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After thousands of years", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "You have earned your right to live. For now", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Hmph. Interesting", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Not...so weak as you seem", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Your preset is being", "percent": 0 } ], "colors": [ [255, 255, 255], [127, 169, 255], [255, 0, 0], [153, 255, 153], [235, 47, 47], [255, 102, 0], [0, 255, 0] ], "type": "chat" }, { "name": "5. Waves 6,11,16 - Jads", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": { "sound": "upload:dpqcs:zuk_5", "repeat": false }, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": true, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [ { "text": "It appears you have exceeded my expectations", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "You have failed, as expected", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "Checkpoint reached", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Pathetic", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Worthless. 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Wave 4 - Stun Ability", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": { "sound": "upload:dpqcv:zuk_6", "repeat": false }, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": true, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [ { "text": "Charge", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "Rise, warrior of flame", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "Into the fray", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "Your body fills with igneous energy", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Checkpoint reached", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Pathetic", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Worthless. Just like the rest", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Let's continue", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Impossible", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Not... since Bandos", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Finally... After thousands of years", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "You have earned your right to live. For now", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Hmph. 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Wave 15 - Challenge - Barricade", "globalalarm": false, "alarm": { "sound": "upload:dpqc6:zuk11", "repeat": false }, "voice": null, "tooltip": null, "exportbar": true, "resetonactive": false, "lines": [ { "text": "This has gone on too long - kill them", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "I grow weary of this. End it quickly", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "HurKot. End this, now", "percent": 100 }, { "text": "It appears you have exceeded my expectations", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "You have failed, as expected", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Pathetic", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Worthless. Just like the rest", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Let's continue", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Impossible", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Not... since Bandos", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Finally... After thousands of years", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "You have earned your right to live. For now", "percent": 0 }, { "text": "Hmph. 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