{ "url_abbreviation": "dfc-fermata", "version": 9, "ts": 1707714796485, "server": { "connectUrl": "https://dfc-fermata-openpath.nrel.gov/api/", "aggregate_call_auth": "user_only" }, "opcode": { "autogen": true, "subgroups": [ "test", "default" ] }, "intro": { "program_or_study": "study", "start_month": "04", "start_year": "2024", "mode_studied": "", "program_admin_contact": "leidy.boyce@nrel.gov", "deployment_partner_name": "GSA", "translated_text": { "en": { "deployment_partner_name": "GSA", "deployment_name": "Fermata", "summary_line_1": "EV and EVSE Technology Acceptance and User Perception using NREL OpenPATH", "summary_line_2": "This portion of the study is designed to examine the effect of perceived challenges and ease of use toward using electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging infrastructure", "summary_line_3": "", "short_textual_description": "The use of the app will gather user input and feedback for the Fermata Energy Bidirectional Technology Validation Project at DFC.", "why_we_collect": "This study seeks to gather user input on EVSE tech adoption.", "research_questions": ["Identify the potential barriers that may exist for the adoption of EVs in the fleet operations?", "Understand user beliefs about ​Range anxiety?", "Understand the performance expectancy and ease of use expectancy in connection with the electric vehicle charging infrastructure?", "Quantify users’ level of effort needed to adopt EVs?"] } } }, "survey_info": { "surveys": { "UserProfileSurvey": { "formPath": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/e-mission/nrel-openpath-deploy-configs/main/survey_resources/dfc-fermata/dfc-onboarding-v1.xml", "version": 1, "compatibleWith": 1, "dataKey": "manual/demographic_survey", "labelTemplate": { "en": "Answered" } }, "DfcEvReturnTrip": { "formPath": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/e-mission/nrel-openpath-deploy-configs/main/survey_resources/dfc-fermata/dfc-ev-return-trip-v1.xml", "version": 1, "compatibleWith": 1, "dataKey": "manual/trip_user_input", "labelTemplate": { "en": "Answered" } }, "DfcEvRoamingTrip": { "formPath": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/e-mission/nrel-openpath-deploy-configs/main/survey_resources/dfc-fermata/dfc-ev-roaming-trip-v1.xml", "version": 1, "compatibleWith": 1, "dataKey": "manual/trip_user_input", "labelTemplate": { "en": "Answered" } }, "DfcGasTrip": { "formPath": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/e-mission/nrel-openpath-deploy-configs/main/survey_resources/dfc-fermata/dfc-gas-trip-v1.xml", "version": 1, "compatibleWith": 1, "dataKey": "manual/trip_user_input", "labelTemplate": { "en": "Answered" } } }, "buttons": { "trip-label": [ { "surveyName": "DfcGasTrip", "not-filled-in-label": { "en": "Gas Car Survey" }, "showsIf": "confirmedMode?.baseMode == 'CAR'" }, { "surveyName": "DfcEvReturnTrip", "not-filled-in-label": { "en": "EV Survey" }, "showsIf": "confirmedMode?.baseMode == 'E_CAR' && (pointIsWithinBounds(end_loc['coordinates'], [[-105.118, 39.719], [-105.115, 39.717]]) || pointIsWithinBounds(end_loc['coordinates'], [[-105.13, 39.853], [-105.11, 39.847]]))" }, { "surveyName": "DfcEvRoamingTrip", "not-filled-in-label": { "en": "EV Survey" }, "showsIf": "confirmedMode?.baseMode == 'E_CAR'" } ] }, "trip-labels": "ENKETO" }, "vehicle_identities": [ { "value": "car_jacks_mazda3", "bluetooth_major_minor": ["dfc0:fff0"], "text": "Jack's Mazda 3", "baseMode":"CAR", "met_equivalent":"IN_VEHICLE", "kgCo2PerKm": 0.16777, "vehicle_info": { "type": "car", "license": "JHK ****", "make": "Mazda", "model": "3", "year": 2014, "color": "red", "engine": "ICE", "mpg": 33 } }, { "value": "car_abbys_prius", "bluetooth_major_minor": ["dfc0:fff1"], "text": "Abby's Prius", "baseMode": "CAR", "met_equivalent": "IN_VEHICLE", "kgCo2PerKm": 0.11534, "vehicle_info": { "type": "car", "license": "ABI 1234", "make": "Toyota", "model": "Prius", "year": 2011, "color": "silver", "engine": "HEV", "mpg": 48 } }, { "value": "ecar_gsa_leaf1", "bluetooth_major_minor": ["dfc0:fff2"], "text": 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