3.cubed x = 3.cubed x ( var number; number = 3.cubed; ) ~number = 3.cubed; ~number; ( var foo; foo = 3; foo = foo.cubed; foo = foo + 100; foo = foo / 2; foo; ) 3.cubed + 100 / 2; // single line comment /* multi line comment */ Server.local.boot; Server.local.quit; s; s.boot; s.quit; {SinOsc.ar}.play; x = {SinOsc.ar}.play; x.free; x = {SinOsc.ar}; y = x.play; y.free; x = {SinOsc.ar(700, 0, 0.125, 0)}.play; x = {SinOsc.ar(700, mul:0.125)}.play; x = {SinOsc.ar(700) * 0.125}.play; x.free; ( z = { arg freq=440, amp=1; var sig; sig = SinOsc.ar(freq) * amp; }.play; ) z.set(\freq, 330); z.set(\amp, 0.125); z.set(\freq, 660, \amp, 0.5); z.free; ( z = { var freq, sig; freq = LFNoise0.kr(8, 400, 600); sig = SinOsc.ar(freq); }.play; ) ( z = { var freq, sig; freq = LFNoise0.kr(8).range(200, 1000); sig = SinOsc.ar(freq); }.play; ) ( z = { var freq, sig; freq = LFNoise0.kr(8).exprange(200, 1000); sig = SinOsc.ar(freq); }.play; ) ( z = { arg noiseHz=8; var freq, amp, sig; freq = LFNoise0.kr(noiseHz).exprange(200, 1000); amp = LFNoise1.kr(12).exprange(0.02, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar(freq) * amp; }.play; ) z.set(\noiseHz, 64); z.set(\noiseHz, exprand(4, 64)); z.free; ( z = { arg noiseHz=8; var freq, amp, sig; freq = LFNoise0.kr(noiseHz).exprange(200, 1000); amp = LFNoise1.kr(12).exprange(0.02, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar(freq) * amp; }.play; ) ( SynthDef.new(\sineTest, { arg noiseHz=8; var freq, amp, sig; freq = LFNoise0.kr(noiseHz).exprange(200, 1000); amp = LFNoise1.kr(12).exprange(0.02, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar(freq) * amp; Out.ar(0, sig); }).add ) // add as load, send, store x = Synth.new(\sineTest); x = Synth.new(\sineTest, [\noiseHz, 32]); x.set(\noiseHz, 12); x.free; // favorite ( SynthDef.new(\pulseTest, { arg ampHz=4, fund=40, maxPartial=4, width=0.5; var amp1, amp2, freq1, freq2, sig1, sig2; amp1 = LFPulse.kr(ampHz, 0, 0.12) * 0.75; amp2 = LFPulse.kr(ampHz, 0.5, 0.12) * 0.75; freq1 = LFNoise0.kr(4).exprange(fund, fund*maxPartial).round(fund); freq2 = LFNoise0.kr(4).exprange(fund, fund*maxPartial).round(fund); freq1 = freq1 * LFPulse.kr(8, add:1); freq2 = freq2 * LFPulse.kr(6, add:1); sig1 = Pulse.ar(freq1, width, amp1); sig2 = Pulse.ar(freq2, width, amp2); sig1 = FreeVerb.ar(sig1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.25); sig2 = FreeVerb.ar(sig2, 0.7, 0.8, 0.25); Out.ar(0, sig1); Out.ar(1, sig2); }).add ) x = Synth.new(\pulseTest); x.set(\width, 0.05); x.set(\fund, 30); x.set(\maxPartial, 20); x.set(\ampHz, 0.25); x.free; x = Synth.new(\pulseTest, [\ampHz, 3.3, \fund, 48, \maxPartial, 4, \width, 0.15]); x = {PinkNoise.ar * 0.5}.play; x.free; // node tree s.plotTree; s.freeAll; ( x = { var sig, env; env = Line.kr(1,0,1); sig = Pulse.ar(ExpRand(30, 500)) * env; }.play; ) x.free; ( x = { var sig, env; env = XLine.kr(1, 0.01, 1, doneAction:2); sig = Pulse.ar(ExpRand(30, 500)) * env; }.play; ) ( x = { var sig, freq, env; env = Line.kr(1, -40, 5, doneAction:2); freq = XLine.kr(880, 110, 1, doneAction:0); sig = Pulse.ar(freq) * env.dbamp; }.play; ) ( x = { var sig, freq, env; env = XLine.kr(1, 0.01, 5, doneAction:2); freq = XLine.kr(880, 110, 1, doneAction:0); sig = Pulse.ar(freq) * env; }.play; ) 0.125.ampdb; -18.061799739839.dbamp; Env.new.plot; ( x = { var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.new, doneAction:2); sig = Pulse.ar(ExpRand(30, 500)) * env; }.play; ) Env.new([0, 1, 0.2, 0], [0.5, 1, 2]).plot; Env.new([0, 1, 0.2, 0], [0.5, 1, 2], \exp).plot; Env.new([0.01, 1, 0.2, 0.01], [0.5, 1, 2], \exp).plot; Env.new([0, 1, 0.2, 0], [0.5, 1, 2], [3, -3, 0]).plot; ( x = { var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.new( [0, 1, 0.2, 0], [0.5, 1, 2], [3, -3, 0] ), doneAction:2); sig = Pulse.ar(ExpRand(30, 500)) * env; }.play; ) ( x = { arg gate=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.new( [0, 1, 0.2, 0], [0.5, 1, 2], [3, -3, 0], ), gate); sig = Pulse.ar(LFPulse.kr(8).range(600, 900)) * env; }.play; ) x.set(\gate, 1); // trigger ( x = { arg t_gate=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.new( [0, 1, 0.2, 0], [0.5, 1, 2], [3, -3, 0], ), t_gate, doneAction:2); sig = Pulse.ar(LFPulse.kr(8).range(600, 900)) * env; }.play; ) x.set(\t_gate, 1); ( x = { arg gate=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr, gate); sig = VarSaw.ar(SinOsc.kr(16).range(500, 1000)) * env; }.play; ) x.set(\gate, 0); ( x = { arg gate=0; var sig, env, freq; freq = EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(1), gate, 200, 0.1); env = EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr, gate, doneAction:2); sig = VarSaw.ar(SinOsc.kr(freq).range(500, 1000)) * env; }.play; ) x.set(\gate, 1); x.set(\gate, 0); {VarSaw.ar(freq: 660.0, iphase: 0.0, width: 0.5, mul: 1.0, add: 0.0)}.play; // levels (dBFS) s.meter; x = {[SinOsc.ar(300), SinOsc.ar(500)]}.play; x = {SinOsc.ar([300, 500])}.play; ( x = { var sig, amp; amp = SinOsc.kr([7, 1]).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar([300, 500]); sig = sig * amp; }.play; ) ( x = { var sig, amp; amp = SinOsc.kr(7).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar([300, 500]); sig = sig * amp; }.play; ) ( x = { var sig, amp; amp = SinOsc.kr([7, 1, 2, 0.2, 6]).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar([300, 500, 700, 900, 1100]); sig = sig * amp; Mix.new(sig) * 0.25; }.play; ) ( x = { var sig, amp; amp = SinOsc.kr([7, 1, 2, 0.2, 6]).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar([300, 500, 700, 900, 1100]); sig = sig * amp; [Mix.new(sig), Mix.new(sig)] * 0.25; }.play; ) x.free; 60.dup(4); "hello".dup(4); ( x = { var sig, amp; amp = SinOsc.kr([7, 1, 2, 0.2, 6]).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar([300, 500, 700, 900, 1100]); sig = sig * amp; Mix.new(sig).dup(2) * 0.25; }.play; ) 60!4 ( x = { var sig, amp; amp = SinOsc.kr([7, 1, 2, 0.2, 6]).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar([300, 500, 700, 900, 1100]); sig = sig * amp; Mix.new(sig)!2 * 0.25; }.play; ) ( x = { var sig, amp; amp = SinOsc.kr([7, 1, 2, 0.2, 6]).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar([300, 500, 700, 900, 1100]); sig = sig * amp; Splay.ar(sig) * 0.25; }.play; ) x.free; x = {PinkNoise.ar(0.5)!2}.play; x = {PinkNoise.ar(0.5!2)}.play; // favorite ( SynthDef.new(\multi, { var sig, amp; amp = SinOsc.kr([7, 1, 2, 0.2, 6]).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar([300, 500, 700, 900, 1100]); sig = sig * amp; sig = Splay.ar(sig) * 0.5; Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\multi); x.free; rrand(50, 1200)!4; {rrand(50, 1200)}!4; ( SynthDef.new(\multi, { var sig, amp; amp = SinOsc.kr({exprand(0.2, 12)}!8).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar({exprand(50, 1200)}!8); sig = sig * amp; sig = Splay.ar(sig) * 0.5; Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\multi); x.free; ( SynthDef.new(\multi, { var sig, amp; amp = SinOsc.kr({ExpRand(0.2, 12)}!8).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar({ExpRand(50, 1200)}!8); sig = sig * amp; sig = Splay.ar(sig) * 0.5; Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\multi); x.free; // favorite ( SynthDef.new(\multi, { var sig, amp, env; env = EnvGen.kr( Env.new([0, 1, 0], [10, 10], [1,-1]), doneAction:2 ); amp = SinOsc.kr({ExpRand(0.2, 12)}!8).range(0, 1); sig = SinOsc.ar({ExpRand(50, 1200)}!8); sig = sig * amp * env; sig = Splay.ar(sig) * 0.5; Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\multi); x.free; [6, 4, 0.5, 10, 7].do{"hello".postln} ( x = Array.newClear(5); [6, 4, 0.5, 10, 7].do{ arg item, count; x[count] = item.squared; } ) x; z = [6, 4, 0.5, 10, 7].collect(_.squared); 5.do{arg item; item.postln}; x = {VarSaw.ar(40!2, 0, 0.05)}.play; // favorite ( SynthDef.new(\iter, { arg freq=40; var temp, sum, env; sum = 0; env = EnvGen.kr( Env.perc(0.01, 5, 1, -2), doneAction:2 ); 10.do{ temp = VarSaw.ar( freq * {Rand(0.99, 1.02)}!2, 0, 0.05 ); sum = sum + temp; }; sum = sum * 0.05 * env; Out.ar(0, sum); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\iter); Synth.new(\iter, [\freq, 66.midicps]); Synth.new(\iter, [\freq, 73.midicps]); Synth.new(\iter, [\freq, 80.midicps]); Synth.new(\iter, [\freq, 75.midicps]); ( [53, 59, 63, 68].do{ arg midinote; Synth.new(\iter, [\freq, midinote.midicps]); } ) x.free; // favorite ( SynthDef.new(\iter2, { arg freq=440; var temp, sum; sum = 0; 10.do{ arg count; temp = SinOsc.ar( freq * (count + 1) * LFNoise1.kr({Rand(0.05, 0.2)}!2).range(0.98, 1.02) ); temp = temp * LFNoise1.kr({Rand(0.5, 8)}!2).exprange(0.01, 1); sum = sum + temp; }; sum = sum * 0.05; Out.ar(0, sum); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\iter2); x.set(\freq, 50); x.free; ( SynthDef.new(\iter2, { arg freq=200, dev=1.02, num=10; var temp, sum; sum = 0; num.do{ arg count; temp = SinOsc.ar( freq * (count + 1) * LFNoise1.kr({Rand(0.05, 0.2)}!2).range(dev.reciprocal, dev) ); temp = temp * LFNoise1.kr({Rand(0.5, 8)}!2).exprange(0.01, 1); sum = sum + temp; }; sum = sum * 0.05; Out.ar(0, sum); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\iter2); x.set(\freq, 50); x.set(\dev, 1.3); x.set(\num, 5.4); x.free; ( SynthDef.new(\blip, { arg out; var freq, trig, sig; freq = LFNoise0.kr(3).exprange(300, 1200).round(300); sig = SinOsc.ar(freq) * 0.25; trig = Dust.kr(2); sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01, 0.2), trig); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; SynthDef.new(\reverb, { arg in, out=0; var sig; sig = In.ar(in, 1); sig = FreeVerb.ar(sig, 0.5, 0.8, 0.2)!2; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) s.options.numAudioBusChannels; s.options.numOutputBusChannels; s.options.numInputBusChannels; s.options.numAudioBusChannels; s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 4; s.options.numInputBusChannels = 2; s.reboot; s.meter; y = Synth.new(\reverb, [\in, 6]); x = Synth.new(\blip, [\out, 6]); x.set(\out, 25); y.set(\in, 25); x.free; y.free; s.freeAll; ~reverbBus = Bus.audio(s, 1); ~reverbBus.index; y = Synth.new(\reverb, [\in, ~reverbBus]); x = Synth.new(\blip, [\out, ~reverbBus]); x.free; y.free; s.freeAll; // stereo bus ( SynthDef.new(\blip, { arg out; var freq, trig, sig; freq = LFNoise0.kr(3).exprange(300, 1200).round(300); sig = SinOsc.ar(freq) * 0.25; trig = Dust.kr(2); sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01, 0.2), trig); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; SynthDef.new(\reverb, { arg in, out=0; var sig; sig = In.ar(in, 2); sig = FreeVerb.ar(sig, 0.5, 0.8, 0.2)!2; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ~reverbBus2 = Bus.audio(s, 2); ~reverbBus3 = Bus.audio(s, 1); ~reverbBus2.index; y = Synth.new(\reverb, [\in, ~reverbBus2]); x = Synth.new(\blip, [\out, ~reverbBus2]); x.free; y.free; s.freeAll; g = Group.new; g.free; x = Synth.new(\blip, [\out, ~reverbBus2]); y = Synth.new(\reverb, [\in, ~reverbBus2], x, \addAfter); x = Synth.before(y, \blip, [\out, ~reverbZBus2]); // group ~sourceGrp = Group.new; ~fxGrp = Group.after(~sourceGrp); x = Synth.new(\blip, [\out, ~reverbBus2], ~sourceGrp); y = Synth.new(\reverb, [\in, ~reverbBus2], ~fxGrp); x.free; y.free; s.freeAll; ( SynthDef.new(\blip, { arg out, fund=300, dens=2, decay=0.2; var freq, trig, sig; freq = LFNoise0.kr(3).exprange(fund, fund*4).round(fund); sig = SinOsc.ar(freq) * 0.25; trig = Dust.kr(dens); sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01, decay), trig); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; SynthDef.new(\reverb, { arg in, out=0; var sig; sig = In.ar(in, 2); sig = FreeVerb.ar(sig, 0.5, 0.8, 0.2)!2; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) // favorite ~sourceGrp = Group.new; ~fxGrp = Group.after(~sourceGrp); ( 8.do{ Synth.new( \blip, [ \out, ~reverbBus2, \fund, exprand(60, 300).round(30) ], ~sourceGrp ); } ) ~sourceGrp.set(\decay, 0.03); ~sourceGrp.set(\dens, 16); ~sourceGrp.set(\dens, 0.25); ~sourceGrp.set(\decay, 1.2); ~sourceGrp.freeAll; s.freeAll; ~b0 = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sounds/car1.aiff"); ~b0.play; ~b0.zero; ~b0.read("/Users/igram/Desktop/sounds/car1.aiff"); ~b0.free; Buffer.freeAll; ~b0 = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sounds/car1.aiff"); ~b1 = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sounds/car2.aiff"); ~b2 = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sounds/car3.aiff"); ~b3 = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sounds/bike.aiff"); ~b0.play; ~b1.play; ~b2.play; ~b3.play; // frames ~b0.numFrames; // channels ~b0.numChannels; numSamples = numFrames * numChannels; ~b4 = Buffer.readChannels(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sounds/bike.aiff", channels:[1]); s.meter; ~b0.play; ~b4.numChannels; ~b4.play; // duration ~b2.duration; // buffer numbers (bufnums) ~b0.bufnum; ~b1.bufnum; ~b2.bufnum; ~b3.bufnum; // buffer sample rate ~b0.sampleRate; s.sampleRate; // summary ~b0.query; ~b3.play; ~b3_part0 = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sounds/bike.aiff", 0, s.sampleRate/2); ~b3_part0.play; ~b3.numFrames; ~b3_part1 = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sounds/bike.aiff", 223555, ~b3.numFrames - 223556); ~b3_part1.play; ~bells = Array.new; ~folder = PathName.new("/Users/igram/Desktop/sounds/bells/"); ( ~folder.entries.do({ arg path; ~bells = ~bells.add(Buffer.read(s, path.fullPath)); }); ) ~bells.at(0).play; ~bells.at(4).play; ~bells.at(7).play; ~bells[12].play; s.options.numBuffers = 2000; ( SynthDef.new(\playbuf_test, { arg amp=1, out=0, buf; var sig; sig = PlayBuf.ar(2, buf); sig = sig * amp' Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b4.bufnum]); s.plotTree; ( SynthDef.new(\playbuf_test, { arg amp=1, out=0, buf, rate=1, da=2; var sig; sig = PlayBuf.ar(2, buf, rate, doneAction:da); sig = sig * amp' Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b0.bufnum, \rate, 0.5]); Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b0_96k.bufnum, \rate, 1]); ( SynthDef.new(\playbuf_test, { arg amp=1, out=0, buf, rate=1, da=2; var sig; sig = PlayBuf.ar(2, buf, BufRateScale.kr(buf) * rate, doneAction:da); sig = sig * amp' Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b0.bufnum, \rate, 1.5]); Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b0_96k.bufnum, \rate, 1.5]); ( SynthDef.new(\playbuf_test, { arg amp=1, out=0, buf, rate=1, t_trig=1, start=0, da=2; var sig; sig = PlayBuf.ar(2, buf, BufRateScale.kr(buf) * rate, t_trig, start, doneAction:da); sig = sig * amp' Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b0.bufnum, \start, s.sampleRate/2. \da, 0]); x.set(\t_trig, 1); x.free; ( SynthDef.new(\playbuf_test, { arg amp=1, out=0, buf, rate=1, t_trig=1, start=0, loop=0, da=2; var sig; sig = PlayBuf.ar(2, buf, BufRateScale.kr(buf) * rate, t_trig, start, loop, doneAction:da); sig = sig * amp' Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b0.bufnum, \loop, 1]); x.set(\loop, 0); x = Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b0.bufnum, \rate, -1, \start, ~b0.numFrames - 2]); 12.midiratio; -12.midiratio; 7.midiratio; Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~bells[0].bufnum, \rate, -7.midiratio]); Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~bells[0].bufnum, \rate, -10.midiratio]); Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~bells[0].bufnum, \rate, -13.midiratio]); Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~bells[0].bufnum, \rate, -15.midiratio]); g = Group.new; ( x = Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b0.bufnum, \rate, 1.5, \loop, 1, \amp, 0.5], g); y = Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b1.bufnum, \rate, 1.2, \loop, 1, \amp, 0.5], g); z = Synth.new(\playbuf_test, [\buf, ~b2.bufnum, \rate, 2.1, \loop, 1, \amp, 0.5], g); ) g.set(\rate, 0.8); g.set(\rate, 0.5); g.set(\buf, ~b3_part11.bufnum); z.set(\rate, exprand(0.2, 2.0)); g.set(\loop, 0); g.free; ( SynthDef.new(\bufrd_test, { arg amp=1, out=0, buf; var sig, ptr; ptr = Line.ar(0, BufFrames.kr(buf)-1, BufDur.kr(buf), doneAction:2); sig = sig * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) Synth.new(\bufrd_test, [\buf, ~b2.bufnum]); ( SynthDef.new(\bufrd_test, { arg amp=1, out=0, buf, start, end; var sig, ptr; ptr = Line.ar(start, end, BufDur.kr( buf), doneAction:2); sig = sig * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) SynthDef.new(\bufrd_test, [\buf, ~b2.bufnum, \start, ~b2.numFrames-1, \end, 0]); ( SynthDef.new(\bufrd_loop, { arg amp=1, out=0, buf, start, end, rate=1; var sig, ptr; ptr = Phasor.ar(0, BufRateScale.kr(buf)*rate, start, end); sig = sig * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) x = SynthDef.new(\bufrd_loop, [\buf, ~b2.bufnum, \start, 0, \end, ~b2.numFrames-1]); x.set(\start, ~b2.numFrames/2, \end, ~b2.numFrames-1); x.set(\start, 2000. \end, 26000); x.set(\rate, -7.midiratio); x.free; // favorite ( SynthDef.new(\bufrd_sine, { arg amp=1, out=0, buf, start, end, rate=1; var sig, ptr; ptr = SinOsc.ar(freq, 3pi/2).range(start, end); sig = sig * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) x = SynthDef.new(\bufrd_sine, [\buf, ~b2.bufnum, \start, 0, \end, ~b2.numFrames-1]); x.free; ( SynthDef.new(\bufrd_noise, { arg amp=1, out=0, buf, start, end, rate=1; var sig, ptr; ptr = LFDNoise1.ar(freq).range(start, end); sig = sig * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) w = SynthDef.new(\bufrd_noise, [\buf, ~b0.bufnum, \start, 0, \end, ~b0.numFrames-1, \freq, 0.6, \amp, 0.5]); x = SynthDef.new(\bufrd_noise, [\buf, ~b1.bufnum, \start, 0, \end, ~b1.numFrames-1, \freq, 0.8, \amp, 0.5]); y = SynthDef.new(\bufrd_noise, [\buf, ~b2.bufnum, \start, 0, \end, ~b2.numFrames-1, \freq, 0.7, \amp, 0.5]); z = SynthDef.new(\bufrd_noise, [\buf, ~b3.bufnum, \start, 0, \end, ~b3.numFrames-1, \freq, 0.5, \amp, 0.2]); s.freeAll; g = Group.new; w = SynthDef.new(\bufrd_noise, [\buf, ~b0.bufnum, \start, 0, \end, ~b0.numFrames-1, \freq, 0.6, \amp, 0.5], g); x = SynthDef.new(\bufrd_noise, [\buf, ~b1.bufnum, \start, 0, \end, ~b1.numFrames-1, \freq, 0.8, \amp, 0.5], g); y = SynthDef.new(\bufrd_noise, [\buf, ~b2.bufnum, \start, 0, \end, ~b2.numFrames-1, \freq, 0.7, \amp, 0.5], g); z = SynthDef.new(\bufrd_noise, [\buf, ~b3.bufnum, \start, 0, \end, ~b3.numFrames-1, \freq, 0.5, \amp, 0.2], g); g.set(\freq, 12); g.set(\freq, 50); g.set(\freq, 200); s.freeAll; // midi MIDIClient.init; MIDIIn.connectAll; MIDIClient.sources; MIDIIn.connect(0); MIDIIn.connect(1); MIDIIn.connect(2); MIDIdef.noteOn(\noteOnTest, {"key down".postln}); MIDIdef(\noteOnTest).disable; MIDIdef(\noteOnTest).enable; MIDIdef(\noteOnTest).free; MIDIdef.freeAll; // command period off:true on:false MIDIdef.noteOn(\noteOnTest, {"key down".postln}).permanent_(true); MIDIdef.noteOn(\noteOnTest).permanent_(false); ( MIDIdef.noteOn(\noteOnTest, { arg vel, nn, chan, src; [vel, nn, chan, src].postln; }); ) ( MIDIdef.noteOn(\noteOnTest, { arg vel, nn, chan, src; [vel, nn].postln; { var sig, env; sig = SinOsc.ar(nn.midicps)!2; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc, doneAction:2); sig = sig * env * vel.linexp(1, 127, 0.01, 0.3); }.play; }); ) ( MIDIdef.noteOn(\noteOnTest, { arg vel, nn, chan, src; [vel, nn].postln; { var sig, env; sig = LFTri.ar(nn.midicps)!2; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc, doneAction:2); sig = sig * env * vel.linexp(1, 127, 0.01, 0.3); }.play; }); ) s.boot; ( MIDIdef.noteOn(\noteOnTest, { arg vel, nn, chan, src; [vel, nn].postln; Synth.new(\tone, [\freq, nn.midicps, \amp, vel.linexp(1, 127, 0.01, 0.3)]); }); ) ( SynthDef.new(\tone, { arg freq=440, amp=0.3, gate=0, bend=0; var sig, env; sig = LFTri.ar(freq * bend.midiratio)!2; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr, gate, doneAction:2); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\tone, [\gate, 1]); x.set(\gate, 0); ~notes = Array.newClear(128); ( MIDIdef.noteOn(\noteOnTest, { arg vel, nn, chan, src; [vel, nn].postln; ~notes[nn] = Synth.new( \tone, [ \freq, nn.midicps, \amp, vel.linexp(1, 127, 0.01, 0.3), \gate, 1, \bend, ~bend.linlin(0, 16383, -2, 2), ] ); }); MIDIdef.noteOff(\noteOffTest, { arg vel, nn; [vel, nn].postln; ~notes[nn].set(\gate, 0); ~notes[nn] = nil; }); MIDIdef.bend(\bendTest, { arg val, chan, src; [val, chan, src].postln; ~bend = val; ~notes.do{arg synth; synth.set(\bend, val.linlin(0, 16383, -2, 2))}; }, chan:0); ) ~bend = 8192; nil.set(\freq, 880); s.boot; ( SynthDef.new(\sine, { arg freq=440, atk=0.005, rel=0.3, amp=1, pan=0; var sig, env; sig = SinOsc.ar(freq); env = EnvGen.kr(Env.new([0, 1, 0], [atk, rel], [1, -1]), doneAction:2); sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan, amp); sig = sig * env; Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) Synth.new(\sine); ( p = Pbind( \type, \note, \instrument, \sine, ).play; ) p.stop; s.plotTree; ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, 0.1, ).play; ) ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pseq([0.6, 0.15, 0.15], inf).trace, ).play; ) p.stop; ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pseq([0.6, 0.15, 0.15], inf).trace, \freq, Pseq([330, 247, 370], inf).trace; ).play; ) ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pseq([0.6, 0.15, 0.15], 4).trace, \freq, Pseq([330, 247, 370, 220], 2).trace; ).play; ) ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pseq([0.6, 0.15, 0.15], inf).trace, \freq, Pseq([60, 65, 67, 74].midicps, inf).trace; ).play; ) ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pseq([0.6, 0.15, 0.15], inf).trace, \midinote, Pseq([60, 65, 67, 74], inf).trace; ).play; ) ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pwhite(0.05, 0.5, inf).trace, \freq, Pexprand(50, 4000), ).play; ) ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pwhite(0.05, 0.5, inf), \freq, Pexprand(50, 4000).trace, \atk, Pwhite(2.0, 3.0, inf), \rel, Pwhite(5.0, 10.0, inf), \amp, Pwhite(0.01, 0.2, inf), \pan, Pwhite(-0.8, 0.8, inf), ).play; ) // favorite ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pwhite(0.05, 0.5, inf), \freq, Pexprand(50, 4000).round(55).trace, \atk, Pwhite(2.0, 3.0, inf), \rel, Pwhite(5.0, 10.0, inf), \amp, Pwhite(0.01, 0.2, inf), \pan, Pwhite(-0.8, 0.8, inf), ).play; ) // favorite ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pwhite(0.05, 0.5, inf), \midinote, 33, \harmonic, Pexprand(1, 80, inf).round.trace, \atk, Pwhite(2.0, 3.0, inf), \rel, Pwhite(5.0, 10.0, inf), \amp, Pwhite(0.01, 0.2, inf), \pan, Pwhite(-0.8, 0.8, inf), ).play; ) // favorite ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pwhite(0.05, 0.5, inf), \midinote, 33, \harmonic, Pexprand(1, 80, inf).round.trace, \atk, Pwhite(2.0, 3.0, inf), \rel, Pwhite(5.0, 10.0, inf), \amp, Pkey(\harmonic).reciprocal * 0.3, \pan, Pwhite(-0.8, 0.8, inf), ).play; ) // favorite ( Pdef( \sinepat, Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pwhite(0.05, 0.5, inf), \midinote, Pseq([29], inf).trace, \harmonic, Pexprand(1, 80, inf).round, \atk, Pwhite(2.0, 3.0, inf), \rel, Pwhite(5.0, 10.0, inf), \amp, Pkey(\harmonic).reciprocal * 0.3, \pan, Pwhite(-0.8, 0.8, inf), ); ).play; ) // favorite ( Pdef( \sinepat, Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pwhite(0.05, 0.5, inf), \midinote, Pseq([35], inf).trace, \harmonic, Pexprand(1, 20, inf).round, \atk, Pwhite(0.005, 0.01, inf), \rel, Pwhite(2.0, 3.0, inf), \amp, Pkey(\harmonic).reciprocal * 0.3, \pan, Pwhite(-0.8, 0.8, inf), ); ).play; ) ( Pdef( \sinepat, Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pwhite(0.05, 0.5, inf), \midinote, Pseq([35], inf).trace, \harmonic, Pexprand(1, 20, inf).round, \atk, Pwhite(0.005, 0.01, inf), \rel, Pwhite(0.2, 1.0, inf), \amp, Pkey(\harmonic).reciprocal * 0.3, \pan, Pwhite(-0.8, 0.8, inf), ); ).play; ) ( d = Dictionary.new; d.add(\l -> PathName("/Users/igram/Desktop/knocks/low").entries.collect({ arg sf; Buffer.read(s, sf.fullPath); }); ); d.add(\m -> PathName("/Users/igram/Desktop/knocks/mid").entries.collect({ arg sf; Buffer.read(s, sf.fullPath); }); ); d.add(\h -> PathName("/Users/igram/Desktop/knocks/high").entries.collect({ arg sf; Buffer.read(s, sf.fullPath); }); ); ) d[\h].choose.play; ( SynthDef.new(\bufplay, { arg buf=0, rate=1, amp=1; var sig; sig = PlayBuf.ar(2, buf, BufRateScale.ir(buf) * rate, doneAction:2); sig = sig * amp; Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) Synth.new(\bufplay, [\buf, d[\m].choose.bufnum]); ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([0.12], inf), \buf, Prand(d[\h], inf), \rate, 1, \amp, 0.5, ); ).play; ) // tempo: 128 ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 60/128 * 4, \buf, Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[l], inf), \rate, 1, \amp, 0.5, ); ).play; ) ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \buf, Pxrand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[l], inf), \rate, 1, \amp, 0.5, ); ).play; ) ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \buf, Pwrand(d[\h][0], d[\m][0], d[\l][0], [0.8, 0.15, 0.05], inf), \rate, 1, \amp, 0.5, ); ).play; ) // favorite ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \buf, Pwrand(d[\h][0], d[\m][0], d[\l][0], [8,2,1].normalizeSum.postln, inf), \rate, 1, \amp, 0.5, ); ).play; ) ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \buf, Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], inf), \rate, 1, \amp, Pseq([0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], inf), ); ).play; ) ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \buf, Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], inf), \rate, 1, \amp, Pseq([0.8]++(0.1!7), inf), ); ).play; ) ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \buf, Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], inf), \rate, 1, \amp, Pseq([0.8, Pexprand(0.005, 0.2, 7)], inf), ); ).play; ) // favorite ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \buf, Pseq( [ Prand(d[\l], 1) Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], 7) Prand(d[\h], 1) Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], 7) ], inf ), \rate, 1, \amp, Pseq([0.8, Pexprand(0.005, 0.2, 7)], inf), ); ).play; ) ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \buf, Pseq( [ Prand(d[\l], 1) Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], 7) Prand(d[\h], 1) Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], 7) ], inf ), \rate, 1, \amp, Pseq([0.8, Pexprand(0.005, 0.2, 7)], inf), ); ).play(quant:1.875); ) // quantize ( Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \buf, Pseq( [ Prand(d[\l], 1) Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], 7) Prand(d[\h], 1) Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], 7) ], inf ), \rate, 1, \amp, Pseq([0.8, Pexprand(0.005, 0.2, 7)], inf), ); ).quant_(1.875); ) // favorite ( Pdef( \sinepat, Pbind( \instrument, \sine, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \note, Pxrand([0, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12], inf), \gtranspose, -7, \atk, 0.005, \rel, Pexprand(0.01, 0.5, inf), \amp, Pexprand(0.05, 0.5, inf), \pan, Pwhite(-0.8, 0.8, inf), ); ).quant_(1.875); Pdef( \rhythm, Pbind( \instrument, \bufplay, \dur, Pseq([1/16], inf), \stretch, 1.875, \buf, Pseq( [ Prand(d[\l], 1) Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], 7) Prand(d[\h], 1) Prand(d[\h]++d[\m]++d[\l], 7) ], inf ), \rate, Pexprand(3.5, 4.0, inf), \amp, Pseq([0.8, Pexprand(0.005, 0.2, 7)], inf), ); ).quant_(1.875); ) Pdef(\ryhthm).stop; Pdef(\sinepat).stop; // osc s.boot; NetAddr.langPort; // TouchOSC setting // port(outgoing): 57120 // port(incoming): 9000 ( OSCdef.new( \toggle, { arg msg, time, addr, port; [msg, time, addr, port].postln; }, '/main/toggle1' // send from TouchOSC's toggle ); ) ( OSCdef.new( \toggle, { arg msg, time, addr, port; msg[1].postln; }, '/main/toggle1' ); OSCdef.new( \fader1, { arg msg, time, addr, port; msg[1].postln; }, '/main/fader1' ); OSCdef.new( \fader2, { arg msg, time, addr, port; msg[1].postln; }, '/main/fader2' ); OSCdef.new( \rotary1, { arg msg, time, addr, port; msg[1].postln; }, '/main/rotary1' ); ) ( SynthDef.new(\tone, { arg freq=40, nharm=12, detune=0.2, gate=0, pan=0, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 3), gate); sig = Blip.ar( freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.2!16).bipolar(detune.neg, detune).midiratio, nharm ); sig = sig * LFNoise1.kr(0.5!16).exprange(0.1, 1); sig = Splay.ar(sig); sig = Balance2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], pan); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add ) x = Synth.new(\tone, [\gate, 1]); x.set(\freq, 50); x.set(\freq, 60); x.set(\freq, 70); x.set(\pan, -1); x.set(\pan, 1); x.set(\pan, 0); x.set(\nharm, 24); x.set(\nharm, 48); x.set(\nharm, 100); x.set(\nharm, 10); x.set(\detune, 1); x.set(\detune, 2); x.set(\detune, 12); x.set(\detune, 0.1); x.set(\amp, 0.1); x.set(\amp, 0.2); x.set(\amp, 0.4); x.set(\amp, 0.8); x.set(\gate, 0); x.free; ( OSCdef.new( \toggle, { arg msg, time, addr, port; x.set(\gate, msg[1]); }, '/main/toggle1' ); OSCdef.new( \fader1, { arg msg, time, addr, port; x.set(\freq, msg[1].linexp(0, 1, 20, 500)); }, '/main/fader1' ); OSCdef.new( \fader2, { arg msg, time, addr, port; x.set(\nharm, msg[1].linexp(0, 1, 1, 50)); }, '/main/fader2' ); OSCdef.new( \accxyz, { arg msg, time, addr, port; x.set(\nharm, msg[1].linexp(0, 1, 1, 50)); }, '/accxyz' ); OSCdef.new( \fader3, { arg msg, time, addr, port; x.set(\amp, msg[1].linexp(0, 1, 0.001, 1)); }, '/main/fader3' ); OSCdef.new( \rotary1, { arg msg, time, addr, port; x.set(\pan, msg[1].linlin(0, 1, -1, 1)); }, '/main/rotary1' ); OSCdef.new( \rotary4, { arg msg, time, addr, port; x.set(\detune, msg[1].linexp(0, 1, 0.01, 12)); }, '/main/rotary4' ); ) x = Synth.new(\tone); // Nintendo Wiimote // OSC Routing (OSculator) s.boot; ( OSCdef.new( \pitch, { arg msg; msg[1].postln; }, '/wii/1/accel/pry/0' ); ) OSCdef(\pitch).disable; ( OSCdef.new( \prya, { arg msg; msg[1..4].postln; }, '/wii/1/accel/pry' ); ) OSCdef(\prya).disable; ( OSCdef.new( \abutton, { arg msg; msg[1..4].postln; }, '/a' ); ) OSCdef(\abutton).disable; OSCdef.freeAll; ( SynthDef.new(\foldsaw, { arg freq=4, detune=1, atk=0.01, dec=0.3, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), gate=1, mincf=40, maxcf=12000, minrq=0.002, maxrq=0.2, boost=1.25, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(atk, dec, 0.5, rel), gate, doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar( freq + LFNoise1.kr(LFNoise1.kr(0.5!8).range(0.1, 1)).bipolar(detune) ); 5.do{sig = (sig * boost).fold(-1.0, 1.0)}; sig = BPF.ar( sig, LFNoise1.kr({ExpRand(0.005, 0.05)}!8).exprange(mincf, maxcf), LFNoise1.kr({ExpRand(0.1, 0.75)}!8).range(minrq, maxrq) ); sig = Splay.ar(sig) * env * amp * 2; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) x = Synth.new(\foldsaw); x.set(\gate, 0); ( g = Group.new; a = []; OSCdef.new(\prya, { arg msg; g.set( \detune, msg[1].linexp(0.1, 0.001, 80), \maxrq, msg[2].linexp(0.1, 0.01, 0.5), \boost, msg[4].linlin(0.2, 1, 1, 16) ); }, '/wii/1/accel/pry' ); OSCdef.new(\abutton, { arg msg; if( msg[1]==1, { a = a.add( Synth.new( \foldsaw, [ \freq, exprand(1, 8), \atk, exprand(2, 8), \rel, exprand(2, 8) ], g ) ) } ); }, '/a' ); OSCdef.new(\bbutton, { arg msg; if( msg[1]==1 && (a.size>0), { a[0].set(\gate, 0); a.removeAt(0); } ); }, '/b' ); ) s.plotTree; // xbox kinect s.boot; // download: synapsekinect.tumblr.com /* recv -> 12346 send -> 12345 || 12347 loopback IP 0> */ ~synapse = NetAddr.new("", 12346); ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_trackjointpos", 2); ( OSCdef.new( \trackRH, { arg msg; msg.postln; }, 'righthand_pos_world', nil, 12345 ); ) // world ( ~trackRH = Task.new({ { ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_trackjointpos", 2); 2.wait; }.loop; }).play; ) ( OSCdef.new( \trackRH, { arg msg; msg.postln; }, 'righthand_pos_world', nil, 12345 ); ) ( OSCdef.freeAll; ~trackRH.stop; ) // body ( ~trackRH = Task.new({ { ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_trackjointpos", 1); 2.wait; }.loop; }).play; ) ( OSCdef.new( \trackRH, { arg msg; msg.postln; }, 'righthand_pos_body', nil, 12345 ); ) ( OSCdef.freeAll; ~trackRH.stop; ) // screen ( ~trackRH = Task.new({ { ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_trackjointpos", 3); 2.wait; }.loop; }).play; ) ( OSCdef.new( \trackRH, { arg msg; msg.postln; }, 'righthand_pos_screen', nil, 12345 ); ) ( OSCdef.freeAll; ~trackRH.stop; ) // righthand ( ~trackRH = Task.new({ { ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_trackjointpos", 2); 2.wait; }.loop; }).play; ) ( OSCdef.new( \trackRH, { arg msg; msg.postln; }, 'righthand', nil, 12345 ); ) // requiredlength, poithistorysize ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_requiredlength", 20.0); ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_poithistorysize", 60); ( ~trackRH = Task.new({ { ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_trackjointpos", 2); 2.wait; }.loop; }).play; ) ( OSCdef.new( \trackRH, { arg msg; msg.postln; }, 'righthand', nil, 12345 ); ) // pinknoise ( ~noise = { arg freq=440, gate=1; var sig; sig = PinkNoise.ar(1!2); sig = BPF.ar(sig, freq.lag(0.05), 0.3); sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(5, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1), gate, doneAction:2); }.play; ) ~noise.set(\freq, 50.linexp(0, 640, 100, 3000).postln); ~noise.set(\freq, 100.linexp(0, 640, 100, 3000).postln); ~noise.set(\freq, 500.linexp(0, 640, 100, 3000).postln); ~noise.set(\freq, 1000.linexp(0, 640, 100, 3000).postln); ~noise.set(\freq, 1500.linexp(0, 640, 100, 3000).postln); ~noise.set(\gate, 0); ( ~noise = { arg freq=440, gate=1, amp=0; var sig; sig = PinkNoise.ar(1!2); sig = BPF.ar(sig, freq.lag(0.05), 0.3); sig = sig * amp; sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(5, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1), gate, doneAction:2); }.play; ) ~noise.set(\amp, 800.linlin(0, 480, 0, -40).postln.dbamp); ~noise.set(\amp, 400.linlin(0, 480, 0, -40).postln.dbamp); ~noise.set(\amp, 200.linlin(0, 480, 0, -40).postln.dbamp); ~noise.set(\amp, 100.linlin(0, 480, 0, -40).postln.dbamp); ~noise.set(\gate, 0); // favorite ( ~noise = { arg freq=440, gate=1, amp=0; var sig; sig = PinkNoise.ar(1!2); sig = BPF.ar(sig, freq.lag(0.05), 0.3); sig = sig * amp; sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(5, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1), gate, doneAction:2); }.play; ~trackRH = Task.new({ { ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_trackjointpos", 2); 2.wait; }.loop; }).play; OSCdef.new( \trackRH, { arg msg; ~noise.set(\freq, msg[1].linexp(0, 640, 100, 3000), \amp, msg[2].linlin(0, 480, 0 -40).postln.dbamp ); }, '/righthand_pos_screen', nil, 12345 ); OSCdef.new( \trackRHhit, { arg msg; msg.postln; if(msg[1] == \forward, {~noise.set(\gate, 0)} ); }, 'righthand', nil, 12345 ); ) ( ~noise.set(\gate, 0); OSCdef.freeAll; ~trackRH.stop; ) // group ( g = Group.new; { arg freq=440, gate=1, amp=0; var sig; sig = PinkNoise.ar(1!2); sig = BPF.ar(sig, freq.lag(0.05), 0.3); sig = sig * amp; sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(5, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1), gate, doneAction:2); }.play(g); ~trackRH = Task.new({ { ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_trackjointpos", 2); 2.wait; }.loop; }).play; OSCdef.new( \trackRH, { arg msg; g.set(\freq, msg[1].linexp(0, 640, 100, 3000), \amp, msg[2].linlin(0, 480, 0 -40).postln.dbamp ); }, '/righthand_pos_screen', nil, 12345 ); OSCdef.new( \trackRHhit, { arg msg; msg.postln; if(msg[1] == \forward, {g.set(\gate, 0)} ); }, 'righthand', nil, 12345 ); ) ( ~noise.set(\gate, 0); OSCdef.freeAll; ~trackRH.stop; ) // forward, back ( g = Group.new; ~trackRH = Task.new({ { ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_trackjointpos", 2); 2.wait; }.loop; }).play; OSCdef.new( \trackRH, { arg msg; g.set(\freq, msg[1].linexp(0, 640, 100, 3000), \amp, msg[2].linlin(0, 480, 0 -40).postln.dbamp ); }, '/righthand_pos_screen', nil, 12345 ); OSCdef.new( \trackRHhit, { arg msg; msg.postln; if(msg[1] == \forward, {g.set(\gate, 0)} ); ifmsg[1] == \back, { { arg freq=440, gate=1, amp=0; var sig; sig = PinkNoise.ar(1!2); sig = BPF.ar(sig, freq.lag(0.05), 0.3); sig = sig * amp; sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(0.05, 0, 1, 0.05, 1, 1), gate, doneAction:2); }.play(g); } }, 'righthand', nil, 12345 ); ) ( ~noise.set(\gate, 0); OSCdef.freeAll; ~trackRH.stop; ) // favorite // grain sound ( ~engine = Buffer.read(s, "Users/igram/Desktop/ounds/engineStart.aiff"); ~glass = Buffer.read(s, "Users/igram/Desktop/ounds/glassRub.aiff"); SynthDef.new(\grain, { arg buf=0, trnsp=0, spos=0, atk=0.01, sus=0.03, rel=0.01, pan=0, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; sig = PlayBuf.ar(1, buf, BufRateScale.ir(buf) * trnsp.midiratio, startPos:spos, doneAction:2); sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan, amp); env = EnvGen.kr(Env.new([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [1, 0, -1]), doneAction:2); sig = sig * env; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; SynthDef.new(\echo, { arg in, t_fxtrig=0, out=0; var sig, fx, mix; sig = In.ar(in, 2); fx = In.ar(in, 2); 3.do{fx = CombL.ar(fx, 0.25, LFNoise1.kr(0.05).range(0.04, 0.25), 4, 0.65)}; mix = EnvGen.kr(Env.new([-0.9, 0.75, -0.9], [0.1, 5], \lin), t_fxtrig); sig = XFade2.ar(sig, fx, mix); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ~fxbus = Bus.audio(s, 2); ~grainGrp = Group.new; ~fxGrp = Group.after(~grainGrp); ) ( ~enginePat = Pbind( \instrument, \grain, \dur, Pexprand(0.01, 0.2), \buf, ~engine.bufnum, \sus, Pexprand(0.01, 0.1), \trnsp, Pwhite(-3.0, 3.0), \spos, Pwhite(0, ~engine.numFrames-1), \pan, Pwhite(-1.0, 1.0), \amp, Pexprand(0.05, 0.2), \group, ~grainGrp, \out, ~fxbus ); ~glassPat = Pbind( \instrument, \grain, \dur, Pexprand(0.01, 0.2), \buf, ~glass.bufnum, \sus, Pexprand(0.01, 0.1), \trnsp, Pwhite(-3.0, 3.0), \spos, Pwhite(0, ~glass.numFrames-1), \pan, Pwhite(-1.0, 1.0), \amp, Pexprand(0.1, 0.25), \group, ~grainGrp, \out, ~fxbus ); Synth.new(\echo, [\in, ~fxbus, \out, 0], ~fxGrp); ) ( ~engineStream = ~enginePat.play; ~glassStream = ~glassPat.play; ~fxGrp.set(\t_fxtrig, 1); ~engineStream.stop; ~glassStream.stop; ) // custom for kinect ( ~enginePat = Pbind( \instrument, \grain, \dur, Pdefn(\durEngine, 0.1), \buf, ~engine.bufnum, \sus, Pexprand(0.01, 0.1), \trnsp, Pdefn(\trnspEngine, Pwhite(0, 0)), \spos, Pdefn(\sposEngine, 0), \pan, Pwhite(-1.0, 1.0), \amp, Pdefn(\ampEngine, 0.1), \group, ~grainGrp, \out, ~fxbus ); ~glassPat = Pbind( \instrument, \grain, \dur, Pdefn(\durGlass, 0.1), \buf, ~glass.bufnum, \sus, Pexprand(0.01, 0.1), \trnsp, Pdefn(\trnspGlass, Pwhite(0, 0)), \spos, Pdefn(\sposGlass, 0), \pan, Pwhite(-1.0, 1.0), \amp, Pdefn(\ampGlass, 0.1), \group, ~grainGrp, \out, ~fxbus ); Synth.new(\echo, [\in, ~fxbus, \out, 0], ~fxGrp); ) ( ~trackHands = Task.new({ { ~synapse.sendMsg("/righthand_trackjointpos", 3); ~synapse.sendMsg("/lefthand_trackjointpos", 3); 2.wait; }.loop; }).play; OSCdef.new( \trackLHpos, { arg msg; Pfedn(\sposEngine, msg[1].linkin(0, 640, 0, ~engine.numFrames-1)); Pfedn(\durEngine, msg[2].linexp(0, 480, 0.002, 1.5)); Pfedn(\ampEngine, Pexprand(msg[2].linlin(0, 480, -16, -36).dbamp, 0.25)); Pfedn(\trnspEngine, Pwhite(msg[3].linlin(800, 2500, 0, -36), msg[3].linlin(800, 2500, 0, 36))); }, '/lefthand_pos_screen', nil, 12345 ); OSCdef.new( \trackRHpos, { arg msg; Pfedn(\sposGlass, msg[1].linkin(0, 640, 0, ~glass.numFrames-1)); Pfedn(\durGlass, msg[2].linexp(0, 480, 0.002, 1.5)); Pfedn(\ampGlass, Pexprand(msg[2].linlin(0, 480, -16, -36).dbamp, 0.25)); Pfedn(\trnspGlass, Pwhite(msg[3].linlin(800, 2500, 0, -36), msg[3].linlin(800, 2500, 0, 36))); }, '/righthand_pos_screen', nil, 12345 ); OSCdef.new( \trackLHhit, { argmsg; if( msg[1] == \forward, {~fxGrp.set(\t_fxtrig, 1)} ); }, '/lefthand', nil, 12345 ); OSCdef.new( \trackRHhit, { argmsg; if( msg[1] == \forward, {~fxGrp.set(\t_fxtrig, 1)} ); }, '/righthand', nil, 12345 ); ) ( ~engineStream = ~enginePat.play; ~glassStream = ~glassPat.play; ~engineStream.stop; ~glassStream.stop; ) // gui w = Window.new; w.front; w.alwaysOnTop; w.alwaysOnTop = true; w.alwaysOnTop_(true); // syntax shortcuts w.close; ( w = Window.new .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); ) GUI.current; // QtGUI Window.closeAll; w.bounds; w.bounds_(Rect.new(1000, 400, 200, 200)); w.close; Window.screenBounds; ( w = Window.new("gui", Rect.new( Window.screenBounds.width/2-100, Window.screenBounds.height/2-100, 200, 200 )) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true) ) // favorite ( w = Window.new("gui", Rect.new(750, 50, 500, 200)) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); ~slider = Slider.new(w.view, Rect.new(20, 20, 150, 30)) ) ~slider.parent; w.view.children; ~slider.visible_(true); ~slider.bounds_(Rect.new(40, 40, 200, 20)); ~slider.enabled_(false); ~slider.enabled_(true); ~slider.remove; w.view.children; ( w = Window.new("gui", Rect.new(750, 50, 500, 200)) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); ~slider = Slider(w, Rect.new(20, 20, 150, 30)) ) ~slider.value; ~slider.value_(0.25); ~slider.value_(0.8); ~slider.value; ~slider.action; ~slider.action_({"I am a slider".postln}); ( ~slider.action_({ arg obj; obj.value.postln; }); ) ~slider.value_(rrand(0.0, 1.0)); ~slider.valueAction_(rrand(0.0, 1.0)); ~slider.background; ~slider.background_(Color(1, 0.5, 0)); // orange ~slider.background_(Color.green); ~slider.background_(Color.magenta); ~slider.background_(Color.magenta(0.8)); ~slider.background_(Color.magenta(0.0)); ~slider.background_(Color.rand); ( ~slider.action_({ arg obj; w.view.background_(Color.rand); obj.value.postln; }); ) ( ~slider.action_({ arg obj; w.view.background_(Color(obj.value*0.3+0.7, 0.8, 0.4)); obj.value.postln; }); ) ( w = Window.new("gui", Rect.new(750, 50, 500, 200)) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); ~slider = Slider(w, Rect.new(20, 20, 150, 30)) .background_(Color(0.2, 0.75, 0.95)); ) ~slider.knobColor_(Color.white); ~slider.knobColor_(Color.black); ~slider.thumbSize_(40); ~slider.thumbSize_(20); // SuperCollider Tutorial: 14. GUI 16:00 s.boot; s.plotTree; s.meter; ( SynthDef.new(\simplebpf, { arg freq=440; var sig; sig = PinkNoise.ar(1!2); sig = BPF.ar(sig, freq, 0.2); Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) ( Window.closeAll; w = Window("gui", Rect(750, 50, 500, 200)) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); ~slider = Slider(w, Rect(20, 20, 150, 30)) .background_(Color(0.2, 0.75, 0.95)) .action_({ arg obj; var cf; cf = obj.value.linexp(0, 1, 100, 4000).postln; x.set(\freq, cf); }); ) x = Synth.new(\simplebpf); x.free; // favorite ( SynthDef.new(\simplebpf, { arg freq=440; var sig; sig = PinkNoise.ar(1!2); sig = BPF.ar(sig, freq.lag(0.5), 0.2); Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) ( x = Synth.new( \simplebpf, [ \freq, ~slider.value.linexp(0, 1, 100, 4000) ] ); ) x.free; // button ( Window.closeAll; w = Window("gui", Rect(750, 50, 500, 200)) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); ~slider = Slider(w, Rect(20, 20, 150, 30)) .background_(Color(0.2, 0.75, 0.95)) .action_({ arg obj; var cf; cf = obj.value.linexp(0, 1, 100, 4000).postln; x.set(\freq, cf); }); ~button = Button(w, Rect(430, 20, 50, 30)) .states_([ ["OFF", Color.black, Color.gray(0.8)], ["ON", Color.white, Color(0.2, 0.75, 0.95)] ]) .font_(Font("Monaco", 18)) .action_({ arg obj; if( obj.value == 1, { x = Synth.new( \simplebpf, [ \freq, ~slider.value.linexp(0, 1, 100, 4000) ] ); }, {x.free} ); }) ) // register ( Window.closeAll; w = Window("gui", Rect(750, 50, 500, 200)) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); ~slider = Slider(w, Rect(20, 20, 150, 30)) .background_(Color(0.2, 0.75, 0.95)) .action_({ arg obj; var cf; cf = obj.value.linexp(0, 1, 100, 4000).postln; if( x.isPlaying, {x.set(\freq, cf)} ); }); ~button = Button(w, Rect(430, 20, 50, 30)) .states_([ ["OFF", Color.black, Color.gray(0.8)], ["ON", Color.white, Color(0.2, 0.75, 0.95)] ]) .font_(Font("Monaco", 18)) .action_({ arg obj; if( obj.value == 1, { x = Synth.new( \simplebpf, [ \freq, ~slider.value.linexp(0, 1, 100, 4000) ] ).register; }, {x.free} ); }) ) // knob ( SynthDef.new(\simplebpf, { arg freq=440, rq=0.2; var sig; sig = PinkNoise.ar(1!2); sig = BPF.ar( sig, freq.lag(0.5), rq.lag(0.5), 1/rq.sqrt.lag(0.5) ); Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) ( Window.closeAll; w = Window("gui", Rect(750, 50, 500, 200)) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); ~slider = Slider(w, Rect(20, 20, 150, 30)) .background_(Color(0.2, 0.75, 0.95)) .action_({ arg obj; var cf; cf = obj.value.linexp(0, 1, 100, 4000).postln; if( x.isPlaying, {x.set(\freq, cf)} ); }); ~numberBox = NumberBox(w, Rect(180, 20, 80, 30)) .value_(100) .clipLo_(100) .clipHi_(4000) .font_(Font("Monaco", 16)) .decimals_(2) .action_({ arg obj; ~slider.valueAction_(obj.value.explin(100, 4000, 0, 1)) }); ~knob = Knob(w, Rect(270, 20, 30, 30)) .action_({ arg obj; var qual; qual = obj.value.linexp(0, 1, 1, 100).reciprocal; if( x.isPlaying, {x.set(\rq, qual)} ); }); ~freqLabel = StaticText(w, Rect(180, 50, 80, 20)) .string_("freq") .font_(Font("Monaco", 14)) .align_(\center); ~button = Button(w, Rect(430, 20, 50, 30)) .states_([ ["OFF", Color.black, Color.gray(0.8)], ["ON", Color.white, Color(0.2, 0.75, 0.95)] ]) .font_(Font("Monaco", 18)) .action_({ arg obj; if( obj.value == 1, { x = Synth.new( \simplebpf, [ \freq, ~slider.value.linexp(0, 1, 100, 4000), \rq, ~knob.value.linexp(0, 1, 1, 100).reciprocal ] ).register; }, {x.free} ); }) ) ( ~obj.remove; ~obj = PopUpMenu(w, Rect(20, 100, 120, 30)) .items_(["", "one", "two", "three"]); ) ( ~obj.remove; ~obj = RangeSlider(w, Rect(20, 100, 120, 30)); ) ( ~obj.remove; ~obj = TextField(w, Rect(20, 100, 120, 30)); ) ( ~obj.remove; ~obj = TextView(w, Rect(20, 100, 120, 80)); ) ( ~obj.remove; ~obj = Slider2D(w, Rect(20, 100, 120, 80)); ) ( ~obj.remove; ~obj = MultiSliderView(w, Rect(20, 100, 120, 80)) .size_(9); ) // soundfileview // To zoom in/out: Shift + right-click + mouse-up/down // To scroll: right-click + mouse-left/right ( w = Window.new("soundfile test", Rect(200, 300, 740, 100)); a = SoundFileView.new(w, Rect(20,20, 700, 60)); f = SoundFile.new; f.openRead(Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav"); f.inspect; a.soundfile = f; a.read(0, f.numFrames); a.timeCursorOn = true; a.timeCursorColor = Color.red; a.timeCursorPosition = 2050; a.drawsWaveForm = true; a.gridOn = true; a.gridResolution = 0.2; w.front; ) // look up documentation for: shift + cmd + d ( Window.closeAll; w = Window("flow", Rect(850, 50, 400, 400)) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); w.view.decorator_(FlowLayout(w.bounds, Point(15, 15), Point(7, 7))); ) ( Window.closeAll; w = Window("flow", Rect(850, 50, 400, 400)) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); w.view.decorator_(FlowLayout(w.bounds, 15@15, 7@7))); ) w.view.decorator.nextLine; 20.do{Knob(w, 40@40)}; w.view.children.collect(_.value_(rrand(0.0, 1.0))); w.view.children.collect(_.remove); w.view.decorator.reset; Knob(w, 40@40); w.close; // composite view ( Window.closeAll; w = Window("nested", Rect(750, 50, 500, 500)) .front .alwaysOnTop_(true); w.view.decorator_(FlowLayout(w.bounds, 30@30, 30@30)); c = Array.fill(4, { arg view; view = CompositeView(w, 200@200) .background_(Color.rand); view.decorator_(FlowLayout(view.bounds, 5@5, 5@5)); }); Array.fill(5, {Slider(c[0], 30@150)}); Array.fill(5, {Knob(c[1], 40@40)}); ) c[0].children[2].value_(0.5); c[1].children.collect(_.value_(0.75)); // composition s.boot; s.meter; s.plotTree; ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, cf=1500, rq=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq); sig = BPF.ar(sig, cf, rq); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) Synth(\bpfsaw); ( [58, 65, 68, 73].midicps.do{ arg f; Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, f, \amp, 0.25, \cf, f * exprand(1, 12), \rq, exprand(0.01, 0.5), ] ); }; ) ( [58, 65, 68, 73].midicps.do{ arg f; Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, exprand(100, 1000), \amp, 0.25, \cf, exprand(200, 5000), \rq, exprand(0.01, 0.5), ] ); }; ) Scale.directory; Scale.major; Scale.minor; Scale.chromatic; ( 4.do{ arg f; Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, (Scale.minor.degrees+60).midicps.choose, \amp, 0.25, \cf, exprand(200, 5000), \rq, exprand(0.01, 0.5), ] ); }; ) ( (1..6).choose.do{ arg f; Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, (Scale.minor.degrees+60).midicps.choose, \amp, 0.25, \cf, exprand(200, 5000), \rq, exprand(0.01, 0.5), ] ); }; ) // favorite ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, cf=1500, rq=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.5)); // detune sig = BPF.ar(sig, cf, rq); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, cf=1500, rq=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.5).range(detune.neg, detune)); // detune: range sig = BPF.ar(sig, cf, rq); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, cf=1500, rq=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.5).bipolar(detune)); // detune: range = bipolar (same thing, more convenient) sig = BPF.ar(sig, cf, rq); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, cf=1500, rq=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio); // midiratio sig = BPF.ar(sig, cf, rq); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) Synth(\bpfsaw); 2.do{Synth(\bpfsaw, [\amp, 0.5])}; 10.do{Synth(\bpfsaw, [\amp, 0.2])}; 10.do{Synth(\bpfsaw, [\amp, 0.2, \detune, 0])}; 10.do{Synth(\bpfsaw, [\amp, 0.2, \detune, 3])}; ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio); // midiratio sig = BPF.ar( sig, LFNoise1.kr(0.2).exprange(cfmin, cfmax), LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax) ); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 50, \amp, 0.2, ], ); }; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 50, \amp, 0.2, \cfmin, 50*2, // center frequency \cfmax, 50*50, ], ); }; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 50, \amp, 0.2, \cfmin, 50*2, \cfmax, 50*50, \rqmin, 0.8, \rqmax, 1, ], ); }; ) // favorite ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 50, \amp, 0.2, \cfmin, 50*2, \cfmax, 50*50, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.03, ], ); }; ) // stereo ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio); sig = BPF.ar( sig, LFNoise1.kr(0.2).exprange(cfmin, cfmax), LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax) ); sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio); sig = BPF.ar( sig, LFNoise1.kr(0.2).exprange(cfmin, cfmax), LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax) ); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig!2); }).add; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 50, \amp, 0.4, \cfmin, 50*2, \cfmax, 50*50, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.03, \pan, rrand(-1.0, 1.0), ], ); }; ) rrand(0, 100)!4; {rrand(0, 100)}!4; ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * {LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio}!2); sig = BPF.ar( sig, {LFNoise1.kr(0.2).exprange(cfmin, cfmax)}!2, {LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax)}!2 ); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 50, \amp, 0.4, \cfmin, 50*2, \cfmax, 50*50, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.03, ], ); }; ) ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * {LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio}!2); sig = BPF.ar( sig, {LFNoise1.kr(0.2).exprange(cfmin, cfmax)}!2, {LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax)}!2 ); sig = Balance2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], pan); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 50, \amp, 0.4, \cfmin, 50*2, \cfmax, 50*50, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.03, \pan, 0, // L:-1 R:1 ], ); }; ) s.options.numOutputBusChannels_(8); s.reboot; s.meter; ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio); sig = BPF.ar( sig, LFNoise1.kr(0.2).exprange(cfmin, cfmax), LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax) ); sig = PanAz.ar(8, sig, pan); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 20, \amp, 0.5, \detune, 1, \cfmin, 20*40, \cfmax, 20*50, \pan, 0.5, ], ); }; ) ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio); sig = BPF.ar( sig, LFNoise1.kr(0.2).exprange(cfmin, cfmax), LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax) ); sig = PanAz.ar(8, sig, LFSaw.kr(0.5)); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 20, \amp, 0.5, \detune, 1, \cfmin, 20*40, \cfmax, 20*50, ], ); }; ) ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio); sig = BPF.ar( sig, LFNoise1.kr(0.2).exprange(cfmin, cfmax), LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax) ); sig = PanAz.ar(8, sig, LFNoise1.kr(1)); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 20, \amp, 0.5, \detune, 1, \cfmin, 20*40, \cfmax, 20*50, ], ); }; ) ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * {LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio}!2); sig = BPF.ar( sig, {LFNoise1.kr(0.2).exprange(cfmin, cfmax)}!2, {LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax)}!2 ); sig =Balance2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], pan); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) {SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.2!2)}.play; {SinOsc.ar(LFNoise0.kr(8).exprange(200, 800), 0, 0.2!2)}.play; {SinOsc.ar(LFNoise0.kr(LFNoise0.kr(8).exprange(2, 30)).exprange(200, 800), 0, 0.2!2)}.play; ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 20, \amp, 0.5, \detune, 1, \cfmin, 20*40, \cfmax, 20*50, ], ); }; ) // favorite ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfhzmin=0.1, cfhzmax=0.3, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * {LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio}!2); sig = BPF.ar( sig, {LFNoise1.kr( LFNoise1.kr(4).exprange(cfhzmin, cfhzmax) ).exprange(cfmin, cfmax)}!2, {LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax)}!2 ); sig =Balance2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], pan); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 50, \amp, 0.5, \detune, 1, \cfmin, 50*2, \cfmax, 50*50, \rqmin, 0.01, \rqmax, 0.05, ], ); }; ) ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 50, \amp, 0.5, \detune, 1, \cfmin, 50*2, \cfmax, 50*50, \rqmin, 0.01, \rqmax, 0.05, \cfhzmin, 1, \cfhzmax, 6, ], ); }; ) // favorite ( 10.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 50, \amp, 0.5, \detune, 1, \cfmin, 50*2, \cfmax, 50*50, \rqmin, 0.01, \rqmax, 0.05, \cfhzmin, 5, // bubble \cfhzmax, 40, // bubble ], ); }; ) ( SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfhzmin=0.1, cfhzmax=0.3, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, lsf=200, ldb=0, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * {LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio}!2); sig = BPF.ar( sig, {LFNoise1.kr( LFNoise1.kr(4).exprange(cfhzmin, cfhzmax) ).exprange(cfmin, cfmax)}!2, {LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax)}!2 ); sig = BLowShelf.ar(sig, lsf, 0.5, ldb); sig =Balance2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], pan); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) // favorite ( Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, 2, \midinote, Pseq([54, 61, 56], 1), \detune, 0.08, \cfmin, 100, \cfmax, 1500, \atk, 1, \ldb, 6, \amp, 0.2, \out, 0, ).play; ) // favorite ( Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, 5, \midinote, Pseq([ [23, 35, 54, 63, 64], [45, 52, 54, 59, 61, 64], [28, 40, 47, 56, 59, 63], ], 1), \detune, 0.08, \cfmin, 100, \cfmax, 1500, \atk, 2, \rel, 8, \ldb, 6, \amp, 0.2, \out, 0, ).play; ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, 5, \midinote, Pxrand([ [23, 35, 54, 63, 64], [45, 52, 54, 59, 61, 64], [28, 40, 47, 56, 59, 63], [42, 52, 57, 61, 63] ], 1), \detune, 0.08, \cfmin, 100, \cfmax, 1500, \atk, 2, \rel, 8, \ldb, 6, \amp, 0.2, \out, 0, ).play; ) // favorite ( ~chords = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Pwhite(4, 5, 7, 0, inf), \midinote, Pxrand([ [23, 35, 54, 63, 64], [45, 52, 54, 59, 61, 64], [28, 40, 47, 56, 59, 63], [42, 52, 57, 61, 63] ], inf), \detune, Pexprand(0.05, 0.2, inf), \cfmin, 100, \cfmax, 1500, \atk, Pwhite(2.0, 2.5, inf), \rel, Pwhite(6.5, 10.0, inf), \ldb, 6, \amp, 0.2, \out, 0, ).play; ) ~chords.stop; ( Synth.new( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 2, \atk, 0, \rqmin, 0.02, \rqmax, 0.05, ] ); ) ( Synth.new( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 2, \atk, 0, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, ] ); ) ( Synth.new( \bpfsaw, [ \freq, 2, \atk, 0, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, 880, \cfmax, 880, ] ); ) ( ~marimba = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Pexprand(0.1, 1, inf), \freq, Pexprand(0.25, 9, inf), \detune, 0, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, 150, \cfmax, 1500, \amp, 1, \out, 0, ).play; ) ( ~marimba = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Pexprand(0.1, 1, inf), \freq, Pexprand(0.25, 9, inf), \detune, 0, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, Pexprand(150, 1500, inf), \cfmax, Pkey(\cfmin), \amp, 1, \out, 0, ).play; ) // favorite ( ~marimba = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Pexprand(0.1, 1, inf), \freq, Pexprand(0.25, 9, inf), \detune, 0, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, Prand((Scale.major.degrees+64).midicps, inf), \cfmax, Pkey(\cfmin), \amp, 1, \out, 0, ).play; ) ( ~marimba = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Pexprand(0.1, 1, inf), \freq, Pexprand(0.25, 9, inf), \detune, 0, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, Prand((Scale.major.degrees+64).midicps, inf) * Prand([0.5, 1, 2, 4], inf), \cfmax, Pkey(\cfmin), \amp, 1, \out, 0, ).play; ) // favorite ( ~marimba = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Prand([1, 0.5], inf), \freq, Prand([1/2, 2/3, 1, 4/3, 2, 5/2, 3, 4, 6, 8], inf), // beautiful! \detune, 0, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, Prand((Scale.major.degrees+64).midicps, inf) * Prand([0.5, 1, 2, 4], inf), \cfmax, Pkey(\cfmin), \amp, 1, \out, 0, ).play; ) ( ~marimba = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Prand([1, 0.5], inf), \freq, Prand([1/2, 2/3, 1, 4/3, 2, 5/2, 3, 4, 6, 8], inf), \detune, 0, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, Prand((Scale.major.degrees+64).midicps, inf) * Prand([0.5, 1, 2, 4], inf), \cfmax, Pkey(\cfmin), \atk, 3, \sus, 1, \rel, 5, \amp, 1, \out, 0, ).play; ) ~marimba.stop; ( ~marimba = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Prand([1, 0.5], inf), \freq, Prand([1/2, 2/3, 1, 4/3, 2, 5/2, 3, 4, 6, 8], inf), \detune, 0, \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, Prand((Scale.major.degrees+64).midicps, inf) * Prand([0.5, 1, 2, 4], inf), \cfmax, Pkey(\cfmin) * Pwhite(1.008, 1.025, inf), \atk, 3, \sus, 1, \rel, 5, \amp, 1, \out, 0, ).play; ) // favorite ( ~marimba = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Prand([1, 0.5], inf), \freq, Prand([1/2, 2/3, 1, 4/3, 2, 5/2, 3, 4, 6, 8], inf), \detune, Pwhite(0, 0.1, inf), // detune \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, Prand((Scale.major.degrees+64).midicps, inf) * Prand([0.5, 1, 2, 4], inf), \cfmax, Pkey(\cfmin) * Pwhite(1.008, 1.025, inf), \atk, 3, \sus, 1, \rel, 5, \amp, 1, \out, 0, ).play; ~chords = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Pwhite(4, 5, 7, 0, inf), \midinote, Pxrand([ [23, 35, 54, 63, 64], [45, 52, 54, 59, 61, 64], [28, 40, 47, 56, 59, 63], [42, 52, 57, 61, 63] ], inf), \detune, Pexprand(0.05, 0.2, inf), \cfmin, 100, \cfmax, 1500, \atk, Pwhite(2.0, 2.5, inf), \rel, Pwhite(6.5, 10.0, inf), \ldb, 6, \amp, 0.2, \out, 0, ).play; ) ~chords.stop; ~marimba.stop; // composition II ~b1 = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/supercollider/buffers/shakers/shakerSustain.aiff"); ~b2 = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/supercollider/buffers/shakers/shakerSustain.aiff"); ~b3 = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/supercollider/buffers/shakers/shakerSustain.aiff"); SynthDef(\bpfbuf, { arg atk=0, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), buf=0, rate=1, spos=0, freq=440, rq=1, bpfmix=0, pan=0, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = PlayBuf.ar(1, buf, rate*BufRateScale.ir(buf), startPos:spos); sig = XFade2.ar(sig, BPF.ar(sig, freq, rq, 1/rq.sqrt), bpfmix*2-1); sig = sig * env; sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan, amp); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) Synth(\bpfbuf, [\buf, ~b2.bufnum]); Synth(\bpfbuf, [\buf, ~b2]); ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, ~b2, \rel, 0.1, \spos, rrand(0, ~b2.numFrames/2), ] ); ) ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, ~b2, \atk, 2, \sus, 1, \rel, 2, ] ); ) ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, ~b2, \atk, 2, \sus, 1, \rel, 2, \bpfmix, 1, \freq, 2000, \rq, 1/20, ] ); ) ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, ~b2, \atk, 2, \sus, 1, \rel, 2, \bpfmix, 1, \freq, 2000, \rq, 1/50, ] ); ) ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, ~b2, \atk, 2, \sus, 1, \rel, 2, \bpfmix, 1, \freq, 2000, \rq, 1/150, ] ); ) ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, ~b2, \atk, 2, \sus, 1, \rel, 2, \bpfmix, 1, \freq, 2000, \rq, 1/400, ] ); ) ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, ~b2, \atk, 2, \sus, 1, \rel, 2, \bpfmix, 1, \freq, 2000, \rq, 1/400, \rate, 0.5, ] ); ) ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, ~b2, \atk, 2, \sus, 1, \rel, 2, \bpfmix, 1, \freq, 2000, \rq, 1/400, \rate, 0.25, ] ); ) // favorite ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, [~b1, ~b2, ~b3].choose, \atk, exprand(2, 3), \sus, 1, \rel, exprand(2, 3), \bpfmix, 1, \freq, (Scale.lydian.degrees+69).choose.midicps * [1, 2].choose, \rq, exprand(0.001, 0.008), \rate, exprand(0.6, 1.2), \pan, rrand(-0.5, 0.5), \amp, exprand(4, 6), ] ); ) // favorite ( rrand(4, 10).do{ Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, [~b1, ~b2, ~b3].choose, \atk, exprand(2, 3), \sus, 1, \rel, exprand(2, 3), \bpfmix, 1, \freq, (Scale.lydian.degrees+69).choose.midicps * [1, 2].choose, \rq, exprand(0.001, 0.008), \rate, exprand(0.6, 1.2), \pan, rrand(-0.5, 0.5), \amp, exprand(4, 6), ] ); } ) // set "buffers" folder in project root directory Buffer.read // dictionary d = Dictionary.new; d.add(\foo -> 10); d.add(\bar -> 20); d[\bar]; Buffer.freeAll; ( b = Dictionary.new; ) b[\shakers][0]; b[\crotales][2]; ( b = Dictionary.new; PathName("/Users/igram/Desktop/supercollider/buffers/").entries.do{ arg subfolder; b.add( subfolder.folderName.asSymbol -> Array.fill( subfolder.entries.size, { arg i; Buffer.read(s, subfolder.entries[i].fullPath); } ) ); }; ) b.class; b.size; b.keys; // symbols b[\crotales][2].play; b[\deskBells][8].play; b[\deskBells][10].play; b[\deskBells][12].play; b[\shakers][2].play; b[\shakers][3].play; b[\shakers][4].play; // favorite ( rrand(4, 10).do{ Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, b[\shakers][[5, 6, 7].choose], \atk, exprand(2, 3), \sus, 1, \rel, exprand(2, 3), \bpfmix, 1, \freq, (Scale.lydian.degrees+69).choose.midicps * [1, 2].choose, \rq, exprand(0.001, 0.008), \rate, exprand(0.6, 1.2), \pan, rrand(-0.5, 0.5), \amp, exprand(4, 6), ] ); } ) ( 5.do{ Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, b[\crotales][2], \atk, 2, \rel, 2, \spos, rrand(30000, 35000), \rate, 0.5 * exprand(0.98, 1.02), ], ); } ) // reverb ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, [~b1, ~b2, ~b3].choose, \atk, exprand(2, 3), \sus, 1, \rel, exprand(2, 3), \bpfmix, 1, \freq, (Scale.lydian.degrees+69).choose.midicps * [1, 2].choose, \rq, exprand(0.001, 0.008), \rate, exprand(0.6, 1.2), \pan, rrand(-0.5, 0.5), \amp, exprand(4, 6), ] ); SynthDef(\reverb, { arg in, predelay=0.1, revtime=1.8, lpf=4500, mix=0.15, amp=1, out=0; var dry, wet, temp, sig; dry = In.ar(in, 2); temp = In.ar(in, 2); wet = 0; // DC.ar(0)!2 or Silent.ar(2), but 0 is fine. temp= DelayN.ar(temp, 0.2, predelay); 16.do{ temp = AllpassN.ar(temp, 0.05, {Rand(0.001, 0.05)}!2, revtime); temp = LPF.ar(temp, lpf); wet = wet + temp; }; sig = XFade2.ar(dry, wet, mix*2-1, amp); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ~reverbBus = Bus.audio(s, 2); ~reverbSynth = Synth(\reverb, [\in, ~reverbBus]); ( Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \buf, b[\shakers][(0..4).choose], \rel, rrand(0.15, 0.25), \rate, rrand(-2.0, 2.0).midiratio, \out, ~reverbBus, ] ); ) ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfbuf, \dur, Pexprand(0.1, 1), \buf, Pxrand(b[\shakers][(5..7)]++b[\deskBells][(0..2)], inf), \rel, Pexprand(0.01, 0.5), \spos, Pwhite(10000, 40000), \rate, Pwhite(-7.0, 7.0).midiratio, \amp, Pexprand(0.5, 0.9), \out, ~reverbBus, ).play; ) p.stop; // favorite ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfbuf, \dur, Pexprand(0.1, 1), \buf, Pxrand(b[\shakers][(5..7)]++b[\deskBells][(0..2)], inf), \rel, Pexprand(0.01, 0.5), \spos, Pwhite(10000, 40000), \rate, Pwhite(-7.0, 7.0).midiratio, \amp, Pexprand(0.5, 0.9), \out, Prand([~reverbBus, 0], inf), ).play; ) ~reverbSynth.set(\mix, 1); p.stop; // server tree ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfbuf, \dur, Pexprand(0.1, 1), \buf, Pxrand(b[\shakers][(5..7)]++b[\deskBells][(0..2)], inf), \rel, Pexprand(0.01, 0.5), \spos, Pwhite(10000, 40000), \rate, Pwhite(-7.0, 7.0).midiratio, \amp, Pexprand(0.5, 0.9), \out, ~reverbBus, ).play; ) ~createReverb = {~reverbSynth = Synth(\reverb, [\in, ~revebBus])}; ServerTree.add(~createReverb); ServerTree.removeAll; // composition III // 1. server config ( s = Server.local; s.options.outDevice_("Scarlett 18i20 USB"); s.options.numOutputBusChannels_(2); s.options.inDevice_("Scarlett 18i20 USB"); s.options.sampleRate_(44100); s.options.memSize_(2.pow(20)); s.newBusAllocators; ServerBoot.removeAll; ServerTree.removeAll; ServerQuit.removeAll; /* 10.do{{DelayN.ar(PinkNoise.ar(0.02), 1, 1)}.play;} 50.do{{DelayN.ar(PinkNoise.ar(0.02), 1, 1)}.play;} // server's memory allocation s.options.memSize; // realtime memory // 1 sample = 4 bytes 44100 * 4 / 1000 // kb 44100 * 4 / 1000 * 50 // 50 second delay 2.pow(20) // gigabyte s.quit; s.boot; s.meter; s. ServerOptions.devices; */ // 2. initialize global variables ~out = 0; ~path = PathName(thisProcess.nowExecutingPath).parentPath++"buffers/"; /* {Out.ar(0, PinkNoise.ar(0.2))}.play; Synth.new(\sound, [\out, 0]); {Out.ar(~out, PinkNoise.ar(0.2))}.play; Synth.new(\sound, [\out, ~out]); */ // 3. define piece-specific functions ~makeBuffers = { b = Dictionary.new; PathName(~path).entries.do{ arg subfolder; b.add( subfolder.folderName.asSymbol -> Array.fill( subfolder.entries.size, { arg i; Buffer.read(s, subfolder.entries[i].fullPath); } ) ); }; }; ~makeBusses = { ~bus = Dictionary.new; ~bus.add(\reverb -> Bus.audio(s, 2)); }; ~cleanUp = { s.newBusAllocators; ServerBoot.removeAll; ServerTree.removeAll; ServerQuit.removeAll; }; ~makeNodes = { s.bind({ ~mainGrp = Group.new; ~reverbGrp = Group.after(~mainGrp); ~reverbSynth = Synth.new( \reverb, [ \amp, 1, \predeley, 0.1, \revtime, 1.8, \lpf, 4500, \mix, 0.35, \in, ~bus[\reverb], \out, ~out, ], ~reverbGrp ); }); }; ~makeEvents = { MIDIIn.connectAll; e = Dictionary.new; e.add(\event1 -> {"event1.postln"}); e.add(\event2 -> {"event2.postln"}); e.add(\event3 -> {"event3.postln"}); MIDIdef.cc(\controller, {nil}); }; /* ~makeBuffers = { b = Dictionary.new; PathName("/Users/igram/Desktop/Tutorial Piece/buffers/").entries.do{ arg subfolder; b.add( subfolder.folderName.asSymbol -> Array.fill( subfolder.entries.size, { arg i; Buffer.read(s, subfolder.entries[1].fullPath); } ) ); }; } s.options.numAudioBusChannels; */ // 4. register functions width server boot/quit/tree ServerBoot.add(~makeBuffers); ServerBoot.add(~makeBusses); ServerQuit.add(~cleanUp); /* b; b[\shakers][0].play; b[\shakers][1].play; b[\shakers][2].play; b[\shakers][3].play; Buffer.freeAll; s.quit; true; false; thisProcess; thisProcess.nowExecutingPath; */ // 5. boot server s.waitForBoot({ s.sync; // 6a. synth defs SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfhzmin=0.1, cfhzmax=0.3, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, lsf=200, ldb=0, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * {LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio}!2); sig = BPF.ar( sig, {LFNoise1.kr( LFNoise1.kr(4).exprange(cfhzmin, cfhzmax) ).exprange(cfmin, cfmax)}!2, {LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax)}!2 ); sig = BLowShelf.ar(sig, lsf, 0.5, ldb); sig =Balance2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], pan); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; SynthDef(\bpfbuf, { arg atk=0, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), buf=0, rate=1, spos=0, freq=440, rq=1, bpfmix=0, pan=0, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = PlayBuf.ar(1, buf, rate*BufRateScale.ir(buf), startPos:spos); sig = XFade2.ar(sig, BPF.ar(sig, freq, rq, 1/rq.sqrt), bpfmix*2-1); sig = sig * env; sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan, amp); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; SynthDef(\reverb, { arg in, predelay=0.1, revtime=1.8, lpf=4500, mix=0.15, amp=1, out=0; var dry, wet, temp, sig; dry = In.ar(in, 2); temp = In.ar(in, 2); wet = 0; // DC.ar(0)!2 or Silent.ar(2), but 0 is fine. temp= DelayN.ar(temp, 0.2, predelay); 16.do{ temp = AllpassN.ar(temp, 0.05, {Rand(0.001, 0.05)}!2, revtime); temp = LPF.ar(temp, lpf); wet = wet + temp; }; sig = XFade2.ar(dry, wet, mix*2-1, amp); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; s.sync; // 6b. register remaining functions ServerTree.add(~makeNodes); ServerTree.add(~makeEvents); s.freeAll; s.sync; "done".postln; }); ) s.quit; b; b[\shakers][0].play; /* s.boot; ( SynthDef(\synctest0001, { var sig; sig = {SinOsc.ar(ExpRand(300, 3000), 0, 0.02)}!50; sig = sig.sum; sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 0],[2, 2],[1, -1]), doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, sig!2); }).add; 1.wait; Synth(\synctest0001); ) ( SynthDef(\synctest0002, { var sig; sig = {SinOsc.ar(ExpRand(300, 3000), 0, 0.02)}!50; sig = sig.sum; sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 0],[2, 2],[1, -1]), doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, sig!2); }).add; 1.wait; Synth(\synctest0002); ) ( Routine({ ~win = Window.new.front; {SinOsc.ar(440!2) * Line.kr(0.5, 0, 1, doneAction:2)}.play; 2.wait; {SinOsc.ar(660!2) * Line.kr(0.5, 0, 1, doneAction:2)}.play; }).play; ) // app clock // tempo clock // system clock ( Routine({ ~win = Window.new.front; {SinOsc.ar(440!2) * Line.kr(0.5, 0, 1, doneAction:2)}.play; 2.wait; {SinOsc.ar(660!2) * Line.kr(0.5, 0, 1, doneAction:2)}.play; }).play(AppClock); ) ( Routine({ SynthDef(\synctest0003, { var sig; sig = {SinOsc.ar(ExpRand(300, 3000), 0, 0.02)}!50; sig = sig.sum; sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 0],[2, 2],[1, -1]), doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, sig!2); }).add; 1.wait; Synth(\synctest0003); }).play(AppClock); ) ( Routine({ SynthDef(\synctest0004, { var sig; sig = {SinOsc.ar(ExpRand(300, 3000), 0, 0.02)}!50; sig = sig.sum; sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 0],[2, 2],[1, -1]), doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, sig!2); }).add; s.sync; Synth(\synctest0004); }).play(AppClock); ) ( s.waitForBoot({ SynthDef(\synctest0005, { var sig; sig = {SinOsc.ar(ExpRand(300, 3000), 0, 0.02)}!50; sig = sig.sum; sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 0],[2, 2],[1, -1]), doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, sig!2); }).add; s.sync; Synth(\synctest0005); }); ) ( s.waitForBoot({ ~win = Window.new.front; SynthDef(\synctest0005, { var sig; sig = {SinOsc.ar(ExpRand(300, 3000), 0, 0.02)}!50; sig = sig.sum; sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 0],[2, 2],[1, -1]), doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, sig!2); }).add; s.sync; Synth(\synctest0005); }); ) */ // favorite // start up (final edition) s.quit; ( // 1. server config s = Server.local; s.options.outDevice_("Scarlett 18i20 USB"); s.options.numOutputBusChannels_(2); s.options.inDevice_("Scarlett 18i20 USB"); s.options.sampleRate_(44100); s.options.memSize_(2.pow(20)); s.newBusAllocators; ServerBoot.removeAll; ServerTree.removeAll; ServerQuit.removeAll; // 2. initialize global variables ~out = 0; ~path = PathName(thisProcess.nowExecutingPath).parentPath++"buffers/"; // 3. define piece-specific functions ~makeBuffers = { b = Dictionary.new; PathName(~path).entries.do{ arg subfolder; b.add( subfolder.folderName.asSymbol -> Array.fill( subfolder.entries.size, { arg i; Buffer.read(s, subfolder.entries[i].fullPath); } ) ); }; }; ~makeBusses = { ~bus = Dictionary.new; ~bus.add(\reverb -> Bus.audio(s, 2)); }; ~cleanUp = { s.newBusAllocators; ServerBoot.removeAll; ServerTree.removeAll; ServerQuit.removeAll; }; ~makeNodes = { s.bind({ ~mainGrp = Group.new; ~reverbGrp = Group.after(~mainGrp); ~reverbSynth = Synth.new( \reverb, [ \amp, 1, \predeley, 0.1, \revtime, 1.8, \lpf, 4500, \mix, 0.35, \in, ~bus[\reverb], \out, ~out, ], ~reverbGrp ); }); }; ~makeEvents = { MIDIIn.connectAll; e = Dictionary.new; e.add(\event1 -> { ~shakersustain = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfbuf, \dur, Pwhite(0.2, 0.7), \atk, Pexprand(2, 4), \rel, Pexprand(3, 5), \buf, b[\shakers][13].bufnum, \rate, Pwhite(-7.0, -4.0).midiratio, \spos, Pwhite(0, b[\shakers][13].numFrames/2), \amp, Pexprand(0.17, 0.25), \freq, {rrand(85.0, 105.0).midicps}!3, \rq, 0.005, \bpfmix, 0.97, \group, ~mainGrp, \out, ~bus[\reverb], ).play; ~drone = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, 1, \freq, 26.midicps, \detunes, Pwhite(0.03, 0.2), \rqmin, 0.08, \rqmax, 0.12, \cfmin, 50, \cfmax, 400, \atk, 2, \sus, 0.1, \rel, 2, \amp, 0.5, \group, ~mainGrp, \out, ~bus[\reverb], ).play; }); e.add(\event2 -> { Routine({ ~bellCloud = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfbuf, \dur, Pexprand(0.2, 2), \atk, Pexprand(0.5, 2), \rel, Pexprand(2, 6), \buf, b[\deskBells][0], \rate, Pwhite(-7.5, -5.5).midiratio, \spos, Pwhite(5000, 80000), \amp, Pexprand(2, 5), \bpfmix, 0, \group, ~mainGrp, \out, ~bus[\reverb], ).play; ~bubbles = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Pwhite(0.1, 0.5), \freq, Pexprand(1, 25), \detune, Pwhite(0.03, 0.2, inf), \rqmin, 0.1, \rqwmax, 0.5, \cfmin, 0.1, \cfmax, 2000, \atk, 2, \sus, 0, \rel, Pexprand(3, 8), \pan, Pwhite(-0.9, 0.9), \amp, Pexprand(0.05, 0.1), \group, ~mainGrp, \out, ~bus[\reverb], ).play; 4.wait; ~shakersustain.stop; ~drone.stop; }).play(AppClock); }); e.add(\event3 -> { ~bellCloud.stop; ~bubbles.stop; ~bellTone = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfbuf, \dur, Pexprand(0.5, 3), \atk, 2, \rel, 2, \buf, b[\deskBells][11], \rate, Pwhite(-0.08, 0.08).midiratio, \spos, Pwhite(5000, 20000), \amp, Pexprand(2, 3.5), \bpfmix, 0, \group, ~mainGrp, \out, ~bus[\reverb], ).play; ~simpleMarimba = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Prand([0.5, 1, 2, 3], inf), \freq, Prand([1/2, 3/4, 1, 3/2, 2], inf), \detune, Pwhite(0, 0.002), \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, Prand([61, 71, 78, 85, 95].midicps, inf), \cfmax, Pkey(\cfmin) * Pwhite(1.008, 1.025, inf), \atk, 3, \sus, 1, \rel, 5, \amp, 1, \group, ~mainGrp, \out, ~bus[\reverb], ).play; }); e.add(\event4 -> { ~bellTone.stop; ~simpleMarimba.stop; ~marimba = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Prand([1, 0.5], inf), \freq, Prand([1/2, 2/3, 1, 4/3, 2, 5/2, 3, 4, 6, 8], inf), \detune, Pwhite(0, 0.1, inf), // detune \rqmin, 0.005, \rqmax, 0.008, \cfmin, Prand((Scale.major.degrees+64).midicps, inf) * Prand([0.5, 1, 2, 4], inf), \cfmax, Pkey(\cfmin) * Pwhite(1.008, 1.025, inf), \atk, 3, \sus, 1, \rel, 5, \amp, 1, \group, ~mainGrp, \out, ~bus[\reverb], ).play; ~chords = Pbind( \instrument, \bpfsaw, \dur, Pwhite(4, 5, 7, 0, inf), \midinote, Pxrand([ [23, 35, 54, 63, 64], [45, 52, 54, 59, 61, 64], [28, 40, 47, 56, 59, 63], [42, 52, 57, 61, 63] ], inf), \detune, Pexprand(0.05, 0.2, inf), \cfmin, 100, \cfmax, 1500, \atk, Pwhite(2.0, 2.5, inf), \rel, Pwhite(6.5, 10.0, inf), \ldb, 6, \amp, 0.2, \group, ~mainGrp, \out, ~bus[\reverb], ).play; }); e.add(\event5 -> { ~marimba.stop; ~chords.stop; }); e.add(\oneshot1 -> { 12.do{ Synth( \bpfsaw, [ \atk, exprand(0.5, 1.5), \rel, exprand(2.0, 8.0), \c1, exprand(4, 10.0), \c2, exprand(2.0, 5).neg, \freq, exprand(8, 60), \detune, rrand(0.1, 4), \cfmin, 30, \cfmax, 400, \rqmin, 0.02, \rqmax, 0.08, \amp, exprand(0.5, 0.9), \pan, rrand(-0.5, 0.5), \out, ~bus[\reverb], ], ~mainGrp ); }; }); e.add(\oneshot2 -> { 15.do{ Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \atk, rrand(0.2, 3.0), \sus, rrand(0.2, 2.0), \rel, exprand(1.0, 6.0), \c1, exprand(1, 8), \c2, exprand(-8, -1), \buf, b[\shakers][13].bufnum, \rate, exprand(0.4, 2.0), \bpfmix, 0, \amp, exprand(0.2, 0.5), \spos, rrand(0, 100000), \out, ~bus[\reverb], ], ~mainGrp ); }; }); e.add(\oneshot3 -> { // favorite 15.do{ Synth( \bpfbuf, [ \atk, rrand(0.1, 2.0), \sus, rrand(2.5, 6.0), \rel, exprand(1.0, 5.0), \c1, exprand(1, 8), \c2, exprand(-8, -1), \buf, b[\shakers][13].bufnum, \rate, exprand(0.3, 1.2), \freq, (Scale.major.degrees.choose+64 + [-12, 0, 12, 24].choose).midicps, \rq, exprand(0.002, 0.02), \bpfmix, 1, \amp, exprand(0.2, 1.5), \spos, rrand(0, 100000), \out, ~bus[\reverb], ], ~mainGrp ); }; }); MIDIdef.cc(\controller, { arg val, num; // [val, num].postln; case {num==32 && val==127} {e[\event1].value;"event1".postln;} {num==33 && val==127} {e[\event2].value;"event2".postln;} {num==34 && val==127} {e[\event3].value;"event3".postln;} {num==35 && val==127} {e[\event4].value;"event4".postln;} {num==36 && val==127} {e[\event5].value;"event5".postln;} {num==48 && val==127} {e[\oneshot1].value;"oneshot1".postln;} {num==49 && val==127} {e[\oneshot2].value;"oneshot2".postln;} {num==50 && val==127} {e[\oneshot3].value;"oneshot3".postln;} {true} {nil}; }); // MIDIdef.noteOn(\noteon, {nil}); }; // 4. register functions width server boot/quit/tree ServerBoot.add(~makeBuffers); ServerBoot.add(~makeBusses); ServerQuit.add(~cleanUp); // 5. boot server s.waitForBoot({ s.sync; // 6a. synth defs SynthDef(\bpfsaw, { arg atk=2, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), freq=500, detune=0.2, pan=0, cfhzmin=0.1, cfhzmax=0.3, cfmin=500, cfmax=2000, rqmin=0.1, rqmax=0.2, lsf=200, ldb=0, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = Saw.ar(freq * {LFNoise1.kr(0.5, detune).midiratio}!2); sig = BPF.ar( sig, {LFNoise1.kr( LFNoise1.kr(4).exprange(cfhzmin, cfhzmax) ).exprange(cfmin, cfmax)}!2, {LFNoise1.kr(0.1).exprange(rqmin, rqmax)}!2 ); sig = BLowShelf.ar(sig, lsf, 0.5, ldb); sig =Balance2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], pan); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; SynthDef(\bpfbuf, { arg atk=0, sus=0, rel=3, c1=1, c2=(-1), buf=0, rate=1, spos=0, freq=440, rq=1, bpfmix=0, pan=0, amp=1, out=0; var sig, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [atk, sus, rel], [c1, 0, c2]), doneAction:2); sig = PlayBuf.ar(1, buf, rate*BufRateScale.ir(buf), startPos:spos); sig = XFade2.ar(sig, BPF.ar(sig, freq, rq, 1/rq.sqrt), bpfmix*2-1); sig = sig * env; sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan, amp); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; SynthDef(\reverb, { arg in, predelay=0.1, revtime=1.8, lpf=4500, mix=0.15, amp=1, out=0; var dry, wet, temp, sig; dry = In.ar(in, 2); temp = In.ar(in, 2); wet = 0; temp= DelayN.ar(temp, 0.2, predelay); 16.do{ temp = AllpassN.ar(temp, 0.05, {Rand(0.001, 0.05)}!2, revtime); temp = LPF.ar(temp, lpf); wet = wet + temp; }; sig = XFade2.ar(dry, wet, mix*2-1, amp); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; s.sync; // 6b. register remaining functions ServerTree.add(~makeNodes); ServerTree.add(~makeEvents); s.freeAll; s.sync; "done".postln; }); ) e[\event4].value; e[\oneshot2].value; e[\oneshot3].value; e[\event5].value; // MIDI MIDIClient.init; /* Audio MIDI Setup > Window menu > Show MIDI Studio > IAC Driver double click > Device is Online checked > MIDIClient.init; // reload */ MIDIClient.init; MIDIClient.destinations; // DAW's MIDI Ch.1 == SuperCollider Ch.0 m = MIDIOut.new(0); m.latency; m.latency = 0; m.noteOn(0, 60, 30); m.noteOff(0, 60); ( [35, 49, 56, 63, 66, 73].do{ arg nn; m.noteOn(0, nn, 25); }; ) ( [35, 49, 56, 63, 66, 73].do{ arg nn; m.noteOff(0, nn); }; ) ( Routine({ [35, 49, 56, 63, 66, 73].do{ arg nn; m.noteOn(0, nn, 25); 0.5.wait; }; }).play; ) ( Routine({ [35, 49, 56, 63, 66, 73].reverse.do{ arg nn; m.noteOff(0, nn, 25); 0.5.wait; }; }).play; ) ( Routine({ [35, 49, 56, 63, 66, 73].do{ arg nn; m.noteOn(0, nn, 25); 0.1.wait; m.noteOff(0, nn, 25); 0.2.wait; }; }).play; ) ( r = Routine({ { [35, 49, 56, 63, 66, 73].do{ arg nn; m.noteOn(0, nn, 25); 0.1.wait; m.noteOff(0, nn, 25); 0.2.wait; }; }.loop; }).play; ) r.stop; m.allNotesOff(0); // does not work m.noteOn(0, rrand(30, 90), 30); // https://www.midi.org/specifications-old/item/table-3-control-change-messages-data-bytes-2 m.control(0, 7, 127); CmdPeriod.add({(0..127).do{arg n; m.noteOff(0, n)}}); // DAW: control change assign m.noteOn(0, rrand(30, 90), 30); m.control(0, 20, rrand(0, 100)); ( r = Routine({ { [30, 40, 30, 45].do{ var note; note = rrand(28, 40); m.noteOn(0, note, 60); (30, 40..100).scramble.do{ arg val; m.control(0, 20, val.postln); 0.15.wait; }; m.noteOff(0, note); }; }.loop; }).play; ) r.stop; s.boot; ( SynthDef.new(\basic, { arg freq=440; var sig; sig = SinOsc.ar(freq)!2; sig = sig * XLine.kr(0.2, 0.01, 0.3, doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) // favorite ( p = Pbind( \type, \note, \instrument, \basic, \dur, 0.15, \midinote, Pseq([50, 55, 57, 60, 67], inf), ).play; ) p.stop; ( ~prophet1 = Pbind( \type, \midi, \midicmd, \noteOn, \midiout, m, \chan, 0, \mininote, Pwrand([62, 74, 86, 98],[0.1, 0.8, 0.08, 0.2], inf), \amp, Pexprand(5, 100, inf)/127, \sustain, 0.02, \dur, 0.15, ).play; ) ~prophet1.stop; ( ~prophet1 = Pbind( \type, \midi, \midicmd, \noteOn, \midiout, m, \chan, 0, \midinote, Pwrand([62, 74, 86, 98],[0.1, 0.8, 0.08, 0.2], inf), /* \midinote, Pwrand([62, 74, 86, 98],[0.1, 0.8, 0.08, 0.2], inf)-2, \midinote, Pwrand([62, 74, 86, 98],[0.1, 0.8, 0.08, 0.2], inf)+5, */ \amp, Pexprand(5, 100, inf)/127, \sustain, 0.02, \dur, 1/16, \stretch, 4*60/108 ).play(quant:4*60/108); ~prophet5 = Pbind( \type, \midi, \midicmd, \noteOn, \midiout, m, \chan, 1, \midinote, Pxrand([ [38, 50, 72, 77, 81], [43, 55, 70, 77, 79], [46, 58, 69, 74, 77, 84], ], inf), \amp, Pwhite(15, 30, inf), \sustain, Pexprand(4, 8, inf), \dur, Prand([4, 6, 8], inf), \stretch, 4*60/108 ).play(quant:4*60/108); ) ( ~prophet1_cc20 = Pbind( \type, \midi, \midicmd, \control, \midiout, m, \chan, 0, \ctlNum, 20, \control, Pexprand(32, 127, inf).round, \dur, 1/16, \stretch, 4*60/108 ).play; ) ~prophet1_cc20.stop; m.control(0, 20, 80); ~prophet5.stop; ~prophet1.stop; m.noteOn(0, 58, 60); m.noteOff(0, 58, 60); Pdef(\prophet1_cc20).stop; Pdef(\prophet5).stop; Pdef(\prophet1).stop; // arduino // value = analogRead(0); // Serial.print(value); // Serial.print('a'); // detay(1); SerialPort.devices; ~port = SerialPort.new("/dev/tty.usbmidem1421", 115200); 30.do{~port.read.postln}; 91.asAscii; ( x = [ ]; 30.do{x = x.add(~port.read)}; ) x.collect(_.asAscii); ~port.close; ( x = [ ]; 30.do{x = x.add(~port.read)}; x.collect(_.asAscii); ) x.collect(_.close); // success ( ~charArray = [ ]; ~getValues = Routine.new({ var ascii; { ascii = ~port.read.asAscii; if(ascii.isDigit, {~charArray = ~charArray.add(ascii)}); if(ascii == $a, { ~val = ~charArray.collect(_.digit).converDigits; ~charArray = [ ]; }); }.loop; }).play; ) ~getValues.stop; $a.isAlpha; $4.isAlpha; [$4, $6, $1]; [$4, $6, $1].collect(_.digit).convertDigits; ( r = Routine.new({ { rrand(0, 9).postln; // 0.25.wait; } }).play; ) ~r.stop; // read, next SerialPort.devices; ~port = SerialPort.new("/dev/tty.usbmidem1421", 115200); ( ~charArray = [ ]; ~getValues = Routine.new({ var ascii; { ascii = ~port.read.asAscii; if(ascii.isDigit, {~charArray = ~charArray.add(ascii)}); if(ascii == $a, { ~val = ~charArray.collect(_.digit).converDigits; ~charArray = [ ]; }); }.loop; }).play; ) // lag ( SynthDef.new(\saw, { arg cutoff=1000; var sig; sig = Saw.ar([50, 51]); sig = RLPF.ar(sig, cutoff.lag(0.02), 0.25, 0.2); Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; ) ~synth = Synth(\saw, [\cutoff, 200]); ~synth.set(\cutoff, 400); ~synth.set(\cutoff, 600); ~synth.set(\cutoff, 800); ~synth.set(\cutoff, 1000); ~synth.set(\cutoff, 2000); ~synth.free; ( ~control = Routine.new({ { ~synth.set(\cutoff, ~val.linexp(0, 1023, 80, 4000)); 0.01.wait; }.loop; }).play; ) ~control.stop; ~synth.free; // microphones and sound in s.boot; s.plotTree; s.meter; x = {SoundIn.ar(0)}.play; x.free; x = {SoundIn.ar([0!2])}.play; x.free; ( x = { var sig, rmod; sig = SoundIn.ar(0!2); rmod = sig * SinOsc.ar(700); (sig + rmod) * 0.5; }.play; ) x.free; ( x = { var sig; sig = In.ar(2!2); Out.ar(0, sig); }.play; ) x.free; ( x = { var sig; sig = In.ar(2!2); // regular input is bus 2 Out.ar(0, sig); }.play; ) x.free; // same ( x = { var sig; sig = In.ar(2!2); }.play; ) x.free; // 8 out 8 in ( s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 8; s.options.numInputBusChannels = 8; s.reboot; ) ( x = { var sig; sig = In.ar(8!2); }.play; ) x.free; // sound in ServerOptions.devices; ( s.options.inDevice = "Scarlett 18i20 USB"; s.options.outDevice = "Scarlett 18i20 USB"; ) ( s.options.device = "Scarlett 18i20 USB"; s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 2; s.options.numInputBusChannels = 2; s.reboot; ) s.meter; s.plotTree; ( SynthDef.new(\mic, { arg in=0, out=0, amp=1; var sig; sig = SoundIn.ar(in!2) * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( SynthDef.new(\mic, { arg in=0, out=0, deltime=0.3, mix=(-0.5), amp=1; var sig, delay; sig = SoundIn.ar(in!2) * amp; delay = DelayL.ar(sig, 0.5, deltime); sig = XFade2.ar(sig, delay, mix); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( SynthDef.new(\mic, { arg in=0, out=0, deltime=0.3, mix=(-0.5), decay=3, amp=1; var sig, delay; sig = SoundIn.ar(in!2) * amp; delay = CombL.ar(sig, 0.5, deltime, decay); sig = XFade2.ar(sig, delay, mix); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) // favorite ( SynthDef.new(\mic, { arg in=0, out=0, mix=(-0.5), decay=3, amp=1; var sig, delay; sig = SoundIn.ar(in!2) * amp; delay = CombL.ar(sig, 0.5, SinOsc.kr(0.3).exprange(0.1, 0.4), decay); sig = XFade2.ar(sig, delay, mix); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) // stereophonic ( SynthDef.new(\mic, { arg in=0, out=0, mix=(-0.5), decay=3, amp=1; var sig, delay; sig = SoundIn.ar(in!2) * amp; delay = CombL.ar(sig, 0.5, SinOsc.kr([0.32, 0.3]).exprange(0.1, 0.4), decay); sig = XFade2.ar(sig, delay, mix); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) x = Synth(\mic); x.free; // bus ( SynthDef.new(\mic, { arg in=0, out=0, amp=1; var sig; sig = SoundIn.ar(in!2) * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; SynthDef.new(\delay, { arg in=0, out=0, mix=(-0.5), decay=3, amp=1, delHz=0.25, delMin=0.1, delMax=0.4; var sig, delay; sig = In.ar(in!2); delay = CombL.ar( sig, 0.5, SinOsc.kr([delHz, delHz*0.9]).exprange(0.1, 0.4), decay ); sig = XFade2.ar(sig, delay, mix); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ~delBus = Bus.audio(s, 2); ( ~minGrp = Group.new; ~delGrp = Group.after(~minGrp); ~micSynth = Synth(\mic, [\in, 0, \out, ~delBus], ~minGrp); ~delSynth = Synth(\delay, [\in, ~delBus, \out, 0], ~delGrp); ) // reberb = swirling, pitch-shifting effect, or something? ( ~micGrp = Group.new; ~delGrp = Group.after(~micGrp); ~micSynthDirect = Synth(\mic, [\in, 0, \out, 0], ~micGrp); ~micSynthEffect = Synth(\mic, [\in, 0, \out, ~delBus], ~micGrp); 6.do({ Synth(\delay, [ \in, ~delBus, \out, 0, \mix, 1, \amp, 1/6, \delHz, exprand(0.02, 0.08), \delMin, exprand(0.05, 0.1), \delMax, exprand(0.101, 0.2), \decay, rrand(3.0, 6.0), ], ~delGrp); }); ) ServerOptions.devices; ( s.options.device = "Scarlett 18i20 USB"; s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 2; s.options.numInputBusChannels = 2; s.options.memSize = 2.pow(20); // 1 giga byte s.reboot; ) s.meter; s.plotTree; ( ~micGrp = Group.new; ~delGrp = Group.after(~micGrp); ~micSynthDirect = Synth(\mic, [\in, 0, \out, 0], ~micGrp); ~micSynthEffect = Synth(\mic, [\in, 0, \out, ~delBus], ~micGrp); 20.do({ Synth(\delay, [ \in, ~delBus, \out, 0, \mix, 1, \amp, 1/20, \delHz, exprand(0.02, 0.08), \delMin, exprand(0.05, 0.1), \delMax, exprand(0.101, 0.2), \decay, rrand(3.0, 6.0), ], ~delGrp); }); ) s.freeAll; // FM Synthesis I s.boot; s.meter; s.plotTree; s.scope; FreqScope.new; {SinOsc.ar(500) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(1)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(1, mul:20)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(1, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(2, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(4, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(8, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(1, 2000, 1,).poll, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(MouseY.kr(200, 5000, 1).poll + SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(1, 2000, 1).poll, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(MouseY.kr(200, 5000, 1).poll + SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(1, 2000, 1).poll, mul:LFNoise0.kr(8).range(20, 10000))) * 0.2!2}.play; ( SynthDef.new(\fm, { arg carHz=500, modHz=100, modAmp=200, atk=0.01, rel=1, amp=0.2, pan=0; var car, mod, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(atk, rel), doneAction:2); mod = SinOsc.ar(modHz, mul:modAmp); car = SinOsc.ar(carHz + mod) * env * amp!2; car = Pan2.ar(car, pan); Out.ar(0, car); }).add; ) Synth(\fm, [\pan, 0, \amp, 0.3, \carHz, 200, \modHz, 200]); ( Synth(\fm, [ \carHz, exprand(20, 10000), \modHz, exprand(20, 10000), \modAmp, rrand(0, 10000), \amp, exprand(0.1, 0.5), \atk, exprand(0.001, 0.05), \rel, exprand(0.05, 1.2), \pan, rrand(-1.0, 1.0), ]); ) ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \fm, \dur, 1/8, \carHz, exprand(20, 10000), \modHz, exprand(20, 10000), \modAmp, rrand(0, 10000), \amp, exprand(0.1, 0.5), \atk, exprand(0.001, 0.05), \rel, exprand(0.05, 1.2), \pan, rrand(-1.0, 1.0), ).play; ) ( p = Pbind( \instrument, \fm, \dur, 1/8, \carHz, Pexprand(20, 10000), \modHz, Pexprand(20, 10000), \modAmp, Pwhite(0, 10000), \amp, Pexprand(0.1, 0.5), \atk, Pexprand(0.001, 0.05), \rel, Pexprand(0.05, 1.2), \pan, Pwhite(-1.0, 1.0), ).play; ) p.stop; // FM Synthesis II s.boot; s.plotTree; s.meter; s.scope; FreqScope.new; {SinOsc.ar(800 + SinOsc.ar(200, mul:0)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(800 + SinOsc.ar(200, mul:MouseY.kr(0, 400).poll)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(800 + SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(200, 1200).poll, mul:MouseY.kr(0, 400).poll)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(800 + SinOsc.ar(200, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(800 + SinOsc.ar(300, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(800 + SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(200, 1200).poll, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(800 + SinOsc.ar(350, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(800, 3000, 1).poll + SinOsc.ar(350, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(1, 2000, 1).poll, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(100, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(250, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(2000, mul:400)) * 0.2!2}.play; ( SynthDef.new(\fm, { arg freq=500, mRatio=1, cRatio=1, modAmp=200, atk=0.01, rel=3, amp=0.2, pan=0; var car, mod, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(atk, rel), doneAction:2); mod = SinOsc.ar(freq * mRatio, mul:modAmp); car = SinOsc.ar(freq * cRatio + mod) * env * amp!2; car = Pan2.ar(car, pan); Out.ar(0, car); }).add; ) Synth(\fm); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 600]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 700]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 800]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 900]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 60.midicps]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 62.midicps]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 64.midicps]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 2]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 3]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 4]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 5]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 6]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 7]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 2.1]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 2.2]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 2.7]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 1]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 2]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 3]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 4]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 5]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 6]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 7]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 8]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 3.6]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 3.7]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 3.8]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 1, \mRatio, 3.9]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \cRatio, 5, \mRatio, 2]); // index = modAmp/modHz ( SynthDef.new(\fm, { arg freq=500, mRatio=1, cRatio=1, index=1, atk=0.01, rel=3, amp=0.2, pan=0; var car, mod, env; env = EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(atk, rel), doneAction:2); mod = SinOsc.ar(freq * mRatio, mul:freq * mRatio * index); car = SinOsc.ar(freq * cRatio + mod) * env * amp!2; car = Pan2.ar(car, pan); Out.ar(0, car); }).add; ) Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \index, 0]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \index, 1]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \index, 2]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \index, 3]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \index, 4]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \index, 5]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \index, 10]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \index, 20]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 66.midicps, \index, 30]); ( SynthDef.new(\fm, { arg freq=500, mRatio=1, cRatio=1, index=1, iScale=5, amp=0.2, atk=0.01, rel=3, cAtk=4, cRel=(-4), pan=0; var car, mod, env, iEnv; iEnv = EnvGen.kr( Env.new( [index, index * iScale, index], [atk, rel], [cAtk, cRel] ) ); env = EnvGen.kr( Env.perc(atk, rel, curve:[cAtk, cRel]), doneAction:2 ); mod = SinOsc.ar(freq * mRatio, mul:freq * mRatio * iEnv); car = SinOsc.ar(freq * cRatio + mod) * env * amp!2; car = Pan2.ar(car, pan); Out.ar(0, car); }).add; ) Synth(\fm, [\freq, 40.midicps]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 42.midicps]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 45.midicps]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 47.midicps]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 47.midicps, \rel, 1]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 47.midicps, \rel, 1, \iScale, 10]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 47.midicps, \rel, 1, \iScale, 10, \cRel, -8]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 47.midicps, \rel, 1, \iScale, 10, \cRel, -12]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 47.midicps, \rel, 1, \iScale, 10, \cRel, -16]); // slap bass Synth(\fm, [\freq, 35.midicps, \rel, 1, \iScale, 10, \cRel, -16]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 47.midicps, \rel, 1, \iScale, 10, \cRel, -16]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 47.midicps, \rel, 4, \index, 20, \iScale, 0.5]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 47.midicps, \rel, 4, \index, 20, \iScale, 0.25]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 47.midicps, \rel, 4, \index, 20, \iScale, 0.05]); // favorite Synth(\fm, [\freq, 38.midicps, \rel, 4, \index, 20, \iScale, 0.05]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 40.midicps, \rel, 4, \index, 20, \iScale, 0.05]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 35.midicps, \rel, 4, \index, 20, \iScale, 0.05]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 35.midicps, \rel, 4, \index, 20, \iScale, 0.05, \mRatio, 2]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 35.midicps, \rel, 4, \index, 20, \iScale, 0.05, \mRatio, 5]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 35.midicps, \rel, 4, \index, 20, \iScale, 0.05, \mRatio, 10]); Synth(\fm, [\freq, 35.midicps, \rel, 4, \index, 20, \iScale, 0.05, \mRatio, 0.5]); {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(4, mul:4*10)) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500, SinOsc.ar(4, mul:10)) * 0.2!2}.play; {PMOsc.ar(500, 4, 10) * 0.2!2}.play; // different {PMOsc.ar(500, 4, 50) * 0.2!2}.play; {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(4, mul:4*50)) * 0.2!2}.play; // PMOsc // shift + cmd + i // .mod(2pi) // Language > Recompile Class Library ( SynthDef.new(\fm, { arg freq=500, mRatio=1, cRatio=1, index=1, iScale=5, amp=0.2, atk=0.01, rel=3, cAtk=4, cRel=(-4), pan=0; var car, mod, env, iEnv; iEnv = EnvGen.kr( Env.new( [index, index * iScale, index], [atk, rel], [cAtk, cRel] ) ); env = EnvGen.kr( Env.perc(atk, rel, curve:[cAtk, cRel]), doneAction:2 ); mod = SinOsc.ar(freq * mRatio, mul:freq * mRatio * iEnv); car = SinOsc.ar(freq * cRatio + mod) * env * amp!2; car = Pan2.ar(car, pan); Out.ar(0, car); }).add; ) s.boot; s.plotTree; s.meter; s.scope; FreqScope.new; // perfectly! {SinOsc.ar(500 + SinOsc.ar(4, mul:4*50)) * 0.2!2}.play; {PMOsc.ar(500, 4, 50) * 0.2!2}.play; ( SynthDef.new(\fm, { arg freq=500, mRatio=1, cRatio=1, index=1, iScale=5, amp=0.2, atk=0.01, rel=3, cAtk=4, cRel=(-4), pan=0; var car, mod, env, iEnv, mod2; iEnv = EnvGen.kr( Env.new( [index, index * iScale, index], [atk, rel], [cAtk, cRel] ) ); env = EnvGen.kr( Env.perc(atk, rel, curve:[cAtk, cRel]), doneAction:2 ); mod2 = SinOsc.ar(freq/10, mul:freq/10 * iEnv); mod = SinOsc.ar(freq * mRatio + mod2, mul:freq * mRatio * iEnv); car = SinOsc.ar(freq * cRatio + mod) * env * amp!2; car = Pan2.ar(car, pan); Out.ar(0, car); }).add; ) Synth(\fm, [\rel, 3]); // Wavetable Synthesis I ( ~sig = Signal.sineFill(1024, [1], [0]); ~sig.plot; ~wt = ~sig.asWavetable; ~wt.plot("wavetable"); ) ( ~sig = Signal.sineFill(1024, [1], [0]); ~sig.plot("signal"); ~wt = ~sig.asWavetable; ~wt.collect({arg n; n}).plot("wavetable"); ) ~sig.size; ~wt.size; ( ~sig = Signal.sineFill(128, [1], [0]); ~sig.plot("signal"); ~wt = ~sig.asWavetable; ~wt.collect({arg n; n}).plot("wavetable"); ) s.boot; s.scope; FreqScope.new; b = Buffer.alloc(s, 2048); ( ~sig = Signal.sineFill(1024, [1], [0]); ~wt = ~sig.asWavetable; b.loadCollection(~wt); ) // favorite ( ~sig = Signal.sineFill(1024, [1], [0]); ~wt = ~sig.asWavetable; b.loadCollection(~sig); ) b.plot; {Osc.ar(b, MouseX.kr(100, 1000, 1), mul:0.2!2)}.play; ( ~sig = Signal.sineFill( 1024, [1, 1/4, 1/6, 1/2], [0] ); ~wt = ~sig.asWavetable; b.loadCollection(~wt); ) b.plot; ( ~amps = [1] ++ ({[0, exprand(0.05, 0.5)].choose}!31); ~sig = Signal.sineFill( 1024, ~amps, 0!32 ); ~wt = ~sig.asWavetable; b.loadCollection(~wt); ) ~sig.plot; {Osc.ar(b, MouseX.kr(100, 1000, 1), mul:0.2!2)}.play; {SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(100, 1000, 1) * (1..32), 0, ~amps*0.1).sum!2}.play; b.sine3([1], [1], [0], asWavetable:false).plot; b.sine3([1], [1], [0], asWavetable:true).plot; b.sine3([1], [1], [0], asWavetable:true); {Osc.ar(b, MouseX.kr(100, 1000, 1), mul:0.2!2)}.play; // favorite b.sine3([1.25], [1], [0], asWavetable:false).plot; b.sine3([1.25], [1], [0], asWavetable:true); {Osc.ar(b, MouseX.kr(100, 10000, 1), mul:0.2!2)}.play; // favorite b.sine3([1.50], [1,1], [0,0], asWavetable:true); {Osc.ar(b, MouseX.kr(100, 10000, 1), mul:0.2!2)}.play; ( b.sine3( ({exprand(0.75, 40)}!16).sort, ({exprand(0.05, 0.9)}!16).sort.reverse, {rrand(0, 2pi)}!16, asWavetable:false ).plot; ) ( b.sine3( ({exprand(0.75, 40)}!16).sort, ({exprand(0.05, 0.9)}!16).sort.reverse, {rrand(0, 2pi)}!16, asWavetable:true ); ) {Osc.ar(b, MouseX.kr(100, 10000, 1), mul:0.2!2)}.play; {Osc.ar(b, MouseX.kr(10, 10000, 1) * [1, 2.01], mul:0.2!2)}.play; // env b = Buffer.alloc(s, 2048); Env([0, 0.6, -0.9, 0.3, 0], [4, 3, 2, 1], \lin).plot; ( var env, sig, wt; env = Env([0, 0.6, -0.9, 0.3, 0], [4, 3, 2, 1], \lin); sig = env.asSignal(1024); wt = sig.asWavetable; b.loadCollection(wt); ) ( var env, sig, wt; env = Env([0, 0.6, -0.9, 0.3, 0], [4, 3, 2, 1], \sine); sig = env.asSignal(1024); wt = sig.asWavetable; b.loadCollection(wt); ) ( var env, sig, wt; env = Env([0, 0.6, -0.9, 0.3, 0], [4, 3, 2, 1], {rrand(-20, 20)}!4); sig = env.asSignal(1024); wt = sig.asWavetable; b.loadCollection(wt); ) ( var env, sig, wt, numSegs; numSegs = rrand(4, 20); env = Env( {rrand(-1.0, 1.0)}!(numSegs+1), {exprand(1, 20)}!numSegs, {rrand(-20, 20)}!numSegs ); sig = env.asSignal(1024); wt = sig.asWavetable; b.loadCollection(wt); ) [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] * [1, -1]; ({rrand(0.0, 1.0)}!10) * [1, -1]; (({rrand(0.0, 1.0)}!10) * [1, -1]).scramble; b.plot; {Osc.ar(b, MouseX.kr(10, 10000, 1) * [1, 2.01], mul:0.2!2)}.play; // favorite ( var env, sig, wt, numSegs; numSegs = rrand(4, 20); env = Env( (({rrand(0.0, 1.0)}!(numSegs+1)) * [1, -1]).scramble, {exprand(1, 20)}!numSegs, {rrand(-20, 20)}!numSegs ); sig = env.asSignal(1024); wt = sig.asWavetable; b.loadCollection(wt); ) sig = LeakDC.ar(sig); {Osc.ar(b, MouseX.kr(10, 10000, 1) * [1, 2.01], mul:0.2!2)}.play; ( var sig, wt; sig = Signal.newClear(1024); sig.waveFill({ arg x, old, i; sin(x); }, 0, 2pi); // wt = sig.asWavetable; // b.loadCollection(wt); sig.plot; ) ( var sig, wt; sig = Signal.newClear(1024); sig.waveFill({ arg x, old, i; sin(x.pow(1.5)); }, 0, 2pi); // wt = sig.asWavetable; // b.loadCollection(wt); sig.plot; ) ( var sig, wt; sig = Signal.newClear(1024); sig.waveFill({ arg x, old, i; var out; out = sin(x.pow(1.5)); out = out * 1.5; out = out.fold(-1, 1); out = out.cubed; }, 0, 2pi); // wt = sig.asWavetable; // b.loadCollection(wt); sig.plot; ) ( var sig, wt; sig = Signal.newClear(1024); sig.waveFill({ arg x, old, i; var out; out = sin(x.pow(1.5)); out = out * 1.5; out = out.fold(-1, 1); out = out.cubed; }, 0, 2pi); wt = sig.asWavetable; b.loadCollection(wt); // sig.plot; ) {Osc.ar(b, MouseX.kr(10, 10000, 1) * [1, 2.01], mul:0.2!2)}.play; // Signal.sineFill // b.sine1/2/3 // Env().asSignal // Signal.waveFill // example // http://sccode.org/1-5bF ( //cleanup Pdef.all.do(_.clear); Pbindef.all.do(_.clear); ~wt_buf.do(_.free); t.stop; ServerTree.remove(~add_reverb); //initialization s = Server.local; t = TempoClock.new(90/60).permanent_(true); s.newBusAllocators; ~rbus = Bus.audio(s,2); s.waitForBoot({ //10 wavetables with increasing complexity ~wt_sig = 10.collect({ arg i; //random number of envelope segments var numSegs = i.linexp(0,9,4,40).round; Env( //env always begins and ends with zero //inner points are random from -1.0 to 1.0 [0]++({1.0.rand}.dup(numSegs-1) * [1,-1]).scramble++[0], //greater segment duration variety in higher-index wavetables {exprand(1,i.linexp(0,9,1,50))}.dup(numSegs), //low-index wavetables tend to be sinusoidal //high index wavetables tend to have sharp angles and corners {[\sine,0,exprand(1,20) * [1,-1].choose].wchoose([9-i,3,i].normalizeSum)}.dup(numSegs) ).asSignal(1024); }); //load into 10 buffers in wavetable format ~wt_buf = Buffer.allocConsecutive(10, s, 2048, 1, { arg buf, index; buf.setnMsg(0, ~wt_sig[index].asWavetable); }); SynthDef(\osc, { arg buf=0, freq=200, detune=0.2, amp=0.2, pan=0, out=0, rout=0, rsend=(-20), atk=0.01, sus=1, rel=0.01, c0=1, c1=(-1); var sig, env, detuneCtrl; env = EnvGen.ar( Env([0,1,1,0],[atk,sus,rel],[c0,0,c1]), doneAction:2 ); //array of eight Oscs with uniquely detune frequencies //and unique initial phase offsets detuneCtrl = LFNoise1.kr(0.1!8).bipolar(detune).midiratio; sig = Osc.ar(buf, freq * detuneCtrl, {Rand(0,2pi)}!8); sig = Splay.ar(sig); //spread 8 signals over stereo field sig = LeakDC.ar(sig); //remove DC bias sig = Balance2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], pan, amp); //L/R balance (pan) sig = sig * env; Out.ar(out, sig); Out.ar(rout, sig * rsend.dbamp); //"post-fader" send to reverb }).add; SynthDef(\reverb, { arg in=0, out=0, dec=4, lpf=1500; var sig; sig = In.ar(in, 2).sum; sig = DelayN.ar(sig, 0.03, 0.03); sig = CombN.ar(sig, 0.1, {Rand(0.01,0.099)}!32, dec); sig = SplayAz.ar(2, sig); sig = LPF.ar(sig, lpf); 5.do{sig = AllpassN.ar(sig, 0.1, {Rand(0.01,0.099)}!2, 3)}; sig = LPF.ar(sig, lpf); sig = LeakDC.ar(sig); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; s.sync; //instantiate reverb and re-instantiate when cmd-period is pressed ~add_reverb = {Synth(\reverb, [\in, ~rbus])}; ServerTree.add(~add_reverb); s.freeAll; s.sync; //background pad using simple wavetables Pbindef(\pad, \instrument, \osc, \dur, Pwrand([1,4,6,9,12],[0.35,0.25,0.2,0.15,0.05],inf), \atk, Pexprand(3,6), \sus, 0, \rel, Pexprand(5,10), \c0, Pexprand(1,2), \c1, Pexprand(1,2).neg, \detune, Pfunc({rrand(0.15,0.4)}!3), \buf, Prand(~wt_buf[0..3], inf), \scale, Scale.minorPentatonic, \degree, Pfunc({ (-12,-10..12).scramble[0..rrand(1,3)] }), \amp, Pexprand(0.05,0.07), \pan, Pwhite(-0.4,0.4), \out, 0, \rout, ~rbus, \rsend, -10, ).play; //arpeggiated bass pulse using mid/high complexity wavetables Pbindef(\pulse, \instrument, \osc, \dur, Pseq([ Pstutter(24,Pseq([1/4],1)), Prand([1,2,4,6,12],1) ],inf), \atk, 0.001, \sus, 0, \rel, Pexprand(0.4,1), \c0, 0, \c1, Pwhite(5,10).neg, \detune, 0.3, \buf, Prand(~wt_buf[4..9], inf), \scale, Scale.minorPentatonic, \degree, Pseq([Prand([-15,-10,-5],24), Pseq([\],1)],inf) + Pstutter(25,Pwrand([0,2,-1],[0.78,0.1,0.12],inf)), \amp, Pseq([Pgeom(0.45,-1.dbamp,25)],inf), \pan, Pwhite(0.01,0.3) * Pseq([1,-1],inf), \out, 0, \rout, ~rbus, \rsend, -10, ).play(t, quant:1); //minimal melody using simple wavetables Pbindef(\melody, \instrument, \osc, \dur, Prand([ Pseq([Prand([12,16,20]),2,1.5,0.5],1), Pseq([Prand([12,16,20]),1.5,1,1.5],1), ],inf), \atk, 0.01, \sus, 0.3, \rel, 1.5, \c0, -2, \c1, -2, \detune, Pexprand(0.18,0.25), \buf, Pwrand([ Pseq([~wt_buf[0]],4), Pseq([~wt_buf[1]],4), Pseq([~wt_buf[2]],4), ],[9,3,1].normalizeSum,inf), \midinote, Pxrand([ Pseq([\,67,60,Prand([58,70,\])],1), Pseq([\,67,58,Prand([57,63,\])],1), Pseq([\,70,72,Prand([65,79,\])],1) ],inf), \amp, Pseq([0,0.18,0.24,0.28],inf), \out, 0, \rout, ~rbus, \rsend, -6, ).play(t, quant:1); //infinite sequence of various finite rhythmic patterns //all very short envelopes Pdef(\rhythms, Pwrand([ Pbind( \instrument, \osc, \dur,Pseq([1/8],4), \freq, Pstutter(4, Prand([ Pexprand(10000,20000,1), Pexprand(100,200,1), Pexprand(1,2,1) ],inf)), \detune, 100, \buf, Pstutter(4, Prand(~wt_buf[5..9],inf)), \atk, 0, \sus, 0, \rel, Pstutter(2, Pexprand(0.01,0.06)), \c1, exprand(8,20).neg, \amp, Pgeom(0.9, -6.dbamp, 4) * Pstutter(4,Pexprand(0.3,1)), \pan, Pwhite(-0.6,0.6), \out, 0, \rout, ~rbus, \rsend, Pwhite(-30,-15), ), Pbind( \instrument, \osc, \dur, Pseq([1/4],2), \freq, Pstutter(2, Pexprand(1,200)), \detune, Pstutter(2, Pexprand(1,100)), \buf, Pstutter(2, Prand(~wt_buf[8..9],inf)), \atk, 0, \sus, 0, \rel, Pstutter(2, Pexprand(0.01,0.2)), \c1, -10, \amp, Pgeom(0.4, -3.dbamp, 2) * Pexprand(0.4,1), \out, 0, \rout, ~rbus, \rsend, Pwhite(-30,-15), ), Pbind( \instrument, \osc, \dur, Pseq([1/2,1/4,1/4],1), \freq, Pstutter(6, Pexprand(1000,2000)), \detune, 100, \buf, Pstutter(6, Prand(~wt_buf[2..5],inf)), \atk, 0, \sus, Pseq([1/3,0,0],1), \rel, Pseq([0,Pexprand(0.01,0.3,2)],1), \c1, -12, \amp, Pseq([0.1,0.5,0.3],1), \out, 0, \rout, ~rbus, \rsend, Pwhite(-30,-18), ), Pbind( \instrument, \osc, \dur, Pseq([1/4,1/2,1/4],1), \freq, Pstutter(6, Pexprand(1000,2000)), \detune, 100, \buf, Pstutter(6, Prand(~wt_buf[2..5],inf)), \atk, 0, \sus, Pseq([0,1/3,0],1), \rel, Pseq([Pexprand(0.01,0.3,1),0,Pexprand(0.01,0.3,1)],1), \c1, -12, \amp, Pseq([0.5,0.1,0.4],1), \out, 0, \rout, ~rbus, \rsend, Pwhite(-30,-18), ), Pbind( \instrument, \osc, \dur, Pseq([1/6],6), \freq, Pstutter(6, Pexprand(1,200)), \detune, Pstutter(6, Pexprand(1,100)), \buf, Pstutter(6, Prand(~wt_buf[8..9],inf)), \atk, 0, \sus, 0, \rel, Pstutter(6, Pexprand(0.01,0.1)), \c1, -10, \amp, Pgeom(0.7, -4.dbamp, 6) * Pexprand(0.4,1), \out, 0, \rout, ~rbus, \rsend, Pwhite(-30,-18), ), Pbind( \instrument, \osc, \dur, Prand([ Pseq([1/2],2), Pseq([1],2), Pseq([1,1/2,1/2],1), Pseq([2],1), ],1), \freq, Pstutter(2, Pexprand(1,200)), \detune, Pstutter(2, Pexprand(1,100)), \buf, Pstutter(2, Prand(~wt_buf[8..9],inf)), \atk, 0, \sus, 0, \rel, Pstutter(2, Pexprand(0.01,0.2)), \c1, -10, \amp, 0.5, \out, 0, \rout, ~rbus, \rsend, Pwhite(-20,-10), ), Pbind( \instrument, \osc, \dur, Prand([ Pseq([1/16],16), Pseq([1/16],8) ],1), \freq, Pstutter(16,Pexprand(1000,20000,inf)), \detune, 0, \buf, Pstutter(16, Prand(~wt_buf[0..9],inf)), \atk, 0, \sus, 0, \rel, Pexprand(0.02,0.04), \c1, -4, \amp, 0.13, \pan, Pseq([1,-1],inf), \out, 0, \rout, ~rbus, \rsend, -30, ) ], [40,18,3,3,15,25,5].normalizeSum, inf) ).play(t,quant:1); }); ) //view wavetables ~wt_sig.reverseDo(_.plot); ( //can stop individually or all at once Pdef(\rhythms).stop; Pbindef(\melody).stop; Pbindef(\pad).stop; Pbindef(\pulse).stop; ) // granular sysnthesis I s.boot; ( s.meter; s.plotTree; s.scope; ) b = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sample.aif"); b.play; Signal.hanningWindow(1024).plot; ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 1, Impulse.ar(10), 0.09, b, 1, 0.5, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) b = Buffer.read(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sample_stereo.aif"); b.play; b.numChannels; b.free; // no sound output ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(10), 0.09, b, 1, 0.5, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) b = Buffer.readChannel(s, "/Users/igram/Desktop/sample_stereo.aif", channels:[0]); b.play; b.duration/5; ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(MouseX.kr(1,200,1).poll), 0.09, b, 1, 0.5, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(MouseX.kr(1,200,1).poll), 0.09, b, 1, 0.5, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(2.2), 2, b, 1, 0.5, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 1, Impulse.ar([60,60.5]), 0.02, b, 1, 0.23, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 1, Impulse.ar([60,60.5]), MouseX.kr(0.0002,0.1,1).poll, b, 1, 0.23, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 1, Impulse.ar([60,60.5]), LFNoise1.kr(0.3!12).exprange(0.002,0.1), b, 1, 0.23, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 1, Dust.ar(20!2), LFNoise1.kr(0.3!12).exprange(0.002,0.1), b, 1, 0.23, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(10), 0.09, b, 1, LFNoise1.ar(500).range(0.1), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) // favorite ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(10), 0.09, b, 1, LFNoise1.ar(0.1).range(0.1), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) // favorite ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(40), 0.5, b, 1, LFNoise1.ar(0.1).range(0.1), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(40), 0.01, b, 1, LFNoise1.ar(500).range(0.1), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) // favorite ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 0.01, b, 1, Line.ar(0, 1 ,BufDur.ir(b), doneAction:2), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 0.001, b, 1, Line.ar(0, 1, BufDur.ir(b), doneAction:2), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, Line.ar(0, 1, BufDur.ir(b), doneAction:2), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, ( Line.ar(0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1, BufDur.ir(b), doneAction:2) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, ( Line.ar(0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1, BufDur.ir(b), doneAction:2) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.5 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, ( Line.ar(0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1, BufDur.ir(b) * 4, doneAction:2) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) // favorite ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, ( Line.ar(BufSamples.ir(b)-1, 0, BufDur.ir(b) * 4, doneAction:2) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, ( LFSaw.ar(1/BufDur.ir(b)).range(0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, ( LFSaw.ar(1/BufDur.ir(b), 1).range(0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, ( LFSaw.ar(2/BufDur.ir(b), 1).range(0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, ( Sweep.ar(Impulse.ar(1/BufDur.ir(b)), 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b)) * SampleRate.ir + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 1, ( Phasor.ar(0, 0.1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 2, ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(40), 1/20, b, 0.5, ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.5; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(100), 0.2, b, 0.7, ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(100), 0.2, b, -4.midiratio, ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(100), 0.2, b, 30.midiratio, ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(100), 0.2, b, 0.8, ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.0 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) FreqScope.new; // favorite ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(100), 0.2, b, MouseX.kr(0.5, 2, 1).poll, // 0 is linear, 1 is exponential ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.0 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) {LFSaw.ar(10)}.plot(0.2); {LFSaw.ar(10, 1)}.plot(0.2); ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(100), 0.2, b, MouseX.kr(0.5, 2, 1).poll, // 0 is linear, 1 is exponential ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(100), 0.2, b, MouseX.kr(0.5, 2, 1).poll, // 0 is linear, 1 is exponential ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.01 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(100), 0.2, b, MouseX.kr(0.5, 2, 1).poll, // 0 is linear, 1 is exponential ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.0 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(100), 0.2, b, MouseX.kr(0.5, 2, 1).poll, // 0 is linear, 1 is exponential ( Phasor.ar(0, MouseY.kr(0.1, 2, 1) * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.0 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(400), 0.1, b, 0.7, ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.0 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 1, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(400), 0.1, b, 0.7, ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.0 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 4, 0, -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(40), 0.05, b, 1, ( Phasor.ar(0, 1 * BufRateScale.ir(b), 0, BufSamples.ir(b)-1) + LFNoise1.ar(100).bipolar(0.0 * SampleRate.ir) ) / BufSamples.ir(b), 2, LFNoise1.kr(100).range(-1, 1), -1, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(1), 0.75, b, 1, 0.45, 2, 0, ~grainEnv, 512 ); sig = sig * 0.4; }.play ) ( e = Env.new([0, 1, 0],[0.01, 1],[0, -4]); ~grainEnv = Buffer.sendCollection(s, e.discretize(8192)); ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(MouseX.kr(1, 200, 1).poll), 0.3, b, 1, 0.2, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(0.5), 2, b, 1, 0.85, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) b.duration * 0.85; ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(0.8), 2.2, b, 1, 0.2, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Impulse.ar(0.8), 2.2, b, -1, 0.2, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(40), 0.4, b, 1, 0.2, 2, 0, -1, 12 // Too many grains! ); }.play ) ( { var sig; sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, Dust.ar(40), 0.4, b, 1, 0.2, 2, 0, -1, 512 ); }.play ) // synth def ( SynthDef.new(\gs, { arg sync=1, dens=20, dur=0.1, durRand=1, buf=0, rate=1, pos=0, posSpeed=1, posRand=0, grainEnv=(-1), pan=0, panHz=0.1, panRand=0, atk=1, sus=2, rel=1, c0=1, c1=(-1), amp=1, out=0; var sig, env, densCtrl, durCtrl, posCtrl, panCtrl; env = EnvGen.ar(Env.new([0, 1, 1, 0],[atk, sus, rel],[c0, c1]), doneAction:2); densCtrl = Select.ar(sync, [Dust.ar(dens), Impulse.ar(dens)]); durCtrl = dur * LFNoise1.kr(100).exprange(1/durRand, durRand); posCtrl = Phasor.ar(0, posSpeed * BufRateScale.ir(buf), 0, BufSamples.ir(buf)-1); posCtrl = posCtrl + LFNoise1.kr(100).bipolar(posRand * SampleRate.ir); posCtrl = posCtrl / BufSamples.ir(buf); posCtrl = posCtrl + pos; panCtrl = pan + LFNoise1.kr(panHz).bipolar(panRand); sig = GrainBuf.ar( 2, densCtrl, durCtrl, buf, rate, posCtrl, 2, panCtrl, grainEnv ); sig = sig * env * amp; Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) ( Synth.new(\gs, [ \buf, b, \sync, 1, \dens, 100, \dur, 0.3, \posSpeed, 0, \pos, 0.2, \amp, 0.3 ]); ) ( Synth.new(\gs, [ \buf, b, \sync, 1, \dens, 47.midicps, // 52 -> 50 -> 47 \dur, 0.3, \posSpeed, 0, \pos, 0.2, \amp, 0.3 ]); ) ( Synth.new(\gs, [ \buf, b, \sync, 0, \dens, 47.midicps, // 52 -> 50 -> 47 \dur, 0.3, \posSpeed, 0, \pos, 0.2, \amp, 0.3 ]); ) ( Synth.new(\gs, [ \buf, b, \sync, 0, \dens, 400, \dur, 0.2, \posSpeed, 0.25, \pos, 0, \amp, 0.3 ]); ) ( Synth.new(\gs, [ \buf, b, \sync, 0, \dens, 400, \dur, 0.2, \posSpeed, 0.25, \pos, 0, \rate, -7.midiratio, \amp, 0.3, \sus, 5, ]); ) // routine ( ~r0 = Routine.new({ loop{ (1..8).choose.do({ var rate = [0, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10].choose + 70; rate = rate.midicps * [2, 1, 0.5, 0.25].choose; 4.do({ Synth.new(\gs, [ \buf, b, \sync, 1, \dens, rate * rrand(-0.15, 0.15).midiratio, \dur, 0.02, \pos, [0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6].choose, \posSpeed, 0, \amp, exprand(0.05, 0.15), \atk, exprand(1, 4), \sus, 0, \rel, exprand(3, 6), \rel, exprand(3, 6), \pan, rrand(-0.8, 0.8), ]); }); exprand(0.1, 8).wait; }); }; }).play; ~r1 = Routine.new({ loop{ (2..5).do({ Synth.new(\gs, [ \buf, b, \sync, 1, \dens, [0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8].choose, \dur, exprand(0.001, 0.025), \pos, [0.1, 0.206, 0.398, 0.877].choose, \posSpeed, 0, \rate, [-2, 0, 12].choose.midiratio, \pamRand, 0.8, \atk, 3, \sus, 1, \rel, 3, \amp, exprand(0.25, 0.6), ]); }); exprand(0.5, 4).round(0.5).wait; }; }).play; ~r2 = Routine.new({ loop{ Synth.new(\gs, [ \buf, b, \sync, 0, \dens, exprand(0.2, 1), \dur, exprand(0.5, 2), \pos, rrand(0.0, 1.0), \posSpeed, rrand(-0.9, 0.9), \rate, rrand(-10.0, -2.0).midiratio.neg, \panHz, 0.1, \panRand, 0.5, \amp, exprand(0.15, 0.4), \atk, 4, \sus, 0, \rel, 4, ]); exprand(4, 15).wait; }; }).play; ) ( ~r0.stop; ~r1.stop; ~r2.stop; ) // writing class and methods 144.tempodur; // not defined 60.midicps; 0.5.ampdb; (144/60).reciprocal; 60/144; TempoClock.new(144/60).beatDur; ( ~tempodur = { arg bpm; 60/bpm; }; ) ~tempodur.(144); Platform.userExtensionDir; Platform.systemExtensionDir; a = Array.series(8,1,3); a.series; // not defined a = a.reverse; Array.reverse; s.boot; // and recompile class library 144.tempodur; 108.tempodur; 112.5.tempodur; // not working 5.isPrime; 5.1.isPrime; Object.browse; 0.8.durtempo; 75.tempodur; ( var env, numSegs=16; env = Env.new( {rrand(-1.0, 1.0)}!(numSegs+1), {exprand(1, 10)}!numSegs, {rrand(-4.0, 4.0)}!numSegs ); env.plot; ) Env.rand(16); Env.browse; 3.squared; 3.pow(4); Env.rand(20).duration; Env.rand(5, 2, true).plot; Env.rand(7, 3, false).plot; s.boot; {SinOsc.ar(60.midicps) * EnvGen.ar(Env.perc(0.001, 0.2), doneAction:2) * 0.5!2}.play; 60.play; 67.play; 72.play; Window.new; Window.closeAll; ( SynthDef.new(\reverb, { arg in=0, dec=3.5, mix=0.08, lpf1=2000, lpf2=6000, predel=0.025, out=0; var dry, wet, sig; dry = In.ar(in, 2); wet = In.ar(in, 2); wet = DelayN.ar(wet, 0.5, predel.clip(0.0001, 0.5)); wet = 16.collect{ var temp; temp = CombL.ar( wet, 0.1, LFNoise1.kr({ExpRand(0.02, 0.04)}!2).exprange(0.02, 0.099), dec ); temp = LPF.ar(temp, lpf1); }.sum * 0.25; 8.do{ wet = AllpassL.ar( wet, 0.1, LFNoise1.kr({ExpRand(0.02, 0.04)}!2).exprange(0.02, 0.099), dec ); }; wet = LeakDC.ar(wet); wet = LPF.ar(wet, lpf2, 0.5); sig = dry.blend(wet, mix); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) s.boot; b = Bus.audio(s, 2); r = Synth.new(\reverb, [\in, b]); 86.play; 86.play(b); s.boot; 72.play; ( SynthDef.new(\reverb, { arg in=0, dec=3.5, mix=0.08, lpf1=2000, lpf2=6000, predel=0.025, out=0; var sig; sig = In.ar(in, 2); sig = VerbEF.ar(sig, dec, mix, lpf1, lpf2, predel); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; ) b = Bus.audio(s, 2); r = Synth.new(\reverb, [\in, b]); r.set(\mix, 0.6); r.set(\dec, 10); r.set(\lpf2, 400); 86.play(b); ( var win; win = Window.new("", Window.screenBounds, false, false); win.view.background_(Color.black); win.view.keyDownAction_({ arg view, cjar, mod, uni; if(uni == 27, {win.close}); }); win.front; ) Window.blackout;