[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/inanimatt/site-builder.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/inanimatt/site-builder) # Site-builder Site-builder is a simple static site generator. It allows you to create and manage a website out of simple text files and templates. This gives you many of the advantages of a CMS, but because the result is plain old HTML, it's more secure and has higher performance. Site-builder works by copying files from your content directory to an output directory, applying one or more transformation filters on the way. **Note:** There are more stable and better-supported static site generators out there; this is just a personal project to help me learn and improve my code. If you're looking for a well-supported and very capable static site generator, look at [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/) (Ruby), [Hyde](http://ringce.com/hyde) (Python), or [Phrozn](http://www.phrozn.info/en/) or [PieCrust](http://bolt80.com/piecrust/) (both PHP). ## Quick Start 1. [Download the .phar file](https://lazycat.org/download/sitebuilder.phar). It's the whole app in one file, with everything it needs to run. 2. Put `sitebuilder.phar` in the directory where you want to keep the installation. 3. Run `php sitebuilder.phar init` to create directories, config, and sample files. 4. Test your installation with `php sitebuilder.phar rebuild`. If it works, you should see a generated `example.html` file in the `output` directory. 5. Replace the default template with your own. Twig is a pretty straightforward template language; just put {{ content | raw }} where you want your page content to appear. Read on for more help and links to the Twig docs. 6. Create your content files. You can write plain HTML (and save as `.html`), or Markdown (and save as `.md` or `.markdown`). You can make sub-directories too. Read on for more info on Markdown, including a link to the documentation. 7. Run `php sitebuilder.phar rebuild` to regenerate your site. ## Why use it? Using a CMS or Apache/PHP includes will build your site dynamically upon request, which adds a lot of overhead - your content probably doesn't change very often, and all you really need those things for is to keep your content and your templates separate. By contrast, static site generators run offline and rebuild your site as flat HTML when you change your content. A web server like Apache can deliver flat HTML files hundreds of times more efficiently than processing PHP files every time they're requested. Site-builder is yet another SSG. Out of the box it supports Twig templates, and content files in HTML and Markdown. It's also extensible, so you can add transformations for any other behaviour you want. ## Requirements * PHP 5.3 or newer. If you use Ubuntu or Debian, you may need to install the `php5-cli` package to let you run scripts on the command-line. If you aren't running the .phar edition, you'll need these: * Twig 1.6 or newer * "dflydev"'s Markdown library * Symfony2 Components: Yaml, Config, DependencyInjection, ClassLoader, Console A `composer.json` file is included to handle the installation of these requirements. See the next section for more about this. ## Installation 1. [Download](https://github.com/inanimatt/site-builder/zipball/master) or clone this repository. 2. From the command-line, run `curl http://getcomposer.org/installer | php` and follow the on-screen instructions to install Composer. 3. Run `php composer.phar install` to install all the required libraries into the `vendor` directory. 4. Test the installation by running `php sitebuilder.php rebuild`. Check for files in the `output` directory. 5. If you're helping to develop Site-builder, run `php composer.phar install --dev` to install PHPUnit, and run it with `vendor/bin/phpunit`. You can copy `phpunit.xml.dist` to `phpunit.xml` if you want to change it. Rebuild the phar with the `compile.php` script. ## Usage ### The basics 1. Put your content (e.g. `index.html`, `about-me.md`) into the `content` directory. Content files are just that: the main content of the page you want to publish. The name of the file when you publish will be the same as the content file, except with `.html` instead of the original extension. You can create sub-directories in your content directory and they'll be created in the output directory when you publish, so don't feel like you have to cram everything into the same directory. 2. The default template is `template.twig` in the `templates` directory. Change it however you like. You can also change the default template in `config.ini`. More on that later. The content of your content files is placed into the template variable called `$content` (or `{{content}}` in Twig). 3. Run `php sitebuilder.php rebuild` to render every file and save it to the `output` directory. ### Templates Twig is a fast, clean, and extensible template language with a syntax very similar to Jinja and Django's templating systems. Read more about [writing Twig templates](http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/templates.html) here. Twig escapes output by default, which is very safe and good practice. However the `content` variable which contains your page content probably shouldn't be escaped. You can tell Twig not to escape it by passing it through the `raw` filter, i.e. `{{ content | raw }}` ### Content Site-builder accepts content in either HTML or Markdown format. Pick whichever you prefer, or use both. Both have an optional "front matter" block which contains instructions you can pass to the template. ### HTML & Twig content format Look at `content/example.html` for an example. The file is like any other HTML file and you can write whatever you like into it. The only difference is an optional front matter block, which allows you to pass more information to the template when you rebuild the site. When the page is published, the contents of the file are passed to the template in the `content` variable along with anything else you define in your front matter block. ```html --- title: This is my page title ---
This is my content file. There are many like it but this one is mine.
``` If you set the `template` variable in your front matter, then Site-builder will render the page with that template instead of the default. ### Markdown & Twig content format Markdown is an "easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format", which is then turned into valid, clean HTML. It was developed by John Gruber and is very popular. [This page](https://raw.github.com/inanimatt/site-builder/master/README.md) itself was written in Markdown. A simple example markdown content file can be found in `content/markdown-example.md`. Read more about [writing Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics) here. There are four important things to note about Markdown content files in Site-builder: 1. Markdown can contain plain old HTML, so don't feel constrained by it! 2. Your markdown content files should end in either `.markdown` or `.md` 3. Site-builder looks for (but doesn't require) a "front-matter" block where you can set variables to be passed to your template. 4. Site-builder uses [Markdown Extra](http://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/) by default. It add some features to Markdown, like tables, ids, code blocks, and footnotes. The front-matter block is written in YAML and looks like this: ```yaml --- title: This is my page title template: myTemplate.twig --- My page title ============= Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. ``` When you rebuild the site, Markdown files are converted into HTML and then passed to either the default template, or whichever template you named in the front-matter block. The HTML content is set on the `{{ content | raw }}` variable in the template. ## Contributing I'd love to have pull requests to improve Site-Builder. Please raise an issue first though, in case someone's already working on the feature. * I think I've got good unit test coverage, but I'm no expert. Any help with tests would be appreciated. * Documentation (end user and developer). I've started to add doc-comments and there's this README, but there could be more and better, I know. * A navigation generator object passed to the templates that represents the site structure, so that templates can create left navigation. It should ignore resource files and be context aware (so links in sub-directories don't break). * **Please submit pull requests to the `dev` branch!** The master branch is for tested, stable releases only. ## Contributors * [inouire](https://github.com/inouire)