# AceJump A plugin for Sublime Text 3 heavily inspired by AceJump for emacs. AceJump allows you to move the cursor to any character to any place currently on screen. To clarify, you can jump between characters in all visible portions of currently open documents in any panes. Like it's emacs counterpart, AceJump for sublime features word (on the image below), character and line modes which make jumping even easier. ![AceJump](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8056203/10858871/92069504-7f58-11e5-8593-e373121fd917.gif) After selecting a mode, you type in a character (except in line mode, where you don't have to type in anything) and appropriate labels are displayed. Then all you need to do is press the key from the label and voila! ## Installation ### PackageControl You can install AceJump from [PackageControl](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) by following the steps below: - Open up the command palette and select ```Package Control: Install Package``` - Wait for the packages index to load and select ```AceJump``` ### Manual installation You can install AceJump manually using git by running the following command within sublime packages directory (Preferences > Browse Packages): ``` $ git clone git@github.com:ice9js/ace-jump-sublime.git AceJump/ ``` Or you can just copy the contents of this repository into ```Packages/AceJump```. ## Usage ### Word mode Goes to a word starting with the given character. This mode works only with alphanumeric characters. If you're interested in jumping to a special character, use character mode instead. - ```Ctrl/Super + Shift + ;``` - `````` - ```