#Sublime Behat Snippets Speed up your bdd writes! nb: for Mink snippets, please use Mink folder. ## Installation Clone the repo in your personal SublimeText2/Packages folder. ## Basic Usage The snippets are easily accessible by just typing the triggerNames followed by the tab key. Fill in then the placeholders with the needed values ### Available snippets (triggerNames) #### Behat `feature` ```` Feature: (Your feature) In order to (to what?) As a (as a what?) I need (what da ya need?) ```` `scenario` ```` Scenario: (Scenario Description) Given I (Given?) And (And?) When I (when?) Then I (then?) ```` `iHave` ```` /** * @Given /I have a (What da ya hav?) "([^"]*)"/ */ public function iHaveA(What da ya hav?)($name) { //(Your code here...) } ```` `iShould` ```` /** * @Then /I should (What should ya do?) "([^"]*)" in category "([^"]*)"/ */ public function iShould(CamelShould)(Arguments) { //Your code here } ```` ##### Rapid Snippets `giha` => `Given I have a` `aiha` => `And I have a` ... #### Mink `minkSession` ```` $session = new \Behat\Mink\Session($driver); $session->start(); ```` `minkContent` ```` $content = $session->getPage()->getContent(); ```` ## Todo's * Add more snippets for Behat * Add Mink snippets `Feel free to improve this package`