module Zcale_selection2 def Zcale_selection2.main mod = Sketchup.active_model ent = mod.active_entities sel = mod.selection if sel.length > 0 mod.start_operation "Zcale_selection 1 feet to 1 mm" scale = 1.0 / 304.8 t = Geom::Transformation.scaling scale sel.each do |e| if e.is_a? Sketchup::Group e.entities.transform_entities t, e.entities.to_a end end mod.commit_operation; # "Zcale_selection 1 feet to 1 mm" Sketchup.send_action('viewZoomToSelection:') prompts = ["End of Zcale 1 feet to 1 mm"] UI.messagebox prompts end end; # def Zcale_selection2.main end; # module Zcale_selection2 if not file_loaded?(__FILE__) #"Draw").add_separator"Draw").add_item("Zcale 1 feet to 1 mm") { Zcale_selection2.main } UI.add_context_menu_handler do |context_menu| context_menu.add_item("Zcale 1 feet to 1 mm") { Zcale_selection2.main } end file_loaded(__FILE__) end