@InProceedings{Farhi17icra, author = {E. Farhi and V. Indelman}, title = {Towards Efficient Inference Update through Planning via JIP - Joint Inference and Belief Space Planning}, booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)", year = 2017, month = "May", pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Farhi17icra.pdf", slides = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Farhi17icra_ppt.pdf", location = {Singapore}, researchtopic = {JIP}, } @InProceedings{Farhi19icra, author = {E. Farhi and V. Indelman}, title = {iX-BSP: Belief Space Planning through Incremental Expectation}, booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)", year = 2019, month = "May", location = {Singapore}, pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Farhi19icra.pdf", poster = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Farhi19icra_poster.pdf", researchtopic = {JIP, BeliefSpacePlanning}, supplementary = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Farhi19icra_Supplementary.pdf", } @inproceedings{Elimelech19icra_ws, author = {K. Elimelech and V. Indelman}, title = {PIVOT: Predictive Incremental Variable Ordering Tactic for Efficient Belief Space Planning}, booktitle = {Workshop on Toward Online Optimal Control of Dynamic Robots, in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, year = 2019, month = "May", paper = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Elimelech19icra_ws.pdf", poster = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Elimelech19icra_ws_poster.pdf", location = {Canada}, researchtopic = {CBS, BeliefSpacePlanning, JIP}, } @inproceedings{Farhi19icra_ws, author = {E. Farhi and V. Indelman}, title = {Tear Down that Wall: Calculation Reuse Across Inference and Belief Space Planning}, booktitle = {Workshop on Toward Online Optimal Control of Dynamic Robots, in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, year = 2019, month = "May", pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Farhi19icra_ws.pdf", poster = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Farhi19icra_ws_poster.pdf", location = {Canada}, researchtopic = {BeliefSpacePlanning, JIP}, } @TechReport{Farhi21arxiv, author = {E. Farhi and V. Indelman}, title = {iX-BSP: Incremental Belief Space Planning}, year = 2021, arxiv = "https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.09539", researchtopic = {JIP, BeliefSpacePlanning}, } @phdthesis{Farhi21thesis, author = {E. Farhi}, title = {Joint Incremental Inference and Belief Space Planning for Online Operations of Autonomous systems}, School = {Technion - Israel Institute of Technology}, year = 2021, pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Farhi21thesis.pdf", slides = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Farhi20seminar.pdf", researchtopic = {JIP, BeliefSpacePlanning}, } @Article{Farhi22arj, author = {E. Farhi and V. Indelman}, title = {Bayesian Incremental Inference Update by Re-using Calculations from Belief Space Planning: A New Paradigm}, journal = {Autonomous Robots}, year = 2022, month = "August", pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Farhi22arj.pdf", doi = "10.1007/s10514-022-10045-w", url = "https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10514-022-10045-w", researchtopic = {BeliefSpacePlanning, JIP}, } }