(function() { 'use strict' var keyCounter = 0 var allWaypoints = {} /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/waypoint */ function Waypoint(options) { if (!options) { throw new Error('No options passed to Waypoint constructor') } if (!options.element) { throw new Error('No element option passed to Waypoint constructor') } if (!options.handler) { throw new Error('No handler option passed to Waypoint constructor') } this.key = 'waypoint-' + keyCounter this.options = Waypoint.Adapter.extend({}, Waypoint.defaults, options) this.element = this.options.element this.adapter = new Waypoint.Adapter(this.element) this.callback = options.handler this.axis = this.options.horizontal ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical' this.enabled = this.options.enabled this.triggerPoint = null this.group = Waypoint.Group.findOrCreate({ name: this.options.group, axis: this.axis }) this.context = Waypoint.Context.findOrCreateByElement(this.options.context) if (Waypoint.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]) { this.options.offset = Waypoint.offsetAliases[this.options.offset] } this.group.add(this) this.context.add(this) allWaypoints[this.key] = this keyCounter += 1 } /* Private */ Waypoint.prototype.queueTrigger = function(direction) { this.group.queueTrigger(this, direction) } /* Private */ Waypoint.prototype.trigger = function(args) { if (!this.enabled) { return } if (this.callback) { this.callback.apply(this, args) } } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/destroy */ Waypoint.prototype.destroy = function() { this.context.remove(this) this.group.remove(this) delete allWaypoints[this.key] } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/disable */ Waypoint.prototype.disable = function() { this.enabled = false return this } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/enable */ Waypoint.prototype.enable = function() { this.context.refresh() this.enabled = true return this } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/next */ Waypoint.prototype.next = function() { return this.group.next(this) } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/previous */ Waypoint.prototype.previous = function() { return this.group.previous(this) } /* Private */ Waypoint.invokeAll = function(method) { var allWaypointsArray = [] for (var waypointKey in allWaypoints) { allWaypointsArray.push(allWaypoints[waypointKey]) } for (var i = 0, end = allWaypointsArray.length; i < end; i++) { allWaypointsArray[i][method]() } } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/destroy-all */ Waypoint.destroyAll = function() { Waypoint.invokeAll('destroy') } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/disable-all */ Waypoint.disableAll = function() { Waypoint.invokeAll('disable') } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/enable-all */ Waypoint.enableAll = function() { Waypoint.Context.refreshAll() for (var waypointKey in allWaypoints) { allWaypoints[waypointKey].enabled = true } return this } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/refresh-all */ Waypoint.refreshAll = function() { Waypoint.Context.refreshAll() } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/viewport-height */ Waypoint.viewportHeight = function() { return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight } /* Public */ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/viewport-width */ Waypoint.viewportWidth = function() { return document.documentElement.clientWidth } Waypoint.adapters = [] Waypoint.defaults = { context: window, continuous: true, enabled: true, group: 'default', horizontal: false, offset: 0 } Waypoint.offsetAliases = { 'bottom-in-view': function() { return this.context.innerHeight() - this.adapter.outerHeight() }, 'right-in-view': function() { return this.context.innerWidth() - this.adapter.outerWidth() } } window.Waypoint = Waypoint }())