name": "networkFabricControllers", "operations": [ { "description": "Shows the provisioning status of Network Fabric Controller.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricControllers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Network Fabric Controller.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricControllers_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Network Fabric Controller resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricControllers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all the NetworkFabricControllers by subscription.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricControllers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables the workloadManagementNetwork (Tenant Network).", "displayName": "NetworkFabricControllers_enableWorkloadManagementNetwork", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/enableWorkloadManagementNetwork/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables the workloadManagementNetwork (Tenant Network).", "displayName": "NetworkFabricControllers_disableWorkloadManagementNetwork", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/disableWorkloadManagementNetwork/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Network Fabric Controller resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricControllers_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Link external artifacts with network fabric controller resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricControllers_JoinArtifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/joinartifactstore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "UnLink external artifcats with network fabric controller resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricControllers_DisJoinArtifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/disjoinartifactstore/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkFabrics", "name": "networkFabrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Network Fabric resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Network Fabric resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Network Fabric resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all the Network Fabric resources in the given subscription.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Provisions the underlying resources in the given Network Fabric instance.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_provision", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/provision/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deprovisions the underlying resources in the given Network Fabric instance.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_deprovision", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/deprovision/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restores the configuration to last known good config.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_restoreConfig", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/restoreConfig/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the status of the ManagementNetworkConfiguration.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_getManagementNetworkConfigurationStatus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/getManagementNetworkConfigurationStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables layer 2 configuration for the given Network Fabric.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_enableNniLayer2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/enableNniLayer2/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables layer 3 configuration for the given Network Fabric.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_enableNniLayer3", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/enableNniLayer3/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables layer 2 configuration for the given Network Fabric.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_disableNniLayer2", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/disableNniLayer2/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables layer 3 configuration for the given Network Fabric.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_disableNniLayer3", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/disableNniLayer3/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Provides the Nni status of layer2 and layer3 networks for the given Network Fabric", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_getNniStatus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/getNniStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrades the version of the underlying resources in the given Network Fabric instance.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_upgrade", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/upgrade/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes the configuration of the underlying resources in the given Network Fabric instance.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_refreshConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/refreshConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the Workload Management BFD Configuration of the underlying resources in the given Network Fabric instance.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_UpdateWorkloadManagementBfdConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/updateWorkloadManagementBfdConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the Infra Management BFD Configuration of the underlying resources in the given Network Fabric instance.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_UpdateInfraManagementBfdConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/updateInfraManagementBfdConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the configuration of the underlying resources in the given Network Fabric instance.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_ValidateConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/validateConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Topology of the underlying resources in the given Network Fabric instance.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_GetTopology", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/getTopology/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Atomic update of the given Network Fabric instance. Sync update of NFA resources at Fabric level.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_CommitConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/commitConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Network Fabric resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabrics_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkRacks", "name": "networkRacks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Network Rack resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkRacks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkRacks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Network Rack resource.", "displayName": "NetworkRacks_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkRacks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Network Rack resource.", "displayName": "NetworkRacks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkRacks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all Network Rack resources in the given subscription", "displayName": "NetworkRacks_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkRacks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Network Rack resource.", "displayName": "NetworkRacks_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkRacks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkDevices", "name": "networkDevices", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Network Device resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Network Device resource", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Network Device resource.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all the Network Device resources in a given subscription.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reboot the Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_Reboot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/reboot/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Restore the configuration of the Network Device resource to last known good configuration.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_restoreConfig", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/restoreConfig/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the SKU version of the Network Device resource.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_updateVersion", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/updateVersion/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generate Support Package for the given Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_generateSupportPackage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/generateSupportPackage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update PDU power cycle of the Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_updatePowerCycle", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/updatePowerCycle/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the running status of the Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_getStatus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/getStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the static interface maps for the given Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_getStaticInterfaceMaps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/getStaticInterfaceMaps/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the dynamic interface maps for the given Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_getDynamicInterfaceMaps", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/getDynamicInterfaceMaps/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refreshes the configuration the Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_RefreshConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/refreshConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the Administrative state of the Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_UpdateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrades the version of the Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_Upgrade", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/upgrade/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run the RO Command on the Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_RunRoCommand", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/runRoCommand/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run the RW Command on the Network Device.", "displayName": "NetworkDevices_RunRwCommand", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/runRwCommand/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkDevices/networkInterfaces", "name": "networkDevices/networkInterfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Network Interface resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkInterfaces_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/networkInterfaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Network Interface resource.", "displayName": "NetworkInterfaces_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/networkInterfaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Network Interface resource.", "displayName": "NetworkInterfaces_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/networkInterfaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get the running status of the Network Interface.", "displayName": "NetworkInterfaces_getStatus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/networkInterfaces/getStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the admin state of the Network Interface.", "displayName": "NetworkInterfaces_updateAdminState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/networkInterfaces/updateAdminState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update the admin state of the Network Interface.", "displayName": "NetworkInterfaces_UpdateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/networkInterfaces/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Network Interface resource.", "displayName": "NetworkInterfaces_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices/networkInterfaces/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "l2IsolationDomains", "name": "l2IsolationDomains", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements L2 Isolation Domain GET method.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates layer 2 network connectivity between compute nodes within a rack and across racks.The configuration is applied on the devices only after the isolation domain is enabled.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes layer 2 connectivity between compute nodes by managed by named L2 Isolation name.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables isolation domain across the fabric or on specified racks.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_updateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clears ARP tables for this Isolation Domain.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_clearArpTable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/clearArpTable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clears IPv6 neighbors for this Isolation Domain.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_clearNeighborTable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/clearNeighborTable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clears IPv6 neighbors for this Isolation Domain.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_getArpEntries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/getArpEntries/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the configuration of the resources.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_ValidateConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/validateConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Commits the configuration of the given resources.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_CommitConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/commitConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Displays L2IsolationDomains list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for L2 Isolation Domain resource.", "displayName": "L2IsolationDomains_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "l3IsolationDomains", "name": "l3IsolationDomains", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves details of this L3 Isolation Domain.", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create isolation domain resources for layer 3 connectivity between compute nodes and for communication with external services .This configuration is applied on the devices only after the creation of networks is completed and isolation domain is enabled. ", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes layer 3 connectivity between compute nodes by managed by named L3 Isolation name.", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Displays L3IsolationDomains list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables racks for this Isolation Domain.", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_updateAdminState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/updateAdminState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables racks for this Isolation Domain.", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_updateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update administrative state of option B on CE devices", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_updateOptionBAdminState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/updateOptionBAdminState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update administrative state of option B on CE devices", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_updateOptionBAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/updateOptionBAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clears ARP tables for this Isolation Domain.", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_clearArpTable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/clearArpTable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Clears IPv6 neighbor tables for this Isolation Domain.", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_clearNeighborTable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/clearNeighborTable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the configuration of the resources.", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_ValidateConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/validateConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Commits the configuration of the given resources.", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_CommitConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/commitConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for L3 Isolation Domain resource.", "displayName": "L3IsolationDomains_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "accessControlLists", "name": "accessControlLists", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Access Control List GET method.", "displayName": "AccessControlLists_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/accessControlLists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Access Control List PUT method.", "displayName": "AccessControlLists_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/accessControlLists/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Access Control List DELETE method.", "displayName": "AccessControlLists_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/accessControlLists/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements AccessControlLists list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "AccessControlLists_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/accessControlLists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements the operation to the underlying resources.", "displayName": "AccessControlLists_UpdateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/accessControlLists/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements the operation to the underlying resources.", "displayName": "AccessControlLists_Resync", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/accessControlLists/resync/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements the operation to the underlying resources.", "displayName": "AccessControlLists_ValidateConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/accessControlLists/validateConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Access Control List resource.", "displayName": "AccessControlLists_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/accessControlLists/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "routePolicies", "name": "routePolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Route Policy GET method.", "displayName": "RoutePolicies_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/routePolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Route Policy PUT method.", "displayName": "RoutePolicies_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/routePolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Route Policy DELETE method.", "displayName": "RoutePolicies_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/routePolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements RoutePolicies list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "RoutePolicies_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/routePolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updated the admin state for this Route Policy.", "displayName": "RoutePolicies_UpdateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/routePolicies/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates the configuration of the resources.", "displayName": "RoutePolicies_ValidateConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/routePolicies/validateConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Commits the configuration of the given resources.", "displayName": "RoutePolicies_CommitConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/routePolicies/commitConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Route Policy resource.", "displayName": "RoutePolicies_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/routePolicies/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks", "name": "l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements ExternalNetworks GET method.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates ExternalNetwork PUT method.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements ExternalNetworks DELETE method.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes update operation to enable or disable administrative State for externalNetwork.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_updateAdminState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/updateAdminState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Executes update operation to enable or disable administrative State for externalNetwork.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_UpdateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Static Route BFD for external Network.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_UpdateStaticRouteBfdAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/updateStaticRouteBfdAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update BGP for externalNetwork.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_updateBgpState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/updateBgpState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update BGP for externalNetwork.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_updateBgpAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/updateBgpAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update BfdForBgp for externalNetwork.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_updateBfdForBgpAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/updateBfdForBgpAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update BfdForBgp for externalNetwork.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_updateBfdForBgpState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/updateBfdForBgpState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "clearIpv6Neighbors for externalNetwork.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_clearIpv6Neighbors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/clearIpv6Neighbors/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "clearArpEntries for externalNetwork.", "displayName": "ExternalNetworks_clearArpEntries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/externalNetworks/clearArpEntries/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks", "name": "l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets a InternalNetworks.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates InternalNetwork PUT method.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements InternalNetworks DELETE method.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Administrative state of InternalNetworks on resources referred by their resource ids.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_updateAdminState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/updateAdminState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Administrative state of InternalNetworks on resources referred by their resource ids.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_UpdateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update BGP state for internalNetwork. Allowed only on edge devices.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_UpdateBgpAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/updateBgpAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update Static Route BFD administrative state for internalNetwork.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_UpdateStaticRouteBfdAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/updateStaticRouteBfdAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update BGP state for internalNetwork. Allowed only on edge devices.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_updateBgpState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/updateBgpState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update BfdForBgp for internalNetwork.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_updateBfdForBgpAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/updateBfdForBgpAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update BfdForBgp for internalNetwork.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_updateBfdForBgpState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/updateBfdForBgpState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "clearIpv6Neighbors for internalNetwork.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_clearIpv6Neighbors", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/clearIpv6Neighbors/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "clearArpEntries for internalNetwork.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_clearArpEntries", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/clearArpEntries/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update BfdForStaticRoutes for internalNetwork.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_updateBfdForStaticRouteAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/updateBfdForStaticRouteAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update BfdForStaticRoutes for internalNetwork.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_updateBfdForStaticRoutesState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/updateBfdForStaticRoutesState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for InternalNetworks resource.", "displayName": "InternalNetworks_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/internalNetworks/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkFabrics/networkToNetworkInterconnects", "name": "networkFabrics/networkToNetworkInterconnects", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements NetworkToNetworkInterconnects GET method.", "displayName": "NetworkToNetworkInterconnects_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/networkToNetworkInterconnects/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Configuration used to setup CE-PE connectivity PUT Method.", "displayName": "NetworkToNetworkInterconnects_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/networkToNetworkInterconnects/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements NetworkToNetworkInterconnects DELETE method.", "displayName": "NetworkToNetworkInterconnects_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/networkToNetworkInterconnects/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the NPB Static Route BFD Administrative State.", "displayName": "NetworkToNetworkInterconnects_updateNpbStaticRouteBfdAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/networkToNetworkInterconnects/updateNpbStaticRouteBfdAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates the Admin State.", "displayName": "NetworkToNetworkInterconnects_updateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/networkToNetworkInterconnects/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for NetworkToNetworkInterconnects resource.", "displayName": "NetworkToNetworkInterconnects_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/networkToNetworkInterconnects/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ipCommunities", "name": "ipCommunities", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements an IP Community GET method.", "displayName": "IpCommunities_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipCommunities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements an IP Community PUT method.", "displayName": "IpCommunities_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipCommunities/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements IP Community DELETE method.", "displayName": "IpCommunities_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipCommunities/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements IP Communities list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "IpCommunities_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipCommunities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for IP Community resource.", "displayName": "IpCommunities_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipCommunities/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ipExtendedCommunities", "name": "ipExtendedCommunities", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements IP Extended Community GET method.", "displayName": "IpExtendedCommunities_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipExtendedCommunities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements IP Extended Community PUT method.", "displayName": "IpExtendedCommunities_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipExtendedCommunities/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements IP Extended Community DELETE method.", "displayName": "IpExtendedCommunities_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipExtendedCommunities/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements IpExtendedCommunities list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "IpExtendedCommunities_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipExtendedCommunities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for IP Extended Community resource.", "displayName": "IpExtendedCommunities_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipExtendedCommunities/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ipPrefixes", "name": "ipPrefixes", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements IP Prefix GET method.", "displayName": "IpPrefixes_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipPrefixes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements IP Prefix PUT method.", "displayName": "IpPrefixes_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipPrefixes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements IP Prefix DELETE method.", "displayName": "IpPrefixes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipPrefixes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements IpPrefixes list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "IpPrefixes_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipPrefixes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for IP Prefix resource.", "displayName": "IpPrefixes_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipPrefixes/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "internetGateways", "name": "internetGateways", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Gateway GET method.", "displayName": "InternetGateways_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Network Fabric Service Internet Gateway resource instance.", "displayName": "InternetGateways_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGateways/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute a delete on Network Fabric Service Internet Gateway.", "displayName": "InternetGateways_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGateways/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Displays Internet Gateways list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "InternetGateways_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGateways/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "internetGatewayRules", "name": "internetGatewayRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an Internet Gateway Rule resource.", "displayName": "InternetGatewayRules_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGatewayRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an Internet Gateway rule resource.", "displayName": "InternetGatewayRules_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGatewayRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Internet Gateway Rules DELETE method.", "displayName": "InternetGatewayRules_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGatewayRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all Internet Gateway rules in the given subscription.", "displayName": "InternetGatewayRules_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGatewayRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Internet Gateway Rule resource.", "displayName": "InternetGatewayRules_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGatewayRules/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkPacketBrokers", "name": "networkPacketBrokers", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves details of this Network Packet Broker.", "displayName": "NetworkPacketBrokers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkPacketBrokers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Network Packet Broker.", "displayName": "NetworkPacketBrokers_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkPacketBrokers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Network Packet Broker.", "displayName": "NetworkPacketBrokers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkPacketBrokers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Displays Network Packet Brokers list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "NetworkPacketBrokers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkPacketBrokers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Network Packet Broker resource.", "displayName": "NetworkPacketBrokers_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkPacketBrokers/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkTaps", "name": "networkTaps", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves details of this Network Tap.", "displayName": "NetworkTaps_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTaps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Network Tap.", "displayName": "NetworkTaps_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTaps/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Network Tap.", "displayName": "NetworkTaps_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTaps/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Displays Network Taps list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "NetworkTaps_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTaps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements the operation to the underlying resources.", "displayName": "NetworkTaps_UpdateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTaps/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements the operation to the underlying resources.", "displayName": "NetworkTaps_Resync", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTaps/resync/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Network Taps resource.", "displayName": "NetworkTaps_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTaps/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkTapRules", "name": "networkTapRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get Network Tap Rule resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkTapRules_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTapRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create Network Tap Rule resource.", "displayName": "NetworkTapRules_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTapRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Network Tap Rule resource.", "displayName": "NetworkTapRules_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTapRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all the Network Tap Rule resources in the given subscription.", "displayName": "NetworkTapRules_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTapRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements the operation to the underlying resources.", "displayName": "NetworkTapRules_UpdateAdministrativeState", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTapRules/updateAdministrativeState/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements the operation to the underlying resources.", "displayName": "NetworkTapRules_Resync", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTapRules/resync/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements the operation to the underlying resources.", "displayName": "NetworkTapRules_ValidateConfiguration", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTapRules/validateConfiguration/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Network Tap Rule resource.", "displayName": "NetworkTapRules_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkTapRules/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "neighborGroups", "name": "neighborGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Neighbor Group.", "displayName": "NeighborGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/neighborGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements the Neighbor Group PUT method.", "displayName": "NeighborGroups_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/neighborGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Neighbor Group DELETE method.", "displayName": "NeighborGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/neighborGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Displays NeighborGroups list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "NeighborGroups_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/neighborGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Join action for Neighbor Group resource.", "displayName": "NeighborGroups_Join", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/neighborGroups/join/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ipCommunityLists", "name": "ipCommunityLists", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Ip Community List GET method.", "displayName": "IpCommunityLists_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipCommunityLists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Ip Community List PUT method.", "displayName": "IpCommunityLists_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipCommunityLists/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Ip Community List DELETE method.", "displayName": "IpCommunityLists_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipCommunityLists/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements IpCommunityLists list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "IpCommunityLists_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipCommunityLists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ipPrefixLists", "name": "ipPrefixLists", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements Ip Prefix List GET method.", "displayName": "IpPrefixLists_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipPrefixLists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Ip Prefix List PUT method.", "displayName": "IpPrefixLists_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipPrefixLists/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements Ip Prefix List DELETE method.", "displayName": "IpPrefixLists_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipPrefixLists/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements IpPrefixLists list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "IpPrefixLists_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/ipPrefixLists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "registeredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads registered subscriptions", "displayName": "Gets/Lists registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/nfadevices", "name": "networkfabrics/nfadevices", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the NfaDevices resource details.", "displayName": "NfaDevices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/nfadevices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NfaDevice resource.", "displayName": "NfaDevices_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/nfadevices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the NfaDevice resource.", "displayName": "NfaDevices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/nfadevices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/fileinjects", "name": "networkfabrics/fileinjects", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the FileInject resource details.", "displayName": "FileInjects_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/fileinjects/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a FileInject resource.", "displayName": "FileInjects_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/fileinjects/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the FileInject resource.", "displayName": "FileInjects_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/fileinjects/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/ocrawconfigs", "name": "networkfabrics/ocrawconfigs", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the OcRawConfig resource details.", "displayName": "OcRawConfigs_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/ocrawconfigs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a OcRawConfig resource.", "displayName": "OcRawConfigs_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/ocrawconfigs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the OcRawConfig resource.", "displayName": "OcRawConfigs_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/ocrawconfigs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/sshcommands", "name": "networkfabrics/sshcommands", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the SSHCommand resource details.", "displayName": "SSHCommands_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/sshcommands/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a SSHCommand resource.", "displayName": "SSHCommands_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/sshcommands/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the SSHCommand resource.", "displayName": "SSHCommands_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/sshcommands/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/gnoioperations", "name": "networkfabrics/gnoioperations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the GNOIOperation resource details.", "displayName": "GNOIOperations_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/gnoioperations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a GNOIOperation resource.", "displayName": "GNOIOperations_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/gnoioperations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the GNOIOperation resource.", "displayName": "GNOIOperations_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/gnoioperations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/networkfabricinfos", "name": "networkfabrics/networkfabricinfos", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the NetworkFabricInfo resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricInfos_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/networkfabricinfos/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NetworkFabricInfo resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricInfos_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/networkfabricinfos/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the NetworkFabricInfo resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricInfos_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/networkfabricinfos/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/networkfabricconfigurationinfos", "name": "networkfabrics/networkfabricconfigurationinfos", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the NetworkFabricConfigurationInfo resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricConfigurationInfo_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/networkfabricconfigurationinfos/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NetworkFabricConfigurationInfo resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricConfigurationInfo_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/networkfabricconfigurationinfos/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the NetworkFabricConfigurationInfo resource.", "displayName": "NetworkFabricConfigurationInfo_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/networkfabricconfigurationinfos/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/identitywebhooks", "name": "networkfabrics/identitywebhooks", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the IdentityWebhooks resource details.", "displayName": "IdentityWebhooks_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/identitywebhooks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a IdentityWebhooks resource.", "displayName": "IdentityWebhooks_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/identitywebhooks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the IdentityWebhooks resource.", "displayName": "IdentityWebhooks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/identitywebhooks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Notify the IdentityWebhooks user info set.", "displayName": "IdentityWebhooks_Notify", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/identitywebhooks/notify/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/networkclouds2s", "name": "networkfabrics/networkclouds2s", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the NetworkCloudS2S resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudS2S_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/networkclouds2s/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NetworkCloudS2S resource.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudS2S_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/networkclouds2s/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the NetworkCloudS2S resource.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudS2S_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/networkclouds2s/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "l2isolationdomains/networkclouds2s", "name": "l2isolationdomains/networkclouds2s", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the NetworkCloudS2S resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudS2S_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2isolationdomains/networkclouds2s/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NetworkCloudS2S resource.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudS2S_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2isolationdomains/networkclouds2s/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the NetworkCloudS2S resource.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudS2S_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2isolationdomains/networkclouds2s/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "l3isolationdomains/networkclouds2s", "name": "l3isolationdomains/networkclouds2s", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the NetworkCloudS2S resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudS2S_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3isolationdomains/networkclouds2s/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NetworkCloudS2S resource.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudS2S_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3isolationdomains/networkclouds2s/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the NetworkCloudS2S resource.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudS2S_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3isolationdomains/networkclouds2s/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabriccontrollers/networkcloudcontrollers", "name": "networkfabriccontrollers/networkcloudcontrollers", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the NetworkCloudController resource details.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudControllers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/networkcloudcontrollers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NetworkCloudController resource.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudControllers_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/networkcloudcontrollers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the NetworkCloudController resource.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudControllers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/networkcloudcontrollers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create private endpoint on acr in network fabric controller managed resource group.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudControllers_createPrivateEndpointOnAcr", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/networkcloudcontrollers/createPrivateEndpointOnAcr/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete private endpoint on acr in network fabric controller managed resource group.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudControllers_deletePrivateEndpointOnAcr", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/networkcloudcontrollers/deletePrivateEndpointOnAcr/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create private dns records on acr in network fabric controller managed resource group.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudControllers_createAcrPrivateDnsRecords", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/networkcloudcontrollers/createAcrPrivateDnsRecords/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Assigns role to the network fabric controller managed resource group resources.", "displayName": "NetworkCloudControllers_assignRole", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/networkcloudcontrollers/assignRole/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabriccontrollers/gateway", "name": "networkfabriccontrollers/gateway", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the Gateway resource details.", "displayName": "Gateway_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/gateway/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Gateway resource.", "displayName": "Gateway_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/gateway/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the Gateway resource.", "displayName": "Gateway_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/gateway/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "l2isolationdomains/l2isolationdomaininfos", "name": "l2isolationdomains/l2isolationdomaininfos", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the l2isolationdomaininfos resource details.", "displayName": "L2isolationDomainInfos_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2isolationdomains/l2isolationdomaininfos/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a L2isolationDomainInfos resource.", "displayName": "L2isolationDomainInfos_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2isolationdomains/l2isolationdomaininfos/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the L2isolationDomainInfos resource.", "displayName": "L2isolationDomainInfos_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2isolationdomains/l2isolationdomaininfos/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "l3isolationdomains/l3isolationdomaininfos", "name": "l3isolationdomains/l3isolationdomaininfos", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the L3isolationDomainInfos resource details.", "displayName": "L3isolationDomainInfos_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3isolationdomains/l3isolationdomaininfos/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a L3isolationDomainInfos resource.", "displayName": "L3isolationDomainInfos_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3isolationdomains/l3isolationdomaininfos/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the L3isolationDomainInfos resource.", "displayName": "L3isolationDomainInfos_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3isolationdomains/l3isolationdomaininfos/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "internetGateways/internetgatewayactions", "name": "internetGateways/internetgatewayactions", "operations": [ { "description": "Implements internetgatewayactions GET method.", "displayName": "internetgatewayactions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGateways/internetgatewayactions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a Network Fabric Service Internet Gateway internal internetgatewayactions resource instance.", "displayName": "internetgatewayactions_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGateways/internetgatewayactions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Execute a delete on Network Fabric Service Internet Gateway internal internetgatewayactions resource.", "displayName": "internetgatewayactions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGateways/internetgatewayactions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Displays Internet Gateways internal resource internetgatewayactions list by subscription GET method.", "displayName": "internetgatewayactions_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGateways/internetgatewayactions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Post action on internetGateways internal resource internetgatewayactions for migrate.", "displayName": "internetgatewayactions_migrate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGateways/internetgatewayactions/migrate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "internetGatewayRules/internetgatewayruleactions", "name": "internetGatewayRules/internetgatewayruleactions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets an internal internet gateway rule actions resource.", "displayName": "internetgatewayruleactions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGatewayRules/internetgatewayruleactions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates an internal internet gateway rule actions resource.", "displayName": "internetgatewayruleactions_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGatewayRules/internetgatewayruleactions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Implements internal internet gateway rule actions resource DELETE method.", "displayName": "internetgatewayruleactions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGatewayRules/internetgatewayruleactions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all internal internet gateway rule actions resource in the given subscription.", "displayName": "internetgatewayruleactions_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGatewayRules/internetgatewayruleactions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Post action on internetGatewayRules internal resource internetgatewayruleactions for migrate.", "displayName": "internetgatewayruleactions_migrate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetGatewayRules/internetgatewayruleactions/migrate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/gnoimaintenances", "name": "networkfabrics/gnoimaintenances", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the GNOIMaintenance resource details.", "displayName": "GNOIMaintenances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/gnoimaintenances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a GNOIMaintenance resource.", "displayName": "GNOIMaintenances_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/gnoimaintenances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the GNOIMaintenance resource.", "displayName": "GNOIMaintenances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/gnoimaintenances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "internetGateways/igwinfos", "name": "internetgateways/igwinfos", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the igwinfos resource details.", "displayName": "igwinfos_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetgateways/igwinfos/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a igwinfos resource.", "displayName": "igwinfos_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetgateways/igwinfos/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the igwinfos resource.", "displayName": "igwinfos_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/internetgateways/igwinfos/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabrics/nfaextensiondebug", "name": "networkfabrics/nfaextensiondebug", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the NfaExtensionDebug resource details.", "displayName": "NfaExtensionDebug_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/nfaextensiondebug/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NfaExtensionDebug resource.", "displayName": "NfaExtensionDebug_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/nfaextensiondebug/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the NfaExtensionDebug resource.", "displayName": "NfaExtensionDebug_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabrics/nfaextensiondebug/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkfabriccontrollers/nfaextensiondebug", "name": "networkfabriccontrollers/nfaextensiondebug", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the NfaExtensionDebug resource details.", "displayName": "NfaExtensionDebug_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/nfaextensiondebug/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NfaExtensionDebug resource.", "displayName": "NfaExtensionDebug_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/nfaextensiondebug/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the NfaExtensionDebug resource.", "displayName": "NfaExtensionDebug_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkfabriccontrollers/nfaextensiondebug/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Easm", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Easm", "name": "Microsoft.Easm", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.Easm", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.Easm", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.Easm", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.Easm", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of workspaces under the given subscription.", "displayName": "Workspaces_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a workspace with the given name.", "displayName": "Workspaces_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Workspace.", "displayName": "Workspaces_CreateAndUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Workspace.", "displayName": "Workspaces_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces/labels", "name": "workspaces/labels", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of labels in the given workspace.", "displayName": "Labels_ListByWorkspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/labels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a Label.", "displayName": "Labels_CreateAndUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/labels/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Label.", "displayName": "Labels_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/labels/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/assets", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve a list of assets for the provided search parameters.", "displayName": "Assets_List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/assets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Update labels on assets matching the provided filter.", "displayName": "Assets_Update", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/assets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Perform a background datasheet export of assets matching the provided filter. The response contains the information of the running export task.", "displayName": "Assets_Export", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/assets/export/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/assets/links", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve linked asset details for the provided assetId.", "displayName": "Assets_Links", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/assets/links/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/dataConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve a list of data connections.", "displayName": "DataConnections_List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/dataConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a data connection with a given dataConnectionName.", "displayName": "DataConnections_Put", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/dataConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove a data connection with a given dataConnectionName.", "displayName": "DataConnections_Remove", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/dataConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a data connection with a given dataConnectionName.", "displayName": "DataConnections_Validate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/dataConnections/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/discoGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve a list of disco group for the provided search parameters.", "displayName": "DiscoGroups_List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/discoGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a disco group with a given discoGroupName.", "displayName": "DiscoGroups_Put", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/discoGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove a disco group with a given discoGroupName.", "displayName": "DiscoGroups_Remove", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/discoGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Run a disco group with a given discoGroupName.", "displayName": "DiscoGroups_Run", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/discoGroups/run/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validate a disco group with a given discoGroupName.", "displayName": "DiscoGroups_Validate", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/discoGroups/validate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/discoGroups/runs", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve a collection of disco run results for a disco group with a given discoGroupName.", "displayName": "DiscoGroups_ListRuns", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/discoGroups/runs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/discoTemplates", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve a list of disco templates for the provided search parameters.", "displayName": "DiscoTemplates_List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/discoTemplates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/reports/assets", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve the most recent snapshot of asset summary values for the snapshot request.", "displayName": "Reports_Snapshot", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/reports/assets/snapshot/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieve asset summary details for the summary request.", "displayName": "Reports_Summarize", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/reports/assets/summarize/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/savedFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve a list of saved filters for the provided search parameters.", "displayName": "SavedFilters_List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/savedFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a saved filter with a given savedFilterName.", "displayName": "SavedFilters_Put", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/savedFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Remove a saved filter with a given savedFilterName.", "displayName": "SavedFilters_Remove", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/savedFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "workspaces", "name": "workspaces/tasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve a list of tasks for the provided search parameters.", "displayName": "Tasks_List", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/tasks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancel a task by taskId.", "displayName": "Tasks_Cancel", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/tasks/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Download task data for the provided taskId.", "displayName": "Tasks_Download", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.Easm/workspaces/tasks/download/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Developer Hub", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DevHub", "name": "Microsoft.DevHub", "operations": [ { "description": "Register DevHub Resource Provider", "displayName": "Register the DevHub Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Available DevHub Service Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists operations available on Microsoft.DevHub resource provider", "displayName": "Read Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workflows", "name": "workflows", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any Workflow", "displayName": "Read Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/workflows/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any Workflow", "displayName": "Create or Update Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/workflows/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any workflow", "displayName": "Delete Workflow", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/workflows/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location", "name": "location/githuboauth", "operations": [ { "description": "Read GitHubOAuth Singleton", "displayName": "Read GitHubOAuth Singleton", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/location/githuboauth/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Info associated to GitHubOAuth", "displayName": "Read GitHubOAuth Info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/location/githuboauth/getGitHubOAuthInfo/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Location", "name": "location", "operations": [ { "description": "Preview artifacts that will be generated on a workflow create request", "displayName": "Generate Preview Artifacts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/location/generatePreviewArtifacts/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "IaC Profile", "name": "iacProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "Read any IaC Profile", "displayName": "Read Iac Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/iacProfiles/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update any IaC Profile", "displayName": "Create or Update IaC Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/iacProfiles/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete any IaC Profile", "displayName": "Delete IaC Profile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevHub/iacProfiles/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Syntex", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Syntex", "name": "Microsoft.Syntex", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.Syntex", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.Syntex", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.Syntex", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.Syntex", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "documentProcessors", "name": "documentProcessors", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns document processors in the subscription.", "displayName": "DocumentProcessor_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/documentProcessors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns a document processor for a given name.", "displayName": "DocumentProcessor_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/documentProcessors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a document processor resource for a given name.", "displayName": "DocumentProcessor_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/documentProcessors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes document processor resource for a given name.", "displayName": "DocumentProcessor_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/documentProcessors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "accounts", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns accounts resources in the subscription.", "displayName": "Accounts_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Account", "displayName": "Accounts_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Account", "displayName": "Accounts_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Account", "displayName": "Accounts_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Syntex/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.DevCenter", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DevCenter", "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter", "operations": [ { "description": "action checkNameAvailability", "displayName": "action_checkNameAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Check the availability of name for resource", "displayName": "CheckScopedNameAvailability_Execute", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/checkScopedNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.DevCenter", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.DevCenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.DevCenter", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.DevCenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "devcenters", "name": "devcenters", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all devcenters in a subscription.", "displayName": "DevCenters_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a devcenter.", "displayName": "DevCenters_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a devcenter resource", "displayName": "DevCenters_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a devcenter", "displayName": "DevCenters_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "devcenters/attachednetworks", "name": "devcenters/attachednetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the attached NetworkConnections for a DevCenter.", "displayName": "AttachedNetworks_ListByDevCenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/attachednetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an attached NetworkConnection.", "displayName": "AttachedNetworks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/attachednetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Un-attach a NetworkConnection.", "displayName": "AttachedNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/attachednetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "devcenters/catalogs", "name": "devcenters/catalogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists catalogs for a devcenter.", "displayName": "Catalogs_ListByDevCenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/catalogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a catalog.", "displayName": "Catalogs_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/catalogs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a catalog resource.", "displayName": "Catalogs_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/catalogs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets catalog synchronization error details", "displayName": "Catalogs_GetSyncErrorDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/catalogs/getSyncErrorDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Syncs templates for a template source.", "displayName": "Catalogs_Sync", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/catalogs/sync/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Connects a catalog to enable syncing.", "displayName": "Catalogs_Connect", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/catalogs/connect/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "devcenters/devboxdefinitions", "name": "devcenters/devboxdefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "List Dev Box definitions for a devcenter.", "displayName": "DevBoxDefinitions_ListByDevCenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/devboxdefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Dev Box definition.", "displayName": "DevBoxDefinitions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/devboxdefinitions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Dev Box definition", "displayName": "DevBoxDefinitions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/devboxdefinitions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "devcenters/environmentTypes", "name": "devcenters/environmentTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists environment types for the devcenter.", "displayName": "EnvironmentTypes_ListByDevCenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/environmentTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an environment type.", "displayName": "EnvironmentTypes_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/environmentTypes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an environment type.", "displayName": "EnvironmentTypes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/environmentTypes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "devcenters/galleries", "name": "devcenters/galleries", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists galleries for a devcenter.", "displayName": "Galleries_ListByDevCenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/galleries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a gallery.", "displayName": "Galleries_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/galleries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a gallery resource.", "displayName": "Galleries_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/galleries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "devcenters/galleries/images/versions", "name": "devcenters/galleries/images/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists versions for an image.", "displayName": "ImageVersions_ListByImage", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/galleries/images/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "devcenters/galleries/images", "name": "devcenters/galleries/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists images for a gallery.", "displayName": "Images_ListByGallery", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/galleries/images/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "devcenters/images", "name": "devcenters/images", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists images for a devcenter.", "displayName": "Images_ListByDevCenter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/images/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkConnections", "name": "networkConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists network connections in a subscription", "displayName": "NetworkConnections_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/networkConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a network connection resource", "displayName": "NetworkConnections_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/networkConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Network Connections resource", "displayName": "NetworkConnections_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/networkConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Network Connections resource", "displayName": "NetworkConnections_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/networkConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a new health check run. The execution and health check result can be tracked via the network Connection health check details", "displayName": "NetworkConnections_RunHealthChecks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/networkConnections/runHealthChecks/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allow a DevCenter to attach this NetworkConnection.", "displayName": "Attach_NetworkConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/networkConnections/DevCenterJoin/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkConnections/healthChecks", "name": "networkConnections/healthChecks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists health check status details", "displayName": "NetworkConnections_ListHealthDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/networkConnections/healthChecks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects", "name": "projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all projects in the subscription.", "displayName": "Projects_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a specific project.", "displayName": "Projects_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a project.", "displayName": "Projects_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a project resource.", "displayName": "Projects_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects/attachednetworks", "name": "projects/attachednetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the attached NetworkConnections for a Project.", "displayName": "AttachedNetworks_ListByProject", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/attachednetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects/devboxdefinitions", "name": "projects/devboxdefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "List Dev Box definitions configured for a project.", "displayName": "DevBoxDefinitions_ListByProject", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/devboxdefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects/environmentTypes", "name": "projects/environmentTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists environment types for a project.", "displayName": "ProjectEnvironmentTypes_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/environmentTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a project environment type.", "displayName": "ProjectEnvironmentTypes_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/environmentTypes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a project environment type.", "displayName": "ProjectEnvironmentTypes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/environmentTypes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects/pools", "name": "projects/pools", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists pools for a project", "displayName": "Pools_ListByProject", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/pools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a machine pool", "displayName": "Pools_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/pools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a machine pool", "displayName": "Pools_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/pools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Triggers a refresh of the pool status.", "displayName": "Pools_RunHealthChecks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/pools/runHealthChecks/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects/pools/schedules", "name": "projects/pools/schedules", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists schedules for a pool", "displayName": "Schedules_ListByPool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/pools/schedules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Schedule.", "displayName": "Schedules_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/pools/schedules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Scheduled.", "displayName": "Schedules_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/pools/schedules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "registeredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "read registeredSubscriptions", "displayName": "read_registeredSubscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects/users/devboxes", "name": "projects/users/devboxes", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows a user to start any Dev Box resource.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_AdminStart", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/adminStart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to stop any Dev Box resource.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_AdminStop", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/adminStop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user read access to any Dev Box resource.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_AdminRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/adminRead/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user write access to any Dev Box resource.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_AdminWrite", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/adminWrite/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to delete any Dev Box resource.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_AdminDelete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/adminDelete/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to stop their own Dev Box resources.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserStop", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userStop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to start their own Dev Box resources.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserStart", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userStart/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to get the RDP connection information for their own Dev Box resources.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserGeRemoteConnection", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userGetRemoteConnection/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to read their own Dev Box resources.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userRead/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to create and update their own Dev Box resources.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserWrite", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userWrite/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to delete their own Dev Box resources.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserDelete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userDelete/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to read upcoming actions.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserUpcomingActionRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userUpcomingActionRead/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to skip or delay upcoming actions.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserUpcomingActionManage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userUpcomingActionManage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to read dev box actions.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserActionRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userActionRead/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to skip or delay dev box actions.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserActionManage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userActionManage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to customize their own Dev Box resources.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_DevBoxes_UserCustomize", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/devboxes/userCustomize/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects/users/environments", "name": "projects/users/environments", "operations": [ { "description": "Allows a user to read the environments they have access to in a project.", "displayName": "Projects_Environments_UserRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/userRead/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a project administrator to read all of the environments in a project.", "displayName": "Projects_Environments_AdminRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/adminRead/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to write the environments they have access to in a project.", "displayName": "Projects_Environments_UserWrite", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/userWrite/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a project administrator to write all of the environments in a project.", "displayName": "Projects_Environments_AdminWrite", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/adminWrite/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to delete the environments they have access to in a project.", "displayName": "Projects_Environments_UserDelete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/userDelete/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a project administrator to delete all of the environments in a project.", "displayName": "Projects_Environments_AdminDelete", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/adminDelete/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to perform an action on the environments they have access to in a project.", "displayName": "Projects_Environments_UserAction", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/userAction/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a project administrator to perform an action on all of the environments in a project.", "displayName": "Projects_Environments_AdminAction", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/adminAction/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to read environment actions.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_Environments_UserActionRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/userActionRead/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows an admin to read environment actions.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_Environments_AdminActionRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/adminActionRead/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to skip, delay etc. environment actions.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_Environments_UserActionManage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/userActionManage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows an admin to skip, delay etc. environment actions.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_Environments_AdminActionManage", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/adminActionManage/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows a user to read Output values from environment deployment.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_Environments_UserOutputsRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/userOutputsRead/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Allows an admin to read Output values from environment deployment.", "displayName": "Projects_Users_Environments_AdminOutputsRead", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/users/environments/adminOutputsRead/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects/allowedEnvironmentTypes", "name": "projects/allowedEnvironmentTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists allowed environment types for a project.", "displayName": "ProjectAllowedEnvironmentTypes_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/allowedEnvironmentTypes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkConnections/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "name": "networkConnections/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the endpoints that agents may call as part of Dev Box service administration. These FQDNs should be allowed for outbound access in order for the Dev Box service to function.", "displayName": "NetworkConnections_ListOutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/networkConnections/outboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/usages", "name": "locations/usages", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the current usages and limits in this location for the provided subscription.", "displayName": "Usages_ListByLocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/locations/usages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "devcenters/catalogs/environmentDefinitions", "name": "devcenters/catalogs/environmentDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "List environment definitions in the catalog.", "displayName": "EnvironmentDefinitions_ListByCatalog", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/catalogs/environmentDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Environment Definition error details", "displayName": "EnvironmentDefinitions_GetErrorDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters/catalogs/environmentDefinitions/getErrorDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects/catalogs", "name": "projects/catalogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the catalogs associated with a project.", "displayName": "ProjectCatalogs_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/catalogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a project catalog.", "displayName": "ProjectCatalogs_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/catalogs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a project catalog resource.", "displayName": "ProjectCatalogs_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/catalogs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets project catalog synchronization error details", "displayName": "ProjectCatalogs_GetSyncErrorDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/catalogs/getSyncErrorDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Syncs templates for a template source.", "displayName": "ProjectCatalogs_Sync", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/catalogs/sync/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Connects a project catalog to enable syncing.", "displayName": "ProjectCatalogs_Connect", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/catalogs/connect/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "projects/catalogs/environmentDefinitions", "name": "projects/catalogs/environmentDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the environment definitions in this project catalog.", "displayName": "EnvironmentDefinitions_ListByProjectCatalog", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/catalogs/environmentDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets Environment Definition error details", "displayName": "ProjectCatalogEnvironmentDefinitions_GetErrorDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DevCenter/projects/catalogs/environmentDefinitions/getErrorDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.StorageMover", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.StorageMover", "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.StorageMover", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.StorageMover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.StorageMover", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.StorageMover", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "storageMovers", "name": "storageMovers", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Storage Movers in a subscription.", "displayName": "StorageMovers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a Storage Mover resource.", "displayName": "StorageMovers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a top-level Storage Mover resource.", "displayName": "StorageMovers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Storage Mover resource.", "displayName": "StorageMovers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "storageMovers/projects", "name": "storageMovers/projects", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Projects in a Storage Mover.", "displayName": "Projects_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/projects/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Project resource, which is a logical grouping of related jobs.", "displayName": "Projects_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/projects/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Project resource.", "displayName": "Projects_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/projects/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "storageMovers/agents", "name": "storageMovers/agents", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Agents in a Storage Mover.", "displayName": "Agents_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/agents/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Agent resource, which references a hybrid compute machine that can run jobs.", "displayName": "Agents_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/agents/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Agent resource.", "displayName": "Agents_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/agents/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "storageMovers/endpoints", "name": "storageMovers/endpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Endpoints in a Storage Mover.", "displayName": "Endpoints_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/endpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an Endpoint resource, which represents a data transfer source or destination.", "displayName": "Endpoints_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/endpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an Endpoint resource.", "displayName": "Endpoints_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/endpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "storageMovers/projects/jobDefinitions", "name": "storageMovers/projects/jobDefinitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Requests an Agent to start a new instance of this Job Definition, generating a new Job Run resource.", "displayName": "JobDefinitions_StartJob", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/projects/jobDefinitions/startJob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Requests the Agent of any active instance of this Job Definition to stop.", "displayName": "JobDefinitions_StopJob", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/projects/jobDefinitions/stopJob/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all Job Definitions in a Project.", "displayName": "JobDefinitions_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/projects/jobDefinitions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a Job Definition resource, which contains configuration for a single unit of managed data transfer.", "displayName": "JobDefinitions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/projects/jobDefinitions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a Job Definition resource.", "displayName": "JobDefinitions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/projects/jobDefinitions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "storageMovers/projects/jobDefinitions/jobRuns", "name": "storageMovers/projects/jobDefinitions/jobRuns", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all Job Runs in a Job Definition.", "displayName": "JobRuns_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers/projects/jobDefinitions/jobRuns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageMover/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AzureScan", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AzureScan", "name": "Microsoft.AzureScan", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.AzureScan", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.AzureScan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureScan/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.AzureScan", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.AzureScan", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureScan/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "scanningAccounts", "name": "scanningAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Scan Account", "displayName": "AzureScanningAccount_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureScan/scanningAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Scan Account", "displayName": "AzureScanningAccount_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureScan/scanningAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Scan Account", "displayName": "AzureScanningAccount_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureScan/scanningAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Scanning Accounts within a resource group", "displayName": "AzureScanningAccount_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureScan/scanningAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureScan/locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureScan/locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureScan/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.HybridContainerService", "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.HybridContainerService", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.HybridContainerService", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.HybridContainerService", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.HybridContainerService", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "provisionedClusters", "name": "provisionedClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster", "displayName": "ProvisionedClusters_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster", "displayName": "ProvisionedClusters_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster", "displayName": "ProvisionedClusters_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster in a subscription", "displayName": "ProvisionedClusters_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Upgrading the node image version of a cluster applies the newest OS and runtime updates to the nodes.", "displayName": "ProvisionedClusters_UpgradeNodeImageVersionForEntireCluster", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/upgradeNodeImageVersionForEntireCluster/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the AAD user credentials of a provisioned cluster used only in direct mode.", "displayName": "ProvisionedClusters_ListClusterUserCredentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/listClusterUserCredential/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the admin credentials of a provisioned cluster used only in direct mode.", "displayName": "ProvisionedClusters_ListClusterAdminCredentials", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/listClusterAdminCredential/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/operationStatuses", "name": "Locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/Locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/Locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisionedClusters/hybridIdentityMetadata", "name": "provisionedClusters/hybridIdentityMetadata", "operations": [ { "description": "Get the hybrid identity metadata proxy resource.", "displayName": "HybridIdentityMetadata_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/hybridIdentityMetadata/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the hybrid identity metadata proxy resource that facilitates the managed identity provisioning.", "displayName": "HybridIdentityMetadata_Put", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/hybridIdentityMetadata/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the hybrid identity metadata proxy resource.", "displayName": "HybridIdentityMetadata_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/hybridIdentityMetadata/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisionedClusters/agentPools", "name": "provisionedClusters/agentPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the agent pool in the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster", "displayName": "agentPool_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/agentPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the agent pool in the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster", "displayName": "agentPool_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/agentPools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the agent pool in the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster", "displayName": "agentPool_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/agentPools/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualNetworks", "name": "virtualNetworks", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Hybrid AKS virtual network", "displayName": "virtualNetworks_Retrieve", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/virtualNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the Hybrid AKS virtual network", "displayName": "virtualNetworks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/virtualNetworks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Hybrid AKS virtual network", "displayName": "virtualNetworks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/virtualNetworks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the Hybrid AKS virtual networks by subscription", "displayName": "virtualNetworks_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/virtualNetworks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "storageSpaces", "name": "storageSpaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Hybrid AKS storage space object", "displayName": "storageSpaces_Retrieve", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/storageSpaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the Hybrid AKS storage object", "displayName": "storageSpaces_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/storageSpaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Hybrid AKS storage object", "displayName": "storageSpaces_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/storageSpaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List the Hybrid AKS storage object by subscription", "displayName": "storageSpaces_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/storageSpaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisionedClusters/upgradeProfiles", "name": "provisionedClusters/upgradeProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "read upgradeProfiles", "displayName": "ProvisionedClusters_GetUpgradeProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters/upgradeProfiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "kubernetesVersions", "name": "kubernetesVersions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the supported kubernetes versions from the underlying custom location", "displayName": "GetKubernetesVersions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/kubernetesVersions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the kubernetes version resource type", "displayName": "PutKubernetesVersions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/kubernetesVersions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete the kubernetes versions resource type", "displayName": "DeleteKubernetesVersions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/kubernetesVersions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "skus", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the supported VM skus from the underlying custom location", "displayName": "GetVMSkus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/skus/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the VM SKUs resource type", "displayName": "PutVMSkus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/skus/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Vm Sku resource type", "displayName": "DeleteVMSkus", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/skus/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisionedClusterInstances", "name": "provisionedClusterInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster instance", "displayName": "provisionedClusterInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusterInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster instance", "displayName": "provisionedClusterInstances_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusterInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster instance", "displayName": "provisionedClusterInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusterInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the AAD user credentials of a provisioned cluster instance used only in direct mode.", "displayName": "provisionedClusterInstances_ListUserKubeconfig", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusterInstances/listUserKubeconfig/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the admin credentials of a provisioned cluster instance used only in direct mode.", "displayName": "provisionedClusterInstances_ListAdminKubeconfig", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusterInstances/listAdminKubeconfig/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisionedClusterInstances/agentPools", "name": "provisionedClusterInstances/agentPools", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the agent pool in the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster instance", "displayName": "agentPool_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusterInstances/agentPools/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates the agent pool in the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster instance", "displayName": "agentPool_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusterInstances/agentPools/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the agent pool in the Hybrid AKS provisioned cluster instance", "displayName": "agentPool_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusterInstances/hybridIdentityMetadata/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "provisionedClusterInstances/upgradeProfiles", "name": "provisionedClusterInstances/upgradeProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "read upgradeProfiles", "displayName": "provisionedClusterInstances_GetUpgradeProfile", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusterInstances/upgradeProfiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.UsageBilling", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.UsageBilling", "name": "Microsoft.UsageBilling", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "inputs", "name": "accounts/inputs", "operations": [ { "description": "Send events to input resource.", "displayName": "Provides permission to send usage events 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"PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/preRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get counters", "displayName": "PreRules_getCounters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/preRules/getCounters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh counters", "displayName": "PreRules_refreshCounters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/preRules/refreshCounters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset counters", "displayName": "PreRules_resetCounters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/preRules/resetCounters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "globalRulestacks/postRules", "name": "globalRulestacks/postRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a PostRulesResource", "displayName": "PostRules_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/postRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a PostRulesResource", "displayName": "PostRules_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/postRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a PostRulesResource", "displayName": "PostRules_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/postRules/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get counters", "displayName": "PostRules_getCounters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/postRules/getCounters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Refresh counters", "displayName": "PostRules_refreshCounters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/postRules/refreshCounters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Reset counters", "displayName": "PostRules_resetCounters", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/postRules/resetCounters/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "globalRulestacks/prefixlists", "name": "globalRulestacks/prefixlists", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a PrefixListGlobalRulestackResource", "displayName": "PrefixListGlobalRulestack_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/prefixlists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a PrefixListGlobalRulestackResource", "displayName": "PrefixListGlobalRulestack_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/prefixlists/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a PrefixListGlobalRulestackResource", "displayName": "PrefixListGlobalRulestack_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/prefixlists/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "localRulestacks/prefixlists", "name": "localRulestacks/prefixlists", "operations": [ { "description": "List PrefixListResource resources by LocalRulestacks", "displayName": "PrefixListLocalRulestack_ListByLocalRulestacks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/localRulestacks/prefixlists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a PrefixListResource", "displayName": "PrefixListLocalRulestack_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/localRulestacks/prefixlists/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a PrefixListResource", "displayName": "PrefixListLocalRulestack_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/localRulestacks/prefixlists/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "globalRulestacks/certificates", "name": "globalRulestacks/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "List CertificateObjectGlobalRulestackResource resources by Tenant", "displayName": "CertificateObjectGlobalRulestack_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/certificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a CertificateObjectGlobalRulestackResource", "displayName": "CertificateObjectGlobalRulestack_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/certificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a CertificateObjectGlobalRulestackResource", "displayName": "CertificateObjectGlobalRulestack_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/globalRulestacks/certificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "localRulestacks/certificates", "name": "localRulestacks/certificates", "operations": [ { "description": "List CertificateObjectLocalRulestackResource resources by LocalRulestacks", "displayName": "CertificateObjectLocalRulestack_ListByLocalRulestacks", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/localRulestacks/certificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a CertificateObjectLocalRulestackResource", "displayName": "CertificateObjectLocalRulestack_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/localRulestacks/certificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a CertificateObjectLocalRulestackResource", "displayName": "CertificateObjectLocalRulestack_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "PaloAltoNetworks.Cloudngfw/localRulestacks/certificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ConnectedCache", "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.ConnectedCache", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.ConnectedCache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.ConnectedCache", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.ConnectedCache", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "cacheNodes", "name": "cacheNodes", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the properties of a cacheNodes.", "displayName": "cacheNodes_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/cacheNodes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a cacheNodes with the specified create parameters.", "displayName": "cacheNodes_CreateorUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/cacheNodes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing cache Node.", "displayName": "cacheNodes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/cacheNodes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves the properties of all ConnectedCaches.", "displayName": "cacheNodes_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/cacheNodes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "enterpriseCustomers", "name": "enterpriseCustomers", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the properties of a Enterprise customer.", "displayName": "enterpriseCustomers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseCustomers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a cacheNodes with the specified create parameters.", "displayName": "enterpriseCustomers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseCustomers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing customer Enterprise resource.", "displayName": "enterpriseCustomers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseCustomers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves the properties of all ConnectedCaches.", "displayName": "enterpriseCustomers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseCustomers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ispCustomers", "name": "ispCustomers", "operations": [ { "description": "This api gets information about all ispCustomer resources under the given subscription", "displayName": "IspCustomers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ispCustomers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the ispCustomer resource information using this get call", "displayName": "IspCustomers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ispCustomers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "This api creates an ispCustomer with the specified create parameters", "displayName": "IspCustomers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ispCustomers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "This api deletes an existing ispCustomer resource", "displayName": "IspCustomers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ispCustomers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ispCustomers/ispCacheNodes", "name": "ispCustomers/ispCacheNodes", "operations": [ { "description": "This api retrieves information about all ispCacheNode resources under the given subscription and resource group", "displayName": "IspCacheNodesOperations_ListByIspCustomerResource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ispCustomers/ispCacheNodes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "This api creates an ispCacheNode with the specified create parameters", "displayName": "IspCacheNodesOperations_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ispCustomers/ispCacheNodes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "This api deletes an existing ispCacheNode resource", "displayName": "IspCacheNodesOperations_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ispCustomers/ispCacheNodes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationstatuses", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationstatuses", "displayName": "read_operationstatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationstatuses", "displayName": "write_operationstatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/locations/operationstatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "enterpriseMccCustomers", "name": "enterpriseMccCustomers", "operations": [ { "description": "This api gets information about all enterpriseMccCustomer resources under the given subscription", "displayName": "EnterpriseMccCustomers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseMccCustomers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the enterprise mcc customer resource information using this get call", "displayName": "EnterpriseMccCustomers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseMccCustomers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "This api creates an enterprise mcc customer with the specified create parameters", "displayName": "EnterpriseMccCustomers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseMccCustomers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "This api deletes an existing enterprise mcc customer resource", "displayName": "EnterpriseMccCustomers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseMccCustomers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "enterpriseMccCustomers/enterpriseMccCacheNodes", "name": "enterpriseMccCustomers/enterpriseMccCacheNodes", "operations": [ { "description": "This api gets secrets of the enterprise Mcc CacheNode resource install details", "displayName": "enterpriseMccCacheNodes_getCacheNodeInstallDetails", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseMccCustomers/enterpriseMccCacheNodes/getCacheNodeInstallDetails/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "This api retrieves information about all ispCacheNode resources under the given subscription and resource group", "displayName": "EnterpriseMccCacheNodesOperations_ListByEnterpriseMccCustomerResource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseMccCustomers/enterpriseMccCacheNodes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "This api creates an ispCacheNode with the specified create parameters", "displayName": "EnterpriseMccCacheNodesOperations_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseMccCustomers/enterpriseMccCacheNodes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "This api deletes an existing ispCacheNode resource", "displayName": "EnterpriseMccCacheNodesOperations_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/enterpriseMccCustomers/enterpriseMccCacheNodes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "registeredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "read registeredSubscriptions", "displayName": "read_registeredSubscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ConnectedCache/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "NewRelic.Observability", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/NewRelic.Observability", "name": "NewRelic.Observability", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers NewRelic.Observability Resource provider", "displayName": "Registers NewRelic.Observability Resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters NewRelic.Observability Resource provider", "displayName": "Unregisters NewRelic.Observability Resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Monitors", "name": "monitors", "operations": [ { "description": "Read monitors", "displayName": "Get/List monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write monitors", "displayName": "Create/Update monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete monitors", "displayName": "Delete monitor resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all resources that are being monitored by the monitor resource", "displayName": "List monitored resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/monitoredResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "The payload to be sent for installing NewRelic agent on VM", "displayName": "Payload for VM Host", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/vmHostPayloads/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all the app services that have NewRelic agent installed", "displayName": "List App services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/listAppServices/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all VMs that are sending compute logs for a monitor", "displayName": "List VM Hosts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/listHosts/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Metric rules for a NewRelic resource", "displayName": "Get Metric Rules", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/getMetricRules/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get Metric status for resources", "displayName": "Get Metric Status", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/getMetricStatus/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Switches billing for NewRelic monitor resource to Azure", "displayName": "Switch Billing", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/switchBilling/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get marketplace and organization info mapped to the given monitor", "displayName": "Get marketplace and organization info mapped to the given monitor", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/getBillingInfo/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all deployments billed under an organization", "displayName": "List all deployments billed under an organization", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/listConnectedPartnerResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List all the linked resource for the given resource", "displayName": "List Linked Resources ", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/listLinkedResources/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "TagRules", "name": "monitors/tagRules", "operations": [ { "description": "Read tag rules", "displayName": "Get tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/tagRules/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write tag rules", "displayName": "Create/Update tag rules resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/tagRules/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get registered subscription details", "displayName": "Get registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Get locations", "displayName": "Get locations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/locations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Get operation statuses", "displayName": "Get operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operation statuses", "displayName": "Write operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List available Operations in NewRelic.Observability", "displayName": "List available Operations in NewRelic.Observability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ListAccounts", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "List all Accounts that for a user", "displayName": "List Accounts", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Listorganizations", "name": "organizations", "operations": [ { "description": "List all organizations for a user", "displayName": "List organizations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/organizations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ListPlandata", "name": "plans", "operations": [ { "description": "List plan data for a account or organization", "displayName": "List plandata", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/plans/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MonitoredSubscriptions", "name": "monitors/monitoredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read monitored subscriptions", "displayName": "Get monitored subscriptions for the resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/monitoredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Write monitored subscriptions", "displayName": "Create/Update monitored subscriptions for the resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "NewRelic.Observability/monitors/monitoredSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Pki", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Pki", "name": "Microsoft.Pki", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.Pki", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.Pki", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.Pki", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.Pki", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "pkis", "name": "pkis", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the specified PKI resource.", "displayName": "Pki_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/pkis/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a PKI resource.", "displayName": "Pki_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/pkis/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified PKI resource.", "displayName": "Pki_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/pkis/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all the PKI resources in a resource group.", "displayName": "Pki_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/pkis/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "pkis/certificateAuthorities", "name": "pkis/certificateAuthorities", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the specified certificate authority.", "displayName": "CertificateAuthority_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/pkis/certificateAuthorities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a certificate authority.", "displayName": "CertificateAuthority_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/pkis/certificateAuthorities/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified certificate authority.", "displayName": "CertificateAuthority_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/pkis/certificateAuthorities/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "pkis/enrollmentPolicies", "name": "pkis/enrollmentPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the specified enrollment policy.", "displayName": "EnrollmentPolicy_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/pkis/enrollmentPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates an enrollment policy.", "displayName": "EnrollmentPolicy_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/pkis/enrollmentPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified enrollment policy.", "displayName": "EnrollmentPolicy_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Pki/pkis/enrollmentPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Mission", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Mission", "name": "Microsoft.Mission", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.Mission", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.Mission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.Mission", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.Mission", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action checkNameAvailability", "displayName": "action_checkNameAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "communities", "name": "communities", "operations": [ { "description": "List CommunityResource resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Community_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/communities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a CommunityResource", "displayName": "Community_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/communities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a CommunityResource", "displayName": "Community_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/communities/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a CommunityResource", "displayName": "Community_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/communities/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualEnclaves", "name": "virtualEnclaves", "operations": [ { "description": "List EnclaveResource resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "VirtualEnclave_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/virtualEnclaves/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a EnclaveResource", "displayName": "VirtualEnclave_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/virtualEnclaves/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a EnclaveResource", "displayName": "VirtualEnclave_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/virtualEnclaves/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a EnclaveResource", "displayName": "VirtualEnclave_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/virtualEnclaves/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks that the IP Address Space to be allocated for this Virtual Enclave is available.", "displayName": "VirtualEnclave_CheckAddressSpaceAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Mission/virtualEnclaves/checkAddressSpaceAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "virtualEnclaves/workloads", "name": "virtualEnclaves/workloads", "operations": [ { "description": "List WorkloadResource resources by subscription 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"Microsoft.ServiceNetworking/locations/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Impact", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Impact", "name": "Microsoft.Impact", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "WorkloadImpacts", "name": "WorkloadImpacts", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads WorkloadImpacts", "displayName": "Gets/List WorkloadImpacts resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Impact/WorkloadImpacts/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes WorkloadImpacts", "displayName": "Create WorkloadImpacts resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Impact/WorkloadImpacts/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ImpactCategories", "name": "ImpactCategories", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads ImpactCategories", "displayName": "Gets/List 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"Microsoft.CleanRoom/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.CleanRoom", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.CleanRoom", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CleanRoom/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "cleanrooms", "name": "cleanrooms", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a clean room.", "displayName": "CleanRooms_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CleanRoom/cleanrooms/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update a clean room.", "displayName": "CleanRooms_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CleanRoom/cleanrooms/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a clean room.", "displayName": "CleanRooms_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CleanRoom/cleanrooms/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List clean rooms 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"Microsoft.CleanRoom/microservices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CleanRoom/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CleanRoom/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CleanRoom/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.GraphServices", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.GraphServices", "name": "Microsoft.GraphServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.GraphServices", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.GraphServices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GraphServices/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.GraphServices", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.GraphServices", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GraphServices/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "read RegisteredSubscriptions", "displayName": "read_RegisteredSubscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GraphServices/RegisteredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "accounts", "name": "accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of accounts apps.", "displayName": "Accounts_ListByResourceGroup", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GraphServices/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns account resource for a given name.", "displayName": "Accounts_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GraphServices/accounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update account resource.", "displayName": "Accounts_CreateAndUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GraphServices/accounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a account resource.", "displayName": "Accounts_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.GraphServices/accounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", 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"RegistertheMicrosoft.OffAzureSpringBoot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "UnregisterthesubscriptionforMicrosoft.OffAzureSpringBoot", "displayName": "UnregistertheMicrosoft.OffAzureSpringBoot", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "readoperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "writeoperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": 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"Listspringbootsitesresourcebysubscription", "displayName": "springbootsites_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "springbootsites/springbootservers", "name": "springbootsites/springbootservers", "operations": [ { "description": "Listspringbootserversresource.", "displayName": "springbootservers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/springbootservers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Createspringbootserversresource.", "displayName": "springbootservers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/springbootservers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletespringbootserversresource.", "displayName": "springbootservers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"displayName": "springbootapps_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/springbootapps/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Listspringbootappsresourcebysubscription", "displayName": "springbootapps_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/springbootapps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "readoperations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "springbootsites/summaries", "name": "springbootsites/summaries", "operations": [ { "description": "GetstheSummariesresource.", "displayName": "Summaries_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/summaries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Createsummariesresource.", "displayName": "Summaries_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/summaries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletesummariesresource.", "displayName": "Summaries_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/summaries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "springbootsites/errorSummaries", "name": "springbootsites/errorSummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "GetstheErrorSummariesresource.", "displayName": "ErrorSummaries_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/errorSummaries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "CreateerrorSummariesresource.", "displayName": "ErrorSummaries_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/errorSummaries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "DeleteerrorSummariesresource.", "displayName": "ErrorSummaries_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OffAzureSpringBoot/springbootsites/errorSummaries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "GitHub.Network", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/GitHub.Network", "name": "GitHub.Network", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for GitHub.Network", "displayName": "Register the GitHub.Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "GitHub.Network/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for GitHub.Network", "displayName": "Unregister the GitHub.Network", "isDataAction": false, "name": "GitHub.Network/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "networkSettings", "name": "networkSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the properties of a GitHub.Network networkSettings resource.", "displayName": "networkSettings_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "GitHub.Network/networkSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a GitHub.Network networkSettings resource with the specified create parameters.", "displayName": "networkSettings_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "GitHub.Network/networkSettings/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes an existing GitHub.Network networkSettings resource.", "displayName": "networkSettings_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "GitHub.Network/networkSettings/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves the properties of all GitHub.Network networkSettings resources.", "displayName": "networkSettings_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "GitHub.Network/networkSettings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "name": "RegisteredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads registered subscriptions", "displayName": "Gets/Lists registered subscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "GitHub.Network/RegisteredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "GitHub.Network/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ProfessionalService", "name": "Microsoft.ProfessionalService", "operations": [ { "description": "Register Professional Service resource provider in the tenant", "displayName": "Register Professional Service resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProfessionalService/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Professional Service Resources", "name": "resources", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a Professional Service resource", "displayName": "Get a Professional Service Resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProfessionalService/resources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or Update a Professional Service resource", "displayName": "Create or Update a Professional Service resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProfessionalService/resources/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Professional Service Resource", "displayName": "Delete a Professional Service Resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProfessionalService/resources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer", "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists approved schemas for Azure Data Transfer.", "displayName": "AzureDataTransfer_listApprovedSchemas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/listApprovedSchemas/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates a schema for Azure Data Transfer.", "displayName": "AzureDataTransfer_validateSchema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/validateSchema/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "pipelines", "name": "pipelines", "operations": [ { "description": "Approves the specified connection in a pipeline.", "displayName": "Pipelines_ApproveConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/pipelines/approveConnection/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Rejects the specified connection in a pipeline.", "displayName": "Pipelines_RejectConnection", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/pipelines/rejectConnection/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the schemas for the specified connection in a pipeline.", "displayName": "ListSchemas_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/pipelines/listSchemas/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets pipeline resource.", "displayName": "Pipelines_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/pipelines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the pipeline resource.", "displayName": "Pipelines_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/pipelines/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the pipeline resource.", "displayName": "Pipelines_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/pipelines/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets pipelines in a subscription.", "displayName": "Pipelines_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/pipelines/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "connections", "name": "connections", "operations": [ { "description": "Links the connection to its pending connection.", "displayName": "Connections_Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/link/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all pending connections for a connection.", "displayName": "ListPendingConnections_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/listPendingConnections/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists all pending flows for a connection.", "displayName": "ListPendingFlows_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/listPendingFlows/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets connection resource.", "displayName": "Connections_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the connection resource.", "displayName": "Connections_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the connection resource.", "displayName": "Connections_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets connections in a subscription.", "displayName": "Connections_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "connections/flows", "name": "connections/flows", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets flow resource.", "displayName": "Flows_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/flows/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the flow resource.", "displayName": "Flows_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/flows/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the flow resource.", "displayName": "Flows_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/flows/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Enables the specified flow.", "displayName": "Flows_Enable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/flows/enable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Disables the specified flow", "displayName": "Flows_Disable", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/flows/disable/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Links the specified flow.", "displayName": "Flows_Link", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureDataTransfer/connections/flows/link/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail", "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operatorVoicemailInstances", "name": "operatorVoicemailInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "List OperatorVoicemailInstance resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "OperatorVoicemailInstances_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail/operatorVoicemailInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a OperatorVoicemailInstance", "displayName": "OperatorVoicemailInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail/operatorVoicemailInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a OperatorVoicemailInstance", "displayName": "OperatorVoicemailInstances_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail/operatorVoicemailInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a OperatorVoicemailInstance", "displayName": "OperatorVoicemailInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail/operatorVoicemailInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/checkNameAvailability", "name": "Locations", "operations": [ { "description": "action checkNameAvailability", "displayName": "action_checkNameAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OperatorVoicemail/Locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.SaaSHub", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.SaaSHub", "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.SaaSHub", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.SaaSHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.SaaSHub", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.SaaSHub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action checkNameAvailability", "displayName": "action_checkNameAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Evaluates whether the request payload can create a new resource. Currently only supports CloudService resource type.", "displayName": "ProviderLevelActions_CanCreate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/canCreate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operationStatuses", "name": "operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "cloudServices", "name": "cloudServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the SaaSHub cloud service under the subscription.", "displayName": "CloudServices_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/cloudServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets a SaaSHub cloud service by its ID. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.", "displayName": "CloudServices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/cloudServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates a SaaSHub cloud service.", "displayName": "CloudServices_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/cloudServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a SaaSHub cloud service resource.", "displayName": "CloudServices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/cloudServices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Cancels a SaaSHub cloud service.", "displayName": "CloudServices_Cancel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/cloudServices/cancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Merges multiple cloud service resources into one target cloud service resource. The resource name in URL is the target, and the list of source cloud service resource and quantity will be specified in request payload", "displayName": "CloudServices_Merge", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/cloudServices/merge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Evaluates whether the request payload can update an existing cloud service resource.", "displayName": "CloudServices_CanUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/cloudServices/canUpdate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Evaluates whether an existing cloud service resource can be cancelled.", "displayName": "CloudServices_CanCancel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/cloudServices/canCancel/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Evaluates whether the source cloud service resource can be merged to target cloud service resource.", "displayName": "CloudServices_CanMerge", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/cloudServices/canMerge/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "registeredSubscriptions", "name": "registeredSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "read registeredSubscriptions", "displayName": "read_registeredSubscriptions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/registeredSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.SaaSHub/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Help", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Help", "name": "Microsoft.Help", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Help Resource Provider", "displayName": "Registers Help Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters Help Resource Provider", "displayName": "Unregisters Help Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks whether the resource name is used or not for the resource type", "displayName": "Check resource name availability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "DiscoverySolutions", "name": "discoverySolutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns list of solutions", "displayName": "Discover available solutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/discoverySolutions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics", "name": "diagnostics", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads or creates an diagnostic resource to troubleshoot an issue", "displayName": "Read or create an diagnostic", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/diagnostics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostics/OperationResults", "name": "diagnostics/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of the asynchronous diagnostic operation", "displayName": "Get diagnostic operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/diagnostics/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists all operations available on Microsoft.Help resource provide", "displayName": "List operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Solutions", "name": "solutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads or creates an solution result", "displayName": "Read or create an solution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/solutions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Solutions/OperationResults", "name": "solutions/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of the asynchronous solution operation", "displayName": "Get solution operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/solutions/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Troubleshooters", "name": "troubleshooters", "operations": [ { "description": "This role can create, read, continue and restart a troubleshooter.", "displayName": "Can perform Create, Read, Continue and restart actions on a Troubleshooter instance.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/troubleshooters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "simplifiedSolutions", "name": "simplifiedSolutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads or creates an simplifiedSolutions result", "displayName": "Read or create an simplifiedSolutions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/simplifiedSolutions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "simplifiedSolutions/OperationResults", "name": "simplifiedSolutions/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the result of the asynchronous simplifiedSolutions operation", "displayName": "Get simplifiedSolutions operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/simplifiedSolutions/operationResults/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "SelfHelp", "name": "SelfHelp", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads a solution result", "displayName": "Read a solution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Help/SelfHelp/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.OracleDiscovery", "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.OracleDiscovery", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.OracleDiscovery", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.OracleDiscovery", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.OracleDiscovery", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OracleSites", "name": "OracleSites", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the OracleSites resource.", "displayName": "OracleSites_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the OracleSites resource.", "displayName": "OracleSites_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the OracleSites resource.", "displayName": "OracleSites_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Trigger Refresh Refresh action", "displayName": "OracleSites_TriggerRefresh", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/Refresh/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the OracleSites resource in a subscription.", "displayName": "OracleSites_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OracleSites/OracleServers", "name": "OracleSites/OracleServers", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the OracleServers resource.", "displayName": "OracleServers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/OracleServers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the OracleServers resource.", "displayName": "OracleServers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/OracleServers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the OracleServers resource.", "displayName": "OracleServers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/OracleServers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OracleSites/OracleDatabases", "name": "OracleSites/OracleDatabases", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the OracleDatabases resource.", "displayName": "OracleDatabases_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/OracleDatabases/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the OracleDatabases resource.", "displayName": "OracleDatabases_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/OracleDatabases/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the OracleDatabases resource.", "displayName": "OracleDatabases_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/OracleDatabases/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OracleSites/Summaries", "name": "OracleSites/Summaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the Summaries resource.", "displayName": "Summaries_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/Summaries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the Summaries resource.", "displayName": "Summaries_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/Summaries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Summaries resource.", "displayName": "Summaries_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/Summaries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OracleSites/ErrorSummaries", "name": "OracleSites/ErrorSummaries", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the ErrorSummaries resource.", "displayName": "ErrorSummaries_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/ErrorSummaries/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Puts the ErrorSummaries resource.", "displayName": "ErrorSummaries_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/ErrorSummaries/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the ErrorSummaries resource.", "displayName": "ErrorSummaries_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/OracleSites/ErrorSummaries/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.OracleDiscovery/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Edge Ordering", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.EdgeOrderPartner", "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrderPartner", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrderPartner/searchInventories/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "List or get the Operations", "displayName": "List or Get Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrderPartner/operations/read", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ArmApiRes_inventories", "name": "locations/productFamilies/inventories", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrderPartner/locations/productFamilies/inventories/manageLink/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeOrderPartner/locations/productFamilies/inventories/manageInventoryMetadata/action", "origin": "user", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.Nutanix", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Nutanix", "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix", "operations": [ { "description": "Subscription Registration Action", "displayName": "Subscription Registration Action", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Nodes", "name": "Nodes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operation", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix/Nodes/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operation", "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix/Nodes/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete operation", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix/Nodes/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Interfaces", "name": "Interfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operation", "displayName": "Read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix/Interfaces/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Write operation", "displayName": "Write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix/Interfaces/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete operation", "displayName": "Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix/Interfaces/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix/Operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "baremetalServersInventory", "name": "locations/baremetalServersInventory", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operation", "displayName": "read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Nutanix/locations/baremetalServersInventory/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform", "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "manufacturingDataServices", "name": "manufacturingDataServices", "operations": [ { "description": "List MdsResource resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "ManufacturingDataServices_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/manufacturingDataServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a MdsResource", "displayName": "ManufacturingDataServices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/manufacturingDataServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a MdsResource", "displayName": "ManufacturingDataServices_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/manufacturingDataServices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a MdsResource", "displayName": "ManufacturingDataServices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/manufacturingDataServices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the list of available versions", "displayName": "ManufacturingDataServices_ListAvailableVersions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/manufacturingDataServices/listAvailableVersions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ManufacturingPlatform/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher", "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "watchers", "name": "watchers", "operations": [ { "description": "Action to start monitoring all targets configured for a given database watcher.", "displayName": "Watchers_Start", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/start/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Action to stop monitoring all targets configured for a given database watcher.", "displayName": "Watchers_Stop", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/stop/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "List Watcher resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Watchers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Watcher", "displayName": "Watchers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Watcher", "displayName": "Watchers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Watcher", "displayName": "Watchers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "watchers/targets", "name": "watchers/targets", "operations": [ { "description": "List Target resources by Watcher", "displayName": "Targets_ListByWatcher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/targets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Target", "displayName": "Targets_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/targets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Target", "displayName": "Targets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/targets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "watchers/sharedPrivateLinkResources", "name": "watchers/sharedPrivateLinkResources", "operations": [ { "description": "List SharedPrivateLinkResource resources by Watcher", "displayName": "SharedPrivateLinkResources_ListByWatcher", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/sharedPrivateLinkResources/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a SharedPrivateLinkResource", "displayName": "SharedPrivateLinkResources_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/sharedPrivateLinkResources/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a SharedPrivateLinkResource", "displayName": "SharedPrivateLinkResources_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DatabaseWatcher/watchers/sharedPrivateLinkResources/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.EntitlementManagement", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.EntitlementManagement", "name": "Microsoft.EntitlementManagement", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.EntitlementManagement", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.EntitlementManagement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EntitlementManagement/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.EntitlementManagement", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.EntitlementManagement", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EntitlementManagement/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EntitlementManagement/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.HealthModel", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.HealthModel", "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.HealthModel", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.HealthModel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.HealthModel", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.HealthModel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "healthmodels", "name": "healthmodels", "operations": [ { "description": "List HealthModel resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "HealthModels_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/healthmodels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a HealthModel", "displayName": "HealthModels_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/healthmodels/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a HealthModel", "displayName": "HealthModels_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/healthmodels/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a HealthModel", "displayName": "HealthModels_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/healthmodels/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Return the health state distribution in a timespan for a node", "displayName": "HealthModels_GetNodeHealthStateDistribution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/healthmodels/getNodeHealthStateDistribution/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the execution and scheduling state of the health model", "displayName": "HealthModels_GetRunstate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/healthmodels/getRunstate/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Lists the health state history of a specific node with all its queries", "displayName": "HealthModels_ListNodeHistory", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/healthmodels/listNodeHistory/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "healthmodels/snapshots", "name": "healthmodels/snapshots", "operations": [ { "description": "List Snapshot resources by HealthModel", "displayName": "Snapshots_ListByHealthModel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/healthmodels/snapshots/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "healthmodels/versions", "name": "healthmodels/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a HealthModelVersion", "displayName": "HealthModelVersions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/healthmodels/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.HealthModel/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Monitoring Insights", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AadCustomSecurityAttributesDiagnosticSettings", "name": "Microsoft.AadCustomSecurityAttributesDiagnosticSettings", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings", "name": "diagnosticsettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Writing a diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AadCustomSecurityAttributesDiagnosticSettings/diagnosticsettings/write", "origin": "system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Reading a diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AadCustomSecurityAttributesDiagnosticSettings/diagnosticsettings/read", "origin": "system", "properties": {} }, { "description": "Deleting a diagnostic setting", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AadCustomSecurityAttributesDiagnosticSettings/diagnosticsettings/delete", "origin": "system", "properties": {} } ] }, { "displayName": "Diagnostic settings categories", "name": "diagnosticsettingscategories", "operations": [ { "description": "Reading a diagnostic setting categories", "displayName": "Diagnostic settings categories read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AadCustomSecurityAttributesDiagnosticSettings/diagnosticsettingscategories/read", "origin": "system", "properties": {} } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Fabric", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Fabric", "name": "Microsoft.Fabric", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers Fabric resource provider.", "displayName": "Register Fabric resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/register/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "capacities", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specified Fabric Capacity.", "displayName": "Read Fabric Capacity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/capacities/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates the specified Fabric Capacity.", "displayName": "Create/Update Fabric Capacity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/capacities/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the Fabric Capacity.", "displayName": "Delete the Fabric Capacity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/capacities/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Suspend the specified Fabric capacity", "displayName": "Suspend the specified Fabric capacity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/capacities/suspend/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Resume the specified Fabric capacity", "displayName": "Resume the specified Fabric capacity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/capacities/resume/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks that given Fabric resource name is valid and not in use.", "displayName": "Check availability of the Fabric resource name", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/locations/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specified operation result.", "displayName": "Read operation results", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "locations/operationstatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of the specified operation status.", "displayName": "Read operation statuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/locations/operationstatuses/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of operations", "displayName": "Read operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/operations/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieves the information of Skus", "displayName": "Read SKU information", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "capacities", "name": "capacities/skus", "operations": [ { "description": "Retrieve available SKU information for the Fabric capacity", "displayName": "Read available SKU information for the capacity", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Fabric/capacities/skus/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure API Center", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ApiCenter", "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter", "operations": [ { "description": "Register Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider for the subscription.", "displayName": "Register Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/register/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider for the subscription.", "displayName": "Unregister Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/unregister/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Service", "name": "services", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates specified service.", "displayName": "Create or update service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the details of the specified service.", "displayName": "Get service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns paginated collection of services.", "displayName": "List services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified service.", "displayName": "Delete service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Imports resources from one or more API Management instances.", "displayName": "Import from APIM", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/importFromApim/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns effective metadata schema document.", "displayName": "Export metadata schema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/exportMetadataSchema/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Validates move resource request", "displayName": "Validate move resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/validateMoveResources/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Move resource request", "displayName": "Move resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/moveResources/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "APIs", "name": "services/workspaces/apis", "operations": [ { "description": "Read APIs from an API Center.", "displayName": "Read APIs", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates specified API.", "displayName": "Create or Update API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the details of the specified API.", "displayName": "Get API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified API.", "displayName": "Delete API", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ApiEnvironment", "name": "services/workspaces/environments", "operations": [ { "description": "Read API environments from an API Center.", "displayName": "Read API environments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/environments/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create or update environment", "displayName": "Creates or updates the environment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/environments/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified environment.", "displayName": "Delete environment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/environments/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ApiVersion", "name": "services/workspaces/apis/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read API versions from an API Center.", "displayName": "Read API versions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates API version.", "displayName": "Create or Update API version.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the details of the specified API version.", "displayName": "Get Api version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified API version.", "displayName": "Delete API version.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "MetadataSchema", "name": "services/metadataSchemas", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates specified metadataSchema.", "displayName": "Create or update metadataSchema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/metadataSchemas/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns paginated collection of metadataSchemas.", "displayName": "List metadataSchemas", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/metadataSchemas/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks if specified metadataSchema exists", "displayName": "Checks metadataSchema exists", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/metadataSchemas/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified metadataSchema.", "displayName": "Delete metadataSchema", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/metadataSchemas/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Workspace", "name": "services/workspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Creates or updates specified workspace.", "displayName": "Create or update workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns paginated collection of workspaces.", "displayName": "List workspaces", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Checks if specified workspace exists", "displayName": "Checks workspace exists", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified workspace.", "displayName": "Delete workspace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure API Center operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all API operations available for Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider.", "displayName": "Read all API operations available for Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/operations/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Azure API Center resource types", "name": "resourceTypes", "operations": [ { "description": "Read all resource types available for Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider.", "displayName": "Read all resource types available for Microsoft.ApiCenter resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/resourceTypes/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API definition", "name": "services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions", "operations": [ { "description": "Read API definitions from an API Center.", "displayName": "Read API definitions", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Exports API definition file.", "displayName": "Export API definition", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/exportSpecification/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Updates analysis results for specified API definition.", "displayName": "Update API definition analysis state", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/updateAnalysisState/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Imports API definition file.", "displayName": "Import API definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/importSpecification/action", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates API Spec.", "displayName": "Create or Update API Spec.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the details of the specified API definition.", "displayName": "Get API definition", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified API definition.", "displayName": "Delete API definition.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API Deployment", "name": "services/workspaces/apis/deployments", "operations": [ { "description": "Read API deployments from an API Center.", "displayName": "Read API deployments", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/deployments/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates API Deployment.", "displayName": "Create or Update API Deployment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/deployments/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the details of the specified API deployment.", "displayName": "Get API Deployment", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/deployments/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified API deployment.", "displayName": "Delete API deployment.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/deployments/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API", "name": "services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks status of individual import operation", "displayName": "Import API definition status check", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/operationResults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationResults", "name": "services/operationResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Checks status of an APIM import operation", "displayName": "APIM import status check", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/operationResults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Event Grid filter", "name": "services/eventGridFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns paginated collection of the Event Grid filters.", "displayName": "List Event Grid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/eventGridFilters/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates specified Event Grid filter.", "displayName": "Create or update Event Grid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/eventGridFilters/write", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the details of the specified Event Grid filter.", "displayName": "Delete Event Grid filter", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/eventGridFilters/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "API definition", "name": "services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/analysisResults", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns analysis report for specified API definition.", "displayName": "Get API definition analysis report", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/workspaces/apis/versions/definitions/analysisResults/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Analysis Report", "name": "services/analysisReports", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a certain analysis report of an API Center instance", "displayName": "Read analysis report of an API Center instance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/services/analysisReports/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "DeletedServices", "name": "deletedServices", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns paginated collection of deleted services.", "displayName": "List deleted services", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/deletedServices/read", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Purge the soft deleted service.", "displayName": "Purge soft deleted service", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ApiCenter/deletedServices/delete", "origin": "user, system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AwsConnector", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AwsConnector", "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.AwsConnector", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.AwsConnector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.AwsConnector", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.AwsConnector", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "s3Buckets", "name": "s3Buckets", "operations": [ { "description": "List S3Bucket resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "S3Buckets_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3Buckets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a S3Bucket", "displayName": "S3Buckets_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3Buckets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a S3Bucket. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "S3Buckets_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3Buckets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a S3Bucket", "displayName": "S3Buckets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3Buckets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2Instances", "name": "ec2Instances", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2Instance resources by parent", "displayName": "Ec2Instances_List", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Instances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2Instance. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2Instances_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Instances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2Instance", "displayName": "Ec2Instances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Instances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "lambdaFunctionConfigurations", "name": "lambdaFunctionConfigurations", "operations": [ { "description": "List LambdaFunctionConfiguration resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "LambdaFunctionConfigurations_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lambdaFunctionConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a LambdaFunctionConfiguration", "displayName": "LambdaFunctionConfigurations_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lambdaFunctionConfigurations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a LambdaFunctionConfiguration. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "LambdaFunctionConfigurations_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lambdaFunctionConfigurations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LambdaFunctionConfiguration", "displayName": "LambdaFunctionConfigurations_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lambdaFunctionConfigurations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "lambdaFunctions", "name": "lambdaFunctions", "operations": [ { "description": "List LambdaFunction resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "LambdaFunctions_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lambdaFunctions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a LambdaFunction", "displayName": "LambdaFunctions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lambdaFunctions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a LambdaFunction. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "LambdaFunctions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lambdaFunctions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LambdaFunction", "displayName": "LambdaFunctions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lambdaFunctions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "s3AccessPoints", "name": "s3AccessPoints", "operations": [ { "description": "List S3AccessPoint resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "S3AccessPoints_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3AccessPoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a S3AccessPoint", "displayName": "S3AccessPoints_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3AccessPoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a S3AccessPoint. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "S3AccessPoints_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3AccessPoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a S3AccessPoint", "displayName": "S3AccessPoints_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3AccessPoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2KeyPairs", "name": "ec2KeyPairs", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2KeyPair resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2KeyPairs_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2KeyPairs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2KeyPair", "displayName": "Ec2KeyPairs_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2KeyPairs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2KeyPair. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2KeyPairs_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2KeyPairs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2KeyPair", "displayName": "Ec2KeyPairs_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2KeyPairs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2Subnets", "name": "ec2Subnets", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2Subnet resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2Subnets_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Subnets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2Subnet", "displayName": "Ec2Subnets_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Subnets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2Subnet. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2Subnets_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Subnets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2Subnet", "displayName": "Ec2Subnets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Subnets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2Volumes", "name": "ec2Volumes", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2Volume resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2Volumes_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Volumes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2Volume", "displayName": "Ec2Volumes_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Volumes/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2Volume. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2Volumes_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Volumes/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2Volume", "displayName": "Ec2Volumes_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Volumes/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2Vpcs", "name": "ec2Vpcs", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2Vpc resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2Vpcs_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Vpcs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2Vpc", "displayName": "Ec2Vpcs_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Vpcs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2Vpc. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2Vpcs_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Vpcs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2Vpc", "displayName": "Ec2Vpcs_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2Vpcs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "logsLogGroups", "name": "logsLogGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "List LogsLogGroup resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "LogsLogGroups_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsLogGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a LogsLogGroup", "displayName": "LogsLogGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsLogGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a LogsLogGroup. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "LogsLogGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsLogGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LogsLogGroup", "displayName": "LogsLogGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsLogGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "logsLogStreams", "name": "logsLogStreams", "operations": [ { "description": "List LogsLogStream resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "LogsLogStreams_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsLogStreams/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a LogsLogStream", "displayName": "LogsLogStreams_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsLogStreams/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a LogsLogStream. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "LogsLogStreams_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsLogStreams/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LogsLogStream", "displayName": "LogsLogStreams_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsLogStreams/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "rdsDBInstances", "name": "rdsDBInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "List RdsDBInstance resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "RdsDbInstances_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/rdsDBInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a RdsDBInstance", "displayName": "RdsDbInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/rdsDBInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a RdsDBInstance. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "RdsDbInstances_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/rdsDBInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a RdsDBInstance", "displayName": "RdsDbInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/rdsDBInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "dynamoDBTables", "name": "dynamoDBTables", "operations": [ { "description": "List DynamoDBTable resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "DynamoDbTables_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/dynamoDBTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a DynamoDBTable", "displayName": "DynamoDbTables_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/dynamoDBTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a DynamoDBTable. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "DynamoDbTables_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/dynamoDBTables/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a DynamoDBTable", "displayName": "DynamoDbTables_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/dynamoDBTables/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "elasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancers", "name": "elasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancers", "operations": [ { "description": "List ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancers_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancers_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancers/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancers_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancers/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancer", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2LoadBalancers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkFirewallFirewalls", "name": "networkFirewallFirewalls", "operations": [ { "description": "List NetworkFirewallFirewall resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallFirewalls_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallFirewalls/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a NetworkFirewallFirewall", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallFirewalls_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallFirewalls/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NetworkFirewallFirewall. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallFirewalls_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallFirewalls/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a NetworkFirewallFirewall", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallFirewalls_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallFirewalls/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sageMakerApps", "name": "sageMakerApps", "operations": [ { "description": "List SageMakerApp resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "SageMakerApps_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sageMakerApps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a SageMakerApp", "displayName": "SageMakerApps_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sageMakerApps/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a SageMakerApp. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "SageMakerApps_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sageMakerApps/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a SageMakerApp", "displayName": "SageMakerApps_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sageMakerApps/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "lightsailInstances", "name": "lightsailInstances", "operations": [ { "description": "List LightsailInstance resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "LightsailInstances_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lightsailInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a LightsailInstance", "displayName": "LightsailInstances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lightsailInstances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a LightsailInstance. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "LightsailInstances_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lightsailInstances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LightsailInstance", "displayName": "LightsailInstances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lightsailInstances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2NetworkAcls", "name": "ec2NetworkAcls", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2NetworkAcl resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2NetworkAcls_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2NetworkAcls/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2NetworkAcl", "displayName": "Ec2NetworkAcls_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2NetworkAcls/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2NetworkAcl. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2NetworkAcls_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2NetworkAcls/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2NetworkAcl", "displayName": "Ec2NetworkAcls_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2NetworkAcls/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2NetworkInterfaces", "name": "ec2NetworkInterfaces", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2NetworkInterface resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2NetworkInterfaces_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2NetworkInterfaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2NetworkInterface", "displayName": "Ec2NetworkInterfaces_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2NetworkInterfaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2NetworkInterface. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2NetworkInterfaces_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2NetworkInterfaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2NetworkInterface", "displayName": "Ec2NetworkInterfaces_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2NetworkInterfaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2RouteTables", "name": "ec2RouteTables", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2RouteTable resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2RouteTables_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2RouteTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2RouteTable", "displayName": "Ec2RouteTables_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2RouteTables/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2RouteTable. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2RouteTables_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2RouteTables/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2RouteTable", "displayName": "Ec2RouteTables_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2RouteTables/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2VPCEndpoints", "name": "ec2VPCEndpoints", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2VPCEndpoint resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2VpcEndpoints_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2VPCEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2VPCEndpoint", "displayName": "Ec2VpcEndpoints_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2VPCEndpoints/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2VPCEndpoint. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2VpcEndpoints_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2VPCEndpoints/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2VPCEndpoint", "displayName": "Ec2VpcEndpoints_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2VPCEndpoints/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2VPCPeeringConnections", "name": "ec2VPCPeeringConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2VPCPeeringConnection resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2VpcPeeringConnections_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2VPCPeeringConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2VPCPeeringConnection", "displayName": "Ec2VpcPeeringConnections_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2VPCPeeringConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2VPCPeeringConnection. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2VpcPeeringConnections_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2VPCPeeringConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2VPCPeeringConnection", "displayName": "Ec2VpcPeeringConnections_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2VPCPeeringConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2InstanceStatuses", "name": "ec2InstanceStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2InstanceStatus resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2InstanceStatuses_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2InstanceStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2InstanceStatus", "displayName": "Ec2InstanceStatuses_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2InstanceStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2InstanceStatus. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2InstanceStatuses_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2InstanceStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2InstanceStatus", "displayName": "Ec2InstanceStatuses_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2InstanceStatuses/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ec2SecurityGroups", "name": "ec2SecurityGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "List Ec2SecurityGroup resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Ec2SecurityGroups_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2SecurityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Ec2SecurityGroup", "displayName": "Ec2SecurityGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2SecurityGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Ec2SecurityGroup. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Ec2SecurityGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2SecurityGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Ec2SecurityGroup", "displayName": "Ec2SecurityGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ec2SecurityGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "licenseManagerLicenses", "name": "licenseManagerLicenses", "operations": [ { "description": "List LicenseManagerLicense resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "LicenseManagerLicenses_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/licenseManagerLicenses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a LicenseManagerLicense", "displayName": "LicenseManagerLicenses_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/licenseManagerLicenses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a LicenseManagerLicense. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "LicenseManagerLicenses_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/licenseManagerLicenses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LicenseManagerLicense", "displayName": "LicenseManagerLicenses_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/licenseManagerLicenses/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "lightsailBuckets", "name": "lightsailBuckets", "operations": [ { "description": "List LightsailBucket resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "LightsailBuckets_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lightsailBuckets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a LightsailBucket", "displayName": "LightsailBuckets_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lightsailBuckets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a LightsailBucket. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "LightsailBuckets_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lightsailBuckets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LightsailBucket", "displayName": "LightsailBuckets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/lightsailBuckets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "logsSubscriptionFilters", "name": "logsSubscriptionFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "List LogsSubscriptionFilter resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "LogsSubscriptionFilters_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsSubscriptionFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a LogsSubscriptionFilter", "displayName": "LogsSubscriptionFilters_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsSubscriptionFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a LogsSubscriptionFilter. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "LogsSubscriptionFilters_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsSubscriptionFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LogsSubscriptionFilter", "displayName": "LogsSubscriptionFilters_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsSubscriptionFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkFirewallFirewallPolicies", "name": "networkFirewallFirewallPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "List NetworkFirewallFirewallPolicy resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallFirewallPolicies_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallFirewallPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a NetworkFirewallFirewallPolicy", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallFirewallPolicies_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallFirewallPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NetworkFirewallFirewallPolicy. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallFirewallPolicies_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallFirewallPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a NetworkFirewallFirewallPolicy", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallFirewallPolicies_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallFirewallPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "networkFirewallRuleGroups", "name": "networkFirewallRuleGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "List NetworkFirewallRuleGroup resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallRuleGroups_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallRuleGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a NetworkFirewallRuleGroup", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallRuleGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallRuleGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a NetworkFirewallRuleGroup. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallRuleGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallRuleGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a NetworkFirewallRuleGroup", "displayName": "NetworkFirewallRuleGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/networkFirewallRuleGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "organizationsAccounts", "name": "organizationsAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "List OrganizationsAccount resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "OrganizationsAccounts_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/organizationsAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a OrganizationsAccount", "displayName": "OrganizationsAccounts_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/organizationsAccounts/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a OrganizationsAccount. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "OrganizationsAccounts_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/organizationsAccounts/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a OrganizationsAccount", "displayName": "OrganizationsAccounts_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/organizationsAccounts/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "organizationsOrganizations", "name": "organizationsOrganizations", "operations": [ { "description": "List OrganizationsOrganization resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "OrganizationsOrganizations_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/organizationsOrganizations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a OrganizationsOrganization", "displayName": "OrganizationsOrganizations_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/organizationsOrganizations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a OrganizationsOrganization. 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Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "RdsDbClusters_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/rdsDBClusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a RdsDBCluster", "displayName": "RdsDbClusters_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/rdsDBClusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sageMakerDevices", "name": "sageMakerDevices", "operations": [ { "description": "List SageMakerDevice resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "SageMakerDevices_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sageMakerDevices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a SageMakerDevice", "displayName": "SageMakerDevices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sageMakerDevices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a SageMakerDevice. 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Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "SageMakerImages_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sageMakerImages/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a SageMakerImage", "displayName": "SageMakerImages_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sageMakerImages/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "wafv2IPSets", "name": "wafv2IPSets", "operations": [ { "description": "List Wafv2IPSet resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Wafv2IpSets_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/wafv2IPSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Wafv2IPSet", "displayName": "Wafv2IpSets_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/wafv2IPSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Wafv2IPSet. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Wafv2IpSets_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/wafv2IPSets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Wafv2IPSet", "displayName": "Wafv2IpSets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/wafv2IPSets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "wafv2WebACLAssociations", "name": "wafv2WebACLAssociations", "operations": [ { "description": "List Wafv2WebACLAssociation resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Wafv2WebAclAssociations_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/wafv2WebACLAssociations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Wafv2WebACLAssociation", "displayName": "Wafv2WebAclAssociations_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/wafv2WebACLAssociations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Wafv2WebACLAssociation. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Wafv2WebAclAssociations_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/wafv2WebACLAssociations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Wafv2WebACLAssociation", "displayName": "Wafv2WebAclAssociations_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/wafv2WebACLAssociations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "apiGatewayRestApis", "name": "apiGatewayRestApis", "operations": [ { "description": "List ApiGatewayRestApi resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "ApiGatewayRestApis_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/apiGatewayRestApis/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a ApiGatewayRestApi", "displayName": "ApiGatewayRestApis_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/apiGatewayRestApis/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a ApiGatewayRestApi. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "ApiGatewayRestApis_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/apiGatewayRestApis/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a ApiGatewayRestApi", "displayName": "ApiGatewayRestApis_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/apiGatewayRestApis/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "apiGatewayStages", "name": "apiGatewayStages", "operations": [ { "description": "List ApiGatewayStage resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "ApiGatewayStages_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/apiGatewayStages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a ApiGatewayStage", "displayName": "ApiGatewayStages_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/apiGatewayStages/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a ApiGatewayStage. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "ApiGatewayStages_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/apiGatewayStages/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a ApiGatewayStage", "displayName": "ApiGatewayStages_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/apiGatewayStages/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "applicationAutoScalingScalableTargets", "name": "applicationAutoScalingScalableTargets", "operations": [ { "description": "List ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargets_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/applicationAutoScalingScalableTargets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget", "displayName": "ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTargets_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/applicationAutoScalingScalableTargets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a ApplicationAutoScalingScalableTarget. 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Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "CloudFormationStacks_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/cloudFormationStacks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a CloudFormationStack", "displayName": "CloudFormationStacks_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/cloudFormationStacks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "cloudFormationStackSets", "name": "cloudFormationStackSets", "operations": [ { "description": "List CloudFormationStackSet resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "CloudFormationStackSets_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/cloudFormationStackSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a CloudFormationStackSet", "displayName": "CloudFormationStackSets_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/cloudFormationStackSets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a CloudFormationStackSet. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "CloudFormationStackSets_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/cloudFormationStackSets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a CloudFormationStackSet", "displayName": "CloudFormationStackSets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/cloudFormationStackSets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "cloudTrailTrails", "name": "cloudTrailTrails", "operations": [ { "description": "List CloudTrailTrail resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "CloudTrailTrails_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/cloudTrailTrails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a CloudTrailTrail", "displayName": "CloudTrailTrails_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/cloudTrailTrails/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a CloudTrailTrail. 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Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "EcsClusters_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ecsClusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a EcsCluster", "displayName": "EcsClusters_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ecsClusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "ecsServices", "name": "ecsServices", "operations": [ { "description": "List EcsService resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "EcsServices_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ecsServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a EcsService", "displayName": "EcsServices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ecsServices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a EcsService. 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Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "EcsTaskDefinitions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ecsTaskDefinitions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a EcsTaskDefinition", "displayName": "EcsTaskDefinitions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/ecsTaskDefinitions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "efsFileSystems", "name": "efsFileSystems", "operations": [ { "description": "List EfsFileSystem resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "EfsFileSystems_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/efsFileSystems/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a EfsFileSystem", "displayName": "EfsFileSystems_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/efsFileSystems/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a EfsFileSystem. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "EfsFileSystems_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/efsFileSystems/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a EfsFileSystem", "displayName": "EfsFileSystems_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/efsFileSystems/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "efsMountTargets", "name": "efsMountTargets", "operations": [ { "description": "List EfsMountTarget resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "EfsMountTargets_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/efsMountTargets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a EfsMountTarget", "displayName": "EfsMountTargets_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/efsMountTargets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a EfsMountTarget. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "EfsMountTargets_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/efsMountTargets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a EfsMountTarget", "displayName": "EfsMountTargets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/efsMountTargets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "elasticBeanstalkEnvironments", "name": "elasticBeanstalkEnvironments", "operations": [ { "description": "List ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "ElasticBeanstalkEnvironments_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticBeanstalkEnvironments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment", "displayName": "ElasticBeanstalkEnvironments_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticBeanstalkEnvironments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "ElasticBeanstalkEnvironments_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticBeanstalkEnvironments/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a ElasticBeanstalkEnvironment", "displayName": "ElasticBeanstalkEnvironments_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticBeanstalkEnvironments/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "elasticLoadBalancingV2Listeners", "name": "elasticLoadBalancingV2Listeners", "operations": [ { "description": "List ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listeners_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2Listeners/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listeners_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2Listeners/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listeners_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2Listeners/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listener", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2Listeners_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2Listeners/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "elasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroups", "name": "elasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "List ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroups_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroup", "displayName": "ElasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticLoadBalancingV2TargetGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "elasticsearchDomains", "name": "elasticsearchDomains", "operations": [ { "description": "List ElasticsearchDomain resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "ElasticsearchDomains_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticsearchDomains/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a ElasticsearchDomain", "displayName": "ElasticsearchDomains_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticsearchDomains/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a ElasticsearchDomain. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "ElasticsearchDomains_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticsearchDomains/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a ElasticsearchDomain", "displayName": "ElasticsearchDomains_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/elasticsearchDomains/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "guardDutyDetectors", "name": "guardDutyDetectors", "operations": [ { "description": "List GuardDutyDetector resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "GuardDutyDetectors_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/guardDutyDetectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a GuardDutyDetector", "displayName": "GuardDutyDetectors_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/guardDutyDetectors/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a GuardDutyDetector. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "GuardDutyDetectors_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/guardDutyDetectors/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a GuardDutyDetector", "displayName": "GuardDutyDetectors_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/guardDutyDetectors/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iamGroups", "name": "iamGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "List IamGroup resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "IamGroups_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a IamGroup", "displayName": "IamGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a IamGroup. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "IamGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a IamGroup", "displayName": "IamGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iamInstanceProfiles", "name": "iamInstanceProfiles", "operations": [ { "description": "List IamInstanceProfile resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "IamInstanceProfiles_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamInstanceProfiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a IamInstanceProfile", "displayName": "IamInstanceProfiles_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamInstanceProfiles/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a IamInstanceProfile. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "IamInstanceProfiles_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamInstanceProfiles/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a IamInstanceProfile", "displayName": "IamInstanceProfiles_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamInstanceProfiles/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iamManagedPolicies", "name": "iamManagedPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "List IamManagedPolicy resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "IamManagedPolicies_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamManagedPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a IamManagedPolicy", "displayName": "IamManagedPolicies_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamManagedPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a IamManagedPolicy. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "IamManagedPolicies_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamManagedPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a IamManagedPolicy", "displayName": "IamManagedPolicies_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamManagedPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iamServerCertificates", "name": "iamServerCertificates", "operations": [ { "description": "List IamServerCertificate resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "IamServerCertificates_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamServerCertificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a IamServerCertificate", "displayName": "IamServerCertificates_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamServerCertificates/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a IamServerCertificate. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "IamServerCertificates_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamServerCertificates/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a IamServerCertificate", "displayName": "IamServerCertificates_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamServerCertificates/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iamUserPolicies", "name": "iamUserPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "List IamUserPolicy resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "IamUserPolicies_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamUserPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a IamUserPolicy", "displayName": "IamUserPolicies_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamUserPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a IamUserPolicy. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "IamUserPolicies_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamUserPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a IamUserPolicy", "displayName": "IamUserPolicies_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamUserPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "iamVirtualMFADevices", "name": "iamVirtualMFADevices", "operations": [ { "description": "List IamVirtualMFADevice resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "IamVirtualMfaDevices_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamVirtualMFADevices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a IamVirtualMFADevice", "displayName": "IamVirtualMfaDevices_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamVirtualMFADevices/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a IamVirtualMFADevice. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "IamVirtualMfaDevices_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamVirtualMFADevices/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a IamVirtualMFADevice", "displayName": "IamVirtualMfaDevices_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/iamVirtualMFADevices/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "kmsKeys", "name": "kmsKeys", "operations": [ { "description": "List KmsKey resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "KmsKeys_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/kmsKeys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a KmsKey", "displayName": "KmsKeys_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/kmsKeys/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a KmsKey. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "KmsKeys_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/kmsKeys/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a KmsKey", "displayName": "KmsKeys_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/kmsKeys/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "logsMetricFilters", "name": "logsMetricFilters", "operations": [ { "description": "List LogsMetricFilter resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "LogsMetricFilters_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsMetricFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a LogsMetricFilter", "displayName": "LogsMetricFilters_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsMetricFilters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a LogsMetricFilter. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "LogsMetricFilters_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsMetricFilters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a LogsMetricFilter", "displayName": "LogsMetricFilters_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/logsMetricFilters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "macieAllowLists", "name": "macieAllowLists", "operations": [ { "description": "List MacieAllowList resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "MacieAllowLists_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/macieAllowLists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a MacieAllowList", "displayName": "MacieAllowLists_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/macieAllowLists/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a MacieAllowList. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "MacieAllowLists_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/macieAllowLists/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a MacieAllowList", "displayName": "MacieAllowLists_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/macieAllowLists/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "openSearchServiceDomains", "name": "openSearchServiceDomains", "operations": [ { "description": "List OpenSearchServiceDomain resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "OpenSearchServiceDomains_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/openSearchServiceDomains/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a OpenSearchServiceDomain", "displayName": "OpenSearchServiceDomains_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/openSearchServiceDomains/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a OpenSearchServiceDomain. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "OpenSearchServiceDomains_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/openSearchServiceDomains/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a OpenSearchServiceDomain", "displayName": "OpenSearchServiceDomains_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/openSearchServiceDomains/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "rdsEventSubscriptions", "name": "rdsEventSubscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "List RdsEventSubscription resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "RdsEventSubscriptions_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/rdsEventSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a RdsEventSubscription", "displayName": "RdsEventSubscriptions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/rdsEventSubscriptions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a RdsEventSubscription. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "RdsEventSubscriptions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/rdsEventSubscriptions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a RdsEventSubscription", "displayName": "RdsEventSubscriptions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/rdsEventSubscriptions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "redshiftClusters", "name": "redshiftClusters", "operations": [ { "description": "List RedshiftCluster resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "RedshiftClusters_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a RedshiftCluster", "displayName": "RedshiftClusters_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusters/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a RedshiftCluster. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "RedshiftClusters_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusters/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a RedshiftCluster", "displayName": "RedshiftClusters_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusters/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "redshiftClusterParameterGroups", "name": "redshiftClusterParameterGroups", "operations": [ { "description": "List RedshiftClusterParameterGroup resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "RedshiftClusterParameterGroups_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusterParameterGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a RedshiftClusterParameterGroup", "displayName": "RedshiftClusterParameterGroups_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusterParameterGroups/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a RedshiftClusterParameterGroup. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "RedshiftClusterParameterGroups_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusterParameterGroups/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a RedshiftClusterParameterGroup", "displayName": "RedshiftClusterParameterGroups_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/redshiftClusterParameterGroups/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "route53HostedZones", "name": "route53HostedZones", "operations": [ { "description": "List Route53HostedZone resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "Route53HostedZones_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/route53HostedZones/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a Route53HostedZone", "displayName": "Route53HostedZones_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/route53HostedZones/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Route53HostedZone. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "Route53HostedZones_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/route53HostedZones/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Route53HostedZone", "displayName": "Route53HostedZones_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/route53HostedZones/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "s3BucketPolicies", "name": "s3BucketPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "List S3BucketPolicy resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "S3BucketPolicies_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3BucketPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a S3BucketPolicy", "displayName": "S3BucketPolicies_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3BucketPolicies/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a S3BucketPolicy. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "S3BucketPolicies_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3BucketPolicies/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a S3BucketPolicy", "displayName": "S3BucketPolicies_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/s3BucketPolicies/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "snsTopics", "name": "snsTopics", "operations": [ { "description": "List SnsTopic resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "SnsTopics_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/snsTopics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a SnsTopic", "displayName": "SnsTopics_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/snsTopics/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a SnsTopic. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "SnsTopics_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/snsTopics/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a SnsTopic", "displayName": "SnsTopics_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/snsTopics/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "sqsQueues", "name": "sqsQueues", "operations": [ { "description": "List SqsQueue resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "SqsQueues_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sqsQueues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a SqsQueue", "displayName": "SqsQueues_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sqsQueues/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a SqsQueue. Please note that end user resource creation is currently restricted, but it will be enabled in the future.", "displayName": "SqsQueues_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sqsQueues/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a SqsQueue", "displayName": "SqsQueues_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AwsConnector/sqsQueues/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService", "name": "Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService", "operations": [ { "description": "action checkNameAvailability", "displayName": "action_checkNameAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzurePlaywrightService/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Register the subscription for 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"origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "healthmodels/entities", "name": "healthmodels/entities", "operations": [ { "description": "List Entity resources by HealthModel", "displayName": "Entities_ListByHealthModel", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudHealth/healthmodels/entities/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a Entity", "displayName": "Entities_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudHealth/healthmodels/entities/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a Entity", "displayName": "Entities_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CloudHealth/healthmodels/entities/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "healthmodels/relationships", "name": "healthmodels/relationships", "operations": [ { "description": "List Relationship resources by HealthModel", "displayName": "Relationships_ListByHealthModel", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operatorOfferings", "name": "operatorOfferings", "operations": [ { "description": "Get an OperatorOffering resource by name.", "displayName": "OperatorOfferings_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProgrammableConnectivity/operatorOfferings/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operatorConnections", "name": "operatorConnections", "operations": [ { "description": "List OperatorConnection resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "OperatorConnections_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProgrammableConnectivity/operatorConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get an Operator Connection.", "displayName": "OperatorConnections_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProgrammableConnectivity/operatorConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create an Operator Connection.", "displayName": 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"name": "Microsoft.ProgrammableConnectivity/operatorApiConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get an Operator API Connection.", "displayName": "OperatorApiConnections_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProgrammableConnectivity/operatorApiConnections/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create an Operator API Connection.", "displayName": "OperatorApiConnections_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProgrammableConnectivity/operatorApiConnections/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete an Operator API Connection.", "displayName": "OperatorApiConnections_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProgrammableConnectivity/operatorApiConnections/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Storage Actions", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.StorageActions", "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Storage Task", "name": "storageTasks", "operations": [ { "description": "Deletes an existing storage task", "displayName": "Delete Storage Task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions/storageTasks/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets the properties for the specified storage task", "displayName": "Get Storage Task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions/storageTasks/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Promote specific version of storage task to current version", "displayName": "Promote Storage Task Version", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions/storageTasks/promote/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates or updates storage task", "displayName": "Put Storage Task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions/storageTasks/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Task Run Statuses", "name": "storageTasks/reports", "operations": [ { "description": "List run statuses of a storage task", "displayName": "List Storage Task Run Reports", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions/storageTasks/reports/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Task Assignments", "name": "storageTasks/storageTaskAssignments", "operations": [ { "description": "List all storage task assignments of a storage task", "displayName": "List Storage Task Assignments by Storage Task", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions/storageTasks/storageTaskAssignments/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Storage Tasks", "name": "storageTasks/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "List all versions of a storage task", "displayName": "List Storage Task Versions", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions/storageTasks/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "locations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions/locations/previewActions/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StorageActions/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft EnterpriseSupport", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport", "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the Enterprise Support resource provider and enable creation of resources", "displayName": "Registers the Enterprise Support Resource Provider", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/register/Action", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Register the Enterprise Support resource provider and enable creation of resources", "displayName": "Registers the Enterprise Support Resource Provider", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/enterpriseSupports/Action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "enterpriseSupports", "name": "enterpriseSupports", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads Enterprise Support resources", "displayName": "Gets/Lists the Enterprise Support resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/enterpriseSupports/Read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes Enterprise Support resources", "displayName": "Creates/Updates the Enterprise Support resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/enterpriseSupports/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes Enterprise Support resources", "displayName": "Deletes the Enterprise Support resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/enterpriseSupports/Delete", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "EnterpriseSupport Service", "name": "services", "operations": [ { "description": "Read EnterpriseSupport resources", "displayName": "Read EnterpriseSupport resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/services/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes EnterpriseSupport resources", "displayName": "Write EnterpriseSupport resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/services/write", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes EnterpriseSupport resources", "displayName": "Delete EnterpriseSupport resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/services/delete", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the operations for all resource types.", "displayName": "Read resource provider operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/Operations/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operation Result", "name": "locations/operationresults", "operations": [ { "description": "Read the status of an asynchronous operation.", "displayName": "Read Operation Result.", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EnterpriseSupport/locations/operationresults/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" 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"userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any fabric agents", "displayName": "Deletes fabric agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationFabrics/fabricAgents/delete", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication Fabrics", "name": "replicationFabrics", "operations": [ { "description": "Refreshes any fabric agent", "displayName": "Refreshes fabric agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationFabrics/fabricAgents/action", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reads any fabrics", "displayName": "Read Fabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationFabrics/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes any fabric", "displayName": "Writes the fabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationFabrics/write", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any fabrics", "displayName": "Deletes the fabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationFabrics/delete", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Fabric Agents", "name": "replicationFabrics/fabricAgents/operation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the operation status of the fabric agents", "displayName": "Gets the operation status of the fabric agent", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationFabrics/fabricAgents/operation/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Alert Settings", "name": "replicationVaults/alertSettings", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any alert setting", "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/alertSettings/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes any alert setting", "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/alertSettings/write", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication Fabrics", "name": "replicationFabrics/operation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets the operation status of the fabrics", "displayName": "Gets the operation status of the fabric", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationFabrics/operation/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication Policies", "name": "replicationVaults/replicationPolicies", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any replication policy", "displayName": "Reads replication policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/replicationPolicies/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes any replication policy", "displayName": "Writes replication policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/replicationPolicies/write", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any replication policies", "displayName": "Deletes replication policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/replicationPolicies/delete", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication Policies", "name": "replicationVaults/replicationPolicies/operation", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads the operation status of the replication policy", "displayName": "Gets the operation status of the replication policy", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/replicationPolicies/operation/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Items", "name": "replicationVaults/protectedItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Reads any protected item", "displayName": "Get protected item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/protectedItems/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes any protected item", "displayName": "Writes protected item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/protectedItems/write", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any protected item", "displayName": "Deletes protected item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/protectedItems/delete", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Items", "name": "replicationVaults", "operations": [ { "description": "Performs resync on any protected item", "displayName": "Performs resync on protected item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/protectedItems/action", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs test failover cleanup on any protected item", "displayName": "Performs test failover cleanup on protected item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/protectedItems/action", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Performs cancel failover on any protected item", "displayName": "Performs cancel failover on protected item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/protectedItems/action", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/recoveryPlans/action", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets any vault", "displayName": "Gets the vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes any vault", "displayName": "Writes vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/write", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any vaults", "displayName": "Deletes vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/delete", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Protected Items", "name": "replicationVaults/protectedItems/operation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operation status of any protected item", "displayName": "Gets operation status of protected item", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/protectedItems/operation/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "replicationVaults/recoveryPlans", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/recoveryPlans/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/recoveryPlans/write", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/recoveryPlans/delete", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "replicationVaults/recoveryPlans/operation", "operations": [ { "description": null, "displayName": null, "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/recoveryPlans/operation/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Recovery Points", "name": "replicationVaults/protectedItems/recoveryPoints", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets any recovery point info", "displayName": "Gets the recovery point info", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/protectedItems/recoveryPoints/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication Extensions", "name": "replicationVaults/replicationExtensions", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets any replication extension", "displayName": "Gets the replication extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/replicationExtensions/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes any replication extension", "displayName": "Writes the replication extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/replicationExtensions/write", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes any replication extensions", "displayName": "Deletes replication extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/replicationExtensions/delete", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication Extensions", "name": "replicationVaults/replicationExtensions/operation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operation status of any replication extension", "displayName": "Gets the operation status of the replication extension", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/replicationExtensions/operation/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Replication Vaults", "name": "replicationVaults/operation", "operations": [ { "description": "Gets operation status of any vault", "displayName": "Gets operation status on the vault", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DataReplication/replicationVaults/operation/read", "origin": "userandsystem", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.StandbyPool", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.StandbyPool", "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.StandbyPool", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.StandbyPool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/register/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.StandbyPool", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.StandbyPool", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/unregister/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "write OperationStatuses", "displayName": "write_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/Locations/OperationStatuses/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "standbyContainerGroupPools", "name": "standbyContainerGroupPools", "operations": [ { "description": "List StandbyContainerGroupPoolResource resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "StandbyContainerGroupPools_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyContainerGroupPools/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a StandbyContainerGroupPoolResource", "displayName": "StandbyContainerGroupPools_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyContainerGroupPools/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a StandbyContainerGroupPoolResource", "displayName": "StandbyContainerGroupPools_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyContainerGroupPools/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a StandbyContainerGroupPoolResource", "displayName": "StandbyContainerGroupPools_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyContainerGroupPools/delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Reserve a standby container group from a StandbyContainerGroupPoolResource", "displayName": "StandbyContainerGroupPools_Reserve", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyContainerGroupPools/reserve/action", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/Operations/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "standbyVirtualMachinePools", "name": "standbyVirtualMachinePools", "operations": [ { "description": "List StandbyVirtualMachinePoolResource resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "StandbyVirtualMachinePools_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyVirtualMachinePools/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a StandbyVirtualMachinePoolResource", "displayName": "StandbyVirtualMachinePools_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyVirtualMachinePools/read", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a StandbyVirtualMachinePoolResource", "displayName": "StandbyVirtualMachinePools_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyVirtualMachinePools/write", "origin": "System", "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a StandbyVirtualMachinePoolResource", "displayName": "StandbyVirtualMachinePools_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.StandbyPool/standbyVirtualMachinePools/delete", "origin": "System", "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "standbyContainerGroupPools/runtimeViews", "name": "standbyContainerGroupPools/runtimeViews", "operations": [ { "description": "List 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"name": "Microsoft.AzureFleet/unregister/action", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Fleets", "name": "fleets", "operations": [ { "description": "Get properties of Azure Fleet resource", "displayName": "Get Azure Fleet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureFleet/fleets/read", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new Azure Fleet resource or updates an existing one", "displayName": "Create or Update Azure Fleet", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureFleet/fleets/write", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes all compute resources of Azure Fleet resource", "displayName": "Delete Virtual Machine and Virtual Machine scale sets in a Azure Fleet resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.AzureFleet/fleets/delete", "origin": "user,system", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "SplitIO.Experimentation", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/SplitIO.Experimentation", "name": "SplitIO.Experimentation", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for SplitIO.Experimentation", "displayName": "Register the SplitIO.Experimentation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "SplitIO.Experimentation/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for SplitIO.Experimentation", "displayName": "Unregister the SplitIO.Experimentation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "SplitIO.Experimentation/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "action checkNameAvailability", "displayName": "action_checkNameAvailability", "isDataAction": false, "name": "SplitIO.Experimentation/checkNameAvailability/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "SplitIO.Experimentation/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "SplitIO.Experimentation/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "SplitIO.Experimentation/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "experimentationWorkspaces", "name": "experimentationWorkspaces", "operations": [ { "description": "List ExperimentationWorkspace resources by subscription ID", "displayName": "ExperimentationWorkspaces_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": 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"Microsoft.NexusIdentity/identitySets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Get a IdentitySetResource", "displayName": "IdentitySet_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NexusIdentity/identitySets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a IdentitySetResource", "displayName": "IdentitySet_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NexusIdentity/identitySets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a IdentitySetResource", "displayName": "IdentitySet_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NexusIdentity/identitySets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "name": "Locations/OperationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read OperationStatuses", "displayName": "read_OperationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NexusIdentity/Locations/OperationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, 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"description": "Delete a IdentityController", "displayName": "IdentityControllers_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NexusIdentity/identityControllers/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "identitySets/identitySetInfos", "name": "identitySets/identitySetInfos", "operations": [ { "description": "Get a IdentitySetInfoResource", "displayName": "IdentitySetInfos_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NexusIdentity/identitySets/identitySetInfos/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Create a IdentitySetInfoResource", "displayName": "IdentitySetInfos_Create", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NexusIdentity/identitySets/identitySetInfos/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete a IdentitySetInfoResource", "displayName": "IdentitySetInfos_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NexusIdentity/identitySets/identitySetInfos/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Gets list of users for a IdentitySetInfoResource", "displayName": "IdentitySetInfos_getUsers", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.NexusIdentity/identitySets/identitySetInfos/getUsers/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.EdgeZones", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.EdgeZones", "name": "Microsoft.EdgeZones", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.EdgeZones", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.EdgeZones", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeZones/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.EdgeZones", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.EdgeZones", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeZones/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "extendedZones", "name": "extendedZones", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists the Azure Extended Zones available to a subscription", "displayName": "ExtendedZones_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeZones/extendedZones/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Registers a subscription for an Extended Zone", "displayName": "ExtendedZones_Register", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeZones/extendedZones/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregisters a subscription for an Extended Zone", "displayName": "ExtendedZones_Unregister", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeZones/extendedZones/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.EdgeZones/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.VoiceServices", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.VoiceServices", "name": "Microsoft.VoiceServices", "operations": [], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Accounts", "name": "Accounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Read Accounts", "displayName": "Gets/List account resources", "isDataAction": true, "name": "Microsoft.VoiceServices/Accounts/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator", "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Operations", "name": "Operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read Operations", "displayName": "read_Operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/Operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "solutions", "name": "solutions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Solutions resources within an Azure subscription.", "displayName": "Solutions_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/solutions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns details of specified Solution resource.", "displayName": "Solutions_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/solutions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new or updates existing Solution resource.", "displayName": "Solutions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/solutions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified Solution resource.", "displayName": "Solutions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/solutions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "targets", "name": "targets", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Targets resources within an Azure subscription.", "displayName": "Targets_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/targets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns details of specified Target resource.", "displayName": "Targets_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/targets/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new or updates existing Target resource.", "displayName": "Targets_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/targets/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified Target resource.", "displayName": "Targets_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/targets/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "instances", "name": "instances", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Instances resources within an Azure subscription.", "displayName": "Instances_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/instances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns details of specified Instance resource.", "displayName": "Instances_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/instances/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new or updates existing Instance resource.", "displayName": "Instances_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/instances/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified Instance resource.", "displayName": "Instances_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/instances/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "campaigns", "name": "campaigns", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists campaigns within an Azure subscription.", "displayName": "Campaigns_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/campaigns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the details of the campaign.", "displayName": "Campaigns_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/campaigns/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new or updates an existing campaign.", "displayName": "Campaigns_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/campaigns/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specified campaign.", "displayName": "Campaigns_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/campaigns/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "activations", "name": "activations", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists activations within an Azure subscription.", "displayName": "Activations_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/activations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns the details of the activation.", "displayName": "Activations_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/activations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new or updates an existing activation.", "displayName": "Activations_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/activations/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specified activation.", "displayName": "Activations_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/activations/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "catalogs", "name": "catalogs", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists Catalogs within an Azure subscription.", "displayName": "Catalogs_ListBySubscription", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/catalogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Returns details of the Catalog.", "displayName": "Catalogs_Get", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/catalogs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new or updates the Catalog.", "displayName": "Catalogs_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/catalogs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified Catalog.", "displayName": "Catalogs_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/catalogs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "locations/operationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "read operationStatuses", "displayName": "read_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "write operationStatuses", "displayName": "write_operationStatuses", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "solutions/versions", "name": "solutions/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a collection of SolutionVersion resources belonging to a Solution resource.", "displayName": "SolutionVersions_ListBySolution", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/solutions/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new or updates existing SolutionVersion resource.", "displayName": "SolutionVersions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/solutions/versions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified SolutionVersion resource.", "displayName": "SolutionVersions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/solutions/versions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "campaigns/versions", "name": "campaigns/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists CampaignVersions within a Campaign.", "displayName": "CampaignVersions_ListByCampaign", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/campaigns/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates a new or updates an existing campaignVersion.", "displayName": "CampaignVersions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/campaigns/versions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes a specified campaignVersion.", "displayName": "CampaignVersions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/campaigns/versions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "catalogs/versions", "name": "catalogs/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Lists CatalogVersions within a Catalog.", "displayName": "CatalogVersions_ListByCatalog", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/catalogs/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new or updates a CatalogVersion.", "displayName": "CatalogVersions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/catalogs/versions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes the specified CatalogVersion.", "displayName": "CatalogVersions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/catalogs/versions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "targets/versions", "name": "targets/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a collection of TargetVersion resources belonging to a Target resource.", "displayName": "TargetVersions_ListByTarget", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/targets/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new or updates existing TargetVersion resource.", "displayName": "TargetVersions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/targets/versions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified TargetVersion resource.", "displayName": "TargetVersions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/targets/versions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "instances/versions", "name": "instances/versions", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a collection of InstanceVersion resources belonging to an Instance resource.", "displayName": "InstanceVersions_ListByInstance", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/instances/versions/read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Creates new or updates existing InstanceVersion resource.", "displayName": "InstanceVersions_CreateOrUpdate", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/instances/versions/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes specified InstanceVersion resource.", "displayName": "InstanceVersions_Delete", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ToolchainOrchestrator/instances/versions/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.ProviderHub", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.ProviderHub", "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub", "operations": [ { "description": "Registers the subscription for the Microsoft ProviderHub resource provider and enables the creation of Microsoft ProviderHub resources.", "displayName": "Registers the Microsoft ProviderHub Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "UnRegisters the subscription for the Microsoft ProviderHub resource provider and enables the creation of Microsoft ProviderHub.", "displayName": "UnRegisters the Microsoft ProviderHub Resource Provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "providerRegistrations", "name": "providerRegistrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read provider registrations", "displayName": "Gets/List provider registrations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes provider registrations", "displayName": "Create/update provider registrations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes provider registrations", "displayName": "Deletes provider registrations resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates the manifest for the resource provider", "displayName": "Generates the manifest for the registered resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/generateManifest/Action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "availableAccounts", "name": "availableAccounts", "operations": [ { "description": "Writes provider registrations available account", "displayName": "Create/update provider registrations available account", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/availableAccounts/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "providerRegistrations/resourcetypeRegistrations", "name": "providerRegistrations/resourcetypeRegistrations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read resource type registrations", "displayName": "Gets/List resource type registrations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/resourcetypeRegistrations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes resource type registrations", "displayName": "Create/update resource type registrations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/resourcetypeRegistrations/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes resource type registrations", "displayName": "Deletes resource type registrations resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/resourcetypeRegistrations/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "providerRegistrations/operations", "name": "providerRegistrations/operations", "operations": [ { "description": "Read operations API", "displayName": "Gets/List operations API resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/operations/Read", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Writes operations API", "displayName": "Create/update operations API registrations resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/operations/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Deletes operations API", "displayName": "Deletes operations API registrations resource", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/operations/Delete", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "subscriptions", "name": "providerRegistrations/subscriptions", "operations": [ { "description": "Writes subscription resources", "displayName": "Create/update subscriptions resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.ProviderHub/providerRegistrations/subscriptions/Write", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft.CapacityAllocation", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.CapacityAllocation", "name": "Microsoft.CapacityAllocation", "operations": [ { "description": "Register the subscription for Microsoft.CapacityAllocation", "displayName": "Register the Microsoft.CapacityAllocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CapacityAllocation/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.CapacityAllocation", "displayName": "Unregister the Microsoft.CapacityAllocation", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CapacityAllocation/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "operations", "name": "operations", "operations": [ { "description": "read operations", "displayName": "read_operations", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.CapacityAllocation/operations/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Microsoft Gallery", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.Gallery", "name": "Microsoft.Gallery", "operations": [ { "description": "Enrolls RBAC for specific user", "displayName": "Update RBAC", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Gallery/enroll/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Generates artifact accessuri", "displayName": "Generates artifact accessuri", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Gallery/generateartifactaccessuri/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Retrieves resources by id", "displayName": "Retrieves resources", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Gallery/retrieveresourcesbyid/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "", "name": "galleryItems", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of galleryItems for specific user", "displayName": "List galleryItems", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.Gallery/galleryItems/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "", "name": "myareas", "operations": [ { "description": "Returns a list of 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Service", "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations/Microsoft.DurableTask", "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask", "operations": [ { "description": "Register Microsoft.DurableTask resource provider for the subscription", "displayName": "Register Microsoft.DurableTask resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask/register/action", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Unregister Microsoft.DurableTask resource provider for the subscription", "displayName": "Unregister Microsoft.DurableTask resource provider", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask/unregister/action", "origin": null, "properties": null } ], "resourceTypes": [ { "displayName": "Durable Task Service Namespace", "name": "namespaces", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Durable Task Service Namespace", "displayName": "Create or Update Durable Task Service Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask/namespaces/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Durable Task Service Namespace", "displayName": "Delete Durable Task Service Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask/namespaces/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Durable Task Service Namespace", "displayName": "Read Durable Task Service Namespace", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask/namespaces/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "Durable Task Service Task Hub", "name": "namespaces/taskhubs", "operations": [ { "description": "Create or Update Durable Task Service Task Hub", "displayName": "Create or Update Durable Task Service Task Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask/namespaces/taskhubs/write", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Delete Durable Task Service Task Hub", "displayName": "Delete Durable Task Service Task Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask/namespaces/taskhubs/delete", "origin": null, "properties": null }, { "description": "Read Durable Task Service Task Hub", "displayName": "Read Durable Task Service Task Hub", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask/namespaces/taskhubs/read", "origin": null, "properties": null } ] }, { "displayName": "OperationStatuses", "name": "locations/operationStatuses", "operations": [ { "description": "OperationStatuses read", "displayName": "OperationStatuses read", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask/locations/operationStatuses/read", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null }, { "description": "OperationStatuses write", "displayName": "OperationStatuses write", "isDataAction": false, "name": "Microsoft.DurableTask/locations/operationStatuses/write", "origin": "User, System", "properties": null } ] } ], "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/providerOperations" }, { "displayName": "Database fleet", "id": 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