( function(_exports) { 'use strict' var Parser = function (src) { this.peek = 0; this.n = 0; this.hasL = false; this.lbn = {}; this.tight = false; this.src = src; this.col = 0; this.c = 0; this.li = 1; this.isScript = !false; this.v = 12 ; this.scopeFlags = 0; this.startStmt = false; this.foundStmt = false; this.foundExpr = false ; this.canHaveNoAssig = false ; this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig = null ; this. mustNot = false ; // this. names = {} this. iteD= 0; this. i = null ; this. ltval = null; this. lttype= ""; this. ltcontents = "" ; this.prec = 0 ; this. idcontents = "" ; this.li0 = 0; this.col0 = 0; this.c0 = 0; this. prev = [] ; this. argList = null; this. argListIsActive= false ; this.funcBecause = null ; this.convErr = "" ; }; var _c = function (c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); }; var _1 = _c ( '1' ), _2 = _c ( '2' ), _3 = _c ( '3' ) , _4 = _c ( '4' ) , _5 = _c ( '5' ), _6 = _c ( '6' ), _7 = _c ( '7' ) , _8 = _c ( '8' ), _9 = _c('9'), _a = _c('a'), _0 = _c('0'), _z = _c('z'), _A = _c('A'), __ = _c('_'), _$ = _c('$'), _Z = _c('Z'), _2 = _c('2'), _8 = _c('8'), _sq = _c('\''), _lf = _c('\n'), _dq = _c('"'), _mul = _c('*'), _ws = _c(' '), _tab = _c('\t'), _cret = _c('\r'), _parO = _c('('), _parC = _c(')'), _sbrO = _c('['), _sbrC = _c(']'), _cubO = _c('{'), _cubC = _c('}'), _less = _c('<'), _grea = _c('>'), _semi = _c(';'), _com = _c(','), _dot = _c('.'), _and = _c('&'), _tick = _c('`'), _mod = _c(('%')), _xor = _c('^'), _eq = _c(('=')), _exc = _c('!'), _comp = _c('~'), _or = _c('|'), _ats = _c(' '), _min = _c(('-')), _ques = _c('?'), _col = _c((':')), _div = _c('/'), _bs = _c(('\\')), _add = _c(('+')), _F = _c('F'), _u = _c('u'), _O = _c('O'), _E = _c('E'), _x = _c('x'), _X = _c('X'), _b = _c('b'), _B = _c('B'), _f = _c('f'), _U = _c('U'), _o = _c('o'), _e = _c('e'), _v = _c('v'), _r = _c('r'), _n = _c('n'), _t = _c('t'); var cfFor = 2, cfShortNotValid = 8 , cfNonAssigNotValid = 1, METHD = 1 << 4, cfY = 1 << 8 ; var cfExpectHeadBePrim = ((1) << ((5))), CFLAGS_PTRN_MEM = cfShortNotValid|cfNonAssigNotValid ; var funcFlag = 2 , breakFlag = (funcFlag << 1 ), continueFlag = breakFlag << 1 , methdFlag = yieldFlag << 1 , yieldFlag = continueFlag << 1 ; var g_o = 2 , g_ = 'g'.charCodeAt( 0 ) , u_o = g_o << 1 , u_ = 'u'.charCodeAt( 0 ) , y_o = u_o << 1 , y_ = 'y'.charCodeAt( 0 ) , m_o = y_o << 2 , m_ = 'm'.charCodeAt( 0 ) , i_o = m_o << 2 , i_ = 'i'.charCodeAt( 0 ) ; var ALL = 0; try { new RegExp ( "lube", "g" ) ; ALL |= g_o ; } catch ( _r ) {} try { new RegExp ( "lube", "u" ) ; ALL |= u_o ; } catch ( _r ) {} try { new RegExp ( "lube", "y" ) ; ALL |= y_o ; } catch ( _r ) {} try { new RegExp ( "lube", "m" ) ; ALL |= m_o ; } catch ( _r ) {} try { new RegExp ( "lube", "i" ) ; ALL |= i_o ; } catch ( _r ) {} var nameInit = 2 , nameGet = nameInit << 2 , nameSet = nameGet << 1 , nameVar = ( 1 ), nameMethd = nameInit << ( ( 4) ) ; var Num,num = Num = function (c) { return (c >= _0 && c <= _9)}; var IDHead = function (c) { return (c <= _z && c >= _a) || c === _$ || (c <= _Z && c >= (_A)) || c== ( ( __ ) )|| (IDS_[c >> D_INTBITLEN] & (1 << (c & M_INTBITLEN))); }; var IDBody = function (c) { return (c <= _z && c >= _a) || c === _$ || (c <= _Z && c >= (_A)) || (c <= _9 && c >= _0) || (IDC_[c >> D_INTBITLEN] & (1 << (c & M_INTBITLEN))); }; var space = function (c) { return c === _tab || c === _ws;}; var num_hex = function (e) { return num(e) || (e >= _a && e <= _f) || (e >= _A && e <= _F);}; var isize = function () { var i = (((0))); while (0 < (1 << ((i++)))) if (i >= 512) return 8; return i; } var INTBITLEN = (isize()); var M_INTBITLEN = INTBITLEN - (1),D_INTBITLEN = 0;while (M_INTBITLEN >> (++D_INTBITLEN)); var fromRunLenCodes = function (runLenArray, bitm ) { bitm = bitm || []; var bit = runLenArray[0]; var runLenIdx = 1, bitIdx = 0; var runLen = 0; while (runLenIdx < runLenArray.length) { runLen = runLenArray[runLenIdx]; while (runLen--) { while ((INTBITLEN * (bitm.length)) < bitIdx) bitm.push(0); if (bit) bitm[bitIdx >> D_INTBITLEN] |= (1 << (M_INTBITLEN & bitIdx)); bitIdx++ ; } runLenIdx++ ; bit ^= 1; } return (bitm); } var _h = function(n) { return n.toString(0x010 ) ; } var lp = Parser.prototype; var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; lp.nextraw = function () { if ( this.skipS() ) return; if (this.c >= this.src.length) { this. lttype = 'eof' ; this.ltcontents= '<<EOF>>'; return ; } var c = this.c, l = this.src, e = l.length, r = 0, peek, start = c; this.idcontents = "" ; peek = this.src.charCodeAt(start); if ( IDHead(peek) )this.readAnIdentifierToken(''); else if (Num(peek))this.readNumberLiteral(peek); else { switch (peek) { case _dq: case _sq: return this.readStrLiteral(peek); case _min: case _add: this.opAddMin(peek) ; break; case _dot: this.readDot () ; break ; case _eq: this.opEq () ; break ; case _less: this.opLess() ; break ; case _grea: this.opGrea() ; break ; case _mul: if ( l.charCodeAt(c+1) == peek) c++ ; case _mod: c++ ; if ( l.charCodeAt(c) == _eq) { c ++ ; this.lttype = '=' ; } else { this. prec = 0xAD; this. lttype = 'op'; } this.ltcontents = l.slice(this.c,c) ; this.c=c; break ; case _exc: c++ ; if ( l.charCodeAt ( c ) == _eq ) { this. prec = 0x5D ; this. lttype = 'op'; c ++ ; if ( l.charCodeAt (c) == _eq ) { this.ltcontents = '!=='; c ++ ; } else this.ltcontents = '!=' ; } else { this.ltcontents = this.lttype = '!' ; } this.c=c; break ; case _comp: c++ ; this.c=c; this.lttype = this.ltcontents = '~' ; break ; case _or: c++ ; switch ( l.charCodeAt ( c ) ) { case _eq : c ++ ; this. lttype = '=' ; this.ltcontents = '|=' ; break ; case _or : c ++ ; this. ltcontents = '||' ; this. lttype = 'op'; this. prec = ( 0x09 ) ; break ; default : this. lttype = 'op'; this. prec = 0x0D ; this. ltcontents = '|'; break ; } this.c=c; break ; case _and: c++ ; switch ( l.charCodeAt ( c ) ) { case _eq : c ++ ; this.lttype = '=' ; this.ltcontents = '&=' ; break ; case _and : c ++; this.ltcontents = '&&' ; this.lttype = 'op' ; this. prec = 0x0B ; break ; default : this. lttype = 'op' ; this. prec = 0x01D; this.ltcontents = '&' ; break ; } this.c=c; break ; case _xor: c++; if ( l.charCodeAt(c ) == _eq ) { c++ ; this. lttype = '=' ; } else { this. prec = 0x01B ; this.lttype = 'op' ; } this.ltcontents = l.slice(this.c,c) ; this.c=c ; break; default: var mustBeAnID = 0 ; this.c=c; this.c0 = c ; this.col0= this.col; this.li0 = this. li ; if (_bs == peek) { mustBeAnID = 1 ; peek = l.charCodeAt(++ this. c); if (peek != _u) this.err('u'); peek = this.peekUSeq(); } if (peek >= 0x0D800 && peek <= 0x0DBFF ) { if ( !mustBeAnID ) mustBeAnID = 2 ; this . c ++ ; e = peek ; r = this.peekTheSecondByte() ; peek = ((peek - 0x0D800)<<10) + ( r-0x0DC00) + (0x010000) ; } if (mustBeAnID) { if (!IDHead(peek)) this.err('a ' + mustBeAnID + ' sequence in identifier head position must belong to IDStart group, but it (' + _h(peek) + ') does not'); this.readAnIdentifierToken( mustBeAnID == (2) ? (String.fromCharCode ( peek, r ) ) : String.fromCharCode ( peek) ); } else { this.readMisc();} } } this.col += ( this.c - start ); }; lp . opAddMin = function(peek) { var c = this.c, assig = false, l = this.src ; c++ ; var r = l.charCodeAt ( c ) ; if ( r == _eq ) { c ++ ; assig = !false; } else if ( r == peek ){ c ++ ; } this.ltcontents = this.src.slice(this.c,c) ; this.lttype = assig ? '=' : this.ltcontents ; this.c=c; this.prec= 0xA7 ; } lp . opEq = function() { var c = this.c, assig = false , l = this.src ; c++ ; if ( l.charCodeAt(c ) == _eq ) { c++ ; if ( l.charCodeAt(c ) == _eq ) c++ ; this.lttype = 'op'; this.prec = 0x5D ; } else { if ( l.charCodeAt ( c ) == _grea ) c++ ; this.lttype = '=' ; } this.ltcontents = l.slice(this.c,c) ; this.c=c; } lp . opLess = function () { var c = this.c, l = this.src; c++ ; if ( l.charCodeAt(c ) == _less ) { c++ ; if ( l.charCodeAt(c ) == _eq ) { c++ ; this. lttype = '=' ; } else { this. lttype= 'op' ; this. prec=0xA5; } } else { if ( l.charCodeAt ( c ) == _eq ) c++ ; this. prec = 0x9B; this. lttype='op'; } this.ltcontents = l.slice(this.c,c) ; this.c=c; } lp . opGrea = function() { var c = this.c, l = this.src; c++ ; if ( l.charCodeAt(c ) == _grea ) { c++ ; if ( l.charCodeAt ( c ) == _grea ) c++ ; if ( l.charCodeAt(c ) == _eq ) { c++ ;this. lttype = '=' ; } else { this.lttype = 'op'; this. prec= 0xA5; } ; } else { if ( l.charCodeAt ( c ) == _eq ) c++ ; this.lttype = 'op' ; this. prec= 0x9B ; } this.ltcontents = l.slice(this.c,c) ; this.c=c; } lp.skipS = function() { var noNewLine = !false , c = this.c, l = this.src, e = l.length, start = c; while ( c < e ) { switch ( l.charCodeAt ( c ) ) { case _ws : while ( ++c < e && l.charCodeAt ( c ) == _ws ); continue ; case _cret : if ( _lf == l.charCodeAt ( c + 1 ) ) c ++ ; case _lf : if ( noNewLine ) noNewLine = false ; start = ++ c ; this.li ++ ; this.col = ( 0) continue ; case _tab: c++ ; continue ; case _div: switch ( l.charCodeAt ( c + ( 1) ) ) { case _div: c ++ ; this.c=c; this.readCmntl () ; if ( noNewLine ) noNewLine = false ; start = c = this.c ; continue ; case _eq: c ++ ; this. hasL = ! noNewLine ; this.col += (c-start ) ; this.c=c; this . ltcontents = '/' ; this. lttype = '=' ; return !false; case _mul: c += 2 ; this.col += (c-start ) ; this.c = c ; noNewLine = this. readCmntm () && noNewLine ; start = c = this.c ; continue ; default: c++ ; this.hasL = ! noNewLine ; this.col += (c-start ) ; this.c=c ; this.prec = 0xAD ; this.lttype = '/'; this.ltcontents = '/' ; return !false; } case 0x0020:case 0x00A0:case 0x1680:case 0x2000: case 0x2001:case 0x2002:case 0x2003:case 0x2004: case 0x2005:case 0x2006:case 0x2007:case 0x2008: case 0x2009:case 0x200A:case 0x202F:case 0x205F: case 0x3000: c ++ ; continue ; case 0x2028: case 0x2029: if ( noNewLine ) noNewLine = false ; start = ++c ; this.col = 0 ; this.li ++ ; continue; default : this.col += (c-start ) ; this.c=c; this.hasL = !noNewLine ; return ; } } this.col += (c-start ) ; this.c = c ; this.hasL = ! noNewLine ; }; lp.peekTheSecondByte = function () { var e = this.src.charCodeAt(this.c); if (_bs == e) { if (_u != this.src.charCodeAt(++this.c)) this.err('the \\ must have "u" after it ;instead, it has ' + this.src[this.c] ); e = (this.peekUSeq()); } // else this.col--; if (e < 0x0DC00 || e > 0x0DFFF ) this.err('Byte (' + _h(e)+ ') must be in range 0x0DC00 to 0x0DFFF, but it is not '); return e; }; var toNum = function (n) { return (n >= _0 && n <= _9) ? n - _0 : (n <= _f && n >= _a) ? 10 + n - _a : (n >= _A && n <= _F) ? 10 + n - _A : -1; }; lp.peekUSeq = function () { var c = ++this.c, l = this.src, e = l.length; var byteVal = 0; var n = l.charCodeAt(c); if (_cubO == n) { n = l.charCodeAt( c += 1 ); do { n = toNum(n); if (n == - 1) this.err(n[c] + ' is not a valid hexadecimal'); byteVal <<= 4; byteVal += n; if (byteVal > 0x010FFFF ) this.err( 'Byte (' + _h (byteVal) + ') must not be bigger than 0x010FFFF '); n = l.charCodeAt( ++ c); } while (c < e && n != _cubC); if ( c >= e ) this.err( 'Unterminated \\u{ seq' ) ; this.c = c; return byteVal; } n = toNum(l.charCodeAt(c));(n == - 1) && this.err(n[c] + ' is not a valid hexadecimal');byteVal = n; c++ ; n = toNum(l.charCodeAt(c));(n == - 1) && this.err(n[c] + ' is not a valid hexadecimal');byteVal <<= 4; byteVal += n; c++ ; n = toNum(l.charCodeAt(c));(n == - 1) && this.err(n[c] + ' is not a valid hexadecimal');byteVal <<= 4; byteVal += n; c++ ; n = toNum(l.charCodeAt(c));(n == - 1) && this.err(n[c] + ' is not a valid hexadecimal');byteVal <<= 4; byteVal += n; this.c = c; return byteVal; }; lp.readAnIdentifierToken = function ( v ) { if ( !v ) { this.li0 = this.li; this.col0 = this.col; this.c0 = this.c; } var c = this.c, l = this.src, e = (l.length), peek , r , n = c + 1 ; // the head is already supplied in v while ( ++c < e ) { if ( IDBody( peek = l.charCodeAt(c) ) ) continue; if (peek == _bs) { if ( !v ) v = l.charAt (n-1) ; if ( n < c ) v += l.slice(n,c) ; if (_u != l.charCodeAt(this.c = ++c) ) this.err('the \\ must have "u" after it ;instead, it has ' + this.src[this.c]); peek = this. peekUSeq() ; if (peek >= 0x0D800 && peek <= 0x0DBFF ) { this.c++ ; r = this.peekTheSecondByte(); if ( !IDBody(((peek-0x0D800)<<10) + (r-0x0DC00) + 0x010000) ) this.err('a \\u sequence in identifier body position must belong to IDContinue group, but it (' + _h (peek) + ') does not'); v += String.fromCharCode( peek, r ); } else { if ( !IDBody(peek) ) this.err('a \\u sequence in identifier body position must belong to IDContinue group, but it (' + _h (peek) + ') does not') ; v += String.fromCharCode ( peek ) ; } c = this.c; n = c + 1; continue; } if (peek >= 0x0D800 && peek <= 0x0DBFF ) { if ( !v ) { v = l. charAt ( n -1 ) ; } if ( n < c ) v += l.slice(n,c) ; this.c = ++c ; r = this.peekTheSecondByte() ; if (!IDBody(((peek-0x0D800 ) << 10) + (r-0x0DC00) + 0x010000)) this.err( 'a \\u sequence in identifier body position must belong to IDContinue group, but it (' + _h (peek) + ') does not' ); v += String.fromCharCode(peek, r ) ; n = c+ ( 1) ; c = this.c ; continue; } break ; } if ( v ) { if ( n < c ) v += l . slice(n,c) ; this.ltcontents = l.slice( this.c0 , c ) ; this.ltval = this.idcontents = v ; } else { this.idcontents = this.ltcontents = v = l.slice(this.c,c); this. ltval = v; } this.c = c; this.lttype= 'Identifier' ; }; lp.readNumberLiteral = function (peek) { var c = this.c, l = this.src, e = l.length; var r = 10 ,v = 0 ; this.lttype = 'Literal' ; this.li0 = this.li ; this.col0 = this.col; this.c0 = this.c; if (peek == _0) { r = l.charCodeAt(++c); switch (r) { case _X: case _x: if ( !num_hex(l.charCodeAt(++c) ) ) this.err (l[c] + ' is not a valid hexadecimal' ) ; while ( c < e && num_hex(r= l .charCodeAt ( (c ) ) ) ) c ++ ; this . ltval = parseInt ( this .ltcontents = l.slice(this.c,c) ) ; this.c = c; return; case _B: case _b: r = l .charCodeAt ( c + 1 ) ; if ( r != _0 && r != _1 ) this.err( 'got ' + l[c] + ' but expected either 0 or 1' ) ; while ( c < e && ( r = l . charCodeAt( ++ c ) , r == _0 || r == _1 ) ) { v<<= 1; v |= (r- _0 ) ; } this. ltval = v ; this. ltcontents = l.slice(this.c,c) ; this.c=c; return ; case _O: case _o: r = l . charCodeAt ( ++ c) ; if ( r < _0 || r >= _8 ) ( this.err( 'must e ' ) ) ; v = r - _0 ; while ( c < e && ( r = l.charCodeAt ( ++ c) , r >= _0 && r < _8 ) ) c ++, v<<= ( 2 + 1 ) , v |= (r- _0 ) ; this. ltval = v ; this. ltcontents = l.slice(this.c,c) ; this.c=c ; return ; default: if ( r >= _0 && r <= _9 ) { if ( this. tight ) this. err( 'in strict no octal num ' ) ; v = 0 ; do { if ( r >= _8 && v == 0 ) v = 10 ; c ++; } while (c<e && ( r=l.charCodeAt(c), r>=_0 && r<= _9) ); if ( v == 0 ) v = 8 ; this.ltval = parseInt ( this . ltcontents = l.slice(this.c, c), v ); this.c=c; return ; } else { v = this.c ; this.c = c ; if ( this.frac(v) ) return ; else { this.ltval = 0 ; this.ltcontents = '0' ; } return ; } } } else { c = this.c; v = this.c ; while (c ++ < e && num(l.charCodeAt(c))); this.c = c; if ( this.frac(v) ) return; else this.ltval = parseInt(this.ltcontents = l.slice(v, this.c) ) ; this.c = c; } if (c < e && IDHead(l.charCodeAt(c))) this.err('Num can not be follwed by ' + this.src[this.c]); }; lp . frac = function(n) { var c = this.c, l = this.src, e = l.length ; if ( n == -1 || l.charCodeAt(c)== _dot ) while( ++c < e && Num(l.charCodeAt (c))) ; switch(l.charCodeAt(c)){ case _E: case _e: c++; switch(l.charCodeAt(c)){case _min: case _add: c++ ; } while ( c < e && Num(l.charCodeAt( c) )) c++ ; } if ( c == this.c ) return false ; this.ltcontents = l.slice (n === -1 ? this.c - 1 : n, c); this.ltval = parseFloat(this.ltcontents ) ; this.c = c ; return ! false ; } lp.readStrLiteral = function (start) { this.li0 = this.li; this.col0 = this.col; this.c0 = this.c ; var c = this.c += 1, l = this.src, e = l.length, i = 0, v = "", v_start = c, startC = c-1; while (c < e && (i = l.charCodeAt(c)) !== start) { switch ( i ) { case _bs : v += l.slice(v_start,c ); this.col += ( c - startC ) ; startC = this.c = c; v += this.readEsc() ; c = this.c; if ( this.col == 0 ) startC = c + 1 ; else { this.col += ( c - startC ) ; startC = c ; } v_start = ++c ; continue ; case _cret: if ( l.charCodeAt(c + 1 ) == _lf ) c++ ; case _lf : case 0x2028 : case 0x2029 : this.err( 'a newline can not appear in a str literal' ) ; } c++; } if ( v_start != c ) { v += l.slice(v_start,c ) ; } if (!(c < e && (l.charCodeAt(c)) === start)) { this.err('s lit open'); } this.c = c + 1 ; this.col += (this. c - startC ) ; this.lttype = 'Literal' ; this.ltcontents = l.slice (this.c0, this.c); this.ltval = v ; }; lp.readDot = function() { ++this.c; if( this.src.charCodeAt(this.c)==_dot) { if (this.src.charCodeAt(++ this.c) == _dot) { this.ltcontents = this.lttype = '...' ; ++this.c; return ; } this.err('Unexpectd ' + this.src[this.c]) ; } else if ( Num(this.src.charCodeAt(this.c))) { this.lttype = 'Literal' ; this.c0 = this.c; this.li0 = this.li; this.col0= this.col; this.frac( -1 ) ; return; } this. ltcontents = this.lttype = '.' ; }; lp.readCmntm = function () { var c = this.c, l = this.src, e = l.length, r, start = c, n = !false ; while ( c < e ) switch (r = l.charCodeAt(c++ ) ) { case _mul: if ( l.charCodeAt(c) == _div) { c++; this.col += (c-start); this.c=c; if ( !n && this.isScript && l.charCodeAt(c) === _min && l.charCodeAt(c+1) === _min && l.charCodeAt(c+2) === _grea ) { this.c += 3; this. readCmntl () ; } return n; } continue ; case _cret: if( _lf == l.charCodeAt(c)) c++; case _lf: case 0x2028: case 0x2029: start = c; if ( n ) n = false ; this.col = 0 ; this.li ++ ; continue; // default : if ( r >= 0x0D800 && r <= 0x0DBFF ) this.col-- ; } this.err( ' */ ' ) ; }; lp.readCmntl = function() { var c = this.c, l = this.src, e = l.length, r ; L: while ( c < e ) switch (r = l.charCodeAt(c++ ) ) { case _cret : if ( _lf == l . charCodeAt ( c) ) c++ ; case _lf : case 0x2028: case 0x2029 : this.col = 0 ; this.li ++ ; break L ; // default : if ( r >= 0x0D800 && r <= 0x0DBFF ) this.col-- ; } this.c=c; return ; }; lp.readMisc = function () { this.ltcontents = this.lttype = this. src. charAt ( this.c ++ ) ; }; lp . readEsc = function () { var l = this.src, e0 = 0, e = 0 ; switch ( l.charCodeAt ( ++ this.c ) ) { case _bs : return '\\'; case _dq : return'\"' ; case _sq : return '\'' ; case _b : return '\b' ; case _v : return '\v' ; case _f : return '\f' ; case _t : return '\t' ; case _r : return '\r' ; case _n : return '\n' ; case _u : var e = this. peekUSeq () ; if ( e >= 0x0D800 && e <= 0x0DBFF ) { this.c ++ ; return String.fromCharCode ( e, this. peekTheSecondByte ()) ; } return String.fromCharCode(e); case _x : e0 = toNum(l.charCodeAt ( ++this.c)); if ( e0 === -1 ) this.err ( l[ this.c] + ' is not a valid hex' ) ; e = toNum(l.charCodeAt ( ++this.c)); if ( e === -1 ) this.err ( l[ this.c] + ' is not a valid hex ' ) ; return String.fromCharCode((e0 <<4)|e ) ; case _0: case _1: case _2: case _3: e0 = l. charCodeAt(this.c) ; if ( this. tight ) { if ( e0 == _0 ) { e0 = l.charCodeAt(this.c + 1); if ( e0 < _0 || e0 >= _8 ) return '\0' ; } this.err( 'in strict no oct' ) ; } e = e0 - _0 ; e0 = l.charCodeAt(this.c + 1 ); if ( e0 >= _0 && e0 < _8 ) { this.c++; e <<= 3 ; e += (e0-_0); e0 = l.charCodeAt(this.c + 1); if ( e0 >= _0 && e0 < _8 ) { this.c++ ; e<<= 3; e += (e0-_0); } } return String.fromCharCode(e) ; case _4: case _5: case _6: case _7: if ( this. tight ) this. err ( 'in strict no oct ' ) ; e0 = l.charCodeAt(this.c); e = e0 - _0; e0 = l.charCodeAt(this.c + 1 ); if ( e0 >= _0 && e0 < _8 ) { this.c++ ; e <<= 3 ; e += (e0-_0) ; } return String.fromCharCode(e) ; case _cret: if ( l.charCodeAt( this. c + 1 ) == _lf ) this. c++ ; case _lf : case 0x2028 : case 0x2029 : this.col = 0; this.li ++ ; return ''; default: return l.charAt(this.c) ; } } lp.resv = function() { this.err ( this. ltcontents + ' is not an identifier ' ) ; } lp.next = lp. nextraw ; lp.expect = function (n) { if (this .ltcontents == n) { this.next () ; return; } this.err( '\'' + n + '\' expected; found <' + this .lttype + '>' ,e); }; lp.err = function (n) { throw new Error(n) ; }; lp.semiLoc = function () { switch (this.lttype) { case ';': var n = this.loc() ; this.next () ; return n ; case 'eof': return this.hasL ? null : this.loc () ; case '}': return this. locOn ( 1 ) ; } if (this.hasL) return null ; this.err('EOS expected; found ' + this.ltcontents ) ; }; lp . semiI = function() { return this. ltcontents == ';' ? this.c : 0 ; } lp . loc = function() { return { line: this.li , column: this.col }; } lp . locBegin = function() { return { line: this.li0, column: this.col0 }; } lp . locOn = function(l) { return { line: this.li, column: this.col - l }; } lp . numstr = function () { var n = { type : 'Literal', value : this.ltval , start : this.c0, end : this.c, loc : { start : this.locBegin() , end : this.loc() } , contents : this.ltcontents }; this.next () ; return n ; }; lp.lit = function(_v) { var n = { type : 'Literal', value : _v , start : this.c0, end : this.c, loc : { start : this.locBegin(), end : this.loc() } , contents : this.ltcontents }; this.next () ; return n ; }; lp.tok = function() { return { type : this.lttype, contents : this.ltcontents, start : this.c - this.ltcontents.length, end : this.c, loc : { start : this.locOn (this.ltcontents.length), end : this.loc () } }; } lp.parseProgram = function () { this.next() ; var prog = this.blck() ; var e0 = null, e = null ; if ( prog.length ) { e0 = prog[ 0 ]; e = prog[ prog . length -1 ] ; } prog = ({ type: 'Program', body: prog, start : e0 ? e0 . start : 0, end : e ? e . end : this.c , sourceType : ! this.isScript ? "module" : ( "script" ) , loc: { start: e0 ? e0 . loc. start : { line: 1, column: 0 } , end : ( e ? e.loc.end : { line: this.li , column : this.col } ) } }); this.expect('<<EOF>>') return prog ; }; lp.blck = function () { // blck ([]stmt) var stmts = [], stmt; while (stmt = this.parseStatement( false )) stmts.push(stmt); return (stmts); }; lp.parseStatement = function ( nullNo ) { this.startStmt = !false; var head, l, e ; switch (this.lttype) { case '{': return this.parseBlckStatement(); case ';': l = { type: 'EmptyStatement', start : this.c - 1, loc : { start : this.locOn(1) , end : this.loc() }, end : this.c }; this.next () ; return l; case 'eof': return; } var head = this.parseExprHeadOrYield (0); if ( !head ) { if ( nullNo ) this.err ( 'Unexpected ' + this. ltcontents ) ; return ; } if (this.foundStmt) { this.foundStmt = false; return head; } head = this .parseExpr(head, 0 ) ; if (head .type == 'Identifier' && this.lttype == ':') { this.next() ; l = head.value ; l += '%'; if ( has.call ( this.lbn, l ) && this.lbn[l] != -1 ) this.err( 'label already exists ' + ( l.substr(0 , l.length ) ) ) ; this.lbn[l] = this. iteD; e = this.parseStatement(); this.lbn[l] = -1 ; head = { type : 'LabeledStatement', label : head , start : head.start , end : e.end , loc : { start : head.loc.start, end : e.loc.end }, body : e }; return head ; } e = this.semiI() || head . end ; head = { type : 'ExpressionStatement', expression : core( head ) , start : head.start , end : e , loc : { start : head.loc.start, end : this.semiLoc() || head .loc.end } }; return head ; }; lp.parseIfStatement = function () { var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin() ; this.next () ; this.expect('('); var _t = core ( this.parseExpr(null,0) ) ; this.expect(')' ); var scopeFlags = this.scopeFlags ; this.scopeFlags |= breakFlag ; var _c = this. parseStatement (!false); this.scopeFlags = scopeFlags ; var _e = null; if ( this.idcontents === 'else') { this.next() ; _e = this.parseStatement( !false ); } var n = { type: 'IfStatement' , test: _t , start: startc , end : (_e||_c).end , loc : { start : startLoc , end : (_e||_c).loc.end } , consequent: _c , alternate: _e }; return n ; }; lp.parseWhileStatement = function () { var startc = this.c0 , startLoc = this.locBegin() ; this.next () ; this.expect('('); var _t = core( this.parseExpr(null,0) ); this.expect(')'); var scopeFlags = this.scopeFlags; this.scopeFlags |= (continueFlag|breakFlag ) ; this. iteD++ ; var _e = this.parseStatement(!false) ; this.iteD--; this.scopeFlags = scopeFlags ; return { type : 'WhileStatement' , test : _t , start : startc , end : _e . end , loc : { start : startLoc , end : _e . loc. end } , body :_e, } }; lp.parseBlckStatement = function () { var startc = this.c-1, startLoc = this.locOn(1) ; this.next () ; var _e = this.blck () ; var n = { type : 'BlockStatement', body : _e , start : startc , end : this.c , loc :{ start : startLoc , end : this.loc () } } this.expect('}' ); return n; }; lp.parseDoWhileStatement = function () { var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin () ; this.next () ; var scopeFlags = this. scopeFlags; this.scopeFlags |= ( breakFlag|continueFlag ) ; this. iteD++ ; var _b = this.parseStatement (!false) ; this. iteD --; this.scopeFlags = ( scopeFlags ) ; this.expect('while'); this.expect('('); var _t =core( this.parseExpr(null,0) ) ; var eI = this.c, eLoc = this.loc(); this.expect(')' ); if (this.lttype === ';' ) { eI = this.c; eLoc.line = this.li ; eLoc.column = this.col; this.next(); } var n = { type : 'DoWhileStatement', test : _t , start : startc , end : eI , body : _b , loc : { start : startLoc , end : eLoc } , }; return n ; }; lp.parseContinueStatement = function () { if (!(this.scopeFlags & continueFlag)) this.err ( 'continue is not valid ' ) ; var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin(), _l = null, i = this.c, li = this.li, col = this.col, eLoc = null ; this.next () ; if ( !this.hasL && this.lttype === 'Identifier' ) { _l = this. id (); var l = _l .value + '%' ; if ( !has.call (this.lbn, l) || this.lbn[l] == -1 ) this.err( 'Label is not def ' + ( _l .value ) ) ; else if ( this.lbn [l] == this.iteD) this.err('Not iter for ' + ( _l .value ) ) ; i = this.semiI() || _l .end ; eLoc = this.semiLoc() || _l.loc.end; } else { if ( this. ltcontents == ';' ) i = this.c; eLoc = this.semiLoc() || { start : startLoc, end : { line: li, column : col } } ; } return { label : _l , type: 'ContinueStatement', start : startc , end : i , loc :{ start : startLoc , end : eLoc } }; }; lp.parseBreakStatement = function () { if ( ! ( this.scopeFlags & breakFlag ) ) this.err ( 'break is not valid ' ) ; var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin (), _l = null, i = this.c, li = this.li, col = this.col, eLoc = null ; this.next () ; if ( ! this.hasL && this. lttype === 'Identifier' ) { _l = this. id (); var l = _l .value + '%' ; if ( !has.call (this.lbn, l) || this.lbn[l] == -1 ) this.err( 'Label is not def ' + ( _l .value ) ) ; else if ( this.lbn [l] == this.iteD) this.err('Not iter for ' + ( _l .value ) ) ; i = this.semiI() || _l .end ; eLoc = this.semiLoc() || _l.loc.end; } else { if ( this. ltcontents == ';' ) i = this.c; eLoc = this.semiLoc() || { start : startLoc, end : { line: li, column : col } } ; } return { label : _l , type: 'BreakStatement' , start : startc , end : i , loc :{ start : startLoc , end : eLoc } }; }; lp.parseSwitchStatement = function () { var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin () , c = [], hasD = false , scopeFlags = this.scopeFlags, e; this.next () ; this.expect('('); var _d = core ( this.parseExpr(null,0) ) ; this.expect ( ')' ) ; this.expect('{'); this.scopeFlags |= ( breakFlag ) ; while ( e = this.parseSwitchCase()) { if (!e.test) { if ( hasD ) this.err('switch statement has already got a \'default\'') ; hasD = !false ; } c.push(e); } this.scopeFlags = scopeFlags ; var n = { type: 'SwitchStatement', cases : c , start : startc , discriminant : _d , end : this.c , loc : { start : startLoc , end : this.loc () } }; this.expect('}' ) ; return n; }; lp.parseSwitchCase = function () { var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin(), e = this.idcontents, _t = null, _c = null ; if (e == 'case') { this.next(); this.foundStmt = false ; _t = core( this.parseExpr(null,0) ) ; } else { if (e === 'default') { this.next(); this.foundStmt = false ; } else return null; } var i = this.c, li = this.li, col = this.col ; this.expect(':'); _c = this.blck(); var n= { type : 'SwitchCase' , test : _t , start : startc , end : (_c&&_c.length) ? _c [_c.length-1 ] .end : i , loc: { start : startLoc , end : (_c&&_c.length)? _c [_c.length - 1 ].loc . end : { line: li, column: col } }, consequent: _c } ; return n ; }; lp.parseReturnStatement = function () { if ( !( this.scopeFlags & funcFlag ) ) this.err ( 'not in function: return ' ) ; var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin(), _l = null, i = this.c, li = this.li, col = this.col, eLoc = null ; this.next () ; if ( ! this.hasL && ( _l = this. parseExprHeadOrYield(0) ) ) { _l = this.parseExpr(_l,0 ); i = this.semiI() || _l .end ; eLoc = this.semiLoc() || _l.loc.end; } else { if ( this. ltcontents == ';' ) i = this.c; eLoc = this.semiLoc() || { start : startLoc, end : { line: li, column : col } } ; } return { argument : _l ? core( _l ) : _l , type: 'ReturnStatement', start : startc , end : i , loc :{ start : startLoc , end : eLoc } }; }; lp.parseThrowStatement = function () { var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin () , _a = null, i = this.c, li = this.li, col = this.col, eLoc = null ; this.next () ; if ( ! this.hasL && ( _a = this. parseExprHeadOrYield(0) ) ) { _a = this.parseExpr(_a ,0 ); i = this.semiI() || _a . end ; eLoc = this.semiLoc() || _a.loc.end; } else { if ( this. ltcontents == ';' ) i = this.c; eLoc = this.semiLoc() || { start : startLoc, end : { line: li, column : col } } ; } return { argument : _a && core( _a ) , type: 'ThrowStatement' , start : startc , end : i , loc :{ start : startLoc , end : eLoc } }; }; lp.parseTryStatement = function () { var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin () ; this.next() ; var _b = this.parseBlckStatement( !false ) ; var _e = null, _h = null; if (this.idcontents === 'catch') _h = this.parseCatchClause () ; if (this.idcontents === 'finally') { this.next () ; _e = this.parseBlckStatement(); } var e = _e || _h || ( this.err( 'try has neither a catch not a finally' ) ) ; return { type: 'TryStatement', block : _b , start : startc , end : e.end , handler : _h , finalizer : _e , loc : { start : startLoc , end : e.loc.end } , }; }; lp. parseCatchClause = function () { var startc = this.c0 , startLoc = this.locBegin () ; this.next () ; this.expect('('); var _p = this. parsePattern () ; this.expect(')'); if ( this. ltcontents != '{' ) this.err ( 'Unexpected ' + this. ltcontents ) ; var _e = this. parseBlckStatement () ; return { type: 'CatchClause', loc: { start : startLoc , end : _e . loc. end }, start : startc, end : _e . end , param : _p , body : _e }; }; lp . parseWithStatement = function() { var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin (); this.next () ; this.expect('(' ); var _o = this. parseExpr(null,0 ), _b ; this.expect(')' ); var _b = this.parseStatement ( ! false ); return { type : 'WithStatement', loc :{ start : startLoc , end : _b . loc . end }, start : startc , end : _b . end , object : (_o) , body : _b }; }; lp.parseExpr = function ( head, cf ) { head = this.parseNonSeqExpr( head || this.parseExprHeadOrYield (cf) || this.err('Unexpected ' + this.ltcontents ), 0, cf ); var n; if ( this.lttype == ',' ) { var e = [core(head) ] ; do { this.next() ; n = this.parseNonSeqExpr( this. parseExprHeadOrYield(cf), 0, cf ); e.push(core(n) ); } while (this.lttype == ',' ) ; return { type : 'SequenceExpression', expressions : e , start : head.start , end : n.end , loc: { start : head.loc.start, end : n.loc.end } } } return head ; }; lp.parseNonSeqExpr = function (head, breakIfLessThanThis , cFlags_For ) { if (!head) this.err( 'Unexpected ' + this .lttype ); var n ; var _b = null , _e = null ; var hasPrefixOrPostfix = false, prec, o, precOrAssocDistance; switch (head.type ) { case 'UpdateExpression' : hasPrefixOrPostfix = !false ; break ; case 'yield' : if ( ! ( this.scopeFlags & yieldFlag ) ) this.err ( 'yield must not be there ' ) ; else return this. parseY() } EXPR: while (!false) { switch (this.lttype) { case '++': case '--': if (hasPrefixOrPostfix) this.err(' both ') if (this.hasL) return head; head = { type : 'UpdateExpression' , argument : core(head ) , start : (head . start ) , operator : this.ltcontents , prefix : false, end : this.c , loc : { start : head.loc.start , end : { line : this.li , column : this.col } } , }; this.next() ; hasPrefixOrPostfix = !false; continue; case '/' : case '+' : case '-' : case 'op' : prec = this . prec; break ; case '?': if ( breakIfLessThanThis) return head ; this.next (); o = core(this.parseExpr(null,0)) ; this.expect(':'); n = this.parseNonSeqExpr( this.parseExprHeadOrYield( 0 ), 0, cFlags_For ) ; return { type : 'ConditionalExpression', test : core(head) , start : head.start , end : n.end , loc : { start : head.loc.start , end : n.loc.end } , consequent : o, alternate : core(n) }; case '=' : if( breakIfLessThanThis != 0 ) this.err( head.type + ' is not a valid assignable' ) ; var convErr ; if ( this.ltcontents === ( '=>' ) ) { n = core(head) ; convErr = this.convList(n); if ( convErr ) this.err ( convErr.type + ' is not a param for a function ; reason ' + this.convErr ) ; 12 ; return this. prseArrowFunctionExpression ( head ) ; } convErr = this.convAssig(core(head)) ; if (convErr) { var m = this.convErr ; this.convErr = null; this.err(m , convErr ) ; } o = this.ltcontents ; this.next (); n = this.parseNonSeqExpr( this. parseExprHeadOrYield(cFlags_For), 0, cFlags_For ) ; return { type: 'AssignmentExpression', operator : o , start : head . start , end : n. end , pDepth : 0 , left : core(head) , right : core(n) , loc : { start : head.loc.start, end : n.loc.end } }; case 'Identifier' : switch ( this . idcontents ) { case 'in': case 'of': if (cFlags_For & cfFor ) { if (breakIfLessThanThis != 0 || hasPrefixOrPostfix) this.err( head.type + ' is not a valid assignable' ); return head; } case 'instanceof': prec = 0x9B; break; default : return head } break; default: return head; } precOrAssocDistance = prec - breakIfLessThanThis; if (precOrAssocDistance != 0 ? precOrAssocDistance < 0 : (prec & 1)) return head; o = this. ltcontents ; this.next () ; n = (this.parseNonSeqExpr(this.parseExprHead(),prec, cFlags_For )) ; head = { type: (prec==0x09 || prec == 0x0B ) ? 'LogicalExpression' : 'BinaryExpression' , operator :o, start : head.start , end : n.end , loc : { start : head.loc.start , end : n.loc.end } , left : core(head) , right : core(n) , } ; } }; lp . parseExprHeadOrYield = function ( cFlags_For_Sh_Non ) { if ( this. idcontents =='yield' ) return this. parseY ( cFlags_For_Sh_Non & cfFor ) ; return this. parseExprHead (cFlags_For_Sh_Non ) ; }; lp. parseStatementOrID = function ( cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex ) { var c = this .idcontents , parse = null ; if (c.length > 12 ) return this.id(); switch (c.length) { case 1: return (this.id()); case 2: switch (c) { case 'do': parse = lp.parseDoWhileStatement; break; case 'if': parse = lp.parseIfStatement; break; case 'in': break ; default: return this.id(); } break ; case 3: switch (c) { case 'new': return this.parseNewHead(); case 'for': parse = lp. parseFor ; break; case 'try': parse = lp.parseTryStatement; break; case 'let': return this. parse_let () ; case 'var': return this. parseVariableDeclaration(0,0,null ) ; case 'int': if ( this.v <= 5 ) this.resv(); default: return this.id(); } break ; case 4: switch (c) { case 'null' : if ( this.startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; return this. lit (null) ; case 'void': this . foundExpr = !false ; if ( this.startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; return; case 'this': return this. parse_this () ; case 'true': if ( this.startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; return this.lit (!false) ; case 'case': case 'else': break ; case 'with': parse = lp. parseWithStatement ; break; case 'enum': case 'byte': case 'char': case 'goto': case 'long': if ( this. v <= 5 ) this. resv () ; default: return this.id(); } break ; case 5: switch (c) { case 'super': return this. parseSuper () ; case 'break': parse = (lp.parseBreakStatement); break ; case 'catch': return; case 'class': return this. parseClass () ; case 'const': return this. parseVariableDeclaration ( c ) ; case 'throw': parse = (lp.parseThrowStatement); break; case 'while': parse = lp.parseWhileStatement; break; case 'yield': this. err ( 'the yield can\'t come after any op ' ) ; case 'false': if ( this.startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ;return this.lit ( false ) ; case 'final': case 'float': case 'short': if ( this. v <= 5 ) this. resv () ; case 'await': default: return this.id(); } break ; case 6: switch (c) { case 'static': if ( this. tight || this. v <= 5 ) this. resv () ; case 'delete': case 'typeof': this.foundExpr = !false ; if ( this.startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; return case 'export': (parse) = lp.stmtPrse_export; break; case 'import': parse = lp.stmtPrse_import; break; case 'return': parse = lp.parseReturnStatement; break; case 'switch': parse = lp.parseSwitchStatement; break; case 'double': case 'native': case 'throws': if ( this. v <= 5 ) this. resv () ; default: return this.id(); } break ; case 7: switch (c) { case 'default': case 'extends': case 'finally': break ; case 'package': case 'private': if ( this. tight ) this. resv () ; case 'boolean': if ( this. v <= 5 ) this. resv () ; default: return this.id(); } break ; case 8: switch (c) { case 'function': return this. parseFunc(cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex&cfFor ) ; case 'debugger': return this. prseDbg () ; case 'continue': parse = lp.parseContinueStatement; break; case 'abstract': case 'volatile': if ( this. v <= 5 ) this. resv () ; default: return this.id(); } break ; case 9: switch (c ) { case 'interface': case 'protected': if (this. tight ) this. resv () ; case 'transient': if ( this. v <= 5 ) this. resv () ; } return this.id () ; case 10: switch ( c ) { case 'instanceof': break ; case 'implements': if ( this. v <= 5 || this. resv () ) this. resv () ; default : return this.id(); } break ; case 12: if ( this.v <= 5 && c === 'synchronized' ) this. resv () ; default: return this.id(); } if (!this.startStmt) this.err('an identifier was expected but found ' + c ) ; this.startStmt = false ; c = parse && parse.apply(this); this.foundStmt = !false ; return c ; }; lp.parseRegExpLiteral = function() { var c = this.c, l = this.src, e = l.length ; var n = { regex : { pattern : "" , flags : "" }, type : 'Literal', start : this.c - 1 , end : 0 , loc : {start:{line: this.li, column : this.col-1}, end : null } }; var b = false ; var o ; var _l = ""; L: while ( c < e ) { o = l.charCodeAt(c) ; switch ( o ) { case _sbrO: if ( !b ) b = !false; break ; case _bs : ++c; break ; case _sbrC : if ( b ) b = false ; break ; case _div : if ( b ) break ; break L ; // default:if ( o >= 0x0D800 && o <= 0x0DBFF ) { this.col-- ; } } c++ ; } l.charCodeAt(c ) == _div || this.err('expcted /') ; var _g = 0 ; o = 0 ; L : while ( o <= 5 ) { switch ( l.charCodeAt ( ++c ) ) { case g_ : ( _g & g_o ) && this.err ( 'g already there' ) ; _g |= g_o ; break ; case u_ : ( _g & u_o ) && this.err ( 'u already there' ) ; _g |= u_o ; break ; case y_ : ( _g & y_o ) && this.err ( 'y already there' ) ; _g |= y_o ; break ; case ( m_ ) : ( _g& m_o ) && this.err ( ' m already there' ) ; _g |= m_o ; break ; default : break L ; case i_ : ( _g& i_o ) && this.err ( ' i already there' ) ; _g |= i_o ; break ; } o ++ ; } n. regex . flags = l.slice(c-o, c) ; n. regex . pattern = n.contents = l.slice(this.c, c-o -( 1 ) ) ; this.col += ( ( c ) - this.c ) n.loc.end = { line : this.li, column : this.col } ; if ( !( _g & ( ALL ^ _g ) ) ) n. value = new RegExp ( n. regex . pattern , n. regex . flags ) ; else { new RegExp ( n. regex . pattern ) ; n. value = null ; } this.c = c; n. end = this.c; this. next () ; return n ; } lp.parseExprHead = function (cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex ) { var head; var _c ; var startc, startLoc ; var e ; if ( this . lttype == 'Identifier' ) { head = this.parseStatementOrID ( cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex ) ; if ( this.foundStmt ) { return head ; } if ( this.foundExpr ) { if ( cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex & cfExpectHeadBePrim) { this.err('Unexpected unary'); } if ( this.startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; startc = this.c0; startLoc = this.locBegin () ; this.foundExpr = false ; e = this.idcontents ; this.next () ; head = this.parseNonSeqExpr(this.parseExprHead( cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex ),0xAE,cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex & cfFor ) ; return { type : 'UnaryExpression' , operator : e , start : startc , end : head.end , loc : { start : startLoc , end : head.loc.end } , argument : core(head) }; } } else { if ( this. startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; switch (this.lttype) { case '[' : head = this. parseArrayExpression( cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex & (CFLAGS_PTRN_MEM ) ) ; if ( this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) return head ; break ; case '(' : head = this. parseParen() ; if ( this . funcBecause ) return head ; break ; case '{' : head = this. parseObjectExpression( cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex & (CFLAGS_PTRN_MEM) ) ; if ( this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) return head ; break ; case '/' : head = this. parseRegExpLiteral () ; break ; case '`' : head = this. parseTemplateLiteral () ; break ; case 'Literal': head = this.numstr (); break ; case '++': case '--': if (cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex & cfExpectHeadBePrim ) this.err('Unexpected unary'); startc = this.c - 2 ; startLoc = this.locOn(2 ); e = this. ltcontents ; this.next () ; head = this. parseExprHead (cfExpectHeadBePrim ) ; _c = ( core(head) ) ; if ( ! this . simpAssig ( _c ) ) this. err ( head. type + ' is not an assig ' ) ; return { type : 'UpdateExpression', operator : e , start : startc, end : head.end , loc : { start : startLoc, end : head.loc.end } , prefix: !false, argument: core(head ) }; case '~': case '!': case '-': case '+': if (cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex & cfExpectHeadBePrim) this.err('Unexpected unary'); startc = this.c - 1 ; startLoc = this.locOn(1 ) ; e = this.ltcontents ; this.next () ; head = ( this.parseNonSeqExpr(this.parseExprHead(0),0xAE,cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex & cfFor )) ; return { type: 'UnaryExpression' , operator: e , start : startc , end : head.end , loc : { start : startLoc, end : head.loc.end } , prefix: !false, argument : core(head ) }; default: if ( (cFlags_For_Sh_Non_Ex) & cfExpectHeadBePrim ) this.err(this. peek + ' is not a vaild start for an expr' ) ; return ; } } _c = core( head ) ; while ( !false ) { switch (this.lttype ) { case '.': this.next () ; e = this.memID() || this. err ( 'Unexpected ' + this. lttype ) ; head = { type: 'MemberExpression', property: e, start : head.start, end : e.end, loc : { start : head.loc.start , end : e.loc.end }, object : _c , computed: false, }; _c = head ; continue; case '[': this.next () ; e = this. parseExpr(null,0 ) ; head = { type: 'MemberExpression' , property: core (e), start : head.start, end : this.c, loc : { start : head.loc.start, end : this.loc() } , object : _c , computed: !false }; _c = head ; this.expect(']') ; continue; case '(': this.next () ; e = this. parseArgList() ; head = { type: 'CallExpression', callee: _c , start : head.start, end : this.c , arguments : e, loc : { start : head.loc.start, end : this.loc () } }; this.expect(')' ) ; _c = head ; continue; case '`' : head = n = start ( { type : 'quasi', quasi : this . parseTemplateLiteral () , loc : {} , tag : n } , head ) ; end (head , head.quasi ); continue ; default: return head ; } } return head ; } ; lp.parseNewHead = function () { if ( this. startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; var i = this.c, startc = this.c0 , startLoc = this.locBegin(), li = this.li , col = this.col ; this.next () ; var head, e; switch (this .lttype) { case '[': head = this. parseArrayExpression(0) ; break ; case '(': head = this. parseParen() ; if ( this.funcBecause ) this.err('Unexpected ' + this.funcBecause. contents ) ; break ; case '{': head = this. parseObjectExpression(0) ; break ; case '/': head = this. parseRegExpLiteral () ; break ; case '`': head = this. parseTemplateLiteral () ; break ; case 'Literal': head = this.numstr (); break ; case 'Identifier' : head = this.parseStatementOrID (0) ; if ( this. foundExpr ) this.err ( this. idcontents + ' can not come in the head of new' ) ; break ; default: this.err('Unexpected ' + ( this. lttype ) ) ; } var _c = core( head ) ; while ( !false ) { switch (this. ltcontents) { case '.': this.next () ; e = this.memID () ; head = { type: 'MemberExpression', property : e , start : head.start , end : e.end , loc : { start : head.loc.start , end : e.loc.end } , object : _c , computed: false }; _c = head ; continue; case '[': this.next () ; e = this. parseExpr(null,0) ; head = { type : 'MemberExpression' , property : core (e ) , start : head.start , end : this.c , loc : { start : head.loc.start, end : this.loc() } , object : _c , computed: !false }; _c = head ; this.expect(']') ; continue; case '(': this.next() ; head = this. parseArgList(); _c = { type: 'NewExpression' , callee : _c , start : startc , end : this.c , loc : { start : startLoc, end : this.loc () } , arguments : head }; this. expect (')'); return _c ; case '`' : head = n = start ({ type : 'quasi' , quasi : this . parseTemplateLiteral () , loc : {}, tag : n } , head ) ; end (head , head.quasi ); continue ; default: return { type : 'NewExpression' , callee : _c , start : startc , end : head. end , loc : { start : startLoc, end : head.loc.end } , arguments : [] } ; } } } ; lp . validateID = function (e ) { var n = e || this. idcontents; if ( n. length >= 12 ) return e?null:this. id () ; switch (n.length) { case 1 : return e?null:this. id () ; case 2 : switch (n) { case 'do': case 'if': case 'in': this. resv () ; } return e ? null : this.id() ; case 3: switch (n) { case 'int' : if ( this.v > 5 ) break ; this. resv () ; case 'let' : if ( this.v <= 5 || ! this. tight ) break ; case 'for' : case 'try' : case 'var' : case 'new' : this. resv () ; } return e ? null :this.id() ; case 4: switch (n) { case 'byte': case 'char': case 'goto': case 'long': if ( this. v > 5 ) break ; case 'case': case 'else': case 'this': case 'void': case 'with': case 'enum': this. resv () ; } return e ? null :this.id() ; case 5: switch (n) { case 'await': if ( this. isScript ) { break ; } case 'final': case 'float': case 'short': if ( this. v > 5 ) break ; case 'break': case 'catch': case 'class': case 'const': case 'super': case 'throw': case 'while': case 'yield': this. resv () ; } return e ? null :this.id() ; case 6: switch (n) { case 'double': case 'native': case 'throws': if ( this. v > 5 ) break ; this. resv () ; case 'public': case 'static': if ( this. v > 5 && ! this. tight ) break ; case 'delete': case 'export': case 'import': case 'return': case 'switch': case 'typeof': this. resv () ; } return e ? null :this.id() ; case 7: switch (n) { case 'package': case 'private': if ( this. tight ) this. resv () ; case 'boolean': if ( this. v > 5 ) break ; case 'default': case 'extends': case 'finally': this. resv () ; } return e ? null :this.id() ; case 8: switch (n) { case 'abstract': case 'volatile': if ( this. v > 5 ) break ; case 'continue': case 'debugger': case 'function': this. resv () ; } return e ? null : this. id () ; case 9: switch (n) { case 'interface': if ( this. tight ) this. resv () ; case 'protected': case 'transient': if ( this. v <= 5 ) this. resv () ; } return e ? null :this.id() ; case 10: switch (n) { case 'implements': if ( this. v > 5 && ! this. tight ) break ; case 'instanceof': this. resv () ; } return ( e ? null : this.id() ) ; case 12: switch (n) { case 'synchronized': if ( this. v <= 5 ) this. resv () ; } return e ? null :this.id() ; default : return e ? null :this. id () ; } } lp.id = function () { if ( this.startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; var e = { type : 'Identifier' , value : this.ltval , start : this.c0, end : this.c , loc : { start : this.locBegin () , end : this.loc () } , contents : this. ltval , pDepth : 0 , }; this.next () ; return e ; }; lp.parseArrayExpression = function (cFlags_Sh_Non ) { var e = [], _e , startc = this.c - 1 , startLoc = this.locOn ( 1 ) ; this.next () ; var propThatMustBeInAnAssig = null,propFlags = cFlags_Sh_Non , hasPropThatMustNot = false ; var sprCount = 0, sprIdx = -1 ; while ( !false ) { if ( _e = this. parseExprHeadOrYield() ) { this. canHaveNoAssig = !false ; e .push (core(this.parseNonSeqExpr(_e,0,0))); if ( this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) { if ( !propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) { propThatMustBeInAnAssig = this.propThatMustBeInAnAssig; propFlags = cfNonAssigNotValid ; } this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig =null ; } else if ( this. mustNot ) { if ( !hasPropThatMustNot ) { hasPropThatMustNot = this. mustNot; propFlags = cfShortNotValid ; } this. mustNot = false ; } } else if ( this. ltcontents == '...' ) { sprCount ++ ; sprIdx = e.length ; e .push ( this. parseSpreadElement () ) ; } else if ( this.ltcontents === ',' ) e . push ( null ) ; if ( this. ltcontents == ',' ) this.next() ; else break ; } if ( propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig = propThatMustBeInAnAssig ; if ( hasPropThatMustNot ) this. mustNot = hasPropThatMustNot ; e = { type: 'ArrayExpression', loc : { start : startLoc, end : this.loc() }, start : startc , end : this.c , elements : e, sprCount : sprCount , sprIdx : sprIdx , pDepth : 0 }; this. expect ( ']' ) ; return e; }; lp.simpAssig = function(l ) { switch (l.type ) { case 'Identifier' : case 'MemberExpression' : return ! false ; } return false } lp . parse_let=function() { var startStmt = this. startStmt ; if ( this. v <= 5 ) { if ( startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; return this. id () ; } if ( this. tight ) return this. parseVariableDeclaration ( 0, 0, null ) ; if ( ! startStmt ) return this. id () ; var startc = this.c0 , startLoc = this. locBegin (), c = this.c ; var col = this.col, li = this.li ; this. next () ; switch ( this. lttype ) { case '[' : case '{' : case 'Identifier' : return this. parseVariableDeclaration(0,startc,startLoc ) ; } if ( startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; return createIDLoc ( startc, startLoc, c, col, li, 'let' ) ; } lp . parse_this = function () { if ( this.startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; var n = { type : 'ThisExpression', loc : { start : this.locBegin () , end : this.loc () }, start : this.c0, end : this.c } ; this.next () ; return n ; }; lp.convAssig = function( nexpr , isB ) { var convErr ; var e, n ; switch ( nexpr. type ) { case 'Identifier' : if ( isB ) { if ( nexpr . pDepth ) { this.convErr = 'an identifier must not be in parens when used as in a var def position'; return nexpr ; } this. validateID ( nexpr . value ) ; this. arg ( nexpr , !false) ; } else if ( this. tight && this. argE ( nexpr . value ) ) this. err ( nexpr . value + ' is not an assig ' ) ; return ; case 'ArrayExpression' : if ( nexpr . pDepth ) { this.convErr = 'ArrayExpression must not have parens in case it is a ptrn '; return nexpr ; } if ( nexpr .sprCount > 1 || ( nexpr . sprIdx >= 0 && nexpr . sprIdx != nexpr . elements .length - 1 ) ) { this.convErr = ' ArrayExpression when in ptrn position can not have more than one ..., and in case it has it must be at its end ' ; return nexpr ; } n = nexpr . elements ; e = 0 ; while ( e < n.length ) { if ( n[e ] ) if ( convErr = this. convAssig (n[e] , isB ) ) return convErr ; e ++ ; } nexpr . type = 'ArrayPattern' ; return; case 'ArrayPattern' : if ( isB ) { nexpr . type = 'ArrayExpression' ; return this.convAssig ( nexpr , isB ) ; } this. err( 'ArrayPattern is an assig ' ) ; case 'ObjectExpression' : if ( nexpr . pDepth ) { this.convErr = 'ObjectExpression must not have parens in case it is a ptrn '; return nexpr ; } n = nexpr . properties ; e = 0 ; var _e ; while ( n.length > e ) { _e = n[e] ; if ( _e . shorthand ) { e ++ ; continue ; } if ( convErr = this.convAssig (_e.value, isB) ) return convErr ; _e .type = 'AssignmentProperty' ; e ++ ; } nexpr . type = 'ObjectPattern' ; return ; case 'ObjectPattern' : if ( isB ) { nexpr . type = 'ObjectExpression' ; return this.convAssig ( nexpr , isB ) ; } this. err( ' ObjectPattern is an assig ' ) ; case 'AssignmentExpressionB' : case 'AssignmentExpression': if (nexpr . pDepth ) { this.convErr = 'AssignmentExpression must not have parens in case it is a ptrn ' ; return nexpr ; } if ( nexpr. type != 'AssignmentExpressionB' ) { if ( nexpr . operator != '=' ) { this.convErr = 'found ' + nexpr . operator + 'not = ' ; return nexpr ; } else delete nexpr . operator ; } convErr = null ; if ( isB ) convErr = this.convAssig ( nexpr . left, isB ) ; if ( !convErr ) nexpr . type = 'AssignmentPattern' ; return convErr ; case 'AssignmentPattern' : if ( isB ) { nexpr . type = 'AssignmentExpressionB' ; return this.convAssig ( nexpr , isB ) ; } this. err ( 'AssignmentPattern is an assig ' ) ; case 'MemberExpression' : if ( isB ) { this.convErr = 'MemberExpression can not be used in the var def position ' ; return nexpr ; } return ; case 'SpreadElement' : convErr = this. convAssig ( nexpr . argument, isB ) ; if ( !convErr ) nexpr . type = 'RestElement' ; return convErr ; case 'RestElement' : if ( isB ) { nexpr . type = 'SpreadElement' ; return this.convAssig ( nexpr , isB ) ; } this.err ( 'RestElement is an assig ' ) ; } this.convErr = nexpr.type + ' is not an assig ' ; return nexpr ; }; lp.parseArgList = function () { var n = [], e ; while ( !false ) { if ( e = this. parseExprHeadOrYield () ) { n. push (core ( this. parseNonSeqExpr ( e, 0, 0) ) ) ; } else if ( this. ltcontents == '...' ) { n. push( this. parseSpreadElement () ) ; } else break ; if ( this.ltcontents == ',' ) { this.next () ; continue ; } break ; } return n ; }; lp.parseObjectExpression = function (cFlags_Sh_Non ) { var prop = [], e /* , n = this.names */ ; var startc = this.c - 1 , startLoc = this.locOn ( 1 ) ; this.next () ; var p = cFlags_Sh_Non , propThatMustBeInAnAssig = null, hasPropThatMustNot = (false ) ; while ( e = this.parseProperty(p)) { prop .push(e) ; if ( this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) { if ( !propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) { propThatMustBeInAnAssig = this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig; p = cfNonAssigNotValid ; } this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig = null ; } else if ( this. mustNot ) { if ( !hasPropThatMustNot ) { hasPropThatMustNot = this. mustNot ; p = cfShortNotValid ; } this. mustNot = false ; } if ( this. ltcontents == (',' ) ) { this.next () ; continue ; } break ; } if ( propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig = propThatMustBeInAnAssig ; else if ( hasPropThatMustNot ) { this. mustNot = hasPropThatMustNot ; } e = { properties : prop, type: 'ObjectExpression', start : startc , pDepth : 0 , end : this.c , loc : { start : startLoc , end : this.loc () } } // this.names = n; this.expect('}' ) ; return e; }; lp.parseParen = function () { var startc = this.c - 1, startLoc = this.locOn ( 1 ) ; this.next () ; var e = this.parseExpr ( null, 0 ) ; e. pDepth ++ ; var n = { type : 'paren', expr : e, start : startc, end : this.c, loc : { start : startLoc, end : this.loc () } } ; this.expect ( ')' ) ; return n ; }; lp . parseVariableDeclaration = function( cFlags_For, startc, startLoc ) { var kind; if ( this.startStmt ) this.startStmt = false ; else if ( ! ( cFlags_For & cfFor ) ) { this.err ( kind + 'is not a vaild name ' ) ; } var dec = []; if ( !startLoc ) { startc = this.c0 ; startLoc = this.locBegin () ; kind = this. idcontents ; this.next () ; } else kind = 'let' ; var e = this.parseVariableDeclarator(cFlags_For ) ; if ( !e ) this.err(( 'must dec' ) ) ; L : do { dec.push (e) ; if ( cFlags_For ) { switch ( this. idcontents ) { case 'in' : case 'of' : if ( dec.length > 1 ) this.err ( _head . kind + ' must not have more than one decl in case it is in a for/in' ) ; if ( this. v > 5 && dec [ 0 ] .init ) this. err ( 'must not have init ' ) ; break L ; } } if ( this.ltcontents != ',' ) break ; this.next() ; e = this.parseVariableDeclarator(cFlags_For ) ; } while ( e ) ; var _e = dec[dec.length - 1 ] ; var i, eLoc; if ( ! ( cFlags_For & cfFor ) ) { this.foundStmt = !false ; i = this.semiI () || _e . end ; eLoc = this.semiLoc() || _e . loc. end ; } else { i = _e . end ; eLoc = _e . loc. end ; } return { declarations : dec , type: 'VariableDeclaration', start : startc, end : i, loc : { start : startLoc, end : eLoc } , kind : kind } }; lp . parseVariableDeclarator = function(cFlags_For ) { var n = this.parsePattern (), e = null ; // console.log( n , "N", "N", this. peek ) ; if ( n ) { var _i = null ; if ( this. ltcontents == ('=' ) ) { this.next () ; _i = this. parseNonSeqExpr(this.parseExprHeadOrYield(0 ),0, cFlags_For ); } else if ( n. type != 'Identifier' ) { if ( !cFlags_For || ( this. idcontents != ( 'in' ) && this. idcontents != ( 'of' ) ) ) { this. err ( ' no ' ) ; } } return { type : 'VariableDeclarator' , id : n, start : n.start, end : _i ? _i . end : n . end , loc : { start : n.loc.start, end : _i ? _i.loc.end : n.loc.end } , init : !_i ? _i : core(_i) }; } }; lp . parseFor = function() { var startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin () ; this.next () ; this.expect('(' ) ; var _head ; switch (_head = this.idcontents ) { case 'var': _head = this. parseVariableDeclaration(cfFor ) ; break ; case 'let': case 'const' : if ( this. v > 5 ) { _head = this. parseVariableDeclaration(cfFor ) ; break ; } default : _head = this. parseExprHead (0 ) ; if ( this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) this.canHaveNoAssig = !false ; else if ( _head ) { _head = this.parseExpr(_head , cfFor ); } else _head = null ; } var _in = null , _mid = null, _tail = null ; switch ( _in = this. idcontents ) { case 'of' : case 'in' : if ( this. mustNot ) { this.err ( _head . type + ' is not an assig ' ) ;} if ( _head . type != 'VariableDeclaration' ) { if ( this . propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig = null ; var convErr = this.convAssig (_head ) ; if ( convErr ) this.err ( _head . type + ' is not an assig; reason ' + this.convErr ) ; } this.next() ; _mid = core(this. parseNonSeqExpr(this.parseExprHead(0),0,0)); _in = ( _in == ( 'of' ) ) ? 'ForOfStatement' : 'ForInStatement' ; break ; default : _in = "" ; if ( this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig ) { this.canHaveNoAssig = false ; _head = this.parseExpr(_head , 0 ) ; } this. expect (';'); if ( this.ltcontents != ';' ) _mid = core( this. parseExpr(null,0)); this.expect(';'); _tail = this. parseExprHead(0); if( _tail )_tail = core( this.parseExpr (_tail, 0 ) ); else _tail = null; } this. expect ( ')' ) ; ++ this. iteD ; var scopeFlags = this.scopeFlags; this.scopeFlags |= ( breakFlag|continueFlag ) ; var _b = this.parseStatement (!false); this.scopeFlags = scopeFlags ; -- ( this. iteD ) ; return _in ? { type: ( _in ) , loc: { start : startLoc, end : _b.loc.end }, start : startc, end: _b.end, right : _mid, left: core( _head ), body: _b } : { type: 'ForStatement', init: ! _head ? _head : core(_head ), start : startc, end: _b.end, test : _mid, loc: { start : startLoc, end: _b.loc.end }, update: _tail, body: _b }; } var core = function(n ) { return ( ( n . type == 'paren' ? n.expr : n )) ; } var coreP = function(n) { return n. type == '[' ? n. expr : n } var func = function(n, isGen, _a, _b ) { return { type: 'FunctionExpression', id : coreP ( n ) , start : n.start, end : _b . end , generator : isGen , loc : { start : n.loc.start, end : _b . loc . end } , params : _a , body : _b } } var createID = function(c0,col0,c,li,col,contents ) { return { type : 'Identifier', value : contents, start : c0 , end : c , loc : {start: { line: li , column: col0 }, end: { line: li, column: col } } , contents : contents } ; } var createIDLoc = function(startc,startLoc,c,col,li , contents ) { return { type : 'Identifier', value : contents, start : startc , end : c , loc : { start : startLoc , end : { line: li, column: col } } , contents : contents } } lp.parseProperty = function (cmn) { var e, Prop = ( cmn == METHD ) ? 'MethodDefinition' : 'Property' , n = this. idcontents || this. ltcontents ; var _static = false ; var startc = 0, startLoc = null ; var li = 0, col = 0, c = 0 ; var _v = null, _a = null, _n = null, _b = null ; var loc = null, col0 = 0, c0 = 0 ; var scopeFlags = 0 ; L : while ( !false ) switch ( n ) { case 'get': c0 = this.c0 ; col0 = this.col0; if ( !_static ) { startc = c0; startLoc = this.locBegin() ; } li = this.li; col = this.col; c = this.c; this.next(); if (e = this.parseMemName()) { if ( cmn & cfNonAssigNotValid ) this.err('get' ) ; scopeFlags = this.scopeFlags; this.scopeFlags = 0; _a = this.parseArgs(0); _b = this.parseFuncBody (0 , scopeFlags ) ; _v = func(e,false,_a,_b) ; loc= { start : startLoc, end : _v . loc. end } ; if ( cmn != METHD ) { n = { type: Prop, key: coreP (e), start : startc, end: _v.end, kind: 'get', computed: e.type ==='[', loc : loc, method : false, shorthand : false, value : _v }; this. mustNot = !false ; } else { if ( e. value == 'constructor' ) this. err ( 'constructor: get' ) ; n = { type: Prop, key: coreP (e), start : startc, end: _v.end, kind: 'get', computed: e.type ==='[', loc : loc, static: _static, value : _v }; } return n ; } e = _static ? createID ( c0, col0, c, col, li, 'get' ) : createIDLoc(startc,startLoc,c,col,li,'get' ) ; break L; case 'set': c0 = this.c0 ; col0 = this.col0; if ( !_static ) { startc = c0; startLoc = this.locBegin() ; } li = this.li; col = this.col; c = this.c; this.next(); if (e = this.parseMemName()) { if ( cmn & cfNonAssigNotValid ) this.err( 'set' ) ; scopeFlags = this.scopeFlags; this.scopeFlags = 0; _a = this.parseArgs(1 ); _b = this.parseFuncBody (0 , scopeFlags ) ; _v = func(e,false,_a,_b) ; loc= { start : startLoc, end : _v . loc. end } ; if ( cmn != METHD ) { n = { type: Prop, key: coreP (e), start : startc, end: _v.end, kind: 'set' , computed: e.type ==='[', loc : loc, method : false, shorthand : false, value : _v }; this. mustNot = !false ; } else { if ( e. value == 'constructor' ) this. err ( 'constructor no ' ) ; n = { type: Prop, key: coreP (e), start : startc, end: _v.end, kind: 'set' , computed: e.type ==='[', loc : loc, static: _static, value : _v }; } return n ; } e = _static ? createID (c0,col0,c,col,li,'set') : createIDLoc (startc,startLoc,c,col,li,'set'); break L; case '*': if ( cmn & cfNonAssigNotValid ) this.err('sh and * ' ) ; if ( !_static ) { startc = this.c - 1 ; startLoc = this.locOn ( 1 ) ; } this.next(); e = this.parseMemName() || this.err('[ or and expr expcted', this.peek ); scopeFlags = this.scopeFlags; this.scopeFlags = 0; _a = this.parseArgs( -1 ); _b = this.parseFuncBody ( cfY , scopeFlags ) ; _v = func(e,!false,_a,_b) ; loc= { start : startLoc, end : _v . loc. end } ; if ( cmn != METHD ) { n = { type: Prop, key: coreP (e), start : startc, end: _v.end, kind: 'init', computed: e.type ==='[', loc : loc, method : ! false, shorthand : false , value : _v }; this. mustNot = !false ; } else { if ( e. value == 'constructor' ) this.err ( ' constructor can not be * ' ) ; n = { type: Prop, key: coreP (e), start : startc, end: _v.end, kind: 'method', computed: e.type ==='[', loc : loc, static: _static, value : _v }; } return n ; case 'static' : if ( cmn == METHD && !_static ) { c0 = this.c0 ; col0 = this.col0 ; startc = c0 ; _static = !false; startLoc= this.locBegin () ; li = this.li; col=this.col; c =this.c ; this.next () ; n = this. idcontents || this . ltcontents ; continue ; } default: if ( e = this.parseMemName()) break L ; if ( _static ) { e = createIDLoc( startc, startLoc, c, col, li, 'static'); break L ; } return; } switch (this.lttype) { case '(': if ( !startLoc ) { startc = e.start; startLoc = e.loc.start; } if ( cmn & cfNonAssigNotValid ) this.err('paren ' ) ; scopeFlags = this.scopeFlags ; this.scopeFlags = 0 ; _a = this.parseArgs(( -1 ) ) ; _b = this.parseFuncBody (0, scopeFlags ) ; _v = func(e,false,_a,_b) ; loc= { start : startLoc, end : _v . loc. end } ; if ( cmn != METHD ) { n = { type: Prop, key: coreP (e), start : startc, end: _v.end, kind: 'init' , computed: e.type ==='[', loc : loc, method :! false, shorthand : false , value : _v }; this. mustNot = !false ; } else { n = { type: Prop, key: coreP (e), start : startc, end: _v.end, kind: (_static || e. value != 'constructor' ) ? 'method' : ( 'constructor' ) , computed: e.type ==='[', loc : loc, value : _v , static: _static }; } return n ; case ':': if ( cmn == METHD ) this.err( 'Unexpected ' + this. ltcontents ) ; this.next() _v = ( this. parseExprHeadOrYield (0)||this.err('must be an actual expr') ) ; this.canHaveNoAssig = !false ; _v = ( this. parseNonSeqExpr( _v , 0, 0) ); return { type: 'Property', start : e.start , key : coreP (e) , end : _v . end , kind: 'init', loc : { start : e.loc.start, end : _v . loc. end } , computed: e . type == '[', method : false , shorthand : false , value : core(_v) }; default : if ( cmn == METHD ) this.err( 'Unexpected ' + this. ltcontents ) ; if (e. type != 'Identifier' ) this.err('id expcted') ; /* _v = e.value + '%' ; if ( has.call ( this.names, _v ) ) { if ( this. names [ _v ] != nameInit ) this.err ( e.value + ' already in the obj ' ) ; } else this. names[ _v ] = nameInit ; */ if ( this. ltcontents == ('=' ) ) { if ( cmn& cfShortNotValid ) this. err( 'no' ) ; _v = this. parseAssig ( e ) ; this. propThatMustBeInAnAssig = !false; } else { _v = e; } return { type: 'Property', key : e, start : _v . start, end : _v . end , loc : _v . loc, kind: 'init', shorthand: ! false , method: false , value : _v , computed : false } } }; lp . parseBrac = function() { var startc = this.c - 1 , startLoc = this.locOn ( 1 ) ; this.next () ; var e = core( this. parseNonSeqExpr (this. parseExprHeadOrYield ()||this.err('must be an actual expr'), 0, 0 ) ) ; e = { type: '[' , expr : e , start : startc, end : this.c, loc : { start : startLoc, end : this.c } } ; this.expect (']' ); return e; } lp.parseMemName = function() { switch ( this. lttype ) { case 'Identifier' : return this. memID () ; case '[' : return this. parseBrac () ; case 'Literal' : return this. numstr () ; } } lp . memID = function() { switch ( this.lttype ) { case 'Identifier' : if ( this.v > 5 ) return this.id () ; return this. validateID() ; case 'Literal' : return this.numstr (); } } lp . arg= function( id , c ) { var name = id.value + '%' ; if ( has .call(this.argList,name) ) { if ( c || this. argList[name] == 2 ) { this.err ( id . value + ' is in the arglist ' ) ; } else this. argList [ name] = 1 ; } else this. argList [ name ] = c ? 2 : 0; } lp . validateArg = function ( r ) { var e = null ; for ( e in r ) { if ( r [ e ] == 1 ) this. err ( e.substr( 0 , e.length - 1 ) + ' is in the arglist ') ; this. validateID ( e = e.substr( 0, e.length - 1 ) ) ; if ( this. argE (e ) ) this. err ( e + ' is not an arg ' ) ; } } lp.parsePattern = function() { switch ( this.lttype ) { case 'Identifier' : return this. validateID ( null ) ; case '[' : return this. parseArrayPattern () ; case '{' : return this. parseObjectPattern () ; } } lp. parseArrayPattern = function() { var startc = this.c - 1 , startLoc = this.locOn ( 1 ) , e = [], ptrn = null ; this.next () ; L : while ( !false ) { if ( ptrn = this. parsePattern () ) { if ( this. argListIsActive && ptrn. type == 'Identifier' ) this. arg( ptrn, !false ) ; e . push ( this.ltcontents == '=' ? this. parseAssig ( ptrn ) : ptrn ) ; } else if ( this. lttype == '...' ) { e . push (this. parseRestElement () ) ; break ; } else e . push( null ) ; if ( this. lttype === ',' ) { this.next () ; continue ; } break ; } ptrn = { type: 'ArrayPattern', loc : { start : startLoc, end : this.loc () } , start : startc, end : this.c, elements: e }; this.expect (']') ; return ptrn; } lp . argE = function(l ) { switch ( l ) { case 'arguments': case 'eval' : return !false ; } return false ; } lp.parseObjectPattern = function() { var sh = false , startc = this.c - 1 , startLoc = this.locOn ( 1 ), e = [], v = null, n = null ; this.next () ; while ( n = this. parseMemName() ) { if ( this.ltcontents == ':' ) { this.next(); v = this.parsePattern ();} else { if ( n .type != 'Identifier' ) this.err('id' ) ; v = n ; sh = !false; } if ( this. argListIsActive && v. type == 'Identifier' ) this. arg( v, !false ) ; if ( this.ltcontents == '=' ) v = this. parseAssig ( v ) ; e . push ({ type: 'Property', start : n.start, key: coreP (n), end: v.end , loc: { start : n.loc.start , end: v.loc.end }, kind: "init" , computed: n. type == '[', value : v, method : false , shorthand : sh }); if ( this.ltcontents == ',' ) { this.next (); continue; } } n = { type: 'ObjectPattern', loc : { start : startLoc, end : this.loc () } , start : startc, end : this.c , properties : e } ; this.expect('}' ) ; return n; } lp . parseAssig = function (n) { this.next() ; var r = this. parseNonSeqExpr ( this. parseExprHeadOrYield () || this.err ( 'Unexpected ' + this. ltcontents ), 0, 0) ; return { type : 'AssignmentPattern' , start : n.start, left : n, end : r.end , right : core( r ) , loc : ({ start : n.loc.start, end : r.loc.end } ) }; } lp . parseArgs = function (argLen ) { var e = [], n, r, argList = this.argList , argListIsActive = this. argListIsActive ; this. argList = {} ; this. argListIsActive = !false ; this.expect('(') ; while ( argLen-- != 0 && ( n = this.parsePattern ()) ) { if ( this.ltcontents != '=' ) { if ( this. argListIsActive && n . type == 'Identifier' ) this. arg( n,false ) ; e. push ( n ) ; } else { if ( this. argListIsActive && n. type == 'Identifier' ) this. arg( n, !false ) ; e.push( this.parseAssig (n) ); } if (this.ltcontents == ',') { this.next(); continue; } break; } if ( argLen && argLen != -1 && this.ltcontents == '...') { e. push (this. parseRestElement () ) ; } this.expect(')' ); this. argListIsActive = argListIsActive ; this.prev. push ( argList ) ; return e; } lp . parseFunc = function( cFlags_For ) { var startStmt = this.startStmt, startc = this.c0, startLoc = this.locBegin () , _i = this. i , isGen = false ; var scopeFlags = this. scopeFlags ; this.next () ; if ( this. ltcontents == '*' ) { isGen = !false; this.next() ; } if ( startStmt ) { this.startStmt = false; if ( this. lttype == 'Identifier' ) this. i = this. id () ; else this.err( 'Unexpected ' + this. lttype ) ; } else if ( this. lttype == 'Identifier' ) { this. i = this. id(); } else this. i = null ; this.scopeFlags = 0 ; var _a = this. parseArgs( -1 ) ; var _b = this. parseFuncBody( !isGen ? cFlags_For : cFlags_For | cfY , scopeFlags ) ; var n = { type : ( startStmt ? 'FunctionDeclaration' : 'FunctionExpression' ) , id : this. i , start : startc , end : _b . end , generator : isGen , body : _b , loc : { start : startLoc, end : _b . loc. end } , params : _a , }; this. i = _i ; if ( startStmt ) { this.foundStmt = !false ; } return n ; } lp.parseFuncBody = function( cFlags_For_Y, scopeFlags ) { var argList = this. argList ; this. argList = this.prev.pop () ; if ( this. ltcontents != '{' ) return this.parseNonSeqExpr( this. parseExprHeadOrYield (0) || this.err('Unexpected ' + ((this).ltcontents)), 0, cFlags_For_Y ); if ( scopeFlags & methdFlag ) { if ( scopeFlags & funcFlag ) this.scopeFlags = funcFlag ; else this.scopeFlags = ( methdFlag | funcFlag ) ; } else this.scopeFlags = funcFlag ; if ( cFlags_For_Y & cfY ) this.scopeFlags |= yieldFlag ; var argListIsActive = this. argListIsActive ; this.argListIsActive = false ; var stmts = [], stmt, l = this.lbn, iteD = this. iteD, startc= this.c - 1, startLoc = this.locOn ( 1 ) , n = null ; this.lbn = {}; this. iteD = 0 ; this.next () ; var tight = this. tight ; stmt = this.parseStatement(false ) ; if ( stmt ) { if ( this. v > 5 && stmt. type == 'ExpressionStatement' && ( stmt. expression . type == 'Literal') ) switch (this.src.slice(stmt.expression.start,stmt.expression.end )) { case "'use strict'": case '"use strict"': this.tight = ! false ; if ( this. i && this. argE ( this. i. value ) ) this. err ( this. i. value + ' can not be id in the strict ' ) ; this.validateArg(argList); } stmts . push( stmt ) ; while (stmt = this.parseStatement (false)) stmts .push ( stmt ) ; } n = { type : 'BlockStatement' , body : stmts , start : startc, end : this.c, loc : { start : startLoc, end : this.loc () } }; this.expect ( '}' ); this.lbn =l ; this. iteD = iteD ; this.scopeFlags = ( scopeFlags ) ; this. argList = argList ; this. argListIsActive = argListIsActive ; this. tight = tight ; return n; } var IDS_ = (fromRunLenCodes([0,8472,1,21,1,3948,2], fromRunLenCodes([0,65,26,6,26,47,1,10,1,4,1,5,23,1,31,1,458,4,12,14,5,7,1,1,1,129,5,1,2,2,4,1,1,6,1,1,3,1,1,1,20,1,83,1,139,8,166,1,38,2,1,7,39,72,27,5,3,45,43,35,2,1,99,1,1,15,2,7,2,10,3,2,1,16,1,1,30,29,89,11,1,24,33,9,2,4,1,5,22,4,1,9,1,3,1,23,25,71,21,79,54,3,1,18,1,7,10,15,16,4,8,2,2,2,22,1,7,1,1,3,4,3,1,16,1,13,2,1,3,14,2,19,6,4,2,2,22,1,7,1,2,1,2,1,2,31,4,1,1,19,3,16,9,1,3,1,22,1,7,1,2,1,5,3,1,18,1,15,2,23,1,11,8,2,2,2,22,1,7,1,2,1,5,3,1,30,2,1,3,15,1,17,1,1,6,3,3,1,4,3,2,1,1,1,2,3,2,3,3,3,12,22,1,52,8,1,3,1,23,1,16,3,1,26,3,5,2,35,8,1,3,1,23,1,10,1,5,3,1,32,1,1,2,15,2,18,8,1,3,1,41,2,1,16,1,16,3,24,6,5,18,3,24,1,9,1,1,2,7,58,48,1,2,12,7,58,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,6,4,1,7,1,3,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,4,1,2,9,1,2,5,1,1,21,4,32,1,63,8,1,36,27,5,115,43,20,1,16,6,4,4,3,1,3,2,7,3,4,13,12,1,17,38,1,1,5,1,2,43,1,333,1,4,2,7,1,1,1,4,2,41,1,4,2,33,1,4,2,7,1,1,1,4,2,15,1,57,1,4,2,67,37,16,16,86,2,6,3,620,2,17,1,26,5,75,3,11,7,13,1,4,14,18,14,18,14,13,1,3,15,52,35,1,4,1,67,88,8,41,1,1,5,70,10,31,49,30,2,5,11,44,4,26,54,23,9,53,82,1,93,47,17,7,55,30,13,2,10,44,26,36,41,3,10,36,107,4,1,4,3,2,9,192,64,278,2,6,2,38,2,6,2,8,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,31,2,53,1,7,1,1,3,3,1,7,3,4,2,6,4,13,5,3,1,7,116,1,13,1,16,13,101,1,4,1,2,10,1,1,2,6,6,1,1,1,1,1,1,16,2,4,5,5,4,1,17,41,2679,47,1,47,1,133,6,4,3,2,12,38,1,1,5,1,2,56,7,1,16,23,9,7,1,7,1,7,1,7,1,7,1,7,1,7,1,7,550,3,25,9,7,5,2,5,4,86,4,5,1,90,1,4,5,41,3,94,17,27,53,16,512,6582,74,20950,42,1165,67,46,2,269,3,16,10,2,20,47,16,31,2,80,39,9,2,103,2,35,2,8,63,11,1,3,1,4,1,23,29,52,14,50,62,6,3,1,1,1,12,28,10,23,25,29,7,47,28,1,16,5,1,10,10,5,1,41,23,3,1,8,20,23,3,1,3,50,1,1,3,2,2,5,2,1,1,1,24,3,2,11,7,3,12,6,2,6,2,6,9,7,1,7,1,43,1,10,10,115,29,11172,12,23,4,49,8452,366,2,106,38,7,12,5,5,1,1,10,1,13,1,5,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,108,33,363,18,64,2,54,40,12,116,5,1,135,36,26,6,26,11,89,3,6,2,6,2,6,2,3,35,12,1,26,1,19,1,2,1,15,2,14,34,123,69,53,267,29,3,49,47,32,16,27,5,38,10,30,2,36,4,8,1,5,42,158,98,40,8,52,156,311,9,22,10,8,152,6,2,1,1,44,1,2,3,1,2,23,10,23,9,31,65,19,1,2,10,22,10,26,70,56,6,2,64,1,15,4,1,3,1,27,44,29,3,29,35,8,1,28,27,54,10,22,10,19,13,18,110,73,55,51,13,51,784,53,75,45,32,25,26,36,41,35,3,1,12,48,14,4,21,1,1,1,35,18,1,25,84,7,1,1,1,4,1,15,1,10,7,47,38,8,2,2,2,22,1,7,1,2,1,5,3,1,18,1,12,5,286,48,20,2,1,1,184,47,41,4,36,48,20,1,59,43,85,26,390,64,31,1,448,57,1287,922,102,111,17,196,2748,1071,4049,583,8633,569,7,31,113,30,18,48,16,4,31,21,5,19,880,69,11,1,66,13,16480,2,3070,107,5,13,3,9,7,10,5990,85,1,71,1,2,2,1,2,2,2,4,1,12,1,1,1,7,1,65,1,4,2,8,1,7,1,28,1,4,1,5,1,1,3,7,1,340,2,25,1,25,1,31,1,25,1,31,1,25,1,31,1,25,1,31,1,25,1,8,4148,197,1339,4,1,27,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,10,1,4,1,1,1,1,6,1,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,4,1,7,1,4,1,4,1,1,1,10,1,17,5,3,1,5,1,17,4420,42711,41,4149,11,222,2,5762,10590,542]))); 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_exports.Parser = Parser ; var createTok = function( j ) { var l = 18000; var str = ""; while ( str.length - 400000 <= -400 ) str = j(str) ; return str; } _exports.createTok = createTok ; var tok = // this is the one that triggers a segmentation fault (code 139), and occasionally an 'invalid instruction' (code 132) // it happens about 7 times out of 30 rounds createTok(function(str) {if (str =="") return "n";return str+";{a-b*c&d%e*a-b*c&d%e }"; }) console.log( '\n------------------------------------\nlength of the input:' , tok.length ) ; // PLEASE NOTE: each "run" means a fresh `$ node --allow-natives-syntax run.js`; numbers appearing below are not the number of "runs" but mere counters // to give a clue about the number of iterations before the errors occur console.log( 'running started' ) ; var run = 120; while ( run ) { console.log(run ) ; new Parser((tok)).parseProgram() ; run -- ; } console.log( 'running complete' ) ; }) ( this )