import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config'; import { JwtService } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import { Test, TestingModule } from '@nestjs/testing'; import { getRepositoryToken } from '@nestjs/typeorm'; import { RedisService } from 'nestjs-redis'; import { CustomersService } from '../../customers/customers.service'; import { Customer } from '../../customers/entities/customer.entity'; import { AuthService } from '../auth.service'; import { JwtTokenPayload } from '../interfaces/jwt-payload.interface'; import * as bcrypt from 'bcrypt'; import { CreateCustomerDto } from '../../customers/dto/create-customer.dto'; describe('AuthService', () => { let service: AuthService; let customerService: CustomersService; const fakeCustomer = new Customer({ id: '2173dd22-42ed-4091-bb46-aaca401efa45', name: 'Test Customer', email: '', phoneNumber: '0720123456', password: 'strongPassword', }); let bcryptCompare: jest.Mock; let customerData: Customer; let findCustomer: jest.Mock; beforeEach(async () => { const getClient = jest.fn((data: any) => { return data; }); const signAsync = jest.fn((data: JwtTokenPayload) => { return data.customerId; }); const get = jest.fn(); const mockRedisService = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { return { getClient: getClient, }; }); const mockJwtService = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { return { signAsync: signAsync, }; }); const mockConfigService = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { return { get: get, }; }); const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({ providers: [ AuthService, CustomersService, { provide: JwtService, useClass: mockJwtService, }, { provide: RedisService, useClass: mockRedisService, }, { provide: ConfigService, useClass: mockConfigService, }, { provide: getRepositoryToken(Customer), useValue: {}, }, ], }).compile(); service = module.get(AuthService); customerService = module.get(CustomersService); bcryptCompare = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true); ( as jest.Mock) = bcryptCompare; customerData = { ...fakeCustomer }; findCustomer = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(customerData); }); it('should be defined', () => { expect(service).toBeDefined(); }); describe('register', () => { it('should return the customer details', async () => { let customer: Promise; const registrationData = new CreateCustomerDto(); jest.spyOn(service, 'register').mockImplementation(() => customer); expect(await service.register(registrationData)).toBe(customer); }); }); describe('when creating a jwt access token', () => { it('should return a string', async () => { expect(typeof (await service.createJwtAccessToken(fakeCustomer))).toEqual( 'string', ); }); }); describe('when creating a jwt refresh token', () => { it('should return a string', async () => { let result: Promise; const testRefreshTokenId = '2173dd22-42ed-4091-bb46-aaca401efa46'; jest .spyOn(service, 'createJwtRefreshToken') .mockImplementation(() => result); expect( await service.createJwtRefreshToken(, testRefreshTokenId, ), ).toBe(result); }); }); describe('when validating a jwt refresh token', () => { it('should return the customer details', async () => { let result: Promise; const testRefreshToken = 'testrefreshtoken'; const testRefreshTokenId = '2173dd22-42ed-4091-bb46-aaca401efa46'; jest .spyOn(service, 'validateJwtRefreshToken') .mockImplementation(() => result); expect( await service.validateJwtRefreshToken(, testRefreshToken, testRefreshTokenId, ), ).toBe(result); }); }); describe('when deleting a jwt refresh token', () => { it('should return the customer details', async () => { let result: Promise; const testRefreshTokenId = '2173dd22-42ed-4091-bb46-aaca401efa46'; jest .spyOn(service, 'removeJwtRefreshToken') .mockImplementation(() => result); expect( await service.removeJwtRefreshToken(, testRefreshTokenId, ), ).toBe(result); }); }); describe('when accessing the data of an authenticating customer', () => { describe('and the provided password is not valid', () => { beforeEach(() => { bcryptCompare.mockReturnValue(false); }); it('should throw an error', async () => { await expect( service.getAuthenticatedCustomer(, fakeCustomer.password, ), ).rejects.toThrow(); }); }); describe('and the provided password is valid', () => { beforeEach(() => { bcryptCompare.mockReturnValue(true); }); describe('and the customer is found in the database', () => { beforeEach(() => { findCustomer.mockReturnValue(customerData); }); it('should return the customer data', async () => { try { const customer = await service.getAuthenticatedCustomer(, fakeCustomer.password, ); expect(customer).toBe(customerData); } catch (error) { console.log('[authService spec] error', error); } }); }); describe('and the customer is not found in the database', () => { beforeEach(() => { findCustomer.mockResolvedValue(undefined); }); it('should throw an error', async () => { await expect( service.getAuthenticatedCustomer(, fakeCustomer.password, ), ).rejects.toThrow(); }); }); }); it('should attempt to get the customer by email', async () => { const getByEmailSpy = jest.spyOn(customerService, 'getByEmail'); try { await service.getAuthenticatedCustomer( '', 'strongPassword', ); } catch (error) { expect(getByEmailSpy).toBeCalledTimes(1); } }); }); });