# shosubgo Small tool to Grab subdomains using Shodan api. #### Quoted in the vĂ­deo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLTe6Z10vj8 h@cktivitycon 2020: The Bug Hunter's Methodology v4: Recon Edition by 0x0G ## Get your shodan api FREE with limit usage: ## Install ```bash $ go get github.com/incogbyte/shosubgo/apishodan $ go build main.go ``` ## Usage ```bash go run main.go -d target.com -s YourAPIKEY ``` ## Usage download from releases: https://github.com/incogbyte/shosubgo/releases/tag/1.1 ```bash # From Download Releases ./shosubgo_linux -d target.com -s YourAPIKEY ``` ![shosubgo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/incogbyte/shosubgo/master/shosubgo.png) ![gopher](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTFcFPxQzLnq18PnHBkUxF6KfavmHX9q6Ukz-JWSNOg7iJu7Dsy)