]> ###2024.05.31 - Bumped version - based on Open-iSCSI v2.1.10 ###2024.04.29 - Fix an issue for Unraid 6.13.0+ where libcrypto is not found ###2023.06.15 - Bumped version - based on Open-iSCSI v2.1.9 ###2023.03.28 - Fixed issue when changing Initiator Name - Added Reconnect button - Show more information when establishing/removing connection ###2022.09.27 - Bumped version - based on Open-iSCSI v2.1.8 ###2022.03.17 - Fixed bug where only first target is connected on boot - thank you wraith1385 for the report ###2022.02.15 - Bumped version - based on Open-iSCSI v2.1.6 ###2021.11.11 - Updated plugin to be compatible with 6.10.0-rc3 ###2021.09.17 - Fixed plugin to escape variables properly ###2021.09.13 - Fixed bug where iscsid.conf was not created on USB Boot device ###2021.09.02 - Initial Release rm -f $(ls &plugin;/iscsi.initiator*.txz 2>/dev/null|grep -v '&version;') https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/&name;/master/packages/iscsi.initiator-&version;.txz &md5; https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/&name;/master/packages/openssl-solibs-1.1.1m-x86_64-1.txz 3056e5e00f8cabd61d3c604f04c84afa **iSCSI Initiator** This Plugin allows you to connect to one or more iSCSI Target(s) and mount the Volume(s) to unRAID. #Create initiator file if not found if [ ! -f "&plugin;/initiatorname.cfg" ]; then echo "InitiatorName=iqn.2005-08.net.unraid:$(uuidgen -r)" > "&plugin;/initiatorname.cfg" fi #Create targets file if not found if [ ! -f "&plugin;/targets.cfg" ]; then touch &plugin;/targets.cfg fi #Install libcrypto 1.1 if not found if [ ! -f /lib64/libcrypto.so.1.1 ]; then echo echo "------------libcrypto 1.1 not found, installing...-------------" installpkg &plugin;/openssl-solibs-1.1.1m-x86_64-1.txz > /dev/null 2>&1 fi start_daemon() { echo "iscsid --config=&plugin;/iscsid.conf --initiatorname=&plugin;/initiatorname.cfg" | at now } load_targets() { while read -r line do TARGET_IQN="$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}')" TARGET_IP="$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}')" TARGET_PORT="$(echo $line | awk '{print $3}')" echo "---Trying to connect to target: ${TARGET_IQN} through ${TARGET_IP}:${TARGET_PORT}---" iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p ${TARGET_IP}:${TARGET_PORT} sleep 0.5 iscsiadm -m node -T ${TARGET_IQN} -p ${TARGET_IP}:${TARGET_PORT} --login sleep 0.5 done < "&plugin;/targets.cfg" } if [ ! "$(find /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers -name iscsi_tcp.ko.xz 2>/dev/null)" ]; then #Wait for Network and timeout after 30 seconds HOST="" for i in {1..10}; do ping -c1 $HOST &> /dev/null && break; done KERNEL_V="$(uname -r)" PACKAGE="open_iscsi-plugin-${KERNEL_V}" DL_URL="https://github.com/ich777/iscsi-initiator/releases/download/$KERNEL_V" #Check for old packages rm -rf $(ls -d &plugin;/packages/* | grep -v "${KERNEL_V%%-*}") if [ ! -d "&plugin;/packages/${KERNEL_V%%-*}" ]; then mkdir -p "&plugin;/packages/${KERNEL_V%%-*}" fi download() { #Download Open-iSCSI Package if wget -q -nc --show-progress --progress=bar:force:noscroll -O "&plugin;/packages/${KERNEL_V%%-*}/${PACKAGE}-1.txz" "${DL_URL}/${PACKAGE}-1.txz" ; then if [ "$(md5sum "&plugin;/packages/${KERNEL_V%%-*}/${PACKAGE}-1.txz" | cut -d ' ' -f1)" != "$(wget -qO- "${DL_URL}/${PACKAGE}-1.txz.md5" | cut -d ' ' -f1)" ]; then echo echo "---CHECKSUM ERROR!---" exit 1 fi echo echo "-------Successfully downloaded Open iSCSI, please wait...!------" else echo echo "-------------------Can't download Open iSCSI--------------------" exit 1 fi } check() { if [ ! -f "&plugin;/packages/${KERNEL_V%%-*}/${PACKAGE}-1.txz" ]; then echo echo "--------------------Downloading Open iSCSI---------------------" echo "---This could take some time, please don't close this window!---" download elif [ ! -s "&plugin;/packages/${KERNEL_V%%-*}/${PACKAGE}-1.txz" ]; then rm -rf &plugin;/packages/${KERNEL_V%%-*}/${PACKAGE}-1.txz echo echo "----Download is empty please contact the developer of this plugin if the----" echo "----------plugin has been already built against that Kernel version---------" exit 1 else echo echo "------------Open iSCSI found locally, please wait...!----------" fi } install() { #Install Open iSCSI Package /sbin/installpkg "&plugin;/packages/${KERNEL_V%%-*}/${PACKAGE}-1.txz" depmod -a /sbin/modprobe iscsi_tcp } #Check if Open iSCSI Package is already downloaded check #Check if iSCSI initiator module is already enabled if [ -z "$(lsmod | grep "iscsi_tcp")" ]; then echo echo "-----Installing and loading Kernel Modules for Open iSCSI-----" install > /dev/null else echo echo "----------------Kernel Modules already enabled----------------" fi else if [ -z "$(lsmod | grep "iscsi_tcp")" ]; then echo echo "-------------Loading Kernel Module for Open iSCSI-------------" /sbin/modprobe iscsi_tcp fi if [ -d "&plugin;/packages" ]; then rm -rf "&plugin;/packages" fi fi #Create config file if not found if [ ! -f "&plugin;/iscsid.conf" ]; then cp /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf &plugin;/iscsid.conf rm -rf /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf else rm -rf /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf fi if [ -z "$(pidof iscsid)" ]; then echo echo "--------------------Starting iSCSI Daemon---------------------" start_daemon if [ ! -z &plugin;/targets.cfg ]; then load_targets fi else echo echo "-----------------iSCSI Daemon already started-----------------" fi echo echo "-------------Installation of Open iSCSI successful-------------" echo echo echo "----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "-----------------Open iSCSI plugin installed--------------------" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "------------------------------------" echo "---Uninstalling Open iSCSI plugin---" echo "------------------------------------" echo echo "---Logging out from all connected iSCSI sessions, please wait!---" echo iscsiadm -m node --logout sleep 0.5 kill $(pidof iscsid) # Remove plugin related files removepkg iscsi.initiator-&version; > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf &plugin; rm -rf &plugdir; echo echo "-----------------------------" echo "---Open iSCSI uninstalled!---" echo "-----------------------------" echo