import json from math import log10 import os import re dirPrefix = "C:\\IA\\Days\\9-25-18\\" outPrefix = "c-" filename = "c.json" #file, function, dir type="dir" dirRegex=".*[.]json$" #Formatting... def writeThreadList(threadSet, file) : file.write("Count: " + str(len(threadSet)) + "\n________________________________________________________________________________\n") for t in threadSet : if "location" in t and t["location"] is not None and len(t["location"]) > 0 : file.write("\n @ %(fileName)s:%(methodName)s:%(lineNumber)d" % { "fileName":t["location"][0]["fileName"], "methodName":t["location"][0]["methodName"], "lineNumber":t["location"][0]["lineNumber"]}) else: file.write("\n @Unknown location") try : l10 = log10(t["cpuTime"]) except : l10 = 15 file.write(""" CpuTime: %(cpuTime)d\tUserTime: %(userTime)s\tLogTime: %(logTime)d\tThread: %(name)s\tID: %(id)d --=====--=====--=====--=====--=====--=====--=====--=====--""" % {"id":t["id"], "cpuTime": t["cpuTime"], "logTime": l10, "name": t["name"], "userTime":t["userTime"]}) if "location" in t and t["location"] is not None : for loc in t["location"] : file.write(""" %(className)s:%(methodName)s:%(lineNumber)d""" % {"className":loc["className"], "methodName": loc["methodName"], "lineNumber": loc["lineNumber"]}) file.write(""" ________________________________________________________________________________ """) #I want to get a composed set of current positions, a section of blocked threads converted to readable stack traces # and I want stack trace sections ordered by time. def parseThreads(dirPrefix, filename, outPrefix) : threadFile = open(dirPrefix + filename) threads = json.load(threadFile) threadFile.close() currentPlaces = {} blockedThreads = [] parkedThreads = [] runnableThreads = [] otherThreads = [] for thread in threads : if "state" in thread: if thread["state"] == "BLOCKED" : blockedThreads.append(thread) elif thread["state"] == "TIMED_WAITING" or thread["state"] == "WAITING" : parkedThreads.append(thread) elif thread["state"] == "RUNNABLE" : runnableThreads.append(thread) else : otherThreads.append(thread) if "location" in thread and thread["location"] is not None and len(thread["location"]) > 0 : currentLocation = thread["location"][0]; currentPlace = currentLocation["methodName"] + " : " + currentLocation["className"] + ":" + str(currentLocation["lineNumber"]) if currentPlace in currentPlaces : currentPlaces[currentPlace] += 1 else : currentPlaces[currentPlace] = 1 elif "none" not in currentPlaces : currentPlaces["none"] = 1 else : currentPlaces["none"] += 1 blockedThreads.sort(key=lambda x: 0 if "cpuTime" not in x else int(x["cpuTime"]), reverse=True) blockedThreadsFile = open(dirPrefix + outPrefix + "blockedThreads.out", "w+") writeThreadList(blockedThreads, blockedThreadsFile) blockedThreadsFile.close() parkedThreads.sort(key=lambda x: 0 if "cpuTime" not in x else int(x["cpuTime"]), reverse=True) parkedThreadsFile = open(dirPrefix + outPrefix + "parkedThreads.out", "w+") writeThreadList(parkedThreads, parkedThreadsFile) parkedThreadsFile.close() runnableThreads.sort(key=lambda x: 0 if "cpuTime" not in x else int(x["cpuTime"]), reverse=True) runnableThreadsFile = open(dirPrefix + outPrefix + "runnableThreads.out", "w+") writeThreadList(runnableThreads, runnableThreadsFile) runnableThreadsFile.close() currentPlacesFile = open(dirPrefix + outPrefix + "currentPlaces.out", "w+") for key, value in currentPlaces.items() : currentPlacesFile.write(key + "\t" + str(value) + "\n") currentPlacesFile.write("\n\n==============THREAD TYPE COUNTS==================\n") currentPlacesFile.write("\tBlocked: %d\n\tParked: %d\n\tRunnable: %d\n\tUnclassified: %d\n"%(len(blockedThreads), len(parkedThreads), len(runnableThreads), len(otherThreads))) currentPlacesFile.write("\n\n==============UNCLASSIFIED THREADS==================\n") writeThreadList(otherThreads, currentPlacesFile) currentPlacesFile.close() if type == "file" : parseThreads(dirPrefix, filename, outPrefix) elif type == "function" : #customize on your own for x in xrange(11) : parseTheads(dirPrefix, str(x+1)+".json", str(x+1)) elif type == "dir" : for f in os.listdir(dirPrefix) : if, f) is not None : parseThreads(dirPrefix, f, f+"-")