# Contribution Guidelines > Please, ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines. ## Common sense - Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate. - Make sure your section or item is useful before submitting. That implies it having enough content and every item a good succinct description. - Make an individual pull request for each suggestion. - The pull request and commit should have a useful title. ## Format rules - Check your **spelling and grammar**. Yeah, it includes *capitalized titles*. No, it doesn't include This Kind Of Capitalization. - Make sure your text editor is set to remove trailing whitespace. - When adding a item, section or subsection, **do not forget to add an anchor link** in the table of contents, matching the current list format. ## Adding items Additions should be added to the bottom of the relevant category, and in the following format: `- [Item name](link)`. > Note the `-` symbol. Your item must be included in a list, and a list is a section. ## Adding sections and subsections If your item doesn't fit any section or subsection already available, create one use the following format: ``` ## Section Title ###### Subsection Title - [Item name](link) ``` --- Thank you for your suggestions!