// ==UserScript== // @name DownAlbum // @author indream // @version // @description Download Facebook (Album & Video), Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Ask.fm, Weibo Album. // @namespace DownAlbum // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/inDream/DownAlbum/master/DownAlbum.meta.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/inDream/DownAlbum/master/DownAlbum.user.js // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @include htt*://*.facebook.com/* // @include htt*://*.facebook.com/*/* // @include htt*://instagram.com/* // @include htt*://*.instagram.com/* // @include htt*://twitter.com/* // @include htt*://*.weibo.com/* // @include htt*://weibo.com/* // @include htt*://www.pinterest.com/* // @include htt*://www.pinterest.*/* // @include htt*://ask.fm/* // @exclude htt*://*static*.facebook.com* // @exclude htt*://*channel*.facebook.com* // @exclude htt*://developers.facebook.com/* // @exclude htt*://upload.facebook.com/* // @exclude htt*://*onnect.facebook.com/* // @exclude htt*://*acebook.com/connect* // @exclude htt*://*.facebook.com/plugins/* // @exclude htt*://*.facebook.com/l.php* // @exclude htt*://*.facebook.com/ai.php* // @exclude htt*://*.facebook.com/extern/* // @exclude htt*://*.facebook.com/pagelet/* // @exclude htt*://api.facebook.com/static/* // @exclude htt*://*.facebook.com/contact_importer/* // @exclude htt*://*.facebook.com/ajax/* // @exclude htt*://www.facebook.com/places/map*_iframe.php* // @exclude https://www.facebook.com/xti.php // @exclude https://*.ak.facebook.com/* // @exclude https://www.facebook.com/ajax/pagelet/generic.php/* // @exclude https://www.facebook.com/*/plugins/* // @exclude https://www.facebook.com/xti.php* // @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/blueimp-md5/2.10.0/js/md5.min.js // ==/UserScript== const base = 'https://www.instagram.com/'; const phoneUA = 'Instagram (iPhone7,2; iPhone OS 9_3_3; en_US; en-US; ' + 'scale=2.00; 1440x2560) AppleWebKit/420+'; const loadedPosts = {}; const profiles = {}; let fbDtsg = ''; let isWinReady = false; let needOpenWindow = false; let rhx_gis = ''; let toExport = null; let uid = ''; let win = null; var log = function(s) { try { console.log(s); } catch(e) { GM_log(s); } }; function openWindow() { win = window.open(location.href); win.addEventListener('readystatechange', () => { if (win.document.readyState === 'interactive') { isWinReady = true; win.document.open(); win.document.write(` Loading... Return to Parent`); win.document.close(); if (toExport) { sendRequest({ type:'export', data: toExport }); toExport = null; } } }, true); } function request(url, opt = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Object.assign(opt, { headers: { 'user-agent': phoneUA, }, method: 'GET', url, timeout: 2000, responseType: 'json' }); opt.onerror = opt.ontimeout = reject opt.onload = resolve GM_xmlhttpRequest(opt); }); } var dFAinit = function(){ var href = location.href; var site = href.match(/(facebook|instagram|twitter|weibo)\.com|ask\.fm|pinterest/); var isTwitter = href.indexOf('twitter.com') > 0; if (document.querySelector('#dFA') || !site) { return; } if (location.host.match(/instagram.com|facebook.com|twitter.com/)) { var o = window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MutationObserver; if (o && !window.addedObserver) { window.addedObserver = true; var observer = new o(runLater); observer.observe(document.body, {subtree: true, childList: true}); runLater(); } } var k, k2, klass; if (site[0] == 'instagram.com') { klass = qS('header section div span button, header section div button') if (!klass) { return; } klass = klass.parentNode; k = document.createElement('div'); k.className = klass ? klass.className : ''; } else { k = document.createElement('li'); } k2 = k.cloneNode(); k.innerHTML = 'DownAlbum'; k2.innerHTML = 'DownAlbum(Setup)'; var t = qS('.gn_topmenulist ul') || qS('.uiContextualLayer [role="menu"]') || qS('header section div') /* ig */ || (isTwitter && qS('[role="menu"]')) /* twitter */; if(t){ t.appendChild(k); t.appendChild(k2); k.addEventListener("click", function(){ dFAcore(); }); k2.addEventListener("click", function(){ dFAcore(true); }); } if(href.indexOf('facebook.com') > 0){ if (t) { var pBtn = document.createElement('li'); pBtn.innerHTML = '[FB] Open "Photos of"'; t.appendChild(pBtn); pBtn.addEventListener('click', photosOfHelper); } if(!t && qS('#userNavigation, #logoutMenu')){ // Handle async menu $('#pageLoginAnchor, #logoutMenu').on('click.dfainit', function(){ setTimeout(dFAinit, 500); }); } }else if(href.indexOf('pinterest') > 0){ if(!qS('#dfaButton')){ let search = qS('.SearchPage') ? qS('.SearchPage .gridCentered') : null; t = qS('.boardHeaderWrapper') || search || (qS('h1') ? qS('h1').parentNode : null); if (!t) { return; } t.innerHTML = '' + '' + t.innerHTML; qS('#dfaButton').addEventListener("click", function(){ dFAcore(); }); qS('#dfaSetButton').addEventListener("click", function(){ dFAcore(true); }); } }else if(href.indexOf('ask.fm') > 0){ k = qS('.profileButton').parentNode; if (k) { k.innerHTML += 'DownAlbum' + 'DownAlbum(Setup)'; } else { setTimeout(dFAinit, 300); } } }; function runLater() { clearTimeout(window.addLinkTimer); window.addLinkTimer = setTimeout(addLink, 300); } function addLink() { if (location.href.indexOf('instagram.com/p') === -1) { dFAinit(); } if (location.host.match(/instagram.com/)) { if (location.href.indexOf('explore/') > 0) { return; } let k = qSA('article>div:nth-of-type(2), header>div:nth-of-type(1):not([role="button"])'); for(var i = 0; i loadStories(id)); const highlightBtn = document.createElement('a'); highlightBtn.style.cssText = 'max-width: 200px; cursor: pointer;'; highlightBtn.textContent = '๐Ÿ“ฅ Highlights'; k.appendChild(highlightBtn); highlightBtn.addEventListener('click', () => loadHighlights(id)); } } const container = getParent(k, 'article') || k; const albumBtn = container.querySelector('.coreSpriteRightChevron'); if (t && src) { const link = document.createElement('div'); link.className = 'dLink'; link.style.maxWidth = '200px'; const items = []; if (!isProfile && (albumBtn || t.getAttribute('poster'))) { const url = container.querySelector('a time').parentNode.getAttribute('href'); if (loadedPosts[url] !== undefined) { if (loadedPosts[url] === 1) { return; } loadedPosts[url].forEach(img => items.push(img)); } else { loadedPosts[url] = 1; let r = await fetch(`${url}?__a=1`, { credentials: 'include' }); r = await r.json(); loadedPosts[url] = []; const m = r.graphql.shortcode_media; (albumBtn ? m.edge_sidecar_to_children.edges : [{ node: m }]).forEach((e, i) => { const { dash_info, id, is_video, video_url, display_url } = e.node; const dash = is_video && dash_info.is_dash_eligible ? `${id}.mpd,${URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([dash_info.video_dash_manifest]))}|` : ''; const img = `${dash}${is_video ? `${video_url}|` : ''}${parseFbSrc(display_url)}`; loadedPosts[url].push(img); items.push(img); }); } } else { if (src.match('mp4')) { src += `|${t.getAttribute('poster')}`; } items.push(src); } let html = ''; items.forEach((e, i) => { const s = e.split('|'); const idx = items.length > 1 ? `#${i + 1} `: ''; if (s.length > 2) { const [name, url] = s.shift().split(','); html += `Download ${idx}Video (Dash)`; } html += s.length > 1 ? `Download ${idx}Video` : ''; html += `Download ${idx}Photo`; }); link.innerHTML = html; if (isProfile) { k.appendChild(link); } else if (target.insertAdjacentElement) { target.insertAdjacentElement('afterEnd', link); } else { if (target.nextSibling) { tParent.insertBefore(link, target.nextSibling); } else { tParent.appendChild(link); } } } } async function loadStories(id, highlightId = '') { const hash = '61e453c4b7d667c6294e71c57afa6e63'; const variables = `{"reel_ids":["${id}"],"tag_names":[],` + `"location_ids":[],"highlight_reel_ids":[${highlightId}],`+ `"precomposed_overlay":false,"show_story_header_follow_button":false}`; try { const url = `${base}graphql/query/?query_hash=${hash}&variables=${variables}`; let r = await fetch(url, { credentials: 'include' }); r = await r.json(); if (!r.data.reels_media || !r.data.reels_media.length) { alert('No stories loaded'); return; } openWindow(); const type = highlightId !== '' ? 'GraphHighlightReel' : 'GraphReel'; const { items, latest_reel_media: last, owner, user } = r.data.reels_media.filter(e => e.__typename === type)[0]; const lastTime = last ? last : items[0].taken_at_timestamp; const photodata = { aDes: '', aName: 'Stories', aAuth: (user || owner).username, aLink: `${base}${(user || owner).username}`, aTime: lastTime ? 'Last Update: ' + parseTime(lastTime) : '', newL: true, newLayout: true, photos: [], videos: [], type: 'Stories', }; items.forEach((e, i) => { const p = { url: e.display_url, href: '', date: parseTime(e.taken_at_timestamp) }; if (e.video_resources) { p.videoIdx = photodata.videos.length; const { src } = e.video_resources[e.video_resources.length - 1]; photodata.videos.push({ url: src, thumb: e.display_url }); } photodata.photos.push(p); }); if (isWinReady) { sendRequest({ type:'export', data: photodata }); } else { toExport = photodata; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert('Cannot load stories'); } } async function loadHighlights(id) { const hash = 'ad99dd9d3646cc3c0dda65debcd266a7'; const variables = `{"user_id":"${id}","include_highlight_reels":true}`; try { const url = `${base}graphql/query/?query_hash=${hash}&variables=${variables}`; let r = await fetch(url, { credentials: 'include' }); r = await r.json(); const list = r.data.user.edge_highlight_reels.edges; if (!list || !list.length) { alert('No highlights loaded'); return; } createDialog(); g.statusEle = qS('.daCounter'); g.statusEle.innerHTML = '

Select highlight to download:

' for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const n = list[i].node; const a = document.createElement('a'); g.statusEle.appendChild(a); a.style.cssText = 'width: 100px; display: inline-block;'; a.innerHTML = `
${n.title}`; a.addEventListener('click', () => loadStories(id, `"${n.id}"`)); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert('Cannot load highlights'); } } function getFbEnv() { const s = qSA('script'); for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i += 1) { let t = s[i].textContent; if (t) { const m = t.match(/"USER_ID":"(\d+)"/); if (m) { uid = m[1]; } if (t.indexOf('DTSGInitialData') > 0) { t = t.slice(t.indexOf('DTSGInitialData')); t = t.slice(0, t.indexOf('}')).split('"'); fbDtsg = t[4]; } } } } async function addVideoLink() { if (window.location.href.indexOf('/videos/') === -1) { return; } let id = window.location.href.match(/\/\d+\//g); if (!id) { return; } id = id[id.length - 1].slice(1, -1); if (!loadedPosts[id]) { loadedPosts[id] = 1; getFbEnv(); const url = `https://www.facebook.com/video/tahoe/async/${id}/?chain=true&payloadtype=primary`; const options = { credentials: 'include', method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, body: `__user=${uid}&__a=1&fb_dtsg=${fbDtsg}`, }; let r = await fetch(url, options); r = await r.text(); r = JSON.parse(r.slice(9)).jsmods.instances; for (let idx = 0; idx < r.length; idx += 1) { const i = r[idx]; if (i[1] && i[1].length && i[1][0] === 'VideoConfig') { const data = i[2][0].videoData[0]; const src = data.hd_src_no_ratelimit || data.hd_src || data.sd_src_no_ratelimit || data.sd_src; loadedPosts[id] = src; } } } else if (loadedPosts[id] === 1) { return; } const e = qSA('[data-utime]:not(.livetimestamp), .timestamp'); for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i += 1) { if (!e[i].parentNode.querySelector('.dVideo')) { const a = document.createElement('a'); a.className = 'dVideo'; a.href = loadedPosts[id]; a.download = ''; a.target = '_blank'; a.style.padding = '5px'; a.title = '(provided by DownAlbum)'; a.textContent = 'Download โ†“'; e[i].parentNode.appendChild(a); } } } function photosOfHelper() { var userId; var timeline = qS('#pagelet_timeline_main_column'); try { if (timeline) { userId = JSON.parse(timeline.getAttribute('data-gt')).profile_owner; } } catch(e) {} var cover = qS('.coverWrap') || qS('.coverImage'); try { if (cover && !userId) { userId = cover.href.match(/set=([\w\d\.]+)/)[1].split('.')[3]; } } catch(e) {} if (userId) { location.href = '/search/' + userId + '/photos-of/intersect'; } } var g = {}; function getParent(child, selector){ var target = child; while(target && !target.querySelector(selector)){ if (target.parentNode && target.parentNode.tagName == 'BODY') { return target; } if (target.parentNode && target.parentNode.querySelector(selector)) { return target; } else { target = target.parentNode; } } return null; } function getText(s, html, parent){ var q = parent ? parent.querySelector(s) : qS(s); var t = 'textContent'; if(q && q.querySelectorAll('br').length){t = 'innerHTML';} if(q && html && q.querySelectorAll('a').length){t = 'innerHTML';} return q ? q[t] : ""; } function getDOM(html){ var doc; if(document.implementation){ doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html; }else if(DOMParser){ doc = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); }else{ doc = document.createElement('div'); doc.innerHTML = html; } return doc; } function quickSelect(s){ var method = false; switch(s){ case /#\w+$/.test(s): method = 'getElementById'; break; case /\.\w+$/.test(s): method = 'getElementsByClassName'; break; } return method; } function qS(s){var k = document[quickSelect(s) || 'querySelector'](s);return k&&k.length ? k[0] : k;} function qSA(s){return document[quickSelect(s) || 'querySelectorAll'](s);} function padZero(str, len) { str = str.toString(); while (str.length < len) { str = '0' + str; } return str; } function parseTime(t, isDate){ var d = isDate ? t : new Date(t * 1000); return d.getFullYear() + '-' + padZero(d.getMonth() + 1, 2) + '-' + padZero(d.getDate(), 2) + ' ' + padZero(d.getHours(), 2) + ':' + padZero(d.getMinutes(), 2) + ':' + padZero(d.getSeconds(), 2); } function parseQuery(s){ var data = {}; var n = s.split("&"); for(var i=0; i 0) { s = s[i].textContent; break; } } return JSON.parse(s.match(/({".*})/)[1]); } function extractJSON(str) { // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10574520/ var firstOpen, firstClose, candidate; firstOpen = str.indexOf('{', firstOpen + 1); var countOpen = 0, countClose = 0; do { countOpen++; firstClose = str.lastIndexOf('}'); if (firstClose <= firstOpen) { return null; } countClose = 0; do { countClose++; candidate = str.substring(firstOpen, firstClose + 1); var res; try { res = JSON.parse(candidate); return res; } catch (e) {} try { res = eval("(" + candidate + ")"); return res; } catch (e) {} firstClose = str.substr(0, firstClose).lastIndexOf('}'); } while (firstClose > firstOpen && countClose < 20); firstOpen = str.indexOf('{', firstOpen + 1); } while (firstOpen != -1 && countOpen < 20); } function createDialog() { if (qS('#daContainer')) { qS('#daContainer').style = ''; qS('#stopAjaxCkb').checked = false; return; } var d = document.createElement('div'); var s = document.createElement('style'); s.textContent = '#daContainer {position: fixed; width: 360px; \ top: 20%; left: 50%; margin-left: -180px; background: #FFF; \ padding: 1em; border-radius: 0.5em; line-height: 2em; z-index: 9999;\ box-shadow: 1px 3px 3px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2),1px 3px 15px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2);}\ #daHeader {font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight: 700; background: #FFF; \ padding: 1rem 0.5rem; color: rgba(0,0,0,.85); \ border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(34,36,38,.15);} \ .daCounter {max-height: 300px;overflow-y: auto;} \ #daContent {font-size: 1.2em; line-height: 1.4; padding: .5rem;} \ #daContainer a {cursor: pointer;border: 1px solid black;padding: 10px; \ display: block;} \ #stopAjaxCkb {display: inline-block; -webkit-appearance: checkbox; \ width: auto;}'; document.head.appendChild(s); d.id = 'daContainer'; d.innerHTML = '
' + 'Status:
' + '' + '
' + 'OutputClose
'; document.body.appendChild(d); qS('.daClose').addEventListener('click', hideDialog); qS('.daOutput').addEventListener('click', output); } function hideDialog() { qS('#daContainer').style = 'display: none;'; } function closeDialog() { document.body.removeChild(qS('#daContainer')); } function output(){ if(location.href.match(/.*facebook.com/)){ document.title = document.title.match(/(?:.*\|\|)*(.*)/)[1]; } document.title=g.photodata.aName; if(g.photodata.photos.length>1000 && !g.largeAlbum){ if(confirm('Large amount of photos may crash the browser:\nOK->Use Large Album Optimize Cancel->Continue'))g.photodata.largeAlbum = true; } toExport = g.photodata; sendRequest({type:'export',data:g.photodata}); } function initDataLoaded(fbid) { if (g.dataLoaded[fbid] === undefined) { g.dataLoaded[fbid] = {}; } } function handleFbAjax(fbid) { var d = g.dataLoaded[fbid]; if (d !== undefined) { var photos = g.photodata.photos; var i = g.ajaxLoaded; if (!photos[i]) { return true; } if (g.urlLoaded[fbid]) { photos[i].url = g.urlLoaded[fbid]; delete g.urlLoaded[fbid]; } if (g.commentsList[fbid]) { photos[i].comments = g.commentsList[fbid]; delete g.commentsList[fbid]; } photos[i].title = d.title; photos[i].tag = d.tag; photos[i].date = d.date; if (d.video) { photos[i].videoIdx = g.photodata.videos.length; g.photodata.videos.push({ url: d.video }); } delete g.dataLoaded[fbid]; delete photos[i].ajax; if (g.ajaxLoaded + 1 < photos.length) { g.ajaxLoaded++; g.ajaxRetry = 0; } return true; } return false; } function handleFbAjaxProfiles(data) { var profiles = Object.keys(data.profiles); for (var j = 0; j < profiles.length; j++) { try { var p = data.profiles[profiles[j]]; g.profilesList[p.id] = {name: p.name, url: p.uri}; } catch(e) {} } } function handleFbAjaxComment(data) { try { var comments = data.comments; var commentsList = [data.feedbacktarget.commentcount]; var fbid = comments[0].ftentidentifier; var timeFix = new Date(parseTime(data.servertime)) - new Date(); } catch(e) { console.log('Cannot parse comment'); return; } for (j = 0; j < comments.length; j++){ try { var c = comments[j]; p = g.profilesList[c.author]; commentsList.push({ fbid: fbid, id: c.legacyid, name: p.name, url: p.url, text: c.body.text, date: parseTime(c.timestamp.time) }); } catch(e) {} } g.commentsList[fbid] = commentsList; g.commentsList.count++; } function fbAjax(){ var len=g.photodata.photos.length,i=g.ajaxLoaded; var src; try{ src = getFbid(g.photodata.photos[i].href); }catch(e){ if(i + 1 < len){g.ajaxLoaded++; fbAjax();}else{output();} return; } if (handleFbAjax(src)) { if(len<50||i%15==0)log('Loaded '+(i+1)+' of '+len+'. (cached)'); g.statusEle.textContent='Loading '+(i+1)+' of '+len+'.'; if(i+1!=len){document.title="("+(i+1)+"/"+(len)+") ||"+g.photodata.aName;fbAjax(); }else{output();} }else if(!qS('#stopAjaxCkb')||!qS('#stopAjaxCkb').checked){ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { clearTimeout(g.timeout); let r = this.response, targetJS = [], list = [src]; if (g.isPageVideo) { r = JSON.parse(r.slice(9)); var k = r.jsmods.instances; for (var ii = 0; ii < k.length; ii++) { if (!k[ii] || !k[ii].length || !k[ii][1] || !k[ii][1].length) { continue; } if (k[ii][1][0] === 'VideoConfig') { var inst = k[ii][2][0].videoData[0]; initDataLoaded(inst.video_id); g.dataLoaded[inst.video_id].video = inst.hd_src || inst.sd_src; } } g.cursor = r.payload.cursor; } else { targetJS = r.split('/**/'); } for (var k = 0; k < targetJS.length - 1; k++) { var t = targetJS[k], content = JSON.parse(t).content; if (!content.payload || !content.payload.jsmods || !content.payload.jsmods.require) { continue; } var require=content.payload.jsmods.require; if(require&&(content.id=='pagelet_photo_viewer'||require[0][1]=='addPhotoFbids')){list=require[0][3][0];} for (var ii = 0; ii < require.length; ii++) { if (!require[ii] || !require[ii].length) { continue; } if (require[ii].length > 2 && require[ii][0] == 'UFIController') { var inst = require[ii][3]; if (inst.length && inst[2]) { handleFbAjaxProfiles(inst[2]); } } } for (var ii = 0; ii < require.length; ii++) { if (!require[ii] || !require[ii].length) { continue; } if (require[ii].length > 2 && require[ii][0] == 'UFIController') { var inst = require[ii][3]; if (inst.length && inst[2].comments && inst[2].comments.length) { handleFbAjaxComment(inst[2]); } } if (require[ii][1] == 'storeFromData') { var image = require[ii][3][0].image; if (image) { var keys = Object.keys(image); for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { var pid = keys[j]; if (image[pid].url) { g.urlLoaded[pid] = image[pid].url; } } } } } if (t.indexOf('fbPhotosPhotoTagboxBase') > 0 || t.indexOf('fbPhotosPhotoCaption') > 0 || t.indexOf('uiContextualLayerParent') > 0) { var markup = content.payload.jsmods.markup; for (var ii = 0; ii < markup.length; ii++) { var test = markup[ii][1].__html; var h = document.createElement('div'); h.innerHTML = unescape(test); var box = h.querySelectorAll('.snowliftPayloadRoot'); if (box.length) { for (var kk = 0; kk < box.length; kk++) { var c = box[kk].querySelector('.fbPhotosPhotoCaption'); var b = box[kk].querySelector('.fbPhotosPhotoTagboxes'); var a = box[kk].querySelector('abbr'); if (!a) {continue;} var s = c.querySelector('.hasCaption'); s = !s ? '' : s.innerHTML.match(/
|/) ? s.outerHTML.replace(/'/g,'"') : s.textContent; var tag = b.querySelector('.tagBox'); pid = a.parentNode.href.match(/permalink|story_fbid/) ? null : getFbid(a.parentNode.href); if (!pid) { var btn = box[kk].querySelector('.sendButton'); if (btn) { pid = parseQuery(btn.href).id; } } initDataLoaded(pid); g.dataLoaded[pid].tag = !tag ? '' : b.outerHTML; g.dataLoaded[pid].title = s; g.dataLoaded[pid].date = a ? parseTime(a.dataset.utime) : ''; } } // Handle profile / group video cover box = h.querySelector('.img'); if (h.querySelector('video') && box) { try { var bg = box.style.backgroundImage.slice(5, -2); var file = bg.match(/\/(\w+\.jpg)/)[1]; for (var kk = g.ajaxLoaded; kk < len; kk++) { var a = g.photodata.photos[kk]; if (a.url.indexOf(file) > 0) { a.url = bg; break; } } } catch (e) {} } } } // Fallback to old comment var instances = content.payload.jsmods.instances; for(ii = 0; instances && ii=len){ output(); }else{ if (i === g.ajaxLoaded) { g.ajaxRetry++; if (g.isPageVideo) { g.photodata.photos[i].ajax = location.origin + '/video/channel/view/story/async/' + src + '/?video_ids[0]=' + src; } } if (g.ajaxRetry > 5) { if (g.ajaxAutoNext) { g.ajaxRetry = 0; g.ajaxLoaded++; } else { var retryReply = prompt('Retried 5 times.\nTry again->OK\n' + 'Try next photo->Type 1\nAlways try next->Type 2\n' + 'Output loaded photos->Cancel'); if (retryReply !== null) { g.ajaxRetry = 0; if (+retryReply === 2){ g.ajaxAutoNext = true; g.ajaxLoaded++; } else { g.ajaxLoaded++; } } else { output(); return; } } } document.title="("+(i+1)+"/"+(len)+") ||"+g.photodata.aName;fbAjax(); } }; xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 2 && xhr.status != 200) { clearTimeout(g.timeout); g.ajaxLoaded++; fbAjax(); } }; g.photodata.photos[i].ajax += `&fb_dtsg_ag=${g.fb_dtsg_ag}`; if (g.isPageVideo) { xhr.open('POST', g.photodata.photos[i].ajax + (g.cursor ? 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'img' : 'div[style], .uiVideoLinkImg'); var src = bg ? bg.getAttribute('src') : ''; if (src) { if (src.indexOf('rsrc.php') > 0) { src = ''; } else if (src && src.indexOf('?') === -1) { src = parseFbSrc(src); } } bg = bg && bg.style ? (bg.style.backgroundImage || '').slice(5, -2) : ''; var url = src || parentSrc || bg; var ohref = href + ''; var fbid = getFbid(href); if(href.match('opaqueCursor')){ if(fbid){ href = location.origin + '/photo.php?fbid=' + fbid; }else{ continue; } }else if(href.match('&')){ href=href.slice(0, href.indexOf('&')); } if(!g.downloaded[fbid]){g.downloaded[fbid]=1;}else{continue;} var ajax = ''; if (!g.notLoadCm && !isVideo) { var q = {}; if (url.indexOf('&src') != -1) { ajax = url.slice(url.indexOf("?")+1,url.indexOf("&src")).split("&"); url = parseFbSrc(url.match(/&src.(.*)/)[1]).replace(/&smallsrc=.*\?/, '?', true); } else { ajax = ohref.slice(ohref.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); var pset = ohref.match(/\/photos\/([\.\d\w-]+)\//); if (pset) { q = {set: pset[1]}; } } for(var j=0;j 0) { url = url.slice(0, url.indexOf('&')); } var title = elms[i].getAttribute('title') || (elms[i].querySelector('img') ? elms[i].querySelector('img').getAttribute('alt') : '') || ''; title=title.indexOf(' ')>0?title:''; title=title.indexOf(': ')>0||title.indexOf('๏ผš ')>0?title.slice(title.indexOf(' ')+1):title; if(!title){ t=getParent(elms[i],'.timelineUnitContainer')||getParent(elms[i],'.mainWrapper'); if(t){var target1=t.querySelectorAll('.fwb').length>1?'':t.querySelector('.userContent');} var target2=elms[i].getAttribute('aria-label')||''; if(target2){title=target2;} if(title===''&&target1){title=target1.innerHTML.match(/
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(' + g.photodata.photos.length + ')'; if (payload.message_shared_media.page_info.has_next_page) { g.ajax = payload.message_shared_media.page_info.end_cursor; getFbMessagesPhotos(); } else if (g.photodata.photos.length) { output(); } }; xhr.open('POST', url); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.send(data); } function getQL(type, target, key) { if (g.pageType === 'album') { if (!g.elms.length && !g.ajaxStartFrom) { return 'Query PhotoAlbumRoute {node(' + g.pageAlbumId + ') {id,__typename,@F8}} QueryFragment F0 : Photo {album {' + 'album_type,id},can_viewer_edit,id,owner {id,__typename}} ' + 'QueryFragment F1 : Photo {can_viewer_delete,id} QueryFragment F2 : ' + 'Feedback {does_viewer_like,id} QueryFragment F3 : Photo {id,album {' + 'id,name},feedback {id,can_viewer_comment,can_viewer_like,likers {' + 'count},comments {count},@F2}} QueryFragment F4 : Photo {' + 'can_viewer_edit,id,image as _image1LP0rd {uri},url,modified_time,' + 'message {text},@F0,@F1,@F3} QueryFragment F5 : Node {id,__typename}' + ' QueryFragment F6 : Album {can_upload,id} QueryFragment F7 : Album' + ' {id,media.first(28) as ' + key + ' {edges {node {__typename,@F4,' + '@F5},cursor},page_info {has_next_page,has_previous_page}},owner {' + 'id,__typename},@F6} QueryFragment F8 : Album {can_edit_caption,' + 'can_upload,id,media.first(28) as ' + key + ' {edges {node {' + '__typename,@F4,@F5},cursor},page_info {has_next_page,' + 'has_previous_page}},message {text},modified_time,owner {' + 'id,name,__typename},@F6,@F7}'; } return 'Query ' + type + ' {node('+ g.pageAlbumId + ') {@F6}} QueryFragment F0 : Photo {album {album_type,id},' + 'can_viewer_edit,id,owner {id,__typename}} QueryFragment F1 : ' + 'Photo {can_viewer_delete,id} QueryFragment F2 : Feedback ' + '{does_viewer_like,id} QueryFragment F3 : Photo {id,album {id,name},' + 'feedback {id,can_viewer_comment,can_viewer_like,likers {count},' + 'comments {count},@F2}} QueryFragment F4 : Photo {can_viewer_edit,id,' + 'image as _image1LP0rd {uri},url,modified_time,message {text},' + '@F0,@F1,@F3} QueryFragment F5 : Node ' + '{id,__typename} QueryFragment F6 : ' + target + '.first(28) as ' + key +' {edges {node {__typename,@F4,@F5},cursor},' + 'page_info {has_next_page,has_previous_page}}}'; } else { if (g.pageType === 'other' && !g.elms.length && !g.ajaxStartFrom) { return 'Query MediaPageRoute {node(' + g.pageId + ') {id,__typename,' + '@F5}} QueryFragment F0 : Photo {album {album_type,id},' + 'can_viewer_edit,id,owner {id,__typename}} QueryFragment F1 : ' + 'Photo {can_viewer_delete,id} QueryFragment F2 : Feedback {' + 'does_viewer_like,id} QueryFragment F3 : Photo {id,album {id,name}' + ',feedback {id,can_viewer_comment,can_viewer_like,likers {count},' + 'comments {count},@F2}} QueryFragment F4 : Photo {can_viewer_edit,' + 'id,image as _image1LP0rd {uri},url,modified_time,message {text},' + '@F0,@F1,@F3} QueryFragment F5 : Page {id,photos_by_others.first(28)' + ' as _photos_by_others4vtdVT {count,edges {node {id,@F4},cursor}, ' + 'page_info {has_next_page,has_previous_page}}}'; } return 'Query ' + type + ' {node(' + g.pageId + ') {@F3}} QueryFragment F0 : Feedback {does_viewer_like,id} ' + 'QueryFragment F1 : Photo {id,album {id,name},feedback ' + '{id,can_viewer_comment,can_viewer_like,likers {count},' + 'comments {count},@F0}} QueryFragment F2 : Photo {image' + ' as _image1LP0rd {uri},url,id,modified_time,message {text},@F1} ' + 'QueryFragment F3 : ' + target + '.first(28) as ' + key + ' {edges {' + 'node {id,@F2},cursor},page_info {has_next_page,has_previous_page}}}'; } } function fbLoadPage() { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var docId, key, type; switch (g.pageType) { case 'album': docId = '2101400366588328'; key = 'media'; type = 'PagePhotosTabAlbumPhotosGridPaginationQuery'; break; case 'other': docId = '2064054117024427'; key = 'photos_by_others'; type = 'PagePhotosTabPostByOthersPhotoGridsRelayModernPaginationQuery'; break; case 'posted': default: docId = '1887586514672506'; key = 'posted_photos'; type = 'PagePhotosTabAllPhotosGridPaginationQuery'; } xhr.onload = function() { var r = extractJSON(this.responseText); var d = (r.data.page || r.data.album)[key]; var images = d.edges, img, e = []; var doc = document.createElement('div'); for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { img = images[i].node; doc.innerHTML = ''; e.push(doc.childNodes[0].cloneNode(true)); g.last_fbid = img.id; } g.elms = g.elms.concat(e); if (g.pageType === 'album' && images.length) { g.photodata.aName = images[0].node.album.name; } g.statusEle.textContent = 'Loading album... 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'photos' : 'photos_of', lst: lst.lst, ftid: null, order: null, sk: 'photos', importer_state: null }; } if (g.isPage) { ajaxAlbum = location.origin + '/ajax/pagelet/generic.php/' + 'PagesVideoHubVideoContainerPagelet?data=' + escape(JSON.stringify(g.cursor)) + '&__user=' + g.Env.user + '&__a=1'; } else if (isGraph) { ajaxAlbum = location.origin + '/ajax/pagelet/generic.php/' + 'BrowseScrollingSetPagelet?data=' + escape(JSON.stringify(aInfo)) + '&__user=' + g.Env.user + '&__a=1'; }else if(!g.newL || isGp || isAl){ targetURL = isGp ? 'GroupPhotoset' : (g.isVideo ? 'TimelinePhotoSet' : 'TimelinePhotos' + (isAl ? 'Album' : (isPS ? 'Stream' : ''))); ajaxAlbum = location.origin + '/ajax/pagelet/generic.php/' + targetURL + 'Pagelet?ajaxpipe=1&ajaxpipe_token=' + g.Env.ajaxpipe_token + '&no_script_path=1&data=' + JSON.stringify(aInfo) + '&__user=' + g.Env.user + '&__a=1&__adt=2'; }else{ var req = 5+(qSA('.fbStarGrid>div').length-8)/8*2 tab=qSA('#pagelet_timeline_medley_photos a[role="tab"]'); pType = +p.split(':')[2]; targetURL = ""; switch(pType){ case 4: targetURL = 'TaggedPhotosAppCollection'; break; case 5: targetURL = 'AllPhotosAppCollection'; break; case 70: targetURL = "UntaggedPhotosAppCollection"; cursor = btoa('0:not_structured:'+l); aInfo = {"collection_token": p, "cursor": cursor, "tab_key": "photos_untagged","profile_id": +userId,"overview":false,"ftid":null,"sk":"photos"}; break; } ajaxAlbum = location.origin + '/ajax/pagelet/generic.php/' + targetURL+ 'Pagelet?data=' + escape(JSON.stringify(aInfo)) + '&__user=' + g.Env.user+'&__a=1'; } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function(){ clearTimeout( g.timeout ); if(this.status!=200){ if(!confirm('Autoload failed.\nTry again->OK\nOutput loaded photos->Cancel')){g.lastLoaded=1;}getPhotos();return; } var r=this.response,htmlBase=document.createElement('html'); var newL = r.indexOf('for')==0; var eCount = 0, e, old; if(!newL){ htmlBase.innerHTML=r.slice(6,-7); var targetJS=htmlBase.querySelectorAll('script'); for(var k=0;!newL && k5){if(confirm('Timeout reached.\nTry again->OK\nOutput loaded photos->Cancel')){g.ajaxRetry=0;}else{g.lastLoaded=1;}}getPhotos(); },10000); xhr.send(); } function _instaQueryAdd(elms) { for (var i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) { var feed = elms[i]; if (!elms || g.downloaded[feed.id]) { continue; } else { g.downloaded[feed.id] = 1; } var c = feed.edge_media_to_comment || {count: 0}; var cList = [c.count]; for (var k = 0; c.edges && k < c.edges.length; k++) { var p = c.edges[k].node; cList.push({ name: p.owner.username, url: 'http://instagram.com/' + p.owner.username, text: p.text, date: parseTime(p.created_at) }); } var url; var isAlbum = feed.__typename === 'GraphSidecar'; var edges = !isAlbum ? [feed] : feed.edge_sidecar_to_children.edges; for (var j = 0; j < edges.length; j++) { var n = !isAlbum ? edges[j] : edges[j].node; url = parseFbSrc(n.display_url || n.display_src); var caption = feed.edge_media_to_caption; if (caption) { caption = caption.edges.length ? caption.edges[0].node.text : ''; } var tags = n.edge_media_to_tagged_user; var tagHtml = ''; if (tags && tags.edges && tags.edges.length) { tagHtml = '
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' + username + '
'; } tagHtml += '
'; } var date = feed.date || feed.taken_at_timestamp; const p = { title: j === 0 && caption ? caption : (feed.caption || ''), url: url, href: `https://www.instagram.com/p/${feed.shortcode}/`, date: date ? parseTime(date) : '', comments: c.count && j === 0 && cList.length > 1 ? cList : '', tag: tagHtml }; if (n.is_video) { p.videoIdx = g.photodata.videos.length; g.photodata.videos.push({ url: n.video_url, thumb: url }); } g.photodata.photos.push(p); } } } function _instaQueryProcess(elms) { for (var i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) { if (elms[i].node) { elms[i] = elms[i].node; } var feed = elms[i]; if (!elms[i] || (g.downloaded && g.downloaded[feed.id])) { continue; } var isAlbum = feed.__typename === 'GraphSidecar'; var isVideo = feed.__typename === 'GraphVideo'; if (isAlbum || isVideo) { var albumIncomplete = isAlbum && (!feed.edge_sidecar_to_children || feed.edge_sidecar_to_children.edges .filter(e => e.node.is_video && !e.node.video_url).length); if (g.skipAlbum) { elms[i] = null; continue; } else if (albumIncomplete || (isVideo && !feed.video_url)) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { try { var data = JSON.parse(this.response); elms[i] = data.graphql.shortcode_media; } catch (e) { elms[i] = null; } setTimeout(function() { _instaQueryProcess(elms); }, 500); }; var code = feed.shortcode || feed.code; xhr.open('GET', 'https://www.instagram.com/p/' + code + '/?__a=1'); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Instagram-GIS', md5(g.rhx_gis + ':/p/' + code + '/')); xhr.send(); return; } } } _instaQueryAdd(elms); var total = g.total; var photodata = g.photodata; console.log('Loaded '+photodata.photos.length+' of '+total+' photos.'); g.statusEle.textContent = 'Loaded ' + photodata.photos.length + ' / '+ total; document.title="("+photodata.photos.length+"/"+total+") ||"+photodata.aName; if (qS('#stopAjaxCkb') && qS('#stopAjaxCkb').checked) { output(); } else if (g.ajax && +g.mode !== 2) { setTimeout(instaQuery, 1000); } else { output(); } } function instaQuery() { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status === 429) { alert('Too many request, Please try again later.'); if (!qS('.daExtra').innerHTML) { qS('.daExtra').innerHTML = 'Continue'; qS('.daContinue').addEventListener('click', instaQuery); } return; } if (this.response[0] == '<') { if (confirm('Cannot load comments, continue?')) { g.loadCm = false; instaQuery(); } return; } var res = JSON.parse(this.response).data.user res = g.isTagged ? res.edge_user_to_photos_of_you : res.edge_owner_to_timeline_media; g.ajax = res.page_info.has_next_page ? res.page_info.end_cursor : null; _instaQueryProcess(res.edges); }; var variables = JSON.stringify({ id: g.Env.user.id, first: 30, after: g.ajax }); xhr.open('GET', 'https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?' + 'query_hash=' + g.queryHash + '&variables=' + variables); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Instagram-GIS', md5(g.rhx_gis + ':' + variables)); xhr.send(); } function getInstagramQueryId() { const s = qS('script[src*="ProfilePageContainer"]'); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { const src = this.response.replace(/void 0/g, ''); const regex = new RegExp(`${g.isTagged ? 'taggedPosts' : 'profilePosts'}\\S+queryId:"(\\S+)"`) let id = src.match(regex); if (id) { g.queryHash = id[1]; } else { alert('Cannot get query id, using fallback instead'); g.queryHash = g.isTagged ? 'de71ba2f35e0b59023504cfeb5b9857e' : 'a5164aed103f24b03e7b7747a2d94e3c'; } if (g.isTagged) { g.ajax = ''; return instaQuery(); } getInstagram(); }; xhr.open('GET', s.src); xhr.send(); } function getInstagram() { if (g.start != 2 || g.start == 3) { return; } g.start = 3; if (g.Env.user.biography !== undefined) { if (!g.Env.media) { closeDialog(); return alert('Cannot download private account.'); } var res = g.Env.media; g.ajax = res.page_info.has_next_page ? res.page_info.end_cursor : null; _instaQueryProcess(res.edges); } } async function getTwitter() { let url = 'https://api.twitter.com/2/timeline/media/' + g.id + '.json?skip_status=1&tweet_mode=extended&include_entities=false&count=20' + (g.ajax ? ('&cursor=' + encodeURIComponent(g.ajax)) : ''); let r = await fetch(url, { credentials: 'include', headers: { 'authorization': 'Bearer ' + g.token, 'x-csrf-token': g.csrf }}); r = await r.json(); const photodata = g.photodata; let keys = Object.keys(r.globalObjects.tweets); keys.sort((a, b) => (+b - +a)); if (g.photodata.aAuth === null) { const user = r.globalObjects.users[g.id]; photodata.aName = user.screen_name; photodata.aAuth = user.name; photodata.aDes = user.description; g.total = user.media_count; g.aTime = parseTime(new Date(r.globalObjects.tweets[keys[0]].created_at), true); } for (let k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { const t = r.globalObjects.tweets[keys[k]]; if (!t.extended_entities) { continue; } const media = t.extended_entities.media; for (let i = 0; i < media.length; i++) { const m = media[i]; const p = { title: i === 0 ? t.text : '', url: m.media_url_https + '?name=orig', href: 'https://' + m.display_url, date: parseTime(new Date(t.created_at), true) }; if (m.type === 'video') { p.videoIdx = photodata.videos.length; m.video_info.variants.sort((a, b) => ((b.bitrate || 0) - (a.bitrate || 0))); photodata.videos.push({ url: m.video_info.variants[0].url, thumb: m.media_url_https }); } photodata.photos.push(p); } } const e = r.timeline.instructions[0].addEntries.entries; if (keys.length === 20 && e[e.length - 1].entryId.indexOf('cursor-bottom') > -1) { const cursor = e[e.length - 1].content.operation.cursor.value; g.ajax = g.ajax === cursor ? false : cursor; } else { g.ajax = false; } document.title = `${photodata.photos.length}/${g.total} || ${photodata.aName}`; g.statusEle.textContent = photodata.photos.length + '/' + g.total; if (qS('#stopAjaxCkb') && qS('#stopAjaxCkb').checked) { output(); } else if (g.ajax) { setTimeout(getTwitter, 1000); } else { output(); } } async function getTwitterInit() { let r = await fetch(qS('link[href*="/main"]').getAttribute('href')); r = await r.text(); r = r.match(/="([\w\d]+%3D[\w\d]+)"/g); if (!r) { alert('Cannot get auth token'); return; } g.token = r[0].slice(2, -1); getTwitter(); } function getWeibo() { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: `https://www.weibo.com/p/aj/album/loading?owner_uid=${g.uId}&page_id=${g.pageId}&page=${g.ajaxPage}&ajax_call=1&since_id=${g.ajax}`, onload: function(res) { g.ajaxPage++; var html = getDOM(JSON.parse(res.response).data); var loading = html.querySelector('[node-type="loading"]').getAttribute('action-data'); g.ajax = parseQuery(loading).since_id; var links = html.querySelectorAll("a.ph_ar_box"); var img = html.querySelectorAll("img.photo_pict"); for(var imgCount = 0; imgCount < links.length; imgCount++){ var data = parseQuery(links[imgCount].getAttribute("action-data")); var url = img[imgCount].src.match(/:\/\/([\w\.]+)\//); url = 'https://' + url[1] + '/large/' + data.pid + '.jpg'; if(!g.downloaded[url]){g.downloaded[url]=1;}else{continue;} // For href since pid !== photo_id therefore cannot use direct link g.photodata.photos.push({ title: '', url: url, href: `http://photo.weibo.com/${g.uId}/wbphotos/large/mid/${data.mid}/pid/${data.pid}`, date: '' }); } const count = g.photodata.photos.length; log(`Loaded ${count} photos.`); document.title=`(${count}) ||${g.photodata.aName}`; g.statusEle.textContent = `Loaded ${count}`; if(qS('#stopAjaxCkb')&&qS('#stopAjaxCkb').checked){output();} else if(g.ajax){setTimeout(getWeibo, 2000);}else{output();} } }); } function getWeiboAlbum() { if (!GM_xmlhttpRequest) { return alert("This script required Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey!"); } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: `https://photo.weibo.com/albums/get_all?uid=${g.uId}&page=1&count=20`, onload: function(res) { try { const list = JSON.parse(res.response).data.album_list; g.statusEle.innerHTML = '

Select album to download:

' for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const a = document.createElement('a'); const count = list[i].count.photos; a.textContent = `${list[i].caption} (${count} photos)`; a.addEventListener('click', () => { g.aId = list[i].album_id; g.photodata.aName = list[i].caption; g.total = count; loadWeiboAlbum(); }); g.statusEle.appendChild(a); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert('Cannot get album list, try old method instead.'); getWeibo(); } } }); } function loadWeiboAlbum() { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: `https://photo.weibo.com/photos/get_all?uid=${g.uId}&` + `album_id=${g.aId}&count=30&page=${g.ajaxPage}&type=3`, onload: function(res) { g.ajaxPage++; let ended = false; try { const list = JSON.parse(res.response).data.photo_list; ended = list.length === 0; if (ended) { alert('Reached end of album due to author setting.'); } let lastCaption = ''; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const e = list[i]; const url = `${e.pic_host}/large/${e.pic_name}`; if (!g.downloaded[url]) { g.downloaded[url] = 1; } else { continue; } g.photodata.photos.push({ title: e.caption == lastCaption ? '' : e.caption, url: url, href: `https://photo.weibo.com/${g.uId}/talbum/detail/photo_id/${e.photo_id}`, date: parseTime(e.timestamp) }); lastCaption = e.caption; } const count = g.photodata.photos.length; log(`Loaded ${count} photos.`); document.title=`(${count}/${g.total}) ||${g.photodata.aName}`; g.statusEle.textContent = `Loaded ${count}/${g.total}`; if (qS('#stopAjaxCkb') && qS('#stopAjaxCkb').checked || ended) { output(); } else if (count < g.total) { setTimeout(loadWeiboAlbum, 2000); } else { output(); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert('Cannot get album photos, try old method instead.'); getWeibo(); } } }); } function parsePinterest(list){ var photodata = g.photodata; for(var j = 0; j < list.length; j++){ if (list[j].name || !list[j].images) { continue; } photodata.photos.push({ title: list[j].description + '
Pinned from ' + list[j].domain + '', url: (list[j].images.orig || list[j].images['736x']).url, href: 'https://www.pinterest.com/pin/' + list[j].id + '/', date: list[j].created_at ? new Date(list[j].created_at).toLocaleString() : false }); } log('Loaded ' + photodata.photos.length + ' photos.'); } function getPinterest(){ var board = location.pathname.match(/([^\/]+)/g); if (board && board[0] === 'pin') { closeDialog(); var img = qS('.pinImage, .imageLink img'); if (img) { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = img.getAttribute('src'); link.download = ''; link.click(); } return; } g.source = board ? encodeURIComponent(location.pathname) : '/'; var s = qS('#initial-state') ? extractJSON(getText('#initial-state')) : null; if (!s) { var doc = qSA('script'); for (var i = 0; i < doc.length; i++) { var c = doc[i].textContent; if (c.indexOf('__INITIAL_STATE__') > 0) { s = extractJSON(c.replace(/\\\\\\"/g, '\'').replace(/\\"/g, '"')); break; } } } if (!s || !s.ui || !s.ui.mainComponent) { alert('Cannot load initial state'); return; } var type = s.ui.mainComponent.current; var resources = s.resources.data; while (resources && !resources.data) { const key = Object.keys(resources).filter(k => k !== 'UserResource')[0]; resources = resources[key]; } var r = resources && resources.data ? resources.data : null; g.resource = type.replace(/Feed|Page/g, '') + 'FeedResource'; switch (type) { case 'HomePage': parsePinterest(r); g.bookmarks = { bookmarks: [resources.nextBookmark], prependPartner: false, prependUserNews: false, prependExploreRep: null, field_set_key: 'hf_grid' }; g.resource = 'UserHomefeedResource'; break; case 'BoardPage': g.bookmarks = { board_id: r.id, board_url: r.url, field_set_key: 'react_grid_pin', layout: 'default', page_size: 25 }; break; case 'BoardSectionPage': g.bookmarks = { section_id: r.id, page_size: 25 }; g.resource = 'BoardSectionPinsResource'; g.photodata.aName += ' - ' + r.title; break; case 'DomainFeedPage': g.bookmarks = {domain: board[2]}; break; case 'ProfilePage': switch (board[2]) { case 'pins': g.bookmarks = {username: board[1], field_set_key: 'grid_item'}; g.resource = 'UserPinsResource'; break; case 'likes': g.bookmarks = {username: board[1], page_size: 25}; g.resource = 'UserLikesResource'; break; } break; case 'SearchPage': var query = location.search.slice(1).replace(/&/g, '=').split('='); query = query[query.indexOf('q') + 1]; g.bookmarks = {query: query, scope: board[2]}; break; case 'TopicFeedPage': g.bookmarks = {interest: board[2]}; break; case 'InterestFeedPage': g.bookmarks = {query: board[2]}; break; default: alert('Download type not supported.'); return; } if (type === 'SearchPage' || type === 'InterestFeedPage') { if (r.results) { parsePinterest(r.results); } if (resources.nextBookmark) { g.bookmarks.bookmarks = [resources.nextBookmark]; } g.resource = 'SearchResource'; } getPinterest_sub(); } function getPinterest_sub(){ var photodata = g.photodata; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { var r = JSON.parse(this.responseText); parsePinterest(r.resource_response.data); g.bookmarks = r.resource.options; document.title="("+g.photodata.photos.length+") ||"+g.photodata.aName; g.statusEle.textContent = g.photodata.photos.length + '/' + g.total; if(qS('#stopAjaxCkb')&&qS('#stopAjaxCkb').checked){output();} else if(g.bookmarks.bookmarks[0] != '-end-'){ setTimeout(getPinterest_sub, 1000); }else{ output(); } }; var data = { "options" : g.bookmarks, "context": {} }; var url = location.origin + '/resource/' + g.resource + '/get/'; var data = 'source_url=' + g.source + '&data=' + escape(JSON.stringify(data)) + '&_=' + (+new Date()); xhr.open('POST', url); xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01'); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var token = g.token || document.cookie.match(/csrftoken=(\S+);/) if(token){ if(!g.token){ token = token[1]; g.token = token; } xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', token); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-NEW-APP', 1); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.send(data); }else{ alert('Missing token!'); } } function getAskFM() { var url = g.page || (location.protocol + '//ask.fm/' + g.username + '?no_prev_link=true'); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { var html = getDOM(this.response); var hasMore = html.querySelector('.item-page-next'); var elms = html.querySelectorAll('.streamItem_visual'); var i, box, link, title, url, video; var photodata = g.photodata; for (var i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) { box = getParent(elms[i], '.item'); var img = elms[i].querySelector('img'); if (!img) { continue; } video = box.querySelector('.playIcon'); if (video) { url = img.getAttribute('src'); photodata.videos.push({ url: img.parentNode.getAttribute('href'), thumb: url }); } else { url = img.parentNode.getAttribute('data-url') || img.getAttribute('src'); } link = box.querySelector('.streamItem_meta'); var content = box.querySelector('.streamItem_content'); if (content) { content.removeChild(box.querySelector('.readMore')); } title = 'Q: ' + getText('.streamItem_header', 0, box) + '
' + 'A: ' + getText('.streamItem_content', 0, box); photodata.photos.push({ title: title, url: url, href: 'https://ask.fm' + link.getAttribute('href'), date: link.getAttribute('title'), videoIdx: video ? photodata.videos.length - 1 : undefined }); } console.log('Loaded ' + photodata.photos.length + ' photos.'); g.count += html.querySelectorAll('.item').length; g.statusEle.textContent = g.count + '/' + g.total; document.title = g.statusEle.textContent + ' ||' + g.title; if (g.count < g.total && hasMore && !qS('#stopAjaxCkb').checked) { g.page = hasMore.getAttribute('href'); setTimeout(getAskFM, 500); } else { if (photodata.photos.length) { output(); } else { alert('No photos loaded.'); } } }; xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.send(); } var dFAcore = function(setup, bypass) { g.start=1;g.settings={}; if(!setup&&localStorage['dFASetting']){ g.settings=localStorage['dFASetting']?JSON.parse(localStorage['dFASetting']):{}; } g.mode=g.settings.mode||window.prompt('Please type your choice:\nNormal: 1/press Enter\nDownload without auto load: 2\nAutoload start from specific id: 3\nOptimization for large album: 4')||1; if(g.mode==null){return;} if(g.mode==3){g.ajaxStartFrom=window.prompt('Please enter the fbid:\ni.e. 123456 if photo link is:\nfacebook.com/photo.php?fbid=123456');if(!g.ajaxStartFrom){return;}} if(g.mode==4){g.largeAlbum=true;g.mode=window.prompt('Please type your choice:\nNormal: 1/press Enter\nDownload without auto load: 2\nAutoload start from specific id: 3');} g.loadCm=true; g.notLoadCm=g.settings.notLoadCm||!g.loadCm; g.largeAlbum=g.settings.largeAlbum||g.largeAlbum; g.settings={mode:g.mode,loadCm:g.loadCm,largeAlbum:g.largeAlbum,notLoadCm:g.notLoadCm}; localStorage['dFASetting']=JSON.stringify(g.settings); var aName=document.title,aAuth="",aDes="",aTime="";g.start=2; g.timeOffset=new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/60*-3600000; createDialog(); openWindow(); g.statusEle = qS('.daCounter'); if(location.host.match(/.*facebook.com/)){ if(qS('.fbPhotoAlbumTitle')||qS('.fbxPhotoSetPageHeader')){ aName = getText('.fbPhotoAlbumTitle') || getText("h2") || getText('span[role="heading"][aria-level="3"]:only-child') || document.title; aAuth=getText('#fb-timeline-cover-name')||getText("h2")||getText('.fbStickyHeaderBreadcrumb .uiButtonText')||getText(".fbxPhotoSetPageHeaderByline a"); if(!aAuth){aName=getText('.fbPhotoAlbumTitle'); aAuth=getText('h2');} aDes = getText('.fbPhotoCaptionText', 1) || getText('span[role="heading"][aria-level="4"]'); try{aTime=qS('#globalContainer abbr').title; var aLoc=qS('.fbPhotoAlbumActionList').lastChild; if((!aLoc.tagName||aLoc.tagName!='SPAN')&&(!aLoc.childNodes.length||(aLoc.childNodes.length&&aLoc.childNodes[0].tagName!='IMG'))){aLoc=aLoc.outerHTML?" @ "+aLoc.outerHTML:aLoc.textContent;aTime=aTime+aLoc;}}catch(e){}; } if(location.href.match('/search/')){ var query = qS('input[name="q"][value]'); aName = query ? query.value : document.title; } s = qSA("script"); try{ for(i=0,t, len = s.length; t=s[i].textContent, i 0; g.Env.media = g.isTagged ? { count: 0, edges: [] } : g.Env.user.edge_owner_to_timeline_media; g.total = g.Env.media.count; aName = g.Env.user.full_name || 'Instagram'; aAuth = g.Env.user.username; aLink = g.Env.user.external_url || ('http://instagram.com/'+ aAuth); let aTime = 0 try { aTime = g.Env.media && g.Env.media.edges.length ? g.Env.media.edges[0].node.taken_at_timestamp : 0; } catch (e) {} g.photodata = { aName: aName.replace(/'|"/g,'\"'), aAuth: aAuth, aLink: aLink, aTime: aTime ? 'Last Update: ' + parseTime(aTime) : '', photos: [], videos: [], aDes: (g.Env.user.bio || g.Env.user.biography || '').replace(/'|"/g,'\"') }; g.downloaded = {}; getInstagramQueryId(); }; xhr.open('GET', location.href); xhr.send(); }else if(location.host.match(/twitter.com/)){ g.csrf = document.cookie.split(';').filter(s => s.indexOf('ct0') > -1)[0].split('=')[1]; g.id = qS('img[src*="profile_banners"]') ? qS('img[src*="profile_banners"]').getAttribute('src') : qS('[data-testid$="follow"]').dataset.testid; g.id = g.id.match(/\d+/)[0]; g.ajax = ''; g.photodata = { aAuth: null, aDes: '', aLink: location.href, aName: '', aTime: '', photos: [], videos: [] }; getTwitterInit(); }else if(location.host.match(/weibo.com/)){ try{ aName='ๅพฎๅš้…ๅœ–'; aAuth=getText('.username') || qS('.pf_photo img') ? qS('.pf_photo img').alt : ''; }catch(e){} g.downloaded = {}; var k = qSA('script'), id = ''; for(var i=0; i -1) { tag = tag.replace(/href="/g, 'target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com'); } tag='
'; tagIndi=''; } if(comments){ var co ='
'; try{ if(comments[0]>comments.length-1){ var cLink = comments[1].fbid ? ("https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid="+comments[1].fbid) : comments[1].id; co += '

View all '+comments[0]+' comments

'; } }catch(e){} for(var ii=1; ii'+p.name+' '+(p.fbid?(''):'')+p.date+(p.fbid?'':'')+''; } comments = co + '
'; commentInd=''; } if(d[i].date){dateInd='
';} var videoInd = d[i].videoIdx !== undefined ? `๐ŸŽฅ` : ''; var $t = []; var test = false; var test2 = false; try{if(title.match(/<.*>/))$t = $(title);}catch(e){} try{test = title.match(/hasCaption/) && $t.length;}catch(e){} try{test2 = title.match(/div/) && title.match(/span/)}catch(e){} try{ if(test){ var t=document.createElement('div'); t.innerHTML=title; var junk=t.querySelector('.text_exposed_hide'); if(junk&&junk.length)t.removeChild(junk); title = $t.html(); if(title.indexOf("
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'; var a = '
'; b.push(a)} } const opt = { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' }; const rawFile = new File([JSON.stringify(c)], document.title + '.txt', opt); const rawUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(rawFile); const photos = []; c.photos.forEach(function(item) { photos.push(item.url); }); const photoFile = new File([photos.join('\n')], document.title + '-photos.txt', opt); const photoUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(photoFile); const videos = []; if (c.videos && c.videos.length) { c.videos.forEach(function(item) { videos.push(item.url); }); } const videoFile = new File([videos.join('\n')], document.title + '-videos.txt', opt); const videoUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(videoFile); var tHTML=''+''; tHTML=tHTML+''; tHTML=tHTML+'
'; tHTML=tHTML+'

Download at: '+c.dTime+'

'; tHTML=tHTML+b.join("")+'
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