(************************************************************ * IMITATOR MODEL * * Parametric timed pattern matching benchmark: blowup (designed on purpose to test the limits of our algorithm) * * Description : Template of a timed word alternating between a and c * Correctness : N/A * Source : Étienne André, Ichiro Husuo, Masaki Waga "Offline timed pattern matching under uncertainty" (ICECCS 2018) * Author : Étienne André and Masaki Waga * Modeling : Étienne André and Masaki Waga * Input by : Étienne André * License : Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) * * Created : 2020/08/18 * Last modified : 2020/08/18 * * IMITATOR version: 3 ************************************************************) (************************************************************) (* Property specification *) (************************************************************) property := #synth EFpmin(loc[pta] = s3 , p1);