{"description": "Q8MJ9 is the number two (2) in the series of his breed. Q8MJ9's favourite place to hang out with other mutants is a spacejunk depot. \n\nQ8MJ9 is a rare breed and its rarity level is 'Super rare.' The maximum number of his kind is only 12. \n\nHis favourite haiku is 'Delightful mind, intriguing thin Spring, beautiful wisdom.'\n\nQ8MJ9 is an unique Mutant Monster for your team!", "external_url": "https://mutant-monsters.com", "image": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/icinsight/mutantmonsters/master/images/185.png", "name": "Mutant Monster Q8MJ9 #733:2", "properties": [[{"key": "alpha_rank", "value": 2, "type": "string"}, {"key": "is_rare", "value": 75.0, "type": "string"}, {"key": "rarity_class", "value": "Super rare", "type": "string"}, {"key": "hard_cap", "value": 12, "type": "integer"}, {"key": "tokens_minted", "value": 12, "type": "integer"}]], "attributes": [{"trait_type": "alpha_rank", "value": 2}, {"trait_type": "is_rare", "value": 75.0}, {"trait_type": "rarity_class", "value": "Super rare"}, {"trait_type": "hard_cap", "value": 12}, {"trait_type": "token_number", "value": 185}, {"trait_type": "status", "value": "Clone"}, {"trait_type": "element", "value": "Spacejunk depot"}, {"trait_type": "breed", "value": "Q8MJ9"}, {"trait_type": "text_source", "value": "Haiku"}, {"trait_type": "origin", "value": "Minted"}, {"trait_type": "artist", "value": "Hrvoje Novakovic"}, {"trait_type": "miner", "value": "0xBitchain"}, {"trait_type": "birthday", "value": "Oct-21-2019"}, {"display_type": "boost_percentage", "trait_type": "rarity_%", "value": 88.0}, {"display_type": "boost_percentage", "trait_type": "odds_boost_%", "value": 53}, {"display_type": "boost_number", "trait_type": "incubation", "value": 70}, {"display_type": "boost_number", "trait_type": "shield", "value": 12}, {"display_type": "boost_number", "trait_type": "attack", "value": 36}, {"display_type": "number", "trait_type": "supply_minted", "value": 12}, {"display_type": "number", "trait_type": "supply_minted_%", "value": 100.0}, {"display_type": "number", "trait_type": "generation", "value": 1}], "token_metadata": [{"token_id": 185}, {"mint_price": 0.0}, {"mint_unixtime": 1571628304}, {"mint_datetime": "2019-10-21 03:25:04"}, {"token_text": "Delightful mind, intriguing thin Spring, beautiful wisdom."}, {"token_hash": "0xcc2355068f42254572fad2c8fbf12c2d1d2ac45112598ad853e6ef8bd7c1b3fc"}, {"token_rand": 5369113518650364}, {"token_birthday": "Oct-21-2019"}, {"artist": "Hrvoje Novakovic"}, {"type_id": 733}, {"type_name": "Q8MJ9"}, {"type_rare": 75.0}, {"type_cap": 12}, {"type_minted": 12}, {"incubation": 70}, {"shield": 12}, {"power": 36}, {"ancestry": 0}]}