# NumberFormatter - A Sublime Text Plugin This [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com/) plugin formats plain numbers by adding a thousands separator to them. It also unformats them in reverse. See the [Features](#features) section below for details. ## Installation * **Package Control** 1. [Install Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) 1. [Bring up the Command Palette](https://sublime-text.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/command_palette.html#how-to-use-the-command-palette) and type "Package Control: Install Package" 1. Type "NumberFormatter" and press enter * **Directly** 1. Locate the `Packages` folder in the [data directory](http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/sublime-text-3/basic_concepts.html#the-data-directory) 1. Download the [latest version of NumberFormatter](https://github.com/ilyakam/NumberFormatter/releases/latest) 1. Extract the archive into the `Packages` folder * **Development** 1. [Follow the instructions on the `CONTRIBUTING` guide](./CONTRIBUTING.md#getting-started) ## Usage * Linux: ctrlshiftcomma * macOS: commandshiftcomma * Windows: ctrlshiftcomma ## Features: As long as the number is partially or fully selected, or while the cursor is on the number, this plugin will format or unformat it in the following way: | Before | After | | ----------- | ----------- | | `12345` | `12,345` | | `12,345` | `12345` | | `12345.67` | `12,345.67` | | `12,345.67` | `12345.67` | This plugin supports multiple cursors and multiple selections. It can process both formatted and unformatted numbers in one go. ## Options To change the settings, simply edit the `NumberFormatter.sublime-settings` file that's included with the plugin: * `decimal_separator` - the character that separates between whole and decimal numbers * `thousands_separator` - the character that groups numbers in the thousands, millions, billions, etc. * `format_thousands` - whether or not to add a thousands separator to numbers between 1000 and 9999 ## Warnings * Numbers with preceding zeros are formatted anyway (`000123` » `000,123`) * When the `thousands_separator` is set to an empty space (`" "`), the whole number must be selected in order to unformat it (`12 345` » `12345`) ## Changelog See [CHANGELOG.md](./CHANGELOG.md) ## Contributing See [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) ## License See [LICENSE.md](./LICENSE.md) ## Software Credits The development of this software was made possible using the following components: * [Expand Selection to Whitespace](https://github.com/bits/ExpandSelectionToWhitespace-SublimeText) by Paul Sarena Licensed under: MIT License