import numpy as np import torch from .python_utils import delayed_keyboard_interrupt from .exceptions import assert_, ShapeError, NotUnwrappableError def unwrap(input_, to_cpu=True, as_numpy=False, extract_item=False): if isinstance(input_, (list, tuple)): return type(input_)([unwrap(_t, to_cpu=to_cpu, as_numpy=as_numpy) for _t in input_]) elif torch.is_tensor(input_): tensor = input_ elif isinstance(input_, np.ndarray): return input_ elif isinstance(input_, (float, int)): return input_ else: raise NotUnwrappableError("Cannot unwrap a '{}'." .format(type(input_).__name__)) # Transfer to CPU if required if to_cpu: with delayed_keyboard_interrupt(): tensor = tensor.cpu() # Convert to numpy if required if as_numpy: return tensor.cpu().detach().numpy() elif extract_item: try: return tensor.item() except AttributeError: return tensor[0] else: return tensor def is_tensor(object_): missed_tensor_classes = (torch.HalfTensor,) return torch.is_tensor(object_) or isinstance(object_, missed_tensor_classes) def is_label_tensor(object_): return is_tensor(object_) and object_.type() in ['torch.LongTensor', 'torch.cuda.LongTensor'] def is_image_tensor(object_): return is_tensor(object_) and object_.dim() == 4 def is_volume_tensor(object_): return is_tensor(object_) and object_.dim() == 5 def is_image_or_volume_tensor(object_): return is_image_tensor(object_) or is_volume_tensor(object_) def is_label_image_tensor(object_): return is_label_tensor(object_) and object_.dim() == 3 def is_label_volume_tensor(object_): return is_label_tensor(object_) and object_.dim() == 4 def is_label_image_or_volume_tensor(object_): return is_label_image_tensor(object_) or is_label_volume_tensor(object_) def is_matrix_tensor(object_): return is_tensor(object_) and object_.dim() == 2 def is_scalar_tensor(object_): return is_tensor(object_) and object_.dim() <= 1 and object_.numel() == 1 def is_vector_tensor(object_): return is_tensor(object_) and object_.dim() == 1 and object_.numel() > 1 def assert_same_size(tensor_1, tensor_2): assert_(list(tensor_1.size()) == list(tensor_2.size()), "Tensor sizes {} and {} do not match.".format(tensor_1.size(), tensor_2.size()), ShapeError) def where(condition, if_true, if_false): """ Torch equivalent of numpy.where. Parameters ---------- condition : torch.ByteTensor or torch.cuda.ByteTensor Condition to check. if_true : torch.Tensor or torch.cuda.Tensor Output value if condition is true. if_false: torch.Tensor or torch.cuda.Tensor Output value if condition is false Returns ------- torch.Tensor Raises ------ AssertionError if if_true and if_false don't have the same datatype. """ # noinspection PyArgumentList assert if_true.type() == if_false.type(), \ "Type mismatch: {} and {}".format(, casted_condition = condition.type_as(if_true) output = casted_condition * if_true + (1 - casted_condition) * if_false return output def flatten_samples(input_): """ Flattens a tensor or a variable such that the channel axis is first and the sample axis is second. The shapes are transformed as follows: (N, C, H, W) --> (C, N * H * W) (N, C, D, H, W) --> (C, N * D * H * W) (N, C) --> (C, N) The input must be atleast 2d. """ assert_(input_.dim() >= 2, "Tensor or variable must be atleast 2D. Got one of dim {}." .format(input_.dim()), ShapeError) # Get number of channels num_channels = input_.size(1) # Permute the channel axis to first permute_axes = list(range(input_.dim())) permute_axes[0], permute_axes[1] = permute_axes[1], permute_axes[0] # For input shape (say) NCHW, this should have the shape CNHW permuted = input_.permute(*permute_axes).contiguous() # Now flatten out all but the first axis and return flattened = permuted.view(num_channels, -1) return flattened def clip_gradients_(parameters, mode, norm_or_value): assert_(mode in ['norm', 'value'], f"Mode must be 'norm' or 'value', got '{mode}' instead.", ValueError) if mode == 'norm': torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(parameters, norm_or_value) elif mode == 'value': torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(parameters, norm_or_value) else: raise NotImplementedError