import client from '../../src/apollo/client'; import {isEmpty} from 'lodash'; import { useRouter } from 'next/router'; import Layout from '../../src/components/layout'; import {FALLBACK, handleRedirectsAndReturnData} from '../../src/utils/slug'; import {GET_POST} from '../../src/queries/posts/get-post'; import {GET_POST_SLUGS} from '../../src/queries/posts/get-posts'; import {sanitize} from '../../src/utils/miscellaneous'; const Post = ( { data } ) => { const router = useRouter(); // If the page is not yet generated, this will be displayed // initially until getStaticProps() finishes running if ( router.isFallback ) { return
; } return (
); }; export default Post; export async function getStaticProps( { params } ) { const { data, errors } = await client.query( { query: GET_POST, variables: { uri: params?.slug ?? '/', }, } ); const defaultProps = { props: { data: data || {} }, /** * Revalidate means that if a new request comes to server, then every 1 sec it will check * if the data is changed, if it is changed then it will update the * static file inside .next folder with the new data, so that any 'SUBSEQUENT' requests should have updated data. */ revalidate: 1, }; return handleRedirectsAndReturnData( defaultProps, data, errors, 'post' ); } /** * Since the page name 'does not' use catch-all routes, * for example [slug], * that's why params would contain just slug and not an array of slugs , unlike [...slug]. * For example, If we need to have dynamic route '/foo/' * Then we would add paths: [ params: { slug: 'foo' } } ] * Here slug will be 'foo', then Next.js will statically generate the page at /foo/ * * At build time next js will will make an api call get the data and * generate a page bar.js inside .next/foo directory, so when the page is served on browser * data is already present, unlike getInitialProps which gets the page at build time but makes an api * call after page is served on the browser. * * @see * * @returns {Promise<{paths: [], fallback: boolean}>} */ export async function getStaticPaths() { const { data } = await client.query( { query: GET_POST_SLUGS } ); const pathsData = []; data?.posts?.nodes && data?.posts? post => { if ( ! isEmpty( post?.slug ) ) { pathsData.push( {params: { slug: post?.slug }} ); } } ); return { paths: pathsData, fallback: FALLBACK }; }