(************************************************************ * IMITATOR MODEL * * References: ''Parametric Schedulability Analysis of Fixed Priority Real-Time Distributed Systems'' (2013) by Youcheng Sun, Romain Soulat, Giuseppe Lipari, Etienne Andre and Laurent Fribourg; Test Case 1 * Note: might not be the final model of the paper (?) * Note: we are not sure what is the property?? * Created: < 2013/10 * Last modified: 2018/08/20 * * IMITATOR version: 3.0 ************************************************************) var t_asap_1:clock; t_pipeline_1:clock; t_task_11:clock; Token_11:discrete; t_asap_2:clock; t_pipeline_2:clock; t_task_21:clock; Token_21:discrete; t_task_22:clock; Token_22:discrete; t_task_23:clock; Token_23:discrete; t_task_24:clock; Token_24:discrete; t_task_25:clock; Token_25:discrete; t_asap_3:clock; t_pipeline_3:clock; t_task_31:clock; Token_31:discrete; t_asap_4:clock; t_pipeline_4:clock; t_task_41:clock; Token_41:discrete; T_pipeline_1=20, D_pipeline_1=20, T_pipeline_2=150, D_pipeline_2=150, C_task_11, C_task_21, C_task_22=25, C_task_23=15, C_task_24=34, C_task_25=30, C_task_31=5, C_task_41=80, T_pipeline_3=30, D_pipeline_3=30, T_pipeline_4=200, D_pipeline_4=200, : parameter; automaton pipeline_1 synclabs:pipeline_restart_1,task_11_act,task_11_done; loc P1_1: invariant t_asap_1 <= 0 when t_asap_1=0 sync task_11_act goto P1_2; loc P1_2: invariant t_pipeline_1 <= D_pipeline_1 when t_pipeline_1 <= D_pipeline_1 sync task_11_done do {t_asap_1 := 0} goto P1_3; loc P1_3: invariant t_pipeline_1 <= T_pipeline_1 when t_pipeline_1 = T_pipeline_1 do {t_pipeline_1 := 0,t_asap_1 := 0} sync pipeline_restart_1 goto P1_1; end automaton pipeline_2 synclabs:pipeline_restart_2,task_21_act,task_21_done,task_22_act,task_22_done,task_23_act,task_23_done,task_24_act,task_24_done,task_25_act,task_25_done; loc P2_1: invariant t_asap_2 <= 0 when t_asap_2=0 sync task_21_act goto P2_2; loc P2_2: invariant t_pipeline_2 <= D_pipeline_2 when t_pipeline_2 <= D_pipeline_2 sync task_21_done do {t_asap_2 := 0} goto P2_3; loc P2_3: invariant t_asap_2 <= 0 when t_asap_2=0 sync task_22_act goto P2_4; loc P2_4: invariant t_pipeline_2 <= D_pipeline_2 when t_pipeline_2 <= D_pipeline_2 sync task_22_done do {t_asap_2 := 0} goto P2_5; loc P2_5: invariant t_asap_2 <= 0 when t_asap_2=0 sync task_23_act goto P2_6; loc P2_6: invariant t_pipeline_2 <= D_pipeline_2 when t_pipeline_2 <= D_pipeline_2 sync task_23_done do {t_asap_2 := 0} goto P2_7; loc P2_7: invariant t_asap_2 <= 0 when t_asap_2=0 sync task_24_act goto P2_8; loc P2_8: invariant t_pipeline_2 <= D_pipeline_2 when t_pipeline_2 <= D_pipeline_2 sync task_24_done do {t_asap_2 := 0} goto P2_9; loc P2_9: invariant t_asap_2 <= 0 when t_asap_2=0 sync task_25_act goto P2_10; loc P2_10: invariant t_pipeline_2 <= D_pipeline_2 when t_pipeline_2 <= D_pipeline_2 sync task_25_done do {t_asap_2 := 0} goto P2_11; loc P2_11: invariant t_pipeline_2 <= T_pipeline_2 when t_pipeline_2 = T_pipeline_2 do {t_pipeline_2 := 0,t_asap_2 := 0} sync pipeline_restart_2 goto P2_1; end automaton pipeline_3 synclabs:pipeline_restart_3,task_31_act,task_31_done; loc P3_1: invariant t_asap_3 <= 0 when t_asap_3=0 sync task_31_act goto P3_2; loc P3_2: invariant t_pipeline_3 <= D_pipeline_3 when t_pipeline_3 <= D_pipeline_3 sync task_31_done do {t_asap_3 := 0} goto P3_3; loc P3_3: invariant t_pipeline_3 <= T_pipeline_3 when t_pipeline_3 = T_pipeline_3 do {t_pipeline_3 := 0,t_asap_3 := 0} sync pipeline_restart_3 goto P3_1; end automaton pipeline_4 synclabs:pipeline_restart_4,task_41_act,task_41_done; loc P4_1: invariant t_asap_4 <= 0 when t_asap_4=0 sync task_41_act goto P4_2; loc P4_2: invariant t_pipeline_4 <= D_pipeline_4 when t_pipeline_4 <= D_pipeline_4 sync task_41_done do {t_asap_4 := 0} goto P4_3; loc P4_3: invariant t_pipeline_4 <= T_pipeline_4 when t_pipeline_4 = T_pipeline_4 do {t_pipeline_4 := 0,t_asap_4 := 0} sync pipeline_restart_4 goto P4_1; end automaton proc_1 synclabs: DEADLINE_MISSED_1, task_11_act,task_11_done,task_21_act,task_21_done,task_25_act,task_25_done; loc DEADLINE_MISS: invariant True loc proc_1_000: invariant True stop {t_task_11,t_task_21,t_task_25} when True sync task_11_act do {t_task_11 := 0} goto proc_1_100; when True sync task_21_act do {t_task_21 := 0} goto proc_1_010; when True sync task_25_act do {t_task_25 := 0} goto proc_1_001; loc proc_1_100: invariant t_task_11 <= C_task_11 stop {t_task_21,t_task_25} when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_11 = C_task_11 sync task_11_done goto proc_1_000; when t_task_11 < C_task_11 sync task_21_act do {t_task_21 := 0} goto proc_1_110; when t_task_11 < C_task_11 sync task_25_act do {t_task_25 := 0} goto proc_1_101; loc proc_1_010: invariant t_task_21 <= C_task_21 stop {t_task_11,t_task_25} when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_21 < C_task_21 sync task_11_act do {t_task_11 := 0} goto proc_1_110; when t_task_21 = C_task_21 sync task_21_done goto proc_1_000; when t_task_21 < C_task_21 sync task_25_act do {t_task_25 := 0} goto proc_1_011; loc proc_1_001: invariant t_task_25 <= C_task_25 stop {t_task_11,t_task_21} when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 sync task_11_act do {t_task_11 := 0} goto proc_1_101; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 sync task_21_act do {t_task_21 := 0} goto proc_1_011; when t_task_25 = C_task_25 sync task_25_done goto proc_1_000; loc proc_1_110: invariant t_task_11 <= C_task_11 stop {t_task_21,t_task_25} when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_11 = C_task_11 sync task_11_done goto proc_1_010; when t_task_21 = C_task_21 sync task_21_done goto proc_1_100; when t_task_11 < C_task_11 sync task_25_act do {t_task_25 := 0} goto proc_1_111; loc proc_1_101: invariant t_task_11 <= C_task_11 stop {t_task_21,t_task_25} when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_11 = C_task_11 sync task_11_done goto proc_1_001; when t_task_11 < C_task_11 sync task_21_act do {t_task_21 := 0} goto proc_1_111; when t_task_25 = C_task_25 sync task_25_done goto proc_1_100; loc proc_1_011: invariant t_task_21 <= C_task_21 stop {t_task_11,t_task_25} when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_21 < C_task_21 sync task_11_act do {t_task_11 := 0} goto proc_1_111; when t_task_21 = C_task_21 sync task_21_done goto proc_1_001; when t_task_25 = C_task_25 sync task_25_done goto proc_1_010; loc proc_1_111: invariant t_task_11 <= C_task_11 stop {t_task_21,t_task_25} when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_25 < C_task_25 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_1 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_11 = C_task_11 sync task_11_done goto proc_1_011; when t_task_21 = C_task_21 sync task_21_done goto proc_1_101; when t_task_25 = C_task_25 sync task_25_done goto proc_1_110; end automaton proc_2 synclabs: DEADLINE_MISSED_2,task_22_act,task_22_done,task_24_act,task_24_done; loc idle: invariant True stop{t_task_22,t_task_24} when True sync task_22_act do{Token_22 := 1}goto t_22_running; when True sync task_24_act do{Token_24 := 1}goto t_24_running; loc DEADLINE_MISS: invariant True loc t_22_running: invariant t_task_22 <= C_task_22 stop {t_task_24} when t_task_22 < C_task_22 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_2 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_22 < C_task_22 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_2 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_22 < C_task_22 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_2 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_22 < C_task_22 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_2 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_22 <= 0 sync task_22_act do{Token_22 := 1}goto t_22_running; when t_task_22 > 0 sync task_22_act do{Token_22 := 1}goto t_22_running; when t_task_22 <= 0 sync task_24_act do{Token_24 := 1}goto t_22_running; when t_task_22 > 0 sync task_24_act do{Token_24 := 1}goto t_22_running; when t_task_22 = C_task_22 & Token_24=0 sync task_22_done do{Token_22 := 0} goto idle; when t_task_22 = C_task_22 & Token_24=1 sync task_22_done do{t_task_24 := 0,Token_22 := 0} goto t_24_running; loc t_24_running: invariant t_task_24 <= C_task_24 stop {t_task_22} when t_task_24 < C_task_24 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_2 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_24 < C_task_24 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_2 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_24 < C_task_24 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_2 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_24 < C_task_24 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_2 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_24 <= 0 sync task_22_act do{Token_22 := 1}goto t_22_running; when t_task_24 > 0 sync task_22_act do{Token_22 := 1}goto t_24_running; when t_task_24 <= 0 sync task_24_act do{Token_24 := 1}goto t_24_running; when t_task_24 > 0 sync task_24_act do{Token_24 := 1}goto t_24_running; when t_task_24 = C_task_24 & Token_22=0 sync task_24_done do{Token_24 := 0} goto idle; when t_task_24 = C_task_24 & Token_22=1 sync task_24_done do{t_task_22 := 0,Token_24 := 0} goto t_22_running; end automaton proc_3 synclabs: DEADLINE_MISSED_3, task_23_act,task_23_done,task_31_act,task_31_done,task_41_act,task_41_done; loc DEADLINE_MISS: invariant True loc proc_3_000: invariant True stop {t_task_23,t_task_31,t_task_41} when True sync task_23_act do {t_task_23 := 0} goto proc_3_100; when True sync task_31_act do {t_task_31 := 0} goto proc_3_010; when True sync task_41_act do {t_task_41 := 0} goto proc_3_001; loc proc_3_100: invariant t_task_23 <= C_task_23 stop {t_task_31,t_task_41} when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_23 = C_task_23 sync task_23_done goto proc_3_000; when t_task_23 < C_task_23 sync task_31_act do {t_task_31 := 0} goto proc_3_110; when t_task_23 < C_task_23 sync task_41_act do {t_task_41 := 0} goto proc_3_101; loc proc_3_010: invariant t_task_31 <= C_task_31 stop {t_task_23,t_task_41} when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_31 < C_task_31 sync task_23_act do {t_task_23 := 0} goto proc_3_110; when t_task_31 = C_task_31 sync task_31_done goto proc_3_000; when t_task_31 < C_task_31 sync task_41_act do {t_task_41 := 0} goto proc_3_011; loc proc_3_001: invariant t_task_41 <= C_task_41 stop {t_task_23,t_task_31} when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 sync task_23_act do {t_task_23 := 0} goto proc_3_101; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 sync task_31_act do {t_task_31 := 0} goto proc_3_011; when t_task_41 = C_task_41 sync task_41_done goto proc_3_000; loc proc_3_110: invariant t_task_31 <= C_task_31 stop {t_task_23,t_task_41} when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_23 = C_task_23 sync task_23_done goto proc_3_010; when t_task_31 = C_task_31 sync task_31_done goto proc_3_100; when t_task_31 < C_task_31 sync task_41_act do {t_task_41 := 0} goto proc_3_111; loc proc_3_101: invariant t_task_23 <= C_task_23 stop {t_task_31,t_task_41} when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_23 = C_task_23 sync task_23_done goto proc_3_001; when t_task_23 < C_task_23 sync task_31_act do {t_task_31 := 0} goto proc_3_111; when t_task_41 = C_task_41 sync task_41_done goto proc_3_100; loc proc_3_011: invariant t_task_31 <= C_task_31 stop {t_task_23,t_task_41} when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_31 < C_task_31 sync task_23_act do {t_task_23 := 0} goto proc_3_111; when t_task_31 = C_task_31 sync task_31_done goto proc_3_001; when t_task_41 = C_task_41 sync task_41_done goto proc_3_010; loc proc_3_111: invariant t_task_31 <= C_task_31 stop {t_task_23,t_task_41} when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_1 = D_pipeline_1 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_2 = D_pipeline_2 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_3 = D_pipeline_3 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_41 < C_task_41 & t_pipeline_4 = D_pipeline_4 sync DEADLINE_MISSED_3 goto DEADLINE_MISS; when t_task_23 = C_task_23 sync task_23_done goto proc_3_011; when t_task_31 = C_task_31 sync task_31_done goto proc_3_101; when t_task_41 = C_task_41 sync task_41_done goto proc_3_110; end init:= True & loc[proc_1]= proc_1_000 & loc[proc_2]= idle & loc[proc_3]= proc_3_000 & loc[pipeline_1]=P1_1 & loc[pipeline_2]=P2_1 & loc[pipeline_3]=P3_1 & loc[pipeline_4]=P4_1 & t_asap_1 = 0 & t_pipeline_1 = 0 & t_task_11 = 0 & t_asap_2 = 0 & t_pipeline_2 = 0 & t_task_21 = 0 & t_task_22 = 0 & t_task_23 = 0 & t_task_24 = 0 & t_task_25 = 0 & t_asap_3 = 0 & t_pipeline_3 = 0 & t_task_31 = 0 & t_asap_4 = 0 & t_pipeline_4 = 0 & t_task_41 = 0 & Token_11 = 0 & Token_21 = 0 & Token_22 = 0 & Token_23 = 0 & Token_24 = 0 & Token_25 = 0 & Token_31 = 0 & Token_41 = 0 & True & T_pipeline_1 >= 0 & D_pipeline_1 >= 0 & T_pipeline_2 >= 0 & D_pipeline_2 >= 0 & C_task_11 >= 0 & C_task_21 >= 0 & C_task_22 >= 0 & C_task_23 >= 0 & C_task_24 >= 0 & C_task_25 >= 0 & T_pipeline_3 >= 0 & D_pipeline_3 >= 0 & T_pipeline_4 >= 0 & D_pipeline_4 >= 0 & C_task_41 >= 0 ; (************************************************************) (* The end *) (************************************************************) end