/** * Vacation Lighting Director (based off of tslagle's original) * Optimized for Hubitat * Supports Longer interval times (up to 180 mins) * Only turns off lights it turned on (vs calling to turn all off) during normal cycling * * Updated to turn on a set of lights during active time, and turn them off at end of active time * * Source code can be found here: * https://github.com/imnotbob/vacation-lighting-director/blob/beta/smartapps/imnotbob/vacation-lighting-director.src/vacation-lighting-director.groovy * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ //file:noinspection GrDeprecatedAPIUsage //file:noinspection GroovySillyAssignment //file:noinspection unused //file:noinspection SpellCheckingInspection import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import groovy.transform.Field @Field static final String sMyName = 'Vacation Lighting Director' @Field static final String appVersionFLD ='' //@Field static final String appModifiedFLD='2023-03-05' // Below can remove two comments '//' to allow multiple instances to be deployed (for example daytime instance and nighttime instance) definition( name: "Vacation Lighting Director", namespace: "imnotbob", author: "ERS", category: "Safety & Security", description: "Randomly turn on/off lights to simulate the appearance of a occupied home while you are away.", iconUrl: "http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/custom-icon-design/mono-general-2/512/settings-icon.png", iconX2Url: "http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/custom-icon-design/mono-general-2/512/settings-icon.png" //, // singleInstance: false ) preferences{ page(name:"pageSetup") page(name:"Setup") page(name:"Settings") page(name:"timeIntervalPage") } // Show setup page def pageSetup(){ Map pageProperties=[ name: "pageSetup", title: "Status", nextPage: null, install: true, uninstall: true ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties){ section(""){ paragraph "This app can be used to make your home seem occupied anytime you are away from your home. " + "Please use each of the the sections below to setup the different preferences to your liking. " } section("Setup Menu"){ href "Setup", title: "Setup", description: "", state:greyedOut() href "Settings", title: "Settings", description: "", state: greyedOutSettings() } section([title:"Options", mobileOnly:true]){ label title:"Assign a name", required:false } } } // Show "Setup" page def Setup(){ Map newMode=[ name: "newMode", type: "mode", title: "Modes", multiple: true, required: true ] Map switches=[ name: "switches", type: "capability.switch", title: "Switches", multiple: true, required: true ] Map frequency_minutes=[ name: "frequency_minutes", type: sNUMBR, title: "Minutes? (5-180)", range: "5..180", required: true ] Map number_of_active_lights=[ name: "number_of_active_lights", type: sNUMBR, title: "Number of active lights", required: true, ] Map on_during_active_lights=[ name: "on_during_active_lights", type: "capability.switch", title: "On during active times", multiple: true, required: false ] Map open_during_active_lights=[ name: "open_during_active_lights", type: "capability.windowShade", title: "Open during active times", multiple: true, required: false ] // def pageName="Setup" Map pageProperties=[ name: "Setup", title: "Setup", nextPage: "pageSetup" ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties){ section(""){ paragraph "Setup the details of how you want your lighting to be affected while " + "you are away. All of these settings are required in order for the simulator to run correctly." } section("Simulator Triggers"){ input newMode href "timeIntervalPage", title: "Times", description: timeIntervalLabel() //, refreshAfterSelection:true } section("Light switches to cycle on/off"){ input switches } section("How often to cycle the lights"){ input frequency_minutes } section("Number of active lights at any given time"){ input number_of_active_lights } section("Lights to be on during active times?"){ input on_during_active_lights } section("Shades to be open during active times?"){ input open_during_active_lights } } } // Show "Setup" page def Settings(){ Map falseAlarmThreshold=[ name: "falseAlarmThreshold", type: "decimal", title: "Default is 2 minutes", required: false ] Map days=[ name: "days", type: "enum", title: "Only on certain days of the week", multiple: true, required: false, options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] ] // def pageName="Settings" Map pageProperties=[ name: "Settings", title: "Settings", nextPage: "pageSetup" ] Map people=[ name: "people", type: "capability.presenceSensor", title: "If these people are home do not change light status", required: false, multiple: true ] return dynamicPage(pageProperties){ section(""){ paragraph "Restrict how your simulator runs. For instance you can restrict on which days it will run " + "as well as a delay for the simulator to start after it is in the correct mode. Delaying the simulator helps with false starts based on a incorrect mode change." } section("Delay to start simulator"){ input falseAlarmThreshold } section("People"){ paragraph "Not using this setting may cause some lights to remain on when you arrive home" input people } section("More options"){ input days } section("Debug & Command options"){ input( 'debugLogging', 'bool', title: 'Enable debug logging', defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true ) input( 'dco', 'bool', title: 'Disable Command Optimizations', defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true ) input( 'cmdDelay', 'bool', title: 'Enable delays between switch commands to reduce zwave/zigbee timing', defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true ) } } } def timeIntervalPage(){ dynamicPage(name: "timeIntervalPage", title: "Only during a certain time"){ section{ input "startTimeType", "enum", title: "Starting at", options: [["time": "A specific time"], ["sunrise": "Sunrise"], ["sunset": "Sunset"]], submitOnChange:true if((String)settings.startTimeType in [sSUNRISE,sSUNSET]){ input "startTimeOffset", sNUMBR, title: "Offset in minutes (+/-)", range: "*..*", required: false } else{ input "starting", "time", title: "Start time", required: false } } section{ input "endTimeType", "enum", title: "Ending at", options: [["time": "A specific time"], ["sunrise": "Sunrise"], ["sunset": "Sunset"]], submitOnChange:true if((String)settings.endTimeType in [sSUNRISE,sSUNSET]){ input "endTimeOffset", sNUMBR, title: "Offset in minutes (+/-)", range: "*..*", required: false }else{ input "ending", "time", title: "End time", required: false } } } } @Field static final String sNULL=(String)null @Field static final String sBLK='' @Field static final String sLONG='long' @Field static final String sNUMBR='number' @Field static final String sTRUE='true' @Field static final String sFALSE='false' @Field static final String sTIME='time' @Field static final String sSUNRISE='sunrise' @Field static final String sSUNSET='sunset' @Field volatile static Map theCacheVFLD=[:] void installed(){ clearState() initialize() } void updated(){ logTrace "updated" unsubscribe() clearState(true) initialize() if((Boolean)settings.debugLogging) runIn(7200, logsOff) } void logsOff(){ logWarn "${app.label} debug logging disabled..." app.updateSetting('debugLogging',[value:sFALSE,type:'bool']) } void initialize(){ subscribe(location, "systemStart", modeChangeHandler) if(settings.newMode != null){ subscribe(location, "mode", modeChangeHandler) } schedStartEnd() if(settings.people){ subscribe(settings.people, "presence", modeChangeHandler) } logDebug "Initialized with settings: ${settings}" setSched() } void clearState(Boolean turnOff=false){ String myId=app.id.toString() Map fld=theCacheVFLD[myId] ?: [:] Boolean running=((Boolean)fld.Running || (Boolean)state.Running) if(turnOff && running){ Boolean first; first=true String cmd; cmd='off' ((List)settings.switches).each { it -> first=changeSwitch(it,cmd, first) } if(settings.on_during_active_lights){ ((List)settings.on_during_active_lights).each{ it -> first=changeSwitch(it,cmd, first) } } cmd='close' if(settings.open_during_active_lights){ ((List)settings.open_during_active_lights).each{ it -> first=changeShade(it,cmd, first) } } logInfo "All OFF" } clearSched() fld.Running=false fld.lastUpdDt=sNULL fld.vacactive_switches=[] theCacheVFLD[myId]=fld theCacheVFLD=theCacheVFLD state.Running=false state.lastUpdDt=sNULL state.vacactive_switches=[] } void schedStartEnd(){ logTrace "schedStartEnd" Map sunTimes=app.getSunriseAndSunset() if(!sunTimes.sunrise){ logWarn "Actual sunrise and sunset times unavailable, please reset hub location" return } String myId=app.id.toString() Map fld=theCacheVFLD[myId] ?: [:] Boolean running running= ((Boolean)fld.startendRunning || (Boolean)state.startendRunning) Date start,nextStart; start=null if(settings.starting != null || (String)settings.startTimeType != sNULL){ start=timeWindowStart(sunTimes, true) logDebug "Start is $start" nextStart=new Date(start.getTime()) if(start && start.getTime() < wnow() ) nextStart=new Date(start.getTime()+86400000L) logDebug "Scheduling next start $nextStart" schedule(nextStart, startTimeCheck) running=true } if(settings.ending != null || (String)settings.endTimeType != sNULL){ Date end end=timeWindowStop(sunTimes, start, true) logDebug "End is $end" if(end && end.getTime() < wnow() ) end=new Date(end.getTime()+86400000L) logDebug "Scheduling end $end" schedule(end, endTimeCheck) running=true } fld.startendRunning=running theCacheVFLD[myId]=fld theCacheVFLD=theCacheVFLD state.startendRunning=running } void setSched(){ Integer delay def idelay; idelay= settings.falseAlarmThreshold delay=(idelay != null && idelay != sBLK) ? idelay * 60 : 120 // 2 * 60 delay= delay<0 || delay>300 ? 120 : delay logTrace "setSched - schedule a check in $delay seconds" if(delay>0) { runIn(delay, initCheck) String myId=app.id.toString() Map fld=theCacheVFLD[myId] ?: [:] fld.schedRunning=true theCacheVFLD[myId]=fld theCacheVFLD=theCacheVFLD state.schedRunning=true } else initCheck() } void modeChangeHandler(evt){ logTrace "modeChangeHandler Event Name ${evt.name} event value: ${evt.value}" setSched() } void clearSched(){ unschedule('endTimeCheck') unschedule('startTimeCheck') String myId=app.id.toString() Map fld=theCacheVFLD[myId] ?: [:] fld.startendRunning=false theCacheVFLD[myId]=fld theCacheVFLD=theCacheVFLD state.startendRunning=false clearSched1() } void clearSched1(){ unschedule('initCheck') unschedule('failsafe') String myId=app.id.toString() Map fld=theCacheVFLD[myId] ?: [:] fld.schedRunning=false theCacheVFLD[myId]=fld theCacheVFLD=theCacheVFLD state.schedRunning=false } // likely not needed /* void initCheck1(){ logTrace "initCheck1" clearSched() scheduleCheck() } */ void initCheck(){ logTrace "initCheck" clearSched1() scheduleCheck() } // likely not needed void failsafe(){ logWarn "failsafe run" clearSched1() scheduleCheck() } void startTimeCheck(){ logTrace "startTimeCheck" setSched() } void endTimeCheck(){ logTrace "endTimeCheck" scheduleCheck() } static String getDtNow(){ Date now=new Date() return formatDt(now) } static String formatDt(Date dt){ SimpleDateFormat tf=new SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy") tf.setTimeZone(getTimeZone()) /* if(getTimeZone()) tf.setTimeZone(getTimeZone()) else logWarn "TimeZone is not found or is not set... Please Try to open your location and Press Save..." */ return (String)tf.format(dt) } static Long GetTimeDiffSeconds(String lastDate){ if(lastDate?.contains("dtNow")){ return 10000L } Date now=new Date() Long start=Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", lastDate).getTime() Long stop=now.getTime() Long diff=(Long)((stop - start) / 1000L) return diff } static TimeZone getTimeZone(){ return TimeZone.getDefault() /* TimeZone tz=null if(location?.timeZone) tz=(TimeZone)location.timeZone if(!tz){ logWarn "getTimeZone: TimeZone is not found or is not set... Please Try to open your location and Press Save..." } return tz*/ } Integer getLastUpdSec(){ String myId=app.id.toString() Map fld=theCacheVFLD[myId] ?: [:] String tm= fld.lastUpdDt ?: state.lastUpdDt return !tm ? 100000 : GetTimeDiffSeconds(tm).toInteger() } //Main logic to pick a random set of lights from the large set of lights to turn on and then turn the rest off void scheduleCheck(){ logTrace "scheduleCheck" Boolean mTimeOk=getTimeOk() Boolean mHomeIsEmpty=getHomeIsEmpty() Boolean mDaysOk=getDaysOk() Boolean someoneIsHome=!mHomeIsEmpty Boolean allOk=getModeOk() && mDaysOk && mTimeOk && mHomeIsEmpty Integer setFreq= (Integer)settings.frequency_minutes Integer lastUpd=getLastUpdSec() String myId=app.id.toString() Map fld=theCacheVFLD[myId] ?: [:] if(allOk && lastUpd > ((setFreq - 1) * 60) ){ fld.lastUpdDt=getDtNow() fld.Running=true theCacheVFLD[myId]=fld theCacheVFLD=theCacheVFLD state.lastUpdDt=fld.lastUpdDt state.Running=true logDebug("Running") List inactive_switches=(List)settings.switches List vacactive_switches vacactive_switches=[] Boolean ba= ((Boolean)fld.Running || (Boolean)state.Running) if(ba){ vacactive_switches=(List)fld.vacactive_switches vacactive_switches= vacactive_switches!=null ? vacactive_switches : (List)state.vacactive_switches } Random random=new Random() Integer numlight numlight=(Integer)settings.number_of_active_lights Integer sz sz=inactive_switches.size() if(numlight > sz) numlight=sz logTrace "available switches: ${sz} number to turn on (numlight): ${numlight}" List new_vacactive_switches=[] Integer i for (i=0 ; i < numlight ; i++){ // grab a random switch to turn on Integer random_int random_int=random.nextInt(sz) while (new_vacactive_switches?.contains(random_int)){ random_int=random.nextInt(sz) } new_vacactive_switches << random_int // if selected on switch is in turn-off list, remove it from turn off list if(vacactive_switches.contains(random_int)) { vacactive_switches.remove(vacactive_switches.indexOf(random_int)) } } fld.vacactive_switches=new_vacactive_switches theCacheVFLD[myId]=fld theCacheVFLD=theCacheVFLD state.vacactive_switches=new_vacactive_switches //logTrace "vacactive ${new_vacactive_switches} inactive ${inactive_switches}" // turn on switches Boolean first; first=true String cmd; cmd='on' for (i=0 ; i < numlight; i++){ def dev = inactive_switches[ new_vacactive_switches[i] ] first=changeSwitch(dev,cmd, first) } if(settings.on_during_active_lights){ ((List)settings.on_during_active_lights).each{ it -> first=changeSwitch(it,cmd,first) } } cmd='open' if(settings.open_during_active_lights){ ((List)settings.open_during_active_lights).each{ it -> first=changeShade(it,cmd, first) } } cmd='off' // turn off switches sz= vacactive_switches ? vacactive_switches.size() : 0 for (i=0; i < sz ; i++){ def dev = inactive_switches[ vacactive_switches[i] ] first=changeSwitch(dev,cmd,first) } Integer random_int=random.nextInt(14) logTrace "reschedule ${setFreq} + ${random_int} minutes" fld.schedRunning=true theCacheVFLD[myId]=fld theCacheVFLD=theCacheVFLD state.schedRunning=true runIn( (setFreq+random_int)*60, initCheck, [overwrite: true]) runIn( (setFreq+random_int + 10)*60, failsafe, [overwrite: true]) }else{ if(allOk && lastUpd <= ((setFreq - 1) * 60) ){ logTrace "had to reschedule ${lastUpd}, ${setFreq}" runIn( (setFreq*60-lastUpd), initCheck, [overwrite: true]) fld.schedRunning=true theCacheVFLD[myId]=fld theCacheVFLD=theCacheVFLD state.schedRunning=true }else{ Boolean mySchedRunning=((Boolean)fld.schedRunning || (Boolean)state.schedRunning) Boolean myRunning= ((Boolean)fld.Running || (Boolean)state.Running) if(settings.people && someoneIsHome){ //don't turn off lights if anyone is home if(myRunning || mySchedRunning){ logDebug("Someone is home - Stopping Schedule Vacation Lights") clearState() } }else{ if(!getModeOk() || !mDaysOk){ if(myRunning || mySchedRunning){ logDebug("wrong mode or day Stopping Vacation Lights") clearState(true) } }else if(getModeOk() && mDaysOk && !mTimeOk){ if(myRunning || mySchedRunning){ logDebug("wrong time - Stopping Vacation Lights") clearState(true) } } } } } Boolean aa=((Boolean)fld.startendRunning || (Boolean)state.startendRunning) if(!aa){ schedStartEnd() } } private Boolean changeSwitch(dev, String val, Boolean first){ Boolean res; res=first String curVal; curVal=sNULL if(!(Boolean)settings.dco) curVal=dev.currentValue('switch') if(!curVal || curVal != val){ String a; a=sBLK if((Boolean)settings.cmdDelay && !first) { a=' with delay'; wpauseExecution(130L) } dev."${val}"() res=false logInfo "turned ${val} ${dev}"+a } return res } private Boolean changeShade(dev, String val, Boolean first){ Boolean res; res=first String curVal; curVal=sNULL if(!(Boolean)settings.dco) curVal=dev.currentValue('windowShade') if(!curVal || curVal != val){ String a; a=sBLK if((Boolean)settings.cmdDelay && !first) { a=' with delay'; wpauseExecution(130L) } dev."${val}"() res=false logInfo "${val} ${dev}"+a } return res } Boolean getModeOk(){ Boolean result=!settings.newMode || ((List)settings.newMode).contains(location.mode) //logTrace "modeOk=$result" result } Boolean getDaysOk(){ Boolean result result=true if((List)settings.days){ SimpleDateFormat df=new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE") if(getTimeZone()) df.setTimeZone(getTimeZone()) else{ df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York")) } String day=(String)df.format(new Date()) result=((List)settings.days).contains(day) } //logTrace "daysOk=$result" result } Boolean getHomeIsEmpty(){ Boolean result result=true if(settings.people?.findAll { it?.currentPresence == "present" }){ result=false } //logDebug("homeIsEmpty: ${result}") return result } Boolean getTimeOk(){ Boolean result result=true Map sunTimes=app.getSunriseAndSunset() if(!sunTimes.sunrise){ logWarn "Actual sunrise and sunset times unavailable, please reset hub location" return false } Date start=timeWindowStart(sunTimes) Date stop=timeWindowStop(sunTimes, start) if(start && stop && getTimeZone()){ result=checkTimeCondition((String)settings.startTimeType, (String)settings.starting, (Integer)settings.startTimeOffset, (String)settings.endTimeType, (String)settings.ending, (Integer)settings.endTimeOffset, sunTimes) //result=timeOfDayIsBetween( (start), (stop), new Date(), getTimeZone()) } logDebug "timeOk=$result start: $start stop: $stop" result } Date timeWindowStart(Map sunTimes, Boolean usehhmm=false){ Date result=timeWindowMgmt((String)settings.startTimeType, (Integer)settings.startTimeOffset, (String)settings.starting, sunTimes, usehhmm) // logDebug "timeWindowStart=${result} ${formatDt(result)}" return result } Date timeWindowMgmt(String strtTimeType, Long strtTimeOffset, String strting, Map sunTimes, Boolean usehhmm, Boolean useST=false, Date st=null){ Long lresult Date result; result=null if(strtTimeType == sSUNRISE){ lresult=((Date)sunTimes.sunrise).getTime() if(lresult && strtTimeOffset){ lresult=lresult + Math.round(strtTimeOffset * 60000L) } result=new Date(lresult) } else if(strtTimeType == sSUNSET){ lresult=((Date)sunTimes.sunset).getTime() if(lresult && strtTimeOffset){ lresult=lresult + Math.round(strtTimeOffset * 60000L) } result=new Date(lresult) } else if(strting && getTimeZone()){ if(usehhmm){ result=wtimeToday(hhmm(strting), getTimeZone()) } else{ result=wtimeToday(strting, getTimeZone()) } } if(useST && result && st && st.getTime() > result.getTime()){ result=new Date(result.getTime()+86400000L) } result } Date timeWindowStop(Map sunTimes, Date st, Boolean usehhmm=false){ Date result=timeWindowMgmt((String)settings.endTimeType, (Integer)settings.endTimeOffset, (String)settings.ending, sunTimes, usehhmm, true, st) // logDebug "timeWindowStop=${result} ${formatDt(result)}" return result } String hhmm(String time, String fmt="HH:mm"){ Date t=wtimeToday(time, getTimeZone()) SimpleDateFormat f=new SimpleDateFormat(fmt) f.setTimeZone(getTimeZone()) f.format(t) } //adjusts the time to local timezone Date adjustTime(time=null){ Long ltime; ltime=null if(time instanceof Long){ ltime=time }else if(time instanceof String){ //get UTC time ltime=wtimeToday(time, getTimeZone()).getTime() }else if(time instanceof Date){ //get unix time ltime=time.getTime() }else if(!ltime){ ltime=wnow() } if(ltime){ if(ltime > wnow()) return new Date(ltime + getTimeZone().getOffset(ltime) - getTimeZone().getOffset(wnow())) return new Date(ltime) } return null } private void wpauseExecution(Long t){ pauseExecution(t) } private Date wtimeToday(String str,TimeZone tz){ return (Date)timeToday(str,tz) } private Long wnow(){ return (Long)now() } Boolean checkTimeCondition(String timeFrom, timeFromCustom, Long tfo, String timeTo, timeToCustom, Long tto, sunTimes){ Long timeFromOffset, timeToOffset timeFromOffset=tfo timeToOffset=tto Date time=new Date() //convert to minutes since midnight Integer tc=(Integer)time.hours * 60 + (Integer)time.minutes Integer tf, tt, i tf=0 tt=0 i=0 while (i < 2){ Date t; t=null Integer h,m h=null m=0 switch(i == 0 ? timeFrom : timeTo){ case "custom time": case sTIME: t=adjustTime(i == 0 ? timeFromCustom : timeToCustom) if(i == 0){ timeFromOffset=0L }else{ timeToOffset=0L } break case sSUNRISE: t=getSunrise(sunTimes) break case sSUNSET: t=getSunset(sunTimes) break case "noon": h=12 break case "midnight": h=(i == 0 ? 0 : 24) break } if(h == null){ h=(Integer)t.hours m=(Integer)t.minutes } switch (i){ case 0: tf=h * 60 + m + (Integer)cast(timeFromOffset, sNUMBR) break case 1: tt=h * 60 + m + (Integer)cast(timeToOffset, sNUMBR) break } i += 1 } //due to offsets, let's make sure all times are within 0-1440 minutes while (tf < 0) tf += 1440 while (tf > 1440) tf -= 1440 while (tt < 0) tt += 1440 while (tt > 1440) tt -= 1440 if(tf < tt){ return (tc >= tf) && (tc < tt) }else{ return (tc < tt) || (tc >= tf) } } @Field static final List trueStrings= [ '1', 'true', "on", "open", "locked", "active", "wet", "detected", "present", "occupied", "muted", "sleeping"] @Field static final List falseStrings=[ '0', 'false', "off", "closed", "unlocked", "inactive", "dry", "clear", "not detected", "not present", "not occupied", "unmuted", "not sleeping", "null"] private static cast(value, String dataType){ switch (dataType){ case sLONG: if(value == null) return 0L if(value instanceof String){ if(value.isInteger()) return (Long) value.toInteger() if(value.isFloat()) return (Long) Math.round(value.toFloat()) if(value in trueStrings) return 1L } Long result try{ result=(Long) value }catch(ignored){} return result ? result : 0L case sNUMBR: if(value == null) return (Integer) 0 if(value instanceof String){ if(value.isInteger()) return value.toInteger() if(value.isFloat()) return (Integer) Math.floor(value.toFloat()) if(value in trueStrings) return (Integer) 1 } def result try{ result=(Integer)value }catch(ignored){ result=(Integer) 0 } return result ? result : (Integer) 0 case "string": case "text": if(value instanceof Boolean){ return value ? sTRUE : sFALSE } return value ? "$value" : sBLK case "decimal": if(value == null) return (Float)0 if(value instanceof String){ if(value.isFloat()) return (Float) value.toFloat() if(value.isInteger()) return (Float) value.toInteger() if(value in trueStrings) return (Float) 1 } def result try{ result=(Float)value } catch(ignored){} return result ? result : (Float) 0 case 'boolean': if(value instanceof String){ if(!value || (value in falseStrings)) return false return true } return !!value } return value } //TODO is this expensive? Date getSunrise(sunTimes){ return adjustTime(sunTimes.sunrise) } Date getSunset(sunTimes){ return adjustTime(sunTimes.sunset) } String timeIntervalLabel(){ String start start=sBLK start += myStrFix((String)settings.startTimeType, (String)settings.starting, (Integer)settings.startTimeOffset) String finish finish=sBLK finish += myStrFix((String)settings.endTimeType, (String)settings.ending, (Integer)settings.endTimeOffset) start && finish ? start+' to '+finish : sBLK } String myStrFix(String strtTimeType, String strting, Long strtTimeOffset){ String start; start=sBLK switch (strtTimeType){ case sTIME: if(strting){ start += hhmm(strting) } break case sSUNRISE: case sSUNSET: start += strtTimeType[0].toUpperCase() + strtTimeType[1..-1] if(strtTimeOffset){ start += (strtTimeOffset > 0 ? '+' : sBLK) +strtTimeOffset.toString()+' min' } break } return start } //sets complete/not complete for the setup section on the main dynamic page String greyedOut(){ String result; result=sBLK if(settings.switches){ result="complete" } result } //sets complete/not complete for the settings section on the main dynamic page String greyedOutSettings(){ String result; result=sBLK if(settings.people || settings.days || settings.falseAlarmThreshold ){ result="complete" } result } static String myObj(obj){ if(obj instanceof String){return 'String'} else if(obj instanceof Map){return 'Map'} else if(obj instanceof List){return 'List'} else if(obj instanceof ArrayList){return 'ArrayList'} else if(obj instanceof Integer){return 'Int'} else if(obj instanceof BigInteger){return 'BigInt'} else if(obj instanceof Long){return 'Long'} else if(obj instanceof Boolean){return 'Bool'} else if(obj instanceof BigDecimal){return 'BigDec'} else if(obj instanceof Float){return 'Float'} else if(obj instanceof Byte){return 'Byte'} else{ return 'unknown'} } @Field static final String sBLANK ='' @Field static final String sSPACE =' ' @Field static final String sLINEBR ='
' @Field static final String sCLRRED ='red' @Field static final String sCLRGRY ='gray' @Field static final String sCLRORG ='orange' private void logDebug(String msg){ if((Boolean)settings.debugLogging) log.debug logPrefix(msg, "purple") } private void logInfo(String msg){ if((Boolean)settings.debugLogging) log.info sSPACE + logPrefix(msg, "#0299b1") } private void logTrace(String msg){ if((Boolean)settings.debugLogging) log.trace logPrefix(msg, sCLRGRY) } private void logWarn(String msg){ log.warn sSPACE + logPrefix(msg, sCLRORG) } void logError(String msg, ex=null){ log.error logPrefix(msg, sCLRRED) String a try{ if(ex) a=getExceptionMessageWithLine(ex) }catch (ignored){} if(a) log.error logPrefix(a, sCLRRED) } static String logPrefix(String msg, String color=sNULL){ return span(sMyName+" (v" + appVersionFLD + ") | ", sCLRGRY) + span(msg, color) } static String span(String str, String clr=sNULL, String sz=sNULL, Boolean bld=false, Boolean br=false){ return str ? "${str}${br ? sLINEBR : sBLANK}" : sBLANK }