# PRAWNYM WLASCICIELEM SKRYPTU JEST ESEJ (KACPER.K) # options: #Tu ustaw itemy które mają być w gui (dropped) item1: diamond item2: iron ingot item3: gold ingot item4: apple item5: book item6: dirt #Nazwa itemu powyżej np (n1 = &bDiament) name1: &3DIAMENT name2: &7ZELAZO name3: &eZLOTO name4: &cJABLKO name5: &6KSIAZKA name6: &lPSIE GUWNO #Chance = Szansa (pamietaj o wstawianu 2 x %) chance1: 10%% chance2: 10%% chance3: 10%% chance4: 10%% chance5: 10%% chance6: 10%% szansa1: 10% szansa2: 10% szansa3: 10% szansa4: 10% szansa5: 10% szansa6: 10% # msg = Wiadomosc po wykopaniu sórowca msg1: &6Znalazles &3DIAMENT &7(x1) msg2: &6Znalazles &7ZELAZO &7(x1) msg3: &6Znalazles &eZLOTO &7(x1) msg4: &6Znalazles &cJABLKO &7(x1) msg5: &6Znalazles &6KSIAZKE &7(x1) msg6: &6Znalazles NIC &7(x0) version: 0.1 variables: {status.drop.1.%player%} = "&aWLACZONY" {status.drop.2.%player%} = "&aWLACZONY" {status.drop.3.%player%} = "&aWLACZONY" {status.drop.4.%player%} = "&aWLACZONY" {status.drop.5.%player%} = "&aWLACZONY" {status.drop.6.%player%} = "&aWLACZONY" #on skript load: // funkcja wylaczona z racji iz usunalem config yaml. #set {_skript} to content of file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%script%.sk" #set {_skript2} to text from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/esejj/ixDROP/master/ixDROP.sk" #if {_skript} isn't "%{_skript2}%": #download from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/esejj/ixDROP/master/ixDROP.sk" to "plugins/skript/scripts/%script%.sk" #message "[eDROP] Aktualizacja do nowszej wersji zostala pomyslnie przeprowadzona..." to the console #stop #else: #message "[eDROP] Ladowanie skryptu..." to the console #wait 2 tick #message "[eDROP] Wersja skryptu: v{@version}" to the console #message "[eDROP] Skrypt jest w najnowszej wersji :)" to the console #stop command /drop: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&cDrop" to player format slot 10 of player with 1 of {@item1} named "&6&l{@name1}" with lore "&8» &7Szansa: &6{@chance1} &8•||&8» &7Status: %{status.drop.1.%player%}% &8•||&8» &7FORTUNE: &cNIE &8•" to close then run [execute player command "turndrop 1"] format slot 11 of player with 1 of {@item2} named "&6&l{@name2}" with lore "&8» &7Szansa: &6{@chance2} &8•||&8» &7Status: %{status.drop.2.%player%}% &8•||&8» &7FORTUNE: &cNIE &8•" to close then run [execute player command "turndrop 2"] format slot 12 of player with 1 of {@item3} named "&6&l{@name3}" with lore "&8» &7Szansa: &6{@chance3} &8•||&8» &7Status: %{status.drop.3.%player%}% &8•||&8» &7FORTUNE: &cNIE &8•" to close then run [execute player command "turndrop 3"] format slot 13 of player with 1 of {@item4} named "&6&l{@name4}" with lore "&8» &7Szansa: &6{@chance4} &8•||&8» &7Status: %{status.drop.4.%player%}% &8•||&8» &7FORTUNE: &cNIE &8•" to close then run [execute player command "turndrop 4"] format slot 14 of player with 1 of {@item5} named "&6&l{@name5}" with lore "&8» &7Szansa: &6{@chance5} &8•||&8» &7Status: %{status.drop.5.%player%}% &8•||&8» &7FORTUNE: &cNIE &8•" to close then run [execute player command "turndrop 5"] format slot 16 of player with 1 of {@item6} named "&6&l{@name6}" with lore "&8» &7Szansa: &6{@chance6} &8•||&8» &7Status: %{status.drop.6.%player%}% &8•||&8» &7FORTUNE: &cNIE &8•" to close then run [execute player command "turndrop 6"] command /turndrop []: trigger: if {drop.%integer-arg%.%player%} is false: set {status.drop.%integer-arg%.%player%} to "&aWLACZONY" set {drop.%integer-arg%.%player%} to true send "&8» &aWlaczono drop" to player stop else: set {status.drop.%integer-arg%.%player%} to "&cWYLACZONY" set {drop.%integer-arg%.%player%} to false send "&8» &cWylaczono drop" to player stop on mine of stone: cancel event delete block add cobblestone to player's inventory chance of {@szansa1}: if {drop.1.%player%} is true: add {@item1} to the player's inventory send "{@msg1}" to player chance of {@szansa2}: if {drop.2.%player%} is true: add {@item2} to the player's inventory send "{@msg2}" to player chance of {@szansa3}: if {drop.3.%player%} is true: add {@item3} to the player's inventory send "{@msg3}" to player chance of {@szansa4}: if {drop.4.%player%} is true: add {@item4} to the player's inventory send "{@msg4}" to player chance of {@szansa5}: if {drop.5.%player%} is true: add {@item5} to the player's inventory send "{@msg5}" to player chance of {@szansa6}: if {drop.6.%player%} is true: add {@item6} to the player's inventory send "{@msg6}" to player on mine: if event-block is not stone: cancel event delete block add event-block to player's inventory