# Deprecated - I am no longer maintaing the project. Ionic - Sublime Plugin ==================== A Simple Sublime Plugin for Ionic Framework Code Snippets Feel Free to let me know about issues via : * [Issues](https://github.com/imsingh/ionic-sublime-plugin/issues) If you like this plugin and want to donate a penny : * [Donate](https://www.gittip.com/on/github/imsingh/) ### Installation 1. Search for "Ionic Framework" via the "Package Control: Install Packages" menu. **Note:** If you don't have Sublime Package Control installed, you can find out how to install it here [https://sublime.wbond.net/installation](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation) 2. Clone the repository into your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory. git clone https://github.com/imsingh/ionic-sublime-plugin.git 3. Download the .zip file and unzip it into your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory. **Note:** You can find your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory by going to Preferences > Browse Packages. ## What's Included - Content ### AngularJS Directive based Ionic Snippets #### These snippets will work only in HTML Files * [Tabs](#tabs) * [Side Menu](#sidemenu) * [Navigation](#navigation) * [Header Bar/Footer Bar](https://github.com/imsingh/ionic-sublime-plugin#header) * [Content](#content) * [Scroll](#scroll) * [List](#list) * [Forms](#forms) * [Slide Box](#slide-box) * [Popover](#popover) ### Simple HTML Ionic Snippets #### These snippets will work only in HTML Files #### If you don't want or don't need to use AngularJS directives and only want to use Ionic's CSS than you should use following snippets. * [Header Bar & Footer Bar](#cssheader) * [Buttons](#cssbuttons) * [List](#csslist) * [Cards](#csscards) * [Forms](#cssforms) * [Toggle](#csstoggle) * [Checkbox](#csscheckbox) * [Radio Buttons](#cssradio) * [Range](#cssrange) * [Select](#cssselect) * [Tabs](#csstabs) ### Javascript based snippets #### Following snippets will only work in javascript file. * [Actionsheet](#jsactionsheet) * [Backdrop](#jsbackdrop) * [Popover](#jspopover) * [Popup](#jspopup) ## AngularJS Directive based Ionic Snippets


| Component | Snippet Code | |---------- | :-----------:| | ion-tabs | ionic-tabs | | ion-tab | ionic-tab |

Side Menu

| Component | Snippet Code | |----------------| :---------------:| | ion-side-menus | ionic-side-menus | | Component | Snippet Code | |-----------------------| :----------------------:| | ion-nav-bar | ionic-nav-bar | | ion-nav-view | ionic-nav-view | | ion-view | ionic-view | | ion-nav-buttons Left | ionic-nav-buttons:left | | ion-nav-buttons Right | ionic-nav-buttons:right | | ion-nav-back-button | ionic-nav-back-button | | Component | Snippet Code | | ---------------| :---------------:| | ion-header-bar | ionic-header-bar | | ion-footer-bar | ionic-footer-bar |


| Component | Snippet Code | |-----------------------| :----------------------:| | ion-content | ionic-content | | ion-pane | ionic-pane | | ion-refresher | ionic-refresher |


| Component | Snippet Code | |---------------------------| :----------------------:| | ion-scroll | ionic-scroll | | ion-infinite-scroll | ionic-infinite-scrol |


| Component | Snippet Code | |---------------------------| :----------------------:| | ion-list | ionic-list | | ion-item | ionic-item | | ion-reorder-button | ionic-reorder-button | | ion-option-button | ionic-option-button | | ion-delete-button | ionic-delete-button |


| Component | Snippet Code | | --------------------------| :------------------------:| | ion-checkbox | ionic-checkbox | | ion-radio | ionic-radio | | ion-toggle | ionic-toggle | | ion-checkbox with theme | ionic-checkbox:themecolor | ##### You can use any themecolor like light,stable,positive,calm,balanced,energized,assertive,royal,dark, in place of ##themecolor in above table.

Slide Box

| Component | Snippet Code | | --------------| :--------------:| | ion-slide-box | ionic-slide-box | | ion-slide | ionic-slide |


| Component | Snippet Code | | --------------------------| :------------------------:| | ion-popover-view | ionic-popover | ## Simple HTML Ionic Snippets ##### You can use any themecolor like light,stable,positive,calm,balanced,energized,assertive,royal,dark, in place of ##themecolor in following tables. Example : ionic-css-footer:calm for calm theme footer.

Header & Footer Bar

| Component | Snippet Code | |---------------------------| :----------------------------:| | Header Bar | ionic-css-header | | Header Bar Theme | ionic-css-header:themecolor | | Sub Header Bar | ionic-css-subheader | | Footer Bar | ionic-css-footer | | Footer Bar Theme | ionic-css-footer:themecolor |

Buttons Snippet

| Component | Snippet Code | |---------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | Button | ionic-css-button | | Button Theme | ionic-css-button:themecolor | | Full Width Button | ionic-css-button-full | | Full Width Button Theme | ionic-css-button-full:themecolor | | Large Button | ionic-css-button-large | | Large Button Theme | ionic-css-button-large:themecolor | | Small Button | ionic-css-button-small | | Small Button Theme | ionic-css-button-small:themecolor | | Outlined Button | ionic-css-button-outline | | Outlined Button Theme | ionic-css-button-outline:themecolor | | Clear Button | ionic-css-button-clear | | Clear Button Theme | ionic-css-button-clear:themecolor |

List Snippets

| Component | Snippet Code | |-------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | List | ionic-css-list | | List Inset | ionic-css-list:inset | | List Item | ionic-css-list:item | | List Divider | ionic-css-list:divider | | List Item with Avatar | ionic-css-list-item:avatar | | List Item with Left Button | ionic-css-list-item:buttonleft | | List Item with Right Button | ionic-css-list-item:buttonright | | List Item with Left Icon | ionic-css-list-item:iconright | | List Item with Right Icon | ionic-css-list-item:iconleft | | List Item with Right Thumbnail| ionic-css-list-item:thumbright | | List Item with Left Thumbnail | ionic-css-list-item:thumbleft |

Card Snippets

| Component | Snippet Code | |-------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | Card | ionic-css-card | | Card List | ionic-css-card:list | | Card Divider | ionic-css-card:divider | | Card Showcase | ionic-css-card:showcase | | Cards with Images | ionic-css-card:image |

Form Snippets

| Component | Snippet Code | |-------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | Floating Form Element | ionic-css-form-floating | | Stacked Form Element | ionic-css-form-stacked | | Inset Form | ionic-css-form-inset | | Placeholder Form Element | ionic-css-form-placehoder | | Header Form Elements | ionic-css-form-header | | Inline Form Elements | ionic-css-form-inline | | Icon based Form Elements | ionic-css-form-icon |

Toggle Snippets

| Component | Snippet Code | |-------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | Toggle Default Theme | ionic-css-toggle | | Toggle with Theme | ionic-css-toggle:themecolor | ##### You can use any themecolor like light,stable,positive,calm,balanced,energized,assertive,royal,dark, in place of ##themecolor in above table.

Checkbox Snippets

| Component | Snippet Code | |-----------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | Checkbox Default Theme | ionic-css-checkbox | | Checkbox with Theme | ionic-css-checkbox:themecolor | ##### You can use any themecolor like light,stable,positive,calm,balanced,energized,assertive,royal,dark, in place of ##themecolor in above table.

Radio Buttons Snippets

| Component | Snippet Code | |-----------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | Radio Buttons | ionic-css-radio |

Range Snippets

| Component | Snippet Code | |-----------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | Range Default Theme | ionic-css-range | | Range with Theme | ionic-css-range:themecolor | ##### You can use any themecolor like light,stable,positive,calm,balanced,energized,assertive,royal,dark, in place of ##themecolor in above table.

Select Snippets

| Component | Snippet Code | |-----------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | Select Element | ionic-css-select |

Tabs Snippets

| Component | Snippet Code | |-------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | Tabs | ionic-css-tabs | | Tabs with Theme | ionic-css-tabs:themecolor | | Tabs with Icon | ionic-css-tabs-icon | | Tabs with Icon & Theme | ionic-css-tabs-icon:themecolor | | Tabs with Top Icon | ionic-css-tabs-icontop | | Tabs with Top Icon & Theme | ionic-css-tabs-icontop:themecolor | | Tabs with Left Icon | ionic-css-tabs-iconleft | | Tabs with Left Icon & Theme | ionic-css-tabs-iconleft:themecolor | ##### You can use any themecolor like light,stable,positive,calm,balanced,energized,assertive,royal,dark, in place of ##themecolor in above table. ## JS Code Snippets for Ionic ### Theme Snippets will work only in JS File

Action Sheet JS Snippet

| Component | Snippet Code | |-----------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | $ionicActionSheet | ionic-js-actionsheet |

Backdrop JS Snippet

| Component | Snippet Code | |-----------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | $ionicBackdrop | ionic-js-backdrop |

Popover JS Snippet

| Component | Snippet Code | |-----------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | $ionicPopover | ionic-js-popover |

Popup JS Snippet

| Component | Snippet Code | |-----------------------------------| :----------------------------------------:| | Alert $ionicPopup | ionic-js-popup:alert | | Confirm $ionicPopup | ionic-js-popup:confirm | | Prompt $ionicPopup | ionic-js-popup:prompt |


Sometimes you need to broadcast some events to Ionic complete some actions, in `ionic-broadcast-*` you can find all the events you need. | Snippet Code | |:--------------------------------:| | ionic-broadcast-infinite-scroll | | ionic-broadcast-refresh-complete | ## License Ionic Sublime Plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT License ](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).