{ "alerters": [ { "name":"Lobby timer", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv88:1. Protoxx - Lobby Timer", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":"About to get lobbied", "exportbar":true, "delay":270, "type":"inactive" }, { "name":"HP Alert", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv89:2.. Protoxx - HP Alert", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":"Your hp is low, heal up!", "exportbar":true, "stat":"hp", "higherlower":"lower", "treshold":5, "type":"actionbar" }, { "name":"Prayer Alert", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9c:3. Protoxx - Prayer Alert", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":"Your prayer is low, pot up!", "exportbar":true, "stat":"pray", "higherlower":"lower", "treshold":30, "type":"actionbar" }, { "name":"Animate Dead", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9d:4. Protoxx - Animate Dead", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":"Animate Dead", "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":true, "lines":[ { "text":"Your control of the dead is wavering.", "percent":100 }, { "text":"Your control of the dead fades, the spirits return to rest.", "percent":0 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 255, 255 ], [ 127, 169, 255 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Powerburst Unavailable", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9f:6. Protoxx - Powerburst Unavailable", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":true, "lines":[ { "text":"You can't drink a powerburst potion for another ", "percent":100 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 255, 255 ], [ 127, 169, 255 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"God book", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9g:7. Protoxx - God Book", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":false, "lines":[ { "text":"Your god book is no longer active", "percent":100 }, { "text":"Your god book is now active", "percent":0 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 255, 255 ], [ 127, 169, 255 ], [ 255, 204, 0 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Zerk Auras", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9h:8. Protoxx - Zerk Auras", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":false, "lines":[ { "text":"Your aura will deplete in 1 minute", "percent":100 }, { "text":"Your aura has depleted", "percent":100 }, { "text":"You unleash a berserk rage", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Your berserker rage has subsided", "percent":100 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 255, 255 ], [ 255, 204, 0 ], [ 127, 169, 255 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Weapon Poison", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9q:11. Protoxx - Weapon Poison", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":false, "lines":[ { "text":"Your poison potion is about to expire", "percent":100 }, { "text":"Your poison potion has expired", "percent":100 }, { "text":"You apply some of your Weapon Poison", "percent":0 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 255, 255 ], [ 127, 169, 255 ], [ 255, 0, 0 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Cannon decay", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9r:12. Protoxx - Cannon Decay", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":true, "lines":[ { "text":"Your cannon has almost decayed", "percent":100 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 0, 0 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Familiar tracker", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9s:13. Protoxx - Familiar Tracker", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":true, "lines":[ { "text":"You have 1 minute before your familiar vanishes", "percent":100 }, { "text":"You have 30 seconds before your familiar vanishes", "percent":100 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 255, 255 ], [ 127, 169, 255 ], [ 235, 47, 47 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Insense Sticks", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9u:14. Protoxx - Incense Sticks", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":true, "lines":[ { "text":"The effects have ended for:", "percent":100 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 255, 255 ], [ 127, 169, 255 ], [ 255, 0, 0 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Elder Overload Salve - Pause if not using", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9e:5. Protoxx - Overload", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":false, "lines":[ { "text":"The effects of overload are about to wear off", "percent":100 }, { "text":"Your resistance to dragonfire is about to run out", "percent":100 }, { "text":"Your immunity to poison is about to expire", "percent":100 }, { "text":"Elder overload salve", "percent":0 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 255, 255 ], [ 127, 169, 255 ], [ 255, 0, 0 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":null, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":false, "resetonactive":false, "lines":[ ], "colors":[ ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Pause all the below alerts if using Elder Overload Salve", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":null, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":false, "resetonactive":false, "lines":[ ], "colors":[ ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Overload", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9e:5. Protoxx - Overload", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":"Overload", "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":false, "lines":[ { "text":"The effects of overload are about to wear off.", "percent":100 }, { "text":"overload potion.", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Aggroverload", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Holy aggroverload", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Holy overload", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Overload salve", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Perfect plus", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Searing overload", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Supreme overload", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Elder overload salve", "percent":0 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 255, 255 ], [ 127, 169, 255 ], [ 255, 0, 0 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Antifire", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9k:9. Protoxx - Antifire", "repeat":false }, "voice":null, "tooltip":null, "exportbar":true, "resetonactive":false, "lines":[ { "text":"Your resistance to dragonfire is about to run out", "percent":100 }, { "text":"Your resistance to dragonfire has run out", "percent":100 }, { "text":"antifire potion", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Wyrmfire potion", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Supreme overload salve", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Overload salve", "percent":0 }, { "text":"Elder overload salve", "percent":0 } ], "colors":[ [ 255, 255, 255 ], [ 127, 169, 255 ], [ 255, 0, 0 ] ], "type":"chat" }, { "name":"Antipoison", "globalalarm":false, "alarm":{ "sound":"upload:dpv9n:10. 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Protoxx - Duo - DPS - Start of the fight", "repeat": false }, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": true, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [ { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "RRRROOOOOAARRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "JOIN ME IN TORMENT", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "The pain... subsides", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Your preset is being", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "GRRARRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "RRRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha (Practice mode", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "GRRR", "percent": 100 } ], "colors": [ [255, 255, 255], [127, 169, 255], [255, 0, 0], [153, 255, 153], [0, 255, 0] ], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "2. Tail swipe", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": null, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": false, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [], "colors": [], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "3. 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Watch out", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "RRRROOOOOAARRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "JOIN ME IN TORMENT", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "The pain... subsides", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Your preset is being", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha", "percent": 0 } ], "colors": [ [255, 255, 255], [127, 169, 255], [255, 0, 0], [153, 255, 153], [0, 255, 0] ], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "5. Shockwave", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": { "sound": "upload:dpxmw:5. 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Protoxx - Duo - DPS - Mind Poison", "repeat": false }, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": true, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [ { "text": "Raksha begins to poison your mind with shadow energy", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "YOUR THOUGHTS BETRAY YOU", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "You must not let him poison your mind. It will kill you", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "RRRAR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "RRRROOOOOAARRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "JOIN ME IN TORMENT", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "The pain... subsides", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Your preset is being", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha", "percent": 0 } ], "colors": [ [255, 255, 255], [127, 169, 255], [255, 0, 0], [153, 255, 153], [0, 255, 0] ], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "8. Shadow Bomb P2-4", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": { "sound": "upload:dpxm2:8. Protoxx - Duo - DPS - Shadow Bomb P2-P4", "repeat": false }, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": true, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [ { "text": "FLEE INSECT", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "Raksha begins to bombard you with shadow bombs. Watch out", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "GRRARRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "RRRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "RRRROOOOOAARRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "JOIN ME IN TORMENT", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "The pain... subsides", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Your preset is being", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha", "percent": 0 } ], "colors": [ [255, 255, 255], [127, 169, 255], [255, 0, 0], [153, 255, 153], [0, 255, 0] ], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "9. Shadow Pools", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": null, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": false, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [], "colors": [], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "10. Minions", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": { "sound": "upload:dpxm3:10. 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Lure him through", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "GRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "RRRROOOOOAARRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "JOIN ME IN TORMENT", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "The pain... subsides", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Your preset is being", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha", "percent": 0 } ], "colors": [ [255, 255, 255], [127, 169, 255], [255, 0, 0], [153, 255, 153], [0, 255, 0] ], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "12. Instant Kill", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": { "sound": "upload:dpxm5:12. 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Protoxx - Duo - DPS - Collect shadow anima", "repeat": false }, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": true, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [ { "text": "Collect that shadow", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "GRRARRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "RRRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "I WILL DRAG YOU INTO EREBUS", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "FLEE INSECT", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "RRRROOOOOAARRR", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "JOIN ME IN TORMENT", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "The pain... subsides", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Your preset is being", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha", "percent": 0 } ], "colors": [ [255, 255, 255], [127, 169, 255], [255, 0, 0], [153, 255, 153], [0, 255, 0] ], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "Choose one ending below and pause the others", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": null, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": false, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [], "colors": [], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "14. Protoxx- Ending1 - Cup of tea", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": { "sound": "upload:dpxm7:14. Protoxx - Ending1 - Cup of tea", "repeat": false }, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": true, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [ { "text": "The pain... subsides", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "Your preset is being", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha", "percent": 0 } ], "colors": [ [255, 255, 255], [127, 169, 255], [255, 0, 0], [153, 255, 153], [0, 255, 0] ], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "14. Protoxx- Ending2 - Killed Barney", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": { "sound": "upload:dpxm9:14. Protoxx - Ending2 - Killed Barney", "repeat": false }, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": true, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [ { "text": "The pain... subsides", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "Your preset is being", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha", "percent": 0 } ], "colors": [ [255, 255, 255], [127, 169, 255], [255, 0, 0], [153, 255, 153], [0, 255, 0] ], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "14. Protoxx- Ending3 - Nicely done, now do it again", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": { "sound": "upload:dpxna:14. Protoxx - Ending3 - Nicely done now do it again", "repeat": false }, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": true, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [ { "text": "The pain... subsides", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "Your preset is being", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Welcome to your session against: Raksha", "percent": 0 } ], "colors": [ [255, 255, 255], [127, 169, 255], [255, 0, 0], [153, 255, 153], [0, 255, 0] ], "type": "chat" } ], "name": "Raksha - Duo - DPS- Protoxx ", "baseName": "slayer" }