(************************************************************ * IMITATOR MODEL * * SIMOP * * Description : Networked automation system * Correctness : TODO * Source : SIMOP Project / Étienne André, Thomas Chatain, Olivier De Smet, Laurent Fribourg and Silvain Ruel. Synthèse de contraintes temporisées pour une architecture d’automatisation en réseau. In Didier Lime and Olivier H. Roux (eds.), MSR’09, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 43(7-9), Hermès, pages 1049–1064, 2009. * Author : Étienne André, Thomas Chatain, Olivier De Smet, Laurent Fribourg and Silvain Ruel * Modeling : ?, Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg * Input by : ?, Étienne André, Laurent Fribourg * License : Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) * * Created : < 06/2007 * Last modified : 2018/09/07 * * IMITATOR version: 2.10.3 ************************************************************) var (* Clocks *) PLCclk, COMclk, NETclk, RIOclk, ENVclk, tt, yy , zz, : clock; (*** TODO: yy is only used for urgency, and could be replaced with urgent locations ***) (* Parameters *) PLCmtt = 100, PLCct = 600, COMd = 25, COMct, NETd = 10, RIOd = 70, SIGmrt, : parameter; (************************************************************) automaton PLC (************************************************************) synclabs: PLCbeg,COMin0, COMin1, PLCout0, PLCout1; loc PLCinit: invariant True when True sync PLCbeg do {PLCclk := 0} goto PLC1; loc PLC1 : invariant PLCclk<= PLCct ---- when True sync COMin1 goto PLC4; -- remis (30/06/07) ----* when True sync COMin0 goto PLC1; -- remis (30/06/07) ----* when PLCclk>=PLCmtt sync PLCout0 goto PLC3; ---- when PLCclk>=PLCmtt sync COMin1 do {yy := 0} goto PLC5; loc PLC3 : invariant PLCclk<= PLCct when PLCclk=PLCct do{PLCclk := 0} goto PLC1; -- retrait --> loss when True sync COMin1 goto PLC6; -- retrait --> loss when True sync COMin0 goto PLC3; -- retrait --> loss loc PLC4 : invariant PLCclk<= PLCct ----* when True sync COMin1 goto PLC4; -- retrait le 03/07/07 --************ when PLCclk>=PLCmtt do {yy := 0} goto PLC5; loc PLC5 : invariant yy <=0 -- a remettre 3/07 when yy=0 sync PLCout0 do{} goto PLC6; when True sync COMin1 goto PLC5; loc PLC6 : invariant PLCclk<= PLCct when PLCclk=PLCct do{PLCclk := 0} goto PLC7; when True sync COMin1 goto PLC6; -- remis (30/06/07) ----* loc PLC7 : invariant PLCclk<= PLCct when True sync COMin1 goto PLC7; -- retrait --> loss when PLCclk>=PLCmtt sync PLCout1 goto PLC9; -- ret->loss loc PLC9 : invariant PLCclk<= PLCct when PLCclk=PLCct do{PLCclk := 0} goto PLC7; when True sync COMin1 goto PLC9; -- remis (30/06/07) ----* end -- PLC (************************************************************) automaton COM (************************************************************) synclabs : PLCbeg, PLCout0, PLCout1, CNreq0, CNreq1, NCrep0, NCrep1, COMin1, COMin0; loc COMinit: invariant True when True sync PLCbeg goto COM1; loc COM1 : invariant True when True do {COMclk := 0} goto COM2; when True sync PLCout0 goto COM1; -- remis le 30/06/07 ----* loc COM2 : invariant COMclk <= COMd when COMclk=COMd sync CNreq0 goto COM3; when True sync PLCout0 goto COM2; -- (remis) (retrait --> loss!!!) ---- when True sync PLCout1 goto COM7; loc COM3 : invariant COMclk <= COMct -- inv. nouveau when True sync NCrep0 do {tt := 0} goto COM4; when True sync PLCout0 goto COM3; -- retrait --> loss when True sync NCrep1 do {tt := 0} goto COM5; ---- when True sync PLCout1 goto COM8; -- retrait le 03/07/07 ----* loc COM4 : invariant tt=0 when tt=0 sync COMin0 goto COM6; loc COM5 : invariant tt=0 when tt=0 sync COMin1 goto COM6; loc COM6 : invariant COMclk<= COMct when COMclk= COMct do {COMclk := 0} goto COM2; when True sync PLCout0 goto COM6; -- remis le 30/06/07 de 10 mn a 1h >> OVERFLOW when True sync PLCout1 goto COM11; --* -- retrait le 03/07/07 --- de 10 mn a 1h loc COM7 : invariant COMclk <= COMd when COMclk=COMd sync CNreq0 goto COM8; when True sync PLCout1 goto COM7; ---- remis le 30/06/07 ----* loc COM8 : invariant COMclk <= COMct -- inv. nouveau when True sync NCrep0 do {tt := 0} goto COM9; -- retrait le 03/07/07 ----* when True sync PLCout1 goto COM8; -- remis le 30/06/07 ----* when True sync NCrep1 do {tt := 0} goto COM10; loc COM9 : invariant tt=0 ----* when tt=0 sync COMin0 goto COM11; -- retrait 03/07/07 (no call) loc COM10 : invariant tt=0 when tt=0 sync COMin1 goto COM11; loc COM11 : invariant COMclk<= COMct when COMclk= COMct do {COMclk := 0} goto COM12; when True sync PLCout1 goto COM11; -- remis 30/06/07 (retrait ->loss!!) loc COM12 : invariant COMclk <= COMd when COMclk=COMd sync CNreq1 goto COM13; -- = au lieu de <= when True sync PLCout1 goto COM12; -- retrait 03/07/07 ----* loc COM13 : invariant COMclk <= COMct -- inv. nouveau when True sync NCrep1 do {tt := 0} goto COM14;--(03/07) before:goto COM14 ----* when True sync PLCout1 goto COM13; -- (retrait: 55 it.--> 54) loc COM14 : invariant tt=0 ----* / ----* when tt=0 sync COMin1 goto COM15; --(03/07/07) before goto COM15 loc COM15 : invariant COMclk<= COMct ----* when COMclk= COMct do {COMclk := 0} goto COM12; ----* when True sync PLCout1 goto COM15; -- retrait 03/07/07 ----* end -- COM (************************************************************) automaton NET (************************************************************) synclabs : CNreq0, CNreq1, NCrep0, NCrep1, NRreq0, NRreq1, RNrep0, RNrep1; loc NET1: invariant True when True sync CNreq0 do {NETclk := 0} goto NET2; when True sync CNreq1 do {NETclk := 0} goto NET5; loc NET2 : invariant NETclk <= NETd when NETclk=NETd sync NRreq0 goto NET3; loc NET3 : invariant True when True sync RNrep0 do {NETclk := 0} goto NET4; when True sync RNrep1 do {NETclk := 0} goto NET7; loc NET4 : invariant NETclk<=NETd when NETclk=NETd sync NCrep0 goto NET1; loc NET5 : invariant NETclk <= NETd when NETclk=NETd sync NRreq1 goto NET6; loc NET6 : invariant True when True sync RNrep1 do {NETclk := 0} goto NET7; loc NET7 : invariant NETclk<=NETd when NETclk=NETd sync NCrep1 goto NET1; end -- NET (************************************************************) automaton RIO (************************************************************) synclabs : NRreq0, RNrep0, SIGout0, NRreq1, RNrep1, SIGin1, SIGout1; loc RIO1: invariant True when True sync NRreq0 do {RIOclk := 0} goto RIO2; ---- when True sync SIGin1 goto RIO6; loc RIO2 : invariant RIOclk <= RIOd when RIOclk=RIOd sync SIGout0 do {zz := 0} goto RIO3; when True sync SIGin1 goto RIO4; loc RIO3 : invariant zz=0 when zz=0 sync RNrep0 goto RIO1; ----- when zz=0 sync SIGin1 goto RIO5; loc RIO4 : invariant RIOclk <= RIOd when RIOclk=RIOd sync SIGout0 do {zz := 0} goto RIO5; loc RIO5 : invariant zz=0 when zz=0 sync RNrep0 goto RIO6; loc RIO6: invariant True when True sync NRreq0 do {RIOclk := 0} goto RIO7; when True sync NRreq1 do {RIOclk := 0} goto RIO9; loc RIO7 : invariant RIOclk <= RIOd when RIOclk=RIOd sync SIGout0 do {zz := 0} goto RIO8; loc RIO8 : invariant zz=0 when zz=0 sync RNrep1 goto RIO6; loc RIO9 : invariant RIOclk <= RIOd when RIOclk=RIOd sync SIGout1 do {zz := 0} goto RIO10; loc RIO10 : invariant zz=0 when zz=0 sync RNrep1 goto RIO6; end -- RIO (************************************************************) automaton ENV (************************************************************) synclabs : SIGout0, SIGout1, SIGin1; loc ENVinit: invariant True when True sync SIGout0 goto ENV1; loc ENV1: invariant True when True sync SIGin1 do {ENVclk := 0} goto ENV2; when True sync SIGout0 goto ENV1; loc ENV2 : invariant ENVclk <= SIGmrt when True sync SIGout0 goto ENV2; when True sync SIGout1 do {yy := 0} goto ENV4; when ENVclk=SIGmrt do {yy := 0} goto ENV5; loc ENV4 : invariant yy=0 -- when True -- sync SIGout1 -- goto ENV4; loc ENV5: invariant yy=0 -- when True -- sync SIGout1 -- goto ENV5; -- when True -- sync SIGout0 -- goto ENV5; end -- ENV (************************************************************) (* Initial state *) (************************************************************) init := (*------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Initial location *) (*------------------------------------------------------------*) & loc[PLC]=PLCinit & loc[COM]=COMinit & loc[NET]=NET1 & loc[RIO]=RIO1 & loc[ENV]=ENVinit (*------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Initial clock constraints *) (*------------------------------------------------------------*) & PLCclk>=0 & COMclk>=0 & NETclk>=0 & RIOclk>=0 & ENVclk>=0 (*------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Parameter constraints *) (*------------------------------------------------------------*) -- & 0 < NETd -- & NETd < COMd -- & COMd < RIOd -- & RIOd < PLCmtt -- & PLCmtt < PLCct -- & PLCct < COMct -- & COMct < SIGmrt ---START PI0--- -- & PLCct = 600 -- & COMct = 500 -- & SIGmrt = 2071 -- & PLCmtt = 100 -- & RIOd = 70 -- & COMd = 25 -- & NETd = 10 ---END PI0--- & PLCct > 0 & COMct > 0 & SIGmrt > 0 & PLCmtt > 0 & RIOd > 0 & COMd > 0 & NETd > 0 & tt = 0 & yy = 0 & zz=0 -- & s = 0 -- & ta = 0 & tb = 0 & tc = 0 & td = 0 & te = 0 -- & tf = 0 & tg = 0 & th = 0 & ti = 0 ---START PI0--- -- & PLCct = 600 -- & COMct = 500 -- & SIGmrt = 2071 -- & PLCmtt = 100 -- & RIOd = 70 -- & COMd = 25 -- & NETd = 10 ---END PI0--- ; (************************************************************) (* Property specification *) (************************************************************) property := unreachable loc[ENV] = ENV5; (************************************************************) (* The end *) (************************************************************) end