#!/bin/sh echo " " echo " ################################################" echo " ## Did you execute 1_format_extroot.sh first? ##" echo " ################################################" echo " " read -p "Press [ENTER] if YES ...or [ctrl+c] to exit" echo " " echo "This script will download and install all packages form the internet" echo " " echo " #####################################" echo " ## Make sure extroot is enabled... ##" echo " #####################################" echo " " read -p "Press [ENTER] to check if extroot is enabled ...or [ctrl+c] to exit" df -h; echo " " echo " ############################################" echo " ## Is /dev/mmcblk0p1 mounted on /overlay? ##" echo " ############################################" echo " " read -p "Press [ENTER] if YES... or [ctrl+c] to exit" echo " " echo " ########################################################" echo " ## Make sure you've got a stable Internet connection! ##" echo " ########################################################" echo " " read -p "Press [ENTER] to Continue ...or [ctrl+c] to exit" echo " " echo "#################" echo "### SWAP ###" echo "#################" echo " " echo "Creating swap file" dd if=/dev/zero of=/overlay/swap.page bs=1M count=512; echo "Enabling swap file" mkswap /overlay/swap.page; swapon /overlay/swap.page; mount -o remount,size=256M /tmp; echo "Updating rc.local for swap" rm /etc/rc.local; cat << "EOF" > /etc/rc.local # Put your custom commands here that should be executed once # the system init finished. By default this file does nothing. ###activate the swap file on the SD card swapon /overlay/swap.page ###expand /tmp space mount -o remount,size=256M /tmp exit 0 EOF echo " " echo "############################" echo "### Klipper dependencies ###" echo "############################" echo " " echo "Installing klipper dependencies..." opkg update && opkg install git-http unzip htop gcc patch; opkg install python3 python3-pip python3-cffi python3-dev python3-greenlet python3-jinja2 python3-markupsafe; pip install --upgrade pip; pip install python-can configparser echo "Cloning 250k baud pyserial" git clone https://github.com/pyserial/pyserial /root/pyserial; cd /root/pyserial python /root/pyserial/setup.py install; cd /root/ rm -rf /root/pyserial; echo " " echo "##############################" echo "### Moonraker dependencies ###" echo "##############################" echo " " echo "Installing moonraker python3 packages..." opkg install python3-tornado python3-pillow python3-distro python3-curl python3-zeroconf python3-paho-mqtt python3-yaml python3-requests ip-full libsodium --force-overwrite; echo "Upgrading setuptools..." pip install --upgrade setuptools; echo "Installing pip3 packages..." pip install pyserial-asyncio lmdb streaming-form-data inotify-simple libnacl preprocess-cancellation apprise ldap3 dbus-next; #--use-pep517 echo " " echo "###############" echo "### Nginx ###" echo "###############" echo " " echo "Installing nginx..." opkg install nginx-ssl; echo " " echo "###############" echo "### Klipper ###" echo "###############" echo " " echo "Cloning Klipper..." git clone https://github.com/KevinOConnor/klipper.git /root/klipper; echo "Creating klipper service..." wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/main/Services/klipper -P /etc/init.d/; chmod 755 /etc/init.d/klipper; /etc/init.d/klipper enable; mkdir -p /root/printer_data/config; echo " " echo "#################" echo "### Moonraker ###" echo "#################" echo " " git clone https://github.com/Arksine/moonraker.git /root/moonraker; git -C /root/moonraker checkout 06279d0e10ae4e0349f7b415756821d7ca38774b wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/main/Services/moonraker -P /etc/init.d/ chmod 755 /etc/init.d/moonraker /etc/init.d/moonraker enable wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/main/nginx/upstreams.conf -P /etc/nginx/conf.d/ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/main/nginx/common_vars.conf -P /etc/nginx/conf.d/ /etc/init.d/nginx enable echo " " echo "#################" echo "### Client ###" echo "#################" echo " " choose(){ echo " " echo "Choose prefered Klipper client:" echo " 1) fluidd" echo " 2) Mainsail" echo " 3) Quit" echo " " read n case $n in 1) echo "You chose fluidd" sleep 1 echo "Installing fluidd..." sleep 1 echo " " echo "***************************" echo "** Downloading... **" echo "***************************" echo " " mkdir /root/fluidd; wget -q -O /root/fluidd/fluidd.zip https://github.com/cadriel/fluidd/releases/latest/download/fluidd.zip && unzip /root/fluidd/fluidd.zip -d /root/fluidd/ && rm /root/fluidd/fluidd.zip; wget -q -O /root/printer_data/config/moonraker.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/main/moonraker/fluidd_moonraker.conf; wget -q -O /etc/nginx/conf.d/fluidd.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/main/nginx/fluidd.conf; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/klipper_config/fluidd.cfg -P /root/printer_data/config/ echo "***************************" echo "** Done! **" echo "***************************" echo -ne '\n' ;; 2) echo "You chose Mainsail" echo "Installing Mainsail..." echo " " echo "***************************" echo "** Downloading... **" echo "***************************" echo " " mkdir /root/mainsail; wget -q -O /root/mainsail/mainsail.zip https://github.com/mainsail-crew/mainsail/releases/latest/download/mainsail.zip && unzip /root/mainsail/mainsail.zip -d /root/mainsail/ && rm /root/mainsail/mainsail.zip; wget -q -O /root/printer_data/config/moonraker.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/main/moonraker/mainsail_moonraker.conf; wget -q -O /etc/nginx/conf.d/mainsail.conf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/main/nginx/mainsail.conf; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/klipper_config/mainsail.cfg -P /root/printer_data/config/ echo "***************************" echo "** Done **" echo "***************************" echo " " ;; 3) echo "Quitting...";; *) echo "invalid option";; esac } choose; echo " " echo "#################" echo "### Webcam ###" echo "#################" echo " " echo "Installing mjpg-streamer..." opkg install v4l-utils; opkg install mjpg-streamer-input-uvc mjpg-streamer-output-http mjpg-streamer-www; rm /etc/config/mjpg-streamer; cat << "EOF" > /etc/config/mjpg-streamer config mjpg-streamer 'core' option enabled '0' option input 'uvc' option output 'http' option device '/dev/video0' option resolution '640x480' option yuv '0' option quality '80' option fps '5' option led 'auto' option www '/www/webcam' option port '8080' #option listen_ip '' #option username 'openwrt' #option password 'openwrt' EOF /etc/init.d/mjpg-streamer enable; ln -s /etc/init.d/mjpg-streamer /etc/init.d/webcamd; echo " " echo "###################" echo "### Hostname/ip ###" echo "###################" echo " " echo "Using hostname instead of ip..." opkg install avahi-daemon-service-ssh avahi-daemon-service-http; echo " " echo "#################" echo "### Timelapse ###" echo "#################" echo " " opkg install wget-ssl; rm -rf /tmp/opkg-lists echo "Installing ffmpeg offline pacakges..." mkdir /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/Packages -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/Packages.gz -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/Packages.manifest -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/Packages.sig -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/alsa-lib_1.2.4-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/fdk-aac_2.0.1-4_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_4.3.2-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/ffprobe_4.3.2-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/libatomic1_8.4.0-3_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/libbz21.0_1.0.8-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/libffmpeg-full_4.3.2-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/libgmp10_6.2.1-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/libgnutls_3.7.2-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/libnettle8_3.6-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/libx264_2020-10-26-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; wget https://github.com/ihrapsa/KlipperWrt/raw/main/packages/ffmpeg/shine_3.1.1-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk -P /root/ffmpeg; opkg install /root/ffmpeg/*ipk --force-overwrite; rm -rf /root/ffmpeg; echo "Installing Timelapse packages..." git clone https://github.com/ihrapsa/moonraker-timelapse.git /root/moonraker-timelapse; /root/moonraker-timelapse/install.sh; echo " " echo "########################" echo "### tty hotplug rule ###" echo "########################" echo " " echo "Install tty hotplug rule..." opkg update && opkg install usbutils; cat << "EOF" > /etc/hotplug.d/usb/22-tty-symlink # Description: Action executed on boot (bind) and with the system on the fly PRODID="1a86/7523/264" #change here according to "PRODUCT=" from grep command SYMLINK="ttyPrinter" #you can change this to whatever you want just don't use spaces. Use this inside printer.cfg as serial port path if [ "${ACTION}" = "bind" ] ; then case "${PRODUCT}" in ${PRODID}) # mainboard product id prefix DEVICE_TTY="$(ls /sys/${DEVPATH}/tty*/tty/)" # Mainboard connected to USB1 slot if [ "${DEVICENAME}" = "1-1.4:1.0" ] ; then ln -s /dev/${DEVICE_TTY} /dev/${SYMLINK} logger -t hotplug "Symlink from /dev/${DEVICE_TTY} to /dev/${SYMLINK} created" # Mainboard connected to USB2 slot elif [ "${DEVICENAME}" = "1-1.2:1.0" ] ; then ln -s /dev/${DEVICE_TTY} /dev/${SYMLINK} logger -t hotplug "Symlink from /dev/${DEVICE_TTY} to /dev/${SYMLINK} created" fi ;; esac fi # Action to remove the symlinks if [ "${ACTION}" = "remove" ] ; then case "${PRODUCT}" in ${PRODID}) #mainboard product id prefix # Mainboard connected to USB1 slot if [ "${DEVICENAME}" = "1-1.4:1.0" ] ; then rm /dev/${SYMLINK} logger -t hotplug "Symlink /dev/${SYMLINK} removed" # Mainboard connected to USB2 slot elif [ "${DEVICENAME}" = "1-1.2:1.0" ] ; then rm /dev/${SYMLINK} logger -t hotplug "Symlink /dev/${SYMLINK} removed" fi ;; esac fi EOF echo " " echo "########################" echo "### Fixing logs... ###" echo "########################" echo " " echo "Creating system.log..." uci set system.@system[0].log_file='/root/klipper_logs/system.log'; uci set system.@system[0].log_size='51200'; uci set system.@system[0].log_remote='0'; uci commit; echo " " echo "Installing logrotate..." echo " " opkg install logrotate; echo " " echo "Creating cron job..." echo " " echo "0 8 * * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf" >> /etc/crontabs/root echo " " echo "Creating logrotate configuration files..." echo " " cat << "EOF" > /etc/logrotate.d/klipper /root/klipper_logs/klippy.log { rotate 7 daily maxsize 64M missingok notifempty compress delaycompress sharedscripts } EOF cat << "EOF" > /etc/logrotate.d/moonraker /root/klipper_logs/moonraker.log { rotate 7 daily maxsize 64M missingok notifempty compress delaycompress sharedscripts } EOF echo " " echo "#################" echo "### Done! ###" echo "#################" echo " " echo "Please reboot for changes to take effect..."; echo "...then proceed configuring your printer.cfg!";