/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Husqvarna AutoMower * * Modified August 25, 2022 * * Instructions: * Go to developer.husqvarnagroup.cloud * - Sign in with your AutoConnect credentials * - +Create application * - Name it, URI for redirect https://cloud.hubitat.com/oauth/stateredirect * - Connect this to authentication api and automower api * - after saving, note application key and application secret to enter into settings here * * Note: currently Husqvarna allows a total of 10K requests a month. This app must poll so this must be taken into account * This works out to shortest poll is every 5 minutes, with little remaining headroom */ //file:noinspection GroovyDoubleNegation //file:noinspection GroovyUnusedAssignment //file:noinspection GroovySillyAssignment //file:noinspection unused //file:noinspection GroovyVariableNotAssigned //file:noinspection GrDeprecatedAPIUsage import groovy.json.* import groovy.transform.Field import java.text.SimpleDateFormat static String getVersionNum() { return "00.00.05" } static String getVersionLabel() { return "Husqvarna Automower Manager, version "+getVersionNum() } static String getMyNamespace() { return "imnotbob" } @Field static final Integer iWATCHDOGINTERVAL=10 // In minutes @Field static final Integer iREATTEMPTINTERVAL=30 // In seconds Integer gtPollingInterval(){ Integer interval= ((settings?.pollingInterval!= null) ? settings.pollingInterval : 15) as Integer // in minutes Integer mult= getWWebSocketStatus() ? 8 : 1 return (interval * mult).toInteger() } Integer getMinMinsBtwPolls() { Integer mult= getWWebSocketStatus() ? 20 : 1 return (3 * mult).toInteger() } static String getAutoMowerName() { return "Husqvarna AutoMower" } @Field static final String sNULL = (String)null @Field static final String sBLANK = '' @Field static final String sSPACE = ' ' @Field static final String sCLRRED = 'red' @Field static final String sCLRGRY = 'gray' @Field static final String sCLRORG = 'orange' @Field static final String sLINEBR = '
' @Field static final String sLOST = 'lost' @Field static final String sFULL = 'full' @Field static final String sBOOL = 'bool' @Field static final String sENUM = 'enum' @Field static final String sPOLL = 'poll' definition( name: "Husqvarna AutoMower Manager", namespace: myNamespace, author: "imnot_bob", description: "Connect your Husqvarna AutoMowers, along with a Suite of Helper Apps.", category: "Integrations", iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience.png", iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png", iconX3Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imnotbob/AutoMower/master/automower-connect.groovy", singleInstance: true, oauth: true ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage") page(name: "removePage") page(name: "authPage") page(name: "mowersPage") page(name: "preferencesPage") page(name: "debugDashboardPage") page(name: "refreshAuthTokenPage") } mappings { path("/oauth/initialize"){action: [GET: "oauthInitUrl"]} path("/callback"){action: [GET: "callback"]} path("/oauth/callback"){action: [GET: "callback"]} } void installed(){ LOG("Installed with settings: ${settings}",1,sTRACE) initialize() } void uninstalled(){ LOG("Uninstalling...",0,sWARN) unschedule() unsubscribe() removeChildDevices( (List)getAllChildDevices(), false ) // delete all my children! // Child apps are supposedly automatically deleted. } void updated(){ LOG("Updated with settings: ${settings}",2,sTRACE) cleanupStates() initialize() } @Field static Random randomSeed=new Random() void initialize(){ unsubscribe() unschedule() createSocketDev() LOG("${getVersionLabel()} Initializing...", 2, sDEBUG) if(settings.pollingInterval == null){ app.updateSetting('pollingInterval', "15") } Integer tt=randomSeed.nextInt(100) // get the random number generator going state.inPollChildren=true state.skipTime=wnow() if((String)state.authToken && (Boolean)state.initialized) { Long timeBeforeExpiry= state.authTokenExpires ? (Long)state.authTokenExpires - wnow() : 0L if(timeBeforeExpiry > 0) { //state.connected=sFULL apiRestored(false) }else apiLost("initialize found expired token") }else state.connected=sWARN updateMyLabel() state.reAttempt=0 state.remove('reAttempt') if(state.inTimeoutRetry){ state.inTimeoutRetry=0; state.remove('inTimeoutRetry') } Map updatesLog=[mowerUpdated:true, runtimeUpdated:true, forcePoll:true, getWeather:true, alertsUpdated:true, extendRTUpdated:true ] state.updatesLog=updatesLog state.numAvailMowers=0 state.mowerData=[:] if(!(Boolean)state.initialized){ state.initialized=true // These two below are for debugging and statistics purposes state.initializedEpoch=wnow() state.initializedDate=getDtNow() // getTimeStamp } Map myMowers myMowers=null clearLastPolls() myMowers=getAutoMowers(true, "initialize") Boolean apiOk=(myMowers!=null) // Create children, This should only be needed during initial setup and when mowers or sensors are added or removed. Boolean aOK aOK=apiOk aOK=(aOK && ((List)settings.mowers)?.size() > 0) if(aOK) aOK=createChildrenMowers() if(aOK) deleteUnusedChildren() if(aOK && myMowers) Boolean a=updateMowerChildren() subscribe(location, "systemStart", rebooted) // re-initialize if the hub reboots state.inPollChildren=false state.remove('inPollChildren') state.remove('skipTime') state.lastScheduledPoll=null state.lastScheduledPollDate=sNULL if(aOK){ forceNextPoll() } // Schedule the various handlers checkPolls('initialize() ', apiOk, true) //send activity feeds to tell devices connection status String notificationMessage=aOK ? "is connected" : (apiOk ? "had an error during setup of devices" : "api not connected") LOG("${getVersionLabel()} - initialization complete "+notificationMessage,2,sDEBUG) if(!state.versionLabel) state.versionLabel=getVersionLabel() chkRestartSocket(true) if(aOK) runIn(8, sPOLL, [overwrite: true]) } void rebooted(evt){ LOG("Hub rebooted, re-initializing", 2, sTRACE) initialize() } def mainPage(){ String version=getVersionLabel() Boolean deviceHandlersInstalled Boolean readyToInstall //=false deviceHandlersInstalled=testForDeviceHandlers() readyToInstall=deviceHandlersInstalled dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: pageTitle(version.replace('er, v',"er\nV")), install: readyToInstall, uninstall: false, submitOnChange: true){ // If no device Handlers we cannot proceed if(!(Boolean)state.initialized && !deviceHandlersInstalled){ section(){ paragraph "ERROR!\n\nYou MUST add the ${getAutoMowerName()} Device Handlers to the IDE BEFORE running setup." } }else{ readyToInstall=true } if((Boolean)state.initialized && !(String)state.authToken){ section(){ paragraph(getFormat("warning", "You are no longer connected to the Husqvarna API. Please re-Authorize below.")) } def dev= getSocketDevice() if(dev) dev.removeCookies(true) } if((String)state.authToken && !(Boolean)state.initialized){ section(){ paragraph "Please 'click \'Done\'' to save your credentials. Then re-open the AutoMower Manager to continue the setup." } } if((String)state.authToken && (Boolean)state.initialized){ if(((List)settings.mowers)?.size() > 0){ /* section(sectionTitle("Helpers")){ href ("helperAppsPage", title: inputTitle("Helper Applications"), description: "'Click' to manage Helper 'Applications'") }*/ } section(sectionTitle("AutoMower Devices")){ Integer howManyMowersSel=((List)settings.mowers)?.size() ?: 0 Integer howManyMowers=state.numAvailMowers ?: 0 // Mowers href ("mowersPage", title: inputTitle("Mowers"), description: "'Click' to select AutoMowers [${howManyMowersSel}/${howManyMowers}]") } } section(sectionTitle("Preferences")){ href ("preferencesPage", title: inputTitle("AutoMower Preferences"), description: "'Click' to manage global Preferences") } String authDesc=((String)state.authToken) ? "[Connected]\n" :"[Not Connected]\n" section(sectionTitle("Authentication")){ href ("authPage", title: inputTitle("AutoMower API Authorization"), description: "${authDesc}'Click' for AutoMower Authentication") } if( debugLevel(5) ){ section (sectionTitle("Debug Dashboard")){ href ("debugDashboardPage", description: "${HE?'Click':'Tap'} to enter the Debug Dashboard", title: inputTitle("Debug Dashboard")) } } section(sectionTitle( "Removal")){ href ("removePage", description: "'Click' to remove ${cleanAppName((String)app.label?:(String)app.name)}", title: inputTitle("Remove AutoMower Manager")) } section (sectionTitle("Naming")){ String defaultName="AutoMower Manager" String defaultLabel if(!(String)state.appDisplayName){ defaultLabel=defaultName app.updateLabel(defaultName) state.appDisplayName=defaultName }else{ defaultLabel=(String)state.appDisplayName } label(name: "name", title: inputTitle("Assign a name"), required: false, defaultValue: defaultLabel, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if(!app.label){ app.updateLabel(defaultLabel) state.appDisplayName=defaultLabel }else{ state.appDisplayName=(String)app.label } if(((String)app.label).contains('${getVersionLabel()}
") } } } def removePage(){ dynamicPage(name: "removePage", title: pageTitle("AutoMower Manager\nRemove AutoMower Manager and its Children"), install: false, uninstall: true){ section (){ paragraph(getFormat("warning", "Removing AutoMower Manager also removes all Mower automations and Devices!")) } } } Boolean initializeEndpoint(Boolean disableRetry=false) { String accessToken accessToken=(String)state.accessToken if(!accessToken){ try { accessToken=createAccessToken() } catch(Exception e){ LOG("authPage() --> No OAuth Access token", 3, sERROR, e) } if(!accessToken && !disableRetry){ enableOauth() return initializeEndpoint(true) } } return (!!(String)state.accessToken) } // try to enable oauth on HE for this app private void enableOauth(){ Map params=[ uri: "http://localhost:8080/app/edit/update?_action_update=Update&oauthEnabled=true&id=${app.appTypeId}".toString(), headers: ['Content-Type':'text/html;charset=utf-8'] ] try{ httpPost(params){ resp -> //LogTrace("response data: ${resp.data}") } } catch (e){ LOG("enableOauth something went wrong: ", 1, sERROR, e) } } // Setup OAuth between HE and Husqvarna clouds def authPage(){ LOG("authPage() --> Begin", 4, sTRACE) //log.debug "accessToken: ${state.accessToken}, ${state.accessToken}" Boolean success=initializeEndpoint() if(!success) { if(!state.accessToken){ LOG("authPage() --> OAuth", 1, sERROR, e) LOG("authPage() --> Probable Cause: OAuth not enabled in Hubitat IDE for the 'AutoMower Manager' 'App'", 1, sWARN) LOG("authPage() --> No OAuth Access token", 3, sERROR) return dynamicPage(name: "authPage", title: pageTitle("AutoMower Manager\nOAuth Initialization Failure"), nextPage: sBLANK, uninstall: true){ section(){ paragraph "Error initializing AutoMower Authentication: could not get the OAuth access token.\n\nPlease verify that OAuth has been enabled in " + "the Hubitat IDE for the 'AutoMower Manager' 'App', and then try again.\n\nIf this error persists, view Live Logging in the IDE for " + "additional error information." } } } } String description description=sBLANK Boolean uninstallAllowed, oauthTokenProvided uninstallAllowed=false oauthTokenProvided=false if((String)state.authToken){ description="You are connected. Click Next/Done below." uninstallAllowed=true oauthTokenProvided=true apiRestored() }else{ description="'Click' to enter AutoMower Credentials" } // HE OAuth process String redirectUrl=oauthInitUrl() // get rid of next button until the user is actually auth'd if(!oauthTokenProvided){ LOG("authPage() --> Valid 'HE' OAuth Access token (${state.accessToken}), need AutoMower OAuth token", 3, sTRACE) LOG("authPage() --> RedirectUrl=${redirectUrl}", 5, sINFO) return dynamicPage(name: "authPage", title: pageTitle("AutoMower Manager\nHusqvarna API Authentication"), nextPage: sBLANK, uninstall: uninstallAllowed){ oauthSection() if(getHusqvarnaApiKey() && getHusqvarnaApiSecret()) { section(sectionTitle(" ")){ paragraph "'Click' below to log in to the Husqvarna service and authorize AutoMower Manager for Hubitat access. Be sure to 'Click' the 'Allow' button on the 2nd page." href url: redirectUrl, style: "external", required: true, title: inputTitle("AutoConnect Account Authorization"), description: description } } } }else{ LOG("authPage() --> Valid OAuth token (${(String)state.authToken})", 3, sTRACE) return dynamicPage(name: "authPage", title: pageTitle("AutoMower Manager\nHusqvarna API Authentication"), nextPage: "mainPage", uninstall: uninstallAllowed){ oauthSection() if(getHusqvarnaApiKey() && getHusqvarnaApiSecret()) { section(sectionTitle(" ")){ paragraph "Return to the main menu" href url:redirectUrl, style: "embedded", state: "complete", title: inputTitle("AutoConnect Account Authorization"), description: description } } } } } def oauthSection(){ section(sectionTitle("Husqvarna Oauth credentials")){ paragraph "Enter Oauth you created from Husqvarna Development portal" input(name: "apiKey", title:inputTitle("Enter Oauth Key"), type: "text", required:true, description: "Tap to choose", submitOnChange: true, width: 6) input(name: "apiSecret", title:inputTitle("Enter Oauth Secret"), type: "text", required:true, description: "Tap to choose", submitOnChange: true, width: 6) String msg= """ Instructions: Go to developer.husqvarnagroup.cloud - Sign in with your AutoConnect credentials - +Create application - Name it, redirect URI should be set https://cloud.hubitat.com/oauth/stateredirect - Connect this to authentication api and automower api - after saving, note application key and application secret to enter into settings here """ paragraph msg } } def mowersPage(params){ LOG("=====> mowersPage() entered", 5) Map mowers=getAutoMowers(true, "mowersPage") LOG("mowersPage() -> mower list: ${mowers}",5) LOG("mowersPage() starting settings: ${settings}",5) LOG("mowersPage() params passed: ${params}", 5, sTRACE) dynamicPage(name: "mowersPage", title: pageTitle("AutoMower Manager\nMowers"), params: params, nextPage: sBLANK, content: "mowersPage", uninstall: false){ section(title: sectionTitle("Mower Selection")){ if(mowers) { paragraph("'Click' below to see the list of AutoMowers available in your AutoConnect account and select the ones you want to connect.") LOG("mowersPage(): state.settingsCurrentMowers=${state.settingsCurrentMowers} mowers=${(List)settings.mowers}", 4, sTRACE) if((List)state.settingsCurrentMowers != (List)settings.mowers){ LOG("state.settingsCurrentMowers != mowers: changes detected!", 4, sTRACE) state.settingsCurrentMowers=(List)settings.mowers ?: [] checkPolls('mowersPage ', true, false) }else{ LOG("state.settingsCurrentMowers == mowers: No changes detected!", 4, sTRACE) } input(name: "mowers", title:inputTitle("Select Mowers"), type: sENUM, required:false, multiple:true, description: "Tap to choose", params: params, options: mowers, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) }else paragraph("No mowers found to connect.") } } } def preferencesPage(){ LOG("=====> preferencesPage() entered. settings: ${settings}", 5) dynamicPage(name: "preferencesPage", title: pageTitle("AutoMower Manager\nPreferences"), nextPage: sBLANK){ List echo=[] section(title: sectionTitle("Notifications")){ paragraph("Notifications are only sent when the AutoConnect API connection is lost and unrecoverable, at most 1 per hour.", width: 8) } section(title: smallerTitle("Notification Devices")){ input(name: "notifiers", type: "capability.notification", multiple: true, title: inputTitle("Select Notification Devices"), submitOnChange: true, width: 6, required: false /*(!settings.speak || ((settings.musicDevices == null) && (settings.speechDevices == null)))*/) if(settings.notifiers){ echo=settings.notifiers.findAll { (it.deviceNetworkId.contains('|echoSpeaks|') && it.hasCommand('sendAnnouncementToDevices')) } if(echo){ input(name: "echoAnnouncements", type: sBOOL, title: "Use ${echo.size()>1?'simultaneous ':''}Announcements for the Echo Speaks device${echo.size()>1?'s':''}?", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) } } } section(hideWhenEmpty: (!settings.speechDevices && !settings.musicDevices), title: smallerTitle("Speech Devices")){ input(name: "speak", type: sBOOL, title: inputTitle("Speak messages?"), required: !settings?.notifiers, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if((Boolean)settings.speak){ input(name: "speechDevices", type: "capability.speechSynthesis", required: (settings.musicDevices == null), title: inputTitle("Select speech devices"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) input(name: "musicDevices", type: "capability.musicPlayer", required: (settings.speechDevices == null), title: inputTitle("Select music devices"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) input(name: "volume", type: "number", range: "0..100", title: inputTitle("At this volume (%)"), defaultValue: 50, required: false, width: 4) } } if(echo || settings.speak){ section(smallerTitle("Do Not Disturb")){ input(name: "speakModes", type: "mode", title: inputTitle('Only speak notifications during these Location Modes:'), required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) input(name: "speakTimeStart", type: "time", title: inputTitle('Only speak notifications
between...'), required: (settings.speakTimeEnd != null), submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "speakTimeEnd", type: "time", title: inputTitle("
...and"), required: (settings.speakTimeStart != null), submitOnChange: true, width: 3) String nowOK=((List)settings.speakModes || ((settings.speakTimeStart != null) && (settings.speakTimeEnd != null))) ? (" - with the current settings, notifications WOULD ${notifyNowOK()?sBLANK:'NOT '}be spoken now") : sBLANK paragraph(getFormat('note', "If both Modes and Times are set, both must be true" + nowOK)) } } section(title: sectionTitle("Configuration")){} section(title: smallerTitle("Polling Interval")){ paragraph("How frequently do you want to poll the Husqvarna cloud for changes? (Default 15 mins)", width: 8) paragraph(sBLANK, width: 4) input(name: "pollingInterval", title:inputTitle("Select Polling Interval")+" (minutes)", type: sENUM, required:false, multiple:false, defaultValue:"15", description: "in Minutes", width: 4, options:["6", "10", "15", "30", "60"]) if(settings.pollingInterval == null){ app.updateSetting('pollingInterval', "15") } } section(title: sectionTitle("Operations")){} section(title: smallerTitle("Debug Log Level")){ paragraph("Select the debug logging level. Higher levels send more information to IDE Live Logging. A setting of 2 is recommended for normal operations.", width: 8) paragraph(sBLANK, width: 4) input(name: "debugLevel", title:inputTitle("Select Debug Log Level"), type: sENUM, required:false, multiple:false, defaultValue:"2", description: "2", options:["5", "4", "3", "2", "1", "0"], width: 4) if(settings.debugLevel == null){ app.updateSetting('debugLevel', "2") } generateEventLocalParams() // push down to devices } } } def debugDashboardPage(){ LOG("=====> debugDashboardPage() entered.", 5) dynamicPage(name: "debugDashboardPage", title: sBLANK){ section(getVersionLabel()){} section(sectionTitle("Commands")){ href(name: "refreshAuthTokenPage", title: sBLANK, required: false, page: "refreshAuthTokenPage", description: "Tap to execute: refreshAuthToken()") } section(sectionTitle("Settings Information")){ paragraph "debugLevel: ${getIDebugLevel()}" Integer interval= ((settings?.pollingInterval!= null) ? settings.pollingInterval : 15) as Integer // in minutes paragraph "pollingInterval (Minutes): ${interval} actual: ${gtPollingInterval()}" paragraph "webSocket Operating: ${getWWebSocketStatus()}" paragraph "Selected Mowers: ${settings.mowers}" } section(sectionTitle("Dump of Debug Variables")){ Map debugParamList=getDebugDump() LOG("debugParamList: ${debugParamList}", 4, sDEBUG) //if( debugParamList?.size() > 0 ){ if( debugParamList != null ){ debugParamList.each { key, value -> LOG("Adding paragraph: key:${key} value:${value}", 5, sTRACE) paragraph "${key}: ${value}" } } } section(sectionTitle("Commands")){ href ("removePage", description: "Tap to remove AutoMower Manager ", title: sBLANK) } } } def refreshAuthTokenPage(){ LOG("=====> refreshAuthTokenPage() entered.", 5) Boolean a=refreshAuthToken('refreshAuthTokenPage') dynamicPage(name: "refreshAuthTokenPage", title: sBLANK){ section(){ paragraph "refreshAuthTokenPage() was called" } } } Boolean testForDeviceHandlers(){ // Only create the dummy devices if we aren't initialized yet if((Boolean)state.runTestOnce != null){ if((Boolean)state.runTestOnce == false){ List myChildren=(List)getAllChildDevices() if(myChildren) removeChildDevices( myChildren, true ) // Delete any leftover dummy (test) children state.runTestOnce=null return false }else{ return true } } String DNIAdder=wnow().toString() String d1Str="dummyMowerDNI-${DNIAdder}" def d1 Boolean success success=false List myChildren=(List)getAllChildDevices() if(myChildren.size() > 0) removeChildDevices( myChildren, true ) // Delete my test children LOG("testing for device handlers", 4, sTRACE) try { d1=addChildDevice(myNamespace, getAutoMowerName(), d1Str, ((List)location.hubs)[0]?.id, ["label":"AutoMower:TestingForInstall", completedSetup:true]) if((d1 != null) ) success=true } catch(Exception e){ LOG("testForDeviceHandlers", 1, sERROR, e) if("${e}".startsWith("com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException")){ LOG("You MUST add the ${getAutoMowerName()} Device Handlers to the IDE BEFORE running the setup.", 1, sERROR) } } LOG("device handlers=${success}", 4, sINFO) Boolean deletedChildren deletedChildren=true try { if(d1) deleteChildDevice(d1Str) } catch(Exception e){ LOG("Error deleting test devices (${d1})",1,sWARN, e) deletedChildren=false } if(!deletedChildren) runIn(5, delayedRemoveChildren, [overwrite: true]) state.runTestOnce=success return success } void delayedRemoveChildren(){ List myChildren=(List)getAllChildDevices() if(myChildren.size() > 0) removeChildDevices( myChildren, true ) } void removeChildDevices(List devices, Boolean dummyOnly=false){ if(!devices){ return } Boolean first first=true String devName devName=sNULL try { devices?.each { devName=it.displayName String devDNI=it.deviceNetworkId if(!dummyOnly || devDNI?.startsWith('dummy')){ if(first) { first=false LOG("Removing ${dummyOnly?'test':'unused'} child devices",3,sTRACE) } LOG("Removing unused child: ${devDNI} - ${devName}",1,sWARN) deleteChildDevice(devDNI) }else{ LOG("Keeping child: ${devDNI} - ${devName}",4,sTRACE) } } } catch(Exception e){ LOG("Error removing device ${devName}",1,sWARN, e) } } String getSocketDNI(){ String myId=app.getId() String nmS nmS= 'automower_websocket' nmS= myId + '|' + nmS return nmS } def getSocketDevice(){ return getChildDevice(getSocketDNI()) } void createSocketDev(){ String nmS= getSocketDNI() def wsDevice= getChildDevice(nmS) if(!wsDevice) { String wsChildHandlerName= "Husqvarna AutoMower WS" def a= addChildDevice("imnotbob", wsChildHandlerName, nmS, null, [name: wsChildHandlerName, label: "Husqvarna AutoMower - WebSocket", completedSetup: true]) } } void chkRestartSocket(Boolean frc=true){ def dev= getSocketDevice() if(dev && (frc || !(Boolean)dev?.isSocketActive())) { LOG("chkRestartSocket: re-initializing websocket force: $frc", 1, sTRACE) dev.triggerInitialize() } } Boolean getWWebSocketStatus(){ return (Boolean)state.websocketActive } void webSocketStatus(Boolean active) { state.websocketActive= active } @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') void wsEvtHandler(Map evt){ LOG("wsEvtHandler evt: ${evt}", 4, sDEBUG) // state.numAvailMowers=((List)ndata)?.size() ?: 0 Boolean fndMower,didChg fndMower=true didChg=false String dni=getMowerDNI((String)evt.id) if(!(dni in (List)settings.mowers)){ if(dni) LOG("wsEvtHandler DID NOT FIND $dni in settings", 4, sDEBUG) fndMower=false } Map mowersLocation,mowerLoc mowersLocation= state.mowersLocation ?: [:] mowerLoc= mowersLocation[dni] ? mowersLocation: [:] Map mdata=(Map)state.mowerData ?: [:] Map mower= mdata && dni ? mdata[dni] : null String typ=evt.type if(mower && typ){ switch(typ){ case 'status-event': case 'positions-event': case 'settings-event': if(evt.attributes){ Map ma= (Map)mdata[dni].attributes ((Map)evt.attributes).each { LOG("wsEvtHandler - type: ${typ} key: ${it.key} value: ${it.value}", 4, sDEBUG) if((String)it.key in ['cuttingHeight','headlight']){ Map mas= (Map)ma.settings mas[it.key]=it.value didChg=true }else{ if((String)it.key in ['calendar','positions','battery','mower','metadata','planner','statistics']){ ma[it.key]=it.value didChg=true }else{ LOG("wsEvtHandler NOT FOUND - type: ${typ} key: ${it.key} value: ${it.value}", 4, sDEBUG) } } } //LOG("wsEvtHandler mdata[${dni}]: ${mdata[dni]}", 4, sDEBUG) //LOG("wsEvtHandler ma: ${ma}", 4, sDEBUG) mdata[dni].attributes=ma } break default: LOG("wsEvtHandler NO MATCH - type: ${typ} evt: ${evt}", 4, sDEBUG) } if(fndMower && didChg && mowerLoc){ mowerLoc[dni]= getMowerLocation(mower) state.mowersLocation= mowerLoc } }else{ if(dni) LOG("wsEvtHandler NO mower or type - type: ${typ} mower: ${mower}", 4, sDEBUG) } state.mowerData=mdata //log.debug "resp: ${state.mowerData}" if(fndMower && didChg){ updTsVal("getAutoUpdDt") updateLastPoll(true) Boolean a= updateMowerChildren() } } String getCookieS(){ return (String)state.authToken } static String getCallbackUrl() { return "https://cloud.hubitat.com/oauth/stateredirect" } static String getMowerApiEndpoint() { return "https://api.amc.husqvarna.dev/v1" } static String getApiEndpoint() { return "https://api.authentication.husqvarnagroup.dev/v1/oauth2" } //static String getWssEndpoint() { return "wss://ws.openapi.husqvarna.dev/v1"} //String getBuildRedirectUrl() { return "${serverUrl}/oauth/stateredirect?access_token=${state.accessToken}" } String getStateUrl() { return "${getHubUID()}/apps/${app?.id}/callback?access_token=${state?.accessToken}" } String getHusqvarnaApiKey(){ return (String)settings.apiKey } String getHusqvarnaApiSecret(){ return (String)settings.apiSecret } // OAuth Init URL String oauthInitUrl(){ LOG("oauthInitUrl", 4) state.oauthInitState=getStateUrl() // HE does redirect a little differently //log.debug "oauthInitState: ${state.oauthInitState}" Map oauthParams=[ response_type: "code", client_id: getHusqvarnaApiKey(), // actually, the AutoMower Manager app's client ID scope: "iam:read amc:api", // was app redirect_uri: getCallbackUrl(), state: state.oauthInitState ] String res= getApiEndpoint()+"/authorize?${toQueryString(oauthParams)}" LOG("oauthInitUrl - location: ${res}", 4, sDEBUG) return res } void parseAuthResponse(resp){ String msgH="Display http response | " //log.debug "response data: ${myObj(resp.data)} ${resp.data}" String str str=sBLANK resp.data.each{ str += "\n${it.key} --> ${it.value}, " } LOG(msgH+"response data: ${str}",4,sDEBUG) LOG(msgH+"response data object type: ${myObj(resp.data)}",4,sDEBUG) str=sBLANK resp.getHeaders().each{ str += "\n${it.name}: ${it.value}, " } log.debug msgH+"response headers: ${str}" log.debug msgH+"isSuccess: ${resp.isSuccess()} | statucode: ${resp.status}" //str=sBLANK //log.debug "resp param ${resp.params}" //resp.params.each{ str += "${it.name}: ${it.value}"} //log.debug "response params: ${str}" } private static String encodeURIComponent(value){ // URLEncoder converts spaces to + which is then indistinguishable from any // actual + characters in the value. Match encodeURIComponent in ECMAScript // which encodes "a+b c" as "a+b%20c" rather than URLEncoder's "a+b+c" return URLEncoder.encode( "${value}".toString().replaceAll('\\+','__wc_plus__'), 'UTF-8' ).replaceAll('\\+','%20').replaceAll('__wc_plus__','+') } def callback(){ LOG("callback()>> params: ${params}" /* params.code ${params.code}, params.state ${params.state}, state.oauthInitState ${state.oauthInitState}"*/, 4, sDEBUG) def code=params.code String oauthState=params.state String eMsg eMsg= sNULL if(oauthState == state.oauthInitState){ LOG("callback() --> States matched!", 4) Map rdata=[ grant_type: "authorization_code", code : code, client_id : getHusqvarnaApiKey(), client_secret : getHusqvarnaApiSecret(), state : oauthState, redirect_uri: callbackUrl, ] //String tokenUrl=getApiEndpoint()+"/token?${toQueryString(tokenParams)}" String tokenUrl=getApiEndpoint()+"/token" String data=rdata.collect{ String k,v -> encodeURIComponent(k)+'='+encodeURIComponent(v) }.join('&') Map reqP=[ uri: tokenUrl, query: null, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", // requestContentType: "application/json", body: data, timeout: 30 ] LOG("callback()-->reqP ${reqP}", 4) try{ httpPost(reqP){ resp -> if(resp && resp.data && resp.isSuccess()){ // parseAuthResponse(resp) String kk resp.data.each{ kk=it.key } Map ndata=(Map)new JsonSlurper().parseText(kk) log.debug "ndata : ${ndata}" state.refreshToken=ndata.refresh_token state.authToken=ndata.access_token Long tt= wnow() + (ndata.expires_in * 1000) //log.error "tt is ${tt}" state.authTokenExpires=tt atomicState.refreshToken=ndata.refresh_token atomicState.authToken=ndata.access_token //atomicState.authTokenExpires=tt //log.error "state.authTokenExpires is ${state.authTokenExpires}" LOG("Expires in ${ndata.expires_in} seconds", 3) LOG("swapped token: $ndata; state.refreshToken: ${state.refreshToken}; state.authToken: ${(String)state.authToken}", 3) state.remove('oauthInitState') eMsg= success() def dev= getSocketDevice() if(dev){ dev.updateCookies(ndata.access_token) if(!(Boolean)dev.isSocketActive()){ dev.triggerInitialize() } } }else{ eMsg= fail() } } } catch(Exception e){ LOG("auth callback()", 1, sERROR, e) //if(resp) parseAuthResponse(resp) eMsg= fail() } }else{ LOG("callback() failed oauthState != state.oauthInitState", 1, sWARN) eMsg= fail() } render contentType: 'text/html', data: eMsg } static String success(){ String message="""

Your AutoConnect Account is now connected!

Close this window and click 'Done' to finish setup.

""" return connectionStatus(message) } static String fail(){ String message="""

The connection could not be established!

Close this window and click 'Done' to return to the menu.

""" return connectionStatus(message) } static String connectionStatus(String message, Boolean close=false){ String redirectHtml= close ? """""" : sBLANK /*String redirectHtml=sBLANK if(redirectUrl){ redirectHtml=""" """ } */ String hubIcon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Hubitat/HubitatLogo.png' String html=""" Husqvarna connection
ecobee icon connected device icon Hubitat logo ${message}
${redirectHtml} """.toString() return html } static String myObj(obj){ if(obj instanceof String){return 'String'} else if(obj instanceof Map){return 'Map'} else if(obj instanceof List){return 'List'} else if(obj instanceof ArrayList){return 'ArrayList'} else if(obj instanceof Integer){return 'Int'} else if(obj instanceof BigInteger){return 'BigInt'} else if(obj instanceof Long){return 'Long'} else if(obj instanceof Boolean){return 'Bool'} else if(obj instanceof BigDecimal){return 'BigDec'} else if(obj instanceof Float){return 'Float'} else if(obj instanceof Byte){return 'Byte'} else if(obj instanceof ByteArrayInputStream){return 'ByteArrayInputStream'} else{ return 'unknown'} } Boolean weAreLost(String msgH, String meth){ String msg msg= sBLANK if(!(String)state.authToken){ apiLost(msgH+"weAreLost() found no auth token, called by ${meth}") } if(apiConnected() == sLOST){ msg += "found connection lost to husqvarna | " if( refreshAuthToken(meth) ){ msg += " - Was able to recover the lost connection. Please ignore any notifications received. | " LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sINFO) }else{ msg += " - Unable to refresh token and get mowers do to loss of API Connection. Please ensure you are authorized." LOG(msgH+msg, 1, sERROR) return true } } return false } // Get the list of mowers for use in the settings pages Map getAutoMowers(Boolean frc=false, String meth="followup", Boolean isRetry=false){ String msgH="getAutoMowers(force: $frc, calledby: $meth, isRetry: $isRetry) | " if(debugLevel(4)){ LOG(msgH+"====> entered ",4,sTRACE) } else LOG(msgH, 3,sTRACE) if(weAreLost(msgH, 'getAutoMowers')){ return null } Map res res=[:] String cached,msg cached=sBLANK Boolean skipIt skipIt=false Boolean myfrc=(!state.mowerData || !state.mowersWithNames) Integer lastU=getLastTsValSecs("getAutoUpdDt") // last attempt if( (frc && lastU < 60)){ skipIt=true } if( (!frc && lastU < 150) ){ skiptIt=true } // related to getMinMinsBtwPolls Map mowers mowers=[:] Map mowersLocation mowersLocation=[:] msg=sBLANK if(myfrc || !skipIt){ updTsVal("getAutoUpdDt") Map deviceListParams=[ uri: getMowerApiEndpoint() +"/mowers", headers: [ "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json", "Authorization": "Bearer ${(String)state.authToken}", "Authorization-Provider": "husqvarna", "X-Api-Key":getHusqvarnaApiKey() ], query: null, timeout: 30 ] if(debugLevel(4)){ msg+="http params -- ${deviceListParams} " } msg +="HTTPGET " if(msg){ LOG(msgH + msg, 3, sTRACE) msg=sBLANK } Boolean exitout exitout=false try{ httpGet(deviceListParams){ resp -> LOG(msgH + "httpGet() ${resp.status} Response", 4, sTRACE) String rdata Map adata if(resp){ rdata=resp.data.text // need to save first time since it is a ByteArrayInputStream if(rdata) adata=(Map)new JsonSlurper().parseText(rdata) } if(resp && resp.isSuccess() && resp.status == 200 && adata){ List ndata=((List)adata.data)?.findAll{ it.type == "mower" } state.numAvailMowers=((List)ndata)?.size() ?: 0 Map mdata=[:] ndata.each{ Map mower -> String dni=getMowerDNI((String) mower.id) mowers[dni]=getMowerDisplayName(mower) mowersLocation[dni]=getMowerLocation(mower) mdata[dni]=mower } state.mowerData=mdata //log.debug "resp: ${state.mowerData}" updateLastPoll(false) }else{ LOG(msgH + "httpGet() in else: http status: ${resp.status}", 1, sTRACE) //refresh the auth token if(resp.status == 500){ //} && resp.data?.status?.code == 14){ if(!isRetry){ LOG(msgH + "Refreshing auth_token!", 3, sTRACE) if(refreshAuthToken('getAutoMowers')){ res= getAutoMowers(frc, meth, true) } } }else{ LOG(msgH + "Other error. Status: ${resp.status} Response data: ${rdata} ", 1, sERROR) } exitout=true } } } catch(Exception e){ LOG(msgH + "___exception", 1, sERROR, e) if(!isRetry){ Boolean a= refreshAuthToken('getAutoMowers') } exitout=true } if(exitout) return res state.mowersWithNames=mowers state.mowersLocation=mowersLocation }else{ mowers= state.mowersWithNames mowersLocation=state.mowersLocation cached="cached " } msg += cached+"mowersWithNames: ${mowers}, locations: ${mowersLocation}" LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sTRACE) return (mowers) ? mowers.sort{ it.value } : null } /* * max 1 command per second * Commands are queued at Husqvarna, and executed when mower checks in */ Boolean sendCmdToHusqvarna(String mowerId, Map data, Boolean isRetry=false, String uriend='actions'){ String msgH= "sendCmdToHusqvarna(mower: $mowerId, data: $data, isRetry: $isRetry uriend: $uriend) | " Boolean ok= (mowerId && mowerId in (List)settings.mowers) if(!ok){ LOG(msgH + "mower not enabled in settings: $settings.mowers", 1, sERROR) return false } if(debugLevel(4)) LOG(msgH + "===> entered", 4, sTRACE) else LOG(msgH, 3,sTRACE) if(weAreLost(msgH, 'sendCmdToHusqvarna')){ return false } Map deviceListParams=[ uri: getMowerApiEndpoint() +"/mowers"+"/${mowerId}/${uriend}", headers: [ "Content-Type": "application/vnd.api+json", "Authorization": "Bearer ${(String)state.authToken}", "Authorization-Provider": "husqvarna", "X-Api-Key":getHusqvarnaApiKey() ], query: null, body: new JsonOutput().toJson(data), timeout: 30 ] String msg msg= sBLANK if(debugLevel(4)){ msg+="http params -- ${deviceListParams} " } msg +="HTTPPOST " if(msg){ LOG(msgH + msg, 2, sTRACE) msg=sBLANK } Boolean res res=false try{ httpPost(deviceListParams){ resp -> String rdata /* Map adata if(resp){ rdata=resp.data.text // need to save first time since it is a ByteArrayInputStream if(rdata) adata=(Map)new JsonSlurper().parseText(rdata) }*/ if(resp && resp.isSuccess() && resp.status >= 200 && resp.status <= 299){ res=true LOG(msgH + "httpPost() ${resp.status} Response $res", 2, sTRACE) runIn(85, sPOLL, [overwrite: true]) // give time for command to complete; then get new status }else{ LOG(msgH + "httpPost() in else: http status: ${resp.status}", 1, sTRACE) //refresh the auth token if(resp.status == 500){ //} && resp.data?.status?.code == 14){ //LOG(msgH + "Storing the failed action to try later", 1, sTRACE) //state.action="getAutoMowers" if(!isRetry){ LOG(msgH + "Refreshing auth_token!", 3, sTRACE) if(refreshAuthToken('sendCmdToHusqvarna')) res= sendCmdToHusqvarna(mowerId, data, true,uriend) } }else{ LOG(msgH + "Other error. Status: ${resp.status} Response data: ${rdata} $res", 1, sERROR) } } } } catch(Exception e){ LOG(msgH + "___exception $res", 1, sERROR, e) //state.action="getAutoMowers" if(!isRetry){ Boolean a= refreshAuthToken('sendCmdToHusqvarna') } } return res } Boolean sendSettingToHusqvarna(String mowerId, Map data, Boolean isRetry=false){ return sendCmdToHusqvarna(mowerId, data, isRetry,'settings') } Boolean sendScheduleToHusqvarna(String mowerId, Map data, Boolean isRetry=false){ return sendCmdToHusqvarna(mowerId, data, isRetry,'calendar') } Map getMowerMap(String tid){ if(tid){ String dni=getMowerDNI(tid) MapmowerMap=(Map)state.mowerData if(dni && mowerMap){ return mowerMap[dni] } } return null } String getMowerName(String tid){ // Get the name for this mower String DNI=getMowerDNI(tid) Map mowersWithNames=state.mowersWithNames String mowerName mowerName=(mowersWithNames?.containsKey(DNI)) ? mowersWithNames[DNI] : sBLANK if(mowerName == sBLANK){ mowerName=getChildDevice(DNI)?.displayName } // better than displaying 'null' as the name return mowerName } static String getMowerDNI(String tid){ return tid //return 'autoconnect-mower-' + ([app.id.toString(), tid].join('.')) } static String getMowerDisplayName(Map mower){ String nm=(String)mower?.attributes?.system?.name ?: 'Name not found' return nm + ' - ' + getMowerModelName(mower) } static String getMowerModelName(Map mower){ return (String)mower?.attributes?.system?.model ?: "Model not found" } static String getMowerLocation(Map mower){ if((String)mower?.attributes?.mower?.mode && (String)mower?.attributes?.mower?.activity){ return (String)mower?.attributes?.mower?.mode+sSPACE+(String)mower?.attributes?.mower?.activity } return "location not found??" } void settingUpdate(String name, value, String type=sNULL){ if(name && type){ app.updateSetting(name, [type: type, value: value]) }else if(name && !type){ app.updateSetting(name, value) } } void settingRemove(String name){ LOG("settingRemove($name)...",4, sTRACE) if(name && settings.containsKey(name)){ app?.removeSetting(name) } } void cleanupStates(){ LOG("Cleaning up states", 3, sTRACE) state.remove('needPrograms') remTsVal('getAutoUpdDt') state.remove('timeSendPush') state.remove('oauthInitState') state.remove('lastLOGerror') state.remove('LastLOGerrorDate') state.remove('sunriseTime') state.remove('sunsetTime') state.remove('timeOfDay') state.remove('initializedEpic') state.remove('action') state.remove('statLocation') state.remove('dbg_lastSunriseEvent') state.remove('dbg_lastSunriseEventDate') state.remove('dbg_lastSunsetEvent') state.remove('dbg_lastSunsetEventDate') /* state.remove("pollingInterval") settingRemove('arrowPause') state.remove('audio') */ } Boolean createChildrenMowers(){ Boolean result result=true Integer ccnt,fnd ccnt=0 fnd=0 LOG("createChildrenMowers() entered: mowers=${(List)settings.mowers}", 4, sTRACE) // Create the child Mower Devices List devices=((List)settings.mowers).collect{ dni -> def d=getChildDevice(dni) if(!d){ try{ d=addChildDevice(myNamespace, getAutoMowerName(), dni, ((List)location.hubs)[0]?.id, ["label":"Mower: ${state.mowersWithNames[dni]}", completedSetup:true]) } catch(Exception e){ if("${e}".startsWith("com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException")){ LOG("You MUST add the ${getAutoMowerName()} Device Handler to the IDE BEFORE running the setup.", 1, sERROR, e) state.runTestOnce=null result=false return false } } ccnt += 1 LOG("created ${d.displayName} with id ${dni}", 4, sTRACE) }else{ fnd += 1 LOG("found ${d.displayName} with id ${dni} already exists", 4, sTRACE) } return d } if(result) LOG("Created ($ccnt) / Updated ($fnd) / Total: ${devices.size()} mowers", 4, sTRACE) return result } /* String getChildAppName(String childId){ def child=getChildApps().find{ it.id.toString() == childId } return child ? (cleanAppName((String)child.label?:(String)child.name)) : sBLANK } */ static String cleanAppName(String name){ if(name){ String cleanName Integer idx=name.indexOf(' 0) ? name.substring(0, idx) : name).trim() } return sNULL } // NOTE: For this to work correctly void deleteUnusedChildren(){ LOG("deleteUnusedChildren() entered", 5, sTRACE) // Always make sure that the dummy devices were deleted removeChildDevices((List)getAllChildDevices(), true) // Delete dummy devices if(((List)settings.mowers)?.size() == 0){ // No mowers, need to delete all children LOG("Deleting All My Children!", 0, sWARN) removeChildDevices((List)getAllChildDevices(), false) }else{ // Only delete those that are no longer in the list // This should be a combination of any removed mowers and any removed sensors List allMyChildren=(List)getAllChildDevices() LOG("These are currently all of my children: ${allMyChildren}", 4, sDEBUG) // Don't delete any devices that are configured in settings (mowers) List childrenToKeep=((List)settings.mowers ?: []) + [ getSocketDNI() ] //socket LOG("These are the children to keep around: ${childrenToKeep}", 4, sTRACE) List childrenToDelete=allMyChildren.findAll{ !childrenToKeep.contains(it.deviceNetworkId) } if(childrenToDelete.size() > 0){ LOG("Ready to delete these devices: ${childrenToDelete}", 0, sWARN) childrenToDelete?.each{ deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } } } } void scheduledWatchdog(evt=null, Boolean local=false, String meth="schedule/runin"){ String msgH="scheduledWatchdog() | " String evtStr=evt ? "${evt.name}:${evt.value}" : 'null' String msg msg="event: (${evtStr}) | local (${local}) | by ${meth} | " Boolean debugLevelFour=debugLevel(4) if(debugLevelFour){ LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sTRACE); msg=sBLANK } Long oldLast oldLast=state.lastScheduledWatchdog String oldLastS oldLastS=state.lastScheduledWatchdogDate // Check to see if we have called too soon if(!state.lastScheduledWatchdog){ oldLast= wnow() - 3600001L oldLastS= sNULL } state.lastScheduledWatchdog=wnow() state.lastScheduledWatchdogDate=getTimestamp() Long timeSinceLastWatchdog= Math.round((wnow() - oldLast) / 60000L) if( timeSinceLastWatchdog < 2L ){ msg += "It has only been ${timeSinceLastWatchdog*60} seconds since last call. Exiting" if(debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sTRACE) return } // check if token needs to be refreshed Long texp= (Long)state.authTokenExpires Long timeBeforeExpiry=texp ? texp - wnow() : 0L if(timeBeforeExpiry < 1800000L){ msg += "Calling refreshToken | timeBeforeExpiry: ${timeBeforeExpiry} | " if(debugLevelFour){ LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sTRACE); msg=sBLANK } if( !refreshAuthToken('scheduledWatchdog') ){ return } } if(weAreLost(msgH, 'scheduledWatchdog')){ msg += "exiting - no connection" if(debugLevelFour){ LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sTRACE); msg=sBLANK } return } if(msg && debugLevelFour){ LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sTRACE); msg=sBLANK } checkPolls(msgH) // Only update the Scheduled timestamp if run by a timer (schedule or runIn) //if( (evt==null && !local) || !oldLast || !oldLastS ){ if(wnow() > oldLast+(3600000L*2) ){ // do a forced update every other hour, just because (e.g., forces Hold Status to update completion date string) forceNextPoll() msg += "forcing device update | " } if(msg && debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sTRACE) } void checkPolls(String msgH, Boolean apiOk=true, Boolean frc=false){ Boolean haveMowers=(((List)settings.mowers)?.size() > 0) if(apiOk && haveMowers){ chkRestartSocket(false) if(frc) LOG("Spawning the poll scheduled event. (mowers.size(): ${((List) settings.mowers)?.size()})", 2, sTRACE) if(frc || !isDaemonAlive(sPOLL, msgH)){ LOG(msgH + "rescheduling poll daemon", 1, sTRACE); spawnDaemon(sPOLL, !frc) } }else{ unschedule('pollScheduled') if(frc && !haveMowers) LOG(msgH+"Not starting poll daemon; there are no mowers currently selected for use", 1, sWARN) } if(frc || !isDaemonAlive("watchdog", msgH)){ LOG(msgH+"rescheduling watchdog daemon",1,sTRACE); spawnDaemon("watchdog", !frc) } } Boolean isDaemonAlive(String daemon="all", String msgI){ String msgH="isDaemonAlive(${daemon}, calledby: ${msgI}) | " String msg msg=sBLANK Boolean debugLevelFour=debugLevel(4) List daemonList=[sPOLL, "watchdog", "all"] Boolean result result=true //if(debugLevelFour) LOG("isDaemonAlive() - wnow() == ${wnow()} for daemon (${daemon})", 1, sTRACE) if(daemon == sPOLL || daemon == "all"){ Integer pollingInterval=gtPollingInterval() Map resM=checkT(sPOLL, (Long)state.lastScheduledPoll, pollingInterval) msg += resM.msg ?: sBLANK result=resM.res && result } if(daemon == "watchdog" || daemon == "all"){ Map resM=checkT('watchdog', (Long)state.lastScheduledWatchdog, iWATCHDOGINTERVAL) msg += resM.msg ?: sBLANK result=resM.res && result } if(!daemonList.contains(daemon) ){ msg += " - Unknown daemon: ${daemon} received. Do not know how to check this daemon." LOG(msgH+msg, 1, sERROR) result=false return result } msg += " - result is ${result}" if(result && debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sTRACE) if(!result) LOG(msgH+msg, 1, sWARN) return result } Map checkT(String typ, Long lVal, Integer intervalMins){ Boolean result result=true Long lastScheduled=lVal Long timeSinceLastMins=!lastScheduled ? 1000L : Math.round(((wnow() - lastScheduled) / 60000)) String msg msg=sBLANK msg += "Checking daemon ${typ} | " msg += "Time since last ${timeSinceLastMins} mins -- lastScheduled == ${lastScheduled} | " Integer maxPoll= Math.max(intervalMins,getMinMinsBtwPolls()) if( timeSinceLastMins >= maxPoll+2) result=false msg += !result ? "NOT RUNNING | " : sBLANK return [res: result, msg: msg] } Boolean spawnDaemon(String idaemon="all", Boolean unsched=true){ String daemon daemon=idaemon String msgH="spawnDaemon(${daemon}, $unsched) | " String msg msg=sBLANK Boolean debugLevelFour=debugLevel(4) List daemonList=[sPOLL, "watchdog", "all"] daemon=daemon.toLowerCase() Boolean result result=true if(daemon == sPOLL || daemon == "all"){ Integer pollingInterval pollingInterval=gtPollingInterval() //options:["6", "10", "15", "30", "60"]) if(pollingInterval>30) pollingInterval=60 msg += " - Performing seance for daemon 'poll' interval ${pollingInterval}" try{ if(unsched){ unschedule('pollScheduled') } "runEvery${pollingInterval}Minute${pollingInterval!=1?'s':sBLANK}"('pollScheduled') if(unsched){ // Only poll now if we were recovering - otherwise whoever called will handle the poll (as in initialize()) if(debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+msg+' calling pollScheduled', 4, sTRACE) pollScheduled('spawnDaemon') } } catch(Exception e){ msg += " - Exception when performing spawn for ${daemon}." LOG(msgH+msg, 1, sERROR, e) result=false return result } } if(daemon == "watchdog" || daemon == "all"){ msg += " - Performing seance for daemon 'watchdog' interval ${iWATCHDOGINTERVAL}" try{ if(unsched){ unschedule("scheduledWatchdog") } "runEvery${iWATCHDOGINTERVAL}Minutes"("scheduledWatchdog") } catch(Exception e){ msg += " - Exception when performing spawn for ${daemon}." LOG(msgH+msg, 1, sERROR, e) result=false return result } scheduledWatchdog() } if(!daemonList.contains(daemon) ){ msg += " - Unknown daemon: ${daemon} received. Do not know how to check this daemon." LOG(msgH+msg, 1, sERROR) result=false return result } msg += " - result is ${result}" if(result && debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sTRACE) if(!result) LOG(msgH+msg, 1, sWARN) return result } Long gtLastDataUpd(){ Long last last= Math.max( ((Long)state.lastPollWS ?: 0L), ((Long)state.lastPoll ?: 0L) ) } void clearLastPolls(){ state.remove('lastPoll') state.remove('lastPollDate') state.remove('lastPollWS') state.remove('lastPollWSDate') } void updateLastPoll(Boolean isWS=false){ if(!isWS){ state.lastPoll=wnow() state.lastPollDate=getTimestamp() }else{ state.lastPollWS=wnow() state.lastPollWSDate=getTimestamp() } } void poll(Boolean isSched=false){ LOG("poll()", 3, sTRACE) Boolean a= pollChildren(sNULL,false,isSched) } // Called by scheduled() event handler void pollScheduled(String caller="runIn/Schedule"){ LOG("pollScheduled(caller: $caller)", 3, sTRACE) state.lastScheduledPoll=wnow() state.lastScheduledPollDate=getTimestamp() poll(true) } void forceNextPoll(){ Map updatesLog=state.updatesLog updatesLog.forcePoll=true state.updatesLog=updatesLog } // what child devices call on refresh() void pollFromChild(String deviceId=sBLANK,Boolean force=false){ LOG("pollFromChild()", 3, sTRACE) Boolean a= pollChildren(deviceId, force,false) } Boolean pollChildren(String deviceId=sBLANK,Boolean force=false, Boolean isSched=true){ Boolean result result=false String msgH="pollChildren(device: $deviceId, force: $force) | " // Prevent multiple concurrent poll cycles if((Boolean)state.inPollChildren){ Long skipTime=(Long)state.skipTime ?: wnow() if((Long)state.skipTime != skipTime) state.skipTime=skipTime // Give the already running poll 20/25 seconds to complete if((wnow()-skipTime) < 25000L ){ // Already/still polling, capture the arguments and skip this poll request if(force) forceNextPoll() LOG(msgH+"prior poll not finished, skipping...") return result } } state.skipTime=null state.remove('skipTime') state.inPollChildren=true String version=getVersionLabel() LOG(msgH+"Checking for updates...",4,sTRACE) if(state.versionLabel != version){ LOG(msgH+"Code updated: ${version} - re-initializing",2,sTRACE) state.versionLabel=version state.inPollChildren=false state.remove('inPollChildren') updated() return result } Boolean debugLevelFour=debugLevel(4) Long last= gtLastDataUpd() Long aa=wnow() - last Integer minPoll= isSched ? Math.max(gtPollingInterval(),getMinMinsBtwPolls()) : Math.min(gtPollingInterval(),getMinMinsBtwPolls()) Long delta= (minPoll*60000L) - aa Boolean tooSoon=( delta > 60000L) if(tooSoon){ if(debugLevel(4)){ LOG(msgH+"Too soon poll request, deferring...recent: ${aa/60000L} mins last: $last desired: ${minPoll}",2,sTRACE) LOG(msgH+"=====> state.lastPoll RUN (${state.lastPoll}) now(${wnow()}) state.lastPollDate(${state.lastPollDate})", 2, sTRACE) // LOG(msgH+"=====> state.lastScheduledPoll RUN (${state.lastScheduledPoll}) now(${wnow()}) state.lastScheduledPollDate(${state.lastScheduledPollDate})", 2, sTRACE) LOG(msgH+"=====> state.lastPollWS RUN (${state.lastPollWS}) now(${wnow()}) state.lastPollWSDate(${state.lastPollWSDate})", 2, sTRACE) } state.inPollChildren=false state.remove('inPollChildren') Integer secs= Math.round(delta/1000L).toInteger() - 20 runIn(secs, sPOLL, [overwrite: true]) // give time for command to complete; then get new status return result } // Start the new poll cycle state.pollAutoConnectAPIStart=wnow() // if(debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH, 1, sTRACE) //String mowersToPoll Map updatesLog=state.updatesLog if(force || updatesLog.forcePoll){ updatesLog.forcePoll=true state.updatesLog=updatesLog } Boolean forcePoll forcePoll=(Boolean)updatesLog.forcePoll if(weAreLost(msgH, 'pollChildren')){ state.inPollChildren=false state.remove('inPollChildren') return result } checkPolls(msgH) Map foo=getAutoMowers(forcePoll,"pollChildren") if(foo!=null){ updatesLog.forcePoll=false state.updatesLog=updatesLog if(((List)settings.mowers)?.size() < 1){ LOG(msgH+"Nothing to poll as there are no mowers currently selected", 1, sWARN) state.inPollChildren=false state.remove('inPollChildren') return result } result=updateMowerChildren() }else{ LOG(msgH+"no data",2,sWARN) } state.inPollChildren=false state.remove('inPollChildren') return result } /** * Send data to mower device */ Boolean updateMowerChildren(){ String msgH="updateMowerChildren | " Boolean result result=false ((List)settings.mowers)?.each{String mower -> List flist=[] Map srcMap=getMowerMap(mower) if(srcMap){ String dbg=settings.debugLevel == null ? "2" : settings.debugLevel String apiConnection=apiConnected() String slastPoll=(debugLevel(4)) ? "${apiConnection} @ ${formatDt(new Date(gtLastDataUpd()))}" : (apiConnection==sFULL) ? 'Succeeded' : (apiConnection==sWARN) ? 'Timed Out' : 'Failed' Boolean moving=(String)srcMap.attributes.mower.activity in [ 'MOWING', 'GOING_HOME', 'LEAVING' ] Boolean onMain=(String)srcMap.attributes.mower.activity in [ 'CHARGING', 'PARKED_IN_CS' ] Boolean stuck=( (String)srcMap.attributes.mower.activity in [ 'STOPPED_IN_GARDEN' ] || (String)srcMap.attributes.mower.state in [ 'PAUSED', 'OFF', 'STOPPED', 'ERROR', 'FATAL_ERROR', 'ERROR_AT_POWER_UP' ] ) Boolean parked=( (String)srcMap.attributes.mower.activity in [ 'PARKED_IN_CS', 'CHARGING' ]) Boolean hold=( parked && (String)srcMap.attributes.mower.state in [ 'RESTRICTED' ]) Boolean holdIndefinite=( hold && srcMap.attributes.planner.nextStartTimestamp == 0) Boolean holdUntilNext=( hold && srcMap.attributes.planner.nextStartTimestamp != 0) def collisions collisions= srcMap.attributes.statistics.numberofCollisions if(collisions == null) collisions= 0 flist << ['name': (String)srcMap.attributes.system.name ] //STRING flist << ['id': srcMap.id ] //STRING flist << ['model': srcMap.attributes.system.model ] //STRING flist << ['serialNumber': srcMap.attributes.system.serialNumber.toString() ] //STRING flist << ['mowerConnected': srcMap.attributes.metadata.connected] // TRUE or FALSE flist << ['mowerTimeStamp' : srcMap.attributes.metadata.statusTimestamp] // LAST TIME connected (EPOCH LONG) flist << ['battery': srcMap.attributes.battery.batteryPercent] // Battery % flist << ['mowerStatus': srcMap.attributes.mower.mode ] //MAIN_AREA, SECONDARY_AREA, HOME, DEMO, UNKNOWN flist << ['mowerActivity': srcMap.attributes.mower.activity] //UNKNOWN, NOT_APPLICABLE, MOWING, GOING_HOME, CHARGING, LEAVING, PARKED_IN_CS, STOPPED_IN_GARDEN String mst= srcMap.attributes.mower.state //UNKNOWN, NOT_APPLICABLE, PAUSED, IN_OPERATION, WAIT_UPDATING, WAIT_POWER_UP, RESTRICTED, // OFF, STOPPED, ERROR, FATAL_ERROR, ERROR_AT_POWER_UP flist << ['mowerState': mst] Boolean hasErr = mst in [ 'ERROR', 'FATAL_ERROR', 'ERROR_AT_POWER_UP' ] String errC=srcMap.attributes.mower.errorCode // STRING flist << ['errorCode': errC ] // STRING flist << ['errorCodeS': hasErr && errC!=sNULL && errCodes[errC]!=null ? errCodes[errC] : 'Not set' ] // STRING flist << ['errorTimeStamp': srcMap.attributes.mower.errorCodeTimestamp] // (EPOCH LONG) flist << ['plannerNextStart': srcMap.attributes.planner.nextStartTimestamp] // (EPOCH LONG) flist << ['plannerOverride' : srcMap.attributes.planner.override.action] // Override Action flist << ['motion': moving ? 'active' : 'inactive'] flist << ['powerSource': onMain ? 'mains' : 'battery'] // "battery", "dc", "mains", "unknown" flist << ['stuck': stuck] flist << ['parked': parked] flist << ['hold': hold] flist << ['holdUntilNext': holdUntilNext] flist << ['holdIndefinite': holdIndefinite] flist << ['cuttingHeight': srcMap.attributes.settings.cuttingHeight] // Level flist << ['headlight': srcMap.attributes.settings.headlight.mode] try { flist << ['numberOfChargingCycles': srcMap.attributes.statistics.numberOfChargingCycles] flist << ['numberOfCollisions': collisions] flist << ['totalChargingTime': srcMap.attributes.statistics.totalChargingTime / 3600] flist << ['totalCuttingTime': srcMap.attributes.statistics.totalCuttingTime / 3600] flist << ['totalRunningTime': srcMap.attributes.statistics.totalRunningTime / 3600] flist << ['totalSearchingTime': srcMap.attributes.statistics.totalSearchingTime / 3600] flist << ['cuttingBladeUsageTime': srcMap.attributes.statistics.cuttingBladeUsageTime / 3600] } catch(ignored){} flist << [apiConnected: apiConnection] flist << [lastPoll: slastPoll] flist << [debugLevel: dbg] def chld=getChildDevice(mower) if(chld){ chld.generateEvent(flist); result=true } else LOG(msgH+'Child device $mower not found', 1, sWARN) }else LOG(msgH+"no data from API for mower $mower", 3, sWARN) } return result } // This only updates a few states void generateEventLocalParams(){ Boolean dbg2= debugLevel(2) Boolean dbg4= debugLevel(4) String apiConnection=apiConnected() String slastPoll= dbg4 ? "${apiConnection} @ ${formatDt(new Date(gtLastDataUpd()))}" : (apiConnection==sFULL) ? 'Succeeded' : (apiConnection==sWARN) ? 'Timed Out' : 'Failed' String dbg= settings."debugLevel" == null ? "2" : settings."debugLevel" List data=[] data << [apiConnected: apiConnection] data << [lastPoll: slastPoll] data << ["debugLevel": dbg] String LOGtype= apiConnection==sLOST ? sERROR : (apiConnection==sWARN ? sWARN : sINFO) Integer lvl= apiConnection==sLOST ? 2 : (apiConnection==sWARN ? 2 : 4) Boolean a= lvl == 2 ? dbg2 : dbg4 // TODO THIS IS STRANGE INTELLIJ bug was debugLevel(lvl) if(a){ LOG("Updating API status with ${data}${LOGtype==sWARN ? " - will retry" : ''}", lvl, LOGtype) } // Iterate over all the children ((List)settings.mowers)?.each{ String it -> getChildDevice(it)?.generateEvent(data) } } @Field static Map errCodes=[ "0": "Unexpected error", "1": "Outside working area", "2": "No loop signal", "3": "Wrong loop signal", "4": "Loop sensor problem, front", "5": "Loop sensor problem, rear", "6": "Loop sensor problem, left", "7": "Loop sensor problem, right", "8": "Wrong PIN code", "9": "Trapped", "10": "Upside down", "11": "Low battery", "12": "Empty battery", "13": "No drive", "14": "Mower lifted", "15": "Lifted", "16": "Stuck in charging station", "17": "Charging station blocked", "18": "Collision sensor problem, rear", "19": "Collision sensor problem, front", "20": "Wheel motor blocked, right", "21": "Wheel motor blocked, left", "22": "Wheel drive problem, right", "23": "Wheel drive problem, left", "24": "Cutting system blocked", "25": "Cutting system blocked", "26": "Invalid sub-device combination", "27": "Settings restored", "28": "Memory circuit problem", "29": "Slope too steep", "30": "Charging system problem", "31": "STOP button problem", "32": "Tilt sensor problem", "33": "Mower tilted", "34": "Cutting stopped - slope too steep", "35": "Wheel motor overloaded, right", "36": "Wheel motor overloaded, left", "37": "Charging current too high", "38": "Electronic problem", "39": "Cutting motor problem", "40": "Limited cutting height range", "41": "Unexpected cutting height adj", "42": "Limited cutting height range", "43": "Cutting height problem, drive", "44": "Cutting height problem, curr", "45": "Cutting height problem, dir", "46": "Cutting height blocked", "47": "Cutting height problem", "48": "No response from charger", "49": "Ultrasonic problem", "50": "Guide 1 not found", "51": "Guide 2 not found", "52": "Guide 3 not found", "53": "GPS navigation problem", "54": "Weak GPS signal", "55": "Difficult finding home", "56": "Guide calibration accomplished", "57": "Guide calibration failed", "58": "Temporary battery problem", "59": "Temporary battery problem", "60": "Temporary battery problem", "61": "Temporary battery problem", "62": "Temporary battery problem", "63": "Temporary battery problem", "64": "Temporary battery problem", "65": "Temporary battery problem", "66": "Battery problem", "67": "Battery problem", "68": "Temporary battery problem", "69": "Alarm! Mower switched off", "70": "Alarm! Mower stopped", "71": "Alarm! Mower lifted", "72": "Alarm! Mower tilted", "73": "Alarm! Mower in motion", "74": "Alarm! Outside geofence", "75": "Connection changed", "76": "Connection NOT changed", "77": "Com board not available", "78": "Slipped - Mower has Slipped.Situation not solved with moving pattern", "79": "Invalid battery combination - Invalid combination of different battery types.", "80": "Cutting system imbalance Warning", "81": "Safety function faulty", "82": "Wheel motor blocked, rear right", "83": "Wheel motor blocked, rear left", "84": "Wheel drive problem, rear right", "85": "Wheel drive problem, rear left", "86": "Wheel motor overloaded, rear right", "87": "Wheel motor overloaded, rear left", "88": "Angular sensor problem", "89": "Invalid system configuration", "90": "No power in charging station", "91": "Switch cord problem", "92": "Work area not valid", "93": "No accurate position from satellites", "94": "Reference station communication problem", "95": "Folding sensor activated", "96": "Right brush motor overloaded", "97": "Left brush motor overloaded", "98": "Ultrasonic Sensor 1 defect", "99": "Ultrasonic Sensor 2 defect", "100": "Ultrasonic Sensor 3 defect", "101": "Ultrasonic Sensor 4 defect", "102": "Cutting drive motor 1 defect", "103": "Cutting drive motor 2 defect", "104": "Cutting drive motor 3 defect", "105": "Lift Sensor defect", "106": "Collision sensor defect", "107": "Docking sensor defect", "108": "Folding cutting deck sensor defect", "109": "Loop sensor defect", "110": "Collision sensor error", "111": "No confirmed position", "112": "Cutting system major imbalance", "113": "Complex working area", "114": "Too high discharge current", "115": "Too high internal current", "116": "High charging power loss", "117": "High internal power loss", "118": "Charging system problem", "119": "Zone generator problem", "120": "Internal voltage error", "121": "High internal temerature", "122": "CAN error", "123": "Destination not reachable", "124": "Destination blocked", "125": "Battery needs replacement", "126": "Battery near end of life", "127": "Battery problem", "701": "Connectivity problem", "702": "Connectivity settings restored", "703": "Connectivity problem", "704": "Connectivity problem", "705": "Connectivity problem", "706": "Poor signal quality", "707": "SIM card requires PIN", "708": "SIM card locked", "709": "SIM card not found", "710": "SIM card locked", "711": "SIM card locked", "712": "SIM card locked", "713": "Geofence problem", "714": "Geofence problem", "715": "Connectivity problem", "716": "Connectivity problem", "717": "SMS could not be sent", "724": "Communication circuit board SW must be updated " ] static String toQueryString(Map m){ return m.collect{ k, v -> "${k}=${URLEncoder.encode(v.toString())}" }.sort().join("&") } void retryHelper(){ Boolean a=refreshAuthToken('retryHelper') } // returns false if token is not valid Boolean refreshAuthToken(String meth, child=null){ String msgH="refreshAuthToken(${meth}, $child) | " String msg msg=sBLANK Boolean debugLevelFour=debugLevel(4) // if(debugLevelFour) LOG('Entered refreshAuthToken()', 4, sTRACE) Long texp= (Long)state.authTokenExpires String aT= atomicState.authToken Long timeBeforeExpiry= texp && aT ? texp - wnow() : 0L Boolean tokenStillGood tokenStillGood=(timeBeforeExpiry > 2000L) msg += "Token is ${tokenStillGood ? "valid" : "invalid"} | texp: ${texp} | timeBeforeExpiry: ${timeBeforeExpiry} | authToken: ${aT} | " // check to see if token was recently refreshed Integer pollingIntrvMin=(gtPollingInterval()+1)*2 if(timeBeforeExpiry > (pollingIntrvMin*60000L)){ msg += "exiting, token expires in ${timeBeforeExpiry/1000} seconds" if(debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+msg,4,sINFO) // Double check that the daemons are still running checkPolls(msgH) return tokenStillGood } msg += "Want to refresh token | " def rt= atomicState.refreshToken if(!rt || timeBeforeExpiry < 30L){ state.authToken=sNULL tokenStillGood=false if(msg){ LOG(msgH + msg, 2, sTRACE); msg=sBLANK } apiLost(msgH+"No refresh Token (${rt}) or expired refresh token ${timeBeforeExpiry} ${texp} | CLEARED authToken due to no refreshToken or expired authToken") }else{ msg +='Performing token refresh' Map rdata=[grant_type: 'refresh_token', client_id: getHusqvarnaApiKey(), refresh_token: "${rt}"] String data=rdata.collect{ String k,v -> encodeURIComponent(k)+'='+encodeURIComponent(v) }.join('&') Map refreshParams=[ uri: getApiEndpoint()+"/token", query: null, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", body: data, timeout: 30 ] if(debugLevelFour){ msg +="refreshParams=${refreshParams} " msg += "OAUTH Token=state: ${aT} " msg += "Refresh Token=state: ${rt} " } msg += "state.authTokenExpires=${texp} ${formatDt(new Date(texp))} " if(msg){ LOG(msgH + msg, 2, sTRACE) // 4 msg=sBLANK } try{ httpPost(refreshParams){ resp -> //if(debugLevelFour) LOG("Inside httpPost resp handling.", 1, sTRACE, null, child) if(resp && resp.isSuccess() && resp.status && (resp.status == 200)){ if(debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+'200 Response received - Extracting info.', 4, sTRACE, null, child ) // 4 // parseAuthResponse(resp) String kk resp.data.each{ kk=it.key } Map ndata=(Map)new JsonSlurper().parseText(kk) // log.debug "ndata : ${ndata}" String oldAuthToken=aT if(oldAuthToken == ndata.access_token){ LOG(msgH+'WARN: state.authToken did NOT update properly! This is likely a transient problem', 1, sWARN, null, child) return tokenStillGood } if(state.reAttempt){ state.reAttempt=0; state.remove('reAttempt') } if(state.inTimeoutRetry){ state.inTimeoutRetry=0; state.remove('inTimeoutRetry') } state.lastTokenRefresh=wnow() state.lastTokenRefreshDate=getTimestamp() Long tt=wnow() + (ndata.expires_in * 1000) if(debugLevelFour){ // 4 msg += "Updated state.authTokenExpires=${tt} " msg += "Refresh Token=state: ${rt} == in: ${ndata.refresh_token} " msg += "OAUTH Token=state: ${aT} == in: ${ndata.access_token}" LOG(msgH+msg, 4, sTRACE, null, child) } state.authTokenExpires=tt state.refreshToken=ndata.refresh_token state.authToken=ndata.access_token //atomicState.authTokenExpires=tt atomicState.refreshToken=ndata.refresh_token atomicState.authToken=ndata.access_token tokenStillGood=true def dev= getSocketDevice() if(dev){ dev.updateCookies(ndata.access_token) if(!(Boolean)dev.isSocketActive()){ dev.triggerInitialize() } } LOG("refreshAuthToken() - Success! Token expires in ${String.format("%.2f",ndata.expires_in/60)} minutes", 3, sINFO, null, child) // 3 // Tell the children that we are once again connected to the AutoConnect API Cloud if(apiConnected() != sFULL){ apiRestored(false) } checkPolls(msgH) }else{ LOG(msgH+"Failed ${resp.status} : ${resp.status.code}!", 1, sERROR, null, child) } } } catch(e){ Integer maxAttempt maxAttempt=5 if("${e}".contains("HttpResponseException")){ LOG(msgH+"HttpResponseException occurred. StatusCode: ${e.statusCode}", 1, sERROR, e, child) }else if("${e}".contains("TimeoutException")){ maxAttempt= 20 // Likely bad luck and network overload, move on and let it try again LOG(msgH+"TimeoutException", 1, sWARN, e, child) }else{ LOG(msgH + "Not Sure of issue", 1, sERROR, e, child) } Integer attempts attempts= (Integer)state.reAttempt attempts= attempts!=null ? attempts+1 : 1 state.reAttempt=attempts if(attempts > maxAttempt || timeBeforeExpiry < 1L){ state.authToken=sNULL tokenStillGood=false apiLost(msgH+"CLEARING AUTH TOKEN - Too many retries (${state.reAttempt - 1}) for token refresh, or expired auth token ${timeBeforeExpiry} ${state.authTokenExpires}") def dev= getSocketDevice() if(dev){ dev.removeCookies(true) } }else{ LOG(msgH+"Setting up runIn for refreshAuthToken", 2, sTRACE, null, child) // 4 Integer retryFactor= attempts > 12 ? 12 : attempts runIn(iREATTEMPTINTERVAL*retryFactor, retryHelper, [overwrite: true]) if(attempts > 3 && apiConnected() == sFULL){ state.connected=sWARN updateMyLabel() generateEventLocalParams() } } } } return tokenStillGood } //String getServerUrl() { return getFullApiServerUrl() } //String getShardUrl() { return getFullApiServerUrl()+"?access_token=${state.accessToken}" } void LOG(String message, Integer level=3, String ilogType=sDEBUG, ex=null, child=null, Boolean event=false, Boolean displayEvent=true){ String logType logType=ilogType if(logType == sNULL) logType=sDEBUG Integer dbgLevel=getIDebugLevel() if(logType == sERROR){ String a=getTimestamp() state.lastLOGerror="${message} @ "+a state.LastLOGerrorDate=a }else{ if(level > dbgLevel) return } if(!lLOGTYPES.contains(logType)){ logerror("LOG() - Received logType (${logType}) which is not in the list of allowed types ${lLOGTYPES}, message: ${message}, level: ${level}") if(event && child){ debugEventFromParent(child, "LOG() - Invalid logType ${logType} (warn)") } logType=sDEBUG } String prefix prefix=sBLANK if( dbgLevel == 5 ){ prefix='LOG: ' } "log${logType}"("${prefix}${message}", ex) if(event){ debugEvent(message, displayEvent) } if(child){ debugEventFromParent(child, message+" (${logType})") } } private void logdebug(String msg, Exception ex=null){ log.debug logPrefix(msg, "purple") } private void loginfo(String msg, Exception ex=null){ log.info sSPACE + logPrefix(msg, "#0299b1") } private void logtrace(String msg, Exception ex=null){ log.trace logPrefix(msg, sCLRGRY) } private void logwarn(String msg, Exception ex=null){ logexception(msg,ex,sWARN, sCLRORG) } void logerror(String msg, Exception ex=null){ logexception(msg,ex,sERROR, sCLRRED) } void logexception(String msg, Exception ex=null, String typ, String clr){ String msg1=ex ? " Exception: ${ex}" : sBLANK log."$typ" logPrefix(msg+msg1, clr) String a try{ if(ex) a=getExceptionMessageWithLine(ex) } catch(ignored){ } if(a) log."$typ" logPrefix(a, clr) } static String logPrefix(String msg, String color=sNULL){ return span("AutoMower App (v" + getVersionNum() + ") | ", sCLRGRY) + span(msg, color) } static String span(String str, String clr=sNULL, String sz=sNULL, Boolean bld=false, Boolean br=false){ return str ? "${str}${br ? sLINEBR : sBLANK}" : sBLANK } Integer getIDebugLevel(){ String dbg=settings.debugLevel == null ? "2" : settings.debugLevel return (dbg.toInteger()) } Boolean debugLevel(Integer level=3){ return (getIDebugLevel() >= level) } void debugEvent(String message, Boolean displayEvent=false){ Map results=[ name: 'appdebug', descriptionText: message, displayed: displayEvent ] if( debugLevel(4) ){ LOG("Generating AppDebug Event: ${results}", 3, sDEBUG) } sendEvent(results) } @SuppressWarnings('GrMethodMayBeStatic') void debugEventFromParent(child, String message){ if(child){ child.generateEvent([ [debugEventFromParent: message] ]) } } Boolean notifyNowOK(){ Boolean modeOK=(List)settings.speakModes ? ((List)settings.speakModes && ((List)settings.speakModes).contains((String)location.mode)) : true Boolean timeOK=settings.speakTimeStart? myTimeOfDayIsBetween((Date)timeToday(settings.speakTimeStart), (Date)timeToday(settings.speakTimeEnd), new Date()) : true return (modeOK && timeOK) } private static Boolean myTimeOfDayIsBetween(Date ifromDate, Date itoDate, Date checkDate) { Date fromDate,toDate fromDate=ifromDate toDate=itoDate if(toDate == fromDate){ return false // blocks the whole day }else if(toDate < fromDate){ if(checkDate.before(fromDate)){ fromDate -= 1 }else{ toDate += 1 } } return (!checkDate.before(fromDate) && !checkDate.after(toDate)) } // send both push notification and mobile activity feeds void sendMessage(String notificationMessage){ String msgH="sendMessage() | " // notification is sent to remind user no more than once per hour Long otsp=state.timeSendPush ?: null Boolean sendNotification=!(otsp && ((wnow() - otsp) < 3600000)) String msg1 msg1=sendNotification ? "Sending" : "Not sending" msg1+=" Notification Message: ${notificationMessage}" msg1+=" Last Notification Time: ${state.timeSendPush}" LOG(msgH+msg1, 2, sTRACE) if(sendNotification){ Long ntsp ntsp=otsp String msgPrefix=state.appDisplayName + " at ${location.name}: " String msg=msgPrefix + notificationMessage Boolean addFrom=true // (msgPrefix && !msgPrefix.startsWith("From ")) if(settings.notifiers){ if( sendNotifications(msgPrefix, notificationMessage) ){ ntsp=wnow() } } if((Boolean)settings.speak){ if(notifyNowOK()){ if(settings.speechDevices != null){ settings.speechDevices.each{ it.speak((addFrom?"From ":sBLANK) + msg ) } ntsp=wnow() } if(settings.musicDevices != null){ settings.musicDevices.each{ it.setLevel( settings.volume ) it.playText((addFrom?"From ":sBLANK) + msg ) } ntsp=wnow() } }else LOG(msgH+"speak/music notification restricted", 2, sTRACE) } if(otsp != ntsp){ state.timeSendPush=ntsp }else LOG(msgH+"settings did not have any message sent", 2, sTRACE) } } Boolean sendNotifications( String msgPrefix, String msg ){ if(!settings.notifiers){ LOG("sendNotifications(): no notifiers!",2,sWARN) return false } List echo=((List)settings.notifiers).findAll{ (it.deviceNetworkId.contains('|echoSpeaks|') && it.hasCommand('sendAnnouncementToDevices')) } List notEcho=echo ? (List)settings.notifiers - echo : (List)settings.notifiers List echoDeviceObjs=[] if((Boolean)settings.echoAnnouncements){ if(echo?.size()){ // Get all the Echo Speaks devices to speak at once echo.each{ String deviceType=it.currentValue('deviceType') as String // deviceSerial is an attribute as of Echo Speaks device version String deviceSerial=(it.currentValue('deviceSerial') ?: it.deviceNetworkId.toString().split(/\|/).last()) as String echoDeviceObjs.push([deviceTypeId: deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: deviceSerial]) } if(echoDeviceObjs?.size()){ //NOTE: Only sends command to first device in the list | We send the list of devices to announce one and then Amazon does all the processing //def devJson=new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(echoDeviceObjs) echo[0].sendAnnouncementToDevices(msg, (msgPrefix?:state.appDisplayName), echoDeviceObjs) // , changeVol, restoreVol) } } // The rest get a standard deviceNotification if(notEcho.size()) notEcho*.deviceNotification(msg) }else{ // No Echo Speaks devices settings.notifiers*.deviceNotification(msg) } }else{ // Echo Announcements not enabled - just do deviceNotifications, but only if Do Not Disturb is not on if(echo?.size()) echo*.deviceNotification(msg) if(notEcho.size()) notEcho*.deviceNotification(msg) } return true } /* void sendActivityFeeds(String notificationMessage){ def devices=getChildDevices() devices.each{ child -> child.generateActivityFeedsEvent(notificationMessage) //parse received message from parent } } */ /* static String toJson(Map m){ return JsonOutput.toJson(m) } */ static String getTimestamp(){ return new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z") } String apiConnected(){ // values can be sFULL, sWARN, sLOST if(!(String)state.connected){ state.connected=sWARN; updateMyLabel(); return sWARN }else{ return (String)state.connected } } void apiRestored(Boolean chkP=true){ state.connected=sFULL updateMyLabel() unschedule("notifyApiLostHelper") unschedule("notifyApiLost") state.lastScheduledPoll=null state.lastScheduledPollDate=sNULL if(chkP) checkPolls('apiRestored() ', true) generateEventLocalParams() // Update the connection status def dev= getSocketDevice() if(dev){ if(!(Boolean)dev.isSocketActive()){ dev.triggerInitialize() } } } Map getDebugDump(){ Map debugParams=[ when:"${getTimestamp()}", whenEpoch:"${wnow()}", lastPollDate:"${state.lastPollDate}", lastPollWSDate: state.lastPollWSDate, lastScheduledPollDate:"${state.lastScheduledPollDate}", lastScheduledWatchdogDate:"${state.lastScheduledWatchdogDate}", lastTokenRefreshDate:"${state.lastTokenRefreshDate}", initializedEpoch:"${state.initializedEpoch}", initializedDate:"${state.initializedDate}", lastLOGerror:"${state.lastLOGerror}", authTokenExpires:"${(Long)state.authTokenExpires}" ] return debugParams } void apiLost(String where="[where not specified]"){ if(apiConnected() == sLOST){ LOG("apiLost($where) - already in lost state.", 5, sTRACE) }else{ LOG("apiLost() - ${where}: Lost connection with API.", 1, sERROR) state.apiLostDump=getDebugDump() state.connected=sLOST updateMyLabel() } runIn(15, notifyApiLostHelper, [overwrite: true]) } void notifyApiLostHelper(){ if( (String)state.connected == sLOST ){ LOG("Unscheduling Polling and refreshAuthToken. User MUST reintialize the connection with AutoConnect by running the AutoMower Manager App and logging in again", 0, sERROR) generateEventLocalParams() // Update the connection status // put a log for each child that we are lost if( debugLevel(3) ){ def d=getChildDevices() d?.each{ oneChild -> LOG("apiLost() - notifying child: ${oneChild.device.displayName} of loss", 3, sERROR, null, oneChild) } } unschedule('pollScheduled') unschedule('scheduledWatchdog') runEvery3Hours('notifyApiLost') } notifyApiLost() } void notifyApiLost(){ if( (String)state.connected == sLOST ){ generateEventLocalParams() String notificationMessage="Your AutoMower Manager mower${((List)settings.mowers)?.size()>1?'s are':' is'} disconnected AutoConnect. Please go to the AutoMower Manager and re-enter your AutoConnect account login credentials." sendMessage(notificationMessage) LOG("notifyApiLost() - API Connection Previously Lost. User MUST reintialize the connection with AutoConnect by running the AutoMower Manager App and logging in again", 0, sERROR) }else{ // Must have restored connection unschedule("notifyApiLostHelper") unschedule("notifyApiLost") } } void runEvery6Minutes(handler){ Integer randomSeconds=randomSeed.nextInt(49) + 10 schedule("${randomSeconds} 0/6 * * * ?", handler) } void runEvery60Minutes(handler){ runEvery1Hour(handler) } void updateMyLabel(){ // Display connection status as part of the label... String myLabel myLabel=(String)state.appDisplayName if((myLabel == null) || !app.label.startsWith(myLabel)){ myLabel=app.label if(!myLabel.contains(' Online" break case sWARN: newLabel=myLabel + " Warning" break case sLOST: newLabel=myLabel + " Offline" break default: newLabel=myLabel break } if(newLabel && ((String)app.label != newLabel)) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } static String theMower() { return ''} static String getTheSectionMowerLogo() { return ''} static String pageTitle (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','

'+(txt.contains("\n") ? ''+txt.replace("\n","\n") : txt )+'

') } //static String pageTitleOld (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','


') } static String sectionTitle (String txt) { return getTheSectionMowerLogo() + getFormat('header-nobee','


') } static String smallerTitle (String txt) { return txt ? '


' : sBLANK} //static String sampleTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } static String inputTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+'' } //static String getWarningText() { return "WARNING: "} static String getFormat(String type, String myText=sBLANK){ switch(type){ case "header-ecobee": return "
" break case "header-nobee": return "
" break case "line": return "
" break case "title": return "


" break case "warning": return "WARNING: ${myText}" break case "note": return "NOTE: ${myText}" break default: return myText break } } static String getDtNow(){ Date now=new Date() return formatDt(now) } static String formatDt(Date dt, Boolean tzChg=true){ SimpleDateFormat tf=new SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy") if(tzChg) if(mTZ()){ tf.setTimeZone(mTZ()) } return (String)tf.format(dt) } @Field static final List svdTSValsFLD=["lastCookieRrshDt"] @Field volatile static Map tsDtMapFLD=[:] private void updTsVal(String key, String dt=sNULL){ String val=dt ?: getDtNow() if(key in svdTSValsFLD){ updServerItem(key, val); return } String appId=app.getId().toString() Map data=tsDtMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] if(key) data[key]=val tsDtMapFLD[appId]=data tsDtMapFLD=tsDtMapFLD } private void remTsVal(key){ String appId=app.getId().toString() Map data=tsDtMapFLD[appId] ?: [:] if(key){ if(key instanceof List){ List aa=(List)key aa.each{ String k-> if(data.containsKey(k)){ data.remove(k) } if(k in svdTSValsFLD){ remServerItem(k) } } }else{ String sKey=(String)key if(data.containsKey(sKey)){ data.remove(sKey) } if(sKey in svdTSValsFLD){ remServerItem(sKey) } } tsDtMapFLD[appId]=data tsDtMapFLD=tsDtMapFLD } } private String getTsVal(String key){ if(key in svdTSValsFLD){ return (String)getServerItem(key) } String appId=app.getId().toString() Map tsMap=tsDtMapFLD[appId] if(key && tsMap && tsMap[key]){ return (String)tsMap[key] } return sNULL } Integer getLastTsValSecs(String val, Integer nullVal=1000000){ return (val && getTsVal(val)) ? GetTimeDiffSeconds(getTsVal(val)).toInteger() : nullVal } @Field volatile static Map serverDataMapFLD=[:] void updServerItem(String key, val){ Map data data=atomicState?.serverDataMap data=data ?: [:] if(key){ String appId=app.getId().toString() data[key]=val atomicState.serverDataMap=data serverDataMapFLD[appId]= [:] serverDataMapFLD=serverDataMapFLD } } void remServerItem(key){ Map data data=atomicState?.serverDataMap data=data ?: [:] if(key){ if(key instanceof List){ List aa=(List)key aa?.each{ String k-> if(data.containsKey(k)){ data.remove(k) } } }else{ if(data.containsKey((String)key)){ data.remove((String)key) } } String appId=app.getId().toString() atomicState?.serverDataMap=data serverDataMapFLD[appId]= [:] serverDataMapFLD=serverDataMapFLD } } def getServerItem(String key){ String appId=app.getId().toString() Map fdata fdata=serverDataMapFLD[appId] if(fdata == null) fdata=[:] if(key){ if(fdata[key] == null){ Map sMap=atomicState?.serverDataMap if(sMap && sMap[key]){ fdata[key]=sMap[key] } } return fdata[key] } return null } Long GetTimeDiffSeconds(String lastDate, String sender=sNULL){ try{ if(lastDate?.contains("dtNow")){ return 10000 } Date lastDt=Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", lastDate) Long start=lastDt.getTime() Long stop=wnow() Long diff= (Long)((stop - start) / 1000L) return diff.abs() } catch(ex) { String sndr= sender ? "$sender | " : sSPACE LOG("GetTimeDiffSeconds (${sndr}lastDate: ${lastDate})", 1, sERROR, ex) return 10000L } } @Field static final List lLOGTYPES = ['error', 'debug', 'info', 'trace', 'warn'] @Field static final String sDEBUG = 'debug' @Field static final String sERROR = 'error' @Field static final String sINFO = 'info' @Field static final String sTRACE = 'trace' @Field static final String sWARN = 'warn' private Long wnow(){ return (Long)now() } private static TimeZone mTZ(){ return TimeZone.getDefault() } // (TimeZone)location.timeZone