(************************************************************ * IMITATOR * * IMITATOR fmtv1A1-v2.imi -mode EF -merge -incl -output-result && python parseIMI.py fmtv1A1-v2.res e2e * * Modeling the FMTV challenge, problem 1A for n=1 * References : "Verification of Two Real-Time Systems Using Parametric Timed Automata" (2015) by * Youcheng Sun, Etienne Andre and Giuseppe Lipari * * Author : Etienne Andre and Youcheng Sun * Created : 2015/03/19 * Last modified : 2018/09/07 * * IMITATOR version: 2.10.3 ************************************************************) var (** CONSTANTS **) (* Frames *) FRAME_EMPTY = 0, (* no frame *) FRAME_OTHER = 1, FRAME_OTHER2 = 2, FRAME_OTHER3 = 3, FRAME_THEFRAME = 200, (* the actual frame produced by the camera *) (* Timings from the specification *) T1WCET = 28, T2BCL = 17, T2WCL = 19, T3CET = 8, T4CET_empty = 1, T4CET_nonempty = 10, (* P1, P3 and P4 are task official periods *) P3 = 40/3, P4 = 40, (*P1_delta, P3_delta and P4_delta are possible variations of the periods *) (*OFFICIAL VALUES*) P3_delta = 1/150 (*40/3 * 0,0005*), P4_delta = 0.004 (*40 * 0,0001*), : parameter; (** CLOCKS **) ckT1T2, ckT3, ckT4 : clock; (** DISCRETE **) (* Current frame in tasks 3 and 4 *) frame_in_3, frame_in_4, (* Frame in the register (of capacity 1) between T2 and T3; we assume it cannot be empty (TODO: justify!) *) register23, (* Current frame in the buffer (n=1) between T3 and T4 *) buffer34, (* Highest frame number in the buffer (n=1) between T3 and T4 (because "if the buffer has already stored a frame with a given index, any additional frame with the same index is discarded") *) buffer34_highest, : discrete; (** PARAMETERS **) (* The end-to-end latency *) e2e, (*P1_uncertain, P3_uncertain and P4_uncertain are constant task periods with a little of uncertainty *) (*P1_uncertain, *)P3_uncertain, P4_uncertain : parameter; (************************************************************) automaton cameraT1T2 (************************************************************) (* This PTA models the camera, task T1 and task T2 *) (* This PTA also models the buffer initialization, and sends a broadcast signal 'start' when done *) synclabs: start, T2done, init_buffer_empty, init_buffer_nonempty; (* Nondeterministic choice to fill the buffer *) (*** NOTE: we have to first assign the buffer to something, and then (in a different transition) sync on start, because other tasks need to *read* the buffer value ***) loc camera0: invariant ckT1T2 = 0 (* No frame in buffer *) when True sync init_buffer_empty do {buffer34 := FRAME_EMPTY, buffer34_highest := FRAME_EMPTY} goto camera1; when True sync init_buffer_nonempty goto camera1; loc camera1: invariant ckT1T2 = 0 when True goto camera2; loc camera2: invariant ckT1T2 = 0 when True do {register23 := FRAME_EMPTY} goto camera3; when True goto camera3; loc camera3: invariant ckT1T2 = 0 when True do {frame_in_3 := FRAME_EMPTY} goto camera4; when True goto camera4; (* Now launch the Start signal *) loc camera4: invariant ckT1T2 = 0 when True sync start goto T1T2; (* Process T1 and T2 together *) loc T1T2: invariant ckT1T2 <= T2WCL (* Add the frame to the register *) when ckT1T2 >= T2BCL sync T2done do {register23 := FRAME_THEFRAME} goto T1T2done; (* The end *) loc T1T2done: invariant True end (* cameraT1T2 *) (************************************************************) automaton T3 (************************************************************) synclabs: start, T3_done, T3_start; (* Wait for start signal *) loc T3preinit: invariant True (* Initially, T3 can be either processing or waiting *) when ckT3 <= T3CET sync start goto T3process; when True sync start goto T3wait; (* Processing *) loc T3process: invariant ckT3 <= T3CET (* If buffer not full AND frame not yet written: write frame from the current register *) when ckT3 = T3CET & buffer34 = FRAME_EMPTY & buffer34_highest < frame_in_3 sync T3_done do {buffer34 := frame_in_3, buffer34_highest := frame_in_3} goto T3wait; (* If buffer not full BUT frame already stored earlier: discard *) when ckT3 = T3CET & buffer34 = FRAME_EMPTY & buffer34_highest >= frame_in_3 sync T3_done goto T3wait; (* If buffer full: discard frame, i.e., do nothing with the buffer *) when ckT3 = T3CET & buffer34 > FRAME_EMPTY sync T3_done goto T3wait; (* Waiting after processing *) loc T3wait: invariant ckT3 <= P3_uncertain (* Copy the frame from the register into the task *) when ckT3 = P3_uncertain sync T3_start do {ckT3 := 0, frame_in_3 := register23} goto T3process; end (* T3 *) (************************************************************) automaton T4 (************************************************************) synclabs: start, T4_start_empty, T4_start_nonempty, T4_done; (* Wait for start signal *) loc T4preinit: invariant True (* Initially, T4 can be either processing or waiting *) when True sync start goto T4wait; (* Processing a non-empty frame *) loc T4process_nonempty: invariant ckT4 <= T4CET_nonempty (* If another frame: wait for next round *) when ckT4 = T4CET_nonempty & frame_in_4 < FRAME_THEFRAME sync T4_done goto T4wait; (* If THE frame: the end! Update clock to stop time *) when ckT4 = T4CET_nonempty & frame_in_4 = FRAME_THEFRAME & ckT1T2 + T1WCET= e2e do {ckT4 := 0} sync T4_done goto T4end_ok; (* Processing an empty frame *) loc T4process_empty: invariant ckT4 <= T4CET_empty when ckT4 = T4CET_empty sync T4_done goto T4wait; (* Waiting after processing *) loc T4wait: invariant ckT4 <= P4_uncertain (* 0 frame in buffer *) when ckT4 = P4_uncertain & buffer34 = FRAME_EMPTY do {ckT4 := 0} sync T4_start_empty goto T4process_empty; (* 1 frame in buffer *) when ckT4 = P4_uncertain & FRAME_EMPTY < buffer34 do {ckT4 := 0, frame_in_4 := buffer34, buffer34 := FRAME_EMPTY} sync T4_start_nonempty goto T4process_nonempty; (* The end! *) loc T4end_ok: invariant ckT4 = 0 end (* T4 *) (************************************************************) (* Analysis *) (************************************************************) init := True (*------------------------------------------------------------ INITIAL LOCATION ------------------------------------------------------------*) & loc[cameraT1T2] = camera0 & loc[T3] = T3preinit & loc[T4] = T4preinit (*------------------------------------------------------------ INITIAL CLOCKS ------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Start exactly when the camera has output the frame *) & ckT1T2 = 0 (* Other components can be in any state *) & 0 <= ckT3 & ckT3 <= P3_uncertain & 0 <= ckT4 & ckT4 <= P4_uncertain (*------------------------------------------------------------ INITIAL DISCRETE VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Required by IMITATOR, but in fact will be nondeterministically initialized by the PTA cameraT1T2 *) & frame_in_4 = FRAME_OTHER (* Required by IMITATOR, but in fact will be nondeterministically initialized by the PTA cameraT1T2 *) & buffer34 = FRAME_OTHER & buffer34_highest = FRAME_OTHER (* We assume there is another frame in the task 3 (again, this has no importance *) & frame_in_3 = FRAME_OTHER2 (* We assume there is another frame in the register (this has no importance *) & register23 = FRAME_OTHER3 (*------------------------------------------------------------ PARAMETER CONSTRAINTS ------------------------------------------------------------*) & e2e >= 0 & P3 - P3_delta <= P3_uncertain & P3_uncertain <= P3 + P3_delta & P4 - P4_delta <= P4_uncertain & P4_uncertain <= P4 + P4_delta (* Obvious but safer *) & T2BCL <= T2WCL & T3CET <= P3_uncertain & T4CET_empty <= T4CET_nonempty & T4CET_nonempty <= P4_uncertain ; property := unreachable loc[T4] = T4end_ok; projectresult(e2e);