import json import boto3 import os from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key from io import BytesIO import zipfile from botocore.exceptions import ClientError dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') s3 = boto3.resource("s3") ses = boto3.client("ses") def sendEmail(project_information, url): try: senderEmail = 'Program Buddy Bot ' toEmail = project_information['email'] subject = f"Exported Successfully - Project {project_information['project_name']} from Program Buddy" htmlBody = f"""

Hey {project_information['name']},

The following url contains the exported project built using Program Buddy Bot.
Download Project.

Program Buddy Team

""" response = ses.send_email( Destination={ 'ToAddresses': [ toEmail, ], }, Message={ 'Body': { 'Html': { 'Data': htmlBody }, }, 'Subject': { 'Data': subject }, }, Source=senderEmail ) except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) else: print("Email sent! Message ID:"), print(response['MessageId']) def createZipFileStream(bucketName, bucketFilePath, jobKey, createUrl=False): response = {} bucket = s3.Bucket(bucketName) filesCollection = bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=bucketFilePath).all() archive = BytesIO() with zipfile.ZipFile(archive, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_archive: for file in filesCollection: with, 'w') as file1: file1.write(file.get()['Body'].read()) s3.Object(bucketName, bucketFilePath + '/' + jobKey + '.zip').upload_fileobj(archive) archive.close() if createUrl is True: s3Client = boto3.client('s3') response = s3Client.generate_presigned_url('get_object', Params={'Bucket': bucketName, 'Key': '' + bucketFilePath + '/' + jobKey + '.zip'}, ExpiresIn=3600) return response def buildPackageFile(project_information): # creating package.json packagePayload = { "name": project_information['project_name'], "version": "1.0.0", "description": "created with the help of program-buddy", "main": "app.js", "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "start": "node app.js" }, "author": project_information['name'], "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "dotenv": "^16.0.1", "express": "^4.18.1", "mongoose": "^6.3.5" } } resultContent = json.dumps(packagePayload, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) # writing to file encoded_string = resultContent.encode("utf-8") bucket_name = "program-buddy" file_name = "package.json" s3_path = project_information['name'] + "/" + project_information['sessionId'] + "/" + project_information['project_name'] + "/" + file_name # saving file into s3 s3.Bucket(bucket_name).put_object(Key=s3_path, Body=encoded_string) def createRequiredFiles(project_information): # creating config file configContent = """ 'use strict' require('dotenv').config() module.exports = { DATABASE_URL: process.env.DB_URL, PORT: process.env.PORT } """ encodedConfigString = configContent.encode("utf-8") bucket_name = "program-buddy" file_name = "index.js" s3_path = project_information['name']+ "/" + project_information['sessionId'] + "/" + project_information['project_name'] + "/config/" + file_name # saving config file into s3 s3.Bucket(bucket_name).put_object(Key=s3_path, Body=encodedConfigString) # creating the database file dbContent = """ const mongoose = require('mongoose') const {DATABASE_URL} = require('../config') mongoose .connect(DATABASE_URL, { useNewUrlParser: true, socketTimeoutMS: 30000, keepAlive: true }) .then(() => console.log('Database Connected')) .catch((error) => console.log(error)) module.exports = mongoose """ encodedDBString = dbContent.encode("utf-8") bucket_name = "program-buddy" file_name = "index.js" s3_path = project_information['name']+ "/" + project_information['sessionId'] + "/" + project_information['project_name'] + "/db/" + file_name # saving database file into s3 s3.Bucket(bucket_name).put_object(Key=s3_path, Body=encodedDBString) def buildModelSchemaFileContent(model): modelProperties = {} for item in model['properties']: modelProperties[item] = { 'type': 'String' } result = "const mongoose = require('mongoose')\nconst "+model['model_name']+"Schema = new mongoose.Schema("+json.dumps(modelProperties, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))+",{timestamps: true,})\nmodule.exports = mongoose.model('"+ model['model_name'] +"', "+model['model_name']+"Schema)" resultEncodedString = result.encode("utf-8") return resultEncodedString def buildIndexRouteFileContent(model): resultContent = f""" 'use strict' const router = require('express').Router() const {model['model_name']}Model = require('./model') // READ ALL USER router.get('/', async (req, res) => {{ try {{ const users = await userModel.find({{}},{{__v: 0}}) res.status(200).send(users) }} catch (err) {{ res.status(500).json({{status: false, message: 'Internal Server Error', error: err.message || null}}) }} }}) // CREATE USER'/', async (req, res) => {{ try {{ // EVERYTHING CANNOT BE NULL if ({" || ".join(["!req.body."+item for item in model['properties']])}) {{ return res.status(400).json({{status: false, message: 'Parameters Missing!'}}) }} const {model['model_name']}CreationPayload = {{ {f",{os.linesep}".join([item+": req.body."+item for item in model['properties']])} }} const {model['model_name']} = new {model['model_name']}Model({model['model_name']}CreationPayload) {model['model_name']}.save((err, doc) => {{ if (err) {{ res.status(500).json({{status: false, message: 'Internal Server Error', error: err.message || null}}) }} res.status(200).json({{status: true, message: "{model['model_name']} Created Successfully", data: doc}}) }}) }} catch (err) {{ res.status(500).json({{status: false, message: 'Internal Server Error', error: err.message || null}}) }} }}) // UPDATE USER router.put('/:id', async (req, res) => {{ try {{ // EVERYTHING CANNOT BE NULL if ({" || ".join(["!req.body."+item for item in model['properties']])}) {{ return res.status(400).json({{status: false, message: 'Parameters Missing!'}}) }} let {model['model_name']}UpdatePayload = {{ {f",{os.linesep}".join([item+": req.body."+item for item in model['properties']])} }} await {model['model_name']}Model.findByIdAndUpdate(, {{ $set: {model['model_name']}UpdatePayload, }}) res.status(200).json({{status: true, message: '{model['model_name']} Updated Successfully'}}) }} catch (err) {{ res.status(500).json({{status: false, message: 'Internal Server Error', error: err.message || null}}) }} }}) // DELETE USER router.delete('/:id', async (req, res) => {{ try {{ await {model['model_name']}Model.findByIdAndDelete( res.status(200).json({{status: true, message: '{model['model_name']} Deleted Successfully'}}) }} catch (err) {{ res.status(500).json({{status: false, message: 'Internal Server Error', error: err.message || null}}) }} }}) module.exports = router """ resultEncodedString = resultContent.encode("utf-8") return resultEncodedString def createRouterFiles(project_information, model_information): for model in model_information: # create model.js file encoded_string = buildModelSchemaFileContent(model) bucket_name = "program-buddy" file_name = "model.js" s3_path = project_information['name']+ "/" + project_information['sessionId'] + "/" + project_information['project_name'] + "/routes/" + model['model_name'] + "/" + file_name # saving file into s3 s3.Bucket(bucket_name).put_object(Key=s3_path, Body=encoded_string) # create index.js file encoded_string_index = buildIndexRouteFileContent(model) bucket_name = "program-buddy" file_name = "index.js" s3_path = project_information['name']+ "/" + project_information['sessionId'] + "/" + project_information['project_name'] + "/routes/" + model['model_name'] + "/" + file_name # saving file into s3 s3.Bucket(bucket_name).put_object(Key=s3_path, Body=encoded_string_index) def createMainFile(project_information, model_information): result = f""" require('./db') const express = require('express') const app = express() app.use(express.urlencoded({{extended: true}})) app.use(express.json()) const {{PORT}} = require('./config') {f"{os.linesep}".join("const "+item['model_name']+" = require('./routes/"+item['model_name']+"')" for item in model_information)} {f"{os.linesep}".join("app.use('/api/v1/"+item['model_name']+"',"+item['model_name']+")" for item in model_information)} app.listen(PORT, () => console.log('Api Server is Running!')) """ resultEncodedString = result.encode("utf-8") bucket_name = "program-buddy" file_name = "app.js" s3_path = project_information['name']+ "/" + project_information['sessionId'] + "/" + project_information['project_name'] + "/" + file_name # saving file into s3 s3.Bucket(bucket_name).put_object(Key=s3_path, Body=resultEncodedString) def get_slots(intent_request): return intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['slots'] def get_slot(intent_request, slotName): slots = get_slots(intent_request) if slots is not None and slotName in slots and slots[slotName] is not None: return slots[slotName]['value']['interpretedValue'] else: return None def lambda_handler(event, context): intent_name = event['sessionState']['intent']['name'] projectTable = dynamodb.Table("ProjectInformation") schemaTable = dynamodb.Table("SchemaInformation") if intent_name == 'ProjectCreation': payload = { "sessionId": event["sessionId"], "name": get_slot(event, 'Name'), "email": get_slot(event, 'EmailAddress'), "project_name": get_slot(event, 'ProjectName'), "framework": get_slot(event, 'Framework') } # # save to db projectTable.put_item(Item=payload) if intent_name == 'CapturingModel': properties = get_slot(event, 'ModelProperties') name = get_slot(event, 'ModelName') if properties is not None: props_array = properties.split(',') sessionUser = projectTable.get_item(Key={'sessionId':event['sessionId']}) # save to db schemaTable.put_item(Item={ 'sessionId':event['sessionId'], 'model_name':name, 'properties':props_array, 'username':sessionUser['Item']['name'] }) if intent_name == 'ExportProject': sessionId = event['sessionId'] projectInformation = projectTable.get_item(Key={'sessionId':sessionId}) models = schemaTable.scan( FilterExpression='sessionId = :sId', ExpressionAttributeValues={":sId": sessionId} ) # creating package json file buildPackageFile(projectInformation['Item']) # creating db and configuration files and folders createRequiredFiles(projectInformation['Item']) # creating router files createRouterFiles(projectInformation['Item'], models['Items']) # creating app.js file createMainFile(projectInformation['Item'], models['Items']) # zip the files and folder url = createZipFileStream('program-buddy', projectInformation['Item']['name']+"/"+projectInformation["Item"]['sessionId'], projectInformation['Item']['project_name'], True) sendEmail(projectInformation['Item'], url)