(******************************************************************************* * IMITATOR MODEL * * Title : BRPAAPP21_GSinFSdk * Description : Bounded Retransmission Protocol [version slightly modified] * Correctness : * Scalable : no * Generated : no * Categories : Protocol * Source : "Iterative bounded synthesis for efficient cycle detection in parametric timed automata", TACAS 2021 * bibkey : AAPP21 * Author : Pedro R. D'Argenio , Joost-Pieter Katoen , Theo C. Ruys , G. Jan Tretmans; then Laurent Fribourg, Étienne André, Laure Petrucci, Jaco van de Pol * Modeling : Laurent Fribourg * Input by : Étienne André, Laure Petrucci, Jaco van de Pol * License : Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) * * Created : ? (< 09/2007) * Last modified : 2020/09/22 * Model version : * * IMITATOR version : ******************************************************************************) var x,z,u,v : clock; i, (* subscript of the chunk currently beeing processed (1<=i<=N) *) rc, (* nb of attempt undertaken by S to retransmit d_i (0<=rc<=MAX) *) b1,bN, rb1,rbN, (* these Boolean variables are used for communication between S-K-L-R *) ab, rab, exp_ab (* to be sent/received/expected alternating bit *) : discrete; MAX = 2, (* maximal number of retransmissions *) N = 2, (* number of chunks of a file *) SYNC, (* delay added after a failure in order to assure that S does not start transmitting a new file before the receiver has properly reacted to the failure *) TS, (* time-out of the sender for initiating a retransmission when S has not received an ack from S *) TR, (* time-out of the receiver for indicating failure when R has not received the last chunk of a file *) TD (* maximum delay in channel K (and L) *) : parameter; (****************************************************) (**************************************************** **************************************************** AUTOMATA **************************************************** ****************************************************) (************************************************************) automaton monitor (************************************************************) synclabs: S_in, S_OK, S_NOK, S_DK, sndD; loc s0: invariant True when True sync sndD goto s0; when True sync S_OK goto s0; when True sync S_DK goto s0; when True sync S_NOK goto s0; when True sync S_in goto s0; when True sync S_in goto s1; accepting loc s1: invariant True when True sync sndD goto s1; when True sync S_in goto s1; end (* monitor *) (****************************************************) automaton sender (****************************************************) synclabs: S_in, rcvA, sndD, S_DK, S_NOK, S_OK; loc idleS: invariant x>=0 when True sync S_in do {b1:=1,x:=0} goto next_frame; urgent loc next_frame: invariant True when i=N sync sndD do {bN:=1} goto wait_ack; when i=0 when True sync sndD do {u:=0} goto in_transitK; loc in_transitK: invariant u<=TD when True sync lostK goto startK; when True do {rb1:=b1, rbN:=bN, rab:=ab} sync rcvD goto startK; end (* channelK *) (****************************************************) automaton channelL (****************************************************) synclabs: sndA, rcvA, lostL; loc startL: invariant v>=0 when True sync sndA do {v:=0} goto in_transitL; loc in_transitL: invariant v<=TD when True sync rcvA goto startL; when True sync lostL goto startL; end (* channelL *) (************************************************************) (* Initial state *) (************************************************************) init := loc[sender]=idleS & loc[receiver]=new_file & loc[channelK]=startK & loc[channelL]=startL & loc[monitor]=s0 & x=0 & z=0 & u=0 & v=0 & rc=0 & i=1 & ab=0 & b1=0 & bN=0 & rb1=0 & rbN=0 & rab=0 & exp_ab=0 & TD > 0 & TS > 0 & TR > 0 & SYNC > 0 & TS > 2*TD ;