import gdb class MemStatCmd(gdb.Command): """Show memory stats just like ReadMemStats""" def __init__(self): super(MemStatCmd, self).__init__("mstat", gdb.COMMAND_STACK, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE) @property def fmt_template(self): return '''\ runtime.MemStats Alloc = {alloc} TotalAlloc = {total_alloc} Sys = {sys} Lookups = {nlookup} Mallocs = {nmalloc} Frees = {nfree} HeapAlloc = {heap_alloc} HeapSys = {heap_sys} HeapIdle = {heap_idle} HeapInuse = {heap_inuse} HeapReleased = {heap_released} HeapObjects = {heap_objects} Stack = {stacks_inuse} / {stacks_sys} MSpan = {mspan_inuse} / {mspan_sys} MCache = {mcache_inuse} / {mcache_sys} BuckHashSys = {buckhash_sys} GCSys = {gc_sys} OtherSys = {other_sys} NextGC = {next_gc} LastGC = {last_gc} NumGC = {numgc} GCCPUFraction = {gc_cpu_fraction} DebugGC = {debuggc} ''' def invoke(self, _arg, _from_tty): v = gdb.parse_and_eval("'runtime.memstats'") stats = { v[] for f in v.type.fields()} # Stack numbers are part of the heap numbers, separate those out for user consumption stats['stacks_sys'] += stats['stacks_inuse'] stats['heap_inuse'] -= stats['stacks_inuse'] stats['heap_sys'] -= stats['stacks_inuse'] gdb.write(self.fmt_template.format(**stats)) gdb.flush() class HeapdumpCmd(gdb.Command): """Do a heap dump""" def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__(self, "mdump", gdb.COMMAND_STACK, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE) self.mbuckets = None def invoke(self, _arg, _from_tty): self.mbuckets = gdb.parse_and_eval("'runtime.mbuckets'").dereference() n, ok = self.mem_profile() while True: # emm, it's golang style. anyway, translate first p = [None for i in range(n + 50)] n, ok = self.mem_profile(p, True) if ok: p = p[:n] break print(p) def mem_profile(self, p=None, inuse_zero=False): if p is None: p = [] n = 0 ok = False clear = True buckets = Bucket(self.mbuckets) for b in buckets: mp = if inuse_zero or mp['alloc_bytes'] != mp['free_bytes']: n += 1 if mp['allocs'] != 0 or mp['frees'] != 0: clear = False if clear: mprof_GC() return ok = True for idx, b in enumerate(buckets): mp = if inuse_zero or mp['alloc_bytes'] != mp['free_bytes']: record(p, b, idx) return n, ok class Bucket(object): def __init__(self, val): # not sure what's the problem # val should always be a struct, not ptr if val.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: val = val.dereference() self.val = val def mp(self): b = self.val if b['typ'] != 1: raise ValueError("bad use of") data = add( b, b.type.sizeof + b['nstk'] * gdb.lookup_type('uintptr').sizeof ) mem_record_t = gdb.lookup_type('struct runtime.memRecord') return data.cast(mem_record_t.pointer()).dereference() def stk(self): b = self.val stk = add(b, b.type.sizeof) uintptr_t = gdb.lookup_type('uintptr') return stk.cast(uintptr_t.array(32).pointer()) def __iter__(self): v = self.val while v: yield Bucket(v) v = v['allnext'] raise StopIteration class CallersFrames(object): def __init__(self, callers): self.callers = callers def __iter__(self): pass def add(ptr, offset): return gdb.Value(ptr.address + offset) def mprof_GC(): """shouldn't happen when world stopped""" gdb.write('The heap is clear now, nothing do dump.') def record(p, b, idx): mp = d = {} d['alloc_bytes'] = mp['alloc_bytes'] d['free_bytes'] = mp['free_bytes'] d['alloc_objects'] = mp['allocs'] d['free_objects'] = mp['frees'] stk = list(b.stk().dereference()[i] for i in range(b.val['nstk'])) map(func_for_pc, stk) def func_for_pc(pc): return findfunc(pc) def findfunc(pc): datap = findmoduledatap(pc) if datap is None: return def findmoduledatap(pc): datap = gdb.parse_and_eval("'runtime.firstmoduledata'") while datap: print(datap['minpc'], pc, datap['maxpc']) if datap['minpc'] <= pc and pc < datap['maxpc']: return datap datap = datap['next'] MemStatCmd() HeapdumpCmd()