# sublime-icon-fonts [![The MIT License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [![Package Control](https://packagecontrol.herokuapp.com/downloads/Icon%20Fonts.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Icon%20Fonts) [![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/idleberg/sublime-icon-fonts.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/idleberg/sublime-icon-fonts/releases) [![CircleCI](https://flat.badgen.net/circleci/github/idleberg/sublime-icon-fonts)](https://circleci.com/gh/idleberg/sublime-icon-fonts/) Sublime Text snippets for several popular icon fonts ([see details](https://github.com/idleberg/sublime-icon-fonts#prefixes)). This package is also available for [Atom](https://github.com/idleberg/atom-icon-fonts) and [Visual Studio Code](https://github.com/idleberg/vscode-icon-fonts). ![Screenshot](https://raw.github.com/idleberg/sublime-icon-fonts/master/screenshot.gif) *Screenshot using the [Hopscotch](https://github.com/idleberg/Hopscotch) color scheme* ## Installation ### Package Control 1. Make sure you already have [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/) installed 2. Choose *“Install Package”* from the Command Palette (Super+Shift+P) 3. Select *“Icon Fonts”* and press Enter ### GitHub 1. Change to your Sublime Text `Packages` directory 2. Clone repository `git clone https://github.com/idleberg/sublime-icon-fonts "Icon Fonts"` ## Usage Snippets are limited to the `html` and `css|less|sass|scss|stylus` scopes, which might not be activated in your `auto_complete_selector` user preferences by default. However, you can still force the completion popup to show by pressing Ctrl+Space. Typing the class name of an icon using the designated prefix will complete to a tag containing the icon class. Exceptions are `fa-layers`, `fa-layers-counter`, `fa-layers-text` and `fa-layers` (``). ### Prefixes | Prefix | Icon Font | Version | |-------------------|-----------------------------------------|---------| | `ai` | [Android Icons][ai] | 1.0.0 | | `cc` | [Creative Commons Icon Font][cc] | 1.2.1 | | `bx` | [BoxIcons][bx] | - | | `dashicons` | [WordPress Dashicons][dashicons] | – | | `devicons` | [Devicons][devicons] | 1.8.0 | | `el` | [Elusive Icons][el] | 2.0.0 | | `fas`,`far`,`fab` | [Font Awesome Pro][fa] | 5.15.4 | | `fl` | [Font Logos][fl] | 0.18 | | `glyphicon` | [Bootstrap Glyphicons][glyphicon] | 3.3.7 | | `icono` | [Icono][icono] | 1.3.0 | | `ion` | [Ionicons][ion] | 2.0.1 | | `mdi` | [Material Design Icons][mdi] | 6.7.96 | | `mfg` | [MFG Labs Iconset][mfg] | – | | `mfizz` | [Font Mfizz][mfizz] | 2.4.1 | | `mio` | [Material Design Icons (Official)][mio] | 3.0.1 | | `octicon` | [GitHub Octicons][octicon] | 4.1.0 | | `oi` | [Open Iconic][oi] | 1.1.0 | | `openwebicons` | [OpenWeb Icons][openwebicons] | 1.6.3 | | `pf` | [PaymentFont][pf] | 1.2.5 | | `ri` | [RemixIcon][ri] | 2.5.0 | | `st` | [Stack Icons][st] | 1.0.0 | | `typcn` | [Typicons][typcn] | 2.1.2 | | `wi` | [Weather Icons][wi] | 2.0.12 | | `zmdi` | [Material Design Iconic Font][zmdi] | 2.2.0 | ⚠️ Several previously supported fonts have been removed and are now available in the [SVG Icon Snippets](https://github.com/idleberg/sublime-svg-icons) package or the icon fonts [legacy package](https://github.com/idleberg/sublime-icon-fonts-legacy). **Examples**: * `fa-check`+Tab completes to `` * `glyphicon-check`+Tab completes to `` * well, you get the idea Snippets also work in the `text.css` scope, where they complete to the Unicode value of an icon. **Example**: * `fa-check`+Tab completes to `'\f00c'` These snippets also work for Less, SCSS and Stylus files! ## License This work is licensed under the [The MIT License](LICENSE). [ai]: https://github.com/opoloo/androidicons [bx]: https://github.com/atisawd/boxicons [cc]: https://github.com/cc-icons/cc-icons [dashicons]: https://github.com/WordPress/dashicons [devicons]: https://github.com/vorillaz/devicons [el]: https://github.com/reduxframework/Elusive-Icons [fa]: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro [fl]: https://github.com/Lukas-W/font-linux [glyphicon]: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/tree/v3.3.7 [icono]: https://github.com/saeedalipoor/icono [ion]: https://github.com/driftyco/ionicons [mdi]: https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign-Webfont [mfg]: https://github.com/MfgLabs/mfglabs-iconset [mfizz]: https://github.com/fizzed/font-mfizz [mio]: https://github.com/google/material-design-icons [octicon]: https://github.com/primer/octicons/tree/v4.1.0 [oi]: https://github.com/iconic/open-iconic [openwebicons]: https://github.com/pfefferle/openwebicons [pf]: https://github.com/vendocrat/PaymentFont [ri]: https://github.com/Remix-Design/RemixIcon [st]: https://github.com/parkerbennett/stackicons [typcn]: https://github.com/stephenhutchings/typicons.font [wi]: https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons [zmdi]: https://github.com/zavoloklom/material-design-iconic-font