import { BadRequestException, Injectable, InternalServerErrorException, Logger, NotFoundException, UnprocessableEntityException, } from '@nestjs/common'; import { CustomersService } from '../customers/customers.service'; import { CreateCustomerDto } from '../customers/dto/create-customer.dto'; import * as bcrypt from 'bcrypt'; import { PostgresErrorCode } from '../../common/enums/postgres-error-codes.enum'; import { Customer } from '../customers/entities/customer.entity'; import { JwtTokenPayload } from './interfaces/jwt-payload.interface'; import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import * as util from 'util'; import { RedisService } from 'nestjs-redis'; import { Redis } from 'ioredis'; import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import { RedisKeys } from '../../common/enums/redis-keys.enum'; @Injectable() export class AuthService { redisClient: Redis; payload: JwtTokenPayload; constructor( private readonly customersService: CustomersService, private readonly jwtService: JwtService, private readonly redisService: RedisService, private readonly configService: ConfigService, ) { this.redisClient = this.redisService.getClient(); } async register(registrationData: CreateCustomerDto): Promise { if (registrationData.password !== registrationData.confirmPassword) { throw new UnprocessableEntityException('Passwords are not matching.'); } const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(); const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(registrationData.password, salt); try { return await this.customersService.create({ ...registrationData, password: hashedPassword, }); } catch (error) { if (error?.code === PostgresErrorCode.UniqueViolation) { throw new BadRequestException( 'Customer with that email already exists', ); } Logger.error('[authService] registration error', util.inspect(error)); throw new InternalServerErrorException( 'Something went wrong during registration', ); } } async getAuthenticatedCustomer( email: string, plainTextPassword: string, ): Promise { try { const customer = await this.customersService.getByEmail(email); await this.verifyPassword(plainTextPassword, customer.password); return customer; } catch (error) { throw new BadRequestException('Wrong credentials provided'); } } private async verifyPassword( plainTextPassword: string, hashedPassword: string, ) { const isPasswordMatching = await plainTextPassword, hashedPassword, ); if (!isPasswordMatching) { throw new BadRequestException('Wrong credentials provided'); } } async createJwtAccessToken(customer: Customer): Promise { this.payload = { customerId:, }; return await this.jwtService.signAsync(this.payload); } async createJwtRefreshToken( customerId: string, refreshTokenId: string, ): Promise { this.payload = { customerId: customerId, }; const refreshToken = await this.jwtService.signAsync(this.payload, { privateKey: fs .readFileSync( this.configService.get('JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_PRIVATE_KEY'), ) .toString(), expiresIn: this.configService.get('JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME'), }); // Encrypt the refresh token before storing it in redis const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(); const hashedRefreshToken = await bcrypt.hash(refreshToken, salt); // Save the hashed access token in redis and set it to expire after a day const redisResponse = await this.redisClient.setex( `${RedisKeys.RefreshToken}:${customerId}:${refreshTokenId}`, 86400, hashedRefreshToken, ); // Return the unencrypted refresh token back to the customer if (redisResponse === 'OK') { return refreshToken; } } async validateJwtRefreshToken( customerId: string, refreshToken: string, refreshTokenId: string, ): Promise { const customer = await this.customersService.getById(customerId); // Fetch the encrypted refresh token from redis const savedRefreshToken = await this.redisClient.get( `${RedisKeys.RefreshToken}:${}:${refreshTokenId}`, ); // Compare the received refresh token and what is stored in redis const isRefreshTokenMatching = await refreshToken, savedRefreshToken, ); if (!isRefreshTokenMatching) { throw new BadRequestException('The refresh tokens do not match'); } if (savedRefreshToken) { return customer; } else { throw new NotFoundException('The refresh token was not found'); } } async removeJwtRefreshToken( customerId: string, refreshTokenId: string, ): Promise { const customer = await this.customersService.getById(customerId); // Delete the encrypted refresh token from redis const deletedResult = await this.redisClient.del( `${RedisKeys.RefreshToken}:${}:${refreshTokenId}`, ); if (deletedResult === 1) { return customer; } else { throw new NotFoundException('The refresh token was not found'); } } }