/** * Automower Device (Hubitat) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Modified June 18, 2024 * * lgk 6/24 issue where mower keeps alerting parked_in_cs then charging then repeat and rinse.. * to get around this i will ignore parked_in_cs when last mower activity was charging. * this is to stop getting numerous alerts */ //file:noinspection unused static String getVersionNum() { return "00.00.06" } static String getVersionLabel() { return "Husqvarna AutoMower, version ${getVersionNum()}" } import groovy.transform.Field import java.text.SimpleDateFormat @Field static final String sNULL = (String)null @Field static final String sBLANK = '' @Field static final String sSPACE = ' ' @Field static final String sCLRRED = 'red' @Field static final String sCLRGRY = 'gray' @Field static final String sCLRORG = 'orange' @Field static final String sLINEBR = '
' metadata{ definition ( name: "Husqvarna AutoMower", namespace: "imnotbob", author: "imnot_bob", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imnotbob/AutoMower/master/mower-device.groovy" ) { capability "Actuator" capability "Sensor" capability "Refresh" capability "Motion Sensor" capability "Battery" capability "Power Source" attribute 'mowerStatus', 'STRING' //MAIN_AREA, SECONDARY_AREA, HOME, DEMO, UNKNOWN attribute 'mowerActivity', 'STRING' //UNKNOWN, NOT_APPLICABLE, MOWING, GOING_HOME, CHARGING, LEAVING, PARKED_IN_CS, STOPPED_IN_GARDEN attribute 'mowerState', 'STRING' //UNKNOWN, NOT_APPLICABLE, PAUSED, IN_OPERATION, WAIT_UPDATING, WAIT_POWER_UP, RESTRICTED, // OFF, STOPPED, ERROR, FATAL_ERROR, ERROR_AT_POWER_UP attribute 'mowerConnected', 'STRING' // TRUE or FALSE attribute 'mowerTimeStamp', 'STRING' // LAST TIME connected (EPOCH LONG) //attribute 'battery' 'NUMBER' // Battery % attribute 'errorCode', 'STRING' // current error code attribute 'errorCodeS', 'STRING' // current error code attribute 'errorTimeStamp', 'NUMBER' // (EPOCH LONG) attribute 'plannerNextStart', 'NUMBER' // (EPOCH LONG) attribute 'plannerOverride', 'STRING' // Override Action attribute 'name', 'STRING' attribute 'model', 'STRING' attribute 'serialNumber', 'STRING' attribute 'cuttingHeight', 'NUMBER' // (level) attribute 'headlight', 'STRING' // ALWAYS_ON, ALWAYS_OFF, EVENING_ONLY, EVENING_AND_NIGHT attribute 'apiConnected', 'STRING' attribute 'debugEventFromParent', 'STRING' // Read only attribute 'debugLevel', 'NUMBER' // Read only - changed in preferences attribute 'lastPoll', 'STRING' // deductions //attribute 'motion' 'ENUM' // active, inactive //attribute 'powerSource' 'ENUM' // "battery", "dc", "mains", "unknown" attribute 'stuck', 'STRING' // TRUE or FALSE attribute 'parked', 'STRING' // TRUE or FALSE attribute 'hold', 'STRING' // TRUE or FALSE attribute 'holdUntilNext', 'STRING' // TRUE or FALSE attribute 'holdIndefinite', 'STRING' // TRUE or FALSE attribute 'cuttingBladeUsageTime', 'NUMBER' attribute 'numberOfChargingCycles', 'NUMBER' attribute 'numberOfCollisions', 'NUMBER' attribute 'totalChargingTime', 'NUMBER' attribute 'totalCuttingTime', 'NUMBER' attribute 'totalRunningTime', 'NUMBER' attribute 'totalSearchingTime', 'NUMBER' // attribute 'longitude', 'NUMBER' // attribute 'latitude', 'NUMBER' // attribute 'lastUpdate', 'String' // attribute 'nextRun', 'String' command "start", [[name: 'Duration*', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'Minutes']] // duration command "pause", [] command "parkuntilnext", [] // until next schedule command "parkindefinite", [] // park until further notice command "park", [[name: 'Duration*', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'Minutes']] // duration in minutes command "resumeSchedule", [] command "setCuttingHeight", [[name: 'Height*', type: 'NUMBER', description: 'Level']] command "setHeadlightMode", [[name: 'Mode*', type: 'ENUM', description: 'Mode', constraints: ["ALWAYS_ON", "ALWAYS_OFF", "EVENING_ONLY", "EVENING_AND_NIGHT"]]] // mode command "setSchedule", [[name: 'taskList*', type: 'STRING', description: 'Task List']] } preferences{ input(name: "dummy", type: "text", title: "${getVersionLabel()}", description: " ", required: false) } } // parse events into attributes def parse(String description){ LOG("parse() --> Parsing ${description}", 4, sTRACE) } def refresh(Boolean force=false){ // No longer require forcePoll on every refresh - just get whatever has changed LOG("refresh() - calling pollChildren ${force?(force):sBLANK}, deviceId= ${getDeviceId()}",2,sINFO) parent.pollFromChild(getDeviceId(), force) // tell parent to just poll me silently -- can't pass child/this for some reason } void doRefresh(){ // Pressing refresh within 6 seconds of the prior refresh completing will force a complete poll - otherwise changes only refresh(state.lastDoRefresh?((wnow()-state.lastDoRefresh)<6000):false) state.lastDoRefresh= wnow() // reset the timer after the UI has been updated } def forceRefresh(){ refresh(true) } def installed(){ LOG("${device.label} being installed",2,sINFO) if(device.label?.contains('TestingForInstall')) return // we're just going to be deleted in a second... updated() } def uninstalled(){ LOG("${device.label} being uninstalled",2,sINFO) } def updated(){ LOG("${getVersionLabel()} updated",1,sTRACE) if(device.displayName.contains('TestingForInstall')){ return } state.remove('LastLOGerrorDate') state.remove('lastLOGerror') device.deleteCurrentState('debugEventFromParent') state.version= getVersionLabel() updateDataValue("myVersion", getVersionLabel()) runIn(2, 'forceRefresh', [overwrite: true]) } def poll(){ LOG("Executing 'poll' using parent App", 2, sINFO) parent.pollFromChild(getDeviceId(), false) // tell parent to just poll me silently -- can't pass child/this for some reason } def generateEvent(Map updates){ //log.error "generateEvent(Map): ${updates}" generateEvent([updates]) } def generateEvent(List> updates){ //log.debug "updates: $updates" String myVersion= getDataValue("myVersion") if(!myVersion || (myVersion != getVersionLabel())) updated() String msgH="generateEvent() | " Long startMS= wnow() Boolean debugLevelFour= debugLevel(4) if(debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+"parsing data ${updates}",4, sTRACE) //LOG("Debug level of parent: ${getParentSetting('debugLevel')}", 4, sDEBUG) // String linkText= device.displayName Boolean forceChange forceChange= false Integer objectsUpdated objectsUpdated= 0 if(updates){ updates.each{ Map update -> update.each{ String name, value -> String sendValue= value.toString() Boolean isChange isChange=false if(!(name in ['id','forced']) && value!=null) isChange= isStateChange(device, name, sendValue) if(isChange || name in ['id','forced']){ //def eventFront= [name: name, linkText: linkText, handlerName: name] Map eventFront= [name: name ] objectsUpdated++ Map event if(debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+"processing object #${objectsUpdated} name: ${name} value: "+sendValue, 5, sTRACE) event= eventFront + [value: sendValue] //noinspection GroovyFallthrough switch (name){ case 'forced': forceChange= (sendValue == 'true') break case 'id': if(state.id==sendValue) objectsUpdated-- state.id= sendValue event= null break case 'lastPoll': if(debugLevelFour) event= eventFront + [value: sendValue, descriptionText: "Poll: " + sendValue ] else{ event= null device.deleteCurrentState(name) } break case 'apiConnected': // only display in the devices' log if we are in debug level 4 or 5 if(forceChange) event= eventFront + [value: sendValue, descriptionText: "API Connection is ${value}" ] break case 'debugEventFromParent': case 'appdebug': event= eventFront + [value: sendValue ] //, descriptionText: "-> ${sendValue}" ] Integer ix= sendValue.lastIndexOf(" ") String msg= sendValue.substring(0, ix) String type= sendValue.substring(ix + 1).replaceAll("[()]", "") switch (type){ case sERROR: LOG(msg,1,sERROR) break case sTRACE: LOG(msg,1,sTRACE) break case sINFO: LOG(msg,1,sINFO) break case sWARN: LOG(msg,1,sWARN) break default: LOG(msg,1,sDEBUG) } break case 'debugLevel': String sendText= (sendValue && (sendValue != 'null') && (sendValue != "")) ? sendValue : 'null' updateDataValue('debugLevel', sendText) event= eventFront + [value: sendText, descriptionText: "debugLevel is ${sendValue}" ] break default: String desc desc= name + " is " + sendValue if(name.endsWith("TimeStamp") || name.endsWith("NextStart")){ if(sendValue != sNULL && sendValue != 'null' && sendValue != "0"){ Long t,n t= sendValue.toLong() n= wnow() if(name.endsWith("NextStart")){ t -= mTZ().getOffset(n) + Math.round( mTZ().getOffset(t)-mTZ().getOffset(n)*1.0D ) } Date aa= new Date(t) desc= name + " is " + formatDt(aa) } } event= eventFront + [value: sendValue, descriptionText: desc ] break } if(event){ // lgk new code block to stop parked in cs, charging repeat storm String thename = event.name String thevalue = event.value Boolean doUpdate; doUpdate = true if (thename == "mowerActivity") { // lgk is last was already charging and we get a parked in cs ignore it so we dont get 100 messages String lastActivity = device.currentValue(thename, true) if(debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+"got lastActivity = $lastActivity new value = $thevalue",4, sTRACE) if (lastActivity == "CHARGING" && thevalue == "PARKED_IN_CS") { if(debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+"Got PARKED_IN_CS when last activity was CHARGING... so ignoring it!",4, sTRACE) doUpdate = false } } if (doUpdate) { if(debugLevelFour) LOG(msgH+"calling sendevent(${event})", 4, sTRACE) sendEvent(event) } } } else LOG(msgH+"${name} did not change", 5, sTRACE) } } } else LOG(msgH+'NO UPDATES') Long elapsed= wnow() - startMS LOG(msgH+"Updated ${objectsUpdated} object${objectsUpdated!=1?'s':''} (${elapsed}ms)", 4, sINFO) } // *************************************************************************** // commands // API calls and UI handling // *************************************************************************** void start(mins){ if(mins){ LOG("start($mins)", 3, sTRACE) Map foo= [data:[type:'Start',attributes:[duration:mins]]] if(parent.sendCmdToHusqvarna((String)state.id, foo)){ LOG("start($mins) sent",4, sTRACE) } } else LOG("start($mins) no minutes specified",1, sERROR) } void pause(){ LOG("pause",3, sTRACE) Map foo= [data:[type:'Pause']] if(parent.sendCmdToHusqvarna((String)state.id, foo)){ LOG("pause sent",4, sTRACE) } } void parkuntilnext(){ LOG("parkuntilnext()", 3, sTRACE) Map foo= [data:[type:'ParkUntilNextSchedule']] if(parent.sendCmdToHusqvarna((String)state.id, foo)){ LOG("parkuntilnext() sent",4, sTRACE) } } void parkindefinite(){ LOG("parkindefinite()",3,sTRACE) log.warn "state.id: ${state.id} getDeviceId(): ${getDeviceId()}" Map foo= [data:[type:'ParkUntilFurtherNotice']] if(parent.sendCmdToHusqvarna((String)state.id, foo)){ LOG("parkindefinite() sent",4, sTRACE) } } void park(mins){ if(mins){ LOG("park($mins)",3,sTRACE) Map foo= [data:[type:'Park',attributes:[duration:mins]]] if(parent.sendCmdToHusqvarna((String)state.id, foo)){ LOG("park($mins) sent",4, sTRACE) } } else LOG("start($mins) no minutes specified",1, sERROR) } void resumeSchedule(){ LOG("resumeSchedule",3,sTRACE) Map foo= [data:[type:'ResumeSchedule']] if(parent.sendCmdToHusqvarna((String)state.id, foo)){ LOG("resumeSchedule() sent",4, sTRACE) } } void setCuttingHeight(level){ if(level){ LOG("setCuttingHeight($level)", 3, sTRACE) Map foo= [data:[type:'settings',attributes:[cuttingHeight:level]]] if(parent.sendSettingToHusqvarna((String)state.id, foo)){ LOG("setCuttingHeight($level) sent",4, sTRACE) } } else LOG("setCuttingHeight($level) no level specified",1, sERROR) } void setHeadlightMode(mode){ if(mode){ LOG("setHeadlight($mode)", 3, sTRACE) Map foo= [data:[type:'settings',attributes:[headlight:[mode:mode]]]] if(parent.sendSettingToHusqvarna((String)state.id, foo)){ LOG("setHeadlight($mode) sent",4, sTRACE) } } else LOG("setHeadlight($mode) no mode specified",1, sERROR) } void setSchedule(taskList){ if(taskList != null){ LOG("setSchedule($taskList)", 3, sTRACE) Map foo= [data:[type:'calendar', attributes:[tasks:taskList]]] if(parent.sendScheduleToHusqvarna((String)state.id, foo)){ LOG("setSchedule($taskList)",4, sTRACE) } } else LOG("setSchedule missing input parameter(s)",1, sERROR) } void off(){ LOG('off()', 4, sTRACE) parkindefinite() } void on(){ LOG('on()', 4, sTRACE) resumeSchedule() } private static TimeZone mTZ(){ return TimeZone.getDefault() } // (TimeZone)location.timeZone static String getDtNow(){ Date now=new Date() return formatDt(now) } static String formatDt(Date dt, Boolean tzChg=true){ SimpleDateFormat tf=new SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy") if(tzChg){ if(mTZ()){ tf.setTimeZone(mTZ()) } } return (String)tf.format(dt) } String getDeviceId(){ String deviceId= ((String)device.deviceNetworkId).split(/\./).last() LOG("getDeviceId() returning ${deviceId}", 4) return deviceId } static String span(String str, String clr=sNULL, String sz=sNULL, Boolean bld=false, Boolean br=false){ return str ? "${str}${br ? sLINEBR : sBLANK}" : sBLANK } Integer getIDebugLevel(){ return (getDataValue('debugLevel') ?: (device.currentValue('debugLevel') ?: (getParentSetting('debugLevel') ?: 3))) as Integer } Boolean debugLevel(Integer level=3){ return (getIDebugLevel() >= level) } void LOG(message, Integer level=3, String ilogType=sDEBUG, Exception ex=null, Boolean event=false, Boolean displayEvent=false){ String logType,prefix logType=ilogType if(logType == sNULL) logType= sDEBUG prefix= sBLANK Integer dbgLevel= getIDebugLevel() if(logType == sERROR){ String a= getDtNow() // getTimestamp() state.lastLOGerror= "${message} @ "+a state.LastLOGerrorDate= a } else{ if(level > dbgLevel) return // let's not waste CPU cycles if we don't have to... } if(!lLOGTYPES.contains(logType)){ logerror("LOG() - Received logType (${logType}) which is not in the list of allowed types ${lLOGTYPES}, message: ${message}, level: ${level}") logType= sDEBUG } if( dbgLevel == 5 ){ prefix= 'LOG: ' } "log${logType}"("${prefix}${message}", ex) if(event){ debugEvent(message+" (${logType})", displayEvent) } } private void logdebug(String msg, Exception ex=null){ log.debug logPrefix(msg, "purple") } private void loginfo(String msg, Exception ex=null){ log.info sSPACE + logPrefix(msg, "#0299b1") } private void logtrace(String msg, Exception ex=null){ log.trace logPrefix(msg, sCLRGRY) } private void logwarn(String msg, Exception ex=null){ logexception(msg,ex,sWARN, sCLRORG) } void logerror(String msg, Exception ex=null){ logexception(msg,ex,sERROR, sCLRRED) } void logexception(String msg, Exception ex=null, String typ, String clr){ String msg1= ex ? " Exception: ${ex}" : sBLANK log."$typ" logPrefix(msg+msg1, clr) String a a= sNULL try{ if(ex) a= getExceptionMessageWithLine(ex) } catch (ignored){ } if(a) log."$typ" logPrefix(a, clr) } static String logPrefix(String msg, String color= sNULL){ return span("AutoMower Device (v" + getVersionNum() + ") | ", sCLRGRY) + span(msg, color) } void debugEvent(message, Boolean displayEvent= false){ def results= [ name: "appdebug", descriptionText: message, displayed: displayEvent, isStateChange: true ] if( debugLevel(4) ){ log.debug "Generating AppDebug Event: ${results}" } sendEvent(results) } def getParentSetting(String settingName){ return parent?."${settingName}" } @Field static final List lLOGTYPES = ['error', 'debug', 'info', 'trace', 'warn'] @Field static final String sDEBUG = 'debug' @Field static final String sERROR = 'error' @Field static final String sINFO = 'info' @Field static final String sTRACE = 'trace' @Field static final String sWARN = 'warn' Long wnow(){ return (Long)now() }