//Global Variables let options = []; var focusTile; var dialog = document.getElementById('tileOptions'); var newTileDialog = document.getElementById('addTileDialog'); var count = 12; const num_columns = 26; const num_rows = 26; function getOptions() { return jQuery.get(localURL + "getOptions/?access_token=" + secretEndpoint, (data) => { options = data; console.log("Got Options"); console.log(options); }); } function getAbbrev(unit){ switch (unit){ case "none": return ""; case "fahrenheit": return "°"; case "celsius": return "°"; case "kelvin": return "K"; case "meters_per_second": return "m/s"; case "miles_per_hour": return "mph"; case "knots": return "kn"; case "millimeters": return "mm"; case "inches": return '"'; case "degrees": return "°"; case "radians": return "rad"; case "cardinal": return ""; case "trend_numeric": return ""; case "trend_text": return ""; case "percent_numeric": return "%"; case "millibars": return "mbar"; case "millimeters_mercury": return "mmHg"; case "inches_mercury": return "inHg"; case "hectopascal": return "hPa"; case "kilometers_per_hour" : return "km/h"; } return ""; } async function initializeWeather() { await getOptions(); console.log(options); setInterval(() => { getWeatherData(); }, options.openweather_refresh_rate); let minutes = (options.openweather_refresh_rate / 1000) / 60; console.log("Refreshing OpenWeather Forecast at " + minutes + " minutes"); grid.engine.nodes.forEach(function (item) { setFont(item); }); } function lookupData(data, value) { split_val = value.split('.'); cur = data; try { split_val.forEach((val) => { cur = cur[val]; }) } catch (error) { return ""; } return cur; } /******************************************************************************************************************************/ /****************************************GRIDSTACK IMPLEMENTATION *************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************************************************************/ var grid = GridStack.init({ alwaysShowResizeHandle: /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ), doAnimate: 'true', removable: '#trash', removeTimeout: 100, acceptWidgets: '.newWidget', verticalMargin: 1, float: 'true', disableOneColumnMode: 'true', cellHeight: "4vh", maxRow: 45, }); grid.on('added change', function (e, items) { var str = ''; items.forEach(function (item) { if (item.id != undefined){ obj = getTile(item.id); obj.baseline_row = item.y; obj.baseline_column = item.x; obj.h = item.height; obj.w = item.width; setFont(item); } }); updateGroovy(); }); //HELPER FUNCTIONS function hexToRgb(hex) { var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); return result ? { r: parseInt(result[1], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), b: parseInt(result[3], 16) } : null; } function rgb2hex(rgb) { if (/^#[0-9A-F]{6}$/i.test(rgb)) return rgb; rgb = rgb.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/); function hex(x) { return ("0" + parseInt(x).toString(16)).slice(-2); } return "#" + hex(rgb[1]) + hex(rgb[2]) + hex(rgb[3]); } //SET Functions function setText(val, id) { let item = grid.engine.nodes.find(function (element) { return (element.id == id); }); if (!item) { console.log("Returning (" + val + ", " + id + ")"); return; } let wPixels = window.innerWidth; let hPixels = window.innerHeight; let column_size = wPixels / (num_columns - 2); let row_size = hPixels / num_rows; let textWidth = 0; let obj = getTile(id); let el = document.getElementById(id); if (el) { if (val != null) textWidth = val.length; else { textWidth = el.textContent.length; } } let text = document.getElementById(id + "_text"); if (text) textWidth += text.textContent.length; let icon = document.getElementById(id + "_icon"); if (icon) textWidth += icon.textContent.length; if (obj.icon != "none") textWidth++; let units = document.getElementById(id + "_units"); if (units) textWidth += units.textContent.length; let unit_space = document.getElementById(id + "_unit_space"); if (unit_space) textWidth += unit_space.textContent.length; let fontSize = row_size * item.height; let lineHeight = fontSize; let pixelWidth = column_size * item.width; let fontWidth = fontSize * textWidth; if (pixelWidth < fontWidth) { fontSize = 1.25 * (pixelWidth / textWidth); } change = obj.font_adjustment; fontSize = fontSize + (fontSize * (change / 100.0)); fontWeight = obj.font_weight; if (el) { if (val != null) el.textContent = val; el.style.fontSize = fontSize + "px"; el.style.lineHeight = lineHeight + "px"; el.style.fontWeight = fontWeight; } if (text) { text.style.fontSize = fontSize + "px"; text.style.lineHeight = lineHeight + "px"; text.style.fontWeight = fontWeight; } if (icon) { icon.style.fontSize = fontSize + "px"; icon.style.lineHeight = lineHeight + "px"; icon.style.fontWeight = fontWeight; } if (units) { units.style.fontSize = (fontSize + "px"); units.style.lineHeight = lineHeight + "px"; units.style.fontWeight = fontWeight; } if (unit_space){ unit_space.style.fontSize = (fontSize + "px"); unit_space.style.lineHeight = lineHeight + "px"; unit_space.style.fontWeight = fontWeight; } } function setFont(grid) { let item = document.getElementById(grid.id); setText(null, item.id) } function setSlider(id, units, val) { document.getElementById(id + "_slider").value = val; document.getElementById(id + "_message").innerHTML = val + units; $("#" + id + "_slider")[0].MaterialSlider.change(val); } function setColor(color, opacity, id) { rgb = hexToRgb(color); colorString = "rgba(" + rgb.r + ", " + rgb.g + ", " + rgb.b + ", " + (opacity / 100) + ")" let el = document.getElementById(id); let icon = document.getElementById(id + "_icon"); let unit = document.getElementById(id + "_units"); let text = document.getElementById(id + "_text") if (el) el.style.color = colorString; if (icon) icon.style.color = colorString; if (unit) unit.style.color = colorString; if (text) text.style.color = colorString; } function setbkColor(color, opacity, id) { rgb = hexToRgb(color); colorString = "rgba(" + rgb.r + ", " + rgb.g + ", " + rgb.b + ", " + (opacity / 100) + ")" $('#' + id).css('background-color', colorString); } function setTileText(text, id) { let el = document.getElementById(id); if (el) el.textContent = text; } function setAlignment(alignment, id) { $('#' + id).css('text-align', alignment); } function setSpacingIcon(space, menu){ let icon = "arrow-collapse-horizontal"; document.getElementById(menu+"_value").textContent = "no space"; if (space == " ") { icon = "keyboard-space"; document.getElementById(menu+"_value").textContent = "single space"; } if (space == " "){ icon = "arrow-expand-horizontal"; document.getElementById(menu+"_value").textContent = "double space"; } replaceIcons(menu+"_button", icon); } function setDecimalIcon(decimal, menu){ let icon = "hexadecimal"; document.getElementById(menu+"_value").textContent = "no decimal"; if (decimal == 1) { icon = "surround-sound-2-0"; document.getElementById(menu+"_value").textContent = "one decimal"; } if (decimal == 2) { icon = "decimal"; document.getElementById(menu+"_value").textContent = "two decimals"; } replaceIcons(menu+"_button", icon); } function setSpacing(item_name, spacing){ text = document.getElementById(item_name); switch (spacing.toLowerCase()){ case "no space": text.textContent = ""; return ""; case "single space": text.textContent = " "; return " "; case "double space": text.textContent = " "; return " "; } return ""; } function setButton(t1, t2, t3) { let b1 = $('#' + t1 + "_justify_button"); let b2 = $('#' + t2 + "_justify_button"); let b3 = $('#' + t3 + "_justify_button"); b1.addClass('mdl-button--colored'); b2.removeClass('mdl-button--colored'); b3.removeClass('mdl-button--colored'); } //GET Functions function getTile(name){ tile = options.tiles.find(tile=> tile.var == name); if (tile==undefined){ console.log("Could not find "+name); console.log(options.tiles); } return tile; } function getJustification() { if ($('#left_justify_button').hasClass("mdl-button--colored")) return "left"; if ($('#mid_justify_button').hasClass("mdl-button--colored")) return "center"; if ($('#right_justify_button').hasClass("mdl-button--colored")) return "right"; } function getAutoFont() { let temp = $('#tileStaticFont').hasClass('checked'); return temp; } function getFontWeight(val) { switch (val) { case "thin": return 100; case "normal": return 400; case "bold": return 700; case "thick": return 900; } return 400; } function getFontWeightName(val) { if (typeof val === 'string' || val instanceof String) intval = parseInt(val, 10); else intval = val; switch (intval) { case 100: return "thin"; break; case 400: return "normal"; break; case 700: return "bold"; break; case 900: return "thick"; break; } return "normal"; } function getDecimals(text){ switch (text.toLowerCase()){ case "no decimal": return 0; case "one decimal": return 1; case "two decimals": return 2; } } function setupNewTileMenu(){ options.tiles.forEach((tile) => { if (tile.display == false || tile.display == "false"){ $('#' + tile.var + "_list_main").css("display", "flex"); } else { $('#' + tile.var + "_list_main").css("display", "none"); } }) } function setOptions(tile) { obj = getTile(tile); //Set the "Options" Title el = document.getElementById(tile + "_title"); title = el.textContent; document.getElementById("options_title").textContent = title + " Options" //Set the text color document.getElementById("text_color").value = rgb2hex(obj.font_color); //Set the background color document.getElementById("background_color").value = rgb2hex(obj.background_color); //Set the static text; the floater requires special care text = obj.text; if (text) { document.getElementById("tileText").value = text; $('#text_floater').addClass('is-dirty'); } else { document.getElementById("tileText").value = ""; $('#text_floater').removeClass('is-dirty'); } //Set the horizontal alignment and its icon horizontal_alignment_icon = document.getElementById(obj.alignment + "_icon").textContent; document.getElementById("horizontal_alignment_value").textContent = obj.alignment; replaceIcons("horizontal_alignment_button", horizontal_alignment_icon); //Set the font weight and its icon fname = getFontWeightName(obj.font_weight); font_weight_icon = document.getElementById(fname+"_icon").textContent; document.getElementById("font_weight_value").textContent = fname; replaceIcons("font_weight_button", font_weight_icon); //Set the main (or not) icon main_icon = obj.icon; if (main_icon == "none" || obj.icon_loc == "special"){ main_icon = "alpha-x-circle-outline"; document.getElementById("selected_icon_value").textContent = "none"; document.getElementById("selected_icon_icon").textContent = "none"; document.getElementById("selected_icon_tooltip").textContent = "No Icon Selected"; } else { document.getElementById("selected_icon_value").textContent = main_icon; document.getElementById("selected_icon_icon").textContent = main_icon; let icon_name = main_icon.replace(/-/g, '_'); let icon_text = document.getElementById("selected_icon_"+icon_name+"_text").textContent; document.getElementById("selected_icon_tooltip").textContent = "Selected Icon: "+icon_text; } replaceIcons("selected_icon_button", main_icon); setSpacingIcon(obj.icon_space, "icon_spacing"); setSpacingIcon(obj.unit_space, "units_spacing"); //Set all the sliders and thier options setSlider("font_adjustment", "%", obj.font_adjustment); setSlider("text", "%", obj.font_opacity); setSlider("background", "%", obj.background_opacity); //Set the decimal places decimals = obj.decimals; setDecimalIcon(decimals, "decimal_places"); //Set up the new tile menu by "not showing" the already available tiles setupNewTileMenu(); //Show the dialog dialog.showModal(); //Remember the tile focusTile = tile; } function closeWindow() { dialog.close(); } function saveWindow() { dialog.close(); let color = document.getElementById("text_color").value; let opacity = document.getElementById("text_slider").value; let bkcolor = document.getElementById("background_color").value; let bkopacity = document.getElementById("background_slider").value; setbkColor(bkcolor, bkopacity, focusTile + "_tile"); setColor(color, opacity, focusTile); let text = document.getElementById("tileText").value; setTileText(text, focusTile + "_text"); let horizontal_alignment = document.getElementById("horizontal_alignment_value").textContent; setAlignment(horizontal_alignment, focusTile + "_tile"); let font_adjustment = document.getElementById('font_adjustment_slider').value; let font_weight = getFontWeight(document.getElementById("font_weight_value").textContent); let icon = document.getElementById("selected_icon_icon").textContent; if (icon == "alpha-x-circle-outline"){ replaceIcons(focusTile+"_icon", "none"); } else { replaceIcons(focusTile+"_icon", icon); } let icon_spacing = document.getElementById("icon_spacing_value").textContent; icon_spacing = setSpacing(focusTile+"_icon", icon_spacing); let unit_spacing = document.getElementById("units_spacing_value").textContent; unit_spacing = setSpacing(focusTile+"_unit_space", unit_spacing); let decimals = getDecimals(document.getElementById("decimal_places_value").textContent); obj = getTile(focusTile); if (obj.value==undefined) { obj.value=""; } obj.font_color = color; obj.font_opacity = opacity; obj.background_color = bkcolor; obj.background_opacity = bkopacity; obj.text = text; obj.alignment = horizontal_alignment; obj.font_adjustment = font_adjustment; obj.font_weight = font_weight; obj.icon = icon; obj.icon_space = icon_spacing; obj.unit_space = unit_spacing; obj.decimals = decimals; setText(null, focusTile); updateGroovy(); //setTimeout(() => { getWeatherData() } , 1000); } function saveAllWindow() { dialog.close(); let color = document.getElementById("text_color").value; let opacity = document.getElementById("text_slider").value; let bkcolor = document.getElementById("background_color").value; let bkopacity = document.getElementById("background_slider").value; options.tiles.forEach((obj) => { if (!obj.display == false || !obj.display == "false"){ id = obj.var; setColor(color, opacity, id); setbkColor(bkcolor, bkopacity, id + "_tile"); obj.font_color = color; obj.font_opacity = opacity; obj.background_color = bkcolor; obj.background_opacity = bkopacity; } }); updateGroovy(); } function buttonClicked(justification) { switch (justification) { case 'left': setButton('left', 'right', 'center'); break; case 'right': setButton('right', 'left', 'center'); break; case 'center': setButton('center', 'right', 'left'); break; } } function replaceIcons(id, icon) { $("#" + id).removeClass(function (index, className) { return (className.match(/(^|\s)mdi-\S+/g) || []).join(' '); }); $("#" + id).addClass("mdi-" + icon); } jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { /** * Example 1 * Load from SELECT field */ $('#e1_element').fontIconPicker(); }); function deleteTile(){ dialog.close(); let id = focusTile; let item = grid.engine.nodes.find(function (element) { return (element.id == id); }); options.tiles = options.tiles.filter(function(tile){ return tile.var != focusTile; }); //Remove the Physical Widget grid.removeWidget(item.el); updateGroovy(); } function addNewTile(var_name, tile_type, weather_code, span, time) { length = options.tiles.length; let type = options.tile_type[tile_type]; console.log(var_name+" "+tile_type); console.log(type); title = type.name; if (type.type == "blank") title = "Blank Tile"; else { switch (span){ case "daily": title = "Daily "+type.name+" in "+time+" days"; break; case "hourly": title = "Hourly "+type.name+" in "+time+" hours"; break; case "current": title = "Current "+type.name; break; } } console.log("Adding Tile "+tile_type) let icon_var = "none"; let value_var= "XXX" if (tile_type == "weather_icon"){ icon_var = "help-circle-outline" value_var = ""; } options.tiles.push( {title: title, var: var_name, type: tile_type, period: weather_code, value: value_var, icon: icon_var, icon_loc: "left", icon_space: "", h: 4, w: 8, baseline_row: 1, baseline_column: 1, alignment: "center", text: "", lpad: 0, rpad: 0, decimals: 1, unit: "none", decimal: "no", unit_space: "", font: 6, font_weight: "400", font_color: "#2c3e50", font_opacity: "100", background_color: "#18bc9c", background_opacity: "100", font_auto_resize: "true", justification: "center", font_adjustment: 0, display: true, }); units = options.tile_units[type.type]; obj = getTile(var_name); var $el = $(createNewTile(obj, units.out)); grid.addWidget($el, 0, 0, obj.w, obj.h, true); setText( null, var_name ); } function createNewTile(item, units){ let fontScale = 4.6; let lineScale = 0.85; let iconScale = 3.5; let header = 0.1; let var_ = item.var; let height = item.h; let html = ""; html += `
`; //Left Icon if (item.icon != "right"){ html+= `${item.icon_space}`; } //Text html+=`${item.text}`; //Main Content html += `${item.value}`; //Unit Spacing html += `${item.unit_space}`; //Units let out_units = getAbbrev(units); html += `${out_units}`; //Right Icon if (item.icon_loc == "right"){ html+=`${item.icon_space}`; html+=``; } html += `
`; return html; } function addNewTileClose(){ newTileDialog.close(); let num_elements = options.tiles.length; let var_name = ""; console.log(selected_new_tile_span+" "+selected_new_tile_type+" "+selected_new_tile_time); //Error Checking diag = options.new_tile_dialog; type = selected_new_tile_type; if ((selected_new_tile_span != "blank") && ((selected_new_tile_span == undefined) || (selected_new_tile_type == undefined) || (selected_new_tile_span != "current" && selected_new_tile_time == undefined)) && (selected_new_tile_span != "sensor" )){ window.alert("Missing Required Fields, Exitting...") return; } if (selected_new_tile_span=="blank"){ var_name = "blank"+num_elements; type = "blank"; period = 0; } else { var_name = selected_new_tile_type+"_"+num_elements; type = selected_new_tile_type; period = selected_new_tile_time ? selected_new_tile_span+"."+selected_new_tile_time : selected_new_tile_span; } addNewTile(var_name, type, period, selected_new_tile_span, selected_new_tile_time); updateGroovy(); //setTimeout(() => { getWeatherData() } , 1000); } function updateGroovy() { let data = JSON.stringify(options.tiles); let el = jQuery("#settingstile_settings_HTML", parent.document); el.attr('value', data); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: options.url+`/updateSettings/?access_token=`+options.api_code, data: data, contentType: 'application/json' }); } function getWeatherData() { dialog.close(); $("body").css("cursor", "progress"); return jQuery.get(localURL + "getData/?access_token=" + secretEndpoint, (data) => { data.forEach(tile=>{ obj = getTile(tile.var); if (obj!=undefined){ obj.value = tile.value; obj.icon = tile.icon; replaceIcons(tile.var+"_icon", obj.icon); setText(tile.value, tile.var); } }); console.log(options.tiles) $("body").css("cursor", "default"); }); } function newTile(){ dialog.close(); newTileDialog.showModal(); } //Just close the window with no action function closeAddTileWindow(){ newTileDialog.close(); } var selected_new_tile_span; var selected_new_tile_type; var selected_new_tile_time; function selectTileSpan(tileSpan){ selected_new_tile_span = tileSpan; diag = options.new_tile_dialog; Object.entries(diag).forEach(([key, value]) => { css_text = "none" if (key == tileSpan){ css_text = "flex"; $("#"+key+"_measurement").val("blank"); $("#"+key+"time").val("blank"); } $("#"+key+"_measurement_main").css("display", css_text); $("#"+key+"_time_main").css("display", css_text); }) selected_new_tile_type = undefined; selected_new_tile_time = undefined; } function selectTileType(tileType){ selected_new_tile_type = tileType; } function selectTileTime(tileTime){ selected_new_tile_time = tileTime; }