# BridleNSIS for SublimeText
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[BridleNSIS](https://github.com/henrikor2/bridlensis) syntax definitions and completions for [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com/) (the former work for [TextMate](http://macromates.com/) as well!)
BridleNSIS is a language extension for [NSIS](http://nsis.sourceforge.net) designed to make things easier to express and rein in verbosity of NSIS at places.
**Note:** This package is compatible with Sublime Text 3 ([Build 3103](http://www.sublimetext.com/blog/articles/sublime-text-3-build-3103) or higher). Click [here](https://github.com/idleberg/sublime-bridlensis/tree/st2-master) for a Sublime Text 2 version of this package.
## Installation
### Package Control
1. Make sure you already have [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/) installed
2. Choose *“Install Package”* from the Command Palette (Super+Shift+p)
3. Type *“BridleNSIS”* and press Enter
With [auto_upgrade](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/settings/) enabled, Package Control will keep all installed packages up-to-date!
### Using Git
1. Change to your Sublime Text `Packages` directory
2. Clone repository `git clone https://github.com/idleberg/sublime-bridlensis.git BridleNSIS`
### Manual installation
1. Download the latest [stable release](https://github.com/idleberg/sublime-bridlensis/releases)
2. Unzip the archive to your Sublime Text `Packages` directory
## Usage
To avoid interference with vanilla NSIS, consider using the file-extensions `.bridle-nsis` and `.bridle-nsh`. Alternatively, you can set the syntax to *“BridleNSIS”* (`source.nsis.bridle`) manually.
### Completions
Since all BridleNSIS commands match their [vanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanilla_software) NSIS equivalents, the completions are prefixed with `b:`. While Sublime Text's fuzzy search doesn't require you to type the prefix, you might get quicker results doing so, especially for commands such as `If`, which could be confused with the [compile-time command](https://github.com/NSIS-Dev/Documentation/blob/master/Reference/!if.markdown) `!if` or the [LogicLib](https://github.com/NSIS-Dev/Documentation/blob/master/Includes/LogicLib/If.markdown) macro `${If}`.
### Build System
On Windows, you can build your script using the default Superb. If you have any build systems for vanilla NSIS installed, you might have to switch to BridleNSIS before building.
## License
This work is licensed under the [The MIT License](LICENSE).