server { listen %PORT%; # Further documentation: server_name %HOST_LIST%; root %BASEDIR%/public; # Additional Assetic rules ## Don't forget to run php bin/console assetic:dump --env=prod ## and make sure to comment these out in DEV environment. #if[APP_ENV!=dev] include ibexa_params.d/ibexa_prod_rewrite_params; # Include image rule for DFS or binary handler include ibexa_params.d/ibexa_rewrite_%BINARY_DATA_HANDLER%image_params; # Include remaining Ibexa rewrite rules include ibexa_params.d/ibexa_rewrite_params; # upload max size client_max_body_size %BODY_SIZE_LIMIT_M%; # FPM fastcgi_read_timeout fastcgi_read_timeout %TIMEOUT_S%; # Gzip is enabled by default on most platforms, so here we just specify mime types to compress. # NOTE: Using gzip on text/html can be a security issue, unless you somehow pad. See gzip_types text/plain text/css text/javascript application/javascript text/xml application/xml+rss; location / { location ~ ^/index\.php(/|$) { include ibexa_params.d/ibexa_fastcgi_params; # FPM socket # Possible values : unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock or fastcgi_pass %FASTCGI_PASS%; ## Ibexa DXP ENVIRONMENT variables, used for customizing index.php execution (not used by console commands) # Environment. # Possible values: "prod" and "dev" out-of-the-box, other values possible with proper configuration # Make sure to comment the "ibexa_params.d/ibexa_prod_rewrite_params" include above in dev. # Defaults to "dev" if omitted #if[APP_ENV] fastcgi_param APP_ENV %APP_ENV%; # Whether to use debugging. # Possible values: 0 or 1 # Defaults to 0 if omitted, unless APP_ENV is set to: "dev" #if[APP_DEBUG] fastcgi_param APP_DEBUG "%APP_DEBUG%"; # Optional: Whether to use Symfony's builtin HTTP Caching Proxy. # Disable it if you are using an external reverse proxy (e.g. Varnish) # Possible values: 0 or 1 # Defaults to 1 if omitted, unless APP_ENV is set to: "dev" #if[APP_HTTP_CACHE] fastcgi_param APP_HTTP_CACHE "%APP_HTTP_CACHE%"; # Optional: Defines the proxies to trust # Needed when using Varnish as proxy, if so disable APP_HTTP_CACHE. # Separate entries by a comma, example: "ip1,ip2" # Defaults to not be set if env value is omitted or empty #if[TRUSTED_PROXIES] fastcgi_param TRUSTED_PROXIES "%TRUSTED_PROXIES%"; # TIP: There are many more environment variables supported by Ibexa DXP. However unlike those listed above # they should in most cases rather be set in the environment then in vhost config to make sure cronjobs # and cli command usage takes them into account as well. } # Disable .php(3) and other executable extensions in the var directory location ~ ^/var/.*(?i)\.(php3?|phar|phtml|sh|exe|pl|bin)$ { return 403; } } # Custom logs # access_log %BASEDIR%/app/logs/httpd-access.log; # error_log %BASEDIR%/app/logs/httpd-error.log notice; include ibexa_params.d/ibexa_server_params; }