(******************************************************************************* * IMITATOR MODEL * * Title : fischerPAT3 * Description : Fischer's mutual exclusion protocol with 2 processes * Correctness : Not 2 processes together in the critical section (location obs_violation unreachable) * Scalable : in the number of processes * Generated : no * Categories : Academic ; Protocol ; RTS * Source : PAT library of benchmarks * bibkey : * Author : ? * Modeling : * Input by : Étienne André * License : * * Created : 2012/10/08 * Last modified : 2020/08/14 * Model version : * * IMITATOR version : 3 ******************************************************************************) var (*P1's clock*) x1, (*P2's clock*) x2, (*P3's clocks*) x3, :clock; turn, counter : discrete; delta, epsilon : parameter; IDLE = -1 : constant; (* THIS MODEL IS SUPPOSED TO BE EQUIVALENT TO THE FOLLOWING PAT.PAR MODEL #define N 3; #define Idle -1; var turn = Idle; var counter = 0; parameter Delta; parameter Epsilon; proc(i) = ifb(turn == Idle) { Active(i) }; Active(i)= ((update.i{turn=i} -> Wait[Epsilon])within[Delta]); if (turn == i) { cs.i{counter++} -> exit.i{counter--; turn=Idle}->proc(i) } else { proc(i) }; FME = ||| i:{0..N-1}@proc(i); // forget about this composition*) (* (************************************************************) automaton procGEN (************************************************************) synclabs: access_GEN, enter_GEN, exit_GEN, no_access_GEN, try_GEN, update_GEN; loc idleGEN: invariant True when turn = IDLE sync try_GEN do {xGEN := 0} goto activeGEN; loc activeGEN: invariant xGEN <= delta when True sync update_GEN do {turn := GEN, xGEN := 0} goto checkGEN; loc checkGEN: invariant True when xGEN >= epsilon & turn = GEN sync access_GEN goto accessGEN; when xGEN >= epsilon & turn < GEN sync no_access_GEN do {} goto idleGEN; when xGEN >= epsilon & turn > GEN sync no_access_GEN do {} goto idleGEN; -- oops, no "<>" operator here! loc accessGEN: invariant True when True sync enter_GEN do {counter := counter + 1} goto CSGEN; loc CSGEN: invariant True when True sync exit_GEN do {counter := counter - 1, turn := IDLE} goto idleGEN; end -- procGEN*) (************************************************************) automaton proc1 (************************************************************) synclabs: access_1, enter_1, exit_1, no_access_1, try_1, update_1; loc idle1: invariant True when turn = IDLE sync try_1 do {x1 := 0} goto active1; loc active1: invariant x1 <= delta when True sync update_1 do {turn := 1, x1 := 0} goto check1; loc check1: invariant True when x1 >= epsilon & turn = 1 sync access_1 do {x1 := 0} goto access1; when x1 >= epsilon & turn < 1 sync no_access_1 do {x1 := 0} goto idle1; when x1 >= epsilon & turn > 1 sync no_access_1 do {x1 := 0} goto idle1; (*oops, no "<>" operator here!*) loc access1: invariant True when True sync enter_1 do {counter := counter + 1} goto CS1; loc CS1: invariant True when True sync exit_1 do {counter := counter - 1, turn := IDLE, x1 := 0} goto idle1; end (*proc1*) (************************************************************) automaton proc2 (************************************************************) synclabs: access_2, enter_2, exit_2, no_access_2, try_2, update_2; loc idle2: invariant True when turn = IDLE sync try_2 do {x2 := 0} goto active2; loc active2: invariant x2 <= delta when True sync update_2 do {turn := 2, x2 := 0} goto check2; loc check2: invariant True when x2 >= epsilon & turn = 2 sync access_2 do {x2 := 0} goto access2; when x2 >= epsilon & turn < 2 sync no_access_2 do {x2 := 0} goto idle2; when x2 >= epsilon & turn > 2 sync no_access_2 do {x2 := 0} goto idle2; (*oops, no "<>" operator here!*) loc access2: invariant True when True sync enter_2 do {counter := counter + 1} goto CS2; loc CS2: invariant True when True sync exit_2 do {counter := counter - 1, turn := IDLE, x2 := 0} goto idle2; end (*proc2*) (************************************************************) automaton proc3 (************************************************************) synclabs: access_3, enter_3, exit_3, no_access_3, try_3, update_3; loc idle3: invariant True when turn = IDLE sync try_3 do {x3 := 0} goto active3; loc active3: invariant x3 <= delta when True sync update_3 do {turn := 3, x3 := 0} goto check3; loc check3: invariant True when x3 >= epsilon & turn = 3 sync access_3 do {x3 := 0} goto access3; when x3 >= epsilon & turn < 3 sync no_access_3 do {x3 := 0} goto idle3; when x3 >= epsilon & turn > 3 sync no_access_3 do {x3 := 0} goto idle3; (*oops, no "<>" operator here!*) loc access3: invariant True when True sync enter_3 do {counter := counter + 1} goto CS3; loc CS3: invariant True when True sync exit_3 do {counter := counter - 1, turn := IDLE, x3 := 0} goto idle3; end (*proc3*) (************************************************************) (* Initial state *) (************************************************************) init := (*------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Initial location *) (*------------------------------------------------------------*) & loc[proc1] = idle1 & loc[proc2] = idle2 & loc[proc3] = idle3 (* & loc[proc4] = idle4*) (*------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Initial discrete assignments *) (*------------------------------------------------------------*) & turn = IDLE & counter = 0 (*------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Initial clock constraints *) (*------------------------------------------------------------*) & x1 = 0 & x2 = 0 & x3 = 0 (*------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Parameter constraints *) (*------------------------------------------------------------*) & delta >= 0 & epsilon >= 0 (* & delta = 3 & epsilon = 4*) ; (************************************************************) (* The end *) (************************************************************) end