@PART[KIS_ContainerMount1]:NEEDS[KIS] { MODULE { name = ModuleWeightDistributableCargo } } @PART[KIS_Container1]:NEEDS[KIS] { MODULE { name = ModuleWeightDistributableCargo } } @PART[MKS_LightGlobe]:NEEDS[KIS] { MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem volumeOverride = 150 stackable = true allowPartAttach = 2 allowStaticAttach = 1 staticAttachBreakForce = 10 } } @PART[MKS_FlexOTube]:NEEDS[KAS] { MODULE { name = KASLinkSourceInteractive // AbstractLinkPeer linkType = MKSTubeSize1 linkTypeDisplayName = FlexTube S1 attachNodeName = bottom allowCoupling = true // KASLinkSourceBase coupleMode = AlwaysCoupled jointName = rigidJoint linkRendererName = corridorRenderer sndPathDock = KAS/Sounds/plugdocked sndPathUndock = KAS/Sounds/unplugdocked // KASLinkSourceInteractive sndPathPlug = KAS/Sounds/plug sndPathUnplug = KAS/Sounds/unplug sndPathBroke = KAS/Sounds/broke startLinkMenu = Attach tube breakLinkMenu = Detach tube } MODULE { name = KASRendererPipe // AbstractProceduralModel materialShininess = 0.7 // KASRendererPipe rendererName = corridorRenderer pipeColliderIsPhysical = false pipeTextureRescaleMode = TileFromSource pipeDiameter = 1.1 pipeTexturePath = UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets/FlexOTube pipeTextureSamplesPerMeter = 2 sourceJoint { sphereOffset = 0.8 sphereDiameter = 1.1 armDiameter = 1.1 } targetJoint { sphereOffset = 0.8 sphereDiameter = 1.1 armDiameter = 1.1 } } MODULE { name = KASJointRigid // AbstractJoint jointName = rigidJoint minLinkLength = 0 maxLinkLength = 50 linkBreakForce = 10 sourceLinkAngleLimit = 100 targetLinkAngleLimit = 100 anchorAtSource = 0, 0, 0.55 anchorAtTarget = 0, 0, 0.55 } MODULE { name = KASLinkTargetBase // AbstractLinkPeer linkType = MKSTubeSize1 linkTypeDisplayName = FlexTube S1 attachNodeName = bottom allowCoupling = true } } @PART[MKS_FlexOTube]:NEEDS[KIS] { MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem // ModuleKISItemEvaTweaker carriable = true equipMode = model equipSlot = jetpack equipBoneName = aliasJetpack equipPos = 0, 0.1, -0.3 equipDir = 80, 180, 0 runSpeed = 0.8 volumeOverride = 700 } } @PART[Ranger_AgModule,Ranger_Airlock,Ranger_AuxCon,Ranger_BallHub,Ranger_BatPak,Ranger_CommPak,Ranger_Crusher,Ranger_HabModule,Ranger_HeatPump,Ranger_ISM,Ranger_MiniHab,Ranger_MountPoint,Ranger_PowerPack,Ranger_Sifter,Ranger_Smelter,Ranger_Workshop,Tundra_MiniTruss,Tundra_MultiTruss]:NEEDS[KIS] { MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem shortcutKeyAction = drop useName = use usableFromEva = true usableFromContainer = true usableFromPod = true usableFromEditor = true stackable = false volumeOverride = 1000 editorItemsCategory = false moveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove equipable = false equipMode = part equipSlot = Back Pocket equipSkill = equipRemoveHelmet = false equipMeshName = helmet equipBoneName = helmet01 equipPos = (0, 0, 0) equipDir = (0, 0, 0) carriable = true allowAttachOnStatic = false } } @PART[Ranger_AnchorHub]:NEEDS[KIS] { MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem shortcutKeyAction = drop useName = use usableFromEva = true usableFromContainer = true usableFromPod = true usableFromEditor = true stackable = false volumeOverride = 1000 editorItemsCategory = false moveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove equipable = false equipMode = part equipSlot = Back Pocket equipSkill = equipRemoveHelmet = false equipMeshName = helmet equipBoneName = helmet01 equipPos = (0, 0, 0) equipDir = (0, 0, 0) carriable = true allowPartAttach = 2 allowStaticAttach = 1 staticAttachBreakForce = 10 } } @PART[ScoutLanderMk2,Tundra_Airlock]:NEEDS[KIS] { MODULE { name = ModuleKISInventory maxVolume = 1000 externalAccess = true internalAccess = true slotsX = 8 slotsY = 5 slotSize = 50 itemIconResolution = 128 selfIconResolution = 128 openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove } } @PART[Tundra_Hub250_Short,Tundra_Hub250]:NEEDS[KIS] { MODULE { name = ModuleKISInventory maxVolume = 3000 externalAccess = true internalAccess = true slotsX = 8 slotsY = 5 slotSize = 50 itemIconResolution = 128 selfIconResolution = 128 openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove } } @PART[Tundra_MultiHub]:NEEDS[KIS] { MODULE { name = ModuleKISInventory maxVolume = 7500 externalAccess = true internalAccess = true slotsX = 8 slotsY = 5 slotSize = 50 itemIconResolution = 128 selfIconResolution = 128 openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove } } @PART[NodeHelper]:NEEDS[KIS] { // This part isn't a real spacecraft component and shouldn't take up // space like one. Should be basically "free" to carry. MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem volumeOverride = 0.1 } }