# Official VirtualHost configuration for Apache 2.4 template
# See Readme.md for how to generate your config manually, or in automated deployments.
# Note: This is meant to be manually tailored for your needs, expires headers might for instance not work for your dev setup.

# NameVirtualHost %IP_ADDRESS%

<VirtualHost %IP_ADDRESS%:%PORT%>
    ServerName %HOST_NAME%
    ServerAlias %HOST_ALIAS%
    DocumentRoot %BASEDIR%/public
    DirectoryIndex index.php

    # Request size limit in bytes, 0 to disable
    LimitRequestBody %BODY_SIZE_LIMIT%

    # Request timeout limit in seconds, 0 to disable
    TimeOut %TIMEOUT%

    # Enabled for Dev environment
    #LogLevel debug

    # "public" folder is what we expose to the world, all rewrite rules further down are relative to it.
    <Directory %BASEDIR%/public>
        <FilesMatch \.php$>
            # For serving php files configure mod_proxy to talk to php-fpm using Apache 2.4.10 and higher.
            # See: https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/PHP-FPM#apache_httpd_2.4

            # For best performance, prefer socket use. This requires Linux, and that both Apache and PHP has access to
            # the socket file `/var/run/php/php-fpm.sock` via local file system and hence run on the same machine.
            #SetHandler "proxy:unix:/var/run/php/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/"
            # For TCP usage, if you're not on Linux, or Apache and PHP are on separate machines, instead use fcgi: form.
            # (Optionally hint php-fpm processes count using: https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/PHP-FPM#Proxy_via_handler)
            #SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://localhost/:9000"

            SetHandler "proxy:%FASTCGI_PASS%|fcgi://localhost/"

        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted

    ## Ibexa DXP / Symfony ENVIRONMENT variables, for customizing index.php* execution
    # * Only APP_ENV and APP_DEBUG supported by console command, rest are Ibexa DXP features in index.php.

    # Environment.
    # Possible values: "prod" and "dev" out-of-the-box, other values possible with proper configuration
    # Defaults to "dev" if omitted (uses SetEnvIf so value can be used in rewrite rules)
    #if[APP_ENV] SetEnvIf Request_URI ".*" APP_ENV=%APP_ENV%

    # Optional: Whether to use debugging.
    # Possible values: 0, 1 or ""
    # Defaults to enabled if APP_ENV is set to "dev" if env value is omitted or empty

    # Optional: Whether to use Symfony's builtin HTTP Caching Proxy.
    # Disable it if you are using an external reverse proxy (e.g. Varnish)
    # Possible values: 0, 1 or ""
    # Defaults to disabled if APP_ENV is set to "dev" or TRUSTED_PROXIES is set,
    # and if this env value is omitted or empty

    # Optional: Defines the proxies to trust
    # Needed when using Varnish as proxy, if so disable APP_HTTP_CACHE.
    # Separate entries by a comma, example: "ip1,ip2"
    # Defaults to not be set if env value is omitted or empty

    # TIP: There are many more environment variables supported by Ibexa DXP. However unlike those listed above
    #      they should in most cases rather be set in the environment then in vhost config to make sure cronjobs
    #      and cli command usage takes them into account as well.

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        RewriteEngine On

        # For FastCGI mode or when using PHP-FPM, to get basic auth working.
        RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

        # Disable .php(3) and other executable extensions in the var directory
        RewriteRule ^var/.*(?i)\.(php3?|phar|phtml|sh|exe|pl|bin)$ - [F]

        # Cluster/streamed files rewrite rules. Enable on cluster with DFS as a binary data handler
        RewriteCond %{ENV:BINARY_DATA_HANDLER} "dfs"
        RewriteRule ^/var/([^/]+/)?storage/images(-versioned)?/.* /index.php [L]

        RewriteRule ^/var/([^/]+/)?storage/images(-versioned)?/.* - [L]

        # Makes it possible to placed your favicon and robots.txt at the root of your public folder
        RewriteRule ^/favicon\.ico - [L]
        RewriteRule ^/robots\.txt - [L]

        # The following rules are needed to correctly display bundle and project assets
        RewriteRule ^/bundles/ - [L]
        RewriteRule ^/assets/ - [L]
        RewriteRule ^/build/ - [L]

        # Additional Assetic rules for environments different from dev,
        # remember to run php bin/console assetic:dump --env=prod
        RewriteCond %{ENV:APP_ENV} !^(dev)
        RewriteRule ^/(css|js|fonts?)/.*\.(css|js|otf|eot|ttf|svg|woff) - [L]

        # Prevent access to website with direct usage of index.php in URL
        RewriteRule ^/([^/]+/)*?index\.php([/?#]|$) - [R=404,L]

        RewriteRule .* /index.php

    # Everything below is optional to improve performance by forcing
    # clients to cache image and design files, change the expires time
    # to suite project needs.
    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
        <LocationMatch "^/var/[^/]+/storage/images/.*">
            # Ibexa DXP appends the version number to image URL (image
            # datatype) so when an image is updated, its URL changes too
            ExpiresActive on
            ExpiresDefault "now plus 10 years"

    # Enable gzip encoding
    <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
        AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain text/css text/javascript application/javascript text/xml application/xml+rss
        # NOTE: Using gzip on text/html can be a security issue. See http://breachattack.com.