[child] # program to run in child process program=bash [window] # opacity of background from 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (fully opaque) opacity=230 # render a margin to exactly match window size hints from the compositor margin=no # request server side decorations if available by the compositor [yes|no|auto] decorations=auto [terminal] # size of terminal rows=16 columns=140 # number of lines to keep in scrollback scrollback=1000 # if scrolled up, jump back to the bottom when there is keyboard input scroll to bottom on input=no [font] # height of a single glyph in pixels size=18 # absolute path to a truetype font path=/usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono.ttf [bind] # bind keys to actions C-S-c=copy C-S-v=paste C-S-r=reset C-S-Delete=hard reset C-S-j=scroll down C-S-k=scroll up C-S-Page_Down=scroll down page C-S-Page_Up=scroll up page C-S-End=scroll to bottom C-S-Home=scroll to top [colors] # Railcasts dark by Chris Kempson foreground = #e6e1dc background = #060a07 # black color0 = #060a07 color8 = #5a647e # red color1 = #da4939 color9 = #da6b5f # green color2 = #a5c261 color10 = #abc277 # yellow color3 = #ffc66d color11 = #ffd99e # blue color4 = #6d9cbe color12 = #94acbe # magenta color5 = #b6b3eb color13 = #d2d0eb # cyan color6 = #519f50 color14 = #6a9f69 # white color7 = #e6e1dc color15 = #f9f4eb