========== Change log ========== 4.3 (unreleased) ================ - Nothing changed yet. 4.2.1 (2020-04-21) ================== - Fix AttributeError in Python 2.7 hidden by tests installing ``configparser`` library. 4.2 (2020-04-21) ================ - Add support for Python 3.8. - Fix missing dependency in Python 2.7 when installed as wheel. 4.1.1 (2020-03-24) ================== - Keep supporting Python 2 by using older versions. 4.1 (2018-08-03) ================ - Add option ``--start-at`` to specify the first package for which the command is run. (It does a substring match against the packages list in the config file.) - Add support for Python 3.7. - Drop support for Python 3.4. 4.0 (2017-12-26) ================ - Add an ``ignore-exit-code`` to the configuration of the commands to allow a complete run-through of all packages. - Drop support for Python 3.3. - Also release as wheel. 3.2 (2017-05-16) ================ - Change license from ZPL to MIT. - Move canonical repository to https://github.com/icemac/toll. - Add support for PyPy3. 3.1 (2017-01-07) ================ - Colour the own output of `toll`. - Add a line above the output for each package. 3.0 (2017-01-06) ================ Backward incompatible changes ----------------------------- - Add a preconditions to the commands. If the precondition is not met the command is not executed. This can be used to prevent running a command in a package where it will fail. This requires a new config file format. (See documentation.) Other changes ------------- - Add support for Python 3.6. 2.1 (2016-12-06) ================ - Add compatibility with `setuptools >= 30.0`. 2.0 (2016-06-17) ================ - Use a default configuration file named ``toll.ini``. This can be overwritten using ``-c`` when calling `toll`. - Allow to specify multiple command which should be called. (See ``--help``.) - Make package compatible with Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and PyPy. 1.0 (2016-02-26) ================ * Initial release.