@InProceedings{Indelman12bmvc, author = {V. Indelman and R. Roberts and C. Beall and F. Dellaert}, title = {Incremental Light Bundle Adjustment}, booktitle = "British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)", year = 2012, month = "September", location = {Surrey, UK}, pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Indelman12bmvc.pdf", slides = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Indelman12bmvc_ppt.pdf", demo = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k9FEq8sb4o", video = "http://videolectures.net/bmvc2012_indelman_bundle_adjustment", researchtopic = {LBA}, } @InProceedings{Indelman12plans_a, author = {V. Indelman}, title = {Bundle Adjustment Without Iterative Structure Estimation and its Application to Navigation}, booktitle = "IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation System (PLANS) Conference", year = 2012, month = "April", location = {South Carolina, USA}, pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Indelman12plans_a.pdf", slides = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Indelman12plans_a_ppt.pdf", researchtopic = {LBA}, } @InProceedings{Indelman13iros, author = {V. Indelman and A. Melim and F. Dellaert}, title = {Incremental Light Bundle Adjustment for Robotics Navigation}, booktitle = "IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)", year = 2013, month = "November", location = {Tokyo, Japan}, pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Indelman13iros.pdf", slides = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Indelman13iros_ppt.pdf", researchtopic = {LBA, IncrementalSmoothingNav}, } @InProceedings{Indelman13worv, author = {V. Indelman and R. Roberts and F. Dellaert}, title = {Probabilistic Analysis of Incremental Light Bundle Adjustment}, booktitle = "IEEE Workshop on Robot Vision (WoRV), *best poster award*", year = 2013, month = "January", location = {Clearwater, Florida, USA}, pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Indelman13worv.pdf", slides = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Indelman13worv_ppt.pdf", researchtopic = {LBA}, } @incollection{Indelman15chapter, isbn={978-3-662-43858-9}, booktitle={New Development in Robot Vision}, volume={23}, series={Cognitive Systems Monographs}, doi={10.1007/978-3-662-43859-6_7}, title={Incremental Light Bundle Adjustment: Probabilistic Analysis and Application to Robotic Navigation}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-43859-6_7}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author={V. Indelman and F. Dellaert}, pages="111-136", year={2015}, url = "http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662-43859-6_7", pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Indelman15chapter.pdf", researchtopic = {LBA}, } @Article{Indelman15ras, author = {V. Indelman and R. Roberts and F. Dellaert}, title = {Incremental Light Bundle Adjustment for Structure From Motion and Robotics}, journal = "Robotics and Autonomous Systems", year = 2015, volume = 70, pages = "63-82", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921889015000810", pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Indelman15ras.pdf", researchtopic = {LBA}, } @Article{Chojnacki18mav, author = {M. Chojnacki and V. Indelman}, title = {Vision-based Dynamic Target Trajectory and Ego-motion Estimation Using Incremental Light Bundle Adjustment}, journal = "International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, Special Issue on Estimation and Control for MAV Navigation in GPS-denied Cluttered Environments", pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Chojnacki18mav.pdf", year = 2018, volume = 10, number = 2, pages = {157-170}, researchtopic = {LBA}, } @Article{Ovechkin18ral, author = {V. Ovechkin and V. Indelman}, title = {BAFS: Bundle Adjustment with Feature Scale Constraints for Enhanced Estimation Accuracy}, journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)}, year={2018}, volume = 3, number = 2, pages = {804-810}, pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Ovechkin18ral.pdf", doi = "10.1109/LRA.2018.2792141", researchtopic = {LBA}, } @InProceedings{Ovechkin18icra, author = {V. Ovechkin and V. Indelman}, title = {BAFS: Bundle Adjustment with Feature Scale Constraints for Enhanced Estimation Accuracy}, booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); submission via IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)", year = 2018, month = "May", pdf = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Ovechkin18ral.pdf", poster = "http://indelman.github.io/ANPL-Website/Publications/Ovechkin18ral_poster.pdf", researchtopic = {LBA}, } }