'', 'name' => '', 'layout' => '', 'notify' => $email, 'notify_subject' => '{{site-name}} {{form-name}} - New Lead Conversion', 'labels' => '', 'font_size' => '', /* set default from CSS */ 'width' => '', 'redirect' => '', 'icon' => '', 'lists' => '', 'tags' => '', 'submit' => 'Submit', 'submit_colors' => '', 'submit_text_color' => '', 'submit_bg_color' => '' ), $atts)); if (!$id && isset($_GET['post'])) { $id = intval($_GET['post']); } $form_name = $name; /*$form_name = strtolower(str_replace(array(' ','_', '"', "'"),'-',$form_name)); */ $form_layout = $layout; $form_labels = $labels; $form_labels_class = (isset($form_labels)) ? "inbound-label-" . $form_labels : 'inbound-label-inline'; $submit_button = ($submit != "") ? $submit : 'Submit'; $icon_insert = ($icon != "" && $icon != 'none') ? '' : ''; /* Set submit button colors */ if (isset($submit_colors) && $submit_colors === 'on') { $submit_bg = " background:" . $submit_bg_color . "; border: 5px solid " . $submit_bg_color . "; border-radius: 3px;"; $submit_color = " color:" . $submit_text_color . ";"; } else { $submit_bg = ""; $submit_color = ""; } if (preg_match("/px/", $font_size)) { $font_size = (isset($font_size)) ? " font-size: $font_size;" : ''; } else if (preg_match("/%/", $font_size)) { $font_size = (isset($font_size)) ? " font-size: $font_size;" : ''; } else if (preg_match("/em/", $font_size)) { $font_size = (isset($font_size)) ? " font-size: $font_size;" : ''; } else if ($font_size == "") { $font_size = ''; } else { $font_size = (isset($font_size)) ? " font-size:" . $font_size . "px;" : ''; } /* Check for image in submit button option */ if (preg_match('/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)(?:[\?\#].*)?$/i', $submit_button)) { $image_button = ' color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);border: none;box-shadow: none;background: transparent; border-radius:0px;padding: 0px;'; $inner_button = ""; $icon_insert = ''; $submit_button = ''; } else { $image_button = ''; $inner_button = ''; } /* Sanitize width input */ if (preg_match('/px/i', $width)) { $fixed_width = str_replace("px", "", $width); $width_output = "width:" . $fixed_width . "px;"; } elseif (preg_match('/%/i', $width)) { $fixed_width_perc = str_replace("%", "", $width); $width_output = "width:" . $fixed_width_perc . "%;"; } else { $width_output = "width:" . $width . "px;"; } $form_width = ($width != "") ? $width_output : ''; /*if (!preg_match_all("/(.?)\[(inbound_field)\b(.*?)(?:(\/))?\](?:(.+?)\[\/inbound_field\])?(.?)/s", $content, $matches)) { */ if (!preg_match_all('/(.?)\[(inbound_field)(.*?)\]/s', $content, $matches)) { return ''; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) { $matches[3][$i] = shortcode_parse_atts($matches[3][$i]); } /*print_r($matches[3]); */ /* matches are $matches[3][$i]['label'] */ $clean_form_id = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', trim($name)); $form_id = strtolower(str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', $clean_form_id)); $form = '
'; $form .= '
'; $main_layout = ($form_layout != "") ? 'inbound-' . $form_layout : 'inbound-normal'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) { $label = (isset($matches[3][$i]['label'])) ? $matches[3][$i]['label'] : ''; $clean_label = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', trim($label)); $formatted_label = strtolower(str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', $clean_label)); $field_placeholder = (isset($matches[3][$i]['placeholder'])) ? $matches[3][$i]['placeholder'] : ''; $placeholder_use = ($field_placeholder != "") ? $field_placeholder : $label; if ($field_placeholder != "") { $form_placeholder = "placeholder='" . $placeholder_use . "'"; } else if (isset($form_labels) && $form_labels === "placeholder") { $form_placeholder = "placeholder='" . $placeholder_use . "'"; } else { $form_placeholder = ""; } $description_block = (isset($matches[3][$i]['description'])) ? $matches[3][$i]['description'] : ''; $field_container_class = (isset($matches[3][$i]['field_container_class'])) ? $matches[3][$i]['field_container_class'] : ''; $field_input_class = (isset($matches[3][$i]['field_input_class'])) ? $matches[3][$i]['field_input_class'] : ''; $required = (isset($matches[3][$i]['required'])) ? $matches[3][$i]['required'] : '0'; $req = ($required === '1') ? 'required data-required="true"' : ''; $exclude_tracking = (isset($matches[3][$i]['exclude_tracking'])) ? $matches[3][$i]['exclude_tracking'] : '0'; $et_output = ($exclude_tracking === '1') ? ' data-ignore-form-field="true"' : ''; $req_label = ($required === '1') ? '*' : ''; $map_field = (isset($matches[3][$i]['map_to'])) ? $matches[3][$i]['map_to'] : ''; if ($map_field != "") { $field_name = $map_field; } else { /*$label = self::santize_inputs($label); */ $field_name = strtolower(str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', $label)); } $data_mapping_attr = ($map_field != "") ? ' data-map-form-field="' . $map_field . '" ' : ''; /* Map Common Fields */ (preg_match('/Email|e-mail|email/i', $label, $email_input)) ? $email_input = " inbound-email" : $email_input = ""; /* Match Phone */ (preg_match('/Phone|phone number|telephone/i', $label, $phone_input)) ? $phone_input = " inbound-phone" : $phone_input = ""; /* match name or first name. (minus: name=, last name, last_name,) */ (preg_match('/(?'; } if ($show_labels && $form_labels != "bottom" || $type === "radio") { $form .= ''; } if ($type === 'textarea') { $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'dropdown') { $dropdown_fields = array(); $dropdown = $matches[3][$i]['dropdown']; $dropdown_fields = explode(",", $dropdown); $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'dropdown_countries') { $dropdown_fields = self::get_countries_array(); $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'date-selector') { $m = date('m'); $d = date('d'); $y = date('Y'); $months = self::get_date_selectons('months'); $days = self::get_date_selectons('days'); $years = self::get_date_selectons('years'); $form .= '
'; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= ' '; $form .= '
'; } else if ($type === 'date') { if ($dynamic_value != "") { $fill_value = $dynamic_value; } else { $fill_value = ''; } $form .= ''; $form .= ' '; } else if ($type === 'time') { if ( $dynamic_value != "") { $fill_value = $dynamic_value; } else { $fill_value = ''; } $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'radio') { $radio_fields = array(); $radio = $matches[3][$i]['radio']; $radio_fields = explode(",", $radio); /* $clean_radio = str_replace(array(' ','_'),'-',$value) /* clean leading spaces. finish */ foreach ($radio_fields as $key => $value) { $radio_val_trimmed = trim($value); $radio_val = strtolower(str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', $radio_val_trimmed)); /*check for label-value separator (pipe) */ $pos = strrpos($value, "|"); if ($required) { $reqTag = "required"; } else { $reqTag = ""; } /*if not found, use standard replacement (lowercase and spaces become dashes) */ if ($pos === false) { $form .= '' . $radio_val_trimmed . ''; } else { /*otherwise left side of separator is label, right side is value */ $option = explode("|", $value); $form .= '' . trim($option[0]) . ''; } } } else if ($type === 'checkbox') { $checkbox_fields = array(); $checkbox = $matches[3][$i]['checkbox']; $checkbox_fields = explode(",", $checkbox); foreach ($checkbox_fields as $key => $value) { $value = html_entity_decode($value); $checkbox_val_trimmed = trim($value); $checkbox_val = strtolower(str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', $checkbox_val_trimmed)); /*check for label-value separator (pipe) */ $pos = strrpos($value, "|"); /*if not found, use standard replacement (lowercase and spaces become dashes) */ if ($pos === false) { $form .= '' . $checkbox_val_trimmed . '
'; } else { /*otherwise left side of separator is label, right side is value */ $option = explode("|", $value); $form .= '' . trim($option[0]) . '
'; } } } else if ($type === 'html-block') { $html = $matches[3][$i]['html']; /*echo $html; */ $form .= "
"; $form .= do_shortcode(html_entity_decode($html)); $form .= "
"; } else if ($type === 'divider') { $divider = $matches[3][$i]['divider_options']; /*echo $html; */ $form .= "
" . $divider . "
"; } else if ($type === 'editor') { /*wp_editor(); /* call wp editor */ } else if ($type === 'honeypot') { $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'datetime-local') { if ($type === 'hidden' && $dynamic_value != "") { $fill_value = $dynamic_value; } $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'url') { if ( $dynamic_value != "") { $fill_value = $dynamic_value; } else { $fill_value = ''; } $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'tel') { if ( $dynamic_value != "") { $fill_value = $dynamic_value; } else { $fill_value = ''; } $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'email') { if ($dynamic_value != "") { $fill_value = $dynamic_value; } else { $fill_value = ''; } $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'range') { $range = $matches[3][$i]['range']; $options = explode('|', $range); $options[0] = (isset($options[0])) ? $options[0] : 1; $options[1] = (isset($options[1])) ? $options[1] : 100; $options[2] = (isset($options[2])) ? $options[2] : 1; $hidden_param = (isset($matches[3][$i]['dynamic'])) ? $matches[3][$i]['dynamic'] : ''; $fill_value = (isset($matches[3][$i]['default'])) ? $matches[3][$i]['default'] : ''; $dynamic_value = (isset($_GET[$hidden_param])) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET[$hidden_param]) : ''; $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'text') { if ($dynamic_value) { $fill_value = $dynamic_value; } else { $fill_value = ''; } $input_type = ($email_input) ? 'email' : 'text'; $form .= ''; } else if ($type === 'hidden') { if ($dynamic_value) { $fill_value = $dynamic_value; } $form .= ''; } else { $form = apply_filters('inbound_form_custom_field', $form, $matches[3][$i], $form_id); } if ($show_labels && $form_labels === "bottom" && $type != "radio") { $form .= ''; } if ($description_block != "" && $type != 'hidden') { $form .= "
" . html_entity_decode($description_block) . "
"; } if ($type != 'honeypot') { $form .= '
'; } } /* End Loop */ $current_page = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; $form .= '
'; /* */ $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ""; $form = preg_replace('/
/', '', $form); /* remove editor br tags */ return $form; } } /** * Sanitizes form inputs */ static function santize_inputs($content) { /* Strip HTML Tags */ $clear = strip_tags($content); /* Clean up things like & */ $clear = html_entity_decode($clear); /* Strip out any url-encoded stuff */ $clear = urldecode($clear); /* Replace non-AlNum characters with space */ $clear = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', ' ', $clear); /* Replace Multiple spaces with single space */ $clear = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $clear); /* Trim the string of leading/trailing space */ $clear = trim($clear); return $clear; } /** * Create shorter shortcode for [inbound_forms] */ static function inbound_short_form_create($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'id' => '', ), $atts)); $id = str_replace('form_' , '' , $id ); $shortcode = get_post_meta($id, 'inbound_shortcode', TRUE); /* If form id missing add it */ if (!preg_match('/id="/', $shortcode)) { $shortcode = str_replace("[inbound_form", "[inbound_form id=\"" . $id . "\"", $shortcode); } if ($id === 'default_3') { $shortcode = '[inbound_form name="Form Name" layout="vertical" labels="top" submit="Submit" ][inbound_field label="Email" type="text" required="1" ][/inbound_form]'; } if ($id === 'default_1') { $shortcode = '[inbound_form name="3 Field Form" layout="vertical" labels="top" submit="Submit" ][inbound_field label="First Name" type="text" required="0" ][inbound_field label="Last Name" type="text" required="0" ][inbound_field label="Email" type="text" required="1" placeholder="Enter Your Email Address" ][/inbound_form]'; } if ($id === 'default_2') { $shortcode = '[inbound_form name="Standard Company Form" layout="vertical" labels="top" submit="Submit" ] [inbound_field label="First Name" type="text" required="0" placeholder="Enter Your First Name" ] [inbound_field label="Last Name" type="text" required="0" placeholder="Enter Your Last Name" ] [inbound_field label="Email" type="text" required="1" placeholder="Enter Your Email Address" ] [inbound_field label="Company Name" type="text" required="0" placeholder="Enter Your Company Name" ] [inbound_field label="Job Title" type="text" required="0" placeholder="Enter Your Job Title" ] [/inbound_form]'; } if (empty($shortcode)) { $shortcode = "Form ID: " . $id . " Not Found"; } if ($id === 'none') { $shortcode = ""; } return do_shortcode($shortcode); } /** * Enqueue JS & CSS */ static function register_script() { wp_enqueue_style('inbound-shortcodes'); wp_enqueue_script('spin.min', INBOUNDNOW_SHARED_URLPATH . '/shortcodes/js/spin.min.js', null, null, true); } /** * Needs more documentation */ static function print_script() { if (!self::$add_script) { return; } wp_enqueue_style('inbound-shortcodes'); } /** * Needs more documentation */ static function inline_my_script() { if (!self::$add_script) { return; } /* TODO remove this */ ?> $value) { $token_key = str_replace('_', '-', $key); $token_key = str_replace('inbound-', '', $token_key); $content = str_replace('{{' . trim($token_key) . '}}', $value, $content); } foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $token_key = str_replace('_', '-', $key); $token_key = str_replace('inbound-', '', $token_key); $content = str_replace('{{' . trim($token_key) . '}}', $value, $content); } return $content; } /** * Stores conversion activity into form metadata */ static function store_form_stats($form_id, $email) { /* $time = current_time( 'timestamp', 0 ); Current wordpress time from settings */ /* $wordpress_date_time = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", $time); */ $form_conversion_num = get_post_meta($form_id, 'inbound_form_conversion_count', true); $form_conversion_num++; update_post_meta($form_id, 'inbound_form_conversion_count', $form_conversion_num); /* Add Lead Email to Conversions List */ $lead_conversion_list = get_post_meta($form_id, 'lead_conversion_list', TRUE); $lead_conversion_list = json_decode($lead_conversion_list, true); if (is_array($lead_conversion_list)) { $lead_count = count($lead_conversion_list); $lead_conversion_list[$lead_count]['email'] = $email; /* $lead_conversion_list[$lead_count]['date'] = $wordpress_date_time; */ $lead_conversion_list = json_encode($lead_conversion_list); update_post_meta($form_id, 'lead_conversion_list', $lead_conversion_list); } else { $lead_conversion_list = array(); $lead_conversion_list[0]['email'] = $email; /* $lead_conversion_list[0]['date'] = $wordpress_date_time; */ $lead_conversion_list = json_encode($lead_conversion_list); update_post_meta($form_id, 'lead_conversion_list', $lead_conversion_list); } } /** * Perform Actions After a Form Submit */ static function do_actions() { /* only process actions when told to */ if (!isset($_POST['inbound_submitted']) || (!$_POST['inbound_submitted'] || $_POST['inbound_submitted'] =='false' ) ) { return; } $form_post_data = array(); if (isset($_POST['phone_xoxo']) && $_POST['phone_xoxo'] != "") { wp_die($message = 'Die Die Die'); return false; } /* get form submitted form's meta data */ $form_meta_data = get_post_meta($_POST['inbound_form_id']); if (isset($_POST['inbound_furl']) && $_POST['inbound_furl'] != "") { $redirect = base64_decode($_POST['inbound_furl']); } else if (isset($_POST['inbound_current_page_url'])) { $redirect = $_POST['inbound_current_page_url']; } else { $redirect = ""; } /*print_r($_POST); */ foreach ($_POST as $field => $value) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && is_string($value)) { $value = stripslashes($value); } $field = strtolower($field); if (preg_match('/Email|e-mail|email/i', $field)) { $field = "wpleads_email_address"; if (isset($_POST['inbound_form_id']) && $_POST['inbound_form_id'] != "") { self::store_form_stats($_POST['inbound_form_id'], $value); } } $form_post_data[$field] = (!is_array($value)) ? strip_tags($value) : $value; } $form_meta_data['post_id'] = $_POST['inbound_form_id']; /* pass in form id */ /* Send emails if passes spam check returns false */ if (!apply_filters('inbound_check_if_spam', false, $form_post_data)) { self::send_conversion_admin_notification($form_post_data, $form_meta_data); self::send_conversion_lead_notification($form_post_data, $form_meta_data); /* hook runs after form actions are completed and before page redirect */ do_action('inboundnow_form_submit_actions', $form_post_data, $form_meta_data); } /* redirect now */ if ($redirect != "") { $redirect = str_replace('%3F', '/', html_entity_decode($redirect)); wp_redirect($redirect); exit(); } } /** * Sends Notification of New Lead Conversion to Admin & Others Listed on the Form Notification List */ public static function send_conversion_admin_notification($form_post_data, $form_meta_data) { /* Get Lead Email Address */ $lead_email = self::get_email_from_post_data($form_post_data); if (!$lead_email) { return; } if ($template = self::get_new_lead_email_template()) { add_filter('wp_mail_content_type', 'inbound_set_html_content_type'); function inbound_set_html_content_type() { return 'text/html'; } /* Rebuild Form Meta Data to Load Single Values */ foreach ($form_meta_data as $key => $value) { if (isset($value[0])) { $form_meta_data[$key] = $value[0]; } } /* If there's no notification email in place then bail */ if (!isset($form_meta_data['inbound_notify_email']) || !trim($form_meta_data['inbound_notify_email'])) { return; } /* Get Email We Should Send Notifications To */ $email_to = $form_meta_data['inbound_notify_email']; /* Check for Multiple Email Addresses */ $addresses = explode(",", $email_to); if (is_array($addresses) && count($addresses) > 1) { $to_address = $addresses; } else { $to_address[] = $email_to; } /* Look for Custom Subject Line , Fall Back on Default */ $subject = (isset($form_meta_data['inbound_notify_email_subject'])) ? $form_meta_data['inbound_notify_email_subject'] : $template['subject']; /* Discover From Email Address */ foreach ($form_post_data as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/email|e-mail/i', $key)) { $reply_to_email = $form_post_data[$key]; } } $domain = get_option('siteurl'); $domain = str_replace('http://', '', $domain); $domain = str_replace('https://', '', $domain); $domain = str_replace('www', '', $domain); $email_default = 'wordpress@' . $domain; /* Leave here for now switch( get_option('inbound_forms_enable_akismet', 'noreply' ) ) { case 'noreply': BREAK; case 'lead': BREAK; } */ $from_email = get_option('admin_email', $email_default); $from_email = apply_filters('inbound_admin_notification_from_email', $from_email); $reply_to_email = (isset($reply_to_email)) ? $reply_to_email : $from_email; /* Prepare Additional Data For Token Engine */ $form_post_data['redirect_message'] = (isset($form_post_data['inbound_redirect']) && $form_post_data['inbound_redirect'] != "") ? "They were redirected to " . $form_post_data['inbound_redirect'] : ''; /* Discover From Name */ $from_name = get_option('blogname', ''); $from_name = apply_filters('inbound_admin_notification_from_name', $from_name); $Inbound_Templating_Engine = Inbound_Templating_Engine(); $subject = $Inbound_Templating_Engine->replace_tokens($subject, array($form_post_data, $form_meta_data)); $body = $Inbound_Templating_Engine->replace_tokens($template['body'], array($form_post_data, $form_meta_data)); /* Fix broken HTML tags from wp_mail garbage */ /* $body = ' < t d class = "test" > < / td > '; */ $body = preg_replace("/ \>/", ">", $body); $body = preg_replace("/\/ /", "/", $body); $body = preg_replace("/\< /", "<", $body); $body = preg_replace("/\= /", "=", $body); $body = preg_replace("/ \=/", "=", $body); $body = preg_replace("/t d/", "td", $body); $body = preg_replace("/t r/", "tr", $body); $body = preg_replace("/t h/", "th", $body); $body = preg_replace("/t body/", "tbody", $body); $body = preg_replace("/tb ody/", "tbody", $body); $body = preg_replace("/tbo dy/", "tbody", $body); $body = preg_replace("/tbod y/", "tbody", $body); $headers = 'From: ' . $from_name . ' <' . $from_email . '>' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $reply_to_email . "\r\n"; $headers = apply_filters('inbound_email_response/headers', $headers); foreach ($to_address as $key => $recipient) { $result = wp_mail($recipient, $subject, $body, $headers, apply_filters('inbound_lead_notification_attachments', false)); } } } /** * Sends An Email to Lead After Conversion */ public static function send_conversion_lead_notification($form_post_data, $form_meta_data) { /* If Notifications Are Off Then Exit */ if (!isset($form_meta_data['inbound_email_send_notification'][0]) || $form_meta_data['inbound_email_send_notification'][0] != 'on') { return; } /* Listen for Inbound Mailer takeover */ if (apply_filters('inbound-forms/email-reponse-hijack', false, $form_meta_data, $form_post_data)) { return; } /* Get Lead Email Address */ $lead_email = self::get_email_from_post_data($form_post_data); if (!$lead_email) { return; } $Inbound_Templating_Engine = Inbound_Templating_Engine(); $form_id = $form_meta_data['post_id']; /*This is page id or post id */ /* Rebuild Form Meta Data to Load Single Values */ foreach ($form_meta_data as $key => $value) { $form_meta_data[$key] = $value[0]; } $template = get_post($form_id); $content = $template->post_content; $confirm_subject = get_post_meta($form_id, 'inbound_confirmation_subject', TRUE); $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content); //$confirm_email_message = ''; $confirm_email_message = $content; //$confirm_email_message .= '
'; $confirm_subject = apply_filters('inbound_lead_conversion/subject', $confirm_subject, $form_meta_data, $form_post_data); $confirm_email_message = apply_filters('inbound_lead_conversion/body', $confirm_email_message, $form_meta_data, $form_post_data); $confirm_subject = $Inbound_Templating_Engine->replace_tokens($confirm_subject, array($form_post_data, $form_meta_data)); /* add default subject if empty */ if (!$confirm_subject) { $confirm_subject = __('Thank you!', 'inbound-pro'); } $confirm_email_message = $Inbound_Templating_Engine->replace_tokens($confirm_email_message, array($form_post_data, $form_meta_data)); $from_name = get_option('blogname', ''); $from_email = get_option('admin_email'); $headers = "From: " . $from_name . " <" . $from_email . ">\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html'; $headers = apply_filters('inbound_lead_conversion/headers', $headers); wp_mail($lead_email, $confirm_subject, $confirm_email_message, $headers); } public static function get_email_from_post_data( $form_post_data ) { /* Get Lead Email Address */ $lead_email = ''; foreach ($form_post_data as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/email|e-mail/i', $key)) { $lead_email = $form_post_data[$key]; } } /* Redundancy */ if (!$lead_email) { if (isset($form_post_data['email'])) { $lead_email = $form_post_data['email']; } else if (isset($form_post_data['e-mail'])) { $lead_email = $form_post_data['e-mail']; } else if (isset($form_post_data['wpleads_email_address'])) { $lead_email = $form_post_data['wpleads_email_address']; } } $lead_email = str_replace('%40' , '@' , $lead_email); if ($lead_email == 'false') { $lead_email = false; } return $lead_email; } /** * Get Email Template for New Lead Notification * */ static function get_new_lead_email_template() { if (get_option('inbound_admin_notification_inboundnow_link',true)) { $credit = '    ' . __('Leads from Inbound Now', 'inbound-pro') . ' {{date-time}}   '; } else { $credit = ''; } $html = '

' . __('New Lead on {{form-name}}', 'inbound-pro') . '

' . __('There is a new lead that just converted on {{date-time}} from page: {{source}} {{redirect-message}}', 'inbound-pro') . '


' . __('Lead Information', 'inbound-pro') . '

' . __('View Lead Activity', 'inbound-pro') . '

' . __('Pages Viewed', 'inbound-pro') . '

' . __('View Form Data', 'inbound-pro') . '


'; $email_template['subject'] = apply_filters('inbound_new_lead_notification/subject', ''); $email_template['body'] = apply_filters('inbound_new_lead_notification/body', $html); return $email_template; } /** * Prepare an array of days, months, years. Make i18n ready * @param STRING $case lets us know which array to return * * @returns ARRAY of data */ public static function get_date_selectons($case) { switch ($case) { case 'months': return array( '01' => __('Jan', 'inbound-pro'), '02' => __('Feb', 'inbound-pro'), '03' => __('Mar', 'inbound-pro'), '04' => __('Apr', 'inbound-pro'), '05' => __('May', 'inbound-pro'), '06' => __('Jun', 'inbound-pro'), '07' => __('Jul', 'inbound-pro'), '08' => __('Aug', 'inbound-pro'), '09' => __('Sep', 'inbound-pro'), '10' => __('Oct', 'inbound-pro'), '11' => __('Nov', 'inbound-pro'), '12' => __('Dec', 'inbound-pro') ); break; case 'days' : return array( '01' => '01', '02' => '02', '03' => '03', '04' => '04', '05' => '05', '06' => '06', '07' => '07', '08' => '08', '09' => '09', '10' => '10', '11' => '11', '12' => '12', '13' => '13', '14' => '14', '15' => '15', '16' => '16', '17' => '17', '18' => '18', '19' => '19', '20' => '20', '21' => '21', '22' => '22', '23' => '23', '24' => '24', '25' => '25', '26' => '26', '27' => '27', '28' => '28', '29' => '29', '30' => '30', '31' => '31' ); break; case 'years' : for ($i = 1920; $i < 2101; $i++) { $years[$i] = $i; } return $years; break; } } /** * Prepare an array of country codes and country names. Make i18n ready */ public static function get_countries_array() { return array( __('AF', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Afghanistan', 'inbound-pro'), __('AX', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Aland Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('AL', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Albania', 'inbound-pro'), __('DZ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Algeria', 'inbound-pro'), __('AS', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('American Samoa', 'inbound-pro'), __('AD', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Andorra', 'inbound-pro'), __('AO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Angola', 'inbound-pro'), __('AI', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Anguilla', 'inbound-pro'), __('AQ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Antarctica', 'inbound-pro'), __('AG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Antigua and Barbuda', 'inbound-pro'), __('AR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Argentina', 'inbound-pro'), __('AM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Armenia', 'inbound-pro'), __('AW', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Aruba', 'inbound-pro'), __('AU', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Australia', 'inbound-pro'), __('AT', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Austria', 'inbound-pro'), __('AZ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Azerbaijan', 'inbound-pro'), __('BS', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Bahamas', 'inbound-pro'), __('BH', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Bahrain', 'inbound-pro'), __('BD', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Bangladesh', 'inbound-pro'), __('BB', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Barbados', 'inbound-pro'), __('BY', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Belarus', 'inbound-pro'), __('BE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Belgium', 'inbound-pro'), __('BZ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Belize', 'inbound-pro'), __('BJ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Benin', 'inbound-pro'), __('BM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Bermuda', 'inbound-pro'), __('BT', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Bhutan', 'inbound-pro'), __('BO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Bolivia', 'inbound-pro'), __('BA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'inbound-pro'), __('BW', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Botswana', 'inbound-pro'), __('BV', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Bouvet Island', 'inbound-pro'), __('BR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Brazil', 'inbound-pro'), __('IO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('British Indian Ocean Territory', 'inbound-pro'), __('BN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Brunei Darussalam', 'inbound-pro'), __('BG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Bulgaria', 'inbound-pro'), __('BF', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Burkina Faso', 'inbound-pro'), __('BI', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Burundi', 'inbound-pro'), __('KH', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Cambodia', 'inbound-pro'), __('CM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Cameroon', 'inbound-pro'), __('CA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Canada', 'inbound-pro'), __('CV', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Cape Verde', 'inbound-pro'), __('BQ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Caribbean Netherlands ', 'inbound-pro'), __('KY', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Cayman Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('CF', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Central African Republic', 'inbound-pro'), __('TD', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Chad', 'inbound-pro'), __('CL', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Chile', 'inbound-pro'), __('CN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('China', 'inbound-pro'), __('CX', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Christmas Island', 'inbound-pro'), __('CC', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('CO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Colombia', 'inbound-pro'), __('KM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Comoros', 'inbound-pro'), __('CG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Congo', 'inbound-pro'), __('CD', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Congo, Democratic Republic of', 'inbound-pro'), __('CK', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Cook Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('CR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Costa Rica', 'inbound-pro'), __('CI', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Cote d\'Ivoire', 'inbound-pro'), __('HR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Croatia', 'inbound-pro'), __('CU', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Cuba', 'inbound-pro'), __('CW', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Curacao', 'inbound-pro'), __('CY', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Cyprus', 'inbound-pro'), __('CZ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Czech Republic', 'inbound-pro'), __('DK', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Denmark', 'inbound-pro'), __('DJ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Djibouti', 'inbound-pro'), __('DM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Dominica', 'inbound-pro'), __('DO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Dominican Republic', 'inbound-pro'), __('EC', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Ecuador', 'inbound-pro'), __('EG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Egypt', 'inbound-pro'), __('SV', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('El Salvador', 'inbound-pro'), __('GQ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Equatorial Guinea', 'inbound-pro'), __('ER', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Eritrea', 'inbound-pro'), __('EE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Estonia', 'inbound-pro'), __('ET', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Ethiopia', 'inbound-pro'), __('FK', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Falkland Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('FO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Faroe Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('FJ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Fiji', 'inbound-pro'), __('FI', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Finland', 'inbound-pro'), __('FR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('France', 'inbound-pro'), __('GF', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('French Guiana', 'inbound-pro'), __('PF', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('French Polynesia', 'inbound-pro'), __('TF', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('French Southern Territories', 'inbound-pro'), __('GA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Gabon', 'inbound-pro'), __('GM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Gambia', 'inbound-pro'), __('GE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Georgia', 'inbound-pro'), __('DE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Germany', 'inbound-pro'), __('GH', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Ghana', 'inbound-pro'), __('GI', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Gibraltar', 'inbound-pro'), __('GR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Greece', 'inbound-pro'), __('GL', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Greenland', 'inbound-pro'), __('GD', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Grenada', 'inbound-pro'), __('GP', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Guadeloupe', 'inbound-pro'), __('GU', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Guam', 'inbound-pro'), __('GT', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Guatemala', 'inbound-pro'), __('GG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Guernsey', 'inbound-pro'), __('GN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Guinea', 'inbound-pro'), __('GW', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Guinea-Bissau', 'inbound-pro'), __('GY', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Guyana', 'inbound-pro'), __('HT', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Haiti', 'inbound-pro'), __('HM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Heard and McDonald Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('HN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Honduras', 'inbound-pro'), __('HK', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Hong Kong', 'inbound-pro'), __('HU', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Hungary', 'inbound-pro'), __('IS', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Iceland', 'inbound-pro'), __('IN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('India', 'inbound-pro'), __('ID', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Indonesia', 'inbound-pro'), __('IR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Iran', 'inbound-pro'), __('IQ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Iraq', 'inbound-pro'), __('IE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Ireland', 'inbound-pro'), __('IM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Isle of Man', 'inbound-pro'), __('IL', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Israel', 'inbound-pro'), __('IT', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Italy', 'inbound-pro'), __('JM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Jamaica', 'inbound-pro'), __('JP', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Japan', 'inbound-pro'), __('JE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Jersey', 'inbound-pro'), __('JO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Jordan', 'inbound-pro'), __('KZ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Kazakhstan', 'inbound-pro'), __('KE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Kenya', 'inbound-pro'), __('KI', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Kiribati', 'inbound-pro'), __('KW', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Kuwait', 'inbound-pro'), __('KG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Kyrgyzstan', 'inbound-pro'), __('LA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Lao People\'s Democratic Republic', 'inbound-pro'), __('LV', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Latvia', 'inbound-pro'), __('LB', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Lebanon', 'inbound-pro'), __('LS', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Lesotho', 'inbound-pro'), __('LR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Liberia', 'inbound-pro'), __('LY', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Libya', 'inbound-pro'), __('LI', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Liechtenstein', 'inbound-pro'), __('LT', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Lithuania', 'inbound-pro'), __('LU', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Luxembourg', 'inbound-pro'), __('MO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Macau', 'inbound-pro'), __('MK', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Macedonia', 'inbound-pro'), __('MG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Madagascar', 'inbound-pro'), __('MW', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Malawi', 'inbound-pro'), __('MY', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Malaysia', 'inbound-pro'), __('MV', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Maldives', 'inbound-pro'), __('ML', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Mali', 'inbound-pro'), __('MT', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Malta', 'inbound-pro'), __('MH', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Marshall Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('MQ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Martinique', 'inbound-pro'), __('MR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Mauritania', 'inbound-pro'), __('MU', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Mauritius', 'inbound-pro'), __('YT', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Mayotte', 'inbound-pro'), __('MX', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Mexico', 'inbound-pro'), __('FM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Micronesia, Federated States of', 'inbound-pro'), __('MD', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Moldova', 'inbound-pro'), __('MC', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Monaco', 'inbound-pro'), __('MN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Mongolia', 'inbound-pro'), __('ME', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Montenegro', 'inbound-pro'), __('MS', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Montserrat', 'inbound-pro'), __('MA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Morocco', 'inbound-pro'), __('MZ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Mozambique', 'inbound-pro'), __('MM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Myanmar', 'inbound-pro'), __('NA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Namibia', 'inbound-pro'), __('NR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Nauru', 'inbound-pro'), __('NP', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Nepal', 'inbound-pro'), __('NC', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('New Caledonia', 'inbound-pro'), __('NZ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('New Zealand', 'inbound-pro'), __('NI', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Nicaragua', 'inbound-pro'), __('NE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Niger', 'inbound-pro'), __('NG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Nigeria', 'inbound-pro'), __('NU', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Niue', 'inbound-pro'), __('NF', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Norfolk Island', 'inbound-pro'), __('KP', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('North Korea', 'inbound-pro'), __('MP', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Northern Mariana Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('NO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Norway', 'inbound-pro'), __('OM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Oman', 'inbound-pro'), __('PK', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Pakistan', 'inbound-pro'), __('PW', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Palau', 'inbound-pro'), __('PS', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Palestinian Territory, Occupied', 'inbound-pro'), __('PA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Panama', 'inbound-pro'), __('PG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Papua New Guinea', 'inbound-pro'), __('PY', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Paraguay', 'inbound-pro'), __('PE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Peru', 'inbound-pro'), __('PH', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Philippines', 'inbound-pro'), __('PN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Pitcairn', 'inbound-pro'), __('PL', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Poland', 'inbound-pro'), __('PT', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Portugal', 'inbound-pro'), __('PR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Puerto Rico', 'inbound-pro'), __('QA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Qatar', 'inbound-pro'), __('RE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Reunion', 'inbound-pro'), __('RO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Romania', 'inbound-pro'), __('RU', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Russian Federation', 'inbound-pro'), __('RW', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Rwanda', 'inbound-pro'), __('BL', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Saint Barthelemy', 'inbound-pro'), __('SH', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Saint Helena', 'inbound-pro'), __('KN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'inbound-pro'), __('LC', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Saint Lucia', 'inbound-pro'), __('VC', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'inbound-pro'), __('MF', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Saint-Martin (France)', 'inbound-pro'), __('SX', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Saint-Martin (Pays-Bas)', 'inbound-pro'), __('WS', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Samoa', 'inbound-pro'), __('SM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('San Marino', 'inbound-pro'), __('ST', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Sao Tome and Principe', 'inbound-pro'), __('SA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Saudi Arabia', 'inbound-pro'), __('SN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Senegal', 'inbound-pro'), __('RS', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Serbia', 'inbound-pro'), __('SC', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Seychelles', 'inbound-pro'), __('SL', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Sierra Leone', 'inbound-pro'), __('SG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Singapore', 'inbound-pro'), __('SK', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Slovakia (Slovak Republic)', 'inbound-pro'), __('SI', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Slovenia', 'inbound-pro'), __('SB', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Solomon Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('SO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Somalia', 'inbound-pro'), __('ZA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('South Africa', 'inbound-pro'), __('GS', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('KR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('South Korea', 'inbound-pro'), __('SS', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('South Sudan', 'inbound-pro'), __('ES', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Spain', 'inbound-pro'), __('LK', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Sri Lanka', 'inbound-pro'), __('PM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('St. Pierre and Miquelon', 'inbound-pro'), __('SD', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Sudan', 'inbound-pro'), __('SR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Suriname', 'inbound-pro'), __('SJ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('SZ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Swaziland', 'inbound-pro'), __('SE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Sweden', 'inbound-pro'), __('CH', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Switzerland', 'inbound-pro'), __('SY', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Syria', 'inbound-pro'), __('TW', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Taiwan', 'inbound-pro'), __('TJ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Tajikistan', 'inbound-pro'), __('TZ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Tanzania', 'inbound-pro'), __('TH', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Thailand', 'inbound-pro'), __('NL', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('The Netherlands', 'inbound-pro'), __('TL', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Timor-Leste', 'inbound-pro'), __('TG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Togo', 'inbound-pro'), __('TK', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Tokelau', 'inbound-pro'), __('TO', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Tonga', 'inbound-pro'), __('TT', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Trinidad and Tobago', 'inbound-pro'), __('TN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Tunisia', 'inbound-pro'), __('TR', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Turkey', 'inbound-pro'), __('TM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Turkmenistan', 'inbound-pro'), __('TC', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Turks and Caicos Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('TV', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Tuvalu', 'inbound-pro'), __('UG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Uganda', 'inbound-pro'), __('UA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Ukraine', 'inbound-pro'), __('AE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('United Arab Emirates', 'inbound-pro'), __('GB', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('United Kingdom', 'inbound-pro'), __('US', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('United States', 'inbound-pro'), __('UM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('United States Minor Outlying Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('UY', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Uruguay', 'inbound-pro'), __('UZ', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Uzbekistan', 'inbound-pro'), __('VU', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Vanuatu', 'inbound-pro'), __('VA', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Vatican', 'inbound-pro'), __('VE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Venezuela', 'inbound-pro'), __('VN', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Vietnam', 'inbound-pro'), __('VG', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Virgin Islands (British)', 'inbound-pro'), __('VI', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Virgin Islands (U.S.)', 'inbound-pro'), __('WF', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Wallis and Futuna Islands', 'inbound-pro'), __('EH', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Western Sahara', 'inbound-pro'), __('YE', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Yemen', 'inbound-pro'), __('ZM', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Zambia', 'inbound-pro'), __('ZW', 'inbound-pro' ) => __('Zimbabwe', 'inbound-pro') ); } /** * */ public static function get_inbound_forms() { $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type'=> 'inbound-forms' ); $form_list = get_posts($args); $form_array = array(); foreach ( $form_list as $form ) { $this_id = $form->ID; $this_link = get_permalink( $this_id ); $title = $form->post_title; $form_array[$form->ID] = $form->post_title; } return $form_array; } /** * Gets dataset of form settings by form id */ public static function get_form_settings($form_id) { $meta = get_post_meta($form_id); $meta = ($meta) ? $meta : array(); foreach ($meta as $key => $value) { $meta[$key] = $value[0]; } return $meta; } } Inbound_Forms::init(); }