/* * webCoRE - Community's own Rule Engine - Web Edition * * Copyright 2016 Adrian Caramaliu * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Last update January 21, 2024 for Hubitat */ //file:noinspection GroovySillyAssignment //file:noinspection GrDeprecatedAPIUsage //file:noinspection GroovyDoubleNegation //file:noinspection GroovyUnusedAssignment //file:noinspection unused //file:noinspection SpellCheckingInspection //file:noinspection GroovyFallthrough @Field static final String sVER='v0.3.114.20220203' @Field static final String sHVER='v0.3.114.20230222_HE' static String version(){ return sVER } static String HEversion(){ return sHVER } /******************************************************************************/ /*** webCoRE DEFINITION ***/ /******************************************************************************/ private static String handle(){ return "webCoRE" } definition( name: "${handle()} Storage", namespace: "ady624", author: "Adrian Caramaliu", description: "Do not install this directly, use webCoRE instead", category: "Convenience", /* icons courtesy of @chauger - thank you */ iconUrl:gimg('app-CoRE.png'), iconX2Url:gimg('app-CoRE@2x.png'), iconX3Url:gimg('app-CoRE@3x.png'), importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imnotbob/webCoRE/hubitat-patches/smartapps/ady624/webcore-storage.src/webcore-storage.groovy", parent: "ady624:${handle()}" ) preferences { //UI pages page(name: "pageSettings") page(name: "pageSelectDevices") page(name: "pageDumpWeather") } import groovy.json.JsonOutput import groovy.transform.Field import groovy.transform.CompileStatic import java.security.MessageDigest @Field static final String sNL=(String)null @Field static final String sBLK='' @Field static final String sSPC=' ' @Field static final String sCOLON=':' /******************************************************************************/ /*** ***/ /*** CONFIGURATION PAGES ***/ /*** ***/ /******************************************************************************/ def pageSettings(){ //clear devices cache if(!parent || !parent.isInstalled()){ return dynamicPage(name: "pageSettings", title: sBLK, install: false, uninstall: false){ section(){ paragraph "Sorry, you cannot install a piston directly from the Dashboard, please use the webCoRE App instead." } section(sectionTitleStr("Installing webCoRE")){ paragraph "If you are trying to install webCoRE, please go back one step and choose webCoRE, not webCoRE Piston. You can also visit wiki.webcore.co for more information on how to install and use webCoRE" if(parent){ def t0 = parent.getWikiUrl() href sBLK, title: imgTitle("app-CoRE.png", inputTitleStr("More information")), description: t0, style: "external", url: t0, required: false } } } } dynamicPage(name: "pageSettings", title: sBLK, install: true, uninstall: false){ /* section("Available devices"){ href "pageSelectDevices", title: "Available devices", description: "Tap here to select which devices are available to pistons" } section(sectionTitleStr('enable \$weather via ApiXU.com')){ input "apixuKey", "text", title: "ApiXU key?", description: "ApiXU key", required: false input "zipCode", "text", title: "Override Zip code or set city name or latitude,longitude? (Default: ${location.zipCode})", defaultValue: null, required: false } */ section(){ href 'pageDumpWeather', title:'Dump weather structure', description:'' // paragraph "Under Construction, managed by webCoRE App." } } } private pageSelectDevices(){ parent.refreshDevices() dynamicPage(name: "pageSelectDevices", title: sBLK){ section(){ paragraph "Select the devices you want ${handle()} to have access to." paragraph "It is a good idea to only select the devices you plan on using with ${handle()} pistons. Pistons will only have access to the devices you selected." } section ('Select devices by type'){ paragraph "Most devices should fall into one of these two categories" input "dev:actuator", "capability.actuator", multiple: true, title: "Which actuators", required: false, submitOnChange: true input "dev:sensor", "capability.sensor", multiple: true, title: "Which sensors", required: false, submitOnChange: true input "dev:all", "capability.*", multiple: true, title: "Devices", required: false } section ('Select devices by capability'){ paragraph "If you cannot find a device by type, you may try looking for it by category below" def d d=null for (capability in parent.capabilities().findAll{ (!(it.value.d in [null, 'actuators', 'sensors'])) }.sort{ it.value.d }){ if(capability.value.d != d) input "dev:${capability.key}", "capability.${capability.key}", multiple: true, title: "Which ${capability.value.d}", required: false, submitOnChange: true d = capability.value.d } } } } private static String sectionTitleStr(String title) { return '


' } private static String inputTitleStr(String title) { return ''+title+'' } //private static String pageTitleStr(String title) { return '


' } //private static String paraTitleStr(String title) { return ''+title+'' } @Field static final String sGITP='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/imnotbob/webCoRE@hubitat-patches/resources/icons/' private static String gimg(String imgSrc){ return sGITP+imgSrc } @CompileStatic private static String imgTitle(String imgSrc,String titleStr,String color=sNL,Integer imgWidth=30,Integer imgHeight=iZ){ String imgStyle imgStyle=sBLK String myImgSrc=gimg(imgSrc) imgStyle+=imgWidth>iZ ? 'width: '+imgWidth.toString()+'px !important;':sBLK imgStyle+=imgHeight>iZ ? imgWidth!=iZ ? sSPC:sBLK+'height:'+imgHeight.toString()+'px !important;':sBLK if(color!=sNL) return """
""".toString() else return """ ${titleStr}""".toString() } /******************************************************************************/ /*** ***/ /*** INITIALIZATION ROUTINES ***/ /*** ***/ /******************************************************************************/ void installed(){ initialize() } void updated(){ unsubscribe() unschedule() initialize() startWeather() } public void startWeather(){ String myKey = (String)state.apixuKey ?: sNL String weatherType = (String)state.weatherType ?: sNL if(myKey && weatherType){ unschedule() runEvery30Minutes(updateWeatherD) updateWeatherD() } } public void stopWeather(){ state.apixuKey = sNL unschedule() stateRemove("obs") } private void initialize(){ //update parent if this is managed devices. //parent.refreshDevices() stateRemove("obs") stateRemove('hash') } private gtSetting(String nm){ return settings."${nm}" } public void updateWeatherD(){ String myKey = (String)state.apixuKey ?: sNL String weatherType = (String)state.weatherType ?: sNL String myZip, myZip1 myZip = state.zipCode myZip1 = state.zipCode1 if((String)state.zipCode==sNL || (String)state.zipCode == sBLK){ switch(weatherType){ case 'apiXU': myZip = location.zipCode break case 'DarkSky': myZip = location.latitude.toString()+','+location.longitude.toString() break case 'OpenWeatherMap': myZip = location.latitude.toString().replace(sSPC, sBLK) myZip1 = location.longitude.toString().replace(sSPC, sBLK) } } if(myKey && myZip && weatherType){ String myUri switch(weatherType){ case 'apiXU': myUri = 'https://api.apixu.com/v1/forecast.json?key=' +myKey+ '&q=' +myZip+ '&days=7' break case 'DarkSky': myUri = 'https://api.darksky.net/forecast/'+myKey+'/' + myZip + '?units=us&exclude=minutely,flags' break case 'OpenWeatherMap': //myUri = 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?lat=' + myZip + '&lon=' + myZip1 + '&exclude=minutely,hourly&mode=json&units=imperial&appid=' + myKey Boolean apiVer = (Boolean)state.apiVer ?: false String wunits= (String)state.wunits ?:'imperial' myUri = 'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/'+(apiVer ? '3.0':'2.5')+'/onecall?lat=' + myZip + '&lon=' + myZip1 + '&exclude=minutely&mode=json&units='+ wunits + '&appid=' + myKey } if(myUri){ Map header; header=[:] header += ['Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate'] Map params = [ uri: myUri, headers: header, timeout:20 ] try { asynchttpGet('ahttpRequestHandler', params, [tt: 'finishPoll']) } catch (e){ log.error "http call failed for $weatherType weather api: $e" } }else{ log.error "no weather URI found $weatherType" } }else{ log.error "missing some parameter" } } @Field static Map theObsFLD public void ahttpRequestHandler(resp, callbackData){ Map json; json = [:] Map obs; obs = [:] // def err String weatherType = (String)state.weatherType ?: sNL String wunits= (String)state.wunits ?:'imperial' Long t=wnow() if((resp.status == 200) && resp.data){ try { json = resp.getJson() } catch (ignored){ json = [:] return } if(!json) return // add some common fields to all results json.time=t json.weatherType=weatherType json.wunits=wunits json.name = location.name json.zipCode = location.zipCode LinkedHashMap coords = getPosition() json.altitude= coords.altitude json.azimuth= coords.azimuth if(weatherType == 'apiXU'){ if(json.forecast && json.forecast.forecastday){ List lt0=(List)json.forecast.forecastday Integer i for(i = 0; i <= 6; i++){ Integer t0 = lt0[i]?.day?.condition?.code if(!t0) continue String t1 = getWUIconName(t0,1) lt0[i].day.condition.wuicon_name = t1 String t2 = getWUIconNum(t0) lt0[i].day.condition.wuicon = t2 } json.forecast.forecastday=lt0 } Integer tt0 = json.current.condition.code String tt1 = getWUIconName(tt0,1) json.current.condition.wuicon_name = tt1 String tt2 = getWUIconNum(tt0) json.current.condition.wuicon = tt2 } else if(weatherType == 'DarkSky'){ def sunTimes = app.getSunriseAndSunset() Long sunrise, sunset, time sunrise = sunTimes.sunrise.time sunset = sunTimes.sunset.time time = t Boolean is_day is_day = (sunrise <= time && sunset >= time) if(json.currently){ Map t0 t0 = (Map)json.currently String c_code c_code = getdsIconCode((String)t0.icon, (String)t0.summary, !is_day) json.currently.condition_code = c_code json.currently.condition_text = getcondText(c_code) c_code = getdsIconCode((String)t0.icon, (String)t0.summary) String c1 = getStdIcon(c_code) Integer wuCode wuCode = getWUConditionCode(c1) String tt2 tt2 = getWUIconNum(wuCode) json.currently.code = wuCode json.currently.wuicon = tt2 List lt0=(List)json?.daily?.data t0 = lt0 ? (Map)lt0[0] : [:] String f_code f_code = getdsIconCode((String)t0?.icon, (String)t0?.summary, !is_day) json.currently.forecast_code = f_code json.currently.forecast_text = getcondText(f_code) f_code = getdsIconCode((String)t0.icon, (String)t0.summary) String f1 = getStdIcon(f_code) wuCode = getWUConditionCode(f1) //String tt1 = getWUIconName(wuCode,1) tt2 = getWUIconNum(wuCode) json.currently.fcode = wuCode //json.currently.wuicon_name = tt1 json.currently.fwuicon = tt2 } if(json.hourly && json.hourly.data){ List lt0=(List)json?.hourly?.data List lt1=(List)json?.daily?.data Integer i,indx,hr hr = new Date(wnow()).hours indx = 0 for(i = 0; i <= 50; i++){ Map t0 = (Map)lt0[i] if(!t0) continue Map t1 = lt1 ? (Map)lt1[indx] : [:] sunrise = (Long)t1.sunriseTime sunset = (Long)t1.sunsetTime time = (Long)t0.time.toLong() is_day = (sunrise <= time && sunset >= time) String c_code c_code = getdsIconCode((String)t0.icon, (String)t0.summary, !is_day) lt0[i].condition_code = c_code lt0[i].condition_text = getcondText(c_code) c_code = getdsIconCode((String)t0.icon, (String)t0.summary) String c1 = getStdIcon(c_code) Integer wuCode wuCode = getWUConditionCode(c1) String tt2 tt2 = getWUIconNum(wuCode) lt0[i].code = wuCode lt0[i].wuicon = tt2 String f_code f_code = getdsIconCode((String)t1?.icon, (String)t1?.summary) lt0[i].forecast_code = f_code lt0[i].forecast_text = getcondText(f_code) f_code = getdsIconCode((String)t1.icon, (String)t1.summary) String f1 = getStdIcon(f_code) wuCode = getWUConditionCode(f1) tt2 = getWUIconNum(wuCode) lt0[i].fcode = wuCode lt0[i].fwuicon = tt2 hr+=1 if(hr != hr%24){ hr %= 24 indx += 1 } } json.hourly.data=lt0 } if(json.daily && json.daily.data){ List lt0=(List)json?.daily?.data Integer i for(i = 0; i <= 31; i++){ Map t0 = lt0 ? (Map)lt0[i] : [:] if(!t0) continue String c_code = getdsIconCode((String)t0.icon, (String)t0.summary) lt0[i].condition_code = c_code lt0[i].condition_text = getcondText(c_code) String c1 = getStdIcon(c_code) Integer wuCode = getWUConditionCode(c1) String tt2 = getWUIconNum(wuCode) lt0[i].code = wuCode lt0[i].wuicon = tt2 } json.daily.data=lt0 } // String jsonData = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(json) //log.debug jsonData } else if(weatherType == 'OpenWeatherMap'){ // String jsonData = groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(json) //log.debug jsonData def sunTimes = app.getSunriseAndSunset() Long sunrise, sunset, time sunrise = sunTimes.sunrise.time sunset = sunTimes.sunset.time time = t Boolean is_day is_day = (sunrise <= time && sunset >= time) if(json.current){ fillCodes((Map)((List)((Map)json.current).weather)[0],is_day) } if(json.daily){ Integer i for(i=0;i<8;i++){ fillCodes((Map)((List)((Map)((List)json.daily)[i]).weather)[0],true) } } if(json.hourly){ Integer i,indx,hr hr = new Date(wnow()).hours indx = 0 for(i=0;i<48;i++){ Map t0=(Map)((List)json.hourly)[i] ?: [:] if(!t0) continue Map t1 = (Map)((List)json.daily)[indx] ?: [:] if(!t1) continue sunrise = (Integer)t1.sunrise sunset = (Integer)t1.sunset time = (Integer)t0.dt is_day = (sunrise <= time && sunset >= time) fillCodes((Map)((List)t0.weather)[0],is_day) hr+=1 if(hr != hr%24){ hr %= 24 indx += 1 } } } } }else{ if(resp.hasError()){ log.error "$weatherType http Response Status: ${resp.status} error Message: ${resp.getErrorMessage()}" return } log.error "$weatherType no data: ${resp.status} resp.data: ${resp.data} resp.json: ${resp.json}" return } theObsFLD = json def wdev=parent?.getWeatDev() if(wdev) wdev.setVar('updated', "${t}".toString()) //log.debug "$json" } void fillCodes(Map t0,Boolean is_day){ String c_code c_code = getCondCode((Integer)t0.id ?: 999,is_day.toString()) t0.condition_code = c_code t0.condition_text = getcondText(c_code) c_code = getCondCode((Integer)t0.id ?: 999,sTRU) String c1 = getStdIcon(c_code) Integer wuCode wuCode = getWUConditionCode(c1) String tt2 tt2 = getWUIconNum(wuCode) t0.code = wuCode t0.wuicon = tt2 } /// /// Calculations // based on SunCalc by Justin Walker /// // date/time constants and conversions static Double dayMs() { return 1000.0D * 60 * 60 * 24 } static Double J1970() { return 2440588.0D } static Double J2000() { return 2451545.0D } static Double rad() { return Math.PI / 180.0D } static Double e() { return rad() * 23.4397D } // obliquity of the Earth static Double toJulian() { Date date = new Date() Double l = date.getTime().toDouble() / dayMs() - 0.5D + J1970() return l } static Date fromJulian(Double j) { return new Date(Math.round((j + 0.5D - J1970()) * dayMs()) ) } static Double toDays(){ return toJulian() - J2000() } // general calculations for position static Double rightAscension(Double l, Double b) { return Math.atan2(Math.sin(l) * Math.cos(e()) - Math.tan(b) * Math.sin(e()), Math.cos(l)) } static Double declination(Double l, Double b) { return Math.asin(Math.sin(b) * Math.cos(e()) + Math.cos(b) * Math.sin(e()) * Math.sin(l)) } static Double azimuth(Double H, Double phi, Double dec) { return Math.atan2(Math.sin(H), Math.cos(H) * Math.sin(phi) - Math.tan(dec) * Math.cos(phi)) } static Double altitude(Double H, Double phi, Double dec) { return Math.asin(Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(dec) + Math.cos(phi) * Math.cos(dec) * Math.cos(H)) } static Double siderealTime(Double d, Double lw) { return rad() * (280.16D + 360.9856235D * d) - lw } // general sun calculations static Double solarMeanAnomaly(Double d) { return rad() * (357.5291D + 0.98560028D * d) } static Double eclipticLongitude(Double M) { Double C = rad() * (1.9148D * Math.sin(M) + 0.02D * Math.sin(2.0D * M) + 0.0003D * Math.sin(3.0D * M)) // equation of center Double P = rad() * 102.9372D // perihelion of the Earth return M + C + P + Math.PI } static LinkedHashMap sunCoords(Double d) { Double M = solarMeanAnomaly(d) Double L = eclipticLongitude(M) return [dec: declination(L, 0D), ra: rightAscension(L, 0D)] } // calculates sun position for a given date and latitude/longitude LinkedHashMap getPosition() { Double lng = ((BigDecimal)location.longitude).toDouble() Double lat = ((BigDecimal)location.latitude).toDouble() Double lw = rad() * -lng Double phi = rad() * lat Double d = toDays() LinkedHashMap c = sunCoords(d) Double H = siderealTime(d, lw) - c.ra Double az; az = azimuth(H, phi, c.dec) az = (az * 180.0D / Math.PI) + 180.0D Double al; al = altitude(H, phi, c.dec) al = al * 180.0D / Math.PI return [ azimuth: az, altitude: al, ] } public Map getWData(){ Map obs; obs = [:] String weatherType = (String)state.weatherType ?: sNL if(theObsFLD){ if(weatherType == 'apiXU'){ obs = theObsFLD String t0 = "${obs.current.last_updated}".toString() String t1 = formatDt(Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", t0)) Integer s = GetTimeDiffSeconds(t1, sNL, "getApiXUData").toInteger() if(s > (60*60*6)){ // if really old log.warn "removing very old weather data $t0 $s" theObsFLD = null obs = [:] } } if(weatherType == 'DarkSky' || weatherType == 'OpenWeatherMap'){ obs = theObsFLD } } return obs } @Field static final Integer iZ=0 @Field static final Integer i1=1 @Field static final Integer i2=2 @Field static final Integer i3=3 @Field static final String sSPCSB7=' │' @Field static final String sSPCSB6=' │' @Field static final String sSPCS6 =' ' @Field static final String sSPCS5 =' ' @Field static final String sSPCST='┌─ ' @Field static final String sSPCSM='├─ ' @Field static final String sSPCSE='└─ ' @Field static final String sNWL='\n' @Field static final String sDBNL='\n\n • ' @CompileStatic static String spanStr(Boolean html,String s){ return html? span(s) : s } @CompileStatic static String doLineStrt(Integer level,ListnewLevel){ String lineStrt; lineStrt=sNWL Boolean dB; dB=false Integer i for(i=iZ;i lastLevel,String listLabel,Boolean html=false,Boolean reorder=true){ String str; str=sBLK Integer cnt; cnt=i1 List newLevel=lastLevel List list1=data?.collect{it} Integer sz=list1.size() for(Object par in list1){ String lbl=listLabel+"[${cnt-i1}]".toString() if(par instanceof Map){ Map newmap=[:] newmap[lbl]=(Map)par Boolean t1=cnt==sz newLevel[level]=t1 str+=dumpMapDesc(newmap,level,newLevel,cnt,sz,!t1,html,reorder) }else if(par instanceof List || par instanceof ArrayList){ Map newmap=[:] newmap[lbl]=par Boolean t1=cnt==sz newLevel[level]=t1 str+=dumpMapDesc(newmap,level,newLevel,cnt,sz,!t1,html,reorder) }else{ String lineStrt lineStrt=doLineStrt(level,lastLevel) lineStrt+=cnt==i1 && sz>i1 ? sSPCST:(cnt lastLevel,Integer listCnt=null,Integer listSz=null,Boolean listCall=false,Boolean html=false,Boolean reorder=true){ String str; str=sBLK Integer cnt; cnt=i1 Integer sz=data?.size() Map svMap,svLMap,newMap; svMap=[:]; svLMap=[:]; newMap=[:] for(par in data){ String k=(String)par.key def v=par.value if(reorder && v instanceof Map){ svMap+=[(k): v] }else if(reorder && (v instanceof List || v instanceof ArrayList)){ svLMap+=[(k): v] }else newMap+=[(k):v] } newMap+=svMap+svLMap Integer lvlpls=level+i1 for(par in newMap){ String lineStrt List newLevel=lastLevel Boolean thisIsLast=cnt==sz && !listCall if(level>iZ)newLevel[(level-i1)]=thisIsLast Boolean theLast theLast=thisIsLast if(level==iZ)lineStrt=sDBNL else{ theLast=theLast && thisIsLast lineStrt=doLineStrt(level,newLevel) if(listSz && listCnt && listCall)lineStrt+=listCnt==i1 && listSz>i1 ? sSPCST:(listCnt lastLevel=[true] String str=dumpMapDesc(data,iZ,lastLevel,null,null,false,true,reorder) return str!=sBLK ? str:'No Data was returned' } @Field static final String sLTH='<' @Field static final String sGTH='>' @Field static final String sCLR4D9 = '#2784D9' @Field static final String sCLRRED = 'red' @Field static final String sCLRRED2 = '#cc2d3b' @Field static final String sCLRGRY = 'gray' @Field static final String sCLRGRN = 'green' @Field static final String sCLRGRN2 = '#43d843' @Field static final String sCLRORG = 'orange' @Field static final String sLINEBR = '
' @CompileStatic static String span(String str,String clr=sNL,String sz=sNL,Boolean bld=false,Boolean br=false){ return str ? "${str}${br ? sLINEBR:sBLK}": sBLK } static String myObj(obj){ if(obj instanceof String)return 'String' else if(obj instanceof Map)return 'Map' else if(obj instanceof List)return 'List' else if(obj instanceof ArrayList)return 'ArrayList' else if(obj instanceof BigInteger)return 'BigInt' else if(obj instanceof Long)return 'Long' else if(obj instanceof Integer)return 'Int' else if(obj instanceof Boolean)return 'Bool' else if(obj instanceof BigDecimal)return 'BigDec' else if(obj instanceof Double)return 'Double' else if(obj instanceof Float)return 'Float' else if(obj instanceof Byte)return 'Byte' else if(obj instanceof com.hubitat.app.DeviceWrapper)return 'Device' else return 'unknown' } def pageDumpWeather(){ Map obs = theObsFLD String message=getMapDescStr(obs) return dynamicPage(name:'pageDumpWeather', title:sBLK, uninstall:false){ section('Weather Data dump'){ paragraph message } } } private static TimeZone mTZ(){ return TimeZone.getDefault() } // (TimeZone)location.timeZone static String getDtNow(){ Date now = new Date() return formatDt(now) } import java.text.SimpleDateFormat //import groovy.time.* static String formatDt(Date dt){ SimpleDateFormat tf = new SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy") tf.setTimeZone(mTZ()) return tf.format(dt) } static Long GetTimeDiffSeconds(String strtDate, String stpDate=sNL, String methName=sNL){ if((strtDate && !stpDate) || (strtDate && stpDate)){ //if(strtDate?.contains("dtNow")){ return 10000 } Date now = new Date() String stopVal = stpDate ? stpDate.toString() : formatDt(now) Long start = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", strtDate).getTime() Long stop = Date.parse("E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", stopVal).getTime() Long diff = Math.round((stop - start) / 1000L) return diff }else{ return null } } public void settingsToState(String myKey, setval){ if(!myKey) return if(setval!=null){ atomicState."${myKey}" = setval state."${myKey}" = setval } else state.remove("${myKey}" as String) } void stateRemove(String key){ if(!key) return state.remove(key) } /******************************************************************************/ /*** ***/ /*** PUBLIC METHODS ***/ /*** ***/ /******************************************************************************/ public getStorageSettings(){ settings } public void initData(devices, contacts){ if(devices){ for(item in devices){ if(item){ def deviceType = item.key.replace('dev:', 'capability.') def deviceIdList = item.value.collect{ it.id } app.updateSetting(item.key, [type: deviceType, value: deviceIdList]) } } } } public Map listAvailableDevices(Boolean raw=false, Integer offset=0){ Long time = wnow() Map response; response = [:] List myDevices = (List)settings.findAll{ it.key.startsWith("dev:") }.collect{ it.value }.flatten().sort{ it.getDisplayName() } List devices devices = (List)myDevices.unique{ it.id } if(raw){ response = devices.collectEntries{ dev -> [(hashId(dev.id)): dev]} }else{ Integer deviceCount = devices.size() //Map overrides = commandOverrides() response.devices = [:] if(devices){ devices = devices[offset..-1] response.complete = !devices.indexed().find{ idx, dev -> // log.debug "Loaded device at ${idx} after ${wnow() - time}ms. Data size is ${response.toString().size()}" response.devices[hashId(dev.id)]=getDevDetails(dev, true) /* response.devices[hashId(dev.id)] = [ n: dev.getDisplayName(), cn: dev.getCapabilities()*.name, a: dev.getSupportedAttributes().unique{ it.name }.collect{[ n: it.name, t: it.getDataType(), o: it.getValues() ]}, c: dev.getSupportedCommands().unique{ transformCommand(it, overrides) }.collect{[ n: transformCommand(it, overrides), p: it.getArguments() ]} ] */ Boolean stop stop = false String jsonData = JsonOutput.toJson(response) Integer responseLength = jsonData.getBytes("UTF-8").length if(responseLength > (50 * 1024)){ stop = true // Stop if large } if(wnow() - time > 4000) stop = true if(stop && idx < devices.size()-1){ response.nextOffset = offset + idx + 1 return true } false } } else response.complete=true log.debug "Generated list of ${offset}-${offset + devices.size()} of ${deviceCount} devices in ${wnow() - time}ms. Data size is ${response.toString().size()}" } return response } Map getDevDetails(dev, Boolean transform=false){ Map overrides=commandOverrides() return [ n: dev.getDisplayName(), cn: dev.getCapabilities()*.name, a: dev.getSupportedAttributes().unique{ (String)it.name }.collect{ // Map x=[ [ n: (String)it.name, t: it.getDataType(), o: it.getValues() ] // try { // x.v = dev.currentValue(x.n) // } catch(ignored){} // x }, c: dev.getSupportedCommands().unique{ transform ? transformCommand(it, overrides) : it.getName() }.collect{[ n: transform ? transformCommand(it, overrides) : it.getName(), p: it.getArguments() ]} ] } private static String transformCommand(command, Map overrides){ Map override = overrides[(String)command.getName()] if(override && (String)override.s == command.getArguments()?.toString()){ return (String)override.r } return (String)command.getName() } public Map getDashboardData(){ // def start = wnow() return settings.findAll{ it.key.startsWith("dev:") }.collect{ it.value }.flatten().collectEntries{ dev -> [(hashId(dev.id)): dev]}.collectEntries{ id, dev -> [ (id): dev.getSupportedAttributes().collect{ it.name }.unique().collectEntries{ def value value=null try { value = dev.currentValue(it) } catch (ignored){ value = null} return [ (it) : value] }] } } public String mem(Boolean showBytes = true){ Integer bytes = state.toString().length() return Math.round(100.00 * (bytes/ 100000.00)) + "%${showBytes ? " ($bytes bytes)" : ""}" } /* Push command has multiple overloads in hubitat */ private static Map commandOverrides(){ return ( [ //s: command signature push : [c: "push", s: null , r: "pushMomentary"], flash : [c: "flash", s: null , r: "flashNative"] //flash native command conflicts with flash emulated command. Also needs "o" option on command described later ] ) as HashMap } /******************************************************************************/ /*** ***/ /*** SECURITY METHODS ***/ /*** ***/ /******************************************************************************/ @CompileStatic private static String md5(String md5){ MessageDigest md=MessageDigest.getInstance('MD5') byte[] array=md.digest(md5.getBytes()) String result result=sBLK Integer l=array.size() for(Integer i=iZ; i conditionFactor = [ 1000: ['Sunny', 1, 'sunny'], 1003: ['Partly cloudy', 0.8, 'partlycloudy'], 1006: ['Cloudy', 0.6, 'cloudy'], 1009: ['Overcast', 0.5, 'cloudy'], 1030: ['Mist', 0.5, 'fog'], 1063: ['Patchy rain possible', 0.8, 'chancerain'], 1066: ['Patchy snow possible', 0.6, 'chancesnow'], 1069: ['Patchy sleet possible', 0.6, 'chancesleet'], 1072: ['Patchy freezing drizzle possible', 0.4, 'chancesleet'], 1087: ['Thundery outbreaks possible', 0.2, 'chancetstorms'], 1114: ['Blowing snow', 0.3, 'snow'], 1117: ['Blizzard', 0.1, 'snow'], 1135: ['Fog', 0.2, 'fog'], 1147: ['Freezing fog', 0.1, 'fog'], 1150: ['Patchy light drizzle', 0.8, 'rain'], 1153: ['Light drizzle', 0.7, 'rain'], 1168: ['Freezing drizzle', 0.5, 'sleet'], 1171: ['Heavy freezing drizzle', 0.2, 'sleet'], 1180: ['Patchy light rain', 0.8, 'rain'], 1183: ['Light rain', 0.7, 'rain'], 1186: ['Moderate rain at times', 0.5, 'rain'], 1189: ['Moderate rain', 0.4, 'rain'], 1192: ['Heavy rain at times', 0.3, 'rain'], 1195: ['Heavy rain', 0.2, 'rain'], 1198: ['Light freezing rain', 0.7, 'sleet'], 1201: ['Moderate or heavy freezing rain', 0.3, 'sleet'], 1204: ['Light sleet', 0.5, 'sleet'], 1207: ['Moderate or heavy sleet', 0.3, 'sleet'], 1210: ['Patchy light snow', 0.8, 'flurries'], 1213: ['Light snow', 0.7, 'snow'], 1216: ['Patchy moderate snow', 0.6, 'snow'], 1219: ['Moderate snow', 0.5, 'snow'], 1222: ['Patchy heavy snow', 0.4, 'snow'], 1225: ['Heavy snow', 0.3, 'snow'], 1237: ['Ice pellets', 0.5, 'sleet'], 1240: ['Light rain shower', 0.8, 'rain'], 1243: ['Moderate or heavy rain shower', 0.3, 'rain'], 1246: ['Torrential rain shower', 0.1, 'rain'], 1249: ['Light sleet showers', 0.7, 'sleet'], 1252: ['Moderate or heavy sleet showers', 0.5, 'sleet'], 1255: ['Light snow showers', 0.7, 'snow'], 1258: ['Moderate or heavy snow showers', 0.5, 'snow'], 1261: ['Light showers of ice pellets', 0.7, 'sleet'], 1264: ['Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets',0.3, 'sleet'], 1273: ['Patchy light rain with thunder', 0.5, 'tstorms'], 1276: ['Moderate or heavy rain with thunder', 0.3, 'tstorms'], 1279: ['Patchy light snow with thunder', 0.5, 'tstorms'], 1282: ['Moderate or heavy snow with thunder', 0.3, 'tstorms'] ] String getWUIconNum(Integer wCode) { Map imgItem = imgNames.find{ (Integer)it.code == wCode } String res= imgItem ? (String)imgItem.img : '44' //log.info("getWUIconNum Input: code: " + wCode + ' result: '+res) return res } private String getImgName(Integer wCode, is_day){ String url = "https://cdn.rawgit.com/adey/bangali/master/resources/icons/weather/" Map imgItem = imgNames.find{ (Integer)it.code == wCode && (Integer)it.day == is_day } return (url + (imgItem ? (String)imgItem.img : 'na') + '.png') } @Field final List imgNames = [ [code: 1000, day: 1, img: '32', ], // DAY - Sunny [code: 1003, day: 1, img: '30', ], // DAY - Partly cloudy [code: 1006, day: 1, img: '28', ], // DAY - Cloudy [code: 1009, day: 1, img: '26', ], // DAY - Overcast [code: 1030, day: 1, img: '20', ], // DAY - Mist [code: 1063, day: 1, img: '39', ], // DAY - Patchy rain possible [code: 1066, day: 1, img: '41', ], // DAY - Patchy snow possible [code: 1069, day: 1, img: '41', ], // DAY - Patchy sleet possible [code: 1072, day: 1, img: '39', ], // DAY - Patchy freezing drizzle possible [code: 1087, day: 1, img: '38', ], // DAY - Thundery outbreaks possible [code: 1114, day: 1, img: '15', ], // DAY - Blowing snow [code: 1117, day: 1, img: '16', ], // DAY - Blizzard [code: 1135, day: 1, img: '21', ], // DAY - Fog [code: 1147, day: 1, img: '21', ], // DAY - Freezing fog [code: 1150, day: 1, img: '39', ], // DAY - Patchy light drizzle [code: 1153, day: 1, img: '11', ], // DAY - Light drizzle [code: 1168, day: 1, img: '8', ], // DAY - Freezing drizzle [code: 1171, day: 1, img: '10', ], // DAY - Heavy freezing drizzle [code: 1180, day: 1, img: '39', ], // DAY - Patchy light rain [code: 1183, day: 1, img: '11', ], // DAY - Light rain [code: 1186, day: 1, img: '39', ], // DAY - Moderate rain at times [code: 1189, day: 1, img: '12', ], // DAY - Moderate rain [code: 1192, day: 1, img: '39', ], // DAY - Heavy rain at times [code: 1195, day: 1, img: '12', ], // DAY - Heavy rain [code: 1198, day: 1, img: '8', ], // DAY - Light freezing rain [code: 1201, day: 1, img: '10', ], // DAY - Moderate or heavy freezing rain [code: 1204, day: 1, img: '5', ], // DAY - Light sleet [code: 1207, day: 1, img: '6', ], // DAY - Moderate or heavy sleet [code: 1210, day: 1, img: '41', ], // DAY - Patchy light snow [code: 1213, day: 1, img: '18', ], // DAY - Light snow [code: 1216, day: 1, img: '41', ], // DAY - Patchy moderate snow [code: 1219, day: 1, img: '16', ], // DAY - Moderate snow [code: 1222, day: 1, img: '41', ], // DAY - Patchy heavy snow [code: 1225, day: 1, img: '16', ], // DAY - Heavy snow [code: 1237, day: 1, img: '18', ], // DAY - Ice pellets [code: 1240, day: 1, img: '11', ], // DAY - Light rain shower [code: 1243, day: 1, img: '12', ], // DAY - Moderate or heavy rain shower [code: 1246, day: 1, img: '12', ], // DAY - Torrential rain shower [code: 1249, day: 1, img: '5', ], // DAY - Light sleet showers [code: 1252, day: 1, img: '6', ], // DAY - Moderate or heavy sleet showers [code: 1255, day: 1, img: '16', ], // DAY - Light snow showers [code: 1258, day: 1, img: '16', ], // DAY - Moderate or heavy snow showers [code: 1261, day: 1, img: '8', ], // DAY - Light showers of ice pellets [code: 1264, day: 1, img: '10', ], // DAY - Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets [code: 1273, day: 1, img: '38', ], // DAY - Patchy light rain with thunder [code: 1276, day: 1, img: '35', ], // DAY - Moderate or heavy rain with thunder [code: 1279, day: 1, img: '41', ], // DAY - Patchy light snow with thunder [code: 1282, day: 1, img: '18', ], // DAY - Moderate or heavy snow with thunder [code: 1000, day: 0, img: '31', ], // NIGHT - Clear [code: 1003, day: 0, img: '29', ], // NIGHT - Partly cloudy [code: 1006, day: 0, img: '27', ], // NIGHT - Cloudy [code: 1009, day: 0, img: '26', ], // NIGHT - Overcast [code: 1030, day: 0, img: '20', ], // NIGHT - Mist [code: 1063, day: 0, img: '45', ], // NIGHT - Patchy rain possible [code: 1066, day: 0, img: '46', ], // NIGHT - Patchy snow possible [code: 1069, day: 0, img: '46', ], // NIGHT - Patchy sleet possible [code: 1072, day: 0, img: '45', ], // NIGHT - Patchy freezing drizzle possible [code: 1087, day: 0, img: '47', ], // NIGHT - Thundery outbreaks possible [code: 1114, day: 0, img: '15', ], // NIGHT - Blowing snow [code: 1117, day: 0, img: '16', ], // NIGHT - Blizzard [code: 1135, day: 0, img: '21', ], // NIGHT - Fog [code: 1147, day: 0, img: '21', ], // NIGHT - Freezing fog [code: 1150, day: 0, img: '45', ], // NIGHT - Patchy light drizzle [code: 1153, day: 0, img: '11', ], // NIGHT - Light drizzle [code: 1168, day: 0, img: '8', ], // NIGHT - Freezing drizzle [code: 1171, day: 0, img: '10', ], // NIGHT - Heavy freezing drizzle [code: 1180, day: 0, img: '45', ], // NIGHT - Patchy light rain [code: 1183, day: 0, img: '11', ], // NIGHT - Light rain [code: 1186, day: 0, img: '45', ], // NIGHT - Moderate rain at times [code: 1189, day: 0, img: '12', ], // NIGHT - Moderate rain [code: 1192, day: 0, img: '45', ], // NIGHT - Heavy rain at times [code: 1195, day: 0, img: '12', ], // NIGHT - Heavy rain [code: 1198, day: 0, img: '8', ], // NIGHT - Light freezing rain [code: 1201, day: 0, img: '10', ], // NIGHT - Moderate or heavy freezing rain [code: 1204, day: 0, img: '5', ], // NIGHT - Light sleet [code: 1207, day: 0, img: '6', ], // NIGHT - Moderate or heavy sleet [code: 1210, day: 0, img: '41', ], // NIGHT - Patchy light snow [code: 1213, day: 0, img: '18', ], // NIGHT - Light snow [code: 1216, day: 0, img: '41', ], // NIGHT - Patchy moderate snow [code: 1219, day: 0, img: '16', ], // NIGHT - Moderate snow [code: 1222, day: 0, img: '41', ], // NIGHT - Patchy heavy snow [code: 1225, day: 0, img: '16', ], // NIGHT - Heavy snow [code: 1237, day: 0, img: '18', ], // NIGHT - Ice pellets [code: 1240, day: 0, img: '11', ], // NIGHT - Light rain shower [code: 1243, day: 0, img: '12', ], // NIGHT - Moderate or heavy rain shower [code: 1246, day: 0, img: '12', ], // NIGHT - Torrential rain shower [code: 1249, day: 0, img: '5', ], // NIGHT - Light sleet showers [code: 1252, day: 0, img: '6', ], // NIGHT - Moderate or heavy sleet showers [code: 1255, day: 0, img: '16', ], // NIGHT - Light snow showers [code: 1258, day: 0, img: '16', ], // NIGHT - Moderate or heavy snow showers [code: 1261, day: 0, img: '8', ], // NIGHT - Light showers of ice pellets [code: 1264, day: 0, img: '10', ], // NIGHT - Moderate or heavy showers of ice pellets [code: 1273, day: 0, img: '47', ], // NIGHT - Patchy light rain with thunder [code: 1276, day: 0, img: '35', ], // NIGHT - Moderate or heavy rain with thunder [code: 1279, day: 0, img: '46', ], // NIGHT - Patchy light snow with thunder [code: 1282, day: 0, img: '18', ] // NIGHT - Moderate or heavy snow with thunder ] // From Darksky.net driver for HE https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-darksky-net-weather-driver-no-pws-required/22699 @SuppressWarnings('GroovyFallthrough') static String getdsIconCode(String iicon='unknown', String idcs='unknown', Boolean isNight=false){ String dcs, icon dcs=idcs icon=iicon String unk='unknown' if(dcs==null) dcs=unk if(icon==null) icon=unk switch(icon){ case 'rain': // rain=[Possible Light Rain, Light Rain, Rain, Heavy Rain, Drizzle, Light Rain and Breezy, Light Rain and Windy, // Rain and Breezy, Rain and Windy, Heavy Rain and Breezy, Rain and Dangerously Windy, Light Rain and Dangerously Windy], if(dcs == 'Drizzle'){ icon = 'drizzle' } else if (dcs.startsWith('Light Rain')){ icon = 'lightrain' if(dcs.contains('Breezy')) icon += 'breezy' else if(dcs.contains('Windy')) icon += 'windy' } else if (dcs.startsWith('Heavy Rain')){ icon = 'heavyrain' if (dcs.contains('Breezy')) icon += 'breezy' else if(dcs.contains('Windy')) icon += 'windy' } else if (dcs == 'Possible Light Rain'){ icon = 'chancelightrain' } else if (dcs.startsWith('Possible')){ icon = 'chancerain' } else if (dcs.startsWith('Rain')){ if (dcs.contains('Breezy')) icon += 'breezy' else if(dcs.contains('Windy')) icon += 'windy' } break case 'snow': if (dcs == 'Light Snow') icon = 'lightsnow' else if(dcs == 'Flurries') icon = 'flurries' else if(dcs == 'Possible Light Snow') icon = 'chancelightsnow' else if(dcs.startsWith('Possible Light Snow')){ if (dcs.contains('Breezy')) icon = 'chancelightsnowbreezy' else if(dcs.contains('Windy')) icon = 'chancelightsnowwindy' } else if(dcs.startsWith('Possible')) icon = 'chancesnow' break case 'sleet': if(dcs.startsWith('Possible')) icon = 'chancesleet' else if(dcs.startsWith('Light')) icon = 'lightsleet' break case 'thunderstorm': if(dcs.startsWith('Possible')) icon = 'chancetstorms' break case 'partly-cloudy-night': if(dcs.contains('Mostly Cloudy')) icon = 'mostlycloudy' else icon = 'partlycloudy' break case 'partly-cloudy-day': if(dcs.contains('Mostly Cloudy')) icon = 'mostlycloudy' else icon = 'partlycloudy' break case 'cloudy-night': icon = 'cloudy' break case 'cloudy': case 'cloudy-day': icon = 'cloudy' break case 'clear-night': icon = 'clear' break case 'clear': case 'clear-day': icon = 'clear' break case 'fog': case 'wind': // wind=[Windy and Overcast, Windy and Mostly Cloudy, Windy and Partly Cloudy, Breezy and Mostly Cloudy, Breezy and Partly Cloudy, // Breezy and Overcast, Breezy, Windy, Dangerously Windy and Overcast, Windy and Foggy, Dangerously Windy and Partly Cloudy, Breezy and Foggy]} if(dcs.contains('Windy')){ // icon = 'wind' if (dcs.contains('Overcast')) icon = 'windovercast' else if(dcs.contains('Mostly Cloudy')) icon = 'windmostlycloudy' else if(dcs.contains('Partly Cloudy')) icon = 'windpartlycloudy' else if(dcs.contains('Foggy')) icon = 'windfoggy' } else if(dcs.contains('Breezy')){ icon = 'breezy' if (dcs.contains('Overcast')) icon = 'breezyovercast' else if(dcs.contains('Mostly Cloudy')) icon = 'breezymostlycloudy' else if(dcs.contains('Partly Cloudy')) icon = 'breezypartlycloudy' else if(dcs.contains('Foggy')) icon = 'breezyfoggy' } break case '': icon = unk break default: icon = unk } if(isNight) icon = 'nt_' + icon return icon } String getcondText(String wCode){ String code = wCode.contains('nt_') ? wCode.substring(3, wCode.size()) : wCode Map LUitem = LUTable.find{ Map it -> (String)it.ccode == code } String res= (LUitem ? (String)LUitem.ctext : sBLK) //log.info("getcondText Input: wCode: " + code + ' result: '+res) return res } String getStdIcon(String code){ Map LUitem = LUTable.find{ Map it -> (String)it.ccode == code } String res= (LUitem ? (String)LUitem.stdIcon : sBLK) //log.info("getStdIcon Input: code: " + code + ' result: '+res) return res } @Field final List LUTable = [ [ ccode: 'breezy', altIcon: '23.png', ctext: 'Breezy', owmIcon: '50d', stdIcon: 'partlycloudy', luxpercent: 0.8 ], [ ccode: 'breezyfoggy', altIcon: '48.png', ctext: 'Breezy and Foggy', owmIcon: '50d', stdIcon: 'fog', luxpercent: 0.2 ], [ ccode: 'breezymostlycloudy', altIcon: '51.png', ctext: 'Breezy and Mostly Cloudy', owmIcon: '04d', stdIcon: 'cloudy', luxpercent: 0.6 ], [ ccode: 'breezyovercast', altIcon: '49.png', ctext: 'Breezy and Overcast', owmIcon: '04d', stdIcon: 'cloudy', luxpercent: 0.6 ], [ ccode: 'breezypartlycloudy', altIcon: '53.png', ctext: 'Breezy and Partly Cloudy', owmIcon: '03d', stdIcon: 'partlycloudy', luxpercent: 0.8 ], [ ccode: 'chancelightrain', altIcon: '39.png', ctext: 'Chance of Light Rain', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'chancelightsnow', altIcon: '41.png', ctext: 'Possible Light Snow', owmIcon: '13d', stdIcon: 'snow', luxpercent: 0.3 ], [ ccode: 'chancelightsnowbreezy', altIcon: '54.png', ctext: 'Possible Light Snow and Breezy', owmIcon: '13d', stdIcon: 'snow', luxpercent: 0.3 ], [ ccode: 'chancerain', altIcon: '39.png', ctext: 'Chance of Rain', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'chancerain', luxpercent: 0.7 ], [ ccode: 'chancesleet', altIcon: '41.png', ctext: 'Chance of Sleet', owmIcon: '13d', stdIcon: 'chancesleet', luxpercent: 0.7 ], [ ccode: 'chancesnow', altIcon: '41.png', ctext: 'Chance of Snow', owmIcon: '13d', stdIcon: 'chancesnow', luxpercent: 0.3 ], [ ccode: 'chancetstorms', altIcon: '38.png', ctext: 'Chance of Thunderstorms', owmIcon: '11d', stdIcon: 'chancetstorms', luxpercent: 0.2 ], [ ccode: 'chancelightsnowwindy', altIcon: '54.png', ctext: 'Possible Light Snow and Windy', owmIcon: '13d', stdIcon: 'chancesnow', luxpercent: 0.3 ], [ ccode: 'clear', altIcon: '32.png', ctext: 'Clear', owmIcon: '01d', stdIcon: 'sunny', luxpercent: 1 ], [ ccode: 'cloudy', altIcon: '26.png', ctext: 'Overcast', owmIcon: '04d', stdIcon: 'cloudy', luxpercent: 0.6 ], [ ccode: 'drizzle', altIcon: '9.png', ctext: 'Drizzle', owmIcon: '09d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'flurries', altIcon: '13.png', ctext: 'Snow Flurries', owmIcon: '13d', stdIcon: 'flurries', luxpercent: 0.4 ], [ ccode: 'fog', altIcon: '19.png', ctext: 'Foggy', owmIcon: '50d', stdIcon: 'fog', luxpercent: 0.2 ], [ ccode: 'heavyrain', altIcon: '12.png', ctext: 'Heavy Rain', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'heavyrainbreezy', altIcon: '1.png', ctext: 'Heavy Rain and Breezy', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'heavyrainwindy', altIcon: '1.png', ctext: 'Heavy Rain and Windy', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'lightrain', altIcon: '11.png', ctext: 'Light Rain', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'lightrainbreezy', altIcon: '2.png', ctext: 'Light Rain and Breezy', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'lightrainwindy', altIcon: '2.png', ctext: 'Light Rain and Windy', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'lightsleet', altIcon: '8.png', ctext: 'Light Sleet', owmIcon: '13d', stdIcon: 'sleet', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'lightsnow', altIcon: '14.png', ctext: 'Light Snow', owmIcon: '13d', stdIcon: 'snow', luxpercent: 0.3 ], [ ccode: 'mostlycloudy', altIcon: '28.png', ctext: 'Mostly Cloudy', owmIcon: '04d', stdIcon: 'cloudy', luxpercent: 0.6 ], [ ccode: 'partlycloudy', altIcon: '30.png', ctext: 'Partly Cloudy', owmIcon: '03d', stdIcon: 'partlycloudy', luxpercent: 0.8 ], [ ccode: 'rain', altIcon: '12.png', ctext: 'Rain', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'rainbreezy', altIcon: '1.png', ctext: 'Rain and Breezy', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'rainwindy', altIcon: '1.png', ctext: 'Rain and Windy', owmIcon: '10d', stdIcon: 'rain', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'sleet', altIcon: '10.png', ctext: 'Sleet', owmIcon: '13d', stdIcon: 'sleet', luxpercent: 0.5 ], [ ccode: 'snow', altIcon: '15.png', ctext: 'Snow', owmIcon: '13d', stdIcon: 'snow', luxpercent: 0.3 ], [ ccode: 'sunny', altIcon: '36.png', ctext: 'Sunny', owmIcon: '01d', stdIcon: 'sunny', luxpercent: 1 ], [ ccode: 'thunderstorm', altIcon: '0.png', ctext: 'Thunderstorm', owmIcon: '11d', stdIcon: 'tstorms', luxpercent: 0.3 ], [ ccode: 'wind', altIcon: '23.png', ctext: 'Windy', owmIcon: '50d', stdIcon: 'partlycloudy', luxpercent: 0.8 ], [ ccode: 'windfoggy', altIcon: '23.png', ctext: 'Windy and Foggy', owmIcon: '50d', stdIcon: 'fog', luxpercent: 0.2 ], [ ccode: 'windmostlycloudy', altIcon: '51.png', ctext: 'Windy and Mostly Cloudy', owmIcon: '50d', stdIcon: 'cloudy', luxpercent: 0.6 ], [ ccode: 'windovercast', altIcon: '49.png', ctext: 'Windy and Overcast', owmIcon: '50d', stdIcon: 'cloudy', luxpercent: 0.6 ], [ ccode: 'windpartlycloudy', altIcon: '53.png', ctext: 'Windy and Partly Cloudy', owmIcon: '50d', stdIcon: 'partlycloudy', luxpercent: 0.8 ], [ ccode: 'nt_breezy', altIcon: '23.png', ctext: 'Breezy', owmIcon: '50n', stdIcon: 'nt_partlycloudy', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_breezyfoggy', altIcon: '48.png', ctext: 'Breezy and Foggy', owmIcon: '50n', stdIcon: 'nt_fog', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_breezymostlycloudy', altIcon: '50.png', ctext: 'Breezy and Mostly Cloudy', owmIcon: '04n', stdIcon: 'nt_cloudy', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_breezyovercast', altIcon: '49.png', ctext: 'Breezy and Overcast', owmIcon: '04n', stdIcon: 'nt_cloudy', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_breezypartlycloudy', altIcon: '52.png', ctext: 'Breezy and Partly Cloudy', owmIcon: '03n', stdIcon: 'nt_partlycloudy', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_chancelightrain', altIcon: '45.png', ctext: 'Chance of Light Rain', owmIcon: '09n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_chancelightsnow', altIcon: '46.png', ctext: 'Possible Light Snow', owmIcon: '13n', stdIcon: 'nt_snow', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_chancelightsnowbreezy', altIcon: '55.png', ctext: 'Possible Light Snow and Breezy', owmIcon: '13n', stdIcon: 'nt_snow', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_chancerain', altIcon: '39.png', ctext: 'Chance of Rain', owmIcon: '09n', stdIcon: 'nt_chancerain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_chancesleet', altIcon: '46.png', ctext: 'Chance of Sleet', owmIcon: '13n', stdIcon: 'nt_chancesleet', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_chancesnow', altIcon: '46.png', ctext: 'Chance of Snow', owmIcon: '13n', stdIcon: 'nt_chancesnow', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_chancetstorms', altIcon: '47.png', ctext: 'Chance of Thunderstorms', owmIcon: '11n', stdIcon: 'nt_chancetstorms', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_chancelightsnowwindy', altIcon: '55.png', ctext: 'Possible Light Snow and Windy', owmIcon: '13n', stdIcon: 'nt_chancesnow', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_clear', altIcon: '31.png', ctext: 'Clear', owmIcon: '01n', stdIcon: 'nt_sunny', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_cloudy', altIcon: '26.png', ctext: 'Overcast', owmIcon: '04n', stdIcon: 'nt_cloudy', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_drizzle', altIcon: '9.png', ctext: 'Drizzle', owmIcon: '09n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_flurries', altIcon: '13.png', ctext: 'Flurries', owmIcon: '13n', stdIcon: 'nt_flurries', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_fog', altIcon: '22.png', ctext: 'Foggy', owmIcon: '50n', stdIcon: 'nt_fog', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_heavyrain', altIcon: '12.png', ctext: 'Heavy Rain', owmIcon: '10n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_heavyrainbreezy', altIcon: '1.png', ctext: 'Heavy Rain and Breezy', owmIcon: '10n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_heavyrainwindy', altIcon: '1.png', ctext: 'Heavy Rain and Windy', owmIcon: '10n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_lightrain', altIcon: '11.png', ctext: 'Light Rain', owmIcon: '09n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_lightrainbreezy', altIcon: '11.png', ctext: 'Light Rain and Breezy', owmIcon: '09n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_lightrainwindy', altIcon: '11.png', ctext: 'Light Rain and Windy', owmIcon: '09n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_lightsleet', altIcon: '46.png', ctext: 'Sleet', owmIcon: '13n', stdIcon: 'nt_sleet', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_lightsnow', altIcon: '14.png', ctext: 'Light Snow', owmIcon: '13n', stdIcon: 'nt_snow', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_mostlycloudy', altIcon: '27.png', ctext: 'Mostly Cloudy', owmIcon: '04n', stdIcon: 'nt_cloudy', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_partlycloudy', altIcon: '29.png', ctext: 'Partly Cloudy', owmIcon: '03n', stdIcon: 'nt_partlycloudy', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_rain', altIcon: '11.png', ctext: 'Rain', owmIcon: '10n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_rainbreezy', altIcon: '2.png', ctext: 'Rain and Breezy', owmIcon: '10n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_rainwindy', altIcon: '2.png', ctext: 'Rain and Windy', owmIcon: '10n', stdIcon: 'nt_rain', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_sleet', altIcon: '46.png', ctext: 'Sleet', owmIcon: '13n', stdIcon: 'nt_sleet', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_snow', altIcon: '46.png', ctext: 'Snow', owmIcon: '13n', stdIcon: 'nt_snow', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_thunderstorm', altIcon: '0.png', ctext: 'Thunderstorm', owmIcon: '11n', stdIcon: 'nt_tstorms', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_wind', altIcon: '23.png', ctext: 'Windy', owmIcon: '50n', stdIcon: 'nt_tstorms', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_windfoggy', altIcon: '48.png', ctext: 'Windy and Foggy', owmIcon: '50n', stdIcon: 'nt_fog', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_windmostlycloudy', altIcon: '50.png', ctext: 'Windy and Mostly Cloudy', owmIcon: '50n', stdIcon: 'nt_cloudy', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_windovercast', altIcon: '49.png', ctext: 'Windy and Overcast', owmIcon: '50n', stdIcon: 'nt_cloudy', luxpercent: 0 ], [ ccode: 'nt_windpartlycloudy', altIcon: '52.png', ctext: 'Windy and Partly Cloudy', owmIcon: '50n', stdIcon: 'nt_cloudy', luxpercent: 0 ], ] String getCondCode(Integer cid, String iconTOD){ Map LUitem = LUTable1.find{ (Integer)it.id == cid } String res= iconTOD==sTRU ? (LUitem ? (String)LUitem.sId : sNPNG) : (LUitem ? (String)LUitem.sIn : sNPNG) //log.info 'getCondCode Inputs: ' + cid.toString() + ', ' + iconTOD + '; Result: ' + res return res } @Field static final String sTRU='true' @Field static final String sFLS='false' @Field static final String sNPNG='na.png' @Field static final String s11D='11d.png' @Field static final String s11N='11n.png' @Field static final String sCTS='chancetstorms' @Field static final String sNCTS='nt_chancetstorms' @Field static final String sRAIN='rain' @Field static final String sNRAIN='nt_rain' @Field static final String sPCLDY='partlycloudy' @Field static final String sNPCLDY='nt_partlycloudy' @Field static final String s23='23.png' @Field static final String s9='9.png' @Field static final String s39='39.png' @Field final List LUTable1 = [ [id: 200, OWMd: s11D, OWMn: s11N, Icd: '38.png', Icn: '47.png', luxp: 0.2, sId: sCTS, sIn: sNCTS], [id: 201, OWMd: s11D, OWMn: s11N, Icd: '38.png', Icn: '47.png', luxp: 0.2, sId: sCTS, sIn: sNCTS], [id: 202, OWMd: s11D, OWMn: s11N, Icd: '38.png', Icn: '47.png', luxp: 0.2, sId: sCTS, sIn: sNCTS], [id: 210, OWMd: s11D, OWMn: s11N, Icd: '38.png', Icn: '47.png', luxp: 0.2, sId: sCTS, sIn: sNCTS], [id: 211, OWMd: s11D, OWMn: s11N, Icd: '38.png', Icn: '47.png', luxp: 0.2, sId: sCTS, sIn: sNCTS], [id: 212, OWMd: s11D, OWMn: s11N, Icd: '38.png', Icn: '47.png', luxp: 0.2, sId: sCTS, sIn: sNCTS], [id: 221, OWMd: s11D, OWMn: s11N, Icd: '38.png', Icn: '47.png', luxp: 0.2, sId: sCTS, sIn: sNCTS], [id: 230, OWMd: s11D, OWMn: s11N, Icd: '38.png', Icn: '47.png', luxp: 0.2, sId: sCTS, sIn: sNCTS], [id: 231, OWMd: s11D, OWMn: s11N, Icd: '38.png', Icn: '47.png', luxp: 0.2, sId: sCTS, sIn: sNCTS], [id: 232, OWMd: s11D, OWMn: s11N, Icd: '38.png', Icn: '47.png', luxp: 0.2, sId: sCTS, sIn: sNCTS], [id: 300, OWMd: '09d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 301, OWMd: '09d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 302, OWMd: '09d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 310, OWMd: '09d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 311, OWMd: '09d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 312, OWMd: '09d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 313, OWMd: '09d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 314, OWMd: '09d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 321, OWMd: '09d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 500, OWMd: '10d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 501, OWMd: '10d.png', OWMn: '10n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: '11.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 502, OWMd: '10d.png', OWMn: '10n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: '11.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 503, OWMd: '10d.png', OWMn: '10n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: '11.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 504, OWMd: '10d.png', OWMn: '10n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: '11.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 511, OWMd: '10d.png', OWMn: '10n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: '11.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 520, OWMd: '10d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 521, OWMd: '10d.png', OWMn: '10n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: '11.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 522, OWMd: '10d.png', OWMn: '10n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: '11.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 531, OWMd: '10d.png', OWMn: '09n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: s9, luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 600, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: '13.png', Icn: '46.png', luxp: 0.4, sId: 'flurries', sIn: 'nt_snow'], [id: 601, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: '14.png', Icn: '46.png', luxp: 0.3, sId: 'snow', sIn: 'nt_snow'], [id: 602, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: '16.png', Icn: '46.png', luxp: 0.3, sId: 'snow', sIn: 'nt_snow'], [id: 611, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: '46.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: 'nt_snow'], [id: 612, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: '8.png', Icn: '46.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: 'sleet', sIn: 'nt_snow'], [id: 613, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: s9, Icn: '46.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: 'nt_snow'], [id: 615, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: '45.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 616, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: s39, Icn: '45.png', luxp: 0.5, sId: sRAIN, sIn: sNRAIN], [id: 620, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: '13.png', Icn: '46.png', luxp: 0.4, sId: 'flurries', sIn: 'nt_snow'], [id: 621, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: '16.png', Icn: '46.png', luxp: 0.3, sId: 'snow', sIn: 'nt_snow'], [id: 622, OWMd: '13d.png', OWMn: '13n.png', Icd: '42.png', Icn: '42.png', luxp: 0.6, sId: 'snow', sIn: 'nt_snow'], [id: 701, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: s23, Icn: s23, luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 711, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: s23, Icn: s23, luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 721, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: s23, Icn: s23, luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 731, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: s23, Icn: s23, luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 741, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: s23, Icn: s23, luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 751, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: s23, Icn: s23, luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 761, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: s23, Icn: s23, luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 762, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: s23, Icn: s23, luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 771, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: s23, Icn: s23, luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 781, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: s23, Icn: s23, luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 800, OWMd: '01d.png', OWMn: '01n.png', Icd: '32.png', Icn: '31.png', luxp: 1, sId: 'clear', sIn: 'nt_clear'], [id: 801, OWMd: '02d.png', OWMn: '02n.png', Icd: '34.png', Icn: '33.png', luxp: 0.9, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 802, OWMd: '03d.png', OWMn: '03n.png', Icd: '30.png', Icn: '29.png', luxp: 0.8, sId: sPCLDY, sIn: sNPCLDY], [id: 803, OWMd: '04d.png', OWMn: '04n.png', Icd: '28.png', Icn: '27.png', luxp: 0.6, sId: 'mostlycloudy',sIn:'nt_mostlycloudy'], [id: 804, OWMd: '04d.png', OWMn: '04n.png', Icd: '26.png', Icn: '26.png', luxp: 0.6, sId: 'cloudy', sIn: 'nt_cloudy'], [id: 999, OWMd: '50d.png', OWMn: '50n.png', Icd: sNPNG, Icn: sNPNG, luxp: 1.0, sId: 'unknown', sIn: 'unknown'], ] Long wnow(){ return (Long)now() } /******************************************************************************/ /*** ***/ /*** END OF CODE ***/ /*** ***/ /******************************************************************************/