# Sublime Scratchpad Easy to use Note taking tool for Sublime Text. ## Motivation Sublime text is a great text editor and it can be used to write down your important notes, todo lists and random musings while you code :) I keep finding myself creating a new file every time using 'Ctrl+n' to write down something. Saving and managing these files is a pain. ## Solution This plugin maintains a single scratchpad file which you can open using 'Ctrl+alt+n' to view the contents of the file. Hitting 'Ctrl+Space' will open and add a time-stamp at the end of the file where you can start typing your stuff. Example Screenshot: ![alt tag](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1129363/7337007/6ce6d3ba-ec0f-11e4-9aa3-b4b0906537c0.png) You can also type "Scratch Pad" in command panel(ctrl+shift+p) to edit the scratchpad file This will help you stay organized with all your notes, as it will allow you to easily search your file contents. The time-stamp is a very useful feature to organize your notes. ## Installation You can install this plugin from package control. Once you have package control installed type Install package in command panel. Search and select Scratchpad in the list. You can manually install this plugin by clonning or downloading this repository into Packages directory of your sublime text installation. ## License All of Sublime Scratchpad is licensed under the MIT license.