use "", clear /////////// * Graphs: /////////// * Statalist posts over time preserve gen count = 1 collapse (sum) count, by(Date) graph twoway (line count Date, color("gs5")) /// (lowess count Date, color("midblue")), /// scheme(s1color) ytitle("Number of posts") xtitle("") /// tlabel(01jan2014 01jan2015 01jan2016 01jan2017 01jan2018 01jan2019 01jan2020, format(%dm-CY)) /// title("Frequency of Statalist posts, by day, 2014-2020.", /// size(msmall)) /// legend(off) /// tline(31mar2014, lcolor("orange_red") lpattern("dash")) /// ttext(60 01apr2014 "<- Statalist's auspicious beginnings, March 31st, 2014", place(e) size(small)) name(graph1) restore * Statalist posts by year preserve gen count = 1 collapse (sum) count, by(year) graph twoway (bar count year, fcolor("gs3") barw(.7)), /// scheme(s1color) ytitle("Number of posts") xtitle("") /// title("Frequency of Statalist posts by year, 2014-2017.", /// size(msmall)) name(graph2) yscale(range(0 9000)) /// ylabel(0(3000)9000) restore * Number of posts by month, controlling for year preserve gen count = 1 collapse (sum) count, by(month year) drop if count<200 regress count i.month i.year margins i.month, post mat a = e(b) clear svmat a gen i=_n reshape long a, i(i) j(month) graph twoway (bar a month, fcolor("gs3") barw(.7)), /// scheme(s1color) ytitle("Number of posts") xtitle("") /// title("Average frequency of Statalist posts by month (adjusting for year)", /// size(msmall)) name(graph3) yscale(range(0 900)) /// ylabel(0(300)900) xlabel(1(1)12) restore * Number of posts by day of week preserve gen count = 1 collapse (sum) count, by(dow) graph twoway (bar count dow, fcolor("gs3") barw(.7)), /// scheme(s1color) ytitle("Number of posts") xtitle("") /// title("Number of Statalist posts by day of week, pooled 2014-2017.", /// size(msmall)) name(graph4) yscale(range(0 6000)) /// ylabel(0(2000)6000) xlabel(0 "Sunday" 1 "Monday" 2 "Tuesday" 3 "Wednesday" 4 "Thursday" 5 "Friday" 6 "Saturday") restore * How often are ssc commands mentioned? * list of ssc commands from: include "" * Remove command names that could potentially be referring to other things local remove adjust array ascii barplot bic adjacent center cluster combine /// contour contrast decompose delta detect digits distinct discrepancy /// dummies email effects dyads equation examples find groups grand /// hash hue integrate irr kernel levels margin marker markov median mediation /// metadata missing moments nearest overlay panels parallel poverty /// pre preparation project pyramid python quantiles radar reformat /// reset running stack scores spaces spike split switch symmetry title /// tolerance twofold unique violin white zip spell local commands: list commands-remove * Create dummies for each command (1= mentioned in post) foreach mycommand of local commands { gen `mycommand'=0 replace `mycommand'= 1 if strpos(titlestring, " `mycommand' ") } egen totalvalid= rowtotal(a2reg-_peers) * only around 2% of posts mention valid ssc command names * Create variables for total time each command was mentioned: * this code also drops dummies for commands that were never mentioned foreach mycommand of varlist a2reg-_peers { di "`mycommand'" cap noi egen total`mycommand' = total(`mycommand') if !_rc { if total`mycommand'==0 { drop `mycommand' drop total`mycommand' } } } * Store totals in matrix, and sort matrix totals = J(1,1,.) foreach mycommand of varlist total* { matrix temp = `mycommand'[1] matrix rownames temp = "`mycommand'" matrix totals = totals \ temp } matrix totals = totals[2...,1] matsort totals 1 "down" * Barplot of top 5 commands clear set obs 5 gen command = "" gen count = . local rownames: rownames totals foreach mynum of numlist 1/5 { local command: word `mynum' of `rownames' di "`command'" replace command = "`command'" if _n == `mynum' replace count = totals[`mynum',1] if _n == `mynum' } graph bar (asis) count, over(command, sort(1)) scheme(s1mono) /// title("5 most frequently cited SSC commands in Statalist post titles", /// size(msmall)) name(barplot5) ytitle("Number of posts") exit